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Telematics Gateways: Canup 27 Standard /pro 3G/Pro Lte/Pro Wi-Fi

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CANUp 27
Standard /Pro 3G/Pro LTE/Pro Wi-Fi

Version 4.0


Contents ...................................................................................................................... 2
Revision history ............................................................................................................. 4
Structure of external links .............................................................................................. 5
Terms and Definitions .................................................................................................... 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 9
1 General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 ........................................ 13
1.1 Purpose of use and application area, operation principle .......................................... 13
1.2 Exterior view and delivery set ............................................................................... 18
1.3 CANUp 27 design ................................................................................................ 19
1.4 Technical specifications ........................................................................................ 20
1.4.1 Main specifications ........................................................................................ 20
1.4.2 Specifications of S7 wireless interface .............................................................. 22
1.4.3 Data transfer protocol to Server ...................................................................... 23
1.4.4 CAN j1939/S6 configurable digital interface characteristics ................................. 24
1.4.5 CAN non-configurable digital interface characteristics ........................................ 25
1.4.6 Analog signals specifications ........................................................................... 26
1.4.7 Overall dimensions ........................................................................................ 27
2 CANUp 27 installation ................................................................................................ 28
2.1 Exterior inspection prior to starting works .............................................................. 28
2.2 Operational restrictions ........................................................................................ 29
2.3 SIM card installation ............................................................................................ 30
2.4 Configuration of CANUp 27 ................................................................................... 31
2.4.1 Connecting CANUp 27 to PC ........................................................................... 31
2.4.2 Interface of Service CANUp software ............................................................... 34
2.4.3 Authorization ................................................................................................ 35
2.4.4 CANUp 27 Profile ........................................................................................... 36
2.4.5 Configuration of connection via CAN j1939/S6 interface ..................................... 38
2.4.6 Connection to ORF 4 Telematics service ........................................................... 39
2.4.7 Connection to IBM Watson IoT Platform ........................................................... 40
2.4.8 Remote connection to CANUp 27 ..................................................................... 42
2.4.9 Connection of wireless Units ........................................................................... 44
2.5 Electrical connection ............................................................................................ 46
2.6 Creating and customizing Reports ......................................................................... 49
2.7 Function test ...................................................................................................... 54
3 Packaging ................................................................................................................ 56
4 Storage ................................................................................................................... 57
5 Transportation .......................................................................................................... 58
6 Utilization/re-cycling ................................................................................................. 59
Contacts ..................................................................................................................... 60
Annex A List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports................................................. 61
A.1 Authentication Report on AVL Server ..................................................................... 61
A.2 Report containing data ........................................................................................ 62
A.3 Composite Report ............................................................................................... 64
Annex B SMS commands for CANUp 27 remote configuration ............................................ 66

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules ................................................................ 69

C.1 List of CANUp 27 Functional modules..................................................................... 69
C.2 Self-diagnostics FM ............................................................................................. 70
C.3 Onboard clock FM ............................................................................................... 72
C.4 Vehicle Power Supply FM ..................................................................................... 74
C.5 Battery FM ......................................................................................................... 76
C.6 GNSS FM ........................................................................................................... 77
C.7 GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM ............................................................................ 79
C.8 Geofence FM ...................................................................................................... 80
C.9 Reports Generator FM.......................................................................................... 82
C.10 Simple Reports Registrator FM ............................................................................ 85
C.11 Communicator FM ............................................................................................. 86
C.12 WiFi Communicator FM ...................................................................................... 92
C.13 Collector 1A1F1D FM ......................................................................................... 96
C.14 Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM ...................................................................... 99
C.15 Engine Monitoring FM ....................................................................................... 101
C.16 Statistics FM .................................................................................................... 105
C.17 S6 Bus FM ....................................................................................................... 107
C.18 Base S7 FM ..................................................................................................... 110
C.19 Accelerometer FM ............................................................................................ 112
C.20 Events Registrator FM ....................................................................................... 114
Annex D CANUp 27 firmware upgrade ........................................................................... 115
Annex E Electromagnetic compatibility specifications ....................................................... 116
Annex F Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol .................................................... 117
Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units .......................................... 121
G.1 Output message of DUT-E S7 fuel level sensor ...................................................... 121
G.2 Output messages of DFM S7 fuel flow meter ......................................................... 123
G.3 Output messages of DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meter ............................................... 125
G.4 Output message of GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensor ................................................ 127
G.5 Output message of GNOM DP S7 position sensor ................................................... 128
G.6 Output message of ADM31 temperature and humidity sensor .................................. 129

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Revision history

Revision history

Version Date Editor Description of changes

1.0 08.2017 OD Basic version.

2.0 12.2018 OD • New models of online Telematics gateway with extended

functionality are introduced:
- CANUp 27 Pro 3G;
- CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.
• Information on CANUp 27 models codes is added.
• Changes in the contents of CANUp 27 delivery set are reflected.
• List of Reports transmitted by CANUp 27 to the Server as well as
their contents are updated.
• Descriptions of SPN of Functional Modules are added for models
CANUp 27 Pro and updated for CANUp 27 Standard.
• Detailed information regarding CANUp 27 electromagnetic
compatibility is added.
• Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol is included.
• The document terminology is updated
(CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface).

3.0 07.2019 OD • Information on the feasibility of CANUp 27 Pro 3G and

CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi operation using S7 Technology is added.
• The procedure for connecting wireless Units to CANUp 27 Pro by
means of S7 Technology is defined.
• A description of Base S7 FM contained in CANUp 27 Pro 3G and
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi models is added.
• Information on the composition of data received by the Gateway in
messages sent by wireless Units is included.
• Gateway technical specifications and settings of its Functional
modules are updated.

4.0 04.2021 OD • Information on new models of gateways is added

(CANUp 27 Pro LTE; CANUp 27 Pro LTE A; CANUp 27 Pro LTE G).
• List of GSM frequency bands supported by the gateways during the
data transfer using 2G / 3G / 4G technologies is provided.
• New functional features are added:
- work with data of ISOBUS farming equipment bus;
- using the frequency input for counting input pulses (“Counting”
type of the physical input);
- singling out and displaying values of signals from physical inputs
during a Unit configuration;
- new FM “Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit”;
- option of a Unit remote configuration via TCP channel using the
GPRS-command CSRV and by means of connection to “hidden”
access points for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi;
- work with extended ranges of Units’ network addresses;
- support of new cable-connected and wireless Units, option to add
a wireless Unit by its MAC-address;
- S6 Database update via Internet for the service software etc.
• Data content of output messages for the new wireless Units is
added: DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meter, GNOM DP S7 position
sensor and ADM31 temperature and humidity sensor.
• Minimum requirements for the PC for work with Service CANUp
service software are set out.

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Structure of external links

Structure of external links

ORF4 Telematics service.
User manual
Document Center
CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface.
Operation manual

Part S6 Data Base

S6 Website

Part S6 Functional modules

Page DUT-E
CANUp 27 telematics gateways. Operation manual

JV Technoton Website Page DUT-E GSM

Page DUT-E 2Bio

Technoton Engineering Website Page DFM

Page CANUp

ORF 4 Website Page MasterCAN DAC

Page MasterCAN

ORF 5 Website Page FMSCrocodile

Part Software/Firmware

Wialon IPS v.2.0 Part Technical support

Communication protocol

Range of Technoton products and

solutions for Telematics

YouTube Technoton

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Terms and Definitions

Terms and Definitions

IoT Burger is the Technology of creating smart sensors and complex telematics
IIoT devices operating in real time with built-in analytic features
(further on – IoT Burger). The basis of IoT Burger is the software/hardware core, a
set of ready-to-use universal Functional Modules, the database of standartized IoT
Particular features of IoT Burger:
• inbuilt analytic features for maximum treatment of signals within the device itself;
• a possibility to design devices with extremely low power consumption;
• doesn’t require programming in the majority of applications, flexible setup;
• using inexpensive industrially manufactured equipment parts;
• measurement and treatment of “quick” processes which is impossible to implement
using cloud technologies;
• an option of ready Reports delivery to the user avoiding server platforms;
• the inbuilt system of data authenticity assurance (self-diagnostics, authorization,
impact control).
The technology provides for the availability of several measurement channels in any device
including pre-set analytical treatment (filtration, linearization, thermal compensation) and the
controlled error of measurement.
Devices created using IoT Burger may be united to form a wire-connected or wireless
connection network. Data may be transmitted to the telematics server, to popular
IoT platforms, by SMS, E-mail, to social networks.
At present, GSM 2G/3G/LTE data transmission standards are used in devices with IoT Burger.
The reports transmitted contain data on instant and average values of Parameters, Counters,
Events. The flexible system of Reports setup enables the user to select the optimal ratio of the
data completeness and the volume of traffic.
All models of CANUp 27 telematics gateways are designed based on IoT Burger Technology.
S6 is the Technology of combining smart sensors and other IoT devices within one
wire network for monitoring of complex stationary and mobile objects: vehicles,
locomotives, smart homes, technological equipment etc. The Technology is based
and expands SAE j1939 automotive standards.
Information on cabling system, service adapter and S6 software refer to CAN j1939/S6
Operation manual.
All models of CANUp 27 telematics gateways are designed based on S6 Technology.
S7 — Technology designed for wireless collection of data from unattended sensors in
systems of industrial and automobile Telematics. S7 Technology is recommended for
use in facilities where wiring is impossible or hard to install.
S7 Technology implements Bluetooth 4.X Low Energy (BLE) as a communication channel.
S7 Technology provides ultra-low power consumption and a long period of independent
operation for smart sensors and other IoT devices.
On the application level, S7 Technology is fully compatible with S6 Technology which uses

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Terms and Definitions

Advantages of S7 Technology:
• Simple design of data transmission protocol;
• Low power consumption, a potential for fully independent operation of sensors for
several years;
• Option of data collection by several data recipients at one time.
For models CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi of Telematics gateways, we are in the
process of preparation for introducing S7 Technology.
ISOBUS – is a communication protocol used in farming machinery which complies with
ISO 11783 standard and is based on SAE j1939.
ISOBUS bus contains Parameters of farming machinery operation and besides “classical”
Parameters (total fuel consumption, engine rpm, cooling agent temperature), it also includes
Parameters of attached equipment (plough, sowing machine, mowing machine, cultivator,
winnowing machine, spraying machine etc.).
Over 7000 Parameters (SPN) of farming machinery operation complying with ISOBUS protocol
are included into S6 Database.
ORF 4 / ORF 5— is the by JV Technoton developed for receiving and processing Onboard
reports via Internet, displaying Operational Dataoverlapped on area maps, information storage
in database and Analytical reports generation upon user’s request.
PGN (Parameter Group Number) — is a combined group of S6 parameters, which has common
name and number. Functional modules (FM) of the Unit can have input/output PGNs and setup
SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) — informational unit of S6. Each SPN has determined
name, number, extension, data type and numerical value. The following types of SPN exist:
Parameters, Counters, Events. SPN can have a qualifier which allows qualification of
parameter’s value (e.g. – Onboard power supply limit/Minimum).
Analytical report — report generated in ORF 4 / ORF 5 on Vehicle or group of Vehicles
operation for chosen time period (usually a day, week or month). Can be composed of
numbers, tables, charts, mapped route of vehicle, diagrams.
Onboard equipment (OE) — Telematics system elements, directly installed in Vehicle.
Onboard reports (the Reports) — information about vehicle which is returned to a user of
Telematics system in accordance with inputted criteria. The Reports are generated by a
terminal unit both periodically (Periodic reports) and on Event occurrence (Event report).
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) — System for area positioning of an object through
satellite signal processing. GNSS is composed of space, ground and user segments. Currently,
there are several GNSSs: GPS (USA), GLONASS (Russia), Galileo (EU), BeiDou (China).
Route — coordinates, speed and direction of vehicle movement. It matches with the route of
the vehicle on the road. The map is displayed in the form of lines. Vehicle direction is displayed
in the form of arrows.
Operational data— information about location and operation of the vehicle, transmitted by
CANUp 27 to the Server in real time, it includes coordinates, speed, direction of movement and
fuel volume in the tank. Operational data is updated by ORF 4 / ORF 5 upon receipt of more
recent information.
Online monitoring (Operational monitoring) — remote monitoring of location and vehicle
operation in real time, the accumulation of information and preparation of Analytical reports by
requests of ORF 4 / ORF 5 user.
Parameter — time-varying or space characteristic of the Vehicle (SPN value). For example,
speed, fuel volume in the tank, hourly fuel consumption, coordinates. Parameter is usually
displayed in the form of graph, or averaged data.

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Terms and Definitions

Server (AVL Server) — hardware-software complex of Telematics service ORF 4, used for
processing and storage of Operational data, formation and transmission of Analytical reports
through Internet by request of ORF 4 / ORF 5 users.
Event — relatively rare and sudden change in SPN. For example, applying the magnetic field
to the fuel flow meter in order to falsify indications of the hourly fuel consumption is the
“Interference” Event. An Event can have one or several characteristics. Thus, the
“Interference” Event has the following characteristics: date/time and duration of the
interference. When the Event occurs, a terminal unit registers the time of occurrence, which is
later mentioned in a report on the event. Thus, the Event is always attached to exact time and
place of occurrence.
Counter — cumulative numerical characteristic of Parameter. Counter is displayed by a single
number and over time its value is increasing. Examples of counters: fuel consumption, trip,
engine hours counter etc.
Telematics terminal (Tracking device, Telematics unit) is a unit of Telematics system used
for reading the signals of Vehicle standard and additional sensors, getting location data and
transmitting the data to the Server.
In case of using CANUp 27 Telematics gateway as component of the Telematics system, the
Terminal is not required.
Telematics system — complex solution for vehicle monitoring in real time and trip analysis.
The main monitored characteristics of the vehicle: Route, Fuel consumption, Working time,
technical integrity, Safety. In includes On-board report, Communication channels, Telematics
service ORF 4 / ORF 5.
Vehicle an object controlled within Telematics system. Usually Vehicle means a truck, tractor
or bus, sometimes a locomotive or river boat. From Telematics system point of view,
stationary objects are also considered to be vehicles: diesel gensets, stationary tanks,
Function module (FM) unit-embedded component of hardware and software combination,
executing a group of special functions. Uses input/output PGNs and settings PGNs.
Unit is an element of vehicle on-board equipment compatible with S6 bus, which uses
S6 Technology or S7 Technology.

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Recommendations and guidelines contained in this Operation Manual are related to
CANUp 27 telematics gateways (hereinafter CANUp 27), model code:
01 (for CANUp 27 Standard), 04 (for CANUp 27 Pro 3G), 06 (for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi),
07 (for CANUp 27 Pro LTE), 09 (for CANUp 27 Pro LTE A), 10 (for CANUp 27 Pro LTE G)
developed and manufactured by JV Technoton, Minsk, Belarus.
The code of CANUp 27 model is identified by the first two digits of its factory serial number
located below on the label, in the bottom portion of the unit casing or on the label of packing.

Figure 1 — Identifying CANUp 27 model code

This document contains information on the design, principle of operation, specifications,

recommendations for connection, configuration and operation of CANUp 27.

— multifunctional tool within Telematics systems combining features of a

data converter, digital-to-analog converter and the online GPS/GLONASS Terminal.

CANUp 27 key features:

• Compliance with Units, Database and cabling system S6 Technology.
• IoT Burger Technology provides the “onboard” internal data processing without using
any additional devices, simplifies the Server operation and economizes traffic.
• Supporting 10000+ standartized Parameters of equipment operation:
- 3000+ Parameters of a standard vehicle CAN-bus;
- 7000+ Parameters of CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface and ISOBUS bus of farming
• Detection of quick Events — sharp change of set Parameters during 0.1...10 s time
• Flexible system of generation up to 20 Onboard reports — adaptation for any type of
mobile and fixed equipment.
• Simultaneous data reception using S7 Technology from up to 10 pcs. of wireless Units*
by means of BLE-channel.
• Transmission of Reports to the Server using Wi-Fi, without using the services of a
mobile communication operator**.
• Simple and safe connection to CAN bus or ISOBUS through CANCrocodile contactless
• Automatic processing of “long” PGN (longer than 8 bytes) and obtaining from them
ready information for the Telematics system.
• Converting output analog signals of automotive sensors to digital data (SPN) and their
integration into Telematics system.
• Real-time monitoring of the Vehicle engine parameters for diagnostics and prevention
of malfunctions.
• High-precision algorithm of tracking the Vehicle route, support of inbuilt geofences*.

* Implemented only in models CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

** Only for model CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.

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• Sending Reports on Events directly to users without using Telematics server –

by E-mail or SMS*.
• Unique self-diagnostics function allows real-time monitoring of performance of the
device and connected Units.
• Option of remote configuration, firmware update and monitoring the gateway operation
using SMS commands or directly from remote PC by means of service software.
• Independent operation using the inbuilt accumulator in case power supply from the
Vehicle onboard circuit is unavailable.
• High quality technical support and documentation.
• Conformity with European and national automotive standards.
For CANUp 27 configuration S6 SK service adapter (purchased separately) and Service CANUp
software (can be downloaded from, Software/Firmware)
should be used.

ATTENTION: It is strongly recommended to follow strictly the instructions of the

present Manual when using, mounting or maintaining CANUp 27.

CANUp 27 is represented by the following models:

1) CANUp 27 Standard — provides standard functionality allowing to:

- perform data processing (SPN) of CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface;

- convert analog signals from vehicle sensors into digital data (SPN) of CAN j1939/S6
Telematics interface;
- generate and transmit Onboard reports to the Server/by E-mail/by SMS using
GSM 2G cellular communication technology.

2) CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE/ Pro Wi-Fi — has advanced functionality allowing to:

- carry out analysis of data from a standard vehicle CAN-bus or from ISOBUS farming
equipment bus automatically singling out Telematics SPN from them;
- perform data processing (SPN) of CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface;
- receive data from wireless sensors via BLE channel;
- to convert analog signals from vehicle sensors into digital data (SPN) of CAN j1939/S6
Telematics interface;
- generate and transmit Onboard reports to the Server/by E-mail/by SMS using
GSM 2G/3G (CANUp 27 Pro 3G only) or GSM 2G/3G/4G (CANUp 27 Pro LTE only)
cellular communication technology;
- generate and transmit Onboard reports using Wi-Fi wireless Local Area Network
technology (CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi only).

The functionality potential of each model of CANUp 27 is ensured by well-concerted

operation of the respective Functional modules; their full list is provided in table C.1.

* Only for models CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE.

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See figure 2 for identification codes for CANUp 27 ordering.

* In preparation for manufacturing.

** C indication is applied only for models CANUp 27 Pro LTE.

Figure 2 — CANUp 27 order identification codes

Examples of CANUp 27 ordering identification codes:

“CANUp 27 Standard telematics gateway”
(standard functionality, 2G channel of data transmission).
“CANUp 27 Pro 3G telematics gateway”
(extended functionality, 3G channel of data transmission).
“CANUp 27 Pro LTE telematics gateway”
(extended functionality, 4G channel of data transfer, supported frequencies — EMEA region).
“CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi telematics gateway”
(extended functionality, Wi-Fi channel of data transmission).
The Manufacturer guarantees CANUp 27 compliance with the requirements of technical
regulations subject to the conditions of storage, transportation and operation set out in this
ATTENTION: Manufacturer reserves the right to modify CANUp 27 specifications that
do not lead to a deterioration of the consumer qualities without prior customer notice.
Functional features of CANUp 27:
1) Recording of Events — rapid changes of Parameters, significant for monitored object, for
• refueling / fuel syphoning;
• speeding, RPM, route deviation, leaving Geofence, duration of continuous driving;
• turning on/off auxiliary equipment of object;
• loading/unloading, exceeding allowed axle load, coupling/uncoupling a trailer.
2) Report generator – receiving prepared information, which does not require further
processing on the Server:
• changes of operational parameters of the object are continuously registered in
nonvolatile memory;
• data composition can be flexibly adjusted by user - a choice of more than
10000 Parameters;
• possibility of adaptive Report generation - upon Event recognition, when parameters
of movement are changing (passing route section, movement direction angle
change etc.);
• recoding minimal changes of rapidly changing Parameters (engine speed, power
network voltage, speed);

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• generation of Reports including the counting of the Reports increments for certain time
• monitoring the vehicle engine, in accordance with parameters received from the
standard CAN-bus*;
• internal tracking by the gateway of passing preset Geofences by the Vehicle*;
• setting modes of parking and movement, as well as monitoring the start and end of the
Vehicle movement, taking into account indications of the inbuilt accelerometer*;
• sending KML files with tracks of the Vehicle movement by E-mail**.
3) Report registration – accumulating reports and preparing them to transfer to the Server.
• each Report is registered in internal memory of Unit according to formation time;
• sequence of sending Reports to the Server is determined: emergency (alarm button,
road accident) - first, important and informational - second;
• storage of Reports in case of inability to transfer (no network) and sending them as
soon as possible (back in network coverage area);
• flexible configuration of periodic Reports transmission precisely at the time specified
(“Timer/Alarm mode”)*;
• option of disabling Reports sending by E-mail at the time which is inconvenient for the
user (“Don’t Disturb” mode)**.
4) Onboard electrical network monitoring – remote diagnostics of onboard network
health, detection and prevention of malfunctions.
• monitoring current voltage;
• notifying on network malfunction;
• registering Vehicle operation time from onboard network, from generator, from battery.
5) Self-diagnostics of internal and external circuits of Unit saves time when localizing
malfunctions of onboard equipment.
• current (active) gateway malfunctions are displayed;
• stores latest malfunctions of gateway and connected Units in nonvolatile memory;
• current (active) malfunctions of equipment connected via CAN j1939/S6 interface are
• storage of recent malfunctions of the connected equipment in the non-volatile
6) Onboard clock:
• records the time of Event occurrence, even without GPS signal;
• allows gateway to operate without signals from GPS/GLONASS satellites.
7) Position monitoring:
• determining current position (coordinates), speed and direction of movement;
• preparing data for Report generation (determining distance between points of the route,
recording movement direction angle change).
8) Collection of analog signals:
• processing signals from analog sensors: filtering out noise, linearizing signals, compiling
calibration tables for physical inputs (i.e. transforming values to understandable units of
measurement, e.g. V/Hz to mm/L/ton);
• singling out and displaying values of signals from physical inputs during the gateway
• counting input pulses for the frequency input;
• digitizing analog signals in the corresponding CAN messages.
9) Wireless data reception* through BLE-channel from wireless Units (DUT-E S7 fuel level
sensors, DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters, GNOM S7 axles load sensors, ADM31
temperature and humidity sensors).
* Implemented only in models CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.
** Only for model CANUp 27 Pro 3G / LTE.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Purpose of use and application area, operation principle

1 General information and technical specifications of

CANUp 27
1.1 Purpose of use and application area, operation principle

is designed for (see figure 3):

• Reception and processing of data from Units using S6 Technology.
• Data reception from standard CAN (SAE j1939) or ISOBUS buses, their analysis and
conversion into Telematics SPN*.
• Wireless reception of messages (PGN) from Units using S7 Technology*.
• Conversion of analog signals from standard sensors into digital data (SPN).
• Receiving signal form navigation satellites.
• Generating and sending Onboard reports to Server of telematics services.
• Sending Reports on Events to users directly by e-mail or SMS**.

* Valid only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

** Except CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.

Figure 3 — CANUp 27 purposes of use

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Purpose of use and application area, operation principle

Areas of application:
1) CANUp 27 may be used in any types of Vehicles as part of the Telematics system for
monitoring fuel, performance and diagnostics parameters, current location, direction
and speed of movement.
CANUp 27 is mounted on a Vehicle and receives data (SPN) from Units by means of
S6 Technology, converts the output data from the Vehicle onboard analog sensors into digital
data of S6 Database (see figure 4 a).
CANUp 27 with extended functionality (models CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi) may
also receive Telematics and diagnostics data from standard CAN or ISOBUS buses filtering all
unnecessary data.
The availability of the inbuilt BLE-module enables CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE/ Pro Wi-Fi to
receive simultaneously data by means of S7 Technology from up to 10 pcs. of wireless Units —
(DUT-E S7 fuel level sensors, DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters, GNOM S7 axles load
sensors, ADM31 temperature and humidity sensors) (see figure 4 b).

a) operation of CANUp 27 Standard based on S6 Technology

b) operation of CANUp 27 Pro based on S7 Technology

Figure 4 — Examples of CANUp 27 employment as part of the Vehicle Telematics system

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Purpose of use and application area, operation principle

Using GNSS signals, CANUp 27 determines current vehicle location, movement speed and
direction. In accordance with user settings, CANUp 27 generates and sends Onboard reports,
which contain most important operational parameters of Vehicle (e.g. instant and trip fuel
consumption, total fuel consumption, RPMs, fuel level, engine operation time, engine
temperature, oil pressure and level and other parameters) to telematics Server. Server
software processes and analyzes the received data to generate Analytical reports for a selected
period (see figure 5).
RECOMMENDATION: ORF 4 / ORF 5 Vehicle monitoring web-server provides the best
accuracy of reports on movement and fuel consumption.

