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OIML R 49-3: Nternational Ecommendation

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Water meters for cold potable water and hot water.

Part 3: Test report format

Compteurs d’eau potable froide et d‘eau chaude.

Partie 3: Format du rapport d’essai

OIML R 49-3 Edition 2013 (E)


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water Part 3: Test report format ................................................... 6
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Normative references .............................................................................................................................. 6
3 Terms, definitions, symbols, and abbreviated terms ............................................................................... 6
4 Type evaluation report ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Information concerning the type ............................................................................................................. 7
4.3 General information concerning the test equipment ............................................................................. 17
4.4 Check list for water meter examinations and performance tests ........................................................... 18
4.5 Type evaluation tests (for all water meters) .......................................................................................... 28
4.6 Type evaluation tests (for electronic water meters and mechanical water meters with
electronic components) ......................................................................................................................... 58
5 Initial verification report ..................................................................................................................... 100
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 100
5.2 Information concerning the EUT verified ........................................................................................... 100
5.3 Initial verification test report (OIML R 49-2:2013, Clause 10) .......................................................... 101
Annex A (Mandatory) List of documents concerning the type (OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.10) ........................ 106
Annex B (Mandatory) Listing of test equipment used in examinations and tests ........................................... 107

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) is a worldwide, intergovernmental organization
whose primary aim is to harmonize the regulations and metrological controls applied by the national
metrological services, or related organizations, of its Member States. The main categories of OIML publications

 International Recommendations (OIML R), which are model regulations that establish the
metrological characteristics required of certain measuring instruments and which specify methods and
equipment for checking their conformity. OIML Member States shall implement these
Recommendations to the greatest possible extent;

 International Documents (OIML D), which are informative in nature and which are intended to
harmonize and improve work in the field of legal metrology;

 International Guides (OIML G), which are also informative in nature and which are intended to give
guidelines for the application of certain requirements to legal metrology;

 International Basic Publications (OIML B), which define the operating rules of the various OIML
structures and systems; and

OIML Draft Recommendations, Documents and Guides are developed by Project Groups linked to Technical
Committees or Subcommittees which comprise representatives from OIML Member States. Certain international
and regional institutions also participate on a consultation basis. Cooperative agreements have been established
between the OIML and certain institutions, such as ISO and the IEC, with the objective of avoiding contradictory
requirements. Consequently, manufacturers and users of measuring instruments, test laboratories, etc. may
simultaneously apply OIML publications and those of other institutions.

International Recommendations, Documents, Guides and Basic Publications are published in English (E) and
translated into French (F) and are subject to periodic revision.

Additionally, the OIML publishes or participates in the publication of Vocabularies (OIML V) and periodically
commissions legal metrology experts to write Expert Reports (OIML E). Expert Reports are intended to
provide information and advice, and are written solely from the viewpoint of their author, without the
involvement of a Technical Committee or Subcommittee, nor that of the CIML. Thus, they do not necessarily
represent the views of the OIML.

This publication – reference OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) – was developed by a joint OIML/ISO/CEN working group
comprising OIML TC 8/SC 5 Water meters, ISO/TC 30/SC 7 Volume methods including water meters and
CEN/TC92 Water meters. The content is the same in substance as that of ISO 4064-3:2014 Water meters for
cold potable water and hot water. This edition supersedes OIML R 49-3:2006 and was approved for final
publication by the International Committee of Legal Metrology at its 48th meeting in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet
Nam in October 2013. It will be submitted to the International Conference on Legal Metrology in 2016 for
formal sanction.

OIML Publications may be downloaded from the OIML web site in the form of PDF files. Additional
information on OIML Publications may be obtained from the Organization’s headquarters:

Bureau International de Métrologie Légale

11, rue Turgot - 75009 Paris - France
Telephone: 33 (0)1 48 78 12 82
Fax: 33 (0)1 42 82 17 27

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Implementation of this test report format is informative with regard to the implementation of
OIML R 49-1 and OIML R 49-2 in national regulations; however, its implementation is required
within the framework of the OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments [OIML R 49-2:2013,

Clause 4 shows the required format of a type evaluation report for a complete or combined water

A type evaluation report for a separable calculator (including indicating device) or a measurement
transducer (including flow or volume sensor) requires a similar format. However, some modifications
to the tables may be required because a large number of variations in the design of these separable
units is possible.

Some examples of tables for presenting the test results for separable units are shown in Clause 5 for
initial verifications. These tables can also be adapted for type evaluation reports.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Water meters for cold potable water and hot water.

Part 3: Test report format
1 Scope
This part of OIML R 49 specifies a test report format to be used in conjunction with OIML
R 49-1:2013 and OIML R 49-2:2013 for water meters for cold potable water and hot water.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

OIML R 49-1:2013, Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. Part 1: Metrological and
technical requirements

OIML R 49-2:2013, Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. Part 2: Test methods

3 Terms, definitions, symbols, and abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in OIML R 49-1:2013 apply.

Some symbols and abbreviated terms used in the tables are as follows.

+ pass

− fail

n/a not applicable

EUT equipment under test

H horizontal

MAP maximum admissible pressure

MAT maximum admissible temperature

MPE maximum permissible error

V vertical

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4 Type evaluation report

4.1 General

For each examination and test the checklist shall be completed according to this example:

+ -

X Pass

X Fail

n/a n/a Not applicable

4.2 Information concerning the type

4.2.1 General

Application number: _________________________________

Applicant: _________________________________

Authorized representative: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________




Testing laboratory: _________________________________

Authorized representative: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________




OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.2.2 Model submitted

New model: _________________________________

Variant of approved model(s):

Approval number: _________________________________

Variation of approved model: _________________________________

See Table 1.

Table 1 Model submitted

Submitted for approval tests Yesa Noa Remarks
Mechanical water meter (complete)
Mechanical water meter (combined)
Electronic water meter (complete)
Electronic water meter (combined)
Family of water meters
Separable calculator (including indicating device)
Separable measurement transducer (including flow
or volume sensor)
Supplementary electronic device(s) for testing
(permanently attached to meter)
Supplementary electronic device(s) for data
transmission (permanently attached to meter)
Supplementary electronic device(s) for testing
(temporarily attached to meter)
Supplementary electronic device(s) for data
transmission (temporarily attached to meter)
Ancillary devices
Tick as appropriate.

