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Hundreds of Manufacturers, Distributors, and Service Providers

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JUNE 2017

VOL. 75 • NO. 6

Hundreds of Manufacturers,
Distributors, and Service Providers

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JUNE 2017


665 Pipe Test

Inspection Programs for Internal Corrosion in
Jack K. Staten


671 GWPA Scan

Rapid Large Area Inspection from a Single Sensor
Position: A Guided Shear Wave Phased Array Scan
Joseph Rose, Cody Borigo, Steven Owens, and Alex Reese 665


662 NDT Professional Connections

680 NDT Buyers Guide
682 Contents
685 Product Listings
732 Company Directory


807 Comprehensive Site Integrity

Assessments and Mitigations for
Unbonded Flexible Pipes
Wan Abdullah W. Hamat, Syed Muhsin S.A. Hamid, and
Nurul ‘Ain A. Aziz

813 Synthetic Focusing of Sound Beam

Using Linear Array
Paritosh Nanekar, N. Jothilakshmi, Anish Kumar, and
T. Jayakumar 813

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633 President’s Letter
636 Section News “We must respect the craft and
the art of NDT.”
648 Special Notice
Proposed Amendments to 635 Director’s Letter
ASNT Bylaws Presented for “There are three circles of trust:
Member Consideration the first surrounds the general
public, the second, the clients
650 Awards and Honors
and customers you serve, and
652 Biographies the third, you, our members.” 779
656 Wrap-Up
660 New ASNT Certificate
Holders 778 Product Gallery
779 Spotlight: Pipeline Testing

781 Industry News 787 Contact ASNT

Sonomatic Opens New 788 Corporate Partners
Multidisciplined NDT Facility in
Aberdeen; NDT Corrosion Control 793 Calendar
Services Co. Acquires Majority
Stake in Oman’s Hi-Tech
822 Employment Service
Inspection Services; Tecnalia to 823 Service Directory
Provide NDT Services for ITER
Fusion Reactor 832 Coming Attractions
784 New Media 832 Ad Index
New Edition of Tray Type
636 Deaerator Standard; ASTM
International Publishes First
Papers in New Journal
785 NDT Pics
786 New Patents

Digital Materials Evaluation content is also available online at
Subscription Questions? Back Issues & Article Copies Comments & Suggestions
ASNT membership includes a one-year Back issues of Materials Evaluation Letters to the editor are welcome at any
subscription to Materials Evaluation. are available for purchase. See time. Letters that are timely and signifi-
IN THIS ISSUE Institutions, or others who wish to have for details, or cant may be published in an issue of
NDT Buyers Guide a subscription without becoming an call (800) 222-2768. Copies of indi- Materials Evaluation. Not all letters are
ASNT member, may simply subscribe to vidual articles may also be obtained suitable for publication, and ASNT
the journal through ASNT. To become a through ASNT: contact the librarian makes no claim regarding publication
member or subscribe to the journal, at (800) 222-2768 for more of a given letter. Letters should be
contact ASNT at (800) 222-2768 or information. sent to Editor Karen Balkin at

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The American Society for Nondestructive Testing


J OURNAL STAF F ASNT exists to create a safer world by advancing scientific, engineering, and
PUBLISHER: Dr. Arnold Bereson
technical knowledge in the field of nondestructive testing.
EDITOR: Karen Balkin
CHAIR: Kevin D. Smith, Pratt & Whitney, 2017
RE V IE W B OARD PRESIDENT: David R. Bajula, Acuren Group, Inc., 2017
TECHNICAL EDITOR VICE PRESIDENT: David A. Mandina, Mandina’s Inspection Services, Inc., 2017
Richard H. Bossi, The Boeing Company (retired) SECRETARY/TREASURER: Scott P. Cargill, Mistras Group, Inc., 2017
Emmanuel P. Papadakis, Quality Systems Mohammed A. Abufour, Saudi Aramco, 2018
Martin T. Anderson, Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., 2019
ASSOCIATE TECHNICAL EDITORS B. Boro Djordjevic, Materials and Sensors Technologies, Inc., 2018
John C. Aldrin, Computational Tools Gregory A. Garcia, Evraz North America, 2019
Ali Abdul-Aziz, Kent State University Mohsen Hassanein, Quality Control Co., 2019
Narendra K. Batra, Naval Research Danny L. Keck, KCS Enterprises, 2019
Laboratory (retired)
Michael V. McGloin, NDT Enterprises, 2018
William C. Chedister, Chedister Associates
Marybeth Miceli, Metal Fatigue Solutions, 2019
Yiming Deng, Michigan State University
Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan, Therm-O-Disc/Emerson, Inc., 2019
John Z. Chen, Schlumberger
Robert L. Saunders, Ellwood City Forge Co., 2017
John C. Duke, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic
Flynn Spears, Laser Technology, 2017
Trey Gordon, The Boeing Company
Dietmar Henning, Level III Service, LLC John Turner, FlawTech, Inc., 2017
Cara A.C. Leckey, NASA Langley Research William F. Via, Jr., Virginia Department of Transportation, 2019
Mani Mina, Iowa State University Materials Evaluation is an archival journal in nondestructive testing/evaluation/inspection. The journal’s
William E. Mooz, Met-L-Chek Company technical articles are refereed by experts in their fields and the papers are abstracted by major technical
Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan, Therm-O-Disc/EmersonInc. abstracting services, including: Acoustic Abstracts; Alloys Index; Aluminum Industry Abstracts; Applied Mechanics
Anish Poudel, Transportation Technology Review; Applied Science and Technology Index; Cadscan; Corrosion Abstracts; Current Contents; Energy Science &
Center, Inc. Technology; Engineered Materials Abstracts; Engineering Index; Exploration and Production Health, Safety and
S.I. Rokhlin, The Ohio State University Environment; Gas Processing and Pipelining; Highway Research Info Service; INIS Atomindex; INSPEC, Institution of
Electrical Engineers; ISMEC, Mechanical Engineering Abstracts; Index to Scientific Reviews; International Aerospace
Donald J. Roth, GE Aviation
Abstracts; Leadscan; Metals Abstracts; Metals Information; Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center;
Ram P. Samy, NDE Information Consultants
Nonferrous Metals Alert; Offshore Technology; PASCAL; PIRA; Petroleum Abstracts; Polymers, Ceramics, Composites
Robert E. Shannon, Siemens Energy, Inc.
Alert; Science Abstracts (Physics Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts and Computer and Control
Abstracts); Science Citation Index; Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts; Steels Alert; and Zincscan.
Steven M. Shepard, Thermal Wave Imaging
Roderic K. Stanley, NDE Information Subscriptions to Materials Evaluation (noncommissionable) to other than members of the Society: $135 per
Consultants year domestic; $245 (prepaid) per year international, which includes special handling outside the USA. Single
Mike C. Tsao, University of Connecticut – copy price: $9 for members ($12 for nonmembers), except for Buyers Guide issue in June ($21.25 for members,
$26.50 for nonmembers). Claims for replacement of lost or damaged copies must be made in writing, received
Avery Point
within 60 days of the date of publication. No more than two claims for replacement copies will be honored in a
Glenn A. Washer, University of Missouri
single year. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2017 by the American Society for
Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
Reza Zoughi, Missouri University of Science
and Technology The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is not responsible for the authenticity or accuracy of
the information herein. Published opinions and statements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ASNT.
Products or services that are advertised or mentioned do not carry the endorsement or recommendation of ASNT.
Bruce G. Crouse, Inspection Services
Frank A. Iddings, Louisiana State University IRRSP, NDT Handbook, The NDT Technician and are trademarks of the American Society for
(emeritus) Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ACCP, ASNT, Level III Study Guide, Materials Evaluation, Nondestructive Testing
Robert E. Shannon, Siemens Energy, Inc. Handbook, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation and RNDE are registered trademarks of the American Society
Ripudaman Singh, Pratt & Whitney for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
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The Role of Respect
IT’S BEEN A CRAZY MONTH, with a lot of moves in the
right direction for certification and credentialing.
I want to continue with my discussion on “HEART,” We must respect the
and talk about R—Respect. If you are new to my monthly
articles, HEART is achieving balance and synergy in craft and the art of NDT.
honesty, excellence, accuracy, respect, and teamwork.
HEART plays a vital role in our success as technicians,
individuals, and as companies or corporations.
But before I go into “Respect,” I want to let the
members know that I started out the month meeting classifications. The more professional your report, the
with our Canadian brothers and sisters for their first more confidence the recipient will have.
meeting of the ASNT Northwest Ontario Section. I was We must respect the integrated process; there are
warmly welcomed, and the meeting was nearly three those who talk about it, those who think about it, and
and a half hours long. Pui Kei (P.K.) Yuen of Natural those who actually do it. Organization leaders in
Resources Canada (NRCan), Canada’s nondestructive positions such as operations management or supervi-
testing (NDT) certifying body, delivered a compelling sory roles, business development, or sales usually view
speech detailing the Canadian General Standards Board the entirety of the NDT industry and their organization’s
(CGSB) system followed by my update on the revitalized rank or market position. They think about NDT in broader
ASNT Central Certification Program (ACCP) that we are terms than technicians but are committed to the success
about to roll out. Additionally, I signed a memorandum of NDT. NDT trainers, educators, quality teams, and
of understanding with NRCan as part of our first formal QA/QC type folks talk about NDT every day with students
effort to work towards a mutual recognition agreement and technicians to promote best practices and champion
between the United States and Canada, further demon- excellence. Their knowledge and wisdom, however, are
strating our mutual respect for one another. I look key for the proper education and mentoring of our tech-
forward to establishing equivalency between the CGSB nicians. Without the educators and training, proper NDT
and the ACCP while raising the bar at the same time. in the field is not possible. Without the QA/QC group,
Respect is an important element in what we do, including the ACCP Professional Level IIIs, our proce-
and yet is not often thought of in this context. Respect dures and continuous improvement process falls short.
can mean many things; however, let’s talk about it as The technicians follow the script (procedures) and it is
it relates to performing NDT. paramount that the procedures have been proven to be
We must respect the craft and the art of NDT, both adequate or qualified for the applicable tasks.
in the complexity of the methods and techniques and Then there are the technicians who actually “do
in the proper execution. NDT.” This trusted group is the “everyman” in the field.
We must respect the procedures and steps required They are the heart of what makes this industry great
to perform NDT successfully—we cannot take shortcuts and grow. They’re the “doers” who have the greatest
nor question procedures, codes, and standards that have impact on the inspections, results, and overall safety
been proven or qualified. of the components that are inspected.
We must respect the fabricators, welders, and in We must respect the role that each of us plays, very
general, those who are the recipients of our informa- much like the three parts of the fire triangle—heat, fuel,
tion. We must be respectful and delicate in the and oxygen. Absence of any one of these three, and there
delivery of our reports or inspection results. Nobody is little chance of a fire. So, let’s all focus on righteous
likes the bad news that their welds were bad or their execution of our combined efforts to create a safer world.
component is unacceptable, and to simply say, “your
weld is garbage” or “your part is totally rejectable” isn’t D AV I D R . B A J U L A
the best way to deliver the news. It’s best to report your 2016–2017 ASNT President
findings factually in terms of dimensions, locations, and

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A Circle of Trust
THIS ISSUE OF MATERIALS EVALUATION highlights our business partners and organizations that help
support ASNT. These organizations represent some of the finest in the NDT industry, and as you
peruse through the listings, I would posit that it should engender a level of trust in both their
integrity and competence as organizations that support our society. This really brings to light what we
like to refer to as the ASNT Circle of Trust. Just as we trust these organizations to subscribe to the
highest standards, so do you, our members, expect the same of all of us at the International Service
Center (ISC). It does not, however, stop there. All of your customers and clients expect the same of
you, and extending a bit further, the general public expects the same of them, as well. So, in effect
there are three circles of trust: the first surrounds the general public, the second, the clients and There are
customers you serve, and the third, you, our members.
This is a very important dynamic that we should always hold close and never cease to remember. three circles of
You have been reading in the President’s Letter of the import not just of doing your job well, but of
doing it inculcating the very highest of standards and integrity. To say that people’s lives depend on
trust: the first
this is indeed an understatement. I have always ascribed to the notion that the true measure of an surrounds the
individual is what they would do if no one were watching and no one would ever really know what
they did. I feel extremely confident that you, our members, integrate this notion into everything you general public, the
do, for as I just articulated, lives depend on this. So in essence, this is the second circle of trust: your
clients and customers expecting you to deliver excellence. The proemial circle is of course the public second, the clients
trusting the organizations you serve to protect their safety by ensuring that structural failures and
accidents never happen. An interesting component of this trust is that it is inherent by virtue of orga-
and customers you
nizational public opinion, or conversely absent in the same manner. serve, and the
The third circle of trust is the trust that you, our members, place on our Society to maintain and
deliver both robust and appropriate certifications, ensuring that the integrity of these certifications is third, you, our
never eroded; craft and publish excellence in our journals and handbooks; deliver conferences,
workshops, and symposia with state of the art content; and represent you in a professional and members.
appropriate manner. This most inner circle of trust is one that we hold with the greatest level of
reverence, for it is deeply embedded in why we exist as your staff, and of course the mission of our
Trust, as we all know, is an interesting dynamic; it takes years to accomplish, but can erode in a
second. So as we at the ISC endeavor to ensure that the circle of trust we are charged with upholding
is constantly maintained, so should you ensure that the next level of trust resting on your shoulders
is maintained, as well. It is what makes us who we are and we cannot afford to do less. All of us at
the ISC remain confident in your maintaining this circle, and we remain committed to you by doing
the same.
As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions and look forward to hearing from you.


ASNT Executive Director

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ASNT Scope
provides readers with
updates on ASNT
members, sections, and
section news
activities. We depend on
member contributions
for this section. Send
updates, announcements, Central Ohio the IML presented on their work. There
and photos regarding COLUMBUS, OHIO were approximately 40 attendees, with
your Section, people, On 16 February, the Central Ohio Section three ASNT members in attendance along
awardees, obituaries, participated in a dinner meeting of the with an additional ten members of the
and other updates to Columbus Technical Society (CTS). The other CTS member societies. The ASNT meeting was held at the Ohio State members present were Donny Didion III,
Please include Scope University College of Engineering, and Jim T. Worman, and Ruth Sunderman.
News in the subject line,
the central topic was the Impulse A meal catered by Buca di Beppo was
and your name and
Manufacturing Laboratory (IML), with a provided for those attending.
contact information.
focus on “Current Projects in Impulse-
based Metalworking.” The IML is a Charlotte
research group housed in the Department CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA
of Materials Science and Engineering at On 20 February, the Charlotte Section held
the Ohio State University. The group is its monthly meeting. Robert Smilie, from
headed by Glenn Daehn. Researchers from Istrouma Enterprises Inc., was the guest

The Chicago Section

presented at the DuPage
Area STEM Expo 2017,
hosted by Illinois
Institute of Technology.
The section displayed,
demonstrated, and
provided hands-on
opportunities in a
variety of nondestructive
test methods and tech-
niques at the event,
which was geared toward
students in grades K–8.
As many as 200 kids Presenters from the Chicago Section at the DuPage Area STEM Expo 2017, from left to right:
Charles P. Johnson, Karden Sales & Consulting, Inc.; Mike L. Kelley, Olympus Corporation;
were introduced to the Sal Razi, Moraine Valley Community College; Ron R. Mika, Retired. Not pictured: Linxiao Yu,
field of NDT. BP America; Jared Sawyer, Circle Systems, Inc.; Nancy Glickman, Retired.

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method, and computed tomography scan Cleveland
techniques. As many as 200 kids were CLEVELAND, OHIO

introduced to the field of nondestructive The Cleveland Section’s meeting on

testing. A sign-up sheet for teachers to 20 February, held at Bucci’s J-Bella in
request classroom demonstrations Strongsville, Ohio, was well attended by
garnered 20 signatures, ensuring future 21 members and guests. Greg Morscher of
student outreach opportunities for the the University of Akron gave a very inform-
Chicago Section. ative presentation on new techniques
utilizing acoustic emission testing

Guest speaker Robert Smilie (left) and Paul

M. Ogletree (right) at the end of Smilie’s
presentation to the Charlotte Section about
microwave inspection and imaging systems
for dielectric materials.

Regional Planning Meetings Spotlight

On Saturday, 8 April, ASNT Region 19 hosted a Regional Planning Meeting (RPM)
at The Address Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), to facilitate network-
speaker, and he presented on microwave
ing between section leaders and the sharing of best practices for operating an
inspection and imaging systems for dielec-
effective section. Sixteen section leaders representing the United Arab Emirates
tric materials. The presentation was
Section, the India Section, the Kuwait Section, the Oman Section, and the Saudi
insightful, showing state of the art tech-
Arabian Section participated in this one-day section leader training meeting.
nology for inspection of dielectric
Topics discussed during the RPM included the state of ASNT Region 19’s NDT
materials, scope, and industries where
industry, active section requirements, the section leaders manual, the
this technology is being used.
President’s Award program, and ASNT certification programs.

On 25 February, the Chicago Section
presented at the DuPage Area STEM
Expo 2017, hosted by Illinois Institute of
Technology at their Rice Campus in
Wheaton, Illinois. The event is geared
toward children in grades K–8. A variety of
scientific disciplines, areas of study, and
professions were represented. Among
others, displays and presentations
included a cryogenics show, the use of
solar power for residences, and a drone
The Chicago Section displayed,
Attendees of the Region 19 Regional Planning Meeting, held at The Address Hotel in
demonstrated, and provided hands-on
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This one-day section leader training meeting brought
opportunities in the magnetic particle together section leaders from the United Arab Emirates, India, Kuwait, Oman, and
testing method (visual and fluorescent), Saudi Arabian Sections to network and exchange ideas.
the eddy current technique, the ultrasonic

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section news

and electrical resistance being developed include long-term positions at BP P.L.C.

to inspect a variety of composite materials and Saudi Aramco as an NDT technologist.
for use in jet aircraft engines. His topic was a look at the current status
of subsea NDT and what is on the horizon.
Greater Houston Keck’s presentation included pictures,
HOUSTON, TEXAS descriptions, and applications revealing
The Greater Houston Section hosted the massive scale of the equipment
50 members and guests at their monthly needed to perform NDT testing in the
meeting and International Chemical and hostile and dangerous environments of
Petroleum Industry Inspection Technology deep seas. The Section thanks Keck and
(ICPIIT) committee meeting on 8 February the meeting sponsor, Turbo NDT.
at the Hotel Icon in Houston. ICPIIT
Conference Co-Chair C. Deal Moore presided India
over the ICPIIT meeting while Section CHENNAI, INDIA
Director Rick D. Arnett presided over the The India Section successfully conducted
executive committee and business meetings. its fifth technical meeting on 24 March at
Greater Houston Section Vice Chair Rick D.
February’s speaker was ASNT Board the Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology.
Arnett (left) and presenter ASNT Board
Member Danny L. Keck. Keck is an ASNT The meeting was combined with a student Member Danny L. Keck, who spoke about
NDT Level III inspection and NDT outreach program and included a talk by subsea NDT at the Section’s 8 February
consultant. His 45-plus years in NDT Navita Gupta on “Advancement in NDE.” meeting.

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Attendees of the India Section’s 24 March meeting, held at the Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology. The meeting included a talk on
advancements in NDT.

The attendees of the Kuwait Section’s technical presentation on 6 February enjoyed an informative look at automated ultrasonic testing.

Kuwait The program was sponsored by the

K U W A I T C I T Y, K U W A I T Section, and about 21 professionals
The Kuwait Section organized its second attended the meeting.
technical presentation in the current
program year (July 2016 to June 2017) on Lewis & Clark
6 February 2017 at Kohinoor Restaurant in PORTLAND, OREGON
Fahaheel, Kuwait. The presentation was on On 21 March, ten members and guests
“Evaluation of Automated Ultrasonic attended the monthly meeting of the Lewis
Testing in Lieu of Radiographic Testing,” & Clark Section. Michael Dunbar, an NDT
delivered by S. Gunasekaran, a renowned Technician for Precision Castparts
and valued NDT professional. Dhananjaya Corporation, Structurals Division,
M. Tripathi introduced the speaker to the presented a video addressing the Hells
audience. Canyon Massacre of 1887, a dark time in
The technical presentation attracted Oregon’s history. Dunbar reflected on how
members for the exchange of practical exclusion directly influenced the massacre
experience. It was a wonderful explanation of immigrants, and the importance of
with practical figures and was very useful inclusion of all people into a society for it
in providing knowledge to NDT profes- to prosper. The attendees enjoyed a Lewis & Clark Section Co-Chair David F.
Harris (left) presented Michael Dunbar with a
sionals. The Kuwait Section appreciated gourmet pizza dinner generously provided
small token of appreciation for his
the presenter for adding value to the by Test Equipment Distributors. thoughtful presentation on the Hells Canyon
section as well as Kuwait society. Massacre of 1887 and the dangers of
exclusion in society.

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section news

and tolerances to ensure manufacturers

build and deliver reliable lighting for NDT
inspections. The fifteen members and
guests in attendance enjoyed the presen-
tation and demonstrations.

Eighteen members and students braved
a winter storm advisory to attend the
Minnesota Section’s meeting on
23 February at the American Legion in
Chanhassen, Minnesota. The meeting
featured an interesting and informative
presentation on the Minnesota Radiation
Emergency Volunteers (MREV) program.
Longtime ASNT member Claudia V. Kropas- The Section would like to extend a
Hughes (right) with Betty Cheng from special thank you to Martha Steinhart
Spectronics Corporation, who presented on representing the state of Minnesota and
LED UV-A lighting to the Miami Valley
MREV for presenting to the group.
Section at their 8 March meeting.

Mohawk Hudson
S C H E N E C T A D Y, N E W Y O R K

Miami Valley The Mohawk Hudson Section’s February

C I N C I N N AT I , O H I O dinner meeting was a combined meeting
The Miami Valley Section met on 8 March with local chapters of ASM International
at Miami Valley Gaming to learn the and the American Welding Society.
latest on compliance of LED UV-A for use The presentation by Bob Cohen was
in NDT inspections. Betty Cheng from focused on applying adaptive controls
Spectronics Corporation provided the to complex production resistance welding
history and discussed the current applications to increase process consis-
standards for LED UV-A lighting for tency, reduce incidence of problem
compliance certification requirements. welds, reduce reliance on destructive
The new standards provide a detailed testing, and increase manufacturing
understanding of the operational limits productivity.

Martha Steinhart, representing the state of Minnesota, gave a presentation on the Minnesota
Radiation Emergency Volunteers program to members of the Minnesota Section.

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awards presented, the speaker, Jessica
Foley of the Focused Ultrasound
Foundation, discussed her organization’s
role in advancing a focused ultrasound
technology for medical treatment to
supplement or replace surgery, replace
radiation, or to supplement chemo and
auto-immune treatment techniques.

The Oman Section organized a one-day
symposium in Muscat, Oman, entitled
“Advanced Non-Conventional NDT
Technologies” (ANNDT). The event was
The Mohawk Hudson Section’s February dinner meeting was combined with local chapters of coordinated with an event of the same
ASM International and the American Welding Society. name hosted by the United Arab Emirates
Section in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Participants were introduced to five
advanced and proven nondestructive
The Mohawk Hudson Section’s operational capabilities, areas for intera- testing (NDT) technologies that have not
21 March dinner meeting included a gency coordination, and major operations been applied in the entire Gulf region.
presentation by Jeff Nuding on the New completed by NYMF. Nuding also These one-day events served as efficient
York State Division of Military and Naval presented a case study describing support platforms to showcase the latest NDT tech-
Affairs, the organization of the New York activities specific to Hurricane Sandy and nologies. While ANNDT was easy to attend
Military Forces (NYMF) consisting primarily its aftermath in 2012 and 2013. for those in the Gulf Region, both sympo-
of the NY Army and Air National Guard siums also highlighted a very effective,
Forces. NYMF conducts civil support opera- Old Dominion concentrated dose of advanced NDT tech-
tions within the state of New York to assist RICHMOND, VIRGINIA nologies. This symposium brought
civil authorities during emergencies, Eight members and guests of the Old together NDT service providers and
natural or man-made disasters, and other Dominion Section met at the Richmond customers to get them acquainted with
approved activities in order to save lives, Joint Engineers Council annual awards NDT technologies brought to the United
mitigate human suffering, and protect banquet held at the Jefferson Hotel in Arab Emirates and Oman by the devel-
property. The presentation described NYMF Richmond, Virginia, on 23 February. Along opers themselves.
organizations, civil support operations, with the many professional and student

The Oman Section, in coordination with the United Arab Emirates Section, organized a one-day symposium in Muscat, Oman, entitled
“Advanced Non-Conventional NDT Technologies.”

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section news

the students to talk with the board

members and Miceli.
Twenty-one members gathered at
the Old Spaghetti Factory in Tukwila,
Washington, to listen to Miceli give her
second presentation of the day on
13 February. At the evening session,
she presented on “Emerging Fatigue
Monitoring and Testing Technologies for
Bridges.” Miceli answered questions
regarding NDT on this important part of our
Vice Chair Kathy L. Ferguson of the Pacific
infrastructure. One of the key points
Northwest Section (left) presented an brought out during her presentation was
ASNT pen and pencil set and section coin that one bridge fails every ten days in the
to the evening’s speaker, ASNT Board United States, according to the Texas A&M
Member Marybeth Miceli, who spoke Transportation Institute. This failure is due
on nondestructive testing of bridges.
to either a full or partial collapse or
complete closure. Another unbelievable
factoid was that repairs to bridges are
Pacific Northwest often done to areas that do not require
repair, due in part to nearly 80% false
On 13 February, six board officers from the positives with the current NDT methods.
Pacific Northwest Section gathered at These false positives are greatly reduced
Clover Park Technical College, along with with the Electrochemical Fatigue Sensor
two student directors, 18 other students, (EFS) based system developed by the US
and two instructors, to enjoy a presenta- Air Force, University of Pennsylvania, and
tion by Board Member Marybeth Miceli, Metal Fatigue Solutions.
of Global Business Development and
Consulting Division for Metal Fatigue Piedmont
Solutions. Miceli started her career on GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA
one path, and like many people, has Eleven members of the Piedmont Section
ended up at her current position after attended the January section meeting. Jim
many challenges. The students listened A. MacMillan from Applied Technical
attentively to her presentation, “My Path Services in Marietta, Georgia, gave a pres-
to Nondestructive Testing (NDT),” which entation on ethics in NDT, focusing on
included her beginnings at Virginia Tech making tough decisions in tough situa-
and Johns Hopkins University, then to tions. The presentation explored some very
Lucius Pitkin, Inc., in New York City, up to interesting situations and sparked lively
co-founder of We-NDT Marketing Network. discussions by the attendees.
Miceli has worked on infrastructure, The February section meeting had
primarily bridges, in her career. Miceli almost 30 in attendance. After dinner, the
answered the students’ questions speaker was Stéphanie Cretté from
regarding getting started in NDT Clemson University and the Warren Lasch
throughout her presentation. After her Conservation Center in Charleston, South
informative presentation, members from Carolina. Cretté gave a presentation on the
the Pacific Northwest Section also status of the H. L. Hunley. The Hunley was
answered student questions regarding the a submarine of the Confederate States of
current job market for NDT students and America that played a small part in the
the need for qualified NDT practitioners. American Civil War. It was the first combat
A lunch of salads, sandwiches, and soft submarine to sink a warship, although the
drinks was provided by the school after Hunley was not completely submerged
Miceli’s presentation, which allowed for and, following a successful attack, was lost

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Matt M. Ruggles (left) and Thomas P. Dunn (right) present Stéphanie Cretté (middle) from
Clemson University with an award for her presentation to the Piedmont Section about the H.L.

along with its crew before returning to Section would like to extend thanks to
base. It was taken into government service Marcyjanik for his valued contribution.
under the control of the Confederate States
Army at Charleston, South Carolina. The San Diego
progress that has been made in the last SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
17 years in preserving this national On 7 March, the San Diego Section hosted
treasure is impressive. the sixth section technical meeting of the
2016–2017 year. The meeting was held at
Pittsburgh the Best Western Seven Seas in San Diego,
P I T T S B U R G H , P E N N S Y LV A N I A California, with 40 members and guests in
The Pittsburgh Section met on 16 February attendance. This was Vendor’s Night, and
at Monte Cello’s in Cranberry Township, there were 14 vendors supporting this
Pennsylvania. The speaker was David event. The vendors covered a wide range
Marcyjanik, lead staff engineer for meas- of products for applications of the basic
urement and inspection and staff engineer NDT methods as well as emerging tech-
for NDT at the Performance Review nologies. The vendors were Test
Institute (PRI). Marcyjanik had a 32-year Equipment Distributors; MPM Products;
career in the Pennsylvania Air National Magnaflux; Chemetall; Met-L-Chek;
Guard, where he retired in 2012. Fujifilm; Inspection Technologies, Inc.;
Marcyjanik gave an enjoyable presenta- UniWest; Foerster Instruments; Eddyfi,
tion, during which the section learned a lot University of Ultrasonics, A-Scan
about refueling and the Air National Guard. Laboratories, Inc.; Laser Technologies, Inc.;
It was also attended by a number of PRI and SciApps. Members and section guests
NDT auditors who were in town. The interacted with the vendors regarding
products and new technologies.
Larry G. Olsen presented vendors with
a Certificate of Appreciation for their efforts
and for supporting the San Diego Section.
The evening concluded with the customary
raffles. Raffle prizes were provided by
Met-L-Chek; Inspection Technologies, Inc.;
Fujifilm; Magnaflux; University of
Ultrasonics; and the San Diego Section.
The San Diego Section wishes to thank all
in attendance for a great event.

Saudi Arabian
John A. Markanich (left) presents a speaker’s
The Saudi Arabian Section attended a
gift to David Marcyjanik for his presentation
at the 16 February Pittsburgh Section “Science Fun Fare” on 22 January at
meeting. Pakistan International School in Al Khobar,

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section news

Saudi Arabia. Students between the ages

of 14 and 16 were introduced to NDT and
given a variety of gifts from ASNT. These
students were also offered free member-
ship to join ASNT. The section was invited
to the event by Javed Farid, a science
teacher at Pakistan International High
The Saudi Arabian Section held its
eighth technical dinner meeting for the
fiscal year 2016–2017 on 13 February
at the Carlton Al Moaibed Hotel. The
meeting was attended by 101 members
and nonmembers, including guests
from the Bahrain Society of Engineers
Vendors who attended the San Diego Section Vendor’s Night: (back row, left to right) Jesse M.
sponsored by the Saudi Arabian Section.
Granillo, Mike Taylor, Randy Jones, Tommie Nilsson, Michael R. Collingwood, and David R.
Waitt; (center row, left to right) Flynn Spears, Henry E. Cook III, Mike White, Peter E. Pelayo, Section Past Chair Fathi M. Al-Qadeeb
and Cheryl Dufer; (front row, seated left to right) Brianna Buchannan, Tonia Dabney, Gene inaugurated the meeting with a warm
Ketchum, Gill Henkel, and David Rivera. welcome and announcements of section
highlights. After the announcements,
Al-Qadeeb asked the guest speaker
Abdullah M. Al Zahrani, of Saudi Aramco
RSO and the Saudi Arabian Section
Board, to start his presentation on
radiation safety and improvement in
industrial radiography. The presentation
was very successful and knowledgeable,
and it was highly appreciated by the
audience. After the presentation, Al-
Qadeeb, along with Section Vice Chair
M. Jamil Anjum, presented an apprecia-
tion trophy to the guest speaker with
great thanks. Door prizes were distrib-
uted to the raffle winners after the trophy
Students from Pakistan International School in Al Khobar, Saudia Arabia, were introduced to presentation. After this, all the members
NDT by the Saudi Arabian Section during their “Science Fun Fare” on 22 January.
and guests of the Section retired to have
an excellent buffet dinner specially
prepared by the Carlton Al Moaibed Hotel
at the swimming pool.

On 28 February, the Shanghai Section’s
February meeting was held with 20 members
in attendance. Shanghai Section Vice Chair
Jingyuan Ji began the meeting with a
welcome and went through the meeting
agenda. Section Chair John J. Kinsey
shared his experience from attending
ASNT council meetings.
The Shanghai Section’s 28 February meeting was well attended.

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Southern Africa

The Southern Africa Section met on

7 February at the School of Applied Non
Destructive Examination in Boksburg,
South Africa. Items discussed were the
new online ASNT examinations, the topics
for the technical meetings for 2017, and
the upcoming golf day in March. Chair
Simon N. Wilding brought the bronze
award that the section was given for
outstanding accomplishment at the
75th Anniversary Conference in Long Beach,
California. The section is going to source a
The winning team from the Southern Africa Section’s annual golf day. From left: Stewart
display cabinet in honor of the award.
McMillan, Swys Kotze, Willy Rankin, and Craig Moralee.
The section golf day on 2 March was a
great success. Seventy-two players
competed at Benoni Country Club despite that the entire local NDT industry looks sponsored by Chris Georgiou of Techtra
the rain later in the afternoon. The section forward to. (Maybe because everyone gets Engineering Consultants.
golf day has now become an annual event a prize?) The winning four ball was

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The United Arab Emirates Section, in coordination with the Oman Section, organized a one-day symposium in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
entitled “Advanced Non-Conventional NDT Technologies.”

United Arab Emirates Non-Conventional NDT Technologies” (ANNDT). each country having an ASNT Section that is
Participants were introduced to five advanced within ASNT’s Middle East Region 19, ANNDT
The United Arab Emirates Section, in coordi- and proven nondestructive testing (NDT) tech- served as a great opportunity to network with
nation with the Oman Section, organized a nologies that have not been applied in the local ASNT members and corporate partners,
one-day symposium in Abu Dhabi, United entire Gulf region. Since the event was held along with NDT service and equipment
Arab Emirates, entitled “Advanced in the United Arab Emirates and Oman, with providers and their clients. w

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special notice
Proposed Amendments to ASNT Bylaws Presented for
Member Consideration
The Board of Directors approved submitting the following Bylaws amendments to the membership for consideration. Each of
the effected Bylaws sections is provided here for your review. The proposed sections include underscoring for proposed
additions and strikethroughs to indicate proposed deletions.
Members can cast their vote in favor of or against each of the three amended sections by ballot or at the Annual Business
Meeting. Rationale for proposed amendments precedes each section below.
Letter ballots will be sent by e-mail or mail to all voting members in the Society on 1 August 2017. Letter ballots, whether
submitted electronically or by mail, must be received by 15 October 2017 to be counted. Members are permitted to vote only
once. If a mailed ballot is received, the member may not vote at the Annual Business Meeting. For members choosing to vote in
person, the Annual Business Meeting is 30 October at the 2017 ASNT Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
The revised Bylaws shall be adopted upon the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.
The text of the current Bylaws is available in the print and digital versions of the Ready Reference, in the February 2017
Materials Evaluation, pp. 199-203.
Members with comments or questions regarding the proposed revised Bylaws should sent them to

ASNT Bylaws Amendment Item 1 For the purposes of staggered terms, the terms may be modified,
Rationale for staggered terms of Council Directors: To ensure that as required.
we do not have over half the board retiring at the same time. This Unless there has been lapse of at least three (3) years
will allow council seats on the board to be replaced in a staggered following completion of their last Board service as a Council
manner. Director or Director at Large, an individual shall not be eligible for
election as a Council Director or Director at Large. Individuals who
ARTICLE III: DIRECTORS have served as Officers of the Society are not eligible for election
as Directors at Large or Council Directors without a five (5) year
SECTION 2 — Number, Term of Office, Election, Qualifications break in elected Board service.
The number of Directors shall be fixed from time to time by the Council Directors shall be nominated by the Councils, one
Voting Members; provided, however, that at all times there shall from each Council, and shall be submitted to the Selection
be no less than ten (10) directors. Directors shall hold office until Committee, and if qualified, shall be placed on the ballot. The
their successors are installed. There shall be three classes of number of Council Directors elected shall be equal to the number
Directors: Directors at Large, Council Directors and Ex Officio of Councils.
Directors. Ex Officio Directors shall be those individuals then serving as
Directors at Large and Council Directors shall be those individ- the Chairperson of the Board, President, Vice President,
uals elected by the Voting Members or appointed to fill a vacancy Secretary/Treasurer, and Executive Director of the Society.
and then shall hold office until their successors are installed. Directors at Large, Council Directors and Ex Officio Directors
Terms of Directors at Large and Council Directors shall be for shall be entitled to vote, pursuant to the provisions of Article III,
three (3) years maximum and commence immediately at the Section 2 as stated above, and they shall be counted for quorum
conclusion of the final Board meeting of the Annual Conference. purposes; however, the Executive Director shall not be counted for
Directors at Large terms shall be staggered so that at least three quorum purposes and shall not be entitled to vote on matters
(3) are available for election by the Voting Members each year. presented to the Board for a vote.

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All Directors and nominees shall be Voting Members of the At the time of election there shall not be two (2) members of
Society. Furthermore, newly elected Directors at the time of their the Board from the same business interest (e.g. subsidiary,
election shall not be from the same subsidiary, agency, or institu- agency, or institution).
tion as serving members of the Board. They shall perform their duties as legally required and as may
The slate of the nominees for Directors shall be announced in be specified by the Board. The Chairperson of the Board shall
the May issue of the official journal of the Society. Members may preside at all Board and Executive Committee meetings and at all
then submit additional names for Director nominees by written business meetings of the Society. In the absence of the
petition. The submitted petition must include documentation of Chairperson, the President, the Vice President, or the
the individual’s compliance with the eligibility requirements for Secretary/Treasurer shall preside in that order of precedence.
the position. For Directors, the petition must be signed by not less
than two (2) percent of the Society’s Voting Members, including at ASNT Bylaws Amendment Item 3
least five (5) Voting Members each from at least twenty (20)
different Sections. By June 1, any petitions must be provided to Rationale for Selection Committee wording change: This wording
the Chairperson of the Board, who will ensure that a compliance validates the original intent for the committee composition and
assessment with the petition requirements is performed. serves to maintain political separation. It also ensures that
At least forty-five (45) days prior to the third (3rd) Friday in students are not placed on the committee.
August, a ballot shall be sent to each current Society Voting
Member. The ballot shall include the Selection Committee slate, ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES
any qualified petitioner’s name, and a space for a write-in
candidate for each position. (Write-in candidates must meet the SECTION 3 — Selection committee
eligibility requirements specified for the position and their eligi- The Board shall appoint a Selection Committee which shall be
bility will be determined at the close of balloting if the vote responsible for nominating a slate of candidates for ASNT Director
warrants such). The return of the ballot must be received no later and Officer positions.
than the third (3rd) Friday in August. The committee shall consist of the following members:
For each class of elected Director, the eligible candidates l The three (3) most recent living past presidents not currently on
receiving the highest number of votes for the open positions shall the Board. The Chair shall be the Past President farthest
be designated as the elected individuals. removed from service on the Board. with the most senior
present serving as chair
ASNT Bylaws Amendment Item 2 l Student members are not eligible.
l Four (4) members at large selected by the Section Operations
Rationale for position of Immediate Past Chair: To allow the Council (SOC). These members shall serve for a term of one (1)
knowledge gleaned from several years as an officer to be main- year and may not serve again until at least two (2) years have
tained within the board so that the board does not lose important passed.
historical perspective. The committee may not include the following as members:
l Individuals who are running for positions on the slate of candi-
l Individuals who have received compensation from ASNT within
SECTION 4 — Eligibility; Duties the prior 12 months in excess of $1,000.
Officers shall be current members of ASNT and shall have been The Selection Committee shall submit at the Spring Board
members of ASNT for at least ten (10) years and shall have at meeting its slate of candidates to the Chairperson of the Board for
least five (5) years of ASNT national involvement and shall have approval by the Board. If the Board does not accept the slate as
been members of the Board for at least one (1) full term. The proposed by the Selection Committee, the Selection Committee
Chairperson of the Board shall have served as an Officer of the shall reconvene and submit an alternate slate.
Society for at least one year immediately prior to that office. w
At the conclusion of the term of Chairperson of the Board, the
incumbent shall remain on the Board as the Immediate Past
Chairperson and a voting member of the Board for a one-year
term. This position is strictly voluntary until the elections for
officers occur in October 2021. No individual shall be eligible
for election to the same office for more than one term.

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awards & honors

John R. Gallion Chengyang Mo Runyu Zhang Gian A. Suazo

Engineering Undergraduate Club, a member of Tau Beta Pi, a former practicing NDT technician. A nominee’s
Award tutor for the SIU Achieve Program, and a application is evaluated by the Technician
former member of SIU’s Moonbuggy of the Year Award Subcommittee and
ASNT created the Engineering Design Team. From 2013 to 2015, he approved by the Section Operations
Undergraduate Award to provide an studied mechanical engineering at SIU, Council Awards Division. Presentation of
incentive to engineering undergraduate where he was on the dean’s list. the recognition is made at the ASNT
students enrolled in programs accredited Annual Conference.
by the Accreditation Board for Engineering Lou DiValerio Technician of the
and Technology (ABET), or its equivalent, Year 2016 winner Gian A. Suazo is a nonde-
to choose nondestructive testing (NDT) as structive testing (NDT) technician and NDT
their field of specialization. A $3000 award The Lou DiValerio Technician of the Year lead auditor for Metal Finishing Co. He is
is given to each winner, with up to three Recognition acknowledges ASNT members currently Section chair and program chair
awards given per year. who are deserving technicians, encour- for the Air Capital Section, where he
aging their continued participation in the served as vice chair the previous year. He
2016 winner John R. Gallion is an under- Society. Nominees for the recognition must is also a member of the Section Operation
graduate research assistant at Missouri hold a position of employment that corre- Councils Management and Member
University of Science and Technology. sponds to general guidelines similar to Division. Suazo has an A.A.S. in NDT from
There, he is studying electrical engi- those described by Recommended Practice Cowley County Community College, where
neering. No. SNT-TC-1A for defining the primary he was on the president’s honor roll and
duties and responsibilities of Level I and dean’s honor roll. He is certified ASNT NDT
2016 winner Chengyang Mo has been Level II technicians. The recognition Level II or III in LT, PT, RT, MT, and ET.
studying mechanical engineering at Drexel recipient is an individual who has distin- Contact Program Coordinator Jessica
University since 2012. guished himself or herself by showing Ames at the ASNT International Service
exceptional merit either as an NDT techni- Center for additional awards information
2016 winner Runyu Zhang is an under- cian or through service to the Society. at (800) 222-2768 X233 or by e-mail at
graduate research assistant at the Nominations for the recognition are w x
Intelligent Measurement and Evaluation made jointly by the technician’s employer
Lab at Southern Illinois University and the local sponsoring section, and
Carbondale (SIU). He is also the secretary must include supporting documentation
of the SIU Nondestructive and Evaluation attesting to the fact that the nominee is a

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Introducing the Nominees and Candidates for the 2017–2018

ASNT Board of Directors

Officers large corporations and in startup areas. He Bajula is passionate about mentoring
has worked for some of the top companies and strives to instill a “quality added”
Chair of the Board in the world, including General Electric and philosophy into all technicians who he has
Combustion Engineering, and is now a had the privilege to mentor or work with by
David R. Bajula recently served as the proud member of Acuren Inspection and promoting the obligation for everyone to
president and is looking forward to serving has been for the past 17 years, currently achieve high quality work output with the
the membership as the chair. serving as general manager of its highest level of integrity and safety in the
Bajula is passionate about the unique advanced NDT services (ANDE) in the execution of our tasks. Bajula is working
business we all refer to as nondestructive United States. hard to get our next generation of elite NDT
testing (NDT) and is prepared to go above Bajula maintains his ASNT NDT Level technicians ready for the future and looks
and beyond to serve our members at IIIs and ACCP Professional Level IIIs in RT, forward to working with ASNT’s worldwide
large. He is the proud recipient of the UT, MT, PT, VT, ET, LT, IR, and ML. He also members in 2017–2018.
ASNT Fellow Award and is determined to maintains his American Welding Society
expand the opportunities for the NDT tech- Certified Welding Inspector and API-510 President
nician in our Society and workforce at Qualification of Ultrasonic Testing David A. Mandina is founder and president
large. He has a strong belief in the ASNT Examiners, Qualification of Ultrasonic of Mandina’s Inspection Services, Inc.,
Central Certification Program (ACCP) and is Testing Examiners (Sizing), and (which celebrated its 25th anniversary in
helping to lead the charge in expanding its Qualification of Ultrasonic Testing September 2015) and has garnered over
integration into ISO 9712. Examiners (Phased Array), and encourages three decades of experience in the petro-
Bajula got his start as one of the all to embrace performance demonstration chemical, oilfield, construction, and
“Hutch Pups” in 1980, attending initiatives to help raise the bar for maritime industries while simultaneously
Hutchinson Vocational-Technical School personnel qualifications and certifications. contributing to ASNT at every level of the
(now Ridgewater College) in Minnesota, Bajula has a strong commitment to organization.
where he was born. However, he is now a ASNT through committee work, and more As an active member of ASNT since
proud resident of Texas with his wife, recently was on the team that helped he began his career, Mandina has served
Connie, and son, Zachary, in college. He produce ASNT’s Strategic Plan. He serves in every facet of the New Orleans
has a daughter, Kristy, who is a lawyer in on the Certification Management Council “Crawfish” Section from secretary to
the Chicago area, and two grandchildren, and is currently the regional director for chair, and he participates in the
Heidi and Henry. ASNT Region 10, which covers the state of Educational, Visual Testing, and
Bajula has more than 35 years of Texas. He has served in all leadership Ultrasonic Committees within the organi-
broad experience in NDT inspection positions for the Greater Houston Section zation. He recently completed three years
services, management, leadership, opera- and is eager to serve the worldwide ASNT of service on the Board of Directors of
tions, and business development, both in membership at large. ASNT and received his ASNT Fellow

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Officer Nominees and Candidates

David R. Bajula David A. Mandina Scott P. Cargill Shant Kenderian Doron Kishoni David E. Savoy

Award in 2012 for his contributions to Vice President Secretary/Treasurer

the industry. Scott P. Cargill, ACCP Level III in RT, MT, PT, Shant Kenderian, an ASNT Fellow, ASNT
Mandina began his journey as a radi- UT, and VT, has volunteered and served NDT Level III in UT and RT, and Industrial
ographic testing helper, worked his way ASNT for the past 10 years as a very active Radiography Radiation Safety Personnel,
through the nondestructive testing member of the Certification Management started his career on the manufacturing
industry, and earned and maintains his Council, in particular working with the floor working with a variety of industries
Level III certifications in PT, MT, RT, UT, and Industrial Radiography Radiation Safety before becoming a career NDE expert for
VT. He continues to be a forward-thinking Personnel group of experts. Cargill has the Air Force and NASA space programs.
force in the industry by adopting new tech- served one term as the ACCP Examination Kenderian served with strong conviction
nology and applying it to longstanding Division chair and one term as Director at during his six years on the ASNT Board of
standards, especially as a pioneer in the Large for the Board, as well as currently Directors. He is also active in several ASNT
advanced ultrasonic techniques (phased serving as Secretary Treasurer for the committees across all councils of ASNT,
array and time of flight diffraction). Board. Cargill has shown commitment to and is also the program chair for a number
Mandina’s dedication to the industry the Society and its members, has helped of past and ongoing national and interna-
surpasses his personal achievements, and lead the Society along its current path of tional conferences.
as a self-proclaimed techno-junkie, his establishing itself as the world leader in Kenderian believes in the integration
current initiatives take educational compo- NDT, and will continue to seek advancing of all membership of ASNT—young and
nents of current training programs to our strategic goals of making the world a experienced, domestic and international—
potential students regardless of location or safer place through the various methods and in taking command of the future. His
experience. His personal motto is, “Quality and techniques practiced by our members. main thrust areas are the Student
and professionalism anywhere and every- Cargill is well versed, having worked in Mentoring Program, the International
where.” many of the industries and sectors that our Committee, and improving all aspects of
A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, Society serves—aerospace, petrochemical, ASNT in serving its membership.
Mandina embodies the Southern hospi- and structural—and in each case recog- A few years ago, Kenderian launched a
tality and joie de vivre of America’s “Most nizes the need for ASNT to be the focus new mentoring program for university
European City,” and this international point of their inspection needs, helping students. Each year, 15 students enter into
epicenter has allowed him to manage those sectors fulfill their missions in a one-year mentoring agreement with
projects across the globe, including the providing safe environments and quality experienced professionals. Throughout the
Netherlands, China, Brazil, United Arab products. year, the students receive professional
Emirates, Indonesia, and Singapore. Cargill has more than two decades advice, expand their networking horizon,
Mandina looks forward to combining performing various tasks, of which he and are integrated into ASNT activities and
his international experience, technological counts teaching and training the many structure. Today, many of the students
savvy, and passion for education to help trainees, assistants, and ACCP Level Is and serve on ASNT committees. Those whom
bring the organization into the future as IIs as the most rewarding. he had mentored earlier are now taking
president. leadership roles in ASNT.
Kenderian took a leadership role in the
rebirth of the International Ad Hoc

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Committee, which is to cover all aspects of Medal and other awards. He holds a the Level II Division Chair. Over the past
ASNT activities. Furthermore, he identified patent in the ultrasonic field. 20 years, Savoy has been active in training
several areas where ASNT policies could Kishoni has a wide range of experience individuals for the inspection field. He has
be improved on the international level for in NDT, from hands-on experience as a been awarded the AWS section and district
the greater benefit of the Society. technician inspecting mechanical compo- Private Instructor Award several times. AWS
In addition to B.S. and M.S. degrees in nents in a production environment to also awarded him the District 18 Dalton E.
Manufacturing Engineering, Kenderian advanced research in universities and Hamilton CWI of the Year award. Savoy was
holds an M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in national labs. He taught and performed also named an ASNT Fellow by his peers.
Materials Science and Engineering from research as a professor at the College of Besides his work in the inspection field, he
Johns Hopkins University. He holds two US William and Mary and later at the is an active member of the Sulphur Rotary
patents and authored a number of publi- University of Denver. He also worked as a Club and also serves on its board of
cations in refereed journals. Currently, he senior research scientist at NASA Langley directors. Savoy has been married to
is the Materials Processing Department Research Center. Kishoni is currently a Nicholette Savoy for 40 years and has two
Director at The Aerospace Corporation, director at Business Solutions – USA, LLC. children. His son has followed his dad’s
located in the greater metropolitan Los Kishoni holds a practical engineer footsteps in joining the NDT business. Savoy
Angeles area. degree, B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from Cornell is the proud grandfather of four.
University, all in the engineering field with
Doron Kishoni has been an active member special emphasis on NDT, as well as an Directors at Large
of ASNT since 1994, serving on both the M.B.A. degree. John Z. Chen, an ASNT NDT Level III in
local and national levels. At the local level, Kishoni served as the chair of the IEEE ET, MT, PT, RT, and UT and a Materials
Kishoni has served as the chair, treasurer, Denver section, serving about 5000 Engineer with Schlumberger in Houston,
secretary, and director of the Colorado members, and as the chair of the Colorado Texas, routinely develops procedures,
Section of ASNT. At the national level, he Engineering Council (CEC), with twenty-two trains personnel, and validates technolo-
has served on the Board of Directors of member organizations representing more gies for oilfield inspection and welding
ASNT, as a regional director of Region 14, than 20 000 of Colorado’s engineers and challenges. He also performed inspections
and as the chair of the Technical and scientists. He organized and petitioned in refineries and chemical plants with
Education Council. He is the chair of accepting the Colorado Section of ASNT as alternating current field management,
the Ultrasonics Committee and is a a constituent member of the Colorado pulsed ET, and advanced UT techniques.
member of the Aerospace Committee, Engineering Council in 2006. He studied welding process monitoring
SNT-TC-1A Review Committee, and other Kishoni is looking forward to finding at the Ohio State University and UT of
committees. He also serves as the and implementing ways to increase the friction welds at Xi’an Jiaotong University
Membership Committee chair for the added value that ASNT provides to its in China, each completed with a
Research Council and chair of SC9 in the members at all levels. Ph.D. degree.
US-ISO SC TAG executive committee, Chen joined ASNT in 2000 and has
representing US positions on interna- David Savoy started his career in nonde- served an Associate Technical Editor for
tional standards relating to NDT structive testing (NDT) after graduating Materials Evaluation since 2013 and an
through the ISO consensus program with honors from Louisiana Technical Associate Member of the Certification
via ISO SC135. College in 1974 in NDT. He has worked in Management Council since 2012. He was
While at ASNT, Kishoni has contributed the offshore and pipeline industry for a reviewer for four ASNT books. He has
to several of the Society’s major events 10 years and in the petrochemical industry also served on the Financial Awards
and publications. He was the co-chair of for more than 30 years. With over 40 years Committee, Selection Committee,
the ASNT Spring Conference in 2002, of experience, he has become a leader in Chemical & Petroleum Committee,
technical co-editor of the Nondestructive NDT. Savoy is currently certified as an Host Committee of ICPIIT XII to XV,
Testing Handbook, third edition: Volume 3, ASNT NDT Level III in UT, MT, RT, PT, and and as a Conference Session Chair.
Ultrasonic Testing, and reviewer and VT. He also held several other national After rotated through all officer
contributor of several other ASNT publica- certifications from the American Petroleum positions, Chen is a Scholarship
tions. He presented several papers in NDT Institute including a 510/570 certificate, Committee member and chaired Bylaws
at conferences held by ASNT, IEEE, ASA, and is an American Welding Society (AWS) Committee at the Greater Houston Section.
QNDE, and others. Certified Welding Inspector (CWI). As a He has published 29 journal papers,
Kishoni holds ASNT NDT Level III certifi- more than 30-year member of ASNT, he delivered multiple technical presentations
cation in MT, PT, UT, AE, and VT. Kishoni currently serves as a full member of the at conferences, and been an invited
was awarded the IEEE Third Millennium Certification Management Council and is speaker at several occasions.

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Nominees for Directors at Large of Materials Evaluation, and past editor for
NDE of the International Journal of
Pressure Vessels and Piping. He was the
first chair of the NDE Engineering Division
of ASME, and is the present ASNT vice
chair of the Engineering Division of the
Technical and Educational Council, where
he chairs the NDE Engineering Education
As a member of the ASNT Board of
John Z. Chen John “Jack” C. Directors, Duke pledges to help strengthen
Duke, Jr. the ASNT Certification Program and work to
clarify the role engineering plays in the
NDT/E process and ultimately improve
He won the Jerry Fulin Technician of the presenter, short course presenter, communication between inspection and
Year – Level III from the Greater Houston committee member, council officer, and engineering to achieve design for
Section in 2017; ASNT Fellow Award in council representative on the Board of inspectability and maintainability.
2016; a World Oil Award - Best Well Directors. He is also past recipient of the “Creating a safer world” is personal for
Intervention Technology in 2016; a Tutorial Citation (1988) and Mehl Honor Duke because he and his wife Barbara are
President’s Award from Schlumberger in Lecture (2003) Awards. He is the editor-in- proud parents of two children and grand-
2016; a Performed by Schlumberger chief of Research in Nondestructive parents of four grandchildren. w x
Bronze Award in 2016; an Achievement Evaluation and associate technical editor
Award for the Advance of Science and
Technology in Beijing in 2000; an Honored
Undergraduate Student Award from
Shaanxi Province (equivalent to summa
cum laude) in 1995.
Chen is a Certified Welding Inspector
from American Welding Society and a
Principle Reviewer for the Welding Journal.
He volunteered several times as a judge at
Science and Engineering Fair of Houston,
and is a helper in local schools and YMCA.

John “Jack” C. Duke, Jr. has been a

member of ASNT since 1973. He
graduated with a Ph.D. in Mechanics and
Materials Science from Johns Hopkins
University and joined the faculty of Virginia
Tech in 1978. In June 2016, Duke was
appointed Professor Emeritus by the
Virginia Tech Board of Visitors, and he
continues to conduct sponsored research,
mentor, and academically advise graduate
students. With the added flexibility of his
current VT appointment, he is able to be a
private consultant to both industry and
government agencies.
Duke is an ASNT Fellow and has
tirelessly served ASNT in the areas of
education, training, and professional
development at all levels as conference

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26th Research Symposium in Jacksonville

ASNT’s 26th Research Symposium was

held in Jacksonville, Florida, at the Hyatt
Regency Riverfront. The annual symposium
offered members of the Society’s research,
engineering, and academic communities
the opportunity to learn from each other
about the state of the art in nondestructive
testing (NDT), as well as work on important
Society business. This year’s event was led
by ASNT Research Symposium Chair Anish
Poudel of Transportation Technology
Center, Inc., and Vice Chair Ahmed Arabi
Hassen of Oak Ridge Laboratory.
More than 300 participants from
15 different countries came together to
share their knowledge and skills at the
symposium. Topics included the develop- Research Council member Shant Kenderian (left), 1996-1997 ASNT Past President David L.
ment of new NDT technologies as well as Culbertson, ASNT Lifetime member Ward D. Rummel, and 2017 Research Symposium Chair
well-known techniques being applied in Anish Poudel enjoy Monday’s welcome reception.

Exhibitor Paul Thompson of GE Digital Solutions demonstrates a ASNT member and longtime volunteer Jerry Fulin (left) stops by the
portable borescope unit during the welcome reception in the exhibit Varex Imaging booth to talk with Daniel Lowe and Scott Hardy during
hall. the Monday evening welcome reception.

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Over 120 students and teachers from high schools throughout Jacksonville, Florida, eagerly arrived at the Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math (STEM) event held on Tuesday.

new and interesting ways. Symposium

attendees also had the opportunity to
network, attend committee meetings,
and visit with a variety of vendors.

Welcome Reception
The exhibit hall opened on Monday
evening with a welcome reception.
Attendees could browse 31 exhibitor
displays and talk to product and service
providers while enjoying refreshments.
Many exhibitors demonstrated their
products and all were available to answer
questions and provide information. The
relaxing reception also gave attendees the
opportunity to meet with old friends and
make new ones before the rest of the
week’s activities began in earnest. The Eric A. Eberius (right) of Rohmann LP explains an eddy current inspection trolley system used
to test railroad rails to students visiting the exhibit hall as part of Tuesday’s STEM activities.
exhibition continued through Wednesday
and was well attended each day of the

Day of STEM brief presentations of the many different such as product and service marketing
industries affected by NDT, students were and training.
On Tuesday, more than 120 students and divided into small groups to rotate through
educators from high schools throughout a variety of stations. Students were able to Addresses and Awards
Jacksonville attended the ASNT Day of view and participate in demonstrations of
STEM. This activity-packed workshop various NDT methods. Several exhibitors Larry Biess, director of business
provided an introduction to NDT, an for the symposium graciously hosted intelligence for CSX Transportation in
overview of its impact and applications, groups of students at their exhibit booths. Jacksonville, presented Tuesday’s keynote
and a demonstration of its relationship to When they toured the exhibit hall, the address on “Predictive Analytics in NDE
science, technology, engineering, and groups were able to see complex and inno- of Railroads.” He emphasized that relia-
mathematics (STEM) curricula. After an vative technology, talk to exhibitors, and bility was key to the success of railroads
introduction that included a video and gain insight into industry-adjacent careers as an important part of intermodal

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Research Council Vice Chair and 2014 ASNT Past President Roger W. 2017 ASNT Research Symposium Chair Anish Poudel (left) presents
Engelbart (left) presents a plaque of appreciation to Keynote Speaker Edward R. Generazio with the ASNT Research Award for Innovation
Larry Biess, director of business intelligence at CSX Transportation. following Generazio’s presentation of “Electric Potential and Electric
Field Imaging with Dynamic Applications.”

shipping—shipping that uses more than engineering (NDE) of composites to struc- event. The event provided members and
one form of transportation, such as trucks tural health monitoring (SHM) challenges section leaders the opportunity to meet and
and trains. Predictive analytics, he main- for spacecraft to drive-by bridge inspec- exchange information about the technical,
tained, was the next step in becoming tion, as well as industry themes such as educational, and social functions local ASNT
more reliable because it helped railroads aerospace, pipeline/offshore NDT, and sections provide. New ASNT members and
combine all their data to proactively repair NDE additive manufacturing. ASNT those yet unaffiliated with a section also
assets and avoid costly downtime. Using volunteer session chairs help coordinate had an opportunity to learn about the
predictive analytics in testing over 50 000 these sessions by recruiting and selecting benefits of section participation.
miles of rails last year resulted in a 50% presenters, assuring that the papers
decrease in failed bearings and derailments. presented offer a valuable blend of
“Predictive analytics looks at a two-year cutting-edge research and information
history to help us make better decisions immediately applicable in the field.
using actionable data,” Biess said.
John C. Duke, Jr. presented Biess Committee Activities
with a plaque as a show of appreciation
for his presentation. On Wednesday, The councils and committees that make up
John W. Newman received the Research ASNT’s organizational structure also held
Recognition for Sustained Excellence meetings throughout the week, taking part
and presented “The Development and in Society activities and discussing
Application of Shearography NDT.” important issues. Committees meet to
Thursday morning, Edward R. Generazio determine award winners, discuss
received the ASNT Research Recognition methods and certifications, and guide
for Innovation and presented “Electric ASNT publications and other programs.
Potential and Electric Field Imaging with Members are invited to attend open
Dynamic Applications.” committee meetings that interest them.

Professional Program Meet Local Section Leaders Veteran ASNT member John W. Newman was
the 2017 Research Award for Sustained
Excellence recipient. He presented his
The program sessions offered more than On Wednesday afternoon, more than lecture, “The Development and Application
86 papers presented in 23 sessions 30 section leaders and members attended of Shearography NDT,” to an enthusiastic
covering topics from the nondestructive the Section Operations Council sponsored audience on Wednesday morning.

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Student Participation
Student Travel Grant recipients gathered
on Tuesday afternoon for a welcome
session. Shant Kenderian and student
member Ryan J. Spencer spoke and gave
attendees tips for making the most of their
time and getting involved in activities
while at the Symposium and beyond.
Wednesday featured the Research
Council Student Mentoring Lunch. There,
students in the NDT research field were
paired with mentors who have years of
NDT experience. Students and mentors
then decided on the terms of their
mentoring agreement.
At Thursday’s Student Wrap-up
ASNT Chair of the Board Kevin D. Smith (left), President David R. Bajula, and Executive
Director Dr. Arny Bereson at Thursday’s Town Hall Meeting, where attendees engaged in a Session, ASNT members shared their
lively discussion on a variety of important Society topics. experiences in NDT and explained what
led to a successful NDT career. Students
were invited to share their experiences, as
Town Hall Meeting and Society takes, and this meeting provided well. Travel grant winners were presented
Networking Event an opportunity for individuals and groups with an award certificate, and students
to offer their opinions of a variety of were awarded prizes for successful
Following the day’s activities on important issues. networking.
Wednesday, attendees were invited to After the Town Hall Meeting, the
participate in the ASNT Town Hall Meeting, Symposium Mixer let attendees unwind Looking Ahead
where they were welcome to express and have a chance to network before most
thoughts and ideas on ASNT and its future. activities wrapped up on Thursday. Food The ASNT 26th Research Symposium was
There was a lively discussion on the use of and drinks were provided, and attendees a valuable learning, networking, and
the recently opened Center for Excellence were encouraged to become reacquainted participation opportunity for everyone
in Dublin, Ohio. It is important that with old friends and meet new members involved. ASNT would like to thank the
everyone have a voice in the direction the and colleagues from the NDT industry. event sponsor—CSX Corporation—as well
as the Program Committee who helped
make it so successful. Plan now to attend
next year’s 27th Research Symposium,
which will be held 26-29 March 2018, at
the Doubletree Universal in Orlando,

Want to see more of the ASNT 26th Research

Symposium? Visit
Photos wx

Student networking session attendees learn about each other as they introduce themselves at
the Tuesday afternoon event.

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New ASNT Certificate Holders
Below are personnel who have recently obtained their initial ASNT certifications. This list includes new certificate holders that were
added to the ASNT database through 1 May 2017. Each certificate holder’s current certification information can be found on the
ASNT website at

ACCP Level II Younis A. Kaffo Ben T. Vann Jr. James S. Hall

Thomas Keith Broach Michael Kennedy Chu-Chun Wang Caleb Jackson
Jeffrey Brown Hau Ngoc Kieu Keith Winfield Mark Alan Johnston
Roger Brunson Aurelio Martinez Nigil Joseph
Luis Casiano Lerodrick Mckay ASNT NDT Level II Weeraded Khunvitayapaisal
Tai-Cheng Chen Julio Medina Roy Neal Burleson Mathieu Leclerc
Chia-Lin Chung Shawn Milligan Mangalraj Madasamy
Ronny Dozier Brantly M. Murphy ASNT NDT Level III Luis Gabriel Montoya Pelaez
Eric Eckles Jeffrey Naylor Anthony E. Anderson Shohei Nakamura
Robert Z. Fisher Andre Pooran Jose Aparicio Takuji Ohkubo
Ray Flannery Ruben Sandoval Gabriel Joseph Balensiefer Christopher Paull
Ricoh Flores Bradley R. Sekerchak Jeff Browning Lindsay M. Rosenblatt
John Michael Gillespie Gurjit Singh Roberto Cayarga Atsuyo Uchiyama
Sean Gilman Fred A. Smith Nathan Cook Mardy Utomo
William Hale Rodney B. Stephens Wael Faroog Fagir Joshua A. Yunik
Richard Hyde Rory Sutton Tony S. Grossie
Etzael Jaime Thomas Thompson Julio Jose Gutierrez

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NDT Professional Connections
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BRIDGEWATER, MA 02324 CELL 781-727-1446




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TEST Inspection Programs for

Internal Corrosion in Piping
by Jack K. Staten

ood corrosion inspection programs utilize database tracking
systems and API 570 inspectors to determine the most suscep-
tible areas where corrosion may start in a piping system.
Programs include both radiography and ultrasonic inspections.
Computed radiography, although more expensive to get started, will save
money during a program over conventional film radiography. Ultrasonic flaw
detection instruments with an A-scan display provide quality results with
moderate start up costs. Thickness gages lower startup costs and provide
excellent single point reading accuracy, but are not designed with the proper
specifications for scanning and sizing of corrosion.
Corrosion inspection programs are designed to identify and monitor areas
of corrosion to determine the life expectancy of systems, flow rates, inhibitor
injection, and operating pressure. A good corrosion inspection program can
be established and maintained only by implementing a quality database,
well-defined inspection procedures, and personnel training to maintain
consistency and repeatability. The goal of this paper shall be to educate
personnel establishing corrosion inspection programs.
Insulated systems must utilize profile radiography comparison techniques,
which can be problematic unless the company is prepared for the cost of
stripping and reinsulating locations after ultrasonic follow-up inspections.
Profile radiography comparison techniques can evaluate size changes in
corrosion networks, but determining the depth of pits or corrosion networks
with density changes can be difficult at best. Insulation and product or
sediment in the system can reduce density comparison results. Therefore, the
most accurate way of determining size and depth while monitoring corrosion

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x inspection for piping

rates is using ultrasonic straight beam inspections. locations. If multiple systems are to be analyzed,
Ultrasonic straight beam inspections can provide unique identifiers for individual piping systems and
accurate readings to determine corrosion rates, so this inspection locations in the database will avoid
paper shall focus its attention on ultrasonic inspec- confusion. Well-defined individual inspection locations
tion. on the actual system will ensure repeatability, and
The most important aspect of any ultrasonic locations marked on system drawings provide inspec-
corrosion inspection program is standardization. tion personnel the ability to find inspection locations
Consistency and repeatability can only be maintained within the system easily.
through standardization of the ultrasonic program.
From well-defined locations for repeat inspections to Baseline Inspection
every aspect of the ultrasonic system, everything Selected locations start with baseline inspections to
matters. Proper cataloging of radiography and ultra- evaluate a piping system. Perform baseline radiog-
sonic results is of the utmost importance for tracking raphy on selected areas of insulated piping. Utilize
corrosion rates. Frequency of inspection on corrosion ultrasonic straight beam baseline inspections on unin-
areas should be adjusted depending on severity and sulated areas to determine the Actual Material
corrosion rate of areas. Thickness (ActMatT) and Minimum Thickness (MinT)

From well-defined locations for repeat

inspections to every aspect of the
ultrasonic system, everything matters.
This paper shall explore some of the do’s and of selected locations. Never rely on the Nominal Pipe
don’ts associated with a quality corrosion inspection Thickness of associated piping during manufacturing
program established over years of corrosion inspection due to the tolerances allowed, normally 12.5%
and procedure writing, with its focus on ultrasonic (API 5L, 2012). Once the ActMatT has been estab-
procedures. lished, never alter it; this way, corrosion rates remain
consistent. Locations of concern are evaluated and a
Program Set-Up frequency of repeat inspections is established based
Use of a quality database should be the first objective. on severity to determine corrosion rates.
A database capable of cataloging multiple inspection
results on individual corrosion areas allows for easy Radiography
analysis and complete history of a corrosion network. Computed radiography offers advantages over indus-
Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) storage trial film applications. Computed radiography plates
devices have backup systems to prevent any loss of are reusable and, if handled correctly, have a long
data that may be associated with computer problems. shelf life. There are no environmentally unfriendly
As the program grows, memory can be an issue, and chemicals to dispose of, shot time is reduced
obtaining a system that can add memory easily and (therefore, exposure to radiation is reduced), and
without the need for data transfers can also prevent image processing can offer wider latitude for viewing
loss of data. through contrast and brightness adjustments.
Utilize the experience of API 570 inspectors to Conducting profile radiography of selected locations
determine what areas are most susceptible to can evaluate the condition of the system. Sizing of
corrosion. They have the training and experience to corrosion areas is accurate in computed radiography
provide a good starting point for possible corrosion though the use of measurement tools in the software
areas in a piping system. Keep individual locations to when a comparator is added to the exposure.
small sections of pipe, 0.3 m (1 ft) sections if Comparisons made with previous radiographs of the
possible; this allows for quick analysis of selected location can determine if the existing corrosion is

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Frequency and thickness range for dual crystal transducers.
Probe size 15 MHz 10 MHz 7.5 MHz 5 MHz 2.25 MHz
6.35 mm (0.25 in.) 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) 2.03 mm (.080 in.) 2.29 mm (0.09 in.)
to 3.81 mm (0.15 in.) to 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) to 9.53 mm (0.375 in.)
9.53 mm (0.375 in.) 2.03 mm (.08 in.) 2.29 mm (0.090 in.) 3.81 mm (0.15 in.)
to 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) to 12.7 mm (0.500 in.) to 16.51 mm (0.65 in.)
12.7 mm (0.50 in.) 3.05 mm (0.12 in.) 3.81 mm (0.150 in.) 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) 3.05 mm (0.75 in.)
to 6.35 mm (0.250 in.) to 19.05 mm (0.750 in.) to 38.1 mm (1.50 in.) to 38.1 mm (1.50 in.)

worsening. Depth is the real issue with radiography, but the repetition rate of these types of instruments is
however, and a ranking system based on size and insufficient to be utilized as a scanning device, and
density of the corrosion area needs to be established the probability of detection goes way down.
and documented in the database for each location to
determine the severity of existing and further moni- Transducers
toring of corrosion. Density type ranking systems for It is widely known that dual crystal transducers
corrosion can be problematic due to insulation and provide the best possible resolving power due to the
product or sediment that may exist in the system. nature of corrosion and because of their focused
Procedures for profile radiography can be estab- beam. Provide technicians with a wide variety of
lished much like any radiography procedure. The key frequencies and sizes. Obtain transducers of a given
is that set-up geometry, such as object to film and size and frequency from the same manufacturer and
source to object distance, should be spelled out utilize them throughout the program—remember stan-
procedurally for each size and type of component, and dardization is the key. Ultrasonic procedures
not altered to maintain accuracy in sizing due to containing a chart much like the one in Table 1 will
geometric enlargement possibilities when a help keep the selection of a transducer inside the
comparator is not used. focal range for a given thickness. This table is general
in nature; pipe condition and grain structure may
Ultrasonic Inspections affect transducer performance and should be given
A quality ultrasonic program can provide excellent due consideration when selecting transducer size and
results for any corrosion inspection program. A lack- frequency.
luster ultrasonic program can give fits of frustration Transducer orientation is important during
and cost money from follow-up inspections to obtain corrosion inspection, and while scanning should be
accurate data. Typical weld inspection or thickness performed with the center barrier perpendicular to the
readings are governed by existing codes. These codes pipe, rotation of the transducer may be necessary to
cover the complete ultrasonic system and deliver obtain a suitable signal for final reading purposes.
repeatable results in the hands of qualified techni-
cians. Although a lot of existing weld and thickness Calibration Blocks
code requirements may apply, ultrasonic inspection on Utilize step wedge type calibration blocks (ASTM E797,
corrosion is a bird of a different feather. Traditional 2015) so the expected material thickness can be
gain transfer, flaw sizing, sensitivity settings, and bracketed with a 2-point calibration. When the specific
multiple calibration options have proven ineffective. material type is known, always utilize a calibration
Standardization of the ultrasonic program, training, block that matches the material. The problem is
and record keeping is the key to repeatability and corrosion programs are not usually started until a
success when performing ultrasonic inspections for problem has been identified, and specific material
corrosion monitoring. types get lost in the shuffle after years of service or
were never documented to begin with. Therefore, stan-
Ultrasonic Instruments dardizing the calibration block material will provide
A flaw detection instrument with an A-scan display is consistency and repeatability throughout the moni-
the best instrument suited to detect and monitor toring process. Take carbon steel for instance;
corrosion areas. Once selected, stick with the same selecting 1018 carbon steel step wedges, and only
type of instrument throughout the program. Thickness 1018 wedges, provides repeatability. The point here is
instruments may be used to monitor corrosion areas, not to have one technician utilizing a 1018 block and

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x inspection for piping

the next utilizing a 4340 block for the same inspection have proven inadequate when it comes to corrosion
location. on older piping systems since gain transfer readings
can not only change from item to item but from inch to
Temperature inch in some piping systems. This type of reference
Normalizing the calibration block and transducer to setting can lead to false identification of corrosion
the component temperature within 3.89 °C (25 °F) will cells due to excessive gain or to corrosion cells being
provide better accuracy than a standard temperature missed entirely because of too little gain.
correction of 1% per 37.78 °C (100 °F) and should be Experience has shown that a preliminary scan of
put into practice wherever possible (ASME Section 5, the actual location to be examined and adjusting the
2017). Whatever means of normalization is utilized back wall to 80% FSH during the preliminary scan will
should be documented to ensure subsequent inspec- set the proper reference level. Adding 6 to 12 dB to
tions follow the same practice for repeatability. that level for scanning will provide an adequate
response from corrosion areas without putting
Gates excessive noise in the ultrasonic system. This means
Utilize gates with a specific screen height established that sensitivity settings may change from item to item
(15 or 20%). Due to signal characteristics, experience even in the same section of pipe.
has shown corrosion is best detected utilizing full The key is to establish one system and provide
wave rectification and the gate detection mode set to proper training to technicians to ensure every techni-
read the flank or leading edge of the signal. Other cian follows the procedure. Old habits are hard to
rectification modes may provide better accuracy in break, so stressing that every technician follow a stan-
determining actual measurements based on individual dardized system is the only way to provide consistent
signals, but recalibration is always required. Once and repeatable results.
again, documentation of the method used is of the
utmost importance to maintain consistency during Recording Readings
future inspections. Extreme accuracy, to the 0.024 mm (0.001 in.), from
technician to technician is unlikely due to the nature
Calibration of reflective surfaces caused by corrosion. It’s recom-
Calibration using basic 80% full screen height (FSH) mended to round readings, either by software applica-
signals for each calibration block step and a minimum tions built in the ultrasonic instrument or manually
of two steps that encompass the expected thickness recording to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.010 in.). This
range should be used. If corrosion areas fall outside allows for some variances from technician to techni-
the linear range of the calibrated steps, recalibration cian and provides for a smoother transition when
will be required to include the actual thickness found. tracking corrosion rates.
As stated before, corrosion programs are estab-
Scanning Sensitivity lished to locate and monitor corrosion rates to
While codes or standards specify reflector types for determine the life expectancy of systems, flow rates,
reference levels and gain adjustments for scanning operating pressure, and in some cases, help
during weld or plate inspection, there are no such determine inhibitor amounts to be injected into lines
specific criteria for locating and monitoring corrosion. to stop the spread of corrosion. For that purpose and
Reference levels and scanning sensitivity for repeatability, determine the ActMatT and MinT with
corrosion inspection are the most troublesome items the back wall for undamaged areas or the indication
to control for a program. Since corrosion programs are for damaged areas at 80% FSH. Verify all severe
established on in-service piping, some of which have changes in ultrasonic readings from one inspection to
been in service for years (and the internal condition of the next by another technician.
the piping is not what it was when manufactured),
typical flat bottom holes of 1.59 mm (0.06 in.) or Sizing Corrosion
3.18 mm (0.13 in.) in each step of the calibration First and foremost, refer to customer requirements or
block for setting a reference level and adding 6 to the underlying code for interaction rules regarding the
12 dB for scanning sensitivity can be utilized, but sizing of corrosion. Typical 6 dB drop methods work
experience has shown on older piping systems this well for sizing laminar type discontinuities or disconti-
type of reference setting is inadequate due to surface nuities associated with welding by maximizing the
or internal conditions that cause fluctuations in back- discontinuity signal and working towards good metal.
wall signal amplitude during inspection. Standard gain For corrosion, it’s the opposite. First, you must identify
transfer techniques used to correct for such conditions the corrosion network to include any interaction rules,

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then utilize the good metal outside the network, REFERENCES
setting the back wall to 80% FSH and scanning toward API, API 5L: Specification for Line Pipe, The American Petro-
the corrosion area until a 6 dB drop is noticed in the leum Institute, Washington, D.C., 2012.
back wall signal, and mark the center of the trans- ASME, ASME Section V: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
ducer. New York, 2017.
ASTM, ASTM E797/E797M-15: Standard Practice for Meas-
Conclusion uring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact
The use of API 570 inspectors and a proper database Method, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsyl-
vania, 2015.
to record multiple inspection results for the same
location is a must for determining corrosion rates and AUTHOR
when to adjust corrosion inhibitor injection or make Jack K. Staten, ASNT Level III UT, RT, MT, and PT; 7658
repairs. Standardization is the key to repeatability in Nottinghill Sky Dr., Apollo Beach, Florida 33572; (715) 969-
corrosion monitoring for both radiography and ultra- 7401;
sonic inspection. Procedures and technique sheets
must be developed for each type of inspection and
component, such as elbow, straight run, or tee’s.
Consistency developed though technician training will
provide stability to the inspection program. wx

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Rapid Large Area
Inspection from a
Single Sensor
Position: A Guided
eing a student and professor of ultrasonics for over 40 years, this
author can remember his initial passionate behavior starting

Shear Wave Phased 30 years ago with respect to the subject of ultrasonic guided
waves. It became possible to inspect large areas of a structure
Array Scan from a single sensor position. Wow! Amazing! Some simple scanning,
however, was often necessary. Ultrasonic guided waves did not just replace
by Joseph Rose, Cody Borigo, Steve Owens, bulk wave ultrasonics in many inspections, but could now solve some
and Alex Reese problems that couldn’t even be solved in earlier years. At that time, however,
this author envisioned someday that someone would be able to inspect a
large area of a structure by simply touching the structure at a single position,
and despite having sections hidden or covered with water for example, still
being able to carry out a reliable inspection. The guided wave phased array
(GWPA) scan discussed in this feature article can indeed inspect large areas of
a structure from a single probe position. Obviously several touches are benefi-
cial from both a nondestructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring
(SHM) point of view, but further growth and development is on the horizon.
Nondestructive testing and structural health monitoring of large area plate
and shell structures is thus an area of opportunity due to the time consuming
and costly nature of such inspections. The long-range inspection capability of

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ultrasonic guided waves makes them excellent candi- for a plate (Rose et al., 2003). Synthetic phased array
dates for addressing this problem. A patent-pending technology in plate can be seen, for example, in other
shear ring phased array technology has been research (Giurgiutiu and Bao, 2004; Wilcox et al.,
developed that utilizes a range of specialized piezo- 2005). Real time phased array technology for
electric actuators in conjunction with a phased array composite plate is discussed by other authors (Yan
electronics platform to facilitate rapid screening of and Rose, 2007).
large areas of plates and shells. Examples of large- Fundamentals of ultrasonic guided waves can be
area NDT include the hulls of ships and submersibles, found in another work (Rose, 2014) along with a
aircraft fuselages and wings, pressure vessels, and discussion of a real time phased array method for
storage containers, among others. Traditional ultra- plates. Finally, critical to the success of this technology
sonic phased array technology is a well-known and is the utilization of a specially developed omnidirec-
accepted inspection technology that introduced tional shear wave transducer for guided wave phased
distinct advantages in the realm of bulk wave ultra- array analysis in plates (Borigo et al., 2015).
sonics. Guided wave phased array technology now Pure-shear guided wave phased array technology
becomes the next logical step in the realm of guided for large-area plate and shell inspection using a novel
wave ultrasonics. piezoelectric shear ring design has been developed.
The historical development for corrosion inspec- Generating omnidirectional shear horizontal waves is
tion for a plate-like structure leading to a probe at a notoriously difficult without using specialized sensors
single position is depicted in Figure 1. Note the that are large, complex, or both. By utilizing compact,
improvements from Figure 1a to 1c. cost effective piezoelectric shear ring elements that
Phased array technology has taken the world by generate pure, single-mode, omnidirectional shear
storm because of the simplicity in electronic scanning horizontal waves with a high signal-to-noise ratio,
compared to manual or multi-element scanning. The these guided wave phased array sensors are readily
use of bulk wave phased array has revolutionized the applicable to a wide range of plate-like structures
way we inspect structures when looking through the without the need for dispersion curve calculations.
thickness of a specimen by rapidly providing sector The use of the zero-order shear horizontal guided
scans that are more intuitive than a traditional ultra- wave mode allows the phased array algorithms to be
sonic A-scan. Many bulk wave phased array products performed more efficiently because there is no need
are available in the marketplace today. Phased array for dispersion compensation in the wavenumber
technology is now used to show that it is possible to domain due to the nondispersive nature of the SH0
develop probes that could revolutionize guided wave mode. This mode choice also allows the probe to scan
inspection by rapidly scanning large plates from a structures that are in contact with liquids on one or
single sensor position. both sides, such as ship hulls and storage tanks,
Phased array technology can also be used in other without any effects on the signal. While the phased
applications. For example, guided wave mode control array technology works well for NDT applications,
can be achieved with phased arrays (Li and Rose, robust SHM algorithms for this phased array tech-
2001; Philtron and Rose, 2014). Phased array has nology can be developed that allow monitoring of
also been extended to pipe, even though computation large-areas of complex structures over time. Noncritical
procedures are much different compared to that used scan variations such as fluctuations in environmental

Transducer Transducer Transducer

Area inspected Area inspected

(a) (b) (c)


Figure 1. Historical development for corrosion inspection for a plate-like structure: (a) traditional normal beam ultrasonic bulk wave inspection
(scanning point by point over all x and y); (b) recent ultrasonic guided wave inspection (scanning in y direction only); and (c) ultrasonic guided
wave phased array inspection (large area covered from a single sensor position).

