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(CSR, Sustainability, Ethics &amp - Governance) Myria Allen (Auth.) - Strategic Communication For Sustainable Organizations - Theory and Practice-Springer International Publishing (2016)

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CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance

Series Editors: Samuel O. Idowu Ren Schmidpeter


for Sustainable
Theory and Practice

CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance

Series Editors
Samuel O. Idowu, London Metropolitan University, London, United Kingdom
Rene Schmidpeter, Cologne Business School, Germany

More information about this series at

Myria Allen

Strategic Communication for

Sustainable Organizations
Theory and Practice

Myria Allen
Department of Communication
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR

ISSN 2196-7075
ISSN 2196-7083 (electronic)
CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
ISBN 978-3-319-18004-5
ISBN 978-3-319-18005-2 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015938585
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
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To my grandson, Adjani, and all children

everywhere. May the adults in your life
embark quickly and boldly to ensure a more
resilient and sustainable planet.

ThiS is a FM Blank Page


The Brundtland Commission (1987) of the World Commission on Environment and

Developmentan arm of the United Nationswas asked to formulate a global
agenda for change. In our own view, we believe that this change has since the
report came out continued to show its face globally in all areas of human existence.
The report has successfully brought to our consciousness a number of issues on
sustainable development and the consequences of persistent irresponsibility on the
part of global corporate and individual citizens. Needless to say, nearly 30 years on,
a lot has happened in our world with regard toOur Common Future. For instance,
a series of UN Conferences on the Environment have seen the light of the day. The
Eight Millennium Development Goals had been set; with a few months to its end
period, a number of versions of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have been
issued; the G4 being its latest version, the ISO 26000 is now in place; similarly
research studies, scholarly conferences, debates, workshops, and a massive increase
in the number additions to the literature on sustainability are all now part of our life;
these are a few examples of what this change has brought to us. Myria Allens
Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations: Theory and Practice is
the latest addition to the literature on sustainability and sustainable development.
Allens quest to wanting to understand how sustainability initiatives were being
enacted across the USA was the motivation for this book. Armed with the knowledge of the theories of different aspects of the field having taught Organizational
Communication since the emergence of the Brundtland Report in 1987 and Environmental Communication more recently and being involved in different facets of
sustainability in academia, she was determined to add to readers practical knowledge of how sustainability has continued to evolve in the USA. Allen embarked on
a few months Sustainable journey across the United States of Americathis book
is an account of what she saw!
Having spent some time reading some sections of the book and bearing in mind
that our world is facing a series of environmental-related challenges including
Global Warming, scarcity of many of our resources, etc., every citizen of the
world both corporate and individual would have to learn to innovate in order to



use sustainably all our depletable and even nondepletable resources and also learn
to process sustainably all our ever increasing wastes. Our failure to do this would
make life unbearable for both this generation and future generations of residents of
planet Earth, after all this is all about our common future.
We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Myria Allen for this invaluable
addition to books on sustainability and sustainable development. We are delighted
to recommend the book unreservedly to all readers worldwide both in academia and
in practice. In addition, the book is a valuable resource which all undergraduate and
graduate students of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR must have; remember,
our common future is involved!
London, UK
Cologne, Germany

Samuel O. Idowu
Rene Schmidpeter


Why Write This Book?

When he was almost 60, John Steinbeck spent 3 months traveling through America
with his standard poodle, Charlie. In Travels with Charley: In Search of America
(1962) Steinbeck writes about setting out to rediscover his native land. He
described himself as an American writer who had been writing from memory
since he had not traveled extensively in his home country for 25 years. He wrote:
I had not heard the speech of America, smelled the grass and trees and sewage, seen its hills
and water, its color and quality of light. I knew the changes only from books and
newspapers. In short, I was writing of something I did not know about, and it seems to
me that in a so-called writer this is criminal (p. 5).

As I approached 60, in the summer of 2013, I journeyed West with my husband,

A.J., and our standard poodle, Hector, in search of America. I wanted to see how
sustainability initiatives were being played out in a variety of organizations. For
almost 2.5 decades, Ive taught about organizational communication and, more
recently, environmental communication. I know the theories. Ive taught future
scholars and practitioners, conducted research, published scholarly articles, served
on University committees addressing sustainability-focused research and curricular
design, and built a small eco-efficient Energy Star certified home. I live down the
road from the Sustainability Consortium, a group Scientific American magazine
identified as among the top 10 World Changing Ideas of 2012. This consortium
includes businesses, universities, and nonprofit organizations that together seek to
develop science-based tools to advance the measurement and reporting of consumer
product sustainability. You will learn more about them later. So, Im aware of
multiple sustainability-focused initiatives occurring in my own back yard.
But I didnt know what was going on in Lincoln, NE, Pierre, SD, Missoula, MT,
Boardman, WA, Portland, OR, Boulder, CO, and other parts far distant from my
home in Fayetteville, AR. I hadnt recently driven past wind farms, or toured
hydroelectric plants, seen the building of pipelines to transport oil from the


Canadian tar sands into the USA, witnessed the community and environment
changing impact of fracking around Williston, ND, been awestruck driving by
25,000 acres of surreal hybrid poplar trees at the Forest Stewardship Certified
tree farm near Boardman, WA, felt saddened by seeing the magnitude of the bark
beetle destruction while camping in the Rocky Mountain lodge pole pine forests,
driven on flood damaged roads around Colorado Springs, CO, stayed in Pierre, SD,
the town which thought it would always be protected from Missouri River floods
until the day it wasnt, or toured Greensburg, KS, a Model Green Community,
which rebuilt itself with a sustainability focus after an EF5 tornado destroyed its
infrastructure and 90 % of its homes and buildings in 2007. So much of what I saw
along our route reminded me of the energy and climate challenges scientists, policy
makers, and the general public are increasingly recognizing will shape our species
In deciding what parts of America to visit, we chose to address my long-term
desire to follow the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery trail. We started our 3-month
road trip West by joining up with the trail in Nebraska City, NE. It felt fitting to
explore America following the footsteps of these brave and perhaps foolhardy men,
and Sacagawea their female, Shoshone guide. Like them, we followed the Missouri,
the Clearwater, the Columbia, and the Snake rivers, and camped near Astoria, OR,
where the Columbia River enters the Pacific. Passing through the West, the Expedition forever changed the lives of the native peoples representing nearly 50 different
tribes living between the Mississippi River and the Pacific. In the 2 years (1804
1806) they traveled, the Lewis and Clark Expedition sent news back to President
Thomas Jefferson describing the Louisiana Territory which America had purchased
from the French. The Expedition introduced more than 300 flora, fauna, and scientific
discoveries previously unknown to people of European descent. Like them, I am
writing to share what I saw and heard along my journey.
Along their route, members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition broke away from
familiar trails, faced severe challenges, and learned how to make do and to
innovate. Now, over 210 years later, humanity is facing unfamiliar territory as
challenges brought on by global warming increasingly force us to leave our familiar
trails, face challenges, and learn to make do and to innovate. As a species, we are at
a crossroads where we must choose to act. As the Lewis and Clark Expedition
journeyed toward the Pacific, Meriwether Lewis repeatedly wrote in his journal,
We proceeded on. Working collaboratively, today organizations of all types must
join in the journey as we proceed on in response to global warming.

Who Should Read This Book?

Increasingly colleges and universities are developing graduate level programs
focusing on sustainability. In 2013, The Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) program database showed 1378



sustainability-focused academic programs on 456 campuses in 63 states and

provinces. Graduate students in sustainability-focused management, public administration, environmental health and safety, public relations, environmental communication, and organizational communication courses will find this book useful, as
will faculty researching in these areas.
Interest in sustainability is growing across all types of organizations, changing
existing employees job duties, and leading to the creation of new job categories.
For example, in 2009 municipal government sustainability professionals from
across North America formed the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, an
organization with over 100 members representing cities and counties in the USA
and Canada with a combined resident population of about 50 million. In 2010, the
Green Sports Alliance was formed and now represents 180 sports teams and venues
from 16 different US sports leagues. The International Society of Sustainability
Professionals is a professional association for sustainability professionals formed
in 2007 with more than 700 members representing every continent. Often these
practitioners are the first in their organization to be tasked with managing their
organizations sustainability initiatives. This book is geared toward practitioners in
these diverse areas believing they can benefit from theory- and research-based
suggestions written in an accessible manner.

Plan for This Book

What makes this book unique is it focuses on the role of communication and theory
in enacting sustainability initiatives, supplemented by the scholarly literature and
by practitioner insights. Like Kurt Lewin, the German-American psychologist, who
is often recognized as the founder of modern social psychology, I believe there is
nothing as practical as a good theory. In this book I introduce readers to a range of
theories drawn from communication, psychology, social psychology, and management. Theories, ideas, and concepts do matter, and they matter a great deal. They
are not only the foundations on which we build our perceptions and constructions
of the world, they also are the basis for policy articulation and formulation (Page
and Proops 2003, p. 3). It is my hope that as you read more theories and hear more
stories, your own insight and ability to communicate so as to innovate around
sustainability expands. But at the end of the day, a theory can only take you so far
when enacting sustainability initiatives.
Each chapter begins with information about the Lewis and Clark Expedition
which helps frame that chapters content. Each chapter ends with thought provoking concluding content. Throughout the chapters I will highlight some Best
Practices and Actions Plans reader might make. Chapter 1 defines sustainability,
discusses why it is an important concept, and talks about the role of communication.
Chapter 2 identifies two paradigms generally used to describe the belief systems
regarding the humannatural environment relationship: the dominant social



paradigm and the new ecological paradigm. Communications role in reinforcing

and challenging paradigms is discussed. Paradigms are differentiated from Discourses and nine environment-related Discourses are identified. The societal shift
toward the growing importance of the sustainable development Discourse within
business (e.g., the business case for sustainability arguments), cities, and universities is described. Criticisms of the ecological modernism and sustainability Discourses are reviewed. The chapter ends by discussing forces which influence how
environmentally related issues are framed, contested, and reframed. In Chap. 3
legitimacy is defined, various types of legitimacy are described, the benefits of
being seen as legitimate and having a positive reputation are discussed, and actions
organizations take to manage legitimacy are reviewed. Organizations face changing
institutional norms and other challenges when trying to craft a reputation for being
sustainable. Issues related to message credibility, green-washing, and corporate
sustainability communication are discussed. Almost of the chapter addresses
communication directed simultaneously toward multiple internal and external
stakeholders which reflects standardization efforts using signs and symbols (i.e.,
annual public meetings; websites and sustainability reports; reporting frameworks
and certifications; LEED certified architecture). The chapter concludes by
reviewing stakeholder theory, discussing the need to adapt messages to different
stakeholders, and describing the role communication plays in stakeholder engagement. Chapter 4 identifies factors influencing an individuals pro-environmental
values and behaviors, explores the tentative link between values, attitudes, and
behaviors, and addresses the way communication can be used strategically
to influence individual level behavioral change. Literature is reviewed which
identifies and discusses pro-environmental values and beliefs, and defines
pro-environmental behaviors. Various theories are summarized to help practitioners
better understand how to stimulate pro-environmental behaviors. The chapter
ends by focusing on concrete message strategies (e.g., gains vs. losses, intrinsic
vs. extrinsic appeals). Finally, the importance of interpersonal communication in
stimulating and reinforcing pro-environmental behaviors is discussed. Chapter 5
focuses on how transformational organizational changes can occur when external
information about sustainability-related initiatives is identified, imported, spread,
and integrated throughout an organization. Transformational change begins when
key individuals become aware of new processes, technologies, opportunities, constraints, and expectations. Once awareness occurs, the challenge becomes to transform information into useable knowledge. Factors influencing an innovations
adoption are reviewed. The characteristics of change adopters and stages of change
are identified. Important communication roles during times of change (e.g., leaders,
change agents, sustainability champions), the process of communicating about
change, guidance for change communicators, and formal structural (e.g., new
roles, new inter- and intraorganizational coordinating structures) and communication efforts to facilitate change efforts are discussed. Pathways (e.g., mission and
vision statements, goals and plans, formal communication channels) are identified.
Chapter 6 addresses issues related to organizational culture and employee



empowerment. Sustainable organizational cultures, learning organizations, and the

managerial subculture are discussed. Organizational climate, employee emotions,
and goal congruence can influence the extent to which employees embrace and
enact an organizations sustainability-related goals, plans, and programs. Hiring
decisions, socialization, training, and rewards also influence employees
pro-environmental actions. The chapter ends by highlighting the role informal
communication plays in creating, reinforcing, and stabilizing sustainable values
and goals. Chapter 7 is about groups and group communication at the organizational and interorganizational levels. Ways to build strong teams representing
multiple departments are discussed. Communities of practice and the bona fide
group theory are highlighted. Relevant literature on interorganizational groups and
cross-sector alliances is reviewed including how to create learning networks at this
broader cross-organization level. Ultimately, the chapter focuses on one specific
type of interorganizational groupsupply chains. Using communication to promote more effective relationships within the supply chain is discussed. Diffusion
mechanisms for sustainable supply chain decisions and actions are offered along
with potential governing mechanisms. Chapter 8 concludes by presenting a model
of the factors influencing organizational sustainability-focused actions and the
theories which can help us better understand each factor. It concludes by reviewing
literature on wisdom and spirituality in the hope wisdom and spirit can illuminate
the paths we take on our joint journey toward sustainability.

Participating Organizations
Although I anthropomorphize organizations (i.e., ascribe human actions to them),
this is simply a writers shortcut. Organizations do not plan, adapt, or persuade.
People do. Much of the published scholarship focuses on the sustainability initiatives of for-profit organizations, but sustainability initiatives go far beyond large
for-profit businesses. In the following pages, you will meet people who work for
large and small businesses, cities, universities, governments, and nongovernmental
organizations. Some work as educators, others as organizers, innovators, implementers, and activists. All are or have been instrumental in crafting and/or enacting
sustainability focused initiatives throughout their organizations membership
and/or supply chain. They talk about how they personally define sustainability
and how their organization defines sustainability. They describe their organizations
sustainability initiatives. What they shared with me provides us with a glimpse into
some of the initiatives being undertaken west of the Mississippi and the associated
communication-related challenges and successes being encountered. See Table 1
for a list of the organizations represented.



Table 1 Organizations represented in this book

Large company

Small company

Business group


Sports organization

State Farm (branch office)
Sams Club
Tyson Foods
Bayern Brewing
Neil Kelly: Design/Build
ClearSky Climate Solutions
Assurity Life Insurance
WasteCap Nebraska
Missoula Sustainability Council
Heifer International
Arbor Day Foundation
Natural Resources Defense Council
Clinton Climate Initiative Home Energy Affordability
Loan (HEAL)
University of Arkansas,
University of Idaho, Moscow
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Colorado, Denver
Portland Trail Blazers
City of Fayetteville
City and County of Denver
City of Boulder
City of Portland
State of South Dakota

New York City
South Dakota

Page, E., & Proops, J. (2003). An introduction to environmental thought. In E. A. Page & J. Proops
(Eds.), Environmental thought (pp. 112). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar.


This book would not be possible without all my interviewees and the many people
who linked me with them. I want to thank my inclusive colleagues at the University
of Arkansas for inviting me to join research teams and serve on sustainabilityrelated committees, and my outstanding graduate students for sharing my enthusiasm. Special thanks go to the Rockport Daily Grind brew crew for providing me
with a welcoming Texas location where I wrote the first half of the book. Most
especially, thanks to my husband, A.J. Allen, who traveled alongside me on the
Lewis and Clark trail, ran our household during the 2-year book project, and has
been my solid foundation and source of encouragement for over 3.5 decades.


ThiS is a FM Blank Page


Sustainability and Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1 Why Sustainability and Why Now? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Sustainability and Strategic Ambiguity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 What Are Organizational Actors Doing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Why Communication? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 Communication Challenges Organizations Face . . . . . . .
1.4 What Are We to Do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and

Organizational Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 The Trail Blazers: An Example of Organizational Change . . . . . .
2.2 Changing Discourses: The Organization-Environment
Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Paradigms and Discourses in Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Paradigms and Discourses in Organizations . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 What Are the Major Discourses? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.1 Do We Face Global Limits? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.2 How Can We Solve the Problems We Face? . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.3 What About Something a Bit More Radical? . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.4 Ecological Modernization and Sustainable Development . . .
2.4 We Must Reframe the Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1 Changing Frames Is Contested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts . . . 61

3.1 Legitimacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.1.1 Legitimacy, Reputation, and Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1.2 Discussing Sustainability Within and Between
Institutional Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.2 Actions Organizations Take to Influence Legitimacy . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.2.1 Changing Business Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.2.2 Changing the Normative Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2.3 Creating New Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2.4 Changing Descriptions and Absorbing Information . . . . . . 70
3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy . . . . . . 71
3.3.1 Credible Communication and Greenwashing . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.3.2 Annual Meetings, Sustainability Reporting, Websites,
and Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.4 Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.4.1 Adapting Messages to Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.4.2 Communication and Stakeholder Engagement . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.5 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior:

Models and Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Individual Values Regarding Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 Differentiating Values, Attitudes, and Beliefs . . . . . . . . .
4.1.2 Research into Environmental Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Stimulating Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Persuasion
and Social Influence Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Persuasion Theories and Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Pro-Environmental Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 The Tentative Link Between Values, Attitudes,
and Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Models of Pro-Environmental Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1 Social Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 Health-Related Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.3 Communication Campaign Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.4 Message Design and Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.5 The Role of Interpersonal Communication . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing

Structures, and Formal Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1 Transformational Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Diffusion of Innovations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Information and Useable Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. 108
. 109
. 113






5.2.2 Factors Influencing Innovation Adoption . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communicating About the Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 Change Is a Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.2 Successful Communication of Change Initiatives . . . . . . .
5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization . . .
5.4.1 Structural Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.2 Formal Organizational Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower

Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 Pro-environmental Employee Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training . . .
6.2.1 Organizational Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2 Hiring, Socializing, and Training Employees . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Goal Clarity and Goal Congruence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 Goal Congruence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2 Goal Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Organizational Climate, Perceived Support and Trust,
Emotional State, and Informal Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.1 Organizational Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.2 Perceived Organizational Support and Trust . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.3 Emotional State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.4 Informal Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Engaging and Empowering Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.1 How Organizations Engage Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.2 Challenges Mobilizing Employees Around
Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5.3 Employee Engagement Outlets at Work, at Home,
and in the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain
Conversations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1 Intraorganizational Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.1 Small Group Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.2 Dialogue and Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1.3 Group-Level Techniques for Frame Breaking
and Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Common Characteristics of and Theories
Explaining IOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2.2 Communication and Emergent Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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7.2.3 Learning Within an IOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.2.4 The Role of Language and Texts Within IOCs . . . . . . . .
7.2.5 Additional Best Practices for IOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Supply Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.1 What Is a Sustainable Supply Chain? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.2 How and Why Does the Idea of a SSC Spread? . . . . . . . .
7.3.3 Major Theories Applied to SSCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.4 The Governance of Supply Chain Behaviors . . . . . . . . . .
7.3.5 Challenges/Barriers Facing Sustainable Supply Chains . .
7.3.6 Communicating Within and About Supply Chains . . . . . .
7.4 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.1 The Importance of Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.2 The Importance of Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.1 Message to Researchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.2 Message to Practitioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4 Wisdom and Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.1 What Is Wisdom? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.4.2 Spirituality and the Right Thing to Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5 Concluding Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Chapter 1

Sustainability and Communication

Abstract In response to growing global environmental problems and threats

associated with global warming, organizations are recognizing that business-asusual is no longer sufficient and that it is time to go to scale in responding to
impending challenges. Effective communication is absolutely essential. Strategic
communication is needed to alert, persuade, and help people enact sustainability
initiatives within and between organizations. Strategic communication also orients
our consciousness by inviting us to take a particular perspective, by evoking certain
values and not others, and by creating referents for our attention and understanding.
Sometimes effective communication is characterized by strategic ambiguity. Organizations face multiple challenges in terms of their sustainability-related communication. Some are silenced because of their fear of speaking out. For others, the
messages they create are not processed because message recipients are
unmotivated. Knowledge regarding the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion
and the use of repetition are important tools when designing strategic communication. Communicators need to think critically about where their audience is in their
understanding of sustainability and how to present information in an accessible
way. Attention to message design and message framing can help. Interview data
drawn from Aspen Skiing Company; Heifer International; the City and County of
Denver, CO; the Arbor Day Foundation; and ClearSky Climate Solutions illustrates
the concepts being discussed.

Lewis and Clarks Story Expands The publics first glimpse into the Lewis and
Clark Expeditions adventures emerged through newspapers and government documents. President Jeffersons Report to Congress was published in 1806. One year
later, the journal of Corps of Discovery member Patrick Gass was published. The
first official publication of the journals occurred in 1814 when 1,417 copies of the
two-volume work became available. Almost 30 years later, they reappeared as a
part of the Harper Family Library. This edition was reprinted 17 times during the
settlement of the territory the Corps of Discovery had traversed. In 1904, during the
centennial observation of the expedition, all the known journals were printed
together for the first time. In 1999, incorporating newly discovered journals, papers,
and maps, a 12-volume work was completed. This example illustrates how, through
communication, awareness and understanding expanded over time. The Lewis and
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_1

1 Sustainability and Communication

Clark story grew from one report and some newspaper articles to become part of the
US national story. Today, books, reports, and articles dealing with sustainability are
helping to shape the next chapter in the story of the USA and the world.


Why Sustainability and Why Now?

