CAPE Biology Labs - Osmosis
CAPE Biology Labs - Osmosis
CAPE Biology Labs - Osmosis
Title: Osmosis
Apparatus & materials: ruler, scape, hand towel, potato strips, petri-dishes, NaCl solutions
2) Twelve strips of potato of equal length were prepared then each strip was measured to
3) Two strips were placed into each petri dish and ensured they were submerged.
5) The strips were removed from the solutions, dried with a hand towel then their final length
was measured.
Table showing data collection before and after potato strips were in solution.
Discussion: Osmosis is the passage of water molecules from a region where they are in high
to move from one place to another. It is represented by the Greek letter psi (𝚿).
Water always moves from a region of higher water potential to one of lower
water potential. The higher the water potential the greater the tendency to leave
a system. Under standard conditions pure water water has the highest water
potential which is defined by zero (0). All solutions have lower water potential
than pure water and therefore have negative values. The more concentrated a
solution is, the more negative its water potential will be.
have increased. This is because the potato strips were submerged in pure water.
Since pure water has a greater water potential than the contents inside the potato
cell, water molecules move across the semipermeable membrane and into the
cell via osmosis. Due to this influx of water the cell becomes turgid and thus
increase in size therefore it can be said that the 0.25M salt solution has a greater
water potential than the potato cell which causes a net movement of water
In contrast the other potato strips experienced a decrease in their size. For
the cytoplasm of the potato cell are at a higher concentration and thus have a
higher water potential than in the salt solutions in the petri-dishes. Therefore
water will leave the potato, travel across the cell membrane and enter into the
salt solution. The decrease in water molecules in the potato cell results in loss of
The overall trend of the graph showed that the greater the solute
concentration the more the size of the cell decreases. This summaries that the
water potential than the water potential of the cell itself results in a greater
change in size. However there were exceptions in this experiment. The results
of the potato strips from both peri-dish B and D did not follow this trend. Their
Source of error: 1) The length of change was averaged and rounded and thus the result is not
2) The potatoes that were used in the experiment were different types.
Reflection: Osmosis is very important to the life of living organisms in many different
ways. Firstly plants wouldn’t exist without osmosis and without plants, no other
life could exist as they are a vital link of the entire food chain of the planet. Plants
also depend on osmosis to move water from their roots to their leaves. Given that
osmosis is very important to cells, this experiment can provide the investigator
understanding of the relationship between osmosis and plant cells in real life
changes needed in order for the cell to maintain homeostasis. The pressure within
and outside each cell is also maintained by osmosis as this process ensures a
balance of fluid volume on both sides of the cell wall. If fluid volume outside the
cell is more than the fluid volume within, such pressure could lead the cell to
cave in. This experiment can also be used to investigate the water potential of
doing this experiment I learned a new term, ‘water potential’, and how it relates
to the osmotic relationship between plant cells and the concentration of solutions.
So for example, the initial length of the potato strips could have all been cutdown
to the same lengths. Measuring techniques can also be improved instead of one
Conclusion: From the experiment it was found that the Sodium Chloride affects the size
of plant cells and most likely their water potential. As illustrated by the table,
in solutions where more NaCl was presented, there was a general reduction in
the potato strips plant cells, due to the volume of water inside the cells being
Title: Osmosis
Apparatus & materials: 6 eggs, hand towel, 6 beakers, NaCl solutions (0.25M, 0.5M, 1.0M,
2) Six eggs were placed in vinegar to dissolve their shells. Afterwards they were measured to
3) One egg was placed into each beaker containing a different at solution and ensured that
5) The eggs were removed from the solutions, dried with a hand towel then their final weight
was measured.
Table showing Data Collection Before and After Eggs were Placed in Solution.
Discussion: Osmosis is the passive process in which water moves through a selectively
permeable membrane from the side of the membrane with a high concentration
of water to the side with a low concentration of water. The egg that was placed
in beaker F with pure water showed the greatest difference in weight. This
increase in mass of the egg in pure water is due to the movement of water
molecules into the animal cells via osmosis. Water molecules in the beaker are
cells and so move along the concentration gradient and into the cells. As more
water molecules are present in cells, the final mass of the egg will be greater
than the first. Similarly the shell-less eggs that were placed in beakers B and C
also increased in weight after being removed from their solution. These
solution that has a low solute concentration and high water concentration
is placed into a hypotonic solution will swell and expand until it eventually
bursts. The egg in beaker F gained the most mass, meaning it was placed in the
most hypotonic solution. Since the concentration of the solution was 0.0M then
The shell-less eggs that were placed in beakers A, D and E all experienced a
decrease in their weight after being removed from their different solutions. A
water molecules across the cell membrane to outside of the cell. Thesis can
cause the cell to become smaller and even shrivel, resembling a raisin. The
cells experienced a decrease in their weight. The egg in beaker A lost the most
mass, meaning it was placed in the most hypertonic solution. Since this egg was
placed in the 0.25M salt solution it can be said this was the most hypertonic
Precaution: 1) Ensure the scale is tearded before using the electronic balance.
2) Take the masses of NaCl and the eggs at least 3 times to ensure accuracy.
Limitation: 1)
Source of error: 1)
Reflection: Osmosis factors heavily in each of these processes and is an important force
for keeping every single cell in your body healthy. Cells utilize osmosis to reach a
transported to cells and waste materials get moved out of them. In this lab we
tested samples of egg tissue to see how much water they absorb or release in salt
microscope but by carrying out this experiment we created our own model of a
cell, using shell-less chicken eggs. By doing this we can see what happens when
we manipulate the osmotic balance in the cell. The purpose of this experiment is
Knowing that there are different types of cells and certain cells behave in
different environments is important in our world for many reasons. The cell is the
most basic unit of life and knowing about it will help us answer many different
questions. If someone knows about the cell and how it works they could find a
way to counteract viruses and illnesses, thus creating medicine and cures.Without
knowledge of the cell, we wouldn’t know about how we get our energy, how
Conclusion: In the pure water, and in more dilute solute solutions, animal cells will gain
weight from the water that is soaked into the cell. In contrast when animal cells
are placed in more concentrated solute solutions, the cell will lose mass as the
water moves out of it. As is seen from the table, there is generally a decrease in