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The key takeaways are about the importance of family support for students' success and highlighting qualities of an exemplary student.

The main topic of the speech is to introduce and praise an exemplary student for his academic achievements and character.

Some tips for creating a home video include editing video, choosing appropriate file formats, authoring with menus and chapters, and testing before burning to disc.

Nuevs Ecija University of Science and Technology

Sumacab Este, Cabanatuan City

College of Management Business Administration


Prepared to: Walter Salva

Prepared by: Joanna May S. Tique

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you the Student of the Year! He is a 6th grade
student. I am very glad to have such student in my class. First of all, my special thanks to the
family of this student. I want to pay tribute to these people, because the play outstanding part in
the life of my student. There is no secret in the fact that favorable environment is essential in the
formation of the excellence in students. When a student has support at home, when his family
loves and cares for him, there is already fifty percent of success for a student. In the most
difficult times of our lives we turn to our family. If it helps, we renovate our strengths and go
further. In my class I see that families of all students do their best to help their children, but the
family of this student is particularly concerned about his academic success. They try to create the
friendly and favorable atmosphere which is the most helpful for studying. I think that they can
already deliver lectures about how to create favorable environment for student academic success.
These lectures would be useful for many parents.

As I have already mentioned, about fifty percent of academic success of the student are due to
the proper support of the family. But what about the rest? Certainly, this is the most important
part of the student success. About fifty percent of the success belongs completely to the student. I
can tell you, that this student has a great potential. He is very strong in his moral values and his
will is strong as well. I have that happy chance to watch his studying: while he is reading a book
or is working over some project. There is a satisfaction shining inside of him. He obtains a great
pleasure from studying. He is responsible, and this feature will be of essential importance for
him in future. He can serve as an example to many adults who are not always as responsible as
this student. This student demonstrates essential academic success and can be awarded with the
Student of the Year due to his “professional” (meaning studying) and personal qualities.

He is caring, demonstrates friendly attitudes to other students and always strives to help others.
This is a sign of the outstanding person. He has friendly relationships with his peers and respects
elder people. Various people in his surroundings characterize this student as very pleasant, caring
and attentive person. As a teacher I can emphasize character features which are especially
important for studying: his strength of will and diligence. He always tries hard, works a lot and
never gives up. He is really strong individuality. Such students are the dream of any teacher.
Aristotle stated, “we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit”. I
completely agree with this saying and emphasize that this student is habitually excellent. He does
not strive for recognition; he focuses on the real and true values and contributions he can make.
He is a citizen and I am sure he will benefit our society with his qualities and achievements.

I am honored to have such wonderful student in my class. I am sure he will serve as positive
example to his classmates. His strength, aspirations, and enthusiasm will benefit his future
studying and career. I am grateful to the family which has raised such outstanding student. To
conclude, I want to mention the words of famous scientist Albert Einstein, who said, “Try not to
become a man of success but a man of value”. It does not matter what is your position in the
society and how many regalia do you have. The most important is to be someone who brings
quality to society, who contributes his efforts, skills and knowledge to improve one’s life and the
lives of other people. I am sure this student will strive for bringing true value and that’s why I
believe he is worthy of the award the Student of the Year.


Depression is a psychological state that is hard to cure, hard to live with, and hard to endure. A
depressed person lives in a nightmarish world, darkened by pessimism and dulled by
unwillingness to act. This devastating and destructive state has a negative impact on the
individual. It drains energy, evaporates optimism and enthusiasm, and paralyzes hope. It distorts
the world and substantially reduces the pleasure of living. It may lead to repetitive suicidal
thoughts that can end in self-destruction. I have consulted psychological literature to give you
some tips how develop a step-by-step program to overcome depression.

People suffer from depression for many reasons. They become depressed when all they do seems
to become a failure. They get worried about their inability to realize their plans. They get shelled
in loneliness. They get nervous and easily irritated. They find their lives unstable and hopeless.
They lack safety and become vulnerable to outside influences. Depression is a hazardous state,
especially when you allow it to invade your body and mind. As soon as you realize that
something is wrong with your state of mind, turn to help without hesitation.