In 1969, Paul Ehrlich published his influential book, The Population Bomb, which
brought attention to growing global environmental problems. Prior to that time,
sustainable development was discussed in both the international development and
the renewable resource management literature in terms of the concept of maximum
sustainable yield. However, the term really captured the international communities
attention after the 1987 publication of the World Commission on Environment and
Developments report, Our Common Future. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway, chaired the commissions inquiry into pressing interrelated global
problems (e.g., energy supply, climate change). Today, the most frequently used
definition of sustainability appearing in the scholarly literature focusing on organizations comes from Our Common Future and reads, Sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs (WCED 1987, p. 43). The report
goes on to make two points that rarely are acknowledged in the business literature:
It [sustainable development] contains within it two key concepts: the concept of needs, in
particular the essential needs of the worlds poor, to which overriding priority should be
given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environments ability to meet present and future needs. . .. Perceived needs are
socially and culturally determined, and sustainable development requires the promotion of
values that encourage consumption standards that are within the bounds of the ecological
possible and to which all can reasonably aspire.

Although the report was very clear that there are finite resource limits, at the
same time, it offered a vision of the possibility of the simultaneous and mutually
reinforcing pursuit of economic growth, environmental improvement, population
stabilization, peace, social justice, and intergenerational and global equity, maintainable over the long term. The implicit message was that sustainability and
development can coexist and limits can be stretched if resources are managed
adequately and wise policies put in place. Sustainable development is an attractive
concept because it offers hope. Today, sustainable development is arguably the
dominant global discourse of ecological concern (Dryzek 2005, p. 145). Those
interested in sustainable development often see the natural environment as the
responsibility of multiple actors including businesses, national governments, global
governing bodies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) whose toolkits
include appropriate technologies, voluntary business initiatives, and interorganizational partnerships. Key Point: Coordinated collective efforts both internationally
and at the grassroots level are necessary, all of which require strategic and effective

1.1 Why Sustainability and Why Now?

In The Sustainability Handbook, Blackburn (2007) summarized 36 global trends

resulting in the need for organizations to strive toward sustainability. Im most
interested in one, climate change, because it is a game changer. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report entitled Climate Change 2013:
The Physical Science Basis. Coauthored by 259 authors representing 39 counties,
the report described the very high probability by the late twenty-first century of
increased temperatures and more heat waves over most land areas; increased
frequency, intensity, and/or amount of heavy precipitation; increased intensity
and duration of drought; increased intense tropical cyclone activity; and increased
extreme high sea level. Very high probability statements are cause for alarm
because the scientific method is not set up to talk in absolutes.
Global climate change has become one of the most pressing issues for industry,
government, and civil society in the twenty-first century (Okereke et al. 2012,
p. 10). The United Nations Secretary General also identified climate change as the
major, overriding environmental issue of our time. Climate change involves
shifting weather patterns which threaten food production, rising sea levels which
contaminate coastal freshwater reserves and increase flooding risks, and a warming
atmosphere which aids in the spread of tropical pests and diseases. The authors of
the United Nations Environment Programme report (2013) write:
Increasing evidence indicates important tipping points, leading to irreversible changes in
major ecosystems and the planetary climate system, may already have been reached or
passed. Climate feedback systems and environmental cumulative effects are building
across Earth systems demonstrating behaviors we cannot anticipate.

In May 2011, according to the International Energy Agency (2011), the global
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from energy use in 2010 were the highest in
history. By 2015, they continue to ascend. Given that our global economy is likely
to grow over the next 10 years, the window has probably closed on our ability to
keep the average global temperature rise below 2  C. We are overloading our
atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the
planets temperature. This carbon frequently comes from the fossil fuels we burn
for energycoal, natural gas, and oilplus from deforestation. The authors of the
United Nations Environment Programme report (2013) write:
The most dangerous climate changes may still be avoided if we transform our hydrocarbon
based energy systems and if we initiate rational and adequately financed adaptation
programmes to forestall disasters and migrations at unprecedented scales. The tools are
available, but they must be applied immediately and aggressively.

Five features of climate change and sustainability-related problems present a

challenge for how we are to proceed:
(1) indeterminacyit is impossible to foresee the best course of action; (2) valueladenness/normativityvalues effect behaviors, lifestyles and systems; (3) controversy
full agreement or consensus among and even within all stakeholders is rare, if not
impossible; (4) uncertaintyit is impossible to identify the exact impact of a chosen
strategy or action; and (5) complexitya whole range of variables messily interact (Wals
and Schwarzin 2012, p. 13).

1 Sustainability and Communication

Competing claims exist about what is occurring and what should be done. But
we must move forward, even in the face of challenges and uncertainty.
In preparation for the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Changes (2013) report, the childrens charity UNICEF was among the NGOs
present who urged governments to heed the reports warning. UNICEF warned
that the young will bear the brunt of temperature increases. Children born in 2013
will be 17 in 2030 and 37 in 2050 when the worst impacts of climate change will be
in full swing including extreme heat waves, expanded diseases, malnutrition, and
economic losses. Another NGO, Oxfam, warns that world hunger will worsen as
climate change hits crop production and disrupts incomes while food prices spike.
The number of people at risk of hunger is anticipated to double by 2050. Other
NGOs anticipate facing similar pressures.


Sustainability and Strategic Ambiguity

The beauty and the curse of the term sustainability is in its ambiguity. The term
resonates with individuals and groups. However, the authors of Our Common
Future did not demonstrate its feasibility or provide practical steps for its implementation. In the early 1990s, the Transportation Research Board of the US
National Academy of Sciences spent a million dollars just trying to come up with
a definition of the concept, with no real success. Even today, a clear definition of the
term and a road map for achieving it are lacking. As a result, it can mean different
things to different people.
Communication scholar Eric Eisenberg (2007) crafted a seminal essay almost
30 years ago where he discussed a concept he called strategic ambiguity. Speakers
intentionally design ambiguous messages. Eisenberg argued strategic ambiguity
serves four functions related to a speakers goalsto promote unified diversity, to
facilitate change, to foster deniability related to both task and interpersonal communication, and to preserve privileged positions by protecting a speakers credibility. Later, he acknowledged that strategic ambiguity can also mask and sustain
power abuses. In terms of unified diversity, organizational values are often
expressed through the creative use of symbols that allow for multiple interpretations while promoting a sense of unity. We see this use of strategic ambiguity in
terms of sustainability occurring in organizations mission statements, goals, and
plans. Leaders often speak at the abstract level about sustainability initiatives so
that agreement can occur. Strategic ambiguity regarding sustainability efforts can
be used to encourage creativity, minimize conflict, and facilitate change. Such
ambiguity creates conditions where organizations can change their operations
over time in response to changing environmental conditions. It can be used to
build cohesiveness within groups around sustainability initiatives and allow
employees to protect their private opinions, beliefs, and feelings, while maintaining
their relationships.

1.2 What Are Organizational Actors Doing?

In the sustainability-related research, the strategic ambiguity concept was used

as a framework for analyzing five documents the New Zealand government
designed as guides for the development of genetically modified (GM) organisms
(Leitch and Davenport 2007). Conflict exists in New Zealand, and elsewhere,
around the use of GM organisms. Groups which feel economic growth should be
the primary goal see GM as a way to achieve this goal, while others feel economic
growth should be secondary to concerns about the society and the environment.
Some see the environment as a set of natural resources to manage and use, while
others see it as a complex ecosystem to be protected. Finally, some see genes as
proteins to be manipulated to make new organisms, while others see them as a
natural or God-given order with which people should not interfere. Leitch and
Davenport investigated how the strategic ambiguity discourse strategy explained
the use of the keyword sustainability in these government documents. A discourse
strategy is how people use talk and text to achieve their goals. They concluded that
the term sustainability lent a coherence to the texts, allowed multiple perspectives
and objectives to coexist, and facilitated participation by discourse partners who
held conflicting economic, environmental, and cultural/spiritual beliefs. The
authors contend it is equally useful in discourse contexts where multiple organizations and individuals are interacting. Strategic ambiguity serves seven functions
which can facilitate coalition formation between discourse communities which
differ in their focus (i.e., on people, on the planet, or on profit) (Wexler 2009).
The lack of a clear-cut definition for sustainability allows stakeholders to challenge
existing understandings, adapt quickly, and explore new innovative ideas and
practices. Christensen et al. (2015) term this as having a license to critique. Key
Point: Strategic ambiguity is an important concept for understanding the current
state of how people talk about sustainability (and climate change) both within and
between organizations. Strategic ambiguity can be useful as groups undertake
sustainability journeys along trails covered in fog.


What Are Organizational Actors Doing?

Repeatedly, my interviewees told me there are no road maps for what they are
doing. One of them, Auden Schendler, Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen
Skiing Company, writes in his book, Getting Green Done (Schendler 2009), about
how visionaries say humans can achieve true sustainability where waste and
pollution no longer exist, energy comes from wind and light, and ecological
catastrophes like climate change and fisheries destruction no longer occur. The
only thing is that nobody knows how to get there. Or rather, some very smart people
have drawn maps, but we dont know the quality of the roads. Or if there even are
roads. However, even without road maps, people are taking action.
In 2013, more than 500 businesses including giants like General Motors, Nike,
Starbucks, Levi Strauss, and Unilever signed a Climate Declaration launched by the
business network BICEP (Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy),

1 Sustainability and Communication

which is coordinated by Ceres, a group focused on mobilizing investors, companies, and public interest groups to accelerate and expand the adoption of sustainable
business practices and solutions. The 500 businesses which signed the Climate
Declaration generally supported the National Climate Action Plan President Barack
Obama articulated on June 25, 2013. This climate action plan involved ways to cut
carbon pollution in the USA, better prepare the nation for the impacts associated
with climate change, and lead international efforts to address global climate change
(President Obamas Plan to Fight Climate Change 2013). Acknowledging that
climate change poses a serious threat to business, those who signed the Climate
Declaration urged US policy makers to capture economic opportunities associated
with addressing climate change (BICEP 2013). Embedded in the preamble to the
Climate Declaration (, we see multiple persuasive appeals:
Tackling climate change is one of Americas greatest economic opportunities of the
twenty-first century (and its simply the right thing to do). What made America great was
taking a stand. Doing the things that are hard. And seizing opportunities. The very
foundation of our country is based on fighting for our freedoms and ensuring the health
and prosperity of our state, our community, and our families. Today those things are
threatened by a changing climate that most scientists agree is being caused by air pollution.
We cannot risk our kids futures on the false hope that the vast majority of scientists are
wrong. But just as America rose to the great challenges of the past and came out stronger
than ever, we have to confront this challenge, and we have to win. And in doing this right,
by saving money when we use less electricity, by driving a more efficient car, by choosing
clean energy, by inventing in new technologies that other countries buy, and by creating
jobs here at home, we will maintain our way of life and remain a true superpower in a
competitive world. In order to make this happen, however, there must be a coordinated
effort to combat climate changewith America taking the lead here at home. Leading is
what weve always done. And by working together, regardless of politics, well do it again.

Public sector organizations also are responding. Cities emit a substantial portion
of global greenhouse gases related to their energy consumption, building design,
transportation infrastructure, and land use (The National League of Cities 2013).
Frustrated by partisan gridlock on environmental policy at the US federal level, but
concerned about the implications of environmental issues such as global warming
on their communities, many local governments are stepping forward. As of 2015,
over 1,060 mayors representing a total population of almost 89 million citizens had
signed the US Mayors Climate Protection agreement to advance the goals of the
Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement which sought to establish binding
carbon emission reduction targets. On the global level, 12 megacities, 100 supercities and urban regions, 450 large cities, and 450 small- and medium-sized cities
and towns in 86 countries joined the International Council of Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI) network. ICLEI helps cities develop climate action plans and
implement sustainable development. In the USA, over 528 cities are members,
accounting for nearly half of ICLEIs global membership.
Clearly, the time has passed for incremental actions based on short-term pragmatic considerations and for listening to climate change skeptics. Larger actions
need to be taken by individuals as citizens and by the organizations they work
within. Organizations are realizing that business-as-usual is no longer sufficient.

1.2 What Are Organizational Actors Doing?

Preparing for climate change presents both opportunities and challenges. In this
section, I share what five of my interviewees said about the need to go to scale:
Aspen Skiing Company; Heifer International; the City and County of Denver, CO;
the Arbor Day Foundation; and ClearSky Climate Solutions.
Aspen Skiing Company The Aspen Skiing Company owns Aspen/Snowmass, an
expensive winter resort complex, in western Colorado. It includes four ski areas
(Aspen Mountain, Aspen Highlands, Buttermilk, and Snowmass). The complex
includes two hotels, 13 sit-down restaurants and 11 cafeterias. The company
employs 1,000 people in the summer and 3,400 in the winter. Their leaders signed
the Climate Declaration.
The Aspen Skiing Companys guiding principles stress humanity (treating
people the way theyd like to be treated by modeling authenticity, transparency,
courtesy, respect, and humility), excellence (in business, quality, craftsmanship,
guest services, and athletic achievement), sustainability (of people, profits, the
environment, and the community), and passion (living our core values, embracing
life-long learning and meaningful work). Their main goals are to stay in business
forever by remaining profitable; solving climate change; treating their community
well; and operating in a manner that doesnt harm their local environment. They
embrace activism because:
Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity, not to mention the ski industry.
Because the problem is so big, the fix wont come from changing light bulbs. Thats why
our #1 priority is using the snow sports community as a lever to drive policy change (http://

Auden Schendler, their Vice President of Sustainability, told me:

Our mission initially was to reduce the environmental impact of the company but its
changed to helping protect the Earth and enabling us to stay in business forever. So we are
very focused now on climate change, solving climate change at a policy level, big scale.
Corporate greening (e.g., eco-efficiencies, recycling) isnt going to do it. If you face a
challenge like climate change you have to think differently, on a different scale.

In Getting Green Done, Auden talks about how, even if global greenhouse gas
emissions are reduced, Aspen will warm by 6  F by 2100, resulting in a climate
similar to Los Alamos, NM, and thereby ending skiing in Aspen. The ski industry
and its suppliers, communities, and customers face enormous changes, and the
long-term outlook for skiers everywhere is bleak (Seelye 2012). As temperatures
rise, scores of ski centers, especially those at lower elevations, will vanish. In 2012,
snow-based recreation contributed approximately $67 billion annually to the US
economy and supported over 600,000 jobs. Those economic contributions will
Aspen Ski Company is a Platinum member of the Protect Our Winters (POW)
advocacy organization which was started in 2007. Mobilizing like-minded partners
is a Best Practice. The POW website ( reads:
We represent the global snow sports communitythere are 23 million of us in the U.S.,
alone. Clearly, its time for us all to step up and take responsibility to save a season that
fuels our passions but is also the foundation for our livelihoods, our jobs and the economic

1 Sustainability and Communication

vitality of our mountain regions. Protect Our Winters is the environmental center point of
the global winter sports community, united towards a common goal of reducing climate
changes effects on our sports and local economies. POW was founded on the idea that the
collective power of the winter sports community is massive, and if we can all work
together, the end result can be revolutionary.

Heifer International Since 1944, the mission of this nonprofit organization in

Little Rock, AR, has been to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth.
Their target audience is the poorest of the poor. Rather than provide one-time aid,
they have provided livestock and environmentally sound agricultural training to
people in more than 30 countries who struggle daily for reliable sources of food and
income. They have placed 22.6 million families or 114.9 million men, women, and
children on a path toward prosperity by giving them the tools and training they need
to sustain their lives.
Key to their program is something called Passing on the Gift. Families share
the training they receive with their neighbors and pass on the first female offspring
of the livestock they receive from Heifer International to another family. This
extends the impact of the original gift, allowing a once impoverished family to
become donors and full participants in improving their communities. Their 12 Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development include accountability, sharing and
caring, sustainability and self-reliance, improved animal management, nutrition
and income, improving the environment, full participation, training and education,
spirituality, gender and family focus, and genuine need and justice. These cornerstones result in a model that seems to work in diverse settings for people with
various levels of education. It is highly participatory and emphasizes local owners
in the decision-making process; commitment of local resources; participation of
people regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion; and the use of traditional
knowledge. Heifer International positions itself on the cusp of capitalism using
three communication strategies: perspective by incongruity, dissoi logoi/kairos, and
the art of illusion (Clair and Anderson 2013). Best Practice: Build resilience within
the local communities your organization touches.
I interviewed Steve Denne, Heifer Internationals Chief Operating Officer, who
described how they had recently made a strategic shift so that they could operate at
scale. Despite the good they have done, he said:
our success has been fragmented and small scale at the village level involving 200 families.
In a 45 day period a few years ago we saw a shift in food prices that moved 100s of
thousands of people in the wrong direction. We saw that at the rate we were going it would
take an unimaginable long time to end poverty.

Now when Heifer International undertakes a project, they work with communities of at least 1,000 families, build partnerships, link farmers to markets, and
build a critical mass of stakeholders. They are scaling up to increase their impact by
partnering with the private sector. Creating partnerships is a Best Practice. They
work with organizations like Danone, Elanco, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters,
and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop high impact partnerships that
strengthen value chains, engage employees and enhance brand value while building

1.2 What Are Organizational Actors Doing?

the knowledge, business skills and social capital of our project participants
( The farmers they work with, both in the USA and
overseas, are in marginal communities often operating outside the market, so
We work to get the farmers ready for market. They learn to save, manage
money, organize into coops and farmers associations, trust in relationships that
can withstand market forces, and get a strong value chain underway. Empowering
others is a Best Practice.
City and County of Denver, CO This metropolitan region ranks among the top
ten US cities for having the most energy-efficient buildings, best public transportation system, and best overall green living performance (Bushwick 2011). The
City and County of Denver governmental organization has 11,000 employees and
serves almost 650,000 people living in a 155 square mile area. It includes 21 agencies working under a mayor. As of 2014, it was a member of ICLEI.
In 2013, their Office of Sustainability was created and their 2020 sustainability
goals were set. They have multiple specific and measurable goals addressing air
quality, climate change, energy use, food, health, housing, land use, materials,
mobility, water quality, water quantity, and workforce development. They gathered
baseline data related to each of the sustainability goals and identified current
initiatives associated with each goal. From there, they evaluated current initiatives,
developed strategies for reaching the goals, and measured progress. They display
Best Practices by measuring existing resource use and practices to develop a
benchmark, researching effective change alternatives, implementing the selected
change, measuring resource use and practices against the initial benchmark, and
adjusting as necessary.
Jerry Tinianow, Chief Sustainability Officer for the City and County of Denver,
told me:
The model we are trying to foster here, we call it sustainability at scale. You have to
produce numbers that are big enough to address the real challenges as best as you can
project them for your city or your region. So that is the first challenge we are dealing with,
getting people to think in terms of that scale. . .. We cant afford to compare ourselves to
other cities, we have to compare ourselves to the uncertainties of the future that are peculiar
to our own city and region.

The Arbor Day Foundation Deforestation is a serious global problem with

implications for global warming, agriculture, and freshwater availability. In 2013,
a global map of deforestation was developed by the University of Maryland,
NASA, and Google, a map which revealed that 888,000 square miles of forest
vanished since 2000. Deforestation causes approximately 15 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon sequestrationthe process of absorbing carbon into
living things so that it stays out of the atmosphereis a powerful tool against global
warming. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a 50-year-old oak
forest could sequester 30,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per acre. It would take
40 acres to counter the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by 109 average cars based
on 2007 emissions. Trees are part of the solution and the Arbor Day Foundation
exists to help us enact this solution.


1 Sustainability and Communication

The Arbor Day Foundation was founded in 1973 to inspire people to plant,
nurture, and celebrate trees. They have 70 employees at their home office and 200
300 seasonal workers at the Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City, NE. The foundation
runs ten programs including Trees for America, Tree City USA, Replanting Our
National Forests, Nature Explore, Rain Forest Rescue, Tree Campus USA, Celebrating Arbor Day, Conservation Trees, Energy-Saving Trees, and Arbor Day
Farms. Woodrow Nelson, Vice President of Marketing Communication, described
one of the Arbor Day Foundations core values saying:
We build programs that are high-impact, and we define high impact programs as being life
changing, large scale, partner-engaging and sustainable. And the way we define sustainability in that context is we want to build programs that create environmental impact that
happens by itself. It doesnt need an annual budget, it doesnt need an annual influx of
grants or donations. We want to build programs that manage themselves, that are sustainable unto themselves. . .. Our vision currently is that we will be a leader in creating
worldwide recognition and use of trees as a solution to global issues.

Designing high-impact, self-managing systems is a Best Practice. Woodrow

used their Tree City USA program to illustrate how the Arbor Day Foundation can
reach 3,500 communities, with more than 140 million residents. The foundation
established four core standards for a city to become a Tree City USA. Communities
take ownership of their urban forest management and receive Arbor Day Foundation recognition when they achieve these standards. Approximately 3,500 towns
and cities in the USA are doing forestry work, and the Arbor Day Foundation is
inspiring them to get onboard, but once they are onboard, they are in it and they
believe in it, Woodrow said. Partnerships are important to the Arbor Day Foundation. In 2012 alone, the foundation planted nearly five million trees in Americas
forests in partnership with the US Forest Service and the National Association of
State Foresters. Tree Campus USA with financial support from Toyota reached
152 colleges and universities in 2012. Enterprise Rent-A-Car pledged to plant
50 million trees over the next 50 years, a gift totaling more than $50 million. The
Arbor Day Foundation is like other organizations you will read about. They provide
road maps forward by providing standards and certification processes for others to
follow. Best Practice: Develop, identify, and/or deploy a road map.
ClearSky Climate Solutions This professional services company located in Missoula, MT, provides consulting services to develop land-use plans to protect or
develop forests. Services include forest carbon project design and development,
strategic climate change consulting, carbon footprint assessment and reduction, and
carbon credit brokering. Organizations concerned with offsetting their greenhouse
gas emissions can purchase forest carbon offset credits. Despite its small business
status, ClearSky has supported projects in more than 40 countries. A member of the
UN Global Compact and UN Environment Programmes Caring for Climate Initiative, Keegan Eisenstadt, CEO and owner of ClearSky Climate Solutions, has
pledged to fully offset his companys greenhouse gas emissions each year. The

1.3 Why Communication?


company was named the 2009 Sustainable Business of the Year by the Montana
Sustainable Business Council. Keegan said:
For us to really talk about sustainability and have a meaningful and significant impact in the
next short term, 4050 years, the only real choice we have is to embrace the fact that the
capital markets are the deciders of natural resource use. . .. There is not enough public will
frankly to address this problem on a global scale.

