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ANAT 1 Lab Homework 3-2 - JM

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Name: ____________________________________

Lab Homework 3
Section 1: Lab Manual Unit 6-The Skull
Instructions: Use your textbook (Pg. 152-169, 181) or the lab powerpoints provided to label the following diagrams or
answer the questions.
Skull-Lateral view

1. Frontal bone
2. Nasal bone
3. Maxilla bone
4. Lacrimal bone
a. Lacrimal fossa
5. Ethmoid bone
6. Zygomatic bone
7. Sphenoid bone
8. Mandible
a. Ramus of mandible
b. Angle of mandible
c. Body of mandible
d. Mental foramen
e. Coronoid process
f. Condylar
g. Mandibular notch
9. Zygomatic arch
10. Temporal bone
a. Styloid process
b. Mastoid process
c. External auditory
11. Parietal bone
12. Coronal suture
13. Lambdoid suture
14. Squamous suture
15. Occipital bone

Name: ____________________________________

Skull- Posterior view

1. L. Parietal bone
2. Sagittal suture
3. R. Parietal bone
4. Lambdoid suture
5. Occipital bone
6. Mastoid process

Name: ____________________________________

Skull-Anterior view

1. Frontal bone
2. L and R Nasal bones
3. L and R Maxilla bones
4. Infraorbital foramen
5. Superior orbital/Supraorbital fissure
6. Inferior orbital/Infraorbital fissure
7. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
8. Middle nasal conchae
9. Inferior nasal conchae
10. L and R Zygomatic bones
11. Vomer bone
12. Mandible
13. Mental foramen

Name: ____________________________________

Skull- Inferior view

1. L and R Maxilla bones

2. Incisive fossa
3. L and R Palatine bones
4. Vomer bone
5. Sphenoid bone
6. Foramen ovale
7. Foramen spinosum
8. Temporal bone
9. Foramen lacerum
10. Carotid canal
11. Styloid process
12. Mastoid process
13. Mandibular fossa
14. Jugular foramen
15. Occipital bone
16. Foramen magnum
17. Occipital condyles

Name: ____________________________________

Skull-Internal view

1. Frontal bone
2. Ethmoid bone
3. Crista galli
4. Cribriform plate
5. Olfactory foramina
6. Sphenoid bone
7. Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
8. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
9. Sella turcica
10. Optic canal
11. Foramen rotundum
12. Foramen ovale
13. Foramen spinosum
14. Foramen lacerum
15. Temporal bone
16. Internal auditory meatus
17. Jugular foramen
18. Occipital bone
19. Foramen magnum
20. Hypoglossal canal


1. Ramus of the mandible

2. Angle of the mandible
3. Body of the mandible
4. Mental foramen
5. Mandibular foramen
6. Coronoid process
7. Condylar process/Mandibular
8. Mandibular notch

Name: ____________________________________

Skull-Sagittal section

Note: There is no model for this picture is

just to clarify the following:

1. Crista galli
2. Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
3. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
4. Vomer bone
5. Sphenoidal sinus
6. Frontal sinus

Sinuses-Picture only

1. Frontal sinuses
2. Ethmoid sinuses
3. Sphenoidal sinuses
4. Maxillary sinuses

Name: ____________________________________

The Fetal Skull

1. L and R Frontal bone

2. Frontal suture
3. L and R Parietal bone
4. Occipital bone
5. Anterior fontanelle
6. Posterior fontanelle

You do not need to know these structures

from the lab manual:

1. Superior nasal concha

2. Palatine process
3. External occipital crest
4. External occipital protuberance
5. Zygomatic process of temporal bone
6. Temporal process of zygomatic bone
7. Stylomastoid foramen
8. Supraorbital foramen

Name: ____________________________________

Section 2: Vertebrae, Sternum, Ribs, Sacrum, and Coccyx

Instructions: Use your textbook (Pg. 170-177) or the lab powerpoints provided to label the following diagrams and/or
answer the questions.

1. Cervical vertebrae (label on picture)

a. How many? __________
2. Thoracic vertebrae (label on picture)
a. How many? __________
3. Lumbar vertebrae (label on picture)
a. How many? __________
4. Sacrum
5. Coccyx

Basic Vertebrae Structures

1. Body
2. Vertebral arch
3. Pedicle
4. Lamina
5. Vertebral foramen
6. Transverse processes
7. Spine/spinous process
8. Superior articular process
9. Inferior articular process (not

Name: ____________________________________

Basic Vertebrae Structures-Articulated Vertebrae

1. Body
2. Spine/Spinous process
3. Transverse process
4. Superior articular process
5. Inferior articular process
6. Intervertebral foramen
7. Intervertebral disc

Correctly identify the types of

vertebrae and structures on the

1. Atlas (C1)
2. Axis (C2)
a. Dens
3. Cervical vertebrae
a. Transverse foramen
4. Thoracic Vertebrae
a. 3 Costal facets
5. Lumbar vertebrae

You do not need to know:

1. Vertebral pominens

Name: ____________________________________

1. Sacrum
a. Ala
b. Anterior sacral
c. Posterior sacral
d. Sacral canal
e. Median sacral
crest (sacral
f. Sacral hiatus
g. Sacral
2. Coccyx

Anterior view Posterior view

Section 2: Ribs
Instructions: Use your textbook (Pg. 178-180) or the lab powerpoints provided to label the following diagrams or answer
the questions.

Sternum and Ribs

1. Manubrium
a. Clavicular notch (2 of them)
b. Jugular notch
2. Body
3. Xiphoid process
4. True ribs (7 of them on each side)
5. False ribs (3 of them on each side)
6. False floating ribs (2 of them on each side)

You do not need to know:

1. Sternal angle

10 | P a g e
Name: ____________________________________

A Rib

1. Head
2. Neck
3. Angle
4. Shaft
5. Tubercle
6. Costal groove

Hyoid bone

a. Identify this on skeletons

throughout the room.

11 | P a g e

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