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Ipcrf Plan Targets Activities Phase 1 2022 2023

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SY 2022-2023


1.Content, 1.Applied 1.Design at least 1.Submit for checking Updated DLL/DLP duly Every Friday
Knowledge and knowledge of ___4__ DLL/DLP DLL/DLP highlighting the checked for the next
Pedagogy content within showing meaningful integration of knowledge & week plan
and across integration/connection skills across curriculum
curriculum of applied knowledge teaching areas.
teaching areas. & skills across 2.Demonstrate and make a COT, DLL, DLP Q2- 1
curriculum teaching meaningful connection across Q3- 2 Based on the
areas. curriculum content areas, if Q4 - 1 agreed date of
appropriate. observation
2.Undergo Class 3.Prepare for the observation COT
observation at least 4 classes.
times in a year.
2.Used 1. Design a lesson 1.Undergo class observation. COT Q2-1
researched-based plan having at least 5 Q3-2
knowledge and varied/multiple 2.Conduct varied activities to DLL/DLP, Outputs Q4-2
principles of activities. the learners in the
teaching & development of the lesson
learning to
3. Displayed 1. Use with 100% 1. Conduct COT
proficient use of proficiency & fluency lecture/discussion /activities DLL/DLP
Mother Tongue, the medium of using precise language easily
Filipino & English instruction in the & speak slowly to ensure the
to facilitate delivery of the lesson. understanding of the
teaching & learners.
4. Use effective 1. Apply at least 5 1.Use verbal and non-verbal COT Q2-1
verbal & non- verbal & non- verbal strategies in the development DLL/DLP Q3-2
verbal classroom classroom of the lesson. Outputs Q4-2
strategies to strategies/activities in 2.Provide varied activities
support learners’ the delivery of where learners are able to
understanding, instructions. translate using verbal & non-
participation, verbal communications
engagement &
2. Learning 5. Established a 1. Provide a 100% 1.Manage classroom COT Q2 – 1
Environment safe & secure conducive learning structure and engages all Q3 – 2
learning area to engage learners’ meaningful Q4 – 1
environment to learners, individually exploration, discovery &
enhance learning or in groups in hands on learning activities
through the meaningful within the range of the
consistent exploration, discovery physical environment.
implementation of & hands-on activities.
guidelines & 2.Monitor classroom/ 2.Under Classroom Monitoring Result August 2022-
procedures. laboratory shop at monitoring 3 times within the June 2023
least 3 times within SY.
the school.

3. Structure the 3. Set up the Checklist August 2022-

learning environment classroom/laboratory based Monitoring Result June 2023
and shall obtained a on the Checklist.
rating of 0.95-1.0
6. Maintained 1.Manage learner 1.Constructively manages COT Q2 – 1
learning behavior learners’ behavior by applying Q3 – 2
environment that constructively by positive & non-violent Q4 – 1
promote fairness, applying positive & discipline to ensure learning
respect & care to non-violent discipline focused environment.
encourage to ensure learning
learning. focused environment. 2. Provide differentiated and COT
developmentally appropriate DLL/DLP Aug. 2022-July
learning experiences 2023
/activities to address the
diverse learning needs

3.Make signages and post in Classroom Monitoring

the conspicuous part of the Checklist
classroom about gender-fair,
anti-bullying policy & Q2 – 1
classroom rules. Letter of Information, Q3 – 1
1. Conduct orientation to Minutes of the meeting, Q4 – 1
parents about CPP, Anti- pictures & attendance
bullying Policy & the school Copies of the CPP & Anti-
policy bullying Policy
2. Orient the internal Q1 –
stakeholders on CPP, September
Anti-bullying policy & 2022
school policies.
7.Maintain 1. Use Rubrics in the 1. Use & explain the Rubrics DLL/DLP
learning conduct of activities. used in some activities. Rubrics
environment that
nurture & inspire 2. Give recognition to 2. Give incentives (points or Rating result
learners to deserving students. supplies) to the best Students’ Portfolio
participate, groups/outputs.
cooperate &
collaborate in 3. Design at least 4 3. Prepare a lesson plan using COT Q2 – 1
continued lesson plan using at varied activities to address DLL/DLP Q3 – 2
learning. least 5 varied diverse learners. Q4 - 1
8. Applied a range 1. Apply a range of 1. Provide a broad range of COT Q2 – 1
of successful teaching strategies to questions & activities Q3 – 2
strategies that develop critical & including those of higher- Q4 – 1
maintain learning creative thinking as order that challenges learners
environment to well as other higher- to analyze their thinking to
motivate learners order - thinking skills. promote deeper
to work understanding.
productively by
assuming 2. Use Rubrics in the rating Rubrics Rating Scale
responsibility for as needed. Students’ outputs
their own
3. Diversity of 9. Designed, 1.Provide at least 5 1.Provide differentiated & COT Q2 – 1
Learners, adopted, & varied teaching developmentally appropriate DLL/DLP Q3 – 2
Curriculum, implemented strategies to diverse learning experiences to Q4 - 1
Planning & teaching learners. address the learning needs of
Assessment & strategies that are different groups of learners.
Reporting responsive to
learners with 2. Well-explained rubrics Rubrics used
disabilities, shall be used. COT
giftedness & 3. Use effectively the verbal &
talents. non-verbal communications
to ensure understanding.
10. Adopted a 1. Develop at least 1. Make at least _4___ DLL/DLP Q1 –1
well culturally- __4__ contextualized Lesson plans applying Q2 –1
appropriate lesson plan. contextualization/localization. Q3 –1
teaching COT Q4 -1
strategies to 2. Provide varied activities
address the needs suited to their experiences &
of learners from geographical location.
indigenous group.
11. Adopted & 1. Conduct at least 4 1. Conduct quarterly Test Questions, TOS
implemented quarter assessments assessment.
learning programs within the SY. CPL, report on Passing &
that ensure Failure Rate/quarter, Class
relevance & 2. Achieve 90% 2. Submit CPL/quarter in the record
responsiveness to passing rate in the subject taught. Home visitation Logbook
the needs of all subject/quarter duly signed
learners. SF 2
3. Decrease drop-out 3. Conduct Home visitations. Reading Progress Report
rate by 15%. Reading report of each
4. 100% of the 4. Implemented the 30min Attendance & Pictures
identified _60___ NRs reading habit and the Adopt a
shall be promoted to Child to Read & monitor
FR progress of the learners. List of SARDOS
5. Implement at least 5. Participate in the health & List of Interventions with
4 health & wellness wellness activities. docs to support
prog to students & Beadles notebook
teachers. Sch logbook
6. Conduct at least 4 6. Identify SARDOS and
interventions to conduct necessary
SARDOS. interventions. Graduation Rate

