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D022-E91 - Pollutants Arising

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DOCUMENT Edition 1991 (E)

Guide to portable instruments for assessing airborne pollutants

arising from hazardous wastes

Guide sur les instruments portatifs pour l'evaluation des polluants contenus dans l'air
en provenance des sites de décharge de déchets dangereux
OIML D 22 Edition 1991 (E)



The International Organization of Legal Metrology Cooperative agreements are established between
(OIML) is a worldwide, intergovernmental organization OIML and certain institutions, such as ISO and IEC,
whose primary aim is to harmonize the regulations and with the objective of avoiding contradictory
metrological controls applied by the national requirements; consequently, manufacturers and users
metrological services, or related organizations, of its of measuring instruments, test laboratories, etc. may
Member States. apply simultaneously OIML publications and those of
other institutions.
The two main categories of OIML publications are:
International Recommendations and International
• International Recommendations (OIML R), Documents are published in French (F) and English
which are model regulations that establish the (E) and are subject to periodic revision.
metrological characteristics required of certain
measuring instruments and which specify methods This publication – reference OIML D 22, edition 1991
and equipment for checking their conformity; the (E) – which is under the responsibility of OIML
OIML Member States shall implement these TC 16/SC 4 Field measurements of hazardous (toxic)
Recommendations to the greatest possible extent; pollutants, was approved by the International
Committee of Legal Metrology in 1990.
• International Documents (OIML D), which are
informative in nature and intended to improve the OIML publications may be obtained from the
work of the metrological services. Organization’s headquarters:

OIML Draft Recommendations and Documents are Bureau International de Métrologie Légale
developed by technical committees or subcommittees 11, rue Turgot - 75009 Paris - France
which are formed by the Member States. Certain Telephone: 33 (0)1 48 78 12 82 and 42 85 27 11
international and regional institutions also participate on Fax: 33 (0)1 42 82 17 27
a consultation basis. E-mail:


1. Scope

1.1. This Document provides definitions and guidelines for selecting portable instruments to measure airborne
pollutants at hazardous waste sites. A brief description of several types of instruments, including some of
their important metrological and technical characteristics, is given.

1.2. This Document also provides background and literature references on the application of these instruments.
Emphasis is placed on methods and requirements for testing and calibrating instruments. Specifics of
sampling methods and of instrument type evaluation and approval are not addressed. This Document is not
intended to be a Recommendation for legal pattern approval testing, initial and subsequent verification, or
metrological control of the instruments covered.

Note: Some of these portable instruments may become the subject of future OIML Recommendations.
Transportable and mobile instruments for field measurements are not covered except for a brief
discussion of their applicability as given in point 2.

1.3. The general application of portable instruments at hazardous waste sites is described. Then, information is
provided for the following instruments: (a) compound-specific instruments, (b) chemical detector tubes,
(c) total hydrocarbon (THC) analyzers, (d) gas chromatographs (GCs), (e) infrared (IR) analyzers, and (f)
dust monitors. Table 1 lists examples of field portable and transportable and mobile instruments.

Note: Air sampling pumps and instruments for measuring radioactivity that may be required in this area of
application are not covered in this Document.

Table 1
Instruments for field measurements of hazardous wastes

Portable instruments Transportable and mobile instruments

Chemical detector tubes Atomic absorption spectrometers
Compound specific instruments Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometers
Dust monitors Gas chromatographs
Gas chromatographs Gas chromatographs/mass spectrometers
Infrared spectrophotometers Inductively-coupled plasma emission spectrometers
Total hydrocarbon analyzers Liquid chromatographs
Multistage mass spectrometers (MS-MS)
X-ray fluorescence spectrometers

1.4. This Document is intended for government officials responsible for developing measurement regulations
for hazardous waste site activities and for those responsible for making or overseeing actual field
measurements. It should also be useful for nonregulatory organizations with similar responsibilities. This
Document should be applicable for undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education on this subject. In
addition, it should be of assistance to instrument manufacturers.

1.5. Specific measurement methods associated with field measurements are not covered in this Document. A
potential user, however, should select and apply a field instrument for assessing airborne pollutants after
consideration of the following points: (a) that pollutants to be measured are known or unknown, (b) that
potential interferences of other gases with a measurement of compounds of interest are taken into account,
and (c) that the instrument is calibrated at appropriate intervals with specific gases associated with the
pollutants to be measured.

1.6. This Document does not address requirements and tests for instruments that may be necessary for personnel
safety. Users, therefore, should determine that such instruments meet the intrinsic safety and labeling
requirements according to national regulations.

2. Application

2.1. Metrological procedures have been documented for environmental analytical purposes [1,2]. Pollution from
hazardous wastes represents a special type of measurement problem because of the generally unknown
nature of the compound(s) to be analyzed, the episodic nature of emissions, and the multiphase nature of the
problem. Assessing airborne pollutants at hazardous waste sites using multimedia sampling techniques has
confirmed the difficult nature of such monitoring [3]. Similar problems are encountered in instrumentation
used to analyze hazardous waste material and contaminated water and soil.

2.2. The use of portable instruments, particularly real-time or near real-time instruments, for monitoring at
hazardous waste sites has been specified in some national guidelines. For example, in the United States,
these guidelines have been issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and recommended
by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). In particular, requirements for
the use of a portable THC vapor monitor based on photoionization (PID) or flame ionization (FID)
detection are outlined [4,5]. Requirements for personal protection equipment for instrument operators, as
well as site sampling protocols, are also provided in the literature [3-5] and in national regulations [6].

2.3. The current practice is to use portable instruments that can be taken directly onto a hazardous waste site. In
addition to the THC analyzers, such instruments include GCs, IR analyzers, chemical detector tubes,
compound-specific instruments, and dust monitors. Some information about the metrological and technical
performance characteristics of these instruments is usually provided by manufacturers.