4.2.3 Mechanical water meter (complete or combined)

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Type details:

Q1 _________ m3/h

Q2 _________ m3/h

Q3 _________ m3/h

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Q4 _________ m3/h

Q3/Q1 _________

for combination meters

Qx1 _________ m3/h

Qx2 _________ m3/h

Measuring principle: __________________________

Accuracy class: _____________

Temperature class: _____________

Environmental class: _____________

Electromagnetic environment: _____________

Maximum admissible _________ °C


Maximum admissible pressure: ___________ MPa (_____ bar)

Orientation limitation: _________________________

EUT testing requirements (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8):

Category: _________________________

Case: _________________________

Installation details:

Connection type (flange, screw thread, concentric _________


Minimum straight length of inlet pipe: __________ mm

Minimum straight length of outlet pipe: __________ mm

Flow conditioner (details if required): _________________________

Mounting: _________________________

Orientation: _________________________

Other relevant information: _________________________

Note: If a family of meters is submitted, the details in this subclause are to be given for each size of water

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.2.4 Electronic water meter (complete or combined)

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Type details:

Q1 _________ m3/h

Q2 _________ m3/h

Q3 _________ m3/h

Q4 _________ m3/h

Q3/Q1 _________

for combination meters

Qx1 _________ m3/h

Qx2 _________ m3/h

Measuring principle: __________________________

Accuracy class: _____________

Temperature class: _____________

Environmental class: _____________

Electromagnetic environment: _____________

Maximum admissible temperature: _________ °C

Maximum admissible pressure: ___________ MPa (_____ bar)

Orientation limitation: _________________________

EUT testing requirements (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8):

Category: _________________________

Case: _________________________

Installation details (mechanical):

Connection type (flange, screw thread, concentric _________


Minimum straight length of inlet pipe: __________ mm

Minimum straight length of outlet pipe: __________ mm

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Flow conditioner (details if required): _________________________

Mounting: _________________________

Orientation: _________________________

Other relevant information: _________________________

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ______________________ V

Umin: ______________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Note: If a family of meters is submitted, the details in this subclause are to be given for each size of water

4.2.5 Separable calculator (including indicating device)

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Type details:

Q1 _________ m3/h

Q2 _________ m3/h

Q3 _________ m3/h

Q4 _________ m3/h

Q3/Q1 _________

for combination meters

Qx1 _________ m3/h

Qx2 _________ m3/h

Measuring principle: __________________________

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Accuracy class: _____________

Temperature class: _____________

Environmental class: _____________

Electromagnetic environment: _____________

Maximum admissible temperature: _________°C

Maximum admissible pressure: ___________MPa (_____ bar)

Orientation limitation: _________________________

EUT testing requirements (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8):

Category: _________________________

Case: _________________________

Maximum relative error specified by the manufacturer:

Lower flow rate zone, Q1 ≤ Q < Q2: ________________________%

Upper flow rate zone, Q2 ≤ Q ≤ Q4: ________________________%

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Approval number(s) of compatible

measurement transducer(s) (including flow
or volume sensor): ____________________

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.2.6 Separable measurement transducer (including flow or volume sensor)

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Type details:

Q1 _________ m3/h

Q2 _________ m3/h

Q3 _________ m3/h

Q4 _________ m3/h

Q3/Q1 _________

for combination meters

Qx1 _________ m3/h

Qx2 _________ m3/h

Measuring principle: __________________________

Accuracy class: _____________

Temperature class: _____________

Environmental class: _____________

Electromagnetic environment: _____________

Maximum admissible temperature: _________°C

Maximum admissible pressure: ___________MPa (_____ bar)

Orientation limitation: _________________________

EUT testing requirements (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8):

Category: _________________________

Case: _________________________

Maximum relative error specified by the manufacturer:

Lower flow rate zone, Q1 ≤ Q < Q2: ________________________%

Upper flow rate zone, Q2 ≤ Q ≤ Q4: ________________________%

Installation details (mechanical):

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Connection type (flange, screw thread, concentric _________


Minimum straight length of inlet pipe: __________mm

Minimum straight length of outlet pipe: __________mm

Flow conditioner (details if required): _________________________

Mounting: _________________________

Orientation: _________________________

Other relevant information: _________________________

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Approval number(s) of compatible

calculator(s) (including indicating device): _________________________

4.2.7 Supplementary electronic device(s) used for testing (permanently attached to meter)

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Installation details (electrical):

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

4.2.8 Supplementary electronic device(s) used for data transmission (permanently attached to

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

4.2.9 Supplementary electronic device(s) used for testing (temporarily attached to meter)

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.2.10 Supplementary electronic device(s) used for data transmission (temporarily attached to

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

EUT testing requirements (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8):

Category: _________________________

Case: _________________________

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

4.2.11 Ancillary devices

Manufacturer: __________________________________________________

Model number: __________________________________________________

Power supply:

Type (battery, mains AC, mains DC): _________________________

Umax: ________________________ V

Umin: ________________________ V

Frequency: _______________________ Hz

Approval number(s) of compatible

calculator(s) (including indicating device): _________________________

EUT testing requirements (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8):

Category: _________________________

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Case: _________________________

Installation details (electrical):

Wiring instructions: _________________________

Mounting arrangement: _________________________

Orientation limitations: _________________________

Approval number(s) of compatible water

meters, calculator(s) (including indicating
device) and measurement transducer(s)
(including flow or volume sensor): _________________________

4.2.12 Documents concerning the type

A list of documents shall be submitted with the type approval application as in Annex A.

4.3 General information concerning the test equipment

Details of all items of measuring equipment and test instruments used for the type examinations, and
initial verifications shall be listed in Annex B, including:


Model number

Serial number

Date of last calibration

Date of next calibration due of e.g. instruments for measuring:

— linear dimensions

— pressure gauges

— pressure transmitters

— manometers

— temperature transducers

— reference meters

— volume tanks

— weighing machines

— signal generators (for pulse, current or voltage)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.4 Check list for water meter examinations and performance tests
4.4.1 Check list for water meter examinations

External examination for all water meters

Requirement + − Remarks
OIML R 49-1:2013,
Function of the indicating device The indicating device shall provide an easily read, reliable and
unambiguous visual indication of the indicated volume The indicating device shall include visual means for testing and
calibration. The indicating device may include additional elements for
testing and calibration by other methods, e.g. for automatic
testing and calibration
Unit of measurement and its placement The indicated volume of water shall be expressed in cubic
metres The symbol m3 shall appear on the dial or immediately adjacent
to the numbered display
Indicating range For Q3 ≤ 6.3, the minimum indicating range is 0 m3 to 9 999 m3 For 6.3 < Q3 ≤ 63, the minimum indicating range is 0 m3 to
99 999 m3 For 63 < Q3 ≤ 630, the minimum indicating range is 0 m3 to
999 999 m3 For 630 < Q3 ≤ 6 300, the minimum indicating range is 0 m3 to
9 999 999 m3
Colour coding for indicating device The color black should be used to indicate the cubic metre and
its multiples The color red should be used to indicate sub-multiples of a cubic
metre The colors shall be applied to either the pointers, indexes,
numbers, wheels, discs, dials or aperture frames Other means of indicating the cubic metre may be used provided
there is no ambiguity in distinguishing between the primary
indication and alternative displays, e.g. sub-multiples for
verification and testing
Types of indicating device: Type 1 — Analogue device The indicated volume shall be shown by continuous movement
of either:
a) one or more pointers moving relative to graduated scales;
b) one or more circular scales or drums each passing an index