7. 100% punctuality to 7. Attend classes with

both teachers & punctuality. Beadles Notebook
students School Logbook
8. 100% Graduation 8. Conduct close monitoring
rate for gr 12. & supervision to all gr 12
9. 100% in attendance 9. Lessen absences
to classes.
12.Utilized 1. Conduct 4 1.1 Formulate Test Questions TQs & TOs Q1-Q4
Assessment Data Quarterly assessments with TOS/quarter & submit
to inform the & Test item analysis & for checking.
modification of utilized the result. 1.2. Analyze Test Result & Test Item Analysis Result
teaching & utilized for remediations. List of Least Learned
learning practices 2. Identify the Least 23. Provide remediation to the Competencies
& programs. Learned least learned
Competencies/quarter Competencies/quarter Signed SF 9
for remediations. Attendance Sheet
3. Report to parents’ 3.1.Prepare the SF9.
student’s performance. 3.2.Report to parents the Reading report
learners’ progress/quarter.
4. Increase of 4. Intensify Reading activities
13. Maintained 1. Participate actively 1. Get involve and be Pictures & Accomplishment
learning in all school activities punctual in all school & Report
environment that with 100% attendance. community activities. Letter of Invitation/Program
are responsive to 2. Participate 100% all Minutes of the meeting
community community activities. Program/Activity Design
14. Reviewed 1. 100 % punctual in 1.Be on time in all call ups. Logbook
regularly personal all school events Attendance sheet
teaching practice including class
using existing attendance.
laws & 2. 100% with No Leave 2.Attend all activities called Logbook
regulations that of Absence for.
apply to the 3. 100% in attendance LAC documents, CA,
teaching to trainings, seminars Approved TO
profession & the & LAC sessions.
responsibilities 4. Observe proper 4.Wear the prescribed Logbook
specified in the decorum at all times. uniform (with ID) as required.
Code of Ethics for 5. Prepare & submit 5.Make DLL/DLP as required.
professional ____ DLL/DLP within Checklist of submitted
Teachers. the SY. DLL/DLP

15. Complied with 1.Exhibit 1.Establish good rapport PTA meetings documents
and implemented professionalism in the among internal & external Home Visitation/logbook
school policies & work place. stakeholders. Accomplishment Report
procedures 2. Translate to the 2. Participate in the crafting Financial Reports SMEA
consistently to school partners the of SIP & AIP with the Result
foster harmonious SIP. involvement of the external Communication letters
relationship with stakeholders. Pictures
learners, parents, 3.Conduct Monitoring 3. Conduct quarterly SMEA.
& other & evaluation in all
stakeholders. PAPs.
4. Establish 4. Conduct meetings to report
transparency. school accomplishments &
Financial Reports.

16. Applied a 1. Identify at least 5 1. Prepare & submit DLL/DLP with annotations
Personal lesson plans with DLL/DLP.
philosophy of annotations displaying 2. Compose ones Philosophy Copy of the Philosophy of
teaching that is ones Philosophy of of Teaching Teaching
learner-centered. Teaching.
17. Adopted 1.Uphold the dignity & 1. Establish good rapport Certificate of
practices that integrity of being a among school personnel. Recognition/Commendation
uphold the dignity public servant. Certification of No Conflicts
of teaching as a 2. No records of 2.Maintain high self-esteem. Self-rating on Core
profession by conflict among peers. Competencies /Mentoring
exhibiting & Coaching form
qualities such as 3. Provide Technical 3.Conduct Mentoring & Certificate of Appreciation
caring attitude, Assistance to co- Coaching among peers. Mentoring & Coaching
respect & teachers Form
18. Set 1. Craft IPCRF (Phase 1.1 Do the E-SAT Development Plan
Professional I) 1.2. Formulate Development E-SAT
Development Plan IPCRF
Goals based on 1.3. Craft & submit on time
PPST. 2. Have an Action the IPCRF (Wednesday)
Research at least 1 in 2. Conduct Action Research Action Research
the subject handled in the subject taught.
2.1 Utilize the
findings/results &
19. Performed 1. Perform with 1. Confirm & duly received Designation Letter
various related utmost diligence & Designation Order. Accomplishment Report
works/activities commitment other 2.Perform other school - Attendance, pictures
that contribute to ancillary services related tasks with 100% Committee Assignment
the teaching- designated. completion and veracity of the Order
learning process. reports. Certification of Recognition
as Author, Training
Facilitator, Validation of

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