2.4. In some emergencies and accidents, hazardous pollutants may be released into the environment, and may
involve one or more chemicals in various concentrations and physical states. Such releases may have either
short-term or long-term effects and involve one or more of the environment's media: soil, surface water,
groundwater, and air [7]. Examples of accidents that could involve such releases include: train derailments,
truck and ship accidents, storage tank spills and leaks, chemical and petroleum facility and vessel fires, and
chemical warehouse fires. Although some of these examples do not fit the usual definition of "hazardous
waste sites", the same portable instruments have been demonstrated to be effective in both general

2.5. At hazardous waste sites, the handling of unknown chemicals in various conditions may be required and,
therefore, may potentially result in an emergency. A pollutant release usually involves one or more
chemical compounds in concentrations ranging from nonhazardous to acutely hazardous levels. Hazardous
waste sites, therefore, may adversely affect the surrounding environment in one or all of the exposed media
(soil, surface water, groundwater, and air). Containment and remedial action at hazardous waste sites may
range from on-site chemical treatment to off-site disposal of materials. The following are examples of sites
where various types of containment and remediation may be required: unlined lagoons, above ground
storage tanks, below ground storage tanks, above ground or buried drums, chemical spills, incinerators, soil
contamination sites, illegal sanitary landfills, abandoned chemical plants and warehouse facilities, illegal
river and bay dumping, and mineral tailings from mining operations.

2.6. Portable instruments can assist in determining if acute concentrations of chemicals are present in the
environment, and some types (for example, THC analyzers, GCs, IR analyzers, and dust monitors) may be
capable of identifying the presence of low level pollutants [8]. While such instruments may not always be
capable of identifying specific compounds or making repeatable concentration measurements in field
applications, they are extremely useful in locating the environmental origin of the pollutants. This
measurement capability is usually also helpful in determining the extent of evacuation zones, sampling
plans, occupational and public health medical surveillance, public access, and containment and remedial
actions. When equipped with a data recording device, real-time analyzers may be used for measuring long
term time-weighted average concentrations.

2.7. Transportable instruments are often used to supplement the analysis obtained by portable instruments at
hazardous waste sites including emergency or accidental chemical releases. Some hand-portable instru-
ments have detection limits for specific compounds below 0.5 ppm. Such limits may not be realizable in the
field in ambient air, which may contain a variety of other compounds. Therefore, the hand-portable
instruments are most useful when determining the presence or absence of a specific compound, or total
hydrocarbon and dust concentrations. Transportable instruments, however, are usually capable of measuring
concentrations at a detection limit well below 0.5 ppm under most field conditions, and are very useful for
spot-check measurements to either identify or verify the possible pollutant. The disadvantage of using
transportable instruments in the field as compared to portable instruments is that they are usually bulky and
require nonportable sources of power and utilities.

2.8. Since airborne pollutants may have a direct impact on both occupational and public health and safety, it is
extremely important that the sampling-analytical turnaround time should be as short as possible in most
cases. Measurement results are often needed quickly on-site to coordinate operational cleanup and remedial
activities and to implement timely occupational health, public health, and safety activities. Analytical results
obtained in a mobile laboratory, therefore, may be more advantageous than those from an off-site
operational laboratory in support of field monitoring activities. The analyst and other laboratory
professionals involved could also assist in providing advice on sampling and precautions in carrying out
field work. If rapid on-site analytical information is not required, then samples may be analyzed off-site at a
stationary laboratory that could be operated on a 24-hour basis, if necessary. These laboratories would be
expected to yield higher repeatability and accuracy of analysis because of the higher quality of the
instruments available for sample preparation, handling, and analysis.

2.9. Thus, the requirements for the applications noted in points 2.1 through 2.8 may be satisfied as follows:
samples taken and analyzed off site using laboratory-based instruments, samples taken and analyzed at the
hazardous waste site using transportable instruments mounted in a mobile laboratory, or samples taken and
analyzed on site using hand-portable instruments.

2.10. The portable instruments covered in this Document are generally designed for detection of pollutants
around the concentration range of the personal exposure limit (EL). In order to be effective in personnel
monitoring, such instruments would require having, or being associated with, a data recording device.

Note: Exposure limit (EL) means the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC or MAK) in the
workplace of a hazardous airborne pollutant and is expressed as a time-weighted average (TWA)
over an eight-hour workday. Several other terms synonymous with MAC, including "threshold limit
value" (TLV) and "permissible exposure limit" (PEL), are frequently used in national regulations
and recommendations. It should be noted that EL values may vary significantly because each one
may be based on different toxicological, epidemiological, chemical and regulatory considerations

3. Terminology

Note: A primary source of definitions of terms used in metrology is reference [12]. A list of abbreviations
used in this Document is given in Annex A. These abbreviations are principally associated with
measurements, instruments, and devices.

3.1. Accuracy

The closeness of the agreement between the result of a measurement and the conventional true value of
the measurand.

3.2. Calibration

The set of operations which establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values
indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system and the corresponding known values of a

3.3. Certified reference material

A reference material one or more properties of whose property values are certified by a technically
valid procedure, accompanied by or traceable to a certificate or other documentation which is issued by
a certifying body [13, 14].

3.4. Control charts for an instrument

Graphical plots of test results from the same or similar samples or processes with respect to time or a
sequence of such measurements, together with the limits within which the measurement values are
expected to lie, when the instrument is in a state of statistical control [15,16].

3.5. Conventional true value

A value of quantity which, for a given purpose, may be substituted for the true value.

3.6. Detection limit

The concentration of a substance that will yield a mean output signal equal to three times the mean
short term noise level, as determined on a statistical basis.

Notes: 1) The detection limit is sometimes defined as an output signal equal to some other multiple
(e.g., two or ten) of the noise level [2]. The noise level is the random background output
signal of an instrument when sampling a blank or clean filtered air.

2) In this Document, the concentration of an airborne pollutant in either a gas or vapor phase
is most often expressed in terms of the volume fraction of the pollutant in air:
parts-per-million (ppm) [v/v (10-6)]. Conditions of temperature and pressure shall be
specified for conversions to units of mass per unit volume (usually mg/m3). Standard
conditions may be specified, and for temperature may be 0 oC or 20 oC and for pressure
one atmosphere or 101 325 Pa.

3.7. Dynamic range of a detector

The range of concentrations over which a detectable change in output signal is produced by an
incremental change in concentration of a substance. The lower limit is given by the detection limit, and
the upper limit occurs at the point of detector saturation. The value of the dynamic range is expressed
by the ratio of the upper to the lower limit and is larger than or equal to the linear range.

3.8. Hazardous waste site

A location containing hazardous chemical wastes that can affect or have the potential to affect a larger
surrounding area. This applies to any site of uncontrolled hazardous waste dumping, a licensed
hazardous waste disposal facility, or a location of accidental hazardous or toxic chemical spills or fires.

3.9. Linear range

The range of concentrations over which the output signal of the instrument is proportional to the
concentration of the substance to within a specified percentage, for example ± 5-10 %.

3.10. Method

The distinct adaptation of a technique for a selected measurement purpose.