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conditions, changes in coupling, and moderate complex geometry by taking advantage of baseline
misalignment of the probe between scans are signal comparison. The beam steering is performed
overcome using stretch-suppression-shift algorithms electronically and is completed within a matter of
similar to those discussed in other scholarship seconds, in which up to 500 guided wave signals are
(Croxford et al., 2010). The use of both active and collected. Advanced signal processing algorithms then
synthetic focusing, as well as other focusing improve- process this data to further refine the focusing and
ments that may be found in the literature such as generate a 360° image of the reflectors in the
apodization filtering and deconvolution computation structure.
in signal processing, were also explored in both NDT Benefits of the active phased array for plate
and SHM test configurations. Several prototype probes technique are listed in Table 1. A photograph of a
have been fabricated and tested on a variety of probe and instrument that can be used in the active
aluminum and steel plates with varying degrees of phased array approach is shown in Figure 2. The beam
damage and structural complexity, and NDT and SHM steering and focusing concept is outlined in Figure 3.
scans have been performed on plates as large as
1.5 m  3 m (5 ft  10 ft) with excellent results. The TABLE 1
phased array transducers are able to detect damage Benefits of the active phased array for plate technique.
as small as 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) diameter, 25% deep
Ability to screen large areas of plates and shells
spherical pits and 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) diameter through
Generates easy-to-interpret phased array scan
holes in an NDT configuration. A variety of different
Inspect a large area from a single sensor position
size probes are available depending on frequency and
Active focusing provides better SNR and allows for near real-time scanning
bandwidth desired. For thicker structures, lower
Detection from both sides of the plate
frequencies are required to produce through-wall Highly adaptable to different plate materials and thickness
guided waves; hence, probes are much larger. For Single-mode activation simplifies interpretation and improves SNR
thinner structures, probes with higher frequency, low Can be used underwater or with liquid on one or both sides of the plate
profile, and smaller diameter can be used. Smaller More energy means greater inspection range
discontinuities can be found in thinner structures Rapid data collection and post-processing
compared to what might be possible in a thicker
structure unless focus is on near surface discontinu-
ities where surface waves can be used.

The guided wave phased array technology performs in
a manner akin to sonar, in which sound is electroni-
cally focused and swept in different directions to
detect the location and distance of other ships, or
radar, in which radio waves are steered to detect
aircraft. Similarly, the guided wave phased array
system steers and focuses guided wave energy 360°
around a plate from a single sensor position to
generate a scan of discontinuities in the plate. This (a)
guided wave beam steering is accomplished by
utilizing a small array of guided wave sensor elements
packed into a single probe and applying signals with
predetermined time delays and amplitude factors. The
beam steering allows the sensor to rapidly detect the
presence of discontinuities at distances of 3 m (10 ft)
or more in all directions around the probe. Guided
wave phased array scans of ship hull mockups with
an area of 4.6 m2 (50 ft2) can be performed in less
than 15 s. The damage image can be obtained either (b)
directly from the scan signals as a nondestructive
testing approach or by comparison with baseline Figure 2. Guided wave phased array technology comprises: (a) guided wave array
signals as a structural health monitoring method. sensor with connector; (b) phased array P/R unit; and specially designed
The SHM approach can be useful in structures with software for collecting and analyzing results (not shown).

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x gwpa scan

90 1
120 60

150 0.6
180 0

210 330

240 300
(a) (b) 270

Figure 3. Guided wave phased array: (a) photograph of guided wave phased array probe showing the individual element face plates; and (b) a
numerical beam profile showing how beam energy is focused in one direction when the appropriate time delays are applied (amplitude versus
circumferential angle). The time delays are continuously adjusted to sweep the beam around the entire structure.

SH0 mode
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.5
Phase velocity (km/s)

18 3
Phase velocity (km/s)

16 2.5
12 2
10 1.5
6 1
4 0.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Frequency thickness (MHz/mm)
SH0 mode Frequency thickness (MHz/mm)

Figure 4. Sample guided wave dispersion curves for shear horizontal (SH) mode in a plate: (a) SH wave phase velocity; and (b) SH wave group

90 0.015
Benefits of SH0 mode choice. 120 60

Zero out-of-plane displacement through the thickness of the plate 0.01

(no liquid interaction) 150 30
Fundamental mode phase and group velocity are constant
Single-mode below first cutoff
Purely nondispersive 180 0

Fundamental mode is independent of plate thickness

Only bulk shear wave speed required
210 330
Wave structure is independent of frequency
Highly adaptable to structures with a wide range of materials and thickness
240 300
SHO amplitude
SO amplitude

Figure 5. Patent-pending d15 circumferentially polarized

shear element omnidirectional measured profile.

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Fundamental to understanding guided wave Sample Results
technology is the development of phase and group A few potential applications of the guided shear wave
velocity dispersion curves. A set of sample shear phased array system for large area inspection are
horizontal dispersion curves are shown in Figure 4. listed in Table 3. A few sample results will now be
Emphasis in this article is on the use of SH0 modes as illustrated and discussed. Excellent calibration
shown in Figure 4. Detailed background of guided specimen results are presented in Figures 6 and 7.
wave mechanics can be found in another work (Rose, Note the superb lateral resolution in Figure 6. Also
2014). Benefits of the SH0 mode choice are clearly note the results in Figure 7 with excellent sizing and
outlined in Table 2. An excellent omnidirectional also precise location analysis when comparing to the
guided wave is generated for one particular element actual test specimen. A simulated corrosion detection
as illustrated in Figure 5. outcome in Figure 8 shows superb results with the
correct size and location. Some examples of spot weld
and bolted fastener inspection are reviewed in Figures
9 through 11. These scans take place in seconds.
TABLE 3 Figure 9 illustrates GWPA scan results of a line of
A few potential applications in NDT and SHM.*
spot welds connecting two 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) thick
Ship hull aluminum plates. Generally, when the welds appeared
Pressure vessels in good condition, the reflection amplitude was rela-
(possibly insulated with small insulation cutout) tively consistent between adjacent welds, and many
Storage tanks welds were visible from a single scanning position.
Under water structures
(possibly with concrete liners and small
concrete core cutout)
Any large plate-like slightly curved structure
Rivets and bolt holes
*Note that any of the structures listed could be complex
with ribs, cutouts, welds, and others and still be
handled from an SHM point of view.


(b) (c)

Figure 6. Calibration results on a 1.2 m  1.2 m Figure 7. Calibration results: (a) 1.3 m  1.2 m  9.5 mm (4 ft  4 ft  0.375 in.)
(4 ft  4 ft) plate 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) thick with a series of thick plate for two partially drilled holes; (b) flat-bottom hole 6.4 mm (0.25 in.)
drilled holes from 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) diameter to diameter, 25% wall loss; and (c) round-bottom hole 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) diameter,
12.7 mm (0.5 in.) diameter on the top and six holes of 25% wall loss.
6.35 mm (0.250 in.) diameter on the bottom.

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Figure 8. Two views of sample result of corrosion detection in a 1.2 m  1.2 m  9.5 mm (4 ft  4 ft 0.375 in.) thick plate. Excellent location
and size for the 101.6 mm (4.00 in.), 20% deep corrosion patch.

One of the spot welds was then drilled out to Another spot weld was damaged by driving a
simulate the weld nugget pulling out from the top blade between the two plates and cutting the weld,
plate (the plate on which the GWPA probe is coupled). which simulates a broken spot weld in which both
As shown in Figure 9, this simulated weld failure plates remain fully intact but the nugget is fractured.
causes a dramatic increase in amplitude compared to As demonstrated in Figure 10, the lack of weld joint
a good weld. Note that at any position, the damage between the plates results in little to no reflected
location is clearly shown. energy from that location. This damage is not visible

11 11
10 Pulled out weld 10 Pulled out weld
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
Distance (in.)

Distance (in.)

1 1
0 0
–1 –1
–2 –2
–3 –3
–4 –4
–5 –5
–6 –6
–7 –7
–8 –8
–9 –9
–10 –10
–11 –11
–11 –9 –7 –5 –3 –1 –11 –9 –7 –5 –3 –1
(a) Distance (in.) (b) Distance (in.)

Figure 9. Two guided wave phased array scans of a row of good spot welds with one simulated weld pull out,
demonstrating that the defective weld is clearly visible from multiple probe locations: (a) and (b).

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from either the top or bottom plates, but the GWPA A lap joint configuration was also studied as a
scan clearly shows that there is a missing weld in the possible aircraft NDT application. In this case, a series
case of Figure 10a and two missing welds in the case of four bolted lap joint fasteners, shown in Figure 11,
of Figure 10b. was scanned and electrochemical corrosion was
induced at the hole of one of the fasteners. Excellent
GWPA scan results were obtained without the need to


Distance (in.)




Faster hole
–9 with corrosion
Pulled out weld
–11 –9 –7 –5 –3 –1

(a) Distance (in.) 14

7 Corrosion
5 4

3 2
Distance (in.)

Distance (in.)

–5 –8
Faster hole
–7 –10 with corrosion
Pulled out weld –14
–11 –14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0
–11 –9 –7 –5 –3 –1
(b) (b) Distance (in.) (c)
Distance (in.)

Figure 10. Guided wave phased array scans of broken Figure 11. Photo of the lap joint: (a) with four bolted fasteners no damage is
spot welds showing no reflections from: (a) one broken visible; (b) guided wave phased array scan of fastener holes in joint; and
weld; and (b) two broken welds. (c) photo of 20% corrosion around second fastener hole after lap joint panel is

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x gwpa scan

disassemble the joint, and the corroded fastener hole Cody Borigo: FBS, Inc. dba Guidedwave, 450 Rolling Ridge
Drive, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823; (814) 234-3437;
is clearly apparent even through it is not visible from
the surface. Steve Owens: FBS, Inc. dba Guidedwave, 450 Rolling Ridge
Drive, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823; (814) 234-3437;
Guided wave technology has shown significant Alex Reese: FBS, Inc. dba Guidedwave, 450 Rolling Ridge
Drive, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania 16823; (814) 234-3437;
advancement in both understanding and application
in the twenty-first century. Improvements in computa-
tional efficiency have assisted greatly. Problems can ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
be studied today that were impossible two decades Thanks are given to Olympus NDT for probe assembly and
ago. The developments are making inspections faster, project interaction. Thanks are given to graduate students
at Pennsylvania State University and many employees of
more accurate, more cost effective, and easier to carry FBS, Inc. dba Guidedwave for their help in many guided
out. The guided shear wave phased array system for wave developments over the years. We also thank the US
large area inspections presented here will undoubt- Navy and the US Air Force for their support through the
SBIR programs.
edly find many new applications in the future. The
future for guided wave application in general is bright, REFERENCES
with a paradigm shift in thinking as these new guided Borigo, Cody J., Steven E. Owens, and Joseph L.
wave devices and methodologies inspire new thought Rose,“Piezoelectric Shear Rings for Omnidirectional Shear
and creativity with respect to both NDT inspection and Horizontal Guided Wave Excitation and Sensing,” US Patent
Application No. 14878595, filed 8 October 2015, and
SHM of the engineered devices and infrastructure in published 21 April 2016.
the world around us. Eventually, sophisticated sensors Croxford, Anthony J., Jochen Moll, Paul D. Wilcox, Jennifer E.
and actuators will be placed on a variety of structures, Michaels, “Efficient Temperature Compensation Strategies
including energy harvesting technologies for active for Guided Wave Structural Health Monitoring,” Ultrasonics,
Vol. 50, No. 4, 2010, pp. 517–528.
ultrasonic methods and wireless technology for
Giurgiutiu, Victor and JingJing Bao, “Embedded-Ultrasonics
improved communication in NDT and SHM for Structural Radar for In-Situ Structural Health Monitoring of
thousands of applications. Thin-Wall Structures,” Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 3,
In summary, the GWPA system presented here has No. 2, 2004, pp. 121–140.
many benefits, including the primary excellent ability Li, J. and J.L. Rose,“Implementing Guided Wave Mode
Control by Use of a Phased Transducer Array,” IEEE Transac-
to acquire efficiently either a large area or small area tions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectronics, and Frequency
scan from a single sensor position within seconds. A Control, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2001, pp. 761–768.
variety of probe types, sizes, and frequencies are Philtron, J. H., and J.L. Rose, “Mode Perturbation Method for
being developed to do this work. The approach is also Optimal Guided Wave Mode and Frequency Selection,”
Ultrasonics, Vol. 54, No. 7, 2014, pp. 1817–1824.
adaptable to traditional handheld portable phased
Rose, J.L., Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Solid Media,
array platforms. Applications in many large area struc- Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
tures, such as ship hulls, aircraft sections, pressure 2014.
vessels, and storage containers, as well as smaller Rose, J.L., Z. Sun, P.J. Mudge, and M.J. Avioli, “Guided Wave
area sections like welds, rivet and bolt holes, and Flexural Mode Tuning and Focusing for Pipe Testing,” Mate-
rials Evaluation, Vol. 61, No. 2, 2003, pp. 162–167.
many other sections of a structure are now possible.
Wilcox, P., Lowe, M., and Cawley, P., “Omnidirectional
x Guided Wave Inspection of Large Metallic Plate Structures
Using an EMAT Array,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics,
AUTHORS Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2005,
Joseph Rose: Ph.D.; Drexel University; Pennsylvania State pp. 653–665.
University, 212 EES Building, University Park, Pennsylvania Yan, F. and J.L. Rose, “Guided Wave Phased Array Beam
16802; (814) 863-8026; FBS, Inc. dba Steering in Composite Plates,” Proc. SPIE 6532, Health
Guidedwave, 450 Rolling Ridge Drive, Bellefonte, Pennsyl- Monitoring of Structures and Biological Systems 2007,
vania 16823; (814) 441-0481; 65320G, 11 April 2007, doi: 10.1117/12.716109.

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he 2017 Buyers Guide lists a record 816 manufacturers,
distributors, and service providers involved in nonde-
structive testing (NDT). Compared to previous years, this
year’s print version is a much more streamlined guide
and allows you to quickly locate exactly what you are looking for
without extensive searching. This handy print version is an
excellent everyday resource. Please visit
guide for a much more detailed breakdown of NDT companies
and the services they provide.
The chart shows the number of companies reporting in each
method and includes 265 companies with specialized techniques.

Hundreds of Companies outside the United States make up 31% of those

listed, and 57% are ASNT Corporate Partners, denoted by gold in
the Buyers Guide Directory listings.

manufacturers, An (M) next to a company’s name means that the company is

manufacturer. If a company does not have an (M), the company
a ma
is a distributor or service provider. Please note that a company

with an (M) may also be a distributor or service provider.
Companies that provide services such as consulting, testing,
training are further categorized within each method header,
or tr
making them easier to search.

and service Information for the 2017 listings was solicited by e-mail, in
various issues of Materials Evaluation, and online. Companies
were encouraged to complete their profile online at

providers Profiles appear online throughout

the year
y and are printed each June in the Buyers Guide issue of
Materials Evaluation.
ASNT neither endorses nor recommends the listed suppliers
and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information
provided. See the Buyers Guide Company Directory beginning on
page 732 for contact information.

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ers Guide


Number of companies



















Number of companies reporting in each method for 2017 NDT Buyers Guide.

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x index

685 694
Acoustic Emission Testing (AE) Identification of Materials (IM)
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................685 ACCESSORIES .................................................................................694
INSTRUMENTS AND SYSTEMS..........................................................685 OTHER IM PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME) ......................................694
MONITOR........................................................................................685 CONSULTING...................................................................................694
RECORDERS ....................................................................................685 TESTING .........................................................................................694
SENSORS (PLEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS) .....................................685 TRAINING........................................................................................695
SOFTWARE ......................................................................................685
OTHER AE PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME) .......................................685 695
CONSULTING ...................................................................................685 Infrared and Thermal Testing (IR)
TESTING..........................................................................................686 ACCESSORIES.................................................................................695
TRAINING ........................................................................................686 IR EQUIPMENT................................................................................695
OTHER IR PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).......................................695
686 CONSULTING ..................................................................................695
Electromagnetic Testing (ET) TESTING .........................................................................................697
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................686 TRAINING .......................................................................................697
EDDY CURRENT INSTRUMENTS ........................................................686 697
EDDY CURRENT PROBES AND COILS ................................................687 Laser Methods (LM)
EDDY CURRENT SYSTEMS................................................................688 ACCESSORIES .................................................................................697
FLUX LEAKAGE SYSTEMS.................................................................688 LM EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................697
MISCELLANEOUS ET EQUIPMENT ....................................................688 CONSULTING ..................................................................................697
REMOTE FIELD SYSTEMS .................................................................689 TESTING .........................................................................................697
OTHER ET PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).......................................689 TRAINING .......................................................................................697
TESTING .........................................................................................690
Leak Testing (LT)
691 ACCESSORIES .................................................................................698
LEAK LOCATION, EVACUATED SYSTEMS ...........................................698
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) LEAK LOCATION, PRESSURIZED SYSTEMS........................................698
ACCESSORIES..................................................................................691 LEAK RATE MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ..........................................698
GPR EQUIPMENT .............................................................................691 LT EQUIPMENT ................................................................................698
OTHER GPR PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).....................................691 OTHER LT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME) .......................................698
CONSULTING ...................................................................................691 CONSULTING...................................................................................698
TESTING ..........................................................................................691 TESTING .........................................................................................699
TRAINING ........................................................................................691 TRAINING........................................................................................699

692 699
Guided Wave Testing (GW) Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................692 ACCESSORIES .................................................................................699
INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................692 PT EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................700
SYSTEMS ........................................................................................692 OTHER PT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME) ......................................700
CONSULTING ...................................................................................692 CONSULTING ..................................................................................700
TESTING..........................................................................................692 TESTING .........................................................................................704
TRAINING ........................................................................................692 TRAINING .......................................................................................704
TRANSDUCERS AND ACCESSORIES ..................................................692

ASNT grants
682 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
index w

704 716
Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing (ML) Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................704 ACCESSORIES .................................................................................716
MFL EQUIPMENT..............................................................................704 INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................718
OTHER MFL PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).....................................706 UT SYSTEMS ...................................................................................718
CONSULTING ...................................................................................706 TRANSDUCERS AND ACCESSORIES ..................................................720
TESTING..........................................................................................706 OTHER UT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).......................................720
TRAINING ........................................................................................706 CONSULTING ...................................................................................721
706 TRAINING ........................................................................................722
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................706 724
MT EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................707 Vibration Analysis (VA)
OTHER MT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME)......................................707 ACCESSORIES .................................................................................724
CONSULTING ..................................................................................707 VA EQUIPMENT................................................................................724
TESTING .........................................................................................708 OTHER VA PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).......................................724
TRAINING .......................................................................................710 CONSULTING ...................................................................................724
710 TRAINING ........................................................................................724
Microwave Testing (MW)
MW EQUIPMENT .............................................................................710 725
CONSULTING ..................................................................................710 Visual and Optical Testing (VT)
TESTING .........................................................................................710 ACCESSORIES.................................................................................725
TRAINING .......................................................................................710 BORESCOPES .................................................................................725
IMAGING DOCUMENTATION............................................................725
711 MATERIALS ANALYSIS.....................................................................725
Neutron Radiographic Testing (NR) MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT...........................................................726
REMOTE VIEWING ...........................................................................726
NR EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................711
OTHER VT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME) ......................................726
CONSULTING ..................................................................................726
TESTING .........................................................................................711
TESTING .........................................................................................727
TRAINING .......................................................................................728

Radiographic Testing (RT) 728
ACCESSORIES .................................................................................711
Specialized NDT and PdM Techniques (SP)
SPECIALIZED NDT AND PDM EQUIPMENT.........................................728
COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY .............................................................711
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY..............................................................711
CONSULTING ..................................................................................730
DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY ...................................................................711
TESTING .........................................................................................730
GAMMA RADIOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT ..............................................712
TRAINING .......................................................................................730
RADIATION DETECTORS & IMAGING SYSTEMS .................................712
RADIOGRAPHY ACCESSORIES..........................................................712
SAFETY EQUIPMENT ........................................................................714
X-RAY GENERATORS........................................................................714
OTHER RT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC NAME).......................................714
TESTING .........................................................................................715

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
acoustic emission testing w

Ofil, Ltd. (M) Cooperheat Saudi Arabia Co., Ltd. Lucid Software, Ltd. (M)
LEGEND: (M) = Manufacturer
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. Elsys Instruments (M) Massmedia, Ltd.
Physical Acoustics (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc.
Acoustic Emission Pine
Polytec, Inc.
GammaTec Arabia
Gammatec NDT Supplies
Namicon Testing Srl.
Naya Engineering Services (M)
Testing (AE) Quality NDE, Ltd.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Inspectech Analygas Group (M)
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Physical Acoustics (M)
ACCESSORIES Safe Inspection Technology (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M)
1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment Score Atlanta, Inc. (M) Massmedia, Ltd. Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
Maintenance Group (M) Smith & Sons Services Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Ultracon Service, LLC (M)
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M)
Acoustic Technology Group Specpro Naya Engineering Services (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
AETS-NDT, LLC Stresstech Oy Physical Acoustics (M) Electromechanical
Attar Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Pine Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Candet Tecnatom, S.A. Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Test Equipment Connection Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Texas Research International (M) Test Equipment Connection
GammaTec Arabia
Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M)
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. (M)
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Acoustic Technology Group
Innovation Polymers (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Electromechanical Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Inspectech Analygas Group (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. SENSORS (PIEZOELECTRIC AETS-NDT, LLC
Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC
Vision Financial Group, Inc. TRANSDUCERS) Candet
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. (M) Dunegan Engineering Co., Inc. (M)
Kistler Instrument Corp. (M)
Acoustic Technology Group Feole Technologies, Inc.
Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Massmedia, Ltd.
MONITORS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals FlawTech (M)
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. AETS-NDT, LLC GammaTec Arabia
Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Acoustic Technology Group Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
Mistras Group, Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Andrew NDT Engineering (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Namicon Testing, Srl.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Arcmart Indonesia Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Services Attar Massmedia, Ltd.
NDT Seals, Inc. (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Candet Mistras Group, Inc.
Physical Acoustics (M) Arcmart Indonesia (M) Dunegan Engineering Co., Inc. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl.
Pine Attar Feole Technologies, Inc. Naya Engineering Services (M)
Qualimation (M) Candet GammaTec Arabia PH Tool Reference Standards (M)
Quality NDE, Ltd. CTRL Systems, Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies Physical Acoustics (M)
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Detek, Inc. GE Energy (M) Pine
Smith & Sons Services Dunegan Engineering Co., Inc. (M) JEM Manufacturing Score Atlanta, Inc. (M)
Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Sonaspection International, Inc. (M)
Stresstech Oy GammaTec Arabia Kistler Instrument Corp. (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M)
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies Llog, S.A. de C.V. Test Equipment Connection
Test Equipment Connection Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Lucid Software, Ltd. (M) Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M)
Testima JEM Manufacturing Massmedia, Ltd. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Measurement Specialties, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
US Ultratek, Inc. (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M) Morgan Advanced Materials (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Namicon Testing, Srl.
Magnetic Products and Services (M) Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc.
Electromechanical Naya Engineering Services (M)
Massmedia, Ltd. Acoustic Technology Group
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. NLA Diagnostics (M)
Namicon Testing, Srl. Ademinsa
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Physical Acoustics (M)
Naya Engineering Services (M) Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Piezo Technologies (M) Training, LLC
INSTRUMENTS AND SYSTEMS NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Pine
Ofil, Ltd. (M) Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Acoustic Technology Group RIST (M) Services
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals PCE Instruments (M) Score Atlanta, Inc. (M) Alpha Testing Services
AETS-NDT, LLC Physical Acoustics (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Andrew NDT Engineering
Agency Def Develop (M) Pine Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Applied Technical Services
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) QA Technologies, Inc. Tecnatom, S.A. Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Attar RIST (M) Test Equipment Connection Construction Technology
Candet Score Atlanta, Inc. (M) Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Aucella & Assoc.
Detek, Inc. Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Ultran Group (M) Business Solutions-USA, LLC
Dunegan Engineering Co., Inc. (M) Smith & Sons Services Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M) Candet
Elsys Instruments (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Crossroads Institute
Feole Technologies, Inc. Specpro Electromechanical Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
GammaTec Arabia Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Institute
Gammatec NDT Supplies Testima Vision Financial Group, Inc. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
GE Energy (M) Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Elsys Instruments
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Vacuum Processes, Inc. (M) Energy Workforce, Sdn. Bhd.
Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M) SOFTWARE
GammaTec Arabia
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Acoustic Technology Group
Global Oil Inspectindo
Kistler Instrument Corp. (M) Electromechanical AETS-NDT, LLC
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Haward Technology
MATsolutions Vision Financial Group, Inc. Attar
Heat Exchanger Systems
Mistras Group, Inc. Candet
RECORDERS Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
MKC Korea (M) Dunegan Engineering Co., Inc. (M)
Acoustic Technology Group Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Namicon Testing, Srl. Feole Technologies, Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals International Testing and Inspection
Naya Engineering Services (M) GammaTec Arabia Services, Inc.
AETS-NDT, LLC Gammatec NDT Supplies
NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Agency Def Develop (M) Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
NDT Solutions GE Energy (M) KB Inspection Services
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
NDT, Inc. Astro-Med, Inc. (M) Massmedia, Ltd.
NLA Diagnostics (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Mei-Charlton, Inc.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x acoustic emission testing • electromagnetic testing

Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &

Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Polytec, Inc. Electromechanical Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Mistras Group, Inc. Qualimation Wichita State University Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Naya Engineering Services Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. X-Ray Assoc., LLC Andrew NDT Engineering (M)
NLA Diagnostics Quest Integrity Group, LLC Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Bookholt Assoc.
OCA International RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Candet
Physical Acoustics Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting CoreStar International Corp. (M)
Pine Services Detek, Inc.
PQNDT, Inc. Sonic Systems International Electromagnetic Testing Eastern NDT, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Southern Inspection Services (ET) Eclipse Scientific (M)
Elsys Instruments (M)
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting SpecPro Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Services Steel Repair Services
American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
Sonic Systems International Stresstech Oy Force Technology (M)
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Source Co. for Training and Development Structural Integrity Assoc. GammaTec Arabia
Bookholt Assoc.
Southern Inspection Services Structural Technology, Inc. Gammatec NDT Supplies
SpecPro Team Industrial Services GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Centurion NDT, Inc. (M)
Steel Repair Services Technical Petroleum Services Grandia NDT, Inc. (M)
Controle Mesure Systemes (M)
Structural Integrity Assoc. Tecnatom, S.A. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
CoreStar International Corp. (M)
Team Furmanite Testex, Inc. Hi-Tech Testing
Detek, Inc.
Team Industrial Services Texas Research International Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Eastern NDT, Inc.
Technical Petroleum Services Wichita State University Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M)
Eclipse Scientific (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & X-Ray Assoc., LLC J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Electromechanical Eddyfi (M)
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited (M) Kanematsu
Wichita State University TRAINING
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Llog S.A., S.A. de C.V.
X-Ray Assoc., LLC Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc.
ETher NDE, Ltd. (M) MagnaChek, Inc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Acoustic Technology Group
Feole Technologies, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Acuren Inspection, Inc.
TESTING Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M)
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia GammaTec Arabia NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. Training, LLC GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. NDT Solutions
Acoustic Technology Group Advanced Test Equipment Rentals High Tech Supplies, Inc. NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC NDT, Inc.
Ademinsa Services Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M) Newco, Inc.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & AETS-NDT, LLC Integrity Scientific Laboratory Nomo Group, Inc.
Training, LLC Alpha Testing Services Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Odyssey Technology Corp.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Applied Technical Services Kanematsu (M) Pine
Services Asian Institute of Petroleum and LCNDT Corp. Quality NDE, Ltd.
AETS-NDT, LLC Construction Technology Librestream Technologies (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Alpha Testing Services Business Solutions-USA, LLC Llog, S.A. de C.V. Ray-Check Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Andrew NDT Engineering Crossroads Institute MagnaChek, Inc. Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments &
Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Systems (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Applied Technical Services Institute Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
Namicon Testing, Srl.
Boeing Detek, Inc. Sensima Inspection (M)
Naya Engineering Services (M)
Candet D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute SpecPro
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Crossroads Institute GammaTec Arabia Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
NDT Mart, Inc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training GE Energy Test Equipment Connection
NDT Recruiting and Placements (M)
Institute Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. TSC Inspection Systems (M)
NDT, Inc.
Detek, Inc. Haward Technology Ultracon Service, LLC (M)
New Tech Systems (M)
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Heat Exchanger Systems Universal Studios (M)
Newco, Inc.
Energy Workforce, Sdn. Bhd. Hellier Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Nomo Group, Inc. Electromechanical
Feole Technologies, Inc. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Olympus America, Inc. (M)
Fish & Assoc., Inc. International Testing and Inspection Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Pine Vision Financial Group, Inc.
GammaTec Arabia Services, Inc.
Pragma Zetec, Inc. (M)
GB Geotechnics USA, Inc. KB Inspection Services
Proceq (M)
Global Oil Inspectindo Massmedia, Ltd.
GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC Namicon Testing, Srl.
R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. 3E NDT, LLC
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. National Institute for Aviation Research
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group
Heat Exchanger Systems Naya Engineering Services
R-CON NDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group (M)
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. NLA Diagnostics
Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del OCA International Systems (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
Norte, S.A. Ofil, Ltd. Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) American NDT, Inc.
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Petrospect Inspection Services Sensima Inspection (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
International Testing and Inspection Physical Acoustics SpecPro
Services, Inc. Andesco Sales, Inc.
Polytec, Inc. Team Furmanite (M)
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Andrew NDT Engineering (M)
Qualimation Tecnitest Ingenieros (M)
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Areva (M)
Quality Control Co. Testima
KB Inspection Services Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. (M)
Quest Integrity Group, LLC Tricen Technologies (M)
Laboratory Services Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M)
Ridgewater College Trikon Technologies, Inc.
MATsolutions Bookholt Assoc.
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Ultracon Service, LLC (M)
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Candet
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting UniWest (M)
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Services Centurion NDT, Inc. (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Controle Mesure Systemes (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. Sigma Enterprises, LLC Electromechanical
Namicon Testing Srl. Source Co. for Training and Development CoreStar International Corp. (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Criterion NDT, Inc. (M)
National Institute for Aviation Research Southern Inspection Services Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services SpecPro DeFelsko Corp. (M)
Zetec, Inc. (M) Detek, Inc.
Nevada Automotive Test Center Structural Integrity Assoc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
NLA Diagnostics Team Industrial Services Eastern NDT, Inc.
OCA International Technical Petroleum Services ALTERNATING CURRENT FIELD Eclipse Scientific (M)
Ofil, Ltd. T.P. Group, S.A. MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE Eddy Current Technology, Inc. (M)
Petrospect Inspection Services Ultracon Service, LLC 4D Imaging, Inc. (M) Eddyfi (M)
Physical Acoustics Vallen Systeme, GmbH Advanced Technology Group (M) Elcometer NDT (M)

ASNT grants
686 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
electromagnetic testing w

Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc. KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) Proceq (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ltd. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. QA Technologies, Inc. Ultracon Service, LLC (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. LCNDT Corp. QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Universal Studios (M)
ETher NDE, Ltd. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Qualitest USA LC (M) Universal Technical Equipment
Feole Technologies, Inc. M-Tech Instruments (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. UniWest (M)
Feole Technologies, Inc. (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Quality Network, Inc. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Fischer Technology, Inc. (M) Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. Electromechanical
FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. R-CON NDT, Inc. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M) Marktec Corp. (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Force Technology (M) Middle East Co. RIST (M) VM Products, Inc. (M)
GammaTec Arabia Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & WesDyne Amdata (M)
Gammatec NDT Supplies Namicon Testing, Srl. Systems (M) Zetec, Inc. (M)
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Naya Engineering Services (M) Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
GE Energy (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Sensima Inspection (M) EDDY CURRENT PROBES AND
GE Measurement & Control (M) NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M)
Southwest Research Institute (M) COILS
Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) NDT Mart, Inc.
Specialist Condition Monitoring 3E NDT, LLC
Hi-Tech Testing NDT Recruiting and Placements (M)
Services, Ltd. Advanced Technology Group
High Tech Supplies, Inc. NDT Solutions
SpecPro Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
IBG NDT Systems Corp. (M) NDT Solutions (M)
Taber Industries American NDT, Inc.
Innovative Materials Testing NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Technology (M) Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
NDT, Inc.
Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Technofour (M) Andesco Sales, Inc.
New Tech Systems (M)
Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Technologies Consulting Andrew NDT Engineering (M)
Newco, Inc.
Integrity Scientific Laboratory International, Inc. Bookholt Assoc.
Nomo Group, Inc.
Intertest, Inc. Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Candet
Oceanscan USA
Intron Plus (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Centurion NDT, Inc. (M)
Odyssey Technology Corp.
Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) TecScan Systems, Inc. (M) Controle Mesure Systemes (M)
Olympus America, Inc. (M)
Iris Inspection Services, Inc. Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M) CoreStar International Corp. (M)
Oxford Instruments (M)
JEM Manufacturing (M) Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. (M) Criterion NDT, Inc. (M)
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc.
Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M) Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Detek, Inc.
PCE Instruments (M)
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Test Systems International, Inc. (M) Eastern NDT, Inc.
Phase II (M)
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Testex, Inc. (M) Eclipse Scientific (M)
Kanematsu (M) Testima Eddy Current Technology, Inc. (M)
Pragma (M)
Eddyfi (M)

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x electromagnetic testing

ETher NDE, Ltd. (M) Advanced Technology Group (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc. 4D Imaging, Inc. (M)
Feole Technologies, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Reliant NDT Systems & Services (M) Advanced NDT, Ltd.
Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & Advanced Technology Group (M)
Gammatec NDT Supplies Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC Systems (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial
GE Energy (M) Andesco Sales, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Equipment Co. (M)
GE Measurement & Control (M) Areva (M) Sensima Inspection (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. (M) Southwest Research Institute (M) American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M)
Hi-Tech Testing Bookholt Assoc. Specialist Condition Monitoring Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
High Tech Supplies, Inc. Candet Services, Ltd. Andesco Sales, Inc.
Innovative Materials Testing Contour Dynamics Inspection SpecPro Andrew NDT Engineering (M)
Technology (M) Systems (M) Structural Diagnostics, Inc. (M) Areva (M)
Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Controle Mesure Systemes (M) TAC Technical Instrument Corp. Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M)
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. (M) CoreStar International Corp. (M) Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Bookholt Assoc.
Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Criterion NDT, Inc. (M) Technofour (M) Candet
Integrity Scientific Laboratory Detek, Inc. Technologies Consulting Centurion NDT, Inc. (M)
Intertest, Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc. International, Inc. Chene Canada, Inc. (M)
Iris Inspection Services, Inc. Eclipse Scientific (M) Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Controle Mesure Systemes (M)
Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M) Eddy Current Technology, Inc. (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Eddyfi (M) TecScan Systems, Inc. (M) DeFelsko Corp. (M)
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ltd. Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Detek, Inc.
J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Eastern NDT, Inc.
Kanematsu (M) ETher NDE, Ltd. (M) Testex, Inc. (M) Eclipse Scientific (M)
KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. Testima Eddyfi (M)
LCNDT Corp. Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc. Elcometer NDT (M)
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Force Technology (M) Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
M-Tech Instruments (M) Full Service NDT, S.A. de C.V. UniWest (M) ETher NDE, Ltd. (M)
MagnaChek, Inc. Gammatec NDT Supplies Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Feole Technologies, Inc.
Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Electromechanical FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH (M)
Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. GE Energy (M) Victor Technologies, LLC (M) Fischer Technology, Inc. (M)
Marktec Corp. (M) GE Measurement & Control (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. FlawTech (M)
Namicon Testing, Srl. (M) Hi-Tech Testing VM Products, Inc. (M) Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M)
Naya Engineering Services (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. WesDyne Amdata (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. IBG NDT Systems Corp. (M) Zetec, Inc. (M) GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
NDT Mart, Inc. Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
NDT Recruiting and Placements (M) Innovative Materials Testing FLUX LEAKAGE SYSTEMS Inspectech Analygas Group (M)
NDT Solutions Technology (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory
NDT, Inc. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Andesco Sales, Inc. Intertest, Inc.
Newco, Inc. Integrity Scientific Laboratory Areva (M) Intron Plus (M)
Oceanscan USA Intertest, Inc. Bookholt Assoc. Iris Inspection Services, Inc.
Odyssey Technology Corp. Iris Inspection Services, Inc. Controle Mesure Systemes (M) ItRobotics (M)
Olympus America, Inc. (M) JEM Manufacturing Detek, Inc. Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M)
Pine Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Pragma (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Eclipse Scientific (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Proceq (M) Kanematsu (M) Eddyfi (M) Kanematsu (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M) KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M)
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) LCNDT Corp. Gammatec NDT Supplies LCNDT Corp.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Llog, S.A. de C.V. GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. M-Tech Instruments (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. M-Tech Instruments (M)
R-CON NDT, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. Integrity Scientific Laboratory MagnaChek, Inc.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) LCNDT Corp. Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M)
Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V. Magnetic Products and Services (M)
Systems (M) Marktec Corp. (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc.
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Middle East Co. Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) Marktec Corp. (M)
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Middle East Co.
Sensima Inspection (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. MKC Korea Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Southwest Research Institute (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) MSPEC (M) MKC Korea
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH NDT Recruiting and Placements (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. MSPEC (M)
Team Furmanite (M) NDT Solutions Naya Engineering Services (M) Namicon Testing, Srl.
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Naya Engineering Services (M)
Technologies Consulting NDT, Inc. NDT, Inc. NDE Information Consultants (M)
International, Inc. NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. (M)
New Tech Systems (M)
Tecnatom, S.A. (M) New Tech Systems (M) NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M)
Nomo Group, Inc.
Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M) Newco, Inc. NDT Recruiting and Placements (M)
Oceanscan USA
Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Nomo Group, Inc. NDT Solutions
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Oceanscan USA NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Testex, Inc. (M) Odyssey Technology Corp. NDT, Inc.
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Olympus America, Inc. (M) NDT Technologies, Inc. (M)
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M)
Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. New Tech Systems (M)
Scan Systems Corp. (M)
UniWest (M) Pine Newco, Inc.
Sensima Inspection (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Pragma (M) Oceanscan USA
Electromechanical Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and
Proceq (M) Services (M) Odyssey Technology Corp.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. QA Technologies, Inc. Olympus America, Inc. (M)
Southwest Research Institute (M)
Vision Financial Group, Inc. QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc.
VM Products, Inc. (M) Qualitest USA LC (M) PCE Instruments (M)
Ultracon Service, LLC (M)
Zetec, Inc. (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. PH Tool Reference Standards (M)
Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Quality Network, Inc. Phase II (M)
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. Pine

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electromagnetic testing w

Proceq (M) Trek, Inc. (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory OTHER ET PRODUCTS (BY
QA Technologies, Inc. Tricen Technologies (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. GENERIC NAME)
QC NDT Equipment, LLC Trikon Technologies, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V. 4D Imaging, Inc. (M)
Qualitest USA LC (M) Universal Technical Equipment MagnaChek, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Quality NDE, Ltd. UniWest (M) Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Quality Network, Inc. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Andrew NDT Engineering (M)
R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. Bookholt Assoc.
R-CON NDT, Inc. Zetec, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Candet
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Zitadel, Ltd. NDT Solutions Controle Mesure Systemes (M)
Ray-Check Manufacturing, Inc. (M) NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & REMOTE FIELD NDT, Inc. Detek, Inc.
Systems (M) 3E NDT, LLC Newco, Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc.
Rotesco, Inc. (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Ofil, Ltd. (M) Eclipse Scientific (M)
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M) Eddyfi (M)
Sensima Inspection (M) Andesco Sales, Inc. Pine Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Andrew NDT Engineering (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. ETher NDE, Ltd. (M)
Sitco Precision Machining Co., Ltd. (M) Bookholt Assoc. R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. Extende
Southwest Research Institute (M) Candet Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc.
Specialist Condition Monitoring Controle Mesure Systemes (M) R-CON NDT, Inc. Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M)
Services, Ltd. CoreStar International Corp. (M) Remote Video & Tool Engineering, GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
SpecPro Detek, Inc. LLC (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Stresstech Oy (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Infolytica Corp. (M)
TCP Pruftechnik ,GmbH Eclipse Scientific (M) Sensima Inspection (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
Team Furmanite (M) Eddy Current Technology, Inc. (M) Southwest Research Institute (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Eddyfi (M) Techno Scientific, Inc. Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M)
Technofour (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Technologies Consulting Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Technologies Consulting Feole Technologies, Inc. International, Inc. Kanematsu (M)
International, Inc. Gammatec NDT Supplies Testex, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Tecnatom, S.A. (M) GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. MagnaChek, Inc.
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Magsoft Corp.
Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Hi-Tech Testing Zetec, Inc. (M) Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc.
Teseq (M) Innovative Materials Testing Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Test Equipment Connection Technology (M) M-Tech Instruments (M)
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Inspection Technologies, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x electromagnetic testing

Naya Engineering Services (M) Integrated Quality Services WesDyne Amdata Kinetic Solutions, LLC
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. ITC Co., Ltd. Wichita State University Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
New Tech Systems (M) JECNDT, LLC Zetec, Inc. Labcan
Newco, Inc. JETS, Inc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Laboratory Services
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Zuuk International, Inc. LPI, Inc.
PH Tool Reference Standards (M) Jubail Industrial College M-Tech Instruments
Picometrix, LLC an API Co. (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. TESTING MagnaChek, Inc.
Pine KB Inspection Services 3angles, Inc. Magnetic Analysis Corp.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Kinetic Solutions, LLC A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. Magnetic Products and Services
Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & Kraft Technology Resources, LLC ABC Testing, Inc. Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc.
Systems (M) Level III Service, LLC Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) LPI, Inc. ACNDT, Inc. Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Sonaspection International, Inc. (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc. Merrick Group, Inc.
Stresstech Oy Magnetic Analysis Corp. Ademinsa Met Chem Testing Laboratories
Team Furmanite (M) Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Miami NDT, Inc.
Technofour (M) Training, LLC
Massmedia, Ltd. Middle East Industrial Training Institute
Test Equipment Connection Advanced Technology Group
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Mistras Group, Inc.
Testex, Inc. (M) Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Morex 71, Ltd.
Tricen Technologies (M) Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Merrick Group, Inc. Services MSPEC
TSC Inspection Systems Miami NDT, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
Air Services
UniWest (M) Morex 71, Ltd. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Aircraft Inspection Services
Victor Technologies, LLC (M) MSPEC National Institute for Aviation Research
Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Naya Engineering Services
Andrew NDT Engineering
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Naya Engineering Services NDE Professionals, Inc.
Apex Industrial Services
Zetec, Inc. (M) NDE Consulting NDT Classroom, Inc.
Applied Technical Services
NDE Professionals, Inc. Aqualified, LLC NDT Consultancy Services
NDT Classroom, Inc. Areva NDT Solutions
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd.
NDT Consultancy Services Array Training, Ltd. NDT Solutions, Inc.
ABC Testing, Inc.
NDT Consultants, Ltd. ASG Inspection, Ltd. NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
NDT Consulting Group, Inc. BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray NDT Specialists, Inc.
Acuren Inspection, Inc.
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Boeing Nevada Automotive Test Center
NDT Specialists, Inc. Boston Centerless Newco, Inc.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Training, LLC NDT Technology (P), Ltd. BRL Consultants, Inc. OCA International
Advanced Technology Group NDT Training & Testing Center Bureau Veritas Pacific Island Inspection
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Newco, Inc. Canadian Institute For NDE PaR Systems, Inc.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & OCA International Candet Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC
Services Oceanscan USA Canyon State Inspection Petrospect Inspection Services
Air Services PaR Systems, Inc. Certus Energy Solutions Phateco Technical Services Joint
Aircraft Inspection Services Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Stock Co.
Cowley County Community College
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Phateco Technical Services Joint PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
Crossroads Institute
Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC Stock Co. QC Laboratories, Inc.
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
Apex Industrial Services Pine QNDT Services, LLC
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Applied Technical Services PQT Services, Inc. Institute Quad City Testing Laboratory
Aqualified, LLC PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Detek, Inc. Quality Inspection Services, Inc.
Areva QA Technologies, Inc. D.K .Shah NDT Training Institute Quality Material Inspection, Inc.
Array Training, Ltd. QNDT Services, LLC Eastern NDT, Inc. Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Quad City Testing Laboratory Eclipse Scientific Qualtech NDE
Construction Technology Quality Testing Services, Inc. Energy Workforce, Sdn. Bhd. Quest Integrity Group, LLC
Birring NDE Center Quest Integrity Group, LLC Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Reinhart & Assoc., Inc.
BRL Consultants, Inc. R-CON NDT, Inc. Engineering & Inspection International Reliant NDT Systems & Services
Bureau Veritas Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
Candet RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc. Rosen
Cowley County Community College Rosen Exodrill Rotesco, Inc.
Crossroads Institute Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Feole Technologies, Inc. Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Services Services
FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
Foerster Instruments, Inc.
Institute Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
GB Geotechnics USA, Inc.
Divers Academy International Sector Cert, GmbH Sensima Inspection
GE Inspection Services
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Sensima Inspection Signature TechnicAir
GE Measurement & Control
Eastern NDT, Inc. Sky Prime Aviation Services SILA Kalite
General Testing & Inspection
Eclipse Scientific Sonic Systems International Sky Prime Aviation Services
Global Oil Inspectindo
Eddyfi Sonomatic, Inc. Sonartech
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Energy Workforce, Sdn. Bhd. Source Co. for Training and Development Sonic Systems International
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Southern Inspection Services Sonomatic, Inc.
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Engineering Quality Inspection Services Southwest Research Institute Source Co. for Training and Development
Innovative Materials Testing Technology
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Specialized NDE, Inc. Specialist Condition Monitoring
Insight Quality Services Services, Ltd.
ETher NDE, Ltd. SpecPro
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. SpecPro
Exodrill Steel Repair Services
Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. Steel Repair Services
Extende Summit Group
Integrated Inspection & Surveying Stresstech Oy
Feole Technologies, Inc. Team Furmanite
Integrated Quality Services Structural Integrity Assoc.
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Team Industrial Services
Intron Plus Sub Source, Inc.
GE Inspection Services Technologies Consulting
International, Inc. Iris Inspection Services, Inc. Team Furmanite
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. ITC Co., Ltd.
Haward Technology Tecnatom, S.A. Team Industrial Services
Technical Petroleum Services JANX Team QualSpec
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Test NDT, LLC Technical Petroleum Services
Texas Research International Jentek Sensors, Inc. Technologies Consulting
ImechE Engineering Training Solutions JETS, Inc.
Tricen Technologies International, Inc.
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Ultracon Service, LLC Tecnatom, S.A.
Innovative Materials Testing Technology Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Test NDT, LLC
Insight Quality Services KB Inspection Services
Welder Training & Testing Institute Testex, Inc.
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.

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electromagnetic testing • ground penetrating radar w

Texas Research International M-Tech Instruments Ground Penetrating TESTING

Tricen Technologies MagnaChek, Inc. ABC Testing, Inc.
TSC Inspection Systems Magnetic Analysis Corp. Radar (GPR) ACNDT, Inc.
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc.
UniWest Massmedia, Ltd. ACCESSORIES Ademinsa
US Underwater Services, LLC Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (M) Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc.
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Mei-Charlton, Inc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc. American Inspection Services, Inc.
Versa Integrity Group Merrick Group, Inc. LCNDT Corp. ATS RheoSystems
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH Mistras Group, Inc. Mala GeoScience USA, Inc. (M) Baker Testing Services, Inc.
Welder Training & Testing Institute Moraine Valley Community College Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Boeing
WesDyne Amdata Morex 71, Ltd. Namicon Testing, Srl. Bureau Veritas
West Penn Testing Group MSPEC Naya Engineering Services (M) Canyon State Inspection
Wichita State University Namicon Testing, Srl. Newco, Inc. Crossroads Institute
Zetec, Inc. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Pine Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. National Institute for Aviation Research Sensors & Software, Inc. (M) Institute
Zuuk International, Inc. Naya Engineering Services US Radar (M) Fish & Assoc., Inc.
NDE Consulting Vision Financial Group, Inc. GB Geotechnics USA, Inc.
TRAINING NDT Classroom, Inc. GE Inspection Services
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. GPR EQUIPMENT
NDT Consultancy Services Advanced Test Equipment Rentals GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC
Acuren Inspection, Inc. NDT Consultants, Ltd. Integrated Quality Services
Ademinsa Elcometer NDT (M)
NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (M) International Testing and Inspection
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & NDT Recruiting and Placements Services, Inc.
Training, LLC Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M)
NDT Solutions JANX
Advanced Technology Group J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
NDT Solutions, Inc. Jentek Sensors, Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals LCNDT Corp.
NDT Solutions India Ltd. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Lucid Software, Ltd. (M)
NDT Technology, Ltd. Metalcare Group, Inc.
Services Mala GeoScience USA, Inc. (M)
NDT Training & Testing Center Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Newco, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc.
Air Services Namicon Testing, Srl.
OCA International Multitest, Ltd.
Aircraft Inspection Services Naya Engineering Services (M)
Ocean Corp. Naya Engineering Services
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Newco, Inc.
Ofil, Ltd. Newco, Inc.
Apex Industrial Services Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M)
Petrospect Inspection Services Pacific Island Inspection
Applied Technical Services Pine
Phateco Technical Services Joint Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Aqualified, LLC Quality NDE, Ltd.
Stock Co. PT Gavco Indonesia
Array Training, Ltd. Sensors & Software, Inc. (M)
PQT Services, Inc. QC Laboratories, Inc.
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Qualimation
Construction Technology US Radar (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Birring NDE Center Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
QNDT Services, LLC Electromechanical Reinhart & Assoc., Inc.
BRL Consultants, Inc.
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Rosen
Bureau Veritas
Qualtech NDE S&ME, Inc.
Canadian Institute For NDE
CoreStar International Corp. R-CON NDT, Inc. OTHER GPR PRODUCTS (BY Sensors & Software, Inc.
Cowley County Community College Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. GENERIC NAME) Source Co. for Training and Development
Ridgewater College FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Steel Repair Services
Crossroads Institute
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (M) Structural Integrity Assoc.
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & Mala GeoScience USA, Inc. (M) Team Furmanite
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Institute Systems Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Team QualSpec
Detek, Inc. Rotesco, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. Technologies Consulting
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Newco, Inc. International, Inc.
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Services Pine Tricen Technologies
Eastern NDT, Inc.
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Sensors & Software, Inc. (M) Unified Testing Services, Inc.
Eclipse Scientific
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. US Radar (M)
Sector Cert, GmbH Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Energy Workforce, Sdn. Bhd. Acuren Inspection, Inc.
SILA Kalite
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited CONSULTING Ademinsa
Source Co. for Training and Development
Engineering Quality Inspection Services ABC Testing, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Southern Inspection Services
Extende Acuren Inspection, Inc. Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Feole Technologies, Inc. Ademinsa Construction Technology
Steel Repair Services
Foerster Instruments, Inc. Asian Institute of Petroleum and ATS RheoSystems
Structural Integrity Assoc.
Full Circle Studios Construction Technology Crossroads Institute
Summit Group
GE Energy Crossroads Institute Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Team Furmanite Institute
GE Measurement & Control Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Team Industrial Services Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc.
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Institute
Technical Petroleum Services Haward Technology
Haward Technology GE Inspection Services
Technologies Consulting Jentek Sensors, Inc.
Hellier International, Inc. Haward Technology
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. International Testing and Inspection Mala GeoScience USA, Inc.
Tecnatom, S.A.
ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Services, Inc. Massmedia, Ltd.
Tecnitest Ingenieros
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Mala GeoScience USA, Inc. Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Innovative Materials Testing Technology Massmedia, Ltd. Mistras Group, Inc.
T.P. Group, S.A.
Insight Quality Services Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Multitest, Ltd., Ltd.
Tricen Technologies
Inspectech Analygas Group Mistras Group, Inc. Naya Engineering Services
TSC Inspection Systems
Integrity Scientific Laboratory Naya Engineering Services NDT Classroom, Inc.
TWI, Ltd.
ITC Co., Ltd. NDT Classroom, Inc. Newco, Inc.
Ultracon Service, LLC
JECNDT, LLC Newco, Inc. Qualimation
United NDT Training & Inspection Center
Jentek Sensors, Inc. Pine Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
University of Ultrasonics Services
JETS, Inc. Qualimation
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Sensors & Software, Inc.
Jubail Industrial College Rosen
Vector TUB, GmbH Source Co. for Training and Development
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Sensors & Software, Inc.
Welder Training & Testing Institute Steel Repair Services
KB Inspection Services Source Co. for Training and Development
Wichita State University Structural Integrity Assoc.
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Steel Repair Services
Zetec, Inc.
Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Structural Integrity Assoc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Level III Service, LLC Zuuk International, Inc.

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All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x guided wave testing

Guided Wave Testing Mistras Group, Inc. (M) CONSULTING Mistras Group, Inc.
Namicon Testing, Srl. ABM Franchising Group Namicon Testing , Srl.
(GW) NDT Automation (M) Acuren Inspection, Inc. NDT International, Inc.
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Ademinsa Olympus America, Inc.
ACCESSORIES NDT International, Inc. Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Petrospect Inspection Services
AcousticEye, Ltd. (M) Newco, Inc. Training, LLC Plant Integrity, Ltd.
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Nomo Group, Inc. Arcmart Indonesia Polytec, Inc.
Applied Test Systems (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M) Asian Institute of Petroleum and Qualimation
Arcmart Indonesia Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Construction Technology Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) Plant Integrity, Ltd. (M) Business Solutions-USA, LLC Qualtech NDE
Bookholt Assoc. Polytec, Inc. Crossroads Institute Rosen
DolphiTech (M) Pragma (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Extende Qualimation (M) Institute Services
Feature Based Systems, Inc. (M) Qualitek, LLC Eclipse Scientific SILA Kalite
Feole Technologies, Inc. Qualitest USA LC (M) Extende Sky Prime Aviation Services
FlawTech (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. GE Inspection Services Skytesting Services, Inc.
Gammatec NDT Supplies Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Sonic Systems International
GE Energy (M) Safe Inspection Technology (M) Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Sonomatic, Inc.
Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Haward Technology Source Co. for Training and Development
Technologies Co., Ltd. (M) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. SpecPro
Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics,
Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. (M) Inc. (M) Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Steel Repair Services
Guided Wave Analysis, LLC (M) Southwest Research Institute (M) Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Structural Integrity Assoc.
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) SpecPro MagnaChek, Inc. Team QualSpec
Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc. Massmedia, Ltd. Technical Petroleum Services
Innovation Polymers (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Mei-Charlton, Inc. Tricen Technologies
Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Electromechanical Mistras Group, Inc. Versa Integrity Group
Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. NDT Classroom, Inc. Wichita State University
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Pine Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
LCNDT Corp. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Plant Integrity, Ltd.
Librestream Technologies (M) Qualimation TRAINING
MagnaChek, Inc. SYSTEMS Quality NDE, Ltd. ABM Franchising Group
Middle East Co. AcousticEye, Ltd. (M) Rosen AcousticEye, Ltd.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Adaptive Energy (M) Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Ademinsa
Morgan Advanced Materials (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Services Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Namicon Testing, Srl. Arcmart Indonesia SILA Kalite Training, LLC
NDT Automation (M) Areva (M) Sky Prime Aviation Services Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) Skytesting Services, Inc. Arcmart Indonesia
NDT International, Inc. Bookholt Assoc. Sonic Systems International Asian Institute of Petroleum and
NDT Seals, Inc. (M) DolphiTech (M) Sonomatic, Inc. Construction Technology
Newco, Inc. Feature Based Systems, Inc. (M) Source Co. for Training and Development Crossroads Institute
Olympus America, Inc. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. SpecPro Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Plant Integrity, Ltd. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies Technical Petroleum Services Institute
Pragma (M) GE Energy (M) Tricen Technologies Eclipse Scientific
Qualitek, LLC Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. (M) Wichita State University Extende
Quality NDE, Ltd. Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. GE Energy
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Hi-Tech Testing Guided Wave Analysis, LLC
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) TESTING Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics, Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) ABM Franchising Group Haward Technology
Inc. (M) LCNDT Corp. Acuren Inspection, Inc. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Southwest Research Institute (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Ademinsa Innerspec Technologies, Inc.
SpecPro Middle East Co. Advanced Corrosion Technologies & MagnaChek, Inc.
TAC Technical Instrument Corp. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Training, LLC Massmedia, Ltd.
Tecnitest Ingenieros Namicon Testing, Srl. Airstar, Inc. Moraine Valley Community College
Trikon Technologies, Inc. NDT Automation (M) American Inspection Services, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Arcmart Indonesia Naya Engineering Services
Electromechanical NDT International, Inc. Areva NDT Classroom, Inc.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC Olympus America, Inc.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Newco, Inc. BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray Plant Integrity, Ltd.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Olympus America, Inc. (M) Boeing Qualimation
PaR Systems, Inc. (M) Bureau Veritas Qualitek, LLC
INSTRUMENTS Piezo Technologies (M) Crossroads Institute Quality Control Co.
AcousticEye, Ltd. (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Plant Integrity, Ltd. (M)
Adaptive Energy (M) Institute Services
Pragma (M)
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Diamond Technical Services, Inc. Sigma Enterprises, LLC
Qualitek, LLC
Arcmart Indonesia Eclipse Scientific SILA Kalite
Quality NDE, Ltd.
Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) Engineering & Inspection International Source Co. for Training and Development
Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
Bookholt Assoc. GB Geotechnics USA, Inc. SpecPro
Safe Inspection Technology (M)
DolphiTech (M) GE Inspection Services Technical Petroleum Services
Feature Based Systems, Inc. (M) Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Wichita State University
Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics, Technologies Co., Ltd.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Inc. (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Gammatec NDT Supplies Guided Wave Analysis, LLC
Southwest Research Institute (M) TRANSDUCERS AND
GE Energy (M) Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. (M) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
TAC Technical Instrument Corp. (M) AcousticEye, Ltd. (M)
Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Innerspec Technologies, Inc.
Techno Scientific, Inc. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Arcmart Indonesia
Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M)
Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Integrated Inspection & Surveying
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Bookholt Assoc.
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Electromechanical JANX
LCNDT Corp. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. DolphiTech (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
M2M (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Elsys Instruments (M)
Vision Financial Group, Inc.
MagnaChek, Inc. Mei-Charlton, Inc. Feature Based Systems, Inc. (M)
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Middle East Co. Metalcare Group, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc.

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692 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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x guided wave testing • identification of materials

Gammatec NDT Supplies Advantest (M) Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Naya Engineering Services
GE Energy (M) Agency Def Develop (M) SpecPro Newco, Inc.
Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. TCP Pruftechnik GmbH OCA International
Technologies Co., Ltd. (M) American NDT, Inc. Technology for Energy Corp. (M) Oceanscan USA
Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. (M) American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Panalytical
Guided Wave Analysis, LLC (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC PaR Systems, Inc.
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Andrew NDT Engineering (M) Thales (M) Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC
Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Bruker (M) Thermo Fisher Scientific (M) Phateco Technical Services Joint
Innovation Polymers (M) Candet Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Stock Co.
LCNDT Corp. Centurion NDT, Inc. (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc. Pine
MagnaChek, Inc. Comet Technologies USA, Inc. (M) Universal Technical Equipment QNDT Services, LLC
Middle East Co. Detek, Inc. UniWest (M) Rosen
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Eastern Applied Research, Inc. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & S&ME, Inc.
Morgan Advanced Materials (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. Electromechanical Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Namicon Testing, Srl. Eclipse Scientific (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Services
NDT Automation (M) Elcometer NDT (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Feole Technologies, Inc. Zomega Terahertz Corp. (M) SCI Control & Inspeccion
NDT International, Inc. Fischer Technology, Inc. (M) SGS Group Industrial Services
NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) OTHER IM PRODUCTS (BY Sky Prime Aviation Services
Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M)
Newco, Inc. GENERIC NAME) Source Co. for Training and Development
Gammatec NDT Supplies
Nomo Group, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals SpecPro
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Olympus America, Inc. (M) Detek, Inc. Steel Repair Services
GE Energy (M)
Piezo Technologies (M) Eastern Applied Research, Inc. Structural Integrity Assoc.
GE Measurement & Control (M)
Plant Integrity, Ltd. (M) Eclipse Scientific (M) Team Industrial Services
Hamamatsu Corp. (M)
Pragma (M) FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Technologies Consulting
Hi-Tech Testing
Qualitek, LLC GE Energy (M) International, Inc.
High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Integrity Scientific Laboratory Texas Research International
Hills Metals Est
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M) Vibrant Corp.
Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M)
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Wichita State University
Innovative Materials Testing
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Technology (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Zomega Terahertz Corp.
Sigma Transducers, Inc. (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Mobile Epiphany (M) TESTING
Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics, Integrity Scientific Laboratory A Lab Corp.
Inc. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
Naya Engineering Services (M) ABC Testing, Inc.
Southwest Research Institute (M) JEM Manufacturing
Newco, Inc. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
SpecPro Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M)
Pine ACNDT, Inc.
Technisonic Research, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Qualitek, LLC Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Vibrant Corp. Ademinsa
Tecnitest Ingenieros LAURUS Systems, Inc.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Trikon Technologies, Inc. LCNDT Corp. Training, LLC
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Electromechanical
LED MicRosensor NT (M) Advantest
Electromechanical Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Llog, S.A. de C.V. AEIS
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Vision Financial Group, Inc.
M-Tech Instruments (M) Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Zomega Terahertz Corp. (M)
MagnaChek, Inc. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Marktec Corp. CONSULTING Services
Micro Photonics, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc. Andrew NDT Engineering
Middle East Co. Ademinsa Apex Industrial Services
Identification of Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Applied Inspection Systems, Inc.
MPM Products, Inc. Training, LLC Applied Technical Services
Materials (IM) Namicon Testing, Srl. AEIS ASM International
Naya Engineering Services (M) Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & ATS RheoSystems
ACCESSORIES NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Services Baker Testing Services, Inc.
American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M) NDT Solutions Andrew NDT Engineering BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray
Bruker (M) NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Apex Industrial Services Boeing
Detek, Inc. NDT, Inc. Applied Technical Services Boston Centerless
Eastern Applied Research, Inc. Newco, Inc. Asian Institute of Petroleum and Bureau Veritas
Eclipse Scientific (M) Nomo Group, Inc. Construction Technology Canyon State Inspection
GE Measurement & Control (M) Ocean Optics (M) Crossroads Institute Crossroads Institute
Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC Oceanscan USA Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Danco Inspection Service, Inc.
Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M) Odyssey Technology Corp. Institute
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Integrity Scientific Laboratory Olympus America, Inc. (M) Eastern Applied Research, Inc. Institute
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Oxford Instruments (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. Detek, Inc.
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Panalytical (M) Eclipse Scientific Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
MagnaChek, Inc. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Picometrix, LLC an API Co. (M) Engineering Quality Inspection Services Eastern Applied Research, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Pine GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Eastern NDT, Inc.
NDT Seals, Inc. (M) Polytec, Inc. GE Inspection Services Eclipse Scientific
NDT, Inc. Proceq (M) Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Element Materials Technology
Newco, Inc. Proto Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Ocean Optics (M) Qualitek, LLC Haward Technology Engineering & Inspection International
Oceanscan USA Qualitest USA LC (M) ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Oxford Instruments (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. Insight Quality Services ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Pine Quality Network, Inc. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH
Proceq (M) Quickshot XRF Integrated Quality Services GE Inspection Services
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. ITC Co., Ltd. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & R-CON NDT, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Electromechanical Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Kinetic Solutions, LLC H&M Analytical Services
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & LPI, Inc. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Systems (M) Massmedia, Ltd. Industrial Testing Laboratory
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Services, LLC
IM PRODUCTS Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals SE International, Inc. Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (M) Mistras Group, Inc. Norte, S.A.

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identification of material • infrared and thermal testing w

Insight Quality Services TRAINING Newco, Inc. Vicon Infrared (M)

Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Acuren Inspection, Inc. Nomo Group, Inc. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. Ademinsa Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Integrated Quality Services Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Pine Williamson Corp. (M)
International Testing and Inspection Training, LLC Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Wohler USA, Inc. (M)
Services, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc. Xenics (M)
ITC Co., Ltd. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Snell Group Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
JANX Services Source Co. for Training and Development
Jentek Sensors, Inc. Apex Industrial Services Starmans Electronics, Ltd. (M) OTHER IR PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Applied Technical Services Techno Scientific, Inc. NAME)
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Asian Institute of Petroleum and Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
KB Inspection Services Construction Technology Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Applied Scintillation Technologies (M)
Kinetic Solutions, LLC ATS RheoSystems Electromechanical Arcadia Aerospace Industries (M)
Kodex, Inc. Crossroads Institute Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Consulting & Inspection Services
Laboratory Testing, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Vision Financial Group, Inc. Failure Prevention Assoc.
Loenbro, Inc. Institute FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
LPI, Inc. Detek, Inc. IR EQUIPMENT FlawTech (M)
Lucideon Eastern Applied Research, Inc. Advanced Inspection Technologies FLIR Systems, Inc. (M)
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Eastern NDT, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Fluke Corp. (M)
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Eclipse Scientific Alternative Vision Corp. (M) IRISS, Inc. (M)
Metalcare Group, Inc. Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. LED MicRosensor NT (M)
Middle East Industrial Training Institute Engineering Quality Inspection Services Applied Scintillation Technologies (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Mobile Epiphany Foerster Instruments, Inc. Areva (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Multitest, Ltd. GE Energy Atlas Inspection Technologies Newco, Inc.
Namicon Testing, Srl. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. ATS RheoSystems Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc.
National Institute for Aviation Research Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M) Panalytical (M)
Naya Engineering Services Haward Technology Candet Pine
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Centura X-Ray NDT Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc.
Newco, Inc. Insight Quality Services Consulting & Inspection Services Snell Group
OCA International Intron Plus Drysdale & Assoc., Inc. Source Co. for Training and Development
PaR Systems, Inc. ITC Co., Ltd. Failure Prevention Assoc. Specialized Camera Sales
Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Jentek Sensors, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc. Stockton Infrared Thermographic
Petrospect Inspection Services Kinetic Solutions, LLC FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Services
PH Tool Reference Standards Massmedia, Ltd. Fluke Corp. (M) Test Equipment Connection
Phateco Technical Services Joint Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Gammatec NDT Supplies Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. (M)
Stock Co. Mobile Epiphany GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. UTC Aerospace Systems (M)
Polytec, Inc. Multitest, Ltd. Hamamatsu Corp. (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading
Prime NDT Services, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) & Electromechanical
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. National Institute for Aviation Research IRcameras, LLC (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Professional Inspection Services, Ltd. Naya Engineering Services IRISS, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Proto Manufacturing, Inc. New Tech Systems JEM Manufacturing Xenics (M)
QNDT Services, LLC Newco, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Zomega Terahertz Corp. (M)
Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. OCA International LED MicRosensor NT (M)
Quality Inspection Services, Inc. Panalytical Llog, S.A. de C.V.
ABM Franchising Group
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Phateco Technical Services Joint Lucid Software, Ltd. (M)
Stock Co. Academy of Infrared Training, Inc.
Quest Integrity Group, LLC Micro Photonics, Inc.
Proto Manufacturing, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Ademinsa
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services moviTherm (M)
Services Advanced Technology Group
Rosen Namicon Testing, Srl.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Applied Technical Services
S&ME, Inc. NDT Automation (M)
SCI Control & Inspeccion Arcadia Aerospace Industries
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Sigma Enterprises, LLC Areva
Services NDT, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Newco, Inc. Construction Technology
SCI Control & Inspeccion SpecPro Nexxis
Steel City NDT, LLC Consulting & Inspection Services
SGS Group Industrial Services Nomo Group, Inc. Crossroads Institute
SILA Kalite Steel Repair Services Oceanscan USA
Structural Integrity Assoc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Sky Prime Aviation Services Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc. Institute
Sonotest, S.A. Team Industrial Services Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Source Co. for Training and Development Technologies Consulting PCE Instruments (M)
International, Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services
SpecPro Phoenix Imaging (M) FLIR Systems, Inc.
Technology for Energy Corp. Pine
Steel City NDT, LLC Great Lakes Infrared
Tecnitest Ingenieros Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Steel Repair Services Haward Technology
Wichita State University Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Structural Integrity Assoc. ImechE Engineering Training Solutions
Team Furmanite Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (M) Infrared Research, Inc.
Team Industrial Services Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc. Infraspection Institute
Team QualSpec Infrared and Thermal Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Technologies Consulting Snell Group
International, Inc. Testing (IR) Source Co. for Training and Development
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Technology for Energy Corp. Specialized Camera Sales Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Texas Research International ACCESSORIES SpecPro
Alternative Vision Corp. (M) Kinetic Solutions, LLC
T.P. Group, S.A. Starmans Electronics, Ltd. (M) LPI, Inc.
Tricen Technologies Consulting & Inspection Services Stroud Systems, Inc.
FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Massmedia, Ltd.
Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Techno Scientific, Inc. Mei-Charlton, Inc.
TWI, Ltd. Fluke Corp. (M) Test Equipment Connection
Gammatec NDT Supplies Miami NDT, Inc.
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Versa Integrity Group IRISS, Inc. (M) Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. (M)
Librestream Technologies (M) Mistras Group, Inc.
Vibrant Corp. UTC Aerospace Systems (M) moviTherm
West Penn Testing Group Llog, S.A. de C.V. Uvirco Technologies, Ltd. (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. NDT Consulting Group, Inc.
Wichita State University V-Tek Assoc. Oceanscan USA
World Testing, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc.
Zomega Terahertz Corp. & Electromechanical PaR Systems, Inc.

