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9 Cu Sinif Sinaq Modelleri 7

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Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-6.

7. Choose the correct pronouns.
1. What is the listened passage mainly about? The French are famous for their food.
A) famous historical places in London A) They, theirs B) He, they
B) London’s popular designers C) They, them D) They, it
C) one of the modern landmarks in London E) She, it
D) a fantastic view of the city
E) the competition for the best landmark in London 8. Choose the correct form of the verb.
Mrs. Smith’s son sits in front of the computer and he is never
2. Which information is not given in the passage? tired of ... with his friends.
A) At night the view over the city is even more spectacular. A) to chat B) chatted C) to chatting
B) The London Eye offers a wonderful view of the city of D) is chatting E) chatting
C) One can see lots of tourists wishing to get tickets for the 9. Choose the correct variant.
ride. ... has it been a mixed school?
D) The wheel moves so slowly that passengers can get in and 1. How long 2. When 3. Since when
out of it easily. 4. Which 5. What
E) There is a ten-minute firework show at the London Eye A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 2,5
every New Year. D) 1,5 E) 3,4

3. Choose the correct answer according to the listened 10. Choose the correct variant.
passage. We do not ... ... people.
Which of the following can be the reasons of the growing A) trust, honest
popularity of the London Eye? B) rely on, dishonest
1. its being comfortable even for old people C) trust, punctual
2. the opportunity of getting view over London D) rely on, punctual
3. the names of the architects who designed it E) rely on, honest
4. the fact that it is the tallest observation wheel in the world
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 11. Change the sentence into Passive.
D) 2,3 E) 2,4 The burglars had cut an enormous hole in the steel door.
A) An enormous hole had been cut in the steel door.
4. Complete the sentence according to the listened passage. B) An enormous hole was been cut in the steel door by the
The designers of the London Eye were … . burglars.
A) families and children C) The steel door had been cut in an enormous hole.
B) three architects D) An enormous hole was cut in the steel door.
C) husband and wife E) The steel door was cut in an enormous hole by burglars.
D) passengers
E) elderly tourists 12. Choose the correct exclamatory sentences.
1. How important this cross-cultural project is!
5. Write your answer to the question according to the listened 2. How an important cross-cultural project it is!
passage. 3. What the important cross-cultural project is it!
What can one see during New Year celebrations at the London 4. What an important cross-cultural project it is!
Eye? A) 1,4 B) 1,2 C) 2,4
A) the fires on the square D) 1,3 E) 2,3
B) more than three million people
C) different competitions 13. Choose the correct articles.
D) the famous landmark – Tower Bridge ... Mississippi is one of ... largest rivers in ... USA.
E) a ten-minute firework show A) A, the, -
B) The, the, the
6. Write one adjective which characterize the tourist C) -, -, the
attraction. D) The, a, -
E) The, -, the
14. Choose the correct degree of the adverb. 21. Choose the correct tense forms.
Mr. Brown tried to speak … than ever. Mr. Reed ... his first goal in 2000. He ... a lot of achievements
A) most slowly B) slower since then.
C) very slowly D) much slowly A) had achieved, had gained
E) more slowly B) had achieved, gained
C) has achieved, had gained
15. Choose the correct variant. D) achieved, has gained
I didn’t hear … them the truth. E) achieved, gained
A) her told B) she telling
C) them to tell D) her to tell 22. Choose the correct sentence.
E) her tell A) This men’s luggage was very heavy.
B) These mens’ luggage were very heavy.
16. Make up a sentence. C) That men’s luggage was very heavy.
1. spoken and written 2. today D) Those mens’ luggage were very heavy.
3. than 4. English E) These men’s lugagge was very heavy.
5. is more widely 6. other languages
A) 5,1,6,3,4,2
B) 2,4,5,1,3,6 Read the passage and answer questions 23-30.
C) 4,5,1,6,3,2
D) 6,5,1,3,4,2 Robert Toru Kiyosaki is a famous American businessman and
E) 5,4,1,2,3,6 the author of the 15 personal finance books. The most well-
known one is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and is claimed to be the
17. Choose the correct preposition. first personal finance book of all time. Before its great
Fred is speaking … his friend now. success, a lot of publishing houses rejected R. Kiyosaki. Only in
A) at B) in C) off 2000, after 3 years of the creation date, his future bestseller
D) between E) to appeared on the bookstore shelves.
Topics of the book are related to money, investing, finance
18. Choose the correct variant. (the activity of managing money) and economics. The main
Street animals need ... food ... shelter. idea of it is that a person who wants to become financially
A) not only ... but also independent should not work for money. Instead of it he
B) either ... nor should make money work for him. Moreover, the author
C) both ... or emphasizes that the best way to increase one’s income is to
D) neither ... or buy assets. Kiyosaki gives the following definition of this word.
E) neither ... nor Asset is an item of property owned by a person or company. It
increases in value over time. It can provide a future benefit.
19. Choose the correct modal verbs. Despite the common belief that buying assets is too risky,
Everybody ... be tolerant towards the customs of other R. Kiyosaki states that losses can be reduced or completely
cultures. avoided if a person has a strong financial education. The book
1. should “Rich Dad Poor Dad” itself is an extremely useful source of
2. hasn’t to information for broadening one’s knowledge in the financial
3. ought to field.
4. must not
5. doesn’t have to
A) 1,5 B) 3,5 C) 1,3 23. The passage is mainly about ... .
D) 2,3 E) 2,4 A) the ways of buying assets
B) financial independent people
20. Choose the correct sentences. C) financial risks
1. The wealthy never have money problems. D) avoiding losses
2. The British celebrates Poppy Day in November. E) a businessman’s finance book
3. The information offices opens at 9 o’clock.
4. The sources of the information are unknown.
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2
24. Which statements are true according to the passage?
1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is said to be the first personal finance
2. The book was a great success before it was published.
3. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is useless for business people.
4. The book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” contains topics related only
to money.
5. Asset is an item that companies can possess.
A) 2,3 B) 1,4,5 C) 3,4 D) 1,5 E) 1,2,5

25. Choose the correct variant according to the passage.

Asset ... .
A) can reduce your losses
B) cannot increase your income
C) can be profitable in future
D) can decrease in value
E) can only cause debts

26. Write the answer to the question according to the

When did Robert Kiyosaki write his book?
A) in 1997
B) in 2000
C) in 2003
D) No one knows
E) in 1995

27. Choose the correct variant according to the passage.

What does Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” deal with?
1. A person shouldn’t work for money.
2. Financial losses can’t be avoided.
3. There is a common belief that buying assets isn’t risky.
4. R. Kiyosaki notes that if a person has a good knowledge
on finance, he can minimize losses.
A) 1,2,4 B) 1,2,3 C) 1,3
D) 1,4 E) 2,3

28. Write two adjectives from the passage that characterize


29. Complete the sentence with your own words according to

the passage.
In order to ... in finance one should get acquainted with the
book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.

30. Write the word from paragraph 2 which best fits the
following definition “to give special importance to

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