As we sat together in the Mustard Seed Asian Cafe in Missoula, MO, Keegan
went on to discuss the current global warming challenges humanity is facing. He
The classic problem of capital is that the externalities are not internalized. One of the
externalities that we did not know about is greenhouse gas emissions. Its my parents
legacy. They did not know. I cannot fault them. But now we know. We are wasting time.
Its the challenge of my generation to try to begin to address the problem former generations caused without knowing.

In economics, an externality is a cost or benefit which affects a party who did not
choose to incur that cost or benefit. Externalities can include environmental problems resulting from how something is produced which are not reflected in the price
of goods, materials, or services. Best Practice: Be aware of the externalities
associated with your organization and act now to offset them.
So now, you have met five individuals whose organizations recognize the need
to adapt and get to scale so as to better manage impending challenges due to global
warming. They represent groups working in the posh ski town of Aspen,
empowering the poorest of the poor, providing services to the citizens of towns
and cities, promoting the planting of trees, and working with greenhouse gas
emissions and carbon offset credits. In the following pages, you will learn more
about how each uses communication to enact sustainability-focused initiatives.


Why Communication?

Given the challenges associated with global warming:

Effective communication is absolutely essential for the purpose of mobilization; achieving
buy-in and agreeing through consensus over priorities. This communication is necessary
especially because to a greater or lesser degree all climate change response measures
involve trade-offs along with their benefits. Hence, a measure of consensus and synergy
is required across the board; from the board room to the boiler room; and from the federal
government to municipal courts (Okereke et al. 2012, p. 26).

Although Okereke et al. (2012) spoke specifically of climate change responses,

communication plays a critical role within organizations generally. Organizing is
first and foremost a communication activity. Karl Weick, Professor Emeritus of
organizational behavior and psychology, writes, The communication activity is
the organization (Weick 1995, p. 75). Some scholars take this assertion seriously
and acknowledge communications constitutive role in creating organizations.


1 Sustainability and Communication

Communication occurs when sustainability-related issues are conceived, defined,

discussed, planned, initiated within and between organizations, modified, and,
perhaps, terminated. It is present when various stakeholders encounter and react
to the initiatives.
A useful guiding theoretical framework for understanding communications role
rests in social constructionism, or the social construction of reality. This theory of
knowledge emerged from sociology and communication to examine the processes
underlying the development of our jointly constructed understandings of the world.
The theory was introduced in Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmanns book The
Social Construction of Reality (Berger and Luckmann 1966). Two of their points
are especially relevant to our focus on communication: people construct a model of
how the social world works which helps them make sense of their experiences, and
language is the most important system through which reality is created. Whatever
exists in the social world is the product of human communication. Through
communication, social constructions (e.g., what sustainability means in an organization) are created, maintained, repaired, and changed. People communicate to
create meanings for the physical world. For example, scientists say that 350 parts
per million CO2 in the atmosphere is the safe limit for humanity. Regardless of how
they know this, an environmental action group sprang up around that number (see Social actors use language to make things happen. Naming something gives them substance and makes them real (Leeds-Hurwitz 2009, p. 893).
Symbols (e.g., the number 350) and conversations function as critical tools in
reality maintenance, to create a particular cultural (e.g., organizational) identity
and to mobilize actions.
Communicators use mediated and nonmediated verbal and nonverbal channels
to manage the ambiguity surrounding the term sustainability and to create and enact
shared sustainability initiatives within dyads, small groups, and organizations and
between organizations. Knowledge of theory and best practices, coupled with our
personal experiences and trial and error allow us to communicate strategically
toward our personal and organizational sustainability-related goals. Although this
definition appears very functional, within any organization, the norms about what
sustainability is and how it is symbolized and discussed are continually being
created, challenged, and recreated through human interaction. Other definitions
certainly exist. For example, Cox (2013) defines environmental communication as
the pragmatic and constitutive vehicle used to shape our understanding of the
environment as well as our relationships to the natural world. He writes that it is
a symbolic medium that we use in constructing environmental problems and in
negotiating societys different response to them (p. 19). This construction and
response duality is addressed in Domenecs (2012) essay describing how Exxon,
Chevron, and British Petroleum (BP) talked about environmental issues in their
companies annual letters. Domenec (p. 296) wrote:
The recent BP oil spill evidenced that today, communicating green is as important as
acting green: in April 2010, BP was not only criticized for polluting the Gulf of Mexico,
but Tony Haywards awkward statements also caused a general uproar, further discrediting
the company.

1.3 Why Communication?


Like Cox, I view communication as pragmatic in that it educates, alerts, persuades, and helps us enact sustainability initiatives within and between organizations. It is constitutive in that it orients our consciousness by inviting a particular
perspective, evoking certain values and not others, and creating referents for our
attention and understanding. Frandsen and Johansen (2011) analyzed the constitutive and pragmatic nature of how automobile manufacturers discuss climate
change. Recognizing that climate change is a social construction, they define it as
a set of ideas that materialize through communication in (at least) three ways: (a) as
representations or symbolic constructions of nature, the environment, and/or the
climate (What and how do the car producers communicate about climate change?
Has a new vocabulary been institutionalized?), (b) as strategic actions (What and
how do the car producers communicate about their strategic-level climate-friendly
initiatives?), and (c) as tactical actions (What and how do the car producers
communicate about their tactical-level climate-friendly products and/or production
processes?). Action Plan: Consider similar ways ideas materialize and are discussed
in your organization or industry.


Communication Challenges Organizations Face

Organizations face multiple challenges (e.g., political disagreements as to what

should be done internally or communicated externally; managing the potential
distrust of key stakeholders) in terms of their sustainability-related messages.
Here, I focus on only two: fear of speaking out and messages that are not processed.

Fear of Speaking Out

Many organizational leaders hesitate to communicate about their sustainabilityrelated initiatives and accomplishments fearing a backlash if stakeholders perceive
their motives are self-serving or think the organization is green-washing. Others
worry that the promotion of sustainability will only invite increased stakeholder
scrutiny and a cycle of rising expectations over time (Peloza et al. 2012). For years
before Walmart spokespeople began speaking publically about their sustainability
initiatives, Id heard about various initiatives from employees at their Bentonville,
AR, office. Walmart remained publically silent due to their concerns over the
potential charge of green-washing or backlash from activists. Yet, Auden
Schendler, Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company, urges
leaders to speak out saying:
Corporations are universally fearful of talking about their environmental work, whether its
policy or operational greening. They are scared because they dont want to be called
hypocrites. They want to do their work and be humble and not crow about it. But my
advice to those people is that we are not going to solve the problem of climate change if you
are quiet. All you have to be is honest when you talk about whatever you are doing. If you


1 Sustainability and Communication

are working on policy, you can say, we are working on policy, we have a lot to do cleaning
up our own house but we think this is really important. If you are working on changing
light bulbs or operational greening, you can say we have done this. There is a long way to
go and we understand that but this is where we are starting and we are going to do more.
Many corporations, if they communicate to the public, will roll out what they did as if they
think they are saving the world and that is a mistake. It should simply be, hey look, we
want you to know about what we are doing, we think this makes sense. We have a long way
to go and this is the first step.

Certainly, speaking out can be difficult. Auden spoke with me about his experience with transparency saying:
Probably the biggest communication issue we had in our history was my belief that we need
to be a corporation trying to pursue sustainability. . .. radically transparent and honest and
not focused on spin or marketing. And our management for a while. . . did not get that. . .. It
[transparency] was seen as subversive instead of open.

About a year after Auden and his top management had a conflict over his radical
transparency, Auden found a Fast Company magazine article on his desk describing
how Patagonia was pushing for transparency in their product line, along with a note
from his CEO which said, Auden, should we be more, quote, transparent? He
described going into his CEOs office angry because this had been what he had
talked about. When I walked in there waving the article, he was kicked back in his
chair laughing, meaning he got it. But sustainability coordinators and champions
need to be prepared to educate their management team about open and transparent
communication. During our interview, Auden, whose background is as a writer,
shared with me his philosophy on communication:
When I came into this job I decided it was not enough to do the work. We had to talk about
the work and the reason we wanted to talk about the work was we wanted to use Aspen as a
stage to share our stories with the world and drive change in the business world and beyond.
And so the work we have done has always been coupled with a really aggressive level of
communication. It has taken multiple forms. One is talking to the press, even soliciting
stories from the press. It has been applying for awards. It has been writing essays and papers
across the spectrum of media. The public speaking is another piece of that. Reaching
whoever we can: business, Wall Street groups, and corporations with the message. Groups
like BICEP and POW are focused on furthering that message and getting a focus from the
business community and others like athletes or government on policy change.

Messages Not Processed

An industry exists to rate and rank companies based on their sustainability efforts.
Communications with rating agencies are very detailed, specific, and transparent.
But this specific, and often technical, information isnt widely accessed or understood by stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees). Stakeholders are often unaware
of specific company sustainability efforts and ratings either because they did not
receive the information or they are not able and/or motivated to interpret it.
In one study, Peloza et al. (2012) surveyed 2,400 individuals representing three
key stakeholder groupsinvestment professionals, purchasing managers, and

1.3 Why Communication?


graduating students (representing potential employees) drawn from six counties

(i.e., China, Germany, India, Japan, the UK, and the USA). They plotted the
respondents perceptions against third-party rankings of actual firm performance
on sustainability metrics. Although 88 % of their respondents said good corporate
citizenship was either somewhat or extremely important, most lacked the information they needed to integrate sustainability into their decision making. Stakeholders
could not correctly identify companies that had better than average sustainability
In trying to identify how stakeholders decode and interpret sustainability messages, Peloza et al. turned to an important communication theory, the elaboration
likelihood model of persuasion (Petty and Cacioppo 1986). Elaboration refers to the
amount of critical thinking that a person gives to a persuasive message (Vaughan
2009). The persuasive impact of a message is influenced by an individuals level of
elaboration (degree of cognitive processing).
In the case of high elaboration, the receiver typically engages in careful consideration of the
message [central route]. . . In the case of low elaboration, the receiver relies primarily on
inferences about the message based on relatively simple cues from the communication,
such as a famous spokesperson. This is known as the peripheral route to persuasion. A third
possibility is when the individual is neither motivated nor able to process the communication. Known as passive processing, communication success relies on repeated exposure
over time to create attitude change and simple connections between the brand and message
elements such as a catchy jingle (Peloza et al. 2012, p. 81).

Central processing involves questioning and researching sustainability claims

and then drawing conclusions and making judgments. People must be motivated
and have the ability to interpret the message, but in order to be motivating, a
message must be personally meaningful. Prior research suggests consumers lack
the motivation to process sustainability-related messages. Also, they may lack the
frames necessary to effectively understand and act upon the information (Lakoff
2010). Although they may indicate positive attitudes toward corporate sustainability, traditional product quality issues are more important for most customers. This is
a frame they have been socialized to understand. Information regarding sustainability initiatives may impact perceptions of a companys reputation but not
stakeholder behaviors as much as do issues related to quality and service. Also,
individuals tend to ignore information about ethical attributes in their decisionmaking process in order to reduce the stress associated with the decision.
Information processed through the peripheral route receives less critical consideration. Decisions made through this route arent based on the message itself but by
the activation of simple decision rules (heuristics) or guiding principles which come
to mind in response to the message such as source credibility, evaluation of the
messages style and format, or the receivers mood. Because most stakeholders
knowledge of and interest in sustainability is low, they use heuristics (Peloza
et al. 2012). For example, people use knowledge of one sustainability initiative
(e.g., an organizations recycling program) to make inferences about its performance across a broad range of sustainability issues (e.g., pollution control, workplace policies). This halo effect leads people to inaccurately estimate an


1 Sustainability and Communication

organizations true investments in sustainability. Peloza et al. discussed four

important heuristics: sustainability initiative form, category biases, brand biases,
and senior management image. Initiatives that were self-oriented (e.g., fuelefficient cars save money) are more closely related to the traditional product
performance cues that dominate customer behavior. So if a stakeholder knows a
company leads its industry in fuel efficiency, they are likely to believe it also leads
to other forms of sustainability. Stakeholders negatively view some industries or
product categories. For example, because of the financial industrys reputation
crisis in the mid-2000s, stakeholders are more likely to rate the sustainability
performance of financial companies lower than is actually true. Stakeholders have
inherent positive or negative perceptions of some brands. For example, although
Walt Disney and Walmart were rated similarly by rating agencies regarding
sustainability, the Disney brand is seen as wholesome, clean, and caring, while
the Walmart brand is associated with operational efficiency, cost, and some degree
of ruthlessness. Finally, if the senior management team is seen as wasteful and out
of touch based on media coverage, this influences perceptions of the organizations
sustainability performance.


What Are We to Do?

The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion helps us realize that repetition can
be helpful in getting the message out. Also, thoughtful message design is important.
Mike Johnson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, at the University of
Arkansas, Fayetteville, and a retired Rear Admiral in the US Navys Civil Engineer
Corps, talked to me about the difficulty getting the word out about sustainabilityrelated initiatives. Although he was talking about intraorganizational communication, the same holds true for external communication. In discussing messaging,
Mike said:
Part of what we are talking about is, you cant be too complex. So what you need to do is
pick some highlights, talk about we saved 5,000 kW h, thats 5 tons of coal not used to
generate the electricity, that would power a classroom for 2 months. And then go on with
it, dont belabor it, come at it from a different direction and then retransmit. I used to tell my
troops, if you dont transmit it 50 times, you probably have not gotten to everybody and by
the time you get to the 50th time you need to start over, because the ones that originally
understood it have forgotten about it. So you just need to keep cycling.

In this example, we see the use of repetition, but we also see the message
designer seeking to frame the importance of one particular number.
I asked David Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of Community Planning
and Sustainability, to define good communication. He said:
Thinking critically about the audience, where they are at in their understanding. How to
present the information in an accessible way. Having different tiers of communication. So I
can give the 30-section version or the 3-minute version or the 3-hour version, depending on
the audiences ability and interest.

1.5 Concluding Thoughts


In 2013, effective communication about energy-related sustainability issues was

especially important in Boulder, CO. Boulder was one of the first US cities to adopt
the Kyoto Protocol. City leadership set a goal to reduce Boulders greenhouse gas
emissions to 7 % below 1990 levels by 2012. They worked hard to reach this goal.
In 2006, voters passed the Climate Action Plan Tax, the nations first carbon tax.
Despite engaging in multiple efficiencies, the city realized they could not reach
their goal unless they shifted their dependency away from the carbon-intensive coal
their energy provider, Xcel, used. They asked Xcel to change the citys energy
source from coal to alternative energy to help them meet their carbon goals. Xcel
refused. In 2011, voters directed the city to explore different options for providing
clean, reliable, low-cost, local energy to their community. One possibility included
creating a local power utility. In November 2013, voters passed a measure
supporting the creation of a local power utility if a number of conditions were
met, rather than the countermeasure Xcel placed on the ballot to block further
efforts in that direction. The energy future project involved navigating an incredibly complex, political environment, David told me.
The city pulled together a communication team from various parts of the
organization to think strategically about providing clear messages about complex
technical information involving the citys energy supply, energy rate structure, and
energy distribution system. David explained:
You can get lost in the weeds [of the complex information] and the communication team
has such a great way of looking at all that and figuring out what is important, what do people
need to know? How do we present it in a way that they can hear it?

David discussed the need for the messaging to be informative rather than
persuasive saying it is a fine line to walk. He also talked about message framing:
It has been a huge learning curve for us as the city and for the community about where
energy comes from and whats happening in the energy industry and the choices that we
have. And that combined with our climate commitment work, weve really tried to reframe
it from doom and gloom, the planet is going to die if we dont do something, to we have an
opportunity to be a leader in the future of energy in terms of creating a low-carbon
economy. Invent it here and export it everywhere in the world and support our companies
who are doing innovative, greener things, and I think it is a pretty exciting time.

Throughout this book, you will learn ways to more strategically and effectively
communicate about your organizations sustainability initiatives with internal and
external stakeholders. You will also see how other organizations are preparing for
and embracing the opportunity to change the ways they do business.


Concluding Thoughts

The precautionary principle specifies that scientific uncertainty is no excuse for

inaction on an environmental problem. Instead of reacting to environmental problems after the fact, this principle suggests we must try to avoid environmental


1 Sustainability and Communication

problems initially. Organizational forces aligned against the precautionary principle in the USA seek to create uncertainty. They use the trope of uncertainty to
nurture doubt in the publics perceptions of scientific claims and delay calls for
action (Cox 2013). Doubt strips people of the motivation to act and weakens our
public and political will to solve problems. Awareness of how the created uncertainty is a communication strategy used to delay action helps us better understand
why climate change is being debated long after a scientific consensus has emerged.
Understanding precedes action. And action must occur even in the face of uncertainty. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), an alliance of more than 400,000
citizens and scientists, argue that scientific analysisnot political calculations or
market-based concernsshould guide the formation of our government policy,
corporate practices, and consumer choices. They believe thoughtful action based
on the best available science can help safeguard our future and the future of our
planet. Now we must quickly work within and through organizations to adapt to
global warming. I encourage each reader to use communication strategically to
move the global debate and action agenda forward. You can help your organization
be a leader in its sector. Many of the organizations you will read about in this book
are already leading the way.

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between 2003 and 2009. Journal of Communication Management, 16, 296311.
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basis. Accessed 20 Dec 2013.
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Lakoff, G. (2010). Why it matters how we frame the environment. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 4, 7081.
Leeds-Hurwitz, W. (2009). Social construction of reality. In S. W. Littlejohn & K. A. Foss (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of communication theory (Vol. 2, pp. 891894). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2007). Strategic ambiguity as a discourse practice: The role of
keywords in the discourse on sustainable biotechnology. Discourse Studies, 9, 4361.
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Okereke, C., Wittneben, B., & Bowen, F. (2012). Climate change: Challenging business,
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Schendler, A. (2009). Getting green done: Hard truths from the front line of the sustainability
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World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our common future. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

Chapter 2

Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal

Discourses, and Organizational Responses

Abstract This chapter begins with a description of the transformational changes

undertaken at the Portland Trail Blazers basketball arena campus when messages
within their external environment changed to highlight environmental sustainability. Two paradigms generally used to describe the belief systems of people and
people groups regarding our relationship with the natural environment are
described: the dominant social paradigm and the new ecological paradigm. The
societal shift toward the growing importance of the sustainable development
Discourse within businesses, cities, and universities is described. Paradigms are
differentiated from Discourses and ten environment-related Discourses are identified (i.e., the industrialism Discourse, survivalism, the Promethean response,
administrative rationalism, democratic pragmatism, economic rationalism, green
politics, green consciousness, ecological modernization, and sustainability). Criticisms of the ecological modernism and sustainability Discourses are reviewed.
Communications role in reinforcing and challenging paradigms is discussed. The
chapter ends by discussing forces which influence how environmentally related
issues are framed, contested, and reframed. In addition to paradigms, Discourses,
and ideology, theories or theoretical concepts highlighted include discursive closure, critical theory and the neo-Marxian perspective on sustainable development,
framing, schemata of interpretation, systematically distorted communication, and
social judgment theory. Throughout the chapter, interview data gathered from small
businesses, an activist organization (the Natural Resources Defense Council), a
nongovernmental organization, South Dakotas state government, multiple cities
(e.g., the City and County of Denver), two sports organizations (the Portland Trail
Blazers, Aspen Skiing Company), a university, and two multinational organizations
(Tyson Foods, Sams Club) is integrated.

Lewis and Clark and the Natural Environment When Lewis and Clark set out
on their journey, the dominant view of the humanenvironment interface in
America was a tradition of repugnance. Settlers loathed the wilderness and/or
saw it as something to be exploited (Cox 2013). Shortly after their return, an idea
started growing about Americas Manifest Destiny. In the JulyAugust 1845
issue of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, an anonymous
author proclaimed our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_2



2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

Providence for the free development of our multiplying millions. There were at
least three basic themes to Manifest Destiny: the American people and their
institutions had special virtues; it was their mission to remake the West into an
agrarian America; and the nation had an irresistible destiny to accomplish this duty.
Westward expansion and efforts to tame the wilderness were rooted in our collective belief in Manifest Destiny. However, within 25 years after Lewis and Clark
returned, voices rose in art, in literature, and on the lecture circuit challenging the
view of nature as alien or exploitable. Almost 80 years after their return, America
had its first national parkYosemite National Park. This example illustrates how
societal discourses and worldviews change over timethe focus of this chapter.