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) The value expressed in cubic metres for each scale division shall
be of the form 10n, where n is a positive or a negative whole
number or zero, thereby establishing a system of consecutive
decades. The scale shall be graduated in values expressed in cubic metres
or accompanied by a multiplying factor
(×0.001; ×0.01; ×0.1; ×1; ×10; ×100; ×1 000 etc.) Rotational movement of the pointers or circular scales shall be
clockwise Linear movement of pointers or scales shall be left to right Movement of numbered roller indicators shall be upwards
Types of indicating device: Type 2 — Digital device The indicated volume is given by a line of digits appearing in
one or more apertures The advance of one digit shall be completed while the digit of
the next immediately lower decade changes from 9 to 0 The apparent height of the digits shall be at least 4 mm For non-electronic devices, movement of numbered roller
indicators (drums) shall be upwards For non-electronic devices, the lowest value decade may have a
continuous movement, the aperture being large enough to permit
a digit to be read without ambiguity For electronic devices with non-permanent displays the volume
shall be able to be displayed at any time for at least 10 s For electronic devices, the meter shall provide visual checking
of the entire display which shall have the following sequence:
— for seven segment type displaying all the elements (e.g. an
“eights” test); and
— for seven segment type blanking all the elements (a “blanks”
For graphical displays, an equivalent test is required to
demonstrate that display faults cannot result in any digit being
Each step of the sequence shall last at least 1 s
Types of indicating device: Type 3 — Combination of analogue and digital devices The indicated volume is given by a combination of type 1 and
type 2 devices and the respective requirements of each shall
Verification devices — General requirements Every indicating device shall provide means for visual, non-
ambiguous verification testing and calibration The visual verification may have either a continuous or a
discontinuous movement In addition to the visual verification display, an indicating
device may include provisions for rapid testing by the inclusion
of complementary elements (e.g. star wheels or discs), providing
signals through externally attached sensors.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Verification devices — Visual verification displays The value of the verification scale interval, expressed in cubic
metres, shall be of the form:1 × 10n, 2 × 10n or 5 × 10n, where n
is a positive or negative whole number, or zero The indicated volume is given by a line of digits appearing in
one or more apertures For analogue or digital indicating devices with continuous
movement of the first element, the verification scale interval
may be formed from the division into 2, 5 or 10 equal parts of
the interval between two consecutive digits of the first element.
Numbering shall not be applied to these divisions For digital indicating devices with discontinuous movement of
the first element, the verification scale interval is the interval
between two consecutive digits or incremental movements of the
first element On indicating devices with continuous movement of the first
element, the apparent scale spacing shall be not less than 1 mm
and not more than 5 mm The scale shall consist of either:
a) lines of equal thickness not exceeding one quarter of the
scale spacing and differing only in length; or
b) contrasting bands of a constant width equal to the scale
spacing The apparent width of the pointer at its tip shall not exceed one-
quarter of the scale spacing and in no case shall it be greater than
0.5 mm
Resolution of the indicating device The sub-divisions of the verification scale shall be small enough
to ensure that the resolution of the indicating device does not
exceed 0.25 % of the actual volume for accuracy class 1 meters,
and 0.5 % of the actual volume for accuracy class 2 meters, for a
90 min test at the minimum flow rate, Q1.
Note 1: When the display of the first element is continuous, an
allowance should be made for a maximum error in each reading
of not more than half of the verification scale interval.
Note 2: When the display of the first element is discontinuous,
an allowance should be made for a maximum error in each
reading of not more than one digit of the verification scale
Note: For combination meters with two indicating devices, the above requirements apply to both indicating devices.
Marks and inscriptions
6.6.1 A place shall be provided on the meter for affixing the
verification mark, which shall be visible without dismantling the
6.6.2 The water meter shall be clearly and indelibly marked with the
information listed in the following, either grouped or distributed
on the casing, the indicating device dial, an identification plate
or on the meter cover if is not detachable
6.6.2 a) Unit of measurement: cubic metre
6.6.2 b) The accuracy class, where it differs from accuracy class 2

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

6.6.2 c) The numerical value of Q3 and the ratio Q3/Q1 (may be preceded
by R). If the meter measures reverse flow and Q3 and the ratio
Q3/Q1 are different in the two directions, both values of Q3 and
Q3/Q1 shall be inscribed; the direction of flow to which each pair
of values refers shall be clear. If the meter has different values of
Q3/Q1 in horizontal and vertical positions, both values of Q3/Q1
shall be inscribed, and the orientation to which each value refers
shall be clear
6.6.2 d) The type approval sign according to national regulations
6.6.2 e) The name or trademark of the manufacturer
6.6.2 f) The year of manufacture (or the last two digits of the year of
manufacture or the month and year of manufacture)
6.6.2 g) The serial number (as near as possible to the indicating device)
6.6.2 h) The direction of flow (shown on both sides of the body; or on
one side only, provided the direction of flow arrow is easily
visible under all circumstances)
6.6.2 i) The maximum admissible pressure (MAP) if it exceeds 1 MPa
(10 bar) or 0.6 MPa (6 bar) for nominal diameter ≥ 500 mm.
(The unit bar may be used where national regulations permit)
6.6.2 j) The letter V or H, if the meter can only be operated in the
vertical or horizontal position
6.6.2 k) The temperature class where it differs from T30
6.6.2 l) The pressure loss class where it differs from Δp 63
6.6.2 m) The installation sensitivity class where it differs from U0/D0
Additional markings for water meters with electronic devices
6.6.2 n) For an external power supply: the voltage and frequency
6.6.2 o) For a replaceable battery: the latest date by which the battery
shall be replaced
6.6.2 p) For a non-replaceable battery: the latest date by which the meter
shall be replaced
6.6.2 q) Environmental classification
6.6.2 r) Electromagnetic environmental class
Protection devices
6.8.1 Water meters shall include protection devices which can be
sealed so as to prevent, both before and after correct installation
of the water meter, dismantling or modification of the meter, its
adjustment device or its correction device, without damaging
these devices. In the case of combination meters, this
requirement applies to both meters
Protection devices — Electronic sealing devices When access to parameters that influence the determination of
the results of measurements is not protected by mechanical
sealing devices, the protection shall fulfil the following
a) Access shall only be allowed to authorized people, e.g. by
means of a code (password) or of a special device (hard
key, etc.). The code shall be capable of being changed.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

b) It shall be possible for at least the last intervention to be

memorized. The record shall include the date and a
characteristic element identifying the authorized person
making the intervention [see a)]. If it is possible to
memorize more than one intervention and if a previous
intervention requires deletion to permit a new record, the
oldest record shall be deleted For meters with parts which can be disconnected one from
another by the user and which are interchangeable, the following
provisions shall be fulfilled:
a) it shall not be possible to access parameters that participate
in the determination of results of measurements through
disconnected points unless the provisions of OIML
R 49-1:2013, are fulfilled;
b) interposing any device which may influence the accuracy
shall be prevented by means of electronic and data
processing securities or, if this is not possible, by
mechanical means For meters with parts which may be disconnected one from the
other by the user and which are not interchangeable, the
provisions in OIML R 49-1:2013, apply.
Moreover, these meters shall be provided with devices which do
not allow them to operate if the various parts are not connected
according to the approved type.
Note: Disconnections which are not allowed to the user may
be prevented, e.g. by means of a device that prevents any
measurement after disconnecting and reconnecting
Examination and testing of checking facilities
General requirements for examining checking facilities
5.1.3 Water meters with electronic devices shall be provided with the
checking facilities specified in OIML R 49-1:2013, Annex B,
except in the case of non-resettable measurements between two
constant partners
5.1.3 All meters equipped with checking facilities shall prevent or
detect reverse flow, as laid down in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.7.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.4.2 Checklist for water meter performance tests Performance tests for all water meters