Figure 5 — Example of Analytical report, generated in ORF 4 software,

based on the CANUp 27 Reports
2) CANUp 27 may be applied for monitoring performance parameters of complex
fixed installations including the mode of operation without using the Server.
The availability of CAN j1939/S6 interface allows CANUp 27 to receive data using
S6 Technology from DUT-E CAN / DUT-E 2 Bio fuel level sensors (up to 16 pcs.) and from
DFM CAN / DFM Marine CAN fuel flow meters (up to 16 pcs.). This is a convenient solution for
fuel monitoring at stationary facilities (diesel generators sets, boiling/burning equipment),
which does not require Server and paying for services. CANUp 27 automatically sends Reports
on Events to user directly by E-mail* (up to 3 E-mail addresses) or as SMS messages*
(up to 3 phone numbers) (see figure 6).

* Except CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Purpose of use and application area, operation principle

Figure 6 – Example of CANUp 27 Standard operation based on S6 Technology

on a compex fixed installation

3) CANUp 27 Pro together with DUT-E S7 sensors may be employed for wireless
monitoring of fuel volume in fixed tanks.
The availability of the inbuilt BLE module allows CANUp 27 Pro to receive data from
up to 10 pcs. DUT-E S7* wireless fuel level sensors using S7 Technology. This is a convenient
solution for monitoring the volume of any light oil products, including dangerously explosive
products without using services of a mobile communication operator (see figure 7).

Figure 7 — Example of CANUp 27 Pro operation on a fixed installation using S7 Technology

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Purpose of use and application area, operation principle

Table 1 — Telematics equipment that may be connected to CANUp 27 Pro at one time

Designation Number of
of equipment pcs.
DFM CAN / DFM Marine CAN / Connection by means of S6 Technology
DFM Industrial CAN* (to S6 connector) in any combination of flow
fuel/liquid flow meters meters models.
16 Wireless connection by means of S7 Technology.
DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 The total number of wire-connected (only with
fuel flow meters CAN j1939/S6 interface) and wireless fuel flow
meters – no more than 16 pcs.
DUT-E CAN / DUT-E 2Bio / Connection by means of S6 Technology
DUT-E GSM (to S6 connector) in any combination of fuel level
fuel level sensors sensors models.
16 Wireless connection by means of S7 Technology.
The total number of wire-connected (only with
DUT-E S7 fuel level sensor
CAN j1939/S6 interface) and wireless fuel level
sensors – no more than 16 pcs.
Connection by means of S6 Technology
(to S6 connector) in any combination of models of
axle load sensor
axles load sensors.
4 Wireless connection by means of S7 Technology.
GNOM DDE S7 / DUT-E DP S7 Total number of connected axles load sensors —
axle load sensors cable connected (only with CAN j1939/S6 interface)
and wireless sensors — no more than 4 pcs.
Marker S7 Radiobox CAN
wireless interface together
with Marker S7 active asset
tags (2 pcs.)
MasterCAN Display 35
CAN j1939/S6 Display
MasterCAN CC data converter 2
MasterCAN V-Gate
data converter
MasterCAN DAC15
j1939 i/o module
MasterCAN DAC2113
j1939 i/o module
FMSCrocodile CCAN
contactless reader-converter
CANCrocodile / CANCrocoLITE Connection to CAN connector,
contactless reader operation in the sniffer mode.
GNOM DDE / GNOM DP Connection to SENS connector.
axle load sensor It is allowed to connect at one time:
DUT-E AF - 1 sensor with frequency output;
1 - 1 sensor with analog output.
fuel level sensor
ADM31 temperature and
4 Wireless connection by means of S7 Technology.
humidity sensor
Emergency button 1 Connection to SENS connector.
The maximum possible number of wireless Units for simultaneous connection by means of
S7 Technology is 10 pcs., in any combination of their types.
* Up to 8 pcs. of DFM Industrial CAN flow meters may be connected into a single network
at one time.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Exterior view and delivery set

1.2 Exterior view and delivery set

1 2





7b 7c 7d

1 CANUp 27 online telematics gateway – 1 pc.;

2 Sealing bar – 1 pc.;
3 Passport with a list of factory settings – 1 pc.;
4 CANUp 27 cable – 1 pc.;
5 S6 cable – 1 pc.;
6* CAN 4 pin cable – 1 pc.;
7 Mounting kit (1 pc) including:
a) fuse with holder (2 A) - 1 pc.;
b) self-tapping screw 3x6 - 2 pcs.;
c) self-tapping screw 4.2x25 - 2 pcs.;
d) screw M4x25 - 2 pcs.;
e) lock washer 4.65 - 2 pcs.;
f) washer 4 - 4 pcs.;
g) nut M4 - 2 pcs.

Figure 8 — CANUp 27 delivery set

* Supplied only for CANUp 27 Pro.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / CANUp 27 design

1.3 CANUp 27 design

9 10


1 – casing of the electronics module inside which GNSS receiver, BLE-module,

SIM card holder*, GSM-modem* and accumulator are located;
2 – installation holders;
3 – Micro-SIM slot for Micro-SIM card installation*;
4 – S6 connector — CAN j1939/S6 interface for connection of Units using S6 Technology
and for external power supply**;
5 – CAN connector — CAN 2.0B interface for connection to a standard CAN-bus
or to ISOBUS bus***;
6 – SENS connector — analog input for connecting signals voltage/frequency/pulse/discrete;
7 – green LED-indicator PWR for power supply status;
8 – red LED-indicator SRV for Vehicle ignition status check and data sending
to PC check (when setting up with service software);
9 – yellow LED-indicator GNSS for GPS receiver status check;
10 – blue LED indicator LINK to monitor the status of GSM modem and GPRS connection
(in CANUp 27 Standard / Pro G3 / Pro LTE), to monitor the status of Wi-Fi modem
and Internet connection (in CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi).

Figure 9 — CANUp 27 design

* In model CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi these components are missing; there is an inbuilt
Wi-Fi modem instead.
** CANUp 27 is powered through S6 cabling system.
*** In model CANUp 27 Standard CAN connector is a spare one.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / Main specifications

1.4 Technical specifications

1.4.1 Main specifications

Table 2 — CANUp 27 main specifications

Parameter, measuring unit
CANUp 27 CANUp 27 CANUp 27 CANUp 27
Standard Pro 3G Pro LTE Pro Wi-Fi

Data transmission channels 2G 2G/3G 2G/3G/4G
(IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)

Supported GSM frequency bands, MHz see table 3 -

Wireless interface - S7

Configurable digital interface CAN j1939/S6

Non-configurable digital interface - CAN 2.0B

Physical signal inputs Analog / Frequency / Discrete

Communication protocols Wialon IPS v.2.0 / MQTT IBM Watson IoT
IPS v.2.0
Voltage range of external
power supply, V
Capacity of inbuilt Li-Ion
accumulator, mA/h
Inbuilt battery ensures autonomous
functioning without external power 4…6*
supply, h, not less than
Maximal current consumption at supply
voltage 12/24 V, mA, not more than
Average current consumption at supply
voltage 12/24V, mA, not more than
Time of readiness to receive GNSS
signals, after the power supply is on, 10
s, no more than
Reports number that can be stored in
buffer memory (factory settings of 40 000
reports), not less than
Temperature range, °C -40…+60
Level of sealing protection from dust and

Electromagnetic compatibility see annex E

Weight, kg, not more than 0.2

Overall dimensions, mm, not more than see figure 10

* Depending on the ambient temperature and settings of periodicity (rules) for sending
Onboard reports to the Server of Telematics services (AVL Server).

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / Main specifications

Table 3 — GSM frequency bands supported by CANUp 27 gateways

Region of
Model transmission Frequency bands (Bands)
Europe, Asia,
CANUp 27 USA, Canada,
2G GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Standard Latin America,

2G GSM 900/1800 MHz

CANUp 27 Europe, Asia,
Pro 3G Africa
3G B1/B8

2G GSM 900/1800 MHz

CANUp 27 Europe,
3G B1/B8
Pro LTE Middle East, Africa

4G B1/B3/B7/B8/B20/B28A

2G GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz

Latin America,
CANUp 27
3G B1/B2/B4/B5/B8 Australia,
New Zealand
4G B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B7/B8/B28/B40

2G GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz

CANUp 27 3G B1/B2/B4/B5/B6/B8/B19 Worldwide

* We recommend to consult in advance your mobile communication operator regarding
working GSM frequency bands it uses.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / Specifications of S7 wireless interface

1.4.2 Specifications of S7 wireless interface

Table 4 — Specifications of S7 wireless interface

Parameter, measuring unit Value

Communication channel Bluetooth 4.2

Transmission unit power (Tx Power),


Receiver sensitivity (Rx Power), dBm -88

(when mounted on a Vehicle and inside a building)
Maximum areal reach, m
(when mounted within line-of-sight range)
- DUT-E S7 fuel level sensor (up to 10 pcs.)
- DFM S7 fuel flow meters (up to 10 pcs.)
- DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters (up to 10 pcs.)
Wireless Units* that can be connected - GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensors (up to 4 pcs.)
- DUT-E DP S7 position sensors (up to 4 pcs.)
- ADM31 temperature and humidity sensors
(up to 4 pcs.)
Maximum number of wireless Units
available for connection at one time, 10**

Data transmission interval, s 5

Certificates of BLE module
electromagnetic compatibility
* The procedure for wireless Units connection to CANUp 27 Pro 3G/CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
is provided in 2.4.9. The structure and composition of data of output messages from
wireless Units is provided in annex G.
** In any combination of types of wireless Units.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / Data transfer protocol to Server

1.4.3 Data transfer protocol to Server

CANUp 27 sends Onboard reports to the telematics Server (AVL server) in form of data
packets using communication protocols:

• Wialon IPS v.2.0 (Onboard reports format is specified in annex A);

• MQTT IBM Watson IoT* (see annex F).
The selection of the required protocol and user configuration of its parameters for transmission
of data to the Server is performed using Service CANUp service software (the current version
may be downloaded at, section Software/Firmware)

* Only for models CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / CAN j1939/S6 configurable digital interface characteristics

1.4.4 CAN j1939/S6 configurable digital interface characteristics

CAN j1939/S6 configurable digital interface of CANUp 27 characteristics comply with

S6 Technology. Data transfer protocol is based on SAE j1939 standard and meets its
Configuration of CANUp 27 connection options via CAN j1939/S6 interface is performed via
K-Line interface (ISO 14230) (see 2.4.5) using Services CANUp software (can be downloaded
from, Software/Firmware).

CANUp 27 is compatible with any PGN of S6 Database. Any SPN* can be selected to generate
CANUp 27 may receive data via CAN j1939/S6 interface in the automatic mode or upon
request. Operation in the sniffer mode is also possible. Baudrate: 100; 125; 250; 500;
1000 kbit/s (250 kbit/s by default).
To identify CANUp 27 and other Units using S6 Technology, you must specify the unique
network addresses (SA) using the service software according to table 5.

Table 5 — Authorized network addresses for S6 Units connected to form a network

using S6 Technology

Units S6 Maximum Authorized

quantity at Network
Type Model single Object Addresses (SA)

Telematics gateway CANUp 27 1 100

CAN j1939/S6 Display MasterCAN Display 35 2 109, 110
Fuel flow meters 16
DFM Marine CAN ranges — 111…118,
Flow meters DFM Industrial CAN 8 111…118
Fuel level sensors DUT-E GSM 16
MasterCAN CC 2 122, 142
MasterCAN C232/485 2 124, 144
Data converters MasterCAN V-Gate 2 125, 145
MasterCAN CAN2RS 1 135
MasterCAN RS2CAN 1 134
Contactless reader-
FMSCrocodile CCAN 1 122
MasterCAN DAC15 126, 146
j1939 i/o modules 2
MasterCAN DAC2113 127, 147
Position sensor GNOM DP CAN 1 218
Wireless interface Marker S7 Radiobox CAN 1 131

* For CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE/ Pro Wi-Fi, length of a text SPN will be automatically
limited to 24 bytes.
For CANUp 27 Standard SPN must have only digital values and be no longer than 4 bytes.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / CAN non-configurable digital interface characteristics

1.4.5 CAN non-configurable digital interface characteristics

Specifications of CANUp 27 Pro digtal CAN interface (cannot be configured) comply with those
of CAN 2.0B interface. The data transmission protocol corresponds to SAE j1939 group of
CANUp 27 receives data via CAN 2.0B interface automatically, in the sniffer mode.
The composition of PGN depends on the data contained in the connected standard CAN-bus or
in ISOBUS and may differ significantly depending on the manufacturer, model and the year of
the equipment manufacturing.

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / Analog signals specifications

1.4.6 Analog signals specifications

Choosing the required type of analog input signals and configuration of physical inputs of
CANUp 27 is performed using Service CANUp service software.
(current version can be downloaded from the website,
section Software/Firmware).

Table 6 — Specifications of signals of CANUp 27 analog inputs

Signal type, measurement units Value

Voltage, V 0…30

Frequency**, kHz 0.001…10

UPS…3 (level 0)*

Discrete, V
3…0 (level 1)
* UPS — voltage of power supply source.
** Using Service CANUp software you can specify the “Counting” physical input type
for counting input pulses (see C.13).

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General information and technical specifications of CANUp 27 / Technical specifications / Overall dimensions

1.4.7 Overall dimensions

Figure 10 — CANUp 27 overall dimensions

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CANUp 27 installation / Exterior inspection prior to starting works

2 CANUp 27 installation
1) When mounting CANUp 27, strictly follow safety rules of car repair works as well as
local safety rules of the customer’ company.
2) Before the start, it is recommended to carefully study through the electrical circuit
diagram and Operation manual for the Vehicle, where CANUp 27 is mounted.

For CANUp 27 correct operation its mounting and configuration should be carried out by
certified specialists who have passed corporate technical training.

2.1 Exterior inspection prior to starting works

It is required to conduct CANUp 27 exterior inspection for the presence of the possible defects
of body or connectors arisen during transportation, storage or careless use.

Contact the supplier if any defects are detected.

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CANUp 27 installation / Operational restrictions

2.2 Operational restrictions

1) In the process of CANUp 27 installation it should be taken into account that
GLONASS/GPS antenna is mounted within its casing. Therefore, to ensure
unobstructed reception of signals from GNSS, it is necessary to provide a maximum
view of the sky at place of CANUp 27 mounting.
2) To eliminate failures in the communication line between the gateway and DUT-E S7
wireless sensors during CANUp 27 Pro G3/CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi operation based on
S7 Technology, you need to make sure there are no sources of electromagnetic
interference (radiotelephones, video signals transmission units and other wireless
devices operating within 2.4 GHz or 5.0 GHz ranges, powerful transformers and
switching equipment, welding equipment, high-voltage transmission lines etc.).
3) To ensure uninterrupted data transmission using S7 Technology, we do not
recommend that the distance between CANUp 27 Pro and wireless Units should exceed
20 m.

CANUp 27 installation should be done in a dry location protected from aggressive impact of the
environment. CANUp 27 should not be mounted near heating and cooling devices
(e.g. the climate control system). Also, it is not recommended to mount CANUp 27 close to the
vehicle electrical circuits.

A suitable location to mount CANUp 27 is inside driver’s cabin.

To avoid the driver’s distraction during driving, we do not recommend that the LED
indicators of the mounted Gateway should be located within the sight of the driver!

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CANUp 27 installation / SIM card installation

2.3 SIM card installation

The installation of SIM card is foreseen only for models CANUp 27 Standard and
CANUp 27 Pro G3.

1) SIM card (Micro-SIM) is not a part of delivery set and should be purchased from a
local GSM operator. It is recommended to use SIM card with GPRS/SMS function only
and disable PIN protection of the SIM card
2) SIM card should be installed by qualified personnel. Before installation it is
recommended to disconnect external power of CANUp 27.

Insert SIM card (contacts facing down) into the Micro-SIM slot of CANUp 27 and using your
fingernail or with a small screwdriver gently push it into the SIM holder until it clicks
(see figure 11).

Note — To remove the SIM card, press it with your fingernail or with a small screwdriver until
you hear a click. Before removing the SIM card, it is recommended to disconnect external
power of CANUp 27.

Figure 11 — Place of SIM card installation to CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G/ Pro LTE

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connecting CANUp 27 to PC

2.4 Configuration of CANUp 27

ATTENTION: To avoid any communication faults between PC and CANUp 27 make

sure there are no sources of electromagnetic interference close to the workplace
(running electric motors, welding equipment, high-power transformers, power lines,

CANUp 27 is configured via K-Line interface (ISO 14230).

For configuration of CANUp 27 it is required to connect to PC with S6 SK service adapter.
To run S6 SK is required to install Driver USB and special software Service CANUp.
Note — Installation file of software has the view as: Service_CANUp_X_X_Setup.exe.
X_X corresponds to the version of software.
ATTENTION: For work with Service CANUp software, you need a separate PC
(desktop or laptop) on which only Technoton service software that meets the
following minimal requirements is installed:
- Windows 7/10 operating system of X32/X64 bit depth;
- CPU — Intel Core i3, dual-core, 2.0 GHz;
- RAM — 4 Gb;
- availability of USB 2.0 port;
- display resolution 1366x768.

Description of S6 SK and requirements for PC can be found in CAN j1939/S6 Operation

See annex C for CANUp 27 settings, displayed and/or made by Service CANUp software.
Service CANUp software allows to conduct remote configuration using service software
(see 2.4.8), as well as to conduct CANUp 27 firmware update by means of SMS commands
without cable connection to the PC (see annex B).

2.4.1 Connecting CANUp 27 to PC

ATTENTION: Prior to connecting CANUp 27 to a PC, it is necessary to turn off

electrical circuits of the Vehicle*. To do this, use the battery switch or remove the
battery terminals.

Before starting work with S6 SK it is necessary to conduct exterior inspection of adapter and
cables for the presence of the possible defects arisen during transportation,
storage or careless use.

Avoid the following when connecting S6 SK to CANUp 27, mounted into the tank of the

• ingress of fuel and lubricants and moisture to the contact pins of adapter slots or
connectors of service cables;
• potential damage of the adapter and cables by the rotating and heating elements of the

*When configuring CANUp 27 installed on Vehicle. When configuring sensors connected

connected via S6 Technology, power supply of onboard network (battery) can be turned on.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connecting CANUp 27 to PC

CANUp 27 connection to PC per the connection schemes (see figure 12) in the following order:
1) Connect the adapter to CANUp 27.
Plug of service cable of adapter is connected to S6 SK connector to S6 socket. Power
supply of CANUp 27 and service adapter can be either done through using free plug of S6
SK connector or using wires of service adapter (see figure 12 a).
During the configuration of CANUp 27 operating within the network of Units by means of
S6 Technology the connector of the adapter service cable may be connected into the break
of S6 cable system instead of any S6 3SC T-connector. In this case, power is supplied to
CANUp 27 and the adapter through S6 cable system (see figure 12 b).
2) Connect the adapter with USB cable to a free USB-port of your PC.
Note — Adapter can also be connected to USB-port of your PC after turning vehicle’s
electrical system ON and starting the software.
3) Connect power supply and ground wires to vehicle electrical system or battery.
4) Power on the vehicle (battery).
LED-indicator of red color (marked POWER) placed on the front panel of the adapter will light
up after the adapter is connected to PC. If the indicator does not light up, check that USB cable
is properly connected to PC.

a) connecting CANUp 27 using S6 SK

b) connecting CANUp 27 using S6 SK via S6 Technology

Figure 12 — Schemes of CANUp 27 connection to PC

* For connecting power supply (battery) you can choose any of marked places.
** No need to connect. Power supply (battery) is carried out though S6 cabling system.
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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connecting CANUp 27 to PC

Windows automatically detects adapter connected to PC’s USB port as USB device and enables
virtual COM port driver for it. The virtual COM port will be displayed in the list of ports of
Windows Device manager (see figure 13).

ATENTION: It is recommended to untick power save check box for Service CANUp in
the virtual COM-port properties for energy safety purpose (see figure 13 b).

a) selecting port properties b) disabling power save option

Figure 13 — Virtual COM-port configuration in Device manager

S6 SK is ready to use since the power is on. See table 7 for signal description of LED
indicators located on the adapter.

Table 7 – Adapter LED signals description

LED Indicator
Signal description
Marking Status Light color

Red Power supply is on

Power supply is off (or voltage is less
No signal
than minimum required)
Green CANUp 27 data is being received
No signal No data from CANUp 27
Yellow Data is being transmitted to CANUp 27
No signal No data to CANUp 27

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Interface of Service CANUp software

2.4.2 Interface of Service CANUp software

Service CANUp software is launched with desktop shortcut created during installation.
Software interface consists of Horizontal menu, Vertical menu, Unit ID area and
Information and Configuration area (see figure 14)

Unit ID area

Vertical menu

Information and
configuration area

Figure 14 — Interface of Service CANUp

ATTENTION: At lower screen resolutions (less than 1024x768)

Service CANUp window is automatically set to full screen. In this case scroll bars are
used to display unseen areas.

Unit ID area provides information about the model, serial number, manufacturing date and
firmware version of the connected CANUp 27.
Horizontal menu provides the following:
• connection/disconnection of Unit;
• profile options (loading profile, saving profile and printing profile);
• updating firmware;
• S6 Database update in Service CANUp software;
• remote connection to Unit;
• selection of interface language;
• help and Information about the manufacturer.
Vertical menu is used for selection of Function modules of CANUp 27. Its current
parameters and configuration are displayed in Configuration and Information area.
Function modules of Service CANUp software are based on PGN and SPN messages from
S6 Database (see annex C).

To update S6 database in Service CANUp software via Internet, use button in the
dropdown menu . The detailed description of S6 Database can be found in the web-
page part S6 Data base.
Information and Configuration area displays names (PGN) and parameters (SPN) of the
messages. Each SPN holds the following: data range, discretion, measuring units.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Authorization

2.4.3 Authorization

To enable connection between CANUp 27 and PC, click the button in Horizontal
menu. Service CANUp softwa e will search for the connected Units (see figure 15 a).
When connecting the service adapter by means of S6 Technology to the network comprising
several Units, select the Unit which will be used during your work with the software from the
list in the window Connection of Unit and press button (see figure 15 b).
Enter Login and Password of the Unit into the appropriate fields of Autorization window. The
default Login is 0. The default Password is 1111. To save a new Password (to avoid entering
the password again during connection next time), tick Remember Password
(see figure 15 c).

a) search for the connected Unit to PC b) selecting one of several Units

connected to S6 bus

c) user authorization d) Unit’s profile loading

Figure 15 — Enable connection between the CANUp 27 and PC

To recover the password (in case it is lost) you need to place the cursor into the Login or the
Password field of the window Authorization and press Ctrl+F10 key combination.
Service Service CANUp software will display a code to recover the current password of the Unit
(see figure 16). This message is being sent to Technoton technical department by e-mail together with password recovery request.
Requirements for CANUp 27 password request:
• scan copy of the request signed and selaed by the official representative of the
company the Unit been purchased by should be attached;
• request should contain serial number and manufacturer date of the Unit;
• email should contain full name and contact e-mail of a person who should receive the
recovered password.

Figure 16 — Generating password recovery code

In case of incorrect Login and Password or incorrect connection to PC the warning error
message will appear.
If Authorization is made successfully, then Desktop will appear automatically when you run
the software (see figure 14). Desktop contains configuration and current parameters of
Function modules of the connected CANUp 27.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / CANUp 27 Profile

2.4.4 CANUp 27 Profile

CANUp 27 Profile is set of PGN (passport data, counters and settings of Function modules).
It is possible to manage the profiles in both the CANUp 27 connected and autonomous mode.
The button with drop down menu is used to choose the options
(see figure 17). Profile can be stored as a file to PC hard drive or loaded into the memory of
the Unit. It can be printed as well.

Figure 17 — View of Profile menu

Menu is divided into the following sections:

1) Load profile. The following options of profile loading are available in Service CANUp
• Load profile from file — for loading of previously saved profile from the hard drive or
removable disk. It is required to find and choose Profile file in the appeared Open
window (CANUp_*.prf).

• Load profile from Unit — is used for loading profile from the connected CANUp 27.
• Load default profile — is used for loading profile with default factory settings. With this
profile, it is possible to study utility operation without real CANUp 27
connection. By default, profiles for the respective models of gateways are recorded in
the files CANUp_27Standard_default.prf, CANUp_27Pro3G_BLE_default.prf,
CANUp_27ProLTE_default.prf and CANUp_27ProWiFi_BLE_default.prf files, in
the folder of installation file Service_CANUp.exe.

ATTENTION: In autonomous mode only default profile or previously saved profile is

available for loading.

