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Frost Heave and Thaw Weakening Susceptibility of Soils: Standard Test Methods For

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: D5918 − 13´1

Standard Test Methods for

Frost Heave and Thaw Weakening Susceptibility of Soils1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5918; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

ε1 NOTE—Editorially updated units of measurement statement in April 2018.

1. Scope* 1.4.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/
1.1 These laboratory test methods cover the frost heave and recorded and calculated in this standard are regarded as the
thaw weakening susceptibilities of soil that is tested in the industry standard. In addition, they are representative of the
laboratory by comparing the heave rate and thawed bearing significant digits that should generally be retained. The proce-
ratio2 with values in an established classification system. This dures used do not consider material variation, purpose for
test was developed to classify the frost susceptibility of soils obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any consider-
used in pavements. It should be used for soils where frost- ations for the user’s objectives; and it is common practice to
susceptibility considerations, based on particle size such as the increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be
limit of 3 % finer than 20 mm in Specification D2940, are commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope
uncertain. This is most important for frost-susceptibility crite- of this standard to consider significant digits used in analysis
ria such as those used by the Corps of Engineers,3 that require methods for engineering design.
a freezing test for aggregates of inconclusive frost classifica- 1.4.2 Measurements made to more significant digits or
tion. The frost heave susceptibility is determined from the better sensitivity than specified in this standard shall not be
heave rate during freezing. The thaw weakening susceptibility regarded a nonconformance with this standard.
is determined with the bearing ratio test (see Test Method 1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
D1883). standard. The values given in parentheses after SI units are
1.2 This is an index test for estimating the relative degree of provided for information only and are not considered standard.
frost-susceptibility of soils used in pavement systems. It cannot 1.5.1 The gravitational system of inch-pound units is used
be used to predict the amount of frost heave nor the strength when dealing with inch-pound units. In this system, the pound
after thawing, nor can it be used for applications involving (lbf) represents a unit of force (weight), while the unit for mass
long-term freezing of permafrost or for foundations of refrig- is slugs. The rationalized slug unit is not given, unless dynamic
erated structures. (F=ma) calculations are involved.
1.3 The test methods described are for one specimen and 1.5.2 It is common practice in the engineering/ construction
uses manual temperature control. It is suggested that four profession to concurrently use pounds to represent both a unit
specimens be tested simultaneously and that the temperature of mass (lbm) and of force (lbf). This implicitly combines two
control and data taking be automated using a computer. separate systems of units; that is, the absolute system and the
gravitational system. It is scientifically undesirable to combine
1.4 All recorded and calculated values shall conform to the the use of two separate sets of inch-pound units within a single
guide for significant digits and rounding established in Practice standard. As stated, this standard includes the gravitational
D6026. system of inch-pound units and does not use/present the slug
unit for mass. However, the use of balances or scales recording
pounds of mass (lbm) or recording density in lbm/ft3 shall not
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil be regarded as nonconformance with this standard.
and Rock and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.19 on Frozen Soils
and Rock. 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2013. Published March 2013. Originally safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
approved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D5918 – 06. DOI: responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Sometimes called California Bearing Ratio (CBR). priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
The Army Corps of Engineers uses a frost susceptibility classification proce- mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
dure (TM 5-818-2) based on particle size criteria and the Unified Soil Classification
1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-
System (MIL-STD-619) field. Furthermore, this test should only be used for
seasonal freezing and thawing conditions and not for long-term freezing of dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
permafrost or of foundations of refrigerated structures. ization established in the Decision on Principles for the

