PSI 929 16 DFPD HD en L
PSI 929 16 DFPD HD en L
PSI 929 16 DFPD HD en L
Powerful performer!
DFPD-HD is the latest addition to the quarter turn actuator range
DFPD. With torque up to 32,000 Nm, the Scotch yoke actuator is
ideal for on/off and closed-loop control of ball valves, air dampers
• Highly modular for a variety
and butterfly valves in power plants, the chemical industry and in
of applications
water treatment applications. It is the perfect choice whenever safe,
• SIL3-certified
reliable solutions are required.
• Long product service life
• Interfaces to VDI/VDE 3845
NAMUR and ISO 5211 Highly modular system Safety guaranteed – up to SIL3
With a multitude of possible The DFPD-HD is SIL3-certified.
combinations, DFPD-HD provides The mechanical or hydraulic
the perfect solution for every manual override provides
requirement. The options include additional safety along with the
three different gear unit sizes, fail-close or fail-open functions.
single-acting or double-acting
versions, configurable spring A tough performer
forces, a choice between right The strong bronze bushings and
or left direction of rotation and the coating of the DFPD-HD
mechanical or hydraulic manual ensure a long service life, even in
override. harsh, corrosive environments.
Quarter turn actuator DFPD-HD
Main functions
The DFPD-HD is suitable for The main applications of the • Treatment of drinking
controlling and regulating ball DFPD-HD are: water, industrial water and
valves, air dampers and butterfly • Controlling heating in different wastewater
valves. Its VDI/VDE 3845-compli- power station processes • Controlling flaps in chemical
ant interface enables direct • Controlling gas ventilation processes
mounting of sensor boxes or flaps
positioners. • Controlling compressed air
flaps on furnaces
The variants
Technical data
Design Scotch yoke
Mode of operation Double-acting or single-acting
Torque Up to max. 32000 Nm
Size 9000, 18000, 32000
Swivel angle 90°
End position adjustment range 0° -5° ...+5°
Connection to process valve as per standard ISO 5211
Connection for attaching solenoid valves conforms to standard VDI/VDE 3845 (NAMUR)
Operating pressure 3 ... 8.5 bar
Operating temperature -20 ... 80 °C
Cap material Carbon steel
Piston material Carbon steel
Housing material Carbon steel
PSI 929.16 en 2016/12 – Errors and omissions excepted