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Upheaval Buckling of Pipelines-2016

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3rd Quarter, 2016 157

Upheaval buckling of pipelines

by Oluwatomisin Adebanjo* and Dr Nigel Simms
School of Applied Science, Cranfield University, UK

U PHEAVAL BUCKLING OF OFFSHORE pipelines occurs as a result of axial compression induced

along the pipelines due to large temperature differences and high internal pressures. This paper
aims to research the causes of upheaval buckling, give an overview of the analytical methods, and
develops an Excel spreadsheet for initial assessment.

Several models of upheaval buckling have been identified and discussed, such as those based on idealized
or perfect pipelines, which are related to the railway track analysis and those based on imperfections.
The buckle temperatures of the perfect pipelines are proportional to the buckle lengths and axial forces.
With the consideration of imperfections, buckle temperatures become inversely proportional to the
imperfection heights, therefore larger imperfections would require smaller temperatures to propagate
upheaval buckling. Increasing the downward load on the pipelines aids the prevention of upheaval buckling.

Also, relevant methods to mitigate against the occurrence of upheaval buckling have been discussed. The
use of finite-element analysis which considers the seabed profile and plastic deformation of pipe wall
would be suitable for precise analysis.


the use of both the onshore and offshore pipelines
in transporting products from one location to another.
established their models incorporating structural (initial)
imperfections and deformation-dependent axial friction
resistance (out-of-straightness of pipelines). Ju et al. [11]
During operation, due to high pressures and high and Pederson et al. [20], developed models improving
temperatures of the fluid flow in pipelines, the pipelines on analysing imperfectly heated pipelines, emphasizing
expand which results to buckling. Buckling in offshore the occurrence of upheaval in pipelines being caused
pipelines is caused by axial compression formed along the by temperature fluctuations in combination with initial
pipelines due to large temperature differences and high imperfections (upheaval creep of buried heated pipelines).
internal pressure [3]. Buckling may occur in pipelines
downward in a free span, horizontally in lateral buckling Software has been developed based on the established
on the seabed, or vertically in upheaval buckling of buried theoretical analysis of these models to define upheaval
pipelines [6]. buckling of pipelines. This research paper concentrates
on a review of these analytical models, and comparing the
Buried or trenched pipelines are restrained from snaking models using an assumed scenario.
horizontally or laterally, and are thereby not free to expand
[8]. Thus, this pipeline develops an axial compressive This paper aims to identify the causes of upheaval buckling,
force due to the restraint. When the force exerted by review current and previous research on upheaval buckling,
the pipeline exceeds the vertical restraint that resists the identify predictive models, and suggest approaches to
uplift movement (created by the pipes size and submerged mitigate against upheaval buckling in pipelines
weight, the bending stiffness of the pipe, and the weight
of the soil or rock cover), the pipe tends to move upward
which results in a vertical displacement that can cause Background study
structural deformation or failure of the pipeline.
Global buckling in pipelines connotes the buckling of
Several scholars have developed analytical models to pipeline as a bar in compression. It could occur downward
mitigate against the occurrence of upheaval buckling in a free span, horizontally as in lateral buckling of
and to sustain offshore pipeline integrity and reliability. a pipeline on the seabed, or vertically as in upheaval
Upheaval buckling according to Hobbs [9] and Boer et al. buckling of buried pipelines [6]. Buckling of pipelines
[2] are based on classical analysis relating pipeline stability occur as a result of thermal loading and internal pressure
to vertical stability of railway tracks (this is basically based that produces axial compressive loads across the pipeline.
on perfect pipelines). Richard [21] and Taylor et al. [23]
Lateral buckling occurs when the pipeline is laid on the
*Corresponding authors contact details: surface of the seabed, and the buckle propagates as a
lateral or snake-like deflection. Upheaval buckling occurs
158 The Journalof Pipeline Engineering

a) as-laid

b) trenched and buried

c) start-up

pipeline pushes upward

against cover

d) upheaval

Fig.1. Sequence of events illustrating

buckling in buried pipeline [18].