3.11. Primary standard

A measurement standard which has the highest metrological qualities in a specific field.

3.12. Procedure

The set of written directions necessary to use a method effectively.

3.13. Reference material

A material or substance one or more properties of which are sufficiently well established to be used for
the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a measurement method, or for assigning values to

3.14. Repeatability

The closeness of the agreement between the results of successive measurements of the same quantity of a
pollutant carried out by the same instrument and under the same conditions of use within a relatively
short period of time. Repeatability is synonymous with the term "precision" for an instrument.

3.15. Secondary standard

A measurement standard whose value is fixed by direct comparison with a primary standard.

Note: Most instrument calibrations are performed using secondary standards.

3.16. Statistical control (of measurement)

A means for determining whether the results of measurements using a method, instrument or process
over a relatively long time interval are within specified limits established by taking into account the
uncertainty and error of measurement.

3.17. Traceability

The property of a result of a measurement whereby it can be related to appropriate standards through an
unbroken chain of comparisons.

4. Compound specific instruments

4.1. General description

4.1.1 A compound specific instrument is designed and calibrated to identify and quantify a specific compound
or class of compounds in either gaseous or vapor form in the environment. Toxic gases and vapors may be
detectable down to the ppm range with good specificity and rapid response time. Most portable instruments
incorporate either electrochemical or semiconductor detection elements and diffusive sampling techniques,
that is, those involving diffusion of the pollutant to the detection element [8]. The user should select the
instrument type based upon performance appropriate or required for the intended application rather than
upon a particular design.

Note: Diffusive or passive sampling utilizes devices that sample at a rate controlled by Fick's first law of
diffusion; active sampling utilizes air sampling pumps. Colorimetric instruments are not covered in
this Document.

4.1.2. Electrochemical detection elements utilize a variety of principles. The most common elements are
galvanic cells, polarographic cells, potentiometric cells, amperometric cells, and
potentiostatically-controlled electrode cells. The pollutant may be oxidized or reduced at the working
(indicator) electrode. Depending upon cell type, a current or change in cell equilibrium is generated by this
reaction in relation to the partial pressure of the pollutant in the environment. Electronics transform the
resulting signal to provide a visual and/or audible indication of the pollutant concentration. The specificity
and response time depend largely upon the electrode materials and the type of diffusion element or gas
porous membrane used. Different designs of electrochemical detection elements may be available from
different manufacturers.

4.1.3 Semiconductor detection elements operate on the basis of an interaction between the gaseous pollutant and
the semiconductor material that changes in conductivity as the pollutant is absorbed or oxidized on the
semiconductor surface. The reaction involved is complex, and the specificity, interferences, and power
consumption differ from electrochemical detection elements.

4.1.4. Portable instruments have detection limits in the ppm range. The simplest instruments operate by a
threshold-detection alarm; others provide an analog or digital data display; and some have memories that
can provide output displays of both the real-time concentration and the time-weighted average
concentration values. Minimal drift of the zero, span, and calibration controls is a desirable feature. In many
applications, the instrument may also have an "intrinsically safe" requirement [8].

4.2. Pollutants detected

The pollutants detected may be inorganic or organic gases or vapors. However, in general, these
instruments are used for detecting inorganic gases or vapors because of the higher specificity of the
detection elements for inorganic gases (e.g., O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, NH3, N2H4, SO2, H2S, HCN, COCl2,
etc.). Filters may be used by some manufacturers to increase the specificity for certain pollutants.

4.3. Metrological and technical characteristics

4.3.1. An instrument's output signal over its stated linear range should be linear within ± 5 %. Its accuracy
should be within ± 2 ppm or ± 10 % of its reading, whichever is greater, at a constant temperature. The
instrument's repeatability should be within ± 1 % of the full-scale (dynamic range) reading, or ± 0.5 ppm,
whichever is greater. The temperature range for operation should be at least from 0 °C to 40 °C.

4.3.2. The detection limit should be between 0.1 and 1.0 ppm, and should be one half or less than the personal
EL. The linear range should be from the EL to a minimum of five times that value. For some applications, it
may be desirable to use instruments with a linear range exceeding five times the EL.

4.3.3. Calibration should be performed as required using a reference gas standard to provide a concentration at
or near the personal EL of the compounds to be measured. It is recommended that calibration should be
carried out using two or more concentrations of the reference gas in order to verify the response over the
full range of concentrations anticipated in use. The calibration should be performed especially after an
instrument has been exposed to potential detector poisons, severe weather conditions, or rough handling.

4.3.4. Compound specific instruments often respond to pollutants other than the specific compounds to be
measured or to the compounds which they were designed to detect. Therefore, information should be
supplied by the manufacturer indicating the probable air pollutants that may interfere with the detection of
the specific compounds to be measured.

Note: For example, an instrument with an electrochemical detector may be labeled as an "H2S
monitor/alarm", but also may have a significant response to HCN. Materials at hazardous waste sites
usually evolve gases of unknown composition; therefore, all gases that may be responsible for an
instrument's response under given conditions should be considered. Instruments labeled "toxic gas
meters" without information on specificity and interferences shall not be used.

5. Chemical detector tubes

5.1. General description

5.1.1. A chemical detector tube is a hollow tubular shaped glass body containing one or more layers of
chemically impregnated inert material. Detector tubes are normally supplied with both ends fused closed.
To use, the fused ends are broken off and a specific volume of air is drawn through the tube with a hand
operated aspirating pump. The tube, pump, and other necessary components together form the measuring
unit and are supplied by the same manufacturer [17,18].

5.1.2. The chemicals contained within the packing material undergo a chemical reaction when exposed to an
airborne pollutant. The exposure produces a color change during the sample intake of each pump stroke.
After a prescribed number of pump strokes, corresponding to a specific air volume, the concentration of a
pollutant is indicated by the discoloration length on a calibrated scale printed on the detector tube, if it is a
length-of-stain type. The scale values for a specific detector tube type are calibrated for its contents,
volume, and specific pollutants and for a specific air delivery from its pump; therefore, detector tubes and
pumps of different manufacturers may not be interchangeable. For many pollutants, the color change is
distinctive; however, the presence of other interfering gases and vapors may cause some color diffusion.
Manufacturers should provide information on this possible effect.