2) Saving profile. Service CANUp software has following profile saving options:
• Save to file — for saving profile to the hard drive or removable disk. This option is
available only for profile loaded from file or Unit.
Select the location and give the name to file. Depending on the model, the final Profile
file name will be as follows: CANUp_27_Standard_*.prf, CANUp_27_Pro_3G_*.prf,
CANUp_27_Pro_LTE_*.prf and CANUp_27_Pro_Wi-Fi_*.prf.
Instead * entering username is recommended. Prefix CANUp_ and format .prf will be
inserted automatically.
• Save to unit — is used for saving modified settings into profile of the connected
Unit. It is available only during the time when there an active connection between PC
and CANUp 27.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / CANUp 27 Profile

If the modified settings were not saved into Unit and button was pressed or
Service CANUp software is being closed there will appear a notification on profile settings
saving. Pressing will save all the unsaved parameters and settings CANUp 27.

3) Print Profile. Profile file can be saved on a PC disk in .pdf format for later printing or
viewing on the display. File name automatically generates CANUp 27 serial number and date
when file was created.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended to attach the hardcopy of the profile to
CANUp 27 specification to log the history of the settings and configurations.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Configuration of connection via CAN j1939/S6 interface

2.4.5 Configuration of connection via CAN j1939/S6 interface

To connect CANUp 27 by means of S6 Technology, you need to configure CAN j1939/S6

interface parameters in Interface submenu of Service CANUp software (see figure 18):
1) From the dropdown list CAN Protocol Type (SPN 521530) select the data transmission
protocol SAE 1939+S6.
2) To identify CANUp 27 within the network comprising several Units connected with
S6 Technology, enter the unique network address 100 in the field S6 Address(SA)
(SPN 521188).
3) From the dropdown list CAN Baudrate (SPN 521531) select the required Baudrate from
the following range of fixed values: 100; 125; 250; 500; 1000 kbit/s
(by default — 250 kbit/s).
4) From the dropdown list CAN Mode select the required mode of data reception in
CAN j1939/S6 interface:
• Active (CAN Requests Enable) – CANUp 27 sends active request to standard CAN
bus or to Units, which are connected using S6 Technology. PGN which, by default, are
missing in the bus, but are provided upon request.
Note – in contrast to Units connected using S6 Technology, sending active request to
standard CAN bus may cause malfunction of Vehicle electronic units.
• Passive (CAN Requests Disable) – CANUp 27 does not send active requests to
standard CAN bus or to Units, connected using S6 Technology. In this mode, CANUp 27
is identified by its network address by other Units and receives data from them in
automatic mode.
• Silent (Sniffer) — CANUp 27 is not identified by other Units. Data are received in
sniffer mode.
5) Through Enable Termination Resistor drop-down list (SPN 521533), turn on or off
(by default - Off) built-in terminating resistor (120 Ohm) between the CAN LOW and
CAN HIGH pins of S6 socket of CANUp 27. Activation of the terminal resistor is the necessary
condition for correct data transfer via CAN 2.0B (SAE J1939) communication line.

Figure 18 — Configuration of connection parameters for CANUp 27 connection via

CAN j1939/S6 interface
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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connection to ORF 4 Telematics service

2.4.6 Connection to ORF 4 Telematics service

Configuration of any model of CANUp 27 connection to ORF 4 Telematics interface is

performed only after establishing a communication session between the Unit and PC
(see 2.4.3) using Service CANUp software:
• submenu Communicator FM for CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE
(see C.11, table C.11);
• submenu WiFi Communicator FM for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi (see C.12, table C.12).
To connect a Unit to ORF 4 Telematics interface, you are to perform the following operations:
1) Connect the Unit to the Internet:
for CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE
• in case of using SIM card with PIN code protection, first, you have to unlock it (enter
PIN code and remove the checkmark in the appropriate field);
• enter Internet connection settings of the Unit GPRS modem (APN of mobile
communication operator);
• taking note of GPRS modem indications parameters make sure the modem is
connected to Internet.
ATTENTION: For obtaining APN settings, contact service center of SIM-card provider.

for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi

• from the list of Wi-Fi routers available for connection you need to select the router
which will be used as the authorized Internet access point for Internet connection;
Note — If necessary, you may configure a user access point not included into the list
of Wi-Fi routers accessible for connection.
• connect to the selected router;
• taking note of the Wi-Fi module indications of status parameters make sure the
modem of the Unit is connected to Internet.

2) Enter settings for CANUp 27 connection with AVL Server.

IMPORTANT: Data inserted into the fields of prefix (ID) should match with data
inserted into the fields “Unique ID”, they are entered during registration in the
ORF 4 Telematics service (see ORF 4 Telematics service. User_manual).
3) Check CANUp 27 authentication settings on the Server to be sure that the Unit
authentication is made successfully and there is connection with the Server.

ATTENTION: If connection problems occur, contact Service administrator by


4) In configuration of GNSS FM according to the settings of GNSS (see C.6, table C.6), check
that built-in navigation receiver of CANUp 27 is working properly and receives data from
satellite navigation.

ATTENTION: For good reception of navigation data it is necessary to maximize the

view of the sky at the place where the CANUp 27 is being tested.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connection to IBM Watson IoT Platform

2.4.7 Connection to IBM Watson IoT Platform

Configuration of connection to IBM Watson IoT Platform Server for models CANUp 27 Pro 3G /
Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi is conducted after establishing a communication session between the Unit
and the PC (see 2.4.3) and after the Unit connection to the Internet (see 2.4.6) using
CANUp Service software:
• submenu Communicator FM for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE (see C.11, table C.11);
• submenu WiFi Communicator FM for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi (see C.12, table C.12).
To connect a Unit to IBM Watson IoT Platform Serve, you are to perform the following
1) perform preliminary operations:
• create an account and get registered at Bluemix Service;
• create an organization at IBM Watson IoT Platform Server;
• create a Device type for CANUp 27 Pro, in case it was not created before;
• register the specific CANUp 27 Pro as a new device at IBM Watson IoT Platform Server;
for this you should enter its Device Information:
- Unique Device ID on the basis of its factory serial number and Device type;
- Device ID Token (you can accept the token generated automatically). The Token must
not contain repeating sequences of characters, words from the vocabulary, user names
and other predefined sequences.
We recommend to save the Token; in case it is lost, you will need to go through
the Unit registration procedure again!
• Copy the following data from the Device Information page of IBM Watson IoT Platform
which will be needed for further CANUp 27 Pro configuration:
- Organization ID (org_id);
- Device Type (UP27);
- Device ID.

2) Using Service CANUp software, configure data transmission to the Server by CANUp 27 Pro
using Protocol MQTT IBM Watson IoT (see annex F).
To connect CANUp 27 Pro to the Server, the following data are needed:
- URL:,
in which org_id — Organization ID of IBM Watson IoT Platform;
- port: 1883;
- Device ID: d:org_id:device_type:device_id;
- User Name: use-token-auth;
- Password: Authentication Token;
- Event Format: iot-2/evt/event_id/fmt/format_string, where event_id
is generated automatically by CANUp as line:
sa_spn_qgr_qval, sa – address, spn – spn, qgr and qval – are specificators.
3) Configure the sending of Reports (submenu FM Reports Generator) by CANUp 27 Pro.

4) Watching indications of CANUp 27 Pro authentication parameters at IBM Watson

IoT Platform Server make sure the authentication is completed successfully and the connection
of CANUp 27 to IBM Watson IoT Platform Server is established.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connection to IBM Watson IoT Platform

ATTENTION: If connection problems occur, contact Service administrator by


5) In configuration of GNSS FM according to the settings of GNSS (see C.6, table C.6), check
that built-in navigation receiver of CANUp 27 is working properly and receives data from
satellite navigation.

ATTENTION: For good reception of navigation data it is necessary to maximize the

view of the sky at the place where the CANUp 27 is being tested.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Remote connection to CANUp 27

2.4.8 Remote connection to CANUp 27

Service CANUp software enables to establish a remote connection to any models of

CANUp 27 by means of Internet without using cable connection to the PC.

1) PC which will be used for remote connection to CANUp 27 should have:
- open network port for external connections;
- static IP address on the Internet (provided by your Internet Service Provider)
(for connect to CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE);
- local network IP address (provided by the local network administrator)
(for connect to CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi).
2) To ensure stable operation of in-built communication module of CANUp 27
during remote configuration, it is necessary to provide:
- sensor supply voltage within its limits - range from 9 to 45 V;
- stable GSM connection to the remote Unit.

1) To connect to a remote CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE by means of GSM

connection, perform the following operations:
• In Horizontal menu of Service CANUp software tick Remote Connection field and
press button (see figure 14).
• After the window with a warning of Units with which remote connection can be
established is displayed, Connection settings window will appear (see figure 19 a)
in which you enter the selected number of your PC network port for connection to
CANUp 27.
• In the window Remote Connection (see figure 19 b) the format of a special SMS-
message is provided; you are to send it to the mobile number of CANUp 27 SIM card.
The special SMS initiates the Internet connection for remote connection of CANUp 27 to
the PC.
2) To connect to a remote CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi by means
of GPRS-command CSRV through TCP channel, perform the following operations:
• Connect CANUp 27 to ORF 4 Telematics service according to 2.4.6.
• In ORF 4 open Additional menu for the respective object. In Commands tab
(Unit Properties window) specify settings of GPRS-command CSRV for remote
connection to CANUp 27 via TCP channel using Service CANUp software
(see figure 19 c). The structure of fields of GPRS-command CSRV is similar to that of
the same name SMS-command provided in annex B.
• In Horizontal menu of Service CANUp software tick Remote Connection field and
press button (see figure 14).
• After the window containing a warning of Units with which remote connection can be
established, Connection settings window will appear (see figure 19 a) in which you
are to enter the selected number of the PC port for connection to CANUp 27.
• After Remote Connection window of Service CANUp software is displayed
(see figure 19 b), open Additional menu in ORF 4 for the respective object and from
the window Execute a Command enter GPRS-command CSRV (see figure 19 c). This
command initiates the Internet connection for remote connection of CANUp 27
to the PC.

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Remote connection to CANUp 27

IMPORTANT: Before you send the command, you must make sure that CANUp 27 is
connected to ORF 4 Telematics service (the green indicator Object connected is on)
and is transmitting data to the Server (see figure 19 d).
The maximum waiting time for remote connection to a Unit after sending SMS or
GPRS-command CSRV is 5 min. If no connection is established during that time, the message
of the waiting period end is displayed. In this case, you are to try again to establish the remote
connection with CANUp 27.

a) configuration of the PC network port

b) window with a special SMS for remote connection to a Unit

Example of GPRS-command CSRV

c) example of ORF 4 windows for configuration of properties and execution of GPRS-command

CSRV for remote connection to a Unit

Unit is online

Data transmitted
to the Server by
the Unit

c) example of checking a Unit connection to ORF 4 Telematics service before sending

GPRS-command CSRV
Figure 19 — Establishment of a remote connection with CANUp 27

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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connection of wireless Units

2.4.9 Connection of wireless Units

Service CANUp software enables to configure the connection of the following wireless Units to
CANUp 27 Pro Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi by means of S7 Technology:
• DUT-E S7 fuel level sensors;
• DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters;
• GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensors;
• DUT-E DP S7 position sensors;
• ADM31 temperature and humidity sensors.
To establish connection between the gateway and the wireless Unit and to receive data from it,
you are to perform the following operations:
1) Select the required Unit in Base S7 FM submenu (see C.18) from the table Available
Bluetooth Device List, in accordance with its serial number*. This table is a list of the
Units MAC addresses (up to 15 addresses), currently visible (accessible) for the
BLE-module of CANUp 27 Pro.
ATTENTION: You can identify the line of the selected wireless Unit manufactured by
Technoton according to the first four digits of its serial number:
- 0107, 0108 — DUT-E S7 fuel level sensors;
- 0270, 0271, 0272, 0273, 0235, 0236, 0237 — DFM S7 fuel flow meters;
- 0470, 0471, 0472 — DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters;
- 1105 — GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensor;
- 1106 — GNOM DP S7 position sensor.
2) By drag-and-drop, copy the selected Unit into the table Allowed Units S7 List
(see figure 20 a). Each Unit is automatically assigned its network address (SA) from the
number of vacant addresses for its identification during work using S7 Technology.
Possible designations of network addresses of S7 Units may be assigned from the
following ranges:
• for DUT-E S7 fuel level sensors — 91…98, 101…108;
• for DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters — 111…118, 151…158;
• for GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensors and
GNOM DP S7 position sensors — 82…85;
• for ADM31 temperature and humidity sensors — 136…139.

In case you need to replace the network address, click twice the line of the respective Unit.
You may select a vacant network address in the window Add Unit that appears, choosing it
from the dropdown list SA (see figure 20 b).
If the required Units are missing in the list of accessible devices, you can add them manually
by pressing button, having specified the appropriate MAC-addresses in the
window Add Unit (see figure 20 c).

IMPORTANT: For joint operation with the gateway, the data structure of MAC-
addresses of wireless Units from other manufacturers must correspond to
S6 Database.

The possibility to operate using S7 Technology is determined for each Unit added to the
Allowed Units S7 List, in accordance with its accessibility status (Enable/Disable).

* In case of connection of ADM31 temperature and humidity sensors, the necessary sensor is
selected in accordance with its MAC-address.
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CANUp 27 installation / Configuration of CANUp 27 / Connection of wireless Units

1) The maximum number of any wireless Units simultaneously connected to
CANUp 27 Pro by means of S7 Technology — 10 pcs.
2) The maximum number of cable-connected and wireless Units of one type
simultaneously connected to CANUp 27 Pro by means of S6 Technology and
S7 Technology:
- DFM CAN/DFM Marine CAN/DFM Industrial CAN/DFM S7/DFM Marine S7 — 16 pcs.
- DUT-E CAN/DUT-E 2Bio CAN/DUT-E GSM/DUT-E S7 — 16 pcs.
- GNOM DDE S7/GNOM DP S7 — 4 pcs.
3) The network address of each Unit must be unique!
The same network addresses for cable-connected and wireless Units of one
type simultaneously connected to the Gateway are not allowed!

3) In the submenu of Reports Generator FM (see 2.6 and C.9) select the data source DB S6
and add data (SPN) from the output message (PGN) of the respective wireless Unit to the
Report which is being generated.

The data content of output messages of wireless Units is provided in annex G.

For each SPN added to the Report, select the designation S7 from the dropdown list
Bus Marker; in the field S6 Address (SA) specify the network address of the wireless source
Unit of SPN.

a) adding a Unit for connection by means b) editing the network address

of S7 Technology of the Unit which is being

Enter MAC-address
of the necessary Unit

c) addition of a Unit according to the specified MAC-address

Figure 20 — Configuration of S7 Database FM for work with wireless Units using S7 Technology

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CANUp 27 installation / Electrical connection

2.5 Electrical connection

1) CANUp 27 is powered from external power source (e.g. electrical onboard network of
Vehicle) through S6 cabling system in accordance with pin assignment of S6 connector
(see table 7).

In case there is no external power supply, CANUp 27 can operate using the inbuilt
accumulator battery during 4…6 h (depending on the ambient temperature and the
settings of periodicity of sending Onboard reports to the Server of Telematics services).
1) Before mounting and connecting CANUp 27 switch off power supply of the
Vehicle electrical circuits. To do this switch off the battery switch or release
the terminals of the wires connected to the battery.
2) Prior to electrical connection of the sensor pay special attention to checking
Vehicle chassis ground. Resistance between any point of vehicle chassis and
“-” terminal of the battery or between terminals of the chassis ground switch
should not exceed 1 Ohm.
3) When connecting CANUp 27 to onboard electrical network of Vehicle, use fuse
(2 A) from delivery set in accordance to scheme of connection.
4) It is strongly recommended to lay CANUp 27 signal cable together with
the standard vehicle wiring with the mandatory tie-wrap fixing of every 50 cm,
at positive ambient temperature.

2) Connection of CANUp 27 by means of CAN j1939/S6 digital interface (see 1.4.4) is carried
out with S6 cable from the delivery set, in accordance with designation of contacts of S6
connectors (see table 8).

Table 8 — Designation of contacts of S6 connectors

Connector Circuit Signal
Contact Wire Marking Wire Color
Pinout Designation Parameters

1 VBAT Orange Power “+” voltage
S6 connector 9…45 V
of CANUp 27
2 GND Brown Ground “-” —

3 CANH Blue CAN HIGH Digital,

CAN 2.0B,
S6 connector SAE j1939
of S6 cable: 4 CANL White CAN LOW Standard

5 KLIN Orange K-Line ISO 14230
Signal of terminal
6 KL15 Pink voltage
15 of ignition lock
0…36 V

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CANUp 27 installation / Electrical connection

For secure connection of CANUp 27 Standard model using CAN j1939/S6 digital interface to the
Vehicle CAN-bus, we recommend to use FMSCrocodile CCAN contactless reader/converter
(see figure 21).
Note — For safe connection of CANUp 27 Standard to ISOBUS bus via CAN j1939/S6 interface,
we recommend to employ CANCrocodile contactless reader.

Figure 21 — Safe integration of Automotive CANbus into Telematics system

using FMSCrocodile CCAN

3) Connection to the analog input of CANUp 27 is performed with CANUp 27 cable from the
delivery set (see 1.2), in accordance with the designation of contacts of SENS connectors,
according to table 9.

Table 9 — Designation of contacts of SENS connectors

Connector Wire Circuit Signal
Contact Wire Color
Pinout Marking Designation Parameters

1 KLIN Black K-Line * Digital,

ISO 14230
SENS connector 2 LLIN Green L-Line * Standard
of CANUp 27:
Analog signal
3 AIN White voltage
(0…30) V
Frequency Frequency
4 FIN Yellow
signal input (0,001…10) kHz

5 GND Brown Ground “-” —

SENS connector
of CANUp 27 cable:
6 GND Brown Ground “-” —

Discrete signal
7 DIN Pink UPS…3 (level 0) **
3…0 (level 1)

8 GND Brown Ground “-” —

* Reserve for CANUp 27 Standard model.

** UPS — voltage of power supply source.

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CANUp 27 installation / Electrical connection

Quick splice connectors (ordered separately) are recommended for connection signal wires to
CANUp 27 (see figure 22).

Figure 22 — Using connectors to connect wires of signal cable

4) CANUp 27 Pro is connected to a standard Vehicle CAN-bus or ISOBUS with CAN 4 pin
cable from the delivery set (see 1.2), in accordance with the designation of contacts of CAN
connectors, according to table 10.

For model CANUp 27 Standard, CAN connector is a spare one.

Table 10 — Designation of contacts of CAN connectors

Connector Circuit Signal
Contact Wire Marking Wire Color
Pinout Designation Parameters

CAN connector 1 VE Orange Power “+” voltage
of CANUp 27: 9…45 V

2 GND Brown Ground “-” —

CAN connector
of CAN 4 pin cable: 3 CANH Blue CAN HIGH
CAN 2.0B,
SAE j1939

Examples of CANUp 27 connection diagrams using S6 Technolgy including a list of S6 Cable

System components that need to be ordered are provided in the Operation Manual for CAN
j1939/S6 Telematics Interface.

A list of Units and other Telematics equipment that may be connected to CANUp 27 at one
time is provided in table 1.

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CANUp 27 installation / Creating and customizing Reports

2.6 Creating and customizing Reports

For work with Onboard reports of CANUp 27, the submenu Reports Generator FM
which enables to create and configure the maximum number of 20 various Reports is used.
To create a new Onboard Report, press button . In the displayed window Select
triggering Event for create Report select from the dropdown list Event SPN of the Event of
which the Report will be generated (see figure 23).

Figure 23 — Selecting Event for Onboard report generation

For quick creation of the Onboard Report based on the earlier created Report, select the
necessary Report and press button . Enter the new Report name in the field Report

For loading Onboard Reports from the earlier saved Unit profile, select the necessary file
(*.prf) from the PC hard disc and press button . In the displayed window Load
Reports checkmark the necessary Reports names and press button. If you highlight
any line of any Report, a prompt message with data (SPN) contained in it is displayed. In the
upper portion of the window Load Reports there is a prompt of how many Reports you may
choose to the maximum possible number (see figure 24).

Figure 24 — Downloading Reports from the Unit profile

Created CANUp 27 Reports are displayed as tabs in Reports Generator area. Each tab has
identical settings for the generating and sending Report to the Server. To delete a Report, use

button, placed on each tab (see figure 25).

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CANUp 27 installation / Creating and customizing Reports

Figure 25 — Example of a tab with the Flowmeter Onboard Report settings

For each Report, the following settings are provided:

• Enable Report (SPN 521151) field is used to enable or disable generation of selected
• Report Name (SPN 521250) field, where you should enter name of the Report to
identify it. Use letters of Latin alphabet only (to exclude conversion of encodings during
sending Reports by e-mail or via SMS) when entering the name of Report.
• in Generate a Report when an Event occurs area, there is:
- Event SPN (SPN 521166) drop-down list corresponding to S6 Database.
From this list, you can select the Event, which generates the Report when occurs;
- field S6 Address (SA) to enter the network address of the SPN source Unit in
CAN j1939/S6 bus (see 1.4.4) or in a standard CAN-bus.
Note — If the Event is generated not by the gateway but some other Unit whose network
address is different from the address entered, warning sign is displayed near the field
S6 Address (SA). When the precise network address of the source Unit is unknown, we
recommend to use address 255. In this case, any Unit of the network can be the source of the
chosen Event.
• In the area Report generation conditions you may specify conditions for the Report
generation in the appropriate fields, depending on the status of ignition/connecting to
Vehicle power supply or on whether the Vehicle is moving or not:
- ignition is OFF (SPN 521151/12.0) (for CANUp 27 Pro) /
switched OFF from Vehicle power supply (SPN 521151/12.3) (for CANUp 27 Standard);
- ignition is ON, the Vehicle is not moving (SPN 521151/12.1) (for CANUp 27 Pro) /
Vehicle power supply is ON, stopped (SPN 521151/12.4) (for CANUp 27 Standard);
- Vehicle is moving (this setting is permanently ON).
• In the area Report sending conditions (SPN 521151/11.1), in the field Roaming you
may enable or disable sending the Report in the Roaming mode;

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CANUp 27 installation / Creating and customizing Reports

• in the area Receivers of Reports you may specify versions of the Report which is to
be sent, in the appropriate fields:
- in the field Automatic Vehicle Location (SPN 521154/25.0) you may enable or
disable sending the Report by GPRS;
- E-mail - for sending Report by e-mail to selected addresses from pre-formed list of
e-mail addresses of recipients. To create an address list, use button.
A list can contain no more than three e-mail addresses of recipients. Each address
must contain no more than 64 characters.
- SMS - for sending Report as an SMS message to mobile phone numbers from the
generated list of recipient numbers. To create a list of numbers, use
button. The list can contain no more than three phone numbers of recipients, recorded
in international format (maximum 13 digits).
1 In case any changes are made in lists of e-mail addresses or telephone numbers of Reports
receivers, settings of Reports in which these receivers are specified will change automatically.
2 In order to improve the stability of the gateway operation, there is no feature of sending
data by means of SMS messages and to e-mail addresses for SPN Events that are often
generated (more often than once in 30 min) in all CANUp 27 models.
3 You may enable the feature of sending SPN in the form of source data (i.e. decimal value
which is not converted) in the field Raw Data for the Report which is transmitted by means of
SMS messages and to E-mail addresses.
4 In model CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE you may enable the transmission of a KML file for the
Reports “Statistics” and “Timer/Alarm”, with a track of the Vehicle movement, in the field
Attach Track.
5 In model CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi there is no feature of sending Reports by means of
SMS messages and to E-mail addresses.

RECOMMENDATION: do not choose to send by e-mail and/or via SMS the Reports,
which are generated more than once per hour.
• In Report Data (SPN) area, you can select data from Select SPN/PGN
(see figure 26 a) window, which will be used for Report generation. To add SPN use
button, to remove SPN use button, placed near the corresponding SPN.
You can select up to 10 SPNs for one Report.

You may select SPN from the following sources:

- DB S6 — selection of SPN from S6 Database. For this purpose, there is an option of
searching SPN by its number or name which is entered into the search bar of Select
SPN/PGN window. Highlight PGN which contains the needed SPN and confirm your
choice by pressing button. For SPN with the same numbers within one PGN,
whenever you place the cursor on them, the prompt message containing the
specificator is displayed (see figure 26 b).
The following data are assigned automatically for the selected SPN: from the dropdown
list Bus Marker – the message “Not used”, while in the field S6 Address (SA) – the
gateway network address (100).
If the selected SPN is read from Units connected to CANUp 27 by means of
S6 Technology, or by means of S7 Technology, or from the standard vehicle CAN-bus,
you need to select manually: from the dropdown list Bus Marker the corresponding
indication (S6/S7/CAN), while in the field S6 Address (SA) you need to specify the
network address of the SPN source Unit SPN 521188).
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CANUp 27 installation / Creating and customizing Reports

- S6 bus — selection of SPN from Units connected to CANUp 27 via CAN j1939/S6
interface by means of S6 Technology.
Assigned automatically to the selected SPN: S6 value from the dropdown list Bus
Marker, while the network address of SPN source Unit (SPN 521188) — in the field
S6 Address (SA).