Requirement + − Remarks
OIML R 49-1:2013,
Static pressure test
4.2.10 The meter shall be capable of withstanding the following test
pressures without leakage or damage:
— 1.6 times the maximum admissible pressure for 15 min;
— 2 times the maximum admissible pressure for 1 min
Intrinsic errors (of indication)
7.2.3 The errors (of indication) of the water meter (in the
measurement of the actual volume), shall be determined at least
at the following flow rate ranges:
a) Q1 to 1.1 Q1;
b) Q2 to 1.1 Q2;
c) 0.33 (Q2 + Q3) to 0.37 (Q2 + Q3);
d) 0.67 (Q2 + Q3) to 0.74 (Q2 + Q3);
e) 0.9 Q3 to Q3;
f) 0.95 Q4 to Q4;
and for combination meters:;
g) 0.85 Qx1 to 0.95 Qx1;
h) 1.05 Qx2 to 1.15 Qx2.
The water meter should be tested without its temporary
supplementary devices attached (if any).
During a test all other influence factors shall be held at reference
Other flow rates may be tested depending on the shape of the
error curve.
1) The relative errors (of indication) observed for each of the
flow rates shall not exceed the maximum permissible errors
(MPEs) given in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3. If the error
observed on one or more meters is greater than the MPE at one
flow rate only, then if only two results have been taken at that
flow rate, the test at that flow rate shall be repeated. The test
shall be declared satisfactory if two out of the three results at
that flow rate lie within the MPE and the arithmetic mean of the
results for the three tests at that flow rate lies within the MPE.
2) If all the relative errors (of indication) of the water meter
have the same sign, at least one of the errors shall not exceed
one-half of the MPE. In all cases, this requirement shall be
applied equitably with respect to the water supplier and the
consumer (see also OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.3.3 3) and 8)
7.2.4 The meter shall be repeatable: the standard deviation of three
measurements at the same flow rate shall not exceed one-third of
the MPEs given in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3. Tests
shall be carried out at nominal flow rates of Q1, Q2, and Q3
Water temperature test

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.2.8 The requirements relating to the MPEs shall be met for all water
temperature variations within the rated operating conditions of
the meter
Water pressure test
4.2.8 The requirements relating to the MPEs shall be met for all water
pressure variations within the rated operating conditions of the
Reverse flow test
4.2.7 A water meter designed to measure reverse flow shall either:
a) subtract the reverse flow volume from the indicated
volume; or
b) record the reverse flow volume separately.
The MPEs of OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 shall be met for
both forward and reverse flow
4.2.7 A water meter not designed to measure reverse flow shall either:
a) prevent it; or
b) be capable of withstanding an accidental reverse flow at a
flow rate up to Q3 without any deterioration or change in its
metrological properties for forward flow
Meter characteristics at zero flow rate
4.2.9 The water meter totalization shall not change when the flow rate
is zero
Pressure loss test
6.5 The pressure loss of the water meter, including its filter where
the latter forms an integral part of the water meter, shall not be
greater than 0.063 MPa (0.63 bar) between Q1 and Q3
Flow disturbance test
6.3.4 If the accuracy of water meters is affected by disturbances in the
upstream or downstream pipeline, the meter shall be provided
with sufficient straight pipe lengths with or without a flow
straightener (as specified by the manufacturer) so that the
indications of the installed water meter do not exceed MPEs
according to the accuracy class of the meter.
Forward flow tests
Reverse flow tests (where applicable)
Overload temperature test
7.2.5 Water meters with MAT ≥ 50 °C shall be capable of
withstanding a water temperature of MAT + 10 °C for 1 h
Durability tests
7.2.6 The water meter shall undergo a durability test according to the
permanent flow rate Q3 and the overload flow rate Q4 of the
meter, simulating service conditions
7.2.6 Meters with Q3 ≤ 16 m3/h:
a) 100 000 flow cycles between 0 and Q3;
b) 100 h at Q4
7.2.6 Meters with Q3 > 16 m3/h:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

a) 800 h at Q3;
b) 200 h at Q4;
and for combination meters:
c) 50 000 flow cycles between Q ≥ 2Qx2 and 0 Accuracy class 1 meters
The variation in the error curve shall not exceed 2 % for flow
rates in the lower zone (Q1 ≤ Q < Q2) and 1 % for flow rates in
the upper zone (Q2 ≤ Q ≤ Q4).
For the purpose of these requirements, the arithmetic mean value
of the errors (of indication) E for each flow rate shall apply.
For flow rates in the lower flow rate zone (Q1 ≤ Q < Q2), the
error (of indication) curve shall not exceed a maximum error
limit of ±4 % for all temperature classes. For flow rates in the
upper flow rate zone (Q2 ≤ Q ≤ Q4), the error (of indication)
curve shall not exceed a maximum error limit of ±1.5 % for
meters of temperature class T30 and ±2.5 % for all other
temperature classes Accuracy class 2 meters
The variation in the error curve shall not exceed 3 % for flow
rates in the lower zone (Q1 ≤ Q < Q2) and 1.5 % for flow rates in
the upper zone (Q2 ≤ Q < Q4).
For the purpose of these requirements, the arithmetic mean value
of the errors (of indication) E for each flow rate shall apply.
For flow rates in the lower flow rate zone (Q1 ≤ Q < Q2), the
error (of indication) curve shall not exceed a maximum error
limit of ±6 % for all temperature classes. For flow rates in the
upper flow rate zone (Q2 ≤ Q < Q4) the error (of indication)
curve shall not exceed a maximum error limit of ±2.5 % for
meters of temperature class T30 and ±3.5 % for all other
temperature classes
7.2.7 It shall be demonstrated that cartridge meters and exchangeable
metrological modules for water meters with exchangeable
metrological modules are independent of the connection
interfaces they are made for, as far as their metrological
performance is concerned. The cartridge meters and
exchangeable metrological modules shall be tested in
accordance with the test specified in OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.6
7.2.8 All water meters where the mechanical components may be
influenced by a static magnetic field and all meters with
electronic components shall be tested by applying a specified
The test shall be carried out at Q3 and show that the indications
of the installed water meter do not exceed MPEs of the upper
zone according to the accuracy class of the meter:
Forward flow tests
Reverse flow tests (where applicable)
Application of the field in different planes

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) Performance tests for electronic water meters and electronic devices fitted to
mechanical meters (first version)

Requirement + − Remarks
OIML R 49-1:2013,
Dry heat
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 4.2 under conditions
of high temperature
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.2)
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 4.2 under conditions
of low temperature
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.3)
Damp heat, cyclic, condensation
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of high humidity when combined with cyclic
temperature changes.
Cyclic tests shall be applied in all the cases where condensation
is important or when the penetration of vapor is accelerated by
the breathing effect
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.4)
Power voltage variation, for water meters powered by DC batteries and DC mains
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 4.2 under conditions
of varying DC voltage (if relevant).
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.5)
Replaceable battery
5.2.4 To verify compliance with the provisions in The
properties and parameters of the meter shall not be affected by
the interruption of the electrical supply when the battery is
Power voltage variation, for water meters powered by direct AC or by AC/DC converters
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 4.2 under conditions
of varying AC mains power voltage (if relevant).
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.5)
Vibration (random)
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of random vibration.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.6)
Mechanical shock
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of mechanical shocks.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.7)
Short time power reductions
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of short time mains voltage reductions.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.8)