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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D5918 − 13´1
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- 3.2.1 The following terms are used in conjunction with the
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical determination of the frost-susceptibility of soils and supple-
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ment those in Practice D4083 and in the glossary on permafrost
terms by Harris et al.6
2. Referenced Documents degree of frost-susceptibility— the relative propen-
2.1 ASTM Standards:4 sity for frost heave or thaw weakening in comparison to that for
C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements another soil or to an acceptable level of change.
for Test Methods for Construction Materials freeze-thaw cycling—the repeated freezing and
D75 Practice for Sampling Aggregates thawing of soil.
D420 Guide for Site Characterization for Engineering De- freezing (soil)—the changing of phase from water to
sign and Construction Purposes ice in soil.
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained freezing, closed system—freezing that occurs under
Fluids conditions that preclude the gain or loss of any water in the
D698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character- system.
istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 freezing, open system—freezing that occurs under
kN-m/m3)) conditions that allow gain or loss of water in the system by
D1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Fine- movement of pore water from or to an external source to
Grained Soils for Geotechnical Purposes growing ice lenses.
D1883 Test Method for California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of freezing-point depression—the number of degrees
Laboratory-Compacted Soils by which the freezing point of an earth material is depressed
D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water below the freezing point of pure water.
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass frost heave—the upward or outward movement of
D2940 Specification for Graded Aggregate Material For the ground or pavement surface (in the direction of heat flow)
Bases or Subbases for Highways or Airports caused by the formation of ice in the soil.
D3550 Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel, frost heave rate—the rate at which the ground or
Drive Sampling of Soils pavement surface moves upward or outward.
D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies frost heave susceptibility—the propensity for a soil
Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as
to accumulate ice during freezing and to heave.
Used in Engineering Design and Construction frost-susceptible soil—soil in which ice accumula-
D4083 Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual-
tion causes frost heave during freezing or thaw weakening
Manual Procedure)
during thawing, or both.
D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical
Data ice lens—a lens-shaped body of ice of any dimen-
E105 Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials sion that forms during unidirectional freezing of soil, the long
E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With dimension being in the direction normal to the direction of heat
Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a flow.
Lot or Process ice nucleation—the formation of an ice nucleus
from water.
2.2 Military Standards:5 refrigerated structures—artificially refrigerated
Army TM 5-818-2 Pavement Design for Frost Conditions,
structures (cold storage facilities, liquefied gas tanks, ice
January 1985
skating rinks, chilled gas pipelines, and so forth) that cause the
MIL-STD-619 Unified Soil Classification System for Roads,
freezing of their foundations.
Airfields, Embankments and Foundations relative frost susceptibility—the amount of frost
3. Terminology heave or thaw weakening of a soil in relation to other soils. seasonally frozen ground—ground that freezes and
3.1 Definitions: thaws annually.
3.1.1 For definitions of common technical terms in this thaw weakening—the reduction in strength, bearing
standard, refer to Terminology D653.
capacity, or stiffness modulus below the normal warm-season
3.1.2 Definitions of the components of freezing and thawing
values. This is caused by the decrease in effective stress
soils shall be in accordance with the terminology in Practice
resulting from the generation and slow dissipation of excess
pore water pressures when frozen soils containing ice are
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Harris, S. A., et al., Glossary of Permafrost and Related Ground-Ice Terms,
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Permafrost Subcommittee, Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research, Na-
the ASTM website. tional Research Council of Canada, Technical Memorandum No. 142, Available
Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A0R6,
Office, Washington, DC 20402. 1988.

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D5918 − 13´1 thaw weakening susceptibility—the propensity for
the strength or stiffness modulus of a soil to decrease below the
normal warm season values. unidirectional freezing—soil freezing that occurs in
one direction only.

4. Summary of Test Methods

4.1 Two freeze-thaw cycles are imposed on compacted soil
specimens, 146 mm (5.75 in.) in diameter and 150 mm (6 in.)
in height. The soil specimen is frozen and thawed by applying
specified constant temperatures in steps at the top and bottom
of the specimen, with or without water freely available at the
base; a surcharge of 3.5 kPa (0.5 lbf/in.) is applied to the top.
FIG. 1 Compaction Mold Assembly
The temperatures imposed on the specimen are adjusted to take
into account the freezing point depression attributable to salts
in the soil. At the end of the second thawing cycle, the bearing
ratio is determined. The entire testing procedure can be cylinder is to be made in three sections that part along the
completed within a five-day period. This testing procedure may vertical axis (see Fig. 1). A recess in the steel base plate accepts
be conducted manually or it may be controlled by a computer. the steel cylinder and restrains it from expanding during
5. Significance and Use 6.1.3 Collar—A steel collar with a 146-mm (5.75-in.) inside
5.1 These test methods can be used to determine the relative diameter and a 185-mm (7.25-in.) outside diameter with a
frost-susceptibility of soils used in pavement systems. Both the 152.4-mm (6-in.) diameter recess bored 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) into
frost heave susceptibility and the thaw weakening susceptibil- the bottom. This collar slips over the top of the steel mold to
ity can be determined. constrain expansion and to provide extra space for soil during
compaction. Flanges slide over the steel rods to hold the collar
5.2 These test methods should be used only for seasonal
in place.
frost conditions and not for permanent or long-term freezing of
6.1.4 Spacer Disk—Two circular acrylic spacer disks (see
soil. These test methods also have not been validated for
Fig. 1), 158.8 mm (6.25 in.) in diameter and 6.4 mm (0.25 in.)
anything other than pavement systems.
in height. One spacer disk is placed at the bottom of the
5.3 These test methods cannot be used to predict the amount compaction mold. The second disk is placed on the top of the
of frost heave or thaw weakening in the field. Its purpose is to specimen during transport and storage.
determine the relative frost-susceptibility classification for use 6.1.5 Rings—Six acrylic rings (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) having
in empirical pavement design methods for seasonal frost an inside diameter of 146 mm (5.75 in.) and a height of 25 mm
regions. (1 in.) with a wall thickness of 3.18 mm (0.125 in.). A 3.18-mm
NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is diameter hole shall be drilled at the mid-height in each ring to
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the receive a temperature sensor. The top and bottom rings shall
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the have a 3.18-mm square notch cut in one edge to receive the top
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent and bottom temperature sensor leads. Each ring shall have a
and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard are
split cut through its height at a location diametrically opposite
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 the temperature sensor hole.
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors. 6.1.6 Clamping Rods—Two 9.5-mm (0.375-in.) diameter by
215.9-mm (8.5-in.) long threaded steel rods with two wing nuts
6. Apparatus to clamp the assembly together.
6.1 Compaction Mold—The mold assembly (see Fig. 1) 6.1.7 Rubber Membrane—A 0.36-mm (0.014-in.) thick rub-
shall consist of a steel base plate, a steel hollow cylinder split ber membrane without holes or defects. This is required to seal
into three sections longitudinally, two acrylic spacer disks, six the sides of a soil specimen that shall be 146.0 mm (5.25 in.)
acrylic rings, a steel collar, a rubber membrane, and four hose in diameter. The length of the membrane shall be at least 203.0
clamps. mm (8.0 in.).
6.1.1 Base Plate—A 203-mm (8-in.) square steel base plate 6.1.8 Clamps—Four hose clamps to hold the steel side walls
(see Fig. 1) with a thickness of 25 mm (1.0 in.) and a 6.0-mm together. The outside diameter of the side walls are to be 168.0
(0.25-in.) recess to receive and retain the steel side walls and mm (6.75 in.).
base of the specimen. Two 9.5-mm (0.375-in.) diameter 6.2 Specimen Freezing Assembly—The apparatus for freez-
threaded holes at opposite corners accommodate clamping ing the soil specimen (see Fig. 2) shall consist of temperature-
rods. controlled top and bottom plates, a specimen base plate with a
6.1.2 Compaction Cylinder—A hollow steel cylinder with porous stone and two ports for water supply and flushing (filter
an inside diameter of 152.4 mm (6 in.), a wall thickness of 9.5 paper is placed between the stone and the specimen bottom),
mm (0.375 in.), and a length of 165.1 mm (6.5 in.). The six acrylic rings stacked to form a cylinder and a rubber