- CAN bus — selection of SPN from a standard Vehicle CAN-bus or ISOBUS. This
selection is available only for CANUp 27 Pro in case of connection to the onboard CAN-
bus or ISOBUS and in case input data for CAN interface are available.
For SPN selection, there is an option to filter it from the list of current PGN by SPN
number, or by SPN/Specificator name, or by PGN name or by the network address SA
of the source Unit (see figure 26 c).
Assigned automatically to the selected SPN: CAN value from the dropdown list Bus
Marker, while the network address of SPN source Unit (SPN 521188) — in the field
S6 Address (SA).

a) a list of SPNs in S6 Database b) an example of displaying qualifier

of SPNs with the same names

c) SPN selection from current CAN bus data

Figure 26 — Select SPN/PGN window for adding to Report

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CANUp 27 installation / Creating and customizing Reports

WARNING: For CANUp 27 Standard it is allowed to select only SPN with digital value
no longer than 4 bytes that may be added to the Report. In case any SPN beyond
these limitations is selected, the appropriate warning is displayed (see figure 27).

Figure 27 — Warning on choosing SPN of inappropriate format

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CANUp 27 installation / Function test

2.7 Function test

To verify functioning it is required:

1) To register the Vehicle or stationary object with CANUp 27 installed in Telematics service
ORF 4 (see the document Telematics service ORF 4. User manual).

2) Make sure that data is transmitted to the Server correctly (see figure 28).

Figure 28 — Example of how the vehicle (with CANUp 27 installed) is displayed

in ORF 4 monitoring service

During CANUp 27 operation, signals of LED indicators, located on the top cover of CANUp 27
body, should be visible (see table 11).

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CANUp 27 installation / Function test

Table 11 – CANUp 27 LED signals description

LED Indicator
Signal description*
Marking Status Light color

External power supply is on.

Battery is charged.
External power supply is on.
Battery is charging.
External power supply is off.
Powered from battery.
External power supply is off.
No signal
Battery is discharged.
Data transfer from PC is in progress
(when working with Service CANUp software).
Ignition is turned on (engine is running).
Regular operation mode.
External power supply is off.
No signal
Battery is discharged.
Satellite receiver is on. Satellites are not
detected or data is not reliable.
GNSS Satellite receiver is on.
Satellites are detected and data is reliable.
No signal Satellite receiver is not working.

GSM modem initialization.

Modem is registered in GSM network,

no GPRS connection.
Blue GPRS connection established, no authorized
LINK** to access Server.
GPRS connection established, no authorized
to access Server.
Report sending in progress.
No signal GPRS modem is switched off or defective.

Initialization of Wi-Fi modem.

Wi-Fi modem is connected to the access
point (router).
Blue Connection with the Server is established,
but no authentication on the Server.
There is authentication on the Server.
Reports transmission is in progress.
No signal Wi-Fi modem is off or out of order.

* For flashing light signals, interval between flashes is 2 seconds.

** For CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE.
*** For CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.

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3 Packaging
CANUp 27 delivery sets come in cardboard boxes of the following shape (figure 29)

Figure 29 — CANUp 27 packaging

Label sticker with information on the product name, certificates, serial number, firmware
version, manufacture date, weight as well as Quality Control seal and QR code is stuck on two
sides of the CANUp 27 box (see figure 30).

Figure 30 — CANUp 27 packaging label

Note — label design and contents can be modified by the Manufacturer.

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4 Storage
CANUp 27 is recommended to be stored in dry enclosed areas.

CANUp 27 storage is allowed only in original packaging at temperature range

from +10 to +30 °C and relative humidity from 45 to 75 % at 25 °C.

Do not store CANUp 27 in the same room with substances that cause metal corrosion and / or
contain aggressive impurities.

CANUp 27 shelf life must not exceed 24 months.

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5 Transportation

Transportation of CANUp 27 is recommended in closed transport that provides protection for

CANUp 27 from mechanical damage and precipitation.

When transporting by air, CANUp 27 must be stored in heated pressurized compartments.

Air environment in transportation compartments should not contain acid, alkaline and other
aggressive impurities.

Shipping containers with packed CANUp 27 sensors should be sealed.

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© Technoton, 2021 58

6 Utilization/re-cycling

CANUp 27 does not contain precious metals in amount that should be recorded.

The inbuilt lithium-ion accumulator battery of CANUp 27 contains harmful substances and
components that are hazardous to human health and environment.

CANUp 27 must not be disposed of together with general domestic waste.

The Buyer is responsible for the disposal of CANUp 27 by means of its delivery to the
hazardous waste collecting center; this will ensure safety for human health and environment.

Technoton bears no responsibility for any non-compliance with the above disposal and
recycling requirements for CANUp 27.

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© Technoton, 2021 59



Tel/Fax: +375 17 240-39-73


Technical support

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© Technoton, 2021 60
Annex A List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports / Authentication Report on AVL Server

Annex A

List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports

CANUp 27 uses TCP connection for sending data.

Reports from CANUp 27 to AVL Server are sent using Wialon IPS v.2.0 protocol.

Table A.1 — List of CANUp 27 Reports

Packet Type in accordance with
Wialon IPS 2.0 Protocol
Report on authentication on AVL Server L

Report with data * D

Composite Report ** B

* For CANUp 27 Standard.

** For CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi

A.1 Authentication Report on AVL Server

The view of the Authentication Report at AVL Server is presented below:


Table A.2 — Authentication Report on AVL Server

Field Designation Data Transmitted

protocol_version Version of Wialon protocol. The field must contain value 2.0

id Unique ID of CANUp 27 which consists of a prefix

(SPN 521080) and the Unit serial number (SPN 521120)
password Unit Password

crc16 Checksum

; Separator character

UP27_02001100000 - Unit ID consisting of prefix “UP27_”
and serial number “02001100000”;
1111 - Unit password;
A96E - checksum calculated using crc16 algorithm.

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Annex A List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports / Report containing data

A.2 Report containing data

A Report containing data has the following view:

The Report in the form as above is transmitted only by CANUp 27 Standard.
In CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi the Report containing data is partially transmitted in
the form of Composite Report (see table A.1).

Table A.3 — Report containing data

Field name Transmitted data

date SPN 962, SPN 963, SPN 964

Date in format DDMMYY, in UTC,
if nothing, NA is transmitted.
time SPN 959, SPN 960, SPN 961
Time in format HHMMSS, in UTC, if nothing, NA is transmitted.
lat1, lat2 SPN 584
Latitude (5544.6025;N), if nothing, NA is transmitted; NA.
lon1, lon2 SPN 585
Longitude (03739.6834;E), if nothing, NA is transmitted.
speed SPN 517
Speed, integer, km/h, if nothing, NA is transmitted.
course SPN 165
Course, integer, degrees, if nothing, NA is transmitted.
height SPN 580
Height, integer, in meters, if nothing, NA is transmitted.
sats SPN 521128
The number of satellites, integer, if nothing, NA is transmitted.
hdop SPN 521090
Reduced precision, fractional number, if nothing, NA is transmitted.
inputs Not used – NA.
outputs Not used – NA.
adc Not used – NA.
ibutton Not used – NA.
params The field contains the transmitted data, in accordance with S6 Database.
The data are presented as a pattern: NAME:TYPE:VALUE,
NAME – SA, SPN and specificator* separated by character “_”;
TYPE – data type: 1 – integer value or 3** – ASCII-line;
VALUE – SPN value.

* Specificator is designated as X.Y, where X is the group number,
Y is value within the group;
For CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi multiple specificators are supported
(up to three pcs.).
** Only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

crc16 Checksum
; Separator

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Annex A List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports / Report containing data




280818 – date: 28.08.2018;

144432 – time: 14:44:32;
1040.1034;N – latitude: 10.668390° N;
12259.0108;E – longitude: 122.983513 ° E;
0.000 – Vehicle speed: 0,0 km/h;
37.594 – Vehicle course of movement: 37,594°;
35.500 – altitude above the sea level: 35.5 m;
16 – number of visible satellites;
0.680 – horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP).

Report parameters are below:

101_521347:1:521246 – SA=101, SPN=521347, value =521246;

101_174:1:71 – SA=101, SPN=174, value =71;
101_521023_2.10:1:0 – SA=101, SPN=521023, specificator =2.10 value =0;
101_521024_2.10:1:0 – SA=101, SPN=521024, specificator =2.10 value =0;
101_521488:1:0 – SA=101, SPN=521488, value =0;

Last field: DAAE – checksum calculated based on crc16 algorithm.

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Annex A List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports / Composite Report

A.3 Composite Report

Composite Report is supported only in CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi and the common
form of it is:

in which msg are several bodies of general Reports with data (see A.2)
(without specifying the type) separated by character |.




Report 1:
291118 – date: 29.11.2018;
082246 – time: 08:22:46;
NA, NA – latitude not specified;
NA, NA – longitude not specified;
0.000 – Vehicle speed: 0,0 km/h;
NA – Vehicle course of movement not specified;
NA – altitude above the sea level not specified;
NA – number of visible satellites not specified;
NA – horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) not specified.

Report 1 parameters are below:

100_521347:1:521261 – SA=100, SPN=521347, value =521261;
100_521126:1:1641108 – SA=100, SPN=521126, value =1641108;
100_521127:1:258761 – SA=100, SPN=521127, value =258761;
100_521072_21.2:1:1 – SA=100, SPN=521072, specificator =21.1, value =1;
100_521072_21.1:1:0 – SA=100, SPN=521072, specificator =21.0, value =0;
100_521072_21.0:1:0 – SA=100, SPN=521072, specificator =21.0, value =0;

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Annex A List and contents of CANUp 27 On-board reports / Composite Report

Report 2:

291118 – date: 29.11.2018;

082245 – time: 08:22:45;
NA, NA – latitude not specified;
NA, NA – longitude not specified;
0.000 – Vehicle speed: 0,0 km/h;
NA – Vehicle course of movement not specified;
NA – altitude above the sea level not specified;
NA – number of visible satellites not specified;
NA – horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) not specified.

Report 2 parameters are below:

100_521347:1:521246 – SA=100, SPN=521347, value =521246;
100_521129:1:1 – SA=100, SPN=521129, value =1;
100_521050:1:1 – SA=100, SPN=521050, value =1;

Last field: A614 – checksum calculated based on crc16 algorithm.

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Annex B SMS commands for CANUp 27 remote configuration

Annex B

SMS commands for CANUp 27 remote configuration

Format of SMS-commands: ++PVX;Y;Z;V;DDD…DDDD/++

Table B.1 — Fields SMS-commands

Purpose Notes
++ Beginning of the command —

PV Version of SMS format structure One symbol (meaning of symbol — B)

X Password of CANUp 27 Numbers, not less than 4

Y SA CANUp 27 identification Numbers, not less than 4

(network address on the S6 bus)

Z Command Symbols (0,1,2…Z), not less than 4

V Time to execute the command Minutes, not less than 4

DDD…DDDD Field of the command Text or number, max 50 symbols

/++ End of the command —

1 All symbols — Latin.
2 All numbers — decimal of symbol format.
3 Separator — semicolon (;).
4 Command for set up (entry) of field configuration begins from letter S.
5 Command for reading field of configuration begins from letter R.

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Annex B SMS commands for CANUp 27 remote configuration

Table B.2 — List of SMS-commands

Field of the
Command Purpose command Notes
LDFW Load firmware. see table B.3 —

RDID Get serial number and firmware — Returns serial number of

version. CANUp 27 and its firmware
Example command:
RAPN Get configurations of connection — Example command:
to mobile operator. ++B1111;100;RAPN;5;/++
Example of CANUp 27
CANUp 27
SAPN Save configurations of APN access point, Example command:
connection to mobile operator. login, password ++B1111;100;SAPN;5;internet;
Command value consists of the
name of the access point (APN)
of mobile operator, login and
password for connection

RAVL Get AVL server configurations. — Example of CANUp 27

CANUp 27
IP_prefix=CANUp 27
SAVL Save AVL server configurations. IP address/domain, Example command:
port, user ID, ++B1111;100;SAVL;5;
Parameters in command field may
be missing, in this case the
current settings are used.
Port - no more than 5 digits,
ID - no more than 13 symbols,
Password - no more than
16 symbols

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Annex B SMS commands for CANUp 27 remote configuration

Field of the
Command Purpose command Notes
RLOC Return serial number and — The command returns serial
coordinates of CANUp 27: number and coordinates of
latitude and longitude, CANUp 27: latitude and
hyperlink to googlemaps. longitude, hyperlink to
Example of CANUp 27
CANUp 27
Link on map:

RSTM Restart modem. — Example command:


CSRV Remote connection and control IP address, port of PC, Example command:
of the CANUp 27 via service where service ++B1111;100;CSRV;5;
software. software is running,;1234/++
and Internet
connection is

Table B.3 — Fields of SMS-command LDFW

Required fields Examples

File name and letter case should be the same
<file_name> dut_e_fw_1_0.blf3
as on the server

<ftp_pass> Password for access to ftp-server 1234

Optional fields Examples

<ftp_addr> Ftp-server address

<ftp_port> Port for connection to ftp-server 21
Connection mode
<ftp_connection_mode> 0 – active; 1
1 – passive
<ftp_login> Login for access to ftp-server anonymous

1 For firmware files, create a folder named “firmware” in the root directory of the server.
2 If you need to specify any of the optional fields, all the preceding fields must also be specified. Missing
fields are automatically filled with the corresponding settings saved in the CANUp 27.
Example command:
(file.blf3 – Firmware file, PSW – password for access to ftp-server).

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / List of CANUp 27 Functional modules

Annex C
SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules

C.1 List of CANUp 27 Functional modules

Reception and processing of the Vehicle performance parameters, parameters of its location,
maintenance of Counters, recording of Events, configuration and self-diagnostics of the
gateway are ensured by well-concerted operation of Functional modules (FM) of CANUp 27
(see table C.1).
The format of parameters (SPN) of FM CANUp 27 corresponds to S6 Database (DB).
Table C.1 — List of CANUp 27 Functional Modules

Designation Models of telematics gateway CANUp 27

# of Functional module
Standard Pro 3G / Pro LTE Pro Wi-Fi

1 Self-diagnostics FM + + +

2 Onboard Clock FM + + +

3 Vehicle Power Supply FM + + +

4 Battery FM + + +

5 GNSS FM + + +

6 GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM - + +

7 Geofence FM - + +

8 Reports Generator FM + + +

9 Simple Reports Registrator FM + + +

10 Communicator FM + + -

11 WiFi Communicator FM - - +

12 Collector 1A1F1D FM + + +

13 Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM + + +

14 Engine Monitoring FM - + +

15 Statistics FM - + +

16 S6 Bus FM - + +

17 Base S7 FM - + +

18 Accelerometer FM - + +

19 Events Registrator FM + + +

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Self-diagnostics FM

C.2 Self-diagnostics FM
Self-diagnostics FM — designed for user authorization, identification of CANUp 27 passport
data, operation time recording and also active malfunctions.

Figure C.1 — Example of settings of the Self-diagnostics FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.2 — Self-diagnostics FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Unit. Passport
PGN 62995
521120 Serial Number On the fact No Serial number is a set of numbers that is used for identification of
specific CANUp 27.
Serial number CANUp 27 has the following format:
AA – code of CANUp model;
BBB – digits that reflect changes product changes;
C – Manufacturer code;
DDDDD – sequential number.
Setting is not available for editing.
521345 Model On the fact No Model – this is version of the CANUp 27 inside of CANUp
product line.
Each model has its own functional and constructive features:
- CANUp 27 Standard – model with standard functionality;
- CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi – models with extended
Setting is not available for editing.
521123 Line CANUp No Name of the product line.
The line represents a group of similar products – online telematics
gateways produced under general trademark CANUp.
Setting is not available for editing.
521344 Mark TECHNOTON No Name of CANUp 27 Manufacturer.
Setting is not available for editing.

521121 Firmware On the fact No Version of built in Software CANUp 27.

Version Setting is not available for editing.

521125 Date Of On the fact No Date (day, month, year) of CANUp 27 production.
Production Setting is not available for editing.
521188 Address at 100 No Network address CANUp 27 which is connected via S6 Technology.
S6 (SA) Bus Network address value can be 100 only.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Self-diagnostics FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Unit. Counters
PGN 62994
521116 Unit Hours Of On the fact s Counter of summarized working time of CANUp 27 since its
Operation production moment*.
521116/16.1 Unit Hours Of On the fact s Counter of summarized working time of CANUp 27 using the
Operation/ inbuilt accumulator battery (in case there is no power supply from
16.1 Battery the external source) since its production moment*.
521118 Number Of On the fact No Counter of sensor’s processor restarts at a time when the power is
Unit Restarts On or there is an impact of conducted interferences of the
vehicle’s on-board network*.
Restarts accounting is carried out since production date of the
CANUp 27.
Unit. Restart Counters**
PGN 63280
521118/30.0 Unit Reset On the fact pcs. Counter of the number of CANUp 27 processor restartds, in
Counter/ accordance with preset factory setting; by default – one restart in
30.0 Software 24 hours*.
The counting of restarts begins from the moment of CANUp 27
delivery from the factory.

521118/30.1 Unit Reset On the fact pcs. Counter of the number ofCANUp 27 processor restarts in case of
Counter/ power supply failure (onboard circuit outage and complete battery
30.1 Hardware discharge) or in case of the Unit inbuilt software failure*.
The counting of restarts is conducted from the moment of
CANUp 27 delivery from the factory.

Unit. Passwords
PGN 63017
521593/3.3 Password/ 1111 No Password is entered for user authorization while establishing
3.3 Installer connection session between CANUp 27 and service Software for
configuring the Unit.
Password is a specific combination of four digits.
By default, used:
Login – 0, password – 1111.
User can change password of the CANUp 27.
After entering and confirming the new password is recorded into
internal memory of the CANUp 27.

Active DTC
PGN 65226
521044 Malfunction On the fact No List of current CANUp 27 malfunctions are displayed at the settings
Code (SID) field (in case of its presence — up to 10).
For each active malfunction is indicated following:
- faulty nod;
- malfunction name.
This setting allows to monitor CANUp 27 working performance.
In case of lack of active malfunctions, the following message is
displayed “No malfunctions”.

Bootloader Information
PGN 63009
521122 Bootloader On the fact No Displays the current version of the loader used for correct starting
Version the inbuilt Unit software (firmware), as well as for the Unit firmware
* The User cannot reset this Counter himself. Only the Manufacturer or the Regional Service Center are authorized to do it.
** Only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Onboard clock FM

C.3 Onboard clock FM

Onboard clock FM — designed for generation of signals of time and its transmission to other
functional modules of CANUp 27, as well as for flexible adjustment of time for transmission of
periodic Reports (sending Reports at specified moments of time)*.

* This setting is valid only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

Figure C.2 — Example of settings of the Onboard clock FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.3 — Onboard clock FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

PGN 65254
959 Seconds On the fact s 0…62.5 Present time — seconds*.
960 Minutes On the fact Min 0…250 Present time — minutes*.
961 Hours On the fact h 0…250 Present time — hours*.

963 Month On the fact month 0…250 Present date — month*.

962 Day On the fact d 0…62.5 Present date — day*.

964 Year On the fact year 1985…2235 Present date — year*.

1601 Time 0 min 0…59 Time displacement (in minutes) in relation to Coordinated
Displacement Universal Time that matches with local time (Time zone).
In Minutes It is activated and available for editing when configuring
present time manually and when synchronizing time with

1602 Time +3 h -24…+24 Time displacement (in hours) in relation to Coordinated

Displacement Universal Time that matches with local time (Time zone).
In Hours It is activated and available for editing when configuring
present time manually and when synchronizing time with

Time Counter Settings

PGN 63011
521350 Automatic Off No On/Off Enabling/disabling of automatic present time switching to
Time Switching winter/summer.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Onboard clock FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

521353 Period Of Time 1.0 h 0…210554000 Time interval value (in hours), after which there is an
Synchronization automatic present time adjustment performed according
With GNSS to GNSS signals.
This setting is available for editing by user.
Automatic time adjustment with GNSS signals is not
carried out when the value is 0 h.

Alarm clock-timer 1 PGN 63250

Alarm clock-timer 2 PGN 63251**
521461 Alarm Clock- On No On/Off Field for switching ON/OFF the “Timer/Alarm” mode. In
Timer Enable this field you can adjust transmission of a periodic Report
at specific time for CANUp 27 Pro.
959 Seconds 0 s 0…59 Field for entering seconds during setting specific time for
the Report transmission with periodicity “Once in 24
960 Minutes 0 min 0…59 Field for entering minutes during setting specific time for
the Report transmission with periodicity “Once in 24
hours”/ “Every hour”.
961 Hours 0 h 0…23 Field for entering hours during setting specific time for the
Report transmission with periodicity “Once in 24 hours”.

962 Day Every day d 1…31/ Field for selection a specific day for the periodic Report
255 (Every day) transmission.
963 Month Every month 1…12/ Current date — month*.
month 255 (Every
521411 Day Of Week On No On/Off Fields for switching ON/OFF the tansmission of a periodic
Report on a specific day of the week.
They contain a bit mask with indication of the respective
day of the week:
0 - Off.
20- Monday.
21- Tuesday.
22- Wednesday.
23- Thursday.
24- Friday.
25- Saturday.
26- Sunday.
127 – all days of the week.
* Used during Events registration. Present time is available for user for editing manually or synchronizing of date/time with
computer clock. By default, time is set in UTC format (Coordinated Universal Time standard) and displayed according to local
** Only for CANUp 27 Pro

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© Technoton, 2021 73
Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Vehicle Power Supply FM

C.4 Vehicle Power Supply FM

Vehicle Power Supply FM — is designed for monitoring of onboard power network voltage,
current mode of power network, operation time of Vehicle in different power network modes,
quantity of engine starts*, exceeding permissible time of continuous operation of starter*.

* In the process of preparation for introduction.

Figure C.3 — Operation modes on onboard network (ON) voltage level

Figure C.4 — Example of settings of the Vehicle Power Supply FM in Service CANUp software

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Vehicle Power Supply FM

Table C.4 — Vehicle power supply FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software
Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Vehicle Power Supply Status
PGN 63089
521055 Vehicle Power On the fact V 0…3212.75 Shows current value of ON voltage.
Supply Voltage
521055/2.9 Vehicle Power On the fact V 0…3212.75 Shows average value of ON voltage within previous
Supply 5 minutes.
2.9 Average
For 5 Minutes
521056 Vehicle Power On the fact No Off/ Shows current mode of ON in accordance with user-defined
Supply Status Lowe level/ borders of ON voltage levels of Vehicle
Accumulator/ (see figures C.3, C.4).
High level
521076 Vehicle Power On the fact No On/Off Displays the current state of the board (On/Off) in
Supply accordance with the user-set voltage level of the TC system
Presence trip (see figures C.3, C.4).

521049/16.2 Ignition Key On the fact No On/Off Displays the current position of the Vehicle ignition key
State/ (On/Off).
16.2 Ignition The voltage supply to terminal 15 of the Vehicle ignition
switch key indicates that the ignition key is in the ON position.
terminal 15

Power Supply Borders

PGN 63067
521075 Nominal 24 V 0…60 Field for entering a nominal value of accumulator voltage of
Battery Vehicle (Unom=12V/24V).
521063 High Voltage 1.29 - 0…1.99 Field for entering value of high voltage level of onboard
Level network (1.29▪Unom) (see figures C.3, C.4).
Entered value of voltage is used as a threshold for recording
"Faulty ON" Event.
521064 Generator 1.16 - 0…1.99 Field for entering value of voltage level of generator, i.e.
Voltage when engine of Vehicle is running (1.16▪Unom)
Level (see figures C.3, C.4).
521065 Engine 0.91 - 0…1.99 Field for entering value of voltage level starter is running, i.i
Starter when Vehicle’s engine is starting (0.91▪Unom)
Voltage (see figures C.3, C.4).
521067 Low Voltage 0.75 - 0…1.99 Field for entering value of low voltage level of ON
Level (0.75▪Unom). Entered value of voltage is used as a threshold
for recording "Faulty ON" Event (see figures C.3, C.4).

521068 Battery Off 0.20 - 0…1.99 Field for entering value of voltage level when ON switches
Level off (0.20▪Unom) (see figures C.3, C.4).

Vehicle Power Supply. Counts

PGN 62976
521173 Vehicle On the fact s 0…4211080000 Counter of total operating time of Vehicle from onboard
Hours Of network since CANUp 27 installation to the Vehicle. User
Operation cannot reset the value of this counter*.
On Power
521172 Vehicle On the fact s 0…4211080000 Counter of total operating time of Vehicle from
Hours Of accumulator since CANUp 27 installation to the Vehicle.
Operation User cannot reset the value of this counter*.
From Battery
521170 Starter On the fact s 0…4211080000 Counter of total operating time of starter since CANUp 27
Hours Of installation to the Vehicle. User cannot reset the value of
Operation this counter*.
521171 Starter On the fact s 0…4211080000 Counter of total operating time of Vehicle’s engine since
Hours Of CANUp 27 installation to the Vehicle. User cannot reset the
Operation value of this counter*.
* Counter can be reset by the Manufacturer or RSC.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Battery FM

C.5 Battery FM

Battery FM — designed for power supply status check, built-in battery condition and total
CANUp 27 operation time from the battery.