when the pipeline is trenched or buried, and the buckle [ 7]. Different incidences of upheaval buckling occurred
propagates in a vertical deflection. in the 1980s: the first occurrence of upheaval buckling
took place in 1986 in the Danish sector of the North Sea
When the temperature and pressure of an operating associated on Maersk Olie Og Gas A/S Rolf pipeline
pipeline is higher than the ambient, the pipeline tends to [17]. Authors including Hobbs [10], Boer [2], Richards
expands. Due to the inadequate space to allow expansion [21], Taylor et al. [23], Ju et al. [11], Pederson et al. [20],
of a trenched or buried pipeline, the pipeline develops an Palmer et al. [19], and Klever et al. [13] have addressed and
axial compressive force. If the force created by the pipeline contributed to upheaval buckling problem in pipelines.
is higher than the vertical force produced by the soil cover
which prevents against the uplift movement created by the Hobbs [9] emphasized in his research two methods of
pipe, the pipe then tends to move upward causing a vertical buckling propagation in pipelines: lateral and upheaval
displacement of the pipe. The excessive propagation of the buckling. The classical analysis proposed in his research
vertical displacement of the pipeline can eventually result was identical to the one of the vertical stability of railway
in failure of the pipeline [19]. tracks [12], and his paper addressed responses produced
by the compressive force generated on the pipeline, which
Figure 1 shows a diagram of events that initiates is similar to the bending deformation that propagates in
propagation of vertical displacement (upheaval buckling) the elastic buckling of an axially loaded column. He also
in buried pipelines. Figure 1a illustrates the pipeline considered the pipeline to be perfectly elastic and assumed
being laid on the seabed. The pipeline is then trenched pipeline to be straight without considering imperfections
or buried, as shown in Fig.1b. This process therefore or out-of-straightness [10].
modifies the foundation profile where the pipe rests. In
operation, as depicted in Fig.1c, the increased temperature Further research was directed to this topic, and the
and pressure creates a compressive axial force which classical model proposed in Hobbs paper was modified
causes a lift of the pipeline. Continuous increase of the and refined to consider imperfections (out-of-straightness)
temperature and pressure while in operation causes the and the elasto-plastic behaviour of pipelines undergoing
pipeline to push upward against the soil cover, creating buckling.
an upheaval buckling of the pipeline as shown in Fig.1d.
In his paper Boer [2] discusses buckling associated with
In order to prevent impact on pipeline by other marine operating a pipeline at high temperature (using the 15.3-
activities, such as fishing nets or ships anchors, and for the km long, 12-in diameter, Alwyn pipeline in the N Sea as
safety of the pipeline and the environment, the pipelines a case study). He established his research by focusing on
are usually buried and trenched [7]. previous studies developed by Delft Hydraulics Laboratory
(DHL) and Lloyds Register of Shipping (LRS). The
Considerable research has been made into this topic, and research showed in detail the effects of vertical constraint
the first paper on pipeline buckling was published in 1974 force and prop height on upheaval buckling propagation.
3rd Quarter, 2016 159

y x

Ls L Ls

Po -Ls

Fig.2. Force analysis of a pipeline section with vertical buckling [9]:

(a top) pipeline buckling mode with dimensions; (b bottom) axial force distribution.

Taylor and Gan [23] put together an analysis incorporating Daniels in 1971 which described the analysis of vertical
structural imperfection and deformation-dependent axial- buckling of crane rails, agrees with the theory first made
friction resistance; their study concentrated on both the by Matrinet. In 1974 Kerr [12] published an extensive
vertical and the lateral modes of deformation. literature analysis on upheaval buckling of railway tracks.
Pendersen and Jenson [20] also described the vertical
buckling of pipelines due to thermal expansion and The analyses made by these authors are closely related
internal pressure; they observed that the effect of to buckling problems in pipelines, and thus Hobbs [10]
temperature fluctuations in imperfect pipelines could developed the basic models for buckling in pipeline
produce upheaval buckling at a temperature lower than relating his theory to the previous theory of buckling
the design temperature. The paper presented a model in railway track. In this model, the force created by full
which designs against propagation of upheaval buckling restraint of thermal expansion across the pipeline is:
of buried pipelines subject to time-varying temperature
loading. P0 = EAT (1)

