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10 класс 03.04 план

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Lesson Plan 4

Unit:8 Space
Teacher’s name: Akylzhanova T.E
Date: 03.04.2023
Grade:10 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: 8b Moving out
Learning objectives(s) that this 10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to
lesson is contributing to: topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately;
10.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-
paragraph level] on a range of general and curricular topics;
10.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: know the translation of the vocabulary
Most learners will be able to: know the definition of the vocabulary
Some learners will be able to: answer the questions
Value links: Respect each other.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s Assessment Resources
lesson/Time activity
Beginning of Revision of previous lessons Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard
the lesson materials with the help of the the types -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning teacher. of questions question Cards
«Brainstormi Differentiation: “verbal 2 make your own - answer the 2
ng» method support” questions nd-question. Students
5 min. T asks different questions Total: 2point Book
connected with the theme Aim: Revise the
and tries to help Ss to give previous lessons Encourage Ss
the correct answer. T asks material. who answer the
leading questions to clarify Efficiency: Ss questions
the theme to the Ss who refresh their mind
needs T support. before starting
Ss give their possible new theme
answers. After that T
introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.

Elicit the names of the planets Exercise 1 Descriptor:

Middle of the in our solar system from Ss Listen and check . -find right Whiteboard
lesson around the class. Play the say the names of answers 2points Students
recording Ss listen and check the planets in our Book
13 min. if they named them all as well solar system. Poster
as practice the correct CD 2.26
pronunciation and intonation.
Aim: To consolidate
Differentiation: flexible pace
Read the title of the text and Exercise 2 T praise active Whiteboard
8 min. quotation and ask Ss to think Read the title of Ss with phrases Students
about the questions in the the text and the such as: “Good Book
rubric. Give Ss time to read quote. Answer the job!
the text and then elicit questions. Well done!”
answers to the questions from
Ss around the class.
Aim: to predict the content of
a text
Differentiation: Verbal
Explain the task and ask Ss to Exercise 3 Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min. read the sentences A-H and For each gap 1-7 -choose the right Students
then give them time to read choose from the answer Book
the text again and match them sentences A-H the Poster
to the gaps. one that best fits Total: 2points
Aim: To read for cohesion each gap.
and coherence
Develop their reading skills.
Explain the task and give Ss Exercise 4 Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min. time to complete it. Complete -choose the Students
Writing task Check Ss' answers. sentences correct answer - Book
Aim: to consolidate new 2 points
Differentiation: practice
method is used to assess Ss
4 min. Explain the task and give Ss Exercise 5 Descriptor:
time to complete it. Ss can Choose the -choose the
use their dictionaries to look correct words. correct answer -
up any unknown words. Check in your 2 points
Aim: to consolidate new dictionaries.
Differentiation: «Librarian»
method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge.
End of the The One-Minute Papers Ss answer the Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
lesson. method was used as a questions like : other and Students
reflection. It provides the What is the most encourage Book
Reflection opportunity to the students to important issue classmate with
provide a quick reflection on discussed today? phrases like:
what they learned by What did you find Well done!
Individual responding to questions. difficult to Brilliant! Good
work: comprehend? job! I like it!
5 min. What are some
questions you
would like to
explore further?
Aim: To know
how many Ss got
the theme.
Efficiency: To
make appropriate
modifications that
would enhance
students’ learning
engagement and
method is used to
finish the lesson.

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