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Unit 4 Survey Results

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Survey Results

1. What was most important to you when choosing your institution and why?
Convenience so I could balance a job and parenting with school.
Hands on, schedule flexibility, close to home
The institution I chose had to be accredited, offer the program and rigor that was
acceptable as well as offering an online degree without it being from an online only
school such as University of Phoenix.
A fit into my schedule.
Small class sizes, still close enough to home, nice campus, communications major
The most important thing to me when choosing my school was my horses. I had to be
either close to my horses or a school that had a riding team so I could take them with
me and still ride and compete.
Distance from home, cost of tuition, and program offerings. I wanted to be on my own
and I also did not want to have a ton of student loans when I graduated.
I worked at my school so I did not have to choose between schools
There were a lot of factors that went into the decision but ultimately the most
important factor was which school offered the most attractive financial aid/scholarship

Schedule: 1,2,3


2. Which student service do you feel was most valuable to you in your undergraduate
education and why?
The math lab,
didnt use
counseling center
writing center
study abroad
none/ n/a: 1,2,3
tutoring/writing center: 1,2,3
admissions: 1,2
study abroad: 1
counseling center: 1
3. Do you feel your student orientation served the purpose of preparing you for your
college experience? If yes please explain what was the most important topic discussed.
If no, what could have been covered that was not?
I didnt have an orientation.
No, I was sold a big lie
Yes, for an online student the tutorial for the LMS as well as APA requirements as I
didnt have any experience with that.
No. I wasn't a traditional student. I didnt have an orientation as students do now, I had
an english class that was used to orient the new students.
I felt like my new student orientation should have been a little bit more in depth, as well
as requiring more of a consistent connection to support services throughout the whole
first year.
No, most of my orientation was a bunch of ice breakers and fun games nothing really
prepared me for what my college experience would be.
No they could have been more hands on and involved in the freshmen, beyond the first
I do not think that orientation prepared me for being a student. This event introduced me to
the campus and helped break the ice with fellow new students.
No I do not think it helped at all and needed a lot of work to make the student have an
Absolutely. It was a week long and took place prior to the rest of students coming to
campus, which was one aspect that I really liked because it gave us the opportunity to
familliarize ourselves with the campus without feeling like we were in anyones way. It
was less intimidating. During this time they taught us about all of the resources
available to us, particularly the DARS. The DARS or Degree Audit Report System was
a tool that allowed us to evaluate what was required for graduation in your current
degree program or what would be required if you chose to tweak your
porgram/major/minor etc. It was this tool that allowed me to graduate early with little
to no assistance from my advisor.

Yes: 1,2
In between:1
No: 1,2,3,4,5
Dint have an orientation: 1,2
Themes: Didnt like silly icebreakers, only introduced to college, not what it will be like as a student

4. Please describe your living arrangement during your time as an undergraduate student.
At home with my family
I had a family, I lived at home
Married with children!
I lived at home
I lived on campus for 2 years then commuted for the last 2 years.
I lived on campus my first two years then commuted my last two years.
Campus resident
I lived on campus.
My first and final years I lived on main campus in the dorms. My middle year, I lived in
the international dorm with all of the students who were studying abroad at AU. The
remaining semester I studied abroad for a semester, where I lived in an apartment that
was provided by the university with 1 roommate and 3 other flat mates. It was the only
student apartment in the building or even in the neighborhood. University owned
apartments were scattered all over the city