Palmer et al. [19] developed a simplified analytical model where P0 is the force, E is the Youngs modulus, is the
focusing on pipeline stability which analysed whether the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, and T is the
downward force (of the soil cover) would be capable or temperature change.
enough to hold the pipeline in its position and prevent
propagation of upheaval buckling. The axial strain across the wall of the pipeline due to the
pressure difference is given by:
This paper focused on three basic models: the theoretical
1 Pr Pr
analysis for upheaval buckling of perfect straight pipelines, = (2)
imperfect pipelines, and simplified Palmers model. E 2t t
where is Poissons ratio, P is the internal pressure, t is the
wall thickness, and r is the radius.
Theoretical analysis for upheaval
buckling of perfectly straight If the axial strain is restrained, the axial compressive force
pipelines P0 to propagate buckling will be:
A Pr
As identified earlier, compressive axial forces are developed P0 = EA = ( 0.5 ) (3)
along a pipeline due to the increased internal temperature t
and pressure during operation. This compressive axial The pipeline is analysed as a beam under uniform lateral
forces along a pipeline can result in upheaval buckling of load, as illustrated in Fig.2. The linear differential equation
the pipeline. of the deflected shape of the buckled area of the pipeline,
assuming the moment of the lift-off point is zero, is given
Similar occurrences of upheaval buckling have occurred as [10]:
in railway track, and a works were published analysing the
problem. In 1936, Matrinet first developed a theory to Y "+ n2 Y +
( 4 x 2 L2 ) = 0 (4)
analyse the vertical mode of buckling in railway track [9].
Granstroms discussion on behaviour of continuous crane in which m = EI and n2 = P EI , and is the
rails in 1972, and a research paper published by Marek and submerged weight of pipeline per unit length
160 The Journalof Pipeline Engineering

a) Basic contact undulation

Cover level if pipeline buried


P=0 P=0

D L0 / 2 L0 / 2
trench bottom / seabed

b) Isolated prop

sea (void)
P=0 P=0

Li / 2 Li / 2

c) Infilled prop

sand infill
P=0 P=0

Li / 2 Li / 2

Fig.3.Typical imperfection configuration [24].

Figure 2b compares the axial load P in the buckling area The maximum amplitude of the buckle is given as:
with the axial load P0 away from the buckle area. The axial
load P in the buckle area is less than the axial load away Vm = 2.408 10 3 (7)
from the buckle area because of the extra length around EI
buckle area Ls compared to the length of the buckle area L. The maximum bending moment at x = 0 is:

Equation 4 is can be solved and gives the following result M = 0.06938L2 (8)
for the axial loads:
The slipping length Ls, adjacent to the buckle is given as:
P = 80.76 2 (5)
L P P0
Ls = 0.5L (9)
1 For a very large coefficient of friction when Ls = 0:
P0 = P + L (1.59 10 5 EAL5 ) 0.25 ( EI )2 2
P0 = 80.76 2 + 1.597 x 10 5
(6) L ( EI )2
P represent the axial load in buckled region, P0 is the axial Equation 10 is a minimum when:
load away from the buckled area, and is the coefficient of 1.6856 106 ( EI )3

friction between the pipe and the subgrade. L = (11)

2 AE

3rd Quarter, 2016 161

a) Datum (P = 0)
Level seabed /
Vom trench bottom
void prop

P=0 Li

b) Pre-upheaval flexure
(Lu < L < Li)

Vm = Vom
void prop
Lu < L < Li
0<P<Pu 0 < P < Pu

c) Upheaval
(L = Lu)
Vm = Vom
void prop
Pu Pu

d) Post - upheaval buckling

(Lu < L < Li)
Vom Vm
void prop
Lu < L < Li

e) Post - upheaval buckling

(L > Li)
Vom Vm
void prop
L > Li

Fig.4. Isolated prop topologies [24].

Upheaval buckling authors including Taylor and Gan [23], Boer et al. [2], Ju
of imperfect pipelines and Kyriakides [11], Perdersen and Jensen [20], Ballet and
Hobbs [1], Maltby and Calladine [15], Taylor and Tran
Recent research has expanded the classical view of [24], and Croll [5], have published papers analysing the
upheaval buckling thereby making void the engineering upheaval buckling of imperfect pipelines.
practice that the shape of a buried pipeline is straight. This
is due to the presence of initial imperfections during the Initial imperfections in pipelines could occur in three
pipe laying. different forms as shown in Fig.3. These are illustrated
with different parameters such as Vom which represents
Initial imperfection in pipelines can be due to irregularities the amplitude of the initial imperfection, and L0 which
of the seabed profile, or laying the pipeline over a boulder represents the length.
or prop. The presence of the initial imperfection causes
a deformation on the pipeline during the laying process Taylor and Tran [24] developed models describing each
and during operation as the temperature-increased case of the initial imperfections. The first case, in Fig.3a,
propagation of upheaval buckling takes place. illustrates the pipeline lying in contact with the vertical
undulation of the seabed in a straight line. Figure 3b
Many researchers have contributed to the study of shows the isolated-prop scenario where the pipeline is laid
upheaval buckling of imperfect pipelines. A number of on a sharp vertical irregularity or prop. The third scenario,
162 The Journalof Pipeline Engineering

