Oiml R 141: Nternational Ecommendation
Oiml R 141: Nternational Ecommendation
Oiml R 141: Nternational Ecommendation
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................4
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Terminology ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Thermographic instrument ................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Thermogram...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Standard radiator ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Standard large aperture radiator ........................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Thermal test object............................................................................................................................ 5
2.6 Number of sensitive elements (detecting elements of the thermogram) ........................................... 5
2.7 Field of view ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.8 Instantaneous field of view (IFOV)................................................................................................... 6
2.9 Spatial (angular) resolution ............................................................................................................... 6
2.10 Noise equivalent temperature difference (temperature resolution, ΔTNETD) ...................................... 6
2.11 Sensitivity to non-uniformity in the field of a thermographic instrument ......................................... 6
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
International Recommendations (OIML R), which are model regulations that establish the
metrological characteristics required of certain measuring instruments and which specify methods and
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harmonize and improve work in the field of legal metrology;
International Guides (OIML G), which are also informative in nature and which are intended to give
guidelines for the application of certain requirements to legal metrology; and
International Basic Publications (OIML B), which define the operating rules of the various OIML
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OIML Draft Recommendations, Documents and Guides are developed by Technical Committees or
Subcommittees which comprise representatives from the Member States. Certain international and regional
institutions also participate on a consultation basis. Cooperative agreements have been established between the
OIML and certain institutions, such as ISO and the IEC, with the objective of avoiding contradictory
requirements. Consequently, manufacturers and users of measuring instruments, test laboratories, etc. may
simultaneously apply OIML publications and those of other institutions.
International Recommendations, Documents, Guides and Basic Publications are published in English (E) and
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Additionally, the OIML publishes or participates in the publication of Vocabularies (OIML V) and periodically
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represent the views of the OIML.
This publication - reference OIML R 141, edition 2008 (E) - was developed by the OIML Technical
Subcommittee TC 11/SC 3 Radiation thermometers. It was sanctioned for final publication by the International
Conference of Legal Metrology in 2008.
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OIML R 141:2008 (E)
1 Scope
This Recommendation applies to general purpose thermographic instruments and specifies the
procedure for their calibration, and also for their initial and subsequent verifications.
2 Terminology
2.1 Thermographic instrument
Optoelectronic instrument designed for non-contact (remote) observation, measurement and
registration of the space/space-time distribution of the radiation temperature of objects, in the field of
view of the instrument, by forming a time sequence of thermograms and by determining the
temperature1 of the object surface on the basis of the known emittance and influence parameters
(ambient temperature, atmospheric transmission, observation distance, etc.).
2.2 Thermogram
Multiple-element, two-dimensional image, each element being attributed a color, or a color gradation,
or a screen brightness level, which is determined in correspondence with a conventional radiation
According to the International Temperature Scale (ITS-90).
If the thermographic instrument has a large instantaneous field of view angle, an angular dimension of the standard
reference radiator should be wide enough to cover the instantaneous field of view of the thermographic instrument.
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
5.1.2 All measuring instruments indicated in Table 1 shall be accompanied by the relevant
verification or certification documents.
5.1.3 All measuring instruments and the thermographic instrument to be verified are prepared for
operation according to their in-line documentation (ID).
5.1.4 Specialists qualified for performing verification in the field of temperature and radiometric
measuring instruments are considered as qualified for verification and calibration.
A thermographic instrument which does not meet these requirements cannot be considered as verified.
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Obligation of procedure
Item in the Means of verification and their Periodical
Procedure Initial
Recommendation metrological characteristics verification
1. External examination 5.2 Yes Yes
2. Testing. 5.3 Radiator in the form of a BB model. Yes Yes
Functional check of
instruments under
various conditions
3. Determination of noise 5.4 Standard (reference) large aperture Yes Yes
equivalent temperature radiator for the temperature range over
difference the ambient temperature by
10 °C with an emissivity not less than
0.96. The temperature instability is not
more than ± 0.05 °C/min.
4. Determination of the 5.5 Standard (reference) large aperture Yes Yes
number of defective radiator (See 5.4).
5. Determination of field 5.6 1. Standard (reference) large aperture Yes No
of view and radiator (See 5.4).
instantaneous field of 2. Thermal test objects with an
view emissivity not less than 0.96. See
the sketch of the test objects in
Annex A and Annex B.
3. Measuring rule with a length of 500
mm and a scale factor of 1 mm.
