Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Priyanka kasturia
Department of Physics, Kalindi College, University of Delhi.
Basically we define time travel as the departure from a certain place in
certain time followed by arrival at the certain place at a different time
whether in future or in past. In this paper, the possibilities and certainty to
travel time, and if it is possible then how we can travel into future or past is
explored and explained. Thus, in this paper we will study about the time
travel in physics and also explore some related theories. We will also
explore how general and special theory of relativity and the concept of
wormholes account for the time travel. Also the concept of the time
machine is also discussed.
Time travel is the moving While most of people think of
between different points in time as a constant, according to
different time, i.e., to move from Newton. But Einstein showed
one moment in one time to that time is relative — it can vary
another moment in another for different observers depending
different time, typically using a on your speed through space.
hypothetical device known as Einstein's theory of special
a time machine. It is uncertain relativity says that time slows
that if time travel to the past is down or speeds up depending on
physically possible while the time how fast you move relative to
travel to the future is an observed something else. Approaching the
phenomenon and understood speed of light, a person inside a
within the framework of special spaceship would age much slower
and general relativity. Not all than his twin at home. Einstein’s
scientists believe that time travel special and general theory of
is possible. Some even say that an relativity, suggest that suitable
attempt would be fatal to any geometries of space-time or
human who chooses to undertake specific types of motion in space
it. might allow time travel into the
Past and future if these Be physically impossible,
geometries or motions were although Some scientists have
possible. extended his equations and said it
Special and General might be done. It allows for the
possibility of the concept of
relativity wormholes– a kind of tunnel
There are two types of time through space-time connects very
travel: time travel to the future
distant parts of the universe
and time travel to the past. Time through which we can travel to
travel to the future is definitely
past or future.
possible. Einstein’s special theory
of relativity, developed in 1905,
shows that time passes at Time travel through
different rates for people who are Wormhole
moving relative to one another -
although the effect only becomes
large when you get close to the
speed of light. Here, the special
relativity of theory plays the role.
If you travel in space and travel
near the speed of light, and when
you came back to the earth, your
clock will be ticking off the time
more slowly. So when you reach
the Earth, it is going the future on
A wormhole (or Einstein–Rosen
Time travel to the past is bridge) is a speculative structure
something where the argument linking disparate points in space-
happens. It is theoretically time which can be visualized as a
possible according to general tunnel with two ends, each at
relativity where the space and different locations or different
time bends to form space-time points of time. It was realized that
curved geometries that allow if you manipulate the openings of
travelling faster than speed of the wormhole, i.e., put one near a
light. But Einstein’s equation black hole or take one a high
showed that the nothing is faster speed journey, then time of two
than the speed of light as the openings of this wormhole tunnel
object which attained the speed of will not tick off at the same rate
light would have infinite mass so that you will not longer just go
And zero length which seems to from one location in space to
Another, but from one time to Method of sending information
another different time. In this or travelers through space.
way a wormhole leads to travel in Unfortunately, human journeys
past or future by covering a huge through the space tunnels may be
time in some small distance at a challenging.
speed faster than light.
Today's technology is insufficient
Science fiction is filled with tales to enlarge or stabilize wormholes,
of traveling through wormholes. even if they could be found.
But the reality of such travel is However, scientists continue to
more complicated, and not just explore the concept as a method
because we've yet to spot one. of space travel with the hope that
The first problem is size. technology will eventually be able
to utilize them.
Primordial wormholes are
predicted to exist on microscopic The concept of time
levels, about 10–33 centimeters. machine
However, as the universe
expands, it is possible that some Time travel requires a device
may have been stretched to larger called time machine to take us to
sizes. Another problem comes another time. This term is often
from stability. The predicted used in fiction movies and stories,
Einstein-Rosen wormholes would but it was popularized by the
be useless for travel because they novel ‘the Time machine’ by H.G.
collapse quickly. Wells.
1. https://www.space.com/21
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/w