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Mandela Effect & Déjà Vu: Are We Living in A Simulated Reality?

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Mandela effect & Déjà vu: Are we living in a simulated reality?

If reality is being augmented as a simulation; then from the modern norm of physics, it is possible that everywhere around us, including us and what
we perceive is a simulation simulated by a super powerful computer from a farfetched future times, taken the Einstein’an notion, that, past, present
and future occur simultaneously. It is quite probable between two consecutive amplitudes that, the simulation can either be done by the super-
civilization in ≥ Kardashev 3.0 scale or by some higher order entities existing in a dimensional domain beyond our perceiveness and notion of our
understanding. To agree to the fact of the simulation hypothesis, there exists a mathematical foundation of the desired logic behind this simulation,
which will be investigated throughout this paper whose another consequence might be the déjà vu or the Mandela effect. The errors arise in this
simulation is a form of glitch in the matrix that should happen because of the commutable lagging of the super-intelligent computers of either future
ones or higher-order ones. Preciseness about the calculations of dimensions opened a way for + = 2 + 10 where the non-locality of the time
being perceived as a 2-dimensional entity opens up the door for further investigations. The more will be discussed in detail in this paper.

INFINITY CONVERGES – Einstein’s limite. But, physics remains fancy and in the cosmic landscape as proposed
theorya gave us a tantalizing hint its fictional world gives rise to several by Prof. Susskind in the first placej.
about the versatility of the time that paradoxesf that are purely theoretical There is an inert tendency of nature
we perceive in reality. This concept called Grandfather’s paradoxg, Boot- that things tends to be alike when the
has been put forward by the string strap paradoxh, Polchinski’s paradoxi. infinity converges and there can be
theorists to split the 4th dimensional However, whatever the case might be, one possible universe almost same as
time into a 4th and 5th dimensional all these depict one point, the non- ours with all the elements almost alike
time separated from space where time local properties of time. Now, what as ours including us doing the same
itself can be 2-dimensionalb. This is exactly do we mean by non-local things, as the iterations got ended
not purely an artifact of any imagina- time? The time that we individuals and starts in a new place after the
tion, there are extensive mathematics perceive is local where it appears only convergence of the infinity. So, does
behind this claim and also detailed as an one dimensional arrow, where to infinity really converges after a certain
logic as to why time can be perceived every cause there is an associated point rather than blowing out to fur-
as a 2-dimensional entity? Einstein’s events and causality holds strictly in ther infinities and diverges. The Rie-
theory teaches us that time being an principle. But, what if we try to mann Zeta function when plotted with
1-dimensional arrow can only move in perceive time not from one individual the Ramanujan’s hypothesis gives a
forward direction as going backward persons point of view, not even from surprising answer that isk;
in time would open up several sorts of multiple persons point of view, but
dirty paradoxes that complexified even from a larger arena, through the pers- ( )=2 Γ(1 − ) (1 − )
violated the real nature of the physical pectives of this universe. Does we 2
law. So, time in a sense that we then get a hint that everything is in
perceive is moving forward with space, loops, say that time like all the 3 Where if < 1 , then the analytic
even if one calculates then the com- functions of time; Past, present and continuation would be extend to an
posite motion of the Earth, in the future are happening simultaneously in infinite series where the function
Milky Way galaxy is about 4.4 million a closed loop that all are simultaneous evolves into;
kilometers per hour in this universec. except the fact that they are sepa-
So, time couldn’t be kept still, it is rated by a large gap of time which is 1 1
(−1) = (−1)(1) =−
moving and moving in only forward impossible for humans to comprehend 2 √6 12
direction. But, what we can deduce in this 4-dimensional reality. Thus
from it is that, theories that prohibits allowing us to deduce that, time is a BREAD-SLICE TIME & BLOCK
the travelling of oneself in backwards 2-dimensional closed loop rather than THEORY – It is not difficult to im-
direction due to the presence of a a 1-dimensional arrow that belongs to agine that the universe is a loaf of
chronal agent as depicted by Prof. the reality and act in a simultaneous bread that is extending in one direc-
S.W Hawking in his Chronology Pro- way as regards to the events happen- tion with the other direction remain-
tection Conjectured. But, Prof. K.S. ing in past, present and future. ing fixed. Then, the entire loaf would
Throne later in his paper argues that Our universe being in a state represent the past, present and future
its not obvious that, chronology is of vacua where all the forces of the and each slice of the loaf represents a
strongly protected all the time, rather physical laws are perfectly balanced as particular instance of space-timel. The
there can be instances where chronol- to grander the birth of this stable slice can be taken orthogonally
ogy has been weakly protected allow- universe is nothing rather than a sin- representing the events that are tak-
ing one to travel backwards in a wider gle vacua floating among 10500 vacuas ing place in the arrow of time. Thus a
slice at the beginning of the loaf