Home with family: 4

Campus: 2
On/Off campus mix: 3
5. Were you assigned an academic advisor in your undergraduate work? If so please
describe your relationship. If no, do you believe you could have benefited from that
I had quite a few. None stayed around long or were particularly helpful.
I did have one no relationship at all. He was no help
Yes, there seemed to be a lot of turnover and I had at least 5 different academic advisors
during my undergrad so I never got to develop a relationship with any. I would have
liked more direction with the sequence of the classes that I was taking.
No. Possibly. but time was a factor.
Yes. I always had to make an appointment with her and I felt more like a number than
an individual when I met with her. I think if I felt like she cared more I would have
taken things a little more seriously.
Yes I had an advisor my first year because I was undecided, then when I declared my
major I was given and advisor within my program and she was the best. She told it like
it was and pushed me to make sure I passed my classes and get to graduation.
I was in the beginning then after the first semester I was on my own. We met twice
throughout the whole semester
Yes, however their case load was so large that I did not meet with them as often as I should
Yes, we became very close and still talk to this day.
I had a terrible advisor. She was new my freshman year and didnt know anything about
my field. We had to meet once a semester in order to clear me to register myself for
classes. Each time I would have to remind her of my name, major and the fact that I was
trying to graduate early. I would come prepared with the classes I wanted to take, she
would agree that they met the requirements (which I already knew because of the
DARS) and then I would leave. She forgot to inform me that I needed to get an advisor
in my major until I applied for graduation and the form required that advisors

Good Experience: 1,2

Bad Experience:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Didnt Have One: 1

Turnover: 1,2,
Caseload: 1,2
6. Were you involved in student activities during your undergraduate years (such as
student government, residence life, clubs, organizations)? If so do you believe it was
beneficial to your character development and how? If no please explain why not.
No. I completed my undergraduate degree online.
They did not have any types of clubs or anything, I had horrible experience
No, as an online student these are not offered.
No not in my undergraduate.
No. I was working and taking classes and couldnt take anything else on at the time.
Yes I was involved Greek life and this organization made me break out of my shell and
become more open and less shy.
No I wasnt, they never seeked me out so I didnt seek them out.
Yes, I was in a sorority. This helped to build my resume and create networking groups for the
Just 5ks and fundraisers. Help me network a little and communicate with traditional students.
I participated in the work-study program and interned at the Smithsonian Institute and
Smithsonian American Art Museum. I was a member of the AU Gospel Choir and I was
a peer tutor. All of these were beneficial to my development. The work-study program
and my internships gave me invaluable professional experience. The Gospel Choir
helped me to find my voice and overcome my shyness. And the tutoring looks great on a
resume and helped to prepare me to relate to many of my students in my current
No: 6
Yes: 4
Greek Life: 2
Fundraisers: 1
Multiple: 1
Themes: Online students are more apt to say no. People who were involved said
it build character, helped to develop interpersonal skills, build resume and

7. What is the most important lesson you take away from your college experience? What
did you learn that benefits you in your life today?
I am not sure yet. So far I have not benefitted from my undergrad degree except that it
allows me to pursue my grad degree
I should have done my research, I was sold a lie. After I graduated and ended up getting
another bachelors at another college,
While focusing on schoolwork, one must have disciplined time management especially
with a family.
Get help early in the class, when you are struggling with class work.
I learned to have a bigger world view. I had a womens study class that really changed
my way of thinking and opened my eyes to peoples lives other than what is around me.
I took away that dont let anyone judge you, college is about finding yourself and if you
get lost its ok everyone will find their way back on the right path their own way.
There is no shame in asking for help, when you need help.
Always work hard and try not to get discouraged. If you remain positive, it will all work out.
I feel that I finally figured out what I wanted to do in life and whatever you put your
mind to you can do it and dont let anyone stop you.
The most important lesson I took away from my college experience was that if you fully
commit to something you can accomplish feats you never thought possible. That has
certainly benefited my life but other skills I learned were how to conduct scholarly
research and write something truly compelling. I learned to act in the face of
overwhelming fear and stress. I learned how to get out of my own head and let loose as
well as how to manage my time effectively.

No Pattern At All
Pursue my grad degree
Should have done more research
Time Management
Have a bigger world view
Dont let anyone judge you
Stay positive
Figured out what I want to do in life
Can accomplish things you never dreamed of.