The Trail Blazers: An Example of Organizational


In Oregon, over 30 large and small businesses including ski resorts and investor
groups signed the BICEP Climate Declaration. Three major brands were
represented in that list: Adidas, Nike, and the Portland Trail Blazers. I wondered
what prompted these highly visible sports-related organizations to make such a
public and unified statement. Although the Trail Blazers employ only about
300 people, tens of thousands of volunteers and part-timers work in their arena.
In 2012, the team had the second highest attendance in the National Basketball
Association (NBA) with an average of 20,496 fans per game. Their website
suggested they had an interesting story to share, so I arranged to speak with Justin
Zeulner, their former Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs.
One August afternoon, I sat down with Justin in a building adjacent to the Moda
Center, the worlds first professional sports arena to achieve LEED (Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification under the US Green Building
Councils (USGBC) Existing Buildings standard. LEED is a voluntary, consensusbased, market-driven program that provides third-party verification of buildings. It
was developed in 2000 by the USGBC, a nonprofit committed to the construction of
cost-efficient and resource-saving (e.g., energy, water) buildings. New and renovated buildings which meet LEED-developed criteria can earn points which result
in Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum level rating. In 2014, 1.7 million square feet
of building space was being certified per day around the world. Like the Arbor Day
Foundation, the USGBC provides a road map used by others seeking to become
more environmentally sustainable.
Justin described the evolution of thought regarding sustainability for him, his
organization, and the surrounding business community. In the early to mid-2000s,
Justin was working as operations leader and his executive management team asked
him What is this sustainability? Simultaneously, frontline employees asked him
Why arent we recycling?

2.2 Changing Discourses: The Organization-Environment Interface


I remember going to a sustainability summit at the Nike headquarters here in Portland. The
topic was financial sustainability and how can corporations stay viable over time because
very few companies do survive for three decades. And when I went back the next year
(to the summit) all of a sudden they were talking about environmental stewardship. It
changed from more of a corporate sustainability and finance focus to this different path.

Within 5 years, the Trail Blazers had renovated the Moda Center. In 2010 the
Trail Blazers invested $560,000 in operations improvements around the arena. By
2011 they had recouped $411,000 in energy savings, $165,000 in water savings, and
$260,000 in waste diversion savings, with a total savings of $836,000. They
projected that their savings would reach over $1 million by the end of 2012. They
joined forces with northwest-based teams from six professional sports leagues to
launch the Green Sports Alliance. Today, they are among the most progressive
teams in the world of sports in terms of their environmental initiatives. They helped
moved the NBA toward a deeper engagement in environmental issues (Henly
et al. 2012).
This brief glimpse into changes occurring with the Trail Blazers illustrates how
societal Discourses are changing for organizations. Executives, employees, and
summit planners heard things which caused them to ask questions, to seek and
provide new information, and to ultimately implement change.


Changing Discourses: The Organization-Environment


In his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), Thomas Kuhn, an

American physicist, historian, and philosopher of science, talked about paradigms
and paradigm shifts. Kuhn defined a scientific paradigm as universally recognized
scientific achievements that, for a time, provide model problems and solutions for a
community of practitioners (p. 10). A paradigm shapes what is observed, the
questions asked in relationship to the subject, how these questions are structured,
how answers are sought, how results are interpreted, and what solutions are
preferred. Paradigm shifts can occur swiftly or incrementally. It is common to see
a mix of old and new paradigms as old ideas are challenged.
In the USA, over time people challenged the prevailing view of the human
environment interface resulting in four antagonisms (Cox 2013). These antagonisms involved preservation or conservation (newer paradigm) vs. human exploitation of nature (older paradigm); human health (newer paradigm) vs. unregulated
business and pollution of our air, water, and soil (older paradigm); environmental
justice (newer paradigm) vs. nature as separate from where we live and work (older
paradigm); and sustainability and climate justice (newer paradigm)
vs. unsustainable social and economic systems (older paradigm).
The belief systems reflected within paradigms are built up, reinforced, and
changed by the Discourses flowing in a given society. A Discourse is a system of
statements made about aspects of our world which carry a set of assumptions,


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

prejudices, and insightsall of which are historically based and limit the consideration of other alternatively valid statements (Ashcroft et al. 1998). Messages
occurring at meta-levels (e.g., internationally, nationally, professionally) reflecting
these Discourses influence how people communicate about sustainability within
and between organizations (Olausson 2011). Talk and text appearing in corporate
annual reports, public speeches, news articles, and advertisements can be analyzed
to show the larger societal Discourses. In the next section, after discussing paradigms briefly, the discussion turns to some of the major Discourses taking place in
industrialized societies about the organizationenvironment interface. Although the
sustainability Discourse is a dominant and growing Discourse, sometimes Discourses clash. Criticisms of the sustainability Discourse are introduced.


Paradigms and Discourses in Societies

Although various scholars have described multiple paradigms when seeking to

explain the humannature interface (e.g., Cohen 1976; Colby 1991), I focus on
the dominant social paradigm (DSP) and the new ecological paradigm (also called
the new environmental paradigm) (NEP). Sustainable development emerged as part
of a paradigm shift from the DSP and displays elements of both the DSP and
the NEP.
The DSP has been the main belief system in most parts of the Western world for
at least two centuries with one of the earliest references to it in Pirages and Ehrlich
(1974). This paradigm involves political, economic, and technological dimensions
(Shafer 2006). Politically, limited government intervention, private property rights,
liberty, and economic individualism are stressed. Unlimited economic growth is
seen as achievable and free enterprise promoted. Supporters feel that science and
technology can solve any human problems including those resulting from environmental degradation. Nature is valued as a resource for humans who have domination and humans are assumed to be exempt from the laws of nature. There is strong
support for the status quo and faith in future material abundance and prosperity.
Traditionally, organizations embracing this orientation often wasted resources, did
not seriously consider their environmental impact, protected the environment only
to the extent outlined by regulatory requirements, and emphasized technological
solutions to environmental problems. They responded to environmental issues
mainly for compliance reasons, rarely had a comprehensive environmental policy,
and had environmental goals unlinked with other management goals.
Over the past few decades, the NEP emerged as an outgrowth of the fundamental
conflict between continued economic growth and ecological sustainability (Shafer
2006). The NEP was supported by the growing US environmental movement in the
1970s and reinforced by several large environmental disasters. For example, in one
of the worlds largest industrial disasters, the 1984 gas leak at the Union Carbide
India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, resulted in thousands of deaths and
hundreds of thousands of injuries and forced the chemical industry to use risk

2.2 Changing Discourses: The Organization-Environment Interface


communication to regain its legitimacy (Chess 2001). NEP supporters think unlimited growth within a finite ecological system is impossible, feel we are approaching
the limits of ecological sustainability, and believe we must learn to live in ways
redesigned to avoid ecological catastrophe. They challenge the belief that we
humans have the right to modify the environment as we desire and do not believe
we can solve all environmental problems even if we develop new technologies.
They support greater restraints on free enterprise, private property rights, and the
pursuit of economic individualism.
Dunlap et al. (2000) developed a widely used scale used for measuring individuals values in terms of these paradigms. Action Plan: Seek out and complete this
scale. Scale items illustrating the DSP include People have the right to modify the
natural environment to suit their needs, The balance of nature is strong enough to
cope with the impacts of modern industrial nations, and People were meant to
rule over the rest of nature. Scale items illustrating the NEP include Plants and
animals have as much right as people to exist, The balance of nature is very
delicate and easily upset, and Despite our special abilities, people are still subject
to the laws of nature. Five dimensions are measured including the realization of
limits to growth, antianthropocentrism, the fragility of natures balance, the rejection of exceptionalism, and the possibility of an ecocrisis.
Paradigms are reinforced, challenged, and changed at the societal level through
communication including media coverage of environmental, economic, and political issues, political activity within governments (e.g., lobbying, speeches on the
House and Senate floor, the wording of legislative bills), education, and dyadic
communication (e.g., conversations, arguments, debates, or questioning). We see
the paradigms clashing (historically in favor of the DSP) in media accounts partly
because conflict is one of the common media framing devices for environmental
issues (Cox 2013). Often a false dichotomy is created. Key Point: Be aware of false
dichotomies; new perspectives can bring new opportunities.

The False Dichotomy Between Jobs and the Environment

We often see the false dichotomy between jobs and the environment appearing in
media coverage. But over time, the media debate is shifting to include a green-job
theme. A green job, also called a green-collar job, is, according to the United
Nations Environment Program (UNEP) (2008):
Work in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development (R & D), administrative,
and service activities that contribute(s) substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality. Specifically, but not exclusively, this includes jobs that help to protect
ecosystems and biodiversity; reduce energy, materials, and water consumption through
high efficiency strategies; de-carbonize the economy; and minimize or altogether avoid
generation of all forms of waste and pollution.

In 2007 the UNEP, the International Labor Organization, and the International
Trade Union Confederation jointly launched the Green Jobs Initiative. Simultaneously, the symbolic institutionalization of green jobs occurred within one of the


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

dominant institutions of our culturethe government. The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) included provisions for new jobs in industries
such as energy, utilities, construction, and manufacturing with a focus toward
energy efficiency and more environmentally friendly practices. Worldwide, an
estimated eight million green jobs have evolved in sustainable organizing and
changes are occurring in fields including consultancies, public relations, marketing,
design, manufacturing, and engineering (Mitra and Buzzanell 2015).
But still, a false dichotomy may or may not be reinforced by the interpersonal
communication occurring within social groups:
The manner in which we see our environment depends largely on what we are looking for in
it. But what we look for is not just an individual or idiosyncratic matterit depends on our
cultural conditioning, our accustomed social roles, and our definition of the situation from
which we relate to the environment. (Cohen 1976, p. 49)

Boulder, CO, is a town which has intentionally sought to negate the false
dichotomy between jobs and the environment according to David Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability:
[We] really stay away from any kind of attitude that you have got to choose between the
environment and jobs. I think Boulder is a great example of a place that has refused to frame
things that way. And as a result it has a very successful economy because it offers a great
quality of life. When people created the Open Space program [a local land conservation
program] they werent doing it as an economic development toolthey were trying to
preserve the landscape. But thats our signature. Thats why people want to be here.

Difficult Conversations and Discursive Closure

Communicating across paradigms is difficult, yet necessary. When we communicate, tensions emerge between people who embrace one paradigm over the other.
Often our fear of the tensions works to silence the discussion. A profile of George
Marshall, Cofounder of the Climate Outreach and Information Network, COIN, and, a blog about the psychology of climate change denial, shares
how Marshall will ask complete strangers what they think about the changing
climate (Woodside 2013). His personal passion is to talk to those who disagree
that global warming is a serious man-made problem. Woodside quotes Marshall as
saying, My core contention is that climate change is a contested narration that is
shaped by social negotiation. . .. In society as a wholeand I think this applies at a
micro level in individuals and peer groups and institutionsI think there is a
deliberately negotiated silence on climate change. Marshall promotes bringing
up the topic even if you feel uncomfortable:
I think any time you have a conversation with anyone about the weather you should bring
climate change into the conversation, not in a hectoring, judgmental, on-your-soapbox way
but just drop it in there every single time. Weird weather were having . . .. Yeah well,
personally, I believe its climate change and that something weird has been going on. And
its been getting weirder. Just put it out there.

2.2 Changing Discourses: The Organization-Environment Interface


Often when he raises such issues with strangers, they simply stop talking. But
mentioning the issue helps establish staging points in that void where it is
acceptable to talk about it. One of Marshalls favorite examples involves a man
at a dinner party with retired professionals. The man raised the issue of how could
they possibly fly so much, and everyone there was completely silent until someone
said, What a delicious spinach tart. And then they spent the next 10 minutes
talking about spinach tartin obsessive detail. It wasnt just a random thing. A
spinach tart was a more comfortable topic to discuss than climate change.
This negotiated silence illustrates discursive closure, a concept developed by
communication scholar Stanley Deetz (1992). Discursive closure involves the
unobtrusive strategies used by the proponents of a particular Discourse to suppress
potential conflict and prevent alternative views from being freely expressed. Strategies are difficult to notice but include disqualification, naturalization, neutralization, topical avoidance, subjectification of experience, meaning denial and
plausible deniability, legitimation, and pacification. Disqualification occurs when
people are denied access to speaking opportunities because they lack the needed
expertise or skills. Naturalization occurs when one view is seen as the way things
are while overlooking the social historical processes which created that normative
view. For example, in the USA, few people rely on passenger trains to get from city
to city; however, that has not always been the case. In the 1950s and 1960s,
protesters fought to stop or reroute the interstate construction. Neutralization refers
to the process by which value positions are hidden and value-laden activities are
treated as value-free. Today, our unconscious reliance on our private automobiles
for such trips reinforces our cultural value of autonomy, burdens people with the
expense of automobile purchase and maintenance, and results in environmental
damage and pollution. Topical avoidance is self-explanatory. Subjectification of
experience occurs when someone says something is just a matter of opinion.
Meaning denial and plausible deniability occurs when someone makes a statement
in a way that allows them to deny it later, depending on the audience response. For
example, I might say, We should shut down Interstate X because it costs the
U.S. too much to repair all the crumbling bridges, believing this assertion is
worthy of discussion but wanting the flexibility to say just kidding depending on
my audiences reaction. Legitimation invokes higher-order explanatory devices
(e.g., corporate goal statements exist to make decisions appear acceptable rather
than to guide decisions and actions). Pacification acknowledges the conflict but
discounts the issues significance, its solvability, or the ability of the participants to
do anything about it. On the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway
Administration website (2015), I read:
Because of concerns about what highways, dams, and other public works projects were
doing to the environment, the Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) of 1969. . .. NEPA was a major turning point for the Interstate highway program. It
gave us a framework for studying proposed projectsfor changing them where needed and
making sure the public has an opportunity to comment. Thanks to NEPA, we have learned a


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

lot about how to build highways, including Interstates, that protects the environment or
make it better. We still face controversies because it is sometimes difficult to improve our
transportation network without affecting the environment. But overall, the highways being
built today are much better suited to the Nations needs than would otherwise have been
the case.

This quote illustrates legitimation (i.e., NEPA) and pacification. The discursive
closure concept and the eight strategies can be applied to the conversations occurring between people who differ in whether or not they embrace the DSP or the NEP.
Key Point: Recognizing these strategies is the first step to managing the communication challenge being imposed (e.g., talk about climate change rather than the
spinach tart).
Although standardization and quantification are important to many sustainability
initiatives, a reliance on predefined matrices and indices suggests that sustainability
is to be performed, not explored, discussed, and created through interaction
(Christensen et al. 2015). Standardization and quantification act as a form of
discursive closure. When discussion is thwarted, a particular view of reality is
maintained at the expense of equally plausible ones (Deetz 1992, p. 188). Micropractices stabilize social relations, suppress creative solutions, and limit engagement in solving sustainability problems. Christensen et al. (2015) offer a way to
challenge discursive closure which they call a license to critique. This approach
draws on stakeholders experiences, ideas, and enactments and encourages them to
detect and report discrepancies between organizational talk and action. Communication about sustainability focuses on formulating definitions, challenging the
status quo, articulating ideals, laying down principles, contesting standards, publicizing visions, and putting forward plans. Good communication involves allowing
and cultivating a variety of perspectives to ensure that established positions are
continuously challenged. Creative solutions and commitment among involved
parties emerge and continuously evolve through input and challenge. Given the
range of paradigms and discourses discussed in the next section, clashing views
over sustainability exist within many organizations.


Paradigms and Discourses in Organizations

Moving to the organizational level, paradigms exist that include the collective
values and beliefs of organizational members which influence how issues are
interpreted and acted upon (Andersson and Bateman 2000). Some organizations
reflect the DSP. However, increasingly organizational paradigms are changing.
Management practices such as recycling and waste management, incorporating
environmental criteria onto the balance sheet, and recognizing the environment as
a source of competitive advantage convey a moderately strong pro-environmental
paradigm. In those organizations with a strong pro-environmental paradigm, there
are strong pro-environmental attitudes among top management, rewards for environmental performance, support for sustainability-oriented innovation, and the

2.2 Changing Discourses: The Organization-Environment Interface


initiation of and involvement in environmental partnerships. These qualities were

evident in the Neil Kelly Company.
The Neil Kelly Company and the Emerging Paradigm As we drove along the
Columbia River toward Portland, I reached out to Andy Giegerich, editor of
Sustainable Business Oregon, a publication of the Portland Business Journal,
asking for suggestions as to whom I should interview. He recommended Tom
Kelly, President of the Neil Kelly Company, a family-owned business with locations in Portland, Lake Oswego, Bend, Eugene, and Seattle. Neil Kelly is the largest
residential contractor in Oregon with approximately 170 employees. The company
provides remodeling and energy services and handymen and builds custom homes.
Like all contractors, Toms company was challenged by the Great Recession of
2009. Tom admitted, When you are really challenged financially it is hard to apply
some of your values in a way that you would like. However, their core focus on
sustainability survived.
One afternoon, I sat down with Tom and Julia Spence, Vice President of Human
Resources. Under Toms leadership, their South Portland showroom became the
first LEED-certified commercial building on the West Coast and the fourth in the
county. Toms mountain home was the first LEED-certified single-family home on
the West Coast. Active in fundraising, he helped raise money for a LEED-certified
sleeping village (kids camp), LEED-certified Catholic grade school, and LEED
Platinum-certified grade school. He has worked on several green Habitat for
Humanity houses and is on the board of a nonprofit purveyor of Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC) certified wood called Sustainable Northwest Wood. So a lot of the
stuff we do in the community ends up reflecting our values, Tom said. Forests
receive FSC certification after documenting that they utilize environmentally
appropriate forest management techniques, reward and encourage local people to
sustain the forest resources, and do not generate financial profit at the expense of the
forest resource, the ecosystem, or communities.
Early on, as company president, Tom was trying to find a way to implement his
values regarding sustainability and the environment into his business. When he was
invited to a half-day training by Natural Step, he went. Although impressed, he
wouldnt adopt it unless his management team agreed. All of the management team
attended the next training, the approach resonated with them, and they became a
Natural Step company. Best Practice: If you learn of training about sustainability,
investigate it. If you like what you see, invite others to attend.
What is Natural Step? Developed in the late 1980s by Dr. Karl-Henrik Robe`rt, a
Swedish doctor and cancer scientist, Natural Step provides advisory services,
certificate courses, and e-learning globally to organizations interested in becoming
more sustainable. The approach articulates four system conditions. In a sustainable
society, nature is not subject to systematically increasing concentrations of substances extracted from the Earths crust, increasing concentrations of substances
produced by society, or degradation by physical means; and people are not subject
to conditions that systemically undermine their capacity to meet their needs. Their
five operational strategies involve fostering sustainability-focused mindsets,


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

providing advisory services, launching or participating in system change initiatives,

incubating and spreading innovations and new ventures, and building a movement.
Reflecting on his experience with Natural Step, Tom said:
Certainly, it was a key juncture in how I look at business and how it can influence the
community, my customers, and my employees in a way that stands by my environmental
values. That is when we really started taking initiatives. . .. We have worked really hard to
implement sustainability as a core-company value. . . So that is pretty good for waking up in
the morning and saying I am making a business but I am also making a triple bottom-line
difference, I am also making a contribution to society. . .. The words for me that are
important in the scheme of what sustainability is are balance, fairness, and justice, but most
importantly keeping nature in balance because if we dont keep nature in balance we will all
be done. That is what it comes down to. I believe that. I think what is going on now is just
the edges of where we will land with global warming.

So now we have read about paradigms and how the DSP is shifting to include
elements of the NEP. That transition occurred as the major Discourses of our
culture expanded. In the next section, we focus on the broader sociopolitical
Discourses surrounding the humanenvironment interface.


What Are the Major Discourses?

Discourses reflect the general and enduring systems of thought which, in turn,
influence the formation and expression of ideas within a historically situated time
(Grant et al. 2004). Communication scholars Gail Fairhurst and Linda Putnam
(2004) discuss how Discourses order and naturalize the world, are culturally
standardized and shared ways of understanding the world, and establish power/
knowledge relations. Bound up in political power, each Discourse advances the
interests of some and suppresses the interests of others. Understanding the range of
environmental Discourses is important because they shape how environmental
debates are framed and what is considered to be a reasonable option (Dryzek
2005) when environmentally related choices are being made. Embedded in language, Discourses allow us to put bits of information together into coherent stories
and construct meanings for what is common sense and legitimate knowledge (see
Fairhurst and Putnam 2014, for a discussion of organizational discourse analysis).
For example, Al Gores 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, entered the
public discourse and helped change our perception of climate change and reshape
the role of environmental protection in our lives from an infrequent conversation to
a moral obligation (Walker and Wan 2012). Because many of the films narratives
fit within our long-standing cultural perspectives of nature (Rosteck and Frentz
2009), viewers could identify with the arguments being made. The documentary
included actions viewers might take to minimize global warming. The Climate
Project which was launched with the documentary has trained over 3,500 people to
give Gores presentation in their communities worldwide.

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


Although multiple typologies exist to identify environmentally related Discourses existing in Western societies (e.g., Prasad and Elmes 2005), in this section
I focus on the work of Dryzek (2005), a professor of social and political theory, who
described ten environmentally related Discourses in hopes of promoting critical
comparative scrutiny of competing discourses (p. 20). Because each Discourse is
based on different assumptions, judgments, and contentions that provide the basic
terms for analysis, debates, agreements, and disagreements (p. 8), they often
Industrialism has been the long-dominant discourse of industrial society
(Dryzek 2005, p. 13) with its commitment to growth in the quantity of goods and
services and the hope of material well-being such growth might bring. The industrialism Discourse reflects the DSP and is the point of contrast for the other nine
Discourses (i.e., survivalism, the Promethean response, administrative rationalism,
democratic pragmatism, economic rationalism, green politics, green consciousness,
ecological modernization, sustainability). Over the last 3040 years, movement
away from the industrialism Discourse has occurred. I interviewed Allen
Hershkowitz, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council
(NRDC), about his work with business organizations. The NRDC is a New York
City-based nonprofit international advocacy group with offices in Washington, San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Beijing. It consists of more than 350 lawyers,
scientists, and other professionals and has grassroots support from 1.4 million
members and online activists. NRDC priorities include curbing global warming,
creating a clean energy future, reviving the worlds oceans, defending endangered
wildlife and wild places, preventing pollution, ensuring safe and sufficient water,
and fostering sustainable communities.
Allen discussed the legacy of our reliance on the industrialism Discourse saying:
There are a lot of challenges in advancing our issue [environmental stewardship] because
you know we have built-up our existing industrial system based on environmentally
ignorant practices which is why we are in the mess we are in. Whether it is globalclimate disruption or biodiversity loss or the proliferation of waste or water scarcity or
deforestation in ecologically rare places, I mean, there is such a diverse amount of pressures
happening around the world and thats in large part because of our past environmental
behavior and production techniques.