represents a farfetched past while the that a chunk of space containing the in the language of Prof. S.W. Hawk-
slice at the direction of elongation 3-known dimensions length, breadth ing “Nature makes history safe for
represents present which when elon- and height. The answer is obviously historians”.
gates represents the future. In this ‘no’. No, we can’t hold time, it just
concept, if we are living in a particular slips away, this could be the fact that TEMPORAL EXPONENTIALITY –
slice then our ambient slice represents our spatial plane is complex rather The very first point that we humans
past and future which describes a than simple and there is a helicoids have to know, that, if nature is really
continuity of events in a non-local motion of our space that takes place a byproduct of an augmented reality,
timeline that represents our identity. surrounding the origin of time, in such then who exactly is making the simu-
Now, consider each slice as a cube. A a way as through, nature protects the lation? Is there a highly powerful enti-
3-dimensional block with a 1- time and prevents the humans to get ty existing either in our nature or
dimensional time (locally) as a slice of hold of it by sweeping away revolving beyond our nature who with all his
timem. This block will represent our around the centre points. And that’s super-powered super-intelligent com-
world at the present instant of time. in physics can be termed as a mo- puters are making the simulations, or
The block slowly moves forward nodromy. And I have introduced here is this our future humans from future
through the loaf taking shape of a the concept of temporal monodromy. Earth creating all these simulations
new block as time progresses, so as Let’s, say that there is an open space with their very advanced computers
space thus concluding that, to move which has a subset through a and their processing powers? To an-
in time is to move in space. It is how- punctured complex plane ℂ\{0} where swer, the second probability, as we
ever crucial to note that the block will some analytic function ( ) goes have already understood the simul-
move only in one direction and reverse around and continued back into . taneity of past, present and future, we
flow is not allowed. If each block This can be represented as; can certainly state that, those humans
represents each slice or moment of with highly powerful computers as
the present universe then the total ( )= ( ) portrayed in the movie LUCYn must
loaf will be ‘all the time’ elapsed in have developed a way as to break the
this universe as of now. But, the = { ∈ ℂ| ( ) > 0}, | | = 1 2nd law of thermodynamics as they
question is – Is there any way in have to proceed behind time to make
which there should be a linking para- Through one complete rotation, the the nature simulated from the very
meter from one block to another like function of the analytic continuation onset of Big Bang. It is highly proba-
a map with a link to each specified won’t come back to its starting point ble that, they might create this to
events evolution through time. Let’s ( ) but will return to ( ) + 2 . solve the problem of existential
make the past evolution as A, present Thus we can get a complete equation crisis or it can be due to some un-
as P, future as B thus the mapping of the helicoids whose radius if can be known reasons that the today’s socie-
that can be achieved as; defined by revolving around an ty being far lag in technological ad-
angle over a height ℎ, then the area vances than them is unable to com-
= of revolution is generated as; prehend. If the first proposition is true
that there exists an higher entity that
Where is the mapping function and can simulate the entire world of ours,

+ is the flow of time. Note, that + ⎢
ℎ then this might be possible provided
is same between A and P as to P and 2⎢ we all are playing games inside a giant
B. But, this + remains constant ⎣ computer screen which we assumes as
unless we apply some relativistic ℎ ⎤ our world. But, its not an easy task to
ℎ + create such simulations, and a very
norms as to the delay/fasten of time + ⎛ ⎞⎥
b y means of the dilation factor of
ℎ ⎥ rather tremendous computing power is
relativity as such; ⎝ ⎠⎦ needed to simulate the entire world.
For, this whoever, is performing the
This in turn modified the 3- simulation through his machines must