in Fig.3c, is an extension of the scenario in Fig.3b which 1.6856 106 ( EI )3


occurs when the prop becomes in-filled with sand. L T min =

2 EA (16)

The isolated-prop case involves the pipe been laid on a
sharp vertical irregularity (prop) in such a way that a void
exists at either side, as shown in Fig.4. The prop could be (
PT min = 5.0273E ( IA ) )
12 12
a rock on the seabed or a pipe crossing. The voids at either
sides of the prop allow pre-buckling flexible movement Croll [4] proposed that the initial wavelength of the
of the pipe due to temperature and pressure cycling. As suspended part of the pipeline when laid on the seabed
the temperature during operation rises, the span length imperfection to be given by:
of the pipeline reduces as the pipeline tightens up under EIH
the force P, and the length reduces to a point where the L 0 = 5.826 (18)

pipeline lifts from the top of the prop.
where LO is the initial wavelength, E is Youngs modulus,
As the temperature increases, as illustrated in Fig.4, the I represent the moment of inertia, H is the imperfection
length Li reduces to length Lu where upheaval propagates. height, and is the submerged weight.
Post-upheaval buckling occurs when Lu < L < Li with L >
L i. The load and wavelength for the initial lift-off during
operation can be calculated with the following equations:
Adopting the approach of Richards et al. [21] and Ballet 12
EI (19)
and Hobbs [1] as summarized by Mohammed [16], the rise PL 0 = 3.007
due to temperature is given in Equn 12 below, where E is
the Youngs modulus, A is the cross-sectional area of the and
pipeline, is the coefficient of thermal expansion, I is the EIH
L L = 4.427
second-moment area of the pipeline, is the coefficient (20)
of friction, is the vertical load per unit length, H is the
height of the prop, L is the length of buckle, and P is the The maximum load for buckle propagation is then given
axial fore in the buckle region. by:
Pbo = 9.478 (21)
Where there is zero slippage in the region adjacent to the H
buckle, Equn 12 can be rearranged [16] as:

Palmer et al.s method

8H 3
12 14 12
Tmin = 2 2.9885 3
E A 1225I Palmer et al. [19] gave a detailed explanation of upheaval
(13) buckling with imperfection, and developed a simplified
where Tmin is the minimum temperature to propagate analytical model to support the explanation. The model
buckle, and other parameters are as stated above. proposed by Palmer and his team has been confirmed
The buckle amplitude associated with the minimum to produce good results when checked in a full-scale
temperature from Equn 13 is given by: laboratory test and with more-refined computational tools
[13, 22].
VT min = 3.1249 (14)
A The stability of the pipeline was assumed to depend on the
This can also be re written as: local profile of the pipe in contact with the seabed, and on
the ability of the downward force being able to hold the
VT min = 0.7812 ( D2 + d 2 ) (15) pipeline in its position [19]. The authors proposed, using

the elementary beam-column theory, that the downward
where D is the external diameter and d is the internal force per unit length (x) that is needed to maintain the
diameter of the pipe. equilibrium position of the pipeline is given by:
d4 y d2 y
( x ) = EI p (22)
In addition, the equations required to determine the dx 4 dx 2
buckle length L and the axial force P associated to the Tmin
are: where EI is the flexural rigidity and is the axial compressive