Figure C.5 — Example of settings of the Battery FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.5 — Battery FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit
SPN Name Clarification
value of measure

PGN 63086
521129 Unit Power On the fact No Current power-supply status of CANUp 27:
Status - powered from embedded power source;
- powered from on-board electrical system;
- power is off;
- power-supply status is not available/not supported by this device.
Since during work with the service software and with cable connection to
a Unit data exchange between the PC and CANUp 27 takes place only
when power is supplied from the external power source, the power supply
status during CANUp 27 configuration is always identified as “Power
supply from the onboard circuit”.
521050 Battery On the fact No Current charge status of inbuilt battery of CANUp27:
Level State - fully charged;
- charging;
- cannot define battery status;
- battery is not available.

167 Charging On the fact V Current voltage of embedded battery of CANUp 27.
System This parameter can be measured only in case of CANUp 27 power supply
Potential from the inbuilt accumulator.
(Voltage) In case the external power supply is used, the status
“Not supported/”No access” is always displayed for this setting.
521061 Battery On the fact % Current charge of embedded battery of CANUp 27.
Charge Level When working with service software, this setting will always be displayed
as “not available/not supported by this device”.

521116/16.1 Unit Hours Of On the fact s Counter of total operation time of CANUp 27 from embedded battery
Operation/ since installation to Vehicle. The Counter cannot be reset by user.
16.1 Battery Counter can be reset by the Manufacturer or RSC.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / GNSS FM


GNSS FM — receives and process signals from GNSS, calculates parameters received from
navigation receiver (coordinates of location, speed and direction of the movement of the

Figure C.6 — Example of settings of the GNSS FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.6 — GNSS FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software
Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

Navigation Module Identification

PGN 63244
521282 Software On the fact No No The firmware version of the inbuilt GNSS-module of
Version CANUp 27 is displayed.
GNSS. Parameters
PGN 62998
521155 Time On the fact s 0…4211080000* This setting displays present time in UTC format, defined
According according to GNSS data.
584 Latitude On the fact Degree -210…211.101* This setting displays geographical coordinates of latitude of
present location of the vehicle, defined according to GNSS

585 Longitude On the fact Degree -210…211.101* This setting displays geographical coordinates of longitude
of present location of the vehicle, defined according to
GNSS data.

521090 Geometric On the fact No 0…642.55* This setting displays present value of HDOP – coefficient
Dilution Of that characterizes accuracy of the current location defining
Precision of the object in the horizontal plane.
(HDOP) HDOP value can vary in range from 1 (maximum accuracy)
to 50 (minimum accuracy).
165 Compass On the fact Degree 0…501.99* This setting displays present movement direction of the
Azimuth vehicle, defined according to GNSS data.

580 Height On the fact m 2500…5531.88* This setting displays height of present vehicle location
above the sea level, defined according to GNSS data.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / GNSS FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

517 Vehicle On the fact km/h 0…250.996* This setting displays present vehicle speed, defined
Speed according to GNSS data.
According To
521134 GNSS On the fact No On/Error This setting displays status of serviceability of built-in
Receiver navigation receiver CANUp 27.

521135 GNSS On the fact No Connected This setting displays connection** status of built-in
Antenna navigation antenna CANUp 27.
521128 Number Of On the fact pcs. 0…250* This setting displays present number of visible navigation
Satellites satellites.

GNSS. Counters
PGN 62996

521126 Distance By On the fact m 0…4211080000 Shows value of total travel distance of Vehicle since Unit
GNSS installation to the Vehicle.
This Counter can be reset by the user.
521127 Movement On the fact s 0…4211080000 Shows value of total travel time of Vehicle since Unit
Time By installation to the Vehicle.
GNSS User cannot reset the value of this Counter.
GNSS Settings
PGN 63058
521098 Minimum 5 pcs. 0…255 Field for entering of minimum number of visible navigation
Satellites satellites, above which coordinates and movement vehicle’s
Quantity speed are considered to be reliable.
521097 Tolerance 3.00 No 0…642.55 Field for entering of allowable maximum value of HDOP,
On HDOP bellow which coordinates and movement vehicle’s speed are
Value considered to be reliable.

521101 GNSS Stop On No On/Off Field to switch ON/OFF the feature of automatic
Filter identification of the Vehicle parking mode according to
Enable parameters entered.

521102 Maximum 600 s 0…64255 Field for entering the threshold time value which, in case it
Stop Time is exceeded, identifies the parking mode, if the Vehicle is
immobile and the coordinates of the Vehicle location do not

521103 Parking/ 20 m -2500…5531.88 Field for entering the threshold value of the distance which,
Maneuvering in case it is exceeded, if the Vehicle is immobile, results in
Area changing the coordinates of the Vehicle location.

521266 Movement 5 km/h 0…63 Field for entering the threshold value of speed below which
Minimum the Vehicle is considered immobile.

Change Location Settings

PGN 63105
521078 Minimum 500 m 0…4294970000 Field for entering minimum distance between points on the
Distance straight section of Vehicle's movement for sending the

521079 Angle Of 5.00 Degree 0…360 Field for entering Vehicle’s course change angle, which if
Change exceeded triggers Report sending.

* When poor quality reception of navigation data or mismatch of GNSS coordinates reliability and vehicle movement speed,
the following message displays “Not supported/ not available”.
** Status “Connected” is always displayed for GNSS antenna.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM

C.7 GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM

GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM — is designed to register the coordinates of the moving Vehicle
location points, to create a track of the Vehicle movement by the points and send the track in
the Reports “Statistics” and “Timer/Alarm” by E-mail in KML-file format.

Figure C.7 — Example of settings of the GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.7 — GNSS Coordinates Recorder FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Clarification
value measure

GNSS Coordinate Recorder Status

PGN 63078
521081 Track Points On the fact pcs. For an active track, the current Counter indication of points with the
Count latest coordinates of the Vehicle movement which are stored in the
Counter memory is displayed.
The maximum number of points in one track is 6000.
The user may reset this Counter himself.

521082 Track On the fact No For an active track, date and time of saving the first point with the
Registration coordinates of the Vehicle movement in the Unit memory is displayed.
Start The date is stored in the local time format of the Unit.
521083 Registered On the fact pcs. The current indication by the Counter of the Vehicle movement tracks
Track Count which are stored in the Unit memory is displayed. When the all memory
is filled, a new track overwrites the oldest one.
The maximum number of saved tracks 14.
The user may reset this Counter himself.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Geofence FM

C.8 Geofence FM

Geofence FM — is designed to create and configure Geofences in order to monitor the time of
their passing by the Vehicle. Each Geofence is a virtual area on the map of terrain with a
boundary to form a circle of a specified radius.

In order to load the local map during the configuration of Geofence FM, you need to
ensure steady PC Internet connection!

List of maps that can be loaded during the configuration of Geofences

Figure C.8 — Example of settings of the Geofence FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.8 — Geofence FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software
Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

Geofence. Settings
PGN 63262
521412 Geofence No pcs. 1…10 The current number of Geofences stored in the Unit
Quantity memory.
In case the user needs, he may delete each of the
Geofences individually (in the window of its properties) or
all Geofences at once (you need to click the right mouse
button on the shortcut menu on the map).

521413/ Geofence No No No Field to enter the name of the Geofence which is being
29.0…29.9 Name/ created or edited 1…10.
29.0 Geofence 1… Only digits, Roman letters and characters “-” , “_” , “.” are
29.9 Geofence 10 allowed to enter.
12 characters at a maximum.

584/ Latitude/ No deg -210…211.101 Field in which the geographic coordinate of latitude for the
29.0…29.9 29.0 Geofence 1… center of zone 1…10 is specified.
29.9 Geofence 10 The center of the Geofence 1…10 is selected by clicking the
right mouse button on the required point of the map.
The value of latitude entered automatically may be edited
manually by the user.

585/ Longitude/ No deg -210…211.101 Field in which the geographic coordinate of longitude for the
29.0…29.9 29.0 Geofence 1… center of Geofence 1…10 is specified.
29.9 Geofence 10 The center of Geofence 1…10 is selected by clicking the
right mouse button on the required point of the map.
The value of latitude entered automatically may be edited
manually by the user.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Geofence FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

521414/ Radius/ No m 0…4211080000 Field to enter the value of distance from the center to the
29.0…29.9 29.0 Geofence 1… boundary of Geofence 1…10 which is being created or
29.9 Geofence 10 edited.

Geofence. Counters
PGN 63264
521416 Location In No No 0…65535 Bit mask showing the number of the Geofence in which the
Geofence Vehicle is located at the moment:
Status Mask 20- Geofence 1;
21- Geofence 2;
22- Geofence 3;
23- Geofence 4;
24- Geofence 5;
25- Geofence 6;
26- Geofence 7;
27- Geofence 8;
28- Geofence 9;
29- Geofence 10.
521412 Geofence No pcs. 1…10 The current number of Geofences stored in the Unit
Quantity memory.
In case the user needs, he may delete each of the
Geofences individually (in the window of its properties) or
all Geofences at once (you need to click the right mouse
button on the shortcut menu on the map).

521417 Time In No s 0…4211080000 Indication of the Counter of total time during which the
29.0…29.9 Geofence/ Vehicle was within Geofence 1…10.
29.0 Geofence 1… The Counter is displayed in the Properties window of each
29.9 Geofence 10 Geofence 1…10.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Reports Generator FM

C.9 Reports Generator FM

Reports Generator FM — designed for Onboard Reports formation in accordance with defined
configurations and sending through Communicator FM (for CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G /
Pro LTE) or WiFi Communicator FM (for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi).

Figure C.9 — Example of settings of the Reports Generator FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.9 — Reports Generator FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

E-Mail List*
PGN 63122
521355 Array No pcs. 0…3 Number of e-mail addresses in the list of recipients for
Elements sending Report by e-mail.
521242 E-Mail No No No Address of Report recipient. The address should not contain
Address more than 64 characters.

Phone Numbers List*

PGN 63124
521355 Array No pcs. 0…3 Number of phone numbers in the list of recipients for sending
Elements Report to mobile phone numbers.
521020 Phone No No No Report recipient’s phone number. Number should be specified
Number in international format (13 digits maximum).
Report 1 Generate Attributes PGN 63125 Report 11 Generate Attributes PGN 63135
Report 2 Generate Attributes PGN 63126 Report 12 Generate Attributes PGN 63136
Report 3 Generate Attributes PGN 63127 Report 13 Generate Attributes PGN 63137
Report 4 Generate Attributes PGN 63128 Report 14 Generate Attributes PGN 63138
Report 5 Generate Attributes PGN 63129 Report 15 Generate Attributes PGN 63139
Report 6 Generate Attributes PGN 63130 Report 16 Generate Attributes PGN 63140
Report 7 Generate Attributes PGN 63131 Report 17 Generate Attributes PGN 63141
Report 8 Generate Attributes PGN 63132 Report 18 Generate Attributes PGN 63142
Report 9 Generate Attributes PGN 63133 Report 19 Generate Attributes PGN 63143
Report 10 Generate Attributes PGN 63134 Report 20 Generate Attributes PGN 63144

521250 Report Name No No No Field for entering Report’s name for identifying. To enter the
name, use only Latin characters.
521347 SPN Value No No 0…4294970000 Dropdown list to select the Event in case of which the Report
is to be generated.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Reports Generator FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

521151 Enable On No On/Off Field to enable or disable the Report generation.

521151/12.3 Enable Report/ On No On/Off Field to enable or disable the Report generation (on condition
12.3 Switched OFF the Unit is not connected to the Vehicle onboard circuit
from vehicle power (power is supplied from the inbuilt accumulator).
521151/12.4 Enable Report/ On No On/Off Field to enable or disable the Report generation on condition
12.4 Vehicle power the Unit is connected to the Vehicle onboard circuit but the
supply is ON, stopped Vehicle is not moving.
521151/11.1 Enable Report/ Off No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report in the roaming
11.1 Roaming mode.
521154/25.0 Send Report/ On No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report to the Server.
25.0 AVL
521154/25.1 Send Report/ Off No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report by E-mail.
25.1 E-mail
521151/25.2 E-mail Id/ Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the E-mail address of the
25.2 E-mail 1 first E-mail recipient.
521151/25.3 E-mail Id/ Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the E-mail address of the
25.3 E-mail 2 second E-mail recipient.
521151/25.4 E-mail Id/ Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the E-mail address of the
25.4 E-mail 3 third E-mail recipient.
521154/25.5 Send Report/ Off No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report in the form of
25.5 SMS SMS message.
521252/25.6 SMS Id/ Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the number of the first
25.6 SMS 1 recipient of the Report in the form of SMS.
521252/25.7 SMS Id/ Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the number of the second
25.7 SMS 2 recipient of the Report in the form of SMS message.
521252/25.8 SMS Id/ Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the number of the third
25.8 SMS 3 recipient of the Report in the form of SMS message.
521253 SPN No pcs. 0…10 Number of SPN that can be added during the generation of
Quantity in the Report content.
521347 SPN Value No On the fact 0…4294970000 SPN that have digital value and no longer than 4 bytes are
allowed to add to the Report.
521367 Specifier. No On the fact 0…255 Specifying value of SPN which is added to the Report content.
521368 Specifier. No On the fact 0…255 Additional specifying value of SPN which is added to the
Value Report content.
521150 PGN No On the fact 0…65535 PGN which includes SPN which is added to the Report content.
521254 Bus Marker Not used No No Specification of bus from which the Unit reads SPN which is
added to the Report content:
- S6 — reading SPN using S6 Technology;
- Not used — reading SPN not required.
521188 S6 Address 100 No 0…255 Network address in CAN-bus of the device which is source of
(SA) SPN added to the Report content.
Extended Report Generate Attributes
PGN 63275
521151 Enable On No On/Off Field to enable or disable the generation of the selected
Report Report.
521166 Event SPN No No 0…4294970000 Dropdown list to select the Event in case of which the Report
is to be generated.
521250 Report name No No No Field to enter the Report name for its identification. We
recommend to enter only Roman letters.
521151/12.0 Enable Report/ On No On/Off Field to enable or disable the generation of the selected
12.0 Ignition OFF Report on condition the Vehicle ignition is OFF.
521151/12.1 Enable Report / On No On/Off Field to enable or disable the generation of the selected
12.1 Ignition ON, Report on condition the Vehicle ignition is ON, but the Vehicle
stopped is not moving.
521151/11.1 Enable Report/ Off No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report on condition the
11.1 Roaming Vehicle is in the roaming mode.
521154/25.0 Send Report/ On No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report to the Server.
25.0 AVL
521154/25.1* Send Report/ Off No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report by E-mail.
25.1 E-mail

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Reports Generator FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

521251* E-mail ID Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the E-mail address of the
first Report recipient by E-mail.
521251* E-mail ID Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the E-mail address of the
second Report recipient by E-mail.
521251* E-mail ID Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the E-mail address of the
third Report recipient by E-mail.
521456* Attach Track Disabled No No Enable or disable transmission of a KML-file with a track of
the Vehicle movement in Reports “Statistics” and
“Timer/Alarm” sent to E-mail addresses.

521154/25.5* Send Report/ Off No On/Off Field to enable or disable sending the Report in the form of
25.5 SMS SMS message.
521252* SMS ID Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the number of the first
recipient of the Report in the form of SMS.
521252* SMS ID Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the number of the second
recipient of the Report in the form of SMS.
521252* SMS ID Disabled No No Dropdown list to enable or disable the number of the third
recipient of the Report in the form of SMS.
521253 SPN No pcs. 0…10 Number of SPN that can be added during the generation of
Quantity in the Report content.
521347 SPN Value No On the fact 0…4294970000 Value of SPN which is added to the Report content.

521367 Specifier. No On the fact 0…255 Specifying value of SPN which is added to the Report content.
521368 Specifier. No On the fact 0…255 Additional specifying value of SPN which is added to the
Value Report content.
521150 PGN No No 0…65535 PGN which includes SPN which is added to the Report content.

521254 Bus Marker Not used No No Source from which the CANUp 27 reads SPN of the Event
which is added to the Report content:
- S6 — source specified by the user when SPN of the Event is
read from Units via CAN j1939/S6 interface using
S6 Technology;
- S7 — source specified by the user when SPN of the Event is
read from wireless Units using S7 Technology;
- CAN — source assigned automatically, when SPN of the
Event is read from a standard Vehicle CAN-bus or ISOBUS
using CAN interface;
- Not used — source assigned automatically, when SPN of
the Event is selected from S6 Database.
521188 S6 Address 100 No 0…255 Device network address (in the source which is specified in
(SA) the “Bus marker”) which is the source of SPN added to the
Report content.
Report Format
PGN 63214
521277 Delivery Disabled No No Enable/Disable transmission of the Report by SMS messages
Method or to E-mail addresses*.

521278 SPN Disabled No No Enable/Disable sending SPN by SMS messages and to E-mail
Value View addresses in the form of processed data (converted values
Format taking into account SPN specifications)*.

SPN only for CANUp 27 Standard.

SPN only for CANUp 27 Pro.
* Except model CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Simple Reports Registrator FM

C.10 Simple Reports Registrator FM

Simple Reports Registrator FM — registers Reports according to sections, corresponding to

importance of Reports and the priority of its processing.

Figure C.10 — Example of settings of the Simple Reports Registrator FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.10 — Reports Registrator FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Reports Registrator Status

PGN 63079
521072/21.0 Reports On the fact No Displays current number of registered Reports on
Counter/21.0 emergency Events (for example - "Alarm").

521072/21.1 Reports On the fact No Displays current number of registered Reports on

Counter/21.1 important Events (for example - "Drain", "Refueling").
521072/21.2 Reports On the fact No Displays current number of registered Reports on
Counter/21.2 informational Events (for example - "Ignition On/Off",
Information "Satellites detected/lost", "GPRS is available/not
Memory Buffer Type
PGN 63102
521489 Buffer Type LIFO No Fields for selecting priority type for sending Reports,
accumulated in internal memory while Vehicle was
outside of network operator’s coverage, to the Server:
- FIFO (First In, First Out) – sending accumulated
Reports in chronological sequence (i.e. starting from
oldest Reports).
- LIFO (Last In, First out) – sending accumulated
Reports in opposite chronology (i.e. staring from
newest Reports).

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Communicator FM

C.11 Communicator FM
Communicator FM — designed for transmitting of generated onboard reports
CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE to the Server/e-mail/SMS, configuration settings of
parameters responsible for connection to Internet, AVL Server, FTP Server.

a) for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE b) for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE
(Wialon IPS 2.0 protocol) (MQTT IBM protocol)

c) for CANUp 27 Standard

Figure C.11 — Example of settings of the Communicator FM in Service CANUp software

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Communicator FM

Table C.11 — Communicator FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software
Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
Modem Identification
PGN 63237
521281 IMEI On the fact No The International Mobile Equipment Identity is displayed
in the cellular communication operator network for the
Unit inbuilt modem. The International Mobile Equipment
Identity is a unique number consisting of 15 digits in the
decimal form in which the last digit is a check-sum digit
according to Luhn algorithm, in accordance with
ISO/IEC 7812.
The data are not available for editing.
521282 Software Version On the fact No The firmware version for the inbuilt GSM modem is
The data are not available for editing.

SIM-card settings
PGN 63059
521625 PIN-code On the fact No PIN-code is a specific sequence of four digits for each
Field for entering of PIN-code is displayed while using
SIM-card that is password protected.
521628 Remaining On the fact No Counter of remaining number of attempts for PIN-code
Number Of entering of protected SIM-card while not correct PIN-
Attempts For code is entered.
PIN-code The user cannot reset this Counter.
521627 SIM-Card Locking On the fact No SIM-card is locked automatically while PIN-code is
entered incorrectly.
To unlock the SIM-card enter its present correct PIN-
code and turn locking off.
SIM Identification
PGN 63238
521283 ICCID On the fact No The unique serial number of SIM Card (Integrated
Circuit Card Identifier) is displayed.
The serial number is printed on the SIM card and
contains 19 digits; their values are specified, in
accordance with ITU-T E.118 Standard.
The data are not available for editing.

521284 IMSI On the fact No The International Mobile Subscriber Identity associated
with an individual user of GSM mobile communication.
The data are not available for editing.
521020 Phone Number On the fact No Field to enter the telephone number corresponding to
the SIM card which is used.
The number is entered in the international format.
This setting is optional.
GPRS Settings
PGN 63020
521619 Access Point internet No It is necessary to enter access point address of GSM
GPRS provider (APN) for connecting Unit to the Internet.
Access point address can be obtained from GSM service
provider which SIM-card is installed into the Unit.
521620/13.0 User Name/13.0 No No It is necessary to enter access point user name for
Access Point GPRS Unit authorization while connecting to the Internet.
User name can be obtained from GSM service provider
which SIM-card is installed into the Unit.
521621/13.0 Password/13.0 No No It is necessary to enter access point user password for
Access Point Unit authorization while connecting to the Internet.
GPRS User password can be obtained from GSM service
provider which SIM-card is installed into the Unit.
AVL Settings
PGN 63068
521622/13.2 IP Address/ On the fact No It is necessary to enter IP- or URL- address of
Domain/ AVL Server that CANUp 27 Standard is establishing
13.2 Automatic connection with for transmitting Onboard reports.
Vehicle Location
521623/13.2 Port/13.2 On the fact No It is necessary to enter opened port number of
Automatic Vehicle AVL Server that will be used for communicating with
Location CANUp 27 Standard.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
521080/13.2 ID/13.2 UP27_XXXXXXXXXXX No It is necessary to enter prefix for CANUp 27 Standard
Automatic Vehicle (XXXXXXXXXX — identification at AVL Server.
Location CANUp 27 Standard Fields of entered prefix have to match with the settings
serial number, of “Unique ID” field while registering vehicle at
automatically generated) ORF4 Telematics Server (see User manual).

521621/13.2 Password/13.2 On the fact No It is necessary to enter password for

Automatic Vehicle CANUp 27 Standard authentication at the AVL server.
Extended AVL Settings
PGN 63232
521595/13.2 IP Address/ No You need to enter IP- or URL-address of AVL Server
Domain/ with which CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE is establishing
13.2 Automatic communication to transmit Onboard reports:
Vehicle Location - (for protocol Wialon IPS2.0);
(for protocol MQTT IBM).
521623/13.2 Port/13.2 On the fact No You need to enter the number of the open port of AVL
Automatic Vehicle Server which will be used for communication with
Location CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE.
521080/13.2 ID/13.2 UP27_XXXXXXXXXXX No You need to enter a prefix CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE
Automatic Vehicle (XXXXXXXXXXX — identification at AVL Server. The fields of the prefix
Location CANUp 27 Pro 3G/ entered must match the fields of ID setting during the
Pro LTE serial number, Vehicle registration at ORF 4 Telematics Service or at
automatically generated) IBM Watson IoT platform:
- UP27_ XXXXXXXXXXX (for protocol Wialon IPS2.0);
- use-token-auth XXXXXXXXXXX (for protocol MQTT IBM).
(XXXXXXXXXXX — serial number of CANUp 27 Pro 3G /
Pro LTE, is entered automatically)

521594/13.2 Password/13.2 On the fact No You need to enter for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE
Automatic Vehicle authentication at AVL Server.

521399/13.2 Protocol/13.2 Wialon IPS2.0 No From the dropdown list you need to select the required
Automatic Vehicle communication protocol for transmission of Onboard
Location reports by CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE to AVL Server:
- Wialon IPS2.0 (Onboard reports format see in
annex A);
- MQTT IBM (see annex F).

MQTT Settings
PGN 63258
521039 Client Id d:org_id:UP27:XXXXXXXXXXX No Field to enter Client ID used in Connect Message
(XXXXXXXXXX — (see annex F) to establish connection between
CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE and IBM Watson IoT Server.
serial number, The field is accessible for editing after the user settings
automatically generated) are enabled.
There is an option for individual editing in the respective
fields of lines that are contained in the Client ID:
- org_id — ID of organization assigned during the
registration at IBM Watson IoT platform;
- device_type — type of device specified during the
registration at IBM Watson IoT platform.

521040 Topic iot-2/evt/sa_spn_qgr_qval/fmt/format_string No Field to enter variable name of Publish Message (see
annex F) used for transmission of Onboard Reports by
CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE to the Server of
IBM Watson IoT platform.
The field is accessible for editing after the user settings
are enabled.

521041 Keep Alive 3600 s Field to enter the maximum interval of time in seconds
Interval during which the connection between
CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE and IBM Watson IoT Server
platform will be active without any traffic.

521042 Quality Of At Least Once No From the dropdown list select one of quality levels of
Service (QoS) Onboard reports:
- No more than once — on this level,
CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE sends a Report to the
Server only once, not expecting the delivery
- At least, once — this level ensures that the Report
from CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE will be delivered to the
Server of IBM Watson IoT platform; however, there is a
possibility of sending Reports duplicates.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
521087 Clean Session On No From the dropdown list select one version of completing
the session during the user disconnection from the
Server of IBM Watson IoT platform:
- OFF — The Server saves the session and all user
settings. All Reports of CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE
accumulated during the OFF period will be automatically
transmitted to the user during his next connection;
- ON — During the next connection the user he will have
to conduct another configuration in order to receive
CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE Reports from the Server.