5.1.3. In another type of commercially available detector tube, detection depends on color comparison, or color
matching, of detector tubes. With this type, a specific number of pump strokes is needed until the color of
the indicating layer matches the color of a comparison layer, or of a color standard, which is a part of the
detector tube. Therefore, the number of pump strokes, equivalent to a specific air sample volume, that
provides a match with a given standard concentration color is then used to calculate the concentration of the
airborne pollutant. Alternatively, some detector tube types utilize a fixed number of pump strokes together
with multiple color standards. With these types, the user may need to extrapolate between colors of the
scale to determine the concentration of the pollutant.

5.1.4. A simultaneous direct-reading detection tube system is available for determining unknown compounds at
hazardous waste sites. This instrument consists of several detection tubes, which are sensitive to different
pollutants, mounted in parallel. During a measurement, an air sample is drawn simultaneously through the
assembly of detector tubes of a system. Color changes are then noted in specific detection tubes of the
system at the end of the sampling period; therefore, many compound or compound-class analysis results can
be obtained in a short time period [19]. Some manufacturers of such detection tubes utilize a sequential
multiple tube decision logic in their hazardous materials characterization kits.

5.2. Pollutants detected

5.2.1. Chemical detector tubes respond to the presence of airborne inorganic and organic gases and vapors.
Particles also may be detectable to some extent, for example aerosols of both liquid and solid particles.

5.2.2. With a simultaneous direct-reading or a sequential decision logic detector tube system, it is possible to
detect several different classes of chemicals, such as ketones, esters, halogenated hydrocarbons, and some
important inorganic gases (e.g., ammonia or acid gases like sulfur dioxide and others).

5.3. Metrological and technical characteristics [17,18,20]

5.3.1. The measuring range of detector tubes is broad and includes concentrations beginning far below 1 ppm
and up to some volume percentage.

5.3.2. More than 200 different types of detector tubes are commercially available, and, therefore, a wide variety
of more than 350 different hazardous organic and inorganic gases and vapors may be measured.

5.3.3. In general, the accuracy of detector tubes of a specific type is expected to vary from lot to lot and among
manufacturers. The manufacturer shall provide an accuracy statement for detection of specific chemical
classes with each lot of detector tubes.

5.3.4. Length-of-stain detector tubes have a concentration (length) scale printed on the surface of the tube. The
scale may directly indicate concentration units or length units, such as mm. If the concentration is not
directly printed on the tube, then the manufacturer shall provide a table or chart giving the concentration
corresponding to the length of stain or color change. The scale shall be calibrated by the tube manufacturer
with known concentrations of reference gases [21-24].

5.3.5. A detector tube shall be stored under the environmental conditions specified by the manufacturer and
shall be used on or before the date printed on the tube, or its package, and discarded after that date.

5.3.6. Calibration of the detection tube at a hazardous waste site by the user is usually not necessary, since the
detector tube can be regarded as a "preserved" analytical device. Each detection tube is normally designed
for a single use, although it is possible to use some tubes more than once during the same day. With some
detection tubes, it is also possible to calibrate the stain length after a measurement if both ends are sealed
immediately and then checked with a known concentration of reference gas in a laboratory.

5.3.7. For field calibrations, known concentrations of reference gases should be made available in pressurized
containers [13,14].

5.3.8. When using a simultaneous direct-reading detector tube system [19], the air flowrate through each tube
shall be calibrated using a measuring device such as a soap bubble flow meter or a differential sensing
device that has been calibrated against a soap bubble flow meter [8].

5.3.9. Chemical detector tubes often respond to pollutants other than the specific compounds to be measured or
to the compounds which they were designed to detect. Therefore, information should be supplied by the
manufacturer indicating the probable air pollutants that may interfere with the detection of the specific
compounds to be measured. Users should consider any information on accuracy provided by the detector
tube manufacturer in interpreting measurement results.

6. Total hydrocarbon analyzers

6.1. General description

6.1.1. Total hydrocarbon (THC) analyzers used at hazardous waste sites principally employ either a FID or PID

6.1.2. A portable instrument using a FID consists of a hydrogen fuel supply with a regulating system, a
continuous sampling system, a combustion and ionization chamber, a detector electrode, and an analog or
digital signal output display. Some instruments may also contain a pressurized air cylinder with a regulating
system to enhance combustion and may also have a portable strip chart recorder. The instrument is normally
battery (dc) powered and may operate for a minimum of 6-8 hours on a fully charged battery. Some may
also have adaptors that allow operation on alternating current (ac) power. The sampling system is designed
for vapor analysis only.

6.1.3. A portable instrument using a PID consists of a low pressure gas discharge lamp, an ionization chamber
(with a collection and acceleration electrode), a sampling pump, a signal amplifier, and an output device for
displaying the concentration. The instrument is normally battery (dc) powered and may operate for a
minimum of 6-8 hours on a fully charged battery. Some may also be adaptable to ac power.

6.1.4. Additional useful components for a THC analyzer include an audible alarm, a portable strip chart
recorder, and a gas sample dilution system to increase the dynamic range.

6.2. Pollutants detected

6.2.1. A FID-THC analyzer may be used to detect almost any volatile organic
compound. In monitoring at hazardous waste sites, however, two broad classes of organic compounds will
not effectively be detected: (a) those compounds whose personal ELs are below the detection limits of the
instrument and (b) those compounds having very few carbons and an equal or greater number of oxygen
atoms, such as formaldehyde or formic acid, which either will not be detected or will be detected with poor

6.2.2. Pollutants detected by a PID-THC analyzer depend on its lamp energy. An instrument with a UV source
having a wavelength output corresponding to 11.7 eV will respond to all aliphatic hydrocarbons except
methane, and to all olefinic and aromatic hydrocarbons. It is particularly useful for the detection of
chlorinated hydrocarbons such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform, commonly found at hazardous waste
sites. An instrument equipped with a UV source with a peak wavelength output corresponding to 10.2 eV
will respond to all unsaturated hydrocarbons (benzene, ethylene, etc.), aliphatic hydrocarbons with more
than 4 carbon atoms, and chlorinated hydrocarbons that have a double bond (e.g., trichloroethylene or
perchloroethylene). It will not respond to the major components of air, such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon
dioxide, or to methane, ethane, or propane, since these molecules have ionization energies greater than 12
eV. The 10.2 eV and 10.6 eV systems are the most useful for screening and have the highest sensitivity. An
instrument equipped with a UV source with a peak wavelength output corresponding to 9.5 eV is more
selective and would have a higher relative response to aromatic hydrocarbons, amines, and mercaptans than
for a 10.2 eV instrument. Lamps of different energy output can be used in combination as interchangeable
units with an instrument to determine whether certain classes of compounds are present. For example, a
high response using an 11.7 eV lamp compared to that using a 10.2 eV lamp may indicate the presence of
chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as carbon tetrachloride or chloroform, which will only respond when using
the former lamp. Similarly, a high response using a 9.5 eV lamp relative to that using a 10.2 eV lamp may
indicate the presence of aromatic hydrocarbons or amines. Photoionization based instruments will also
detect inorganic compounds such as ammonia, iodine, phosphorus trichloride, chlorine (11.7 eV lamp), etc.
Since the air sampling probes of these instruments are generally not heated, they will not respond to chemi-
cals which are not volatile at ambient temperatures. In addition, the ionizing energies of the major
components of pure air are all higher than 12 eV and, therefore, will not be detected by a UV lamp.