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D5918 − 13´1

FIG. 2 specimen Assembly for Freezing Test

membrane to contain the soil specimen, a temperature- has an inside diameter of at least 57 mm (2.25 in.) and a height
controlled top plate; a surcharge weight, a constant head of 508 mm (20.0 in.) (see Fig. 2). The top and bottom of the
(Mariotte) water supply, an assembly to support the displace- reservoir are sealed. The top is removable to allow filling with
ment measuring system, and a displacement transducer or dial water. The bottom of the reservoir is connected to the inlet port
extensometer, or both. on the specimen base plate with a flexible plastic tube. A hose
6.2.1 Top and Bottom Temperature Control End Plates— clamp is used to open or shut off the flow of water. A glass tube
The temperature control end plates (see Fig. 2) shall be (called a bubble tube), with an inside diameter of about 3 mm
fabricated from reinforced phenolic resin, with an aluminum (0.125 in.) and a length of 533 mm (21.0 in.), is placed through
plate cover to provide heat-conductive surfaces contiguous to a vacuum-tight fitting in the top of the tube. A second flexible
the top of the soil specimen and to the bottom of the base plate. tube is connected to the drain port on the specimen base plate.
The phenolic resin component of the end plates shall be When water flows out of the reservoir tube to the specimen, air
machined so that the cooling (or heating) liquid entering each fills the bubble tube and the water head becomes fixed at the
end plate shall follow a serpentine path and exit at a point bottom of the bubble tube. When water flows out of the
diametrically opposite the entrance point. specimen, the water head remains at the bottom of the bubble
6.2.2 Specimen Base Plate—The circular aluminum base tube as long as the drain tube is open and is positioned at the
plate (see Fig. 2) is to be 150 mm (6 in.) in diameter and 38 mm same elevation as the bottom of the bubble tube. The water
(1.5 in.) in height. The top of the base plate is to have two head elevation is adjusted by raising or lowering the reservoir
concentric circular recesses in its top surface to hold a circular tube and the drain tube. A transparent scale, attached to the side
porous stone or a stainless steel porous disk. One recess is to be of the reservoir tube, allows tracking the water flow. The flow
138.1 mm (5.4 in.) in diameter and have a depth of 6 mm (0.25 rate can also be followed electronically with a pressure
in.). The second recess is to have a diameter of 125.4 mm (4.94 transducer.
in.) and a depth of 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) to facilitate access of the 6.2.5 Surcharge Weight—The surcharge weight is a circular
water supply to the underside of the porous stone (or disk). The lead disk having a mass of 5.5 kg (10.0 lb) with an outside
base plate is to have two ports diametrically opposite, connect- diameter of 142.0 mm (5.6 in.) that is placed on top of the test
ing to the deepest recess in the base (see Fig. 2). One port is to specimen.
be connected to the external water supply reservoir; the second 6.2.6 Heave and Consolidation Measuring Apparatus—A
port is used to drain water and to flush air from beneath the vertical post with a minimum diameter of 16 mm (0.625 in.)
porous stone (disk). and a minimum height of 508 mm (20 in.) fixed to the base
6.2.3 Rings—Same as 6.1.4. plate of the test specimen, shall provide support for an
6.2.4 Constant Head (Mariotte) Water Supply—The water adjustable arm to hold the displacement dial gage or displace-
supply reservoir is to consist of a clear acrylic plastic tube that ment transducer, or both (see Fig. 2). The dial gages and

