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My Quote On Science-Spriri

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1. Science now agrees that if you distinction between past-present-

breake matter you get atoms and if future.
you break atoms you get three
fundamental particles with which 4. The space-time concept brought
the whole universe is made of out by Einstein was very striking for
including stars, galaxies, stone, the first time to the theoretical
animals you and me. They are one physicists of that time. It crossed
top quak, one bottom quak and the arena of conventionalism to a
electron. Now the question arises if world of higher dimension. It talks
you break these fundamental about existence of fourth
particles what will you get beneath? dimension. It was Einstein who told
the word that we are actually four-
2. Few fundamental questions before dimensional entities
science which are to explain; what comprehending three dimensional
is space, what is time and what are spaces. The fourth dimension which
mass. These questions have hunted he termed as time in actual is
scientist for centuries and while another special dimension derived
Newton declared space and time as mathematically but cannot be
separate rigid infinite identities, in comprehended by mind.
1905 Einstein discovered them as
one single entity finite and quite 5. Point is why can’t we see fourth
flexible. He named it not separate dimension? The answer is can a
space and separate time as done by flatlander see two dimension? Can
Newton but as one item called a three dimensional entity see
“space-time”. three dimension? No. When a
container is filled you cannot fill it
3. The world appears to us as such further. To fill further you need
because of some universal another one and you have to be
principles and constant fixed by outside the container somewhere
nature. They are; speed of light is in a higher dimensional space. A
constant (3×10 m/s), plank’s filled container cannot fill itself. We
constant, principles of relativity, each are four dimensionally filled
Henseinburg uncertainty principle, (consciousness) containers (body)
Pauli Exclusion Principle, Fermi- and thus we can fill only three
diarc distribution & Bose-Einstein dimensional containers.
distribution. The world will be a
totally different place or state if we 6. "All matter is merely energy
are out of these constants and condensed to a slow vibration. We
principles. The matter would not are all one consciousness
have formed, shape would not been experiencing itself subjectively.
there, there will be no time There is no such thing as death, life

is a dream, and we're the 8. Atoms are spherical clouds (fuzzy
imagination of ourselves." space-time clouds) hence all
matters are made of clouds.
7. Many theorists contended that the Matters are not solid billiard balls
universe is made from space-time are thought earlier. Thus chemical
f ( x , y , z ,t ); everything is space- bonds are made of squeezed
time; matter is space-time & force distorted fused fuzzy clouds. Now
is space-time. Then what is space- you can imagine what we are made
time and how both force and up and all that appears in our
matter evolve from it? Gravitational macrocosm.
force is spherical curvature induced
by matter in space-time. Due to 9. It can be proved that the size or
spherical distortion created when spatial dimension (L) and time (t)
matter is fit inside space-time it in- are fundamentally the function of
turn creates a compressive force speed of light, gravitational
interpreted as gravitational force. constant and plank’s constant. Thus
EM force is due to attraction
between two areas of space time L≡ f ( c , G , ɦ ) &
one having higher density t≡ f ( c , G , ɦ ) .
(positively charged) and other is
lower density (negatively charged). Can you break this mystery!
Charge is created due to change in
density of space-time at any point. 10. What are forces? To modern
Mass is created when the volume is science they are simply the shape of
a closed volume creating a probability waves, which defines
curvature in space time. Thus in an the areas that matter particles such
atom electron and quarks create as electrons etc, move about
closed volume thus developing within. They form the basis of
curvature in space time. The Fermi-diarc distribution and the
nucleus as a whole also creates a forbidden bands of energy level
close volume hence forms the where matter cannot move and
mass. Orbital in the atom are open quantum energy orbital where only
volume and they don’t curve the the matter can move.
space-time hence has no mass. As a
result the atom mass is summation 11. It appears very strange while
of mass of all electrons and mass of finding the same electron in several
nucleus. However the volume of orbital of atoms. Nobody has seen
the atom is volume of all orbital. the electron but only felt it. Felt it
that it is here. Nobody knows its
shape or how it may look like.
Whenever its presence is found or