E-Mail Sender
PGN 63145
521618 SMTP Server No Field to enter the address of SMTP Server.
It is allowed to use no more than 32 characters (Roman
letters, dots).
SMTP Server is the network protocol of e-mail
transmission (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in TCP/IP
The main functions of SMTP Server:
- checkup of correctness of settings and authorization
for Unit to send a Report;
- sending a Report to the specified address by the Unit.
If the delivery is impossible, the Server transmits to the
sender a sending error message.

521623/13.3 Port/ 465 No Field to enter SMTP-port number to retransmit Reports

13.3 SMTP Server from the Unit.
It is allowed to use no more than 5 digits.
Port 465 is used to send letters encoded in accordance
with SSL protocol. This connection is better protected
than the usual TCP/IP.

521617/13.3 SSL Encryption/ Enabled No From the dropdown list you may enable or disable
13.3 SMTP Server encoding Reports according to the level of SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer).
SSL encoding is the cryptographic protocol used for
enhanced security data transmission by E-mail.

521242 E-mail Address On the fact No Field to enter the address of mailbox from which the
Unit will send Reports to E-mail addresses of users.
It is allowed to use no more than 64 characters (Roman
letters, digits, dots).

521621 Password On the fact No Field to enter password to the Unit E-mail mailbox.
It is allowed to use no more than 16 characters (only
Roman letters, digits and special characters).

521616 Senders Name On the fact No Field to enter the name of the Unit from which Reports
are to be sent by E-mail. The maximum length of
address – 48 characters. It is allowed to use only
Roman letters, digits, dots, as well as the following
characters: dash, dot, underlining and space.
By default: CANUp 27 Pro 3G.ХХХХХХХХХХХ /
Where XXXXXXXXXXX — serial Unit number.
The data are entered automatically, but accessible for
"Don't disturb" Mode Settings**
PGN 63267
521420/25.1 Don't Disturb Mode Off No Field to enable or disable sending Reports by E-mail by
Active/25.1 E-mail the Unit during the specified time interval.

521420/25.5 Don't Disturb Mode Off No Field to enable or disable sending Reports as SMS
Active/25.5 SMS messages by the Unit during the specified time interval.
960/24.2 Minutes/ 00 min Field to enter minutes for the start of the time interval
24.2 Mode Start during which sending Reports by E-mail and/or as SMS
messages by the Unit is disabled.
The field is accessible for editing only if sending Reports
by E-mail and/or as SMS messages is enabled.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
961/24.2 Hours/ 23 h Field to enter hours for the start of the time interval
24.2 Mode Start during which sending Reports by E-mail and/or as SMS
messages is disabled.
The field is accessible for editing only if sending Reports
by E-mail and/or as SMS messages is enabled.

960/24.3 Minutes/ 00 min Field to enter minutes for the end of the time interval
24.3 Mode Stop during which sending Reports by E-mail and/or as SMS
messages by the Unit is disabled.
The field is accessible for editing only if sending Reports
by E-mail and/or as SMS messages is enabled.

961/24.3 Hours/ 8 h Field to enter hours for the end of the time interval
24.3 Mode Stop during which sending Reports by E-mail and/or as SMS
messages by the Unit is disabled.
The field is accessible for editing only if sending Reports
by E-mail and/or as SMS messages is enabled.

GSM Network Settings**

PGN 63179
521335 Preferred GSM Auto 2G/3G/LTE No From the dropdown list you may select the cellular
Network Mode communication standard for the Unit inbult GSM
- Auto 2G/3G/LTE — automatic switching between
GSM 2G / GSM 3G / GSM 4G networks;
- Only 2G — operation only in GSM 2G networks;
- Only 3G — operation only in GSM 3G networks;
- Only LTE (NB-IoT) — operation only in GSM 4G
In the majority of cases, we recommend to use
“Auto 2G/3G/LTE” during the Unit operation in home
However, in some cases enabling “Only 2G” or “Only
3G” modes may improve the operation of the Unit
inbuilt modem. E.g. if the Vehicle is outside the 3G
network signal coverage area, enabling “Only 2G” mode
will save the battery charge in case of using the inbuilt
accumulator. Besides, enabling “Only 3G” mode, when
the signal is feeble, will provide more stable and higher
speed Internet connection of modem.
GSM Network Parameters**
PGN 63178
521334 GSM Network Mode On the fact No The setting displays the cellular communication
standard which is currently used by the Unit inbult GSM
modem: 2G / 3G / 4G.
Modem Status
PGN 63007
521130 GPRS Modem On the fact No This setting displays present GPRS modem power status
Power Status (On/Off).
521131 Modem On the fact No This setting displays present GPRS modem registration
Registration status in GSM network (No network/Home
Status In The network/Roaming).
521132 Modem On the fact No This setting displays present GPRS modem connection
Connection status to the Internet (Connected/Disabled).
Status To The
521133 Connection On the fact No This setting displays present status of GPRS modem
Status Of AVL To connection to AVL server (Connected/Disabled).
The Server
521140 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of Onboard Reports transmitted by modem to
Messages AVL server address via GPRS channel*.
Transmitted Via
521141 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of successful GPRS modem connections to the
Successful Internet*.
521142 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of GPRS modem connection errors to the
Internet Internet*.
Connection errors
521143 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of GPRS modem disconnections from the
Internet Internet*.
521144 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of GPRS modem connections to AVL Server*.
Connections To
AVL Server

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
521145 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of GPRS modem connection errors to AVL
Connection Errors Server*.
To AVL Server
521146 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of GPRS modem disconnections from AVL
Disconnections Server*.
From AVL Server
521147 Number Of Sent On the fact pcs. Counter of sent SMS commands for remote
SMS configuration of CANUp 27*.
521148 Number Of SMS On the fact pcs. Counter of sent SMS command errors for remote
Sent Errors configuration of CANUp 27*.
521149 Number Of GPRS On the fact pcs. Counter of automatic GPRS modem resets while GPRS
Modem Resets modem has operation errors*.
521178 Received Signal On the fact dBm This setting displays present level of signal strength
Strength (on a logarithmic scale) received by GPRS modem
Indication receiver.
(RSSI) Produced range: from -52 to -115 dBm.
Authentication At AVL Server
PGN 63099
521175 Authentication On the fact No This setting displays present authentication status
Status On AVL (originality check) of CANUp 27 at AVL Server
Server (Completed/Not completed).

521176 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of successful authentications of CANUp 27 at

Successful AVL Server*.
At AVL Server
521177 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of authentication errors of CANUp 27 at AVL
Authentication Server*.
Errors At AVL
Sent E-Mail Counter
PGN 63147
521240 E-Mail Sent On the fact pcs. Counter of number of Reports sent by e-mail*.
521241 E-Mail Sending On the fact pcs. Counter of number of failed Report by e-mail sending
Error Counter attempts*.
* User can reset values of all Counters PGN 63007, PGN 63099 and (or) PGN 63147 if it is necessary.
** Settings are relevant only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE.
Obligatory settings for CANUp 27 Standard/CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE, required for connecting to Internet and sending Reports to
Obligatory settings only for CANUp 27 Standard.
Obligatory settings only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE.

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© Technoton, 2021 91
Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / WiFi Communicator FM

C.12 WiFi Communicator FM

WiFi Communicator FM — is designed for transmission of generated Onboard reports of
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi via Internet using the Wi-Fi access point to the Server, for configuration of
parameters of connection to AVL Server, for diagnostics of the inbuilt Wi-Fi module.

a) list of available access points b) extended AVL Server settings

c) Counters of WiFi module d) connection of Wi-Fi access point

Figure C.12 — Example of settings of the WiFi Communicator FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.12 — WiFi Communicator FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Authentication At AVL Server

PGN 63099
521175 Authentication On the fact No This setting displays the current status of authentication
Status On AVL (authenticity check) of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi at
Server AVL Server (Completed/Not completed).
521176 Number Of On the fact pcs. Counter of number of successful CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
Successful authentications at AVL Server*.
At AVL Server

521177 Number of On the fact pcs. Counter of authentication errors of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
Authentication at AVL Server*.
Errors At AVL

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / WiFi Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

WiFi Module State

PGN 63281
521106 SSID On the fact No Field to enter the ID of access point (SSID) used for
wireless connection of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi to Internet.
Maximum length: 32 characters. It is allowed to use
only Roman letters, digits as well as characters: dash,
dot, underlining and space.

521131 Modem On the fact No This setting displays the current status of registration of
Registration the inbuilt Wi-Fi modem of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi at the
Status authorized access point (Enabled/Disabled).
521132 Modem Internet On the fact No This setting displays the current status of the Internet
Connection connection of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi modem
Status (Enabled/Disabled).

521105 ECN On the fact No This setting displays the type of confidential information
protection (WEP/WPA/WPA2/PSK) which is used in the
authorized access point.
521178 Received signal On the fact dBm This setting displays the current level of signal power (in
strength the logarithmic scale) received by CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
indication modem from the Wi-Fi access point.
(RSSI) The range displayed: from -52 to -115 dBm.

WiFi Module Counters*

PGN 63282
521107 APN Connection On the fact pcs. Counter of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt modem
Counter connections to the authorized access point.

521108 APN Connection On the fact pcs. Counter of errors of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt modem
Errors Counter connections to the authorized access point.

521109 APN On the fact pcs. Counter of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt modem
Disconnections disconnections from the authorized access point.
521144 AVL Connection On the fact pcs. Counter of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt modem
Counter connections to AVL Server.
521145 AVL Connection On the fact pcs. Counter of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt modem
Failures Counter connection errors while connecting to AVL Server.
521146 AVL On the fact pcs. Counter of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt modem
Disconnection disconnections from AVL Server.
521140 AVL Sent On the fact pcs. Counter of Onboard reports transmitted by CANUp 27
Messages Pro Wi-Fi via Internet AVL Server.
521110 Packet Sending On the fact pcs. Counter of Onboard reports transmission errors by
Errors CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi at AVL Server.
521149 Modem Reset On the fact pcs. Counter of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi inbuilt Wi-Fi modem
Counter restarts in cases of its operation failures.

Available APN List

PGN 63283
521355 Array Elements On the fact pcs. List of available access points (routers) for Internet
Count connection identified by the inbuilt Wi-Fi modem of
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi he area. This list may contain any
number of routers in the coverage area of the inbuilt
Wi-Fi modem of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.

521105 ECN On the fact No This setting displays the type of data confidentiality
protection (WEP/WPA/WPA2/PSK) used in a specific
access point.

521106 SSID On the fact No Identifiers (SSID) of access points (routers) that can be
identified in the local area by the inbuilt Wi-Fi modem of
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.
521178 Received Signal On the fact dBm This setting displays the current level of signal power (in
Strength the logarithmic scale) received by CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
Indicator (RSSI) modem from the access point.
The range displayed: from -52 to -115 dBm.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / WiFi Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Extended AVL Settings

PGN 63232
521595/13.2 IP Address/ On the fact No You need to enter IP- or URL-address of AVL Server
Domain/ with which CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi is establishing
13.2 Automatic communication to transmit Onboard reports.
Vehicle Location
521623/13.2 Port/13.2 On the fact No You need to enter the number of the open port of AVL
Automatic Vehicle Server which will be used for communication with
Location CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.
521080/13.2 ID/13.2 UP27_ XXXXXXXXXXX No You need to enter a prefix CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
Automatic Vehicle (XXXXXXXXXXX — CANUp 27 identification at AVL Server. The fields of the prefix
Location Pro Wi-Fi, serial number, entered must match the fields of ID setting during the
automatically generated) Vehicle registration at ORF 4 Telematics Service or at
IBM Watson IoT platform:
- UP27_XXXXXXXXXXX (for protocol Wialon IPS2.0);
- use-token-auth XXXXXXXXXXX (for protocol MQTT IBM).
(XXXXXXXXXXX — serial number of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi,
entered automatically)
521594/13.2 Password/13.2 On the fact No You need to enter password for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
Automatic Vehicle authentication at AVL Server.
521399/13.2 Protocol/13.2 Wialon IPS2.0 No From the dropdown list you need to select the required
Automatic Vehicle communication protocol for transmission of Onboard
Location reports by CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi to AVL Server:
- Wialon IPS2.0 (Onboard reports format see in
annex A);
- MQTT IBM (see annex F).

MQTT settings
PGN 63258
521039 Client Id d:org_id:UP27:XXXXXXXXXXX No Field to enter Client ID used in Connect Message
(XXXXXXXXXX — (see Annex F) to establish connection between CANUp
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi, 27 Pro Wi-Fi and IBM Watson IoT Server.
serial number, The field is accessible for editing after the user settings
automatically generated) are enabled.
There is an option of individual editing in the respective
fields of lines that are contained in the Client ID:
- org_id — ID of organization assigned during the
registration at IBM Watson IoT platform;
- device_type — type of device specified during the
registration at IBM Watson IoT platform.

521040 Topic iot-2/evt/sa_spn_qgr_qval/fmt/format_string No Field to enter variable name of Publish Message (see
Annex F) used for transmission of Onboard reports by
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi to the Server of IBM Watson IoT
The field is accessible for editing after the user settings
are enabled.

521041 Keep Alive 3600 s Field to enter the maximum interval of time in seconds
Interval during which the connection between CANUp 27 Pro Wi-
Fi and IBM Watson IoT Server platform will be active
without any traffic.

521042 Quality Of At Least Once No From the dropdown list select one of quality levels of
Service (QoS) Onboard reports:
- No more than once — on this level,
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi sends a Report to the Server only
once, not expecting the delivery confirmation;
- At least once — this level ensures that the Report from
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi will be delivered to the Server of
IBM Watson IoT platform; however, there is a possibility
of sending Reports duplicates.

521087 Clean Session On No From the dropdown list select one version of completing
the session during the user disconnection from the
Server of IBM Watson IoT platform:
- OFF — the Server saves the session and all user
settings. All Reports of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi accumulated
during the OFF period will be automatically transmitted
to the user during his next connection;
- ON — during the next connection the user he will have
to conduct another configuration in order to receive
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi Reports from the Server.

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© Technoton, 2021 94
Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / WiFi Communicator FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Authorized APN List

PGN 63284
521355 Array Elements On the fact pcs. List of Authorized Access Points (routers) for Internet
Count connection of CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi.
To create this list, the user may select a router from the
List of Available Access Points or add a user access
point (see figure C.12 d).
To connect CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi to the access point, the
user must enter its password in the respective field.
In case he needs, the user may delete any router from
the List of Authorized Access Points.
The maximum number of routers in the List of
Authorized Access Points is 10.
CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi may be connected to only one
authorized access point.

521106 SSID On the fact No Identifiers (SSID) of routers in the List of Authorized
Access Points.

* User can reset values of all Counters PGN 63282 if it is necessary.

— Obligatory settings for CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi, required for connecting to Internet and sending Reports to Server.

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© Technoton, 2021 95
Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Collector 1A1F1D FM

C.13 Collector 1A1F1D FM

Collector 1A1F1D FM — used for receiving and transformation of analog/frequency/pulse/

discrete signal to digital values of SPN parameters.

Current value of the input Current value and graph Graph of calibration table
analog signal of SPN change of analog input

Figure C.13 — Example of settings of the Collector 1A1F1D FM in Service CANUp software

Figure C.14 — Example of window of configuration of pulse input

Table C.13 — Collector 1A1F1D FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software
Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Inputs Settings
(PGN 63100)
521363 Inputs 3 No No Number of physical inputs of CANUp 27.
521364 Input Number 0 No No Select I1 group of contacts of analog physical input of
521150 PGN 65258 No 0…65535 Enter output PGN, which will contain SPN parameter
Vehicle weight converted from analog signal.
PGN can be selected through Service software from the
list, containing most important Vehicle parameters, or
from the extended S6 DB list.

1214 SPN 582 No 0…524287 Select SPN, which should be resulted from converting
Axle weight analog signal.

521188 S6 Address 100 No 0…255 Enter unique network address (SA) of CANUp 27
(SA) connected via S6 Technology.
SA cannot be edited if PGN is sent “on request”.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Collector 1A1F1D FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
521362 PGN Sending 0 ms 0…4294970000 Enter time interval (in ms) of sending generated PGN
Period via S6 Technology.
For “on request” sending, enter 0 ms.

521364 Input Number 1 No No Contact group 12 of frequency/counting physical input of

CANUp 27 is selected.
521150 PGN PGN 61444 No 0…65535 Output PGN containing SPN parameter converted from
Electronic frequency or pulse signal is specified.
Engine PGN can be selected through Service software from the
Controller 1 list, containing most important Vehicle parameters, or
from the extended S6 DB list.
1214 SPN SPN 190 No 0…524287 SPN which is to be received as a result of
Engine speed frequency/pulse signal conversion is selected.
521188 S6 Address 100 No 0…255 Enter unique network address (SA) of CANUp 27
(SA) connected via S6 Technology.
SA cannot be edited if PGN is sent “on request”.
521362 PGN 50 ms 0…4294970000 Enter time interval (in ms) of sending generated PGN
Sending via S6 Technology.
Period For “on request” sending, enter 0 ms.
521364 Input Number 2 No No Contact group 13 of discrete physical input of CANUp 27 is
521150 PGN PGN 64960 No 0…65535 Output PGN containing SPN parameter converted from
Passenger discrete signal is specified.
Counter PGN can be selected through Service software from the
list, containing most important Vehicle parameters, or
from the extended S6 DB list.
1214 SPN SPN 3044 No 0…524287 SPN which is to be received as a result of discrete signal
Silent Alarm conversion is selected.
521188 S6 Address 100 No 0…255 Enter unique network address (SA) of CANUp 27
(SA) connected via S6 Technology.
SA cannot be edited if PGN is sent “on request”.
521362 PGN Sending 0 ms 0…4294970000 Enter time interval (in ms) of sending generated PGN
Period via S6 Technology.
For “on request” sending, enter 0 ms.
Calibration Table Input 1
(PGN 63101)
521431 Physical 4 No 0…255 Bit mask containing a description of possible functions of
Input/Output input 1:
Type Mask 0 – Not supported;
4 – Analog (by default).
521365 Physical input 4-Analog V 0…30 Analog type of the signal physical input (value of the bit
type mask – 4) is selected from the dropdown list.
The user can also deactivate the analog input support.
In such a case, all settings of the input will become
inaccessible for editing.
521355 Array 2 pcs. 1…10 Number of points of the calibration table which is
Elements created during the configuration of the input.
Count The maximum number of calibration points – 10.
521366 Signal input 0; 30 V 0…4294970000 For points of the calibration table of input 1 values of
value analog input signal are specified*.

521347 SPN value 0; 30000 kg 0…4294970000 For points of the calibration table of input 1 values of
converted SPN parameter are specified*.
Calibration Table Input 2
(PGN 63153)
521431 Physical 48 No 0…255 Bit mask containing a description of possible functions of
Input/Output input 2:
Type Mask 0 – Not supported;
16 – Frequency (by default);
32 – Counting.
521365 Physical 16- Frequency kHz 0.001…10 Selected from the dropdown list:
input type (for frequency (for frequency Frequency (bit mask value 16) or Counting
input) input) (bit mask value 32) type of the signal physical type.
The user can also deactivate the input supprt. In such a
No No case, all input settings will become inaccessible for
(for counting (for counting editing.
input) input)
521355 Array 2 pcs. 1…10 Number of points of the calibration table created during
Elements the frequency input configuration.
Count The maximum number of calibration points – 10.

CANUp 27 telematics gateways. Operation manual. Version 4.0

© Technoton, 2021 97
Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Collector 1A1F1D FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
521366 Signal input On the fact On the fact 0…4294970000 In case of selecting the counting physical type, the
value calibration table is inactive.
For points of the calibration table of input 2, only values
of frequency input signal are specified*.
521347 SPN value On the fact On the fact 0…4294970000 For points of the calibration table of input 2 values of
converted SPN parameter are specified*.
Pulse Input Setting
(PGN 63509)
521274 Impulse Value On the fact On the fact 0…4294967295 Coefficient which defines the amount of physical value
corresponding to one input pulse is specified.
(see figure C.14).
E.g. one pulse of DFM fuel flow meter corresponds to the
volume of fuel which has passed through its measuring
chamber. The flow meter pulse value is specified in its
operation documentation.
521295 Offset 0 On the fact 0…4294970000 Offset attribute is introduced; it is necessary for automatic
calculation of value of SPN received as a result of the
pulse signal conversion.
521296 Factor 1 On the fact 0…4294970000 Factor attribute is introduced; it is necessary for
automatic calculation of value of SPN received as a result
of the pulse signal conversion.
521678 Comparartion On the fact On the fact 0…3212.75 The minimum value of input signal amplitude is specified
threshold which, in case it is surpassed, is counted as a pulse.
Calibration Table Input 3
((PGN 63154)
521431 Physical 8 No 0…255 Bit mask containing a description of possible functions of
Input/Output input 3:
Type Mask 0 – Not supported;
8 – Discrete.
521365 Physical input 8-Discrete No UPS…3 (“0”) Discrete type of the signal physical input (value of the bit
type mask – 8) is selected from the dropdown list.
3…0 (“1”) The user can also deactivate the discrete input support.
(UPS — voltage In such a case, all settings of the input will become
of power supply inaccessible for editing.
521355 Array 2 pcs. 1…10 Number of points of the calibration table created during
Elements the discrete input configuration.
Count The maximum number of calibration points – 2.
521366 Signal input 0; 3 V 0…4294970000 For points of the calibration table of input 3 values of the
value discrete input signal corresponding to two states of
pressing the emergency button are specified*.
521347 SPN value “1”; “0” On the fact 0…4294970000 For points of the calibration table of input 3 two states of
pressing the emergency button are specified which
correspond to “0” and “1” values of the discrete input
Physical Inputs Signal Level
(PGN 63298)
521366 Signal Input 0 V 0…4294970000 The current value of the input signal
Value Hz (analog/frequency/discrete) displayed on the button
below the calibration table in the process of calibration
of the respective physical input.

Settings of analog physical input.

Settings of frequency/counting physical input.
Settings of discrete physical input.
* By default, the table contains two points corresponding to the extreme values of the input signal range of fluctuations. You can
specify the maximum of 10 calibration points (for discrete input – 2 points). After pressing “Graph” button, the graph of dependence
of values of the converted parameter of SPN on input signal values is displayed, in accordance with the calibration table
(see example in figure C.13).

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM

C.14 Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM

Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM — designed for obtaining real-time data on current Vehicle
load per axle, total trip and operation time in different modes of axle load, Events of
loading/unloading/overloading Vehicle, as well as the trailer coupling/uncoupling.

Figure C.15 — Example of settings of the Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM
in Service CANUp software

Figure C.16 — Axle load mode boundaries

Table C.14 — Axles Load Monitoring FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Axle Load Control Parameters
PGN 62985
582/19.2 Axle weight/ On the fact kg 0…32127.5 Displays current value of load on rear axle of Vehicle.
19.2 Rear axle
582/19.2/2.10 Axle weight/ On the fact kg 0…32127.5 Displays filtrated current value of load on rear axle of
19.2 Rear axle / Vehicle, i.e. values filtrated during pre-set time interval.
2.10 Filtering
521182 Axle weight Mode On the fact No No Vehicle operation mode according to current value of axle
load (see figure C.16).

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© Technoton, 2021 99
Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Axle Load Control. Tractor Unit FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Axle Load Control Counters
PGN 62986
521004/10.0 Distance high On the fact m 0…4211080000 Displays total distance, covered by Vehicle in operation
precision/ mode corresponding to axle load without a semi-trailer.
10.0 Without The counter can be reset by user.
521004/10.1 Distance high On the fact m 0…4211080000 Displays total distance, covered by Vehicle in operation
precision/ mode corresponding to axle load with unloaded semi-
10.1 Empty trailer.
The counter can be reset by user.
521004/10.2 Distance high On the fact m 0…4211080000 Displays total distance, covered by Vehicle in operation
precision / mode corresponding to axle load with loaded semi-trailer.
10.2 Load The counter can be reset by user.
521004/10.3 Distance high On the fact m 0…4211080000 Displays total distance, covered by Vehicle in operation
precision/ mode when maximum allowed load per axle was
10.3 Overload exceeded.
The counter can be reset by user.
521057/10.0 Vehicle working On the fact s 0…4211080000 Displays total time of Vehicle in operation mode
time/ corresponding to axle load without a semi-trailer.
10.0 Without The counter can be reset by user.
521057/10.1 Vehicle working On the fact s 0…4211080000 Displays total time of Vehicle in operation mode
time/ corresponding to axle load with unloaded semi-trailer.
10.1 Empty The counter can be reset by user.
521057/10.2 Vehicle working On the fact s 0…4211080000 Displays total time of Vehicle in operation mode
time/ corresponding to axle load with loaded semi-trailer.
10.2 Load The counter can be reset by user.
521057/10.3 Vehicle working On the fact s 0…4211080000 Displays total time of Vehicle in operation mode when
time/ maximum allowed load per axle was exceeded.
10.3 Overload The counter can be reset by user.
521036 Overload On the fact pcs. 0…4211080000 Displays number of recorded facts of exceeding maximum
Counter allowed load per axle of Vehicle.
The counter can be reset by user.
521037 Load Counter On the fact pcs. 0…4211080000 Displays number of recorded facts of loading cargo to
The counter can be reset by user.
521038 Unloading On the fact pcs. 0…4211080000 Displays number of recorded facts of unloading cargo
Counter from semi-trailer.
The counter can be reset by user.
Loading/Unloading Detect Criteria
PGN 63151
521258 Enable On No On/Off Enabling or disabling to recognize Event of
determining Loading/Unloading while Vehicle is moving.
in movement
521255 Minimum distance 0 m 0…4211080000 Enter minimum trip distance (in meters) between Vehicle
between loading loadings. This option can be useful for logistics operations
monitoring within smaller areas.
521256 Minimum load 100 kg 0…32127.5 Enter minimum cargo weight, which is recognized by
portion for loading Telematics system as Vehicle Loading Event.
521257 Minimum time of 60 s 0…64255 Enter minimum time interval between Loading/Unloading
Loading/Unloading (in seconds) Vehicle. This option can be useful for logistics
operations optimization.