Now, I will give you some anti-depression tips. First of all, stay focused on what you are doing.
Start with a small goal and fulfill it: go to a shop, take a short walk, or make a telephone call.
Just start taking action and stick to doing it. Second, develop supportive relationship, turning to
people who love you and whom you love. Refrain from retreating into yourself, sharing a meal,
emailing, accompanying your friend to the movies, confide in a counselor or clergy member.
Third, get interested in your own life. For this, have eight hours of sleep, practice relaxation
techniques, and go easy on yourself. Why not to practice yoga or tai chi? Why not to introduce a
meditative element to your life? Fourth, get regular exercise. Fifth, eat healthy food. Sixth, avoid
negative thinking and negative emotions. Finally, ask for help if you cannot overcome your
depression without outside aid.

Now, you must embark on the road to depression recovery. Remember: action is the best anti-
depressant for you. Look at the world from a new perspective: integrate into it on equal terms.
Life is given only once, and you have no time to waste it. Not a single moment to spare! As soon
as the world starts changing, you will keep a stronger touch with it. You will realize that inward
problems are mainly our own creations, our own illusions, our own misunderstandings. Share
your doubts with the world, and you be understood in return. It is easiest to shut your heart and
pretend that loneliness is desirable. A white lie! Out of depression – to communicate with people
– to establish relationships – and depression will quietly go away! I do not think it will be
welcomed again!

Dear students, where are you going to be in five years? What will you be doing from 9 till 6
every day? In what sphere will you work? In other words, what are your career objectives? Some
of you must be thinking that the third year of studies is yet too early to ask such questions. Let
me assure you that it is high time to decide upon this issue.

In fact, as my 7 year-long experience as HR-manager shows, there are only two alternatives.
Either you think about your career beforehand – now! – or you graduate in two years with an
empty track record, and cling to the very first job available with the highest salary. “Not bad at
all”, some of you might think. Still, believe me that you will soon get bored, for money is not the
sense of life. When you hate what you do every day for eight hours, when you go to work only to
receive your monthly salary – your life is not complete to say the least. I like the quotation by
Elizabeth Kubler Ross who said that “people are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and
shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if
there is a light from within” (3). The source of this inner light is love for everything that
surrounds you – your family in the first place, but also your work! It should give you delight,
ensure your professional and personal growth and provide you with a sense of achievement and
importance of what you do. Trust my experience: such people rarely get bored with their work in
the course of years and are much happier than disillusioned money-earners.

The most difficult thing here is to find the right kind of job. Every person is unique and is best
suited to a particular sphere or position. You will never know which exactly is perfect for you
until you try. In two years you will graduate the Linguistic department. Where will you go when
the diploma is in your pocket? The earlier you start searching, the sooner you will know the
answer. Some of you will pursue the direct specialization and work as translators, interpreters or
language teachers. Others will plunge into a neighboring sphere and will carve out a career in the
tourist business, management etc. Whatever sphere you choose, it should be your cup of tea, not
just means to earn your living or beguile eight hours of your day. I call upon you to assume an
active attitude to you career, and investigate the possible fields of interest right now, while you
still have time to be mistaken and opportunity to work part-time. Two years is the term long
enough to understand what you actually expect from your job and find at least the direction of
your path. You will know the practical advantages of a definite job – and its drawbacks as well.
The more you do now, the less confusion you’ll feel when the university door is flung open and
you are welcome to go – but where? Even small working experience will help you to answer this
question and find your true self by becoming a skilled professional.
According to my deepest conviction, happy person is the person who always brings his own
sunshine, wherever he goes and whatever the weather (3). Hope to see these sparks in you in two
years by the time of your graduation. Thank you.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: members of university administration and faculty, scholarship
donors and recipients, families! It is a great pleasure for me to greet you here today. First of all,
let me introduce myself. Some of you already know me; some of you can only imagine who this
person is. Well, I used to be a student. I graduated from this university ten years ago. I succeeded
in my academic years, and I was a recipient of a scholarship. Those days I was like a duck to
water within the walls of my alma mater. Today, I feel a little bit like a bull in a china shop, but I
hope you’ll understand my excitement.