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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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infrared and thermal testing • laser methods w

PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. QNDT Services, LLC Specialized Camera Sales FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Phateco Technical Services Joint Quality Inspection Services, Inc. SpecPro Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M)
Stock Co. Quality Testing Services, Inc. Steel City NDT, LLC Laser Technology (M)
Pine Quest Integrity Group, LLC Team Industrial Services Llog, S.A. de C.V.
QNDT Services, LLC S&ME, Inc. Technologies Consulting Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. International, Inc. Nexxis
Quest Integrity Group, LLC SILA Kalite Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. PaR Systems, Inc. (M)
Rosen Snell Group T.P. Group, S.A. Pine
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Sonartech TWI, Ltd. Polytec, Inc. (M)
Snell Group Sonic Systems International Vector TUB, GmbH Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Sonic Systems International Sonotest, S.A. Vicon Infrared Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development Source Co. for Training and Development Wichita State University
Southern Inspection Services Southern Inspection Services CONSULTING
Specialized Camera Sales Specialized Camera Sales 4D Imaging, Inc.
Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Starmans Electronics, Ltd.
Starmans Electronics, Ltd.
Laser Methods (LM) Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Steel City NDT, LLC Training, LLC
Team Industrial Services Applied Technical Services
Structural Integrity Assoc. 4D Imaging, Inc. (M)
Technologies Consulting Arcadia Aerospace Industries
Team Furmanite American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M)
International, Inc. Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Team Industrial Services Bossa Nova Technologies (M) Construction Technology
Tru Amp Corp. Techno Scientific, Inc. Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (M)
Vicon Infrared Chesapeake Testing
Technologies Consulting Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M) Crossroads Institute
Wichita State University International, Inc. Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. Laser Technology (M) Institute
Tru Amp Corp. Llog, S.A. de C.V. Eclipse Scientific
ABM Franchising Group
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M) GE Inspection Services
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
Vicon Infrared Pine Haward Technology
Acuren Inspection, Inc.
West Penn Testing Group Polytec, Inc. (M) Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Wichita State University Tecnitest Ingenieros Laser Technology
Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Training, LLC Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Massmedia, Ltd.
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc. Electromechanical Pine
Applied Technical Services TRAINING Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Q Pro Technical Services
Arcadia Aerospace Industries ABM Franchising Group Vision Financial Group, Inc. Qualimation
Areva Academy of Infrared Training, Inc. LM EQUIPMENT Quest Integrity Group, LLC
Boeing Acuren Inspection, Inc. 4D Imaging, Inc. (M) Rosen
Bureau Veritas Ademinsa Airstar, Inc. Seikowave
Consulting & Inspection Services Advanced Technology Group American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M) SGS Group Industrial Services
Crossroads Institute Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AUT Solutions (M) Southwest Research Institute
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Applied Technical Services Bossa Nova Technologies (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros
Institute Arcadia Aerospace Industries Wichita State University
Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M)
Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm Asian Institute of Petroleum and Chesapeake Testing TESTING
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Construction Technology Creaform, Inc. (M) 4D Imaging, Inc.
Engineering Quality Inspection Services Consulting & Inspection Services Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (M) Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
GB Geotechnics USA, Inc. Crossroads Institute Detek, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Great Lakes Infrared Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Eclipse Scientific (M) Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Institute Hi-Tech Testing Training, LLC
Infrared Consulting Services, Inc. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc.
Infrared Research, Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Intelligent Optical Systems (M) Applied Technical Services
Infraspection Institute FLIR Systems, Inc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Arcadia Aerospace Industries
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Great Lakes Infrared Laser Technology (M) Boeing
Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. Haward Technology Llog, S.A. de C.V. Chesapeake Testing
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Creaform, Inc.
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Namicon Testing, Srl. Dantec Dynamics, Inc.
KB Inspection Services Infrared Training Center NDT Systems, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Infraspection Institute NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) Institute
LPI, Inc. IRISS, Inc. Nexxis Eclipse Scientific
Lucideon Kinetic Solutions, LLC Optonor AS (M) GE Inspection Services
MDS Inspection Services Massmedia, Ltd. PaR Systems, Inc. (M) Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Mei-Charlton, Inc. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Laser Technology
Miami NDT, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. Pine Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC moviTherm Polytec, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. Multitest, Ltd. ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M) Qualimation
moviTherm Namicon Testing, Srl. Seikowave (M) Rosen
Multitest, Ltd. National Institute for Aviation Research Servo-Robot, Inc. (M) SGS Group Industrial Services
Namicon Testing, Srl. Naya Engineering Services Specialist Condition Monitoring Structural Integrity Assoc.
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Services, Ltd. (M) Team Industrial Services
National Institute for Aviation Research NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Steinbichler Opotechnik, GmbH (M) Techno Scientific, Inc.
NDT Solutions, Inc. Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc. Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Crossroads Institute
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Tecnitest Ingenieros Intelligent Optical Systems
Nevada Automotive Test Center Phateco Technical Services Joint Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc. Stock Co. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & PaR Systems, Inc.
PaR Systems, Inc. Quality Testing Services, Inc. Electromechanical Seikowave
PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Ridgewater College Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. National Institute for Aviation Research
Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Q Pro Technical Services
Petrospect Inspection Services Sector Cert, GmbH
OTHER LM PRODUCTS (BY Quality Inspection Services, Inc.
Phateco Technical Services Joint Sigma Enterprises, LLC
Stock Co. GENERIC NAME) Wichita State University
SILA Kalite
PT Gavco Indonesia Snell Group Arcadia Aerospace Industries (M)
Q Pro Technical Services Source Co. for Training and Development Bossa Nova Technologies (M)
QC Laboratories, Inc. Southern Inspection Services Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (M)

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x laser methods • leak testing

Vacuum Instrument Corp./VIC Leak

TRAINING J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. Detection (M)
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Laurus Systems, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V. Vacuum Processes, Inc. (M)
Training, LLC LCNDT Corp. Marktec Corp. (M) Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Applied Technical Services Llog, S.A. de C.V. Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Marktec Corp. (M) MR Chemie, GmbH (M)
Construction Technology Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. LT EQUIPMENT
Chesapeake Testing Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) 3E NDT, LLC (M)
Crossroads Institute MR Chemie, GmbH (M) NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Dantec Dynamics, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. NDT, Inc. Analytical Testing Services, Inc. (M)
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Naya Engineering Services (M) Newco, Inc. Detek, Inc.
Institute NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Packaging Technologies & Feole Technologies, Inc.
Eclipse Scientific NDT, Inc. Inspection (M) Fluke Corp. (M)
Haward Technology Nomo Group, Inc. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
Laser Technology Packaging Technologies & PCE Instruments (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Massmedia, Ltd. Inspection (M) Pfeiffer Vacuum (M) Industrial Nuclear Co., Inc. (M)
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Physical Acoustics (M) Inficon (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. PCE Instruments (M) Pine JEM Manufacturing
National Institute for Aviation Research Pfeiffer Vacuum (M) PTI Inspection Systems (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Qualimation Physical Acoustics (M) Qualitest USA LC (M) Laurus Systems, Inc.
Seikowave Pine Quality NDE, Ltd. LCNDT Corp.
Wichita State University PTI Inspection Systems (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
QA Technologies, Inc. Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Quality NDE, Ltd. Score Atlanta, Inc. (M) MR Chemie, GmbH
Leak Testing (LT) R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M)
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Services Naya Engineering Services (M)
ACCESSORIES Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Silverwing (M) NDT Italiana, Srl. (M)
Analytical Testing Services, Inc. (M) Score Atlanta, Inc. (M) Sonatest, Ltd. (M) NDT, Inc.
Detek, Inc. Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Sonotec (M) Newco, Inc.
Innovation Polymers (M) Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Packaging Technologies &
Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC Services (M) Spectronics Corp. (M) Inspection (M)
JEM Manufacturing Shannon Luminous Materials, Inc. (M) TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc.
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Tech Service Products, Inc. (M) Pfeiffer Vacuum (M)
LCNDT Corp. Sonotec (M) Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Pine
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Test Equipment Connection Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) SpecPro Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Quality NDE, Ltd.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Spectronics Corp. (M) UE Systems, Inc. (M) R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Tech Service Products, Inc. Universal Technical Equipment Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
NDT Seals, Inc. (M) Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Uson LP (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Nomo Group, Inc. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC V-Tek Assoc. SE International, Inc. (M)
Packaging Technologies & Testima Vacuum Instrument Corp./VIC Leak Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M)
Inspection (M) Trek, Inc. (M) Detection (M) Silverwing (M)
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) UE Systems, Inc. (M) Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M) TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M)
Physical Acoustics (M) Universal Technical Equipment Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M) Tech Service Products, Inc.
Pine Uson LP (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Test Equipment Connection
Resplendence Technology, Ltd. V-Tek Assoc. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Universal Technical Equipment
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Vacuum Instrument Corp./VIC Leak Welding Consultants, LLC (M) Uson LP (M)
Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Detection (M) Wohler USA, Inc. (M) Vacuum Processes, Inc. (M)
Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Vacuum Processes, Inc. (M) Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M)
Team Industrial Services (M) Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M) LEAK RATE MEASUREMENT
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Tech Service Products, Inc. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & EQUIPMENT
Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Electromechanical Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Analytical Testing Services, Inc. (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Electromechanical Vision Financial Group, Inc. Detek, Inc. OTHER LT PRODUCTS (BY GENERIC
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Inficon (M) NAME)
Vision Financial Group, Inc. JEM Manufacturing Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
LEAK LOCATION, PRESSURIZED J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Analytical Testing Services, Inc. (M)
SYSTEMS Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. (M) Acoustic Technology Group Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) FlawTech (M)
Acoustic Technology Group Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Mistras Group, Inc. (M) FLIR Systems, Inc. (M)
Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Namicon Testing, Srl. J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Analytical Testing Services, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Pine
Analytical Testing Services, Inc. (M) Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M) Oceanscan USA PTI Inspection Systems (M)
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. Candet Packaging Technologies & Secu-Chek, GmbH (M)
Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M) CTRL Systems, Inc. (M) Inspection (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M)
Candet Detek, Inc. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M)
CTRL Systems, Inc. (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. PCE Instruments (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Detek, Inc. Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) Pfeiffer Vacuum (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) Failure Prevention Assoc. Physical Acoustics (M) Welding Consultants, LLC (M)
Feole Technologies, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc. Pine
Fischer Technology, Inc. (M) Fluke Corp. (M) PTI Inspection Systems (M) CONSULTING
FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies Quality NDE, Ltd. ACNDT, Inc.
Fluke Corp. (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Acoustic Technology Group
Gammatec NDT Supplies Inficon (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Acuren Inspection, Inc.
High Tech Supplies, Inc. JEM Manufacturing Tech Service Products, Inc. (M) Ademinsa
Inficon (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Advanced Technology Group
JEM Manufacturing Kanematsu (M) Universal Technical Equipment Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. LCNDT Corp. Uson LP (M) Analytical Testing Services, Inc.

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leak testing • liquid penetrant testing w

Apex Industrial Services Applied Technical Services Tecnatom, S.A. Liquid Penetrant
Applied Technical Services Aqualified, LLC Terracon
Aqualified, LLC Boeing US Underwater Services, LLC Testing (PT)
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Canyon State Inspection Vacuum Instrument Corp./VIC Leak
Construction Technology Cowley County Community College Detection ACCESSORIES
Cowley County Community College Crossroads Institute Vacuum Technology, Inc. Advanced Technology Group (M)
Crossroads Institute Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Versa Integrity Group Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Institute Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH Services
Institute Detek, Inc. Wichita State University AIP
Dizayn Quality Engineering Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm World Testing, Inc. Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial
Services Firm Equipment Co.
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute American NDT, Inc. (M)
Element Materials Technology Zuuk International, Inc.
ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao American Testing Services
ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao
e Soldagem, Ltda. ME e Soldagem, Ltda. ME TRAINING Andesco Sales, Inc.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Acoustic Technology Group Associated X-Ray Corp.
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc. ATH NDT, Ltd. (M)
Haward Technology GB Geotechnics USA, Inc. Ademinsa Babbco (M)
Insight Quality Services Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Advanced Technology Group Baugh & Weedon, Ltd.
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. HMT Inspection Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Beijing Jinkeguang Technology Co.,
ITC Co., Ltd. Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Ltd. (M)
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Analytical Testing Services, Inc. BlueLine NDT, LLC (M)
Industrial Testing Laboratory
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Services, LLC Apex Industrial Services Bookholt Assoc.
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Infrared Consulting Services, Inc. Applied Technical Services BRL Consultants, Inc.
Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del Aqualified, LLC Bycotest Magnaflux a Division of
Level III Service, LLC Norte, S.A. Asian Institute of Petroleum and ITW, Ltd. (M)
LPI, Inc. Insight Quality Services Construction Technology Callington Haven Pty, Ltd.
Massmedia, Ltd. Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad, Cowley County Community College Candet
Mei-Charlton, Inc. S.A. de C.V. Crossroads Institute Centura X-Ray NDT
Met Chem Testing Laboratories Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. CTRL Systems, Inc. Chameleon Innovations (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Detek, Inc.
Moraine Valley Community College ITC Co., Ltd. Institute Eastern NDT, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services JANX Detek, Inc. Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M)
NDENDE Professionals, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
NDT Specialists, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. (M)
OCA International KB Inspection Services e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Feole Technologies, Inc.
Oceanscan USA Kinetic Solutions, LLC Failure Prevention Assoc. Gammatec NDT Supplies (M)
Phateco Technical Services Joint Labcan FLIR Systems, Inc. GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Stock Co. Laboratory Testing, Inc. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Gould-Bass NDT (M)
Praxair Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. Haward Technology High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Q Pro Technical Services LPI, Inc. Insight Quality Services Industrial Radiography Maintenance &
Quad City Testing Laboratory Lucideon Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad, S.A. Supply
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. de C.V. Infinitex Corp. (M)
Qualtech NDE MDS Inspection Services ITC Co., Ltd. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Met Chem Testing Laboratories Kinetic Solutions, LLC IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
Rosen Metalcare Group, Inc. Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. JEM Manufacturing
Salco Products, Inc. Middle East Industrial Training Institute Level III Service, LLC Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Multitest, Ltd. Massmedia, Ltd. J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Services National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Mei-Charlton, Inc. J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M)
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. National Institute for Aviation Research Met Chem Testing Laboratories Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M)
SCI Control & Inspeccion Naya Engineering Services Mistras Group, Inc. Kanematsu (M)
Sector Cert, GmbH NDT Solutions, Inc. Moraine Valley Community College Karl Deutsch (M)
Secu-Chek, GmbH NDT Specialists, Inc. Multitest, Ltd. Labino AB (M)
SGS Group Industrial Services OCA International National Institute for Aviation Research LCNDT Corp.
Sky Prime Aviation Services Pacific Island Inspection Naya Engineering Services Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Sonic Systems International Petrospect Inspection Services NDT Solutions, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development Phateco Technical Services Joint NDT Specialists, Inc. Magnaflux (M)
Southern Inspection Services Stock Co. OCA International Marktec Corp. (M)
SpecPro Q Pro Technical Services Phateco Technical Services Joint Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M)
Steel City NDT, LLC Quad City Testing Laboratory Stock Co. Met-L-Chek
Team Industrial Services Quality Inspection Services, Inc. Quality Control Co. Middle East Co.
Tecnatom, S.A. Quality Testing Services, Inc. Quality Testing Services, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Vacuum Technology, Inc. Qualtech NDE Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Morex 71, Ltd.
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Realistic Systems Technology Ridgewater College MPM Products, Inc.
Wichita State University Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Salco Products, Inc. MR Chemie, GmbH
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Rosen Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting MX Industrial Distributors, Inc.
Services Namicon Testing, Srl.
Zuuk International, Inc. Salco Products, Inc.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Naumex, S.A. de C.V.
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
TESTING Services SCI Control & Inspeccion Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M)
ABC Testing, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Sector Cert, GmbH Naya Engineering Services (M)
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. SCI Control & Inspeccion Secu-Chek, GmbH NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M)
Acoustic Technology Group SGS Group Industrial Services Sigma Enterprises, LLC NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Sonic Systems International Source Co. for Training and Development NDT Italiana, Srl. (M)
Ademinsa Source Co. for Training and Development Southern Inspection Services NDT Mart, Inc.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Southern Inspection Services SpecPro NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Training, LLC SpecPro Steel City NDT, LLC NDT, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group Steel City NDT, LLC Team Industrial Services NDT Unlimited
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Tecnatom, S.A. New Tech Systems (M)
American Inspection Services, Inc. Structural Integrity Assoc. Vacuum Technology, Inc. Newco, Inc.
Analytical Testing Services, Inc. Sub Source, Inc. Vector TUB, GmbH Nomo Group, Inc.
Apex Industrial Services System One Services Wichita State University Oceanscan USA
Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. Team Industrial Services Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Precision Images, LLC

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x liquid penetrant testing

QA Technologies, Inc. Hi-Tech Testing Structural Diagnostics, Inc. (M) PH Tool Reference Standards (M)
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Precision Images, LLC
QSA Global, Inc. Industrial Radiography Maintenance & Tech Service Products, Inc. QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M)
Qualitek, LLC Supply Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Qualitek, LLC
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Infinitex Corp. (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Quality NDE, Ltd.
R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Intertest, Inc. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M)
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Testima Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
R-CON NDT, Inc. JEM Manufacturing (M) Thielsch Engineering, Inc. R-CON NDT, Inc.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Trikon Technologies, Inc. Safe Inspection Technology (M)
Safe Inspection Technology (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Universal NDT, Inc. (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M) Universal Technical Equipment Secu-Chek, GmbH (M)
Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M) UVP, LLC (M) Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Kanematsu (M) Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Services (M)
Services (M) Karl Deutsch (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Sherwin, Inc. (M)
Sherwin, Inc. (M) Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. Electromechanical Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M)
Specialist Condition Monitoring Labino AB (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Sonaspection International, Inc. (M)
Services, Ltd. LCNDT Corp. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Specialist Condition Monitoring
SREM Technologies (M) Lectromax (M) Welding Consultants, LLC Services, Ltd.
Stroud Systems, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M)
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Machida, Inc. Tech Service Products, Inc.
Tech Service Products, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. OTHER PT PRODUCTS (BY Tecnitest Ingenieros
Tecnitest Ingenieros Magnaflux (M) GENERIC NAME) Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Marktec Corp. (M) 3E NDT, LLC Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Testima Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Advanced Technology Group (M) Universal Technical Equipment (M)
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Met-L-Chek (M) Andesco Sales, Inc. Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc.
Universal Technical Equipment Middle East Co. ATH NDT, Ltd. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. Electromechanical
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & MPM Products, Inc. Beijing Jinkeguang Technology Co., Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Electromechanical Ltd. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
MR Chemie, GmbH (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. BlueLine NDT, LLC (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Bookholt Assoc.
MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. (M) CONSULTING
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Bycotest Magnaflux a Division of ITW,
Namicon Testing, Srl. (M) Ltd. (M) A Lab Corp.
PT EQUIPMENT Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd.
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M) Candet (M) ABC Testing, Inc.
Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Centura X-Ray NDT Able Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group (M) NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M) Curtis Industries, Inc. (M) Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Detek, Inc. ACNDT, Inc.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. Ademinsa
Services NDT Mart, Inc. Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) Advanced Construction Technology
AIP NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Services
Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial NDT, Inc. (M) Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. (M) Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Equipment Co. NDT Unlimited Feole Technologies, Inc. Training, LLC
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. NDT Unlimited (M) FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Advanced Technology Group
American NDT, Inc. (M) Newco, Inc. (M) FlawTech (M) Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
American Testing Services Nomo Group, Inc. Gammatec NDT Supplies Services
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Oceanscan USA GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
Andesco Sales, Inc. PaR Systems, Inc. (M) Gould-Bass NDT (M) AIP
Arcmart Indonesia Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Air Services
Associated X-Ray Corp. Pfinder KG (M) Industrial Radiography Maintenance & Aircraft Inspection Services
ATH NDT, Ltd. (M) PH Tool Reference Standards (M) Supply Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.
Babbco (M) Precision Images, LLC Infinitex Corp. (M) Apex Industrial Services
Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. (M) ProceCo., Ltd. (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Apex NDT Training Services
Beijing Jinkeguang Technology Co., QA Technologies, Inc. Intertest, Inc. Applied Technical Services
Ltd. (M) QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Aqualified, LLC
BlueLine NDT, LLC (M) QSA Global, Inc. JEM Manufacturing Arcmart Indonesia
Bookholt Assoc. Qualitek, LLC Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Array Training, Ltd.
BRL Consultants, Inc. Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Bycotest Magnaflux a Division of ITW, Quality NDE, Ltd. Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M) Construction Technology
Ltd. (M) R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Kanematsu (M) ATH NDT, Ltd.
Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. (M) R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) LCNDT Corp. Aurora Institute & Inspection Services
Candet R-CON NDT, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V. Baker Testing Services, Inc.
Candet (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc. (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Baugh & Weedon, Ltd.
Centura X-Ray NDT RIST (M) Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Birring NDE Center
Chemetall US, Inc. (M) Safe Inspection Technology (M) Met-L-Chek (M) Boeing
Curtis Industries, Inc. (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Middle East Co. Bookholt Assoc.
Detek, Inc. Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) BRL Consultants, Inc.
Dynamold, Inc. (M) Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and MPM Products, Inc. BTEC, LLC
Eastern NDT, Inc. Services (M) MR Chemie, GmbH Business Solutions-USA, LLC
Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) Shannon Luminous Materials, Inc. (M) MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. Callington Haven Pty, Ltd.
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Sherwin, Inc. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. Candet
Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. (M) Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M) CBI International
Feole Technologies, Inc. Soaring High, Inc. Naya Engineering Services (M) COFREND
Five Star NDT (M) Sonatest, Ltd. (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Crossroads Institute
FlawTech (M) Southern Inspection Services NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
Full Service NDT, S.A. de C.V. Specialist Condition Monitoring NDT, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Gammatec NDT Supplies (M) Services, Ltd. Institute
Newco, Inc.
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. SpecPro Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Nomo Group, Inc.
Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (M) Spectronics Corp. (M) Divers Academy International
Oceanscan USA
Gould-Bass NDT (M) SREM Technologies (M) Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm
Pfinder KG (M)
Gradient Lens Corp. Stroud Systems, Inc. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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Eastern NDT, Inc. Quad City Testing Laboratory Apex Industrial Services Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Eclipse Scientific Qualitek, LLC Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Quality NDE, Ltd. Applied Technical Services KB Inspection Services
e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Quality Testing Services, Inc. Aqualified, LLC Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Qualtech NDE Arcmart Indonesia Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
Engineering Quality Inspection R-CON NDT, Inc. Array Training, Ltd. Kunkel Oilfield Inspection, LLC
Services Ram Designs ASG Inspection, Ltd. Labcan
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. ATH NDT, Ltd. Laboratory Services
Exodrill RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Aurora Institute & Inspection Services Laboratory Testing, Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Rosen Baker Testing Services, Inc. Loenbro, Inc.
Fish & Assoc., Inc. S&ME, Inc. Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. LPI, Inc.
GE Inspection Services Salco Products, Inc. BFW Engineering & Testing MagnaChek, Inc.
General Testing & Inspection Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
George Consulting Services, Inc. Services Boeing MDS Inspection Services
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Bookholt Assoc. Merrill Technologies Group
Global Oil Inspectindo Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. BRL Consultants, Inc. Met Chem Testing Laboratories
Gould-Bass NDT SCI Control & Inspeccion BTEC, LLC Metalcare Group, Inc.
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Sector Cert, GmbH Bureau Veritas Metals Testing Co.
Haward Technology Secu-Chek, GmbH Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. Miami NDT, Inc.
Hellier SGS Group Industrial Services Canadian Institute For NDE Middle East Industrial Training Institute
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. SKF Latin America, Ltda. Candet Mistras Group, Inc.
ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Sky Prime Aviation Services Canyon State Inspection Morex 71, Ltd.
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Sonartech CBI International Morgan Inspection Solutions
Insight Quality Services Sonic Systems International Certus Energy Solutions MSPEC
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Sonomatic, Inc. Chemetall US, Inc. Multitest, Ltd.
Integrated Quality Services Sonotest, S.A. Crossroads Institute Namicon Testing, Srl.
International Testing and Inspection Source Co. for Training and Development Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Services, Inc. Southern Inspection Services Danco Inspection Service, Inc. Naya Engineering Services
ITC Co., Ltd. Southwest Research Institute Decibel NDE Inspections & Training NDE Professionals, Inc.
JETS, Inc. Specialized NDE, Inc. Institute NDT Consultancy Services
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. SpecPro Detek, Inc. NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Jubail Industrial College Steel City NDT, LLC Diamond Technical Services, Inc. NDT Specialists, Inc.
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Steel Repair Services Dizayn Quality Engineering NDT Testing, Srl.
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Services Firm Nevada Automotive Test Center
KB Inspection Services Sterling Inspection, LLC D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Newco, Inc.
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc. Non Destructive Testing Professionals,
Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Summit Group Eclipse Scientific LLC
Kunkel Oilfield Inspection, LLC System One Element Materials Technology Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Larson NDT Level III Services & TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Technologies
Training, LLC Team Furmanite e Soldagem, Ltda. ME North Country NDT, LLC
Level III Service, LLC Team Industrial Services Engineering & Inspection Unlimited OCA International
LPI, Inc. Technologies Consulting Engineering & Inspection International Orange Coast Testing, Inc.
MagnaChek, Inc. International, Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services Orbit Industries, Inc.
Massmedia, Ltd. Terracon ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc. Pacific Island Inspection
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Test NDT, LLC Exodrill Pacific Magnetic & Penetrant Co., Inc.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Texas Research International Felix Tirry BVBA PaR Systems, Inc.
Met Chem Testing Laboratories T.P. Group, S.A. Feole Technologies, Inc. Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC
Miami NDT, Inc. Technical Petroleum Services First Alert Sling Testing, LLC Petrospect Inspection Services
Moraine Valley Community College Tricen Technologies Fish & Assoc., Inc. Phateco Technical Services Joint
Morex 71, Ltd. Unified Testing Services, Inc. GE Inspection Services Stock Co.
Morgan Inspection Solutions Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services General Testing & Inspection PM Testing Laboratory, Inc.
MSPEC Vastek Consulting George Consulting Services, Inc. Precision Calibration & Test
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Welder Training & Testing Institute Glitz Global Services, Ltd. Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services Wichita State University Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Product Evaluation Systems, Inc.
NDE Consulting X-Ray Industries, Inc. Global Oil Inspectindo Professional Inspection Services, Ltd.
NDE Professionals, Inc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Gould-Bass NDT PT Gavco Indonesia
NDT Classroom, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc. GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
NDT Consultancy Services Great Lakes Testing, Inc. Q Pro Technical Services
NDT Consulting Group, Inc. TESTING Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. QC Laboratories, Inc.
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. 3angles, Inc. H&S Inspection Services, Inc. QNDT Services, LLC
NDT Specialists, Inc. A Lab Corp. Hadd-Co Inspection Lab Quad City Testing Laboratory
NDT Technology (P), Ltd. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. HMT Inspection Qualitech Public Co., Ltd.
NDT Training & Testing Center ABC Testing, Inc. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Quality Inspection Services, Inc.
Non Destructive Testing Able Testing & Inspection, Inc. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Professionals, LLC Accu-Test Labs Industrial Testing Laboratory Qualtech NDE
OCA International Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Services, LLC Ram Designs
Oceanscan USA ACNDT, Inc. Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del Reinhart & Assoc., Inc.
Orange Coast Testing, Inc. Ademinsa Norte, S.A. Reliant NDT Systems & Services
Orbit Industries, Inc. Advanced Construction Technology Insight Quality Services RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
PaR Systems, Inc. Services Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad, Rosen
PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Advanced Corrosion Technologies & S.A. de C.V. S&ME, Inc.
Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Training, LLC Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Salco Products, Inc.
Phateco Technical Services Joint Advanced Technology Group Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Stock Co. Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Integrated Inspection & Surveying Services
Pine Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Integrated Quality Services Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
PQT Services, Inc. Services International Testing and Inspection Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Prime NDT Services, Inc. African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. Services, Inc. SCI Control & Inspeccion
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. Air Services ITC Co., Ltd. Secu-Chek, GmbH
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Aircraft Inspection Services JANX SGS Group Industrial Services
QNDT Services, LLC Alloyweld Inspection Co., Inc. JETS, Inc. SGS NAM, Inc.
American Inspection Services, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x liquid penetrant testing • magnetic flux leakage testing

Asian Institute of Petroleum and

Signature TechnicAir Construction Technology NDT Consultants, Ltd. Magnetic Flux Leakage
SILA Kalite NDT Consulting Group, Inc.
SKF Latin America, Ltda.
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Testing (ML)
Sky Prime Aviation Services Baker Testing Services, Inc. NDT Specialists, Inc.
Birring NDE Center Advanced Technology Group
Sonic Systems International Boeing NDT Technology, Ltd.
Sonomatic, Inc. NDT Training & Testing Center Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Bookholt Assoc. Bookholt Assoc.
Sonotest, S.A. BRL Consultants, Inc. Newco, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development Non Destructive Testing Chameleon Innovations (M)
BTEC, LLC Feole Technologies, Inc.
Southern Inspection Services Professionals, LLC
Business Solutions-USA, LLC Gammatec NDT Supplies
SpecPro Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. Technologies Gould-Bass NDT (M)
Stanley Inspection Canadian Institute For NDE
Steel City NDT, LLC OCA International J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
CBI International Ocean Corp. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Steel Repair Services COFREND
Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. MagnaChek, Inc.
Crossroads Institute Petrospect Inspection Services Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Sterling Inspection, LLC Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
Structural Integrity Assoc. Phateco Technical Services Joint MSPEC
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Stock Co. Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M)
Structural Technology, Inc. Institute
Sub Source, Inc. PQT Services, Inc. Naya Engineering Services (M)
Detek, Inc. Prime NDT Services, Inc. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
System One Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. New Tech Systems (M)
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Nomo Group, Inc.
System One Services Eastern NDT, Inc.
Team Furmanite QNDT Services, LLC Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
Eclipse Scientific Qualitek, LLC Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Team Industrial Services ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao
Team QualSpec Quality Testing Services, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc.
e Soldagem, Ltda. ME
Technical Petroleum Services Qualtech NDE Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Technologies Consulting R-CON NDT, Inc.
Engineering Quality Inspection Services ML EQUIPMENT
International, Inc. Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. American Society for Photogrammetry &
Terracon Reinhart & Assoc., Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Remote Sensing
Test NDT, LLC Ridgewater College
Fish & Assoc., Inc. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Testex, Inc. RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
Full Circle Studios Bookholt Assoc.
Texas Research International S&ME, Inc.
GE Energy Candet
T.P. Group, S.A. SAIT Polytechnic
George Consulting Services, Inc. Detek, Inc.
Tricen Technologies Salco Products, Inc.
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc.
Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Services Foerster Instruments, Inc. (M)
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Haward Technology Gould-Bass NDT (M)
United NDT Training & Inspection Center Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
Hellier Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Hi-Tech Testing
US Photon Service Hobart Institute of Welding Technology High Tech Supplies, Inc.
US Underwater Services, LLC SCI Control & Inspeccion
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Sector Cert, GmbH Inspectech Analygas Group (M)
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Versa Integrity Group Secu-Chek, GmbH
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. SGS NAM, Inc. Intron Plus (M)
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH Insight Quality Services ItRobotics (M)
Volunteer NDT Corp. Sigma Enterprises, LLC
Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad, SILA Kalite LCNDT Corp.
Welder Training & Testing Institute S.A. de C.V. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Welding Experts Inspection SKF Latin America, Ltda.
Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. MagnaChek, Inc.
West Penn Testing Group Sonotest, S.A.
International Testing and Inspection Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M)
Wichita State University Services, Inc. Source Co. for Training and Development
Southern Inspection Services MFE Enterprises, Inc. (M)
World Testing, Inc. ITC Co., Ltd. Middle East Co.
X-Ray Industries, Inc. JETS, Inc. SpecPro
Steel City NDT, LLC Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. J.M.D. NDT, Inc. MKC Korea
Zuuk International, Inc. Jubail Industrial College Steel Repair Services
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. MSPEC
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Namicon Testing, Srl.
TRAINING Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Summit Group
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. System One Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M)
Karl Deursch Naya Engineering Services (M)
ABC Testing, Inc. KB Inspection Services TCA Ingenieros, Ltda.
Able Testing & Inspection, Inc. Team Furmanite NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Kinetic Solutions, LLC NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Team Industrial Services
ACNDT, Inc. Tech Service Products, Inc. NDT, Inc.
Larson NDT Level III Services & NDT Technologies, Inc. (M)
Ademinsa Training, LLC Technical Petroleum Services
Advanced Construction Technology Technologies Consulting New Tech Systems (M)
Lavender International NDT Consultants Newco, Inc.
Services Level III Service, LLC International, Inc.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Tecnitest Ingenieros Nomo Group, Inc.
MagnaChek, Inc. Oceanscan USA
Training, LLC Terracon
Massmedia, Ltd. Pine
Advanced Technology Group Test NDT, LLC
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Qualitest USA LC (M)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals T.P. Group, S.A.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc.
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Tricen Technologies
Met Chem Testing Laboratories Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & TWI, Ltd.
Services Mistras Group, Inc. Rosen (M)
Moraine Valley Community College Unified Testing Services, Inc.
African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. United NDT Training & Inspection Center Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M)
Air Services Morex 71, Ltd. Scan Systems Corp. (M)
Morgan Inspection Solutions Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services
Aircraft Inspection Services Vastek Consulting Sensima Inspection
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. MSPEC Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and
Multitest, Ltd. Vector TUB, GmbH
American Institute of Nondestructive Welder Training & Testing Institute Services (M)
Testing Namicon Testing, Srl. Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M)
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Welding Experts Inspection
Apex Industrial Services Wichita State University Silverwing (M)
Apex NDT Training Services National Institute for Aviation Research SpecPro
Naya Engineering Services X-Ray Industries, Inc.
Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd.
Applied Technical Services NDE Consulting Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
NDE Professionals, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc.
Aqualified, LLC Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Arcmart Indonesia NDT Classroom, Inc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Array Training, Ltd. NDT Consultancy Services

ASNT grants
704 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x magnetic flux leakage testing • magnetic particle testing

OTHER ML PRODUCTS (BY Sky Prime Aviation Services

Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Source Co. for Training and Development
Skytesting Services, Inc. SCI Control & Inspeccion Southern Inspection Services
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Sonic Systems International SpecPro
Bookholt Assoc. SGS Group Industrial Services
Sonotest, S.A. Skytesting Services, Inc. Steel City NDT, LLC
Chameleon Innovations (M) Source Co. for Training and Development Technical Petroleum Services
Eddyfi (M) Sonartech
Southern Inspection Services Sonic Systems International Technologies Consulting
Feole Technologies, Inc. Southwest Research Institute International, Inc.
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Sonomatic, Inc.
SpecPro T.P. Group, S.A.
FlawTech (M) Sonotest, S.A.
Steel City NDT, LLC United NDT Training & Inspection Center
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Source Co. for Training and Development
Team Industrial Services Vector TUB, GmbH
MagnaChek, Inc. SpecPro
Technical Petroleum Services Wichita State University
Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) Steel City NDT, LLC
Technologies Consulting Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Steel Repair Services
International, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Structural Integrity Assoc.
Wichita State University
NDT International, Inc. Team Furmanite
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
New Tech Systems (M) Team QualSpec
Newco, Inc.
Zuuk International, Inc.
Technical Petroleum Services Magnetic Particle
Nomo Group, Inc. TESTING Technologies Consulting
Testing (MT)
Rosen (M) A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte., Ltd. International, Inc.
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Unified Testing Services, Inc.
United NDT Training & Inspection Center ACCESSORIES
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Acuren Inspection, Inc. 3E NDT, LLC (M)
Services (M) Ademinsa Versa Integrity Group
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH Advanced Technology Group (M)
Silverwing (M) Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Training, LLC Wichita State University
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
American Inspection Services, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc.
CONSULTING Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial
Applied Technical Services Equipment Co.
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. Aqualified, LLC
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte., Ltd. American NDT, Inc. (M)
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Arcmart Indonesia
Ademinsa American Testing Services
Ademinsa Array Training, Ltd.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Andesco Sales, Inc.
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Boeing
Training, LLC Training, LLC Arcmart Indonesia
Bookholt Assoc. Advanced Technology Group Associated X-Ray Corp.
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. BTEC, LLC
Applied Technical Services Advanced Test Equipment Rentals ATH NDT, Ltd.
Bureau Veritas Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Babbco
Arcmart Indonesia Canyon State Inspection
Array Training, Ltd. Applied Technical Services Baugh & Weedon, Ltd.
Certus Energy Solutions Arcmart Indonesia BlueLine NDT, LLC (M)
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Crossroads Institute
Construction Technology Array Training, Ltd. Bookholt Assoc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Asian Institute of Petroleum and Bycotest Magnaflux a Division of ITW,
Bookholt Assoc. Institute
Bureau Veritas Construction Technology Ltd. (M)
Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm Bookholt Assoc. Callington Haven Pty, Ltd.
Crossroads Institute Eclipse Scientific
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Crossroads Institute Candet
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Centura X-Ray NDT
Engineering & Inspection International Institute Chameleon Innovations (M)
Eclipse Scientific
Exodrill Eclipse Scientific Circle Systems, Inc.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Feole Technologies, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc. Detek, Inc.
GE Inspection Services Foerster Instruments, Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc.
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. GE Energy Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M)
GE Inspection Services
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Electronic & Engineering Co.
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
HMT Inspection Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Pvt., Ltd. (M)
Gould-Bass NDT
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Haward Technology Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Inspectech Analygas Group Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M)
Haward Technology
Integrated Quality Services Inspectech Analygas Group Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Intron Plus Intron Plus Feole Technologies, Inc.
Integrated Quality Services
Iris Inspection Services, Inc. ITC Co., Ltd. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Integrity Smart Services, LLC
ITC Co., Ltd. ItRobotics Gammatec NDT Supplies
ITC Co., Ltd.
ItRobotics KB Inspection Services GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
JANX Kinetic Solutions, LLC Gould-Bass NDT (M)
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Level III Service, LLC Grandia NDT, Inc. (M)
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Magnetic Analysis Corp. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
KB Inspection Services
KB Inspection Services Massmedia, Ltd. Industrial Radiography Maintenance &
Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Supply
Level III Service, LLC
Labcan Mei-Charlton, Inc. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
Magnetic Analysis Corp.
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Mistras Group, Inc. IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
Massmedia, Ltd.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. MSPEC JEM Manufacturing
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Metalcare Group, Inc. Multitest, Ltd. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. National Institute for Aviation Research J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Naya Engineering Services
MSPEC Naya Engineering Services J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M)
NDT Classroom, Inc.
Multitest, Ltd. NDT Classroom, Inc. Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M)
NDT Consultancy Services
National Institute for Aviation Research NDT Consultancy Services Kanematsu (M)
NDT Consulting Group, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Karl Deutsch (M)
NDT Technologies, Inc.
NDT Consultancy Services NDT Solutions, Inc. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd.
New Tech Systems
NDT Solutions, Inc. NDT Technologies, Inc. Labino AB (M)
Oceanscan USA
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. New Tech Systems LCNDT Corp.
NDT Technologies, Inc. Quality Control Co. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc.
Pacific Island Inspection Ridgewater College MagnaChek, Inc. (M)
Petrospect Inspection Services Rosen Magnaflux (M)
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Services Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Magwerks Corp. (M)
SCI Control & Inspeccion Quality Inspection Services, Inc. Services Marktec Corp.
SGS Group Industrial Services Quality Testing Services, Inc. SCI Control & Inspeccion Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M)
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Services Qualtech NDE Sigma Enterprises, LLC Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Silverwing Rosen Sonotest, S.A. MPM Products, Inc.

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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magnetic particle testing w

Beijing Jinkeguang Technology

MR Chemie, GmbH (M) Co., Ltd. (M) Pan American Industries, Inc. Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M)
MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. BlueLine NDT, LLC (M) Parker Research Corp. (M) Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Namicon Testing, Srl. Bookholt Assoc. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
Naumex, S.A. de C.V. BRL Consultants, Inc. PCE Instruments (M) FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M) Bycotest Magnaflux a Division of ITW, Pfinder KG (M) FlawTech (M)
Naya Engineering Services (M) Ltd. (M) Pine Gammatec NDT Supplies
NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M) Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. (M) Precision Images, LLC High Tech Supplies, Inc.
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Candet (M) QA Technologies, Inc. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
NDT International, Inc. Centura X-Ray NDT QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Industrial Radiography Maintenance &
NDT Mart, Inc. Chemetall US, Inc. (M) QSA Global, Inc. Supply
NDT, Inc. Circle Systems, Inc. (M) Qualitek, LLC Integrity Scientific Laboratory
NDT Unlimited Detek, Inc. (M) Qualitest USA LC (M) Intertest, Inc.
New Tech Systems (M) Dynamold, Inc. (M) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
Nomo Group, Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc. Quality NDE, Ltd. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Parker Research Corp. (M) Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Pine Electronic & Engineering Co. R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M)
Precision Images, LLC Pvt., Ltd. (M) R-CON NDT, Inc. Kanematsu (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd.
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M) Reliant NDT Systems & Services (M) LCNDT Corp.
QSA Global, Inc. Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. RIST (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Qualitek, LLC Feole Technologies, Inc. Safe Inspection Technology (M) MagnaChek, Inc. (M)
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M)
Quality NDE, Ltd. Gammatec NDT Supplies (M) Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Middle East Co.
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (M) Services (M) MPM Products, Inc.
R-CON NDT, Inc. Gould-Bass NDT (M) Sherwin, Inc. (M) MR Chemie, GmbH
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) Sigma NDT Instruments (M) MX Industrial Distributors, Inc.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Hi-Tech Testing Soaring High, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Sonatest, Ltd. (M) Naumex, S.A. de C.V.
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Southern Inspection Services Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M)
Services (M) Industrial Radiography Maintenance & Specialist Condition Monitoring Naya Engineering Services (M)
Sherwin, Inc. (M) Supply Services, Ltd. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Specialist Condition Monitoring Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) SpecPro NDT Italiana, Srl. (M)
Services, Ltd. Integrity Scientific Laboratory Spectronics Corp. (M) New Tech Systems (M)
SpecPro Intertest, Inc. SREM Technologies (M) Nomo Group, Inc.
SREM Technologies (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Starmans Electronics, Ltd. (M) Oceanscan USA
Stroud Systems, Inc. JEM Manufacturing Stroud Systems, Inc. Parker Research Corp. (M)
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Pfinder KG (M)
Tech Service Products, Inc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Tech Service Products, Inc. PH Tool Reference Standards (M)
Tecnitest Ingenieros J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M) Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Pine
Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M) Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Precision Images, LLC
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Kanematsu (M) Test Systems International, Inc. (M) QA Technologies, Inc.
Test Systems International, Inc. (M) Karl Deutsch (M) Thielsch Engineering, Inc. QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M)
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. Trek, Inc. (M) Qualitek, LLC
Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Labino AB (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc. Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Universal NDT, Inc. (M) LCNDT Corp. Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Quality NDE, Ltd.
Universal Technical Equipment Lectromax (M) Universal NDT, Inc. (M) R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M)
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Llog, S.A. de C.V. Universal Technical Equipment R-CON NDT, Inc.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & MagnaChek, Inc. (M) UVP, LLC (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Electromechanical Magnaflux (M) Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Secu-Chek, GmbH (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Magnetic Products and Services (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Magwerks Corp. (M) Electromechanical Services (M)
Western Instruments (M) Marktec Corp. (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Sonaspection International, Inc. (M)
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M)
Met-L-Chek (M) Welding Consultants, LLC Tech Service Products, Inc.
MT EQUIPMENT Western Instruments (M)
Middle East Co. Tecnitest Ingenieros
3E NDT, LLC (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
MPM Products, Inc. Test Systems International, Inc. (M)
MR Chemie, GmbH (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group (M) GENERIC NAME)
MSPEC Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Advanced Technology Group (M)
MSPEC (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Services MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Agency Def Develop (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. Services Western Instruments (M)
AIP Naumex, S.A. de C.V. AIP Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Al-Mailem Oilfield & Industrial Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M) American Testing Services CONSULTING
Equipment Co. Naya Engineering Services (M) Andesco Sales, Inc. A Lab Corp.
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. NDE Information Consultants Arcmart Indonesia A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd.
American NDT, Inc. (M) NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M) ATH NDT, Ltd. ABC Testing, Inc.
American Society for Photogrammetry & NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. (M) Able Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Remote Sensing NDT International, Inc. Bookholt Assoc. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
American Testing Services NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Bycotest Magnaflux a Division of ITW, ACNDT, Inc.
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) NDT Mart, Inc. Ltd. (M) Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Andesco Sales, Inc. NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Candet Ademinsa
ARC Metals Corp. (M) NDT, Inc. Centura X-Ray NDT Advanced Construction Technology
Arcmart Indonesia NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) Chameleon Innovations (M) Services
Associated X-Ray Corp. NDT Unlimited (M) Circle Systems, Inc. Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
ATH NDT, Ltd. New Tech Systems (M) Detek, Inc. Training, LLC
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services Nomo Group, Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group
Babbco (M) Oceanscan USA Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) AEIS
Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. (M) Ofil, Ltd. (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x magnetic particle testing

ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao

African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. MagnaChek, Inc. Team Furmanite e Soldagem, Ltda. ME
AIP Massmedia, Ltd. Team Industrial Services Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Air Services Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Technologies Consulting Engineering & Inspection International
Aircraft Inspection Services Mei-Charlton, Inc. International, Inc.
Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Met Chem Testing Laboratories Terracon
ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. Miami NDT, Inc. Test NDT, LLC
Apex Industrial Services Mistras Group, Inc. Texas Research International
Felix Tirry BVBA
Apex NDT Training Services Moraine Valley Community College T.P. Group, S.A.
Feole Technologies, Inc.
Applied Technical Services Morex 71, Ltd. Technical Petroleum Services
First Alert Sling Testing, LLC
Aqualified, LLC Morgan Inspection Solutions Tricen Technologies
Fish & Assoc., Inc.
Arcmart Indonesia MSPEC Ultracon Service, LLC
GE Inspection Services
Array Training, Ltd. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Unified Testing Services, Inc.
General Testing & Inspection
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Naya Engineering Services Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services
George Consulting Services, Inc.
Construction Technology NDE Consulting Vastek Consulting
Glitz Global Services, Ltd.
ATH NDT, Ltd. NDE Professionals, Inc. Welder Training & Testing Institute
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services NDT Classroom, Inc. Wichita State University
Global Oil Inspectindo
Baker Testing Services, Inc. NDT Consultancy Services X-Ray Industries, Inc.
GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC
Birring NDE Center NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Great Lakes Testing, Inc.
Bookholt Assoc. NDT Specialists, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc.
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
BRL Consultants, Inc. NDT Technology Ltd.
BTEC, LLC TESTING H&S Inspection Services, Inc.
NDT Training & Testing Center Hadd-Co Inspection Lab
Bureau Veritas 3angles, Inc.
New Tech Systems HMT Inspection
Business Solutions-USA, LLC A Lab Corp.
Newco, Inc. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd.
Non Destructive Testing Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Candet Professionals, LLC ABC Testing, Inc.
Able Testing & Inspection, Inc. Industrial Testing Laboratory
CBI International Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Services, LLC
COFREND Technologies Accu-Test Labs
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del
Cowley County Community College OCA International Norte, S.A.
Crossroads Institute Oceanscan USA ACNDT, Inc.
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Insight Quality Services
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Orange Coast Testing, Inc. Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad,
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Orbit Industries, Inc. Ademinsa
S.A. de C.V.
Institute Parker Research Corp. Advanced Construction Technology
Services Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Diamond Technical Services, Inc. PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
Divers Academy International Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Training, LLC Integrated Inspection & Surveying
Dizayn Quality Engineering Phateco Technical Services Joint Integrated Quality Services
Services Firm Stock Co. AEIS
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. International Testing and Inspection
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Pine Services, Inc.
Eastern NDT, Inc. PQT Services, Inc. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Services ITC Co., Ltd.
Eclipse Scientific Prime NDT Services, Inc. JANX
African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. JETS, Inc.
e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Air Services
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Aircraft Inspection Services
QNDT Services, LLC Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Engineering Quality Inspection Services Alloyweld Inspection Co., Inc.
Quad City Testing Laboratory Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Apex Industrial Services
Qualitek, LLC KB Inspection Services
Exodrill Applied Inspection Systems, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Feole Technologies, Inc. Applied Technical Services
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
Fish & Assoc., Inc. Aqualified, LLC
Qualtech NDE Kunkel Oilfield Inspection, LLC
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Arcmart Indonesia
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. Labcan
GE Inspection Services Array Training, Ltd.
R-CON NDT, Inc. Laboratory Services
General Testing & Inspection ASG Inspection, Ltd.
Ram Designs Laboratory Testing, Inc.
George Consulting Services, Inc. ATH NDT, Ltd.
Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Loenbro, Inc.
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Aurora Institute & Inspection Services
ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co. LPI, Inc.
Global Oil Inspectindo Baker Testing Services, Inc.
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services MagnaChek, Inc.
Gould-Bass NDT Baugh & Weedon, Ltd.
Rosen Magnetic Products and Services
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. BFW Engineering & Testing
S&ME, Inc. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Haward Technology BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray
Salco Products, Inc. MDS Inspection Services
Hellier Boeing
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Services Bookholt Assoc.
BRL Consultants, Inc. Merrill Technologies Group
ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Met Chem Testing Laboratories
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. BTEC, LLC
Bureau Veritas Metalcare Group, Inc.
Insight Quality Services SCI Control & Inspeccion Metals Testing Co.
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Sector Cert, GmbH Callington Haven Pty, Ltd.
Canadian Institute For NDE Miami NDT, Inc.
Integrated Quality Services Secu-Chek, GmbH Middle East Industrial Training Institute
International Testing and Inspection SGS Group Industrial Services Candet
Canyon State Inspection Mistras Group, Inc.
Services, Inc. Sky Prime Aviation Services
CBI International Morex 71, Ltd.
ITC Co., Ltd. Sonartech
Certus Energy Solutions Morgan Inspection Solutions
JETS, Inc. Sonic Systems International
Cowley County Community College MSPEC
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Sonomatic, Inc.
Crossroads Institute Multitest, Ltd.
Jubail Industrial College Source Co. for Training and Development
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Namicon Testing, Srl.
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Southern Inspection Services
Danco Inspection Service, Inc. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Specialized NDE, Inc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training National Institute for Aviation Research
KB Inspection Services SpecPro
Institute Naya Engineering Services
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Starmans Electronics, Ltd.
Detek, Inc. NDE Professionals, Inc.
Kommandor Steel Repair Services
Diamond Technical Services, Inc. NDT Consultancy Services
Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd.
Dizayn Quality Engineering NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Kunkel Oilfield Inspection, LLC Sterling Inspection, LLC Services Firm NDT Specialists, Inc.
Larson NDT Level III Services & Sullivan & Assoc., Inc.
Training, LLC D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute NDT Testing, Srl.
Summit Group Eastern NDT, Inc. Newco, Inc.
Level III Service, LLC System One
LPI, Inc. Eclipse Scientific Non Destructive Testing
TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. Element Materials Technology Professionals, LLC

ASNT grants
708 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x magnetic particle testing • microwave testing

Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Technologies US Photon Service Haward Technology Services
North Country NDT, LLC US Underwater Services, LLC Hellier Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
OCA International Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Orange Coast Testing, Inc. Versa Integrity Group Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. SCI Control & Inspeccion
Orbit Industries, Inc. Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Sector Cert, GmbH
Pacific Island Inspection Volunteer NDT Corp. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Secu-Chek, GmbH
Pacific Magnetic & Penetrant Co., Inc. Welder Training & Testing Institute Insight Quality Services SGS NAM, Inc.
Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Welding Experts Inspection Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad, SILA Kalite
S.A. de C.V.
Petrospect Inspection Services West Penn Testing Group Sonotest, S.A.
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Phateco Technical Services Joint Wichita State University Source Co. for Training and Development
Stock Co. Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
World Testing, Inc. Southern Inspection Services
PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. International Testing and Inspection
X-Ray Industries, Inc. Services, Inc. SpecPro
Precision Calibration & Test Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Sullivan & Assoc., Inc.
ITC Co., Ltd.
Prime NDT Services, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc. Summit Group
JETS, Inc.
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. System One
Professional Inspection Services, Ltd. TCA Ingenieros, Ltda.
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte., Ltd. Jubail Industrial College
PT Gavco Indonesia Team Furmanite
ABC Testing, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Team Industrial Services
Able Testing & Inspection, Inc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Q Pro Technical Services Tech Service Products, Inc.
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Karl Deursch
QC Laboratories, Inc. Technologies Consulting
ACNDT, Inc. KB Inspection Services
QNDT Services, LLC International, Inc.
Ademinsa Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Quad City Testing Laboratory Tecnitest Ingenieros
Advanced Construction Technology Kommandor
Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. Terracon
Services Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
Quality Inspection Services, Inc. Test NDT, LLC
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Larson NDT Level III Services
Quality Testing Services, Inc. & Training, LLC T.P. Group, S.A.
Training, LLC
Qualtech NDE Lavender International NDT Consultants Technical Petroleum Services
Advanced Technology Group
Ram Designs Level III Service, LLC Tricen Technologies
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. TWI, Ltd.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Reliant NDT Systems & Services Services Massmedia, Ltd. Ultracon Service, LLC
ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co. African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Unified Testing Services, Inc.
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Air Services Mei-Charlton, Inc. United NDT Training & Inspection Center
Roadsafe, LLC Aircraft Inspection Services Met Chem Testing Laboratories Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services
Rosen Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Mistras Group, Inc. Vastek Consulting
S&ME, Inc. American Institute of Nondestructive Moraine Valley Community College Vector TUB, GmbH
Salco Products, Inc. Testing Morex 71, Ltd. Welder Training & Testing Institute
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Apex Industrial Services Morgan Inspection Solutions Welding Experts Inspection
Services Apex NDT Training Services Wichita State University
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. X-Ray Industries, Inc.
Multitest, Ltd.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Applied Technical Services Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Namicon Testing, Srl.
SCI Control & Inspeccion Aqualified, LLC Zuuk International, Inc.
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Secu-Chek, GmbH Arcmart Indonesia National Institute for Aviation Research
SGS Group Industrial Services Array Training, Ltd. Naya Engineering Services
Signature TechnicAir
Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Construction Technology
NDE Consulting Microwave Testing
NDE Professionals, Inc.
SILA Kalite
Sky Prime Aviation Services
ATH NDT, Ltd. NDT Classroom, Inc. (MW)
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services NDT Consultancy Services Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Sonartech Baker Testing Services, Inc. NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Bookholt Assoc.
Sonic Systems International Birring NDE Center NDT Specialists, Inc. Detek, Inc.
Sonomatic, Inc. Bookholt Assoc. NDT, Inc. Eclipse Scientific Products, Inc. (M)
Sonotest, S.A. BRL Consultants, Inc. NDT Technology (P), Ltd. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Source Co. for Training and Development BTEC, LLC NDT Training & Testing Center FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH (M)
Southern Inspection Services Bureau Veritas Non Destructive Testing GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
SpecPro Business Solutions-USA, LLC Professionals, LLC High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Stanley Inspection Callington Haven Pty, Ltd. Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Starmans Electronics, Ltd. Canadian Institute For NDE Technologies MagnaChek, Inc.
Steel Repair Services CBI International OCA International Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Centura X-Ray NDT Ocean Corp. Naya Engineering Services (M)
Sterling Inspection, LLC COFREND Ofil, Ltd. NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M)
Structural Integrity Assoc. Cowley County Community College PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Newco, Inc.
Structural Technology, Inc. Crossroads Institute Petrospect Inspection Services Odyssey Technology Corp.
Sub Source, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Phateco Technical Services Joint Pine
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Institute Stock Co. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
System One Detek, Inc. PQT Services, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc.
System One Services Diamond Technical Services, Inc. Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Team Furmanite D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. CONSULTING
Team Industrial Services Eastern NDT, Inc. PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH
Team QualSpec Eclipse Scientific QNDT Services, LLC Haward Technology
Technical Petroleum Services ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Qualitek, LLC
Techno Scientific, Inc. e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Quality Testing Services, Inc. TESTING
Technologies Consulting Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Qualtech NDE FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH
International, Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services R-CON NDT, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
Terracon Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Radiatronics NDT, Inc. TRAINING
Test NDT, LLC Feole Technologies, Inc. Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. FI Test- und Messtechnik, GmbH
Testex, Inc. Fish & Assoc., Inc. ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co. Haward Technology
Texas Research International Full Circle Studios Ridgewater College
T.P. Group, S.A. GE Energy RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
Tricen Technologies GE Measurement & Control S&ME, Inc.
Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. George Consulting Services, Inc. SAIT Polytechnic
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Salco Products, Inc.
United NDT Training & Inspection Center Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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neutron radiographic testing • radiographic testing w

Fujifilm North America – NDT Materials

Neutron Radiographic and Equipment (M) ETM, Inc. (M) ETM, Inc. (M)
Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Testing (NR) Gammatec NDT Supplies
GE Measurement & Control (M) FEI (M) Extende
High Tech Supplies, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc. FEI (M)
NR EQUIPMENT Fujifilm North America – NDT Materials Feole Technologies, Inc.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Innospexion APS (M)
and Equipment (M) GE Energy (M)
Aerotest Operations, Inc. (M) Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M)
Gammatec NDT Supplies GE Measurement & Control (M)
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
GE Energy (M) Industrial Imaging Solutions (M)
Applied Scintillation Technologies (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. (M)
GE Measurement & Control (M) Innospexion APS (M)
Fujifilm North America – NDT Materials Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Hadland Technologies Integrity Scientific Laboratory
and Equipment (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Hamamatsu Corp. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
High Technology Sources, Ltd. (M) J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M)
Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Laurus Systems, Inc. Kimtron, Inc. (M)
Integrity Scientific Laboratory Kodex, Inc.
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Kodex, Inc.
IR Supplies & Services, Inc. (M) L&W Research, Inc. (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Laurus Systems, Inc.
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. LCNDT Corp.
Morgan Advanced Materials (M) LCNDT Corp.
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Lucid Software, Ltd. (M)
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Kodex, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Logos Imaging, LLC (M)
Kubtec (M) Marietta Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (M)
Vision Financial Group, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc.
L-3 Applied Technologies (M) Middle East Co.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
CONSULTING L&W Research, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Morex 71, Ltd.
Ademinsa LCNDT Corp. Naya Engineering Services (M)
MPM Products, Inc.
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Logos Imaging, LLC (M) Newco, Inc.
Namicon Testing, Srl.
Construction Technology MagnaChek, Inc. Nikon Metrology (M)
Naumex, S.A. de C.V.
Crossroads Institute Middle East Co. Nomo Group, Inc.
Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M)
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Mistras Group, Inc. (M) North Star Imaging, Inc. (M)
Naya Engineering Services (M)
Institute MPM Products, Inc. Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions (M)
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Haward Technology Namicon Testing, Srl. QA Technologies, Inc.
NDT Mart, Inc.
High Technology Sources, Ltd. Naya Engineering Services (M) Qualitek, LLC
NDT, Inc.
Massmedia, Ltd. NDR Products Co., Inc. (M) Quality NDE, Ltd.
Newco, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. NDT, Inc. RadiaBeam Technologies (M)
Nomo Group, Inc.
Summit Group Newco, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
North Star Imaging, Inc.
Wichita State University Nexxis SpecPro
NOVO DR, Ltd. (M)
Nikon Metrology (M) Stroud Systems, Inc.
TESTING QA Technologies, Inc.
Nomo Group, Inc. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
Ademinsa QSA Global, Inc.
North Star Imaging, Inc. (M) Testima
American Inspection Services, Inc. Qualitek, LLC
Oceanscan USA Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Crossroads Institute Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
OR Technology (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Quality NDE, Ltd.
Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions (M) VisiConsult X-Ray Systems &
Institute Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Precision Images, LLC Solutions, GmbH (M)
Kodex, Inc. Ray-Check Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Wichita State University Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M)
Qualitek, LLC Volume Graphics, Inc. (M)
X-Ray Industries, Inc. Safe Inspection Technology (M)
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Willick Engineering Co., Inc. (M)
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
TRAINING Quality NDE, Ltd. Yxlon (M)
Sigma NDT Instruments (M)
Ademinsa R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc.
Specialist Condition Monitoring DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Services, Ltd. R-CON NDT, Inc.
RadiaBeam Technologies (M) Adaptive Energy (M)
Asian Institute of Petroleum and TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M)
Construction Technology Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group
Tech Service Products, Inc. Airstar, Inc. (M)
Crossroads Institute Techno Scientific, Inc. Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Safe Inspection Technology (M) AllPro NDT (M)
Teledyne ICM (M) Associated X-Ray Corp.
Institute Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Aurora Institute & Inspection Services
Haward Technology Shree Vallabh NDT Services
Testima Aycan Data Management (M)
High Technology Sources, Ltd. Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M)
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Balteau NDT (M)
Massmedia, Ltd. SpecPro
Universal Technical Equipment Bookholt Assoc.
Quality Control Co. Stroud Systems, Inc.
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Candet
Sigma Enterprises, LLC TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M)
VIDAR Systems a 3D Systems Co. (M) Carestream NDT (M)
Summit Group Tech Service Products, Inc.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Creative Electron (M)
Wichita State University Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd.
Virtual Media Integration (M) Detek, Inc.
VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Solutions, Televere Systems, LLC
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Digitome Corp. (M)
GmbH (M) Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M)
Radiographic Testing Vision Financial Group, Inc. Testima
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Willick Engineering Co., Inc.
(RT) X-Ray Assoc., LLC (M) Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. ETM, Inc. (M)
Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
ACCESSORIES Virtual Media Integration (M) FEI (M)
1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Solutions, Feole Technologies, Inc.
Maintenance Group (M) 1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment GmbH (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
3E NDT, LLC (M) Maintenance Group (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. GE Energy (M)
AIP Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Willick Engineering Co., Inc. GE Measurement & Control (M)
AllPro NDT (M) Services X-Ray Assoc., LLC Hesco (M)
Andesco Sales, Inc. AIP High Technology Sources, Ltd.
Associated X-Ray Corp. AllPro NDT (M) COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Industrial Imaging Solutions (M)
Balteau NDT (M) Arcmart Indonesia Adaptive Energy (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
Bookholt Assoc. Associated X-Ray Corp. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Centura X-Ray NDT Aycan Data Management (M) Services IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
Comet Technologies USA, Inc. (M) Balteau NDT (M) Aycan Data Management (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Detek, Inc. Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. (M) Bookholt Assoc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M) Bookholt Assoc. Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology (M) Kodex, Inc. (M)
Eastern NDT, Inc. Carestream NDT (M) Detek, Inc. Kubtec (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Detek, Inc. Digitome Corp. (M) L-3 Applied Technologies (M)
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M) Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M) L&W Research, Inc. (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. LCNDT Corp.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x radiographic testing

Logos Imaging, LLC (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc. High Tech Supplies, Inc. Vidar Systems a 3D Systems Co. (M)
Lucid Software, Ltd. (M) Laurus Systems, Inc. High Technology Sources, Ltd. Vidisco, Ltd. (M)
MagnaChek, Inc. LCNDT Corp. Industrial Imaging Solutions (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Marietta Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (M) Lixi, Inc. (M) Innospexion APS (M) Virtual Media Integration (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Solutions,
MPM Products, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. Integrity Scientific Laboratory GmbH (M)
Namicon Testing, Srl. Middle East Co. Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. VJ Technologies, Inc. (M)
NDT, Inc. MPM Products, Inc. Jacobsen Real-Time X-Ray Machinery, Willick Engineering Co., Inc. (M)
Newco, Inc. Naumex, S.A. de C.V. (M) Inc. (M) X-Scan Imaging Corp. (M)
Nikon Metrology (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Yxlon (M)
Nomo Group, Inc. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
North Star Imaging, Inc. (M) Newco, Inc.
Kubtec (M) 1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment
NOVO DR, Ltd. (M) Nomo Group, Inc. Maintenance Group (M)
OR Technology (M) NTP Radioisotopes Europe, S.A. (M) L-3 Applied Technologies (M)
PaR Systems, Inc. (M) Precision Images, LLC L&W Research, Inc. (M)
Adaptive Energy (M)
Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions (M) QSA Global, Inc. (M) Laurus Systems, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group (M)
Precision Images, LLC Qualitek, LLC LCNDT Corp.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
QA Technologies, Inc. Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Lixi, Inc. (M) Services
Qualitek, LLC Quality NDE, Ltd. Llog, S.A. de C.V. AllPro NDT (M)
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. RadiaBeam Technologies (M) MagnaChek, Inc. AMS Store and Shred, LLC (M)
Quality NDE, Ltd. Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Middle East Co. Andesco Sales, Inc.
R-CON NDT, Inc. Safe Inspection Technology (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Applied Scintillation Technologies (M)
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. MPM Products, Inc. Arcmart Indonesia
Rayence (KOTRA) (M) SE International, Inc. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. Associated X-Ray Corp. (M)
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Shree Vallabh NDT Services National XRay Corp. Atlas Inspection Technologies
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Source Production & Equipment Naumex, S.A. de C.V. (M) Balteau NDT (M)
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Co., Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Bookholt Assoc.
SpecPro SpecPro NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Candet (M)
Spellman High Voltage Electronics TCP Pruftechnik GmbH NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Carestream NDT (M)
Corp. (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros NDT, Inc. Centura X-Ray NDT
Stroud Systems, Inc. Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Newco, Inc. Chameleon Innovations (M)
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH Testima Nikon Metrology (M) Computerised Information Technology,
Tech Service Products, Inc. Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Nomo Group, Inc. Ltd. (M)
Techno Scientific, Inc. Trikon Technologies, Inc. North Star Imaging, Inc. (M) CPAC Imaging (M)
Tecnitest Ingenieros Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. NOVO DR, Ltd. (M) Creative Electron (M)
Teledyne DALSA (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Oceanscan USA Detek, Inc.
Teledyne ICM (M) VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Ofil, Ltd. (M) Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M)
Televere Systems, LLC (M) Solutions, GmbH OR Technology (M) Eastern NDT, Inc.
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Vision Financial Group, Inc. Phoenix X-Ray Systems & Services, Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Testima (M) Inc. (M) ESECO-Speedmaster (M)
Thales (M) Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
IMAGING SYSTEMS Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions (M)
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Faxitron Bioptics, LLC (M)
3E NDT, LLC (M) Precision Images, LLC
Varex Imaging (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
Adaptive Energy (M) Precision X-Ray, Inc. (M)
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Fujifilm North America – NDT Materials
Advanced Technology Group (M) QA Technologies, Inc.
Vidisco, Ltd. (M) and Equipment (M)
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & QSA Global, Inc.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Services Gammatec NDT Supplies (M)
Virtual Media Integration (M) Qualitek, LLC GE Energy (M)
VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. GE Measurement & Control (M)
AllPro NDT (M)
Solutions, GmbH (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. Gilardoni, SpA (M)
Alternative Vision Corp.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
Willick Engineering Co., Inc. (M) R-CON NDT, Inc. High Technology Sources, Ltd. (M)
American NDT, Inc.
X-Ray Assoc., LLC Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Industrial Imaging Solutions
Andesco Sales, Inc.
X-Scan Imaging Corp. (M) Remote Video & Tool Engineering, Industrial Nuclear Co., Inc.
Associated X-Ray Corp. (M) LLC (M)
Yxlon (M) Industrial Radiography Maintenance &
Aycan Data Management Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services (M)
Balteau NDT (M) Supply (M)
Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. (M) Innospexion APS (M)
EQUIPMENT Safe Inspection Technology (M)
Bookholt Assoc. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Maintenance Group (M) Candet Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. (M)
3E NDT, LLC (M) Centura X-Ray NDT Specialist Condition Monitoring
Advanced Technology Group Computerised Information Technology, Jacobsen Real-Time X-Ray Machinery,
Services, Ltd. Inc. (M)
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Ltd. (M) SpecPro
Creative Electron (M) JEM Manufacturing (M)
Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. (M) Stroud Systems, Inc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Bookholt Assoc. Structural Diagnostics, Inc. (M)
Institute J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Centura X-Ray NDT TCP Pruftechnik ,GmbH
Delta-Xray, Inc. J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M)
Computerised Information Techno Scientific, Inc.
Technology, Ltd. (M) Detection Technology, Inc. (M) Kodex, Inc.
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd.
Detek, Inc. Detek, Inc.
Teledyne DALSA (M) Kubtec (M)
Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ltd. Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M)
Teledyne ICM (M) LCNDT Corp.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Televere Systems, LLC Lixi, Inc. (M)
Gammatec NDT Supplies Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
TeraRecon, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
GE Energy (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC MagnaChek, Inc.
High Tech Supplies, Inc. Fujifilm North America – NDT Materials
and Equipment (M) Testima Marietta Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (M)
High Technology Sources, Ltd. (M) Thales (M)
Industrial Nuclear Co., Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies Middle East Co.
GE Energy (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Universal Technical Equipment
Integrity Scientific Laboratory Gilardoni, SpA (M) MPM Products, Inc.
Grohmann Technologies (M) Varex Imaging (M) Namicon Testing, Srl.
IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc.
JEM Manufacturing Hamamatsu Corp. (M) National XRay Corp. (M)

ASNT grants
712 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x radiographic testing

Naumex, S.A. de C.V. (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. AllPro NDT Universal NDT, Inc.
Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M) Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Andesco Sales, Inc. Universal Technical Equipment
Naya Engineering Services (M) Ltd. (M) Arcmart Indonesia US Photon Service (M)
NDR Products Co., Inc. (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Associated X-Ray Corp. (M) Varex Imaging (M)
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. Aurora Institute & Inspection Services Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc.
NDT Mart, Inc. Gammatec NDT Supplies (M) Balteau NDT (M) Vidisco, Ltd.
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Bookholt Assoc. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
NDT, Inc. (M) High Technology Sources, Ltd. (M) Candet Virtual Media Integration
Newco, Inc. (M) Industrial Nuclear Co., Inc. (M) Centura X-Ray NDT VisiConsult X-Ray Systems &
Nikon Metrology (M) Industrial Radiography Maintenance & Comet Technologies USA, Inc. (M) Solutions, GmbH
Nomo Group, Inc. Supply Computerised Information Vision Financial Group, Inc.
North Star Imaging, Inc. (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Technology, Ltd. (M) VJ Technologies, Inc. (M)
Oceanscan USA Integrity Scientific Laboratory Delta-Xray, Inc. Willick Engineering Co., Inc.
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Detek, Inc. X-Ray Assoc., LLC (M)
PH Tool Reference Standards (M) Jacobsen Real-Time X-Ray Eastern NDT, Inc.
Machinery, Inc. (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. OTHER RT PRODUCTS (BY
Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions (M)
JEM Manufacturing ETM, Inc. (M) GENERIC NAME)
Precision Images, LLC
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. 1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment
Precision X-Ray, Inc. (M) Maintenance Group (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
Kimtron, Inc. (M) Acceletronics (M)
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
Kodex, Inc. Advanced Technology Group (M)
QSA Global, Inc. GE Energy (M)
Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Qualitek, LLC GE Measurement & Control (M)
Laurus Systems, Inc. AllPro NDT (M)
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Gilardoni, SpA (M)
LCNDT Corp. Andesco Sales, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Hamamatsu Corp. (M)
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Associated X-Ray Corp.
R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Hesco (M)
MagnaChek, Inc. Balteau NDT (M)
R-CON NDT, Inc. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Middle East Co. Bookholt Assoc.
RadiaBeam Technologies (M) Industrial Imaging Solutions
Mirion Technologies (M) Centura X-Ray NDT
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. (M) Innospexion APS (M)
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Comet Technologies USA, Inc. (M)
Ray-Check Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
MPM Products, Inc. Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Rotex Silver Recovery/Silver Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Namicon Testing, Srl. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Solutions (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Institute
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Jacobsen Real-Time X-Ray
Nawoo Tech, Ltd. (M) Delta-Xray, Inc.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Machinery, Inc. (M)
Naya Engineering Services (M) Detection Technology, Inc. (M)
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. (M) Detek, Inc.
Six-Pac Mobile Labs (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
NDT Mart, Inc. Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG (M)
SpecPro Kimtron, Inc. (M)
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Eastern NDT, Inc.
Spectronics Corp. (M) Kodex, Inc.
NDT, Inc. Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt.,
Stroud Systems, Inc. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. Ltd. (M)
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Newco, Inc. Kubtec (M) Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Tech Service Products, Inc. Nomo Group, Inc. L-3 Applied Technologies (M) Extende
Techno Scientific, Inc. NTP Radioisotopes Europe, S.A. (M) L&W Research, Inc. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Oceanscan USA LCNDT Corp. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Ofil, Ltd. (M) Lixi, Inc. (M) FlawTech (M)
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC PCE Instruments (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Gammatec NDT Supplies
Testima (M) Pine MagnaChek, Inc. GE Energy (M)
Thales (M) Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions (M) Middle East Co. GE Measurement & Control (M)
Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Precision Images, LLC Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Grohmann Technologies (M)
Trikon Technologies, Inc. QA Technologies, Inc. MPM Products, Inc. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Universal NDT, Inc. QSA Global, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. High Technology Sources Limited
Universal Technical Equipment Qualitek, LLC National XRay Corp. Industrial Imaging Solutions
Varex Imaging (M) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Industrial Nuclear Co., Inc. (M)
Venture Technical Sales & Quality NDE, Ltd. Naya Engineering Services (M) Innospexion APS (M)
Service, Inc. (M) R-CON NDT, Inc. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Radiatronics NDT, Inc. NDT, Inc. Integrity Scientific Laboratory
VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services (M) Newco, Inc. IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
Solutions, GmbH (M) Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Nomo Group, Inc. Jacobsen Real-Time X-Ray
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Safe Inspection Technology (M) Precision X-Ray, Inc. (M) Machinery, Inc. (M)
VJ Technologies, Inc. (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. QA Technologies, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Willick Engineering Co., Inc. (M) SE International, Inc. (M) QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
X-Ray Assoc., LLC (M) Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) QSA Global, Inc. Kodex, Inc.
Source Production & Equipment Co., Inc. Qualitek, LLC Kubtec (M)
SAFETY EQUIPMENT SpecPro Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. L&W Research, Inc. (M)
1109th Theater Aviation Sustainment TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH
Maintenance Group (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. Laurus Systems, Inc.
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. LCNDT Corp.
Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. R-CON NDT, Inc. Lixi, Inc. (M)
Advanced Technology Group
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC RadiaBeam Technologies (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Radiatronics NDT, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Services Trikon Technologies, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Magsoft Corp.
Andesco Sales, Inc. Universal Technical Equipment Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Associated X-Ray Corp. Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Source-Ray, Inc. (M) Morgan Advanced Materials (M)
Balteau NDT (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Specialist Condition Monitoring MPM Products, Inc.
Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. Services, Ltd. Namicon Testing, Srl.
Bookholt Assoc. VJ Technologies, Inc. (M) Spellman High Voltage Electronics National XRay Corp.
Willick Engineering Co., Inc. Corp. (M)
Candet Naumex, S.A. de C.V.
X-Ray Assoc., LLC (M) Stroud Systems, Inc.
Centura X-Ray NDT Naya Engineering Services (M)
Teledyne ICM (M)
Computerised Information X-RAY GENERATORS NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Technology, Ltd. (M) Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Thales (M)
Acceletronics (M) Newco, Inc.
Institute Thielsch Engineering, Inc.
Adaptive Energy (M) North Star Imaging, Inc. (M)
Detek, Inc. Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group Unipower, LLC (M)