A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions where electrical bursts are superimposed on
input/output and communication ports.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.9)
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions where electrical bursts are superimposed on the
mains voltage.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.10)
Electrostatic discharge
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of direct and indirect electrostatic discharges.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.11)
Electromagnetic susceptibility — electromagnetic fields
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of radiated electromagnetic fields.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.12)
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions of conducted electromagnetic fields.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.13)
Surges on signal, data, and control lines
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions where electrical surges are superimposed on I/O and
communication ports.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.14)
Surges on AC and DC mains power lines
A.5 To verify compliance with the provisions in 5.1.1 under
conditions where electrical surges are superimposed on the
mains voltage.
(see OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.15)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5 Type evaluation tests (for all water meters)

4.5.1 Static pressure test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.3)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Meter MAP × Start Initial End Final Remarks

serial 1.6 time pressure time pressure
MPa MPa (bar) MPa
(bar) (bar)

Meter MAP × Start Initial End Final Remarks

serial 2 time pressure time pressure
MPa MPa (bar) MPa
(bar) (bar)


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.2 Determination of changeover flow rates for combination meters (OIML R 49-2:2013,

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:
Increasing flow rate

Flow rate immediately before changeover, Qa

Flow rate immediately after changeover, Qb

Changeover flow rate, Q x2 =

(Qa + Q b )
Decreasing flow rate

Flow rate immediately before changeover, Qc

Flow rate immediately after changeover, Qd

Changeover flow rate, Q x1 =

(Qc + Qd )

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.3 Determination of the intrinsic errors (of indication) and the effects of meter orientation
(OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.4)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4):___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %


Standard MPEa/3
% %

For a complete water this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according
to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2: 2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
Calculate standard deviation if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4):___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %


Standard MPEa/3
% %

For a complete water this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according
to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
Calculate standard deviation if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4): ___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %


Standard MPEa/3
% %

For a complete water this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according
to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
Calculate standard deviation if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


requirement 1: Tables for each flow rate according to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.4 shall be added.

requirement 2: Tables for each orientation, which shall be as specified in OIML R 49-2:2013, shall be provided for meters not marked either "H" or "V".

requirement 3: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

requirement 4: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.4 Interchange test on all types of cartridge meters and meters with exchangeable
metrological modules (OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.7, OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.4, 7.4.6)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4): ___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h MPa(bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

For a complete water this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according
to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
The error variation (see OIML R 49-2:2013, shall be checked

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4): ___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h MPa(bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

For a complete water this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according
to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
The error variation (see OIML R 49-2:2013, shall be checked

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4): ___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em (1)
m3/h MPa(bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

For a complete water this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according
to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
The error variation (see OIML R 49-2:2013, shall be checked

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


requirement 1: Tables for each flow rate according to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.4 shall be added.

Requirement 2: Tables for each orientation, which shall be as specified in OIML R 49-2:2013, shall be provided for meters not marked either "H" or "V".

requirement 3: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

requirement 4: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.5 Water temperature test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.5) and overload water temperature test
(OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.6)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Application Nominal Actual Initial Initial inlet Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions flow rate flow supply water reading reading volume volume error
rate pressure temperature Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
Q( )
m /h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
10 °Cb Q2
30 °C Q2
Reference Q2

For a complete water meter, this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
Applicable to temperature classes T30 to T180.
Applicable to temperature classes T30/70 to T30/180.
Applicable to meters with an MAT ≥ 50 °C. After exposing the meter to a flow of water at a temperature of MAT
+10 °C ± 2.5 °C for a period of 1 h after the meter has reached temperature stability; and after recovery, the meter
functionality with regard to volume totalization shall remain unaffected; additional functionality, as indicated by the
manufacturer, shall remain unaffected; the error (of indication) of the meter shall not exceed the applicable MPE.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.6 Water pressure test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.7)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Applica- Nominal Actual Initial Initial inlet Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
tion conditions flow rate flow supply water reading reading volume volume error
rate pressure tempera- Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
0.03 MPa Q2
(0.3 bar)

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.1 or 4.2.2
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.7 Reverse flow test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.8) General

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used: Meters designed to measure accidental reverse flow (OIML R 49-2:2013,

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): __ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Nominal Actual Initial Initial inlet Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions flow rate flow supply water reading reading volume volume error
rate pressure temperature Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em

m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

Reverse flow Q1
Reverse flow Q2
Reverse flow Q3

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) Meters not designed to measure accidental reverse flow (OIML R 49-2:2013,

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Application Nominal Actual Initial Initial inlet Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions flow rate flow supply water reading reading volume volume error
rate pressure temperature Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
Q( )
m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
reverse flow 0.9 Q3
forward flow Q1
forward flow Q2
forward flow Q3

For a complete water meter, this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). Meters which prevent reverse flow (OIML R 49-2:2013,

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Application Nominal Actual Initial Initial inlet Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions flow rate flow supply water reading reading volume volume error
rate pressure temperature Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
MAP at reverse flow 0 — — — — — — —
forward flow Q1
forward flow Q2
forward flow Q3

For a complete water meter, this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.8 Pressure-loss test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.9)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Measurement 1

Flow rate L1 L2 L3 L4 Initial supply Water temp. Measuring Pressure loss

Q( ) section ∆p1
m3/h mm mm mm mm MPa (bar) °C mm MPa (bar)

Measurement 2

Flow rate L1 L2 L3 L4 Initial Water Measuring Pressure Meter

supply temp. section loss pressure loss
Q( )
∆p2 ∆pmeter
m /h mm mm mm mm MPa mm MPa (bar) MPa (bar)



Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.9 Flow disturbance tests (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.10, Annex C)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Installation arrangement (see OIML R 49-2:2013, Annex C) — for each test applied, insert the actual
pipe dimensions used (as stated by the meter manufacturer):

Test Flow-disturber type Flow- Installation dimensions (see key to Figure 1)

No. (location) straightener
installed mm
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
1 1 (upstream) no — — — — —
1A 1 (upstream) yes — — —
2 1 (downstream) no — — — — —
2A 1 (downstream) yes — — —
3 2 (upstream) no — — — — —
3A 2 (upstream) yes — — —
4 2 (downstream) no — — — — —
4A 2 (downstream) yes — — —
5 3 (upstream) no — — — — —
5A 3 (upstream) yes — — —
6 3 (downstream) no — — — — —
6A 3 (downstream) yes — — —

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Direction of flow: forward / reverse

Meter serial No.:_____ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Test Actual Pressure Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
No. flow rate temp reading reading volume volume error
Q( ) pW Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m /h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

For a complete water meter, this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

For meters where the manufacturer has specified installation lengths of at least 15 × DN upstream and
5 × DN downstream of the meter, no external straighteners are allowed.

When a minimum straight pipe length (L2), of 5 × DN downstream of the meter is specified by the
manufacturer, only tests numbers 1, 3 and 5 are required.


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

L1 straight inlet pipe length, without flow-disturber or flow-straightener 1 water meter
L2 straight outlet pipe length, without flow-disturber or flow-straightener 2 straight pipe
L3 length between outlet of upstream flow-disturber and inlet of meter (or manifold) 3 flow straightener
L4 length between outlet of meter (or manifold) and inlet of downstream flow-disturber 4 flow disturber
L5 length between outlet of upstream flow-straightener and inlet of meter (or manifold)
L6 length between outlet of meter (or manifold) and inlet of downstream flow-straightener
L7 flow-straightener length

Figure 1 Key to relative positions

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.10 Durability tests (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.11) Discontinuous flow test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.11.2)

This test is applicable only to meters with values of Q3 ≤ 16 m3/h.

