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RECUPERAÇÃO 1º TRI 2º ANO Regina Paula

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Colgio Estadual Pacaembu EFM Professor(a):Regina Paula Observe as frases a seguir. Im watching TV now.

. She lives with her family. They went to the movies yesterday. Im going to the movies after the class. Sit down, please.



Nome:_______________________________n____ Disciplina:Ingls

Turma:2A Valor: 10,0

Ex. 1 Os tempos verbais das frases acima respectivamente so: a. ( ) present continuous simple present past future imperative b. ( ) present continuous simple present future past imperative c. ( ) imperative past future simple present present continuous d. ( ) future past imperative simple present present continuous Ex. 2 Complete as frases abaixo com as seguintes palavras: NOW TODAY TOMORROW YESTERDAY OFTEN WHEN Are Matt and Jane going to play for the school team morning? Sue .. takes dance lessons on Saturdays. I wasnt surfing . I broke my finger. I was cooking! We met Janets mom .. Is Linda talking on the phone .? Dont forget to bring my dictionary . a. ( ) today now yesterday when often tomorrow b. ( ) tomorrow today now yesterday when often c. ( ) tomorrow often when yesterday now today d. ( ) yesterday tomorrow often when now today Ex 3. Complete o dilogo no Simple Present ou Present Continuous: A: Your cell phone________. Why dont you answer it? B: I cant talk right now. I ___________ this project and I have to finish it before class. a. ( ) am ringing, is doing b. ( ) is ringing, am doing c. ( ) rings, does d. ( ) ring, do Ex. 4 .Complete o dilogo de maneira que fique no future: Ashley: Ive been looking for Zach all morning. Do you know where he is? Madison: He ............. for the school team tomorrow. So today they . all morning and afternoon. a. ( ) goes to play, are practicing b. ( ) plays, practices c. ( ) play, practice d. ( ) is going to play, are practicing

Ex. 5 Marque X nas alternativas que completam adequadamente este dilogo: Veronica: What happened to Rachel? She .. so different. Is she sick? Jordan: You know, girls are so concerned about their looks. A while ago she to go on a diet and she went too far. Now shes being assisted by a nutritionist. a. ( ) is looking, decides b. ( ) looks, decided c. ( ) looked, decides d. ( ) looks, is deciding Ex. 6 Em qual ordem aparecem as descries das palavras abaixo? a. ( ) biodegradable, biodiversity, bioengineering, biology, biotechnology b. ( ) biotechnology, bioengineering, biology, biodiversity, biodegradable c. ( ) biotechnology, biology, bioengineering, biodiversity, biodegradable d. ( ) biology, biotechnology, bioengineering, biodiversity, biodegradable The scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals _____ The use of living cells and bacteria in industrial and scientific processes ______ The use of engineering methods to solve medical problems for example, the use of artificial arms and legs _______ The existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment _______ Something that can be changed to a harmless natural state by the action of bacteria, and will therefore not damage the environment ______

TEXT: BIOPIRACY IN THE AMAZON HISTORICAL FACTS Pau-brasil Biopiracy in the Amazon began almost immediately after the discovery of the region by the Portuguese in 1500, when they stole the secret from the indigenous people of the region of how to extract a red pigment from pau-brasil ( brazil wood). Emblematic of todays situation, in which flora and fauna continue to disappear, the wood that gave Brazil its name has completely disappeared and is now preserved only in a few botanical gardens. Rubber An infamous case of biopiracy is that of Englishman Henry Alexander Wickham, who in 1876 took rubber tree seeds some say he hid them between banana leaves to a new plantation of Hevea brasiliensis in the British colonies in Malaysia. In a few decades the region would become the main exporter of latex, ruining the rubber-tree based Amazon economy. Wickham was knighted by King George V and loathed by Brazils rubber barons, who called him the executioner of Amazonas. Quinine: Another example of biopiracy is the malaria drug quinine. The indigenous people used the plant as an infusion in fever treatment. Derived from the cinchona tree, it was used in the 20s in the U.S. for the treatment of malaria. Known as Indian fever bark, the product was used in Europe since the early 1500s. (One century later its name was changed to Jesuit fever bark.) The demand for cinchona almost made it extinct. By smuggling it from South America to Java, in 1865, Englishman Charles Ledger saved the plant. And sixty years later more than 95% of the worlds quinine was coming from Java.

Ex. 7 Qual destas afirmativas est CORRETA de acordo com o texto acima? a. ( ) A biopirataria comeou na Amaznia logo aps a chegada dos portugueses ao Brasil. b. ( ) Os portugueses levaram sementes da seringueira para Portugal em 1876 enroladas em folhas de bananeira. c. ( ) Charles Ledger levou sementes da quinina para a Inglaterra, salvando-a da extino. d. ( ) Os indgenas utilizavam a quinina no tratamento de doenas da pele. Ex. 8 According to the text we can infer that: a. ( ) Brazil profits greatly from biopiracy. b. ( ) The Brazilian people are victims of biopiracy. c. ( ) Only indigenous people know about medical plants. d. ( ) None of the alternatives are correct. Ex. 9 What are the texts characteristic? a. ( ) They have a comic tone. b. ( ) They are based on real facts. c. ( ) They express personal opinions. d. ( ) They were published in a magazine. Ex. 10 - Sobre o seriado que assistimos: O episdio que assistimos em sala de ............. se chama ..................... . Sherlock depois de ser suspenso do seu trabalho na ............., tenta descobrir um modo de voltar enquanto desvenda um mistrio sobre ........................... . Elementary uma adaptao para a TV de Sherlock Holmes de ......... . No, livro seu assistente um mdico chamado.............. . Na srie, uma mulher, a atriz......... . a. ( ) Elementary The Red Team loja de seu pai um seqestro- Arthur Conan Doyle - Watson - Lucy Liu b. ( ) Elementary- The Red Team polcia uma conspirao Arthur Conan Doyle Watson Lucy Liu c. ( ) Modern Family The Blue Team escola de seu pai trfico de drogas Bruce Boston Jackson Charlize Theron d. ( ) Elementary The Black Team agncia de investigao assalto a um banco Bruce Rogers Datson Liv Tyler GABARITO DA PROVA DE RECUPERAO: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D

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