6.2.3. Neither a FID-THC nor a PID-THC instrument is compound specific. Both respond to all compounds that
may be ionized by a flame or an ultraviolet lamp.

6.3. Metrological and technical characteristics

6.3.1. A flame ionization detector works on the principle of the combustion of organic molecules in a hydrogen
flame and then the collection of the resultant ions on an electrode. In general, the FID is more sensitive to
hydrocarbons than to any other chemical class. Its sensitivity decreases for similar molecules in which a
carbon is replaced by nitrogen, oxygen, or halides. However, when the ratio of carbon to non-carbon
reaches 4 or greater, the response of the FID becomes similar to that for hydrocarbons [25- 26].

6.3.2. A FID-THC analyzer should be calibrated with methane, benzene, or other reference gas standards as
appropriate. It should be zeroed electronically or with unpolluted air. Calibration plots of known
concentrations versus instrument output usually consist of 3 to 5 points over the expected concentration
range. For known pollutants on site, the unit can be calibrated directly with those compounds. Calibration
data should be repeatable to within ± 5 % during a workshift. A FID-THC analyzer used on waste sites
should have a linear response from 0.10 to 1000 ppm (v/v-methane). The detection limit for methane should
be approximately 0.10 ppm.

6.3.3. A PID-THC analyzer is calibrated by first setting the electronic zero by turning the instrument to the
standby position and adjusting the zero potentiometer control device until the meter reads zero. This is the
first calibration point. One or two other calibration points can be obtained by evaporating a known volume
of benzene or toluene in a chamber of known volume of air to produce a gas of known concentration, by
using a reference gas standard, or by using a dynamic vapor generation system [21-24,27]. The detector
gain (span) control is used to adjust the detector response until it displays the actual reference value. The
repeatability of this method should be between 5 % and 10 % and depends on the skill of the operator.
Response factors can sometimes be used to estimate the concentrations of related chemical species to within
± 15-20 %. If more accurate values are required, then the actual compounds to be measured should be
substituted for benzene or toluene. For a quick check of the instrument response and sensitivity, a
pressurized cylinder of a reference gas standard can be used in the field. A useful reference standard is one
containing 10-100 ppm of isobutylene in air. If the instrument is to be used at high humidities, then air of
the approximate humidity level should be mixed with the reference gas standard, since high humidity will
depress the detector signal [27].

6.3.4. A PID-THC analyzer for most compounds should have a detection limit in the range of 0.1 to 1 ppm. In
general, its linear range should extend over three orders of magnitude beginning at the detection limit. The
response time should be less than 5 seconds to reach a reading of 90 % of its final indication.

7. Gas chromatographs

7.1. General description

7.1.1. A portable GC used at hazardous waste sites is commonly equipped with one or a combination of the
following detectors: FID, PID, ECD (Electron Capture), and AID (Argon Ionization) [28]. The TCD
(Thermal Conductivity Detector) is sometimes used but is not covered in this section [8].

7.1.2. A portable FID, PID, ECD or AID gas chromatograph includes a column, a gas or gas/liquid sample
injection system, a carrier gas handling system, and a portable strip chart recorder, integrator, or data
processing system. The unit should preferably incorporate an oven or heat transfer device to control column
temperature (see the Note in point 7.3.1). An instrument may be ac or dc powered. The carrier gas may be
high purity air, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, or argon. Sometimes the instrument may be designed to only be
used as a THC analyzer.

7.2. Pollutants detected

7.2.1. Pollutants detected are the same as with a FID or PID THC analyzer; however, the GC column
separates compounds so that identification and quantification of the individual components may be

7.2.2. A portable GC may operate isothermally when powered by an incorporated battery; however, temperature
programming may generally be performed only if powered by alternating current. In either case, the
selection of appropriate column length and packing materials is an important consideration in maximizing
column efficiency. Conditions are usually selected for retention times of 10 minutes or less, when possible,
for samples in the vapor phase.

7.2.3. For halogenated pollutants, the ECD may be the best detector to choose to detect low concentrations. At
hazardous waste sites, non-halogenated and halogenated substances frequently occur together. Under such
circumstances, a combination of two detectors (PID/FID, AID/FID, PID/ECD, FID/ECD, or AID/ECD)
would provide the best measurement.

7.3. Metrological and technical characteristics

7.3.1. A calibration of a FID-GC, PID-GC, or AID-GC may be accomplished by injecting known

concentrations of a reference gas standard and recording the retention times for identification of various
compounds. The reference gas standard used shall be a certified reference standard or equivalent [13,14].
The peak area or peak height is recorded and plotted against known concentrations of the reference gas. The
column type and its temperature and sample size are also recorded. In general, 3 to 5 calibration points over
the expected sampling range should be sufficient. Calibration should be performed with several different
compounds simultaneously. An instrument should have a repeatability for retention times and areas within
± 2 % for a gas reference standard when operated under stable conditions.

Note: The requirement for a repeatability of ± 2 % for retention times shall be satisfied in either of two
ways: (a) preferably by maintaining constant column temperature and carrier gas flow rate or (b) by
injecting immediately before and immediately after each chromatographic analysis, a reference gas
standard - a series of n-alkanes or compounds similar to those to be measured and which bracket the
retention times of the compounds to be measured.

7.3.2. In the field, a calibration check should be made with a reference gas standard as in point 7.3.1. At a
hazardous waste site, a strip chart recorder shall be used along with a peak integrator (unless the integrator
also produces a chromatographic tracing), because a chromatographic tracing shall be available for review
and for the record of the measurement.

7.3.3. The linear range and detection limit for benzene, respectively, should at least have values for the indicated
detectors as follows: FID-GC: 105 and 0.1 ppm (vol); PID-GC: 104 and 0.01 ppm (vol); AID-GC: 103 and
0.01 ppm (vol).

