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Annual Action Plan LRMDS

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KRA Objectives Programs/Projects/ Activities Physical Target Financial Target

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Orientation Orient teachers on school 1. Participate in school staff meetings to give orientation/ 2 - - - 2 None None - -
LRMDS announcements on LRMDS.
2.Give technical assistance to teachers in need of
School Action Plan school action cell on 1. Draft school action plan on LRMDS. - - - - None
Plan LRMDS mechanics 2. Submit action plan in the division office
School Learning Plan learning resource - Prepare ICT room for School Learning Resource Centre. 2 2 2 2 8 None
Resource Centre center - Prepare cabinets, tables and charts stand

Resource Identify the needed 1.Give a thorough assessment on school needs regarding - - - - - None - - -
Learning Needs learning resources in the learning materials, teaching materials and professional
Assessment different learning areas materials
2. Summarize the assessment.
3. Plan on what learning materials need to be prioritize.
Development/ Develop / Modify learning 1. Make a list of the prioritized learning materials to be develop. 3 3 3 3 12
Modification of resources submitted after 2. Set time and place for the actual making of learning resource
Learning being quality assured materials.
Resources 3. Monitor teachers on the progress learning resource materials
Learning Evaluate the learning 1. Receive and record all learning materials submitted. 3 3 3 3 12 - - - - -
Resource resources submitted for 2. Distribute to the evaluators.
Evaluation school level evaluation 3. Retrieve all evaluated learning materials for submission to the
division level evaluators.
Reproduction Reproduce learning 1. Reproduce the printed learning materials. 3 3 3 3 12 None
of Developed resources that were 2. Display these learning materials in the School LRDMC for
LRs developed and printed the schools utilization.
Maintenance of Maintain the functionality 1.Have an inventory of all the learning resources in the All All All All All - - - - -
LR Equipment of the learning resources center. equip equip- equip equi equip-
equipment 2. Have them be functional throughout the year. - ment - p- ment
ment ment men
Monitoring & Monitor and evaluate all 1.Have a list of the activities to be done. - - - - - - - - - -
Evaluation of activities identified above 2.Monitor and evaluate each activity conducted.
Activities for improvement. 3.Submit a report on the conduct.
Documentation Record all LRs 1.Conduct meta data analysis on the submitted LRs. 100% 100% 100% 100 100% - - - - -
of submitted LRs submitted to the 2.Update the record. %
to the LRMDC. LRMDC.

Prepared by:

Noted: Teacher I


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