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D5918 − 13´1
displacement transducers shall be capable of measuring verti-
cal movements of 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) with an accuracy of 0.025
mm (0.001 in.). The transducers must be calibrated frequently.
This can easily be done for each test if a dial gage is coupled
to the displacement transducer as shown in Fig. 2.
6.3 Temperature Control Baths—Two sources of
temperature-controlled circulating liquid, such as an ethylene
glycol-water 50 % solution, are required. One source is to be
used to control the temperature of the top temperature control
plate and the second source is to control the temperature of the
bottom temperature control plate. Both sources shall have a
controllable temperature range from −15°C (5°F) to 15°C
(59°F) and be capable of maintaining the temperature at each
temperature control plate to within +0.2°C (0.4°F) of the preset
6.4 Temperature Control Chamber—The temperature con-
trol chamber in which the freeze-thaw tests are to be conducted
shall have inside dimensions that will house the test specimen
freezing assembly. Fig. 3 shows a 0.35-m3 (12- ft3) capacity
chest-type freezer adapted to accommodate four test speci-
mens. A refrigerator or cold room could also be used. The cold
chamber shall have the capability of maintaining the ambient
air temperature around the test specimen assemblies at 2°C
(35.6°F) within 61.0°C (2°F).
6.5 Temperature Measuring System—The temperature mea-
suring system shall have a range from −15°C (5.0°F) to 15°C
(59.0°F) and shall be capable of measuring temperatures within
60.1°C (0.2°F). The temperature sensors shall be small
enough [less than 3.2 mm (0.125 in.)] to permit their insertion
into the soil test specimen with a minimum of disturbance to
the soil (see Fig. 4). The temperature readings are to be taken
periodically and may be taken manually. It is preferable that A = specimen assembly H = electronics panel
the temperatures be read with an automated data logging B = water supply I = air temperature controller
C = rigid insulation J = lines to datalogger
system. D = granular insulation K = top plate circulation tubing
6.6 Miscellaneous Apparatus—Other general apparatus E = ambient air space L = bottom plate circulation tubes
F = heat source M = freezer chest
such as a mixing bowl, straightedge, scales, oven, filter paper, G = fan N = drainage lines
test tubes, loose insulation, and dishes are required.
FIG. 3 Freeze Cabinet Assembly for Freezing Test
7. Soil Sampling and Preparation
7.1 Use intact soil samples when possible. Intact specimens 7.1.2 Remolded Samples—The dry density and moisture
usually can only be prepared for fine-grained soils, in particular content required for the test should be determined from
competent silt and clay soils found in the subgrade of roads. analysis of in situ conditions or from a compaction test such as
Where the soil is to be remolded and compacted in the field, Test Method D698. The project requirements determine the
use laboratory-compacted soils. In all cases, the sampling moisture-density specifications. Select a representative speci-
procedures should be in accordance with Practices D420 and men in accordance with Test Method C670 weighing approxi-
D75. Recommendations for obtaining representative speci- mately 6.0 kg (13.6 lb) and mix it well; then determine the
mens in Practices E105 and E122 should also be considered. water content following Test Method D2216 on a 500-g
Specimens are obtained and prepared as follows: (1.1-lb) subsample Adjust the moisture content of the remain-
7.1.1 Intact Samples—Obtain intact samples in accordance ing soil to the desired compaction value and allow the
with Practice D1587 using a thin-walled tube, in accordance specimen to condition for 24 h in a closed container. Prepare
with Practice D3550 using a ring-lined barrel specimen, or by the specimen to the desired dry unit weight in accordance with
cutting specimens from blocks of soil obtained by careful field the procedure given under Section 8 using the mold assembly
sampling. Place the specimens in sealed containers to minimize shown in Fig. 1. The method used shall be noted in the report.
loss of moisture and mechanical damage during transport and Record the method of sampling and water content.
storage. Determine the water content in accordance with Test
Method D2216 on about 500 g (1.1 lb) of trimmings or 8. Specimen Preparation
adjacent specimens. Record the method of sampling and water 8.1 Intact Samples—Carefully trim the core or block sample
content. obtained from the field to 171.5 mm (6.75 in.) in diameter and