7.3.4. A portable GC may be equipped with microprocessors with programmed retention time and detector
response values for specific compounds to be measured. Such instruments shall also be calibrated prior to
and during field measurements according to point 7.3.1.

7.3.5. Gas chromatographs often respond to pollutants other than the specific compounds to be measured or to
the compounds which they were designed to detect. Therefore, information should be supplied by the
manufacturer indicating the probable air pollutants that may interfere with the detection of the specific
compounds to be measured.

8. Infrared spectrophotometers

8.1. General description

8.1.1. A portable IR spectrophotometer, commonly called an IR analyzer,consists of an IR light source, a

wavelength- dispersive element, variable slits, an IR sensitive detector (e.g., triglycine sulfate or lithium
tantalate), a sampling pump, a sample cell, and an analog or digital readout device. Additional useful
components include a microprocessor for storing calibration information, a portable strip chart recorder, and
a metal bellows pump for transporting the airborne sample or reference gas standards to the sample cell.

8.1.2. IR analyzers operate on the principle of measuring the absorption of energy by a gaseous sample
component of interest at one or more specific wavelength(s) over a given pathlength, for which the change
in energy is proportional to concentration of that sample. The infrared radiation causes the vibration of
specific molecular bonds and consequently absorption at discrete wavelengths. As the pathlength within a
sample cell of an instrument becomes longer, its detection limit becomes lower. For air monitoring, the
instrument may have a sample cell with either a fixed or variable pathlength [8].

8.2. Pollutants detected

Pollutants detected are those compounds that have absorption bands in the spectral region of 2.5 to
25 micrometers. Certain airborne pollutant compounds at hazardous waste sites may be difficult to detect in
the IR region because of interference from atmospheric CO2, CO, or H2O. The minimum resolution of an
instrument should be of the order of 1 % at its operating wavelength.

8.3. Metrological and technical characteristics

8.3.1. A portable IR analyzer used to detect a known or suspected compound at a hazardous waste site is usually
calibrated by the closed-loop method, which uses a recirculating air pump [29]. The instrument is first
adjusted to its maximum pathlength, for the best sensitivity, and to the wavelength corresponding to a
specific absorption band of the compounds to be measured. The latter information may be obtained from
reference data, or can be verified by scanning with a reference gas standard having a known concentration
of the chemical compound of interest. The instrument is then adjusted to zero readout using appropriately
filtered air, or pure air, as the gas sample. Measured volumes of a reference gas standard of a single
compound are then injected into the gas transport system. The change in energy absorbed is recorded. Since
IR spectrophotometry is a non-destructive test method, additional amounts of the reference gas standard
may be injected to calibrate over the expected concentration range to be monitored. Interference by other
compounds with the measurement of specific compounds of interest can be calculated. The data for
calculations are obtained by adding known concentrations of such interferent gases with the compounds of
interest in the gas transport system and measuring the change in absorbance at the detection wavelength of
the compounds to be measured as a function of the concentration of the interferent compounds.

8.3.2. In the field, the instrument is adjusted to the same wavelength and pathlength as that used for its
calibration to measure a specific compound of interest. Air samples are then drawn in through the gas
transport system, and the change in energy absorbed is compared to the calibration curve for the compound
to be measured. Field measurements should have a repeatability of ± 10 %.

Note: A significant change in instrument response to specific compounds to be measured may occur for a
change in relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration. Therefore, the calibration described
in 8.3.1 shall be performed under such conditions that simulate the expected field conditions to the
extent possible.

8.3.3. For detecting unknown organic compounds, the instrument may be operated at 3.4 micrometers, which is
the C-H bond characteristic wavelength, and at the maximum possible sample-cell pathlength. In the field,
the instrument response under these conditions should be reported as equivalents of concentrations of
hexane or methane according to the calibrated response of the instrument to these compounds over the
measured concentration range using the closed-loop method.

8.3.4. An IR analyzer yields more specific results than those obtainable using a THC analyzer. The detection
limit for a single compound to be measured in air should be between 1-10 ppm (v/v). Selection of the wave-
length of the compounds to be measured is most important in minimizing interferences, which are additive
for gas samples. The detection limit shall be determined for each compound to be measured in the presence
of potential interfering compounds.

8.3.5. An IR analyzer often responds to pollutants other than the specific compounds to be measured or the
compounds which they were designed to detect. Therefore, information should be supplied by the
manufacturer indicating the probable air pollutants that may interfere with the detection of the designated
specific compounds to be measured.

9. Dust monitors

9.1. General description

9.1.1. Portable, direct-reading dust monitors commercially available fall into three categories: quartz
piezoelectric oscillators, beta-ray attenuation instruments, and light scattering instruments [8].

9.1.2. A quartz piezoelectric oscillator consists of a point-to-plane electrostatic precipitator that deposits the
airborne dust on one of the two electrodes of a quartz crystal. The crystal is caused to oscillate at its natural
resonant frequency by means of associated electronics. A gradual decrease in the crystal's output frequency
results from dust deposited on its surface, thus providing a measure of the mass concentration of the
sampled airborne dust. A small diaphragm pump, particle size selective precollector, a crystal cleaning
mechanism, batteries, and ancillary electronics are part of the instrument.

9.1.3. A beta attenuation mass monitor consists of a particle size selective precollector to retain the
non-respirable fraction, a particle collection stage (e.g., jet-to-plate impactor, or filter), a beta-ray emitting
radioactive source (e.g., carbon-14), a beta detector (e.g., Geiger-Muller tube), pulse counting and
processing circuitry, a pump, and batteries. First a reference beta count is usually obtained through the clean
collection substrate; next dust is collected for a determined period of time; and finally a count of beta
particles passing through the dust deposit is made. The mass concentration of dust in the air is computed
from the ratio of the measured final to initial beta counts and from the sampled air volume (collection area
and mass attenuation coefficient of the beta radiation are instrument constants). Limitations in sensitivity,
time response, operational flexibility, and high cost of beta attenuation instruments have resulted in a
reduction of their use in the U.S.A.; in the European Community, they are applied principally for ambient

9.1.4. A light scattering instrument consists of an illumination source (usually a light emitting diode such as
GaAs or GaAlAs), a scattered light detector (typically a silicon detector), collimating and receiving lenses,
associated electronics, and a battery. Some instruments incorporate a pump and particle size selective
precollector while others sample passively, based on convective and circulatory air currents. The
nephelometric type of this instrument is appropriate for hazardous waste site monitoring. It is based on
measuring the intensity of light scattered from a defined light source by various concentrations of dust
particles in a defined volume.