2 answers: Get help when needed

8. Did you take any time away from school during your undergraduate years? If so, why
did you choose to leave school? If not, what student service do you believe was most
impactful in assisting you to graduate?
Wow, ok....So I went to college right after high school and did not fare well due to being
overwhelmed in unknown territory. I returned 7 years later for my associates degree
because I felt that college was the only way to get a decent job....still trying to prove
that to be correct. 9 years later I returned to complete my undergrad at Post.
I did not, I actually liked school and wanted to get more education.
Yes, I took 4 years away for family obligations.
No. None. I set a goal and remained focus to complete it.
No, I grew to hate college more and more as the years went on so my motivation was
simply based on the fact that I couldnt finish my degree fast enough to get out of
No I did not I finished in 4 years.
I took off a couple of years because I felt lost and didnt know which direction I wanted
to go in.
No, my dad passed away and I had considered it but I am glad that I did not take the time off.
yes had personal issues
I did not. I would not give credit to any student service really; it was intrinsic
motivation and a solid family support system that assisted me most in graduating.
No: 6
Yes: 4
Wasnt ready
Felt lost
9. Looking back at your undergraduate years, what is one student service you wish that
you had taken advantage of? What prevented you from using it at the time? And how
do you think your experience would have been different had you utilized this service?
None really.
If they had any, I would have taken advantage of all of them
Since I was an online student these were not available but if I could have, I would have
liked to be part of student government as I think having a more experienced member of
the campus (albeit online) could help get the voice of the student heard.
I wish I was part of a womens study club or a human rights club. I felt like it would
have been a great impact on my life. I didnt at the time because I felt overwhelmed with
school and work.
I wish I took advantage of career services and got into internships and different
experiences like study abroad and such. I guess I really didnt care about these options
during my time in college. I think if I took advantage of this I would have had a
different view of college and may have took it a little more seriously earlier on.
Greek sororities, at the time no African American International one were offered on
I wish I had utilized the math tutoring services. I was shy and did not feel comfortable going to
this office and asking for help.
Career Services because I think it would have helped me more in the future
Career Services, for sure. Im not sure why I didnt use it, I guess I didnt think they
would be able to help me find work in another state and I was moving back home? I
wasnt as informed about it as I should have been, another thing I blame my advisor for.
Perhaps if I had utilized their services I would actually be working in the field that I got
my degree in, then again I graduated mid-recession so maybe not but I suppose well
never know.
Career Services: 3
None: 3
Student Government
Womens Club

10. What impact did your peers have on your student experience?
None really.
Well my family not peers influence me. My two kids were my motivation
I really benefit and learn so much from my peers on the discussion boards. Their
experience and responses vary so it provides different views.
We interacted a lot since the majority of us had the same major, and the same classes
and the same professors. we ate together, took breaks/lunch mostly together.
When I was living on campus, I felt like it wasnt a great structure for me because I felt
like I was always hanging out and not really in an adult situation. I did like my
roommates and had great experience with them, without them I wouldnt have made it
as long as I did living on campus.
I had a lot of different groups of friends I felt in the beginning it led me on a bad path of
partying and drugs and not caring but then Greek life pulled myself together and got
me serious and who I am today.
My peers were horrible, they were always distracting me and
My peers supported me and we worked together to encourage each to do well.
A great impact especially taking classes online that is who you communicate with 99% of the
My peers were a key component of my college experience. The caliber of students at AU
really affected the quality of education and my overall experience because they were
actively engaged in both the community and their academics. At the time, AU was the
most politically active university in the country and that passion was present in every
student. They held their peers and professors accountable for their education. They
challenged your mind and commitment to service and forced you to rise to their level of
excellence, which allowed for true growth and development. It was inspiring and I have
not experienced anything quite like it since.

Positive: 5
Mixed: 2
Bad: 1
NA: 2
Themes: Encourage each other to do better, distraction, juvenile behavior

Online learners are less likely to get involved with student services.
Questions 2,6, 9
When asked about the quality of student services, the answers came back predominantly negative
Questions 3 and 5
The majority of students are not involved in student clubs/activities. The majority of students also
regrets not utilizing student services to their advantage
Questions 6, 9
Non-traditional students not involved. They tend to be online learners
Jessica No involvement cited online as reason - admissions
Carla No involvement not offered - NA
Carlos No involvement were not available - tutoring
Joyce No involvement no reason math lab

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