detected in innumerable energy phenomena from an unthinkable
states otherwise called electronic singular entity is being felt.
orbital few of its characteristics
(spin-mass-charge) are inferred or 14. After reviewing history of
derived mathematically followed by theoretical physics science Galileo-
an experimental validation suiting Newton-Einstein-Stephen Hawkins-
to the derivation. True nature of Edward Witten I came to a
electron is never known although conclusion that there is no space
partially understood. It behave as a and there in no time. Shapes seen
particle when in interaction and as outside are mere mental
a wave while in motion. But what is obfuscation. The world
its true shape? phenomenon is never objective but
subjective. It is subject of an
12. When a cylinder is seen from a unthinkable unknowable highly
distance its front view appear myriad mysterious much more
rectangular, and top view appear complex object. You can call it God
circular. It has two perspectives but or what-ever it hardly matters.
in actual it is a cylinder.
15. World is purely subjective. The
13. Whenever a particle such as an centurion search of an object since
electron is detected it appeared Galileo to Edward Witten is
very strange to common sense and rewarded with a huge frustration.
weird to human understanding. So far no evidence of mass, no
Very character of itself appeared evidence of space no evidence of
non-local. It appeared that it is time. When we search for evidence
spatially universal; being present of a mass deep beneath a mass
everywhere in a strange way; may particle say an electron it appeared
be a weird singular entity or an mass less, instead of an object it
aspect of a singular entity hinted it as a subject, a thought, a
evidencing its existence as wish, an imagination to be as an
momentary splashes in electron type. As if a mysterious
innumerable orbital or energy instruction is guiding it to behave in
states defined by law of nature. a particular manner, giving it its
They are called electronic orbital in specific character such as 1/2 spin.
discrete bands. The same appeared
true to all fundamental particles as 16. Imagine that we can see the atoms
they are non-local in their in matter at the smallest level and
fundamentals but appeared in our solar system on the higher scale
different flavors, character having at one stroke simultaneously as we
different mass-spin-charge. Thus generally see things now. What will
formation of diverse world be our experience of cognition? Our
understanding level will be

increased manifold about matter
object outside. We can see hoe tiny 19. When speed of light is finite it gives
atoms are incessantly rattling rise to feeling of time. In actual
around forming matter as big as our there is no time. Time is an illusion
planet earth and sun. Now suppose made by observation of the four
our vision is enlarged and we can dimensional object beyond as three
see object below atoms and dimension. Our sense sees the
simultaneously see our Milky Way actual four dimensional object
galaxy; then what will be our outside us like a frog. One snap
understanding on creation? We see view discretized in another special
a stone as such because of our direction not felt by us. This unfelt
limited vision. We don’t see the special direction is pointed out by
atoms, subatomic particles inside it Einstein and popularly termed as
and how it is interacting. This is time dimension. To Einstein it is a
how we are cheated by nature and four dimensional space-time; a
cannot see truth instead we see an single entity, never created, never
image. We call it a stone. destroyed and ever existing before
our three dimensional sense
17. Comprehension of an object at our perception.
level is a mere illusion, which is not 20. All our knowledge is duplicate,
only told by atheist but also being secondary not primary. Our
felt strongly by modern physicist. knowledge is acquired not directly
The world phenomenon is by self. They are acquired indirectly
appearing to be an act not an from other sources. When we see
absolute existence. Serious failure is an object the knowledge about the
being experienced by modern object is not experienced by our
physicist while they tried to inner Self. They are acquired by an
describe world is existing. But when instrument consisting of sense-
the description was oriented as mind-intellect. Senses reach to
world is sum total of innumerable outside objects, brings sensed data
activities, it fall in line with scientific to feeling organ mind. With the
description. Solution of equations help of intellect the sensed data are
doesn’t become erratic. interpreted and the mind realizes it.
In the whole process the true
18. Henceforth space by itself, and time consciousness is veiled. The object
by itself, are doomed to fade away has to be realized by true
into mere shadows, and only a kind consciousness i.e., the Self. Instead
of union of the two will preserve an the mind is realizing it. During its
independent reality. realization it is relying on its two
Hermann Minkowski (Guruji of unscrupulous subordinates, the
Einstein memmories and intellect. Both are

