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8 класс 03.04 план

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Lesson Plan 4

Theme of the lesson:

Unit:8 Food and drink
Teacher’s name: Akylzhanova T.E
Date: 03.04.2023
Grade:8 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: The food waste scandal
Learning objectives(s) that 8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
this lesson is contributing talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics
to: 8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and
8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise
priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks
8.W2 write with minimal support about real and imaginary past
events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general
topics and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: use speaking and listening skills to
solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
Most learners will be able to: begin to link comments with
some flexibility to what others say
Some learners will be able to link with little or no support,
sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic
connectors on a range of familiar general topics
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
Part of the lesson/Time Teacher’s Student’s Assessment Resources
activity activity
Beginning of the lesson Organization The aim: To At the CD player
Warming-up moment: develop Ss organization Microphone
1.Greeting. speaking skills moment T cards
3 min. Ask about the and create tries to award
weather friendly active Ss.
atmosphere «The praise»
Efficiency: By method is
telling the used to
wishes they evaluate Ss
show their with phrases
appreciations . like:
“Good job!
Well done!”
Pre-learning T puts the cards Ss look through Descriptor: Whiteboard
«Brainstorming» with the pictures the cards and -know key
method of active words words Cards
5 min. vocabulary from connected food - can give
previous lesson and drinks. examples Student’s
and asks Ss to book
Aim: Find out
name them, then Total: 1point
how much do
make up as they remember. Praise Ss
many sentences Efficiency: Ss who has
as they can. refresh their more cards
In mind before and could
differentiation starting new name the
part «Think theme. cards.
and share»
method was
used to check
up student’s
After that T
introduces the
aim and theme
of the lesson.
Middle of the lesson «Vocabulary» Ss open their Descriptor:
Presentation part. method is used books on page -can use new Whiteboard
13 min. to open up the 89 and complete words Student’s
theme of the the sentences in -can evaluate book
lesson. T asks to exercise 6. each other Flashcards
Ss to look at Write down new
exercise 6 on words
page 89. Total: 1point
T asks to
complete the
text with the
given words.
«Read and Ss revise the T praise Whiteboard
check» vocabulary and active Ss Student’s
T asks Ss to read sentences with phrases book
check each one by one. such as: Poster
other. Ss check each “Good job!
other and Well done!”
themselves. “One more
time, please”
6 min. T gives exercise Ss write down Descriptor: Whiteboard
7,p 89. T new words -use new Student’s
presents new Practice words book Poster
words. Explain pronunciation -make
the meaning and Make up examples
gives examples. examples with
T asks make a new words
discussion Make a Total: 1point
according to the discussion
examples. .
Aim: work with
To develop Ss
critical thinking
skills and
speaking skills
method is used
to help Ss use
new words in
the sentences.
8 min. T asks students Ss do exercises Descriptor: Whiteboard
to look at 8. -think and Student’s
exercise 8 on Ss think and share book
page 89. T asks make a list with -make a list Poster
Ss to make a list famous festivals
of festivals in in KZ. Total: 1point
our country
Aim: improve
To develop Ss
speaking skills
and use new
method is used
to help Ss use
new words in
the sentences.
5 min T gives task to Ss read the text Descriptor: Whiteboard
“Writing” again. -use new
method is used Follow the vocabulary- Student’s
in this task writing structure 1point. book
T gives exercise and write a -write a text -
9 on page 89. short paragraph. 1point.
T asks Ss to
write a short
paragraph about
Aim: enlarge
Ss use new
vocabulary and
practice it with
«Change the
pair» game is
used to develop
their speaking
and listening
End of the lesson. The Ladder Ss use their Descriptor: Whiteboard
method was stickers to show Speak on the
Reflection used as a their knowledge theme “Food Student’s
reflection. T according to the and drinks”, book Poster:
asks Ss to stick lesson -can use key Success
Individual work: their stickers to Green- I words Ladder.
5 min. the Success understood -can share
Ladder. Yellow-I have idea -
some questions 2points.
Red-I need a
help. Ss evaluate
Aim: To know each other
how many Ss and
got the theme. encourage
Efficiency: classmate
Ss can use with phrases
colors to show like:
how much do Well done!
they remember. Brilliant!
Differentiation: Good job! I
«Conclusion» like it!
method is used
to finish the

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