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My Leadership Portfolio

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My Leadership Portfolio

My mission is "Help Vietnamese people speak English better". I am a person who loves to
learn and explore new things. I also have a great passion for language learning, especially
English. When I was in 3rd grade, I started to familiarize myself with English. But the
English program at that time at my school was really not good and the English teacher was
not really good at teaching. Most of the students in the class are not interested in English and
although they study English, the ability of most of the students is low. Personally, because I
have a little interest in English, my English ability is also a bit better than my friends, that is
in terms of grammar and vocabulary. Not even me and my friends can communicate in
English. After graduating from university, I went to the city t study. We were born and raised
in the countryside, which is still quite poor, so everything about economics and education is
not as good as in the city. I passed the university of foreign languages, I have a little
confidence that I can successfully complete the program for 4 years of university. But in the
first year of university, I was quite surprised and surprised because most of my classmates
spoke English quite well. The program is also quite difficult for me because my English
ability is still quite poor to understand the lesson. After a while of getting used to the learning
program and struggling to find solutions to improve my English ability. I looked for ways on
the internet, I started to register for English lessons at the center and I connected to an
English club in the city. The club is called Visionary English Community. At that time, I
mustered up the courage to participate in an interview and become a member of this club. I
improve my English by myself and have the opportunity to help those who do not have the
conditions to learn English to improve their ability. I feel very happy about what I bring to
people. Since then I feel like an integral part of this club. I hope the young generation of
Vietnam can speak English better and can compete with international countries.
I find myself Insight into people and situations. When I observe and interact with someone
and make judgments about them, most of my judgments are correct. Every 3 months, my
English club recruits new members. As a key member of my club, I was then an interviewer
to select like-minded and visionary friends to work for the club. After finishing the interviews
and selecting suitable members. The efforts and contributions of the selected members really
do not let us down. So our free English club is growing and helping more people who have
difficulty in English.
Besides that one thing that I want to adjust myself is calmness and sell-controlled. When
things are not good, I personally feel frustrated and angry and in those moments of anger, I
can't solve the problem properly, or even solve the problem. After each incident, I learned to
be more patient and calm to deal with the problem. I bought myself a ring and put it on my
middle finger. The word "Ring" translates into Vietnamese as "Ring", this word "Ring" also
means patience. When I wear a ring, every time I look at it, I remind myself that I need to be
more calm and more patient in every situation.
I think of myself as charismatic. I'm a pretty friendly person, always smiling at everyone
around me. Ever since I was a kid, I've been in the habit of saying hello, even if it's someone
I've never met. I greet people I have never met with a gesture, a head because at that time
people looked at me with sympathetic eyes and people smiled at me. I am often loved and
supported by my friends. Studying and public affairs, I have always been a hard-working,
serious person. Previously, I was the leader of an English learning group at an English center,
I always tried to study and got certain results. I am always enthusiastic to help my teammates
and encourage them to progress together. Although these are just small things, the thanks and
compliments from my friends make me very happy.
As we are currently facing final exams, there are a lot of group tasks and reports to complete.
I have to schedule the time and consider completing the exercises on time and with good
results. In the entrepreneurship course, the teacher introduces 2 startup products and the task
of each group is to find similar products in our country, and how they are applied in our
country. I suggest that each team member find similar products available in his or her own
country first, then discuss and make a final choice. But after the discussion, no similar
products were offered, resulting in the silence of the group. I have actively urged the
members to try to search with keywords that I give teeth more effectively. And then the
members tried to find more information and we finally solved the problem.
When the covid 19 pandemic hit, many people lost their jobs. I was fortunate to take on a
small job for an information technology company. Our mission is to use software to draw
maps for an autonomous vehicle project in Japan. This job requires a good understanding of
how to draw a map and is easy to make mistakes. The manager then based on the number of
mistakes to deduct our salary. But people make mistakes not because people lack knowledge
but partly because some people are lucky to get easy maps, and some people get difficult
maps, so more mistakes are inevitable. . At that time, many employees were upset and upset
about the salary they received each month. If I were a Manager I would follow democratic
leadership. I will collect all employees' opinions to come up with the most appropriate salary
calculation so that no one has to suffer.
I have a memorable experience with my ethical behavior. Everyone knows that this is a
sensitive period for the covid-19 pandemic, an outbreak with an increasing number of
infections. After a period of time when the pandemic peaked, people were gradually getting
used to dealing with covid-19. When family or people living in the same place are infected,
people have neglected to report the case to the authorities and implement isolation. Because
at that time the government could not control everyone. Unfortunately at that time, I felt bad