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radiographic testing w

NTP Radioisotopes Europe, S.A. (M) GE Inspection Services SCI Control & Inspeccion Engineering Quality Inspection Services
PH Tool Reference Standards (M) General Testing & Inspection Sector Cert, GmbH ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Phoenix X-Ray Systems & Services, George Consulting Services, Inc. SGS Group Industrial Services Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Inc. (M) Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Sky Prime Aviation Services Feole Technologies, Inc.
Precision Images, LLC Global Oil Inspectindo Sonic Systems International Force Technology
QA Technologies, Inc. Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Southern Inspection Services GE Inspection Services
Qualitek, LLC Haward Technology Southwest Research Institute GE Measurement & Control
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. High Technology Sources, Ltd. SpecPro General Testing & Inspection
Quality NDE, Ltd. Hull Inspection Services Ltd. Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. George Consulting Services, Inc.
RadiaBeam Technologies (M) ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Summit Group Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Insight Quality Services System One Global Oil Inspectindo
R-Con NDT, Inc. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC
RTW Roentgen-Technik (M) Integrated Quality Services Team Furmanite Great Lakes Testing, Inc.
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. International Testing and Inspection Team Industrial Services Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Services, Inc. Technical Petroleum Services Hadland Technologies
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Inuktun Services, Ltd. Teledyne ICM Hesco
Tecnitest Ingenieros IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Terracon High Technology Sources, Ltd.
Teledyne ICM (M) ITC Co., Ltd. Test NDT, LLC Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC JETS, Inc. Unified Testing Services, Inc. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Industrial Testing Laboratory
Universal Technical Equipment (M) Jubail Industrial College Vastek Consulting Services, LLC
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del
VIDAR Systems a 3D Systems Co. (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Solutions, GmbH Norte, S.A.
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. KB Inspection Services Welder Training & Testing Institute Insight Quality Services
VisiConsult X-Ray Systems & Kinetic Solutions, LLC Wichita State University Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad,
Solutions, GmbH (M) Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Willick Engineering Co., Inc. S.A. de C.V.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. L-3 Applied Technologies X-Ray Assoc., LLC Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
VJ Technologies, Inc. (M) L&W Research, Inc. X-Ray Industries, Inc. Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
X-Ray Assoc., LLC (M) Larson NDT Level III Services & Integrated Quality Services
Training, LLC TESTING International Testing and Inspection
CONSULTING Level III Service, LLC A Lab Corp. Services, Inc.
A Lab Corp. LPI, Inc. ABC Testing, Inc. Inuktun Services, Ltd.
ABC Testing, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. Able Testing & Inspection, Inc. ITC Co., Ltd.
ACNDT, Inc. Massmedia, Ltd. Acceletronics JANX
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Ademinsa Met Chem Testing Laboratories ACNDT, Inc. JETS, Inc.
Advanced Construction Technology Mistras Group, Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Services Ademinsa KB Inspection Services
Moraine Valley Community College
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Advanced Construction Technology Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Training, LLC Morex 71, Ltd.
MPM Products, Inc. Services Kodex, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Training, LLC Kubtec
Services Naya Engineering Services
Advanced Technology Group L-3 Applied Technologies
African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. NDE Consulting
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & L&W Research, Inc.
Aircraft Inspection Services NDE Professionals, Inc. Services
NDT Classroom, Inc. Labcan
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
NDT Consultancy Services Laboratory Services
Apex Industrial Services Aircraft Inspection Services
NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Laboratory Testing, Inc.
Applied Technical Services Alloyweld Inspection Co., Inc.
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. LPI, Inc.
Aqualified, LLC Apex Industrial Services
NDT Specialists, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc.
Arcadia Aerospace Industries Applied Inspection Systems, Inc.
NDT Technology, Ltd. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Arcmart Indonesia Applied Technical Services
NDT Training & Testing Center Met Chem Testing Laboratories
Array Training, Ltd. Aqualified, LLC
Newco, Inc. Metalcare Group, Inc.
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Arcadia Aerospace Industries
Construction Technology OCA International Middle East Industrial Training Institute
Arcmart Indonesia Morex 71, Ltd.
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services Oceanscan USA Array Training, Ltd.
Baker Testing Services, Inc. Orange Coast Testing, Inc. Multitest, Ltd.
Baker Testing Services, Inc. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Birring NDE Center Orbital ATK BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray
Bookholt Assoc. PaR Systems, Inc. Naya Engineering Services
Bookholt Assoc. NDE Professionals, Inc.
BRL Consultants, Inc. Phateco Technical Services Joint Bradken-Atlas
Bureau Veritas Stock Co. NDT Consultancy Services
BRL Consultants, Inc. NDT Consultants, Ltd.
Candet Pine
Bureau Veritas NDT Solutions, Inc.
Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions
Canadian Institute For NDE NDT Specialists, Inc.
Centura X-Ray NDT PQT Services, Inc.
Candet NDT Testing, Srl.
Chesapeake Testing Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Canyon State Inspection Newco, Inc.
Cowley County Community College ProMed Recycling
Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology Nikon Metrology
Crossroads Institute PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
Chesapeake Testing North Country NDT, LLC
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training QA Technologies, Inc.
Cowley County Community College North Star Imaging, Inc.
Institute QNDT Services, LLC
Crossroads Institute NTP Radioisotopes Europe SA
Diamond Technical Services, Inc. Quad City Testing Laboratory
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training OCA International
Digitome Corp. Qualitek, LLC Institute
Divers Academy International Quality NDE, Ltd. Orange Coast Testing, Inc.
Delphi Precision Imaging
Dizayn Quality Engineering Quality Testing Services, Inc. Orbital ATK
Detek, Inc.
Services Firm Radiation Control, Inc. Pacific Island Inspection
Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. PaR Systems, Inc.
Digitome Corp.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Petrospect Inspection Services
Dizayn Quality Engineering
Engineering Quality Inspection Services RSOtoGo Services Firm Phateco Technical Services Joint
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. S&ME, Inc. Stock Co.
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Extende Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Pinnacle X-ray Solutions
Element Materials Technology
FEI Services PM Testing Laboratory, Inc.
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Feole Technologies, Inc. Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Precision Calibration & Test
Engineering & Inspection International
Force Technology Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Prime NDT Services, Inc.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x radiographic testing • ultrasonic testing

Asian Institute of Petroleum and

Professional Inspection Services, Ltd. Construction Technology NDT Technology, Ltd. Dakota Ultrasonics (M)
PT Gavco Indonesia Aurora Institute & Inspection Services NDT Training & Testing Center Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Newco, Inc. Institute
Baker Testing Services, Inc.
QC Laboratories, Inc. OCA International Detek, Inc.
Balteau NDT
QNDT Services, LLC Ocean Corp. DolphiTech (M)
Berkeley Nucleonics Corp.
Quad City Testing Laboratory Petrospect Inspection Services Eastern NDT, Inc.
Birring NDE Center
Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. Phateco Technical Services Joint Echo Ultrasonics (M)
Bookholt Assoc.
Quality Inspection Services, Inc. Stock Co. Eclipse Scientific (M)
BRL Consultants, Inc.
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Pinnacle X-ray Solutions Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd.
Canadian Institute For NDE
Radiation Control, Inc. PQT Services, Inc. Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc.
Carestream NDT
Renentech Laboratories Pvt., Ltd. Prime NDT Services, Inc. Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt.,
Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology Ltd. (M)
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
Chesapeake Testing Engineering & Inspection Unlimited (M)
S&ME, Inc. QA Technologies, Inc.
Cowley County Community College Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting QNDT Services, LLC
Crossroads Institute Equipment & Supply, Inc.
Services Qualitek, LLC
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Feole Technologies, Inc.
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Institute Quality Control Co.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Quality Testing Services, Inc. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Detek, Inc.
SCI Control & Inspeccion Radiation Control, Inc. Gammatec NDT Supplies
Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
SGS Group Industrial Services Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M)
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
SGS NAM, Inc. Ridgewater College GE Energy (M)
Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ltd.
SILA Kalite RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Genesis Systems Group (M)
Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Sky Prime Aviation Services RSOtoGo Grandia NDT, Inc. (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Sonartech S&ME, Inc. Guangzhou Doppler Electronic
Extende Technologies Co., Ltd. (M)
Southern Inspection Services FEI SAIT Polytechnic
SpecPro Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (M)
Structural Integrity Assoc. Services
Force Technology Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M)
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
Fujifilm North America – NDT Materials Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M)
System One and Equipment Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
System One Services SCI Control & Inspeccion Innovation Polymers (M)
Full Circle Studios
Talon Test Laboratories, Inc. Sector Cert, GmbH Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC
GE Energy
Team Furmanite SGS NAM, Inc. Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M)
GE Measurement & Control
Team Industrial Services Sigma Enterprises, LLC Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
George Consulting Services, Inc.
Team QualSpec SILA Kalite Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Technical Petroleum Services Southern Inspection Services Intertest, Inc.
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Techno Scientific, Inc. SpecPro Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M)
Haward Technology
Teledyne ICM Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
High Technology Sources, Ltd.
Terracon Summit Group IRISS, Inc. (M)
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Test NDT, LLC System One JEM Manufacturing
ImechE Engineering Training Solutions
Testima TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Insight Quality Services
Tomografia de Hormigon Armado, S.A. Team Industrial Services Jireh Industries, Ltd. (M)
Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad,
Trikon Technologies, Inc. S.A. de C.V. Technical Petroleum Services J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Teledyne ICM J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M)
United NDT Training & Inspection Center Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. Terracon Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
US Photon Service Integrity Scientific Laboratory Test NDT, LLC Kanematsu
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services International Testing and Inspection Testima Karl Deutsch (M)
Versa Integrity Group Services, Inc. TP Group, S.A. KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M)
VisiConsult X-ray Systems & IR Supplies & Services, Inc. TWI, Ltd. LCNDT Corp.
Solutions, GmbH ITC Co., Ltd. Unified Testing Services, Inc. Librestream Technologies (M)
Vogt Ultrasonics GmbH JETS, Inc. United NDT Training & Inspection Center Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Welder Training & Testing Institute J.M.D. NDT, Inc. Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services MagnaChek, Inc.
Welding Experts Inspection Jubail Industrial College Vector TUB, GmbH Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. (M)
Wichita State University Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Vidisco, Ltd. Midas-NDT Systems
Willick Engineering Co., Inc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Virtual Media Integration Middle East Co.
World Testing, Inc. KB Inspection Services VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
X-Ray Assoc., LLC Kinetic Solutions, LLC Solutions, GmbH Modsonic Instruments
X-Ray Industries, Inc. Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Welder Training & Testing Institute Manufacturing Co. (M)
Yxlon L-3 Applied Technologies Welding Experts Inspection MPM Products, Inc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. L&W Research, Inc. Wichita State University MSPEC
Zuuk International, Inc. Larson NDT Level III Services & X-Ray Industries, Inc. MX Industrial Distributors, Inc.
Training, LLC Yxlon Namicon Testing, Srl.
TRAINING Level III Service, LLC Naumex, S.A. de C.V.
ACNDT, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. Naya Engineering Services (M)
Ademinsa NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Advanced Construction Technology
Massmedia, Ltd.
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) NDT International, Inc.
Services NDT Mart, Inc.
Met Chem Testing Laboratories ACCESSORIES
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & NDT Seals, Inc. (M)
Training, LLC Mistras Group, Inc. Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M)
Moraine Valley Community College Advanced Technology Group (M) NDT Solutions
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals NDT, Inc.
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Morex 71, Ltd. AIP
MPM Products, Inc. American NDT, Inc. (M) NDT Systems, Inc. (M)
Multitest, Ltd. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) New Tech Systems (M)
African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Andesco Sales, Inc. Nomo Group, Inc.
Aircraft Inspection Services
National Institute for Aviation Research Applied Test Systems (M) Non Destructive Testing
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Professionals, LLC
American Institute of Nondestructive Naya Engineering Services AUT Solutions (M)
NDE Consulting Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Testing Blatek, Inc. (M) Technologies (M)
Apex Industrial Services NDE Professionals, Inc. Bookholt Assoc. NTS Ultrasonics Pty, Ltd. (M)
Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. NDT Classroom, Inc. Candet Oceanscan USA
Applied Technical Services NDT Consultancy Services CD International Technology, Inc. (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M)
Aqualified, LLC NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Centura X-Ray NDT Phase II (M)
Arcmart Indonesia NDT Solutions, Inc. Curtis Industries, Inc. (M) Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M)
Array Training, Ltd. NDT Specialists, Inc. Cygnus Instruments (M)

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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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x ultrasonic testing

Physical Acoustics (M) Candet MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. Specialized Camera Sales
Pine Centurion NDT, Inc. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. SpecPro
Pragma (M) Cimetrix, Ltd. (M) Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Spectronics Corp. (M)
Precision Images, LLC Controle Mesure Systemes (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Starmans Electronics, Ltd. (M)
Proceq (M) CordeX Instruments (M) NDT Automation (M) Stroud Systems, Inc.
PTI Inspection Systems (M) CTRL Systems, Inc. (M) NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M) Structural Diagnostics, Inc. (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. Cygnus Instruments (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Talon Test Laboratories, Inc. (M)
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Dakota Ultrasonics (M) NDT International, Inc. (M) TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M)
Qualitek, LLC Danatronics (M) NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) TD NDE (M)
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training NDT Mart, Inc. Tech Service Products, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Institute NDT Solutions Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. DeFelsko Corp. (M) NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Technologies Consulting
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. Detek, Inc. NDT, Inc. International, Inc.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. DolphiTech (M) NDT Systems, Inc. (M) Technology Design, Ltd. (M)
Ray-Check Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Don E. Bray, Inc. (M) NDT Technologies, Inc. Tecnatom, S.A. (M)
R-CON NDT, Inc. Eastern NDT, Inc. New Tech Systems (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Eclipse Scientific (M) NextNDT (M) TecScan Systems, Inc. (M)
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. Nomo Group, Inc. Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M)
ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M) Elcometer NDT (M) Non Destructive Testing Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd.
Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc. Professionals, LLC Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
Silverwing (M) Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Testima
SIUI (M) Ltd. (M) Technologies (M) Thielsch Engineering, Inc.
Sonoscan, Inc. (M) Elsys Instruments (M) NTS Ultrasonics Pty, Ltd. (M) Trek, Inc. (M)
Specialist Condition Monitoring Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Oceanscan USA Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Services, Ltd. Equipment & Supply, Inc. Olympus America, Inc. (M) Tritex NDT, Ltd. (M)
SpecPro Failure Prevention Assoc. Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc. UE Systems, Inc. (M)
Stroud Systems, Inc. Feature Based Systems, Inc. (M) Packaging Technologies & Ultracon Service, LLC (M)
Tech Service Products, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc. Inspection (M) Ultran Group (M)
Technisonic Research, Inc. (M) Force Technology (M) Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. (M)
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies PCE Instruments (M) Universal Technical Equipment
Technologies Consulting GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Peak NDT (M) UniWest (M)
International, Inc. GE Energy (M) PH Tool Reference Standards (M) US Ultratek, Inc. (M)
Technology Design, Ltd. (M) GE Measurement & Control (M) Phase II (M) Utex Scientific Instruments, Inc. (M)
Tecnitest Ingenieros Gilardoni, SpA (M) Phased Array Co. Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc.
Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M) Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. Verasonics, Inc. (M)
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Technologies Co., Ltd. (M) Physical Acoustics (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Testima (M) Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Pile Dynamics, Inc. (M) Electromechanical
Tricen Technologies (M) Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (M) Pine Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Hi-Tech Testing Pragma (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Tritex NDT, Ltd. (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Precision Images, LLC Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH (M)
Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Proceq (M) WesDyne Amdata (M)
Universal Technical Equipment Imaginant (M) PTI Inspection Systems (M) Western Instruments
UniWest (M) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) QA Technologies, Inc. Zetec, Inc. (M)
US Ultratek, Inc. (M) Industrial Radiography Maintenance & QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Supply QSA Global, Inc.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Qualitek, LLC UT SYSTEMS
Electromechanical Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Qualitest USA LC (M) Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Inspection Instruments (M) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Acoustic Ideas (M)
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Quality Material Inspection, Inc. (M) Adaptive Energy (M)
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory Quality NDE, Ltd. Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M)
WesDyne Amdata (M) Intelligent Optical Systems (M) Quality Network, Inc. (M) Advanced OEM Solutions (M)
Western Instruments (M) Intertest, Inc. R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Advanced Technology Group (M)
Zetec, Inc. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Iris Inspection Services, Inc. (M) R-Con NDT, Inc. Agency Def Develop (M)
JEM Manufacturing Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Airstar, Inc. (M)
INSTRUMENTS Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Ritec, Inc. (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments & Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M) Systems (M) American NDT, Inc. (M)
Adaptive Energy (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M) Kanematsu Safe Inspection Technology (M) Andesco Sales, Inc.
Advanced OEM Solutions (M) Karl Deutsch (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Applied Test Systems (M)
Advanced Technology Group KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M) Arcadia Aerospace Industries (M)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. Scorpion Technology Arcmart Indonesia
AIP LCNDT Corp. Sensor Networks (M) Areva (M)
Airstar, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and Services AUT Solutions (M)
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. M-Tech Instruments (M) Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (M) Automated Inspection Systems (M)
Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC M2M (M) Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Baugh & Weedon, Ltd.
American NDT, Inc. (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Silverwing (M) Beijing Jinkeguang Technology Co.,
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) Sino Age Development Techtrade, Ltd. (M)
Andesco Sales, Inc. Marktec Corp. Ltd. (M) Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M)
Andrew NDT Engineering (M) Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. (M) SIUI (M) Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M)
Applied Test Systems (M) Micro Photonics, Inc. Sonatest, Ltd. (M) Bookholt Assoc.
Arcmart Indonesia Midas-NDT Systems (M) Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics, BRL Consultants, Inc.
AUT Solutions (M) Middle East Co. Inc. (M) Candet
Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Sonomatic, Inc. (M) CD International Technology, Inc. (M)
Beijing Jinkeguang Technology Co., MKC Korea (M) Sonoscan, Inc. (M) Contour Dynamics Inspection
Ltd. (M) Modsonic Instruments Manufacturing Sonotec (M) Systems (M)
Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M) Co. (M) Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Controle Mesure Systemes (M)
Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) MPM Products, Inc. Southwest Research Institute (M) CTRL Systems, Inc. (M)
Bookholt Assoc. MSPEC Specialist Condition Monitoring Cygnus Instruments (M)
BRL Consultants, Inc. Services, Ltd.

ASNT grants
718 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ultrasonic testing w

Danatronics (M) Hi-Tech Testing MKC Korea (M) Physical Acoustics (M)
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training High Tech Supplies, Inc. MPM Products, Inc. Piezo Technologies (M)
Institute (M) Imperium, Inc. (M) MSPEC (M) Pine
Detek, Inc. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. Polytec, Inc.
DolphiTech (M) Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services (M) Pragma (M)
Don E. Bray, Inc. (M) Inspectech Analygas Group (M) NDT Automation (M) PTI Inspection Systems (M)
Eastern NDT, Inc. Inspection Instruments (M) NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M) QA Technologies, Inc.
Eclipse Scientific (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. (M) QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M)
Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory NDT International, Inc. Qualitek, LLC
Elcometer NDT (M) Intertest, Inc. NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc. Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) NDT Seals, Inc. (M) Quality Material Inspection, Inc. (M)
Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ionix Advanced Technologies (M) NDT Solutions (M) Quality NDE, Ltd.
Ltd. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc. NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Quality Network, Inc. (M)
Elsys Instruments (M) Iris Inspection Services, Inc. (M) NDT, Inc. R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. NDT Systems, Inc. (M) R-Con NDT, Inc.
Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M) Jireh Industries, Ltd. (M) NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. J.M. Devine Co., Inc. New Tech Systems (M) Reliant NDT Systems & Services (M)
Failure Prevention Assoc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Newco, Inc. (M) Ritec, Inc. (M)
Feature Based Systems, Inc. (M) Kanematsu NextNDT (M) Rosen (M)
Felix Tirry BVBA (M) Karl Deutsch (M) Nomo Group, Inc. Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc. KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) Non Destructive Testing Safe Inspection Technology (M)
Force Technology (M) LCNDT Corp. Professionals, LLC Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Full Service NDT, S.A. de C.V. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Nordco Rail Services & Inspection ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M)
Gammatec NDT Supplies Lucid Software, Ltd. (M) Technologies (M) Scorpion Technology (M)
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) M2M (M) NTS Ultrasonics Pty, Ltd. (M) Sensor Networks (M)
GE Energy (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Oceanscan USA Servo-Robot, Inc. (M)
GE Measurement & Control (M) Magnetic Analysis Corp. (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M) Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and
Genesis Systems Group (M) Magsoft Corp. Packaging Technologies & Services (M)
Gilardoni, SpA (M) Marietta Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (M) Inspection (M) Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M)
Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. (M) Pan American Industries, Inc. (M) Silverwing (M)
Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Measurement Specialties, Inc. (M) PaR Systems, Inc. (M) SIUI (M)
Technologies Co., Ltd. (M) Midas-NDT Systems (M) Peak NDT (M) Sonatest, Ltd. (M)
Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Middle East Co. Phased Array Co. (M) Sonic Sensors of EMAT
Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Ultrasonics, Inc. (M)

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x ultrasonic testing

Sonomatic, Inc. (M) Chemetall US, Inc. (M) Nomo Group, Inc. Western Professional, Inc.
Sonoscan, Inc. (M) Chene Canada, Inc. (M) Non Destructive Testing Zetec, Inc. (M)
Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Curtis Industries, Inc. (M) Professionals, LLC Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Southwest Research Institute (M) Dakota Ultrasonics (M) Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Specialist Condition Monitoring Danatronics (M) Technologies (M) OTHER UT PRODUCTS (BY
Services, Ltd. Detek, Inc. NTS Ultrasonics Pty, Ltd. (M) GENERIC NAME)
SpecPro Eastern NDT, Inc. Oceanscan USA Access Plug Flange, Inc. (M)
SREM Technologies (M) Echo Ultrasonics (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M) Adaptive Energy (M)
Starmans Electronics, Ltd. (M) Eclipse Scientific (M) PH Tool Reference Standards (M) Advanced Technology Group (M)
Stroud Systems, Inc. Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. Phase II (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Structural Diagnostics, Inc. (M) Elcometer NDT (M) Phased Array Co. American NDT, Inc. (M)
TAC Technical Instrument Corp. (M) Electromatic Equipment Co., Inc. Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Talon Test Laboratories, Inc. (M) Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Physical Acoustics (M) Andesco Sales, Inc.
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Ltd. (M) Piezo Technologies (M) Bookholt Assoc.
TD NDE (M) Elsys Instruments (M) Pine Boston Piezo Optics, Inc. (M)
Tech Service Products, Inc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Pragma (M) Candet
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. Precision Images, LLC Centura X-Ray NDT
Technologies Consulting FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Proceq (M) Chene Canada, Inc. (M)
International, Inc. FlawTech (M) PTI Inspection Systems (M) Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Technology Design, Ltd. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies (M) QA Technologies, Inc. Cyberlogic, Inc. (M)
Tecnatom, S.A. (M) GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Cygnus Instruments (M)
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) GE Energy (M) Qualitek, LLC Detek, Inc.
TecScan Systems, Inc. (M) GE Measurement & Control (M) Qualitest USA LC (M) Eastern NDT, Inc.
Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M) Gilardoni, SpA (M) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Eclipse Scientific (M)
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) Quality Material Inspection, Inc. (M) Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd.
Testima Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Quality NDE, Ltd. Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt.,
Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Technologies Co., Ltd. (M) R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. Ltd. (M)
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Guided Wave Analysis, LLC (M) R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) Extende
Tritex NDT, Ltd. (M) Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (M) R-Con NDT, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc.
UE Systems, Inc. (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Radiatronics NDT, Inc. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M)
Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Ray-Check Manufacturing, Inc. (M) GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M)
Ultran Group (M) Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M) Russell NDE Systems, Inc. GE Energy (M)
Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. (M) Innovation Polymers (M) Safe Inspection Technology (M) Genesis Systems Group (M)
UniWest (M) Inspectech Analygas Group (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. High Tech Supplies, Inc.
US Ultratek, Inc. (M) Inspection Instruments (M) Scan Systems Corp. (M) Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (M)
Utex Scientific Instruments, Inc. (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M) Innovation Polymers (M)
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Integrity Scientific Laboratory Scorpion Technology Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC (M)
Verasonics, Inc. (M) Intertest, Inc. Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Ionix Advanced Technologies (M) Sensor Networks (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory
Electromechanical IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) Intelligent Optical Systems (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. JEM Manufacturing Sigma NDT Instruments (M) International Tube Testing Pty, Ltd.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Sigma Transducers, Inc. (M) Intertest, Inc.
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Silverwing (M) Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M)
WesDyne Amdata (M) J.M.D. NDT, Inc. (M) Sitco Precision Machining Co., Ltd. (M) IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
Western Instruments (M) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. SIUI (M) Iris Inspection Services, Inc. (M)
Western Professional, Inc. Karl Deutsch (M) Sonatest, Ltd. (M) IRISS, Inc. (M)
Zetec, Inc. (M) KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) Sonoscan, Inc. (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd. Sonotech, Inc. (a division of Jireh Industries, Ltd. (M)
LCNDT Corp. Magnaflux) (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
TRANSDUCERS AND Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Llog, S.A. de C.V.
ACCESSORIES Specialist Condition Monitoring Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd.
MagnaChek, Inc.
3E NDT, LLC (M) Services, Ltd. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Magnaflux (M)
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia SpecPro MagnaChek, Inc.
Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. (M)
Advanced NDT, Ltd. (M) Stroud Systems, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc.
Measurement Specialties, Inc. (M)
Advanced OEM Solutions (M) TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Mobile Epiphany (M)
Midas-NDT Systems (M)
Advanced Technology Group (M) Tech Service Products, Inc. MPM Products, Inc.
Middle East Co.
Aerofab NDT, LLC (M) Technisonic Research, Inc. (M) MX Industrial Distributors, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
AIP Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Namicon Testing, Srl.
Modsonic Instruments Manufacturing
Airstar, Inc. (M) Co. (M) Technologies Consulting Naya Engineering Services (M)
Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC Morgan Advanced Materials (M) International, Inc. NDT Automation (M)
American NDT, Inc. (M) MPM Products, Inc. Technology Design, Ltd. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) MR Chemie, GmbH (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros NDT International, Inc.
Andesco Sales, Inc. MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M) NDT, Inc.
Andrew NDT Engineering (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. (M) Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. NDT Systems, Inc. (M)
Applied Test Systems (M) Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC New Tech Systems (M)
Arcmart Indonesia Naya Engineering Services (M) Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Nomo Group, Inc.
Areva (M) NDT Automation (M) Tricen Technologies (M) Non Destructive Testing
AUT Solutions (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc. Professionals, LLC
Automated Inspection Systems (M) NDT International, Inc. Ultracon Service, LLC (M) Oceanscan USA
Baugh & Weedon, Ltd. NDT Italiana, Srl. (M) Ultran Group (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M)
Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M) NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Universal Technical Equipment Pan American Industries, Inc. (M)
Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) NDT Mart, Inc. UniWest (M) PaR Systems, Inc. (M)
Blatek, Inc. (M) NDT Seals, Inc. (M) Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. PH Tool Reference Standards (M)
Bookholt Assoc. NDT Solutions (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M)
Boston Piezo Optics, Inc. (M) NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Electromechanical Physical Acoustics (M)
BRL Consultants, Inc. NDT, Inc. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Polytec, Inc.
Candet (M) NDT Systems, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. Precision Images, LLC
CD International Technology, Inc. (M) NDT Transducers, LLC (M) Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH (M) PTI Inspection Systems (M)
Centura X-Ray NDT New Tech Systems (M) WesDyne Amdata (M) QA Technologies, Inc.
Centurion NDT, Inc. (M) Western Instruments (M) Qualitek, LLC

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ultrasonic testing w

Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &

Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Cowley County Community College NDT Technology, Ltd. Electromechanical
Quality NDE, Ltd. Crossroads Institute NDT Training & Testing Center Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH
R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Newco, Inc. Welder Training & Testing Institute
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Non Destructive Testing Welding Experts Inspection
R-Con NDT, Inc. Institute Professionals, LLC
WesDyne Amdata
Ritec, Inc. (M) Diamond Technical Services, Inc. Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Technologies Wichita State University
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Divers Academy International
OCA International X-Ray Industries, Inc.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Dizayn Quality Engineering
Services Firm Oceanscan USA Zetec, Inc.
ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Sigma Transducers, Inc. (M) D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Orbit Industries, Inc.
Eastern NDT, Inc. PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Zuuk International, Inc.
Silverwing (M)
Sonaspection International, Inc. (M) Eclipse Scientific Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC TESTING
Soundwel Technology Corp., Ltd. (M) Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ltd. Phased Array Co. 3angles, Inc.
Specialist Condition Monitoring Elsys Instruments Phateco Technical Services Joint A Lab Corp.
Services, Ltd. ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Stock Co. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte., Ltd.
Starmans Electronics, Ltd. (M) e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Pine ABC Testing, Inc.
Structural Diagnostics, Inc. (M) Engineering & Inspection Unlimited PQT Services, Inc. Able Testing & Inspection, Inc.
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Engineering Quality Inspection Services PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Accu-Test Labs
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Q Pro Technical Services Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
Technologies Consulting Exodrill QA Technologies, Inc. ACNDT, Inc.
International, Inc. Extende QNDT Services, LLC Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc.
Technology Design, Ltd. (M) Felix Tirry BVBA Quad City Testing Laboratory Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. Qualitek, LLC Ademinsa
Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (M) Fish & Assoc., Inc. Quality NDE, Ltd. Advanced Construction Technology
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. Quality Testing Services, Inc. Services
Tricen Technologies (M) GE Inspection Services Qualtech NDE Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Trikon Technologies, Inc. General Testing & Inspection Quest Integrity Group, LLC Training, LLC
TWI North America (M) George Consulting Services, Inc. R.L. Holliday Co., Inc. AEIS
Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. (M) Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Ram Designs Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc.
UniWest (M) Global Oil Inspectindo Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Guided Wave Analysis, LLC Reliant NDT Systems & Services Services
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co. African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
Electromechanical Haward Technology RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Air Services
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Rosen Aircraft Inspection Services
Vision Financial Group, Inc. ImechE Engineering Training Solutions S&ME, Inc. Airstar, Inc.
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH (M) Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Alloyweld Inspection Co., Inc.
Zetec, Inc. (M) Insight Quality Services Services Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. American NDT, Inc.
Integrated Quality Services Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd.
CONSULTING International Testing and Inspection SCI Control & Inspeccion Apex Industrial Services
A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. Services, Inc. Sector Cert, GmbH Applied Inspection Systems, Inc.
ABC Testing, Inc. ITC Co., Ltd. SGS Group Industrial Services Applied Technical Services
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia JETS, Inc. SILA Kalite Aqualified, LLC
ACNDT, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. SIUI Arcadia Aerospace Industries
Acoustic Ideas Jubail Industrial College SKF Latin America, Ltda. Arcmart Indonesia
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Sky Prime Aviation Services Areva
Ademinsa Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Sonartech Array Training, Ltd.
Advanced Construction Technology KB Inspection Services Sonic Systems International ASG Inspection, Ltd.
Services Kinetic Solutions, LLC Sonomatic, Inc. Aurora Institute & Inspection Services
Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Kraft Technology Resources, LLC Sonotest, S.A.
Training, LLC AUT Solutions
Kunkel Oilfield Inspection, LLC Source Co. for Training and Development Baker Testing Services, Inc.
Larson NDT Level III Services & Southern Inspection Services BFW Engineering & Testing
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & Training, LLC
Services Southwest Research Institute BG Detection Services/LA X-Ray
Level III Service, LLC Specialized Camera Sales Bighorn Inspection, Inc.
African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
LPI, Inc. Specialized NDE, Inc. Boeing
MagnaChek, Inc. SpecPro Bookholt Assoc.
Air Services
Magnetic Analysis Corp. Starmans Electronics, Ltd. Boston Centerless
Aircraft Inspection Services
Massmedia, Ltd. Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. BRL Consultants, Inc.
Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC
Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. Sterling Inspection, LLC BTEC, LLC
American NDT, Inc.
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Bureau Veritas
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Summit Group Canadian Institute For NDE
Apex Industrial Services
Met Chem Testing Laboratories System One Candet
Apex NDT Training Services
Miami NDT, Inc. TAC Technical Instrument Corp. Canyon State Inspection
Applied Technical Services
Mistras Group, Inc. TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. CBI International
Aqualified, LLC
Modal Shop, Inc. Team Furmanite Certus Energy Solutions
Arcadia Aerospace Industries
Moraine Valley Community College Team Industrial Services Cimetrix, Ltd.
Arcmart Indonesia
Morex 71, Ltd. Technical Petroleum Services Cowley County Community College
Array Training, Ltd.
Morgan Inspection Solutions Technologies Consulting Crossroads Institute
Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Construction Technology MSPEC International, Inc. Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Tecnatom, S.A. Danco Inspection Service, Inc.
AUT Solutions Naya Engineering Services Terracon Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Baker Testing Services, Inc. NDE Consulting Test NDT, LLC Institute
Bighorn Inspection, Inc. NDE Professionals, Inc. Texas Research International Detek, Inc.
Birring NDE Center NDT Automation T.P. Group, S.A. Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Bookholt Assoc. NDT Classroom, Inc. Tricen Technologies Dizayn Quality Engineering
BRL Consultants, Inc. NDT Consultancy Services Ultracon Service, LLC Services Firm
BTEC, LLC NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Unified Testing Services, Inc. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Bureau Veritas NDT Solutions University of Ultrasonics Eastern NDT, Inc.
Business Solutions-USA, LLC NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Eclipse Scientific
Candet NDT Specialists, Inc. Vastek Consulting Element Materials Technology
CBI International NDT Systems, Inc.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x ultrasonic testing

ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao

e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Namicon Testing, Srl. Structural Technology, Inc. Cowley County Community College
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Crossroads Institute
Engineering & Inspection International National Institute for Aviation Research System One CTRL Systems, Inc.
Engineering Quality Inspection Services Naya Engineering Services System One Services Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc. NDE Professionals, Inc. Team Furmanite Cygnus Instruments
Exodrill NDT Automation Team Industrial Services Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
NDT Consultancy Services Team QualSpec Institute
Felix Tirry, BVBA
NDT Solutions Technical Petroleum Services Detek, Inc.
Feole Technologies, Inc.
NDT Solutions, Inc. Technologies Consulting Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
First Alert Sling Testing, LLC
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. International, Inc. D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Fish & Assoc., Inc.
NDT Specialists, Inc. Technology Design, Ltd. Eastern NDT, Inc.
GB Geotechnics USA, Inc.
NDT Systems, Inc. Tecnatom, S.A. Eclipse Scientific
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd.
NDT Testing, Srl. Terracon Electronic & Engineering Co. Pvt., Ltd.
GE Inspection Services
Newco, Inc. Test NDT, LLC ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao
GE Measurement & Control e Soldagem, Ltda. ME
Non Destructive Testing Testex, Inc.
General Testing & Inspection Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Professionals, LLC Texas Research International
George Consulting Services, Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Nordco Rail Services & Inspection T.P. Group, S.A.
Gladd Solutions Technologies Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Tricen Technologies
Glitz Global Services, Ltd. North Country NDT, LLC Equipment Reliability Institute
Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. OCA International ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Unified Testing Services, Inc.
Global Oil Inspectindo Orbit Industries, Inc. Extende
United NDT Training & Inspection Center
GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc.
Great Lakes Testing, Inc. Pacific Island Inspection Fish & Assoc., Inc.
US Underwater Services, LLC
Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC Full Circle Studios
Technologies Co., Ltd. Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services
Petrospect Inspection Services Versa Integrity Group GE Energy
Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Phased Array Co. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & GE Measurement & Control
HMT Inspection
Phateco Technical Services Joint Electromechanical George Consulting Services, Inc.
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Stock Co. Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH Gladd Solutions
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. Volunteer NDT Corp. Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Industrial Testing Laboratory Polytec, Inc.
Services, LLC Welder Training & Testing Institute Guangzhou Doppler Electronic
Pragma Welding Experts Inspection Technologies Co., Ltd.
Infrared Consulting Services, Inc.
Precision Calibration & Test WesDyne Amdata Guided Wave Analysis, LLC
Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del
Norte, S.A. Prime NDT Services, Inc. West Penn Testing Group Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Innerspec Technologies, Inc. Professional Inspection Services, Ltd. Wichita State University Haward Technology
Insight Quality Services PT Gavco Indonesia World Testing, Inc. Hellier
Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad, PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia X-Ray Industries, Inc. Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd.
S.A. de C.V. PTI Inspection Systems Zetec, Inc. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Q Pro Technical Services Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. ImechE Engineering Training Solutions
Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd. QC Laboratories, Inc. Zuuk International, Inc. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Integrated Inspection & Surveying QNDT Services, LLC Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del
Quad City Testing Laboratory TRAINING Norte, S.A.
Integrated Quality Services
Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. Innerspec Technologies, Inc.
Intelligent Optical Systems
Quality Inspection Services, Inc. ABC Testing, Inc. Insight Quality Services
International Testing and Inspection
Services, Inc. Quality Material Inspection, Inc. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad,
Ionix Advanced Technologies Quality Testing Services, Inc. ACNDT, Inc. S.A. de C.V.
Iris Inspection Services, Inc. Qualtech NDE Acoustic Ideas Inspectech Analygas Group
ITC Co., Ltd. Quest Integrity Group, LLC Ademinsa Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
JANX Ram Designs Advanced Construction Technology Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Services Integrity Scientific Laboratory
JETS, Inc.
Reliant NDT Systems & Services Advanced Corrosion Technologies & International Testing and Inspection
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Training, LLC
ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co. Services, Inc.
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Advanced Technology Group
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services IRISS, Inc.
Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Roadsafe, LLC ITC Co., Ltd.
KB Inspection Services Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Rosen JETS, Inc.
Kinetic Solutions, LLC Services
S&ME, Inc. J.M.D. NDT, Inc.
Kraft Technology Resources, LLC African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Jubail Industrial College
Kunkel Oilfield Inspection, LLC Aircraft Inspection Services
Services Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Labcan Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Laboratory Services American Institute of Nondestructive
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Karl Deursch
Laboratory Testing, Inc. Testing
SCI Control & Inspeccion KB Inspection Services
Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. Apex Industrial Services
Sensor Networks Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Loenbro, Inc. Apex NDT Training Services
SGS Group Industrial Services Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
LPI, Inc. Applied Inspection Systems, Inc.
SGS NAM, Inc. Larson NDT Level III Services &
M-Tech Instruments Applied Technical Services Training, LLC
M2M Signature TechnicAir Aqualified, LLC
SILA Kalite Lavender International NDT Consultants
MagnaChek, Inc. Arcadia Aerospace Industries Level III Service, LLC
Magnetic Analysis Corp. SKF Latin America, Ltda. Arcmart Indonesia
Sky Prime Aviation Services M2M
Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. Array Training, Ltd. MagnaChek, Inc.
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC Sonartech Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Sonic Systems International Magnetic Analysis Corp.
MDS Inspection Services Construction Technology Massmedia, Ltd.
Merrill Technologies Group Sonomatic, Inc. Aurora Institute & Inspection Services
Sonotest, S.A. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Met Chem Testing Laboratories AUT Solutions Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Metalcare Group, Inc. Source Co. for Training and Development Baker Testing Services, Inc.
Southern Inspection Services Met Chem Testing Laboratories
Metals Testing Co. Birring NDE Center Mistras Group, Inc.
Miami NDT, Inc. Specialized Camera Sales Bookholt Assoc.
SpecPro Mobile Epiphany
Middle East Industrial Training Institute BRL Consultants, Inc. Moraine Valley Community College
Mistras Group, Inc. Stanley Inspection BTEC, LLC
Starmans Electronics, Ltd. Morex 71, Ltd.
Modal Shop, Inc. Bureau Veritas Morgan Inspection Solutions
Morex 71, Ltd. Steel Repair Services Business Solutions-USA, LLC
Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. MSPEC
Morgan Inspection Solutions Canadian Institute For NDE Multitest, Ltd.
Multitest, Ltd. Sterling Inspection, LLC CBI International
Structural Integrity Assoc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
CD International Technology, Inc.

ASNT grants
722 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x ultrasonic testing • vibration analysis testing

National Inspection & Consultants, LLC University of Ultrasonics Teseq (M) Crossroads Institute
National Institute for Aviation Research Vandergriff Technologies NDT Services Test Equipment Connection Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Naya Engineering Services Vector TUB, GmbH Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Institute
NDE Consulting Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & V-Tek Assoc. (M) GB Geotechnics USA, Inc.
NDE Professionals, Inc. Electromechanical VibraMetrics (M) Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
NDT Classroom, Inc. Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH Vibrant Corp. (M) Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
NDT Consultancy Services Welder Training & Testing Institute Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Kinetic Solutions, LLC
NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Welding Experts Inspection Electromechanical LPI, Inc.
NDT Solutions WesDyne Amdata Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Mei-Charlton, Inc.
NDT Solutions, Inc. Wichita State University Vision Financial Group, Inc. Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. X-Ray Industries, Inc. VTI Instruments (M) Middle East Industrial Training Institute
NDT Specialists, Inc. Zetec, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. OTHER VA PRODUCTS (BY Modal Shop, Inc.
NDT, Inc.
Zuuk International, Inc. GENERIC NAME) National Institute for Aviation Research
NDT Systems, Inc.
Access Plug Flange, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services
NDT Technology (P), Ltd.
Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Nevada Automotive Test Center
NDT Training & Testing Center
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Non Destructive Testing
Professionals, LLC
Vibration Analysis (VA) Failure Prevention Assoc.
PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl.
Polytec, Inc.
Nordco Rail Services & Inspection FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Qualimation
Technologies Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
OCA International Kistler Instrument Corp. (M) SKF Latin America, Ltda.
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Ocean Corp. GE Energy (M) Sonotest, S.A.
PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Source Co. for Training and Development
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Petrospect Inspection Services Kistler Instrument Corp. (M) Southern Inspection Services
Phased Array Co. Modal Shop, Inc. (M) SpecPro
Llog, S.A. de C.V. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Phateco Technical Services Joint Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Structural Integrity Assoc.
Stock Co. Nomo Group, Inc. Techno Scientific, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Physical Acoustics (M)
PQT Services, Inc. Vibrant Corp.
Modal Shop, Inc. (M) Pine
Pragma Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. SKF Latin America, Ltda. (M)
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Electromechanical
NDT, Inc. Vibrant Corp. (M)
QA Technologies, Inc. Vicon Infrared
Nomo Group, Inc. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
QNDT Services, LLC Wichita State University
Pine Electromechanical
Qualitek, LLC
Polytec, Inc. (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. TRAINING
Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Vision Financial Group, Inc. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
Qualtech NDE
SKF Latin America, Ltda. (M) Ademinsa
Quest Integrity Group, LLC CONSULTING
SpecPro Advanced Technology Group
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
VibraMetrics (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Applied Technical Services
ReliaPOLE Inspection Services Co. Electromechanical Ademinsa
Ridgewater College Aqualified, LLC
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Applied Technical Services Asian Institute of Petroleum and
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Vision Financial Group, Inc. Aqualified, LLC
S&ME, Inc. Construction Technology
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Business Solutions-USA, LLC
SAIT Polytechnic VA EQUIPMENT Construction Technology
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Crossroads Institute
Business Solutions-USA, LLC Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Services Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Crossroads Institute
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Institute
Arcmart Indonesia Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Equipment Reliability Institute
Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M) Institute
ScanTech Instruments, Inc. Failure Prevention Assoc.
Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) Elsys Instruments
SCI Control & Inspeccion GE Energy
Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (M) Failure Prevention Assoc.
Sector Cert, GmbH Haward Technology
Elsys Instruments (M) Haward Technology
SGS NAM, Inc. Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Failure Prevention Assoc. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Sigma Enterprises, LLC Massmedia, Ltd.
Feole Technologies, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
SILA Kalite Mei-Charlton, Inc.
GE Energy (M) Kinetic Solutions, LLC
SIUI Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Kistler Instrument Corp. (M) LPI, Inc.
SKF Latin America, Ltda. Mistras Group, Inc.
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Massmedia, Ltd.
Sonotest, S.A. National Institute for Aviation Research
Measurement Specialties, Inc. (M) Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development Naya Engineering Services
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Southern Inspection Services PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc.
SpecPro Polytec, Inc.
Modal Shop, Inc. (M) Naya Engineering Services
Structural Integrity Assoc. Qualimation
Namicon Testing, Srl. PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl.
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Quality Control Co.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Pine
Summit Group Sector Cert, GmbH
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Qualimation
System One Sigma Enterprises, LLC
NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Scantek, Inc.
TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. SKF Latin America, Ltda.
NDT, Inc. SKF Latin America, Ltda.
Team Industrial Services Source Co. for Training and Development
Nomo Group, Inc. Source Co. for Training and Development
Tech Service Products, Inc. Southern Inspection Services
Optonor AS (M) Southern Inspection Services
Technical Petroleum Services SpecPro
PCE Instruments (M) SpecPro
Technologies Consulting Structural Integrity Assoc.
Phase II (M) Vibrant Corp.
International, Inc. T.P. Group, S.A.
Physical Acoustics (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Tecnatom, S.A. Vector TUB, GmbH
Pine Electromechanical
Tecnitest Ingenieros Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Polytec, Inc. (M) Vicon Infrared Electromechanical
TecScan Systems, Inc. Qualitest USA LC (M) Wichita State University
Terracon Vicon Infrared
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Wichita State University
Test NDT, LLC Scantek, Inc. (M)
T.P. Group, S.A. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M)
Tricen Technologies Acuren Inspection, Inc.
SKF Latin America, Ltda. (M)
TWI, Ltd. Ademinsa
Ultracon Service, LLC American Inspection Services, Inc.
Steinbichler Opotechnik, GmbH (M)
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Applied Technical Services
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
United NDT Training & Inspection Center Aqualified, LLC

ASNT grants
724 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
visual and optical testing w

Visual and Optical Areva (M) TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH Optim, LLC (M)
Associated X-Ray Corp. Tech Service Products, Inc. Optronics (M)
Testing (VT) Atlas Inspection Technologies Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Packaging Technologies &
Aucella & Assoc. (M) Tecnitest Ingenieros Inspection (M)
ACCESSORIES Bookholt Assoc. Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd. Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M), LLC Candet Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Phoenix Imaging
Advanced Inspection Technologies Centura X-Ray NDT Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Photron USA, Inc. (M)
Advanced Technology Group Danatronics (M) Titan Tool Supply, Inc. (M) Pine
Alternative Vision Corp. (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Trikon Technologies, Inc. QA Technologies, Inc.
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Institute Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M)
Bookholt Assoc. Detek, Inc. Electromechanical Qualitest USA LC (M)
Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M) Eastern NDT, Inc. Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Eclipse Scientific (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Institute Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Vizaar Industrial Imaging (M) Remote Video & Tool Engineering,
Detek, Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc. Wohler USA, Inc. (M) LLC (M)
Eclipse Scientific (M) FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited (M) Full Service NDT, S.A. de C.V. Safe Inspection Technology (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Gammatec NDT Supplies IMAGING/DOCUMENTATION Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M) GE Energy (M), LLC Schoelly Imaging, Inc. (M)
Feole Technologies, Inc. GE Measurement & Control (M) Advanced Inspection Technologies Seikowave (M)
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Gradient Lens Corp. (M) Advanced Technology Group Sensor Products, Inc. (M)
GE Measurement & Control (M) Hi-Tech Testing Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc.
Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M) High Tech Supplies, Inc. Advantest (M) Specialized Camera Sales
Instrument Technology, Inc. (M) Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Alternative Vision Corp. (M) SpecPro
Integrity Scientific Laboratory Instrument Technology, Inc. (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Stroud Systems, Inc.
Intertest, Inc. (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Struers, Inc.
Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) Intertest, Inc. (M) Areva (M) TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH
IRISS, Inc. (M) IT Concepts, LLC (M) Associated X-Ray Corp. Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
IT Concepts, LLC (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Aucella & Assoc. (M) Tecnatom, S.A. (M)
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc. BlueLine NDT, LLC (M) TeraRecon, Inc. (M)
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. KARL STORZ Industrial Group (M) Bookholt Assoc. Thielsch Engineering, Inc.
Karl StorzIndustrial Group (M) LCNDT Corp. Candet Titan Tool Supply, Inc.
LCNDT Corp. Lenox Instrument Co., Inc. (M) Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M) Toshiba America’s Imaging Systems
Lenox Instrument Co., Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. Computerised Information Technology, Division (M)
Librestream Technologies (M) Ltd. (M) Trikon Technologies, Inc.
Machida, Inc. (M)
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (M) UTC Aerospace Systems (M)
MagnaChek, Inc.
Machida, Inc. (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training UVP, LLC (M)
MEDIT, Inc. Institute
MagnaChek, Inc. Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Detek, Inc. Electromechanical
Middle East Co. Eastern NDT, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
MPM Products, Inc. Eclipse Scientific (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
MPM Products, Inc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. MX Industrial Distributors, Inc. Vizaar Industrial Imaging (M)
Namicon Testing, Srl. Feole Technologies, Inc. Wohler USA, Inc. (M)
Namicon Testing, Srl. FLIR Systems, Inc. (M)
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
NDT Seals, Inc. (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
Naya Engineering Services (M) GE Energy (M) MATERIALS ANALYSIS
Newco, Inc. NDT Equipment Services, Ltd.
Nomo Group, Inc. GE Measurement & Control (M) Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia
NDT Mart, Inc. Inspection Technologies, Inc. (M) Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Nordco Rail Services & Inspection NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd.
Technologies (M) Integrity Scientific Laboratory Advantest (M)
NDT, Inc. Intertest, Inc. (M) Agency Def Develop (M)
Olympus America, Inc. (M)
New Tech Systems (M) Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) Alternative Vision Corp. (M)
Optronics (M)
Newco, Inc. IT Concepts, LLC (M) Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
Phoenix Imaging (M)
Nomo Group, Inc. JEM Manufacturing Andec Manufacturing, Ltd.
Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Bookholt Assoc.
QA Technologies, Inc. Technologies (M)
Quality NDE, Ltd. J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M)
Oceanscan USA Computerised Information Technology,
Remote Video & Tool Engineering, Karl Storz Industrial Group (M)
Olympus America, Inc. (M) Ltd. (M)
Optim, LLC (M) Danatronics (M)
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Leica Microsystems, Inc. (M)
Optronics (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Lenox Instrument Co., Inc. (M)
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Institute
Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) Librestream Technologies (M)
PCE Instruments (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Specialized Camera Sales Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Phase II (M) Feole Technologies, Inc.
SpecPro LMI Technologies, Inc. (M)
Phoenix Imaging (M) Gammatec NDT Supplies
Tecnitest Ingenieros Lucid Software, Ltd. (M)
Pine High Tech Supplies, Inc.
Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Machida, Inc.
QA Technologies, Inc. J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Tricen Technologies (M) MagnaChek, Inc.
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) LCNDT Corp.
Trikon Technologies, Inc. Marktec Corp.
Qualitest USA LC (M) LED MicRosensor NT (M)
Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. MEDIT, Inc.
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Leica Microsystems, Inc. (M)
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Middle East Co.
Electromechanical Quality NDE, Ltd. Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. R. L. Holliday Co., Inc. (M) MagnaChek, Inc.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. R-CON NDT, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
MPM Products, Inc.
Vizaar Industrial Imaging (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
Namicon Testing, Srl.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Remote Video & Tool Engineering, Naumex, S.A. de C.V.
LLC (M) Naya Engineering Services (M)
NDT, Inc. Naya Engineering Services (M)
Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services (M) New Tech Systems (M), LLC Newco, Inc.
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Newco, Inc.
Advanced Inspection Technologies Optronics (M)
Safe Inspection Technology (M) Nomo Group, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M)
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Technologies (M) Photron USA, Inc. (M)
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Schoelly Imaging, Inc. (M) Pine
Oceanscan USA
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) SpecPro Qualitest USA LC (M)
Ofil, Ltd. (M)
Andesco Sales, Inc. Stroud Systems, Inc. Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Olympus America, Inc. (M)

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x visual and optical testing

Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Karl Storz Industrial Group (M) Eclipse Scientific
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Feole Technologies, Inc. Librestream Technologies (M) ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (M) FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Llog, S.A. de C.V. e Soldagem, Ltda. ME
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) GE Energy (M) MagnaChek, Inc. Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
SpecPro GE Measurement & Control (M) Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Struers, Inc. Intertest, Inc. (M) Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) MPM Products, Inc. Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd.
Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. Exodrill
UTC Aerospace Systems (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Naumex, S.A. de C.V. Feole Technologies, Inc.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Leica Microsystems, Inc. (M) Newco, Inc. Fish & Assoc., Inc.
Electromechanical Librestream Technologies (M) Nordco Rail Services & Inspection GE Inspection Services
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. Llog, S.A. de C.V.Llog, S.A. de C.V. Technologies (M) George Consulting Services, Inc.
Vision Financial Group, Inc. LMI Technologies, Inc. (M) Olympus America, Inc. (M) Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Lucid Software, Ltd. (M) Optronics (M) Global Oil Inspectindo
MagnaChek, Inc. Phoenix Imaging (M) Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Medit, Inc.
Advanced Technology Group Quality NDE, Ltd. Hellier
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Remote Video & Tool Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M)
Associated X-Ray Corp. Engineering, LLC (M) ImechE Engineering Training Solutions
Naya Engineering Services (M)
Bookholt Assoc. Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Insight Quality Services
NDT, Inc.
Candet Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
New Tech Systems (M)
Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M) Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Integrated Quality Services
Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Centura X-Ray NDT Technologies (M) Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) International Testing and Inspection
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Ofil, Ltd. (M) Seikowave (M) Services, Inc.
Institute Sonaspection International, Inc. (M) IRISS, Inc.
Optronics (M)
Detek, Inc. TCP Pruftechnik GmbH ITC Co., Ltd.
Packaging Technologies & Inspection (M)
Eastern NDT, Inc. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC JETS, Inc.
Phoenix Imaging (M)
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Tricen Technologies (M) J.M.D. NDT, Inc.
Photron USA, Inc. (M)
Feole Technologies, Inc. Trikon Technologies, Inc. Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd.
FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Venture Technical Sales & Service, Inc. Jubail Industrial College
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Gammatec NDT Supplies Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Quality NDE, Ltd.
High Tech Supplies, Inc. Electromechanical Karl Storz Industrial Group
Radiatronics NDT, Inc.
Industrial Radiography Maintenance & Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. KB Inspection Services
Supply Remote Video & Tool
Engineering, LLC (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc. Kinetic Solutions, LLC
JEM Manufacturing Welding Consultants, LLC (M)
Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services (M) Kommandor
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Western Instruments (M)
Russell NDE Systems, Inc. Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Larson NDT Level III Services &
Karl Storz Industrial Group (M) CONSULTING Training, LLC
Schoelly Imaging, Inc. (M)
LCNDT Corp. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. Level III Service, LLC
Seikowave (M)
Leica Microsystems, Inc. (M) ABC Testing, Inc. LPI, Inc.
Sensor Products, Inc. (M)
Llog, S.A. de C.V. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia MagnaChek, Inc.
Servo-Robot, Inc. (M)
MagnaChek, Inc. ACNDT, Inc. Massmedia, Ltd.
Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc.
Mei-Charlton, Inc. (M) Acuren Inspection, Inc. Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Specialist Condition Monitoring
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Services, Ltd. (M) Ademinsa Met Chem Testing Laboratories
MPM Products, Inc. SpecPro Advanced Construction Technology Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Namicon Testing, Srl. Services
Stroud Systems, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc.
Naya Engineering Services (M) Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Techno Scientific, Inc. (M) Training, LLC Morex 71, Ltd.
NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Tecnatom, S.A. (M) Morgan Inspection Solutions
NDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group
Tecnitest Ingenieros AEIS MSPEC
Newco, Inc. Toshiba America’s Imaging Systems National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Nikon Metrology (M) Aerospace Maintenance Supplies &
Division (M) Services Naya Engineering Services
Optronics UTC Aerospace Systems (M) NDE Consulting
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd.
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & AIP NDE Professionals, Inc.
PH Tool Reference Standards (M) Electromechanical NDT Classroom, Inc.
Pine Aircraft Inspection Services
Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd. NDT Consultancy Services
Qualitest USA LC (M) Apex Industrial Services
Vision Financial Group, Inc. NDT Consulting Group, Inc.
Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Apex NDT Training Services
OTHER VT PRODUCTS (BY Applied Technical Services NDT Specialists, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. NDT Training & Testing Center
R.G. Dunn Assoc., Inc. GENERIC NAME) Aqualified, LLC
Advanced Inspection Technologies Arcmart Indonesia Newco, Inc.
R-Con NDT, Inc. Non Destructive Testing
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Construction Technology Professionals, LLC
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Aurora Institute & Inspection Services Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
SpecPro Andesco Sales, Inc. Technologies
Atlas Inspection Technologies Baker Testing Services, Inc.
Taber Industries OCA International
Bookholt Assoc. Birring NDE Center
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH Oceanscan USA
Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M) Bookholt Assoc.
BRL Consultants, Inc. Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC
REMOTE VIEWING Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
BTEC, LLC Phateco Technical Services Joint
Advanced Inspection Technologies Institute Stock Co.
Alternative Vision Corp. (M) Detek, Inc. Business Solutions-USA, LLC
Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda. Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M) Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology
Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M) Feole Technologies, Inc. CBI International
PQT Services, Inc.
Andesco Sales, Inc. FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. (M) Chesapeake Testing
Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Arcmart Indonesia FlawTech (M) Cowley County Community College
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc.
Areva (M) FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) Crossroads Institute
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
Associated X-Ray Corp. GE Energy (M) Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
Q Pro Technical Services
Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M) Intertest, Inc. (M) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Institute Quad City Testing Laboratory
Bookholt Assoc. Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Candet IRISS, Inc. Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Dizayn Quality Engineering Qualtech NDE
Computerised Information Technology, IT Concepts, LLC (M) Ram Designs
Ltd. (M) Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Services Firm
D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute Reinhart & Assoc., Inc.
Eclipse Scientific (M) J.M. Devine Co., Inc.

ASNT grants
726 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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visual and optical testing w

Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Terracon Apex Industrial Services Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Test NDT, LLC Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. Engineering Quality Inspection Services
Rosen Texas Research International Applied Technical Services ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc.
S&ME, Inc. T.P. Group, S.A. Aqualified, LLC Exodrill
Salco Products, Inc. Tricen Technologies Arcmart Indonesia Felix Tirry BVBA
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Unified Testing Services, Inc. Areva Feole Technologies, Inc.
Services Vizaar Industrial Imaging ASG Inspection, Ltd. First Alert Sling Testing, LLC
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Welder Training & Testing Institute ASM International Fish & Assoc., Inc.
Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. Wichita State University Aurora Institute & Inspection Services FLIR Systems, Inc.
SCI Control & Inspeccion X-Ray Industries, Inc. Baker Testing Services, Inc. GB Geotechnics USA, Inc.
Sector Cert, GmbH Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC GE Inspection Services
Seikowave Zuuk International, Inc. BFW Engineering & Testing GE Measurement & Control
SGS Group Industrial Services Boeing General Testing & Inspection
SILA Kalite TESTING Bookholt Assoc. George Consulting Services, Inc.
Sky Prime Aviation Services 3angles, Inc. BRL Consultants, Inc. Glitz Global Services, Ltd.
Skytesting Services, Inc. A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. BTEC, LLC Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Sonartech ABC Testing, Inc. Bureau Veritas Global Oil Inspectindo
Sonic Systems International Able Testing & Inspection, Inc. Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology GPR Testing and Inspection, LLC
Sonotest, S.A. Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia CBI International Great Lakes Testing, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development ACNDT, Inc. Chesapeake Testing Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Southern Inspection Services Acuren Inspection, Inc. Cowley County Community College H&S Inspection Services, Inc.
Specialized Camera Sales Ademinsa Creaform, Inc. HMT Inspection
SpecPro Advanced Construction Technology Crossroads Institute Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Services
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Sterling Inspection, LLC Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Training, LLC Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Industrial Testing Laboratory
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Institute Services, LLC
Advanced Technology Group
Summit Group Detek, Inc. Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del
Advantest Norte, S.A.
System One Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
AEIS Insight Quality Services
TCA Ingenieros, Ltda. Dizayn Quality Engineering
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Services Firm Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad,
Team Furmanite
Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute S.A. de C.V.
Team Industrial Services Services
Technical Petroleum Services Eclipse Scientific Inspectest Pvt., Ltd.
Air Services Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
Technologies Consulting Element Materials Technology
Aircraft Inspection Services Integrated Inspection & Surveying
International, Inc. ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao
Alloyweld Inspection Co., Inc. e Soldagem, Ltda. ME Integrated Quality Services
Tecnatom, S.A.
American Inspection Services, Inc.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x visual and optical testing • specialized ndt and pdm techniques

International Testing and Inspection Phateco Technical Services Joint

Services, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd. BRL Consultants, Inc. Stock Co.
Intron Plus SCI Control & Inspeccion BTEC, LLC PQT Services, Inc.
ITC Co., Ltd. Seikowave Business Solutions-USA, LLC Product Evaluation Systems, Inc.
JANX SGS Group Industrial Services Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
Jesse Garant Metrology Center SILA Kalite CBI International Quality Testing Services, Inc.
JETS, Inc. Sky Prime Aviation Services Cowley County Community College Qualtech NDE
Joint Technology Pakistan Pvt., Ltd. Skytesting Services, Inc. Crossroads Institute Reinhart & Assoc., Inc.
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Sonartech Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Resplendence Technology, Ltd.
KB Inspection Services Sonic Systems International Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Ridgewater College
Sonomatic, Inc. Institute
Kinetic Solutions, LLC RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
Sonotest, S.A. Detek, Inc.
Kommandor S&ME, Inc.
Source Co. for Training and Development Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Kraft Technology Resources, LLC SAIT Polytechnic
Southern Inspection Services D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Labcan Salco Products, Inc.
Specialized Camera Sales Eclipse Scientific
Laboratory Services Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
SpecPro ENDi Ensaios Nao Destrutivos Inspecao Services
Laboratory Testing, Inc. e Soldagem, Ltda. ME
Librestream Technologies Steel Repair Services Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Loenbro, Inc. Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., Ltd.
Sterling Inspection, LLC Engineering Quality Inspection Services
LPI, Inc. SCI Control & Inspeccion
Structural Integrity Assoc. Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V.
Lucideon Sector Cert, GmbH
Structural Technology, Inc. ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc.
Machida, Inc. Seikowave
Sullivan & Assoc., Inc. Feole Technologies, Inc.
MagnaChek, Inc. Sigma Enterprises, LLC
System One FLIR Systems, Inc.
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC SILA Kalite
System One Services Full Circle Studios
MDS Inspection Services Son Set Consultants, LLC
Taber Industries GE Energy
Mei-Charlton, Inc. Source Co. for Training and Development
Team Furmanite GE Measurement & Control
Merrill Technologies Group Southern Inspection Services
Team Industrial Services George Consulting Services, Inc.
Met Chem Testing Laboratories Specialized Camera Sales
Team QualSpec Global Diving & Salvage, Inc.
Metalcare Group, Inc. SpecPro
Technical Petroleum Services Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd.
Metals Testing Co. Structural Integrity Assoc.
Techno Scientific, Inc. Haward Technology
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Sullivan & Assoc., Inc.
Technologies Consulting Hellier
Middle East Industrial Training Institute Summit Group
International, Inc. Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
Mistras Group, Inc. System One
Tecnatom, S.A. Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Morex 71, Ltd. TCA Ingenieros, Ltda.
Terracon ImechE Engineering Training Solutions
Morgan Inspection Solutions Team Industrial Services
Test NDT, LLC Insight Quality Services
MSPEC Technical Petroleum Services
Texas Research International Inspeccion y Sistemas de Calidad,
Multitest, Ltd. S.A. de C.V. Technologies Consulting
T.P. Group, S.A. International, Inc.
Namicon Testing, Srl. International Testing and Inspection
Tricen Technologies Tecnatom, S.A.
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Services, Inc.
Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Terracon
Naya Engineering Services IRISS, Inc.
TWI, Ltd. Test NDT, LLC
NDE Professionals, Inc. ITC Co., Ltd.
Unified Testing Services, Inc. T.P. Group, S.A.
NDT Consultancy Services JETS, Inc.
US Underwater Services, LLC Tricen Technologies
NDT Solutions, Inc. J.M.D. NDT, Inc.
Versa Integrity Group TWI, Ltd.
NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Jubail Industrial College
Vizaar Industrial Imaging Unified Testing Services, Inc.
NDT Specialists, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH United NDT Training & Inspection Center
NDT Testing, Srl. Kinetic Solutions, LLC
Volunteer NDT Corp. Vector TUB, GmbH
Newco, Inc. Kommandor
Welder Training & Testing Institute Vizaar Industrial Imaging
Non Destructive Testing Kraft Technology Resources, LLC
Professionals, LLC Wichita State University
World Testing, Inc. Larson NDT Level III Services &
Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Training, LLC Welder Training & Testing Institute
Technologies X-Ray Industries, Inc. Wichita State University
Level III Service, LLC
North Country NDT, LLC Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V. Wohler USA, Inc.
Massmedia, Ltd.
OCA International Zuuk International, Inc. X-Ray Industries, Inc.
Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
Olympus America, Inc. TRAINING Met Chem Testing Laboratories Zion NDT, S.A. de C.V.
Pacific Island Inspection A-Star Training & Consultancy Pte, Ltd. Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Zuuk International, Inc.
Pegasus Inspections & Consulting, LLC ABC Testing, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc.
Petrospect Inspection Services Acesxilicon Design Technology Cia Morex 71, Ltd.
Phateco Technical Services Joint
Stock Co.
ACNDT, Inc. Morgan Inspection Solutions
Specialized NDT and
PM Testing Laboratory, Inc.
Precision Calibration & Test
Advanced Construction Technology Multitest, Ltd. PdM Techniques
Services Namicon Testing, Srl.
Prime NDT Services, Inc. Advanced Corrosion Technologies & National Inspection & Consultants, LLC SPECIALIZED NDT AND PDM
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. Training, LLC Naya Engineering Services TECHNIQUES
Professional Inspection Services, Ltd. Advanced Technology Group NDE Consulting 4D Imaging, Inc. (M)
PT Gavco Indonesia Advanced Test Equipment Rentals NDE Professionals, Inc. Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc.
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia Aerospace Maintenance Supplies & NDT Classroom, Inc. Advanced Technology Group
Q Pro Technical Services Services NDT Consultancy Services Advanced Test Equipment Rentals
Quad City Testing Laboratory African NDT Centre Pty, Ltd. NDT Consulting Group, Inc. Alternative Vision Corp.
Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. Aircraft Inspection Services NDT Solutions, Inc. Amcol Ingenieria, Ltda.
Quality Inspection Services, Inc. American Institute of Nondestructive NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. American Stress Technologies, Inc. (M)
Quality Testing Services, Inc. Testing NDT Specialists, Inc. Andec Manufacturing, Ltd. (M)
Qualtech NDE Apex Industrial Services NDT Training & Testing Center Arcmart Indonesia
Ram Designs Apex NDT Training Services Newco, Inc. Associated X-Ray Corp.
Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. Nikon Metrology Beijing TIME High Techology, Ltd. (M)
Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Applied Technical Services Non Destructive Testing Berkeley Springs Instruments, LLC (M)
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Aqualified, LLC Professionals, LLC Bruker (M)
Rosen Arcmart Indonesia Nordco Rail Services & Inspection Candet
S&ME, Inc. Asian Institute of Petroleum and Technologies Cimetrix, Ltd. (M)
Salco Products, Inc. Construction Technology OCA International Computerised Information
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Aurora Institute & Inspection Services Ocean Corp. Technology, Ltd.
Services Birring NDE Center Ofil, Ltd. Consulting & Inspection Services
Sattler Consultants Co., Inc. Bookholt Assoc. Petrospect Inspection Services Creaform, Inc. (M)

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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specialized ndt and pdm techniques w

Danatronics (M) Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC R-CON NDT, Inc. UniWest
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Radiatronics NDT, Inc. US Ultratek, Inc. (M)
Institute MKC Korea Resplendence Technology, Ltd. Uvirco Technologies, Ltd. (M)
Detek, Inc. Mobile Epiphany (M) RF System Lab Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Elcometer NDT (M) Modal Shop, Inc. (M) Rosen (M) Electromechanical
Elsys Instruments (M) Namicon Testing, Srl. Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) Vietnam Inspection Solutions Co., Ltd.
Ensayos No Destructivos, S.A. de C.V. Naya Engineering Services (M) ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Equipment & Supply, Inc. (M) NDT Automation (M) Seikowave (M) WesDyne Amdata (M)
Faro Technologies, Inc. (M) NDT Equipment Services, Ltd. Sensor Networks (M) Western Instruments (M)
Feole Technologies, Inc. NDT James Instruments, Inc. (M) Sensors & Software, Inc. (M) Western Technologies, Inc.
Full Service NDT, S.A. de C.V. (M) NDT Mart, Inc. Servo-Robot, Inc. (M) Zomega Terahertz Corp. (M)
Gammatec NDT Supplies NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. Sherwin, Inc. (M) Zontec, Inc. (M)
GE Measurement & Control (M) NDT, Inc. Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc.
NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) Silverwing (M)
High Tech Supplies, Inc. (BY GENERIC NAME)
Newco, Inc. Sino Age Development Techtrade, Ltd. (M)
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) 4D Imaging, Inc. (M)
Oceanscan USA Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics,
Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC (M) Inc. (M) Acceletronics (M)
Ofil, Ltd. (M)
Inspection Point Seals, LLC (M) Specialized Camera Sales AcousticEye, Ltd.
Olympus America, Inc. (M)
Inspection Technologies, Inc. SpecPro Aerofab NDT, LLC (M)
Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc.
Intertest, Inc. (M) Spellman High Voltage Electronics American Ceramic Society
Oxford Instruments (M)
Ionix Advanced Technologies (M) Corp. (M) Arcmart Indonesia
Packaging Technologies & Inspection (M)
IR Supplies & Services, Inc. Steinbichler Opotechnik, GmbH (M) Commodity Resource &
Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M) Environmental, Inc. (M)
IRISS, Inc. (M) PCE Instruments (M) Strainoptics, Inc. (M)
Struers, Inc. Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (M) PH Tool Reference Standards (M)
TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
JEM Manufacturing Phase II (M) Institute
Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M) Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. (M) Tech Service Products, Inc.
Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M)
Jess W. Jackson & Assoc., Inc. Physical Acoustics (M) Techno Scientific, Inc.
IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. Pine Tecnatom, S. A. (M)
IRISS, Inc. (M)
Leica Microsystems, Inc. (M) Proceq (M) Tekkon Technology & Control, Ltd.
J.M. Devine Co., Inc.
Lixi, Inc. (M) PTI Inspection Systems Teseq (M)
Llog, S.A. de C.V.
Llog, S.A. de C.V. QSA Global, Inc. Test Equipment Distributors, LLC
MagnaChek, Inc.
M-Tech Instruments Qualitest USA LC (M) Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. (M)
Magnetic Products and Services (M)
MagnaChek, Inc. Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc. Thielsch Engineering, Inc.
Master Bond (M)
Mala GeoScience USA, Inc. (M) Quality NDE, Ltd. Trek, Inc. (M)
Metal Fatigue Solutions (M)
Metal Fatigue Solutions (M) Quickshot XRF Unified Testing Services, Inc.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x specialized ndt and pdm techniques

Nordco Rail Services & Inspection

Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Technologies Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Zomega Terahertz Corp.
Mistras Group, Inc. (M) Oceanscan USA Inspection & Tests Nigeria, Ltd.
Mobile Epiphany (M) Integrated Inspection & Surveying TRAINING
PaR Systems, Inc. 4D Imaging, Inc.
Morgan Inspection Solutions Pine Integrated Quality Services
Namicon Testing, Srl. International Testing and Inspection ACNDT, Inc.
Product Evaluation Systems, Inc. Ademinsa
Naya Engineering Services (M) Services, Inc.
Quality NDE, Ltd. Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Oceanscan USA Inuktun Services, Ltd.
Quest Integrity Group, LLC Training, LLC
Physical Acoustics (M) JANX
Resplendence Technology, Ltd. AEIS
Polytec, Inc. Jentek Sensors, Inc.
RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services Applied Technical Services
PQNDT, Inc. Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Rosen Asian Institute of Petroleum and
Rosen (M) Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting Construction Technology
RTW Roentgen-Technik (M) Services KB Inspection Services
BRL Consultants, Inc.
Silean SCI Control & Inspeccion L&W Research, Inc.
Sonic Sensors of EMAT Ultrasonics, Seikowave Labcan
Business Solutions-USA, LLC
Inc. (M) SGS Group Industrial Services Leak Testing Specialists, Inc.
Consulting & Inspection Services
Strainoptics, Inc. (M) SILA Kalite Lixi, Inc.
Crossroads Institute
Trikon Technologies, Inc. SKF Latin America, Ltda. LPI, Inc.
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
TSC Inspection Systems Sonic Systems International M-Tech Instruments
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
Unified Testing Services, Inc. Sonomatic, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. Institute
Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Sonotest, S.A. Magnetic Analysis Corp. Eastern NDT, Inc.
Electromechanical Mei-Charlton, Inc.
Southern Inspection Services Engineering & Inspection Unlimited
Vision Financial Group, Inc. Metal Fatigue Solutions
Specialized Camera Sales Force Technology
Western Professional, Inc. Metals Testing Co.
Specialized NDE, Inc. Full Circle Studios
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC Great Lakes Infrared
Strainoptics, Inc. Mistras Group, Inc. Haward Technology
ABM Franchising Group
System One Modal Shop, Inc. Hellier
Acuren Inspection, Inc.
Team Industrial Services Morgan Inspection Solutions Hull Inspection Services, Ltd.
Technologies Consulting Multitest, Ltd. ImechE Engineering Training Solutions
Advanced Corrosion Technologies &
Training, LLC International, Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl. Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd.
Advanced Technology Group Tecnatom, S.A. National Inspection & Consultants, LLC Insight Quality Services
AEIS Tricen Technologies National Institute for Aviation Research International Testing and Inspection
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading & Naya Engineering Services Services, Inc.
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Electromechanical NDE Professionals, Inc. Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC WesDyne Amdata NDT Solutions India Pvt., Ltd. KB Inspection Services
Applied Technical Services Wichita State University Nevada Automotive Test Center L&W Research, Inc.
Asian Institute of Petroleum and Zomega Terahertz Corp. Newco, Inc. Leak Testing Specialists, Inc.
Construction Technology Nordco Rail Services & Inspection MagnaChek, Inc.
BRL Consultants, Inc.
TESTING Technologies Massmedia, Ltd.
4D Imaging, Inc. Olympus America, Inc.
Business Solutions-USA, LLC Mei-Charlton, Inc.
ABM Franchising Group Ox Creek Energy Assoc., Inc.
Canadian Institute For NDE Metal Fatigue Solutions
Accu-Test Labs PaR Systems, Inc.
Crossroads Institute Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC
Acoustic Emission Consulting, Inc. Polytec, Inc.
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Middle East Industrial Training Institute
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Product Evaluation Systems, Inc.
Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Mistras Group, Inc.
Institute Ademinsa Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. Morgan Inspection Solutions
Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm Advanced Corrosion Technologies & Quest Integrity Group, LLC
Training, LLC Multitest, Ltd.
Eastern NDT, Inc. Reinhart & Assoc., Inc. Namicon Testing, Srl.
AEIS Resplendence Technology, Ltd.
Elsys Instruments National Inspection & Consultants, LLC
Aerohoff Inspection Services, Inc. RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited National Institute for Aviation Research
Applied Technical Services Rosen
Force Technology Naya Engineering Services
ASG Inspection, Ltd. S&ME, Inc.
GE Inspection Services NDE Professionals, Inc.
Boeing Sarl 3MECS Engineering & Consulting
Haward Technology NDT Classroom, Inc.
BRL Consultants, Inc. Services
Hellier NDT Training & Testing Center
BTEC, LLC SCI Control & Inspeccion
ImechE Engineering Training Solutions Newco, Inc.
Cimetrix, Ltd. Seikowave
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Nordco Rail Services & Inspection
Consulting & Inspection Services SGS Group Industrial Services
Insight Quality Services Technologies
Creaform, Inc. SILA Kalite
Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. Ofil, Ltd.
Crossroads Institute SKF Latin America, Ltda.
Integrated Quality Services PaR Systems, Inc.
Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT Sonic Systems International
International Testing and Inspection Product Evaluation Systems, Inc.
Services, Inc. Decibel NDE Inspections & Training Sonomatic, Inc.
Institute Quest Integrity Group, LLC
Inuktun Services, Ltd. Sonotest, S.A. Resplendence Technology, Ltd.
Detek, Inc. Southern Inspection Services
Kakivik Asset Management, LLC Ridgewater College
Dizayn Quality Engineering Services Firm Specialized Camera Sales
KB Inspection Services RNDT Nondestructive Testing Services
Eastern NDT, Inc. SpecPro
L&W Research, Inc. Rosen
Engineering & Inspection Unlimited Strainoptics, Inc.
Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. SCI Control & Inspeccion
ETI Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc. Structural Integrity Assoc.
Level III Service, LLC SILA Kalite
FI Test- und Messtechnik GmbH (M) Team Industrial Services
LPI, Inc. SKF Latin America, Ltda.
Fish & Assoc., Inc. Techno Scientific, Inc.
MagnaChek, Inc. Sonic Systems International
Force Technology Technologies Consulting
Magnetic Analysis Corp. Southern Inspection Services
GB Geotechnics USA, Inc. International, Inc.
Massmedia, Ltd. Specialized Camera Sales
GE Inspection Services Tecnatom, S.A.
Metal Fatigue Solutions Specialized NDE, Inc.
GE Measurement & Control Testima
Miceli Infrastructure Consulting, LLC SpecPro
General Testing & Inspection Tricen Technologies
Mistras Group, Inc. Sterling Inspection, LLC
Global Oil Inspectindo Unified Testing Services, Inc.
Modal Shop, Inc. Strainoptics, Inc.
Great Lakes Infrared US Underwater Services, LLC
Morgan Inspection Solutions Structural Integrity Assoc.
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. Vibrant Corp.
National Inspection & Consultants, LLC System One
Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Vibspectrum International, LLC Trading &
Naya Engineering Services Team Industrial Services
Industrial Testing Laboratory Electromechanical
NDE Professionals, Inc. Services, LLC Technologies Consulting
WesDyne Amdata
NDT Classroom, Inc. Ingenieria y Servicios Industriales del International, Inc.
West Penn Testing Group
NDT Training & Testing Center Norte, S.A. Tecnatom, S.A.
Wichita State University
Newco, Inc. Insight Quality Services Tricen Technologies
World Testing, Inc.
Vastek Consulting