Tonight is a special evening for me. Tonight I want to express my deepest gratitude to this
university which made me the person I am now. Though like any person I would like to believe
that I am special and gifted by myself, I cannot underestimate the role of the university in my
formation as individuality. It is here that I understood the value of academic success and the
importance of one’s skills development. The university years were an essential part of my life:
they taught me to be a social and sociable individual who can speak the same language with
different people. I found a lot of friends, and we continue to support relations even a decade after
graduation. Communicating with them, I see that my success in life is not accidental – the
majority of my friends have also succeeded. I’m inclined to think of the common denominator
such as university which faceted us like diamonds (without false modesty). I think that
independency today play an outstanding role in the life of any person. We all want to
demonstrate our independency and freedom. We want others to honor us and we want to be
honored for our own achievements. However, university plays an outstanding role in the
formation of a personality. Even self-made people cannot reject the importance of their
university days and their influence on their lives. As for me, I came here as a freshman more than
ten years ago and like the majority of freshmen I was full of ideas, aspirations and…fear. I
wanted to contribute my talents and gifts to the academic community. I wanted to become the
part of this friendly and favorable environment. Certainly, it was not so easy, and I had to apply
certain strategies for my integration into this community. But the presence of clear mind, proper
qualities and university faculty allowed me to do so. I succeeded; I received the scholarship
while attending the university. It was my merit as well as the merit of my academic advisor and
the merit of the university, because I wouldn’t be so successful in the absence of that special

After graduation, I became a scholarship donor. And here is my appeal to you, today’s
scholarship recipients and future scholarship donors: be open and responsive. Be team players!
Remember that you should participate in the lives of other people, because your help may
become crucial for the success of another person. This is like a relay race – you should pass the
baton, and then your team will win. Otherwise, you will be standing alone in the center of the
playing field with that baton. Will it be beneficial for you? Will you feel yourself a winner? I
really doubt it. So, pass the baton after your graduation, that is, let others feel that excitement
like you do now. Be responsive and open: we all live in the world, where all resources go round.
You can’t just accumulate them for yourself; you should share them with others. The more you
give, the more you receive. I want to assure you that this proverb is completely true. Though I
was very happy and proud of myself when I received the scholarship, I cannot express my pride
and happiness today, when I am a donor of scholarship. This feeling is much deeper because it
gives me the understanding of my role in the society I live in. I feel that I am important and my
contribution is essential. Don’t get me wrong: there is no self-admiration in my message. I just
want you to understand the underlying benefits of scholarship donor system. You are going to
graduate from the university and enter the life as it is soon. I want warn you, that you’ll face a lot
of challenges and obstacles on your life way. It is only your inner power, will and real skills that
can help you to get out of those troubles brilliantly.

I remember my gratitude to my scholarship donors whom I saw as successful and responsible

people. Despite their social status they were open and responsive. They saw their duty in giving
and sharing, because they also obtained their scholarships in due time. They received the same
attitude from their donors etc. So, you see, this process is everlasting. I want to tell you one story
that I’ve heard from one of the donors of past years. I hope that you’ll find it useful. Maybe,
sometime later you’ll have that happy chance to stand in front of students and you’ll consider it
reasonable and appropriate to tell this story. It could happen to anyone. Moreover, it can happen
to you. So, listen carefully and think. He is an honorable person working for an IT company. He
told that in the beginning of the career he faced the issue of a moral nature. In short, his future
position in the company depended on the personal information he possessed about his superior
officer. He could share this information with the decision-maker, and then this position almost
undoubtedly would be his. However, he always remembered the precept of his university tutor:
“The third party is always watching”. Each person imagines one’s own “third party”. For some
of us, it is God, for others their families or friends. There is common word for this third party –
one’s conscience. So, my acquaintance did not use that dubious chance. He was advanced later,
but he secured his reputation, good name and good relations with his senior officer. Just like I
have already mentioned, only you decide what your life will be like. Will it be constant fight or
reasonable compromise with people and yourself – it’s up to you to decide.

