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Kuesioner WHO MONICA

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Smoking is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, cancer and several other chronic
diseases. This report focuses on tobacco smoking, leaving out smokeless tobacco use.
7.1 Definitions
The WHO has published standardized guidelines for measurement of smoking (1). Based on
these guidelines, people can be classified as smokers or non-smokers; and these two main
categories can be divided into number of sub-categories.
A smoker is a person who, at the time of the survey, smokes any tobacco product either daily or
occasionally. i.e. smokers can be either daily or occasional smokers. A daily smoker is a person,
who smokes any tobacco product at least once a day (except that people who smoke every day,
but not on days of religious fasting, are still classified as daily smokers). An occasional
smoker is a person, who smokes, but not every day. Occasional smokers can be reducers,
continuing occasional smokers or experimenters. A reducer is a person, who used to smoke
daily but now does no longer smoke every day. A continuing occasional smoker is a person
who has never smoked daily, but who has smoked 100 or more cigarettes (or the equivalent
amount of tobacco) and now smokes occasionally. An experimenter is a person who has smoked
fewer than 100 cigarettes (or the equivalent amount of tobacco) and now smokers occasionally.
A non-smoker is a person who, at the time of the survey, does not smoke at all. Non-smokers
can be ex-smokers, never-smokers or ex-occasional smokers. Anex-smoker is a person who was
formerly a daily smoker but currently does not smoke at all. A never-smoker is a person who
either has never smoked at all or has never been a daily smoker and has smoked less than 100
cigarettes (or the equivalent amount of tobacco) in his/her lifetime. An ex-occasional smoker is
a person who was formerly an occasional, but never a daily smoker and who has smoked 100 or
more cigarettes (or the equivalent amount of tobacco) in his/her lifetime.
In addition to smokers and non-smokers we can define ever smokers. An ever smoker is a
person who has smoked at least 100 cigarettes (or the equivalent amount of tobacco) in his/her

lifetime. For ever smokers there is a sub-category ever daily smokers. Ever daily smoker can be
a currently daily smoker, reducer or ex-smoker.
7.2 Questionnaires
In this subsection we review the smoking questionnaires used in the surveys considered in this
report. We include in the review also other recent international recommendations for smoking
7.2.1 WHO MONICA Project
The smoking questionnaire in the WHO MONICA Project represents a compromise among
different proposals and was derived from the WHO Cardiovascular Survey Methods
questionnaire (2). According to the MONICA instructions, it can be self administered if it is sent
to the home of the invited persons together with the invitation to the examination; or it can be
administered by a technician or nurse at the screening site. The same procedure, however, should
be applied throughout the study in the same centre.
Following is the WHO MONICA Project protocol for recording the smoking history (3):
1. Apakah Anda sekarang merokok ?
1 = ya, setiap hari (ke nomor 2).
2 = tidak (ke nomor 5).
3 = kadang-kadang (ke nomor 3).
2. Berapa rata-rata jumlah batang rokok yang Anda konsumsi setiap hari ?
Jumlah : ___ (ke nomor 8)
3. Berapa hari dalam seminggu Anda merokok ?

1 = biasanya dalam 1 hari atau kurang.

2 = biasanya 2-4 hari.
3 = hampir setiap hari.
4. Berapa rata-rata jumlah rokok yang Anda konsumsi per hari ?
Jumlah : ___
5. Apakah Anda pernah merokok rutin sebelumnya ?
1 = ya (ke nomor 6).
2 = tidak (ke nomor 10)
6. Kapan Anda berhenti merokok rutin ?
Tahun : ____
7. (Jika dalam 12 bulan terakhir)
1 = < 1 bulan yang lalu.
2 = 1-6 bulan yang lalu.
3 = 6-12 bulan yang lalu.
8. Berapa rata-rata jumlah rokok tertinggi per hari yang pernah Anda konsumsi selama 1
tahun ?
Jumlah : ___
9. Berapa usia Anda ketika Anda mulai merokok rutin ?
Usia : __

10. Apakah Anda pernah merokok cigars/cirarillos (cerutu besar dan kecil) ?
1 = sekarang merokok rutin (ke nomor 11).
2 = tidak (ke nomor 12).
3 = sekarang merokok kadang-kadang, < 1/hari. (ke nomor 11).
4 = pernah, tapi sekarang tidak (ke nomor 12).
11. Berapa jumlah rokok yang Anda konsumsi per minggu ?
Jumlah : ___
12. Apakah Anda pernah merokok menggunakan pipa ?
1 = sekarang merokok rutin (ke nomor 13).
2 = tidak (ke nomor 14).
3 = sekarang merokok kadang-kadang, < 1 kali/hari (ke nomor 13).
4 = pernah, tapi sekarang tidak (ke nomor 14).
13. Kira-kira berapa gram tembakau yang Anda konsumsi per minggu ?
Gram : ___
14. Hanya dilengkapi oleh perokok kadang-kadang dan bukan perokok saja (pertanyaan 1
berkode 2 atau 3) : untuk berapa jam rata-rata dalam sehari Anda terpapar langsung
secara dekat oleh asap rokok orang lain ?
1. Do you smoke cigarettes now?


1 = yes, regularly Go to 2.
2 = no Go to 5.
3 = occasionally Go to 3.
2. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Go to 8.