Do We Face Global Limits?

Two of the Discourses Dryzek (2005) identified deal with global limits: survivalism
and the Promethean response. The survivalism Discourse is concerned with the
Earths carrying capacity, which is the maximum population of a species that an
ecosystem can support in perpetuity. Populations crash when their environments
carrying capacity is exceeded. In Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or
Succeed (2005), Diamond argued this happened to the inhabitants of Easter Island,
the Anasazi of southwestern North America, and the Maya of Central America. We


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

see a similar warning in Al Gores documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. Carrying

capacity was addressed in Garrett Hardins (1968) influential essay The Tragedy
of the Commons. Hardin, a professor of human ecology, described that when faced
with a decision about whether or not to put an extra cow to graze on the village
commons [shared green space], a villager will rationalize that if he or she puts a
cow on the commons he or she will benefit, whereas the costs [environmental stress
due to overgrazing] will be shared with the other villagers. Each individual villager
quickly places another cow on the commons, which is subsequently destroyed by
overgrazing. Computer simulations sponsored by the Club of Rome in the early
1970s and published in The Limits to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972) established that
exponential growth cannot go on forever in a finite system. Concern for limits
permeated the Brundtland Commissions report which sparked growth in the
sustainable development Discourse.
Many organizations recognize that resource limits exist and proceed accordingly. For several years Sams Club periodically hosted private sustainability
lectures at their Bentonville, AR, headquarters where representatives of their
vendor companies spoke about their sustainability initiatives. I attended when
Bruce Karas, Vice President for Environment and Sustainability at Coca-Cola,
spoke. He described his companys 2020 goal to replenish 100 % of all the water
it uses to make its products and to reduce water consumption used in manufacturing
by 25 % (from 2010 levels). Coca-Cola is working with the US Department of
Agriculture to restore damaged watersheds in our national forests, watersheds
which supply drinking water to over 60 million people. They worked with DEKA
to develop a low-energy water purification system called a slingshot to deploy in
poor Third World communities so people have access to clean water. One slingshot
unit can purify up to 300,000 L of water each yearenough daily drinking water
for roughly 300 peopleproducing 10 gallons of clean water an hour while
consuming less power than it takes to run a handheld hair dryer. Karas said:
Coca-Cola has been in business for more than 125 years and we want to make sure we are
here for the next 125, and strike a balance between business and being sustainable. An
essential part of business is that, if sustainability is not a part of your business model, you
wont be around. If our community is healthy, then our business will be healthy,
representing a key balance. (Crognale 2012)

In contrast, those who adopt the Promethean response deny that there are limits
to resources and to growth. They argue that market pricing and technology will
stimulate creativity which will result in the identification or creation of alternative
raw materials once one set of resources is depleted. Pollution is just matter in the
wrong place in the wrong form, and with enough skilled application of energy, that
can be corrected (Dryzek 2005, p. 57). The business-as-usual approach taken by
many organizations suggests this Discourse, which is closely aligned with the DSP,
remains strong in Western organizations.

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?



How Can We Solve the Problems We Face?

Dryzek (2005) identified three Discourses which focus on environmental problem

solving: administrative rationalism, democratic pragmatism, and economic rationalism. Although each recognizes ecological problems do exist, these problems are
treated as manageable within our basic industrial society framework. Each
embodies the fundamental belief of the NEP that unregulated growth and pollution
is impossible within a finite system. Administrative rationalism relies on experts
and the use of institutional and policy responses including professional resourcemanagement bureaucracies, pollution control agencies, regulatory policy instruments, environmental impact assessments, and policy analysis techniques. When
we think of the regulatory compliance issues many organizations face as well as
their use of experts to improve eco-efficiencies, we see this Discourse shapes a
great deal of what takes place in Western for-profit organizations. Democratic
pragmatism involves interactive problem solving within the basic structure of a
liberal capitalist democracy. We see it played out when organizations consult with
the public, through the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, policy
dialogue, lay citizen deliberation, and right-to-know legislation. US laws mandate
public forums where citizens can gain information and communicate about environmental concerns (Cox 2013). Economic rationalism involves the use of market
mechanisms to achieve public ends. Resource privatization argues people care
more for what they own privately rather than what they share in common with
others. Another is the idea of managed markets and we have seen heated and
politicized discussions in the USA about voluntary markets for trading carbon
and/or pollution credits.
ClearSky Climate Solutions and Economic Rationalism During my interview
with Keegan Eisenstadt, of ClearSky Climate Solutions, he noted:
The [stock] market has deeply internalized the need to satisfy demands at the end of the
fiscal quarter, at the end of the days trading close deadline, at the end of the stock price
premerger. The demands of the market have no linkage to the long-term demands of our
planet and our societies.

That said, he remained optimistic about the role of the voluntary greenhouse gas
and carbon emission markets. He described how the European Compliance Market
is doing well and how, in 2006, California passed the Global Warming Solutions
Act, which set the 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal into law. In 2011,
they adopted cap-and-trade regulation. Keegan also shared the results of a survey
sponsored by the Ecosystem Marketplace, a leading source of news, data, and
analytics on markets and payments for ecosystem services (e.g., water quality,
carbon sequestration, and biodiversity). The study addressed why companies are
purchasing forest carbon offset credits on the greenhouse gas market:
The first one you would hope is because of their values, either the value of the board of
directors, the founder or CEO, or employees. . .. The second is pre-compliance learning.
Businesses say carbon is going to cost us something in the future, lets invest now to learn


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

what the problem is before we are whacked over the head with the compliance stick. . ..
Another important piece of the puzzle that I think is more important in Europe [than the U.
S.] is reputational risk management. . .. Another is co-branding. . .. The last one is that
carbon markets provide an opportunity for people to diversity their business model. . ..
These are the big reasons people are joining forest carbon, and that does not sound like a
tree-hugger, right?

Critics contend that carbon trading overlooks the crucial point that trading does
not reduce emissions, but rather redistributes the allowance of further emissions.
Growth, production, consumption, and emissions continue. By creating a false
sense of relief, public concern is shifted away from dealing with the global
problems of increasing CO2 emissions and natural resource scarcity (Christensen
et al. 2015). Their point is very valid.


What About Something a Bit More Radical?

Two of the Discourses Dryzek (2005) identifies as radical and imaginative: green
politics and green consciousness. These two come closest to embodying the NEP.
Green politics includes green parties, social ecology, environmental justice, environmentalism and the global poor, and anti-globalization and global justice. Green
consciousness includes deep ecology, ecofeminism, bioregionalism, ecological
citizenship, lifestyle greens, and eco-theology. Bioregionalism is a political, cultural, and ecological system or set of views based on naturally defined areas called
bioregions, defined through physical and environmental features (e.g., watershed
boundaries). The determination of a bioregion is also a cultural phenomenon
influenced by local populations, knowledge, and solutions.
Ecotrust and Bioregionalism Ecotrust, based in Portland, OR, is an economic
development and conservation incubator for social enterprise. The organization
seeks to identify and test innovations between public, private, for-profit, and
nonprofit organizations around issues related to fisheries, food and farms, forests
and ecosystem services, knowledge systems, marine consulting initiatives, indigenous affairs, natural capital, and watershed restoration. On their website (www., it reads:
The challenges of the twenty-first century are immense, but at Ecotrust we believe that true
wellbeing is possible. To get there, we need radical transformation of current institutions
those ways of living from banking to building, from transportation to tree harvesting, that
dominate our lives. We see urgency in building up an economy that restores nature and
invests in people. And we believe the way to build that economy is through bold experimentation in the bioregion we call homethe Pacific Northwest. We are continually
creating and supporting new businesses, nonprofits, alliances, networks and programs
that build wellbeing in nature and community and deliver economic prosperity. The
industrial economic model thats reigned for the last 300 years simply cant last. Its time
for a more natural model of development. At Ecotrust, we believe the new economy starts
herein our backyards, communities, cities and regions.

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


I interviewed Oakley Brooks, their senior media manager, who described how
their digital magazine Commonplace takes a place-based look at sustainabilityrelated issues. Their first issue focused on the Skeena River Basin in British
Columbia. Residents there wanted to think of new ways to grow and live in the
twenty-first century while still protecting one of the best salmon rivers in North
America. They were receiving external pressures to develop. It is part of that
ongoing question of how do you grow and continue to be part of the global economy
in the twenty-first century but also keep your self-determination and desire for a
viable place and an intact ecosystem relevant, Oakley said.


Ecological Modernization and Sustainable


This book mainly focuses on the two Discourses which Dryzek identifies as
imaginative yet non-radical ways to dissolve the conflicts between environmental
and economic values (2005, p. 14). Both argue our capitalistic goals and processes
can be modified to be ecologically sustainable and that externalities such as social
and political problems can be managed. Both promise that dramatic and inconvenient changes in our lifestyles (e.g., a reduced standard of living, reduced consumption patterns) and basic institutions are unnecessary. But meanwhile the capitalist
version of the good life based on consumption and acquisition continues to outpace
our shared concern for the common good. Will these Discourses stimulate enough
solutions to equip us for the impending climate changes? Probably not, but that
doesnt mean we shouldnt try.
Sams Club and Communities Brian Sheehan, former Sustainability Manager at
Sams Club, appeared reflective when we met over a cup of coffee one late
afternoon at the University of Arkansas campus. Brian had worked in sustainability
for a city before being hired by Sams Club in 2011. When asked to discuss
sustainability, he said:
Walmart has its three aspirational sustainability goals. Personally, I think those are great
and worthy goals to achieve, but that does not get you to sustainability. . .. Some people
would be surprised that even if you are powered 100 % by renewable energy and diverting
100 % of your waste from landfills and you are selling products that help sustain people and
the environment, there is always more that you could do. So how are you helping
communities thrive? If Walmart has limited its impact to almost zero, is that still enough
for all the communities that it operates in to be sustainable?

Sams Club is a US chain of membership-only retail warehouse clubs owned and

operated by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1983 and named after Walmart
founder Sam Walton. As of 2012, the Sams Club chain served 47 million US
and Puerto Rican members and was the 8th largest US retailer. Over 2.2 million
associates globally work at Walmart and Sams Club combined. The aspirational
goals for both organizations combined are to divert 100 % of store waste from


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

landfills, utilize 100 % renewable energy, and sell products to sustain people and
the environment. Their sustainability-related mission statement states, Were
working to improve the quality of life now and for generations to come by operating
our business in environmentally responsible ways and by offering Members sustainable products.

The Promise of Ecological Modernization and Limited

Political Will

The ecological modernization Discourse addresses how environmental damage can

be addressed through foresight, planning, and economic regulation. The Discourse
is that it pays to promote efficiencies, develop new technologies, promote green
consumerism, and invest in ecologically sound practices. It is more cost effective to
redesign environmentally benign processes today than to pay for higher cleanup
costs later. Businesses can make money by improving efficiencies and by making
and selling green products and services. Keegan Eisenstadt, of ClearSky Climate
Solutions, described how, when he returns to companies he has previously worked
with, management says that the greatest benefit they received from entering into a
sustainability process is they found many other ways to increase their company
The process started with a review of their greenhouse gas footprint and then along the way
they recognized, Oh my gosh, we can save money on water, we can save money on power,
we can save money on heating and cooling, we can save money by telecommuting or
having video conferences, and they have found huge financial savings from efficiency
gains just because somebody said, Lets look. . .. They are saving tens of thousands to
millions of dollars, depending on the client, from efficiency gains. From thinking about the
way they schedule employees, the way they schedule shifts, the way they bring in inputs,
the way they manage supply chains and inventory, the way they market. It may not be that
in the corporate suite they have a cleaner conscience, its that they are amazed that being
smart throughout their business could save them so much money.

Cities such as Denver and Portland are working to develop technologies and
processes they can export. Susan Anderson, Director of Portlands Bureau of
Planning and Sustainability, discussed their We Build Green Cities program. She
We have found that by trying to do the right thing here for our own reasons, we actually
ended up growing this industry [the LEED building industry]. . .. We have really keyed into
that. For example, we look at what else is out there around storm water mitigation, around
all sorts of different environmental quality issues where we think there is going to be job
growth. [We ask ourselves] what if we put in standards here? So people are coming up with
ways to do it here. Then they have this expertise to export to everyplace else.

Ecological modernization requires business and government working together.

As Portland illustrates, a government can stimulate and reinforce environmentally
preferable private sector actions (i.e., resource use reduction, new benign product
development). In Europe, ecological modernization appears to have moved beyond

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


the perceived conflict between economic development and environmental quality.

The relationship between government, business, and environmental groups is more
cooperative (Schlosberg and Rinfret 2008). However, European-style ecological
modernization is unlikely to work at the federal level in the USA at this point in
time given the partisan gridlock in Washington. Bipartisan political consensus was
possible in the USA in the 1970s as illustrated by the large number of federal laws
passed (e.g., the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental
Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Safe Water Act) and by the
creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Party lines emerged over environmental issues in the 1980s when an anti-regulatory, anti-environmental stance
characterized the Republican agenda. Later the Republican majority in the House
and Senate worked against Clintons environmental agenda. In the 2000s, Bushs
environmental agenda focused on economic interests, rather than on environmental
protection. More recently, Obama increased the use of renewable energy technology through the use of tax credits, launched a new grant program to fund a
residential solar and wind project, and raised fuel standards for cars and light
trucks. See Kraft and Vig (2000) and Vig (2000) for a discussion of presidential
leadership on the environment. However, by 2013, political gridlock surrounded the
issue of climate change and little was being done to incorporate ecological modernization ideas into federal policy.
Lacking systematic incentives from the US federal government, organizations
still engage in eco-efficiencies in terms of designing or redesigning buildings,
products, and processes to utilize less energy, water, or natural resources and/or
minimize or repurpose waste materials. Eco-efficiency is one of the most popular
industrial strategies for environmental change, establishing a direct link between
efficiency and environmental preservation. Eco-efficiency arguments resonate with
organizations because they fit within a familiar corporate mindset regarding efficiency and cost management (Bullis and Ie 1997). Many for-profit organizations
have had environmental management systems and/or continual improvement systems in place since the 1990s, if not before. Yet often eco-efficiency changes are
limited to incremental modifications in production processes and the initiation of
green consumerism.
Hydropower, Pierre, SD, and State Government Eco-Efficiency As we
followed the Lewis and Clark Trail along the Missouri River, we learned how a
chain of six main multipurpose dams in the upper Missouri River Basin supplies
hydroelectric power to North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and
Montana communities. In 2008 hydroelectric power accounted for almost 67 % of
the USAs renewable energy and over 6 % of its total electricity. At least 34 states
have hydroelectric plants. A large hydroelectric plant was located just outside our
destination of Pierre, SD. Pierre is the South Dakota state capital and a town of
almost 14,000.
In response to record rains in June 2011, the Army Corps of Engineers opened
the dams along the Missouri flooding many parts of Pierre. Jody Farhat, Chief of the
Missouri River Basin water management in the corps Omaha District, said, We


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

had this incredible rainfall event. That was a rainfall event in May, and that was the
game-changer in terms of system operations. High-magnitude water events and
droughts are part of the very high-probability scenarios projected in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (2013) report, Climate Change 2013: The
Physical Science Basis. The rivers the US Army Corps of Engineers tamed and
harnessed surprise people during high-magnitude water events.
After we discussed the flood, Mike Mueller, Sustainability Coordinator for the
South Dakota Bureau of Administration, and I talked about how the state primarily
defines sustainability in terms of achieving eco-efficiencies:
The focus of my job, by design, is less on environmental impacts than it is on operational
cost savings. . .. And thats because so many more people are receptive to saving money
than saving the planet. So the view here has always been if we can be more efficient well
reduce costs and therefore be able to keep taxes down for taxpayers, which is a very
laudable primary goal.

Mikes job as the states first sustainability coordinator is to pay attention to

energy and water conservation and waste reduction in all state-owned buildings. He
also focuses on fleet travel and fuel use. The South Dakota state government
received over $1.3 million dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 (ARRA). They used ARRA funds to pay for an energy assessment of all
state-owned buildings. Then they designed a spreadsheet prioritizing the buildings
which needed to be retrofitted. Almost $23 million was spent on projects such as
installing new windows, buying new boilers and chillers, and installing new
lighting systems in state-owned buildings. In addition, in 2008 the South Dakota
State Legislature passed a bill requiring that all new state government buildings be
built to LEED Silver certification. A few years later, the states procurement laws
changed to require environmentally preferred purchasing by all state agencies.
Anything that uses electricity must be Energy Star certified and water fixtures
must have WaterSense certification. Key Point: Ecological modernization partnerships and government leadership are critical in the face of global climate change.

The Shift Toward the Sustainability Discourse

The Shift in Business

Following the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit of 1992, the World Business Council
for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a group consisting of 162 of the worlds
largest corporations, mainly in the manufacturing, mining, and energy sectors, and
some with less than an exemplary environmental record, coauthored Changing
Course: A Global Business Perspective on Development and the Environment,
along with Stephan Schmidheiny (1992). Between 1992 and 2002, when the
World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg, a number
of important books were published discussing the role of business including The
Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability (Hawken 1994),

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


The Hungry Spirit: Beyond Capitalism: The Quest for Purpose in the Modern World
(Handy 1999), Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century
Business (Elkington 1999), Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (Soros
2000), The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails
Everywhere Else (De Soto 2000), Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial
Revolution (Hawken et al. 2000), The Civil Corporation: The New Economy of
Corporate Citizenship (Zadek 2001), and When Corporations Rule the World
(Korten 2001). In 2002, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the
worlds largest-ever international conference, the corporate leaders present articulated that business must be a major participant in sustainable development, not a
source of problems to be overcome. Members of the Chamber of Commerce and the
WBCSD argued that economic growth produced by free trade was the only hope for
the worlds poor and succeeded in positioning business as the dominant tool for
pursuing sustainable development.
Such publications and the influence of USA-based groups, such as the WBCSD
and the Chamber of Commerce, brought an awareness of sustainability into the
boardrooms and management suites in organizations across the USA. For example,
the late Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface, the worlds largest manufacturer of
commercial carpets and floor coverings, which is based in Atlanta, GA, was one
of the first to adopt greener business practices after reading Paul Hawkens The
Ecology of Commerce (1994). Hawkens wrote about how economics should be
designed so that business and natural systems can coexist in balance. Anderson said
in a TED talk which aired in February 2009:
In his book Paul charges business and industry as (1) the major culprit in causing the
decline of the biosphere, and (2) the only institution that is large enough and pervasive
enough and powerful enough to really lead humankind out of this mess. And by the way he
convicted me as being a plunderer of the earth. And then I challenged my people at
Interface to lead our company and the entire industrialized world to sustainability which
we defined as eventually operating a petroleum intensive company in such a way as to take
from the earth only what can be renewed by the earth naturally and rapidly. Not another
fresh drop of oil, and to do no harm to the biosphere.

At one point, Anderson was described as Americas greenest CEO. He said,

From plunderer, to recovering plunderer, to Americas greenest CEO in 5 years.
That frankly is a sad commentary on American CEOs. Anderson, who died in
August 2011, estimated that after 2001 he gave more than 1,000 speeches making
the business case for sustainability.
Ideally, sustainability carries with it a set of assumptions different from the DSP
and industrialism as illustrated in the shift at Interface. Increasingly, a wide variety
of organizations are finding environmental considerations to be integral to their
strategic positioning and are including environmental considerations into their
mission and vision statements; integrating environmental concerns into their operations, decision making, and measurement systems; seeking to position their
organization as an industry leader in environmental concern; developing innovative
services and products for evolving markets; and considering their relationships with
external stakeholders.


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

Elkington (1999) linked corporate sustainability with the idea of the triple
bottom line which involves profits, planets, and people. Ten years after Elkington
coined the term, Google Scholar, a search engine dedicated to scholarly writing,
showed 57,000 references to the term. A year later, there were 206,000 entries
(Wexler 2009). The triple bottom line refers to the idea that an organizations
economic performance (profits), social performance (valuing and caring for
employees, consumers, and communities), and environmental performance (the
organizations ecological footprint) are interconnected. The environmental dimension involves activities that do not erode natural resources due to prudent corporate
environmental management efforts. The social dimension encourages organizations
to consider their impact on society and addresses issues such as community
relations, support for education, and charitable contributions. Finally, the economic
dimension centers on the value creation and enhanced financial performance of an
organizations sustainability-related activities. The triple bottom line is also called
the three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, and economic. Sustainable
organizations create goals and initiatives focused around each pillar. Economic
value for shareholders is no longer the dominant purpose but rather a balance is
sought as the organization admits that it has a role in promoting an ecologically
sustainable world. Partnerships are formed with stakeholders (e.g., NGOs) also
concerned with sustainability and justice. Products and production pressures are
reconsidered, not just with an eye toward eco-efficiency but also toward ecosystem
protection. Environmental and human costs are incorporated into accounting systems (i.e., full-cost accounting is utilized).
Tyson Foods and the Bottom Line The week before we started our journey on the
Lewis and Clark Trail, I met Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., in his office at their
corporate headquarters in Springdale, AR. Tyson Foods is one of the worlds largest
processors and marketers of chicken, beef, and pork. Their merger with the
Hillshire Brands company in August 2014 created a company with more than $40
billion in annual sales and a portfolio that includes brands such as Tyson, Wright,
Jimmy Dean, Ball Park, State Fair, and Hillshire Farm. Following the merger,
Tyson Foods employed 124,000 people worldwide. They provide products and
services to customers in the U.S. and 130 other countries.
Their sustainability mission statement, which is a direct quote from John Tyson,
their Chairman of the Board, reads:
We recognize the importance of being a responsible corporate citizen. Our Core Values
which define who we are, what we do, and how we do itare the foundation of corporate
sustainability at Tyson. We are committed to making our company sustainableeconomically, environmentally, and socially. Our progress in this endeavor will be measured by
how we develop and market our products, how we care for the animals, land and environment entrusted to us, and how we treat people, including our Team Members, consumers,
suppliers, and the communities in which we live and operate.