1 L
8H 3L2 2

T = P + EZ Y xdx
EA 1225EI 2
3rd Quarter, 2016 163

The pipeline, after laying on the seabed, is deformed due to where EI is the flexural rigidity of the pipeline, o is the
the height of the imperfection, the weight of the pipeline, submerged weight of the pipeline, H is the imperfection
and the flexural stiffness of the pipeline. Therefore, Palmer height, and P is axial force in operation.
et al. proposed a simple sinusoidal profile of the pipeline
after installation considering the height of imperfection The preliminary design formula compares the required
and length of imperfection, given by: download force determined from Equn 28 with the actual
load (which is the sum of the submerged weight and the
Y = H cos2 (23) uplift resistance of the cover).
where H is the imperfection height, and L is the length of Schaminee et al. [22] did further research on calculating
imperfection and ranging from -0.5L < x < 0.5L. the uplift resistance of a pipeline buried in rock or in
cohesionless soil. The equations to calculate the uplift
To maintain the position of the pipeline profile, the cohesion are:
downward force required is proposed as:
for cohesionless sand, silt and rock:

4 2
2 X
( x ) = 8HEI + 2HP cos
q = yRD 1 + f (29)
(24) D
for cohesionless clay and silt:
At the tip of the imperfection when x = 0, the download
force is maximum and is given by: q = ycDmin 3 (30)
2 4

= 2H 8HEI (25) where q is the uplift resistance, R is the depth of the cover,
L L y is the submerged unit weight of the cover material, D is
where is the downward force per unit length to stabilize the diameter of pipe, c is the shear strength, and f is the
the pipeline at the tip of the pipeline imperfection. uplift coefficient (0.5 for dense materials and 0.1 for loose
materials) [19].
In the paper [19], it was proposed that Equn 25 can be re-
written as a relationship between dimensionless downward
parameters: Methodology
w = Al4 Bl4 (26) In order to be able to evaluate the use of the proposed
upheaval models, an Excel spread sheet was developed for
( )
with w = EI HP 2 and l = L P EI . each upheaval-buckling method described above. A typical
sample pipeline with parameters given in Table 1 was used
Constants A and B can be determined numerically by for each of the models.
plotting wl2 against l2 using finite-element software
(UPBUCK) [19]. The authors confirmed the general Theoretical analysis of perfect straight pipeline
profile of pipeline supported by the axial force in the post-
buckling mode to be given by: According to the theoretical analysis of upheaval buckling
of perfect straight pipelines [10], the following would
9.6 343
w = (27) be used to determine the force or temperature change
l2 l4 corresponding to the buckle length:
In the situation where the maximum height of the
imperfection is known and the length is unknown, an considering high coefficient of friction:
estimated imperfection length is assumed for pipeline that
takes a form dependent on the flexural stiffness and the the value of can be computed using Equn 11;
weight of installed pipe before operation [19].
for a range of values of length L from the
Palmer et al. further derived the formula for preliminary computed , determine Po using Equn 10;
design to determine the required download stability
during operation, which is given by: determine the value of T using Equn 1, and the
buckle amplitude Vm using Equn 7.

H 1 2 considering real coefficient of friction:

H 0
= 1.16 4.76 P
for a range of coefficient of friction and values
of L from the computed , compute Po using
(28) Equn 6;
164 The Journalof Pipeline Engineering

Parameter notation Metric unit

outside diameter D 25.6 in 0.65024 m
wall thickness t 0.59 in 0.014986 m
Cross-sectional area A 46.38 sq in 0.029923 sq m
second moment of area I 3625 in4 1.51 E-03 m4
submerged weight w 260 lb/ft 3823.399 N/m
coefficient of linear thermal expansion a 0.000011 oC 1.10E-05 C
Youngs modulus E 2.07E + 11
coefficient of friction f 0.3 f 0.7
Table 1. Parameters of the sample pipeline.