3. On how many days a week do you smoke cigarettes?


1 = usually on one day or less

2 = usually on 2 to 4 days
3 = almost every day
4. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?


5. Did you ever smoke cigarettes regularly in the past?


1 = yes Go to 6.
2 = no Go to 10.
6. When did you stop smoking cigarettes regularly? Year, 19-7. If in the last 12 months


1 = less than 1 month ago

2 = 1-6 months ago
3 = 6-12 months ago
8. What is the highest average daily number of cigarettes you have ever smoked for |__|__|__|
as long as a year?
9. How old were you when you began to smoke cigarettes regularly?


10. Have you ever smoked cigars/cigarillos?


1 = now smoke regularly Go to 11.

2 = no Go to 12.
3 = now smoke occasionally (less than one/day) Go to 11.
4 = used to, but not now Go to 12.
11. How many do you smoke per week? Number:
12. Have you ever smoked a pipe?


1 = now smoke regularly Go to 13.

2 = no Go to 14.
3 = now smoke occasionally (less than once a day) Go to 13.
4 = used to, but not now Go to 14.
13. About how many grams of tobacco do you smoke per week?


14. To be completed by occasional and non-smokers only (i.e. when item 1 is coded 2 |__|__|
or 3):
For how many hours, on average each day, are you closely subjected to other
people's tobacco smoke?
The MONICA Manual (3) gives the following additional instructions for the above
Question 1. Do you smoke cigarettes now?
Code 1 if a regular cigarette smoker. Include subjects who smoke hand-rolled cigarettes
Code 2 if a non-smoker, i.e. if a person does not smoke cigarettes at all (Go to 5)
Code 3 is used when the person smokes cigarettes but usually less than one cigarette per day (Go
to 3).
Question 2. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Code the average number of cigarettes smoked daily. Include subjects who smoke hand-rolled
cigarettes regularly (Go to 8). If the answer to Question 2 is irrelevant, i.e. the answer to
Question 1 = 2 or 3, draw a horizontal line through the boxes.
Question 3. On how many days a week do you smoke cigarettes?
Code 1 if usually on one day or less a week. Include "holiday smokers" who smoke fairly
regularly for a few weeks a year but only one day a week or less for most of the year.
Code 2 if usually on 2-4 days a week.
Code 3 if almost every day.
Question 4. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Code the average number of cigarettes smoked per day. In many cases the answer is obtained by
dividing the number of cigarettes smoked per week by 7 and rounding to the nearest whole
number, i.e. if the subject usually smokes 3 cigarettes at most per week, code 000; if the subject

smokes on average from 4 to 10 cigarettes per week, code 001; and if 20 cigarettes at the
weekend, code 003.
This should only be answered by those who have answered 3 to Question 1, otherwise skip the
Draw a horizontal line through the boxes if this question is skipped.
NOTE: This question is the same as Question 2 but is not asked for the same subject. If either
one of the questions has been asked, the answer should be entered for Question 2 in the data
transfer format.
Question 5. Did you ever smoke cigarettes regularly in the past?
Code 1 if yes.
Code 2 if No (Go to 10).
This should only be completed for Non-smokers, i.e. Question 1 = 2 and for occasional smokers
Question 1 = 3.
Draw a horizontal line through the box if this question is skipped.
Question 6. When did you stop smoking cigarettes regularly?
Enter the year of smoking cessation (if the subject cannot be sure of the exact year, please give
an estimate).
Question 7. If in the last 12 months
Code 1 if less than 1 month ago
Code 2 if 1-6 months ago
Code 3 if 6-12 months ago.
This should only be answered for those who replied Yes to Question 5.

Draw a horizontal line through the boxes if this question is skipped.

Question 8. What is the highest average daily number of cigarettes you have ever smoked for as
long as a year?
Code the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The purpose of this question is to get a round
idea of how heavily the subject has smoked in the past.
Draw a horizontal line through the boxes if this question is skipped.
Question 9. How old were you when you began to smoke cigarettes regularly?
Code age in years.
Draw a horizontal line through the boxes if this question is skipped.
Question 10. Have you ever smoked cigars or cigarillos?
Code 1 if now smoke regularly
Code 2 if No (Go to 12)
Code 3 if now smoke occasionally (less than one/day)
Code 4 if used to, but not now (Go to 12).
Question 11. How many do you smoke per week?
Enter the actual number of cigars or cigarillos smoked per week.
Draw a horizontal line through the boxes if this question is skipped.
Question 12. Have you every smoked a pipe?
Code 1 if now smoke regularly
Code 2 if No (Go to 14)
Code 3 if now smoke occasionally (less than once a day)
Code 4 if used to, but not now (Go to 14)

Question 13. About how many grams of pipe tobacco do you smoke per week?
Enter the number of grams (1 ounce = 30 grams).
Draw a horizontal line through the boxes if this question is skipped.
Question 14. For how many hours, on average each day, are you closely subjected to other
people's tobacco smoke?
To be completed for occasional and non-smokers only.
"Closely subjected" in this context implies that the subject is aware of seeing and smelling, or
inhaling the tobacco smoke.
Try to estimate an average for the number of hours each day over the seven days of the week, as
exposure to other people's tobacco smoke may vary throughout the week.
It does not matter that the answer for many subjects will be 00 or 01, as this question aims to
determine the proportion of occasional and non-smoking subjects who are exposed to other
people's tobacco smoke to a substantial degree.

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