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Sınaq 7 + Düzgün Cavablar (9cu Sinif)

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SINAQ 7 (9-CU SİNİF) B) How a silly story it is!

1. Choose the correct variant. C) What a silly story it is!

Did you pay … money for college tuition? D) How silly story is!
A) fewer B) many C) very few E) What a silly story is it!
D) a few E) much
11. Choose the correct variant.
2. Change the sentence into Passive. The Rzayevs bought a wonderful … last Sunday.
The police officer helped us. A) furniture
A) We have been helped by the police officer. B) pieces of furniture
B) We were helped by the police officer. C) piece of furniture
C) We will be helped by the police officer. D) furnitures
D) We are helped by the police officer. E) pieces of furnitures
E) We helped by the police officer.
12. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct modal verb. -Can you play … piano?
He … to go to the bakerʹs because he needs bread. -No, but I am good at playing … chess.
A) hasn′t B) must C) has A) the, - B) a, the C) -, the
D) can E) can′t D) -, - E) the, the

4. Choose the correct conjunction. 13. Choose the correct pronoun.

… Russian … English are taught at this school. Who is … old man standing over there?
A) Both … and B) Neither … and A) those B) this C) these
C) Either … nor D) Neither … or D) that E) hers
E) Either … and
14. Choose the correct degree of the adjective.
5. Choose the correct variant. Mary is not as … as Ann.
The number of books in this library … to over 3 A) the oldest B) older C) old
million. D) elder E) the eldest
A) has risen B) have risen C) rise
D) are rising E) were rising 15. Choose the correct tense forms.
When Mr. Gray … to Manchester, he … me know.
6. Choose the correct preposition. A) will get, let B) has got, had let
Mr. Wilson came home … his car. C) gets, will let D) will get, will let
A) of B) with C) by E) got, lets
D) in E) on
16. Choose the correct variant.
7. Choose the correct form of the verb. … have you had a pet?
Who made Murad … up so early? 1. How long 2. When 3. Since when
A) get B) to get C) got 4. How long ago 5. What time
D) gets E) getting A) 2,5 B) 1,3 C) 1,4,5 D) 3,5 E) 1,2,4

8. Choose the correct variant. Read the passage and answer the questions 17-24.
… will you go to London with? 1. What do you think of when you read the word
A) Where B) Why C) How “robot”? Many people think about big machines
D) Who E) When or futuristic monsters in films. Few of us think
about the past. But people were building incredible
9. Match the words to their definitions. machines with human abilities hundreds of years
1. to melt 2. to freeze 3. to ignore ago! For example, Egyptian texts from 1100 BC
a. become or make sth become liquid mention moving statues. However, none of them
b. turn to ice because of cold exists today.
c. pay no attention 2. Another ancient robot was a big robotic arm
A) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a B) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c C) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a called “The Claw”. It was built during a war with
D) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b E) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c the Romans, and it hung over the city wall towards
the sea. When a Roman ship came close, the arm
10. Choose the correct exclamatory sentence. picked up the front of the ship and lifted it into the
A) What silly story is it! air and made it sink. Ancient Greek inventor,
Philon of Byzantium, built a female robot at about 23. Write an answer to the question according to the
the same time. If someone placed a cup in her passage by using (a) different word(s) and sentence
hand, it mixed water and wine to make a drink. structure.
But the robot wasnʹt popular because people didnʹt Why wasnʹt Philonʹs robot popular?
need robots to work as they had lots of slaves. ___________________________________________
3. The famous artist Leonardo da Vinci loved ___________________________________________
designing robots. Few of his ideas were built, but
his plans are very detailed. One modern-day robot 24. Which word from the passage has the close
engineer, Mark Rosheim, still uses them to get meaning with unbelievable?____________________
ideas when designing robots for NASA!
17. The passage is mainly about ... .
A) Ancient Robots Listen to the audio and answer the questions 25-30.
B) Futuristic Monsters 25. The listening is mainly about ... .
C) Egyptian Texts A) Doves as messengers of the kings
D) A Famous Artist B) Ways of communication in the past
E) NASAʹs Robots C) Pictures on the walls in Gobustan
D) Modern forms of communication
18. Choose the correct variant according to the E) The museums in the past
A big robotic arm “The Claw” ... . 26. Choose the correct variant according to the
1. was built by ancient inventor Philon listening.
2. was used against enemies In Gobustan people described their ... through
3. could make drinks for people pictures.
4. was built during a war with the Romans 1. daily lives 2. museum 3. cultures
A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 4. hunting 5. battles
D) 2,3 E) 3,4 A) 1,2,3 B) 3,4,5 C) 2,4,5
D) 1,4,5 E) 1,3,5
19. Choose the TRUE statement according to the
passage. 27. Which is wrong according to the listening?
A) Ancient moving statues still exist in Egypt. In the past ... .
B) L. Da Vinciʹs robot designing plans were very A) people used a fire to communicate
detailed. B) lighting one or two fires had different meaning
C) L. Da Vinci designed robots for NASA. C) people used doves to send and recieve messages
D) Philonʹs female robot was very useful invention D) a dove was a symbol of peace
for its time. E) people sent messages through paintings
E) Slaves didnʹt want people to make robots.
28. Answer the question according to the listening.
20. The underlined pronoun them in the passage What did one fire mean in the past?
refers to ... . A) There is a danger from enemy.
A) ancient films B) big machines B) An unhappy event happened.
C) Egyptian texts D) moving statues C) A happy event was celebrated.
E) female robots D) There is an invitation to wedding.
E) Someone needed your help.
21. Which word in the paragraph 2 has the following
definition “a state of armed conflict between 29. Complete the sentence according to the listening.
different countries”? Gobustan is famous for ancient pictures drawn
A) ship B) air C) war on ... and ... .
D) wine E) slave A) stones ... rocks B) paper ... bark
C) fires ... dangers D) walls ... paper
22. Complete the sentence according to the passage E) gound ... stone
by using (a) different word(s) and structure.
Robot engineer Mark Rosheim ... . 30. Write one adjective from the listening describing
___________________________________________ letters. _____________________________________
2- B
3- C
4- A
5- A
6- D
7- A
8- D
9- E
22- still uses them to get ideas when designing
robot for NASA.
-designs robots for NASA by taking ideas from Da
Vinchiʹs plans
23- because people didnʹt need robots to work
as they had lots of slaves.
- Robots were not needed by people as they had
many slaves.
24- incredible
30- important

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