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


Kevin, who has worked with environment, health and safety issues throughout
his career, explained:
At Tyson Foods we decided a couple of years ago to follow that triple bottom line model.
But in so doing we decided to add a fourth p which is products. Because that is really what
we do, we make products. So we talk about sustainability as people, planet, profit and
products. And we look at it as all four of those have to be managed in a balance in order for
your business to be sustainable for the long term.

Responding to Pressures and the Lure of the Business Case for Sustainability
The MIT Sloan Management Review published the findings of a 2010 sustainability
and innovation global executive study and research report conducted in conjunction
with the Boston Consulting Group entitled Sustainability: The Embracers Seize
Advantage (Hannaes et al. 2011). More than 3,000 business executives and managers from organizations located across the world were surveyed. Participant
organizations ranged from 500 to 500,000 employees. Many respondents indicated
external pressures led them to adopt sustainability-driven management processes.
The external pressures came from public policy changes at the local, national, and
global levels, customer and potential employee preferences, trends for more measurement and accountability, and pressures from investors and pension funds (e.g.,
the Carbon Disclosure Project).
Organizations often follow a three-stage model in their sustainability efforts
(Jabbour and Santos 2006). First, an organization reacts to pressures such as
environmental legislation and product requirements either by complying or by
seeking to change the regulatory environment (e.g., lobbying, making political
donations, or bringing lawsuits). If an organization decides to augment or abandon
those reactions, then it will focus on preventing harm to the environment (e.g.,
preventing pollution). The final stage some organizations take involves voluntary
proactive actions to ensure long-term sustainability. Organizations adopt selfregulation, technological innovation, industry-wide codes, and/or certifications.
Among big companies, tools such as triple-bottom-line accounting, a sustainability
balanced scorecard, life-cycle assessments, eco-efficiencies, and environmental
information and management systems are used. Common sustainability initiatives
involve recycling; reducing the use of energy, water, and other natural resources;
and switching to the use of more environmentally responsible products and
Organizations vary in why they respond. Some are reactive and compliance
oriented, while others are more proactive either because their management team
believes it is the right thing to do, they see it as presenting a strategic advantage, or
both. The business case for sustainability is a set of popular arguments that often
appear in the business literature (both scholarly and practitioner oriented). The
main argument is there can be a positive relationship between environmental,
social, and financial performance. A variety of reasons are given including reduced
operating costs, competitive parity, regulatory advantages associated with environmental performance (e.g., lower compliance costs, greater flexibility when adapting


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

to legislative changes, the ability to influence environmental laws and regulations),

reduced waste, improved efficiency and productivity, product differentiation, international competitive advantage, greater appeal to consumers, strengthened firm
reputation, the ability to sell pollution control technology, creation of entry barriers,
development of new market opportunities, better access to markets, and reducing or
avoiding legal liabilities (Walker and Wan 2012). Blackburn (2007) provides those
who would like to make a case for sustainability with support for seven business
case arguments involving increased reputation and brand strength; more competitive, effective, and desirable products and services; new markets; productivity;
lessened operational burden and interference; lower supply chain costs; lower
cost of capital; and less legal liability. Best Practice: Read Blackburn before
pitching sustainability to your organizations leaders.
However, strategies that protect the Earth do not always result in corporate
savings nor do markets always embrace green products. Not all scholars agree
there is a strong positive causal relationship between financial and environmental
performance. Salzmann et al. (2005) review the theoretical frameworks, instrumental studies testing the hypothesized positive relationship, descriptive studies examining managers perceptions, and tools used to test the relationships. Some of the
theoretical arguments (e.g., the trade-off hypothesis, managerial opportunism
hypothesis, and negative synergy) argue for a negative link, whereas others (e.g.,
social impact hypothesis, slack resources hypothesis, and the idea of positive
synergy or a virtuous cycle) argue for a positive relationship. They conclude that
the research fails to show a strong causal relationship between the variables, but
they provided no information supporting the basis for this conclusion. A lack of
unified findings is not surprising since so much depends on organizational dynamics, industry sector, environmental challenges faced, and tools used to measure
environmental, social, and financial performance.

The Shift in Cities

Concerned with the implications of environmental issues such as global warming
on their communities, local governments are developing their own climate action
plans. Some cities joined ICLEI which was formed in 1990 at UN headquarters.
ICLEI is regarded as a paragon of Agenda 21 implementation. Five years after the
Brundtland Commissions report, at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Developments Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the 171 national
delegates endorsed Agenda 21 and it was reaffirmed at the 2012 United Nations
Conference on Sustainable Development. Agenda 21 is a nonbinding voluntarily
implemented action plan developed by the UN to guide sustainable development.
I provide an overview here so you can see what it covers because, as you will
read later, it is part of an artificially created controversy. The report consists of
300 pages with 40 chapters grouped into four sections: Section I: Social and
Economic Dimensionscombat poverty, especially in developing countries,
change consumption patterns, promote health, achieve a more sustainable

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


population, and utilize sustainable settlements in decision making. Section II:

Conservation and Management of Resources for Developmentprovide atmospheric protection, combat deforestation, protect fragile environments, conserve
biodiversity, control pollution, and manage biotechnology and radioactive wastes.
Section III: Strengthen the Role of Major Groupsprotect children and youth;
empower men, women, NGOs, local authorities, business, and workers; and
strengthen the role of indigenous peoples, their communities, and farmers.
Section IV: Means of Implementationuse science, technology transfer, education, international institutions, and financial mechanisms.
Other groups exist to help towns and cities manage resources wisely while
creating more livable cities. The Urban Sustainability Directors Network
(USDN) is a peer-to-peer professional network which develops and shares solutions
to challenges faced when designing and constructing buildings and neighborhoods,
transporting people and goods, managing resource use, and fueling growth and
development. The Sustainable City Network is a business-to-government media
and publishing operation based in Dubuque, IA, that provides information on
sustainability products, services, and best practices. They provide excellent
webinars, many of which are archived, informative online content, and useful
collaboration tools. Their primary audiences are city and county government professionals, elected officials, academicians, business leaders, and federal officials.
Action Plan: If you are interested in working on city- and regional-level sustainability initiatives, check out their webinar archives. Cities seeking assistance with
implementing sustainability initiatives will find ample resources to assist them.
Blackburn (2007) provides a checklist for action for those considering
implementing sustainability within their city.
Creating Sustainable Cities: Boulder and Portland For cities, the triple bottom
line focuses more on people than profits. As I drove to an interview in Boulder, CO,
I passed through some of Boulder Countys 97,000 acres of open space. For
decades, area citizens have worked to conserve the areas natural, cultural, and
agricultural resources, provide land for public use, and design a good quality of life
within their city. Meeting in his second story office overlooking the tree canopy
sheltering a public gathering space, David Driskell, Boulders Executive Director
of Community Planning and Sustainability, told me:
About 25 years ago there was a lot of analysis done and they said if we keep widening the
roads, it isnt going to solve the problem. People are just going to drive more and the roads
will be just as congested. So you need to find ways for people to get out of their cars and on
their bikes or the bus or walking. So weve have 25 years of creating the multi-mobile
transportation network. But if you look at it, it has had huge economic benefits for our
community. Companies are here because their employees love to bike to work. And we
know that there is value in being close to the bike path system. Every employee who works
downtown gets a free bus pass. They love it. So there are economic benefits, theres
obviously environmental benefits, and there are social benefits. We know it makes people
happier. They are happier. They are more productive. They are physically fit. It is a more
active lifestyle. All these things have come together in terms of what was driven initially by
reducing congestion. But if you think about it holistically, about all the different things that
you can advance that are around social, economic and environmental sustainability, it all
leads you to it is worth investing in the multi-mobile transportation network.


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

In 2012, Boulders population was 101,808, while the Boulder Metropolitan

Statistical Area population was over 310,000. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive
Plan is a joint plan between the City of Boulder and Boulder County which informs
and guides the shared planning and development of Boulder Valley. Sustainability
is a unifying framework as they seek to create a welcoming and inclusive community, a culture of creativity and innovation, strong city and county cooperation, a
unique community identity and sense of place, compact and contiguous development and infill to create a more sustainable urban form, open space preservation,
great neighborhoods and public spaces, environmental stewardship and climate
action, a vibrant economy based on quality of life and economic strengths, a
diversity of housing in multiple price ranges, an all-mode transportation system,
and physical health and well-being among residents. It has been identified as one of
the Five Happiest Cities in America, Top 100 Best Places to Live, Americas Most
Productive Metros, Best Urban Green Spaces in North America, Most Popular City
for Tech Startups, The Best Places for Business and Careers, and Best Places for
Work-Life Balance. David commented:
I am not a big fan of the three-legged stool [the triple bottom line]. I feel like it implies that
if you have too much environmental sustainability you have to cut off the leg to make it
equal with the others. They are not separate. My whole thing here has been we need to think
about them [people, planet, profit] but sustainability is at the core where they intersect. So
we now draw more interlocking circles and talk a lot about the sweet spot in the middle.
That is sustainability. There is environmental quality, there is economic vitality, there is
social equity but the sweet spot is sustainability where you are advancing all of those at the
same time. . .. We talk about how do we challenge ourselves regardless of the initiative we
are working on to think really comprehensively, strategically, about how we advance all
areas at the same time.

Portland is located is near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers.
In 2012, it had 600,106 residents, making it the 28th most populous city in the USA.
With 2,289,800 people in the Portland metropolitan area, it is the 19th most
populous metropolitan statistical area in the USA. The city has a commissionbased government headed by a mayor and four commissioners as well as Metro,
their regional government. The city is noted for its superior land-use planning and
investment in light rail. Because of its public transportation networks and efficient
land-use planning, it has been referred to as one of the greenest cities in the USA.
Like Boulder, Portland offers lessons useful in other cities. Susan Anderson,
Director of Portlands Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, described how cities
have a large footprint, internal purchasing power, numerous city employees, and
influence through zoning and building codes. She said, I think the impact of
purchasing power is something that cities can use better, as a tool for change.
She described a city ordinance Portland passed more than 10 years ago that said if
developers want to build affordable housing projects or commercial projects that
include city funds or receive a city tax incentive, they must build to LEED
standards. Today they must build to LEED Silver and all city facilities are LEED
Gold. This one action shifted everything. Now Portland has 300 LEED-certified
buildings and they are exporting the expertise of their planners, architects, builders,
and product developers across the globe.

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


In planning for their future, Portland integrated more than 20,000 resident
comments into their Portland Plan, a guiding text which articulates their 25-year
goals and 5-year action plans for community prosperity, business success, and
equity; education and skill development; sustainability and the natural environment; human health, food, and public safety; design, planning, and public spaces;
neighborhoods and housing; transportation, technology, and access; quality of life
and civic engagement; and arts, culture, and innovation. In a document summarizing the highlights of the Portland Plan, the authors write:
Sustainability means more than environmental stewardship; it is also about caring for our
economy and for each other. It means recognizing that our actions matter and that each
individual choice makes a difference to our health and to the health of our community.
When pursuing our vision for a sustainable city, equity matters. If we are going to thrive, we
need to ensure all Portlanders have access to the jobs, quality housing, education, art,
nature, recreation and other services and amenities we need to live full and enriching lives.
We value our diverse communities, so it is important to ensure that we have the social
networks and built environment that helps us stay connected.

Aware of the importance of strategically communicating about sustainability,

Susan said:
We really worked at making sure the message was, its not about the environment. Its about
the environment and its connections to all these other things. Sustainability is not just about
the environmental movement. Its much broader. Its a jobs movement. Its a social
movement. Its a personal health movement and one of the things that came out of it [the
community input sessions] was the issue of equity.

Movement Across Universities

The operations side of a college or university is similar to that of a town or city.
There are streets to maintain, buildings to heat, grounds to keep, and utilities to pay.
Some have large staffs or own substantial acreage. All impact the economic, social,
and environmental aspects of the communities within which they are located. In
2006 the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment
(ACUPCC) was introduced. This is a long-term commitment at the presidential
and chancellor level to achieve carbon neutrality and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by making changes related to electricity, heating, and travel. As of
October 2013, over 677 institutions representing over 30 % of the total US higher
education enrollment were participating.
In 2010, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher
Education (AASHE) launched STARS, a program which rates organizations in
terms of the campus operations, education, research, and administrative components of campus sustainability. By 2011, 289 institutions from the USA and Canada
were participating. Participants can create a climate action plan, conduct a greenhouse gas inventory, develop a climate neutrality plan, take greenhouse gas reduction measures, and/or incorporate sustainability into the curriculum. Collectively, in
2013, ACUPCC institutions offered 12,482 sustainability-focused courses and 358 sustainability-related undergraduate or graduate degrees. Although I discuss


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

AASHE and the ACUPCC here, other organizations exist to help colleges and
universities pursue sustainability. Blackburn (2007) devotes a chapter to colleges
and universities and provides a checklist for action for those considering
implementing sustainability at their college or university.
Higher education enrollment accounts for nearly 2 % of the total annual US
greenhouse gas emissions and ACUPCC signatories represent approximately 0.6 %
of the US total, equivalent to about a quarter of the State of Californias emissions.
Thus, the long-term commitment to carbon neutrality by ACUPCC signatories may
result in measurable reduction emissions (Sinha et al. 2010). Between 2007 and
2012, signatories had already achieved a 25 % (10.2 million MtCO2e) reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions. MtCO2e stands for million metric tons of carbon dioxide
equivalent. Based on current projections, they are expected to reach a 93 %
reduction by 2050 (Mulla 2013).
Sustainability Efforts at the University of Arkansas My university, the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, was one of the first 100 institutions to sign the
ACUPCC in 2007. In 2007, we established our aspirational goal to achieve climate
neutrality by 2040 and set two strategic goals: reduce greenhouse gas emissions to
2005 levels by 2014 and scale down to 1990 levels (approximately 121,000
MtCO2e) by 2021. Short-term plans involve increasing energy conservation and
efficiency measures in our building and transportation systems while creating
campus policies to facilitate energy and water savings and promote solid waste
recycling. By 2013, the short-term goals were achieved by a 3.31 % decrease in
greenhouse gas emissions despite an increase in students, staff, and faculty of 33 %
and a gross square feet building increase of 21 % since 2002. But we need to reduce
our current emissions by 121,000 MtCO2e in 19 years if we are to meet our
aspirational 2040 goal. Increasing efficiencies is the low-hanging fruit and more
transformational changes are needed. Many other organizations of all types, having
increased efficiencies, are now facing the need to make transformational changes.
But eco-efficiencies are not the only things happening on my campus. The
ACUPCC provided campuses with other actions to consider. Our campus hired
its first Director of Campus Sustainability in 2007 and formed a Sustainability
Council which includes campus and community representatives. Our Applied
Sustainability Center, the precursor of the Sustainability Consortium, was developed following a grant from Walmart. We have a sustainability minor, a Graduate
Certificate in Sustainability, and a BS in Sustainability is developed but awaiting
funding. Numerous student groups and researchers are thinking about, researching,
and/or working toward sustainability. Our organizational structure promotes closer
dialogue among top administrators about sustainability-related issues. Mike Johnson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, reflected on our campus journey
Are we at the point where we have reached critical mass, and its starting to be selfsustaining for lack of a better word? I dont know. I think we are, but I think we are still up
on that crest and we need to keep pushing it and getting it on to the other side.

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


Sustainability is a process rather than an end point. Different things spark the
process for different organizations.

Critics of the Ecological Modernization and Sustainability


A number of criticisms have been leveled against these two Discourses including
their failure to seriously challenge the capitalistic production and consumption
relationship, their emphasis on practicality, and the way sustainability facilitates
corporate posturing. Critical theorists and those supporting a neo-Marxist perspective target the capitalist means of production and consumption as the root causes of
the global environmental problems (e.g., Aras and Crowther 2008; Prasad and
Elmes 2005; Springett 2003). Economic growth is based on growth in production,
which consumes natural resources and generates waste, and growth in production
requires continual consumption. True environmental sustainability is incompatible
with the traditional economic paradigm. Critics reject the Brundtland definition as
promoting a dangerous liaison between growth, environmental integrity, and social
justice (Springett 2003) and argue that the terms sustainability and the triple bottom
line act as political cover for irreconcilable ideologies (e.g., continual growth,
resource exploitation). Sustainable development that focuses on green business as
usual fails to address how human and natural resources are exploited and how
consumer needs are manufactured to increase an organizations profit margin.
Much of the current green rhetoric used by industry really is about actions which
do little to protect the natural environment (Prasad and Elmes 2005). Rather than
adjusting the market to its ecological limitations, political systems and environmental groups, at least in the USA, have been co-opted to fit within market
limitations to ensure economic growth. Issues such as how much is enough both
for consumers and company profits, how do we want humanity to live, and why do
consumers have unlimited desires are overlooked. The looming future environmental challenges we face due to global warming are not seriously addressed.
A second criticism involves the privileged positioning of practicality. As college
courses, university degrees, and professional associations focusing on environmental management and sustainability proliferate in the USA, a core ideology being
taught is practicality. The strong focus on practical problem solving shields the
ideology of practicality from serious critique, limits subsequent swift and creative
action (see Sect. 7.1.3 for how to stimulate group creativity), and inhibits alternative environmental discourses (e.g., anti-consumerism movements, ecological feminism) (Prasad and Elmes 2005). Any incompatibility between ecological and
economic thinking is minimized, if not completely overlooked, in favor of shortterm economic thinking. Practicality repackages ecological issues into economic,
technical, and managerial issues and problems. Holistic systems-level problems are
subdivided. Specific roles are assigned to individual issues and individuals are
provided with specific scripts for solving their small piece of the problem. Although
innovations do occur, true creativity is narrowed and channeled. Changes to


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

meaningfully address the ecological imperatives associated with global warming

are not made. Using critical discourse analysis, Prasad and Elmes examine the
hegemonic dimensions of the language of pragmatism, showing how the discourse
of practical relevance continues to limit rather than enhance a more ecologically
viable condition (p. 846).
How does an idea such as practicality maintain its dominant hold? Practicality is
aligned with the concepts of economic utilitarianism, compromise, and interorganizational collaboration which already have widespread sociocultural appeal
(Prasad and Elmes 2005). Economic utilitarianism arguments stress that going
green makes practical sense because it makes a for-profit organization more
competitive and enhances its bottom line. However, economic utilitarianism can
be far from practical in human and ecological terms. Compromise between economic growth and biospheric conservation ostensibly can avoid unnecessary conflict between competing positions and resolve pressing environmental problems.
Yet the environment cannot speak for itself, compromises occur between different
organizational interests, and compromises may not solve the actual environmental
problems or halt environmental deterioration. Finally, collaboration involves working within the system and involving all existing stakeholders in the generation of
visions and strategies. But different stakeholders may hold incompatible visions
regarding our planets ecological future and accommodations are rarely equal. In
terms of environmental organizations, these interorganizational collaborations with
business interests may be practically advantageous (e.g., financial backing, image
enhancement) but may not seriously address environmental degradation at any
meaningful scale. Prasad and Elmes argue that what is called practical should better
be called convenient because it emphasizes minimal socioeconomic disruption and
maximum conflict avoidance.
Prasad and Elmes work helps us understand why the argument for practicality
resonates with people. I met Jim Ekins in a bustling coffee shop in downtown Coeur
dAlene, ID, to discuss his work with the University of Idaho Sustainability Center
in Moscow. The Sustainability Center is a student-led and student-funded group
which focuses on education and small campus projects. On their website I read:
Sustainability involves reorganizing our life support systems: climate, energy, biodiversity,
food, consumerism and consumption, waste, transportation and built environment. We do
this through projects that reduce our environmental footprint and increase participation and
collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and community members in addressing
sustainability-related issues.

Jim serves on their advisory board, although his real job is area water educator
for the University of Idaho Extension Service. He described how the Sustainability
Center has a quote, Some people call it sustainability. We just call it common
sense, saying how that approach was successful in a state where there was the
potential for conflicts over the environment. It was not difficult to get people on
board with what they [the students] are doing, and what they are doing is very
benign. . .. If they had been an activist organization they would have gotten a lot
more push back, Jim explained. But instead, student teams do visible projects to

2.3 What Are the Major Discourses?


make their campus more sustainable. These projects function as proof of concept
and conflict is avoided.
On the other hand, Auden Schendler, Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen
Skiing Company, shared his concern with me regarding collaboration. I asked him
what message frames he thinks work best with the various groups he communicates
with. He said:
I dont know that I have an answer to that but I can tell you that in the industry talking about
catastrophe has not been helpful. We think that talking about opportunity is a good frame
but it is not even clear to me that it gets peoples attention. Recently we did a project to
convert methane leaking from a coal mine into electricity. We partnered with a coal mine
and its owner who politically is very different from us. That story was unbelievably
resonate and remains resonate. Its a story about collaboration and bipartisanship and
taking advantage of wasted resources. People like that positive frame but I am skeptical
because I have seen other people [who used] a relentlessly positive frame and it is not
working. We are not seeing the solutions play out at the speed and scale that we need
them to.