the change in temperature can be computed Results and discussion

using Equn 1, and the buckle amplitude Vm
from Equn 7. A typical pipeline is considered with parameters shown
in Table 1.
Analysis of imperfect pipelines
For the theoretical analysis of a perfectly straight
Due to the complexity of the study of the upheaval pipeline using a spread sheet (which is fully shown in the
buckling of pipelines containing imperfections or out- Appendix*) the steps discussed above were followed. The
of-straightness, the simplified model summarized by result, in Figs 5 and 6, shows the temperature rise required
Raoof [16] was used, where the minimum temperature to produce an axial force that will propagate upheaval
for propagation of upheaval buckling can be determine buckling. Figure 5 shows the relationship between the
using Equn 13. The buckle amplitude at the minimum temperature and the buckle length, while Fig.6 depicts
temperature Tmin can be calculated using Equns 14 or 15; the relationship between the temperature increase and the
the buckle length can be determined using Equn 16, and buckle amplitude.
the axial force that would propagate upheaval buckling
can be determined from Equn 17. Considering a very large coefficient of friction (the worst-
case scenario for design), Fig.5 shows that the largest safe
Further analysis can be done using Equn 18 to determine temperature change required to avoid upheaval buckling
the initial wavelength suspended by the imperfection. in the sample pipeline is 1010C (i.e. the minimum
The lift-off load, wavelength, and the maximum load for temperature to propagate upheaval buckling). Hobbs
buckle propagation can be calculated with Equns 19, 20, explained the mode pattern A to B in Fig.5 to be unstable
and 21, respectively. due to the assumption of fully mobilized friction for a
small displacement. The path B to C then explains the
Analysis of Palmer et al.s model relationship between temperature and buckle length for
the sample pipeline with a small imperfection [7.
The method summarizes how to evaluate the possibility
of the occurrence of upheaval buckling on an operating It was observed that the effect of the coefficient of friction
pipeline. The steps involved are: was noticed and relevant in the post-buckling region B
to C, as shown in Fig.7. An approximated value of the
determine the axial force; coefficient of friction between the seabed and the pipeline
was used in the model.
calculate the total downward force needed to keep
the pipeline in its position without occurrence of The model examined only perfect systems with no account
upheaval buckling using Equn 28; of the initial out-of-straightness or the magnitude and
nature of the initial imperfections of the seabed.
determine the sum of the pipeline submerged
weight and the uplift resistance (the available load Considering the case of initial imperfections where the
on the pipe); pipe is laid on a prop with a varying imperfection height H,
*Editors note: space unfortunately precludes the inclusion of the
compare between the total downward force that authors Appendix which is made up of a considerable amount of tabular
keeps the pipeline in its position with the available data. A copy can be sent to readers for whom it would be helpful: to
load on the pipe. For stability to occur > 0 + q . obtain this, please contact the editor, whos details are given on p.142.
3rd Quarter, 2016 165

Fig.5. Relationship between

temperature and buckle length.

Fig.6. Relationship between

temperature and buckle amplitude.

Fig.7. Relationship between

temperature and buckle length with
different coefficients of friction.

the natural length of the suspended portion is given as Li imperfection height, and the safe temperature obtained
as shown in Fig.4a above, assuming the out-of-straightness in the imperfect model is smaller than the one calculated
of the pipeline is free of an axial load i.e. P = 0. using the perfect model.

During operation with increasing axial load P, it was The model proposed by Palmer et al. established a
observed that the values of the wavelength (the lift of preliminary design to determine the stability of buried
wavelength LL) begins to reduce when compared to the pipelines following the procedure of the analysis described
initial wavelength Lo as shown in Fig.4b and Table 2. in above. A full calculation can be seen in the Appendix*.

Following the approach described above, and using the Using the sample pipeline with an axial force of 15 MN
sample pipeline in Table 1, Table 2 depicts the relationship and an imperfection height of 0.2 m, when the depth
between the safe temperature (Tmin), initial wavelength cover used was 0.8 m the factor of safety was less than
(Lo), the uplift wavelength (LL), the uplift load (PL), and 1; when a cover depth of 1.4 m was used, the factor of
the maximum buckling load (Pb) for various imperfection safety increased slightly (1.04), and with a cover depth of
heights. 1.7 m, the factor of safety increased to 1.17. This shows
that a cover depth of 1.7 m would be required to keep the
As the initial imperfection height increased the minimum pipeline stable, and could be used for upheaval design.
safe temperature Tmin to propagate vertical buckling
*Editors note: space unfortunately precludes the inclusion of the
decreased and the maximum axial load for buckle authors Appendix which is made up of a considerable amount of tabular
propagation reduced. This is illustrated in Figs 8 and 9. data. A copy can be sent to readers for whom it would be helpful: to
The maximum buckling load is reached with a very small obtain this, please contact the editor, whos details are given on p.142.
166 The Journalof Pipeline Engineering

H (m) Tmin (oC) L0(m) Plo (N) Pbo (N)

0.05 101 46.57511 32.20925 14695347 16997146
0.1 100 55.38745 38.30347 10391180 12018797