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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NDT Buyers Guide DIRECTORY, LLC A Academy of Infrared

(VT) Training, Inc.
6220 Manatec Ave. W. A Lab Corp. (IR, Services)
Unit 301 (IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, Services) 177 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 720
Bradenton, FL 34209 3050 Dryden Rd. Bellingham, WA 98226-8079
(800) 363-6726 Dayton, OH 45439-1689 (360) 676-1915
fax (941) 761-4613 (937) 293-0333 fax (604) 516-6647
borescopes@1800endoscope fax (937) 294-6667 marketing@infraredtraining
.com .net

 3angles, Inc. A-Star Training & Acceletronics (M)

(AE, ET, MT, PT, UT, VT, Consultancy Pte., Ltd. (RT, Services, Specialized)
Services) (ET, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT, 602 Gordon Dr.
2 Access Rd. Services) Exton, PA 19341-1261
Albany, NY 12205-4744 Blk 659 Jalan Tenaga (800) 543-5144
(518) 640-3000 # 13-144 fax (610) 524-3304
fax (518) 218-0490 Singapore 410659
linda.campbell@3anglesndt Singapore
.com 65 64650877 fax 65 68750183  Access Plug Flange, Inc. (M)
 3E NDT, LLC (M) (UT, VA)
(ET, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, 15603 West Hardy Rd.
VT) ABC Testing, Inc. Suite #355
300 Hwy. 146 N. (ET, GPR, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, Houston, TX 77060
La Porte, TX 77571-3262 UT, VT, Services) (713) 691-0899
(281) 470-2010 95 1st St. fax (713) 691-3699
fax (281) 470-2024 Bridgewater, MA 02324-1054 (508) 697-6068 fax (508) 697-6154 Accu-Test Labs
4D Imaging, Inc. (M) (MT, PT, UT, Services,
(ET, LM, ML, Services, Specialized)
Specialized) Able Testing & Inspection, 7821 Pinemont Dr.
808 Gilman St. Inc. Houston, TX 77040-6515
Berkeley, CA 94710-1422 (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (713) 460-3655
(510) 565-7735 1284 Pangburn Rd. Schenectady 12306
(518) 357-9079
fax (518) 234-1101

LEGEND IR = Infrared and Thermal Testing NR = Neutron Radiographic Testing Services = Consulting, Testing, and
n = ASNT Corporate Partner LM = Laser Methods RT = Radiographic Testing Training
(M) = Manufacturer LT = Leak Testing UT = Ultrasonic Testing Specialized = Specialized NDT and PdM
AE = Acoustic Emission Testing PT = Liquid Penetrant Testing VA = Vibration Analysis Techniques
ET = Electromagnetic Testing ML = Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing VT = Visual and Optical Testing
GW = Guided Wave Testing MT = Magnetic Particle Testing
IM = Identification of Materials MW = Microwave Testing

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732 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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Acesxilicon Design  Acuren Inspection, Inc. Advanced NDT Ltd. (M)

Technology Cia (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, (ET, LT, MT, PT, UT)
(AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, ML, MT, PT, LT, ML, MT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Orchard House Orchard Close
RT, UT, VA, VT, Services) Services, Specialized) Seven Stroke
Sergio Guarderas Oe 7 235 y Hellier Worcester W28 9JJ
Puente 4 Autopista 600 Kenrick Suite C-1 United Kingdom
Ruminahui Houston, TX 77060 44 1905371460
Quito 170811 (203) 702-8740 fax 44 01905371477
Ecuador fax (937) 228-2009
593 22835940
fax 593 22835950
Acoustic Technology Group
marco.aucancela@acesxilicon  Advanced OEM Solutions (AE, LT, UT, Services)
.com (M) 4370 Chicago Dr. S.W., Ste. B, #224
 Adaptive Energy (M)
(GW, RT, UT) (see ad in sidebar) Grandville, MI 49418-1694
3011 S. Huson St., Ste. B (616) 965-2334
 ACNDT, Inc. Advanced Technology Group
Tacoma, WA 98409-2358 fax (616) 531 9876
(ET, GPR, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, (253) 284-0825 (M)
UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
fax (253) 284-0058 (ET, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT,
4021 Clifford Ln.
VA, VT, Services, Specialized)
Middleburg, FL 32068-7108 Beranovych 65
(904) 616-0873
Prague 19902
fax (904) 291-4256  Ademinsa Czech Republic
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LT, 420 234312201
ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, fax 420 234312205
Services, Specialized)
Acoustic Emission
51 12751588
Consulting, Inc. (M)
fax 51 12751589
(AE, LT, UT, Services,  Advanced Test Equipment
Specialized) Rentals
5000 San Juan Ave., Ste. D (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM,
Fair Oaks, CA 95628-4356 LT, ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA,
(916) 965-4827 Advanced Construction
Technology Services VT, Services, Specialized)
fax (916) 965-4827
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) 10401 Roselle St. Advanced OEM Solutions (M)
Aresco Center 9th Floor San Diego, CA 92121-1523 (UT)
Hamra (888) 554-2832
Beirut 5918 fax (858) 558-6570 8044 Montgomery Rd., Ste. 700
Acoustic Ideas (M) Cincinnati, OH 45236-2926
(UT, Services) 961 11753100 (844) 576-9687
10 Rue De Franchimont
Blainville, QC J7B 1S9 Advantest (M)
Canada (IM, VT, Services)
(450) 420-1616
Advanced Corrosion 3061 Zanker Rd.
fax (450) 420-4664
Technologies & Training, LLC San Jose, CA 95134-2127
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, (212) 710-0515
ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, fax (212) 710-0514
Services, Specialized)
75 Center Cir.
 Acoustic Technology
Sulphur, LA 70663-5532
Group  AEIS
(337) 313-6038
(see ad in sidebar) fax (337) 625-9284 (IM, MT, UT, VT, Services,
randy@advancedcorrosion Specialized)
AcousticEye, Ltd. (M) .com 265 Birdsall Dr.
(GW, Services, Specialized) Yorktown Heights, NY
12 Greenway Plz., Ste. 1100 10598-6113
Houston, TX 77046-1201  Advanced Inspection (732) 388-7711
(888) 874-4779 Technologies fax (732) 388-7767
fax 972 36870755 (IR, VT) 2020 W. Eau Gallie Blvd. Suite 146
Melbourne, FL 32940  Aerofab NDT, LLC (M)
(321) 610-8977 (UT, Specialized)
fax (321) 574-3814 8629 S. 212th St. Kent, WA 98031-1910 (253) 395-8706
fax (253) 872-4402

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x directory A

Aerohoff Inspection  Air Services  Alpha Star Aviation

Services, Inc. (ET, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) Services
(ET, GPR, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, 17520 Engle Lake Dr., (ET, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT,
MT, PT, UT, VT, Services, Ste. A-D UT, VT, Services)
Specialized) Middleburg Heights, OH King Abdulaziz Rd., Exit 5
P.O. Box 5801 44130-8360 Alrabea District
Oceanside, CA 92052 (216) 212-1069 Riyadh 11671
(760) 806-2782 fax (440) 826-0563 Saudi Arabia
fax (760) 859-3175 966 569032014 fax 966 112228877
 Aircraft Inspection
Aerospace Maintenance Services
Supplies & Services (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Alpha Testing Services
(AE, ET, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (AE, Services)
Services) 4128 40th St. S.E. P.O. Box 24935
8161 N.W. 91st Ter. Grand Rapids, MI E LOB Office EE43G-25
Medley, FL 33166-2134 49512-4122 Hamriya Free Zone
(305) 885-0899 (616) 974-1100 Sharjah
fax (305) 885-0898 fax (616) 974-1111 United Arab Emirates 971 165359577 fax 971 65359577
 Aerotest Operations, Inc. Airstar, Inc. (M)
(M) (GW, LM, RT, UT, Services)
(NR) 2691 Richter Ave., Ste. 112 Alternative Vision Corp (M)
3455 Fostoria Way Irvine, CA 92606-5124 (IR, RT, VT, Specialized)
San Ramon, CA 94583-1317 (949) 261-7100 4729 E Sunrise Dr. # 331
(925) 866-1212 fax (949) 261-7133 Tucson, AZ 85718-4534
fax (925) 866-1716 (520) 615-4073
aonray@aerotestoperations fax (520) 844-6332
.com Al-Mailem Oilfield & Ind
Equipment Co (M)
AETS-NDT, LLC (ET, MT, PT) Amcol Ingenieria Ltda.
(AE, Services) P.O. Box 42073 (ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, NR, PT, RT,
2390 Summer Oak Cir. North Shuwaikh 70651 UT, VT, Specialized)
Sandy, UT 84092-5648 Kuwait Calle 95 32-40 of 302
(801) 580-4320 965 4831507 Carrera 49B #91-54 fax 965 4836359 Bogota Colombia 57 16218634
 African NDT Centre Pty., fax 57 16218661
Ltd. Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (RT, Services)
Services) 1095 Crestwood Cir.
224 Witch-Hazel Ave. Tremonton, UT 84337 Amdata NDE Technologies, LLC
Highveld Technopark (662) 424-7112 (ET, UT, Services, Specialized)
Centurion 0046 7 George Rd.
South Africa Windsor Locks, CT 06096
27 126653248 (860) 627-8750
fax 27 126654749 Alloyweld Inspection Co., Inc. (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
796 Maple Ln. American Ceramic Society
 AIP Bensenville, IL 60106-1585 (Specialized)
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (630) 595-2145 600 N. Cleveland Ave.,
7100 North Loop E., Ste. A6 fax (630) 595-2128 Suite 210
Houston, TX 77028-5943 Westerville, OH 43082
(713) 451-6506 (614) 890-4700
fax (713) 451-1501 fax (614) 899-6109 AllPro NDT (M) (RT)
1295 Walt Whitman Rd.
Melville, NY 11747-3070
(888) 862-4050
fax (888) 247-8481

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734 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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 American Inspection  American Testing Services Applied Inspection Systems,

Services, Inc. (MT, PT) Inc.
(GPR, GW, LT, ML, NR, PT, VA, 2000 Old Byers Rd. (AE, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
VT, Services) Miamisburg, OH 45342-6718 Services)
14151 Driskell Dairy Rd. (937) 298-9390 1418 Airlane Dr.
Grand Bay, AL 36541-3004 fax (937) 298-9429 Benton, AR 72015-4935
(251) 865-1263 csmall@americantesting (501) 776-8454
fax (251) 865-1264 fax (501) 315-9042
kwadkins@american www.americantestingservices .com
Andrew NDT Engineering (M)
Applied Scintillation
 AMS Store and Shred, Technologies (M) (AE, ET, IM, UT, Services)
 American Institute of LLC (M) (IR, NR, RT) 1253 Fleming Ave.
Nondestructive Testing (RT) Unit 7-8 Roydonbury San Jose, CA 95127
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) 13 Prosper Ct. Industrial Estate (408) 710-0342
7938 College Rd., Ste. 100 Lake In The Hills, IL 60156- Horsecroft Rd. fax (408) 842-1329
Baxter, MN 56425-8637 9603 Essex CM196BZ
(218) 270-3182 (800) 262-2344 United Kingdom fax (847) 658-0497 44 44 0 1279641234 fax 44 44 0 1279413679
American NDT, Inc. (M)
(ET, GW, IM, LM, ML, MT, PT, Analytical Testing Services,
RT, UT, Services, Specialized) Inc. (M)  Applied Technical Services
671 E Walnut St. (LT, Services) (AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT,
Lancaster, OH 43130-3947 P.O. Box 20534 PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services,
(740) 687-1321 Roanoke, VA 24018-0054 Specialized)
fax (740) 687-5276 (540) 776-6475 1049 Triad Ct. fax (540) 776-1930 Marietta, GA 30062-2259 (678) 444-2847
www.heliumtestingservices fax ( 770) 514-3299
American Society for .com
Nondestructive Testing
(Organization) Andec Manufacturing, Ltd.
P.O. Box 28518 (M)
Columbus, OH 43228-0506 (AE, ET, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, Applied Test Systems (M)
(614) 274-6003 PT, UT, VA, VT, Services, (GW, UT)
fax (614) 274-6899 Specialized) 154 Eastbrook Ln. 124 Skyway Ave. Butler, PA 16002-1024 Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9 (724) 283-1212
Canada fax (724) 283-6570
American Society for (416) 213-8000
Photogrammetry & Remote fax (416) 213-8004
(AE, ML, MT, VT) Aqualified, LLC
425 Barlow Pl., Ste. 210 (ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA,
Bethesda, MD 20814-2160 Andesco Sales, Inc. VT, Services)
(301) 493-0290 (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) 4355 Cobb Pkwy. S.E.,
fax (301) 493-0208 251 New Karner Rd. Ste. J602 Albany, NY 12205 Atlanta, GA 30339-3887 (518) 452-4933 (770) 422-1349
fax (518) 452-5449
American Stress
Technologies, Inc. (M)
(ET, IM, LM, Specialized) Andrew NDT Engineering (M) ARC Metals Corp. (M)
540 Alpha Dr. (see ad in sidebar) (MT)
Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2912 224 River Rd.
(412) 784-8400 Apex NDT Training Services P.O. Box 372
fax (412) 784-8401 (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) Ridgway, PA 15853-2138 (814) 776-4250
12680 W. Lake Houston fax (814) 776-4030
Pkwy., Ste. 510-210
Houston, TX 77044-6087
(337) 255-6157
fax (337) 453-5000

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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 Arcmart Indonesia (M) Astro-Med, Inc. (M)  Aurora Institute &

(AE, GW, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, (AE) Inspection Services
VA, VT, Services, Specialized) 600 East Greenwich Ave. (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
Jl.Siliwangi No.77 Baleendah - West Warwick, RI 02893 33 Metha Layout
Kab.Bandung (401) 828-4000 Masakalipalayam Rd.
Bandung 40258 fax (401) 822-2430 Peelamedu
Indonesia Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
62 811217060 641004
fax 62 226029673 India
arcmartindonesia1@gmail ATH NDT, Ltd. (M) 91 04226566616
.com (MT, PT, Services) The Workshop
Colne Rd.
 Arcadia Aerospace Kelbrook, Barnoldswick BB18  AUT Solutions (M)
Industries (M) 6TE (LM, UT, Services)
(IR, LM, RT, UT, Services) United Kingdom 29382 McKinnon Rd., Ste. C
28000 Airport Rd., A-11 Fulshear, TX 77441
Punta Gorda, FL 33982 (281) 346-8091
(941) 205-5700 fax (281) 346-8092
fax (941) 205-5701  Atlantic Aero, Inc.
charles.bushman@arcadia (ET, MT, PT, UT, Services) 1030 PTI Dr. Greensboro, NC 27409-9469  Automated Inspection
(336) 668-0411 Systems (M)
Areva (M) fax (336) 235-3305 (UT)
(ET, GW, IR, UT, VT, Services) 4861 Sunrise Dr., Ste. 101
Paul-Gossen Str. 100 Martinez, CA 94553-8602
Erlangen 31052 (925) 335-9206
Germany  Atlas Inspection fax (925) 335-9208
(434) 832-3771 Technologies, Inc.
fax (434) 382-3771 (IR, RT, VT) 1315 NW 85th St. #3 Seattle, WA 98117  aycan Data Management
(225) 939-7955 (M)
 ASG Inspection Ltd. fax (206) 792-7000 (RT)
(ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT, 693 East Ave., Ste. 102
Services, Specialized) Rochester, NY 14607-2160
6 International Ave. (585) 473-1350
Aberdeen Business Park ATS Rheo Systems fax (585) 473-1596
Aberdeen AB21 0BH (GPR, IM, IR, Services)
United Kingdom 231 Crosswicks Rd.
44 01224920033 Bordentown, NJ 08505 (609) 298-2522 B fax (609) 298-2795  B-TEC, LLC
Asian Institute of Petroleum (ML, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services,
and Construction Technology Specialized)
(AIPCT), Kochi, Kerala Attar 2904 Graneros Ln.
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, (AE) Pueblo, CO 81005-3184
LT, ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, (719) 289-7477
VT, Services, Specialized) 64 Bridge Rd.
Unit 1 fax (719) 289-7481
16, Giri Nagar, Near to Radio Keysborough, Victoria 3173
Mango Australia
Opposite GCDA Complex, 61 395746144
Kadavanthra fax 61 395746133
Cochin, Kerala 682020 Babbco (M) (MT, PT)
971 505169321 BP 136 Plaisir Cedex 78374
Aucella & Associates (M) France
 Associated X-Ray Corp. (AE, VT, Services) 33 130808182
(M) 132 Woodcliff Dr. fax 33 130808199
Westfield, MA 01085-1866
(MT, PT, RT, VT, Specialized)
(413) 568-1319
246 Dodge Ave. fax (413) 562-6879
East Haven, CT 06512-3305
(203) 466-2446
fax (203) 466-2448

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736 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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 Baker Testing Services, Berkeley Springs  Boeing

Inc. Instruments, LLC (M) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM,
(GPR, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (GW, UT, VA, VT, Services, LT, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT,
Services) Specialized) Services, Specialized)
22 Reservoir Park Dr. Unit 1 14901 Uhl Hwy. S.E. P.O. Box 5801
Rockland, MA 02370-1055 Cumberland, MD 21502-8452 Oceanside, CA 92052
(781) 871-4458 (301) 722-2260 (714) 896-1334
fax (781) 871-0123 fax (301) 722-2289 fax (314) 777-3745 Baugh & Weedon Ltd. (M) (ET, MT, PT, UT, Services)
Unit 11-16 Burcott Business Park
 Balteau NDT (M)  BFW Engineering & Bookholt Associates, LLC
(RT, Services) Testing (ET, GW, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT,
Burcott Rd.
Rue Voie de Liege 12 (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) VT, Services) Hereford HR4 9JQ
Hermalle sous Argenteau 500 S. 17th St. 153B Main St. United Kingdom
B4681 Paducah, KY 42003-2819 Franklin, NJ 07416 44 (0)1432 267671
Belgium (270) 443-1995 (973) 309-2129
32 43747575 fax (270) 443-1904
fax 32 43747585 Bossa Nova Technologies (M)
 BG Detection Services/LA (LM)
Baugh & Weedon Ltd. (M) X-Ray 606 Venice Bld., Ste. B
(see ad in sidebar) (ET, GW, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, Venice, CA 90291
Services) (310) 577-8113
Beijing Jinkeguang 10940 Tuxford St. fax (310) 943-3280
Technology Co. Ltd. (M) Sun Valley, CA 91352-2662
(AE, MT, PT, UT) (818) 504-6708
fax (818) 504-6896
Rm 908 Lleizhen Building Boston Centerless
Fuming Rd. (AE, ET, GW, IM, UT, Services)
Shenzhen Guangdong
518033 11 Presidential Way BRL Consultants, Inc.
China  Bighorn Inspection, Inc. Woburn, MA 01801-1040
86 13603028230 (UT, Services) (781) 994-5000 (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services,
fax 86 75582860448 P.O. Box 306 fax (781) 994-5001 Specialized) Laurel, MT 59044-0306 219 W. Rhapsody Dr. (406) 969-1702 San Antonio, TX 78216-3107
fax (406) 245-1563
dvollert@bighorninspection (210) 341-3442
Beijing TIME High Techology Boston Piezo Optics, Inc. (M)
Ltd. (M) .com fax (210) 341-2844
(ET, IR, LT, UT, VA, Specialized)
38B Maple St.
#38 Shangdi West Rd. Bellingham, MA 02019-3011
Haidian District 2nd Floor Birring NDE Center (508) 966-4988
No. 1 Bldg (AE, ET, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, fax (508) 966-4980
Beijing 100085 Services) ksimmons@bostonpiezooptics
China 515 Tristar Dr. .com
86 1062966785 Webster, TX 77598-1538
fax 86 1062980728 (281) 488-8944 fax (281) 488-8485 Bradken-Atlas (NR, RT, Services)
3021 S. Wilkeson St.
Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. Tacoma, WA 98409-7857
(M)  Blatek, Inc. (M) (360) 767-1061
(RT, Services) (UT) fax (360) 748-3956
2955 Kerner Blvd. 2820 E College Ave., Ste. F
San Rafael, CA 94901-5533 State College, PA 16801-7548
(415) 453-9955 (814) 231-2085
fax (415) 453-9956 fax (814) 231-2087  BRL Consultants, Inc. (see ad in sidebar)
 Bruker (M)
BlueLine NDT, LLC (M)
(IM, Specialized)
(MT, PT, VT)
415 N Quay St. Ste. 1
34 Dunelm Rd.
Kennewick, WA 99336-7783
Bedford, MA 01730-1362
(781) 791-9511
fax ( 509)735-9696
fax (781) 791-9519

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory B • C

Bureau Veritas  Carestream NDT (M) Chameleon Innovations (M)

(ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, ML, MT, (see ad in sidebar) (AE, ML, MT, PT, RT)
PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) 115 Hymus Blvd.
61 249082500  Carl Zeiss Industrial Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1E5
fax 61 249082555 Metrology, LLC (M) Canada (RT, VT, Services) (514) 695-3382 fax (514) 630-7266
6250 Sycamore Ln. N.
Carestream NDT (M)
Maple Grove, MN
Business Solutions-USA, LLC
(RT, Services) 55369-6311
(AE, GW, MT, PT, UT, VA, VT, (800) 327-9735
150 Verona St. Services, Specialized)  Chemetall US, Inc. (M)
fax (763) 533-0219
Mc 01127 P.O. Box 461149 (MT, PT, UT, Services)
Rochester, NY 14608-1733 Aurora, CO 80046 675 Central Ave.
(800) 810-0327 (303) 872-0788 New Providence, NJ
fax (800) 445-9967 nde411bg@business- Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. 07974-1560 (M) (908) 464-6900 fax (908) 464-2377 (see ad in sidebar)
CBI International
C (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) Chene Canada, Inc. (M)
43940 S.E. 80th St.
 Callington Haven Pty., Ltd. North Bend, WA 98045-8159
(ET, UT)
(M) 3067 Ave. Brighton
(425) 802-3337
(MT, PT, UT, Services) Montreal, QC H3H 2P5
30 South St. Canada
Rydalmere 2116 1 5149622502
Australia fax 1 5142853594
 CD International
61 98982752 Technology, Inc. (M)
fax 61 96644215
(UT, Services) accueil.php 695 Pinnacle Pl.
Livermore, CA 94550-9705  Chesapeake Testing
(408) 986-0725 Services, Inc.
Carl Zeiss Microimaging, Inc. (M) Canadian Institute For NDE fax (408) 986-0921
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, Services, (LM, RT, VT, Services)
(LM, VT)
4603 Compass Point Rd.,
One Zeiss Dr. 135 Fennell Ave. W. Ste. B
Thornwood, NY 10594 Room E006A Belcamp, MD 21017-1245
 Centura X-Ray NDT (410) 297-8154
(800) 233-2343 Hamilton, ON L8N 3T2
(IR, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
fax (914) 681-7445 Canada
www. (819) 994-1819
fax (905) 574-6080 4381 Renaissance Pkwy. /services/xct-scanning-and- Cleveland, OH 44128-5759 ndt/ (216) 831-7640
fax (216) 831-6959 Cimetrix, Ltd. (M) (UT, Services, Specialized)
Candet (M)
(AE, ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, 1021 Sw Klickitat Way,
RT, UT, VT, Services, Ste. 102
Centurion NDT, Inc. (M) Seattle, WA 98134-1100
(ET, IM, UT) (206) 340-5995
124 Skyway Ave.
Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9 1400 Yorkshire Dr. fax (206) 340-5996
Canada Streamwood, IL 60107-2272 sales@leebhardnesstesters
(416) 213-8000 (630) 736-5500 .com
fax (416) 213-8004 fax (630) 730-5700  Circle Systems, Inc. (M)
Circle Systems, Inc. (M)
(see ad in sidebar)
(MT) Certus Energy Solutions
Canyon State Inspection
479 W. Lincoln Ave. (ET, GPR, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, (ET, ML, MT, PT, UT, Services)  Comet Technologies USA,
Hinckley, IL 60520 RT, UT, VA, Services) 14025 Bennett Loop Inc. (M)
(815) 286-3271 103 S. Southgate Dr. Williston, ND 58801-6916 (IM, RT)
Chandler, AZ 85226-3222 (701) 214-5780
fax (815) 286-3352
100 Trap Falls Rd. Ext (520) 745-3672 Shelton, CT 06484-4655
fax (480) 783-7183
(203) 447-3165 fax (203) 925-0364

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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C directory w

 Commodity Resource &  CoreStar International CTRL Systems, Inc. (M)

Environmental, Inc. (M) Corp. (M) (AE, LT, UT, Services)
(see ad in sidebar) (ET, Services) 1004 Littlestown Pike, Ste. H
1044 Sandy Hill Rd. Westminster, MD
Computerised Information Irwin, PA 15642 21157-3040
Technology, Ltd. (M) (724) 744-4094 (410) 876-5676
(RT, VT, Specialized) fax (724) 744-4093 fax (410) 848-8073
Unit 4-5 Centurion Ct. Commodity Resource &
Brick Close
Kiln Farm Environmental, Inc. (M)
Milton Keynes MK11 3JB Cowley County Community  CurrentSAFE
College (GW, IR, Services,
United Kingdom
44 01908260082 (ET, LT, MT, RT, UT, VT, Specialized) 116 E. Prospect Ave.
fax 44 01908260084 Services) 501 Technology Dr., Ste. 3000 Burbank, CA 91502-2035 125 S. 2nd St. Canonsburg, PA 15317-7537 (818) 843-2811 Arkansas City, KS (412) 225-6563 fax (818) 843-2862
67005-2662 fax (814) 335-1476
(620) 441-5277
Contour Dynamics
Inspection Systems (M) fax (620) 441-5550
(ET, UT)
1258 Rue Arthur Labrie  Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Quebec, QC G1W 3Y4 (see ad in sidebar)
Canada CPAC Imaging (M)
(418) 837-6650 (RT)  Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT
fax (418) 837-7653 5440 Oakbrook Pkwy. (ET, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services, Norcross, GA 30093 Specialized) (800) 262-9333 38 Executive Park, Ste. 350
fax (770) 448-0257 Irvine, CA 92614-6745
Controle Mesure Systemes (949) 271-7520
(M) fax (949) 271-7521
(ET, UT)
1 Chemin des Bruyeres  Creaform, Inc. (M)
La Charmee 71100 (see ad in sidebar) Creaform, Inc. (M)
France Cyberlogic, Inc. (M) (LM, VT, Services, Specialized)
33 385941414 Creative Electron (M) (UT)
fax 33 3859419415 2915 Ogletown Rd. # 341
(RT) 611 Broadway Rm. 707 Newark, DE 19713-1927
contactcms@cmseddyscan New York, NY 10012-2649
253 Pawnee St.
San Marcos, CA 92078-2437 (212) 260-1351 (418) 833-4446 fax (212) 260-1353 fax (418) 833-9588
(760) 752-1197
fax (760) 752-1196
 Cooperheat Saudi Arabia
Co. Ltd.
(AE)  Cygnus Instruments, Inc.
P.O. Box 1598 Criterion NDT, Inc. (M) (M)
Jubail 31951 (ET) (ET, LT, UT, Services)
Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 6417
3702 W. Valley Hwy. N.,
966 33410102 Annapolis, MD 21401-0417
Ste. 202
fax 966 33415170 (410) 267-9771
Auburn, WA 98001-2450 fax (410) 268-2013
(253) 929-8800 sales@cygnusinstruments
fax (253) 929-8851 .com
CorDEX Instruments (M)
18 Amerston Close Wynyard Crossroads Institute
Woods (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, Curtis Industries, Inc. (M)
Wynyard TS22 5QX LT, ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, (ET, PT, RT, UT, VT, Specialized)
United Kingdom VT, Services, Specialized)
(877) 836-0764 105 West Park Dr.
1613 S.E. 66th St.
fax 44 1904352415
Oklahoma City, OK 73149
Kittanning, PA 16201-7125
marcus.halliday@cord-ex (724) 545-8333
(405) 631-7990
.com fax (724) 545-8334
fax (405) 672-0722

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x directory D

D DeFelsko Corp. (M) Digitome Corp. (M)

(ET, UT) (RT, Services)
D.W. Harris Consulting, LLC 802 Proctor Ave. 610 Jetton St. Ste. 120-111
(ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, Ogdensburg, NY 13669-2205 Davidson, NC 28036
Services, Specialized) (315) 393-4450 (960) 651-5560
(907) 787-8112 fax (315) 393-8471
fax (907) 787-8330 Divers Academy
 Delphi Precision Imaging International
 Dakota Ultrasonics (M) (RT, Services) (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, Services)
(UT, Services) 8445 154th Ave. N.E. 1500 Liberty Pl.
1500 Green Hills Rd., Ste. 107 Redmond, WA 98052-3863 Erial, NJ 08081-5709
Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4945 (425) 497-9729 (800) 238-3483
(831) 431-9722 fax (866) 497-9127 fax (856) 404-6104
fax (831) 431-9723 blake@delphiprecision www.delphiprecisionimaging.
com Dizayn Quality Engineering
 Danatronics (M) Services Firm
Delta-Xray, Inc. (IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT,
(UT, VT, Specialized)
(RT) VT, Services, Specialized)
150A Andover St., Ste. 8C
Danvers, MA 01923-5308 2111 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 700 Cavusoglu Mah Yakacik Cad
(978) 777-0081 Arlington, VA 22201-3056 No 132
fax (978) 777-3798 (703) 820-5204 Istanbul 34873 fax (703) 414-3585 Turkey 90 2164837200
 Danco Inspection Service,
Inc.  Detection Technology, Inc.
(M)  D.K. Shah NDT Training
(GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, Institute
UT, Services) (RT)
Piisilta 1 (AE, ET, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT,
1324 S.W. 155th St. VT, Services)
Oklahoma City, OK 73170- Ii FI91100
9309 Finland 302 Heritage II Appt.
(405) 691-5752 (978) 362-8921 Kadamnagar Nizampura
fax (405) 378-0365 fax (978) 362-8835 Baroda, Gujarat 390024 India 91 9824042002
 Detek, Inc. (M)
 Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (M)
(LM, VA, VT, Services) (AE, ET, IM, LM, LT, ML, MT, PT,
RT, UT, VT, Services,  DolphiTech (M)
750 Blue Point Rd. Specialized) (GW, UT)
Holtsville, NY 11742-1832
(631) 654-1290 6805 Coolridge Dr. Building 1, Raufoss Industrial
fax (631) 654-1293 Temple Hills, MD 20748-6996 Park, 2830 Raufoss, Norway (800) 638-0554 1600 Wilton Ct. fax (301) 449-701 Green Oaks, IL 60048 47 90150293
 Decibel NDE Inspections &
Training Institute (M)
 Diamond Technical
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, Services, Inc. Don E. Bray, Inc. (M)
VT, Services, Specialized) (GW, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (UT)
Services) P.O. Box 10315
1st Floor, Plainfield, Near Civil
Court 9152 Route 22 College Station, TX 77842-
Pattambi, Kerala 679303 Blairsville, PA 15717 0315
India (724) 668-5070 (979) 492-9534
91 9895027721 fax (724) 668-5070 fax (979) 693-1620 rhill@diamondtechnical

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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D • E directory w

 Doppler Electronic Eastern NDT, Inc. Electromatic Equipment Co,

Technologies Co., Ltd. (M) (ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Inc.
(GW, UT, Services) Services, Specialized) (ET, UT)
RM 104 & 405 Building C 1404 City Point Rd. 600 Oakland Ave.
Yushu Industrial Park Science Hopewell, VA 23860-3745 Cedarhurst, NY 11516
City (800) 458-1743 (800) 645-4300
Guangzhou 510663 fax (804) 458-1780 fax (516) 295-4399
86 2082260495 Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co., KG (M)
fax 86 2082086200 (RT)  Echo Ultrasonics (M) Electronic & Engineering Co. Hoepfigheimer Str 22 (see ad in sidebar) Pvt., Ltd. (M)
(ET, MT, RT, UT, Services) Bietigheim-Bissingen 74321
Drysdale & Associates, Inc. C7 Dalia Industrial Estate Germany
 Eclipse Scientific
(IR) Products, Inc. (M) Off New Link Rd. Andheri W. 49 7142993810
P.O. Box 44055 (ET, GW, IM, LM, ML, MT, PT, Mumbai, Maharashtra fax 49 714299381299
Cincinnati, OH 45244-0055 UT, VT, Services) 400 053
(513) 831-9625 India
fax (513) 831-9627
440 Phillip St., Ste. 100
91 2266921401
Waterloo, ON N2L 5R9
drysdale@virtualspectrum fax 91 2266921405
(519) 886-6717
fax (519) 886-1102
Dunegan Engineering Co., Element Materials
Inc. (M) Technology
(AE) Eddy Current Technology, (IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
P.O. Box 61808 Inc. (M) Services)
Midland, TX 79711 (ET) 1200 Westinghouse Blvd.,
(432) 561-5901 Ste. E.
201A Horace Ave.
fax (432) 563-0178 Charlotte, NC 28273-6313
Virginia Beach, VA (704) 588-1131
23462-2736 fax (310) 933-1215
(757) 490-1814 Echo Ultrasonics (M)
fax (757) 490-2778
 Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co., KG (UT)
(M) 774 Marine Dr.
(see ad in sidebar) Elsys Instruments (M) Bellingham, WA 98225
 Eddyfi (M) (AE, ET, GW, UT, VA, Services,
(360) 671-9121
Dynamold, Inc. (M) (ET, ML, Services) fax ( 360) 671-9024
(MT, PT) 234 Cromwell Hill Rd.
2800 Louis-Lumiere, Ste. 100
Monroe, NY 10950-1430
2905 Shamrock Ave. Quebec, QC G1P 0A4
Fort Worth, TX 76107-1314 Canada
(845) 238-3933
(817) 335-0862 (418) 780-1565
fax (817) 335-2405 fax (418) 780-2354 ENDi Ensaios Nao
Destrutivos Inspecao E
 Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. Soldagem, Ltda. ME
(M) (LT, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services)
(LT, MT, PT, UT) Ave Desembargador Mario
Eastern Applied Research, Da Silva
Inc. 1-2-13 Higashi-Shimbashi
Nunes No 580 2 Andar Jardim
(IM, Services) Minato-Ku 105-0021
6614 Lincoln Ave. Japan
Serra 29164044
Lockport, NY 14094-6109 81 335734235
(716) 201-1115 fax 81 335734230
55 733288925
fax (716) 201-1119
fax 55 733288925
Elcometer NDT (M)
(ET, GPR, IM, UT, Specialized)
1893 Rochester Industrial Dr.
Rochester Hills, MI
(248) 650-0500
fax (248) 650-0501

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory E • F

Energy Workforce, Sdn. Bhd. Equipment Reliability  Extende

(AE, ET, Services) Institute (ET, GW, RT, UT, Services)
No 3 Jalan PJS 7/19 (UT, VA, Services) P.O. Box 461
Bandar Sunway 1520 Santa Rosa Ave. Ballston Spa, NY 12020-0461
Petaling Jaya 46150 Santa Barbara, CA 93109 (518) 490-2376
Malaysia (805) 564-1260 fax (518) 602-1368
60 356310497 fax (805) 966-7875
ETher NDE, Ltd. ((M)) fax 60 356310493 tustin@equipment-
(ET Services) panicker@energyworkforce
Endeavour House .net F
18 Brick Knoll Park
Ashley Rd. Failure Prevention Assoc.
Engineering & Inspection ESECO-Speedmaster (M) (IR, LT, UT, VA, Services)
St. Albans AL1 5UG International (RT)
United Kingdom 2800 Broadway, Ste. C252
(ET, GW, IM, ML, MT, PT, RT, 1 E. Eseco Rd. Attn: Karl Hoffower
44 1582767912 UT, Services) Cushing, OK 74023-5531 Pearland, TX 77581-9502
fax 44 1582712577 12370 Jackson Run Rd. (800) 331-5904 (408) 891-5830 Sugar Grove, PA 16350-4526 fax (918) 225-1266 fax (888) 219-4715
(954) 302-3520 wallace@eseco- fax (866) 765-1933
Faro Technologies, Inc. (M)
 ETher NDE, Ltd. (M) (VT, Specialized)
Engineering & Inspection (see ad in sidebar)
Unlimited (M) 250 Technology Park
Lake Mary, FL 32746-7115
(ET, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, ETI Ewer Testing & (407) 333-9911
VT, Services, Specialized) Inspection, Inc. fax (407) 333-4181
1071 S.W. South Macedo Blvd. (ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 Services, Specialized)
(954) 302-3520
1232 Airport Rd.
fax (866) 765-1933
Bismarck, ND 58504 Faxitron Bioptics, LLC (M)
(701) 223-6434 (RT)
fax (701) 255-9167 3440 E Britannia Dr., Ste. 150 Tucson, AZ 85706-5006
Engineering Quality
Inspection Services (520) 399-8180
fax (520) 399-8182
(ET, IM, IR, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,  ETM, Inc. (M)
2 166A Mettukuppam Rd.
35451 Dumbarton Ct.
Newark, CA 94560-1100 Feature Based Systems, Inc.
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600095
(510) 797-1100 (M)
fax (510) 797-4358 (GW, UT)
91 4424764770 3340 W. College Ave.
fax 91 4424764773 State College, PA 16801-2503 (814) 234-3437
 Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. fax (814) 234-3457
Ensayos No Destructivos,
S.A. de C.V. (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Units 6-7 Kepler
Services, Specialized) Lichfield Rd. Industrial Estate FEI (M)
Tamworth B79 7XE (RT, UT, Services)
Av 517 No 80
United Kingdom 16700 Park Row Dr.
Col San Juan de Aragon
44 1827312455 Houston, TX 77084
Mexico City 07969
fax 44 1827312548 (713) 375-1313
Mexico fax (713) 375-1323
52 5557513787
fax 52 5557513291 Exodrill
(ET, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT,
57 Hampton Rd.
Keswick 5035
61 882315914
fax 61 882318602

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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Feole Technologies, Inc. (M)  Flawspec Manufacturing, Full Service NDT, S.A. de C.V.
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, Inc. (M) (M)
PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services, (AE, ET, GPR, IM, IR, LM, LT, (ET, PT, UT, VT, Specialized)
Specialized) ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT) Av Anillo Periferico 1824-5
2220 Plainfield Pike 8508 Roper Rd. Hacienda San Jeronimo
Cranston, RI 02921-2031 Edmonton, AB T6E 6V4 Monterrey 64630
(401) 943-3141 Canada Mexico
fax (401) 942-5322 (780) 468-5181 52 8113660809 fax (780) 468-5189 fax 52 8113660810 FlawTech, Inc. (M) (AE, ET, GW, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT)
FI Test- und Messtechnik,
4486 Raceway Dr.
GmbH (M)  FlawTech, Inc. (M) Furmanite (M)
(ET, IM, Services, Specialized) (see ad in sidebar) (AE, ET, GPR, IM, IR, ML, MT, Concord, NC 28027-8979
Breitscheidstr 17 PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (704) 795-4401
Magdeburg 39114 FLIR Systems, Inc. (M) 10370 Richmond Ave., fax (704) 795-4403
Germany (ET, IR, LT, MT, VT, Services) Ste. 600
49 39150389430 Houston, TX 77042-4136
27700 S.W. Parkway Ave.
fax 49 39150389439 (713) 634-7777
Wilsonville, OR 97070-8238 fax (281) 668-5000
(800) 464-6372
fax (603) 334-7701
 First Alert Sling Testing, LLC
(MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) G
118 Row Three Fluke Corp. (M)
Lafayette, LA 70508-4320 (IR, LT) GammaTec Arabia
(337) 261-5860 (AE, ET, Services)
P.O. Box 9090
fax (337) 261-5853 P.O. Box 1472
Everett, WA 98206-9090 Dammam 31431
(800) 760-4523 Saudi Arabia
fax (425) 446-5116 966 0564811161
Fischer Technology, Inc. (M) rashed@gammatecme-sa FORCE Technology (M)
(ET, IM, LT) .com
(ET, RT, UT, Services, Specialized
750 Marshall Phelps Rd.  Foerster Instruments, Inc.
Windsor, CT 06095-2106 Main Office
(860) 683-0781 (AE, ET, IM, ML, Services) Gammatec NDT Supplies Park Alle 345
fax (860) 688-8496 SOC, Ltd. (M) Brondby 2605
140 Industry Dr. (AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, Denmark
Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1028 PT, RT, UT, VT, Specialized)
(412) 788-8976 45 22697370
fax (412) 788-8984 P.O. Box 264786
 Fish & Associates, Inc. Three Rivers 1935
(AE, GPR, MT, PT, UT, VT, Vision 21 Industrial Park
Services, Specialized) Steel Rd. Vereeniging 1939
3148 Deming Way, Ste. 160  FORCE Technology (M) South Africa
Middleton, WI 53562-1486 27 0164237731
(see ad in sidebar)
(608) 831-3238 fax 27 0164231743
fax (608) 831-3295 marketing.assist@gamma  FujiFilm NDT Systems - FujiFilm North America Corp.
(M) GB Geotechnics USA, Inc.
Five Star NDT (M) (see ad in sidebar) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IR, LT, UT,
(PT) VA, VT, Services, Specialized)
5628 Sprinter Ln. Full Circle Studios 32 Old Slip
Bonita, CA 91902-2815 (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, 10th Floor
(619) 661-5700 Services, Specialized) New York, NY 10005 FujiFilm NDT Systems - FujiFilm
fax (619) 661-5707 710 Main St. (212) 777-3770 North America Corporation (M) Buffalo, NY 14202 fax (212) 777-3130 (NR, RT, Services) (716) 875-7740
fax (716) 875-7162 200 Summit Lake Dr. Valhalla, NY 10595-1338 (936) 441-2785
fax (401) 294-2269

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory G

 GB Inspection Systems,  Genesis Systems Group Glitz Global Services, Ltd.

Ltd. (M) (M) (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services)
(ET, GW, IM, IR, MT, PT, UT, (UT) 15 Iriebe St.
Services) 8900 N. Harrison St. D/Line
22A Cobbett Rd. Davenport, IA 52806-7323 Port Harcourt 500261
Burntwood Business Park (563) 445-5600 Nigeria
Burntwood fax (563) 445-5699 234 84464649
Cannock WS7 3GL
United Kingdom
44 01213515025
fax 44 01543279619 Geophysical Survey  Global Diving & Salvage, Systems, Inc. (M) Inc. (GPR, Services) (IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
40 Simon St. Services)
GE Inspection Services Nashua, NH 03079-4843 5400 Eielson St.
(ET, GPR, GW, IM, LM, ML, MT, (603) 893-1109 Anchorage, AK 99518
PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, fax (603) 889-3984 (907) 563-9060
Specialized) fax (907) 563-9061
15411 Vantage Pkwy. W.,
Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77032-1903  George Consulting
(518) 385-7755 Services, Inc.  Global Oil Inspectindo
fax (281) 982-1930 (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (AE, ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services, Specialized)
120 Highland Ave. Pahlawan No 5 E.
Monaca, PA 15061-2619
es/inspection-service 04/09 Lemah Mekar
(724) 513-9472
fax (724) 774-3538 Indramayu 45212
GE Measurement & Control george@georgeconsulting Indonesia
(M) 62 234277013
(AE, ET, GW, IM, ML, MT, PT, www.georgeconsultingservices fax 62 234273429
RT, UT, VA, VT, Services) .com
4425 Westway Park Blvd.
3rd Floor Gigahertz-Optik, Inc. (M) Gould-Bass NDT (M)
Office No 3538 (MT, PT) (ML, MT, PT, Services)
Houston, TX 77041 1431 W. 2nd St.
5 Perry Way
(713) 395-9547 Pomona, CA 91766
Newburyport, MA (909) 623-6793
www.geinspectionacademy fax (909) 629-1467
(978) 462-1818
fax (978) 462-3677
 GE Measurement & .com
Control (M) GPR Testing and
(AE, ET, IM, MT, RT, UT, VT, Inspection, LLC
Services, Specialized) Gilardoni SpA (M) (AE, GPR, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
50 Industrial Park Rd. (RT, UT) Services)
Lewistown, PA 17044 163 Business Park Dr., Ste. 6
Via Arturo Gilardoni 1
(717) 447-1562 Lebanon, TN 37090-1245
Mandello Del Lario 23826
fax (717) 447-1572 (615) 449-7299
Italy fax (615) 449-1340
39 0341705111
fax 39 0341735046
General Testing & Inspection Gradient Lens Corp. (M)
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,  Gladd Solutions (PT, VT)
Services, Specialized)
(UT, Services) 207 Tremont St.
C/O Dana Greer Rochester, NY 14608-2303
9668 Fellows Hill Ct.
8427 Atlantic Ave. (585) 235-2620
Plymouth, MI 48170-6349
Cudahy, CA 90201-5809 fax (585) 235-6645
(734) 392-7300
(323) 678-4363
fax (888) 263-0975
fax (323) 560-6587

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Grandia NDT, Inc. (M) Guided Wave Analysis, LLC  Hamamatsu Corp. (M)
(ET, MT, UT) (M) (IM, IR, RT)
7241 Garden Grove Blvd. (ET, GW, UT, Services, 360 Foothill Rd.
Unit D Specialized) Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2932
Garden Grove, CA 7139 Callaghan Rd. (908) 231-0960
92841-4217 San Antonio, TX 78229-4119 fax (908) 231-1539
(714) 897-9000 (210) 842-5819
fax (714) 897-9033 fax (210) 251-3470 Haward Technology Hellier
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, (AE, ET, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services,
Great Lakes Infrared  Gulf Quality Control Co., LT, ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA,
(IR, Services, Specialized) Ltd. VT, Services, Specialized) Specialized)
800 E. Snell Rd. (AE, ET, GW, IM, ML, MT, PT, Al Khubairah Tower Blk C 600 Kenrick Dr., Ste. C1
Rochester, MI 48306-2145 RT, UT, VT, Services) Mezz Flr Houston, TX 77060-3633
(248) 765-0487 P.O. Box 3646 Jordan St.Al Unit M03 Khalidiya St. (888) 282-3887 Faiha Area Dammam behind Prestige Car fax (281) 873-0981
Dhahran Rd. Jubail Hwy. Showroom
Al Khobar 31952 Abu Dhabi
Great Lakes Testing, Inc.
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
966 138999728 971 25969400
3101A Holmgren Way
fax 966 138978078 fax 971 25 QQQ
Green Bay, WI 54304-5719
(920) 336-3554 Heat Exchanger Systems
fax (920) 336-7503 (AE, Services) H 86 Finnell Dr.
Weymouth, MA 02188-1100
Grohmann Technologies (M) H & M Analytical Services (781) 337-9400
(RT) (IM, Services)
Muelheimer Heide 4 35 Hutchinson Rd.  Hellier
53945 Blankenheim Allentown , NJ 08501 (see ad in sidebar)
Germany (609) 758-5700
49 49 0 2449-9513 0 fax (609) 758-5708 Hesco (M)
fax 49 49 0 2449-9513 33
(RT, Services)
P.O. Box 216
Alameda, CA 94501-9316
www.grohmanntechnologies H&S Inspection Services, (510) 568-1380
.de Inc. fax (510) 568-1383
(MT, PT, VT, Services)
 Guided Ultrasonics Ltd. 422 Oliver Dr.
(M) Troy, MI 48084
(GW) (248) 362-8141  Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (M)
17 Doverbeck Close fax (248) 362-8151
(UT, Services)
Ravenshead The Old Barn
Nottingham NG15 9ER
Hunsterson Rd.
United Kingdom
44 8456050227 Hadd-Co Inspection Lab Nantwich CW5 7RA
fax 44 8456050228 (MT, PT, Services) United Kingdom
jimmy@guided- 2420 Amsler St. 44 1270842842 Torrance, CA 90505-5302
(310) 325-7620 Hi-Tech Testing
(ET, GW, IM, LM, ML, MT, PT,
UT, VT, Specialized)
Hadland Technologies, Inc. 5006 Railroad Ave.
(RT, Services) Deer Park, TX 77536-2410
11 Columbia Dr. Unit 5 (281) 478-6369
Amherst, NH 03031-2316 fax (281) 478-4988
(603) 880-8883
fax (603) 864-8124

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory H • I

High Tech Supplies, Inc. I Industrial Nuclear Co., Inc.

(ET, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, (M)
VT, Specialized) IBG NDT Systems, Corp. (M) (LT, RT)
3100 W 84th St., Unit 9 (ET) 2515 Williams St.
Hialeah, FL 33018-4902 20793 Farmington Rd., Ste. 8 San Leandro, CA 94577
(305) 822-4077 Farmington Hills, MI (510) 352-6767
fax (305) 822-4577 48336-5182 fax (510) 352-6772 (248) 478-9490 fax (248) 478-9491
Hobart Institute of Welding
Technology  High Technology Sources, Industrial Radiography
Ltd. (M) Maintenance & Supply Co.,
(MT, PT, RT, VT, Services) LLC (M)
(NR, RT, Services) Imaginant (M)
400 Trade Sq. East Unit 6 Moorbrook (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT)
Troy, OH 45373-2400 Southmead Industrial Estate 1128 Jackson Rd.
3800 Monroe Ave.
(937) 332-9500 Didcot OX11 7HP Pittsford, NY 14534-1383 P.O. Box 119
fax (937) 332-9550 United Kingdom (585) 264-0480 Amelia, LA 70340
44 1235514200 fax (585) 264-9642 (985) 631-0534 fax 44 1235514219 fax (985) 631-0752 ImaginantInfo@Imaginant .com www.industrialradiography
Hills Metals Est.  ImechE Engineering
(IM) Training Solutions  Industrial Testing
Malaz P.O. Box 325333 Laboratory Services, LLC
(ET, IM, IR, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Riyadh 11371 Services, Specialized) (IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Saudi Arabia Services, Specialized)
4 Europa View
966 014760499 Sheffield Business Park 635 Alpha Dr.
fax 966 014734452 Sheffield S9 1XH Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2888 United Kingdom (412) 963-1900 44 1143995720 fax (412) 963-1926
fax 44 1709557705
HMT Inspection
(LM, LT, ML, MT, PT, UT, VA, VT,
Services) Inficon (M)
8979 Market Street Rd.  Imperium, Inc. (M) (LT)
Houston, TX 77029-3421 (UT) Two Technology Pl.
(713) 676-6150 5901 Ammendale Rd., Ste. F East Syracuse, NY 13057
fax (713) 676-6193 Beltsville, MD 20705-1277 (315) 434-1100 (301) 431-2900 fax (315) 437-3803 fax (202) 330-4576
 Hobart Institute of
Welding Technology Infinitex Corp (M)
(see ad in sidebar) Industrial Imaging Solutions (PT)
(M) P.O. Box 409
Hull Inspection Services, Ltd. (AE, MT, NR, RT, Services) Clarence Center, NY
(ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, 4444 Junipero Serra Ln., 14032-0409
UT, VT, Services, Specialized) Ste. 200 (716) 741-8381
San Jose, CA 95129-1925 fax (716) 741-9649
26 Winfunke St.,
(408) 499-7777
off Abeokuta Expressway
fax (408) 777-0108
General Bus Stop
Ijaiye Ojokoro 23401 sales@solutionsinimaging
Nigeria .com Infolytica Corp. (M)
234 17940248 (ET) 300 Leo-Pariseau, Ste. 2222  Industrial Inspection Montreal, QC H2X 4B3
Systems, Ltd. (M) Canada
(AE, ET, GW, MT, PT, UT, (514) 849-8752
Services, Specialized) fax (514) 849-4239
358 Edgeley Blvd. Unit 1
Vaughan, ON L4K 3Y1
(416) 728-0916

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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Infrared Consulting Services, Innospexion APS (M)  Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. (M)
Inc. (RT) (AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT,
(IR, LT, UT, Services) Horseager 14 RT, UT, VA, VT, Services,
5228 Knox Ave. S. HVALSOE 4330 Specialized)
Minneapolis, MN Denmark 18 Km Ferozepur Rd.
55419-1042 45 46409070 Lahore Punjab 54760
(612) 925-4404 fax 45 46409044 Pakistan
fax (612) 920-2896 92 42111467732 fax 92 0425814487 Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC
Innovation Polymers (M) (M)
Infrared Research, Inc. (AE, GW, LT, UT) (AE, ET, GW, IM, LT, UT, VT, Specialized)
(IR, Services) 62 Mcbrine Pl. #5 Inspection & Tests, Inc. 2437 Bay Area Blvd. #147
100 Park City Rd. Kitchener, ON N2R 1H3 (ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, Houston, TX 77058-1570
Rossville, GA 30741 Canada UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
(800) 866-7480 www.innovationpolymers
(281) 480-4406
Km 1 Eleme-Onne Rd. Opp
fax (706) 866-7038 Bristow Qtrs fax (281) 486-4363 P.O. Box 5064 Innovative Materials Testing Port Harcourt 5064
Technology (M) Nigeria
Infrared Training Center (ET, IM, Services) (832) 264-6503
(IR, Services) 3141 W. Torreys Peak Dr. fax (281) 277-5393
25 Esquire Rd. Superior, CO 80027-4633 sam.onyechi@inspectionand
North Billerica, MA (303) 554-8000
01862-2598 fax (303) 554-8001
(866) 872-4647
fax (978) 901-8832 Inspection Instruments (M) (UT) Insight Quality Services 30725 Aurora Rd.
(ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Cleveland, OH 44139-2735
Infraspection Institute Services, Specialized) (216) 831-6131
(IR, Services) 507/508 Bldg. 1 5th Flr. fax (216) 831-0916
425 Ellis St. Siddharth Towers info@inspectioninstruments
Burlington, NJ 08016 Near Sangam Press Kothrud .net
(609) 239-4788 Pune, Maharashtra 411029 www.inspectioninstruments
fax (609) 239-4766 India .net 91 9881244118 fax 91 2025460894  Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC (M)
Ingenieria Y Servicios (see ad in sidebar)
Industriales Del Norte, S.A. Inspeccion Y Sistemas De
(AE, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Calidad, S.A. De C.V.  Inspection Point Seals,
Services, Specialized) (LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, LLC (M)
Luis De Cepeda 945 Int. Services) (AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT,
1 Col Centro Felix U Gomez No. 1618 Nte PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Specialized)
Saltillo Coahuila 25000 Col Terminal 39421 Hwy. 929
Mexico Monterrey 64580 Prairieville, LA 70769
52 8444101606 Mexico (888) 236-0408
fax 52 8444106606 52 8183747008 fax (225) 622-6787 fax 52 8183741520
 Innerspec Technologies,  Inspection Technologies,
Inc. (M) Inspectech Analygas Group Inc. (M)
(ET, GW, IM, UT, Services) (M) (ET, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
2940 Perrowville Rd. (AE, ET, GW, LM, ML, UT, Specialized)
Forest, VA 24551-2225 Services) 2701 N Towne Ave., Ste. A
(434) 847-2023 450 Midwest Rd. Pomona, CA 91767-2275
fax (434) 948-1313 Scarborough, ON M1P 3A9 (909) 626-2600 Canada fax ( 909) 626-3540 (416) 757-1179 sales@inspectiontechnologies
fax (416) 757-8096 .net www.inspectiontechnologies .net

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory I

 Instrument Technology, Intelligent Optical Systems  Ionix Advanced

Inc. (M) (M) Technologies (M)
(VT) (LM, UT, Services) (GW, UT, Services,
33 Airport Rd. 2520 W. 237th St. Specialized)
Westfield, MA 01085-1357 Torrance, CA 90505-5217 103 Clarendon Rd.
(413) 562-3606 (424) 263-6361 Leeds LS2 9DF
fax (413) 568-9809 fax (310) 530-7417 United Kingdom 44 1484505861
Integrated Inspection &
Surveying International Testing and IR Supplies & Services, Inc.
(ET, GW, MT, PT, UT, VT, Inspection Services, Inc. (M)
Services, Specialized) (AE, GPR, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, (IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, Services,
Building 5E Block B Office VT, Services, Specialized) Specialized)
No. 144 9921 Mann Rd. 8108 McIntyre Rd.
Dubai Airport Free Zone Mabelvale, AR 72103-1744 Edmonton, AB T6E 5C4
Dubai 371071 (501) 455-3030 Canada
United Arab Emirates fax (501) 455-3320 (780) 452-4761
971 42067999 graeme@international fax (780) 453-5239
fax 971 42567909 IRcameras, LLC (M)
 Integrated Quality International Tube Testing 30 S. Calle Cesar Chavez,
Services Pty. Ltd. Ste. D
(ET, GPR, IM, ML, MT, PT, RT, (UT) Santa Barbara, CA
UT, VT, Services, Specialized) P.O. Box 1444 93103-5652
1236 W Brooks St., Ste. A Kenmore (508) 668-5650
Ontario, CA 91762-3608 Queensland 4069 fax (508) 668-5054
(909) 988-4054 Australia
fax (909) 988-2356 61 733740644 fax 61 733740622  Iris Inspection Services, Inc. (M)
 Integrity Scientific (ET, ML, UT, Services)
Laboratory InterTest, Inc. (M) 5400 Decker Dr.
(ET, IM, ML, MT, RT, UT, VT, (ET, MT, PT, UT, VT, Baytown, TX 77520-1448
Services) Specialized) (281) 424-3200
Office 1404A Jumeriah 303 Route 94 fax (281) 424-3223
Village Cir. Columbia, NJ 07832
Prime Business Center (908) 496-8008
P.O. Box 392998 fax (908) 496-8004
Dubai IRISS, Inc. (M)
United Arab Emirates (IR, UT, VT, Services,
971 566364812 Specialized)
fax 971 44342415  Intron Plus (M) 10306 Technology Terrace (ET, IM, ML, VT, Services) Bradenton, FL 34211 Attn Alexander Mironenko (941) 907-9128
Elektrodnaja Str 11 Build 1 fax (941) 907-9129
 Integrity Smart Services, Moscow 111524
LLC Russia
(ML, Services) 7 4952293747
P.O. Box 1690 fax 7 4955101769 IT Concepts, LLC (M)
Muscat PC 130 (VT)
3390 Saxonburg Blvd. Bldg. B
968 92077377
Glenshaw, PA 15116-3160
fax 968 24619656  Inuktun Services, Ltd. (M) (412) 767-5840 (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, fax (412) 767-5876 LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT,
Services, Specialized)
2569 Kenworth Rd. Suite C
Nanaimo, BC V9T 3M4
(877) 468-5886
fax (250) 729-8077

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ITC Co., Ltd. Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (M)  JETS, Inc.
(ET, GW, IM, LM, LT, ML, MT, (Specialized) (ET, GW, ML, MT, NR, PT, RT,
NR, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) 2125 Center Ave., Ste. 208 UT, VT, Services)
Obeid Khatim Street Arkaweit Fort Lee, NJ 07024-5874 1943 Old Denton Rd.
P.O. Box 7702 (201) 242-1882 Carrollton, TX 75006-3756
Khartoum 11123 fax (201) 242-1885 (972) 323-6808
Sudan fax (972) 323-7332
249 912315538
fax 249 912315538 JIREH Industries (M) JECNDT, LLC (UT) (ET, Services)  JIREH Industries, Ltd. (M)
53158 Range Rd. 224
9410 Ash Ave. S.E. (see ad in sidebar)
ItRobotics (M) Snoqualmie, WA 98065
Ardrossan, AB T8E 2K4
(ET, ML, Services) (425) 898-9203  JMD NDT, Inc. (M)
12841 Capricorn St. fax (925) 898-9236 (see ad in sidebar) (780) 922-4534
Stafford, TX 77477 fax (780) 922-5766
(281) 313-7900
fax (281) 313-7901 Johnson & Allen, Ltd. (M) (MT, PT, Services)
JEM Manufacturing (M) (AE, ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, Neocol Works
UT, VT, Specialized) Smithfield
J Sheffield S3 7AR
227 Arlington St.
United Kingdom
Framingham, MA 01702-
44 42738066
J.M. Devine Co., Inc. 8723
fax 44 42729842
(ET, GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, (508) 872-9299
PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Specialized) fax (508) 875-2062
588 Pleasant St., Ste. 3
Norwood, MA 02062-4553
(781) 255-7001 Joint Technology Pakistan
fax (781) 255-7234  Jentek Sensors, Inc. (M)
Pvt., Ltd. (ET, GPR, IM, Services,
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, Specialized)
110-1 Clematis Ave.
LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, JMD NDT, Inc. (M)
Jacobsen Real-Time X-Ray Waltham, MA 02453-7013 (ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
B-357 Block 6
Machinery, Inc. (M) (781) 642-9666
Gulshan-e-Iqbal Services)
(RT) fax (781) 642-7525 15 Corporate Pl. S., Ste. 341
Karachi 75300
173 Advance Blvd. Unit 43
Pakistan Piscataway, NJ 08854-6107
Brampton, ON L6T 4Z7
92 2136620391 (908) 444-6770
Canada fax 92 2136620393
1 9057996727 Jess W. Jackson & Assoc.,
fax 1 9057996729 Inc. (AE, ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Specialized)  Jubail Industrial College
5096 Bristol Industrial Way, (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
 JANX Ste. A Services)
(ET, GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, Buford, GA 30518-1743
NDT Training Center
PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, (678) 730-0770
P.O. Box 10099
Specialized) fax (678) 730-0777
Jubail Industrial City 31961
P.O. Box 190
Saudi Arabia
Parma, MI 49269-0190
966 0133402000
(517) 531-8210 fax 966 0133402000
fax (517) 531-3911  Jesse Garant Metrology Center (AE, IR, LM, LT, RT, VT,
Services, Specialized)
4610 Stecker St.
Dearborn, MI 48126
(855) 962-5300
fax (519) 962-5347

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory K • L

K  Kinetic Solutions, LLC Kraft Technology Resources,

 Kakivik Asset MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Management, LLC Services, Specialized) Services)
(IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, 3441 Bedow Rd. 1377 Timshel St.
VT, Services, Specialized) Fort Ripley, MN 56449-1362 Dayton, OH 45440-3964
560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 200 (907) 764-1679 (405) 819-7786
Anchorage, AK 99503-4161 david.blosser@kinetic- fax (405) 691-4342
(907) 770-9441
fax (907) 770-9450 Kistler Instrument Corp. (M) Kubtec (M)
(AE, VA) (RT, Services)
 Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. 75 John Glenn Dr. 270 Rowe Ave. Unit E
(AE, ET, LM, MT, PT, RT, UT, Amherst, NY 14228-2171 Milford, CT 06461
Services) (716) 691-5100 (203) 364-8544
Plot No. 17 Rd. No 8B fax (716) 691-5226 fax (203) 255-7494
Mamatha nagar Colony
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
India KJTD (Japan) Co., Ltd. (M) Kunkel Oilfield Inspection,
91 4065216871 (ET, UT) LLC
fax 91 4024222476 800 Bellevue Way Ne., (MT, PT, UT, Services) Ste. 441 3205 Old Goliad Rd. Bellevue, WA 98004-4289 Victoria, TX 77905-4086
(206) 922-3432 (361) 894-6419
Karl Deutsch (M) fax (206) 922-3220
(MT, PT, UT, Services)
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101
Wuppertal 42115 L
Germany Kodex, Inc. (M)
49 20271920 (IM, NR, RT, Services) L&W Research, Inc. (M)
fax 49 202714932 160 Park Ave. (RT, Services, Specialized) Nutley, NJ 07110 57B N. Plains Industrial Rd. (973) 235-0606 Wallingford, CT 06492
fax (973) 235-0132 (203) 303-7490
 Karl Storz Industrial Group fax (203) 303-7492
(VT, Services)
2151 E. Grand Ave. Kodiak Quality Control, Ltd.
El Segundo, CA 90245-5017 (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT) L-3 Applied Technologies (M)
(800) 329-9618 52 Steeles Ave. E Unit 9 (RT, Services)
fax (805) 968-0933 Milton, ON L9T 4X1 2700 Merced St.
industrialsales@karlstorz Canada San Leandro, CA 94577-5602
.com 1 9058752030 (510) 577-7150 fax 7058752997 fax (510) 357-4257
KB Inspection Services
(AE, ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT,
RT, UT, VT, Services, Kommandor Labcan
Specialized) (MT, VA, VT, Services) (ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
P.O. Box 328 Rua José Alexandre Buaiz, Services, Specialized)
Elkton, FL 32033-0400 300, Ed. 20 andar 225 Dessureault
(904) 260-9033 Enseada do Suá Trois Rivieres, QC G8T 2L7
fax (904) 260-9023 Vitória - ES 29050-545 Canada Brazil 1 8193788612 55 2733292680 fax 1 8193789449
fax 55 2733292680
 Kimtron, Inc. (M)
115 Hurley Rd. Bldg. 6
Oxford, CT 06478-1037
(203) 262-3361
fax (203) 262-3373

ASNT grants
750 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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L directory w

 Labino AB (M) Lectromax (M) Llog S.A. de C.V.