in my body. Because I was afraid of affecting my roommate, I tested myself for covid and
went for a medical examination. When I found out that I was positive, I informed the
dormitory manager and went to self-quarantine elsewhere. Although I was infected with
Covid, my body was very weak, my body was exhausted, and I had to move my things to
another room to isolate myself. I was strong enough to overcome the disease on my own,
fortunately, I did not infect anyone.
A few months ago, there was an exhibition for international students, especially Vietnamese
students. It is an exhibition introducing Vietnamese culture in Chiayi Taiwan because there is
a separate museum displaying the historical and cultural products of the Vietnamese people.
My friends and I represented the school attending this exhibition. We were invited to
participate in a small interview entirely in Chinese, and I was the representative to answer
(because my Chinese is better than you guys and I am more confident, while my friends are
afraid). After the lunch break, the exhibition's directorate came to see my group and wanted
to find a translator for the upcoming activities. I was also quite worried at the time that I
couldn't do it, but thinking for a moment I gave myself a chance. I accepted the offer for that
In leadership courses, the teacher always divides the class into several groups. When the
teacher organizes a game to answer the question, the group that raises their hand the fastest
will be given the right to answer the question first, if the answer is wrong, the teacher will not
deduct points. My tactic is trying to raise my hand as quickly as possible and reserve the right
to answer, not afraid of giving the wrong answer, while the other groups think carefully
before raising their hands for the right to answer. At that time, my group also took turns
giving the correct and fastest answers and won the highest score.
When I studied at NFU, every group of international students had a leader. I don't know how
it is in other countries if you guys in the country get along and cooperate to help each other,
but I don't see that in my group. Every time there are meetings, many individuals argue, and
fight together, while others are silent, not commenting even a single sentence. Leaders are
often helpless, and unable to solve problems. Many times I also wanted to ignore it, not to
care, but in the end, I spoke up. I want everyone to calm down and listen to each other more,
everyone should take turns giving their opinions, have the right to defend their opinions but
have to give reasonable reasons, talk softly, and not fight. Anyone who fights or has no
opinion will be fined 50NTD. Moreover, we come from the same country, we are close
friends with each other, and whatever difficulties are encountered, we must help each other.
We are Family. Then everyone understood the problem and agreed to do as I said. As a result,
group discussions are more productive, people argue less, and have more fun with each other.
I used to be a leader of a team of tour guides for international tourists by motorbike. Once, I
assigned each member to prepare a guide about a tourist destination. After 3 days, most
people presented their tutorial very well, there was a member who gave a very sketchy and
faltering presentation. I didn't show any displeasure towards her, I thanked everyone for their
efforts over the past time. The next day, I asked her to meet privately and gently ask about the
problem she was having. She said she was not really confident about her English ability. I
then sympathized and encouraged her to try to improve her English. My team members and I
took the initiative to organize 2 more English communication sessions together. As a result,
the whole team is happy and helps each other improve their English and other skills.
When I was in college, I lived in a dormitory. The dormitory does not allow us to cook, so we
cannot use appliances such as gas stoves and electric stoves. But as a student, I have to cook
to save money. I bought an electric cooker for cooking and kept it hidden when the manager
came to check on me. Normally this electric cooker is only used to cook white rice, but I have
used it to cook many different dishes, which saves me money.
I used to be very nervous and thought that I could not come in contact with Muslims. Because
in Vietnam, there has been a lot of bad information about this religion. When I went to
Taiwan to study abroad, I had the opportunity to meet and interact with many friends from
different countries. There are quite a few Muslim friends here. You guys have helped and
supported me a lot in life and study. We have formed a small group of international students
including Vietnamese, Indonesians, and Pakistanis. Anyone having problems can message
the group, and all help each other. I realized that except for some food from each country that
we might not be able to eat, we don't have any cultural distance. I am so grateful and happy
that you have become a part of my youth.
My friends said that when I study abroad, I have to spend time and money traveling. A lot of
them spent time earning money, although the stipend from school they receive is still very
high. Some people do manual labor until late at night, working hard to save money to travel.
Beauty and health and spirit go down. Their studies are not good. I myself live in a frugal
way, I also work part-time to make ends meet, but do it in moderation. I think studying is a
priority. About traveling I will go to a few typical places, or when I finish my studies well,
earn more money and I will travel.
Last month we had a school fair, that day students from each country prepared some
traditional food to sell. The Vietnamese leader at that time had to get close to the school fair
day before assigning tasks to the group members. He did not consult with his seniors for
better assignments and preparation. As a result, some of you get a lot of work, some take a
little. I was in charge of being the leader of a decor team, with my assignment, my team
completed the task very well. But there are some friends who are not on my team who
expressed their dissatisfaction, and felt unfair after the school fair because it was too hard.
The experience is to consult with the forerunner to prepare a plan to assign tasks, to avoid
unfair division and embarrassment when performing work.

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