6. Determination of 5.7 1. Standard (reference) large aperture Yes Yes
spatial (angular) radiator (See 5.4).
resolution 2. Thermal test object (See 5.6).
7. Checking the range 5.8 Standard (reference) radiator. Yes Yes
and estimation of
accuracy of radiation
8. Determination of 5.9 Standard radiator (See 5.8). Yes Yes
sensitivity to non-
uniformity in the field
9. Check of the influence 5.10 Standard (reference) radiator Yes No
of environmental (See 5.8). Climatic chamber.
conditions on the
performance of the
10. Determination of 5.11 Standard (reference) large aperture Yes No
repeatability of radiator (See 5.4).
instrument readings
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
5.4.2 The temperature of the standard (reference) large aperture radiator is set at 30 °C or at the
temperature specified in the OM or certificate for determining the relevant characteristics.
5.4.3 The thermographic instrument is focused on the central area of the radiator aperture and is
fixed in the chosen position. Two thermograms are recorded in the memory of the thermographic
instrument in a short interval of time.
5.4.4 The temperature difference Δtij (°С) of each sensitive element in the areas of the recorded
thermograms, which includes not less than a statistically significant number of sensitive elements, is
determined using the software provided with the thermographic instrument, or is calculated by the
Δt ij = t ij( 1 ) − t ij( 2 ) (1)
tij(1) is the temperature of the sensitive element of the first thermogram with (i;j) coordinates (°C);
tij(2) is the temperature of the sensitive element of the second thermogram with (i;j) coordinates (°C).
2 X Y (Δt ij − Δt )
∑ ∑
i=1 j=1 X ⋅Y
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Δtij is the temperature difference of the sensitive element of the first thermogram with (i; j) coordinates
Δ t is the mean temperature difference (°C);
5.4.6 If a thermographic instrument has several thermal working ranges, the noise equivalent
temperature difference shall be defined for each working range.
5.4.7 The received value of ΔtNETD shall not exceed that specified in the OM or certificate of the
thermographic instrument.
5.5.2 The thermographic instrument is pointed at the central region of the radiator aperture and is
fixed in a chosen position. The thermogram is recorded in the storage device of the thermographic
5.5.3 With the help of the software provided with the thermographic instrument, the defective
sensitive elements are identified. The deviation of the temperatures of each sensitive element δt (°С)
from the mean value of temperature of thermogram (°С) shall not exceed the value of temperature
resolution, determined in 5.4, more than 6 times. The sensitive element for which the deviation of the
temperature does not meet this requirement is declared defective.
5.5.4 The number of defective sensitive elements shall not exceed 0.3 % of the total number of
sensitive elements specified in the OM or shall not exceed the value specified in the OM, or
certificate, of the thermographic instrument. The operating mode of a thermographic instrument should be able to attain its maximum
sensitivity. The image of the thermal test object shall match the central area of the thermogram. The maximum width of the slit is set and the maximum temperature of the slit in the
thermogram is measured.
OIML R 141:2008 (E) The working distance, R (mm), is chosen as the maximum distance between the thermographic
instrument objective and the thermal test object with a variable slit which provides for the maximum
temperature value of the slit in the thermogram, the slit being opened completely.
5.6.2 Determination of the field of view and the instantaneous field of view The temperature of the standard (reference) large aperture radiator is set 10 ºC higher than the
ambient temperature. A thermal test object with marks is placed in front of the radiator at a distance of
1–3 cm. The operating mode shall enable the thermographic instrument to attain its maximum
sensitivity. The image of the thermal test object shall match with the central area of the thermogram.
Measurements are carried out at the working distance, R, specified in 5.6.1. The marginal marks, recorded horizontally or vertically, are noted on the obtained
thermogram. The distance between the marginal marks of the test object is measured in millimeters
and in sensitive elements. The instantaneous field of view (IFOV) γ (rad) is calculated by the formula:
2 A
γ= arctg (3)
a 2R
a is the distance between the marginal marks of the test object (element);
A is the distance between the marginal marks of the test object (mm);
R is working distance determined in 5.4.1 (in mm). The field of view in horizontal φx and vertical φy directions, degrees, is determined,
respectively, by the formulas:
ϕ x= γ ⋅ X ⋅ (4)
ϕ y= γ ⋅Y ⋅ (5)
γ is instantaneous field of view (IFOV) (rad);
X is the number of sensitive elements in the horizontal direction;
Y is the number of sensitive elements in the vertical direction.