Application No.:
Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric
Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Readings taken during the test

Meter serial No.:__________

Note: Readings are recorded every 24 h or once for every shorter period, if so divided.

Ambient conditions at start

Ambient temperature Ambient relative humidity Ambient atmospheric pressure Time

°C % MPa (bar)

Date Time Observer Up Down Up Actual Meter Flow cycle times - s Total Total no.
stream stream stream flowrate reading volume of flow
pressure pressure temp. discharged cycles

MPa (bar) MPa (bar) °C m3/h m3 rise on fall off m3

Totals at end of test =

Theoretical total a =
Minimum theoretical volume passed during the test is 0.5 × Q3 × 100 000 × 32 / 3600 expressed in m3. Minimum number of
test cycles during the test = 100 000

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Ambient conditions at finish

Ambient temperature Ambient relative humidity Ambient atmospheric pressure Time

°C % MPa (bar)


Observer: _____________________ Date: _________________________

Errors (of indication) measured after the discontinuous flow test

Meter serial No.:__________

Actual Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Curve MPE
flowrate pressure temp reading reading volume volume error variation (of curve
errorb variation
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Ēm(B) - Ēm(A) error)c

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

For MPE values refer to OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2. For acceptance criteria, refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5
Ēm(A) is the mean intrinsic error (of indication) – see test report 5.3; Ēm(B) is the mean error (of indication) measured
after this discontinuous flow test
For MPE values and acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2,
Perform a third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2, 7.4.5)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) Continuous flow test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.11.3)

Application No.:
Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric
Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Readings taken during the test

Meter serial No.:__________

Note: Readings are recorded every 24 h or once for every shorter period, if so divided.

Ambient conditions at start

Ambient temperature Ambient relative humidity Ambient atmospheric pressure Time

°C % MPa (bar)

Date Time Observer Up Down Up Actual Meter Total volume Hours

stream stream stream flowrate reading discharged run
pressure pressure temp
MPa (bar) MPa (bar) °C m3/h m3 m3 h

Totals at end of test =

Minimum volume discharged a =

For meters with Q3 ≤ 16 m3/h, total hours run = 100 h at Q4 (minimum volume discharged at end of test is
[Q4] × 100, expressed in m3, where [Q4] is the number equal to the value of Q4, expressed in m3/h)
For meters with Q3 > 16 m3/h, total hours run = 800 h at Q3 (minimum volume discharged at end of test is
[Q3] × 800, expressed in m3, where [Q3] is the number equal to the value of Q3, expressed in m3/h) and 200 h at
Q4 (minimum volume discharged at end of test is [Q4] × 200, expressed in m3) where [Q4] is the number equal to
the value of Q4, expressed in m3/h).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Ambient conditions at finish

Ambient temperature Ambient relative humidity Ambient atmospheric pressure Time

°C % MPa (bar)

Observer: _____________________ Date: _________________________

Errors (of indication) measured after the continuous flow test

Meter serial No.:__________

Actual Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPE Curve MPE
flowrate pressure temp reading reading volume volume error variation (of curve
error b variation
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Ēm(B) - Ēm(A) error) c

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %


For MPE values refer to OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2. For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5.
Ēm(A) is the Mean intrinsic error (of indication). See test report 5.3. Ēm(B) is the mean error (of indication) measured
after this continuous flow test (= either Ēm2 or Ēm3).
For MPE values and acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013,
Perform third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) Discontinuous flow test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.11.2)

(Applicable only to combination meters)

Application No.:
Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric
Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:
Specified changeover flow rate Qx2
Selected test flow rate (minimum is twice the changeover flow rate Qx2)

Readings taken during the test

Meter serial No.:__________

Note: Readings are recorded every 24 h or once for every shorter period, if so divided.

Ambient conditions at start

Ambient temperature Ambient relative humidity Ambient atmospheric pressure Time

°C % MPa (bar)

Date Time Observer Up Down Up Actual Meter Flow cycle times - s Total Total
stream stream stream flowrate reading volume no. of
pressure pressure temp discharged flow
MPa (bar) MPa (bar) °C m3/h m3 rise on fall off m3

Totals at end of test =

Theoretical total a =
Minimum theoretical volume passed by meters during the test is 0.5 × Q1 × 50000 × 32 / 3600 expressed in m3. Minimum number of
test cycles during the test = 50000.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Ambient conditions at finish

Ambient temperature Ambient relative humidity Ambient atmospheric pressure Time
°C % MPa (bar)


Observer: _____________________ Date: _________________________

Errors (of indication) measured after the discontinuous flow test

Meter serial No.:__________

Actual Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Curve MPE
flowrate pressure temp reading reading volume volume error variation (of curve
error b variation
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Ēm(B) - Ēm(A) error) c

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %


For MPE values refer to OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2. For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5.
Ēm(A) is the Mean intrinsic error (of indication). See test report 5.3. Ēm(B) is the mean error (of indication) measured
after this discontinuous flow test (= either Ēm2 or Ēm3).
For MPE values and acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013,
Perform third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML
R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.11 Static magnetic field test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.12, 8.16)

At start At end
Application ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Nominal Actual Initial Initial inlet Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions flow rate flow supply water reading reading volume volume error
rate pressure temperature Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
Location 1 Q3
Location 2 Q3
Location 3 Q3
Comments: Note location of magnet

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly, the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.5.12 Tests on ancillary devices of a water meter (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.13)

At start At end
Application ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m3 or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4):____

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q () MPa Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

Standard MPE/3a
% %
For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5.
Perform third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5).
Calculate standard deviation if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 (R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
Standard deviation of three measurements of the error (of indication) taken at the same nominal flowrate

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4):____

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q () MPa Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

Standard MPE/3a
% %
For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5.
Perform third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5).
Calculate standard deviation if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 (R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
Standard deviation of three measurements of the error (of indication) taken at the same nominal flowrate.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 3): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 4):___

Actual Initial Water Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa

flowrate supply temp. reading reading volume volume error
Q () MPa Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em
m3/h (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

Standard MPE/3a
% %
For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable sub-assembly the MPE shall be defined by the
manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4). For acceptance criteria refer to OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5.
Perform third test if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 or if the first or second test is outside the MPE (OIML R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5).
Calculate standard deviation if Q = Q1, Q2 or Q3 (R 49-2:2013, 7.4.5)
Standard deviation of three measurements of the error (of indication) taken at the same nominal flowrate.


Requirement 1: Tables for each flow rate according to 7.4.4 of OIML R 49-2:2013 shall be added.

Requirement 2: Tables for each orientation, which shall be as specified in OIML R 49-2:2013, shall be provided for meters not marked either ‘H’ or ‘V’.