(MT, PT) (MT, PT, RT) (AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT,
Industrivagen 17 13 Braugham St. NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT,
Solna 17148 Eltham, Victoria 3095 Specialized)
Sweden Australia Cuitlahuac 54 Col Aragon
46 8839070 61 394311041 La Villa
fax 46 8839023 fax 61 394312405 Mexico DF 07000
lisel.athanasiadis@labino Mexico
.com 52 57501414 fax 52 57501188 Larson NDT Level III Services &
LED Microsensor NT (M)
Laboratory Services (IM, IR, VT) Training, LLC
(AE, ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, 194223 Postbox 100 (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
Services) Saint-Petersburg LMI Technologies, Inc. (M) 9084 Kentucky Springs Rd.
135 W. Trail St. Russia (VT) Mineral, VA 23117-4652
Jackson, MI 49201-1314 1673 Cliveden Ave.
(800) 736-4147 Delta, BC V3M 6V5
(540) 748-4892
fax (517) 788-1104 Canada Leica Microsystems, Inc. (M) 1 6046361011 (VT, Specialized) fax 1 6045168368
1700 Leider Ln.
 Laboratory Testing, Inc.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6622
(IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
(800) 248-0123
Services, Specialized) fax (847) 405-0164
2331 Topaz Dr. Loenbro, Inc.
Hatfield, PA 19440-1949 (IM, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services)
(800) 219-9095 409 14th St. S.W.
fax (800)219-9096 Lenox Instrument Co., Inc. Great Falls, MT 59404-2721 (M) (406) 453-1542 (VT) fax (406) 453-1472
265 Andews Rd.
Larson NDT Level III Services
Trevos, PA 19053 Lavender International NDT USA,
& Training, LLC (215) 322-9990
(see ad in sidebar) fax (215) 322-6126 Logos Imaging, LLC (M) LLC (RT) (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
 Laser Technology (M) 6835 Sherman St. University Business Park, Suite F
(LM, Services) Loveland, CO 80538-8700 15200 Middlebrook Dr.
Level III Service, LLC (765) 939-4044
1055 W. Germantown Pike Houston, TX 77058
(ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, fax (765) 939-4040
Norristown, PA 19403-3912 (281) 913-9064
Services, Specialized)
(610) 631-5043
fax (610) 631-0934 1959 Peace Haven Rd., # 342 fax 44 1226760707 Winston Salem, NC 27106-4850 LPI, Inc.
(336) 414-7594 (ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT,
 Laurus Systems, Inc. dietmar.henning@level3 VA, VT, Services, Specialized)
(IM, LT, NR, RT) 304 Hudson St. New York, NY 10013-1015
3460 Ellicott Center Dr.,
(212) 233-2737
Ste. 101
 Librestream Technologies fax (212) 406-1417
Ellicott City, MD 21043-4164
(410) 465-5558
(ET, GW, IR, UT, VT, Services)
fax (410) 465-5257 110-895 Waverley St. Winnipeg, MB R3T 5P4  Lucid Software, Ltd. (M)
Canada (AE, GPR, IR, RT, UT, VT)
 Lavender International (204) 487-0612 104-105 NSIC STP Complex
NDT USA, LLC fax (204) 487-0914 Sector B-24 Guindy Industrial Estate Leak Testing Specialists, Inc.
(see ad in sidebar) Ekkaduthangal (LT, UT, Services, Specialized)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 032 5776 Hoffner Ave., Ste. 304
Leak Testing Specialists, Inc. India
Lixi, Inc. (M) Orlando, FL 32822-4810
(see ad in sidebar) 91 9840920889
(RT, Services, Specialized)
fax 91 22252276 (407) 737-6415
120 S. Lincoln Ave. fax (407) 737-6416
Carpentersville, IL 60110
(847) 961-6666
fax (847) 961-6667

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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Lucideon  Magnetic Analysis Corp. Marktec Corp. (M)

(IM, IR, LT, VT, Services) (M) (AE, ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT)
2210 Technology Dr. (AE, ET, LM, ML, UT, Services, 1800 Augusta Dr., Ste. 390
P.O. Box 724 Specialized) Houston, TX 77057-3287
Schenectady, NY 12308-1145 103 Fairview Park Dr. (713) 975-7200
(518) 382-0082 Elmsford, NY 10523-1544 fax (713) 975-7966
fax (518) 382-1182 (914) 530-2000
Magnaflux (A Division of ITW, Ltd.) fax (914) 703-3790
(M) Marktec Corp. (M)
(MT, PT, Specialized) M (ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT)
Faraday Rd. Magnetic Products and 17-35 Omori Nishi 4-Chome
South Dorcan Industrial Estate M-Tech Instruments (M) Services (M) Ota-Ku
Swindon SN3 5HE (ET, IM, UT, Services, (AE, ET, MT, Services, Tokyo 143-0015
Specialized) Specialized) JAPAN
United Kingdom
P.O. Box 51 2135 Hwy. 35 81 337624501
46 54293950 Holmdel, NJ 07733 fax 81 337683958
Canton Center, CT 06020
fax 46 54850558 (860) 693-0454 (732) 264-6651 fax (860) 693-6772 fax (732) 264-6876 michaelmaulucci@comcast
.net Massmedia, Ltd. (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM,
Magsoft Corp. LT, ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA,
 M2M NDT, Inc. (M) (ET, RT, UT) VT, Services, Specialized)
(ET, GW, UT, VT, Services) 1 Fairchild Sq., Ste. 108 jk Razsadnika Bl 12 Wh 9
1700 Montgomery St. Clifton Park, NY 12065-1266 App. 235
Suite 102 (518) 884-0505 Sofia 1330
San Francisco, CA 94111 fax (518) 884-8688 Bulgaria
1 4155005280 359 878180778
fax 33 160925731 fax 359 29718374
Magwerks Corp. (M)
Maintenance & Inspection
Services, Inc. (MT, PT, Services)
Machida, Inc. (M) 4024 W. 10th St. Master Bond (M)
(ET, IR, LT, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services, Indianapolis, IN 46222-3292 (Specialized)
(PT, VT, Services)
Specialized) (317) 241-8011 154 Hobart St.
40 Ramland Rd. South
2595 Ila Jay Ln., Ste. 101 Orangeburg , NY fax (317) 241-8015 Hackensack, NJ 07601-3922
Morganton, NC 28655-8502 (845) 365-0600 (201) 343-8983
fax ( 845) 365-0620 fax (201) 343-2132
(828) 754-3054
fax (828) 754-4427  Maintenance & Inspection Services, Inc. MagnaChek, Inc. (M) (see ad in sidebar)  Matec Instrument
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, ML, MT, Companies, Inc. (M)
NR, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, Mala GeoScience USA, Inc. (see ad in sidebar)
Specialized) (M)
32701 Edward Ave. (GPR, Services, Specialized) MATsolutions
Madison Heights, MI P.O. Box 80430 (AE, Services)
48071-1422 Charleston, SC 29416-0430
(248) 597-0089 (843) 412-8520
fax (248) 597-0440 fax (843) 284-0684 Mayo Consulting Services, LLC
(ET, IM, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Matec Instrument Companies, Inc. Magnaflux (A Division of  Marietta Nondestructive Services)
(M) ITW, Ltd.) (M) Testing, LLC (M) 2342 Larkspur Ln.
(see ad in sidebar) (RT, UT) Opelousas, LA 70570
(UT, Services)
530 Commerce Park Dr. S.E. (337) 678-1805
56 Hudon St., Ste. 3  Magnaflux (M) Marietta, GA 30060-2708 info@mayoconsultingservices
Northborough, MA 01532-1951 (MT, PT, UT) (770) 528-9000
(508) 393-0155 155 Harlem Ave. fax (770) 426-9713 www.mayoconsultingservices
fax (508) 393-5476 Glenview, IL 60025-4075
(847) 657-5300 fax (847) 657-5388

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752 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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M directory w

MDS Inspection Services Met Chem Testing Miceli Infrastructure

(IR, LT, MT, PT, UT, VT, Laboratories Consulting, LLC
Services) (ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (AE, GPR, IR, VA, VT, Services,
P.O. Box 811 Services) Specialized)
Covington, VA 24426-0811 369 W. Gregson Ave. 11664 Natl. Blvd. #263
mds@mdsinspectionservices Salt Lake City, UT Los Angeles, CA 90064-3802
.com 84115-3440 (310) 954-9354 (801) 487-0801 fax (310) 473-7920
fax (801) 466-8790 Met-L-Chek (M)
Measurement Specialties, (MT, PT)
Inc. (M) Micro Photonics, Inc. (M) 1639 Euclid St.
(AE, UT, VA) (IM, IR, UT, VT)
 Met-L-Chek (M) Santa Monica, CA 90404-3723
1000 Lucas Way 21 Morgan, Ste. 200
Hampton, VA 23666-1573 (see ad in sidebar) Irvine, CA 92618-2005 (310) 450-1111
(760) 466-7614 (949) 461-9292 fax (310) 452-4046  Metal Fatigue Solutions fax (949) 461-9232 (M)
(Services, Specialized)
Medit, Inc. 7251 W. Lake Mead Blvd.,
(VT) Ste. 300 Midas-NDT Systems (M)
96 Sherbrook St. Las Vegas, NV 89128-8380 (UT)
Winnepeg, MB R3C 2B3 (702) 800-5542 Stoney Hill Industry Gate
Canada mail@metal-fatigue- Whitchurch
(800) 239-9934 Ross-On-Wye NR96BX
fax (888) 686-8660 www.metal-fatigue- United Kingdom 44 1600891357 fax 44 1600891263
Metalcare Group, Inc.
MEI - Charlton, Inc. (M) (GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT,
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, RT, UT, VT, Services)
MT, PT, UT, VA, VT, Services, P.O. Box 6549 Middle East Co.
Specialized) Fort McMurray, AB T9H 5N4 (ET, GW, IM, ML, MT, PT, RT,
7220 North Lombard St. Canada UT, VT, Specialized)
Portland, OR 97203 (780) 715-1889 56 Misr-Helwan Agriculture Rd.
MFE Enterprises, Inc. (M)
(503) 228-9663 fax (780) 715-1898 Badr. Tower (ML)
fax (503) 228-4065 Floor 16, Apt 17, Maadi 150 Holder Ln. P.O. Box 1255 Dripping Springs, TX 78620 Cairo
Egypt (281) 441-8284
 Metals Testing Co.
Merrick Group, Inc. 20 223587776 fax (512) 519-2572
(MT, PT, UT, VT, Services,
(ET, Services) Specialized) fax 20 223782991
100 Unico Dr. P.O. Box 69
West Hazleton, PA South Windsor, CT
18202-1170 06074-0069
(570) 455-0600 (860) 289-8225 Middle East Industrial
fax (570) 455-5787 fax (860) 289-5970 Training Institute (ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services, Specialized)
201 Al Salmeen Golden Tower
 Merrill Technologies  MFE Enterprises, Inc. (M) Zayed 2nd St.
Group (see ad in sidebar) P.O. Box 33229
(MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
20720 E. Gratiot Rd.  MFE Rentals, Inc. (M) 971 25827445
Merrill, MI 48637-9574 (see ad in sidebar) fax 971 25827994
(989) 921-1490
MFE Rentals, Inc. (M)
fax (989) 921-1488 (ML)  Miami NDT, Inc. (ET, IR, MT, PT, UT, Services) 5041 Spencer Hwy., Ste. 601
8130 N.W. 58th St. Mirion Technologies (M) Pasadena, TX 77505-1507
Doral, FL 33166-3405 (RT) (281) 441-8284
(305) 599-9393 2526 Mcgaw Ave. fax (281) 441-8361
fax (305) 675-8038 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 419-1000 fax (949) 296-1130

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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 Mistras Group, Inc. – Morgan Advanced Materials MX Industrial Distributors,

Services, Products (M) Inc. (M)
(see ad in sidebar) (AE, GW, NR, RT, UT) (MT, PT, UT, VT)
Willi Grasser Str. 11 181 Railroad Dr.
MKC Korea (M) Erlangen 91056 Ivyland, PA 18974-1403
(AE, ET, ML, UT, Specialized) Germany (215) 322-8909
Mistras Group, Inc. – Services, joerg-uwe.wichert fax (215) 322-8287
601 Kicox Venture Center
Products) 188-5 Gurodong Guroku
Seoul 152-759
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, LP,LT, South Korea
ML, MT, NR, RT, UT, VA, VT, 82 28043600 N
Specialized NDT & PdM) fax 82 28930498 Morgan Inspection Solutions
195 Clarksville Rd. (ML, MT, PT, UT, VA, VT, Namicon Testing Srl (M) Services, Specialized) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM,
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550-5392 125 16th St., Apt. 11 LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT,
(609) 716-4150 Mobile Epiphany (M) Huntington Beach, CA Services, Specialized)
fax (609) 716-4145 (IM, UT, Services, Specialized) 92648-8415 35 39 Emil Racovita Str. Vila (714) 612-0411 AD 01
2675 S. Abilene St., Ste. 100
www.mistrasgroup Voluntari 077190
Aurora, CO 80014-2363
(720) 282-2044 Romania
fax (720) 282-2045  MoviTHERM (M) 40 215280152 (IM, IR, VT, Services) fax 40 215280150 15540 Rockfield Blvd., C110
gas Irvine, CA 92618-2718
(949) 699-6600
 Modal Shop, Inc. (M) fax (949) 699-6600 National Inspection &
(UT, VA, Services, Specialized) Consultants, LLC (ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT,
1775 Mentor Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45212 UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
(513) 351-9919  MPM Products, Inc. 9911 Bavaria Rd.
fax (513) 458-2172 (IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Fort Myers, FL 33913-8510 Services) (239) 939-4313
MR Chemie, GmbH (M) 1718 E. Grevillea Ct. fax (239) 334-8777
(ET, LT, MT, PT, UT, VT) Ontario, CA 91761-8035
Nordstrasse 61-63 Modsonic Instruments (909) 947-8464
Unna D59427 Manufacturing Co. (M) fax (909) 947-3257
(UT) marketing@mpmproducts National Institute for
Germany .com Aviation Research
49 23039515132 Plot No 33 Phase III (AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML,
GIDC Naroda
fax 49 23039515110 Ahmedabad Gujaret 382330 MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, India  MR Chemie, GmbH (M) Services, Specialized) 91 7922811217 (see ad in sidebar) Wichita State University
fax 91 7922820012 1845 Fairmount St.  MSPEC (M) Wichita, KS 67260-0093 (316) 978-5222
(ET, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT,
fax (316) 978-3175
 Moraine Valley
Community College Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 4030
(ET, GW, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, United Arab Emirates
Services) 971 25500252 National Institute for
9000 W. College Pkwy. fax 971 25500272 Aviation Research
Palos Hills, IL 60465-1444 (AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT,
(708) 974-5735 PT, RT, UT, VA, Services,
fax (708) 974-5598 Specialized)
murphym272@morainevalley Multitest, Ltd. 1845 Fairmount St.
.edu Wichita, KS 67260-0093
(GPR, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, (316) 978-5326
RT, UT, VT, Services,
fax (316) 978-3175
 Morex 71 Ltd.
1 Atanas Dalchev Str.
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Varna 9009
Services) Bulgaria
P.O. Box 145 359 52574030 National X-Ray Corp. (M)
Even Yehuda 40500 (RT)
Israel 4181 Tanners Creek Dr.
972 97298997660 Flowery Branch, GA
fax 972 98998577 30542-2816 (678) 960-0080 fax (678) 960-0085

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Naumex S.A. de C.V. (M) NDE University NDT Consultants, Ltd. (M)
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) (ET, UT, Services) (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Calle 5 No. 1 12805 Gulf Freeway Services)
Alce Blanco Houston, TX 77034 Middlemarch House
Naucalpan Estadode 533 70 (281) 741-0571 Siskin Dr.
Mexico info@NDE.University Coventry CV3 4FJ
52 5555761944 www.NDE.University United Kingdom
fax 52 5555762557 44 2476511151 NDT Classroom, Inc. NDR Products Co., Inc. (M) fax 44 2476511696 Online Training for PT, MT, RT, UT, (RT) ET, VT, Phased Array
280 Peach St. & Radiation Safety
Nawoo Tech Ltd. (M) Merlin, OR 97532-9783 (AE, ET, GPR, GW, ML, MT, PT, RT,
(LT, ML, MT, PT, RT) (541) 479-2793 NDT Consulting Group, Inc.
(ET, IR, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
Kranztechno Bldg. #608 fax (541) 479-0071
5442-1 Sangdazwon-dong Services) 710 Main St.
Jungwon - GU 755 Grand Blvd. Buffalo, NY 14202-1915
Seongnam 462-819 Ste 105B, #315 (716) 406-8165
South Korea NDT & I Services (M) Miramar Beach, FL 32550
82 317450088 (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) (214) 853-5131
fax 82 317450099 fax (214) 853-5131
De Burburestraat 14
Antwerpen B2000
 Naya Engineering Services NDT Equipment Services,
(M) Ltd. (M)
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LT, NDT Automation (M) (ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT,
ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Specialized)
(GW, IR, UT, Services,
Services, Specialized) 157 Central Ave.
P.O. Box 315 Billingham TS23 1LF
195 Clarksville Rd.
1166622 United Kingdom
Princeton Junction, NJ
Syria 44 1642555575
964 07802177598 fax 44 1642555548
(609) 716-4051
fax (609) 716-0706
NDT International, Inc. (M)
NDE Consulting  NDT Classroom, Inc. (GW, ML, MT, UT, Services)
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, 711 South Creek Rd.
(see ad in sidebar)
Services) West Chester, PA 19382
11209 Caddie Ln. (610) 793-1700
Painesville, OH 44077-8940 NDT Consultancy Services, fax (610) 793-1702
(330) 283-9114 Inc.
fax (440) 354-9265 (ET, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) 11210 Steeplecrest Dr.,  NDT Italiana, Srl. (M)
Ste. 370 (ET, LT, MT, PT, UT,
NDE Information Consultants Houston, TX 77065 Specialized)
(M) (832) 646-7292
Via Del Lavoro 28
(ET, MT)
Concorezzo 20863
5218 Sanford Rd. Italy
Houston, TX 77035 39 039647590
(832) 398-9949 NDT Consultant fax 39 039647799 (MT, PT, Services) 124 Allee des Jonquilles
CUCQ 62780
 NDE Professionals, Inc. France NDT James Instruments, Inc.
(ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, 33 144197618 (M)
Services, Specialized) fax 33 144197504 (AE, ET, GW, UT, VA, Specialized)
13339 N.E. Airport Way, Ste.
100 3727 N. Kedzie Ave.
Portland, OR 97230-1144 Chicago, IL 60618-4503
(503) 287-5255 (773) 463-6565
fax (503) 287-5992 fax (773) 463-0009

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NDT Mart, Inc. NDT, Inc. (M)  NDT Testing Srl.
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (AE, ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
Specialized) RT, UT, VA, VT, Services, Str. Libertatii Nr. 524
70 Piper Rd. Bldg. 3 Bay 4 Specialized) Sat Unirea 625301
Covington, GA 30014 7952 Nieman Rd. Romania
(770) 787-7002 Lenexa, KS 66214-1560 40 337401217
fax (770) 787-0320 (913) 685-0675 fax 40 337401218 fax (913) 685-1125
NDT Seals, Inc. (M) NDT Recruiting and  NDT Training & Testing
(AE, GW, IM, LT, UT, VT) Placements (M) NDT, Inc. Center
P.O. Box 52878 (ET, Services) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Houston, TX 77052-2878 111 Corporate Dr., Suite D MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) Services, Specialized)
Spartanburg, SC 29303 7952 Nieman Rd. 7303 Windfern Rd., Ste. 300
(713) 222-7584 (828) 894-5250 Lenexa, KS 66214-1560 Houston, TX 77040-2312
fax (713) 222-9404 fax (864) 473-1300 86 57782293040 (713) 849-4006 fax 86 57788259689 fax (713) 849-4008 teddy.levron@ndt-
 NDT Seals, Inc. (M)
(see ad in sidebar) NDT Systems, Inc. (M)
(LM, UT, Services) NDT Transducers, LLC (M)
NDT Solutions, Inc. 5542 Buckingham Dr. (UT)
(ET, IR, LT, ML, NR, RT, UT, VT, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 2858 S. Colonial St.
Services) (714) 893-2438 Gilbert, AZ 85295-1711
fax (714) 897-3840 (480) 638-2400
4044 N. 30th Ave. fax (480) 656-3947
Hollywood, FL 33020
(954) 358-1638
fax (954) 358-1648 NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) (ET, LM, MT, UT, VT, NDT Unlimited (M)
Specialized) (MT, PT)
NDT Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. 20275 Clark Graham 27955 Cabot Rd.
(M) Baie Durfe, QC H9X 3T5 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-
(ET, IM, IR, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, Canada 1245
VT, Services, Specialized) 1 5144577650 (800) 900-9097
fax 1 5144577652 fax (949) 582-7633
619 & 620 The Great Eastern
Galleria Plot No 20
Sector 4 Nerul
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
400 706 NDT Technologies, Inc. (M) Nevada Automotive Test
India (ET, ML, Services) Center
91 0226138600 345 Nutmeg Rd. S., Ste. A (AE, ET, IR, PT, VA, Services,
fax 91 02227703903 South Windsor, CT Specialized) 06074-5402 P.O. Box 234
(860) 644-5655 Carson City, NV 89702-0234
 NDT Solutions, Inc. (M) fax (860) 644-5656 (775) 629-2000
(AE, ET, IM, UT, Services) fax (775) 629-2029
10-1 Airport Rd.
New Richmond, WI
54017-2703 NDT Technology (P), Ltd.
(715) 246-0433 (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, Services)  New Tech Systems (M)
fax (715) 246-0466 Above State Bank of (ET, IM, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT, Travancore Services) MC Rd. Pallom 603 S. Wisteria St.
Kottayam, Kerala 686012 Mansfield, TX 76063-2432
NDT Specialists, Inc. India (817) 779-6262
(ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, 91 4812361887 fax (817) 549-9299
Services) fax 91 4812362482
7365 S. Howell Ave.
Oak Creek, WI 53154-2107
(414) 483-9700
fax (414) 483-1392

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756 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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N • O directory w

 Newco, Inc. (M) Non Destructive Testing O

(ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, Professionals, LLC
MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, (AE, ET, IM, MT, PT, UT, VT, OCA International
Specialized) Services) (AE, ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT,
2811 W. Palmetto St. 3118 W. 18th St. VT, Services)
Florence, SC 29501-5931 Pueblo, CO 81003-3866 Av Les Garrigues 46
(843) 669-2988 (720) 515-9044 El Prat de Llobregat 08820
fax (843) 664-0197 fax (720) 515-9044 Spain 34 933668202 Nexxis fax 34 934147154 (IR, LM, RT)
 Next NDT Technology, Inc. Nordco Rail Services & 12/55 Erceg Rd.
(M) Inspection Technologies (M) Yangebup 6164
(UT) (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services,  Ocean Corp. Australia
2024 Middlefield Rd. Specialized) (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Redwood City, CA 94063- P.O. Box 279 Services)
2831 Beacon Falls, CT 06403-0279 P.O. Box 721738
(858) 333-6398 (203) 438-9696 Houston, TX 77272-1738 fax (203) 729-1551 (800) 321-0298 fax (281) 530-0202
(see ad in sidebar) North Country NDT, LLC
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) Ocean Optics (M)
 Nikon Metrology (M) 232 Middle Rd. (IM)
(RT, VT, Services) Crown Point, NY 12928-2204 1237 Lady Marion Ln. Dunedin, FL 34698
12701 Grand River Rd. (727) 733-2447
Brighton, MI 48116-8506
(810) 220-4360 fax (727) 733-3962
fax (810) 220-4300  North Star Imaging (M) (see ad in sidebar)
 NOVO DR, Ltd. (M)  Oceanscan USA North Star Imaging (M)
NLA Diagnostics (M) (see ad in sidebar) (ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT,
(AE, UT, Services) UT, VT, Services, Specialized) (RT, Services)
2359 Perimeter Pointe Pkwy., NSL Analytical Services, Inc. 4134 Bluebonnet Dr., 19875 South Diamond Lake Rd.
Ste. 270 (IM, VT, Services) Ste. 117 Rogers, MN 55374
Charlotte, NC 28208-6853 Stafford, TX 77477-3983 (763) 463-5650
(800) 336-5152
(704) 307-2443 (281) 240-5441
fax (440) 338-6614
fax (763) 463-5651
fax (704) 257-3491 .com
NTP Radioisotopes Europe
Nomo Group, Inc. Odyssey Technology Corp.
SA (M)
(ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, (ET, IM)
(RT, Services)
RT, UT, VA, VT) 975 Bacons Bridge Rd.
Zoning Industriel Ave. del
21011 Johnson St., Ste. 103 Unit 148
Pembroke Pines, FL Summerville, SC 29485-4189
Fleures B-6220
33029-1914 (843) 851-0744
(954) 320-6991 fax (843) 851-0744
32 71823570
fax (254) 320-6990
fax 32 71823667
Ofil, Ltd. (M)
NTS Ultrasonics Pty. Ltd. (M) (AE, ET, MT, RT, VT, Services, NOVO DR, Ltd. (M)
Specialized) (RT)
(GW, UT)
16 Einstein St.
121 Brandon St.
Weizman Science Park 40 Haatsmaut Rd.
Perth WA 6151 P.O. Box 1961
Nes Ziona 74140
61 893671578
Israel Yehud 5630417
972 89707953 Israel
fax 972 89407873 972 36700988 fax 972 36700989

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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 Olympus America (M) Ox Creek Energy Associates, PANalytical (M)

(see ad in sidebar) Inc. (IM, IR, Services)
(IR, UT, Services, Specialized) P.O. Box 13
 Optim, LLC (M) 3120 S. Business Dr., # 186 Lelyweg 1
(VT) Sheboygan, WI 53081-6524 Almelo 7600 AA
(800) 531-6232 Netherlands
64 Technology Park Rd.
fax (608) 589-5509 31 546534444
Sturbridge, MA 01566-1253 fax 31 546534592
Olympus America ((M)) (508) 347-5100
fax (508) 347-2380
(ET, GW, IM, UT, VT, Services,
Specialized) Oxford Instruments (M)
110 Magellan Circle (ET, IM, Specialized) PaR Systems, Inc. (M)
Webster, TX 77598 Optonor AS (M) 300 Baker Ave., Ste. 150 (ET, GW, IM, IR, LM, PT, RT, UT,
Concord, MA 01742-2124 Services, Specialized)
(281) 922-9300 (LM, VA)
(978) 369-9933 707 County Rd. E. Bromstadveien 59
fax (978) 369-8287 West Shoreview, MN Trondheim 55126-7007
Norway (651) 484-7261
47 73502022
fax (651) 483-2689
fax 47 73502022
Pacific Island Inspection
(ET, GPR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT,  Parker Research Corp. (M)
Optronics (M)
UT, VT, Services) (see ad in sidebar)
(AE, VT, Specialized)
2151 E. Grand Ave. 3625 E. Ajo Way
El Segundo, CA 90245 Tucson, AZ 85713 Paul N. Gardner Co., Inc. (M)
(805) 968-3568 (808) 744-4571 (see ad in sidebar)
fax (805) 968-0933
industrialsales@karlstorz PCE Instruments (M)
.com (AE, ET, IR, LT, MT, RT, UT, VA,
Parker Research Corp (M) Pacific Magnetic & Penetrant VT, Specialized)
Co., Inc. Units 12/13 Southpoint
(MT, Services) OR Technology (M) (MT, PT, Services) Business Park
2642 Enterprise Rd., W. (RT, Services) 6829 Farmdale Ave. Ensign Way
Clearwater, FL 33763-1105 Neptunallee 7c North Hollywood, CA 91605- South Hampton SO31 4RF
(800) 525-3935 Rostock Germany 18057 6292 United Kingdom
Germany (818) 765-7266 44 02380987030
fax (727) 797-3941
49 49 381 36 600 500 fax (818) 765-3355 fax 44 02380987039 fax 49 49 381 36 600 555 daniela.bubber@or- Packaging Technologies &  PdM Consultores SA
Inspection (PTI) (M) (IR, MT, PT, UT, VA, Services)
Orange Coast Testing, Inc. (LT, UT, VT, Specialized) Condominio Antigua G6
(MT, PT, RT, Services) 145 Main St. El Tejar 30801
1305 E. Saint Gertrude Pl., Tuckahoe, NY 10707 Costa Rica
Ste. J (914) 337-2005 506 88288610
Santa Ana, CA 92705-5200 fax (914) 337-8519
(714) 557-5844
fax (714) 557-5461  Peak NDT (M) Pan American Industries, (UT)
Inc. (M) Unit 1 Enterprise Way
 Orbit Industries, Inc. (MT, UT) Jubilee Business Park
Paull N. Gardner
d Co, Inc. ((M)) (MT, PT, UT, Services) P.O. Box 1996 Derby DE21 4BB
6840 Lake Abrams Dr. Porter, TX 77365-1996 United Kingdom
(AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, MT, (281) 572-4842
Cleveland, OH 44130-3455 44 1332738752
PT, RT, UT, VT, Specialized) (440) 243-3311 fax (281) 429-4747 fax 44 1332738878
316 N.E. First St. fax (440) 243-3379
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
(954) 946-9454
fax (954) 946-9309

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758 non-exclusive,
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Pegasus Inspections &  Phateco Technical Piezo Technologies (M)

Consulting, LLC Services Joint Stock Co. (AE, GW, LT, ML, UT,
(ET, IM, IR, MT, PT, UT, VT, (ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, Specialized)
Services) VT, Services) 100 Technology Dr., Ste. 300
2016 Harold St. #5A/613, Thien Loi Rd., Vinh Broomfield, CO 80021-3414
Houston, TX 77098-1524 Niem Ward, Le Chan District (303) 217-8898
(281) 407-2727 Hai Phong 181050 fax (317) 876-4681
mike@pegasusinspections Vietnam piezoinfo@piezotechnologies
.com 84 313870870 .com PH Tool Reference Standards
www.pegasusinspections fax 84 313559448 (M)
.com (AE, ET, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Pile Dynamics, Inc. (M) Services, Specialized)
Petrospect Inspection (UT)
Services Phoenix Imaging Machine 6021 Easton Rd.
30725 Aurora Rd.
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, Vision (M) Cleveland, OH 44139 Pipersville, PA 18947
PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (IR, VT, Services) (216) 831-6131 (267) 203-1600
P O Box 1093 19045 Farmington Rd. fax (216) 831-0916 fax (267) 203-1601
Khobar 31952 Livonia, MI 48152
Saudi Arabia (248) 476-4200
966 38657669 fax (248) 476-5705
fax 966 38890768  Pine (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT,
 Phoenix Inspection Services, Specialized)
Pfeiffer Vacuum (M) Systems, Ltd. (M) 92 North Main St.
(LT) (AE, LT, UT, Specialized) Bldg. 20
24 Trafalgar Sq. Dalton House Windsor, NJ 08561
Nashua, NH 03063-1988 40 Hardwick Grange (800) 242-3910
(603) 578-6500 Warrington WA1 4RF fax (609) 371-1663
fax (603) 578-6550 United Kingdom jrerecich@pine-environmental 44 1925826000 .com fax 44 1925826838 Physical Acoustics (M) (AE, IR, LT)
 Pfinder KG (M)  Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions
195 Clarksville Rd.
(MT, PT, Services)
Rudolf Diesel Strasse 14 Phoenix X-Ray Systems & (RT, Services) Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Boeblingen 71032 Services, Inc. (M) 480 Brogdon Rd., Ste. 700 (609) 716-4000
Germany (RT) Suwanee, GA 30024-8616 fax (609) 716-0706
49 703127010 50 Industrial Park Rd. (678) 318-8100
fax 49 7031280500 Lewistown, PA 17044-9312 fax (678) 541-5256
Patricia.Moosmann@pfinder (727) 456-1465
.de fax (727) 456-1466  Plant Integrity, Ltd. (M)
 PH Tool Reference (see ad in sidebar)
Standards (M) Photron USA, Inc. (M)
(see ad in sidebar) (VT)  PM Testing Laboratory,
9520 Padgett St., Ste. 110 Inc.
Phase II (M) San Diego, CA 92126-4446 (GW, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
(ET, UT, VA, VT, Specialized) (800) 585-2129 Services)
21 Industrial Ave. fax (858) 684-3558 3921 Pacific Hwy. E.
Upper Saddle River, NJ Fife, WA 98424-1131
07458-2301 (253) 922-1321
(201) 962-7373 fax (253) 922-1329
fax (201) 962-8353 Physical Acoustics (M) Plant Integrity, Ltd. (M) (see ad in sidebar) (GW, Services)
Granta Park
Picometrix, LLC an API Co. Polytec, Inc. (M)
Phased Array Co. (M) (M) (AE, GW, IM, LM, UT, VA, Great Abington
(UT, Services) (ET, IM) Services, Specialized) Cambridge CB21 6AL
9078 Union Centre Blvd. 2925 Boardwalk St. 16400 Bake Pkwy. United Kingdom
Suite #350 Ann Arbor, MI 48104-6765 Irvine, CA 92618-5603 44 1223 893994
Cincinnati, OH 45069 (734) 478-1656 (949) 943-3033
(513) 785-0801 fax (735) 998-3474 fax (949) 679-0463

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x directory P • Q

 PQNDT, Inc.  Prime NDT Services, Inc. Proto Manufacturing, Inc.

(AE, VT, Services, Specialized) (GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, (M)
22 Bates Rd., Suite 156 RT, UT, VT, Services) (IM, Services)
Mashpee, MA 02649 4345 Independence Dr. 12350 Universal Dr.
(800) 736-3841 Schnecksville, PA Taylor, MI 48180-4070
fax (781) 643-1786 18078-2587 (519) 737-6330 (610) 262-4954 fax (519) 737-1692 fax (610) 262-1516
PQT Services, Inc.
(ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, PT Gavco Indonesia
Services) Proceco LTD (M) (GPR, IR, LT, ML, MT, NR, PT,
5381 Heronview Ct. (PT) RT, UT, VT, Services)
Jacksonville, FL 32257-3726 7300 Tellier Jl Sultan Syarif Kasim Ujung
(904) 425-1381 Montreal, QC H1N 3T7 GG Datuk Penasehat No. 6
fax (904) 260-6374 Canada Duri 28814 1 514-254-8494 Indonesia fax 1 5142546922 62 82170028582
 Pragma (M)
(ET, GW, UT, Services)
2925, Ave. Kepler Proceq (M)  PT Karsa Kencana
Québec G1X3V4 (ET, IM, UT, Specialized) Indonesia
Canada No 12 New Industrial Rd. (ET, GW, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
(418) 260-9088 No 02 02A Morningstar Services)
fax (418) 266-1666 Centre Kompleks Ruko Lagoon 2, Singapore 536202 Blok J02/12R Singapore Citra Raya - Cikupa
41 433553800 Tangerang 15710
Praxair fax 41 0433553808 Indonesia
(LT, Services) 62 2129320828 fax 62 2129320827
39 Old Ridgebury Rd.
Danbury, CT 06810-5104
Product Evaluation Systems,
(716) 879-2031
fax (203) 837-2727 Inc. (IM, MT, PT, VT, Services, PTI Inspection Systems (M) Specialized) (LT, UT, Services, Specialized)
637 Donohoe Rd. 145 Main St.
Precision Calibration & Test Latrobe, PA 15650-3524 Tuckahoe, NY 10707-2906
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (724) 834-8848 (914) 337-2005
fax (724) 834-9151 fax (914) 337-8519
3799 Concord Rd.
York, PA 17402
(717) 840-4994
fax (717) 840-4995 Q

Precision Images, LLC Professional Inspection Q Pro Technical Services

Services, Ltd. (IR, LM, LT, MT, PT, UT, VT,
(MT, PT, RT, UT)
(IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
10741 B. Endeavor Way Services)
Largo, FL 33777-1624 11152 Westheimer Rd., #115
189 Southern Main Rd. Houston, TX 77042
(727) 544-0201
California (713) 366-0700
fax (727) 541-5888
Couva 00000 fax (713) 366-0701
Trinidad And Tobago
868 7929150
fax 868 6797410
Precision X-Ray, Inc. (M)
(RT) QA Technologies, Inc.
15 Commerce Dr., Unit 1 (AE, ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA,
North Branford, CT VT, Services)
ProMed Recycling
06471-1251 P.O. Box 61085
(NR, RT, Services) Savannah, GA 31420
(203) 484-2011
609 A. Piner Rd., Ste. 148 (912) 330-0500
fax (203) 484-2012
Wilmington, NC 28409-4201 fax (912) 330-0104
(800) 783-5497

ASNT grants
760 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Q directory w

QC Laboratories, Inc.  Qualitek, LLC  Quality NDE, Ltd.

(ET, GPR, IR, ML, MT, PT, RT, (GW, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, LT, MT,
UT, Services) Services) PT, RT, UT, VT, Services,
2870 Stirling Rd. 8701 Knight Rd. Specialized)
Hollywood, FL 33020-1109 Houston, TX 77054-4405 164 St. Jean Baptiste
(954) 925-0499 (713) 797-1503 Mercier, QC J6R 2C2
fax (954) 925-5851 fax (713) 797-1503 Canada (450) 691-9090 fax (450) 691-6101 Quality Testing Services, Inc. (ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
QC NDT Equipment, LLC (M) Qualitest USA LC (M) Services)
(ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) (ET, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, UT, 2305 Millpark Dr.
1933 Davis St., Ste. 206 VA, VT, Specialized) Quality Network, Inc. (M)
San Leandro, CA 94577 (ET, IM, UT) Maryland Hts, MO 63043-3529
1323 Se 17th St. # 200
(510) 568-8372 Fort Lauderdale, FL 11 Main St. (314) 770-0607
fax (510) 568-1757 33316-1707 Sparta, NJ 07871-1979 fax (314) 770-0103 (877) 884-8378 (973) 726-8399 fax (954) 697-8211 fax (973) 726-8499
QNDT Services, LLC
(AE, ET, IM, IR, MT, PT, RT, UT,
Services)  Quality Control Co.  Quality Testing Services,
2601 E. 28th St., Ste. 312 (AE, GW, LT, ML, NR, RT, VA, Inc.
Signal Hill, CA 90755-2245 Services, Specialized) (see ad in sidebar)
(562) 277-8140 3 Nablous St.
fax (562) 493-0480 Mohandsein  QualSpec Cairo 12411 (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, ML, Egypt MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services)
20 233456809
224 Deerwood Glen Dr.
Quad City Testing Laboratory fax 20 233456037
Deerpark, TX 77536
(ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, mohsen.hassanein@quality
(310) 257-8222
fax (310) 257-8220
21112 Scott Park Rd. www.qualitycontrol-
Davenport, IA 52807-9330
(563) 391-8500
fax (563) 391-0112  Quality Equipment  Qualtech NDE Distributors, Inc.
(ET, GW, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, (LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
UT, VA, VT, Services)
A-203, Javaid Hill View,
Qualimation (M) 75 Bank St.
(AE, GPR, GW, LM, VA, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi,
Services) (716) 667-7703
27/3967B Behind Lourde fax (716) 667-7702
Karachi 75290
Church Rd.
92 2134013666
Thevara Kochi fax 92 2134013666
Ernakulam, Kerala 682015 Quality Inspection Services,
India Inc.
91 4846452746 (ET, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) Quest Integrity Group, LLC 37 Franklin St., Ste. 400 (AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, UT,
Buffalo, NY 14202-4117 Services, Specialized)
Qualitech Public Co., Ltd. (716) 853-2611
19823 58th Pl. South, Ste.
(AE, IM, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, fax (716) 853-2619
Services, Specialized)
Kent, WA 98032
21 3 Banplong Rd.
(253) 872-9500
Maptaphut Muang District fax (253) 872-8967
Rayong Quality Material Inspection,
Thailand 21150 Inc. (M)
Thailand (ET, UT, Services)
66 3869140810 919 Sunset Dr. Quickshot XRF
fax 66 38692028 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (IM, Specialized) (714) 903-4500
35 Fairway Dr. W. fax (714) 903-4550
Georgetown, DE 19947
(716) 201-1118

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x directory R

R  Ray-Check MFG, Inc. (M) Renentech Laboratories Pvt.,

(ET, RT, UT) Ltd.
R.G. Dunn Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 8 (RT, Services)
(ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) Clovis, CA 93613-0008 106 Synthofine Industrial
15104 Lee Rd., Ste. 203B (559) 292-0115 Estate Off Aarey Rd.
Humble, TX 77396-2098 fax (559) 292-0318 Goregaon East
(281) 441-2001 Mumbai 400063
fax (281) 441-7772 India 91 2240037474
Rayence (M)
R .L. Holliday Comp., Inc. (M)
(ET, IM, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT, 14 Samsung 1ro 1-gil
Kyeong gi do Resplendence Technology,
Services) Ltd.
525 Mcneilly Rd. Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do
18449 (LT, VT, Services, Specialized)
Pittsburgh, PA 15226-2503
(412) 561-7620 South Korea No. 66-3
fax (412) 561-7864 82 3180156426 Wen Xian Rd., Section 1 fax 82 3180156300 Rende,Tainan 717 Taiwan
.com 886 (6)243-6331 fax 886 (6)266-0787
 R-Con NDT, Inc.
(ET, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Realistic Systems
Services, Specialized)
5605 Freitag Dr.  RF System Lab
(LT, Services)
Menomonie, WI 54751 (VT, Specialized)
(715) 235-7222 22820 IH 45 N.
fax (715) 233-3460 Unit 5A 13919 S. West Bay Shore Dr., Spring, TX 77373 Ste. 207 (281) 288-3593 Traverse City, MI 49684
fax (281) 288-3595 (231) 943-1171 fax (989) 688-5966
 RadiaBeam Systems (M)
1713 Stewart St.  Reinhart & Associates,
Santa Monica, CA 90404 Inc.  Ridgewater College
(310) 822-5845 (AE, ET, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT,
fax (310) 582-1212 UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
VT, Services, Specialized) 13419A Immanuel Rd. (320) 234-8581
Pflugerville, TX 78660 fax (320) 234-8583
(512) 834-8911
Radiation Control, Inc. fax (512) 834-8912
(RT, Services, Specialized)
4044 Deer Lane Dr. Rigmar Training Centre
Tallahassee, FL 32312-1214 (ET, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT,
(850) 519-5351 Reliant NDT Systems & Services) Services (M) 3-3A International Base
(ET, MT, PT, UT, Services) Greenwell Rd.
3551 Texas Hwy. 11 Aberdeen AB12 3AX
Radiatronics NDT, Inc. (M) Linden, TX 75563 United Kingdom
(AE, ET, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, (903) 756-5656 44 1224243012
RT, UT, VA, VT, Services, fax (903) 756-5283 fax 44 1224894041
Specialized) ray.wilson@rigmartraining
7952 Nieman Rd. .com
Lenexa, KS 66214-1560
(913) 432-7080 Remote Video & Tool
fax (913) 432-0320 Engineering, LLC (M) RIST (M) (AE, ET, MT, PT)
(ET, RT, VT)
22N073 Pepper Rd.
Lake Barrington, IL
 Ram Design 60010-5975  Ritec, Inc. (M)
(MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) (815) 641-2198 (UT)
108 Jared Dr.
Broussard, LA 70518-4359 60 Alhambra Rd., Ste. 5 Warwick, RI 02886-1442
(337) 330-2675 (401) 738-3660 fax (401) 738-3661

ASNT grants
762 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
R • S directory w

RNDT Nondestructive Testing Rotex Silver Recovery / Salco Products, Inc.

Services Silver Solutions (M) (LT, MT, PT, VT, Services)
(AE, ET, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (RT, Specialized) 1385 101st St., Ste. A
Services, Specialized) 200 Harmon Ave. Lemont, IL 60439-9631
228 Maple Ave. Lebanon, OH 45036-8800 (630) 783-2570
Johnstown, PA 15901 (513) 228-0909 fax (630) 783-2593
(814) 535-5448 fax (513) 228-0930 kevin_woloszyk@salco
fax (814) 535-5667 tony@rotexsilversolutions .com Russell NDE Systems, Inc. (M) (ET, GW, ML, RT, UT, VT, Specialized)
 Sarl 3MECS Engineering &
72 Asterview
Roadsafe, LLC RSOtoGO Consulting Services
(MT, UT, Services) (RT, Services) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, LT, ML, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 1N6
12 Main St. 3848 McHenry Ave., Ste. MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, Canada
Canton, ME 04221 #135-267 Specialized) (780) 468-6800
(207) 514-5474 Modesto, CA 95356 BP 5373 M KAM fax (780) 462-9378 (844) 776-8646 Laghouat 03000 Algeria
roadsafe-ndt 213 29110618
fax 213 29110618
 Rohmann Eddy Current  rtw Roentgen-Technik (M)
Instruments and Systems (RT, Specialized)
(M) Hildesheimer Strasse 5-9
(ET, IM, UT, Services) Neuenhagen D-15366 Sattler Consultants Co., Inc.
111 Corporate Dr., Ste. D. Germany (AE, ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Spartanburg, SC 29303-5040 49 334284200 Services)
(864) 208-0480 fax 49 334284230 873 Old Spring Rd.
fax (864) 208-0484 Copley, OH 44321-1416 (330) 666-5757 fax (330) 666-5757
 Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
 Rolls-Royce (M) (M)
(RT, VT) (see ad in sidebar) ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M)
9500 Ch De La Cote De Satyakiran Engineers Pvt., (LM, UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
Liesse Rd. Ltd.
S 5501 Innovation Cir.
Lachine, QC H8T 1A2 (ET, IM, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT,
Canada VT, Services) Longview, TX 75605
(800) 836-0285 S&ME, Inc. 1st Floor 487/76 Opposite (903) 234-2025
fax (315) 589-4089 (GPR, IM, IR, MT, PT, RT, UT, DTC Bus Depot
VT, Services, Specialized)
fax (903) 234-2033
john.stringer@rolls- Peeragarhi 3201 Spring Forest Rd. Delhi, Delhi 110087 Raleigh, NC 27616-2821 India
(919) 872-2660 dinesh.gupta@satyakiran
 Rosen Europe B.V. (M) fax (919) 876-3958 .com
ML, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services,
Specialized) Scan Systems Corp. (M)
Obere Spichermatt 14 Safe Inspection Technology (ET, ML, UT)
Stans 6370 (M) 14424 Interdrive W.
Switzerland (AE, GW, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) Houston, TX 77032-3334
60 355699000 King Khalid St. Al Rabea 2 (281) 219-9480
fax 60 355699000 P.O. Box 1473 fax (281) 219-2317 Dammam 31442 Saudi Arabia
966 038321992
Rotesco, Inc. (M) fax 966 038323992  ScanTech Instruments, Inc. (M)
(ET, Services)
150 Milner Ave. (see ad in sidebar)
Unit 25
Scarborough, ON M15 3R3 SAIT Polytechnic
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) Scantek, Inc. (M)
Canada (VA, Services)
(416) 291-9821 John Ware Shipping Dock
1301 16th Ave. N.W. 7060 Oakland Mills Rd.
fax (416) 291-4343
Calgary, AB T2M 0L4 Suite L
Canada Columbia, MD 21046
(403)284-8641 (410) 290-7726
fax (403) 284-7178 fax (410) 290-9167

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x directory S

Schoelly Imaging, Inc. (M) Seikowave (M) SGS Group Industrial

(VT) (LM, VT, Services, Services
722 Plantation St. Specialized) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM,
Worcester, MA 01605-2041 100 Midland Ave., Ste. 330 LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT,
(508) 926-8855 Lexington, KY 40508-1943 Services, Specialized)
fax (508) 582-1114 Roedingsmarkt 16
industrial@schoellyimaging 20459 Hamburg
.com Germany  Sensima Inspection (M) 49 4030101821
(ET, ML, Services) fax 49 4030101852
 SCI Control & Inspeccion
Av du Mont Blanc 31
(IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Gland 1196
Services, Specialized) Switzerland
34 918844393 41 223644943  SGS PfiNDE, Inc.
fax 34 918844324 fax 41 223644930 (MT, PT, RT, UT, Services) 2628 N. Hemlock Cir. Broken Arrow, OK
Score Atlanta, Inc. (M)  Sensor Networks (M) (918) 505-3100
(AE, LT) (UT, Services, Specialized) fax (918) 893-6031
975 Cobb Place Blvd. N.W., 176 Technology Dr. # 500
Ste. 202 Boalsburg, PA 16827-1530
Kennesaw, GA 30144-6899 (814) 466-7207
(770) 428-4874 pellegrino@installed  Shanghai CHiNDT Systems
fax (770) 428-4875 and Services (M)
mathew.forman@score-group (ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, UT,
.com Services) Sensor Products, Inc. (M) 802 Bldg 24 3136 Baoan Rd.
(VT) Jiading
Scorpion Technology (M) Shanghai 201801
300 Madison Ave.
(UT) China
Madison, NJ 07940-1868
86 01604700
4661 Sutton St. N.W. (973) 884-1755
fax 86 2160911108
Albuquerque, NM fax (973) 884-1699
(505) 890-3931
fax (505) 890-3931  Sensors & Software, Inc. Shannon Luminous
(M) Materials, Inc. (M)
 SE International, Inc. (M) (LT, PT)
(GPR, Services, Specialized)
(IM, LT, RT) 304-A N. Townsend St.
1040 Stacey Ct.
Santa Ana, CA 92703
436 Farm Rd. Mississauga, ON L4W 2X8
(800) 543-4485
Summertown, TN Canada
fax (714) 550-9938
38483-8005 (905) 624-8909
(931) 964-3561 fax (905) 624-9365
fax (931) 964-3564  Shantou Institute of
 Sentinel QSA Global, Inc. Ultrasonic Instruments
Sector Cert, GmbH (M) CoLtd. (SIUI) (M)
(GW, UT, Services)
(ET, IR, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, (MT, PT, RT, UT, Specialized)
VT, Services) No 77 Jinsha Rd.
3200 Awesome Ln.
Shantou 515041
229C Siegburger Strasse La Porte, TX 77571-8406
Cologne 50679 (225) 751-5893
86 75488250150
Germany fax (225) 756-0365
fax 86 75488251499
49 4492324918180 charles.lemann@qsa-global
fax 49 2324918181 .com
Servo-Robot., Inc. (M)
Secu-Chek, GmbH (M) (LM, UT, VT, Specialized)
(LT, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) 1370 rue Hocquart
An der Faehre 9 Saint-Bruno, QC J3V 6E1
Kleinblittersdorf 66271 Canada
Germany (450) 653-7868
49 68059428590 fax (450) 653-7869
fax 49 680594285995

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764 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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S directory w

 Sherwin, Inc. (M) Sila Kalite SKF Latin America, Ltda. (M)
(see ad in sidebar) (ET, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, (PT, UT, VA, Services,
MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Specialized)
Shimadzu Scientific Services, Specialized) Calle 100 19 54 of 501
Instruments (M) Alaattin Bey Mh 637 Sk No Bogota 11001000
(IM, IR, UT, VT, Specialized) 5/B Nokta Is Mrkz Nil Tim Colombia
Nilufer 57 16516161
7102 Riverwood Dr.
Bursa 16120
Columbia, MD 21046-1245
(800) 477-1227
90 2244431471 Sherwin, Inc. (M)
fax (410) 381-1222
fax 90 2244431491 Skytesting Services, Inc. (MT, PT, Specialized) (GW, ML, VT, Services)
25 Kinkel St. 5530 Borwick Ave.
 Silean Westbury, NY 11590-4914 South Gate, CA 90280-7402
Shree Vallabh NDT Services
(Specialized) (631) 750-0915 (562) 861-6324
1095 Crestwood Cir. fax (315) 446-2901 fax (562) 923-8370
1 E/11 Jaljyot Appt B/H
Tremonton, UT 84337-9392
Military Boys Hostel
(435) 230-8394
New Sama Rd.
Baroda, Gujarat 390002 Smith & Sons Services, Inc.
91 2652760180 (AE)
fax 91 2652772217  Silverwing (M) 123 Test Ln. (GW, LT, ML, UT, Services, Columbus, OH 43228 Specialized) (614) 274-4444
Suite 120, South Shore
Sierra-Olympic Service Center
Technologies, Inc. 2911 South Shore Blvd.
(IR, VT, Specialized) League City, TX 77573  Snell Group
44 4401792798711 (IR, Services)
3100 Cascade Ave.
fax 44 1792586044
Hood River, OR 97031-9780 322 N. Main St., Ste. 8
(425) 445-8884 Barre, VT 05641-4122
fax (541) 387-0443 (802) 479-7100 fax (802) 479-7171 Sino Age Development
Techtrade, Ltd. (M)
Sigma Enterprises, LLC (M) (UT, Specialized)
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, NR, #5 Di Jing Rd. #D-905 Soaring High, Inc.
PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services) Fengtai 100070 (MT, PT)
P.O. Box 96241 Office No 3 Zafar Plaza
86 1051663600
Dubai Investment Park 1 Khurshid Market F-10/1
fax 86 1082600229
Dubai 000 Islamabad 44000
United Arab Emirates Pakistan
971 48851828 92 512113124
fax 971 481851628 fax 92 512113125 Sitco Precision Machining Co. LTD (M)
(ET, UT)
Sigma NDT Instruments (M) 950 Denison St. No. 17  Son Set Consultants
(MT, RT, UT) Markham, ON L3R 3K5 Training, LLC
Canada (VT, Services)
No 26 Kalachad pati Tundi Ln.
1 9054756544
Paikpara 7679 N. 140th East Ave.
Kolkata 700002 Owasso, OK 74055-7102
India (918) 633-0740
91 9979895922
fax 91 2882846220 Six-Pac Mobile Labs (M)
sigmainstruments@yahoo (RT)
.com 109 Pioneer Ave. Sonartech Woodland, CA 95776-6123 (ET, IR, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
(530) 666-1442 Services)
Sigma Transducers, Inc. (M) fax (530) 666-1486
P.O. Box 8661
(GW, UT)
Edleen 1625
6223 W. Deschutes Ave., South Africa
Ste. 416 27 823359447
Kennewick, WA 99336-7837 fax 27 113962352
(509) 210-2331
fax (509) 210-2456

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x directory S

 Sonaspection Sonotech, Inc. (a division of  Southern Inspection

International, Inc. (M) Magnaflux) (M) Services
(AE, ET, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT) (UT) (AE, ET, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT,
23 Ladies Walk Industrial Est. 774 Marine Dr. UT, VA, VT, Services,
Caton Rd. Bellingham, WA 98225-1530 Specialized)
Lancaster LA1 3BX (360) 671-9121 No. 2 Govindaraji Naickar
United Kingdom fax (360) 671-9024 Complex II Floor
(704) 262-3384 Janaki Nagar Arcot Rd.
fax (704) 262-3387 Valasaravakkam
Sonatest, Ltd. (M) Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600087
(LT, MT, PA, PT, RT, UT) Sonotest SA India
(IM, IR, ML, MT, PT, UT, VA, VT, 91 04424868785
Head Office – United Kingdom fax 91 4424868785
 Sonatest, Ltd. (M) Services, Specialized)
44 1908 31 6345
(see ad in sidebar) 31 Se 5th St., Ste. 401 Miami, FL 33131-2503
North America Sonic Sensors of EMAT 58 2656620575  Southwest Research
Ultrasonics of Rosen Group fax 58 265312513 Institute (M)
(210) 697-0333
(M) (ET, GW, LM, ML, PT, RT, UT, Services) (GW, UT, Specialized)
P.O. Drawer 28510
170 Granada Dr.
Soundwel Technology Corp. San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
San Luis Obispo, CA
Ltd. (M) (210) 522-3989
(805) 903-1170
(AE, LT, UT) fax (210) 684-4822
fax (805) 545-0374
3C of Bldg. D
Hua Ting Jia Yuan Bei Si Huan
Zhong Lu 6 Chao Yang District
 Sonic Systems Beijing 100029 Specialist Condition
International China Monitoring Services, Ltd. (M)
86 1082846706 (ET, LM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
(AE, ET, GW, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT,
fax 86 1082846790 Services)
RT, UT, VT, Services,
Specialized) 12 Edison Crescent Sunninghill 2157
1880 Dairy Ashford, Ste. 207
South Africa
Houston, TX 77077
Source Co. for Training and 27 112341463
(281) 531-7611
Development fax 27 112341463
fax (281) 531-6621
Sonomatic, Inc. (M) Al Jadrya St. (lead to Baghdad Specialized Camera Sales
University) (IR, LT, UT, VT, Services,
(ET, GW, ML, MT, PT, UT, VT,
Baghdad 00964 Specialized)
Services, Specialized)
Iraq 3120 S. Business Dr. #186
125F Trade Ct # 11
964 07716178161 Sheboygan, WI 53081
Mooresville, NC 28117-5539 (800) 531-6232
(704) 664-8474 —- fax (608) 589-5509
fax (704) 664-8474
 Source Production & Specialized NDE, Inc.
Sonoscan, Inc. (M)
Equipment Co., Inc. (M) (ET, MT, PT, UT, Services,
(RT) Specialized)
2149 Pratt Blvd.
113 Teal St. 175 Longwood Rd. S.,
Elk Grove Village, IL
St Rose, LA 70087-4022 Ste. 310A
(504) 464-9471 Hamilton, ON L8P 0A1
(847) 437-6400
fax (504) 467-7685 Canada
fax (847) 437-1550 (905) 667-4630 fax (905) 667-4631
Source-Ray, Inc. (M)
 Sonotec (M)
(LT, UT)
167 Keyland Ct.
15 2nd Ave.
Bohemia, NY 11716-2621
Central Islip, NY 11722-3011
(631) 244-8200
(631) 404-7497
fax (631) 415-4758

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766 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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S directory w

 Specpro SA Steel City NDT, LLC Stresstech Oy (M)

(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, (IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, (AE, ET, IM, LM, Services,
PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services, Services) Specialized)
Specialized) 322 Mall Blvd., Ste. 270 Tikkutehtaantie 1
Luis Thayer Ojeda 95 Ofc 906 Monroeville, PA 15146-2241 Vaajakoski 40800
Providencia (412)765-9585 Finland
Santiago, Aisen del General 358 14333000
Carlos Ibanez del Camp fax 358 143330099
7510022 lasse.suominen@stresstech
Chile Steel Repair Services .com Spectronics Corporation (M)
56 222343526 (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, ML, MT, (AE, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT)
fax 56 222343526 PT, UT, VT, Services) Stroud Systems, Inc. 956 Brush Hollow Rd.
Nizami St. 59
Baku AZ1003 (IR, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) Westbury, NY 11590-1714
 Spectronics Corp. (M) Azerbaijan 600 N. Shepherd Dr., Ste. 115 (516) 333-4840
(see ad in sidebar) 994 124970641 Houston, TX 77007-1324 fax (516) 333-4859 (713) 861-3270
Spectrum Instrumentation fax (713) 861-4784
Corp. (M)
(AE, IM, MT, UT, VT) Steinbichler Opotechnik,
Sales@spectrum- GmbH (M) (LM, VA, VT, Specialized) Structural Diagnostics, Inc.
www.spectrum- Am Bauhof 4 (M) Neubeuern Bavaria 83115 (ET, PT, RT, UT)
Germany 67 West Easy St.
 Spellman High Voltage 49 803587040 Simi Valley, CA 93065
Electronics Corp. (M) fax 49 8035870499 (805) 987-7755
(see ad in sidebar) fax (805) 987-7791
SREM Technologies (M)
 Steinol Solutions
(MT, PT, UT)  Structural Integrity
(LT, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) Spellman High Voltage Electronics
14 rue des Freres Chappe Associates
92 514440897 Corp. (M)
La Fleche 72200 (see ad in sidebar)
France (RT, Specialized)
33 243481510
fax 33 243452526 Structural Technology, Inc. 475 Wireless Blvd. (AE, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services) Hauppauge, NY 11788-3951 Sterling Inspection, LLC P.O. Box 1601 (631) 630-3000
(MT, PT, UT, VT, Services, Searcy, AR 72145-1601 fax (631) 435-1620
 Stanley Inspection Specialized) (501) 279-9008
(MT, PT, UT, Services) 11642 Knott St., Ste. 19 fax (501) 279-7150
Garden Grove, CA 92841-
7011 High Life Dr.
Houston, TX 77066-3717
(714) 795-6998
(832) 249-3100
fax (714) 460-2148 Struers, Inc.
fax (832) 249-3292 (VT, Specialized)
.com 810 Sharon Dr. Westlake, OH 4145
Stockton Infrared (888) 787-8377
Thermographic Services fax (440) 871-8188
Star Int’l NDT Services
(ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Services) 8472 Adams Farm Rd.
Randleman, NC 27317
91 2653984136
(800) 248-7226 Sub Source, Inc. Structural Integrity Associates (ET, LT, MT, PT, Services)
600 18th Ave. (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT,
Strainoptics, Inc. (M) Rockford , IL 61107 ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT,
Starmans Electronics, Ltd.
(M) (Services, Specialized) (815) 968-7800 Services, Specialized)
(IR, MT, UT, Services) 108 W. Montgomery Ave. fax (815) 968-7850
11515 Vanstory Dr., Ste. 125
North Wales, PA 19454-3440
V Zahradach 842/24 Huntersville, NC 28078-6385
(215) 661-0100
Prague 18000 (877) 474-7693
fax (215) 699-7028
Czech Republic fax (704) 597-0335
420 739664824
fax 420 283841067

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x directory S

 Sullivan & Associates, Inc. TCP Pruftechnik, GmbH (M) Techno Scientific, Inc. (M)
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services) (ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (AE, ET, GW, IR, LM, LT, ML,
3262 Benchmark Dr. Specialized) MT, RT, UT, VA, VT, Services,
Ladson, SC 29456-3861 Harkortstr 3 Specialized)
(843) 566-9062 Trading Consulting Progress 259 Edgeley Blvd.
fax (843) 566-9189 for NDT Unit 11 & 12 Munster 48163 Concord, ON L4K 3Y5 Germany Canada
System One 49 25177748940 (905) 760-1745
Summit Group fax 49 25177748944 fax (904) 760-1746
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services,
(ET, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VT,
1200 Watercrest Way, Ste. 1210 P.O. Box 1037
Cheswick, PA 15024-1361 Southbury, CT 06488-4137 TD NDE (M) Technofour (M)
(724) 275-8912 (800) 745-7150 (UT, VT, Services) (ET)
fax (724) 275-9980 173 Joseph-Cartier NDT House 45 DR Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V5V5 Ambedkar Rd.
Canada Near Sangam Bridge (450) 853-0636 Pune 411001
 System One
(see ad in sidebar) India 91 2026058060
fax 91 2026058070
T  TEAM Industrial Services
Taber Industries (AE, ET, IM, IR, LM, LT, ML, MT,
(ET, VT, Services) PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, Technologies Consulting
455 Bryant St. Specialized) International, Inc.
North Tonawanda, NY 14120- 13131 Dairy Ashford, (ET, GPR, IM, IR, ML, MT, PT,
7088 Ste. 600 UT, VT, Services, Specialized)
(716) 694-4000 Sugar Land, TX 77478 2020 Independence
fax (716) 694-1450 (800) 662-8326 Commerce Dr., Ste. G fax (281) 388-5576 Matthews, NC 28105-4202 (704) 321-7272
www.teamindustrialservices fax (704) 321-3052
TAC Technical Instrument .com
Corp (M)
(ET, GW, UT, Services)  Tech Service Products, Inc.
21 W. Piper Ave. (M)  Technology Design, Ltd.
Trenton-Mercer Airport (LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (M)
West Trenton, NJ 08628-1310 Services, Specialized) (UT, Services, Specialized)
(609) 882-2894 5509 Jensen St. Wharton Park House
fax (609) 882-3147 Harahan, LA 70123-2241 Nat Lane (800) 245-9369 Winsford CW7 3BS fax (504) 734-9266 United Kingdom 44 1606590123
Talon Test Laboratories, Inc. fax 44 1606591253
(M) tdsales@technologydesign
(RT, UT, Services) Technical Petroleum Services .com
7900 Rockville Rd. (AE, ET, GW, ML, MT, PT, RT,
Indianapolis, IN 46214-3107 UT, VT, Services)
(317) 247-0633 40 Palestine St. Technology for Energy Corp.
fax (317) 271-0208 Level 2 (M) New Maadi (ET, IM, Services) Cairo 11435 10737 Lexington Dr.
Egypt Knoxville, TN 37932
TCA Ingenieros S.A.S. 20 25170606 (865) 966-5856
(MT, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, kareem.elfeky@t- fax (865) 675-1241
Calle 19 No 38 66 Of 504
Medellin 1
Colombia  Technisonic Research, Inc.
57 5743520022 (M) (GW, UT)
328 Commerce Dr.
Fairfield, CT 06825-5560
(203) 368-3600
fax (203) 368-1922

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768 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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T directory w

 Tecnatom S A (M)  Teledyne ICM (ICM X-RAY)  TEST NDT, LLC

(AE, ET, LT, PT, UT, VT, (M) (ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Services, Specialized) (RT, Services) Services)
Avda. Montes de Oca 1 Zoning Les Plenesses 193 Viking Ave.
S.S. de los Reyes 28703 Rue du Progrès n°3 Brea, CA 92821-3800
Spain Andrimont 4821 (714) 255-1500
34 916598600 Belgium fax (714) 255-1580
fax 34 916598677 32 87440150 fax 32 87440160 TecScan Systems (M) Test Systems International, (ET, UT, Services)
Tecnitest Ingenieros (M) Inc. (M) 75 Blvd. de Mortagne, No. 122
(ET, GW, IM, LM, ML, MT, PT, Televere Systems (M) (ET, MT) Boucherville, QC J4B 6Y4
RT, UT, VT, Services) (RT) 27963 Cabot Rd. Canada
C Ciudad de Frias 1 18432 Gina Ln. Laguna Niguel, CA
Nave 4 Huntington Beach, CA 92646- 92677-1245
(450) 641-5876
Madrid 28021 1609 (949) 582-3163 fax (450) 641-5873
Spain (800) 385-9593 fax (949) 582-3164
34 917961418 fax (608) 314-1084
fax 34 917954759  Testex, Inc. (M)
TeraRecon, Inc. (M) (AE, ET, MT, PT, UT, Services)
TecScan Systems (M) (RT, VT) 535 Old Frankstown Rd.
(see ad in sidebar) 2955 Campus Dr., Ste. 325 Pittsburgh, PA 15239-1858
San Mateo, CA 94403-2517 (412) 798-8990
Teitsu Denshi Kenkyusho (650) 372-1100 fax (412) 798-8995
Co., Ltd. (M) fax (650) 372-1101
(ET, UT)
2-6-31 Kamishinjo
Nakahara-Ku Testima (M)
Kawasaki 211-0045 Terracon (AE, ET, LT, PT, RT, UT, Test Equipment
Japan (LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Services, Specialized) Distributors, LLC
81 447664411 Services) Krovinovo nam 8 (ET, GPR, IM, IR, LM, LT, MT, PT, RT,
fax 81 447666271 314 Beacon Dr. Praha 9 193 00 UT, VA, VT, Specialized) Winterville, NC 28590-7956 Czech Republic (252) 353-1600 420 281922523 1370 Piedmont Dr.
fax (252) 353-0002 Troy, MI 48083-1917
Tekkon Technology & Control (800) 962-1788
Ltd. (M) fax (248) 689-3779
(ET, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Texas NDT Academy
Specialized) Teseq (M) (MT, UT, Services)
(ET, VA, Specialized)
Ozanadolu san sitesi 666 s 32626 Decker Prairie Rd.,
No78 Ostim 52 Mayfield Ave. Ste. 1
Ankara 06370 Edison, NJ 08837-3821 Magnolia, TX 77355
Turkey (732) 225-9533 (281) 259-7000
90 3123544676 fax (732) 225-4789 fax (281) 754-4166
fax 90 3123544797
tekkon-merkez@tekkon Test Equipment Connection  Texas Research
(AE, ET, IR, LT, VA) International (M)
 Teledyne DALSA (M) 30 Skyline Dr. (AE, ET, IM, MT, PT, UT, VT,
(RT) Lake Mary, FL 32746-6201 Services)
3400 Garrett Dr. (800) 615-8378 9225 Bee Caves Rd. Building B
Santa Clara, CA 95054 fax (800) 819-8378 Austin, TX 78733
(408) 736-6000 sales@testequipment (512) 263-2101
fax (408) 736-6001 fax (512) 263-3530
sales.rad-icon@teledyne www.testequipment
 Test Equipment
Distributors, LLC
(see ad in sidebar)

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory T • U

Thales (M) Toshiba American Imaging  Tru Amp Corp.

(IM, RT) Systems Division (M) (IM, IR, Services)
40G Commerce Way (VT) 406 W. Fortification St.
Totowa, NJ 07512-1161 9740 Irvine Blvd. Jackson, MS 39203-2207
(973) 812-9000 Irvine, CA 92618-1608 (800) 358-5220
fax (973) 812-9050 (810) 357-5022 fax (601) 354-5231 fax (949) 470-9390
U.S. Underwater Services, LLC .com/mis
(ET, LT, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services,  TSC Inspection Systems
Specialized)  Thermal Wave Imaging,  TP Group SA (M)
Inc. (M) (AE, ET, IM, IR, ML, MT, PT, RT, (ET, Services, Specialized)
123 Sentry Dr. (IR, Services, Specialized) UT, VA, VT, Services) 6 Mill Square Wolverton Mill
Mansfield, TX 76063 845 Livernois St. Calle 31 # 13A 51 Torre 1 Milton Keynes MK12 5RB
(817) 447-7321 Ferndale, MI 48220-2308 Oficina 210 United Kingdom
fax (817) 447-0021 (248) 414-3730 Edificio Panorama Parque 44 1908317444
bryannicholls@usunderwater fax (248) 414-3764 Central Bavaria fax 44 1908220959
alannusbaum@thermalwave Cundinamarca .com Bogota 110311 Colombia
57 15615596  Turbo Nondestructive
Thermo Fisher Scientific (M) fax 57 14829724 Testing, Inc.
(IM) enrique.molano@tpgroupsa (IM, MT, PT, UT, VT, Services)
2 Radcliff Rd. 25 Southbelt Industrial Dr.
Portable Analytical Building B
Instruments Trek, Inc. (M) Houston, TX 77047
Tewksbury, MA 01876-1182 (ET, LT, MT, UT, Specialized) (713) 263-4303
(978) 513-3714 190 Walnut St. fax (281) 334-6425
fax (978) 215-6121 Lockport, NY 14094-3710
orgeta.nushi@thermofisher (716) 438-7555
.com fax (716) 201-1804  TWI, Ltd.
niton (ET, IM, IR, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Services, Specialized)
Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Tricen Technologies (M) Granta Park
(IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, (ET, GPR, GW, IM, MT, PT, UT, Great Abington
Specialized) VT, Services, Specialized) Cambridge CB21 6AL
4004 Burch Dr. 500 Farmers Market Rd. United Kingdom
Del Valle, TX 78617-3277 Suite 6 44 223899000
(401) 467-6454 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 fax 44 1223892588
fax (401) 467-2398 (772) 925-3076 fax (772) 925-3076 TWI North America (M)
Titan Tool Supply, Inc. (M) (UT)
(VT) Trikon Technologies, Inc. 1505 Hwy. 6 S., Ste. 330
68 Comet Ave. (ET, GW, IM, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Houston, TX 77077-1700
Buffalo, NY 14216 Services, Specialized) (281) 680-2000
(716) 873-9907 208 Joseph Carrier fax (281) 680-2004
fax (716) 873-9998 Vaudreuil J7V5V5 Canada (450) 424-2000 _states/home/index.jsp
fax (450) 424-5836
Tomografia de Hormigon U
Armado, S.A.
(RT, Services) U.S. Underwater Services,
Reclus 2017 Tritex NDT, LTD (M) LLC
Boulogne (UT) (see ad in sidebar)
Buenos Aires 1609 Unit 10 Mellstock Business
Argentina Park
54 1147195132 Higher Bockhampton UE Systems, Inc. (M)
fax 54 1147195132 Dorchester DT2 8QJ (LT, UT) United Kingdom 14 Hayes St. 44 1305257160 Elmsford, NY 10523
fax 44 1305259573 (914) 592-1220 fax (914) 347-2181

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770 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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Ultracon-Service, LLC (M) United NDT Training & US Radar (M)

(AE, ET, MT, UT, Services) Inspection Center (GPR)
P.O. Box 31 (AE, ET, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, P.O. Box 319
Kiev 04111 Services) Matawan, NJ 07747-0319
Ukraine 32 1237 Santha Bldg. (732) 566-2035
380 445313727 Chanthangattu Rd.
fax 380 445313726 Opp Ayyappa Temple Palarivattom Junction Cochin, Kerala 682 024 US Ultratek, Inc. (M)
India (AE, UT, Specialized) University of Ultrasonics
Ultran Group (M) 91 4842338870
2073 Rapallo Way (UT Services)
(AE, UT)
Bay Point, CA
240 Elm St., Ste. 27
(925) 687-7688
2159 Rocky Ridge Rd., Ste. 103
Somerville, MA 02144-2935 fax (925) 687-7689 Hoover, AL 35216-5192
(814) 861-2001 Universal NDT, Inc. (M) (281) 741-0571
fax (814) 861-2045 (MT, PT, RT) 1844 W. 11th St., Ste. F Upland, CA 91786-3586 Uson LP (M)
(909) 946-3049 (LT)
 Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. fax (909) 946-5491
8640 North Edridge Pkwy.
Houston, TX 77041
(281) 671-2000
Unit 4 Springlakes Industrial fax (281) 671-2001
Estate Universal Studios (M)
Deadbrook Ln. (ET)
Aldershot GU12 4UH (407) 363-8030
United Kingdom bob.edmondson@universal UTC Aerospace Systems (M)
44 1252350550 (IR, VT)
fax 44 1252350445
14300 Judicial Rd.
info@ultrasonic-sciences Universal Technical Burnsville, MN 55306-4890 Equipment (M) (609) 520-0610
www.ultrasonic-sciences (ET, IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT) fax (609) 520-0638
1100 Woodlawn Ave.
UniWest (M)
Darby, PA 19023-3936 (ET, IM, UT, Services, Specialized)
Unified Testing Services, Inc. (610) 586-3535 122 S. 4th Ave.
(ET, GPR, IM, IR, ML, MT, PT, fax (610) 586-0151  UTEX Scientific Pasco, WA 99301-5507
RT, UT, VT, Services, Instruments, Inc. (M)
Specialized) (509) 544-0720
(UT) fax (509) 544-0868
2159 Rocky Ridge Rd., University of Ultrasonics 2319 Dunwin Dr. Unit 8
Ste. 101 (see ad in sidebar) Mississauga, ON L5L 1A3
Hoover, AL 35216-5192
(205) 623-5229
 UniWest (M) (905) 828-1313
fax (205) 938-3323
(see ad in sidebar) fax (905) 828-0360
URS Energy & Construction,
Unipower, LLC (M) Inc.
Uvirco Technologies, Ltd. (M)
(RT) (LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
(IR, Services, Specialized)
3900 Coral Ridge Dr. Services)
P.O. Box 39
Coral Springs, FL 33065-7613 1437 S. Bell School Rd.
Persequor Technopark
(954) 905-1071 Rockford, IL 61108-1405
Pretoria 0020
fax (954) 340-7901 (609) 720-2798
South Africa
Sales- fax (609) 720-2259
27 123493760
fax 27 123495200
 US Photon Service (M)
(MT, PT, RT, Services) UVP, LLC (M)
23101 Foley St. (MT, PT, VT)
Hayward, CA 94545-1601
2066 W 11th St.
(510) 786-3000
Upland, CA 91786
fax (510) 782-5106
(909) 946-3197
fax (909) 946-3597

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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x directory V

V Vastek Consulting VibraMetrics (M)

(MT, PT, RT, UT, Services, (VA)
V-Tek Associates (M) Specialized) 195 Clarksville Rd.
(IR, LT, VA) 7290 Jasmine Dr. Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
1448 Edenham Ln. Hanover Park, IL 60103 (609) 716-4131
Cumming, GA 30041 (630) 213-3432 fax (609) 716-0706
(770) 844-6475 fax (630) 213-3495
fax (770) 844-6675 .com .com
Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M)
(AE, LT, Services) Vibrant Corp. (M)
Schaeftlarner Weg 26A Vacuum Instrument Corp/VIC  Vector TUB, GmbH (IM, VA, Services, Specialized)
Icking 82057 Leak Detection (M) (ET, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, 5550 Midway Park Pl. N.E.
(LT, Services) VA, VT, Services, Specialized) Albuquerque, NM
Germany Ruhrhang 3 87109-5800
49 817 8967 4400 2099 Ninth Ave.
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Hattingen 45525 (505) 314-1488
fax 49 81789674444 (631) 737-0900 Germany fax (505) 563-4172 fax (631) 737-1541 49 49 2324 9197 100 fax 49 49 2324 9197 195  Vibspectrum
Vacuum Processes, Inc. (M) International, LLC Trading &
Venture Technical Sales & Electromechanical
(AE, LT) Service, Inc. (M) (AE, ET, GPR, GW, IM, IR, LM,
100 Masters Ave. (MT, PT, RT, UT, VT) LT, MT, PT, UT, VA, VT,
Everett, PA 15537-1216 Services, Specialized)
(814) 652-6767 801 E. Jackson Pl.
fax (814) 652-6566 Broken Arrow, OK P.O. Box 233211 74012-5522 Dubai (800) 347-1439 United Arab Emirates
fax (918) 258-2497 971 42391579 fax 971 42391596
Vandergriff Technologies NDT Vacuum Technology, Inc. (M)
Services (LT, Services)
1003 Alvin Weinberg Dr.  Verasonics, Inc. (M)
(ET, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, Services) Oak Ridge, TN 37830-8017 (UT) Vicon Infrared (M)
4209 Murray Ave. (800) 704-4774
12016 115th Ave. N.E. (IR, VA, Services)
Haltom City, TX 76117-1716 fax (865) 481-3788 Kirkland, WA 98034-6900 98 Baldwin Ln., Unit C8
(817) 485-1248 (425) 998-9836 Boxborough, MA 01719-2018
fax (817) 485-7703 fax (425) 629-9014 (978) 263-4248 fax (978) 635-9978
Vallen Systeme, GmbH (M) (see ad in sidebar)
 Versa Integrity Group, Inc.
 Vandergriff Technologies (ET, GW, IM, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, Victor Technologies, LLC (M)
NDT Services UT, VT, Services) (ET)
(see ad in sidebar) 4301 Hwy. 27 S. P.O. Box 7706
Sulphur, LA 70665-8664 Bloomington, IN 47407-7706
 Varex Imaging (M) (337) 558-6071 (812) 339-8273
(see ad in sidebar) david.savoy@versaintergrity fax (812) 339-8292

Varex Imaging (M)

1678 Pioneer Rd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
(702) 938-4859
fax (801) 973-5050

ASNT grants
772 non-exclusive,
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Vidar Systems Corp., a 3D  VJ Technologies, Inc. (M) W

Systems Co. (M) (RT)
(RT) 89 Carlough Rd.
365 Herndon Pkwy., Ste. 105 Bohemia, NY 11716-2903 (VT, Services)
Herndon, VA 20170-6236 (631) 589-8800 721 Ocean Ave.
(703) 925-2311 fax (631) 589-8992 Richmond, CA 94801-3733
fax (703) 471-7665 (510) 235-9353 fax (510) 232-9546
VM Products, Inc. (M) Vidisco, Ltd. (M)
 Vidisco, Ltd. (M) (ET) (RT)
(see ad in sidebar) 11208 62nd Ave. E. Welder Training & Testing 32 Haharoshet St.
Puyallup, WA 98373 Institute Or Yehuda 60375
Vietnam Inspection (253) 841-2939 (ET, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, Israel
Solutions Co., Ltd. fax (253) 841-3016 Services) 972 35333001
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LM, LT, 1144 North Graham St.
ML, MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VA, VT, fax 972 35333002
Allentown, PA 18103
Specialized) (610) 820-9551
163 Co Bac St. Vogt Ultrasonics, GmbH (M) fax (610) 820-0271
Co Giang Ward 1st District (ET, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT,
Ho Chi Minh Services)
Vietnam Ehlbeek 15 ndt-institute
84 438362117 Burgwedel 30938
fax 84 437537558 Germany Welding Consultants, LLC 49 5139981500 (M) fax 49 5139981599 (LT, MT, PT, VT) 889 N 22nd St.
 Virtual Media Integration Columbus, OH 43219-2426
(M) (614) 258-7018
(see ad in sidebar)  Volume Graphics, Inc. (M) fax (614) 258-1996
 VisiConsult X-Ray 4943 Park Rd., Ste. 518 Welding Experts Inspection
Solutions Americas Corp. (M) Charlotte, NC 28209-3574 (MT, PT, RT, UT, Services)
Virtual Media Integration (M)
(RT, Services) (704) 248-7736 4501 Green Rd. Apt.108 (RT, Services)
1170 Howell Mill Rd. fax (704) 248-0558 Raleigh, NC 27604 214 E. Garden St.
Suite 300 Pensacola, FL 32502
Atlanta, GA 30318 (850) 432-0355
49 4512902860  WesDyne AMDATA (M) fax (850) 432-0374
fax 49 45129028622  Volunteer NDT Corp.
(ET, UT, Services, Specialized) (MT, PT, UT, VT, Services)
20 International Dr. 6046 Dayton Blvd. Windsor, CT 06095-1044
Chattanooga, TN 37415-1214 (860) 731-1683
 Vision Financial Group, (423) 877-7799 fax (860) 731-2481
Inc. fax (423) 877-3470
VT, Specialized)  West Penn Testing Group
615 Iron City Dr. VTI Instruments (M)
(ET, IM, IR, MT, PT, UT,
Pittsburgh, PA 15205-4397 (VA) Services, Specialized)
(412) 539-1500 2031 Main St. 1010 Industrial Blvd.
fax (412) 539-1599 Irvine, CA 92614 Attn A/P (949) 955-1894 New Kensington, PA fax (949) 955-3041 15068-6216 (724) 334-1900
 Vizaar Industrial Imaging fax (724) 334-9785
(M) mpompe@westpenntesting
(VT, Services) .com
4533 Gibsonia Rd.
Gibsonia, PA 15044-7964
(724) 449-3270

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Western Instruments (M) Wohler USA, Inc. (M) Y

(MT, UT, VT, Specialized) (IR, LT, VT, Services)
Box 72 / Site 2 / RR 1 5 Hutchinson Dr.  YXLON (M)
St Albert, AB T8N 1M8 Danvers, MA 01923-3777 (see ad in sidebar)
Canada (978) 750-9876
(780) 459-6720 fax (978) 750-9799
fax (780) 459-7837 Z
.com  Zetec, Inc. (M)
Willick Engineering Co., Inc. www.westerninstruments  World Testing, Inc. (ET, UT, Services)
(M) .com (IM, LT, MT, PT, RT, UT, VT, 8226 Bracken Pl. S.E.,
(RT, Services) Services, Specialized) Suite 100
12516 Lakeland Rd. Western Instruments (M) 72 E. Hill St. Snoqualmie, WA 98065
(MT, UT, VT, Specialized) Mount Juliet, TN 37122-3022 (425) 974-2700
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-3940 fax (425) 974-2701
26509 Township Rd. 543 (615) 754-4147
(562) 946-4242 Sturgeon County, AB T8T 1M1 fax (615) 758-6239
fax (562) 946-0998 Canada (704) 289-6565 Zion NDT S.A. de C.V. X (see ad in sidebar)

Western Professional, Inc.  X-Ray Associates, LLC (M) Zitadel, Ltd.