Finally, Ihlen (2015) described several rhetorical strategies businesses use when
talking about sustainability which allow them to maintain the status quo while
making only minor changes and promoting trust in technological solutions. Most
often, sustainability rhetoric promotes the balance metaphor. Indeed, through this
book, you will find researchers and interviewees alike discussing the need for
balance. Its widespread acceptance is akin to the argument for practicality just
mentioned. Generally balance involves weighing profit against environmental
concerns. Businesses argue that economic stability is critical to their ability to
make pro-environment changes. But at the end of the day, it is environmental
concerns brought on by global climate change that humans are responding and
must respond to. Many businesses have shifted from discussing their journey
toward sustainability to arguing they are now sustainable. Others argue they are
truly sustainable because they strive for sustainability. Because there is no agreed
definition of what sustainability is, these arguments are difficult to challenge.
In this section, we discussed some of the competing macro-level Discourses
surrounding the environment and sustainability. These competing Discourses make
for a confusing array, leaving open the opportunity for an organizations management to create and communicate their own version of sustainability to their internal
and external stakeholders through business communication channels (e.g., training
materials, sustainability reports) (Allen et al. 2012). Organizations are discursive
constructions (Fairhurst and Putnam 2014). Key Point: It is important to understand
these Discourses because individuals bring ideas drawn from these various Discourses into their lives as citizens and organizational members. Organizational
life is the sum of the socially shared belief systems of the organizational members
(van Dijk 1998).



2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

We Must Reframe the Issue

Societal discourses influence how individuals think about environmental issues

because they create frames for us. Frames are unconscious structures in our brains
that include semantic roles, relations between roles, and relations to other frames
(Lakoff 2010). Frames are schemata of interpretation that help actors reduce sociocultural complexity in order to perceive, interpret and act in ways that are socially
efficacious (Goffman 1974, p. 21). These structures are physically realized in
neural circuits in our brain. What this means is that when we hear a certain word,
that word opens up an entire set of related ideas and the relationship between ideas,
as well as often directly connecting to the emotional regions of our brain. A
for-profit organizational frame might include top management, employees, goals,
quarterly profits, products, and stockholders. So, given this frame, when we hear
goals, this might lead us to think in terms of quarterly profits, and if there are limited
profits, this may stimulate emotional stress for those charged with showing profits.
Sustainability is a powerful framing word because it opens up a set of connected
People trained in public policy, science, economics, and law often appear to
believe that if you just tell people the facts, they will reason through to the right
conclusion, but if the facts dont make sense in terms of the listeners frames, they
will be ignored (Lakoff 2010). Complex facts must be communicated strategically
in order to activate frames people understand. It is through shared frames that
thinking takes place, coordinated discussions can occur, and problems can be
addressed. These shared frames define what is or is not an appropriate action. But
with the impending climate and resource threats we face, few people have a system
of cognitive frames in place that will help them take action. If a hearer doesnt have
a frame in place, communicators must carefully build up those frames. Some new
frames are being built such as the regulated commons (e.g., cap-and-trade efforts,
carbon offset credits) and the economics of well-being (e.g., the happiness index).
What we need is a reframing of the humanorganizationenvironment interface.
We need a new vocabulary and series of discourses spoken by a complex array of
actors, including governments, local authorities and communities, citizens, corporations, and those who speak on behalf of nature. This is climate communication in
the global public sphere (Bortree 2011). Symbolic systems (e.g., language) play a
major role in the maintenance and change of social order. Frames can be charged by
critical communities and social movements that create and advocate for alternative
field frames (Brulle 2010). Critical communities are small groups of critical
thinkers who help each other develop a set of cultural values different from the
larger society. These alternative frames allow us to analyze problems differently,
offer different solutions, and can create an alternative map for action around which
individuals can mobilize. Social movements spread alternative frames and seek to
generate political pressure to implement institutional changes based on the alternative worldview they support. For example, Al Gores 2006 documentary, An
Inconvenient Truth, helped shift the public perception of climate change. Public

2.4 We Must Reframe the Issue


awareness resulted in pressure on corporations since they were portrayed as a key

cause of climate change and environmental problems (Walker and Wan 2012).
Working to Reframe the Issue: Protect Our Winters, the Green Sports Alliance, and the NRDC With the support of his management team, Auden Schendler
at Aspen/Snowmass worked to help create a movement in 2007 around Protect Our
Winters (POW). He said:
What we are doing mostly focuses around the work to protect our winters where we are
trying to say, Here is a constituency that could be the core of a social movement. It is
21 million people who are avid, engaged, influential, sometimes famous, often wealthy, that
could become the core of a social movement on climate. So we are working very hard on
that effort and engaging others for support, not just individuals but corporations, brands,
trade groupsthat is the big push.

Justin Zeulner and the Portland Trail Blazers were active in helping create the
Green Sports Alliance. Justin suggested I interview Allen Hershkowitz, Senior
Scientist with the NRDC. These three men are among the many who are working
to spark new discussions and actions around the organizationenvironment interface. Allen told me:
There has been a cultural shift that is ongoing. The objective of my work is to instigate a
cultural shift in expectations and behaviors as it concerns our relationship to the planet. We
need a cultural shift in the way that people think about their relationship to the planet.
Thats why I am working with sports, for example, or the entertainment industry, with
cultural elites. That is the most important thing we can doget a cultural shift in the way
people think about the planet.

Allen had been working with the sports industry since 2004 and that work
appears to be paying off. In the NRDC report Game Changer: How the Sports
Industry Is Saving the Environment (Henly et al. 2012), the authors describe how all
the professional sports league commissioners have made commitments to environmental stewardship and are actively encouraging their league teams to incorporate
sustainability-related measures into their operations. In 2013, 15 professional North
American stadiums or arenas had achieved LEED green building design certifications, 18 had installed onsite solar arrays, and almost all had or were developing
recycling and/or composting programs. Of the 126 professional sports teams,
38 had shifted to using some renewable energy, and 68 had energy efficiency
programs. All of the large sports concessionaires had developed environmentally
preferable menus for at least some of their offerings. All Jewel events, including the
World Series, the Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup Playoffs, the NBA Playoffs and
Finals, the MLS Cup, the US Open Tennis Championships, and all of the league
All-Star Games, had incorporated greening initiatives into their planning and
operations. All leagues were educating their fans about environmental issues,
especially recycling and the need to reduce energy and water use. League efforts
had resulted in millions of pounds of carbon emissions being avoided, millions of
gallons of water being saved, and millions of pounds of paper products shifted
toward recycled content or eliminated altogether. In light of this activity, it was
interesting to read Ciletti et al.s (2010) investigation of how 126 professional


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

sports teams across four different leagues communicate about sustainability on their
websites. Most downplay economic issues and highlight social issues. Although
some teams communicate about sustainability on their website, others do not, and
communication about environmental factors varied by league. Speaking of sports,
Allen told me:
These are the mainstream cultural arbiters of our society. Sports is a trusted network. It
provides a trusted network where people have refuge from political debates. The (playing)
court says yes climate change is happening and it is real and we have to do something about
it. That information is not offered in a political context but more from the context of a trusted
networksports, non-partisan, non-political. Overall, 13 % of Americans follow science,
63 % follow sports. And it is not Democrat or Republican, it is not male or female, or Black or
White. You know it is everybody. So you have professional sports doing things that address
global climate change and biodiversity loss and water scarcity and recycling. The change is in
the best interest of the marketplace. The things that the environmental community have been
asking for so long that now are becoming mainstream.


Changing Frames Is Contested

All frames are political. Antonio Gramsci, Italian political theorist and linguist,
expanded on how Marxist thinkers of the twentieth century discussed hegemony.
He described how the ruling elite use the institutions of civil society (e.g., church,
media, schools) to disseminate messages that contend the ruling elites interests and
the interests of the masses are the same. Over time, the interests of the ruling elites
become taken for granted as the right and proper course of events. In other words,
ideologies develop which play a critical role in establishing and maintaining
societal unity. The repetition of ideological language strengthens the circuits for
that ideology in a hearers brain (Lakoff 2010). If repeated often enough that
language becomes normally used language which continues to unconsciously
activate that ideology in the hearers brain. The dominant frame regarding the
environment has been that it is a resource for short-term private enrichment, that
it exists to be used by people, and that we should leave it up to market forces to
manage the resources the environment provides for people. These frames have
become reified by our institutions, industries, and cultural practices. Once reified,
they are difficult to change. Yet they must and are being changed.

Efforts to Control the Discussion

Those who control the frames work hard to maintain them. A powerful way to
silence a group is to own the language of the debate (Shafer 2006). Although the
term sustainable development grew out of ecology, international development, and
the environmental movement, as early as 1992, powerful political forces (e.g., the
WBCSD) began taking charge of how sustainable development was conceptualized
and discussed.

2.4 We Must Reframe the Issue


In the face of ecological crises, defenders of the status quo often try to discredit
or marginalize threats posed by ecological issues. They engage in systematically
distorted communication designed to marginalize the perceived severity of global
warmings threat so as to protect traditional or large economic interests. Systematically distorted communication refers to the instrumental manipulation of language
by powerful interests which corrupts our everyday networks of communication
practice. The work of the German political philosopher, Jurgen Habermas, was
foundational to our understanding of how systemically distorted communication
occurs at the societal level. A number of strategies associated with systematically
distorted communication include universalization (treating sectional interests as
universal); disqualification (treating a subject or source as trivial), and neutralization (treating topics as if they have no political significance) (Ganesh 2009). There
is a long and well-documented history of business interests and their allies in many
countries who seek to create scientific uncertainty about the existence and causes of
global warming.
Climate change deniers and those who seek to limit or block environmental
regulations utilize a variety of other communication and legal strategies including
intentionally disseminating disinformation, using intimidation and threats,
supporting public and media outreach from conservative think tanks, funding
sympathetic political candidates and scientists, legally challenging the right of
citizens to speak for the environment (i.e., the right of standing), weakening
environmental regulations, bringing strategic litigation against public participation
(SLAPP) lawsuits, using fear appeals (e.g., jobs versus the environment, government takeover of individual liberties) to mobilize citizens, and contesting the
credibility of scientists (Cox 2013). One of my interviewees, Keegan Eisenstadt,
CEO and owner of ClearSky Climate Solutions, discussed how scientists face:
Special interests that have hired very good communicators. Whether or not they talk about
the truth or fact, is irrespective of the fact that they communicate well. And their communication is about fear, and the fear is the pocketbook of the family, it is not about future
hypothetical grandchildren.

A clear effort to control the language of the debate is being played out today as
towns and cities consider membership in groups such as ICLEI. In 2012 Glenn
Beck, a politically conservative television and radio host, published Agenda 21, a
ghost-written, dystopian novel based around the UNs Agenda 21. Beck, who
appears not to believe climate change is real, sought to discredit Agenda 21, as
have other conservative commentators. Ideologically motivated articles are
appearing on the Internet about the horrors of Agenda 21 and ICLEI. In light of
the disinformation being circulated, some citizens are opposing anything connected
to Agenda 21. In response, ICLEI placed information on their website Setting the
Record Straight about ICLEI and took the open list of ICLEI members off the site.
Some cities are not renewing their membership in an organization designed to help
them plan for future resource access by their residents and how to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions.


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

The battle for control is ongoing. NRDC Senior Scientist Allen Hershkowitz
I really do think that the work we have done with sports has played a very influential role in
helping instigate a shift. The deniers of climate change can attack the National Academies
of Science or the Environmental Protection Agency, but they cant attack the NFL, Major
League Baseball, and the National Hockey League. And NASCAR, we have a partnership
with NASCAR on energy efficiency and climate change issues. You cant get more
mainstream than NASCAR.

Changing Language Use

Realizing the term sustainability carries baggage with it either because it has been
co-opted by business interests, is a target for political pressure, or is simply not
descriptive of their effort, some organizations have consciously decided to use
different terms. For example, Heifer International and Ecotrust both prefer the
term resilience. Oakley Brooks from Ecotrust said:
Ecotrust is very much in the center in grappling with all the issues of sustainability but we
deliberately try not to use that word. . .. We have tried to come up with our own terms to
push the debate in different directions. . .. The framework we are using now is resilience
and that is related to a school of thought, the Stockholm Resilience Center and others that
are thinking of all the big changes that are going on in the world and the idea that the best
work you can do as an organization. . .is really to focus on how you make the environmental, social, economic systems stronger and resilientable to withstand big shocks, be they
financial or climatic or social. . .. I think the international development community has been
ahead of the local and even international green community, conservation community, using
that term and thinking about resilience. . .. We would like to expand that to thinking about
how does that translate into everyday wellbeing. . .. How does that make my life better
today? We think that there are benefits today and benefits when those big shocks come.

Increasingly, organizations are talking about resilience, especially climate resilience. Researchers, policy makers, and community organizers find the term attractive (Polk and Servases 2015). Resilience occurs when a system, enterprise, or a
person has the capacity to maintain its core purpose and integrity during dramatically changed circumstances. A truly resilient system can reorganize both the ways
it achieves its purpose and redesign its operational scale. Polk and Servaes describe
the role of participatory communication within one Transition Town. The Transition Town Network is a global social movement focused on developing community
resiliency and sustainability. The first initiative began in 2006. By 2014, there were
more than 1,170 groups in 47 countries, plus 11 official and 14 developing National
Hubs (Hopkins 2014). Transition Towns start projects to increase sustainability in
the areas of food, transport, energy, education, housing, and waste. Three communication processes are key: the provision of a framework that allows community
members to respond collectively to challenges, resources to raise awareness of
problems and to share community-developed solutions, and opportunities to share
best practices through the Transition Networks central online hub. The groups
philosophy is that a strategic community-led approach to sustainable social change

2.4 We Must Reframe the Issue


must meet the need of residents already in crisis as well as those who have the
resources needed to prepare for crises.
Although not a Transition Town, resilience is being discussed in Fayetteville,
AR. Fayetteville is the third-largest city in Arkansas with a population of almost
75,000 in 2012. It was the first city in Arkansas to join ICLEI in 2006 but did not
renew its membership in 2012. It operates with the mayor-city council form of
government. The city created the first property-assessed clean energy (PACE)
district in the State of Arkansas for commercial building. PACE is an innovative
way to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to buildings. A
newly constructed city building over 5,000 square feet must meet a minimum
LEED Silver standard. In 2012 the City began requiring all new homes to be energy
rated and receive a RESNET HERS index score. This code emphasizes improvements in building thermal envelopes, including insulation improvements, improved
window U-factor requirements, the testing of air leakage from HVAC ducts, and
increased lighting efficiency requirements. It was recognized as a Bronze-level
Bicycle Friendly Community, ranked sixth in the 2009 Natural Resources Defense
Council Smarter Cities Project, and won the 2013 National Wildlife Federation Rex
Hancock Wildlife Conservationist of the Year Award. Fayettevilles 2030 comprehensive land-use plan was adopted unanimously in 2011. Their goals include
making appropriate infill and revitalization their highest priority, discouraging
suburban sprawl, making the traditional town form the standard, growing a livable
transportation network, assembling an enduring green network, and creating opportunities for attainable housing.
Peter Nierengarten, Director of Sustainability and Resilience for Fayetteville,
AR, told me how he participated in an hour-long discussion about the use of the
term sustainability at the 2012 USDN meeting in Portland, OR. Cities are using
terms such as livable (Milwaukee), homegrown (Minneapolis), and greenovator
(Boston). Austin, TX, is challenging their citizens to rethinkrethink water,
rethink energy, and rethink housing. Susan Anderson, Director of Portlands Bureau
of Planning and Sustainability, admitted she rarely uses the word sustainability but
said that the topic was woven throughout the myriad of conversations she has with
other department directors. Peter said:
I dont use sustainability because it turns off skeptics. On our website it says The City of
Fayetteville is focused on becoming a resource efficient community of livable neighborhoods that meets present needs without compromising opportunities for health, well-being
and the prosperity of future generations. Basically that is the definition of sustainability
without using the word. Livable to me is a nice replacement word.

Peters department is focused on a triple-bottom-line approach (i.e., economic,

environmental, and social) to policy development and project management.
Given that the definition of what is sustainable is often political and contested
(Jacobs 1999), social judgment theory, developed by Sherif and his associates,
helps us understand the relationship between attitude change and communication
involving statements with challenged connotative meanings. The theory conceptualizes an attitude as a range of possible positions on an issue, some extreme and


2 Changing Paradigms, Shifting Societal Discourses, and Organizational Responses

some moderate, which fall along a continuum (Seiter 2009). Any given individuals
attitude falls within a particulate range on this continuum and each of us has an
anchor point which is our preferred position. Some statements fall within our
latitude of acceptance, others fall within our latitude of rejection, and finally others
fall within our latitude of noncommitment (i.e., we are ambivalent). Messages
falling closer to our anchor point are distorted favorably and seen as closer to our
attitude than they may be. Those falling further from our anchor point are distorted
negatively. More persuasive communicators engage in audience analysis and create
messages which fall within an individuals latitude of noncommitment.
Ego-involved people have wider attitudes of rejection. For example, as someone
who grew up in eastern Kentucky and knew many miners who suffered from coal
miners pneumoconiosis (i.e., black lung disease), I automatically reject any messages utilizing the term clean coal, as do many environmentalists. Social judgment
theory helps me understand why some of my interviewees sought to use words other
than sustainability in their discussions. They realized that if they use words that
were uncontested, listeners will be more likely to consider the content of the
message rather than immediately reject it. Also, audiences may respond more
positively to ambiguous messages delivered by credible sources. Best Practice: If
the term sustainability doesnt resonate in your organization, find one that does
which addresses sustainability-related concerns.


Concluding Thoughts

Throughout this book, most of the discussion surrounding communication and

sustainability focuses on public, interpersonal and group communication. In this
chapter, the discussion focuses on paradigms and Discourses. It is through discourse that ideas are developed, spread, and changed. How we talk about and
represent the natural environment have serious ramifications for how we will
conceptualize and enact our future relationship with it (Prasad and Elmes 2005,
p. 853). Each Discourse focuses us on different aspects related to how humanity
will view and respond to global warming challenges. Language matters. . . the way
we construct, interpret, discuss, and analyze environmental problems has all kinds
of consequences (Dryzek 2005, p. 10). Climate change sounds like part of the
natural cycle, while global warming has connotations that it is the outcome of
human action. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(2014), 97 % of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends very likely are
due to human activities, and worldwide the leading scientific organizations have
issued public statements to that effect. Yet people in the USA feel more comfortable discussing climate change than global warming. Why? In 2002 Frank Luntz, a
Republican political strategist, recommended Republican politicians promote the
term climate change. Based on his focus group data, the general public finds it less
frightening than the term global warming (see Luntz Memorandum 2002). Subsequently, Republican congressional and executive leaders increasingly used the term



climate change, and the media and general public followed suit. Today political
affiliation is one of the strongest correlates with individual uncertainty about
climate change, not scientific knowledge (McCright and Dunlap 2011). So, Discourse, ideology, and language do matter. They shape awareness, understanding,
beliefs, attitudes, and action.

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Chapter 3

Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic

Communication Efforts

Abstract When organizational leaders undertake sustainability-related initiatives,

they are concerned with whether or not their key stakeholders perceive their
organization and its actions to be legitimate. In this chapter, legitimacy is defined,
the types of legitimacy are described, the benefits of being seen as legitimate and
having a positive reputation are discussed, and actions used to manage legitimacy
are reviewed. Communication helps manage perceptions of the legitimacy of
industries as well as individual organizations. Message credibility is important.
Standardized communication directed simultaneously toward multiple internal and
external stakeholders is discussed (i.e., annual public meetings, websites and
sustainability reports, reporting frameworks, certifications, and architecture such
as LEED-certified office buildings). Best practices are provided. The chapter
reviews stakeholder theory and discusses the need to adapt messages to engage
different stakeholders. In addition, theories or theoretical concepts highlighted
include population ecology theory, resource dependency theory, institutional isomorphism, agency theory, normative discourse, the elaboration likelihood model of
persuasion, actornetwork theory, speech act theory, attribution theory, visual
rhetoric, narrative theory, and organizational co-orientation theory. Interview data
drawn from a variety of organizational types illustrates the applicability of theory
and research. Organizations represented include Tyson Foods; WasteCap
Nebraska; Missoula Sustainability Council; Ecotrust; the Neil Kelly Company;
the Arbor Day Foundation; Aspen Skiing Company; the University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville; the City of Boulder; Sams Club; Assurity Life Insurance; Heifer
International; the Natural Resources Defense Council; the University of Colorado,
Boulder; and the University of Colorado, Denver.