Axle weight Mode Borders

PGN 63066
521393/10.1 Axle weight Mode 10000 kg 0…32127.5 Enter axle load value, which will be a boundary between
border / “No semi-trailer” and “not loaded” operation modes
10.1 Empty (see figure C.16).
521393/10.2 Axle weight Mode 15000 kg 0…32127.5 Enter axle load value, which will be a boundary between
border / “not loaded” and “loaded” operation modes
10.2 Load (see figure C.16).
521393/10.3 Axle weight Mode 25000 kg 0…32127.5 Enter axle load value, which will be a boundary between
border / “loaded” and “overloaded” operation modes. If boundary
10.3 Overload is exceeded, Telematics system will recognize “Overload”
Event (see figure C.16).

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Engine Monitoring FM

C.15 Engine Monitoring FM

Engine Monitoring FM — is designed for real-time monitoring of current values of main

Parameters and Counters of the Vehicle engine operation based on data received from the
onboard CAN-bus, as well as for identification of Events according to preset limit values of

For correct operation of FM Engine Monitoring, you need to connect the Unit to the
Vehicle CAN-bus.

Figure C.17 — Example of settings of the Engine Monitoring FM in Service CANUp software

P, kPa N, rpm

N max

P min

t, c t, c
t > t min t > t min

a) of low oil pressure in the engine b) of exceeding engine rpm limit

Figure C.18 — Examples of preset limits of Parameters to identify Events

in FM Engine Monitoring

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Engine Monitoring FM

Table C.15 — Engine Monitoring FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Engine. Parameters
PGN 62978
110 Engine No °C -40…210 Current value of the Vehicle engine cooling agent
Coolant temperature is displayed. The cooling agent temperature
Temperature is, in fact, the temperature of the engine itself.
The diesel engine optimal range of working temperature is
70…90 °C. The engine temperature at maximum load
should not exceed 97 °C.
The process of formation of fuel/air mix and the quality of
its combustion, i.e. correct engine running depend on the
cooling agent temperature.

98 Engine No % 0…100 Current value of oil level in the Vehicle engine is

Oil Level displayed.
For correct engine operation the oil level must not change
throughout the whole period “from replacement to
The causes of oil level lowering are: malfunction of the oil
pump, the wear of cylinders, overheating of piston rings,
oil filter or oil retainers leakage etc.
The causes of oil level raising are: cooling agent
penetration into oil because of leakage in the cylinder
assembly or because of fuel penetration into oil due to the
wear of pistons, oil retainers, faulty injectors etc.

100 Engine Oil No kPa 0…1000 Current value of oil pressure in the Vehicle engine is
Pressure displayed. Oil pressure must be permanent in the running
The causes of low oil pressure are: lowering of oil level in
the engine, strong resistance of the oil filter, the oil pump
malfunction etc.
The causes of high oil pressure are: using oil of
inappropriate viscosity, malfunctions of the retaining
valve, pressure relief valve or discharge valve,
malfunctions of the lubrication system components etc.

190 Engine No Rpm 0…8031.88 Current value of the Vehicle engine crankshaft rpm is
Speed displayed.
Monitoring the crankshaft rpm enables the driver to adjust
the driving mode, to provide the optimal load for the
engine; it reduces the risk of the engine overheating and
increased wear of the engine parts.
In the optimal mode, diesel engine rpm must be within
1800…2800 rpm range.

513 Actual No % -125…125 Per cent of maximum Vehicle engine torque is displayed
Engine - (instant value).
Percent This is a quality indicator characterizing the crankshaft
Torque rotative force, depending on the pressing force of the
accelerator pedal and the current mode of the engine
The best engine acceleration dynamics and the optimal
engine thrust performance are reached at rpm, when the
actual torque is maximal.
The reduction of the actual torque indication may be a
sign of the engine wear-out.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Engine Monitoring FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure

175 Engine Oil No °C -273…1734.97 Current value of oil temperature in the Vehicle engine is
Temperature displayed.
The optimal oil temperature at which the wear of engine
parts is minimal: 90…105 °C, i.e. 10…15 °C higher than
the cooling agent temperature.
If the oil temperature is below 90°C, the efficiency of the
engine operation is lower and the engine service life is
less. Clearance spaces between the piston and the
cylinder are bigger, compression is lower. Lubricant is
mixed with fuel and that results in the appearing of soot
and growing of fuel consumption. The metal of the
cylinders is corroded by acids that appear; this results in
the increased wear of the cylinders.
If the oil is heated over 105 °C, its viscosity becomes less,
it gets more fluid which leads to the engine parts friction.
If the oil temperature is over 125 °C, it penetrates into
work space of the cylinders and burns there. All this
results in the increased engine wearing.

Engine. Counters
PGN 62977
521190 Engine Hours 0 h 0 min 0 s s 0…4211080000 Counter of total time of the Vehicle engine operation
Of Operation within the whole range of load, including the ”Idling”
mode of engine operation.
The Counter readings increment from the time of
manufacturing and it cannot be reset by the user.
521190/9.0 Engine Hours 0 h 0 min 0 s s 0…4211080000 Counter of total time of the Vehicle engine operation in
Of Operatio/ the ”Idling” mode of engine operation.
9.0 Idle The Counter readings increment from the time of
manufacturing and it cannot be reset by the user.
521001 Total Engine No pcs. 0…4211080000 Counter of total number of the Vehicle engine starts which
Starts increments in case of any rpm.
Counter The Counter readings increment from the time of
manufacturing and it cannot be reset by the user.
521001/14.1 Total Engine No pcs. 0…4211080000 Counter of total number of the Vehicle engine “cold” starts
Starts (when the engine temperature is no higher than 0 °C)
Counter/ which result in its increased wear.
14.1 The Counter readings increment from the time of
Temperature manufacturing and it cannot be reset by the user.
<= 0
521001/14.0 Total Engine No pcs. 0…4211080000 Counter of total number of the Vehicle engine “hot” starts
Starts (when the engine temperature is higher than 0 °C). You
Counter / can evaluate the correctness of the engine service by
14.0 indications of this Counter.
Temperature The Counter readings increment from the time of
>0 manufacturing and it cannot be reset by the user.
Engine speed mode borders
PGN 63060
190/9.0 Engine 600 Rpm 0…8031.88 Setting the lower limit of the Vehicle engine rpm
speed/ variations range (“Idling” mode of engine operation).
9.0 Idle This setting is designed to identify the Event “Exceeding
Engine rpm”) which is identified in case of exceeding the
specified upper limit of engine rpm within specified time
(see figure C.18 b).
This setting is accessible for editing by the user.

190/2.7 Engine 3000 Rpm 0…8031.88 Setting the upper limit of the Vehicle engine rpm
speed/ variations range.
2.7 Max This setting is designed to identify the Event “Exceeding
Engine rpm”) which is identified in case of exceeding the
specified upper limit of engine rpm within specified time
(see figure C.18 b).
This setting is accessible for editing by the user.
521389 Event 1 s 0…64255 In this field, the time interval during which the Vehicle
Detection engine rpm exceed the specified upper limit of the rpm
Interval variations range is specified and a decision is taken to
register the Event “Exceeding Engine rpm”
(see figure C.18 b).
521390 Event 100 s 0…64255 In this field, the time interval during which only one Event
Registration «Exceeding Engine rpm” is registered (see figure C.18 b).

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Engine Monitoring FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Engine Oil Pressure Mode Borders
PGN 63062
190/9.0 Engine Oil 60 kPa 0…8031.88 Setting the lower limit of the Vehicle engine oil pressure
Pressure/ variations range (“Minimum” oil pressure).
2.8 Min This setting is used to identify the Event “Low Oil
Pressure” which is identified by the oil pressure falling
below the specified minimal value (lower limit) of the
range within specified time period (see figure C.18 a).
This setting is accessible for editing by the user.
190/2.7 Engine Oil 800 kPa 0…8031.88 Setting the upper limit of the Vehicle engine oil pressure
Pressure/ variations range (“Maximum” oil pressure).
2.7 Max This setting is used to identify the Event “High Oil
Pressure” which is identified by the oil pressure exceeding
the specified maximum value (upper limit) of the range
within specified time period (see figure C.18 a).
This setting is accessible for editing by the user.
521389 Event 1 s 0…64255 In this field, the time interval during which the Vehicle
Detection engine oil pressure is below the specified lower
Interval limit/above the specified upper limit of oil pressure
variations range and a decision is taken to register the
Event “Low Oil Pressure/High Oil Pressure”
(see figure C.18 a).
521390 Event 600 s 0…64255 In this field, the time interval during which only one Event
Registration ”Low Oil Pressure/High Oil Pressure” is registered
Interval (see figure C.18 a).

Engine Coolant Temperature Mode Borders

PGN 63063
521402 Engine 40 °C -40…210 Setting the lower limit of the Vehicle engine temperature
Temperature. variations range.
Cold Start This setting is used to identify the Event “Cold Start”
which is identified by the Vehicle movement, crankshaft
rpm and when the engine temperature is below the
allowed value (specified lower limit).
This setting is accessible for editing by the user.
521403 Engine 100 °C -40…210 Setting the upper limit of the Vehicle engine temperature
Temperature. variations range.
Hot Stop This setting is used to identify the Event “Hot Stop” which
is identified by the zero crankshaft rpm and when the
engine temperature is above the allowed value (specified
upper limit).
This setting is accessible for editing by the user.
521390 Event 600 s 0…64255 In this field, the time interval during which only one Event
Registration “Hot Stop”/”Cold Start” is registered.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Statistics FM

C.16 Statistics FM

Statistics FM — is designed to generate base data of “Statistics” Report from the period of the
selected initial Event to the final Event based on which increments of specified Counters are

a) window Statistics FM

b) a list of SPNs in S6 Database c) SPN selection from current CAN bus data

Figure C.19 — Example of settings of the Statistics FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.16 — Statistics FM.SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
Statistics Attribute
PGN 63252
521347 SPN Value No On the fact 0…4294970000 Value of parameter (SPN) which is added to the content of
the statistics Report as the initial event of “Event”.
It is allowed to add to the Report SPN that have digital
value and no longer than 4 bytes.

521347 SPN Value No On the fact 0…4294970000 Value of parameter (SPN) which is added to the content of
the statistics Report as the final event of “Event”.
It is allowed to add to the Report SPN that have digital
value and no longer than 4 bytes.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Statistics FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
521253 SPN quantity No pcs. 0…10 Number of parameters (SPN) that can be added during the
in Report generation of content of a statistics Report.
521368 Specifier. Value No On the fact 0…255 Specifying value of parameter (SPN) which is added to the
content of the statistics Report.
521150 PGN No On the fact 0…65535
Group of parameters (PGN) that includes SPN which is
added to the Report content.
521188 S6 100 No 0…255 Network address in CAN-bus of the device which is source
Address (SA) of SPN added to the content of the statistics Report.
521254 Bus Marker Not used No No Source from which the CANUp 27 reads SPN of the Event
which is added to the Report content:
- S6 — source specified by the user when SPN of the Event
is read from Units via CAN j1939/S6 interface using
S6 Technology;
- S7 — source designated by the user, when Events SPN is
read from wireless Units by means of S7 Technology;
- CAN — source assigned automatically, when SPN of the
Event is read from a standard Vehicle bus using CAN
- Not used — source assigned automatically, when SPN of
the Event is selected from S6 Database.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / S6 Bus FM

C.17 S6 Bus FM

S6 Bus FM — is designed for analysis and diagnostics of operation (monitoring of active and
saved malfunctions, emergency important and information Events) of Units connected to form
a network using S6 Technology.

Figure C.20 — Example of settings of the S6 Bus FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.17 — S6 Bus FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
Saved Units List
PGN 63257
521355 Array No pcs. Number of Units contained in the List of Saved Units (max. 15).
Elements The List of Saved Units is created based on List of Active Units by
Count pressing the button “Configure Bus”.
For Units of this list, CANUp 27 Pro 3G/CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi
generates Events “Unit Connections to S6 Bus”/“Unit Disconnections
from S6 Bus”.
Data are not available for editing.
521188 S6 Address (SA) No No Network address of the Unit contained in the List of Saved Units
(see table 5).
The network address serves to identify Units during their operation
using S6 Technology.
Data are not available for editing.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / S6 Bus FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
521120 Serial Number No No The Unit serial number is a set of digits designed for clear
identification of a specific Unit.
A serial number of Unit has the format:
AABBB C DDDDD, in which:
AA – code of model in the line of products;
BBB – digits reflecting changes in the product;
C – Manufacturer code;
DDDDD – sequence number.
Data are not available for editing.

521123 Line No No Designation of the line of products to which the Unit from the List of
Saved Units belongs. The line of products is a group of products of
the same kind – online Telematics gateways manufactured with the
common trademark (e.g. DUT-E, DFM, DFM Marine etc.).
Data are not available for editing.

521345 Model No No Model is the Unit design within its line of products.
Each of the Units models has its functional and/or design
Data are not available for editing.

521121 Firmware No No Version of the Unit inbuilt software contained in the List of Saved
Version Units.
Data are not available for editing.
Active Units List
PGN 63254
521355 Array No pcs. Number of Units contained in the List of Active Units (max. 15).
Elements This list contains all Units which together with
Count CANUp 27 Pro 3G/CANUp 27 Pro Wi-Fi are connected to form a
network based on
S6 Technology.
For each Unit from the List of Active Units you may receive
information on Active and Saved Malfunctions. The registered
Events are also displayed for the selected Unit according to their
types in the respective tables (“List of Emergency Events”, “List of
Important Events” and “List of Information Events”).
The total number of Events for all active Units is displayed in the
“Number of Events” group of data for each Event type.
Data are not available for editing.
521188 S6 Address (SA) No No Network address of the Unit contained in the List of Active Units
(see table 5).
The network address serves to identify Units during their operation
using S6 Technology.
Data are not available for editing.

521120 Serial Number No No The Unit serial number is a set of digits designed for clear
identification of a specific Unit.
A serial number of Unit has the format:
AABBB C DDDDD, in which:
AA – code of model in the line of products;
BBB – digits reflecting changes in the product;
C – Manufacturer code;
DDDDD – sequence number.
Data are not available for editing.

521123 Line No No Designation of the line of products to which the Unit from the List of
Active Units belongs. The line of products is a group of products of
the same kind – online Telematics gateways manufactured with the
common trademark (e.g. DUT-E, DFM, DFM Marine etc.).
Data are not available for editing.

521345 Model No No Model is the Unit design within its line of products.
Each of the Units models has its functional and/or design
Data are not available for editing.

521121 Firmware No No Version of the Unit inbuilt software contained in the List of Active
version Units.
Data are not available for editing.
521045 Active Faults No No Displays the number of active malfunctions of the Unit
Quantity (if any, up to 15) contained in the List of Active Units.
Data are not available for editing.

521046 Passive Faults No No Displays the number of saved malfunctions of the Unit (if any, up
Quantity to 15) contained in the List of Active Units.
Data are not available for editing.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / S6 Bus FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification
Unit S6 Active DTC List
PGN 63255
521355 Array No pcs. Number of current malfunctions of active Units (up to 15).
Elements Data are not available for editing.

521188 S6 Address (SA) No No Network address of active Unit which is the source of the currently
displayed malfunction.
Data are not available for editing.
521104 Fault Code. SID No No Displays the defective unit (e.g. “Fuel Level Sensor”) for each
current malfunction.

521048 FMI No No Displays malfunction designation (e.g. “Calibration Error”) for each
current malfunction.

Unit S6 Saved DTC List

PGN 63256
521355 Array No pcs. Number of saved malfunctions of active Units (up to 15).
Elements Data are not available for editing.

521188 S6 Address (SA) No No Network address of active Unit which is the source of the currently
displayed malfunction.
Data are not available for editing.
521104 Fault Code. SID No No Displays the defective unit (e.g. “Fuel Level Sensor”) for each
saved malfunction.

521048 FMI No No Displays malfunction designation (e.g. “Calibration Error”) for each
saved malfunction.

Units S6 Emergency Events List

PGN 63273
521355 Array No pcs. Displays the current number (up to 20) of emergency Events from
Elements active Units.
Count Data are not available for editing.

521166 Event SPN No No Displays the current number (up to 20) of emergency Events from
active Units.
Emergency Events are such as, for instance, “Activation of
Emergency Button”.*

Units S6 Important Events List

PGN 63272
521355 Array No pcs. Displays the current number (up to 20) of important Events from
Elements active Units.
Count Data are not available for editing.

521166 Event SPN No No Displays the list (up to 20) of important Events from active Units.
Events such as, for instance, Events: “Onboard Circuit Failure”,
“Fuel Drain from the Tank”, “Fuelling Tank” “Interference into Flow
Meter Operation” are considered to be important Events.*

Units S6 Information Events List

PGN 63274
521355 Array No pcs. Displays the current number (up to 20) of information Events from
Elements active Units.
Count Data are not available for editing.

521166 Event SPN No No Displays the list (up to 20) of information Events from active Units.
Events, such as, for instance: “Power Supply ON/OFF, “GNSS
Signal Loss/Restore” are considered to be information Events.*

* For each Event the following data are specified: designation, date/time of occurrence, as well as additional information (if any).
Events are displayed in chronological sequence, starting from the most recent. As soon as the maximum number of Events displayed
is reached, new Events overwrite the earliest Events.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Base S7 FM

C.18 Base S7 FM

Base S7 FM — is designed for reception of messages (PGN) from wireless Units by means of
S7 Technology.

a) adding a wireless Unit from the list of accessible devices

b) adding a wireless Unit by the specified MAC-address

Figure C.21 — Example of settings of the FM S7 Base in Service CANUp software

Table C.18 — Base S7 FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

Available Bluetooth Device List

PGN 63279
521355 Array Elements On the fact pcs. Number of MAC-addresses of wireless Units (DUT-E S7 fuel level
Count sensors, DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters, GNOM DDE S7
pressure sensors DUT-E DP S7 position sensors, ADM31
temperature and humidity sensors) which are accessible at a given
moment for the BLE-module of CANUp 27 Pro.
The maximum number of elements in the list — 15.
The list is not accessible for editing.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Base S7 FM

Unit of
SPN Name Factory value Clarification

521490 MAC Address On the fact No The setting displays the unique identifier (MAC address) of
BLE-module of the wireless Unit.
Using MAC address, the software generates a serial number of a
specific Unit and also identifies its accessibility status for operation
based on S7 Technology.
The data are not accessible for editing.

521178 Received Signal On the fact dBm The setting displays the current level of the signal power (by the
Strength logarithmic scale) received from the wireless Unit.
Indicator (RSSI) The displayed range: from -125…0 dBm.
The data are not accessible for editing.
521084 Timeout On the fact s The setting displays the length of the time interval after reception of
the latest message from the wireless Unit.
The data are not accessible for editing.
Allowed Units S7 List
PGN 63270
521355 Array Elements On the fact pcs. The number of MAC addresses of wireless Units (DUT-E S7 fuel level
Count sensors, DFM S7 / DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meters, GNOM DDE S7
pressure sensors DUT-E DP S7 position sensors, ADM31
temperature and humidity sensors) selected by the user for
connection to CANUp 27 Pro using S7 Technology.
The maximum number of elements in the list — 10.
The user has access to editing the list — adding/deleting Units.
521188 S6 Address (SA) No No The network address of the wireless Unit selected by the user for
connection to CANUp 27 Pro using S7 Technology.
The network address is used for identiofication of Units during work
using S7 Technology.
The designation of the network address is automatically assigned to
the Unit from the number of vacant addresses within the following
Value of network address is automatically assigned to a Unit from
the number of vacant addresses within the following ranges:
- for DUT-E S7 fuel level sensors: 91…98, 101…108;
- for DFM S7 fuel flow meters: 111…118, 151…158;
- for GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensors and GNOM DP S7 position
sensors: 82…85;
- for ADM31 temperature and humidity sensors: 136…139.
The network addresses may be changed by the user.
A network address for each Unit must be unique!
The use of coinciding network addresses for cable-connected and
wireless Units of the same type is not allowed!

521490 MAC Address On the fact No The MAC address of the wireless Unit selected by the user for
connection using S7 Technology by itself is not displayed in the list
of authorized Units.
However, the software generates the serial number for a specific
Unit using its MAC address and also by its MAC address it identifies
its accessibility status for work using S7 Technology.
The data are not accessible for editing.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Accelerometer FM

C.19 Accelerometer FM

Accelerometer FM — is designed to identify current values of the Vehicle linear accelerations in

three rectangular axes of Cartesian coordinate system and to calculate root-meansquare
values of these accelerations, to identify the Vehicle movement and its banking angles.
After CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi mounting on the Vehicle you need to
calibrate the inbuilt accelerometer, i.e. to specify zero values of pitch angle and
banking angle by pressing button!

Figure C.22 — Example of settings of the Accelerometer FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.19 — Accelerometer FM.

SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
PGN 63155
5347 Lateral On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Current value of the Vehicle transverse linear acceleration
Acceleration is displayed (along Y axis of the Cartesian coordinate
Extended Range system) and the diagram of its changing with time.

5347/2.3 Lateral On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Value of the Vehicle mean-square deviation calculated
Acceleration based on the current data of the Vehicle transverse linear
Extended Range / acceleration is displayed.
2.3 Standard You can estimate the reliability of the measured values of
Deviation the Vehicle transverse linear acceleration by the value of
mean-square deviation.

5350 Lateral On the fact No Reliable/ Estimate of reliability of the measured values of the
Acceleration Unreliable Vehicle transverse linear acceleration is displayed.
Extended Range If the transverse linear acceleration is less than 5 m/s2, the
Figure of Merit acceleration data are reliable, while in case the transverse
linear acceleration is more than 5 m/s2, the data are
5348 Longitudinal On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Current value of the Vehicle longitudinal axis linear
Acceleration acceleration is displayed (along X axis of the Cartesian
Extended Range coordinate system) and the diagram of its changing with

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Accelerometer FM

Factory Unit of
SPN Name Range Clarification
value measure
5348/2.3 Longitudinal On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Value of the Vehicle mean-square deviation calculated
Acceleration based on the current data of the Vehicle longitudinal
Extended Range / linear acceleration is displayed.
2.3 Standard You can estimate the reliability of the measured values
Deviation the Vehicle longitudinal linear acceleration by the value of
mean-square deviation.
5351 Longitudinal On the fact No Reliable/ Estimate of reliability of measured values of the Vehicle
Acceleration Unreliable longitudinal linear acceleration is displayed.
Extended Range If the longitudinal linear acceleration is less than 5 m/s2,
Figure of Merit the acceleration data are reliable, while in case of
longitudinal linear acceleration more than 5 m/s2, the
acceleration data are unreliable.
5349 Vertical On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Current mean value of the Vehicle vertical linear
Acceleration acceleration is displayed (along Z axis of the Cartesian
Extended Range coordinate system) and the diagram of its changing with
5349/2.3 Vertical On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Value of the Vehicle mean-square deviation calculated
Acceleration based on the current data of the Vehicle vertical linear
Extended Range / acceleration is displayed.
2.3 Standard You can estimate the reliability of the measured values
Deviation the Vehicle vertical linear acceleration by the value of
mean-square deviation.

5352 Vertical On the fact No Reliable/ Estimate of reliability of measured values of the Vehicle
Acceleration Unreliable vertical linear acceleration is displayed.
Extended Range If the vertical linear acceleration is less than 5 m/s2, the
Figure of Merit acceleration data are reliable, while in case of vertical
linear acceleration more than 5 m/s2, the acceleration
data are unreliable.