(UT, Specialized) (AE, RT, Services) (ET)
3460 Brady Ct. N.E. 482 W. Arrow Hwy., Ste. L 52 / 54 Trans Amadi Rd.
Salem, OR 97301-7565 San Dimas, CA 91773-2960 Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout
(503) 585-6263 (909) 599-9150 Port Harcourt 50002
fax (503) 585-6577 fax (909) 599-9160 Nigeria 234 8034021792 fax 234 84239494
Western Technologies, Inc.  X-Ray Industries, Inc.
(Specialized) (MT, NR, PT, RT, UT, VT,
YXLON (M) 3737 E. Broadway Rd. Services) Zomega Terahertz Corp. (M)
(RT, Services) Phoenix, AZ 85040-2921 1961 Thunderbird (IM, IR, Services, Specialized)
5675 Hudson Industrial Pkwy. (800) 580-3737 Troy, MI 48084-5467 15 Tech Valley Dr., Ste. 102
fax (602) 437-8897 (248) 362-5050 East Greenbush, NY
Hudson, OH 44236-5012 fax (248) 244-1552 12061-4137
(234) 284-7878 kirk.thams@xrayindustries (518) 833-0577
fax (234) 284-7886 .com fax (518) 833-6716 Williamson Corp. (M) (IR)
70 Domino Dr. X-Scan Imaging Corp. (M)
Concord, MA 01742 (RT) Zontec, Inc. (M)
(978) 300-8367 107 Bonaventura Dr. (Specialized)
fax (978) 369-5485 San Jose, CA 95134-2106 1389 Kemper Meadow Dr. (408) 432-9888 Cincinnati, OH 45240-1635 fax (408) 432-9889 (513) 648-9695 fax (513) 648-0805
 Willick Engineering Co.,
Inc. (M)
(see ad in sidebar) Xenics (M)
(IR)  Zuuk International, Inc.
Ambachtenlaan 44 (ET, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, RT, UT,
Leuven B-3001 VT, Services)
Zion NDT S.A. de C.V. Belgium 3567 Meeting Street Rd.
(AE, ET, GW, IM, IR, LT, ML, MT, PT, 32 16389900 North Charleston, SC
RT, UT, VT, Services, Specialized) fax 32 16389901 29405-7715 (843) 414-8500
Ricarte 332 Lindavista Norte fax (843) 566-7258
Mexico DF 07300
52 57598156 w
fax 52 57598156

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PRODUCT gallery
high-peak pulsed optical power is
required. The high-power devices are
housed in 14-pin butterfly packages,
optically coupled to SMF fiber pigtails. The
SCW 1632-350R features a typical center
wavelength of 1625 nm and optical power
of 275 mW (minimum) and 350 mW
(typical). The SCW 1532-500R features a
typical center wavelength of 1550 nm and
optical power of 400 mW (minimum) and lessly from system to components with an
High-performance Ultrasonic 500 mW (typical). Both devices are RoHS all in one tool to enhance efficiency. Users
Transducers compliant. can scan an intact device, such as a smart-
Sensor Networks Inc., UT Solutions OSI Laser Diode, Inc. (LDI), an OSI Systems phone, in its entirety, then zoom to a
Division, is pleased to announce the intro- Company, Edison, New Jersey processor or battery module, and finally to
duction of its SensorScan line of standard the interconnect or material structure of
and phased array, high-performance ultra- interest.
sonic transducers. Utilizing state of the art Flat Panel Extension for 3D X-ray ZEISS International, Oberkochen, Germany
piezo-composite elements, these trans- Microscopes
ducers are offered with Quick Swap The new ZEISS FPX flat panel extension
wedges for shear-wave weld inspection, for the ZEISS Xradia Versa 500-series of Nanotopography Metrology
new MCX-style, low profile, swivel connec- 3D X-ray microscopes delivers large Platform
tors in a wide variety of sizes and frequen- sample, high-throughput scanning with UnitySC, a wholly owned subsidiary of
cies. All transducers are shipped with best in class image quality. Combined with FOGALE Nanotech Group and a leader in
certification documents including radio the high resolution of ZEISS Xradia Versa inspection and metrology solutions for
frequency waveform, frequency spectrum, X-ray microscopes (XRM), the new ZEISS advanced semiconductor packaging, intro-
and average center-frequency calculations. FPX enhances imaging flexibility and duced its new NST Series at SEMICON
Sensor Networks Inc., UT Solutions creates workflow efficiencies with an all in China in Shanghai on 14 March. The NST
Division, Boalsburg, Pennsylvania one system for industrial development and Series is the world’s first non-contact academic research. ZEISS Xradia Versa metrology solution for accurately
with FPX enables engineering, develop- measuring the nanoscale surface topog-
High-Power Pulsed Laser Diode ment, and researchers to scout large raphy of semiconductor wafers in high-
Module samples 2 to 5 faster to identify a region volume manufacturing. The new platform
OSI Laser Diode, Inc. (LDI), an OSI Systems of interest (ROI), and then zoom to image enables higher wafer yields and through-
Company, presents two high-power pulsed areas at high resolution with the exclusive puts, and targets advanced processes
laser diode modules, specially designed ZEISS Xradia Versa RaaD dual magnifica- being implemented for next-generation
for optical spectrum analyzers (OSA) and tion microscope objectives that enable image sensor and memory technologies.
optical time domain reflectometers resolution at a distance. ZEISS FPX extends UnitySC’s NST Series semiconductor meas-
(OTDR). The SCW 1632-350R and the the ability for ZEISS Xradia Versa XRM to urement equipment surpasses conven-
SCW 1532-500R are specially designed for achieve full field of view, whole-sample tional optical interferometry by not being
optical test equipment applications where imaging, up to 12.7 cm (5 in.) in diameter impacted by transparent layers. The NST
for samples 10 greater in volume with Series extends beyond contact profilom-
higher throughput. ZEISS Xradia Versa with etry into the atomic-force-microscope-level
FPX offers unique capabilities in the elec- performance. Contactless full-field
tronics and automotive industries, where profilometry at resolutions down to 0.1 nm
product development requires process captures artifact-free area scans to deliver
optimization, design compliance verifica- critical information much faster than
tion, and failure analysis at the system, existing solutions. A streamlined prepara-
module, and component levels. With tion process eliminates the metal deposi-
ZEISS FPX, fine details are imaged seam- tion step after Cu chemical mechanical

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x Pipeline Testing

Digital Radiography System

Teledyne ICM and Teledyne DALSA have united forces to reveal their first
integrated portable digital X-ray systems for nondestructive testing (NDT)
applications. The Go-Scan systems feature a high-definition tablet display with
user friendly touch software for real-time imaging. Lightweight and ruggedized,
the detector units and X-ray generators are housed in a shock-absorbing
mechanical design, making them suitable for industrial X-ray inspection and NDT
applications in several industries. The Go-Scan 1510 HR and 1510 XR portable
X-ray detectors feature an active area of 102  153 mm (roughly 4  6 in.), 99 or
49.5 μm pixel size, respectively, and real-time frame rates of up to 30 fps with a
choice of wired Gigabit Ethernet or wireless Wi-Fi connection.
Teledyne DALSA, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Weld Inspection System

VisiConsult developed the XRHMultiTube, an innovative system specialized for
the inspection of welds in endless pipes. The sophisticated roof mounted C-arm
manipulator allows a comprehensive double wall inspection complying with
EN-17636. The X-ray system has a tilting axis to allow elliptical weld inspection
from multiple angles. High efficiency is reached through the parallel inspection
of multiple welding lines. The magnification can be changed dynamically to
adjust the resolution. Furthermore, the tube and detector can be rotated 330°
around the pipe center to achieve multiple angles. The XRHMultiTube is a
specialized system for the inspection of endless pipes. The pipes are welded
together and coiled on a big reel for the oil and gas industry.
VisiConsult X-ray Systems & Solutions GmbH, Stockelsdorf, Germany

Pipe Weld Scanner

The Duo scanner is an operator friendly time of flight diffraction (TOFD)
inspection solution launched by Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd. Designed to
incorporate the most popular features of existing Phoenix TOFD scanners, the
Duo offers fast setup and reliable, repeatable inspections of pipe welds, from
5.08 cm (2 in.) up to flat plate, in a robust, site-ready scanning frame.
Constructed from durable, lightweight aluminum, the Duo combines the benefits
of simple, toolless probe installation and adjustment with a sturdy frame
complete with handles that ensure ease of operation and movement around
pipes. Equipped with three strong magnetic wheels that provide adhesion and
tracking, the scanner also incorporates a brake for hand repositioning, so is
ideal for rope access inspections.
Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd., Warrington, United Kingdom

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PRODUCT gallery
planarization (CMP) that is required by testing tubing inspections. The new Reddy
competing platforms to control wafer supports all currently available air condi-
surface quality before the hybrid bonding tioning and eddy current testing probes
process, thereby reducing wafer scrap and without the need for adapters or reference
delivering higher yields. Additionally, NST is probes to balance the absolute channel.
the only metrology platform that offers Reddy is roughly 30% lighter than the
overlay capabilities for post-bond metrology most widespread instruments currently in
in Cu-to-Cu hybrid bonding applications. the field, and it features probe plug-and-
Unity Semiconductor SAS, Grenoble, France play capabilities, an intuitive setup wizard, and a tube list creator for increased
productivity. The system is battery
Portable System for AC and ECT operated, sealed, and water resistant—
Tubing Inspection unique features for this type of equipment.
Committed to advanced NDT inspection Reddy also features a large integrated spot acquisition and data management.
technologies, Eddyfi is pleased to display and analysis software for on the fly Further, the system completely does away
introduce a new addition to its Reddy line reporting. Finally, Reddy has configurable with handwritten reports: when an inspec-
dedicated to air conditioning and eddy recording sequences, which enable tion is complete, reports can be generated
current testing tubing inspection. This new automatic acquisitions, and it is compat- in a single click—complete with screen-
solution is designed to replace a wide ible with prevalent tubesheet mapping and shots of detected defects—signed, and
range of existing aging eddy current testing reporting software. Since data acquired on handed to customers.
instruments used to inspect air condi- the fly with Reddy is recorded, there is no Eddyfi Technologies, Québec, Canada
tioners and to perform other eddy current more need for note taking—it is on the w x

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Sonomatic Opens New NDT techniques of radiography, hydro- specialized technicians and has an
Multidisciplined NDT Facility in testing, and heat treatment, the company estimated market share of over 35% in
Aberdeen also offers alternative inspection tech- Oman.
Sonomatic, a market leader in the niques that include long range or remote Mohammed Al-Shroogi, Co-CEO at
provision of advanced automated ultra- inspection techniques. Investcorp, commented, “These are two
sonic inspection services, has created a The Core is located approximately great companies, which are leaders in their
center of excellence for nondestructive 6 km (4 mi) from Aberdeen Harbour, just respective markets. Combined, they have
testing and integrity services at its brand about 1.6 km (1 mi) from the Aberdeen the largest pool of specialized NDT and
new, multidisciplined facility at The Core, a Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC). inspection technicians in the region, which
business park in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, The location has been very carefully provides instant synergies and will see
Scotland. selected with consideration given to them both benefit from greater capacity.
This expands Sonomatic’s services clients’ logistical needs as they endeavor We are looking forward to working with the
with the introduction of a strong fabrica- to meet critical turnaround times. In management of the combined NDT CCS
tion NDT capability. The new facility brings addition to serving clients in Aberdeen, and Hi-Tech to help the group accelerate
together a team of highly skilled techni- Sonomatic hopes to meet clients’ require- its growth trajectory.”
cians, inspectors, engineers, and rope ments from all over Scotland. Haitham Al Fannah, CEO of Al Sulaimi
access NDT inspectors in order to offer Group Holding, said, “Over the past 20
clients high quality inspections and NDT Corrosion Control Services Co. years, we have built Hi-Tech into Oman’s
support. The facility enhances the Acquires Majority Stake in Oman’s leading NDT and inspection services
company’s local integrity capability and Hi-Tech Inspection Services company. It is the right time to bring on a
presence, enabling Sonomatic to better Investcorp’s portfolio company NDT strategic investor to provide the depth and
deliver their inspection planning and Corrosion Control Services Co. (NDT CCS) market position to allow us to grow across
analysis techniques that address the today announced the acquisition of a the GCC. NDT CCS and its sponsor
critical need for efficiencies in integrity majority stake in Hi-Tech Inspection Investcorp offer regional growth opportuni-
management practices. The new facility Services, LLC (Hi-Tech), Oman’s largest ties that meet the ambitions and capabili-
will also support Sonomatic’s provision of provider of industrial nondestructive ties of Hi-Tech. We at Al Sulaimi Group
core contract inspection services, covering testing and inspection services. Hi-Tech’s Holding look forward to working with our
everything required for both offshore and founders, Al Sulaimi Group Holding, estab- new partners over the years ahead.”
onshore facilities. In terms of employment lished the company in 1996.
provided by the overall investment, Investcorp acquired a majority stake in Tecnalia to Provide NDT Services for
Sonomatic maintained more than 50 jobs NDT CCS in July 2015 from the Al Shuwayer ITER Fusion Reactor
within the construction industry to build Group, which founded the company in Tecnalia has signed a contract with Fusion
the new base over the past year. Since 1975 and retains a minority stake for Energy (F4E), the European Union (EU)
opening, Sonomatic has created nearly alongside Investcorp. Under Investcorp’s organization managing Europe’s contribu-
15 new full-time positions, with a long- ownership, NDT CCS has solidified its tion to the ITER project, for the provision of
term view of creating anything from 20 to market leading position and expanded its destructive and nondestructive testing of
70 full time jobs, depending on the operations both organically in its core materials at room and elevated tempera-
success of their initiatives and successful markets and inorganically as a result of its tures for ITER. ITER will be the world’s
bids through the rope access division. acquisition of Hi-Tech. largest experimental fusion facility,
Sonomatic NDT are members of United Hi-Tech offers a complete range of designed to demonstrate the scientific and
Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and nondestructive testing, post-weld heat technological feasibility of fusion power.
the Industrial Rope Access Training treatment, and specialized inspection Tecnalia has a large network of accred-
Association (IRATA), and as such, can offer services to clients in Oman engaged in the ited laboratories and qualified staff with
both conventional and advanced NDT tech- oil and gas, manufacturing, and construc- extensive experience in the field of testing
niques. In addition to the conventional tion sectors. Hi-Tech employs over 600 and characterization of materials and

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parts. This capacity and knowledge allows Europe will contribute almost half of construction and development of compo-
Tecnalia to offer a wide range of services the costs of its construction, while the other nents and materials for ITER and other
(such as testing, assessment, diagnosis, six parties to this joint international venture fusion related facilities under the responsi-
and consulting) in the different areas (China, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, bility of F4E.
related to material and parts properties. the Russian Federation, and the United
The laboratories are accredited according States) will contribute equally to the rest. The Caisse de dépôt et placement du
to national and international quality components that make up ITER are being Québec (CDPQ) Invests CA$36.5
standards and feature multiple authoriza- manufactured by each of the participating Million (US$27.5 Million) in Eddyfi
tions. parties and contributed in kind through so- Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
In the execution of this contract, called Domestic Agencies, including Fusion (CDPQ) announced an investment in
Tecnalia will work with other laboratories for Energy (F4E) as the European Agency. The Eddyfi, a manufacturer of advanced nonde-
for some specific tests, particularly SCI site of the ITER project is in Cadarache, in the structive testing (NDT) solutions. The
Control and Inspección, which will be South of France. CA$36.5 million (US$27.5 million) invest-
responsible for conducting nondestructive In many cases, the engineering and ment combines a minority stake and a
tests (NDT). technologies required to manufacture credit facility to fund the acquisition plan
ITER is a first-of-a-kind global collabo- these components are very advanced. of the company.
ration. It is expected to produce a signifi- On the other hand, the performance of Headquartered in Québec City,
cant amount of fusion power (500 MW) for materials is crucial for the operation of Québec, Canada, Eddyfi develops, manu-
about seven minutes. Fusion research is fusion reactors, so their quality needs to factures, and commercializes NDT inspec-
aimed at developing a safe, limitless, and be assured with high certitude. Material tion technology—instruments, software,
environmentally responsible energy characterizations and nondestructive and sensors—for the inspection of
source. testing are needed in order to support the key assets in the power generation,

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Participate in American
National Standards
petrochemical, and aerospace industries, focus on composite fuselage and propul- Development
to name a few. Eddyfi’s high-performance sion systems production.
systems are used to assess the structural “Today, nondestructive evaluation (NDE) ASNT’s Standards Development
integrity of critical components and encompasses a variety of techniques to Committee (SDC) develops ASNT’s
prevent downtime, financial losses, and achieve many critical objectives, including standards, including ANSI/ASNT CP-
casualties. maintenance assurance, quality control, 106: Nondestructive Testing —
“This transaction is well aligned with structural health monitoring, and product Qualification and Certification of
our commitment to help Québec safety, to name a few,” said Reza Zoughi, Personnel, ANSI/ASNT CP-105; ASNT
companies expand internationally as part the Schlumberger Distinguished Professor of Standard Training Outlines of
of their growth strategy,” said Christian Electrical and Computer Engineering at Nondestructive Testing Personnel.
Dubé, Executive Vice President, Québec at Missouri S&T and director of the amntl. ANSI/ASNT CP-189: ASNT Standard
la Caisse. “Over the years, Eddyfi has Microwave and millimeter wave NDT tech- for Qualification and Certification of
innovated by investing in technologies to niques, spanning the range of approximately Nondestructive Testing Personnel and
provide increasingly effective solutions 300 MHz to 300 GHz, have proven effective ANSI/ASNT ILI-PQ: In-line Inspection
better tailored to its clients’ needs. Today for addressing many of these needs over the Personnel Qualification and
its equipment and software are recognized past three decades, Zoughi added. As a Certification.
in more than 70 countries.” result, these techniques “have been steadily If you wish to join the SDC and
“Over the coming years, our growth will receiving greater attention as potential NDT participate in the development of
be focused in particular on strategic acquisi- methods.” American National Standards,
tions. After the acquisition of Silverwing and “Recent advances have made these contact SDC Secretary Charles
IPN in 2016, adding a financial partner techniques more attractive from a nonde- Longo at More
became essential. However, we needed to structive evaluation perspective,” said Don information is available at
be careful in selecting the partner that Palmer, Jr., Boeing Technical Fellow and
would best support our culture and style, NDE expert. Microwave and millimeter standards/standards.htm.
and be aligned with the ambitions and the wave NDE can be used to detect disconti-
dynamics of our industry. Without a doubt, nuities under attenuative materials, make
CDPQ is the perfect partner for Eddyfi,” precise thickness measurements of dielec-
said Martin Thériault, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Eddyfi.
tric coatings, and even detect small
surface cracks in metallic structures.
Eddyfi currently has close to 200 Boeing and amntl researchers are working
employees working in its offices based in together to investigate a millimeter wave Have you been awarded a
Canada, France, the United Kingdom, the crack-detection approach that could signif- patent?
United States, the United Arab Emirates, icantly improve ultrasonic and eddy If you have recently been granted a
and South Africa. current approaches currently used for new patent by a government patent
small crack detection associated with office, we invite you to let us know
Research Team Helps Boeing Set Up widespread fatigue damage. about it. We are looking for patents
Nondestructive Evaluation “The ability to detect smaller cracks that describe innovations in the
Laboratory simplifies required repairs and, in turn, science and practice of nondestruc-
Researchers at Missouri University of extends the life of the structure,” Palmer said. tive testing. You can send a few
Science and Technology recently worked This increasing potential of microwave paragraphs describing the invention
with The Boeing Company to establish a and millimeter wave techniques to address and its range of applications, and a
new nondestructive evaluation laboratory complex inspection problems led to copy of the patent document (or if it
that uses millimeter wave technology to Boeing’s decision to work with Missouri was issued by the United States
improve the detection of potential flaws in S&T to establish the laboratory. It will be Patent and Trademark Office, you
coatings, surfaces, and materials. used to address a number of needs can just give us the patent number).
Researchers in Missouri S&T’s Applied spanning materials characterization and E-mail to with
Microwave Nondestructive Testing high resolution imaging. “ASNT M.E. New Patents” in the
Laboratory (amntl) designed the new lab In addition to Zoughi, the Missouri S&T subject line.
for Boeing, and it was recently assembled research team that designed the lab
For more information on the
at the Boeing Research & Technology included M.T. Ghasr, assistant research
patents, go to the U.S. Patent and
Center in Charleston, South Carolina. professor of electrical and computer engi-
Trademark Office website at
Boeing’s South Carolina center is focused neering; Jeffrey Birt, technical assistant in
on research and development efforts in the ECE department; and several ECE
areas of advanced manufacturing with a students. w x

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

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NEW media

liquid ring vacuum pumps, steam jet research and technology development in
ejectors, and deaerators. Since its smart and sustainable manufacturing.
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Institute standards are used throughout
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ASTM International Publishes First lightweight, durable products often used
Papers in New Journal in the cabin floors and other areas of
New Edition of Tray Type Deaerator ASTM International has published the first airplanes. The new standard (soon to be
Standard papers in its new online journal, Smart published as D8067: Test Method for In-
The Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) has and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. Plane Shear Properties of Sandwich Panels
released Standards and Typical Access to papers during the journal’s Using a Picture Frame Fixture) was
Specifications for Tray Type Deaerators, inaugural year is free. developed by the Committee on
10th Edition. The 10th edition of “From dozens of submissions, we are Composite Materials (D30).
Standards and Typical Specifications for pleased to announce the first four Specifically, the standard helps
Tray Type Deaerators contains practical published, authored by 20 leading minds determine in-plane shear strength and
information on the design, construction, in this fast-growing field,” said Sudarsan stiffness properties of sandwich panels,
and operation of tray-type deaerators and Rachuri, the journal’s editor-in-chief and which have cores made of either contin-
is intended to serve as a guide for individ- the federal program manager for the Clean uous bonding surfaces (for example, balsa
uals who design, purchase, and specify Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation wood or foams) or discontinuous bonding
these deaerators. This standard has been Institute at the US Department of Energy. surfaces, such as honeycomb. The so-
renamed from its original edition and the The journal fosters transdisciplinary called picture frame fixture used in the test
content revised to reflect the Institute’s research and industrial technologies that involves pinning the corners of the panel
position that the tray-type deaerator is the cross the boundaries of information science, and pulling opposite corners at the same
superior design with regard to corrosion systems engineering and engineering time.
resistance and turndown performance. design, manufacturing, product life cycle, Versions of this test method have
The Heat Exchange Institute is a and emerging data science. This journal already been used in the aerospace
nonprofit trade association committed to provides a platform for researchers and industry for design and quality control;
the technical advancement, promotion, practitioners from these disciplines to share however, the standard could be even more
and understanding of a broad range of research results, practical industry applica- broadly used by aircraft designers, manu-
utility and industrial-scale heat exchange tions, and case studies. Submissions are facturers and suppliers, and test laborato-
and vacuum apparatus. The Institute welcome at ries, according to ASTM member Stephen
concentrates its efforts on the manufac- According to Rachuri, a key goal of the Ward of SW Composites.
turing and engineering aspects of steam journal is to support collaboration among w x
surface condensers, closed feedwater academia, industry, government labs, and
heaters, power plant heat exchangers, nonprofit organizations to support

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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NDT pics

Ultrasonic Testing of Dam Components

Ultrasonic testing of the Al-Wehdah (Unity) Dam, located on the Yarmouk River on the border between Jordan and Syria, conducted by
engineers Mohammed M. Eid (right) and Belal Migdadi (left). Double-V groove butt welded joints with a total thickness of 100 mm steel
plates were tested with normal and shear wave techniques using pulse echo technology in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section V, article 5 and Section VIII, appendix 12. The test was done to detect discontinuities and check laminations. The
contractor was Ozaltin Construction Trade and Industry, Inc.; the service provider was the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), NDT Unit,
Amman, Jordan. w x
Photo credit: Sibin K. Varghese, Decibel NDE Inspections and Training Institute

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Associate Technical Editor

US 9557300 failure modes in the cable, and degrada- The system may be comprised of one
Wireline cable fatigue monitoring using tion trends in the cable’s structural or more acoustic-exciting thermal sources
thermally-induced acoustic waves strength. located in close proximity to cable. For
(H. Xia, Y. Lu, L. Zhang, and J.L. Maida) This patent describes systems and example, acoustic-exciting thermal sources
Hydrocarbons, such as oil and gas, are methods for monitoring mechanical fatigue may be placed on either side of a cable
commonly obtained from subterranean in wellbore logging tool cables by analysis area. Example acoustic-exciting
formations that may be located onshore or measuring velocity of thermally induced thermal sources may include induction
offshore. When performing operations for acoustic waves propagating in a wireline heaters, flash light beams, or any pulsed
removing the hydrocarbons from the or slickline cable in a wellbore. This cable thermal energy emitter. The acoustic-
subterranean formations, it may be may be based on polymer composite exciting thermal sources heat portions of
desirable to obtain information about the materials, coiled tubes, metal micro tubes cable in the cable analysis area as it is
formation. One method of obtaining infor- and fiber optic hybrid helix structure, lowered, inducing an acoustic wave that
mation about the formation is the use of a and/or metal wires. The distortions caused propagates along cable. Under the
wellbore logging tool coupled to a wireline by the acoustic waves down the cable may transient perturbations caused by the
or slickline system, wherein the wellbore enable the detection of the speed of the acoustic waves, circumferential or axial
logging tool is lowered into the wellbore waves and nodal patterns using a laser- modes may be excited. Acoustic-exciting
using a downhole loading cable. based displacement system. In particular thermal sources also may be modulated
Mechanical fatigue of the polymer embodiments, light may be cylindrically over a range of carrier frequencies
composite material based cable may occur focused onto a section of the cable to depending on the application. The time of
over time due to structural defects in the measure displacements in the cable arrival of the induced acoustic waves prop-
cable, such as small cracks, delamina- caused by the acoustic waves which are agating along cable are used to determine
tions, or voids, and may cause logging generated by the thermal source. Scattered a propagation velocity of the acoustic
service failure during logging operations. light may then be analyzed by one or more waves and the manner in which the phase
Current nondestructive cable inspection photodetector arrays, such as a charge- velocity varies with the carrier frequency.
methods, including X-ray, microwave, or coupled device (CCD), complementary By determining the propagation velocity of
gamma-ray inspection methods, may metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), or the acoustic waves, information regarding
require a direct measurement of a portion position sensitive detector (PSD). In the mechanical strength or fatigue status
of the logging tool cable, and may certain applications, the effective speed of of cable may be determined, as described
therefore require the cable to be relatively the sound may be analyzed from axial and further below. In addition, attenuation of
stationary while the measurement is taken. circumferential nodal patterns of distortion the acoustic waves as a function of
However, the logging tool cable may be measured in the cable. Under a constant frequency may be measured and used to
lowered into the well during logging opera- thermal source causing the acoustic excita- determine an amount of degradation in
tions at high velocities, making stationary tion, deviations in either the speed of the cable. The patent further describes a
methods of measuring mechanical fatigue acoustic waves or in the nodal pattern symmetrical optical signal detection
on the cable impracticable. It is therefore observed in the cable may be used to system used to analyze mechanical fatigue
desirable to provide a dynamic and nonde- correlate directly with the cable’s elastic in the cable. In particular, as acoustic-
structive inspection method to identify modulus degradation, or indirectly with exciting thermal sources heat the cable
potential cable failure events, onset of the cable’s mechanical fatigue. and thus generate acoustic waves that

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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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addresses for individual staff members are given below. If you prefer, write ASNT, 1711 Arlingate Lane,
propagate through the cable, a beam of P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228-0518. ASNT’s website is available at
light generated by a laser is directed AREA OF INQUIRY CONTACT (EXTENSION) E-MAIL
toward a cable analysis area of the Executive Offices
Executive Director Arny Bereson (201)
cable 310 by one or more mirrors, one Executive Assistant Michelle Thomas (223)
or more dichroic filters, and lenses Accounting Department
designed appropriate to the geometry of Chief Financial Officer Mary Potter (203)
Account balance inquiries Angie Guzzo (228)
the inspection zone. The light directed Credit and collections Trina Coakley (220)
toward the cable may be transmitted past Dues payment inquiries Margaret Leonard (229)
the cable or it may be reflected by the Book Department
Book and catalog orders Curtis Smith (214)
cable, and then directed toward one or Customer service supervisor Trina Coakley (220)
more photodetector arrays, where the Certification and Technical Services Department
signals are generated associated with the Chief Technical Officer James Bennett (250)
Application requests Tricia Davis (219)
received light scattered by the cable and ASNT NDT Level III examinations (International) Tricia Davis (219)
sent to the appropriate computing facili- ASNT NDT Level III examinations (U.S.) Lisa Law (226)
ASNT NDT Level III recertification Tricia Davis (219)
ties for final analysis of the mechanical Level III refresher courses Kimberly Donaldson (242)
fatigue in the cable. These might include Certification Specialist Kimberly Donaldson (242)
General inquiries Lisa Law (226)
measurements of the phase velocity and IRRSP/radiation safety Jennifer Harris (237)
wave attenuation as a function of carrier Technical Services Supervisor Charles Longo (241)
NDT Technical Specialist/Certification Manager Donny Didion (240)
frequency, which have been shown to Instructional Designer Bob Conklin (614) 766-7715
enable a close correlation with the Conference Department
mechanical strength of a composite cable. Senior Manager of Conferences Christine Schnitzer (202)
Conference registration Angie Guzzo (228)
In addition, and more importantly, long- Exhibit and event coordination Ruth Staat (227)
term degradation trends may be observed. CEU program Angie Guzzo (228)
Program coordination Alicia LeMasters (213)
For a given single frequency, however, Internet
ultrasonic waves can also generate ASNT website Stephen Schaefer (222)
harmonics through a fatigued material Advertising Diane Oen (209)
because the nonlinearity of stress-strain Marketing Communications Department
Senior Manager of Marketing Communications Garra Liming (211)
relationship becomes more perceivable Advertising Supervisor Diane Oen (209)
with larger higher order elastic constants Public Relations and Brand Manager Dana Sims (244)
Corporate design services Paul Conley (232)
due to the fatigue. The nonlinearity of the Member Relations and Services Department
stress-strain relationship may be Senior Manager of Member Relations and Services Heather Cowles (216)
connected with third order or higher terms Awards Jessica VanDervort (233)
Sections Coordinator Debbie Segor (235)
in the strain-energy function. w x Program Coordinator Jessica Ames (233)
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Members Materials Evaluation

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All ASNT members are encouraged to Reprints Haley Cowans (245)
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become active in those committees NDT Handbook inquiries Karen Balkin (207)
which are of interest to them. NDTMarketplace inquiries Haley Cowans (245)
Committee rosters are published in Advertising Diane Oen (209)
the February Ready Reference Guide, Educational Materials inquiries Cynthia Leeman (225)
Toni Kervina (205)
as is contact information for members RNDE inquiries Hollis Humphries (206)
of committees. Contact the The NDT Technician (TNT) inquiries Haley Cowans (245)
committee’s chair for more informa- If you are having trouble locating who should handle your inquiry, please ask the operator at extension
tion on getting involved and making 200 to direct your call to the appropriate department personnel.
your voice heard.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
CORPORATE partners
3angles, Inc. (Albany, NY)
3D Engineering Solutions
(Cincinnati, OH)
Thank You
ASNT is proud to present these NDT manufacturers, users
Citadel Engineering Co. (Sarasota, FL)
Clover Park Technical College
(Lakewood, WA)
3E NDT, LLC (La Porte, TX) CNI Pacific Co., Ltd. (Banchang,
4A Inspection, LLC (Houston, TX) and suppliers who support the Society. This list is current Thailand)
as of 1 May 2017. Coast to Coast Inspection Services,
A Inc. (Portland, OR)
Abdallah I AlTamimi Industrial Cokebusters USA (Houston, TX)
Services (Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia) American Aerospace Technical BETZ Engineering & Technology College of the North Atlantic
ABM Franchising Group Academy (Los Angeles, CA) Zone (Chennai, India) (Stephenville, Canada)
(Canonsburg, PA) American Inspection Services, Inc. BFW Engineering & Testing Comet Technologies USA, Inc.
Access Plug Flange, Inc. (Houston, TX) (Grand Bay, AL) (Paducah, KY) (Shelton, CT)
ACML 2i2S (Alexandria, Egypt) American Institute of Nondestructive BG Detection Services/ LA X-Ray Comibassal (Alexandria, Egypt)
ACNDT, Inc. (Middleburg, FL) Testing (Baxter, MN) (Sun Valley, CA) Commercial Divers International,
Acoustic Technology Group American Marine Corp. Bighorn Inspection, Inc. (Laurel, MT) Inc. (Goodyear, AZ)
(Grandville, MI) (Anchorage, AK) BKS Consulting & Training Institute Commodity Resource &
ACS-Solutions GmbH (Saarbrucken, American Piping Inspection (Tulsa, OK) (Tehran, Iran) Environmental, Inc. (Burbank, CA)
Germany) American Testing Services Blastline Institute of Surface Connect NDT, Ltd. (Aberdeenshire,
Acuren Inspection, Inc. (Edmonton, (Miamisburg, OH) Preparation & Painting (Kochi, United Kingdom)
Canada) Amo & Partners Engineering Co. (Al India) Cooperheat Saudi Arabia Co., Ltd.
Adaptive Energy (University Place, WA) Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Blatek, Inc. (State College, PA) (Jubail, Saudi Arabia)
Ademinsa (Lima, Peru) Amosco (Eastleigh, United Kingdom) Blitz Academy (Cochin, India) CoreStar International Corp. (Irwin, PA)
Advanced Energy (Fort Collins, CO) AMS Store and Shred, LLC (Lake In BlueScope Steel Research Cotech IRM Services, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Advanced Inspection Services Co. The Hills, IL) (Wollongong, Australia) Creaform, Inc. (Levis, Canada)
(Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia) Aolong Group (Dandong City, China) Boeing (Seattle, WA) Curtis Industries, Inc. (Cowansville, PA)
Advanced Inspection Technologies Aplus+ NDT (Coimbatore, India) Bossier Parish Community College Curtiss Wright Anatec-LMT (Irvine, CA)
(Melbourne, FL) Applied Technical Services (Bossier City, LA) Cutech Group (Singapore,
Advanced Material Solutions (Marietta, GA) Branch Radiographic Labs, Inc. Singapore)
(Phoenix, AZ) Applus RTD (Edmonton, Canada) (Cranford, NJ) Cuyahoga Community College
Advanced OEM Solutions Aqua Communications, Inc. Bridgsite Nigeria, Ltd. (Port (Cleveland, OH)
(Cincinnati, OH) (Waltham, MA) Harcourt, Nigeria) CXR Corp. (Kure City, Japan)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Arad Paya Quality Engineering & BRL Consultants, Inc. (San Antonio, TX) Cygnus Instruments (Annapolis, MD)
(San Diego, CA) Inspection Co. (Tabriz, Iran) Bruker (Kennewick, WA) Cylinder Testing Solutions (Denver, CO)
AEIS (Rahway, NJ) Aral General Trading, LLC (Port BTEC LLC (Pueblo, CO)
Aero Norway AS (Sola, Norway) Saeed, United Arab Emirates) D
Aerofab NDT, LLC (Kent, WA) Arcadia Aerospace Industries (Punta C DARLSCO Inspection Services
Aerotest Operations, Inc. (San Gorda, FL) Cadillac Casting, Inc. (Cadillac, MI) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Ramon, CA) Arcmart Indonesia (Bandung, Cadorath Aerospace (Broussard, LA) Dakota Ultrasonics (Scotts Valley, CA)
AES Destructive & NDT, Ltd. (Kwai Indonesia) Cairo Inspection Co. (Nasr City Cairo, Danatronics (Danvers, MA)
Chung, Hong Kong) Armstech Engineers Private Ltd. Egypt) Danco Inspection Service, Inc.
AES NDT (Las Vegas, NV) (Kerala, India) Calaya Engineering (Port Harcourt, (Oklahoma City, OK)
African NDT Centre Pty., Ltd. Arrow-Tech, Inc. (Rolla, ND) Nigeria) Dantec Dynamics, GmbH (Ulm,
(Centurion, South Africa) Arya Fould Gharn (Ahwaz, Iran) Callington Haven Pty., Ltd. Germany)
AGD Inspection Services, LLC ASG Inspection, Ltd. (Aberdeen, (Rydalmere, Australia) Dantec Dynamics, Inc. (Holtsville, NY)
(Stafford, TX) United Kingdom) CAM (Doha, Qatar) Dares Srls. (Casamarciano, Italy)
AGR Inspection, Inc. (Burleson, TX) AssetSmart (Calabasas, CA) Canadian Engineering & Inspection, DBI, Inc. (Lincoln, NE)
AIP (Houston, TX) Associated X-Ray Corp. (East Ltd. (Edmonton, Canada) Decibel NDE Inspections & Training
AIP Global Strategies (Pelham, NH) Haven, CT) Carbon Steel Inspection, Inc. Institute (Kerala, India)
Air Services (Middleburg Heights, OH) ATEC Training & Certification (Pittsburgh, PA) DECTRIS, Ltd. (Baden-Daettwil,
Aircraft Inspection Services (Grand Services (Houston, TX) Carestream NDT (Rochester, NY) Switzerland)
Rapids, MI) Atlas Inspection Technologies Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology DEKRA Industrial (Ankara, Turkey)
Aircraft X-Ray Labs, Inc. (Huntington (Seattle, WA) (Maple Grove, MN) Delphi Precision Imaging
Park, CA) Atout Technical Supports Caterpillar, Inc. (Peoria, IL) (Redmond, WA)
Airon Academy (Trivandrum, India) (Port-Gentil, Gabon) CATSI, Inc. (Valparaiso, IN) Detagulf Global Services, Ltd. (Port
Aker Solutions Saudi Arabia Co., Aurora Institute & Inspection CD International Technology, Inc. Harcourt, Nigeria)
Ltd. (Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Services (Coimbatore, India) (Livermore, CA) Detection Technology, Inc.
Akroscan End Chile, SA (Santiago, AUT Solutions (Fulshear, TX) CDA Technical Institute (Billerica, MA)
Chile) Automated Inspection Systems (Jacksonville, FL) DETEK, Inc. (Temple Hills, MD)
Akura Bina Citra (Bekasi, Indonesia) (Martinez, CA) Cenergy International Services, LLC Diakont Advanced Technologies
Al Mansoori Inspection Services Avonix Imaging (Maple Grove, MN) (Houston, TX) (San Diego, CA)
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Aycan Data Management Central Flying Service (Little Rock, AR) Diamond Technical Services, Inc.
Al Othman Trading & Contracting (Rochester, NY) CentroTEST Asia, Inc. (Mandaluyong (Blairsville, PA)
Co. (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) AZTech Training & Consultancy City, Philippines) Dixon Hard Chrome (Sun Valley, CA)
Al Rookal for Engineering (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) Centura X-Ray NDT (Cleveland, OH) DJA Inspection Services, Inc.
Inspection, Ltd. (Baghdad, Iraq) Chemetall US, Inc. (New (Reno, PA)
Allis Engineering (Lake Elsinore, CA) B Providence, NJ) D.K. Shah NDT Training Institute
Alpha NDT (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) Baker Testing Services, Inc. Chesapeake Testing (Belcamp, MD) (Vadodara, India)
Alta Vista Solutions (Richmond, CA) (Rockland, MA) Churchill Steel Plate, Ltd. DolphiTech (Raufoss, Norway)
ALX Industries (Pasadena, TX) Balteau NDT (Hermalle sous (Twinsburg, OH) Dominion NDT Services, Inc.
AM Technical Solutions, Inc. Argenteau, Belgium) Cifra Industrial Services Corp. (Richmond, VA)
(Austin, TX) Base Line Data, Inc. (Portland, TX) (Makati City, Philippines) Doncasters (Groton, CT)
Amerapex Corp. (Houston, TX) Best NDT (Springfield, VA) Circle Systems, Inc. (Hinckley, IL) Draka Cableteq, Inc. (Bridgewater, NJ)

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Dürr NDT, GmbH & Co. KG GES for Petroleum Inspection & ImechE Engineering Training IRISNDT (Houston, TX)
(Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany) Training Services (Menofeyah, Solutions (Sheffield, United IRM Servicos Eireli (Macae, Brazil)
Dynamic Software Solutions Egypt) Kingdom) IS Industrie Thailand, Ltd. (Bangkok,
(Niceville, FL) Gladd Solutions (Plymouth, MI) Imperium, Inc. (Beltsville, MD) Thailand)
Glajoe Multi Services, Ltd. (Port Industrial Inspection Systems, Ltd. Isoflex Radioactive, LLC (San
E Harcourt, Nigeria) (Vaughan, Canada) Francisco, CA)
Echo Maintenance (Nederland, TX) Global Academy for Inspection and Industrial Testing Laboratory Isotopes Arabia Co., Ltd. (Al Khobar,
Echo Ultrasonics (Bellingham, WA) Training (Pandalam, India) Services, LLC (Pittsburgh, PA) Saudi Arabia)
Eclipse Scientific (Waterloo, Canada) Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. Inmedin Ingenieria (Vina del Mar, IVC Technologies (Lebanon, OH)
ECS, Inc. (Kennesaw, GA) (Anchorage, AK) Chile) IveyCooper Services, LLC (Soddy
Eddyfi (Quebec, Canada) Global Engineering Documents (IHS) Innerspec Technologies, Inc. (Forest, Daisy, TN)
EddySonix (Orbe, Switzerland) (Englewood, CO) VA)
Edison Welding Institute Global Lifting Services, Nigeria, Ltd. Innodes (Quito, Ecuador) J
(Columbus, OH) (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Insight KK (Tokyo, Japan) Jan Kens Co., Inc. (Monrovia, CA)
Eishin Kagaku Co., Ltd. (Minato-Ku, Global Oil Inspectindo (Indramayu, Inspec Testing, Inc. (National City, JANX (Parma, MI)
Japan) Indonesia) CA) JB Testing, Inc. (Blaine, MN)
ElectroMagneticWorks, Inc. (LaSalle, Glomacs Fz, LLC (Dubai, United Arab Inspectest Pvt., Ltd. (Lahore Punjab, JC International, Ltd. (Port Harcourt,
Canada) Emirates) Pakistan) Nigeria)
Enerfab, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) GMTech Services Corp. (Anaheim, CA) Inspection Plug Strategies, LLC Jentek Sensors, Inc. (Waltham, MA)
Energyray Integrated Services, Ltd. Golden Engineering, Inc. (Houston, TX) JES Pipelines, Ltd. (Willemstad
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) (Centerville, IN) Inspection Point Seals, LLC Curacao, Netherlands Antilles)
Envite Nigeria, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Goolsby Testing Laboratories (Prairieville, LA) Jesse Garant Metrology Center
Nigeria) (Humble, TX) Inspection Quality International (Windsor, Canada)
Epica Applied Technologies (San Gravitech Inspection Services (Bangalore, India) JETS, Inc. (Carrollton, TX)
Clemente, CA) (Ernakulam, India) Inspection Technologies, Inc. Jireh Industries, Ltd. (Ardrossan,
ETher NDE, Ltd. (St. Albans, United Guangdong Goworld Co., Ltd. (Pomona, CA) Canada)
Kingdom) (Shantou, China) Inspection Technology, WLL (Doha, JMD NDT, Inc. (Piscataway, NJ)
ETM, Inc. (Newark, CA) Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Qatar) Johnghama International Services,
Euroteck Systems UK, Ltd. Technologies Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou Inspectron, Inc. (Novi, MI) Ltd. (Warri, Nigeria)
(Tamworth, United Kingdom) City, China) Institute of Industrial Quality Jubail Industrial College (Jubail
Exova (Linkoping, Sweden) Guided Ultrasonics, Ltd. (Brentford, Management (Shoranur, India) Industrial City, Saudi Arabia)
Extende (Ballston Spa, NY) United Kingdom) Institute of Nondestructive Testing JZ Russell Industries, Inc.
ExxonMobil (Baytown, TX) Gulf Energy International (Dammam, and Training (Mumbai, India) (Nederland, TX)
Saudi Arabia) Institute of Reliability Centred
F Gulf Quality Control Co., Ltd. Maintenance (Lahore, Pakistan) K
Fangzheng Valve Group Co., Ltd. (Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Instrument Technology, Inc. KA Imaging (Kitchener, Canada)
(Wenzhou, China) Gulf X-Ray Services, Inc. (Gretna, LA) (Westfield, MA) Kakivik Asset Management, LLC
First Alert Sling Testing, LLC Gulmay (Suwanee, GA) Integrated Quality Services (Anchorage, AK)
(Lafayette, LA) (Ontario, CA) Kalva Engineers Pvt., Ltd. (Nagole
Fish & Associates, Inc. (Middleton, WI) H Integrity & NDT Solutions Hyderabad, India)
Flathead Valley Community College HAECO Americas (Lake City, FL) (Cundinamarca, Colombia) KARL STORZ Industrial Group (El
(Kalispell, MT) Hakem Group (Lyttelton, South Integrity Products & Supplies, Inc. Segundo, CA)
FlawSpec Manufacturing, Inc. Africa) (Sherwood Park, Canada) Keltron Kerala State Electronics
(Edmonton, Canada) Haks Engineers Architects & Land Integrity Scientific Laboratory Devp. Corp., Ltd. (Trivandrum,
FlawTech (Concord, NC) Surveyors PC (New York, NY) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) India)
Foerster Instruments, Inc. Halifax International, Fze. (Erbil, Integrity Smart Services, LLC Keville Enterprises, Inc. (Boston, MA)
(Pittsburgh, PA) Iraq) (Muscat, Oman) Kimtron, Inc. (Oxford, CT)
Force Technology (Broendby, Denmark) Hamamatsu Corp. (Bridgewater, NJ) Integrity Testing & Inspection, LLC Kinetic Solutions, LLC (Fort Ripley, MN)
Formweld Fitting, Inc. (Milton, FL) Helium Leak Testing, Inc. (Simi (Onaway, MI) Koslow Scientific Co. (Englewood, NJ)
Foster Tecnica Solutions (Kerala, India) Valley, CA) International Inspection (Santa Fe KTA Tator, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA)
Fujifilm North America – NDT Hellier (Houston, TX) Springs, CA) Kuwait Pipe Industries & Oil
Materials and Equipment Herzog Services, Inc. (St. Joseph, MO) International Leak Detection, LLC Services Co. (Kuwait City, Kuwait)
(Valhalla, NY) High Technology Sources, Ltd. (Des Plaines, IL)
(Didcot, United Kingdom) International Maritime Welding L
G Highland Oilfield Services Group, Society (NCR, Philippines) Labino AB (Solna, Sweden)
G&G Technical Services, Ltd. Ltd. (Aberdeen, United Kingdom) International Quality Systems Laboratory Testing, Inc. (Hatfield, PA)
(London, United Kingdom) Hi-Spec Systems, Ltd. (Nantwich, (Concepcion, Chile) Laser Technology (Norristown, PA)
Gamesa Innovation & Technology United Kingdom) International Robotic Tank Solutions Laurus Systems, Inc. (Ellicott City, MD)
(Sarriguren, Spain) Hobart Institute of Welding (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) Lavender International NDT
Gamma Petroleum Services (Basra, Technology (Troy, OH) Intertek (Amelia, LA) Consultants (Sheffield, United
Iraq) Hocker, Inc. (Houston, TX) Intron Plus (Moscow, Russia) Kingdom)
Gamma Rad (Tehran, Iran) Hodges Transportation, Inc. (Carson Inuktun Services, Ltd. (Nanaimo, Librestream Technologies
GB Inspection Systems, Ltd. City, NV) Canada) (Winnipeg, Canada)
(Cannock, United Kingdom) Honeywell Aerospace de Mexico Ionix Advanced Technologies (Leeds, Lickenbrock Technologies, LLC (Saint
GE Measurement & Control (Chihuahua, Mexico) United Kingdom) Louis, MO)
(Lewistown, PA) Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & IPSI (Courbevoie Cedex, France) Lion Inspection Services, Inc.
GE Power Generation Services Technologies (Kansas City, MO) Iranian Society of Technical (Houston, TX)
(Houston, TX) HSI Group, Inc. (Torrance, CA) Inspection & NDT Companies Lonestar PMI (League City, TX)
General Dynamics NASSCO Norfolk (Tehran, Iran) Lucid Software, Ltd. (Chennai, India)
(Norfolk, VA) I IRED Thermal Group, Ltd.
Genesis Systems Group I & T Nardoni Institute, Srl. (Brescia, (Edmonton, Canada) M
(Davenport, IA) Italy) Irez Academy (Kollam, India) M2M (San Francisco, CA)
George Consulting Services, Inc. Idaho National Laboratory (Idaho Iris Inspection Services, Inc. MA Al Mutlaq Sons Co. (Dammam,
(Monaca, PA) Falls, ID) (Baytown, TX) Saudi Arabia)

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
CORPORATE partners
MAC NDT Services, LLC National University Polytechnic P Q-Sea Corporation (Tampa, FL)
(Montgomery, TX) Institute (San Diego, CA) Paragon Industries, Inc. (Sapulpa, Qualitas Material Testing
Magnaflux (Glenview, IL) Naya Engineering Services (Basra, OK) Laboratories (United Arab
Magnetic Analysis Corp. (Elmsford, NY) Iraq) Parker Research Corp. (Dunedin, FL) Emirates)
Maintenance & Inspection Services, NDE Professionals, Inc. (Portland, OR) Patterson Tubular Services Qualitek, LLC (Houston, TX)
Inc. (Morganton, NC) NDE Solutions, LLC (Bryan, TX) (Channelview, TX) Quality Control Co. (Cairo, Egypt)
Manadher Al Sahra Trading (Ruwi, NDT & Corrosion Control Services PCA Engineering, Inc. (Pompton Quality Control Council US (Kansas
Oman) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Lakes, NJ) City, KS)
Mandina’s Inspection Services, Inc. NDT Classroom, Inc. (Buffalo, NY) PdM Consultores Internacional, Srl. Quality Control Services Co., Ltd. (Al
(Belle Chasse, LA) NDT Italiana, Srl. (Concorezzo, Italy) (Cartago, Costa Rica) Khobar, Saudi Arabia)
Mansol Technical Training Services NDT Phils Inspection Services Corp. Peak NDT (Derby, United Kingdom) Quality Equipment Distributors, Inc.
Pvt., Ltd. (Lahore, Pakistan) (Paranaque, Philippines) Peltec Services, Inc. (Darlington, SC) (Orchard Park, NY)
Marietta Nondestructive Testing, NDT Seals, Inc. (Houston, TX) Pemo Nigeria, Ltd. (Warri, Nigeria) Quality NDE, Ltd. (Mercier, Canada)
Inc. (Marietta, GA) NDT Solutions (New Richmond, WI) Performance Review Institute Quality Systems International, Inc.
Martin Testing Laboratories, Inc. NDT Testing, Srl. (Odobesti, Romania) (Warrendale, PA) (Russellville, AR)
(McClellan, CA) NDT Training & Testing Center Petra Engineering for Inspection and Quality Testing Services, Inc.
Matec Instrument Cos., Inc. (Houston, TX) Services (Amman, Jordan) (Maryland Hts, MO)
(Northborough, MA) NDT-PRO Services (Houston, TX) Petro Base, Ltd. (Richmond, TX) Quality Testing Services, Inc.
McNDT Pipeline, Ltd. (Channahon, IL) NdtXducer, LLC (Northborough, MA) Petro Service International (Cairo, (Linden, NJ)
Medical Intubation Technology Corp. New Tech Systems (Mansfield, TX) Egypt) Qualtech NDE (Karachi, Pakistan)
(Taoyuan City, Taiwan) Newco, Inc. (Florence, SC) PetroKnowledge (Masdar City,
Merrill Technologies Group Newport News Shipbuilding United Arab Emirates)
(Saginaw, MI) (Newport News, VA) RADAC -Radiographic Accessories,
PetroScanalog International, Ltd.
Metafix (Lachine, Canada) Nexco-West USA (Vienna, VA) Ltd. (Stockton On Tees, United
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
Metal Fatigue Solutions (Las Vegas, NV) NextNDT (Redwood City, CA) Kingdom)
Pfinder KG (Boeblingen, Germany)
Metals Testing Co. (South Windsor, CT) Nikon Metrology (Brighton, MI) RadiaBeam Technologies (Santa
PFL Engineering Services, Ltd.
Metalscan Inspection Services Nondestructive Inspection Service, Monica, CA)
(Lekki, Nigeria)
(Chennai, India) Inc. (Hurricane, WV) Radiago Work Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
PH Tool Reference Standards
Met-L-Chek (Santa Monica, CA) Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Navi Mumbai, India)
(Pipersville, PA)
Meyer Tool, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) (Portsmouth, VA) Ram Designs (Broussard, LA)
Phateco Technical Services Joint Stock
MFE Enterprises, Inc. (Dripping North Idaho College / Aerospace Rayan Petro Azmoon (Tehran, Iran)
Co. (Hai Phong City, Vietnam)
Springs, TX) Technology (Hayden, ID) Ray-Check MFG, Inc. (Clovis, CA)
Phoenix Inspection Systems, Ltd.
MFE Rentals (Pasadena, TX) North Star Imaging, Inc. R-CON NDT, Inc. (Menomonie, WI)
(Warrington, United Kingdom)
Miami NDT, Inc. (Doral, FL) (Rogers, MN) Redi Inspection Services (Evanston,
Phoenix Nuclear Labs (Monona, WI)
Milan Tool Corp (Cleveland, OH) North Texas Calibration (Fort WY)
Pine (Windsor, NJ)
Minton Treharne & Davies, Ltd. Worth, TX) Regional Utility Services
Pinnacle X-Ray Solutions
(Cardiff, United Kingdom) Northbridge Energy, Ltd. (Igando, (Spartanburg, SC)
(Suwanee, GA)
MIR Engineering (Tangerang Nigeria) Reinhart & Associates, Inc. (Austin,
Pipe & Well O&M Services Est
Selatan, Indonesia) Northeast Testing & Mfg, LLC TX)
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
Mistras Group, Inc. (Princeton (Beverly, MA) Rel Inc. (Calumet, MI)
Plant Integrity, Ltd. (Cambridge,
Junction, NJ) NOVO DR, Ltd. (Yehud, Israel) RF System Lab (Traverse City, MI)
United Kingdom)
Mitchell Laboratories (Pico Rivera, CA) NQS Inspection, Ltd. (Corpus Ridgewater College (Hutchinson,
PM Testing Laboratory, Inc. (Fife, WA)
Modal Shop, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) Christi, TX) MN)
Poco Graphite (Decatur, TX)
Moraine Valley Community College Nucleom, Inc. (Quebec, Canada) Rig Fab Energy Services (Baton
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
(Palos Hills, IL) NXT NDT, Inc. (North Adams, MA) Rouge, LA)
(Portsmouth, NH)
Morex 71, Ltd. (Even Yehuda, Israel) Rig Solution Engineering (Cairo,
PQNDT, Inc. (Arlington, MA)
Motabaqah Brand of Saudi O Pragma (Quebec, Canada)
Specialized Laboratories Co Obelix Maintenance & Inspection Ritec, Inc. (Warwick, RI)
Precision Flange & Machine, Inc.
(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Services SAC, (Arequipa, Peru) Rockwood Service Corp. (Danbury,
(Houston, TX)
Mountain Pressure Testing Ocean Corp. (Houston, TX) CT)
Premier NDT Services, Inc.
(Longview, TX) Oceaneering (Panama City, FL) Rohmann Eddy Current Instruments
(Farmington, NM)
moviTherm (Irvine, CA) Oceaneering International Asset & Systems (Spartanburg, SC)
Premier Tubular Inspection Services
Mozzat Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. (Kuala Integrity (Houston, TX) Rokaysan Engineering, Ltd. Co.
Pte., Ltd. (Karachi, Pakistan)
Belait, Brunei) Oceanscan USA (Stafford, TX) (Bursa, Turkey)
Premium Inspection & Testing
MPM Products, Inc. (Ontario, CA) OcerT Training & Consulting, Ltd. Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Services
(Houston, TX)
MQ TEC (Hyderabad, India) (Jianding New City, China) (Williamson, NY)
Premium Inspection Co.
MR Chemie, GmbH (Unna, Germany) Ogden Weber Applied Technology Rosen (Shah Alam, Malaysia)
(Bakersfield, CA)
MSPEC (Mussafah, United Arab College (Ogden, UT) RTW Roentgen-Technik
Prime NDT Services, Inc.
Emirates) OGTC Pvt., Ltd. (Islamabad, Pakistan) (Neuenhagen, Germany)
(Schnecksville, PA)
MTEC Mechanical Testing Services, Ohio CAT (Broadview Heights, OH) Russell NDE Systems, Inc.
PRL Industries, Inc. (Cornwall, PA)
Inc. (Houston, TX) Ohmstede, Ltd. (Corpus Christi, TX) (Edmonton, Canada)
Pro Mag Inspection, LLC (Gray, LA)
Mudiame Welding Institute, Ltd. Oil & Gas Educational and Training RusselSmith Nigeria, Ltd. (Lagos,
PSSI NDT (League City, TX)
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Center (Kayamkulam, India) Nigeria)
PT Karsa Kencana Indonesia
Multicare Safety & Industrial Oilfield Equipment Marketing, Inc.
(Tangerang, Indonesia)
Inspections LLC (Dubai, United (San Antonio, TX)
PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk.
Arab Emirates) OKOS Solutions, LLC (Manassas, VA) Safe Ocean Service, Inc. (Houston, TX)
(Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia)
Mytechnic Mro (Istanbul, Turkey) Olympus America Inc. (Waltham, MA) Safe Systems For Advanced
Pueblo Community College (Pueblo, CO)
Omni Metal Finishing, Inc. (Fountain Technologies (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
N Valley, CA) Q SAI Global (Paramus, NJ)
Nafto Serv (Istanbul, Turkey) Opgal (Karmiel, Israel) Salt Lake Community College (Salt
QA Systems Pte., Ltd. (Singapore,
Nanjing Tycho Information Technology Optim, LLC (Sturbridge, MA) Lake City, UT)
Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China) Oracle, Ltd. (Apapa Lagos, Nigeria) SAMES KREMLIN (Streamwood, IL)
Qass Technologies (Marietta, GA)
National Oilwell Varco (Singapore, Orbit Industries, Inc. (Cleveland, OH) Sarl 3MECS Engineering &
QinetiQ NDT Pty., Ltd. (South
Singapore) OSG Testing Pty., Ltd. (Alberton Consulting Services (Laghouat,
Melbourne, Australia)
Johannesburg, South Africa) Algeria)
QSA Global, Inc. (Baton Rouge, LA)

ASNT grants
790 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Join Us
ScanMaster IRT, Inc. (Greenville, SC) Velosi, Sdn. Bhd. (Kuala Belait,
ScanTech Instruments, Inc. Brunei)
(Longview, TX) Venture Inspection, Ltd. (Derby,
SCC Inspection Services (Great Being a part of the Society links your business to the worldwide United Kingdom)
Falls, MT) Verasonics, Inc. (Kirkland, WA)
NDT community and puts your business on the front lines of the
School of Applied Non Destructive Verichek Technical Services, Inc.
Examination (Boksburg, South industry. To learn more about becoming a Corporate Partner, see (Bethel Park, PA)
Africa) the Membership section of the ASNT website at Versa Integrity Group (Sulphur, LA)
SCI Control & Inspeccion (Ajalvir, Vibranalysis, Inc. (Trujillo Alto,
Spain) Puerto Rico)
Score QC (Trivandrum, India) Spectronics Corp. (Westbury, NY) Testing Service Group SAC (Lima, Vibspectrum International, LLC
SE International, Inc. Spellman High Voltage Electronics Peru) Trading & Electromechanical
(Summertown, TN) Corp. (Hauppauge, NY) Texas Research International (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
SEAL Aviation (Fort Lauderdale, FL) ST Aerospace Engineering Pte., Ltd. (Austin, TX) Vidisco, Ltd. (Or Yehuda, Israel)
Sense of Siam International Trading (Singapore, Singapore) Thermal Wave Imaging, Inc. Vincotte International Algeria
Co., Ltd. (Sattahip, Thailand) St. Johns NDT Training & Services (Ferndale, MI) (Mahelma, Algeria)
Sensima Inspection (Gland, (Pathanamthitta, India) ThermalStar Training Center Vincotte International Middle East,
Switzerland) Stalion-Primi (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) (Phoenix, AZ) LLC (Abu Dhabi, United Arab
Sensor Networks (Boalsburg, PA) Standard Testing and Inspection Thermographie GG, Inc. (Granby, Emirates)
Sensors & Software, Inc. Services, Ltd. (Port Harcourt, Canada) Virgin Galactic (Mojave, CA)
(Mississauga, Canada) Nigeria) TIBA Oil Tools (Cairo, Egypt) Virtual Media Integration
Setcore Arabia Petroleum Services Stanley Inspection (Houston, TX) TMAC Technologies (Mansfield, TX) (Pensacola, FL)
(Dammam, Saudi Arabia) Star Pipe Service, Inc. (Moore, OK) TP Group, S.A. (Bogota, Colombia) VisiConsult X-Ray Systems &
SGS Transportation (Cincinnati, OH) Steinol Solutions Pvt., Ltd. Trainee World Institute (Baghdad, Solutions, GmbH (Stockelsdorf,
Shanghai CHiNDT Systems and (Islamabad, Pakistan) Iraq) Germany)
Services (Shanghai, China) Stowen (Katy, TX) Tribogenics (Los Angeles, CA) Vision Financial Group, Inc.
Shanghai Puxian Mechanical Structural Integrity Associates Trident Refit Facility (Kings Bay, GA) (Pittsburgh, PA)
Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, (Huntersville, NC) Trinity NDT Engineers (Bangalore, Vizaar Industrial Imaging
China) Sullivan & Associates, Inc. India) (Gibsonia, PA)
Shanghai QiJi Inspection Technology (Ladson, SC) Tru Amp Corp. (Jackson, MS) VJ Technologies, Inc. (Bohemia, NY)
Co. (Shanghai, China) Superior Inspection Services, LLC TSC Inspection Systems Volume Graphics, Inc. (Charlotte, NC)
Sherwin, Inc. (South Gate, CA) (Broussard, LA) (Buckinghamshire, United Volunteer NDT Corp. (Chattanooga, TN)
Siemens Energy, Inc. (Pittsburgh, Supervisor of Shipbuilding Kingdom)
PA) Conversion and Repair (Bath, ME) TTAsia Co., Ltd. (Ho Chi Minh City, W
Sigma NDT Services Pvt., Ltd. System One (Cheswick, PA) Vietnam) Walashek Industrial & Marine, Inc.
(Chennai, India) Tulsa Welding School (Tulsa, OK) (National City, CA)
Signature TechnicAir (Greensboro, NC) T Turbo Nondestructive Testing, Inc. Warren Associates (Pittsburgh, PA)
Silean (Tremonton, UT) Target NDT (Mangaf, Kuwait) (Kemah, TX) Wasatch Photonics (Logan, UT)
Silverwing (Swansea, United TCR Arabia Co., Ltd. (Dammam, Turnco, LLC (Houston, TX) Washita Valley Enterprises, Inc.
Kingdom) Saudi Arabia) Turner Specialty Services, LLC (Oklahoma City, OK)
SIUI (Shantou, China) Team Industrial Services (Alvin, TX) (Pasadena, TX) Welding and Control (Oran, Algeria)
Sky Prime Aviation Services (Riyadh, Team QualSpec (Torrance, CA) TWI, Ltd. (Cambridge, United Welding Inspection (Cologne, NJ)
Saudi Arabia) Tech Service Products, Inc. Kingdom) Welding Technology & NDT Research
SME (Plymouth, MI) (Harahan, LA) Application Center (Ankara, Turkey)
Snell Group (Barre, VT) Tech4Imaging (Columbus, OH) U Weldtest (Bir Khadem, Algeria)
SOLEND (Cochabamba, Bolivia) Techinco (Tehran, Iran) Ultrasonic Sciences, Ltd. (Aldershot, WENS Quality Assurance Pvt., Ltd.
Son Set Consultants, LLC TechKnowServ Corp. (State United Kingdom) (Singapore, Singapore)
(Owasso, OK) College, PA) Uniclimb Services Pte., Ltd. WesDyne Amdata (Windsor, CT)
Sonartech (Kempton Park, South Techna NDT (Kent, WA) (Singapore, Singapore) West Penn Testing Group (New
Africa) Technical Loadarm, Ltd. (Guelph, Unitek Engineering (Gangnam-gu, Kensington, PA)
Sonaspection International, Inc. Canada) South Korea) Westminster Education Circle
(Concord, NC) Technisonic Research, Inc. University of Alaska Anchorage (Ernakulam, India)
Sonatest, Ltd. (San Antonio, TX) (Fairfield, CT) (Anchorage, AK) Williams Bridge Co. (Richmond, VA)
Sonic Systems International Technology Design Ltd. (Winsford, UniWest (Pasco, WA) Willick Engineering Co., Inc. (Santa
(Houston, TX) United Kingdom) US Army Yuma Proving Ground Fe Springs, CA)
Sonotec (Central Islip, NY) Technoscan Inspection Services (Yuma, AZ) World Testing, Inc. (Mt. Juliet, TN)
Source Production & Equipment Co., (Pathanamthitta, India) US Photon Service (Hayward, CA) Wyle (Dayton, OH)
Inc. (St. Rose, LA) Techshore Inspection Services USPS NCED (Norman, OK)
Southern Inspection Services (Cochin, India) UT Quality (Edmonton, Canada) X
(Chennai, India) Techstreet (Ann Arbor, MI) Utex Scientific Instruments, Inc. X-Ray Associates, LLC (San Dimas, CA)
Southwest Research Institute (San Tecnatom, S.A. (Madrid, Spain) (Mississauga, Canada) X-Ray Industries, Inc. (Troy, MI)
Antonio, TX) Tecnoplet, S.A. (Francisco de UTX, Inc. (Holmes, NY)
Sowsco Inspection Services, Ltd. Orellana, Ecuador) Y
(Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Teledyne DALSA (Santa Clara, CA) V Yxlon (Hudson, OH)
Sparrows (Bridge of Don Aberdeen, Teledyne ICM (Andrimont, Belgium) VAAL University of Technology
United Kingdom) Tesco Corp. (Kanagawa, Japan) (Vanderbijlpark, South Africa) Z
Spartan College of Aeronautics & Test Equipment Distributors, LLC Valley Inspection Service, Inc. Zamil Lifting & Industrial Supports
Technology (Tulsa, OK) (Troy, MI) (Allentown, PA) (Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
Special Oilfield Services Co., LLC Test NDT, LLC (Brea, CA) Vandergriff Technologies NDT Zetec, Inc. (Snoqualmie, WA)
(Ruwi, Oman) Testex, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) Services (Haltom City, TX) Zuuk International, Inc.
Specialized Services & Supplies Testia, Ltd. (Newport, United Varex Imaging (Salt Lake City, UT) (Charleston, SC) w x
General Trading & Contracting Co. Kingdom) Vector TUB, GmbH (Hattingen,
(North Shuwaikh, Kuwait) Testing Equipment Specialist Team Germany)
Specpro (Santiago, Chile) Co. (Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia)

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
ASNT grants
792 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
meetings PLEASE NOTE: Materials Evaluation’s Calendar department is
ASNT neither approves nor
disapproves of any program or
training course claiming to meet
Meetings are events at which derived from information sent to our offices by the sponsoring
paper and/or poster presentations organizations. ASNT staff is not responsible for collecting or the recommendations of ASNT’s
are made and recent developments Recommended Practice No.
verifying the information contained herein: for more information
in technology, research and devel- SNT-TC-1A. The following are
opment are discussed by those in on meetings or courses, please contact the sponsoring organi- contacts for only those organiza-
attendance. These are generally zation. The Calendar copy deadline is the first of the month, two tions that offer public courses
sponsored by academic or profes- months prior to the issue date: for example, 1 July for the listed in this month’s Calendar.
sional technical associations. The September journal. Send your organization’s information by The following courses are listed
sponsor is the same as the contact e-mail, fax, or mail to the Associate Editor, Materials Evaluation, without necessarily giving their full
except where noted. titles.
1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228-
For ASNT meetings and events
(highlighted in red) contact the 0518; fax (614) 274-6899; e-mail
ASNT Conference Department, Information in the Calendar runs for four months at a time. Acoustic Emission Testing
1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box ASNT reserves the right to reject event listings for any reason. 5–9 JUN
28518, Columbus, OH 43228- Listings will be edited to conform to ASNT’s editorial style. Level II, Princeton Junction,
0518; (800) 222-2768 or (614)
274-6003; fax (614) 274-6899; New Jersey. Mistras.
e-mail 5–7 SEP; website 12–14 SEP
56th Annual Conference of the For Scientists and Engineers,
2017 British Institute of Non-
30 OCT–2 NOV
Princeton Junction, New Jersey.
Destructive Testing, The Mistras.
13–16 JUN ASNT Annual Conference,
International Centre, Telford,
First World Congress on Gaylord Opryland Resort and
UK. Contact: Karen Cambridge; Electromagnetic Testing
Condition Monitoring 2017, Convention Center, Nashville,
44 01604 438300; fax 44
ILEC Conference Centre, Tennessee. Contact: ASNT. 1–5 JUN
01604 438301; e-mail
London, U.K. Contact: BINDT; Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),; website
Newton Building, St. George’s 2018 Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Avenue, Northampton NN2 6JB,
U.K.; 44 01604 89 3811; fax 44 25–29 SEP 28–31 OCT 1–8 JUN
01604 89 3861; e-mail 19th Schweissen & Schneiden, ASNT Annual Conference, Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.; website Düsseldorf Exhibition Ground, George R. Brown Convention Decibel Remote. Düsseldorf, Germany. Contact: Center, Houston, Texas. 1–13 JUN
Messe Essen; 49 0 201 724 Contact: ASNT. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
26–28 JUN
529/648; fax 49 0 201 72 44 Decibel.
Digital Imaging 20, Foxwoods
Resort, Mashantucket,
448; e-mail team@schweissen- 2019
5–9 JUN; website
Connecticut. Contact: ASNT. 10–14 NOV Eddy Current Level I, St.
28–30 JUN
ASNT Annual Conference, Augustine, Florida. Ultrasonics.
Ultrasonics for NDT, Foxwoods Westgate Resort & Casino, Las
6–8 JUN
10–11 OCT Vegas, Nevada. Contact: ASNT.
Resort, Mashantucket, Eddy Current Recurrent, San
Connecticut. Contact: ASNT.
16–21 JUL
Offshore Energy Exhibition &
Conference, Amsterdam RAI, courses Antonio, Texas. BRL.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Courses are events where partici- 9–22 JUN
44th Annual Review of Contact: Navingo BV; 31 010 pants are instructed in the tech- Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Progress in Quantitative 20 92 600; fax 31 010 43 68 nologies and methodologies of a
particular technical area and which
Nondestructive Evaluation, 134; website www.offshore- generally conclude with the 12–16 JUN
Utah Valley Convention Center, student being evaluated to Eddy Current Level II, St.
Provo, Utah. Contact: Kay determine the student's retention
10–13 OCT Augustine, Florida. Ultrasonics.
Williams; (515) 294-9749; fax of the material presented. These
World Conference on Acoustic events often offer some form of Eddy Current Level II,
(515) 294-7771; e-mail registra-
Emission 2017, Xi’an, Shanxi, course credit or continuing Charleston, South Carolina.; website
China. Contact: Zhanwen Wu; education units to those partici- Odyssey.
86 1 59068313; fax 86 10 pants successfully completing the
59068023; e-mail course. For ASNT refresher
courses, see page 803.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Course Contacts
The following are contacts for only those organizations that offer public courses listed in this month’s Calendar.

Atlantic: Atlantic NDT Training; Gary L. Kraft: Kraft Technology Resources; Karl Quality: Quality Testing Services;
Chapman; 24 Flat Rock Rd., Branford, CT E. Kraft; 1377 Timshel St., Dayton, OH Melissa Rankin; 2305 Millpark Dr.,
06405; (203) 481-4041; website 45440; (405) 819-7786; fax (405) 691- Maryland Heights, MO 63043; (314) 4342; e-mail; website 770-0607; (888) 770-0607; fax (314)
ATS: Applied Technical Services; Lisa 770-0103; e-mail training@quality
Henry; 1049 Triad Ct., Marietta, GA LTS: Leak Testing Specialists, Inc.;; website www.quality
30062; (888) 287-5227; (678) 444- Cyndi Reid; 5776 Hoffner Ave., Ste. 304,
2897; fax (770) 514-3299; e-mail Orlando, FL 32822; (407) 737-6415; Snell: The Snell Group; 322 N. Main St.,; website www fax (407) 737-6416; e-mail cyndi.reid Ste. 8, Barre, VT 05641; (802) 479-; website 7100; fax (802) 479-7171; e-mail
BRL: BRL Consultants, Inc.; 219 W.; website
Rhapsody Dr., San Antonio, TX 78216; MFE: MFE Enterprises, Inc., 150 Holder
(210) 341-3442; fax (210) 341-2844; Ln., Dripping Springs, TX 7862; (281) Test: Test NDT; Richard Harrison; 193
e-mail; 441-8284; e-mail bduke@mferentals Viking Ave., Brea, CA 92821; (714) 255-
website .com; website 1500; fax (714) 255-1580; e-mail
Decibel: Decibel NDE Training Institute; Mistras: Mistras Group, Inc.; Christina; website
1st Floor Plainfield, Pattambi, Palakkad, Librandy; 195 Clarksville Rd., Princeton
Kerala, India 679303; 91 9387 674 Junction, NJ 08550; (609) 716-4020; Trinity: Trinity Institute of NDT
153, 91 466 2214 333, or 91 8089 000 fax (609) 716-0706; e-mail christina Technology; Ravi Kumar T. or Shiva
250; e-mail;; website Kumar R.; Plot No. V-22a, 2nd Stage,
website Peenya Industrial Estate, Bangalore,
Decibel Remote: Decibel Remote Moraine: Moraine Valley Community India 560058; 91 99009 29439 or
Training Center; TC No. 1/1374(12), College; 9000 W. College Pkwy., Palos 91 98441 29439; e-mail training
2nd Floor, Kottakath Bldg., Poonthi Rd., Hills, IL 60465, M150; (708) 974-5735;; website www
Kumarapuram, Trivandrum, India; e-mail; website
91 81 29508881; e-mail decibeltvm Ultrasonics: University of Ultrasonics; website www uing/nondestructive-testing. /NDEU; Ron Kent; P.O. Box 328 Elkton, MPM: MPM Products, Inc.; Jeri Matza; FL 32033; (205) 822-5203; e-mail
ETS: ETS Sistemi Industriali, Srl.; Alberto 1718 East Grevillea Ct., Ontario, CA; website
Monici; Via S. Francesco 323, 20861 91761; (918) 740-0290 or (800) 429-
Brugherio (MB), Italy; 39 039877790; 0128; fax (909)-947-3257; e-mail WTTI: Welder Training and Testing
e-mail; website; website Institute; Tracy Wiswesser; 1144 N. Graham St., Allentown, PA 18109;
Extende: Extende, Inc.; P.O. Box 461, Odyssey: Odyssey Technology Corp.; (800) 223-9884; e-mail tracy
Ballston Spa, NY 12020; (518) 490- Carol Sansieri; 3000 Village Run Rd.,; website
2376; fax (518) 602-1367; e-mail Unit 103, #149, Wexford, PA 15090;; website (843) 817-3475; e-mail carols@odyssey XRI: X-Ray Industries; Bob Henchar; 1961 Thunderbird Dr., Troy, MI
Extende France: Extende; Le Bergson, PQT: PQT Services (Plumstead Training); 48084; (248) 244-1582; e-mail
15 Ave. Emile Baudot, 91300 Massy, Kim Rosa; 806 Botany Rd., Greenville,;
France; 33 1 78 90 02 21; fax 33 09 72 SC 29615; (864) 292-1115; fax (770) website
13 42 68; e-mail; 514-3299; e-mail;
GINDT: Gavade Institute of QCTL: QCTL, Inc.; Rod Reinholdt or
Nondestructive Testing & Training; David White; 21112 Scott Park Rd.,
Sunil Baburao Gavade; Plot No. 29/B, Davenport, IA 52804; (800) 391-8500;
Swatantravir Sawarkar Marg, Opposite fax (563) 391-0112; e-mail testlab1
Gopinath Patil Parsik Janatha Sahakari; website
Bank, Sector 1, Airoli, Navi Mumbai
400 708, Maharashtra State, India; 091
99 67581383; fax 091 22 27793512;
e-mail; website

ASNT grants
794 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Electromagnetic Testing, cont. 14–26 AUG
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
16–29 JUN Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
15–17 AUG
Eddy Current Recurrent San
19–23 JUN Antonio, Texas. BRL.
Eddy Current Level I, Brea,
1–5 SEP
California. Test.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
26–30 JUN Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Eddy Current Level II, Brea,
1–8 SEP
California. Test.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
29 JUN–3 JUL Decibel Remote.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
4–16 SEP
Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
1–8 JUL Decibel.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
11–23 SEP
Decibel Remote.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
3–15 JUL Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
12–14 SEP
Eddy Current Recurrent, San
10–14 JUL Antonio, Texas. BRL.
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
18–30 SEP
10–22 JUL Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
28 SEP–2 OCT
17–21 JUL Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
17–29 JUL
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Infrared and Thermal
Decibel. Testing
27–31 JUL 5–9 JUN
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I, Cleveland, Ohio. Snell.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level I, Minneapolis,
24–28 JUL Minnesota. Snell.
Eddy Current Level I, St. Louis, Level II, Minneapolis,
Missouri. Quality. Minnesota. Snell.
NDT Level I, Detroit, Michigan.
31 JUL–4 AUG Snell.
Eddy Current Level I, St. Louis,
Missouri. Quality. 7–16 JUN
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
1–8 AUG Decibel Remote.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote. 12–13 JUN
Electrical Specialty Course,
1–12 AUG Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Snell.
13–16 JUN
7–11 AUG Level I, Santiago, Chile. Snell.
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
14–15 JUN
7–19 AUG Mechanical Specialty Course,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Decibel. Snell.
14–18 AUG 19–23 JUN
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level I/II, Kerala, India.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Infrared and Thermal Testing, cont. 18–22 SEP 24–30 SEP 25–30 JUN
Level I, Chicago, Illinois. Snell. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
26–30 JUN Level I, Seattle, Washington. Decibel Remote. Decibel Remote.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Snell. 25–27 SEP 26–29 JUN
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India. For engineers, Orlando, Level I/II, Portland, Oregon.
Decibel. Florida. LTS. NPI.
27–30 JUN
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I, Buenos Aires, 26–30 JUN
Level II, Seattle, Washington.
Argentina. Snell.
Snell. Liquid Penetrant Testing Level I/II, Kerala, India.
10–13 JUL 30 MAY – 2 JU N Decibel.
25–29 SEP
Level I Buildings, Toronto, Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. 3–7 JUL
Level I, Calgary, Alberta,
Ontario, Canada. Snell. Quality. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Canada. Snell.
10–14 JUL Level I, Little Rock, Arkansas. 5–6 JUN Decibel.
Level I, Barre, Vermont. Snell. Snell. Level I/II, Greenville, South 7–12 JUL
17–21 JUL
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Carolina. PQT. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Decibel Remote.
Decibel. PQT.
10–11 JUL
Level II, Barre, Vermont. Snell. Leak Testing 5–9 JUN Level I/II, Greenville, South
24–28 JUL 2 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India. Carolina. PQT.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Bubble Level I/II, St. Louis, Decibel.
10–14 JUL
Decibel. Missouri. Quality. 6 JUN Level I/II, Kerala, India.
NDT Level II, Detroit, Michigan. 5–9 JUN Level I, Davenport, Iowa. QCTL. Decibel.
Snell. Pressure Change Measurement Level I/II (NAS-410), Branford,
25–27 JUL Level I/II, Orlando, Florida. LTS. Level II, Davenport, Iowa. Connecticut. Atlantic.
For Rail Industry, St. Louis, 12–16 JUN QCTL. 13–14 JUL
Missouri. Quality. Mass Spectrometer Helium Level II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea,
7–12 JUN
7–16 AUG Level I/II, Milan, Italy. ETS. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. California. Test.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. 19–23 JUN Decibel Remote. 17–18 JUL
Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois.
8–11 AUG Decibel. Recurrent, San Antonio, Texas. Moraine.
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. 17–21 JUL BRL. Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida.
Quality. Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT.
12–13 JUN
14–18 AUG Decibel. Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois. 17–21 JUL
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. Moraine. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
24–30 JUL
Quality. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Allentown, Decibel.
Level I, Toronto, Ontario, Decibel Remote. Pennsylvania. WTTI. 18–21 JUL
Canada. Snell. Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri.
14–18 AUG 12–16 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Quality.
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Decibel. Decibel. 19–20 JUL
21–25 AUG Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
21–25 AUG 19–20 JUN
Level I, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Snell. Mass Spectrometer Level I/II, Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Orlando, Florida. LTS. ATS. 19–24 JUL
Decibel. Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
28 AUG–1 SEP
Level II, Indianapolis, Indiana. BRL. Decibel Remote.
Pressure Change Measurement
Snell. Level I/II, Bubble Level I/II, & 19–23 JUN 24–25 JUL
11–14 SEP Level III Prep, Orlando, Florida. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. LTS. Decibel. ATS.
1 SEP 19–24 JUN 24–28 JUL
11–15 SEP
Level I, Denver, Colorado. Bubble Level I/II, St. Louis, Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Snell. Missouri. Quality. Decibel Remote. Decibel.
Level I, Minneapolis, 11–15 SEP 20–23 JUN 25–30 JUL
Minnesota. Snell. Pressure Change Measurement Level I/II (NAS-410), Troy, Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I, Montreal, Quebec, Level I/II, Orlando, Florida. LTS. Michigan. XRI. Decibel Remote.
Canada. Snell.
18–22 SEP 21–22 JUN 31 JUL–3 AUG
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
Decibel. Bangalore, India. Trinity.