9.1.5. Additional useful components for these instruments are a small portable data storage device and a strip
chart recorder. Other such components are a membrane filter for concurrent dust sample collection for
subsequent analysis, a reference light scattering element, and an adapter for filtering the air for checking
and setting zero response.

9.2. Pollutants detected

9.2.1. Dust monitors respond to the presence of airborne particles, that is, aerosols of both liquid and solid

9.2.2. Because dust monitors are not species specific, interferences from sources other than those of interest may
occur; therefore, at hazardous waste sites, careful consideration should be given to sampling locations and
background measurements. Often the use of a multiplicity of spatially dispersed monitors operating
concurrently may be required to ensure meaningful measurements.

9.3. Metrological and technical characteristics

9.3.1. Quartz crystal piezoelectric oscillators cover the particle size range of about 0.01 - 5 µm, whereas light
scattering instruments respond to particles between 0.1 and 10 µm. The particle size range of a beta-ray
attenuation instrument depends on its method of collection: 0.5 to 10 µm when using an impactor device
and no specific lower particle size limit when using a filtration monitor. Some of the dust monitors include
particle precollectors designed to limit the dust concentration measured to the so-called respirable fraction;
that is, with a 50 % size cutoff of either 3.5 µm or 5.0 µm.

Note: The design requirements for precollectors differ in the U.S.A and in the E.C. In the United States,
the requirements are to limit progressively the collection so that 50 % of the particles of 3.5 µm
aerodynamic diameter and 100 % of the particles of 10 µm diameter are not collected. In the
European Community, the respective limits are 5 µm and 7.1 µm [11]. Both criteria are recognized
in standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) [30].

9.3.2. The overall mass concentration range in air covered by a quartz piezoelectric instrument is 0.01 - 10
mg/m3 with a dynamic range of 100 and a detection limit of 0.01 mg/m3. The overall range covered by a
light scattering instrument of the nephelometric type is 0.002 - 200 mg/m3 with a dynamic range of 1000
and a detection limit of as low as 0.001 mg/m3. The mass concentration range for a beta monitor is 0.1 - 50
mg/m3 with a dynamic range of 20 with an impactor device and is 0.01 to 10 mg/m3 with a dynamic range
factor of 50 to 100 with a filtration device.

9.3.3. The response of direct-reading dust monitors depends on several particle parameters: (a) particle size for
instruments based on the quartz piezoelectric oscillator principle and (b) particle size, shape, and index of
refraction for light scattering instruments. Especially for instruments of the latter type, calibrations should
be carried out with reference dust standard that is representative of field conditions. A gravimetric reference
measurement obtained by means of concurrent filter collection may be appropriate for both types.

9.3.4. Some nephelometric instruments incorporate reference standards for calibration, or span checks, based on
insertable light scattering elements. Beta attenuation instruments often include a calibration absorber.

9.3.5. The instrumentation for gravimetric reference measurements requires the following: an inertial
precollector (only if the respirable particle size fraction is to be measured); a filter holder with a
membrane-type filter; a pump; a flowmeter and flow controller; and a laboratory scale capable of measuring
filters up to 100 mg with a repeatability of ± 0.05 mg, or better.

9.3.6. Another consideration for calibration is the maintenance of a reference dust standard monitor in a mobile
or stationary laboratory to which all field monitors may be compared using an aerosol generator.

Note: Instrument calibration is not always feasible in the field because the concurrent filter collection
necessary for the gravimetric determination of the dust concentration may not provide a sufficient
sample for accurate weighing at a hazardous waste site. In such cases, a laboratory calibration
facility should be available. It should include a stable aerosol generation apparatus (for example, a
small fluidized bed generator with a deionizing column) and a mixing and sampling chamber to
produce dust or aerosol samples for simultaneous calibration of the filter sampler and monitor. The
reference dust produced by such a facility should have properties similar to that expected of dust at
the hazardous waste site. If specific information about that dust is unavailable, or if information is
unavailable about the generated aerosol, a reference dust standard should be used for calibration

9.3.7. All surfaces of a piezoelectric oscillator and optical components of an instrument shall be cleaned
periodically, and the instrument shall be re-adjusted to zero response according to the manufacturer's

9.3.8. A dust monitor can be checked routinely with respect to zero concentration response by purging them
with clean filtered air. Some light scattering instruments have internal air purge capabilities. Especially for a
nephelometric type instrument, each instrument's zero stability should be determined to assess its
repeatability and overall accuracy of measurements.

10. General procedures for calibration and testing

10.1. All portable instruments involved in measuring airborne chemical releases should be calibrated, tested,
and maintained prior to use according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

10.2. Operators should consider if an instrument can function properly under various extreme field atmospheric
and operational conditions, such as low and high temperatures; clean and dusty environments; low and
high humidity; rain and snow; and high and gusty winds. The degree to which these operating conditions
may affect instrument performance should be specified by the manufacturer. The guidelines for specifying
environmental tests provided in International Document OIML D 11 "General Requirements for Electronic
Measuring Instruments" [31] may be helpful.

10.3. Operators should consider the following means of field checking the response of an instrument for
monitoring pollutant emissions from both hazardous waste sites and emergency or accidental releases.

10.3.1. Reference gas standard

A small pressurized cylinder of a reference gas standard, which is available commercially and traceable
to a certified reference material [13,14], should be available for all field work. Such reference gas would
permit periodic routine checks of an instrument as well as performance verification when the field
concentration of a particular target pollutant changes significantly.

Note: Care should be taken to minimize the exposure of personnel to harmful reference gases, such as
benzene, used for testing and calibration.

10.3.2. Field prepared reference gases

A reference gas standard may be unavailable for field testing. An alternative would be to place a known
amount of a highly volatile organic compound such as toluene into a container of known volume [21-24].
Such field-prepared reference gases also may be prepared from more than one compound as required. A
field-prepared reference gas can furnish qualitative information only, since quantitative data on
concentrations would depend on knowing the temperature and pressure at which such a reference gas was

10.3.3. Basic operational check

Under some circumstances, a reference gas will not be available or cannot be prepared for determining
the field operational condition of an instrument. In such cases, a material or compound should be used that
can produce a positive instrumental response before use. The following are examples of materials or
compounds that are often available for such purposes: gasoline, felt tip pens, cigarette smoke, and vehicle
exhaust. This type of basic operational check instead of the recommendations of points 10.3.1 or 10.3.2
shall be used only as a last resort. Unless the instrument has been checked using the procedures described in
points 10.3.1 or 10.3.2, the quantitative data obtained in field measurements shall not be given credibility.