Requirement 3: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 4: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6 Type evaluation tests (for electronic water meters and mechanical water meters
with electronic components)
4.6.1 Dry heat (non-condensing) (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.2)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m3 or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEb
conditions simulated pressurea temperaturea reading reading volume volume error
flow rate
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em

m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
20 °C
55 °C
20 °C

Temperature and pressure shall be recorded using a data-logging device to ensure conformity with the relevant IEC
For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined
by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.2 Cold (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.3)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Environmental class:__________

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Actual or Working pressurea Working temperaturea Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEb
conditions simulated reading reading volume volume error
flow rate
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

20 °C
+5 °C or
−25 °C
20 °C

Temperature and pressure shall be recorded using a data-logging device to ensure conformity with the relevant IEC
For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined
by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.3 Damp heat, cyclic (condensing) (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.4)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Environmental class:__________

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEb Fault Significant EUT
conditions simulated pressurea temperaturea reading reading volume volume error fault functioning
flow rate Em2) − correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em1)

m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

Reference conditions
1) Before cycling — — — —

Precondition meter.
Apply damp heat cycles (duration 24 h), two cycles between 25 °C and 40 °C (environmental class B) or 55 °C (environmental classes O and

2) After cycling yes no


Temperature and pressure shall be recorded using a data-logging device to ensure conformity with the relevant IEC
For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined
by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.4 Power supply variation (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.5) General

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) Meters powered by direct AC (single phase) or AC/DC converters, mains power
supply (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.5.2)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Ui Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error
(single voltage) flow rate
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em

V m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %
Unom + 10 %
fnom + 2 %
Unom − 15 %
fnom − 2 %

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined
by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E) Meters powered by primary batteries or by external DC voltage (OIML R 49-2:2013,


Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Ui Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa
conditions simulated flow rate pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error
(single Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em
V m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3
according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined
by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.5 Vibration (random) (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.6)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Environmental class:__________

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Significant EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error fault functioning
flow rate correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)
3 3 3 3 3
m /h MPa (bar) °C m m m m % % % %

Reference conditions
1) Before vibrations — — — —
Apply random vibrations to the EUT, over the frequency range 10 Hz to 150 Hz, in three mutually perpendicular axes, for a period of at least 2 min per axis. Total RMS level: 7 m.s . ASD level at 10 Hz to 20 Hz =
1 m2.s−3 and at 20 Hz to 150 Hz = −3 dB/octave.

2) After vibrations yes no


For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).

Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.6 Mechanical shock (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.7)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Environmental class:__________

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Significant EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error fault functioning
flow rate correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)
3 3 3 3 3
m /h MPa (bar) °C m m m m % % % %

Reference conditions
1) Before shock — — — —

Place the EUT on a rigid level surface in its normal position of use and tilted towards one bottom edge until the opposite edge of the EUT is 50 mm above the rigid surface. The angle made by the bottom of the EUT
and the test surface shall not exceed 30°. Allow the EUT to drop freely on to the rigid surface. Repeat the test for each bottom edge of the EUT.

2) After shock yes no


For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.7 AC mains voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations (OIML R 49-2:2013,

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meters powered by direct AC (single-phase) mains power supply

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Significant EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error faultb functioning
flow rate correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) −
m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

Reference conditions No voltage reductions.

1) Before voltage reductions — — — —
2) During voltage reduction Voltage interruptions and reductions as in OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.8.
yes no

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.8 Bursts on signal lines (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.9)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meters containing electronics and provided with I/O and communication ports (including its external cables)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Significant EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error faultb functioning
flow rate correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) −
m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

Reference conditions
1) Before burst — — — —
Each spike shall have an amplitude (positive or negative) of 0.5 kV for environmental class E1 instruments, or 1 kV for environmental class E2 instruments (see OIML R 49-
2:2013, 8.1.3), phased randomly, with a rise time of 5 ns and a half amplitude duration of 50 ns.
2) After burst yes no

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.9 Bursts (transients) on AC and DC mains (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.10)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meters powered by direct AC (single-phase) mains power supply

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ______ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Application Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Significant EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error faultb functioning
flow rate correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) −
m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

Reference conditions With no significant noise in mains supply.

1) Before burst — — — —
2) After burst Randomly phased bursts (electromagnetic environment, E1 — 1 000 V peak amplitude electromagnetic environment, E2 — 2 000 V
peak amplitude) applied asynchronously in asymmetrical mode (common mode).
yes no

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a
separable part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.10 Electrostatic discharge (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.11)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ______ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indi- Actual Meter MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading cated volume error ficant functioning
flow rate volume faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)
3 3 3 3 3
m /h MPa (bar) °C m m m m % % % %

Reference conditions (no

discharges) — — — —

2) Discharge Moded yes no


C A yes no

C A yes no

C A yes no

C A yes no


For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of a water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.
Indicate by drawings if necessary.
C — contact discharge (6 kV); A — air discharge (8 kV).

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.11 Radiated electromagnetic field (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.12)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Test Antenna Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions polarization simulated pressure tempera- read- read- volume volume error ficant functioning
vertical/ flow rate ture ing ing Em2) − faultb correctly
horizontal Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Em1)

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

1) Reference
conditions (no V H — — — —
2) Disturbance
26–40 MHz V H yes no
40–60 MHz V H yes no
60–80 MHz V H yes no
80–100 MHz V H yes no
100–120 MHz V H yes no
120–144 MHz V H yes no
144–150 MHz V H yes no
150–160 MHz V H yes no
160–180 MHz V H yes no
180–200 MHz V H yes no
200–250 MHz V H yes no
250–350 MHz V H yes no
350–400 MHz V H yes no
400–435 MHz V H yes no

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Test Antenna Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions polarization simulated pressure tempera- read- read- volume volume error ficant functioning
vertical/ flow rate ture ing ing Em2) − faultb correctly
horizontal Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Em1)

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

435–500 MHz V H yes no
500–600 MHz V H yes no
600–700 MHz V H yes no
700–800 MHz V H yes no
800–934 MHz V H yes no
934–1 000 MHz V H yes no
1 000–1 400 MHz V H yes no
1 400–2 000 MHz V H yes no

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable part
of water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.12 Conducted electromagnetic field (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.13)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final reading Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated flow pressure temperature reading volume volume error ficant functioning
rate faultb correctly

Q( )
pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

1) Reference conditions (no

— — — —

2) Disturbance

0.15–0.30 MHz yes no

0.30–0.57 MHz yes no

0.57–1.1 MHz yes no

1.1–2.2 MHz yes no

2.2–3.9 MHz yes no

3.9–7.5 MHz yes no

7.5–14 MHz yes no

14–30 MHz yes no

30–50 MHz yes no

50–80 MHz yes no


For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.13 Surges on signal, data and control lines (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.14) (applicable only for
environmental class E2)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m3 or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final reading Indicated Actual Meter error MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated flow pressure temperature reading volume volume ficant functioning
rate faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)
3 3 3 3 3
m /h MPa (bar) °C m m m m % % % %

1) Reference conditions (no

surges) — — — —
2) Surge Mode

Positive L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Negative L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Positive L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no

Negative L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of the water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.
L–L — line to line surge; L–E — line to earth surge.