OIML R 141:2008 (E) The instantaneous field of view γ and the fields of view φx and φy should correspond to those
indicated in the OM or in the certificate of the thermographic instrument. The distances between the holes of the thermal test object are measured in sensitive elements,
using the obtained thermogram of the thermal test object with marks. The scale parameter k is determined as a ratio of the distance between the corresponding holes
on the thermogram (element) and those on the thermal test object (mm). The maximum width of the slit is set and then measured. The maximum temperature of the slit
ttmax (ºC) is determined on the basis of the thermogram. On the basis of the temperature measurement
results the contrast of the slit KS on the thermograms is calculated by the formula:
t max − t 0t
Ks = (6)
t s − t 0t
ttmax is the maximum temperature value of the slit with the width A determined by the thermogram
tt0 is the mean temperature value of the shutters determined by the thermogram (°С);
ts is the maximum temperature value of the slit at the maximum width determined by the thermogram
(°С). On the basis of the recorded values of the slit width A, mm, the slit width a on the image
plane (thermogram) is calculated by the formula:
a = A⋅k (7)
a is the slit size (element);
A is the slit width (mm);
k is the scale parameter determined by 5.7.1 (elements/mm).
OIML R 141:2008 (E) The slit width A (mm) is reduced and measurements are taken according to and The procedures from are performed at least five times. On the basis of the obtained measurement results, the dependence of slit contrast on
thermograms Ks upon slit width a (element) – the slit response function (SRF) is set: An example for calculating the spatial resolution in the horizontal direction FX is given in
Annex C. The resolution in the horizontal direction FX, equal to the resolution in the angular direction
or, in terms of sensitive elements, to the slit size, should correspond to the value specified in the OM
or in the certificate of the thermographic instrument, for a specified value of the slit contrast. The resolution in the vertical direction FY equal to the angular one or to the slit size in
sensitive elements should correspond to the value specified in the OM or certificate of the
thermographic instrument, the slit contrast value also being fixed.
5.8 Checking the range and estimating the accuracy of the radiation
temperature measurement
5.8.1 Measurements are taken at a distance from the reference radiator and the thermographic
instrument that ensures coverage, by the aperture of the radiator, greater than 20 % of the field of view
of the thermographic instrument. The emitting surface of the standard radiator is matched with the
central area of the thermogram.
5.8.2 The accuracy of a thermographic instrument is determined for at least five points of the
working temperature range (the lower, the upper and three points within the range) for each operation
mode (temperature range). When the steady-state conditions of a radiator are set, a minimum of five
measurements is taken by the thermographic instrument for each temperature.
The mean value of the radiation temperature of the standard radiator is determined using the
thermogram ttmean (°С) taking into account its emissivity and the temperature of the background
radiation. The accuracy Δt (°С) for each temperature of a thermographic instrument is calculated by the
Δt = t − t t
90 mean
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
t mean is the mean temperature value in the area confining the image of the radiator aperture on the
thermogram, which is determined by the thermographic instrument (°С);
t90 is the temperature of the standard radiator (°С).
5.8.4 The results of verification or calibration are considered to be favorable if the accuracy
calculated by Eq. (9) does not exceed the values specified in the OM for all points.
5.9.3 The emitting surface of the standard radiator is positioned successively within at least five
different areas of the thermogram (e.g. with the center and four corners of the thermogram).
5.9.4 The mean temperature of the radiation source corresponding to the source aperture is
measured in various positions on the thermogram.
5.9.6 The received value of δt should not exceed that specified in the OM or certificate of the
thermographic instrument.
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
5.10.3 The check of the influence of environmental conditions on the performance of the
thermographic instrument is determined for three points of the working temperature range (the lower,
the upper and one point within the range) for each operation mode (temperature range). When the
steady-state conditions of the radiator are set, a minimum of five measurements using the
thermographic instrument is taken for each temperature. The average (mean) value of the standard
radiator radiation temperature is determined using the thermogram ttmean (°C) taking into account its
emissivity and the background radiation temperature.
5.10.4 The accuracy of the thermographic instrument ΔtEC (°C) for each its temperature is calculated
by the formula:
Δt EC = t90 − t mean
tmean is the mean temperature value in the region confining the image of the radiator aperture on the
thermogram, which is determined by the thermographic instrument (°C);
t90 is the value of the standard radiator (°C).
5.10.4 The accuracy of the thermographic instrument (5.8) must be valid over the complete operating
ambient temperature and air humidity range specified in the operating manual for the instrument, if not
stated otherwise. If the accuracy does comply with the complete ambient conditions operating range,
the manufacturer must state a temperature and humidity coefficients which give the additional
measurement uncertainty when the instrument temperature deviates from a given reference
5.11.2 The image of the center of the standard extended radiator matches with the central region of
the thermogram; measurements are taken every 10–15 seconds during 15 minutes, if no other
minimum time interval is specified in the OM.