10.4. The procedures and results of calibration and verification shall be recorded in a log for each instrument.
This log should contain enough detail on an instrument's history of operation to develop adequate
maintenance schedules. An instrument shall be calibrated after maintenance and repair.

10.5. A control chart should be kept for each instrument in order to determine if its performance upon
calibration is within statistical control [15,16].



AID Argon Ionization Detector

ECD Electron Capture Detector

EL Exposure Limit

FID Flame Ionization Detector

GC Gas Chromatograph

MAC or MAK Maximum Permissible Concentration

PEL Permissible Exposure Limit

PID Photoionization Detector

THC Total Hydrocarbon Analyzers

TLV Threshold Limit Value

TWA Time-Weighted Average


[1] Taylor, J.K. and Stanley, T.W., eds. Quality Assurance for Environmental Measurements, American
Society for Testing and Materials Special Pub. 867, PCN 04867000-16 ASTM, Philadelphia, PA (1985).

[2] American Chemical Society Committee on Environmental Improvement, Principles of Environmental

Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, 55: 2210-2218 (1983). ISSN-0003-2700

[3] Levine, S.P. and Martin, W.F., eds. Protecting Personnel at Hazardous Waste Sites, Butterworths,
Woburn, Mass. (1985). ISBN-0-250-40642-X

[4] Standard Operating Safety Guides [for Use at Hazardous Waste Sites], U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (OERP-HRSD-ERT), (1984).

[5] Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Activities, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (PHS/CDC/NIOSH) Pub. 85-115, Washington, D.C. (1985).

[6] Hazardous Waste Operations and Response, 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.120, 52 (153)
29620-29654 (August 10, 1987).

[7] Crowhurst, D., Measurement of Gas Emissions from Contaminated Land, Building Research
Establishment (BRE) Report No. ISBN-0-85125-246X, BRE, Garston, Watford WDZ-7JR, UK (1987).

[8] Lioy, P.J. and Lioy, M.J.Y. eds.,Air Sampling Instruments for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminants,
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, Ohio (1983).

[9] Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, International Labor Office (ILO)(1983).

[10] Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 1986-1987, American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, Ohio (1986). ISBN-0-9367212-81-3

[11] Cook, W.A.,Occupational Exposure Limits-Worldwide, American Industrial Hygiene Association,

Akron, Ohio (1987). ISBN-0-932627-27-7

[12] Joint Working Group of BIPM, IEC, ISO and OIML, International Vocabulary of Basic and General
Terms in Metrology, ISO (1984 and amendments 1987).

[13] McKenzie, ed., NIST Standard Reference Materials Catalog 1990-1991, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA.

[14] ISO, Directory of Certified Reference Materials, Latest Edition.

[15] Provost, L.P. and Elder, R.S., Choosing Cost-Effective QA/QC Programs for Chemical Analysis, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency PA/600/4-85/056; National Technical Information Services
PB85.241461 (1985).

[16] Wernimont, G., Use of Control Charts in the Analytical Laboratory, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry, 18:587-592 (1946). ISSN-0019-7866.

[17] Direct Reading Colorimetric Indicator Tubes Manual, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Akron,
Ohio (1976). ISBN-0-932627-07-2

[18] ASTM D4490-85, Standard Practice for "Measuring the Concentration of Vapors using Detector Tubes",
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 11.03, ASTM. Philadelphia (1986). ISBN-0-8031-1360-9

[19] King, M.V., Eller, P.M. and Costello, R.J., A Qualitative Sampling Device for Use at Hazardous Waste
Sites, American Hygiene Association Journal, 44:615-618 (1983). ISSN-0002-8894

[20] Collings, A.J., Performance Standard for Detector Tube Units Used to Monitor Gases and Vapours in
Working Areas, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 54:1763-1767 (1982). ISSN-0033-4545

[21] Dixon, S.W., et al., A Multiconcentration Controlled Test Atmosphere System for Calibration Studies,
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 45:99-104 (1984). ISSN-0002-8894

[22] Woodfin, W.J., Gas and Vapor Generating Systems for Laboratories, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (PHS/CDC/NIOSH) Pub. 84-113, Cincinnati, Ohio (1984).

[23] Leichnitz, K., et al., Calibrating Test Gases for Calibration of Methods Used in Environmental Analysis,
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 55(7): 1239-1250 (1983). ISSN-0033-4545

[24] ISO Standard 6141:1984, Gas Analysis - Calibration Gas Mixtures - Certificate of Mixture Preparation.

[25] Wiley, M.A., and McCammon, C.S. Jr., Evaluation of Direct Reading Hydrocarbon Meters (Flame
Ionization, Photoionization and IR), U.S.Department of Health and Human Services (NIOSH), Pub.
76-166 (April 1976).

[26] Manual of Recommended Practice for Combustible Gas Indicators and Portable, Direct Reading
Hydrocarbon Detectors, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Akron, Ohio (1980). ISSN-0002-

[27] Levine, S.P., Gonzalez, J.A., and Kring, E.V., A Dynamic Vapor Exposure System for Evaluating Passive
Dosimeters, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 47:347-353 (1986).

[28] Berkeley, R.E., Evaluation of a Portable Photoionization Gas Chromatograph for Analysis of Toxic
Organic Pollutants in Ambient Air, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EMSL-RTP), EPA/600/54-
86/041 (1987).

[29] Samimi, B.S., Calibration of [Portable Infrared] Gas Analyzers: Extent of Vapor Loss Within a Closed
Loop Calibration System, American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 44: 40-45 (1983).

[30] ISO Technical Report 7708:1983, Air Quality Portable Size Fraction Definitions for Health-Related

[31] OIML International Document D 11 (1986), General Requirements for Electronic Measuring



1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................3

2 Application ...................................................................................................................................................4

3 Terminology .................................................................................................................................................6

4 Compound specific instruments...................................................................................................................9

5 Chemical detector tubes .............................................................................................................................11

6 Total hydrocarbon analyzers......................................................................................................................13

7 Gas chromatographs...................................................................................................................................15

8 Infrared spectrophotometers ......................................................................................................................17

9 Dust monitors .............................................................................................................................................18

10 General procedures for calibration and testing..........................................................................................21

Annex A List of abbreviations...........................................................................................................................23

References .............................................................................................................................................................24


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