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D5918 − 13´1
into the bottom of the mold. The rubber membrane should lie
collapsed on top of the acrylic spacer disk. Then, place a
second side wall section on the steel base, fitting it snugly
against the first section. Next, place the acrylic rings into the
mold, one at a time. The temperature sensor holes in the rings
shall be aligned vertically. The grooves in the top and bottom
rings must be positioned facing the ends of the specimen and
aligned with the holes in the other rings. The mold assembly
should now look as shown in Fig. 1. After the six acrylic rings
are in place, position the third steel side wall section to
complete the side wall assembly. Then, position four hose
clamps around the outside of the side wall assembly, evenly
spaced vertically, and tighten them. Then position the collar
and lock in place to the steel rods with the wing nuts. Pull up
the rubber membrane and stretch it over the top edge of the
assembly. Make sure that the membrane is tight and free of
ripples. The specimen can now be compacted in the mold.
8.2.2 Compaction—Place and compact the soil in the mold
in five layers of equal thickness. The amount of compaction
effort will be determined by the dry unit weight that is desired.
Usually this will be determined from site conditions for
undisturbed subgrade soils or from compaction specifications
for base and subbase materials. A standard Proctor rammer (see
Test Method D698) is preferred for compaction because the
tube guide protects the rubber membrane from damage during
compaction. During compaction, make a water content deter-
mination on a 500-g (1.1-lb) subsample. Enter the information
on the data sheet. Compact the specimen level with the top of
FIG. 4 Location of Temperature Sensors in the Test specimen the uppermost acrylic ring. Place a second acrylic spacer disk
on the top. Fold up the rubber membrane and remove the
152.4 mm (6.0 in.) in height. A special jig, using a wire saw or compacted specimen assembly from the steel mold. Leave the
a sharp straightedge and a trimming guide, will facilitate this acrylic spacer disks in place to prevent damage to the specimen
process. Leave the final trimming of the ends until after the and to provide moisture seals.
acrylic rings are in place. Determine the mass of the rings (with 8.3 Specimen Property Determination—Determine the mass
filament tape for closure), membrane, and two acrylic disks of the assembled specimen, including the acrylic rings with the
together, and record the results. Set the specimen on an acrylic filament tape, the rubber membrane, and the acrylic spacer
base disk and place the rubber membrane over the prepared disks. Record the results and calculate the wet and dry density,
specimen so that sufficient lengths of the membrane extend void ratio, porosity, and degree of saturation.
beyond the specimen ends to allow seals with the end plates. 8.4 Freezing Point Depression Determination—See Appen-
Place the six acrylic rings around the specimen, one at a time, dix X1.
starting at the bottom. Make sure that the holes in the rings
align vertically. The top and bottom rings have grooves cut in 8.5 Mounting the Specimen for Testing—Place a piece of
them to facilitate placing temperature sensors on the end filter paper on the porous stone (or porous stainless steel disk)
surfaces. These grooves must be placed facing the ends of the in the base assembly. Roll the rubber membrane over the
specimen and aligned with the holes in the other rings. Hold outside of the acrylic ring at the bottom end of the specimen
the rings tightly in conformance with the rubber membrane and assembly, and remove the acrylic disk. Position the specimen
the specimen, and tape the split in each ring tightly closed with on the base so that the holes for the temperature sensors are
filament tape. Trim the top and bottom of the specimen level located on the surface farthest away from the post that carries
with the end acrylic rings. Continue with 8.3. the dial gage and the displacement transducers. Roll down the
rubber membrane over the base, and seal it with heavy rubber
8.2 Remolded Specimens:
bands or O-rings (see Fig. 2).
8.2.1 Mold Preparation—Assemble the six acrylic rings,
and tape the split in each ring tightly closed with filament tape. 8.6 Saturating the Specimen:
Stretch the rubber membrane, and make sure that it contains no 8.6.1 Follow the saturation procedure for all subgrade
holes or defects. Determine the mass of the rings, membrane, materials and for base and subbase materials where there is a
and the acrylic disks together, and record the results. Assemble chance of saturation under field conditions. For regions where
the mold by first placing one of the three steel side wall there is little precipitation and water tables are deep or for
sections in the recess in the steel base plate. Next, place an pavement designs where lateral drainage in the upper pavement
acrylic spacer disk with a rubber membrane wrapped around it section is very good, conduct the test at the field moisture