Also, I suggest you value each day of your university experience. My grandma used to tell me
that in advanced age I would have the wisdom but it can turn out that I lack strength. Of course, I
hope that she would turn out to be wrong. And I wish you to find that balance of wit and strength
in your university years. I advise you to work on the edge of your capabilities. You’ll find that it
is not as difficult as it may seem but the result of such work cannot be compared to anything else.
Besides, you would know that nothing more could be done and you made your best. This is the
recipe of the best education – to do your best. You study in the wonderful university which
provides you with the great educational base. Use it and value it! You’ve been recognized as the
best students, because you are awarded with the scholarship. But even this is not enough to be
best. Today you are students, tomorrow you’ll become employees. You have to bring your
principles into your life, no matter who you will be in future and what you r life will be like. But
remember your university, those people who contributed to your education and be grateful. Life
is neither short nor long. It can be measured by your experience, memory and cooperation with
other people. It is either deep and full of sense, or routine and senseless. Only you decide what
you would do of it. As for me, I can state I am glad that I entered this university in due time; that
I developed my skills and gained new knowledge here in due time; and that I learned how
important is the recognition from others such as scholarship. It can raise your self-confidence
enormously, but you should not forget where did you come from, I mean university. I appreciate
deeply and sincerely the opportunities my university gave to me. I’ve used them and succeeded.
You are special students. You feel pride and inspiration. Keep that feeling of recognition! It is
wonderful and worth of remembering. Strive for even better feeling – the feeling of sharing.
Future generations of students will wait for your support just like you have waited for mine.
Remember: the more you give, the more you receive. I wish you to be successful and remember
your university which gave you a start in life!

Wedding ceremony is justly considered to be one of the most important and thrilling events in
human life. Even taken apart from its profound religious background, a wedding symbolizes the
unification of two loving people and their families. Therefore, solemn words and vows
proclaimed by the participants of a wedding reception convey a distinct message of respect and

Nowadays, a wedding reception is a well-structured ceremony, which historically contains

greeting and blessing of a newly married couple and reciprocal expressions of gratitude in the
form of wedding speeches. Traditionally, there are three generally accepted types of wedding
speeches: father of the bride’s speech, the bridegroom’s speech and finally the best man’s
speech. In fact, no other speeches are obligatory, but nowadays there are no dogmatic regulation
in any sphere of human activities and wedding ceremony becomes increasingly liberal and
includes numerous “irregular” activities. As a result, new wedding speakers emerge and new
approaches to designing a wedding speech are created under the influence of star weddings,
films… and speech samples posted on popular wedding web pages. However, innovative
wedding genres inevitably relate to the traditional “speaking triad” and to this reason they are
based upon the same etiquette and conventions as the old ones.

I am extremely honored to have been selected the mayor of Catsville and to accept the
responsibilities that your trust has entitled me to. I am boundlessly grateful to the votes of 66%
of the townsfolk who thus empowered me to make the daily life of Catsville better, and I can
hardly keep in my impatience to start it. I guess I’ll have to wait at least until the end of the
inauguration ceremony to start.

Our town requires a lot of improvements. As mentioned in the election campaign, I will direct
the attention of the town authorities to the problem of our roads, especially the roads to the new
southeastern districts of the city (New Hampshire, Pemberley). I used to be at the head of the
building corporation “MBuild” that specialized in multistorey housing, and I know at first-hand
of the poor state of the highways and roads in the location. As a mayor I will do my best to deal
with this problem. According to the four-step plan, in three years the south-easterners will have
newly-repaired and asphalted roads at their disposal. My second concern will be ensuring the
simplification of the credit issue to the young families for house-building. Finally, I also plan to
minimize and eradicate red tape in the activities of private entrepreneurs and small companies.