521384 Acceleration On the fact m/s2 -320…322.55 Automatically calculated total value of the Vehicle linear
Module acceleration in three axes of coordinates (X, Y, Z) is
displayed; this value is equal to square root of the sum of
squares of the Vehicle linear accelerations in each axis.
If this value exceeds the specified level of the Movement
Filtering (SPN 521341), the Unit automatically identifies
the Vehicle current status in relation to the Vehicle

1611 Vehicle motion On the fact No Vehicle motion Vehicle current status in relation to the Vehicle
not detected/ movement is displayed (the Vehicle is moving/not
Vehicle motion moving).
PGN 63247
521341 Movement 0.3 m/s2 -12.5…12.5 Field in which the user may specify threshold value of
filtration level acceleration with which the value of the sum of the
Vehicle linear accelerations in the three coordinates axes
(X, Y, Z) must be compared. According to the results of
the comparison, the Unit automatically identifies the
Vehicle current status in relation to movement.

Slope Sensor Information

PGN 61459
3318 Pitch Angle On the fact deg -64…64.51 Displays the current value of the grade angle in relation
to the transverse axis of coordinates (Y axis).
3319 Roll Angle On the fact deg -64…64.51 Displays the current value of the grade angle in relation
to the longitudinal axis of coordinates (X axis).
3323 Pitch Angle On the fact No Reliable/ Estimate of reliability of measurement of the Vehicle
Figure Of Merit Unreliable banking angle. If the value of the pitch angle is less than
60, its value is considered reliable.

3324 Roll Angle On the fact No Reliable/ Estimate of reliability of measurement of the Vehicle
Figure Of Merit Unreliable banking angle. If the value of the banking angle is less
than 60, its value is considered reliable.

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Annex C SPN of CANUp 27 Functional modules / Events Registrator FM

C.20 Events Registrator FM

Events Registrator FM — designed for registration of 15 emergency, 15 important and
15 informative latest Events.

Figure C.23 — Example of settings of the Events Registrator FM in Service CANUp software

Table C.20 — Events Registrator FM. SPNs, displayed and/or editable in Service CANUp software

SPN Name Factory value Unit of measure Clarification

Emergency Events List PGN 63051

521166 Event SPN No No List of emergency Events is displayed (up to 15).**
Activation of Emergency Button belongs to emergency
Important Events List PGN 63055
521166 Event SPN No No List of important Events is displayed (up to 15).**
The following Events are considered to be important:
- Onboard circuit failure
(with voltage value displayed);
- Overload;
- Hot stop/Cold start*;
- Exceeding engine rpm*;
- High/low oil pressure in the engine*;
- Too high onboard circuit voltage.

Information Events List PGN 63056

521166 Event SPN No No List of information Events is displayed (up to 15).**
The following Events are considered to be information
- Power supply ON/OFF;
- Ignition ON/OFF*;
- GNSS signals Loss/Restore;
- Load/Unload;
- Trailer coupled/trailer uncoupled;
- Geofence Entry*;
- Geofence Exit*;
- Unit Loss/Restore in S6-bus*.

* Only for CANUp 27 Pro 3G / Pro LTE / Pro Wi-Fi.

**For each Event the following data are specified: designation, date/time of occurrence, as well as additional information (if any).
Events are displayed in chronological sequence, starting from the most recent.
As soon as the maximum number of Events displayed is reached, new Events overwrite the earliest Events.
The user cannot clear the list of important Events.

Detailed parameters description (SPN), structure and content of messages (PGN) of FM

CANUp 27 are placed at the following web site (to access
S6 DB registration is required).

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© Technoton, 2021 114
Annex D CANUp 27 firmware upgrade

Annex D
CANUp 27 firmware upgrade

WARNING: CANUp 27 firmware update should be carried out only for implementing
improvements, recommended by the Manufacturer.

To upgrade CANUp 27 firmware the following actions should be made:

1) Connect CANUp 27 to PC using S6 SK service adapter (see 2.4.1).
WARNING: when re-uploading firmware, power supply voltage of CANUp 27 should
not drop out of 10…45 V range.

2) After authorization (see 2.4.3) press button in the dropdown menu

of Service CANUp software.
3) Choose firmware upgrade file (*.blf3) on PC disk or memory stick.

4) Press button, that will start firmware file downloading into CANUp 27 memory.
After firmware file integrity and compatibility check by Service CANUp Software window of
firmware uploading into CANUp 27 memory will appear. In case of any errors the Software will
send warning message.
To cancel firmware upgrade it is needed to press button.
ATTENTION: Before the end of the update process and automatic Service CANUp
software reset it is forbidden:
1) Power down the PC.
2) Power down the CANUp 27.
3) Disconnect CANUp 27 from the adapter and adapter from the PC.
4) Run any resource-intensive applications on the PC.

Service CANUp Software will display appropriate message and automatically will disconnect
CANUp 27 from PC in case the update is successful. CANUp 27 is ready for further operation.
Service CANUp Software will display a new firmware version with the next connection session
between PC and CANUp 27.
ATTENTION: To update the firmware of a remote Unit, you must send one of the
following commands to it:
1) SMS-command LDFW (see annex B) (you may use it only for the models
CANUp 27 Standard / Pro 3G / Pro LTE).
2) GPRS-command LDFW (you may use it for any models of CANUp 27). The
structure of fields of the GPRS-command LDFW is identical to the structure of the
same name SMS-command provided in annex B. The procedure for sending the
command LDFW is similar to that of sending the GPRS-command CSRV described
in 2.4.8.
If the CANUp 27 firmware update has been completed incorrectly and the current version of
the inbuilt software has been damaged, the firmware update procedure has to be repeated.
In this case, the inbuilt firmware loader is activated which enables to recover CANUp 27
operability. If the repeated attempt fails, we recommend to consult Technoton Technical
Support Service by e-mail

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Annex E Electromagnetic compatibility specifications

Annex E
Electromagnetic compatibility specifications
Table E.1 — Protection of power circuits of CANUp 27 against conductive,
capacitive and inductive interference as described in ISO 7637-2:2002

US tested level, V
Test pulse Test level for supply voltage
12 V 24 V
1 IV -100 -600
2a IV +50 +50
2b IV +10 +20
3a IV -150 -200
3b IV +100 +200
4 IV -7 -16
5 III +65 +123

Table E.2 — Protection of signal circuits of CANUp 27 against conductive,

capacitive and inductive interference as described in ISO 7637-3:2002

US tested level, V
Test for supply voltage
Test pulse
12 V 24 V
Pulse “a” of short duration IV -60 -80
Pulse “b” of short duration IV +40 +80
Positive pulse of long duration (DCC) IV +30 +45
Negative pulse of long duration (DCC) IV -30 -45
Positive pulse of long duration (ICC) IV +6 +10
Negative pulse of long duration (ICC) IV -6 -10

Table E.3— CANUp 27 own radio interference field strength as per UNECE Regulation No.10 (Revision 4)

Quasi-peak value Average value

of field strength of radio of field strength of radio
Tested bandwidth, interference, dB µV/m interference, dB µV/m
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
polarization polarization polarization polarization
30…34 27 25 20 20
34…45 23 21 16 18
45…60 18 18 13 14
60…75 17 16 10 9
75…100 11 13 7 8
100…130 12 14 7 9
130…170 22 16 18 12
170…225 24 18 18 13
225…300 32 24 27 11
300…400 19 21 13 14
400…525 22 24 16 15
525…700 24 27 23 23
700…850 34 32 25 27
850…1000 35 33 27 26

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Annex F Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol

Annex F
Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol
1) Designation

MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol is used to transmit Onboard reports by Units (CANUp 27 Pro
online Telematics gateway or by DUT-E GSM fuel level sensor), when they are used as
components of the Internet of Things (IoT) Telematics system based on IBM Watson
IoT Platform. Reports are generated in accordance with SPN of the Event specified by the user
in the service software.

2) Particulars

• Asynchronous data transmission;

• Compact messages;
• Reliable delivery of messages in conditions of unstabe communication of the data
transmission line;
• Support of several levels of Quality of Service (QoS);
• Simple integration of new devices.
3) General information

On the application level, the protocol is applied over TCP/IP protocol and by default uses port
1883 (8883 in case of connection via SSL). Messages are exchanged between the Unit
(Publisher) and IBM Watson IoT platform (Broker).
The Unit sends data to Broker, in accordance with the topic specified in the message (Topic
field). Users can receive data from a great number of Units (Publishers) through Broker,
depending on their subscription to particular topics.
There are altogether 15 types of messages in MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol. The main types
of messages: Connect – to establish a connection with the Broker; Publish – to publish data in
the topic at Broker, Subscribe – to subscribe to the topic at Broker; Unsubscribe – to cancel
the topic subscription.

4) Format of MQTT messages

Generally, an MQTT message consists of the following components:

• fixed heading which is present in all messages (see figure F.1);
• variable heading which is present only in certain messages;
• fields of data (Payload) which are present only in certain messages.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
byte 1 message type auxiliary flags
byte 2 current message length (variable heading + data)

Figure F.1 — Format of a fixed heading

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Annex F Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol

5) Establishing a connection

Right after establishing a connection between IBM Watson IoT platform and the Server the Unit
must send a packet of Connect Message to the Server. The format of fixed heading of
Connect Message is shown in figure F.2.

Fixed Heading
1 byte 1 byte
packet type reserved message length
0b0001 0b0000 0xXXXX

Figure F.2 — Format of Connect Message fixed heading

Variable heading of Connect Message consists of a sequence of 4 fields

(see figure F.3):

• Protocol Name — UTF-8 line containing protocol name – “MQTT”.

• Protocol Level — 8-bit unsigned number which is the number of revision of the protocol
used by the Unit. The value of the Protocol Level field for the current protocol version is
• Connect Flags — byte containing a number of parameters that identify the state of
MQTT connection. This field also indicates the presence or absence of fields in data (see
figure F.4).
• Keep Alive — is the maximum time interval (in seconds) between the end of one packet
transmission and start of another packet transmission.)

Variable Heading
2 bytes 4 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes
Length Protocol Name Protocol Level Connect Flags Keep Alive
0x0004 0x4D515454 0x04 0xC2 0x0E10
“M” “Q” “T” “T”

Figure F.3 — Format of the variable heading of Connect Message

Connect Flags field

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
User Name Password Will Clean
Will QoS Will Flag Reserved
Flag Flag Retain Session
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

Figure F.4 — Structure of Connect Flags field for the variable heading of Connect Message

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Annex F Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol

For Connect Message, the Payload data field contains the following fields (see figure F.5):
Client ID, User Name and Password. These fields are lines of characters in UTF-8 format in
• org_id — ID of organization which is assigned during the registration at IBM Watson IoT
• device_type and device_id — type and ID of Units specified during their registration at
IBM Watson IoT platform.

Payload data field

Length Client ID
0x0000-0x0017 d:org_id:device_type:device_id

Payload data field

Length User Name Length Password
0x000E use-token-auth 0x0000 – 0xFFFF 11111111

Figure F.5 — Structure of Payload data field for Connect Message

6) Publishing messages

To transmit data to IBM Watson IoT platform, Units employ packets of Publish Messages.
The format of a fixed and a variable heading of a Publish Message are provided in figures F.6
and F.7, respectively.

Fixed Heading
1 byte 1 byte
Packet type DUP flag QoS level Retain Message length
0b0011 0 0 1 0 0x30

Figure F.6 — Format of a fixed heading of a Publish-message

Variable Heading
Length Topic name
0xXXXX iot-2/evt/sa_spn_spec1_spec2/fmt/format_string 0x0001

Figure F.7 — Format of a variable heading of a Publish Message

Topic name is a line of characters in UTF-8 format where sa_spn_spec1_spec2 is a variable

field in which:
• sa – network address of the Unit connected to CAN j1939/S6 Telematics interface from
which the Report is received;
• spn – SPN number (see S6 Database) by which the Report is generated. To generate a
Report, only SPN with digital values and no longer than 4 bytes are allowed to be used;
• spec1, spec2 – SPN specificators, i.e. additional fields specifying the value of SPN by
which the Report is generated.

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Annex F Description of MQTT IBM Watson IoT protocol

Payload data field


Figure F.8 — Structure of Payload data field for Connect Message

For Publish Message Payload data field contains value — the Parameter (SPN) value in the
decimal form in UTF-8 format (see figure F.8) which can be calculated using the formula (F.1):

Parameter value = value * factor + offset (F.1)

in which factor and offset are special coefficients used for SPN calculation.
Values of factor and offset coefficients as well as units of measurement of SPN are provided
in S6 Database

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output message of DUT -E S7 fuel level sensor

Annex G
Data composition in output messages of wireless Units
Wireless Units transmit data using S7 Technology without the establishment of connection with
the receiving device and without acknowledgement of data reception. The data in the form of
Advertising packets are transmitted automatically in the continuous mode with the periodicity
of 5 s. The structure of a data packet of wireless Units is provided in figure G.1.

Service field (AD0) Data field (AD1)

(permanent values) (variable values)
Data length Data type Data Data length Data type Company Unit firmware PGN PGN data
(AD Length) (AD Type) (Data) (AD Length) (AD Type) identifier version number (PGN Data)
(Company ID) (Soft Ver) (PGN)
(1 byte) (1 byte) (1 byte) (1 byte) (1 byte) (2 bytes) (1 byte) (2 bytes) (0…21 bytes)

0x02 0x01 0x06 0xXX 0xFF 0xFFFF 0xXX 0xXXXX …

Figure G.1 — Structure of data packet transmitted by wireless Units

The application level of the protocol of the wireless Units output messages conforms with
S6 Database.

G.1 Output message of DUT-E S7 fuel level sensor

Table G.1 — Data composition of DUT-E S7 output message

Length Parameter Name

Fuel Level Sensor. RAW Data PGN 63277 (0xF72D)

1 4 bytes SPN 521440 Frequency, Hz

2 1 byte SPN 521457 Temperature, °C

3 2 bytes SPN 5347* Lateral acceleration extended range, m/s2

4 2 bytes SPN 5348* Longitudinal acceleration extended range, m/s2

5 2 bytes SPN 5349* Vertical acceleration extended range, m/s2

6 4 bytes SPN 521488 Unit DTCs mask (see table G.2)

8 6 bytes - Reserve

* In the process of preparation for introduction.

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output message of DUT-E S7 fuel level sensor

Table G.2 — Numerical values of malfunction mask (DTCs Mask) of DUT-E S7

Description of malfunction

1 Fuel temperature. No data or incorrect data

Current frequency of sensor’s measuring generator is higher by more than
64 100 Hz, compared to the stored value obtained during the calibration of the
sensor’s “minimum”
512 Defective measuring generator. Possible locking of the measuring module pipes

1024 Low battery charge (<10 %)

2097152 Real time clock. Clocking is off

SPN values of the sensor output message may be calculated according to the formula (G.1)
using attributes from table G.3.

Parameter value = SPN Content ∙ Factor (Resolution) + Offset (G.1)

Table G.3 — Attributes for calculation of current values of DUT-E S7 parameters

Parameter Factor (Resolution) Offset
SPN 521440 0.001 0 Hz

SPN 521457 1 -50 °C

SPN 5347 0.01 -320 m/s²

SPN 5348 0.01 -320 m/s²

SPN 5349 0.01 -320 m/s²

The fuel level value (Lact) may be calculated according to the formula (G.2):

Lact = Ls ∙ F1∙ (F0/Fact-1)/(F0-F1), mm (G.2)

where Ls – length of the sensor measuring probe after cutting, mm;

F0 – frequency of the dry sensor measuring generator, Hz;
F1 – measuring generator frequency of the sensor fully plunged into the fuel, Hz;
Fact – current value of the sensor measuring generator frequency, Hz.

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output messages of DFM S7 fuel flow meter

G.2 Output messages of DFM S7 fuel flow meter

Table G.4 — Data composition of DFM S7 output messages

Length Parameter Name

1) Flowmeter. Parameters 2 PGN 63287 (0xF737)

1 2 bytes SPN 183 Engine Fuel Rate, l/h

3.1 4 bits SPN 521181 Engine Mode by Fuel Rate
4 2 bytes SPN 521027/18.0 Chamber Fuel Rate. Feed chamber, l/h
6 2 bytes SPN 521027/18.1 Chamber Fuel Rate. Reverse chamber, l/h
8.1 4 bits SPN 521028/18.0 Chamber Working Mode. Feed chamber
8.5 4 bits SPN 521028/18.1 Chamber Working Mode. Reverse chamber
9 1 byte SPN 174 Engine Fuel Temperature 1
10 2 bytes SPN 521463/9.5 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Interference
12 4 bytes SPN 521488 Unit DTCs Mask* (see table G.6)
16 4 bytes SPN 521493 Unit Events Mask* (see table G.7)
20 1 byte SPN 521061 Battery Charge Level
2) Flowmeter. Total Fuel Used PGN 63288 (0xF738)
1 4 bytes SPN 5054 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used
5 4 bytes SPN 5054/9.0 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Idle
9 4 bytes SPN 5054/9.1 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Optimal
13 4 bytes SPN 5054/9.2 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Overload
17 4 bytes SPN 5054/9.3 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Cheating

3) Flowmeter. Hours of operation PGN 63289 (0xF739)

1 4 bytes SPN 521171 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation

5 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.0 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Idle
9 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.1 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Optimal
13 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.2 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Overload
17 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.3 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Cheating
4) Flowmeter. Chambers counters PGN 63314 (0xF752)
1 4 bytes SPN 5054/18.0 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used.
Feed chamber
5 4 bytes SPN 5054/18.1 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used.
Reverse chamber
9 4 bytes SPN 5054/9.4 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used.
13 4 bytes SPN 5054/18.0/9.3 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used.
Feed chamber. Cheating
17 4 bytes SPN 5054/18.1/9.3 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used.
Reverse chamber. Cheating
* All Events and malfunctions of the flow meter are recorded from the moment they appear
till the moment they disappear, but during the time interval no less than 1 min.

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output messages of DFM S7 fuel flow meter

SPN values of the flow meter output message may be calculated according to the formula (G.1)
using attributes from table G.5.

Table G.5 — Attributes for calculation of current values of DFM S7 parameters

Parameter Factor (Resolution) Offset

SPN 183 0.05 l/h 0 l/h
SPN 521181 1 0
SPN 521027 0.05 l/h 0 l/h
SPN 521028 1 0
SPN 174 1 °C -40 °C
SPN 521488 1 0
SPN 521121 1 0
SPN 5054 0.001 l 0l
SPN 521171 1s 0s
SPN 521463* 1s 0s
* In the process of preparation for introduction.

Table G.6 — Numerical values of malfunction mask (DTCs Mask) DFM S7

Numerical Description of malfunction

1 Fuel temperature. Data missing or incorrect
32 Analog to digital converter launch error
265 Calibration missing
1024 Low battery charge (<10 %)
2097152 Real time clock. Clocking is off
16777216 Device operates in the manufacturing mode*
* This value is not a sign of any flow meter malfunction; it just indicates that its BLE module
operates in “Manufacturing” mode.

Table G.7 — Digital values of Events mask of DFM S7

Designation of Event
1 Flow meter tampering
2 Interference into flow meter operation

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output messages of DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meter

G.3 Output messages of DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meter

Table G.8 — Data composition of DFM Marine S7 output messages

Length Parameter Name

1) Flowmeter Marine. Parameters PGN 63517 (0xF81D)

1 4 bytes SPN 521313 Engine Fuel Rate

5 4 bytes SPN 521313/2.1 Engine Fuel Rate. Mean
9.1 4 bits SPN 521181 Engine Mode by Fuel Rate
10 1 byte SPN 174 Engine Fuel Temperature 1
11 2 bytes SPN 521463/9.5 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Interference
13 4 bytes SPN 521488 Unit DTCs Mask* (see table G.10)
17 4 bytes SPN 521493 Unit Events Mask* (see table G.11)
21 1 byte SPN 521061 Battery Charge Level
2) Flowmeter Marine. Total Consumption PGN 63518 (0xF81E)

1 4 bytes SPN 521314 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used

5 4 bytes SPN 521314/9.0 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Idle
9 4 bytes SPN 521314/9.1 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Optimal
13 4 bytes SPN 521314/9.2 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Overload
17 4 bytes SPN 521314/9.3 High Resolution Engine Total Fuel Used. Cheating

3) Flowmeter. Hours of operation PGN 63289 (0xF739)

1 4 bytes SPN 521171 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation

5 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.0 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Idle
9 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.1 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Optimal
13 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.2 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Overload
17 4 bytes SPN 521171/9.3 Flowmeter Hours Of Operation. Cheating
* All Events and malfunctions of the Unit are recorded from the moment they take place
till the moment they end, but with no less than 1 min. time interval.

SPN values of the flow meter output message may be calculated according to the formula (G.1)
using attributes from table G.9.

Table G.9 — Attributes for calculation of current values of DFM Marine S7 parameters

Parameter Factor (Resolution) Offset

SPN 521313 0.00001 m³/h -21474.83647 m³/h
SPN 521181 1 0
SPN 521061 1% 0%
SPN 174 1 °C -40 °C
SPN 521488 1 0
SPN 521314 0.00001 m³ 0 m³
SPN 521171 1s 0s
SPN 521463 1s 0s

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output messages of DFM Marine S7 fuel flow meter

Table G.10 — Numerical values of malfunction mask (DTCs Mask) DFM Marine S7

Numerical Description of malfunction

1 Fuel temperature. Data missing or incorrect
32 Analog to digital converter launch error
265 Calibration missing
1024 Low battery charge (<10 %)
2097152 Real time clock. Clocking is off
16777216 Device operates in the manufacturing mode*
* This value is not a sign of any flow meter malfunction; it just indicates that its BLE module
operates in “Manufacturing” mode.

Table G.11 — Digital values of Events mask of DFM Marine S7

Designation of Event
1 Flow meter tampering
2 Interference into flow meter operation

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output message of GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensor

G.4 Output message of GNOM DDE S7 pressure sensor

Table G.12 — Data composition of GNOM DDE S7 output message

Length Parameter Name

Axle Load Sensor PGN 63285 (0xF735)

1 2 bytes SPN 521511 Suspension air pressure, kPa
2 1 byte SPN 521513 Suspension air temperature, °C
3 4 bytes SPN 521488 Unit DTCs mask (see table G.13)
4 2 bytes SPN 5347* Lateral acceleration extended range, m/s2
5 2 bytes SPN 5348* Longitudinal acceleration extended range, m/s 2
6 2 bytes SPN 5349* Vertical acceleration extended range, m/s2

7 8 bytes - Reserve
* In the process of preparation for introduction.

Table G.13 — Numerical values of malfunction mask (DTCs Mask) GNOM DDE S7

Numerical Description of malfunction

1024 Low battery charge (<10 %)
33554432 Accelerometer. The system does not respond or is not configured
67108864 Pressure sensor. The system does not respond or is not configured
268435456 Temperature sensor. The system does not respond or is not configured
16777216 Device operates in the manufacturing mode*
* This value is not a sign of any flow meter malfunction; it just indicates that its BLE
module operates in “Manufacturing” mode.

SPN values of the sensor output message may be calculated according to the formula (G.1)
using attributes from table G.14.

Table G.14 — Attributes for calculation of current values of GNOM DDE S7 parameters
Parameter Factor (Resolution) Offset
SPN 521511 0.1 0 kPa
SPN 521513 1 -40 °C
SPN 5347 0.01 -320 m/s²
SPN 5348 0.01 -320 m/s²
SPN 5349 0.01 -320 m/s²

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output message of GNOM DP S7 position sensor

G.5 Output message of GNOM DP S7 position sensor

Table G.15 — Data composition of GNOM DP S7 output message

Length Parameter Name

Position Sensor PGN 63304 (0xF748)

1 2 bytes SPN 521469 Angle, deg
2 1 byte SPN 521457 Temperature, °C
3 4 bytes SPN 521488 Unit DTCs mask (see table G.16)
7 14 bytes - Reserve

Table G.16 — Numerical values of malfunction mask (DTCs Mask) GNOM DP S7

Numerical Description of malfunction

268435456 Temperature sensor. The system does not respond or is not configured
536870912 Position sensor. Data missing or incorrect

SPN values of the sensor output message may be calculated according to the formula (G.1)
using attributes from table G.17.

Table G.17 — Attributes for calculation of current values of GNOM DP S7 parameters

Parameter Factor (Resolution) Offset
SPN 521469 0.1 0 deg
SPN 521457 1 -50 °C

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Annex G Data composition in output messages of wireless Units / Output message of ADM31 temperature and humidity sensor

G.6 Output message of ADM31 temperature and humidity


Table G.18 — Data composition of ADM31 output message

Length Parameter Name

Temperature / Humidity Sensor PGN 63521 (0xF821)

1 1 byte SPN 521492 Software Version

2 2 bytes SPN 167 Charging System Potential (Voltage), V

4 1 byte SPN 521703 Temperature / Humidity Sensor Status

5 1 byte SPN 521457 Temperature, °C

6 1 byte SPN 354 Relative Humidity, %

7 2 bytes SPN 521702 Illumination, lx

SPN values of the sensor output message may be calculated according to the formula (G.1)
using attributes from table G.19.

Table G.19 — Attributes for calculation of current values of ADM31 parameters

Parameter Factor (Resolution) Offset
SPN 521457 1 -50 °C
SPN 354 0.4 0%

SPN 521702 1 0

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