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D5918 − 13´1
content without the saturation procedure. Closed-system freez- with the end of a paper clip will facilitate this procedure. A
ing should be used for this condition. In special cases, small drill bit and portable drill can be used to prepare a hole
open-system freezing can be used with lower water table in stiff or hard materials. Use the sharpened end of a small-
settings to simulate field conditions. Proceed to 8.7 if the diameter steel tube to puncture the rubber membrane if the
specimen will not be saturated prior to freezing. latter procedure is used. This will prevent twisting of the
8.6.2 Connect the inlet and outlet water lines to the speci- membrane by the drill bit. After placing all the sensors, dab a
men base. Roll-down the rubber membrane at the top. Place a little silicone rubber on the places where the sensors penetrate
piece of thin plastic wrap over the top of the specimen to the acrylic rings to form a water seal. Connect the sensors to
prevent moisture evaporation. Center the surcharge weight on the appropriate terminals on the data logging system junction
top of the acrylic disk. box. Check each temperature sensor for an appropriate reading.
8.6.3 Clamp off the inlet and outlet lines to the base plate of 8.9 Completing the Test Assembly—Remove the surcharge
the specimen. Fill the water supply reservoir with distilled weight and the plastic disk from the top of the specimen. Place
water, and install the top cap with the long glass bubble tube the temperature control plate assembly on top of the specimen,
attached. Lower the bubble tube down to an elevation 25 mm and fold the rubber membrane up to overlap the top tempera-
(1.0 in.) above the bottom of the soil specimen. Purge the air ture control plate. Then seal the top of the membrane to the
from the specimen base plate by opening both the water supply plate with rubber bands (see Fig. 2). Connect the circulating
and the drain lines. Collect the water flowing from the drain liquid lines to the top plate assembly. Place the surcharge
line until the air is completely purged from the system. Close weight on top of the plate and center it. Place the dial gage and
the clamp on the drain line. The specimen is now ready to be the displacement transducer assemblies on the vertical support
saturated. Raise the water head at the rate of 25 mm/h until post. Center the dial gage and displacement transducer on the
excess water appears on the upper surface of the specimen or top of the specimen assembly. Lower the gage so that it reads
until 8 h have passed. Then lower the water supply head to the near 0.00 and record the reading. Connect the displacement
elevation of the top of the soil specimen and hold it there for transducers to the appropriate terminals and check their opera-
16 h. After the 24-h saturation period is completed, lower the tion. Fill the insulated box containing the test assembly with
bubble tube to a point 10 mm (0.5 in.) above the bottom of the loose insulation (see Fig. 3) after the entire assembly has
specimen. passed the check-out procedures.
8.6.4 For tests that justify simulating the water table depth
in the field, the constant head water supply should be appro- 9. Procedure
priately positioned. If the head is placed below the bottom of
the specimen, then a porous stone having a 1-bar [100-kPa 9.1 Boundary Temperatures—The top and bottom cooling
(14.7-psi)] air entry value must be placed in the base, instead plates are set at fixed temperatures (see Table 1) for specified
of the normal porous stone or plate, to stop air from passing time periods to induce a conditioning period and two freeze-
through the stone into the water supply system. This stone must thaw cycles. If the freezing point depression temperature is
be saturated with de-aired water. Because of cavitation in the lower than −0.25°C (31.5°F), then the specified temperatures
water system, the practical limit for simulating the depth to the in Table 1 should be lowered by the amount of the freezing
water table when using this procedure is about 7.6 m (25 ft). In point depression.
ordinary laboratory space, the practical limit is further re- 9.1.1 Conditioning the Specimen—The first 24 h is a con-
stricted to about 1.2 m (4 ft) below the specimen base without ditioning period. Both the top and bottom plates are held at 3°C
a provision for placing the water supply reservoirs at lower (37.4°F).
story levels. A system controlled by a vacuum regulator could 9.1.2 First Freezing Period—The first freeze starts at the
be used to simulate lower water table elevations also, but beginning of the second 24-h period. First record the initial dial
experience has shown that this type of system is very difficult gage or transducer readings; record each if both are being used.
to keep stable. Lower the temperature of the top plate, and hold it at −3°C
(26.6°F) and the bottom plate at 3°C (37.4°F) for 8 h. After 8
8.7 Placing the Specimen in the Temperature Control h, lower the temperatures of the top plate to −12°C (10.4°F)
Chamber—Clamp off the water supply line, and carefully
move the specimen and water supply to the cold chamber (cold
room). Position the specimen assembly atop the bottom tem-
perature control plate located inside the temperature control TABLE 1 Boundary Temperature Conditions
cabinet (see example in Fig. 3) so that the temperature sensor Top Plate Bottom Plate
Elapsed Time,
holes are pointing in a direction that is convenient for attaching Day
Temperature,° Temperature, Comments
C °C
the sensors to the specimen.
1 0 3 3 24-h conditioning
8.8 Installing Temperature Sensors—Install the eight tem- 2 24 −3 3 First 8-h freeze
perature sensors into the side of the specimen, starting at the 32 −12 0 freeze to bottom
3 48 12 3 First thaw
bottom of the specimen. Number the sensors from the top 64 3 3
down. Dip each sensor into liquid silicone rubber, and then 4 72 −3 3 Second 8-h freeze
push it through the hole in the acrylic ring, through the rubber 80 −12 0 freeze to bottom
5 96 12 3 Second thaw
membrane, and into the specimen for a distance of about 6.5 112 to 120 3 3
mm (0.25 in.) as shown in Fig. 4. Puncturing the membrane