Thank you again for your trust in me and my team. Before the symbolical act of handing over the
keys from Catsville to me I thought much about the long way we have overcome to be here
today. For four years I represented the interests of the Pemberley community at the Catsville
town council, until I understood that the difficulties were to be overcome from the top, and only
the mayor could attempt to change the situation radically. I am grateful to my supporters for their
belief in me that empowered me to be here today and accept the keys from Catsville some ten
minutes ago.

Let me assure you that in my activities I will be guarded by no other principles than those of the
Bible and the Constitution. As far as I can remember in Ancient China the candidates to the post
in the town administration were to pass an examination in aesthetics and display their love and
understanding of art. Only then could they become high-officials. Well, times have changed, but
the humanity has hardly been altered – neither have the universal principles of humanism and
morality. In my work as a mayor I pledge to adhere to the Bible and the Constitution, to
implement and develop the ideal of freedom to ensure adequate life for townspeople irrespective
of their economic, political or social status.
Hello everybody, let me grab a handful of minutes of your attention and congratulate our
birthday girl, Natalie, on her 26th birthday, and wish her a couple of things. Well, to be frank, I
am very glad to be here today and to see her celebrate her birthday surrounded by friends and
close people.

I have known Natalie since our freshman times in Glasgow University and it is a pleasure for me
to note that she hasn’t changed a bit in five years, and is still a cheerful energizer of all our
student (now graduate) parties and the soul of the company – I always wondered how she
contrived to find time for everything, and always came with her home assignment ready even
after our student carousals late into the night. Besides the evident advantage of having her
homework always done, Natalie has always been – and is – a good mixer ready to listen to a
problem and offer some advice. Not less outstanding were her academic merits, as this June she
graduated with honors, and now works for one of the renowned PR-agencies.

But first and foremost, Natalie is an amazing person, and on her birthday I’d like to wish her
simple human happiness. I wish her harmony that comes when all the components of life are
balanced: when daily work brings delight and in the evening you hurry back home to be with
your family. I wish Natalie inner comfort when you know that somewhere near, at the distance of
a phone call, there are old friends who care about you and if you feel blue, they will always come
to your place with beer and chips to disperse your problems with a hearty laugh and recollections
of turbulent student days. I wish her a year full of pleasant little trifles and joys that give one
strength to make great achievements and reach one’s goals.

May Natalie’s most cherished dreams come true, as we stand up and raise our glasses for her
birthday and happiness.

Welcome, everyone, to this very special occasion.

And a bitter-sweet occasion it is to us.

It’s very sad to be saying goodbye to Mrs. Jane Smith who is closing twenty years of military

In 1995, she was one of 1,200 American women deployed to Haiti for peacekeeping duties. She
successfully fulfilled her mission. For twenty years, she has had the privilege of serving our great
nation with duty, honor, courage, commitment, vision, tenacity, and spirit that all of us, her male
and female colleagues, value so much. She has served our country with distinction. She pursued
the career and lifestyle of the military, making them the main meaning in her life.

As you know, the official history of American women in the military began over a century ago.
In the late 1980s, when Jane began her military career, the percentage of women in the military
was quite small, especially in the navy. In many ways, women who wanted to be in the Navy
were discriminated. They were not considered to be strong enough to serve equally with men.
This view has changed since then. I am proud to say that two million women have served our
country. Of the 540,000 Americans who served in the Desert Storm operation, nearly 41 percent
were women. It was the largest wartime deployment of American military women in history.
Women in the military have great achievements. Nobody doubts that they are playing an
important role in peacekeeping missions.

