Ds ds9934 en Co
Ds ds9934 en Co
Ds ds9934 en Co
Special features
Diaphragm seals are used for the protection of pressure The model 990.23 diaphragm seal has been developed
measuring instruments in applications with difficult media. In for use in pulp manufacture or waste-paper processing
diaphragm seal systems, the diaphragm of the diaphragm applications.
seal effects the separation of the instrument and the medium.
The pressure is transmitted to the measuring instrument Mounting of the diaphragm seal to the measuring instrument
via the system fill fluid which is inside the diaphragm seal may be made via a direct connection, for high temperatures
system. via a cooling element or via a flexible capillary. Furthermore,
versions with 90° pipe elbow and vibration damper are
For the implementation of demanding customer applications, available.
there are a wide variety of designs, materials and system fill
fluids available. For the material selection WIKA offers a variety of solutions,
in which the upper body of the diaphragm seal and the
For further technical information on diaphragm seals and wetted parts can be made of identical or different materials.
diaphragm seal systems see IN 00.06 “Application, operating The wetted parts can, as an alternative, be coated.
principle, designs”.
Connection to the measuring Axial weld-in connection Axial weld-in connection with G ½, G 1/4, 1/2 NPT or
instrument 1/4 NPT (female)
Type of mounting Direct mounting ■ 90° pipe elbow, rotatable through 180°
■ 90° pipe elbow, fixed
■ 90° pipe elbow and vibration damper, rotatable
through 180°
■ 90° pipe elbow and vibration damper, fixed
■ Capillary
■ Cooling element
Material combinations
1) The maximum permissible process temperature is limited by the joining method and by the system fill fluid.
Pressure gauge
Direct mounting
Diaphragm seal
Raised face k
(welded to diaphragm seal)
D Outer diameter of diaphragm seal
d4 Sealing face diameter
k Pitch circle diameter
Standard version
Version with 90° pipe elbow
Dimensions in mm (in)
63 (2.48) 120 (4.724)
100 (3.937) 140 (5.512)
160 (6.299) 170 (6.693)
Dimensions in mm (in)
63 (2.48) 145 (5.709)
100 (3.937) 165 (6.496)
160 (6.299) 195 (7.677)
Dimensions in mm (in)
63 (2.48) 142 (5.591)
100 (3.937) 162 (6.378)
160 (6.299) 192 (7.559)
Certificates (option)
■ 2.2 test report per EN 10204 (e.g. state-of-the-art
manufacturing, material proof, indication accuracy for
diaphragm seal systems)
■ 3.1 inspection certificate per EN 10204 (e.g. material
proof for wetted metallic parts, indication accuracy for
diaphragm seal systems)
Ordering information
Diaphragm seal:
Diaphragm seal model / Process connection (nominal pressure) / Materials (upper body, sealing face, diaphragm, sealing)
/ Level of cleanliness of wetted parts / Origin of wetted parts / Design per NACE / Connection to the measuring instrument /
Certificates / Retainer parts / Accessories
© 04/2008 WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG, all rights reserved.
The specifications given in this document represent the state of engineering at the time of publishing.
We reserve the right to make modifications to the specifications and materials.
02/2021 EN