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D5918 − 13´1
and the bottom plate to 0°C (32.0°F). Hold these temperatures 9.5 Measurements During Freeze-Thaw Test—Read all tem-
for 16 h. Table 1 shows the details of the cooling plate perature sensors and displacement transducers at least every
temperature settings. half hour throughout the first 8-h of freezing and at 1-h
9.1.3 Nucleation—If the top temperature sensor reading is intervals thereafter.
1°C (1.8°F) lower than the freezing temperature of the soil pore 9.6 Completing the Freeze-Thaw Test—At the end of the
water (see appendix), initiate ice nucleation by delivering two second thaw period (120 h after the start of the test), record the
sharp blows with a metal rod to the top of the cold plate. The dial gage reading. Turn off the circulating liquid to the
readings from the top temperature sensor will rise if nucleation temperature control plates. Remove the dial gage and the
occurred. Other evidence of nucleation may be a positive frost displacement transducer assembles. Remove the surcharge
heave rate. Repeat this process for each additional 0.5°C weights and the top temperature control plate assembly. Re-
(0.9°F) drop below the freezing point of the soil pore water move enough of the loose insulation to allow access to the
until ice nucleation is achieved. Spontaneous nucleation will temperature sensors and the water lines. Remove the tempera-
occur without applying the sharp blows; however, the nucle- ture sensors from the side of the specimen by pulling them
ation temperature may be very low and instantaneous freezing gently away from the acrylic rings. Now, remove the specimen
of the top several centimeters of the specimens may occur. This assembly, complete with base plate, from the temperature
should be avoided; only unidirectional progressive freezing is control chamber.
9.1.4 First Thawing Period—The first thaw starts at the 10. Conducting the Bearing Ratio Test After Thawing
beginning of the third 24-h period. Raise the top plate 10.1 Move the specimen from the base and carefully place
temperature and hold it at 12°C (53.6°F) and raise the bottom it on an aluminum pie plate of known tare mass. Determine the
plate temperature and hold it at 3°C (37.4°F) for 16 h. During mass of the specimen and the pie plate. Slide a 150-mm (6-in.)
the next 8 h, hold both the top and bottom plate temperatures diameter hose clamp over each acrylic ring and tighten.
at 3°C (37.4°F). See Table 1 and Fig. 5 for the temperature Remove the plastic film from the top of the specimen. Conduct
settings and timing. a bearing ratio test on the specimen, in accordance with Test
9.2 Purging Air from Base—To remove air from the speci- Method D1883, but limit the penetration to 7.6 mm (0.3 in.) of
men base after thawing, open the drainage line in the base, and depth. Take a small water content specimen from the area
allow water to flow until bubbles cease to appear. Maintain the where the bearing ratio piston penetrated the specimen. Deter-
outlet of the drainage line a few millimeters above the water mine the wet and dry masses and water content. Remove the
head elevation to prevent water from draining out. If a large hose clamps, acrylic rings, and rubber membrane from the
amount of air is present, a slight suction applied to the drain specimen, and cut the specimen into six horizontal slices of
hose should start the flow. Refill the water supply reservoir, if approximately equal thickness. Determine the water content of
necessary, after purging the specimen base of air. each slice.
9.3 Second Freezing Period—The second freeze starts at the 10.2 The bearing ratio should also be determined for a
beginning of the fourth 24-h period. This procedure is the same specimen that has not been frozen. This specimen should be
as that used in the first freeze. prepared at the same moisture and density conditions as the
freeze-thaw test specimen. The test should be conducted in
9.4 Second Thawing Period—The second thaw starts at the accordance with Test Method D1883.
beginning of the fifth 24-h period. This procedure is the same
as that used for the first thaw. 11. Determining the Frost-Susceptibility
11.1 Use the two heave rates and the bearing ratio values to
determine the frost-susceptibility using the criteria given in
Table 2.
11.1.1 Compare the 8-h frost heave rates observed during
the first and second freeze-thaw cycles with each other. If there
is a significant increase (or decrease) during the second freeze,
as there is in the example shown in Fig. 7, then the heave rate

TABLE 2 Tentative Frost-Susceptibility CriteriaA

Frost-Susceptibility 8-h Heave Rate, Bearing Ratio After
Classification mm/day Thaw, %
Negligible NFS <1 >20
Very low VL 1 to 2 20 to 15
Low L 2 to 4 15 to 10
Medium M 4 to 8 10 to 5
High H 8 to 16 5 to 2
Very high VH >16 <2
The criteria will be updated with experience. The bearing ratio criteria should be
used only as a guide; if the CBR test is used for design, it should be noted that the
FIG. 5 Example of the Freeze-Thaw Test Results and Selection of thaw CBR value occurs only for a few weeks per year.
the Frost Heave Rate

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D5918 − 13´1

FIG. 6 Example of Specimen Preparation Data Sheet

selected will depend on the site conditions. If the site is in a not reach the water table, then the 8-h heave rate during the
very temperate region where many freeze-thaw cycles occur first freeze should be selected.
and the water table is near the zone of freezing and thawing, 11.1.2 The heave rate criteria allow the determination of the
then the 8-h heave rate during the second freeze should be frost heave susceptibility of a material that can be related to
selected. If the site is in a more severe winter climate where the pavement roughness during the freezing period. The thaw
frost penetration is more continuous during the winter and does bearing ratio value allows the determination of the thaw

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FIG. 7 Example of Test Results Summary Data Sheet