0.2 98.9 65.86715 45.55076 7347674 8498573

0.3 96.9 72.89399 50.41021 5999350 6939056
0.4 94.6 78.32969 54.16929 5195590 6009399
0.5 92.1 82.82356 57.27705 4647077 5374970
0.6 89.2 86.68605 59.94818 4242181 4906653
0.7 86.1 90.09193 62.30353 3927497 4542678
0.8 82.8 93.15022 64.41851 3673837 4249287
0.9 79.2 95.93388 66.34356 3463727 4006266
1 75.4 98.49437 68.11428 3285980 3800677

Table 2.Values of safe temperature, initial wavelength, uplift wavelength, uplift load, and maximum buckling load for various
imperfection heights.

Imperfection height H (m) Required download W (N/m) Total download W0 (N/m) stability
0.05 -7992.225716 8787.611116 TRUE
0.1 -1594.783839 8787.611116 TRUE
0.2 7452.565228 8787.611116 TRUE
0.3 14394.84034 8787.611116 FALSE
0.4 20247.44898 8787.611116 FALSE
0.5 25403.70071 8787.611116 FALSE
0.6 30065.3086 8787.611116 FALSE
0.7 34352.09946 8787.611116 FALSE
0.8 38342.14712 8787.611116 FALSE
0.9 42089.6818 8787.611116 FALSE
1 45634.18824 8787.611116 FALSE
Table 3.Values of required download and pipeline stability level at different imperfection heights.

It was observed that as the imperfection height increased The simplest method is to stabilize pipeline against
the required download and the necessary cover depth that upheaval buckling by burying the pipeline; due to the
would be required to keep the pipeline stable to avoid difficulties and high cost involved in this method, other
upheaval buckling of the buried pipeline, as shown in options have been introduced. One of these is to reduce
the Fig.10 and Table 3. If the pipeline is stable, further the design temperature and pressure and to increase the
action could be ignored; however if, from the analysis, submerged weight of the pipeline, although this method
the pipeline is shown to be unstable, further investigation is impractical because too much weight would be needed
using finite-element analysis would be required. to accomplish this, and reducing the temperature might
necessitate adding a heat exchanger to the system.

Mitigation against Occurrence of upheaval buckling in pipeline can also

upheaval buckling be minimized by reducing the driving force (the axial
compressive force) of the pipeline and also by reducing
There are several methods to mitigate against the the wall thickness of the pipeline. Since the effect of
occurrence of upheaval buckling in pipelines. As briefly temperature on the axial force is proportional to the wall
discussed in Palmer et al. [19], mentioned below are few thickness, the reduction of the wall thickness therefore
of the approaches available to reduce the propagation of reduces the effect of the temperature which causes
upheaval buckling in offshore pipelines. upheaval buckling. In addition, pre-heating the pipeline,
3rd Quarter, 2016 167

Fig.8. Relationship between safe

temperature and imperfection height.

Fig.9. Relationship between axial load

and imperfection height.

Fig.10. Relationship between required

download and the imperfection height.

and increasing the residual tension of the pipeline in order Conclusions

to balance the axial compressive force during operation,
are other important approaches to mitigate against the Three models have been discussed. The model considering
occurrence of upheaval buckling. imperfection was able to eliminate the limitation existing
in the perfect-pipeline model (which does not include the
Another option is to change the structure of the pipeline initial imperfection and out-of-straightness of the pipeline).
by replacing some of the pipelines with closed bundles, Similarly the Palmer et al.s model was able to establish
or introducing a pipe-in-pipe system [19]. The steel pipe a preliminary design calculation method to confirm the
system could be replaced with flexible pipes which would stability of a buried (or covered) pipeline system. With
allow expansion movement to occur in the pipeline so as the inclusion of the imperfections, buckle temperatures
to restrain the occurrence of upheaval buckling. become inversely proportional to imperfection heights.
Thus a larger imperfection would require a smaller
The risk of upheaval buckling can also be avoided by temperature to propagate upheaval buckling, and a larger
keeping the pipeline in its position by holding the pipeline cover depth would be required to keep the pipeline in its
down, and this can be achieved by placing concrete position.
mattresses or rocks on critical over-bends where buckling
tends to occur, or at intermittent intervals along the The increased development in offshore oil and gas
pipeline [14]. fields that requires exploration in deeper waters will
168 The Journalof Pipeline Engineering

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