ASNT grants
796 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
1–5 AUG 12 SEP 18–30 SEP 19–20 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level II, Davenport, Iowa. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Decibel. QCTL. Decibel. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
7–8 AUG 12–15 SEP 19–22 JUN
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. Level I/II (NAS-410), Troy, Magnetic Particle and Level I/II, Portland, Oregon.
BRL. Michigan. XRI. Liquid Penetrant Testing NPI.
Level I/II, Greenville, South 14–15 SEP 12–16 JUN 19–23 JUN
Carolina. PQT. Level II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, Level I/II, Allentown, Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Allentown, California. Test. Pennsylvania. WTTI. Decibel.
Pennsylvania. WTTI.
18–19 SEP 11–14 JUL 21–23 JUN
7–11 AUG
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Troy, Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
ATS. Michigan. XRI. ATS.
Level I/II, Greenville, South 23–30 JUN
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas.
7–12 AUG Carolina. PQT. Practical, Kerala, India. BRL.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Decibel. 25–30 JUN
Decibel Remote. PQT. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
21–30 JUL
14 AUG 18–22 SEP
Practical, Kerala, India. Decibel Remote.
Recurrent, San Antonio, Texas. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Decibel. 26–30 JUN
BRL. Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
7–11 AUG
14–18 AUG 20–21 SEP
Level I/II, Allentown, Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Pennsylvania. WTTI. 27–30 JUN
Decibel. Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level I/II (NAS-410), Troy,
23–30 AUG
19–24 AUG 19–24 SEP
Practical, Kerala, India. Michigan. XRI.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel. 1–6 JUL
Decibel Remote. Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
21–30 SEP
21–22 AUG 25–28 SEP
Practical, Kerala, India. Decibel Remote.
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Level I/II, Portland, Oregon.
Decibel. 3–7 JUL
ATS. NPI. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. 25–29 SEP
25–29 SEP
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Troy, Decibel.
PQT. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Michigan. XRI. 10–12 JUL
21–25 AUG Decibel. Level II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea,
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
25–30 SEP Magnetic Particle Testing California. Test.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
1–6 JUN 10–15 JUL
23–24 AUG Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote. Decibel.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Magnetic Flux Leakage
11–14 JUL
25–30 AUG Testing 5–9 JUN
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
13–22 JUN Decibel. Quality.
Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
7–9 JUN 12–14 JUL
4–8 SEP Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Greenville, South
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Greenville, South
16–29 JUN Carolina. PQT. Carolina. PQT.
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
12–16 JUN 13–18 JUL
5–8 SEP Decibel. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
17–29 JUL Decibel. Decibel Remote.
Quality. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
13–18 JUN 17–18 JUL
7–12 SEP Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
7–11 AUG Decibel Remote. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Dripping Springs,
14–16 JUN 17–21 JUL
11 SEP Texas. MFE. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I, Davenport, Iowa. QCTL. Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois.
13–22 AUG Moraine. Decibel.
Recurrent, San Antonio, Texas. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
BRL. Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. 19–21 JUL
Decibel Remote. PQT. Level I/II, Palos Hills, Illinois.
11–15 SEP Level I/II, Allentown,
14–26 AUG Moraine.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Pennsylvania. WTTI.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida.
Decibel. Decibel. PQT.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Magnetic Particle Testing, cont. 1–6 SEP 1–12 JUN Level II, Davenport, Iowa.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. QCTL.
24–28 JUL
Decibel Remote. Decibel Remote. Radiation Safety for
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 4–8 SEP
Practical, Kerala, India. Radiographers, Greenville,
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. South Carolina. PQT.

25–28 JUL
Decibel. 1–13 JUN 19–28 JUN
Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Film Interpretation, Kerala, Level I Film/Non-film
11–13 SEP
Level II (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, India. Decibel. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
25–30 JUL Level I/II, Kerala, India. ATS.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. California. Test.
Decibel. 23–25 JUN
Decibel Remote. 11–15 SEP
5–9 JUN Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
26–28 JUL
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Decibel.
Computed Radiography Level 26–28 JUN
ATS. 13–14 SEP II, Troy, Michigan. XRI. Level I Non-film Transition
1–5 AUG
Level I, Davenport, Iowa. QCTL.
7–16 JUN (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 13–18 SEP Film Interpretation Level II, ATS.
Decibel. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Trivandrum, India. Decibel Radiation Safety for
1–6 AUG
Decibel Remote. Remote. Radiographers, Jacksonville,
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. 15 SEP 9–22 JUN
Florida. PQT.
Decibel Remote. Level II, Davenport, Iowa. Film Interpretation, Kerala, 26–30 JUN
7–11 AUG
QCTL. India. Decibel. Computed Radiography Level
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 18–19 SEP Level I/II, Kerala, India. II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Decibel. Computed Radiography Level
Bangalore, India. Trinity. 12–16 JUN
II, Greenville, South Carolina.
9–11 AUG PQT.
Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. 18–21 SEP Computed Radiography Level I,
Greenville, South Carolina. Computed Radiography/Digital
BRL. Level I/II, Portland, Oregon. Radiography Level II, Tulatin,
Level I/II, Greenville, South NPI. PQT.
Digital Radiography Level I, Oregon. MPM.
Carolina. PQT. Digital Radiography Level II,
18–22 SEP Greenville, South Carolina.
Level I/II, Allentown, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT.
Pennsylvania. WTTI. Digital Radiography Level II,
Decibel. Level I, Greenville, South
13–18 AUG Carolina. PQT. Greenville, South Carolina.
19–22 SEP
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I Film, Greenville, South PQT.
Level I/II (NAS-410), Troy,
Decibel Remote. Carolina. PQT. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Michigan. XRI.
Level I Film to Non-film Level II, Greenville, South
14–18 AUG
20–22 SEP
Transition (NAS-410), Carolina. PQT.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Level II Film, Greenville, South
Decibel. Greenville, South Carolina.
ATS. Carolina. PQT.
Level I/II (NAS-410), Branford, PQT.
Level I/II, Greenville, South Level II Film to Non-film
Connecticut. Atlantic. Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Carolina. PQT. Greenville, South Carolina. Transition (NAS-410),
21–22 AUG Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. PQT.
Greenville, South Carolina.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), PQT. PQT.
Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
25–29 SEP
16–29 JUN Greenville, South Carolina.
21–25 AUG Level I/II, Kerala, India. Film Interpretation, Kerala, PQT.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Decibel. India. Decibel. Radiation Safety, St. Louis,
25–30 SEP Level I/II, Kerala, India. Missouri. Quality.
22–25 AUG Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Decibel.
1–8 JUL
Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Decibel Remote. 19–23 JUN Practical, Kerala, India.
26–29 SEP Computed Radiography Level I, Decibel.
23–25 AUG Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
1–10 JUL
Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Quality. Computed Radiography/Digital
ATS. Film Interpretation Level II,
Radiography Level I, Tulatin,
Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Trivandrum, India. Decibel
Radiographic Testing Oregon. MPM.
PQT. Digital Radiography Level I,
1–6 JUN Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 1–12 JUL
25–30 AUG X-ray, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote. ATS. Decibel Remote.
Decibel Remote.
Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.

ASNT grants
798 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
3–15 JUL 24–28 JUL
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Computed Radiography Level
India. Decibel. II, Greenville, South Carolina.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT.
Decibel. Digital Radiography Level II,
10–14 JUL
Greenville, South Carolina.
Level I, San Antonio, Texas. PQT.
BRL. Interpretation, San Antonio,
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. Texas. BRL.
Quality. Level II, Greenville, South
Radiation Safety, Palos Hills, Carolina. PQT.
Illinois. Moraine. Level II Film, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT.
10–22 JUL Level II Film to Non-film
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Transition (NAS-410),
India. Decibel. Greenville, South Carolina.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT.
Decibel. Level II Non-film (NAS-410),
13–23 JUL Greenville, South Carolina.
Film Interpretation Level II, PQT.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel 24 JUL–1 AUG
Remote. Level II Film/Non-film
17–21 JUL (NAS-410), Greenville, South
Computed Radiography Level I, Carolina. PQT.
Greenville, South Carolina. 24 JUL–2 AUG
PQT. Computed Radiography Level I,
Digital Radiography Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Greenville, South Carolina. Digital Radiography Level I,
PQT. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I, Greenville, South Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia.
Carolina. PQT. ATS.
Level I, Allentown, Level I Film/Non-film
Pennsylvania. WTTI. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I, Troy, Michigan. XRI. ATS.
Level I Film, Greenville, South Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Carolina. PQT. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I Film to Non-film
31 JUL–2 AUG
Transition (NAS-410),
Level I Non-film Transition
Greenville, South Carolina.
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Greenville, South Carolina. 31 JUL–4 AUG
PQT. Computed Radiography
Level II, San Antonio, Texas. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
BRL. Digital Detector Array
Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. Radiography Level II, Troy,
Quality. Michigan. XRI.
17–25 JUL
Digital Radiography Level II,
Level I Film/Non-film Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
(NAS-410), Greenville, South Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Carolina. PQT. Radiation Safety, Palos Hills,
Illinois. Moraine.
17–29 JUL
31 JUL–9 AUG
Film Interpretation, Kerala,
Level II Film/Non-film
India. Decibel.
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
1–6 AUG
21–23 JUL
X-ray, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Decibel Remote.
Bangalore, India. Trinity.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Radiographic Testing, cont. 21–25 AUG 28 AUG–5 SEP 22–24 SEP
Computed Radiography Level I, Level II Film/Non-film Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
1–12 AUG
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. (NAS-410), Greenville, South Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Digital Radiography Level I, Carolina. PQT. 25–27 SEP
India. Decibel. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
1–10 SEP Level I Non-film Transition
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I, Brea, California. Test.
Film Interpretation Level II, (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Decibel. Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel ATS.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. ATS.
Remote. Radiation Safety for
Decibel Remote. Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
1–12 SEP
Radiographers, Jacksonville,
Practical, Kerala, India. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Florida. PQT.
Decibel. Radiation Safety for
Radiographers, Greenville, Decibel Remote. 25–29 SEP
7–9 AUG South Carolina. PQT. Practical, Kerala, India. Computed Radiography Level I,
Level II Non-film Transition Decibel. Greenville, South Carolina.
21–30 AUG
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia. PQT.
ATS. Level I Film/Non-film 4–16 SEP
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Computed Radiography
(NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
7–11 AUG India. Decibel. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I, Davenport, Iowa. QCTL. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Digital Radiography Level I,
22–24 AUG Greenville, South Carolina.
Level II, Troy, Michigan. XRI. Decibel.
Level II Image Interpretation, PQT.
7–16 AUG Troy, Michigan. XRI. 11–15 SEP Digital Radiography Level II,
Film Interpretation Level II, Level I, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
24–28 AUG
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Level I, Kent, Washington. Level I, Greenville, South
Remote. Radiation Safety (IRRSP Prep),
Mistras. Carolina. PQT.
Brea, California. Test.
7–19 AUG Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I Film, Greenville, South
26–28 AUG Quality. Carolina. PQT.
Film Interpretation, Kerala,
India. Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Radiation Safety, Tulatin, Level I Film to Non-film
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Bangalore, India. Trinity. Oregon. MPM. Transition (NAS-410),
Decibel. 28–29 AUG Radiation Safety, Troy, Greenville, South Carolina.
IRRSP Refresher, Atlanta, Michigan. XRI. PQT.
14–18 AUG Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Computed Radiography Level I, Georgia. ATS. 11–23 SEP
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Greenville, South Carolina.
Greenville, South Carolina. 28–30 AUG PQT.
PQT. Level I Non-film Transition India. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Digital Radiography Level I, (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Greenville, South Carolina. ATS. Decibel. 25 SEP–3 OCT
PQT. 13–23 SEP Level I Film/Non-film
28 AUG–1 SEP (NAS-410), Greenville, South
Level I, Greenville, South Film Interpretation Level II,
Computed Radiography Level Carolina. PQT.
Carolina. PQT. Trivandrum, India. Decibel
II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I Film, Greenville, South Remote. 25 SEP–4 OCT
Computed Radiography Level
Carolina. PQT. Level II Film/Non-film
II, Greenville, South Carolina. 18–22 SEP
Level I Film to Non-film (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
PQT. Computed Radiography Level I,
Transition (NAS-410), ATS.
Digital Radiography Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Greenville, South Carolina.
Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Digital Radiography Level I,
PQT. Ultrasonic Testing
Digital Radiography Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Level I Non-film (NAS-410),
Greenville, South Carolina. Level I Film, Atlanta, Georgia.
Greenville, South Carolina. 1–12 JUN
PQT. Automated, Trivandrum, India.
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level I Non-film (NAS-410), Decibel Remote.
14–19 AUG Level II, Greenville, South Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Radiation Safety, Kent, Carolina. PQT. Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. 1–13 JUN
Washington. Mistras. Level II, Brea, California. Test. Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level II Film, Greenville, South Quality. Decibel.
14–22 AUG
Carolina. PQT. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Level I Film/Non-film 18–27 SEP
Level II Film to Non-film India. Decibel.
(NAS-410), Greenville, South Level I Film/Non-film
Transition (NAS-410), Time of Flight Diffraction
Carolina. PQT. (NAS-410), Atlanta, Georgia.
Greenville, South Carolina. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
14–26 AUG ATS.
PQT. 1–20 JUN
Film Interpretation, Kerala, Level II Non-film (NAS-410), 18–30 SEP
Practical, Kerala, India.
India. Decibel. Greenville, South Carolina. Film Interpretation, Kerala,
Level I/II, Kerala, India. PQT. India. Decibel.
Decibel. Radiation Safety, St. Louis, Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Missouri. Quality. Decibel.

ASNT grants
800 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
5–9 JUN 16–30 JUN 10–22 JUL 31 JUL–4 AUG
Advanced Flaw Detection and Practical, Trivandrum, India. Auto Data Interpreter, Kerala, Level I, St. Louis, Missouri.
Characterization, Houston, Decibel Remote. India. Decibel. Quality.
Texas. Ultrasonics. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I, Brea, California. Test.
17–30 JUN
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Decibel.
Phased Array Level II, 1–12 AUG
Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Automated, Trivandrum, India.
Quality. India. Decibel.
Remote. Decibel Remote.
Level I, Brea, California. Test. Time of Flight Diffraction
19–23 JUN
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I, Troy, Michigan. XRI. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Level I, Palos Hills, Illinois. Decibel.
Phased Array Week 1, St.
10–29 JUL Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Louis, Missouri. Quality. Practical, Kerala, India.
Level II, Greenville, South India. Decibel.
5–27 JUN Decibel. Time of Flight Diffraction
Carolina. PQT.
Practical, Kerala, India. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Time of Flight Diffraction, St. 12–14 JUL
Decibel. A-scan Thickness, Allentown,
Louis, Missouri. Quality. 1–21 AUG
9–20 JUN Time of Flight Diffraction Pennsylvania. WTTI. Practical, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Level II, Los Angeles, Decibel.
12–16 JUL
Decibel Remote. California. Ultrasonics. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), 7–11 AUG
9–22 JUN 23–30 JUN Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Auto Data Interpreter, Kerala, Auto Data Interpreter, Level II, St. Louis, Missouri.
13–24 JUL
India. Decibel. Trivandrum, India. Decibel Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Quality.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. Remote. Decibel Remote. Level II, Brea, California. Test.
Decibel. Time of Flight Diffraction
26–30 JUN 7–19 AUG
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Level II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I, Allentown, Auto Data Interpreter, Kerala,
India. Decibel. Decibel Remote.
Pennsylvania. WTTI. India. Decibel.
Time of Flight Diffraction
Level II, Palos Hills, Illinois. 16–30 JUL Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
Moraine. Practical, Trivandrum, India. Decibel.
12–14 JUN
29 JUN Decibel Remote. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
Recurrent, San Antonio, Texas. India. Decibel.
Digital Thickness Level II, San 17–18 JUL
BRL. Time of Flight Diffraction
Antonio, Texas. BRL. Introduction to Phased Array,
12–16 JUN Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
1–12 JUL Brea, California. Test.
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. 8–29 AUG
Phased Array Level II, 17–21 JUL
Level II, Pittsburgh, Practical, Kerala, India.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Level I, Portland, Oregon. NPI.
Pennsylvania. Odyssey. Decibel.
Remote. Level I, Greenville, South
Level II, St. Louis, Missouri.
Carolina. PQT. 9–20 AUG
Quality. 1–15 JUL
Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level II, Brea, California. Test. Practical, Trivandrum, India.
Level II, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Decibel Remote.
Level II, Troy, Michigan. XRI. Decibel Remote.
Phased Array Code Compliance Phased Array Level I 13–22 AUG
3–15 JUL
and Advanced Flaw Sizing, (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, California. Practical, Kerala, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Houston, Texas. Ultrasonics. Test. Decibel.
Phased Array Week 2, St. Thickness, Greenville, South
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, 13–24 AUG
Louis, Missouri. Quality. Carolina. PQT.
India. Decibel. Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
13–22 JUN Time of Flight Diffraction 17–29 JUL Decibel Remote.
Practical, Kerala, India. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
14–18 AUG
Decibel. Decibel.
3–22 JUL Level II, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
13–24 JUN Practical, Kerala, India.
India. Decibel. 14–26 AUG
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Time of Flight Diffraction
Decibel Remote. 9–20 JUL Decibel.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
14–18 JUN Level I/II, Trivandrum, India. Phased Array Level II, Kerala,
24–28 JUL
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Decibel Remote. India. Decibel.
Level I, Palos Hills, Illinois.
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Practical, Kerala, India. Time of Flight Diffraction
Decibel. Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.
16–29 JUN Level II, Portland, Oregon. NPI.
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 10–14 JUL Level II, Greenville, South 15–17 AUG
Decibel. Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Carolina. PQT. Thickness, St. Louis, Missouri.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Level I, Heath, Ohio. Mistras. Phased Array Level II Quality.
India. Decibel. Level II, Davenport, Iowa. (SNT-TC-1A), Brea, California.
Time of Flight Diffraction QCTL. Test.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Ultrasonic Testing, cont. 11–15 SEP 25–29 SEP 25 JUL
Level I, Atlanta, Georgia. ATS. Level II, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I, Davenport, Iowa. QCTL.
Level I, Greenville, South Quality.
16–20 AUG 25–30 JUL
Carolina. PQT. Level II, Brea, California. Test.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Level II, Trivandrum, India.
Level II, Allentown, Phased Array (second 40 h),
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Decibel Remote.
Pennsylvania. WTTI. San Antonio, Texas. BRL.
16–30 AUG Thickness, Greenville, South 26–27 JUL
26–28 SEP
Practical, Trivandrum, India. Carolina. PQT. Level II, Davenport, Iowa.
Thickness Davenport, Iowa.
Decibel Remote. QCTL.
11–23 SEP QCTL.
17–30 AUG Auto Data Interpreter, Kerala, 1–3 AUG
Phased Array Level II, India. Decibel. Visual Testing Level I/II, Greenville, South
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Level I/II, Kerala, India. Carolina. PQT.
Remote. Decibel. 1–6 JUN
Level II, Trivandrum, India. 1–6 AUG
21–25 AUG Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Level II, Trivandrum, India.
India. Decibel. Decibel Remote.
Level I, San Antonio, Texas. Decibel Remote.
BRL. Time of Flight Diffraction Level 12–16 JUN
II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India. 2–4 AUG
Level I, Greenville, South
Decibel. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), Troy,
Carolina. PQT. 11–30 SEP Michigan. XRI.
Level I, Davenport, Iowa. QCTL. Practical, Kerala, India. 13–15 JUN
Phased Array Week 1, St. Decibel. Level I/II, Greenville, South 7–11 AUG
Louis, Missouri. Quality. Carolina. PQT. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
13–17 SEP Decibel.
Thickness, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A), 19–23 JUN
Bangalore, India. Trinity. Level I/II, Kerala, India. 14–18 AUG
23–25 AUG Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
13–20 SEP Decibel.
Annex Q, Allentown,
Pennsylvania. WTTI. Practical, Kerala, India. 26–28 JUN
Decibel. Level I/II, San Antonio, Texas. 15–17 AUG
23–30 AUG BRL. Weld Inspection, Heath, Ohio.
13–24 SEP Mistras.
Auto Data Interpreter, Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Decibel Remote. Bangalore, India. Trinity. 21–25 AUG
Remote. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Time of Flight Diffraction 26–29 JUN
28 AUG–1 SEP Level II, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia. Decibel.
Level II, San Antonio, Texas. Decibel Remote. ATS. 29–31 AUG
BRL. Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
16–30 SEP 26–30 JUN
Level II, Greenville, South Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Carolina. PQT. Practical, Trivandrum, India. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Phased Array Week 2, Decibel Remote. Decibel. 6–8 SEP
St. Louis, Missouri. Quality. 18–22 SEP 5–7 JUL Level I/II, Atlanta, Georgia.
Level I, Pittsburgh, Level I/II, St. Louis, Missouri. ATS.
1–12 SEP
Phased Array Level II, Pennsylvania. Odyssey. Quality. 11–15 SEP
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Level I, St. Louis, Missouri. Level I/II, Kerala, India.
10–14 JUL
Remote. Quality. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level I, Brea, California. Test.
1–15 SEP Decibel. 18–22 SEP
Level II, Greenville, South
Practical, Trivandrum, India. 11–13 JUL Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Carolina. PQT.
Decibel Remote. Level I/II, Portland, Oregon. Decibel.
Phased Array (first 40 h), San
4–16 SEP Antonio, Texas. BRL. NPI. 25–27 SEP
Level I/II, Kerala, India. 12–14 JUL Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
18–30 SEP
Decibel. Level I/II, Kerala, India. Level I/II, Jacksonville, Florida. Bangalore, India. Trinity.
Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Decibel. PQT. 25–29 SEP
India. Decibel. Phased Array Level II, Kerala, Level I/II, Kerala, India.
17–21 JUL
Time of Flight Diffraction India. Decibel. Decibel.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Time of Flight Diffraction Decibel. 25–30 SEP
4–23 SEP Level II, Kerala, India. Decibel. Level II, Trivandrum, India.
24–26 JUL
Practical, Kerala, India. Decibel Remote.
Level I/II (SNT-TC-1A),
Bangalore, India. Trinity.
9–20 SEP
24–28 JUL
Level I/II, Trivandrum, India.
Level I/II, Kerala, India.
Decibel Remote.

ASNT grants
802 non-exclusive,
M A T E R I A L S Enon-transferable
E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Short Courses/Topical 18 AUG
Seminars NDT 101, St. Louis, Missouri.
1–13 JUN
Welding Inspection and 21–30 AUG
Quality Control Level II, Introduction to NDT,
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Trivandrum, India. Decibel
Remote. Remote.

12–16 JUN 29–31 AUG

CIVA NDE Simulation Software: Basic Metallurgy for NDT,
Intro and Applications (UT, Heath, Ohio. Mistras.
either CIVA Athena2D or 1–13 SEP
Analysis), Massy, France. Welding Inspection and
Extende France. Quality Control Level I,
13–24 JUN Trivandrum, India. Decibel
Welding Inspection and Remote.
Quality Control Level II, 13–24 SEP
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Welding Inspection and
Remote. Quality Control Level II,
21–30 JUN Trivandrum, India. Decibel
Introduction to NDT, Remote.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel 21–30 SEP
Remote. Introduction to NDT,
30 JUN Trivandrum, India. Decibel
NDT 101, St. Louis, Missouri. Remote.
Quality. 25–29 SEP
1–13 JUL CIVA NDE Simulation Software:
Welding Inspection and Intro and Applications (UT,
Quality Control Level I, GWT), Massy, France. Extende
Trivandrum, India. Decibel France.
Level III Examination
4–5 JUL
CIVA NDE Simulation Software:
Intro and Applications (RT, CT), 1–6 JUN
Massy, France. Extende France. UT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
13–24 JUL India. Decibel Remote.
Welding Inspection and 5–9 JUN
Quality Control Level II, Basic Level III, Kerala, India.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel Decibel.
Remote. MT Level III, Kerala, India.
21–30 JUL Decibel.
Introduction to NDT, 7–12 JUN
Trivandrum, India. Decibel RT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
Remote. India. Decibel Remote.
1–12 AUG 12–16 JUN
Welding Inspection and PT Level III, Kerala, India.
Quality Control Level II, Decibel.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel RT Level III, Kerala, India.
Remote. Decibel.
7–11 AUG 13–16 JUN
MFL per API 653 Annex G, MT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
Dripping Springs, Texas. MFE. India. Decibel Remote.
13–24 AUG 14–16 JUN
Welding Inspection and VT Level III, Houston, Texas.
Quality Control Level II, Kraft.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
Level III Examination 10–14 JUL 25–27 JUL 1–6 SEP
Preparation/Refreshers, cont. Basic Level III, Houston, Texas. MT Level III, St. Louis, UT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
17–20 JUN
Kraft. Missouri. Quality. India. Decibel Remote.
PT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, PT Level III, Kerala, India. 1–5 AUG 4–8 SEP
India. Decibel Remote. Decibel. Basic Level III, Kerala, India. Basic Level III, Kerala, India.
RT Level III, Kerala, India. Decibel. Decibel.
19–23 JUN Decibel.
Digital RT Level III, Troy, MT Level III, Kerala, India. MT Level III, Kerala, India.
Michigan. XRI. 12–14 JUL Decibel. Decibel.
RT Level III, Houston, Texas. Basic Level III, Greenville, 1–6 AUG 6–8 SEP
Kraft. South Carolina. PQT. UT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, Basic Level III, Greenville,
UT Level III, St. Louis, MT Level III, Greenville, South India. Decibel Remote. South Carolina. PQT.
Missouri. Quality. Carolina. PQT. MT Level III, Greenville, South
PT Level III, Greenville, South 7–11 AUG
21–25 JUN PT Level III, Kerala, India. Carolina. PQT.
Carolina. PQT. PT Level III, Greenville, South
Basic Level III Prep, RT Level III, Greenville, South Decibel.
Trivandrum, India. Decibel RT Level III, Kerala, India. Carolina. PQT.
Carolina. PQT. RT Level III, Greenville, South
Remote. UT Level III, Greenville, South Decibel.
Carolina. PQT.
26–30 JUN Carolina. PQT. 7–12 AUG UT Level III, Greenville, South
ET Level III, Kerala, India. VT Level III, Greenville, South RT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, Carolina. PQT.
Decibel. Carolina. PQT. India. Decibel Remote. VT Level III, Greenville, South
RT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri. 13–16 JUL Carolina. PQT.
8–10 AUG
Quality. MT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, VT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri.
PT Level III, St. Louis, Missouri.
UT Level III, Kerala, India. India. Decibel Remote. Quality.
17–18 JUL 13–16 AUG 7–12 SEP
VT Level III, Kerala, India.
Decibel. PT Level III, Branford, MT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, RT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
Connecticut. Atlantic. India. Decibel Remote. India. Decibel Remote.
28–30 JUN
17–19 JUL 14–18 AUG 11–15 SEP
Basic Level III, Greenville,
South Carolina. PQT. MT Level III, Houston, Texas. ET Level III, Houston, Texas. Basic Level III, St. Louis,
MT Level III, Greenville, South Kraft. Kraft. Missouri. Quality.
Carolina. PQT. 17–20 JUL
IR Level III, Barre, Vermont.
16–18 AUG Snell.
PT Level III, Greenville, South PT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, Basic Level III, Greenville,
Carolina. PQT. India. Decibel Remote. PT Level III, Kerala, India.
South Carolina. PQT. Decibel.
RT Level III, Greenville, South MT Level III, Greenville, South
18–19 JUL RT Level III, Kerala, India.
Carolina. PQT. Carolina. PQT.
MT Level III, Branford, Decibel.
UT Level III, Greenville, South PT Level III, Greenville, South
Connecticut. Atlantic.
Carolina. PQT. Carolina. PQT. 13–16 SEP
VT Level III, Greenville, South 19–21 JUL MT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
RT Level III, Greenville, South
Carolina. PQT. PT Level III, Houston, Texas. India. Decibel Remote.
Carolina. PQT.
1–6 JUL UT Level III, Greenville, South 17–20 SEP
UT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, 20–21 JUL Carolina. PQT. PT Level III Prep, Trivandrum,
India. Decibel Remote. Basic Level III, Branford, VT Level III, Greenville, South India. Decibel Remote.
Connecticut. Atlantic. Carolina. PQT.
3–7 JUL 21–25 SEP
Basic Level III, Kerala, India. 21–25 JUL 17–20 AUG Basic Level III Prep,
Decibel. Basic Level III Prep, PT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, Trivandrum, India. Decibel
MT Level III, Kerala, India. Trivandrum, India. Decibel India. Decibel Remote. Remote.
Decibel. Remote. 21–25 AUG 25–29 SEP
7–12 JUL 24–28 JUL Basic Level III Prep, UT Level III, Kerala, India.
RT Level III Prep, Trivandrum, ET Level III, Kerala, India. Trivandrum, India. Decibel Decibel. w x
India. Decibel Remote. Decibel. Remote.
UT Level III, Kerala, India. RT Level III, Houston, Texas.
Decibel. Kraft.
UT Level III, Houston, Texas. UT Level III, Kerala, India.
Kraft. Decibel.
VT Level III, Kerala, India.

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804 non-exclusive,
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E 2 0 1 7of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.
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Materials Evaluation, an official journal of ASNT, is an MANUSCRIPTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION in Materials
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Correction Advertise Now

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to
Correction Advertise in TNT
On page 540 of the May 2017 issue of Materials Evaluation,
Old Dominion Section Chair Doug A. McAvoy Jr. and guest
Make plans today to take
speaker Charles C. Crim were misidentified. The correction
appears below. Materials Evaluation regrets this error. part in the next issue of
The NDT Technician (TNT)
newsletter advertising
program. TNT is published
quarterly in January, April,
July, and October. For more
information on the next issue, published in July,
contact the Advertising Supervisor.

Section Chair Doug A. McAvoy Jr. (right) presented guest

(800) 222-2768 X209 (U.S./Canada)
speaker Charles C. Crim with the Jefferson Cup, an Old E-mail
Dominion Section tradition.

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Comprehensive Site Integrity Assessments and

Mitigations for Unbonded Flexible Pipes
by Wan Abdullah W. Hamat*, Syed Muhsin S.A. Hamid†, and Nurul ‘Ain A. Aziz‡

ABSTRACT Introduction
Unbonded flexible pipes have become a new trend
Unbonded flexible pipes consist of concentric layers of
in the oil and gas sector for transporting hydro- metallic wires and thermoplastics that are specially designed
carbon products due to good service, reliability, to cater to the characteristics of the transported fluid and
and ease of installation, which can be translated to specific environmental requirements as shown in Figure 1.
The pipes have independent layers of flexible structure, which
cheaper cost during design, manufacturing, instal-
can be custom designed to cater to different applications. The
lation, and operations. However, due to limited number of layers may vary from four to more than 19 layers of
inspection options during operation, unbonded materials depending on the criticality of the transported fluid.
flexible pipes are exposed to a greater risk of Unbonded flexible pipes are normally used for risers in
dynamic environments as an alternative to rigid steel pipeline
failure compared with conventional steel pipes.
and subsea flow lines due to the excellent service reliability and
This paper investigates a new inspection approach ease of installation, which translates to installation and mainte-
to perform complete site integrity assessments of nance cost reduction.
unbonded flexible pipes, which can be divided into
three sub-activities: ultrasonic testing (UT), visual
testing (VT), and cathodic protection survey. These Carcass
activities will be conducted consecutively prior to
Inner liner
performing any repairs. This paper also discusses
mitigations and repair measures when there is Pressure armor
damage to the unbonded flexible pipe.
KEYWORDS: Unbonded flexible pipe, nondestruc- Tensile armor
tive testing, ultrasonic testing, remotely operated
vehicle (ROV), cathodic protection survey.
Outer sheath

Figure 1. Typical cross section of a flexible pipe.

In previous years, the application of unbonded flexible

* Materials, Corrosion, and Inspection Engineering, Projects and Engi- pipes was less preferred due to unfamiliarity in assessing the
neering Department, Petronas, Level 6, Menara Dayabumi, Jalan Sultan pipe integrity. Conventional internal inspection methods,
Hishamuddin, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; email such as pipeline data logger, magnetic flux leakage, and ultra-
† Materials, Corrosion, and Inspection Engineering, Projects and Engi- sonic testing based in-line inspection, were unable to be
neering Department, Menara Dayabumi, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, applied to flexible pipes due to their complex structure and
50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; email more complicated failure mechanisms. The inapplicability
‡ Materials, Corrosion, and Inspection Engineering, Projects and Engi-
neering Department, Menara Dayabumi, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, of these inspection methods has caused inaccuracy in deter-
50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; email mination of risk ranking that governs risk-based inspection.

ASNT grants non-exclusive, non-transferable license of this material to Ms Janejira Lertpornprasith.

All rights reserved. © ASNT 2023. To report unauthorized use, contact:
x unbonded flexible pipes

• Aged internal sheath
• Pull-out internal sheath
• Ancillary device failure
• Wax blockage
• Corrosion
35% • Carcass failure
• Smooth bore collapses
• Pigging damage
• Upheaval buckling
12% • Excess torsion
• Excess tension
• Sheath cracking
4% 5%
3% • Armor wire failure

External sheath damage Birdcaging Overbending End-fitting leak Vent system anomalies Others

Figure 2. Flexible pipe failure mode.

Therefore, integrity management of these pipes has been a streams, respectively. The outer sheath is directly exposed to
challenging task and has led to uncertainties in determining seawater and is subject to external damage, whereas the inner
the current condition of the pipe. liner is physically protected by the internal carcass, which acts
Recent technological advancements, coupled with innova- as an anti-collapse layer.
tive engineering, have led to the development of a new inspec- When the outer sheath is damaged, air from the pipe
tion approach that enables operators to assess the integrity of annulus instantly escapes, causing seawater to rush into the
flexible pipes during operations. pipe’s annulus until the pressure in the internal sheath equal-
This paper covers a comprehensive inspection approach izes with the environment. The tensile armor wire’s strength
to assess about 59% of reported unbonded flexible pipe may then degrade over time due to exposure to seawater.
damage mechanisms as shown in Figure 2, which comprise of The inspection approach comprises the following
external sheath damage, birdcaging, overbending, end-fitting sequence of methods:
leak, and vent system discontinuities. l UT
l VT via ROV
Inspection Approach l Cathodic protection survey
Unbonded flexible pipes comprise multiple layers and a (Note: Primary screening can only be applied for outer
combination of materials that require several NDT tech- sheath damage, which causes seawater ingress and flowage of
niques such as VT via remotely operated vehicle (ROV), seawater into the annulus of the unbonded flexible pipe.)
UT, and cathodic protection survey, to ensure a comprehen- Ultrasonic testing results will determine the necessity of
sive assessment. execution for the other two activities that follow. They may
The proposed inspection approach in this paper is appli- not be necessary if UT results show that pipes are free from
cable for unbonded flexible pipes that are designed in accor- any sign of damage.
dance with API 17J, and will address flexible pipe integrity
inspection, fitness for service assessment, and options for miti- Ultrasonic Testing
gation or repair. In principle, the annulus of an undamaged unbonded flexible
In an ideal case, tensile armor wires inside the flexible pipe pipe will be filled with air, whereas the annulus of a flexible
annulus are dry and well protected by two primary layers of pipe with an outer sheath damage will be flooded with
thermoplastic or gas-tight layers called the outer sheath and seawater. These two conditions can be detected by UT.
inner liner. The outer sheath and inner liner protect the A single crystal frequency probe (1 to 6 MHz) is applicable
tensile armor wires from seawater and liquid from process as a minimum requirement for this method.

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In an ideal case, ultrasonic waves will travel into the outer
sheath and bounce its energy back to the probe. However, if
the annulus is filled with seawater, the ultrasonic waves will
continue to travel inside the annulus and will lose energy
primarily due to scattering, beam spread, and absorption.

Ultrasonic Testing Trial

A trial using UT was performed on a 15.24 cm surplus flexible
pipe designed for hydrocarbon gas at a pressure of approxi-
mately 110 barg. The test was done under two conditions:
l annulus is dry
l annulus is flooded with water
The tests were conducted on pipes made of polyethylene
outer sheath with a thickness of 4.8 mm (+1 mm due to
manufacturer tolerance and surface roughness). The UT
system was calibrated using normal carbon steel (Table 1).
Since VL for polyethylene is 3.1 less than that of steel,
polyethylene with a thickness of 5.8 mm should be displayed
as 17.98 mm on the UT screen.
Figure 3. Ultrasonic testing reading on dry annulus of flexible pipe.

Ultrasonic testing system calibrated using normal carbon steel.
Material VL (longitudinal velocity) The amount of ultrasonic energy transmitted into the
Carbon Steel 5900 ms-1 annulus (or transmission coefficient) is calculated by simply
Polyethylene 1900 ms-1 subtracting the reflection coefficient from one.

(3) T =1−R

Case 1: UT Performed when the Flexible Pipe Annulus is Dry Since R is 1, no ultrasonic energy is transmitted into the
Figure 3 clearly shows second and third repetitive echoes
(shown in the white circles), which indicate readings of Case 2: UT Performed when the Flexible Pipe Annulus is Flooded
36 mm and 54 mm, respectively. The initial echo (shown in with Water
the red circle) is assumed to be embedded in the dead zone, In Figure 4, apart from the dead zone, no subsequent echo is
with a reading of approximately 18 mm. detected by the UT probe. Using Equations 1 and 3, the
The amount of energy reflected back into the polyeth- amount of energy reflected back into the polyethylene can be
ylene (or coefficient of reflection) can be calculated using calculated as follows:
Equation 1:
⎡ (1.76 − 1.569) ⎤ 2
⎡ (Z − Z ) ⎤ 2 R =⎢ ⎥
R =⎢ ⎥
1 2
(1) ⎢⎣ (1.76 − 1.569) ⎥⎦
⎢⎣ (Z1 + Z2 ) ⎥⎦ (4)
= 0.003
R is coefficient of reflection, where
and Z is acoustic impedance. Z1= 1.76 (polyethylene)
Z2 = 1.569 (water)
Given that Z for polyethylene and air are
1.76  106 kg/m2s and 0  106 kg/m2s respectively, Calculating the amount of energy transmitted into the
all of the energy is reflected back into the polyethylene as annulus yields the following:
T =1−R
⎡ (1.76 − 0) ⎤ 2 (5) T = 1 − 0.003
R =⎢ ⎥ T = 0.997
⎢⎣ (1.76 + 0) ⎥⎦

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x unbonded flexible pipes

Hence, almost all of the ultrasonic energy (99.7%) is Visual Testing

transmitted into the annulus. The absence of the ultrasonic
energy from Figure 4 is due to the complex geometry of the VT for Above Seawater
tensile armor wires, which absorbs, transmits, reflects, and The overall external condition of pipe sections located above
scatters the ultrasonic waves into unknown targets, as per seawater should be inspected regularly (if possible, on a daily
Figure 5. basis) for any sign of external damage. In particular, the riser
clamp should be checked for any sign of abrasion or bulging.
Abrasion and bulging at the riser clamp areas are typically
caused by poor clamp sizing and poor bolt tightening. There-
fore, the principal engineer should be consulted to recom-
mend the right clamp size and the right torque for bolt
tightening in order to avoid such issues. Any sign of water
ingress requires immediate repair consultation. Detailed
assessment by the principal engineer is important to verify the
extent of damage and to recommend repair methods and
procedures. It is also crucial to inspect the integrity of the gas-
venting system components, gas monitoring system, vented
gas flow rate, and vent valves to ensure that there is no
pressure buildup in the annulus of the pipe.

VT for Submerged Sections via Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

When the UT result reveals that the pipe annulus is flooded
with water, the entire submerged length of the flexible pipe
should be inspected externally via ROV inspection. The ROV
inspection covers the following areas:
l Location and size of outer sheath damage (gas bubbling will
Figure 4. Ultrasonic testing reading on flooded flexible pipe annulus. be observed when the outer sheath is damaged due to
permeation of gas through the inner liner).
l Any sign of other discontinuities, such as birdcaging, over-
bending, end-fitting leak, and others. Areas inaccessible by
UT probes
ROVs, such as the pipe’s six o’clock position or sections of
the pipe buried under the seabed, might create challenges for
inspection and hence require additional inspection repair
Polyethylene outer sheath consultation.
Cathodic Protection Survey
Tensile armor Flexible pipe tensile armor wires are commonly equipped
with anodes, which are installed at the subsea flexible flanges
to protect them from corrosion when there is damage to the
UT energy transmits and reflects into unknown targets
flexible pipe outer sheath. For sufficient protection, all carbon
steel wires should receive a current potential of –850 mV to
–1150 mV with respect to silver-silver chloride (Ag-AgCl), and a
Figure 5. Scattering of ultrasonic waves in flooded annulus. maximum current potential of –850 mV for stainless steel.

Cathodic protection survey procedures as determined from readings.
Cathodic protection reading Next course of action
From –850 mV to –1150 mV (for carbon steel) and a maximum of –850 mV No further action is required. Future ROV and cathodic cathodic
(for stainless steel) protection survey dates should be determined.
More positive than –850 mV (for carbon steel) and more negative than –850 mV Mitigation is required.
(for stainless steel)

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To identify whether the tensile armor wire is sufficiently If the last inspection was conducted 20 years ago:
protected by the anode, cathodic protection survey should be
Total metal loss = 0.116 mm/yr × 20 years
carried out in accordance with approved cathodic protection (9)
= 2.32 mm
procedures. The cathodic protection reading will determine
the next course of action, as per Table 2. If the nominal thickness of the tensile armor wire is
3 mm the remaining armor wire thickness becomes
Corrosion Assessment 3 – 2.32 mm = 0.68 mm.
If the results of the cathodic protection survey indicate that Flexible pipe consultants or manufacturers will use the
mitigation is required, a corrosion assessment should be remaining armor wire thickness to determine revised utiliza-
performed where the pipe’s estimated total metal loss is calcu- tion factor, which will then be crosschecked with the specified
lated based on the last inspection date. Since the exact date of utilization factor value from API 17J. If the revised utilization
damage is unknown, it is advisable to consider a conservative factor value is less than the required value specified in
value for the total number of years. The calculated value of API 17J, the pipe shall be scheduled for replacement.
expected metal loss can then be used to determine the Conversely, if the value meets API 17J requirement, the
remaining life of the flexible pipe. current armor wire thickness is acceptable and flexible pipe is
The expected metal loss of carbon steel when exposed to fit for purpose. However, corrosion rate shall be suppressed
seawater can be calculated using Equation 7. The damage through mitigation.
mechanism for flexible pipes exposed to seawater can either
be crevice corrosion or oxygen corrosion, depending on Suggested Mitigation and Repair of Flexible Pipe
whether the seawater in the annulus is depleted or saturated
with oxygen. For the purposes of this paper, the damage is Above Water Flexible Pipe
assumed to be oxygen corrosion, where Equation 6 is When the outer sheath is damaged, the tensile armor wires
applicable: may be exposed to chloride-containing environments. Flexible
pipes at the riser are highly susceptible to damages during
a, Metal loss (mm/per year) installation and operation. Therefore, extra precautions
(6) 3.2706 × molar mass of iron × current should be exercised during flexible pipe pulling activities and
density × number of electrons metal clamping during riser clamp installation. This exposure
causes the wires to corrode rapidly as there is no corrosion
Total metal loss (mm) protection. Additionally, the damaged areas may become a
(7) = a × total number of years water collecting point, which may aggravate corrosion of the
since last inspection metallic wires inside the annulus. Therefore, prior to perma-
nent repair, the damaged outer sheath shall be immediately
where protected against water.
Molar mass = 56 g/mol Encirclement thermoplastic welding or metal clamp is
Current density = 0.01 mA/cm2 recommended as a permanent repair method. (Operators are
Density of carbon steel = 7.88 g/cm3 recommended to consult with the flexible pipe principal
Number of electrons = 2 engineer while preparing the repair procedures prior to
executing any site work.)
The overall integrity of the tensile armor wires can be
assessed based on the utilization factor for each component in Underwater Flexible Pipe
accordance with API 17J. (A flexible pipe consultant or manu- Unbonded flexible pipes are subjected to mitigation or repair
facturer may be consulted to calculate the utilization factor, when the cathodic protection reading is more positive than
which is used to determine the minimum required thickness –850 mV (for carbon steel) or more negative than –850 mV
of the tensile armor wires.) (for stainless steel). The affected areas shall be mitigated
Then, through installation of retrofit anodes.

56 g 0.01 mA Conclusion
3.2706 × ×
Metal loss = mol cm 2 The inspection approach discussed in this paper addresses some
7.88 g
of the integrity uncertainties related to unbonded flexible pipes
(8) cm 3 during operations. The integrity of these pipes can now be
0.116 mm assessed through collaboration between teams from multiple
Metal loss =
yr fields of expertise, comprising of UT specialists, ROV operators,
cathodic protection surveyors, and experienced unbonded
flexible pipe designers and repair technicians.

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x unbonded flexible pipes

This inspection approach focuses solely on identifying and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

mitigating external unbonded flexible pipe damages. The authors would like to thank Abd Khalid B Jaafar, Ahmad Fuad B Idris,
However, the effects of CO2, H2S, and other corrosive gasses and Kamal Azam B Ibrahim from Petronas Carigali Sdn. Bhd. for their
continuous support in materializing this technical paper to support the
inside the annulus when flooded with seawater is not delivery of fast track projects. Special thanks is expressed to Neary Teck
discussed in this paper. These issues have been addressed by and Pierre Antoine Savy from Technip Malaysia, Syed Nasir from Velosi
various other international publications (Charlesworth, 2011; Malaysia, Zainoridin A Majid from Petronas Peninsular Malaysia Opera-
tions, and other support team members for their technical support and for
Last, 2002; Dupoiron, 2003). their assistance during specimen testing.
Once the location of the external discontinuities is identi-
fied, the selection of a suitable inspection frequency is essen- REFERENCES
tial for pipe integrity management. Damaged unbonded API, API Recommended Practice 17B: Recommended Practice for Flexible
flexible pipes above sea water level shall be repaired immedi- Pipe, 3rd ed., The American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 2002.
ately. Conversely, underwater damages are less critical as long API, API Standard 17J: Specification for Unbonded Flexible Pipe, 4th ed.,
The American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 2014.
as it is within the coverage of installed anodes.
Charlesworth, David, Bill D’All, Cecile Zimmerlin, Elias Remita, Nina
In conclusion, unbonded flexible pipes are expected to be Langhelle,, and Ting Wang, “Operational Experience of the Fatigue
more widely used as they offer many potential benefits that Performance of a Flexible Riser with a Flooded Annulus,” Offshore Tech-
are in line with the industry’s cost optimization outlook, nology Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4–6 October 2011.
particularly in fast track oil and gas projects. The inspection Dupoiron, Francois and Carol Taravel Condat, (2003, January 1). “High
Strength Metallic Materials for Flexible Pipes: Specific Environments and
and maintenance practices for unbonded flexible pipes high- Corrosion Behavior,” NACE International: CORROSION 2003, San
lighted in this paper ensure that appropriate levels of relia- Diego, California, 16–20 March 2003.
bility and integrity will be able to be achieved. Last, Sijm, Steve Groves, Jean Rigaud, Carol Taravel- Condat, Jakob
Wedel-Heinen, Richard Clements, and Stefan Buchner, “Comparison of
Models to Predict the Annulus Conditions of Flexible Pipe,”Offshore
Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 6–9 May 2002.

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Synthetic Focusing of Sound Beam Using Linear Array

by Paritosh Nanekar*, N. Jothilakshmi†, Anish Kumar‡, and T. Jayakumar§

ABSTRACT Introduction
A sound beam focusing technique called synthetic
Sound beam focusing has always been a subject of interest in
focusing using linear array (SFLA) has been
ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation. The traditional tech-
developed. The technique is based on acquiring nique of sound beam focusing is through the use of an
the raw B-scan image using a divergent sound acoustic lens, which is fitted to the front of the crystal
beam emanating from individual elements of an (Rooney and Reid, 1966; Ezzaidi et al., 2002; Shiloh, Bondt,
and Som, 1993). Such transducers can be used only for
array and then carrying out synesthetic aperture
immersion tests, which may not be practical for all compo-
focusing technique (SAFT) processing of the raw nent geometries. Moreover, the lens based focusing trans-
data to achieve sound beam focusing throughout ducer gives focusing at a fixed distance or in a fixed zone. In
the thickness of the sample. The sound beam the 1970s, focusing of sound beam by the post-processing
reconstruction technique named SAFT was developed (Fred-
focusing is achieved using much less advanced
erick, Seydel, and Fairchild, 1974; Kino et al., 1979). In
resources as compared to the focal law based SAFT, for each transducer position, the raw data containing a
phased array technique. The data size for post sound beam scattered by a flaw is collected using a divergent
processing is also significantly smaller as ultrasonic beam. During the reconstruction process, the
sound beams are time shifted or back propagated to the scat-
compared to the one acquired using full matrix
tering source and averaged out using wave propagation
capture (FMC). The sensitivity for the detection of formulae. The signal amplitude at the discontinuity location is
discontinuities and the ability to resolve them from highly improved as a result of constructive interference of the
each other using SFLA technique has been sound beam from various locations. At locations other than
the flaw, poor correlation of the signal phase causes the
assessed on aluminum and carbon steel samples.
destructive interference of the sound beam, which leads to a
The results obtained by SFLA technique have been considerable drop in the signal amplitude (Chahbaz and
found to be comparable to those obtained by Sicard, 2003; Schmitz, Chakhlov, and Müller, 2000). The last
the full matrix capture – total focusing method couple of decades have witnessed a phenomenal rise in the
use of linear arrays for ultrasonic examination. Sound beam
(FMC + TFM). The focusing ability of SFLA
focusing using linear arrays is achieved by controlling the
technique has been utilized for accurate depth sequence in which the elements of an array are excited and
sizing of a planar flaw in the weld joint. the time delay in their excitation and reception, referred to as
KEYWORDS: phased array, synthetic aperture focal law (Olympus NDT, 2014; Azar, Shi, and Wooh, 2000).
One can focus the sound beam using contact transducers and
focusing technique, ultrasonic imaging, sound
the focusing depth and the direction can be varied using a
beam focusing, flaw characterization. single linear array transducer by the use of appropriate focal
laws (Gebhardt, 1983; Uchida et al., 1984; Dias, 1981). An
* B.E., Quality Assurance Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, advanced approach of sound beam focusing using linear
Mumbai 400085, India; Tel: +91 22 25594867; fax: +91 22 25505339; arrays is by a technique known as full matrix capture – total
† M.Tech, Quality Assurance Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
focusing method or FMC + TFM. In FMC, the raw B-scan
Mumbai 400085, India; e-mail: data is acquired element by element using a “transmit on
‡ Ph.D., Non-destructive Evaluation Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for one and receive by all” approach (Holmes, Drinkwater, and
Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102, India; e-mail:
§ Ph.D., Visiting Professor, Department of MME, National Institute of
Wilcox, 2005). The imaging of the region of interest (ROI) is
Technology, Warangal 506804, India; e-mail: done using TFM algorithm (Lines, Wharrie, and Hottenroth,

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x synthetic focusing of sound beam

2012; Holmes, Drinkwater, and Wilcox, 2004). FMC + TFM adequate. With FMC technique, the instrumentation needs to
leads to a high resolution imaging for the enhanced detection have large number of parallel receiver channels to speed up
and sizing of flaws. In the current study, an integrated the data acquisition process. This adds to the cost of instru-
approach to sound beam focusing using a linear array and mentation. However, with the FMC approach, since the raw
SAFT has been developed. The technique is named synthetic data is available for all the transmitter-receiver combinations,
focusing using linear array. The methodology followed for the the quality of the processed B-scan image is expected to be
data acquisition and processing by SFLA technique and its better than SFLA technique.
advantages over the existing sound beam focusing techniques Figures 1b and 1c show the raw B-scan and the SAFT
are discussed in this paper. Moreover, the results of the exper- processed B-scan images respectively for 0.5 mm diameter
imental work carried out for the assessment of the sensitivity, side drilled hole in an aluminum sample located at a depth of
the lateral coverage, and the resolution that can be achieved 25 mm from the surface using SFLA technique. A 10 MHz,
by SFLA technique in comparison to the FMC + TFM tech- 0.3 mm pitch, a 128 elements linear array is used for this
nique have been brought out. purpose. The array is symmetrically placed over the hole such

Methodology of Sound Beam Focusing by SFLA

The sound beam focusing by SFLA technique is a two-step
process. In the first step, the raw B-scan data is acquired by a Electronic scanning
divergent sound beam emanating from a miniature element of Linear
a linear array. In the second step, the raw B-scan is processed array
by a time-based SAFT algorithm. During SAFT processing,
the raw A-scan signals are time shifted, summed, and averaged
to achieve the sound beam focusing at the flaw location Side
(Thomson, 1984; Müller, Schmitz, and Schäfer, 1986). drilled
Figure 1a schematically shows the process of data acquisition
by SFLA technique. A linear array is symmetrically placed (a)
over the 0.5 mm diameter side drilled hole in an aluminum Amplitude (dB)
block, and the raw B-scan image is acquired by electronic 0 100
scanning. The data acquisition by SFLA technique is based 5 60

on a “transmit on one and receive by the same element” 40

approach, unlike FMC where the reception is by all the
Depth (mm)

elements of an array. 15 Divergent signal from the hole

SFLA technique has several advantages over the conven- 20
tional SAFT, where the data is acquired by a single crystal 25
piezoelectric element. With SFLA technique, since a single 30
miniature element of an array is used for sound beam trans-
mission, a large beam spread is available during data acquisi- 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 38
(b) Distance (mm)
tion. Moreover, the A-scan data are available at a very small Amplitude (dB)
interval (pitch of the linear array) using SFLA technique. 0

Both these factors help in effective SAFT processing, leading 5 60

to a very fine focal spot size. When compared to FMC, SFLA 10 20
Depth (mm)

technique offers two distinct advantages. The first one is 15 Signal from hole after processing
related to the data size for post-processing. As an example,
when an array with 128 elements is used and the data is
acquired for 10 000 data points (1 byte each), then 25
using FMC the file size would be of the order of 164 MB 30
(128  128  10000  1). Using SFLA technique, the file size 35
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 38
under identical condition would be 1.29 MB (128  10000  1), (c) Distance (mm)
which is significantly less than FMC. Hence a real-time sound
beam focusing system based on SFLA technique can easily be
realized. The second one is related to the instrumentation Figure 1. Sound beam focusing by SFLA technique: (a) methodology
for data acquisition; (b) raw B-scan; and (c) SAFT processed B-scan
requirements for data acquisition. Since with SFLA technique, image for 0.5 mm diameter side drilled hole in aluminum sample
a single element is used for transmission and reception at any using SFLA technique. SAFT = synthetic aperture focusing technique;
point of time, a single channel instrument with multiplexing is SFLA = synthetic focusing using linear array.

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that some elements lie on one side of the hole and the
remaining elements on the other. The raw B-scan image
shows a well spread-out signal from the hole. The signal
shows some discontinuity at distances of around 7 mm, 10 mm
15 mm, and 26 mm. These discontinuities are because of the
dead elements in the linear array used. The well spread-out 50 mm
signal in the raw B-scan gets reduced to a spot on SAFT
processing. The 6 dB lateral spread of the hole signal, which
can be considered the dimension of the focal spot, is found to Holes are separated
depthwise by 5 mm
be 0.46 mm. This indicates that with SFLA technique, one
can achieve a very fine focusing of the sound beam. Another
significant outcome is with respect to the amplitude of the
Figure 2. Experimental set-up for data acquisition on carbon steel
hole signal. The low amplitude signal from the hole in the raw sample with vertically stacked side drilled holes.
B-scan image is significantly enhanced after SAFT processing.
There is also a significant reduction in the amplitude of the
initial ringing and its extent in the depth direction upon SAFT
Sensitivity for Discontinuity Detection Using a Focused Sound
processing. Beam
In a similar manner, the focal spot size is determined for
the depth range of 5 mm to 45 mm. It is observed that the To determine the sensitivity for discontinuity detection using
focal spot size remains uniform at 0.45 0.05 mm. The results a focused sound beam by SFLA technique, experiments are
indicate that the sound beam focusing achieved by SFLA carried out on a carbon steel sample with 1 mm diameter side
technique is independent of depth over a considerable range. drilled hole located at a distance of 10 mm to 45 mm from the
This is one major advantage over the focusing achieved by scanning surface. The sketch of the sample showing the
focal law based phased array examination, where under iden- location of the holes and the placement of linear array is
tical experimental conditions, the focal spot size increases shown in Figure 2. The holes are separated center-to-center
with the depth (Olympus NDT, 2014). by a distance of 5 mm. Figures 3a and 3b show the raw and
the processed B-scan images using SFLA technique. The raw
Performance Assessment of SFLA Technique for B-scan images show a number of signals with the shape of a
Discontinuity Detection by a Focused Sound Beam hyperbola at various depths corresponding to the side drilled
The performance of the SFLA technique for the purpose of holes in the sample. For the topmost hole, there is no obstruc-
discontinuity detection and characterization is assessed for tion to the sound beam during the transmission and recep-
two specific aspects: the sensitivity and the ability to resolve tion. As a result, an uninterrupted signal is seen in the raw
two closely spaced discontinuities. To study these, experi- B-scan image. As one moves towards the holes located at
ments are carried out on a carbon steel sample and an higher depths in the block, a distinct shadow region is seen in
aluminum sample with side drilled holes located at different the central part of the raw image. The shadow region gets
depths from the scanning surface. The raw B-scan images are wider and wider for the holes at larger depths. The shadow
acquired using a 10 MHz, 0.3 mm pitch, 128 element linear region is an indication of the fact that the holes at larger
array. A phased array system with a configuration of 64 depths are not detected by the central elements of an array.
parallel transmitter-receiver channels and 128-channels in These holes are however detected by the elements, which are
multiplexed mode is used for data acquisition. The raw data is away from the central region of an array, by the divergent
processed by a time based SAFT algorithm written in an inte- sound beam. It is this divergence that is crucial during the
grated development environment. The results obtained by post-processing of the raw data using SAFT algorithm.
SFLA technique are compared with the ones obtained by The SAFT processed B-scan image shows all the eight
FMC+TFM technique. Since the phased array instrumenta- holes present in the sample. The topmost hole shows the least
tion in the authors’ laboratory has only 64 parallel receiver lateral spread and highest signal amplitude as compared to the
channels, only 64 of the total 128 elements of the linear array bottommost hole, which shows the minimum amplitude and
could be used for data acquisition using FMC. With SFLA the largest spread. The primary reason for the increase in the
technique, since a single element of an array is active at any lateral spread with the depth is the shadow region that is
given point of time, the raw data could be acquired using all encountered for all the holes, except the topmost, during data
the 128 elements of the array. The use of lesser number of acquisition. The shadow region is an indication of the fact
elements for data acquisition has an adverse effect on the focal that the hole is not detected by the central region of the sound
spot size achieved. beam but by the peripheral beam. Across the sound beam, the
acoustic pressure is highest in the central region and reduces
gradually towards the periphery. As a result, for the bottom

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x synthetic focusing of sound beam

Amplitude (dB) Amplitude (dB)

0 128 0 128

100 100
5 5
80 80
60 60
10 10
40 40
20 20
15 15
0 0
Depth (mm)

Depth (mm)
20 20

25 25

30 30

35 35

40 40

45 45
48 48
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 38 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 38
(a) Distance (mm) (b) Distance (mm)

Amplitude (dB)
0 0 128


15 20

Depth (mm)
Depth (mm)





40 45

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19
(c) (d) Distance (mm)

Figure 3. B-scan images of a carbon steel sample with vertically stacked holes: (a) raw data; (b) SFLA using 128 elements; (c) FMC + TFM using
64 elements; and (d) SFLA using 64 elements. FMC + TFM = full matrix capture – total focusing method; SFLA = synthetic focusing using linear

holes, the raw A-scans do not have very high signal amplitude comparison, the data by SFLA technique is acquired using
from the hole. Hence, the constructive interference at the hole 64 elements. The SAFT processed B-scan image is shown in
location and the destructive interference away from it during Figure 3d. Although all eight holes in the sample are detected,
SAFT processing is not as effective for the holes at a larger there is a significant increase in the lateral spread of the hole
depth as it is for the topmost hole. This leads to an increase in signals in comparison to the results obtained while using
the lateral spread of the hole signal in the processed data. 128 elements.
The FMC + TFM image is shown in Figure 3c. All eight Table 1 shows the comparison of the results obtained
holes in the block are detected. In this case too, the topmost by SFLA (64 and 128 elements) and FMC + TFM
hole shows the least lateral spread and the highest signal (64 elements) techniques in terms of the range of 6 dB lateral
amplitude as compared to the bottom holes. For the sake of spread of the signals and the variation in the signal amplitude

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Comparison of 6 dB lateral spread and amplitude variation for carbon steel sample with vertically stacked holes by SFLA and FMC + TFM
Sr. Number Technique 6 dB lateral spread Amplitude
variation (mm) variation (dB)
1 SFLA 128 elements 0.4 to 1.4 23
2 SFLA 64 elements 0.4 to 3.0 25
3 FMC + TFM 64 elements 0.4 to 2.9 27

from the holes. The lower bound value of the lateral spread, details. The linear array is placed in such a way that the central
which is for the topmost hole, is similar for all the cases. seven holes lie in the region below the array and the
However, the upper bound value, which is for the bottom- remaining eight (four on each side) are located in the region
most hole, indicates that the focusing at higher depth is better away from it. Figures 5a and 5b show the raw and the SFLA
with SFLA while using 128 elements as compared to FMC + processed B-scan images respectively. The raw image shows
TFM technique. The higher value of the lateral spread with overlapping signals from the holes. The overlapping occurs
FMC + TFM technique occurs because only 64 elements of because the holes are closely spaced and each hole gives a
the array are used for data acquisition. As a result, the sound wide hyperbolic signal. From the raw image, one cannot get
beam divergence available for post-processing and the total any information on the number of holes and lateral separation
number of raw A-scans for each hole are significantly less in between them. During SAFT processing, the lateral range for
the data acquired by FMC. These factors lead to an increase sound beam focusing is defined in such a way that in addition
in the lateral spread, especially at larger depths. However, to the region below the linear array, the region of approxi-
when the same number of elements are used for data acquisi- mately 30 mm on both sides of the array is also included. This
tion, the results obtained by SFLA and FMC + TFM tech- ensures that the holes that do not lie directly beneath the
niques are similar. As far as the amplitude variation is linear array, and are primarily detected because of the diver-
concerned, the least variation is observed for SFLA with gent sound beam by the peripheral elements of the array, are
128 elements. FMC +TFM and SFLA with 64 elements imaged in the processed B-scan image. The processed B-scan
show marginally higher variation in the signal amplitudes image shows all the fifteen holes that are present in this block,
from the holes. including the ones that do not lie below the array. The
extreme four holes at both ends, which are not located
Lateral Coverage for Discontinuity Detection by a Focused Sound beneath the linear array, show lower amplitude and higher
Beam spread as compared to the central holes. The central holes are
The lateral coverage or the ability of SFLA technique to detected by the sound beam emanating from the majority of
detect the discontinuity with a focused sound beam in the the elements of the array. As a result, there are a number of
region below the array and also beyond it at the same time is A-scans with measurable signal amplitude from the central
determined by carrying out the experiments on an aluminum holes for SAFT processing. This leads to better focusing and
sample containing fifteen 2 mm diameter side drilled holes higher signal amplitude from the holes in the processed data.
located at the depth of 25 mm from the scanning surface. Contrary to this, the holes that do not lie below the array are
Figure 4 shows the experimental set-up and the sample detected by the sound beam emanating from very few

25 mm

4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5

6 6 6 7.5 8.5 8.5 7.5 6 6 6

Dimensions (mm)

Figure 4. Experimental arrangement for data acquisition on aluminum sample with horizontally separated holes.

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x synthetic focusing of sound beam

Amplitude (dB) Amplitude (dB)

0 0 120
100 100
5 80
5 80

10 60
10 60

Depth (mm)
40 40
Depth (mm)

15 20 15 20
0 0
20 20
25 25
30 30
35 35
40 40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(a) Distance (mm) (b) Distance (mm)

Depth (mm)



(c) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Distance (mm)

Figure 5. B-scan images of an aluminum sample with horizontally separated holes: (a) raw data; (b) SFLA; and (c) FMC + TFM. FMC + TFM =
full matrix capture – total focusing method; SFLA = synthetic focusing using linear array.

elements, and that too, is the peripheral sound beam. Hence, the receiving element, producing an indication. The sound
during SAFT processing, the focusing is not very effective, path of this signal is marginally higher than the direct sound
leading to larger lateral spread and lower signal amplitude. path, and so after processing it appears as a separate signal in
The results indicate that SFLA technique is able to detect the image at a slightly higher depth.
and resolve the volumetric discontinuities that are located Figure 5c shows the result of FMC + TFM. The image
close to each other in the region below the array as well as shows all the fifteen holes that are present in the sample. All
away from it. In addition to the signals from the holes at the the holes are clearly resolved.
expected depth, the processed B-scan image shows some Table 2 gives the comparison of results obtained by SFLA
additional signals beneath the signals from the hole. These and FMC + TFM techniques. The results are compared in
low amplitude signals are seen prominently at the locations terms of the lateral coverage achieved, the minimum 6 dB
where the central five holes are present and appear at a
slightly higher depth than the signals from the holes. The TABLE 2
primary reasons for the appearance of these additional signals Comparison of 6 dB spread, lateral coverage, and amplitude
are the beam spread and a small lateral separation between variation using SFLA and FMC techniques for aluminum block with
laterally separated holes.
the holes. When the sound beam is incident on any one of
these closely spaced holes, there is a reflected signal that goes Parameter SFLA FMC + TFM
back directly to the receiving element. Since the reflected Minimum 6 dB lateral spread (mm) 1.0 1.0
sound beam is also divergent, a part of this goes towards the Lateral coverage (mm) 86 86
adjacent hole from where it gets reflected and finally reaches Amplitude variation (dB) 16 21

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Dimensions (mm)

0.9 1.2

0.6 1.1 1.5

(a) Dimensions (mm) (b)

Figure 6. Carbon steel sample with closely spaced side drilled holes: (a) sketch showing the separation between the holes; and (b) magnified
view of the holes in the sample.

spread, and the amplitude variation. The results indicate the

lateral coverage of approximately 86 mm is obtained by both
the techniques. The minimum 6 dB spread value, which Amplitude (dB)
corresponds to the central hole, is in a similar range for both 128
the techniques. The amplitude variation is higher with 4
FMC+TFM technique as compared to SFLA, primarily 6 60
because of the fact that only 64 of the total 128 elements of 8 40
Depth (mm)

the array are used to acquire full matrix data. 10 20

12 0

Resolving Power 16
In order to determine the resolving power of SFLA technique, 18
experiments are conducted on a carbon steel sample having 20
side drilled holes of 0.5 mm diameter located at a depth of 22
20 mm from the surface and separated center-to-center in
lateral direction by 0.6 mm to 1.5 mm. Figures 6a and 6b 28
show the sketch and the magnified view of the holes in the 30
sample respectively. Figure 7a shows the processed B-scan 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 32 33 34 35 36
image for this sample using SFLA technique. The image Distance (mm)
shows that all the holes that are present in this sample are 0
very well resolved, including the ones that are separated by
0.6 mm. The above result indicates that the sound beam
focusing achieved by SFLA is very effective and the technique
is able to resolve very closely spaced discontinuities separated
edge-to-edge by a distance of 0.1 mm. Figure 7b shows the
Depth (mm)

B-scan image using FMC + TFM technique. The image

indicates that the holes separated by 0.6 mm are not resolved 20
clearly. The resolution for other holes is satisfactory. The
results by SFLA technique are marginally better than ones
obtained by FMC + TFM technique. This can be attributed
to the higher number of elements used for data acquisition
with SFLA technique (128) as compared to FMC
(64 elements).
(b) 40

Characterization of a Weld Discontinuity

Nondestructive examination provides a vital input in the Figure 7. B-scan images for carbon steel sample with closely spaced
fitness-for-service assessment of a component containing side drilled holes: (a) SFLA technique; and (b) FMC + TFM technique.

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x synthetic focusing of sound beam

discontinuities by providing information on the depth

(height or through-wall dimension) of a discontinuity Amplitude (dB)
2 100
(ASME, 2015). The conventional ultrasonic techniques based 4
on the amplitude of the reflected signal from the discontinuity

Depth (mm)
are prone to the depth sizing errors (Chapman, 1987). Ultra- 8 Upper tip 0
sonic techniques based on the time of flight of the signals 10 Lower tip
diffracted from the discontinuity extremities are very accurate 12
in this regard (Ogilvy et al., 1983; Charlesworth et al., 2001). 14 –100
These techniques are based on locating the discontinuity 16
extremities with respect to the scanning surface. If a focused 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
sound beam is used for this purpose, the uncertainty involved (a) Distance (mm)
in locating the discontinuity extremities would be less, as well 2
Amplitude (dB)
as the error in the depth sizing. The focusing ability of SFLA

Depth (mm)
technique is utilized for the depth sizing of a sidewall lack of
fusion in a 15 mm thick carbon steel weld joint. Figure 8 0

shows the photograph of the weld sample containing the Upper tip

discontinuity. Prior to sectioning the sample, the B-scan data 10

Lower tip
by SFLA and FMC techniques are acquired by placing the linear –100

array symmetrically over the discontinuity. 15

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 38
(b) Distance (mm)

Depth (mm)


Upper tip
Lower tip

Lack of sidewall fusion 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(c) Distance (mm)

Figure 8. Lack of sidewall fusion in the weld sample. Figure 9. B-scan images for carbon steel weld sample with lack of
sidewall fusion: (a) raw B-Scan; (b) SFLA technique; and (c) FMC +
TFM technique. FMC + TFM = full matrix capture – total focusing
method; SFLA = synthetic focusing using linear array.
Figures 9a and 9b show the raw and the SAFT processed
B-scan images by SFLA technique. The raw image shows two
hyperbolic signals corresponding to the upper and the lower
tips of lack of sidewall fusion. These signals are reduced to
fine spots on SAFT processing. From the locations of these can be achieved using much less advanced resources in terms
spot indications from the scanning surface, the depth of lack of the instrumentation requirements. A single channel instru-
of sidewall fusion is evaluated. Figure 9c shows the FMC + ment with multiplexing is adequate for data acquisition.
TFM image for this discontinuity. In this case too, the upper l The sensitivity, the lateral coverage, and the resolving power
and the lower tips of the discontinuity are detected. The for discontinuity detection is comparable to FMC + TFM
depth of lack of sidewall fusion evaluated by SFLA and technique.
FMC + TFM technique is 2.9 mm and 2.8 mm, which is very l Since the size of the acquired data for post-processing is
close to the true depth of 3 mm found out by metallography. much smaller, a low-cost and compact real-time imaging
system for industrial use based on SFLA technique can easily
Conclusions be realized.
SFLA has been developed. The technique offers the following l The ability to detect and accurately characterize the weld
advantages: planar discontinuity has shown that SFLA technique has
l As compared to the conventional phased array using focal immense potential for field applications involving ultrasonic
laws, a very fine focal spot size over a significant depth range nondestructive testing and evaluation.

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Engineering Series, Baldock: Research Studies Press Ltd., 2001,
ISBN 0-86380-239-247. Olympus NDT, Phased Array Testing: Basic Theory for Industrial Applica-
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2005, pp. 701–711.

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Characterization. Several Creaform 638, 739
papers have already been Curtis Industries 662, 719, 739
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role of characterization in NDT. Hellier 626, 745
Contact the advertising super- Inspection Plug Strategies 727, 747
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Evaluation will feature papers
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on Radiographic Testing with a MFE Enterprises 717, 753
Product Spotlight on Laser Mistras Group, Inc. 702, 754
Methods. Make sure your NDT Boot Camp 792
company is in the issue; NDT Classroom 651, 662, 755
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