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Anatomy of The Skull

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Anatomy of the skull


7252 Aya Abdullah Muhammed

7350 Muna Ghaith Alferjany
6983 Sajida farj edress
7121 Amira Ahmed Alfaitory
7056 ghofran yousif alshukri
What Is This The Aim ?

● Definition of skull
● The anatomy of skull and study each view
and Skull component
● Facilitate memorization and study
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Anatomy Infographics
01 02
Parietal Frontal


Temporal Mandible
SKULL : is the skeleton of head and
face which is formed of twenty-one
bones closely fitted in addition to
Skull Diagram

Skull is formed of 22 separated bones

21 immovable bones

One movable bone Articulating together by suture

8 paired 5 unpaired
Parietal Frontal
Temporal Occipital
Maxillary Ethmoid
Zygomatic Sphenoid
Nasal vomer
Infrerior concha
Skull Diagram
The parts of the skull

Mandible Cranium

Claveria (brain box)

Upper and posterior parts of Facial skeleton
the skull Anterior part of the skull

Superior View Of The Skull
4 Bones:

• Frontal bone
• 2 parietal bone
• Occipital bone

3 Sutures:

• Coronal suture: between frontal bone and 2

parietal bone.

• Sagital suture: between 2 parietal bone.

• Lambdoid suture: between 2 parietal bone

and occipital bone.
Other Features:

1.Parietal eminences: they are the most

convex area and present posterolaterally.
2.Parietal emissary foramen ( it may be absent ) :
in each parietal bone closed to sagital suture
about 3.5 cm.
3.Bregma: meeting of coronal and sagital
suture, it is filled with diamond-shaped
membrane which ossifies about one and
half year after birth.
4.Lambda: the point of meeting the sagital
and lamboid suture , ossifies at about 3
months after birth.

Anterior View Of Skull

1. Frontal bone:

a.Frontal eminences: slightly

elevation area above superciliary

b.Superciliary arches: above

superior margins of the orbit.

c.Glabella: median elevation

between twe superciliary arch.
d.Nasion: depression below

e.Supraorbital margins:
supraorbital foramina or notches.

f.Frontal bone projects inferiorly

forming the upper and medial
and lateral margins of the orbit.
2. Maxillary bone:

a. Canine aminence
b. Canine fossa
c. Incisive fossa
d. Infraorbital foramen

4. Zygomatic bone:
forms the prominence of the cheek
and part of the lateral wall and floor
of the orbital cavity.
5. Orbital opening:

Bony orbit:
pyramidal in shape , has 4 walls each
wall is formed of many bones.

Orbital fissure:
Suoerior orbital fissure (SOF)
Inferior orbital fissure.

Posterior View Of Skull

posterior parts of parietal and

occipital bones

Other Features:

1. External occipital protuberance

2. Superior nuchal line
3. External occipital crest
4. Highest nuchal lines
5. Inion

Side View Of Skull
Bones :

2.Temporal bone
3.Lateral surface of the greater wing of
4.Zygomatic bone
5.Nasal bone
6.Maxillary bone
7.Parts of frontal and occipital bone

Fossae :

1.Temporal fossa
2.Infratemporal fossa
3.Pterygopalatine fossa
Other feature :

1. two temporal line2.Zygomatic

3. External acoustic ( auditory )
4. Suprameatal triangle
5.Mastoid part of temporal bone
6. Styloid process
7. Temporal fossa

Inferior View Of Skull
Norma basalis ( interna )

middle cranial fossa

‫فص الدماع النصفي‬ posterior cranial fossa
Anterior cranial fossa
‫فص الدماغ االمامي‬ ‫فص الدماغ الخلفي‬
Anterior cranial fossa :

1. Frontal crest
2. Foramen cecum
3. Crista galli
4. Cribri form plate
5. Orbital plate
6. Lesser wing of sphenoid
7. Anterior crenoid process
Norma basalis ( externa ) :

1. Alveolar margin
2. Maxillary 2/3 hardplate
3. Posterior 1/3 plataline
4. Incisire fossa
5. Post nasal spin
6. Greater palatine foramen
7. Lesser palatine foramen
8. Pterygoid fossa and medial pteygoid
9. vomer
10. Lateral pterygoid plate
11. hamalus
Which of the following are bones of the skull cap?
A. Frontal
B. Sphenoid
C. Occipital
D. Ethmoid

The frontal bone articulates with which of these bones?

A. Occipital bone
B. Ethmoid bone
C. Zygomatic bone
D. Sphenoid bone

The sella turcica houses what gland?

A. Adrenal gland
B. Pituitary gland
C. Sebaceous gland
D. Sphenoid

Which of the following is foramen of the sphenoid bone?

A. Foramen ovale
B. Optic foramen
C. Foramen ovaldum
D. Foramen rotundum

What is the name of the anterior end of the sagittal suture, where it meets the coronal suture?
A. Asterion
B. Lamda
C. Bregma
D. Pterion

What is the name of the posterior point of the squamosal suture, where it meets the lambdoidal suture?
A. Asterion
B. Bregma
C. Pterion
D. Lamda
True or False :

both lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid can be seen in the orbits?
A. True
B. False

Short note :

Enumerate fossa of skull from norma lateral?

Enumerate bone found in norma occipital of the skull?
Enumerate Anterior cranial fossa of the skull?

● Snell's Clinical Anatomy 9th Edition

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