fake. Senses are bringing making world observation a
unauthentic data and intellect is subjective where space is no at all
misguiding it. How it is possible that objective. Space is a mere mental
the mind will see the truth. In fact
obfuscation. Space is derived and it
the mind is the shadow of pure
consciousness. Mind is designed to has its origin when something is
see fake things. The true object is visualized or seen by the mind, the
the pure consciousness only. How particle. Than visualization of a
can the consciousness see particle is fundamental not the
consciousness? How can the space. Space time are relative
knower know the knower? It is hence the theory of Relativity.
impossible. Knowing itself is a fake
23. As per Einstein if space-time is a
process. When there is something,
derivative of gap between events of
it is to be known by a knower.
particle observation then what are
When that something is the
particles? Particles are mode of
“knower” nothing needs to be
consciousness, feeling, produced by
known. It is all in one
a process called “Psychosis”.
21. Einstein once said ‘No idea can be
Appearance of an object is due to
made about space existing between an action not due to any existence
particles’. As per him particles are 24. Pioneering physicists Sir Jame Jeans
real and space which we feel is not write; The stream of knowledge is
something real but a pure heading towards a non-mechanical
subjective experience or reality; the universe begins to look
assumption or imagination. The more like a great thought than like
a great machine. Get it over and
space or expansiveness which
accept the inarguable conclusion;
appears to our mind is an elusive The uviverse is immaterial-mental
vision made out by the incessant and spriritual.
rattling of, to and fro movement of 25. What do you understand even
events or visual paths. On a macro regarding a “point”? When
scale these million-billion rattling everywhere “I AM”, where is the
visual paths appears full existing question of other object. A point is
and creating an impression in the to be seen by a seer. Then there is
mind an expansive space. In actual duality ie, a point and a seer. So a
something like space does not point a space cannot be true. The
exists. time cannot be true. Truth is space
22. The above point reveals a very less-timeless. An important point is
pertinent issue before common made here; there cannot be space
outside world observation process, without individualization of

consciousness. Thus at God’s level many space-time pieces of in the
there is nothing called space. Space language of Einstein many space-
is only an imagination of human time frames.
only. 28. The Absolute truth is about which
26. How space in an imagination of you can say “what it is not”. You
mind I am not able to understand? cannot say “What it is”.
Einstein said space is not rigid as 29. Everything requires a proof, but
said and assumed by Newton. It is only the Truth doesn’t require a
flexible like a rubber sheet. When proof because it is the source of all
speed of observer is normal space proof. There is nothing second to it.
appear quite static-non-changing It cannot be affected by anything
and rigid but when speed increased outside of it as nothing outside
to very high level a very strange exists.
situation develop as discovered by 30. The proof means knowing
Einstein. It is apparent rigid something and knowing itself is
looking space is shaking, oscillation unreal. If you know, the immediate
within. It is becoming small and big. effect is the simultaneous advent of
It is compressing and expanding a knower, object which is known
within itself. This led to conclude and a process of knowing. Knowing
Einstein that space is flexible at high cannot be independent. Knowing
speed. Theory of relativity told to always associated by “knowing
the world that; common belief that what”, and “the knower”. The
the space is an unchanging rigid duality started.
empty expansion is wrong. By 31. A matter initially remains as a wave
various experiments Einstein function. Each measurement causes
proved that space is a flexible item a change in state of the matter from
27. Now a very vital point emerges; if wave of possibility to a particle of
the space is shrinking, shaking, actuality. This change is known as
what is outside that shaking space? the ‘collapse of the wave function”.
There has to be something outside An understanding of collapse
the space or the space is resting, requires consciousness. If we follow
hold, contained by another item this thinking, it means that without
existed outside space! What is that? consciousness there is no collapse,
This led to a striking indication that no material particle and no
outside a space which can shrink or materiality.
expand, there can be existence of

32. The absolute knows itself without there cannot be any other
the process of knowing. That means conscious existence.
whenever we are trying to know it 34.
is not by pure consciousness, it is by
empirical one. It is the knower
conscious trying to know the known
conscious through the link of a
psychosis called knowing conscious.
All are the same conscious the one
single self only.
33. Pure existence other than
consciousness may be impossible.
Existence means consciousness
only. Non-conscious is non-
existence. Object which appears
non-conscious thus does not exist.
It is a dream, a falsity. Why? Why
conscious less objects cannot have
existence? Because if it exists, how
it will be known. To know it a
knower is needed. The non-duality
is obliterated. Once non-duality is
violated it leads to multicity. And
multicity is falsity again. If it is non-
dual, say dual, there is limit a
finitude, a boundary. Two
existences. One completed then the
next one. Once one is completed
we are reaching the end the
boundary. What is at the end of one
and at the end of two? The
infinitude is vitiated. Thus the non-
dual has to be the only and only
true existence and it has to be the
only conscious one. Other than it

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