Today, women make up 15 percent of enlisted each year. When Jane began her military career,
very few women were prepared to stubbornly move from our profession’s periphery towards its
heart. It was very hard, for we, men, dominated in the military and were not ready for any female
competition. We thought that girls in the military would give up, unable to be qualified as our
equals. But the more they trained and the more they buried their heads over textbooks, the more
admirable they became to us. They taught us, with all persuasion and overwhelming willingness
to serve our country, to pursue long-term goals, and, despite hardships and obstacles, realize
When we were together in the Naval School, we failed to see competitors in women in the
military. Now, due to such women as Jane, our predominantly male service has been changed.
Jane has succeeded in doing her military duty, and she was several times awarded for her
excellent military service. It is almost incredible to believe that she is Mom to these two boys,
her sons, who want to follow in their Mom’s footsteps and continue the family tradition in the
military. Sleepless nights, far away from her sons, never did Jane complain, never did she show
how hard it was to be at the head of a single household and in the military. More than that, she
always helped us, men, to overcome separation from our families, with her own example. At the
rare moments off our duty, she found warm words that strengthened us. She became our friend
with whom we were able to share happiness and troubles. She has become a valuable asset to our
military team, qualified, reliable, trustful, understanding, and brave.

We will be missing you, Jane, a lot. We will be missing your sense of humor, your ability not to
lose your head in a difficult situation, your friendliness, your open-hearted personality, your
good nature. For you, this moment is crucial: you have to alter many things, which is not easy, in
order to get adjusted to your new life on land.

From me to you, dear Jane, thank you for inviting me to speak and take this memorable
opportunity to wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. You can explore more
horizons, here, on land. I am sure you will find new opportunities and pleasures in your civil life.

Happy retirement!

Let me start by saying that I am very proud to be addressing you today as the students of Toronto
University for the last time. In some moments we shall receive the diplomas and become the
2005 graduates of the Linguistics faculty, newly-fledged Masters of Art in Translation. I guess
that after the strain of final tests, credits and exams, not to mention the time-consuming
graduation theses (and its nerve-racking presentation), most of us were looking forward to this
moment, when the studying is over, the diploma is in your pocket and you are free to do what
you like. But I want you to look around you and remember this moment. Look at your group-
mates and your teachers, because from now on life will scatter us around the world, and most of
us will meet only at alumni parties. Recall the best moments of studying that we shared.

Our first lectures in September, when we came so sun-tanned and so full of summer stories that
the teacher had difficulties silencing us up to start the lecture, and we tried hard to write it down
with fingers stiff from a long idle vacation time. Remember our coffee breaks, our first collective
truancy, when we gathered together and went to play snowballs. Recall your student friends with
whom you tried hard to answer the eternal questions and find the sense of life. Remember the
surprise we all felt when we understood that we are no longer the youngest in the campus, when
the freshmen fussing around and asking for directions caused us to smile at them and patronize
them. Remember your favorite teachers who made you feel a tiny spark of interest glowing
inside you and managed to support this spark and helped us to discover who we are and what
we’d like to do in the future. Remember everything and carve this moment in your memory.

We are now standing on the threshold of the real adult life. From now on no one will put us an
“A” or an “F” for well or poorly done homework and evaluate our progress. We are free to go
our own way, and it will be absolutely different for everyone. Some will continue studies on the
post-graduate level and become university tutors or scientists. Others will rush to apply their
skills on practice and become good translators or interpreters. Some of us will require time to
think and will go traveling. When university studies are over, it is time to create our own lives,
and for this we have the whole world at our disposal. As John Updike said, “you cannot help but
learn more as you take the world into your hands. Take it up reverently, for it is an old piece of
clay, with millions of thumbprints on it” (2). So my first piece of advice is not to hesitate to step
over the threshold of the door that is already open for us. With the knowledge and friends we
gained from our alma mater, the University of Toronto, we will overcome every obstacle. The
main thing is to search hard for the job that you really like, and have persistence and faith. A
favorite job is not found lying in the street, it should be looked after. But in the end it will be
there for you, and you’ll feel that it’s your cup of tea as soon as you start it. Don’t settle and keep

But however winding and different our life paths will be, we are all the graduates of one
university, and we share the common concepts of our University – knowledge, spirituality and
freedom. The University gave us an opportunity to get good academic training, balance our
personal priorities and feel free to choose whatever path we like. We have gained education, that
is “what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten” (B.F. Skinner) (2). To be
serious, I think that with these concepts we are, as Clinton said, “doomed to succeed”.