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D5918 − 13´1
weakening susceptibility of the material. Compare the thaw 12.2.11 Freezing point depression temperature.
bearing ratio value with the bearing value for no freezing or the 12.2.12 Bearing ratio before freeze-thaw cycling (from
design bearing value to determine the frost-susceptibility. standard test).
Tentative criteria in Table 2 can be used to determine the thaw 12.2.13 Plot of the frost heave versus time for both freeze-
weakening susceptibility if no bearing ratio specifications are thaw cycles.
available. The thaw weakening susceptibility criteria are based 12.2.14 Plot of the frost depth versus time for both freeze-
upon comparisons of bearing ratios (after two freeze-thaw thaw cycles.
cycles in the laboratory) with pavement deflection measure- 12.2.15 Bearing ratio after freeze-thaw cycling.
ments (made during spring thaw with simulated wheel load- 12.2.16 Water content for each of six layers after freeze-
ings). The thaw weakening period is normally two to four thaw cycling.
weeks in seasonal frost regions. Thus, the thaw bearing ratio 12.2.17 Plot of water content profile after freeze-thaw
value covers only this period of time. cycling.
12.2.18 Frost heave susceptibilities for each freeze-thaw
12. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) cycle.
12.1 The methodology used to specify how data are re- 12.2.19 Thaw weakening susceptibility.
corded on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given below, is 13. Precision and Bias
covered in 1.4.
13.1 Precision—Test data on precision are not presented due
12.2 Record as a minimum the following information (see to the nature of the soil or rock, or both materials tested by this
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 for examples): standard. It is either not feasible or too costly at this time to
12.2.1 Identification and description of the test specimen, have ten or more laboratories participate in a round-robin
including whether the soil is intact or compacted. testing program. In addition, it is either not feasible or too
12.2.2 Type of specimen: intact or compacted. costly to produce multiple specimens that have uniform physi-
12.2.3 Sampling procedure, including type of specimen or cal properties. Any variation observed in the data is just as
method. likely to be due to specimen variation as to operator or
12.2.4 Compaction mode, including the number of layers, laboratory testing variation.
layer thickness, number of blows per layer, and type and
weight of rammer. 13.2 Subcommittee D18.19 is seeking any pertinent data
12.2.5 Masses and volumes measured and the moisture from users of these test methods that might be used to make a
content and density determined. limited statement on precision.
12.2.6 Specific gravity of solids. 13.3 Bias—There are no accepted reference values for these
12.2.7 Degree of saturation, void ratio, and porosity before test methods, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
12.2.8 Condition of test (natural moisture or soaked). 14. Keywords
12.2.9 Open or closed system. 14.1 freeze-thaw test; frost susceptibility; roads and run-
12.2.10 Elevation of water table. ways; soil and aggregate; thaw weakening susceptibility


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The freezing temperature of the pore water in soils is arrangement. A refrigerated cold bath capable of maintaining
commonly below 0°C (32°F). The depression of the freezing the temperature at −3.00°C (−26.6°F) is used to induce freez-
point of the water in soil is due to the effects of particle size, ing. The temperature data are continuously recorded.
mineralogy, and chemistry. Generally, the temperature at which
water in soil begins to freeze decreases with increasing X1.3 The freezing-point depression is determined as fol-
amounts of fine-grained particles. The addition of salts also lows:
decreases the freezing point of soil water.
X1.3.1 Compact the soil in a clean test tube to a depth of 20
X1.2 The freezing point can be determined by placing a mm.
temperature sensor into a small amount of the test soil in a test X1.3.2 Insert the temperature sensor 10 mm into the center
tube and observing temperature changes during freezing. The of the soil as shown in Fig. X1.1. (This can be done by making
accuracy of the temperature measurement system should be to a pilot hole with a needle slightly smaller than the temperature
within 60.05°C (60.09°F). The soil should be placed in the
sensor or by compacting the soil around the sensor.)
test tube at approximately the same density and moisture
content as in the freezing test. Fig. X1.1 illustrates the X1.3.3 Connect the sensor to the recorder.

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D5918 − 13´1

FIG. X1.2 Selecting the Freezing-Point Depression from the

Cooling Curve

sion temperature. Then, as the ice that has formed begins to

cool, the temperature again falls.
FIG. X1.1 Setup for Determining the Freezing-Point Depression
X1.3.8 Thaw the specimen; remove the temperature sensor;
determine the water content. Make sure that the water content
is equal to or greater than the required value.
X1.3.4 Place the test tube in a slurry of ice and water and
X1.3.9 Record the freezing-point depression temperature
allow the temperature to equilibrate at 0°C (32°F).
and the water content.
X1.3.5 Immerse the test tube in an ethylene glycol-water
solution in a refrigerated cold bath. The temperature should be X1.4 The freezing-point depression temperature is used for
at −3°C (26.6°F). three purposes. The first is to determine the boundary tempera-
tures during freezing and thawing. If the freezing-point depres-
X1.3.6 Observe and record the temperature with time. sion temperature is lower than −0.25°C (31.5°F), then the
X1.3.7 Select the freezing-point depression temperature as boundary temperatures should be lowered by an amount equal
shown in Fig. X1.2. The initial part of the temperature record to the freezing-point depression temperature. The second
is characterized by super-cooling of the pore water and purpose for measuring the freezing point of the pore water is to
warming after spontaneous nucleation. The temperature then determine the temperature at which nucleation will be initiated
remains constant for a period of time while the water in the in the freezing test. Finally, the freezing point of the pore water
region of the sensor freezes. This is the freezing-point depres- is also used to determine the depth of freezing and thawing.


Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D5918 –
06) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Feb. 1, 2013.)

(1) Revised wording in 3.1.1. (3) Editorial corrections made throughout.

(2) Relocated Note 1 to Section 5.

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ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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