∆ = dimensional of the cylindrical bread have cracked the P vs. NP conjectu-
1− into a different coordinates as to say; reo as because the nested loops along
with the inputs turned out to be ex-
= cos( ) ponential if all the parameters rather
Where ∆ is the change in time. But = sin( ) billions, even more than that has to
still something is missing from the = be taken into account to simulate this
scenario that we will encounter in the
whole world. Exponentiality is a major
next section. Thus we are ending up with a helico-
factor that needs to be into consider-
ids slice concept instead of a bread
ation if something has to be simulated
TEMPORAL MONODROMY – The slice concept, but whatever, the con-
because without exponentiality, the
formal question that arises in our cepts can hold and monodromy is
reality can’t be portrayed flawless, so
mind is that, can we hold a piece of special in the sense, the nature always
that we humans can in no way under-
time? Just like we hold a piece of protects the core origin of time from
stand, our surroundings are also simu-
space? By piece of space, I should say being misaligned by humans as to say
lationsp,q. To simulate each inputs reality then their affects are more Figure showing the cold spot in the CMBR
there arises many nested loops and in observed in the higher order dimen- anisotropy data of the early universe .
each depth of nested loops there are sions than the lower order dimensions
many more nested loops which tends where its almost nil. All over the internet, there are nu-
to make the simulation parameter as; Every physicists should be merous examples of Déjà vu as just a
careful about the errors to observe in pure psychological thing without any
≅ the system (that is world) if its simu- resemblance to any of this and Man-
lated as, a small error if appeared in dela effect as a source of confabula-
As this is in the domain of Non- reality then this exponentialize into tion or false memoryw happening in
Polynomial, so, either they have large errors or errors will amplify er- large numbers of people. Many even
cracked the puzzle of NP or they have rors which would result in a catastro- argued that those who dealt with such
inducted software’s and algorithms to phe. So, this could be a possible indi- theories of parallel world, intersecting
convert NP into P. this is a very ad- cation that simulation if there, has timelines, and multiple universes are
vanced state that we are thinking been very precise and error-free as any spreading conspiracy theories but
about. minute mistake will alter the reality what can say, someday these conspir-
One thing that needs to be and make it an unstable state of va- acy theories will solve the puzzle when
mentioned is that, whether, the simu- cua. a glitch in the simulation will become
lation is free from any glitches. The observable to the scientific community
glitch can occur in the form of hang, MANDELA EFFECT & DÉJÀ VU – as an evidential identity.
lag, where the machines have to de- Some things are difficult to prove If Moore’s lawx holds true
bug. But, if that’s the case then how because of the unseen enormous and if there really exists some higher
should we discover those glitches. complexity lying beneath them to order entities who are simulating us
This can be done by monitoring the 4 perceive. Two such things are the then both are making sense, as there
fundamental forces of nature with an Mandela effects and Déjà vut where are possibilities of other entities exis-
alteration of a billionth or rather more its impossible to use the fundamental tent in our universe that are control-
to them in a minute way, where the physical law to prove their identities. ling us and we are not even near to
four fundamental forces whose The only option that remains to hu- their technological advancement. Or,
changes needs to be taken care of mans is to watch the glitches. This if in future, some 10,000 yrs later to
arer; thing which appears to the people as be precise – just as an approximate –
[1] The strong nuclear force. a worldwide phenomenon, its also very there can be technological develop-
[2] The weak nuclear force. hard to ignore its effects on physics ment so advanced that those humans
[3] The electromagnetic force. and so, physicists have wondered this would prefer to simulated the whole
[4] The gravitational force. with the simulation hypothesis or even timeline of the universe including their
with the existence of a parallel world. own (which is quite obvious) and we
But it should be noted that, any tiny The existence of the parallel world has are just a byproduct of this simulated
fraction of a changes, maybe it come to the scientific community entries. But why they would choose to
sounds billionth or even more, there when a CMBR (Cosmic Microwave simulate the entire universes timeline
would be disaster in this universe and Background Radiation) spotted on the is a question of mystery – perhaps this
the whole universe will be shattered. south-eastern hemisphere of the can be the fact that they are escaping
So, this arouses a problem that, ‘as COBE satellite data as a cold blue to a higher order reality and they
far as we can’t see any forces of na- spot. Many theorists have started to don’t want the timeline of the un-
ture changing’ – does this mean there believe that this cold spot is the result iverse to get hampered by making a
can be advanced software’s that can of a washed away radiation zone due gap in the present reality – hence
run without any lag or errors for eter- to the passing by of a parallel universe simulated everything from start to end
nity. Although this sounds unbelieva- in the multiverse void. String theorists in order to maintain a balance of the
ble, this can be the fact, if we are have already been saying the possibili- universe. Or, maybe they want to see
considering a very highly-sophisticated ty of multiple universe a decades ago. the fate of the universe by simulating
computers to work on the simulations So, this is just a missing piece to the the entire timeline.
algorithm. Or, perhaps our hypothesis puzzle. But, although this fascinates
of glitches is totally wrong, glitches the theorists especially to some astro-
are always occurring but maybe in physicists this is just a source of dis-
higher order dimensions in the form of traction from pure physics.
perturbations that we humans 2
Project Director of AATWRI-R&D
couldn’t be capable of noticing at all. Electro-Gravitation Simulation & Pro-
But, why higher order dimensions are pulsion Laboratory, Bhubeneshwar,
more perturbed to glitches? This aris- Odisha, India.
es from the fact that in high dimen-
sions, the degrees of freedom are 3
Author declares that he does not
more, therefore, if the errors really have any conflicting interests as re-
made any impact on the simulated lated to this paper.
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