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.14 Surges on AC and DC mains power lines (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.15) (applicable only for
environmental class E2)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m3 or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ______ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final reading Indicated Actual Meter error MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated flow pressure temperature reading volume volume ficant functioning
rate faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)
3 3 3 3 3
m /h MPa (bar) °C m m m m % % % %

1) Reference conditions (no

surges) — — — —
2) DC power Mode

Positive L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Negative L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Positive L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no

Negative L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of the water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.
L–L — line to line surge; L–E — line to earth surge.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error ficant functioning
flow rate Em2) − faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em1)

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

1) Reference conditions (no surges)

— — — —
AC supply voltage Mode

Positive L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Negative L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Positive L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no

Negative L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated pressure temperature reading reading volume volume error ficant functioning
flow rate Em2) − faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em1)

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

AC supply voltage Mode

Positive L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Negative L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Positive L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no

Negative L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no


For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of the water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.
L–L — line to line surge; L–E — line to earth surge.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final reading Indicated Actual Meter error MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated flow pressure temperature reading volume volume ficant functioning
rate faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)
3 3 3 3 3
m /h MPa (bar) °C m m m m % % % %

1) Reference conditions (no

surges) — — — —
AC supply Mode

Positive L L yes No

L L yes No

L L yes No

Negative L L yes No

L L yes No

L L yes No

Positive L E yes No

L E yes No

L E yes No

Negative L E yes No

L E yes no

L E yes no

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Test Actual or Working Working Initial Final reading Indicated Actual Meter error MPEa Fault Signi- EUT
conditions simulated flow pressure temperature reading volume volume ficant functioning
rate faultb correctly
Q( ) pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi Va Em Em2) − Em1)

m3/h MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % % % %

AC supply Mode

Positive L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Negative L L yes no

L L yes no

L L yes no

Positive L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no

Negative L E yes no

L E yes no

L E yes no


For a complete water meter this is the maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3 according to the accuracy class of the meter. If the EUT is a separable
part of the water meter, the MPE shall be defined by the manufacturer (OIML R 49-2:2013, 9.4).
The significant fault is equal to half the MPE in the upper flow rate zone.
L–L — line to line surge; L–E — line to earth surge.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral with the body of the meter, the location of the
indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter) shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

4.6.15 Absence of flow test (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.17)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric

Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm:
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) —
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Application Working Working Initial Final Indicated EUT

conditions pressure temperature reading reading volume functioning
after 15 min correctly
pw Tw Vi(i) Vi(j) Vi

MPa (bar) °C m3 m3 m3
Meter filled with yes no
water, purging out all
Water fully yes no
discharged from the

The water meter totalization shall not change by more than the value of the verification scale interval
during each test interval.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

5 Initial verification report

5.1 General

The specific format layout for reporting initial verifications and subsequent verifications of water
meters is left largely to the metrological authorities and the individual organizations carrying out
verification tests. However, the report (records) shall contain the minimum information detailed in
OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.3 and OIML R 49-2:2013, 11.2.2.

In addition to this, any special requirements and/or restrictions for initial verification detailed in the
type approval certificate for the EUT shall be applied. A record of equipment and instrumentation used
with calibration details (see Annex B) shall be kept.

The following basic information should also be included in the verification report (record) followed by
the results of the tests (three examples of how the report may be formatted are given below):

5.2 Information concerning the EUT verified

Type approval number of the EUT

Details of the EUT:

Model number:

Accuracy class:

Meter designation/s Q3:

Ratio Q3/Q1:

Maximum pressure loss Δpmax :

Flow rate at Δpmax:

Year of manufacture:

The manufacturer:

Authorized representative:


Testing laboratory:

Authorized representative:


OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

5.3 Initial verification test report (OIML R 49-2:2013, Clause 10)

5.3.1 Example 1: Approved water meter (complete or combined) (OIML R 49-2:2013, 10.1)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Error (of indication) tests

EUT testing case (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8)

Category for testing (OIML R 49-2:2013, <clause number>)
Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric
Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Enter clause number according to one of the configuration categories for testing the EUT listed in OIML R 49-2:2013, to

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ____ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):___

Nominal flow Actual Working Working Initial Final Indicated Actual Meter MPEc
ratea flow pressure temperature reading reading volume volume errorb
Q( ) Vi(i) Vi(f) Vi Va Ec

m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %


These flow rates shall be applied unless alternatives are specified in the type approval certificate.
Calculations for the error (of indication) are described in OIML R 49-2:2013, Annex B.
The maximum permissible error as defined in OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.2 or 4.2.3, according to the accuracy class of the


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

5.3.2 Example 2: Approved calculator (including indicating device) (OIML R 49-2:2013, 10.2)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Error (of indication) tests

EUT testing case (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8)

Category for testing (OIML R 49-2:2013, <clause number>)
Enter clause number according to one of the configuration categories for testing the EUT listed in OIML R 49-2:2013, to

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): ___ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Nominal Actual Applied Initial Final Total Indicated Actual Meter MPEd
flow flow pulse reading reading pulses volume volume errorc
ratea rate frequencyb injectedb
Q( ) Vi(i) Vi(f) Tp Vi Va Ec

m3/h m3/h Hz m3 m3 m3 m3 % %

These flow rates shall be applied unless alternatives are specified in the type approval certificate.
Other types of output signal may be appropriate according to the design of the water meter.
Calculations for the error (of indication) are described in OIML R 49-2:2013, Annex B.
The maximum error (of indication) allowed for the calculator (including indicating device) is given in the type approval


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

5.3.3 Example 3: Approved measurement transducer (including flow or volume sensor)

(OIML R 49-2:2013, 10.2)

At start At end
Application No.: ______________ Ambient temperature: °C
Model: ______________ Ambient relative humidity: %
Date: ______________ Ambient atmospheric pressure: MPa
Observer: ______________ Time:

Error (of indication) tests

EUT testing case (OIML R 49-2:2013, 8.1.8)

Category for testing (OIML R 49-2:2013, <clause number>)
Test method: Gravimetric/volumetric
Volume measures/weighbridge used — m or kg:
Water conductivity (electromagnetic induction meters only) — S/cm:
Length of straight pipe before meter (or manifold) — mm
Length of straight pipe after meter (or manifold) — mm
Nominal diameter DN of pipe before and after meter (or manifold) — mm:
Describe flow straightener installation if used:

Enter clause number according to one of the configuration categories for testing the EUT listed in OIML R 49-2:2013, to

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Meter serial No.:__________ Orientation (V, H, other):______________

Flow direction (see Requirement 1): __ Location of indicating device (see Requirement 2):____

Nominal Actual Working Working Initial Final Total Indicated Actual Meter MPEd
flow flow pressure temperature reading reading output volume volume errorc
ratea rate pulsesb
Q( ) Vi(i) Vi(f) Tp Vi Va Ec

m3/h m3/h MPa °C m3 m3 m3 m3 % %


These flow rates shall be applied unless alternatives are specified in the type approval certificate.
Other types of output signal may be appropriate according to the design of the water meter.
Calculations for the error (of indication) are described in OIML R 49-2:2013, Annex B.
The maximum error (of indication) allowed for the measurement transducer (including flow or volume sensor) is given in the
type approval certificate.


Requirement 1: If the flow axis is vertical, the flow direction (from bottom to top or from top to
bottom) shall be given.

Requirement 2: If the flow axis is horizontal and the meter has an indicating device which is integral
with the body of the meter, the location of the indicating device (at the side or at the top of the meter)
shall be given.

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Annex A

List of documents concerning the type (OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.9)

Document reference Date Brief description

OIML R 49-3:2013 (E)

Annex B

Listing of test equipment used in examinations and tests

Calibration date Used in test No.

Parameter Instrument
Manu- Model Serial (OIML
measured or
facturer number number Last Next R 49-2:2013,
or applied equipment



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