So let me wish you luck and perseverance. I wish you all successes on you life path. I hope to
hear about you well before the alumni party: when I will be reading the newspaper article about a
breakthrough in translating studies or about the new President’s interpreter, I will know whom to
think of – one of us – graduates 2005. Good luck to us all!

I would make my audience interested in the described object: a home movie that is unique,
exclusive, miraculous, and entertaining. Then I would describe the process of creating a good
home movie with the steps singled out in separate paragraphs. I would modestly believe, in my
conclusion, that the audience would follow my advice. I would talk to the audience as an expert
who can talk shop without annoying details.

I would never say overtly that many home videos are rubbish. But my recommendations would
put it in the implicit – first think, then make a movie of your life.

The intended audience: not friends with technical appliances

DVD movie creation needs skills and experience

Whenever I look in the mirror, I try not to see the changes all of us have to experience with time.
However, DVD movie creation commemorates the most cherished and remembered episodes of
our lives and makes us feel good, refreshing memories about events and dates, places and people
in vivid and unique images. All of us can’t help gathering together to enjoy watching
unforgettable moments archived on DVDs, sharing memories and being proud of our looks. I
would like to reveal some secrets to you – how to make a good home video.

First of all, you have to transfer the video data from the camera into the computer. For that, you
need a video capture card to save the material on the hard drive using the card’s hardware
encoder. The best solution is constant bit rate (CBR). Keep in mind that the volume of
information must be less than that of DVD disc.

Second, video editing programs will help you cut unwanted data and adding effects. My favorite
is MGI Video Wave. However, something fantastic may be created with the help of professional
software programs. I would recommend Adobe Premiere among others. To save edited video
material, use AVI format. Do not forget to sane your audio file in a separate WAV file. By the
way, if you want to play the video back on TV, use non-square pixels, keep the color range
limited, and use interlaced frames. In case the movie is played back on the PC, you would need
square pixels, an expanded color range, and progressive frames.
Third, authoring is one of the most creative steps in the DVD creation. It’s a matter of great
convenience if you know how to cope with authoring in the best possible way. You need to
define the following things. Decide what would be the number of chapters to which the player
may skip. Think over the overall menu structure. Get an idea of how many sound-tracks you
would have. Imagine what effect you want to achieve while watching the movie. Remember that
the disc may either play in an automatic regime or show the menu.

Fourth, note that previewing is necessary before creating DVD files on hard drive. You may
store DVD files in Video_TS and Audio_TS directories. It is necessary to check into opening the
file from the Video_TS (the one with VOB extension) in the DVD player. Test DVD files using
different players. You must be sure that when your audience is impatiently waiting for the video,
technical problems might spoil these expectations.

To make a long story short, I would like to remind you of DVD burning. For this, use Nero
Burning ROM software. It will help you select a desirable speed of recording. The process of
burning takes about several minutes. Now, your DVD is ready for use.

When all technical preparations are over, you may fit the disc into the player and watch. You’re
lucky to have the best images of yourself, for you have cut all which was not very much to your
liking. Your home video product is a well polished mirror for you. But you’re worth it, having
spent much time working on high quality and making a video presentation of the event.

My granny told me a story of her mother who was admired by a photographer. He wanted to take
her photo in the studio, but she agreed to have it taken only together with her sister. They faced
the photographer together, saying “cheese”, but she stopped going out with him when she saw a
picture where no sister of hers was present.

By this I mean: do not concentrate on one particular person that is dear to you. Remember that
your video is contextually bound. Do not distort facts. There may be details that you would be
able to appreciate many years later.

I wish you trained properly before creating your masterpiece. Narrate a story for entertaining
your audience. Personally, we need memories of the event. But creatively, we want a miracle
which is inherent in our being – a miracle of living, having fun, and enjoying ourselves. Good
luck and interesting ideas!

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