5.11.3 The mean temperature values are determined on the basis of the measurement results during
three time intervals, five minutes each. The difference between the minimum and maximum values of
the mean temperature values should not exceed the temperature repeatability specified in the OM or
certificate of the thermographic instrument.
5.12.2 A verification or calibration certificate is issued if the verification or calibration results are
favorable. If the verification or calibration results are unfavorable, a notice of non-serviceability of the
thermographic instrument is issued and the reasons are identified.
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
5.12.3 The verification or calibration certificate shall contain the following data and parameters:
spatial (angular) resolution;
field of view;
instantaneous field of view (IFOV);
accuracy of the radiation temperature measurement;
noise equivalent temperature difference (temperature resolution, ΔTNETD);
number of defective sensitive elements;
sensitivity to non-uniformity in the field;
influence of environmental conditions on the performance of the instrument; and
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Annex A
Sketch of the thermal test object with a variable slit
A l
Figure A1 Sketch of the thermal test object with a variable slit
The shutters of the thermal test object are made of copper, 1 mm thick, and are blackened on the outer
standard large aperture radiator;
thermal test object with a variable slit (shutter height h = const, distance between the shutters
l changes from 0 to 50 mm, the pitch being 1 mm, the uncertainty of setting the slit width is
±0.1 mm).
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Annex B
Sketch of the thermal test object with marks
30 15
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Annex C
Calculation of the spatial resolution in the horizontal direction
With the Gaussian approximation of the line spread function, the function of the slit response is
determined by the ratio transformed to the table function erf(x):
SRF(a) = erf( ) (C.1)
a is the slit width (element);
σ is a parameter determining the width of the spread function line (element).
An approximation of the experimental data array (Ksi, ai) using equation C.1 is made when choosing
the value of the parameter σ that will ensure the minimum value of the standard deviation of the
experimental data from the specified function:
1 N a
S= ∑
N − 1 i =1
( K Si − erf ( i ) ) 2
N is the number of measurement results.
The spatial resolution in the horizontal direction is determined as the slit width, for which the contrast
on the thermogram is equal to 99 % of the maximum value:
Fx = σx·3.64 (C3)
σx is the value of the parameter σ (element) in the sensitive elements, chosen as a result of the
The angular dimension of the space resolution in the horizontal direction is determined in rad:
⎛ F ϕ ⎞
Σ x = 2 arctg ⎜ x tg x ⎟ (C4)
⎜ X 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
X is the number of sensitive elements in a row of the thermogram;
ϕx is the angle of field of view of the thermographic instrument along a row (grad).
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
Annex D
Thermographic instrument verification report
D.2 Results obtained in determining the instantaneous field of view and the angle of field
of view in the horizontal and vertical directions
D.2.1 The angle of field of view of the thermographic instrument was measured against a thermal
test object with marks.
Temperature of the standard large aperture radiator, t90, ___°С.
Working distance from the radiator, R, ____ mm.
Instantaneous field of view, γ, ___ rad.
The thermographic instrument angle of field of view is equal to, in the horizontal direction,
ϕх, __ degrees, in the vertical direction, ϕу, ____ degrees.
Measurement uncertainty is __________.
D.4 Determining the spatial (angular) resolution of the thermographic instrument having the
horizontal field of view of _____ degrees, and vertical field of view ______ degrees.
The spatial resolution of the thermographic instrument is determined by the slit response function
(SRF) in the horizontal and vertical directions, and is measured against a thermal test object having a
variable slit.
Temperature of the standard (reference) large aperture radiator, t90, ___°С.
D.4.1 Results obtained in determining the spatial resolution of the thermographic instrument:
Spatial resolution in the horizontal direction Fx Spatial resolution in the vertical direction Fy
In sensitive elements In millirad In sensitive elements In millirad
OIML R 141:2008 (E)
D.5 Results of checking the temperature range and determining the accuracy
D.7 Results of checking the influence of environmental conditions on the performance of the
Condition in the climatic Temperature Reading of the Error in Permissible error of Measurement
chamber of the standard thermographic readings, the thermographic uncertainty
radiator, t90 instrument, Δt (°C) instrument (°C) (°C)
Temperature Humidity (°C)
(°C) (%) ttmean (°C)