Lewis and Clark, Legitimacy, and Stakeholders Jefferson had wanted to

explore the West since the 1790s. He and Meriwether Lewis began preparing in
1802, but told no one. Lewis submitted a $2,500 budget which he kept small so as to
limit Congressional criticisms and Indian fears of invasion. Jefferson omitted the
request from his proposed annual budget. In 1803, he sent a secret message to
Congress requesting the money, arguing it would aid American commerce by
opening up trade with native peoples and result in a river route to the ocean
actions which would allow the Americans, rather than the British, to control the fur
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_3



3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

trade. Congress received the secret message after they approved paying for the
Louisiana Purchase. Why the delay? Opposing forces existed. The Federalists saw
no point in spending money on western exploration and feared expansion would
dilute their political power base on the eastern seaboard. They ridiculed the stories
being told about the unknown interior and condemned the acquisition of a wilderness. Aware of the opposition and because he feared the Louisiana Purchase would
be deemed unconstitutional, Jefferson drafted a constitutional amendment authorizing the national government to purchase new lands and promote settlement of the
new territory. Then, he decided to submit a treaty instead of an amendment. The
treaty was quickly ratified. In this example, issues emerge which we cover in this
chapter including legitimacy (e.g., the questionable constitutionality of the Louisiana Purchase) and stakeholders (e.g., the Federalists, the Congress, the explorers,
and the native peoples). Broadly defined, stakeholders are any group or individual
who can affect or is affected by the achievement of an organizations objectives
(Freeman 1984, p. 46). More narrowly defined, they are those groups which are
vital to an organizations survival and success.



A range of potentially competing Discourses exist as organizations decide how to

act (or not) around issues such as resource degradation, pollution, carbon emissions,
and climate change. How an organization decides to position itself strategically
around such issues has implications for that organizations legitimacy in the eyes of
society and its key stakeholders. Sometimes organizations develop sustainability
initiatives to gain or maintain legitimacy (Emtairah and Mont 2008).
In his discussion of how 30 of the worlds largest corporations address climate
change, Ihlen (2009) reviewed the legitimacy literature. Legitimacy is defined as a
generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable,
proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values,
beliefs, and definitions (Suchman 1995, p. 574). Three broad types of legitimacy
exist: pragmatic legitimacy, moral legitimacy, and cognitive legitimacy. Stakeholders accord organizations with pragmatic legitimacy when they envision an
organizations actions will benefit them personally. Moral legitimacy involves
assessments of whether or not an organizations actions are the right thing to do
and contribute to societal welfare. Cognitive legitimacy focuses on whether or not
an organizations actions are seen as understandable. Is it utilizing socially accepted
techniques and processes? How is the organization structured? Are its leaders
credible and charismatic?
Organizations rely on an implied social contract that if they will undertake
socially desired actions, key stakeholders will support their goals and continued
existence. A legitimacy gap exists when society expects something from an organization that it can or will not deliver (Ihlen 2009), and this can present a threat for
the organization (Dowling and Pfeffer 1975) (e.g., a loss in clients, customers, or

3.1 Legitimacy


donors, government sanctions, citizen protests, difficulty attracting employees). If

an organization can manage the legitimacy gap, it can maintain maximum discretionary control over its internal decision-making and external practices. Some
organizations depart from societal expectations without suffering the loss of legitimacy if their actions go unnoticed or if there is no public disapproval. But to do so
is a risk. Sethi (1979) proposed legitimacy-gap theory to explain this gap, generating two scenarios. In the first, the organizations behavior is knowingly inappropriate. Perhaps its behavior changed or the problematic behavior had been hidden.
In the second, societys norms or expectations changed.
Societal expectations for a business organizations behaviors have changed over
time. Initially, maximizing shareholder profits was of primary value. Later, as laws
(e.g., environmental, occupational safety, and health) were passed, the expectations
changed. In the early 1970s, with the emergence of environmental concern among
citizens of industrialized societies, business organizations faced an identity crisis.
Many went from being seen as the provider of jobs, income, and prosperity to being
seen as the destroyers of the natural environment and of peoples health (Emtairah
and Mont 2008). Today, the public generally expects Western for-profit and public
organizations to proactively manage their impact on the natural world and treat
their employees and surrounding communities better than is legally prescribed
(Domenec 2012). In order to maintain the social license to operate whereby
organizations have access to public support and resources, and in the case of
for-profit organizations, access to markets, management engages in and seeks to
communicate their organizations engagement in corporate social responsibility
(CSR) activities (Emtairah and Mont 2008).


Legitimacy, Reputation, and Influence

Legitimacy is a critical resource associated with improved reputation, which can in

turn result in increased benefits and reduced risks. A reputation is a type of social
assessment-based memory connected with what a certain organization should be. It
represents the attractiveness of the organization. Corporate reputations are built up
over time in a dynamic and lengthy process and can be hard to manage directly
(Biloslavo and Trnavcevic 2009). Reputations are associated with stakeholder trust
that the organization will proactively protect its stakeholders. Strong positive
reputations act as insurance partially protecting an organization against crises.
Indeed, some executives see reputation insurance as a primary benefit of sustainability initiatives. Organizations seen as more caring avoid costly and dangerous
negative scrutiny (Hunter and Bansal 2007). If something negative occurs, prior
sustainability initiatives can be used to counter charges of unethical behavior
allowing market value to be sustained (Peloza et al. 2012). Negative reputations
are likely to prompt criticism and regulation in the event of a sustainability-focused
crisis. One of the main challenges of reputation management for extraction-based


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

(e.g., oil) companies involves communicating about environmental issues

(Domenec 2012).
In terms of reputation, companies can be divided into three groups: green
companies, companies that are on their way to becoming green, and others
(Biloslavo and Trnavcevic 2009). The ideal green company fully promotes financial, social, and environmental sustainability. Its employees communicate ethically
among themselves and with the companys stakeholders. Few organizations
achieve this ideal, even environmental NGOs and nonprofits. However, the green
company reputation is achieved when most of its stakeholders (both internal and
external) believe the company is fully committed to the long-term, ideal goal of
zero: zero emissions, zero waste, and zero environmental impact. Such a reputation
helps an organization differentiate itself from competitors, adds value to the brand,
and improves stakeholder relationships. Legitimacy can do more than protect an
organization and provide it with access to resources. It can serve as a source of
influence. Those with high legitimacy may have the opportunity to lead debates
about appropriate environmental practices (Hunter and Bansal 2007). The formation of a green company reputation is enabled by two interrelated processes:
perception and communication. Perceptions are influenced by an individuals
own experiences and everything he or she has heard or read about the organization
which carries information about its operations and activities. Different communication activities are used to create a green reputation (e.g., promotion, sponsorship).
Often, the communication surrounds a proactive change in the companys operation
(e.g., a change of business policy, new or modified products, or a change in the
production process). A green reputation is more likely when both the production
process and the product itself change or were pro-environmental initially.


Discussing Sustainability Within and Between

Institutional Fields

Traditionally, legitimacy research fits into one of two distinct groups: the strategic
approach or the institutional approach (Suchman 1995). The institutional approach
is interested in entire fields or sectors of organizations (e.g., all professional sports
leagues). Studies based on the institutional approach investigate how sector-wide
structural dynamics generate cultural pressures that go beyond a single organizations purposive actions. This approach downplays managerial agency and
managerstakeholder conflicts, focusing instead on societal or sector-level changes.
The pattern of values and priorities in a particular institutional field influences the
behaviors of managers and employees (Lammers 2009). This approach directs us to
investigate how organizations address the environmentally related legitimacy challenges most relevant to their institutional field and how the institutional fields focus
may shift over time.

3.1 Legitimacy


WasteCap Nebraska and Institutional Change WasteCap Nebraska was developed by the Lincoln, NE, business community when, in the early 1990s, a federal
law required communities to have an integrated solid waste management plan.
WasteCap served as a liaison between businesses and recyclers to ensure fair and
equitable services. Over time, business waste management plans became institutionalized and organizations with WasteCaps original goals were no longer
needed. Today, the organizations services include providing education, assessment, and certification services to about 100 paying business members. Carrie
Hakenkamp, the organizations executive director, explained how her organization
was reinventing itself:
Weve really been trying to define our role and who we are and what role we are going to
play in sustainability. We determined that really what we do is look at sustainability
through the lens of wastewasting resources, wasting time, wasting energy, wasting
water, wasting. Looking at it through the lens of waste gave us our starting point on what
we intend to address.

Several theories can help us understand the WasteCap situation. Population

ecology theory (Hannan and Freeman 1977) and resource dependence theory
(Pfeffer and Salancik 1978) both focus us on how organizations must adapt to
changing conditions in their institutional fields as well as in the broader institutional
environment. Both have been important theories in guiding our understanding of
macro-organizational phenomena since the 1970s. Population ecology scholarship
investigates issues related to an organizations life cycle (i.e., birth, growth, and
mortality) and the power of external forces. Salimath and Jones (2011) review the
population ecology literature from 1996 to 2010 and explain the theorys implications for sustainability. They argue that population ecology theory suggests a focus
on sustainability (in business practice and strategy) may lead to the formation and
survival of new companies and industries, while unsustainability may lead to the
demise of companies, if not industries. Both theories are appropriate when looking
at institutional fields and legitimacy. The population ecology theory informs us that
regardless of how legitimate a single organization is perceived to be, if its industry
does not adapt to changes in the broader environment, that organization will fail
unless it moves away from industry norms. Resource dependency theory helps us
understand how critically important it is that an organization effectively communicates its legitimacy to powerful stakeholders and how organizations working
together can shape the normative discourse.
Institutional beliefs and processes penetrate and transcend particular organizations, often through the process of institutional isomorphism. They become part of
the taken-for-granted normative systems people rely on (Lammers 2009). Much of
an organizations structure is a symbolic reflection of external forces (e.g., laws
governing pollution, market forces promoting more sustainable products, reactions
to reporting guidelines) (Meyer and Rowan 1977). Organizations incorporate
institutionalized rules or rationalized myths which represent what is taken for
granted as appropriate conduct or which symbolize rationality and progress either
within their organizational field (i.e., same industry, same sector) or in the broader
society. For example, we see this occurring as all the professional sports league


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

commissioners made commitments to environmental stewardship and began

actively encouraging their league teams to incorporate eco-efficiencies and other
sustainability-focused initiatives into their operations (Henly et al. 2012).
Institutional isomorphism includes three types: coercive, normative, and
mimetic. Coercive isomorphism occurs when the change is due to new laws or
rules. For example, in 2005, the Arkansas legislature passed a law that directed all
new or major renovations of state-owned buildings to be built to the USGBC LEED
standards or the Green Building Initiative Green Globes systema law which
dramatically influenced building construction on my campus. Illustrating how
coercive isomorphism spreads, in 2008, a similar law was passed in South Dakota.
With normative and mimetic isomorphism, organizations have agency or the ability
to self-direct their actions, meaning that they may decide not to adopt sustainability
initiatives similar to other organizations in their institutional field. Normative
isomorphism occurs when the change is in response to new norms associated
with a professionalization process (e.g., professional accreditation). For example,
since the LEED certification procedure began in 1998, as of June 2013, 187,428
people had attained LEED professional accreditation and currently over 4.3 million
people live and work in LEED-certified buildings, numbers which are steadily
growing. Finally, mimetic isomorphism occurs when organizations imitate influential and successful organizations. It can occur unintentionally (e.g., through
employee transfer) or explicitly (e.g., through trade associations or consulting
firms). Modeling can lead to further innovations as organizations imperfectly
imitate others.
Tyson Foods and Mimetic Isomorphism As Tyson Foods prepared to write their
first sustainability report, they benchmarked against Procter and Gamble,
Weyerhaeuser, Dow Chemical, and Johnson & Johnson. We looked at different
entities in American business. We went to Cincinnati and met with Procter and
Gambles sustainability team back in 2004 to learn How did you get into this?
Because they had already been into [sustainability reporting] 12 or 14 years by
then, Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and
Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., told me. Now companies contact Tyson
Foods viewing them as a role model in sustainability reporting. Kevin said:
Sustainability has to be unique to your organization and you should not allow too much
outside influence on what it means to you. . .and your culture. You are going to get plenty of
input and plenty of criticism from the outside. You want to invite outside thought at some
point but when you are originally in the incubator stage you have got to tie it to the core
values of who you are. If you dont you are going to make a big mistake. It really has to be
about your organization.

Given the pressures toward isomorphism, researchers have investigated how

some organizations can transcend regulative and normative expectations to establish innovative practices which ultimately result in changes at the level of the
institutional field. Walls and Hoffman (2013) investigated influential factors including the skills and the experience of an organizations board of directors and the

3.2 Actions Organizations Take to Influence Legitimacy


pressure on an organization to conform to institutional norms. Innovation was more

likely when the board members had varied backgrounds, which included dealing
with environmental issues, and the organization was on the periphery of its institutional network (i.e., not tightly connected with similar or related organizations).


Actions Organizations Take to Influence Legitimacy

Organizations use a range of actions, only a few of which will be discussed here. In
their quest for legitimacy, organizations engage in various actions including changing their business performance, lobbying to change the normative environment,
seeking to shape industry norms, and using communication strategically to frame a
situation (Ihlen 2009).


Changing Business Performance

An organization which seeks to create a reputation as a green organization can

change its business performance (e.g., engage in eco-efficiencies, create alliances
with other organizations, develop new products and services, change working
conditions and labor practices). Others monitor internal operations (e.g., use formal
environmental management systems) to prevent any potential misconduct that
would undermine long-term legitimation efforts (Emtairah and Mont 2008). Several of my interviewees who worked for nonprofits discussed how their organization followed elements of the for-profit business model. Resource dependency
theory suggests this choice may be resource driven (e.g., to gain increased legitimacy or funding).
Oakley Brooks, Senior Media Manager of Ecotrust in Portland, OR, discussed
the development of Ecotrust Forest Managements, their for-profit subsidiary.
Growth in green building in the Northwest increased the need for more Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood. Ecotrust staff researched why the
supply was limited and decided to create their own business model for simultaneously performing forest management and getting sustainable forests to the mill.
They sought investors, raised more than $50 million, and bought forest land around
the Northwest. In 2013, they owned and managed approximately 30,000 acres.
They found ways to layer different activities into their forest management which
resulted in different revenue streams (i.e., they sell carbon offset credits and habitat
conservation easements). When I sat with Oakley on the green roof of their LEEDcertified home office, he said:
That follows the capital arc that we like to think of as the way we do business. Weve got
this grant-funded stage and research and development. If its viable you move it to the
market stage. Then you have, just like in the for-profit world, your early investors. These
are people who are often conservation-minded. They have a sensibility for doing things in a


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

different way. They are willing to invest in somewhat risky propositions. And then we push
it up to the mainstream banking and investing environment to fund things. We are not quite
to the mainstream investment arena for Ecotrust Forests funds but it is getting more and
more mainstream.

Ecotrust Forests is two investment funds that buy land on behalf of investors.
Ecotrust Forest Management, the for-profit subsidiary of Ecotrust, manages the
land on behalf of investors. Investment funds and foundations are investing and,
thereby, conveying legitimacy and resources to the enterprise. Ecotrust designed its
business performance in a creative way to become more fiscally sustainable while
simultaneously working to promote environmental sustainability.


Changing the Normative Environment

Organizations engage in normative discourse (e.g., education, lobbying, and public

affairs) to shape societies perceptions of which behaviors are legitimate (Ihlen
2009). Normative discourse occurs when institutions make claims about how
socially valued issues or things should be, how to value them, which things are
good or bad, and which actions are right or wrong. Industry lobbying during an
environmental or human rights crisis is an archetypical legitimation-seeking strategy. But industry lobbying can be used to proactively benefit human and environmental conditions. Tom Kelly, President of Neil Kelly Company, Portland, OR,
described how his desire to see some pro-environmental lobbying going on in the
Oregon legislature led him to enlist others in the business community and they
started the Oregon Business Association (OBA). The associations values are
centered on a good community period: good environment, good school funding,
good transportation system. The OBA is now the most powerful business lobby in
Oregon, Tom said. When the societal-level moral discourses are changing, organizations often band together to shape the normative discourse. For example the
WBCSD was formed to be a voice for business on sustainability issues, to provide
research on emerging outlooks and future prospects to develop global sustainability
scenarios, and to help companies learn how to successfully frame environmental
issues. Similarly, the Green Sports Alliance is working with the NRDC to change
the normative discourse in the USA.


Creating New Standards

When organizations lack established models or standards, they will seek to formalize new activities by developing new structures and procedures. We saw this when
the USGBC developed the LEED standards. Another example involves when
Walmart sponsored the creation of The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) in 2008.
The TSC is a group of academics and others charged with establishing scientific

3.2 Actions Organizations Take to Influence Legitimacy


standards for measuring the sustainability of consumer products. Walmart realized

their greatest environmental impact would not occur through modifying their
internal operations but rather from working with their supply chain to influence
resource use on a global scale. Makower (2009) quoted Dr. Jay S. Golden, from the
School of Sustainability at Arizona State University, as saying:
The idea of quantifying the sustainability of products arose. . .. It became very clear to us
that no one researcher, no one institution, could do that because youre dealing with
geographies around the world and with various sciencesphysical, life, and engineeringand that required a multidisciplinary approach. So we outlined a proposal to Walmart
to develop a consortium of academic researchers from institutions to think through the
process and try to bring it to life based on the best available sound science and engineering
principles available.

The groups activities concentrate on conducting foundational research. Were

trying to put the right science, the right data, and the right metrics in there, and then
place the data into an open-source system for all to use, Golden was quoted as
saying. As TSC continues to do their research and work with Walmart and its
suppliers, the discussions which occur within a variety of institutional fields are
likely to shift dramatically. The promise this process holds is what led Scientific
American magazine to identify TSC as among the top ten World Changing Ideas of
2012. Brian Sheehan, former Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, thinks the
group is having an important impact:
For a long time Walmart was talking about the goal of creating this tool that buyers and
suppliers could use to understand what the true performance of their products and categories are. There are just so many claims that have been made that its tough for any one buyer
to fully comprehend or vet. Of course to vet every single claim was not possible nor would
it be efficient to do. So partnering with TSC, helping to support the creation of that group,
actively supporting the growth of the tools that TSC is creating and contributing to the
knowledge base, being an active member in that network and also pulling in new members.
I think that is just one example of how Walmart is contributing to putting more products on
shelves that are more sustainable.

In 2015, TSC had over 90 members employing over 8.5 million people with
combined revenues totaling over $2.4 trillion. Today, TSC works to develop
methodologies, tools, and strategies to help drive producers and supply networks
to address environmental, social, and economic imperatives. Their knowledge
products include a category sustainability profile which is a summary of the best
available, credible and actionable knowledge about the sustainability aspects
related to a product over its entire life (The Sustainability Consortium 2013).
Working groups provide key performance indicators (KPIs) which are questions
that retailers can use to assess and track the performance of brand manufacturers on
critical sustainability issues. Through their KPIs, TSC provide a list of the issues
buyers and suppliers should discuss when seeking to make informed sustainabilityfocused decisions. KPI questions are developed in collaboration with multiple
stakeholder groups (i.e., companies, academics, civil-society organizations, and
government agencies). I think it is safe to say that a company that is engaged in
the process and is sponsoring research that explores lifecycles that are relevant to


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

that companythey are probably in a better position to learn from the process,
Dr. Jon Johnson, from the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of
Arkansas, was quoted as saying (Makower 2009).
However, developing KPIs can involve conflict. Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc.,
described what occurred when the KPIs for beef were developed:
[TSC] came under fire from the National Cattlemans Beef Association (NCBA) because
they did not like what they [TSC] had done. And the reason is that they [TSC] did not
engage them [NCBA]. In fact, they put out KPIs on beef and they had never set foot in a
cow-calf operation or any of the parts of the beef supply chain. They just took a table top
academic approach and they came out with these KPIs and the NCBA did not like that. The
whole beef industry did not like that. So the good news is TSC said, OK weve got work to
do. They went out to these places and they engaged more and now they are coming back
around to update the KPIs, but they are not done yet. The process of developing KPIs for
chicken went more smoothly. I, and many others, went to TSC and they worked with us. I
said Listen, you have got to survey all of the top poultry science universities in the
U.S. You need to go to the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association and the National Chicken
Council, go to the Sierra Club, go to all these other groups, survey them and get as much
rich information as you can from everybody. And they did. We are in a much better
starting place on poultry than we were on beef because we learned some valuable lessons
and that is what this is all about.

Kevins example points to the importance of communication as TSC develops

KPIs designed to guide future discussions around products.


Changing Descriptions and Absorbing Information

Organizations can change how they describe their performance (e.g., public relations, marketing, and branding) (Ihlen 2009). Corporate sustainability communication (CSC) is an evolving concept that refers to corporate communications about
sustainability issues (Signitzer and Prexl 2008). Coming from a public relations
perspective, CSC grew out of the reactive corporate social reports and environmental communication programs of the 1970s and 1980s when organizations in
certain industries (e.g., chemical, oil) faced environmental scandals. Under pressure, they created communication programs which focused mainly on crisis communication and one-way reporting about environmental success stories. Social
reports published in the 1970s and 1980s were often advertising instruments lacking
honesty and transparency. By the end of the 1970s, although many companies
stopped publishing such information, some were successful in their framing efforts.
Royal Dutch Shell Group utilized discursive alliance (Livesey 2002) after encountering intense public pressure due to their environmental and social performance.
Their inclusion of their consultants, John Elkington, expository text in their first
annual report to society in 1998 provided legitimacy and authority for Shells own
effort. Elkington, who wrote Cannibals with Forks (Elkington 1999), had credibility as an environmentalist, promoted a winwin environmental message, and sought

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


to develop more comprehensive forms of environmental reporting. Through the use

of discursive alliance in their annual report, the company moved into the sustainable development community and became identified as an exemplary case of
Institutional theory offers practical implications for organizations. Some organizations align themselves via media relations with powerful or legitimate organizations (e.g., co-branding, joint sustainability initiatives). Others engage in
boundary spanning by seeking institutional learning from shared institutions (e.g.,
trade associations, professional associations). Institutional theory also provides
some exciting research opportunities for scholars interested in the role of communication (Lammers and Garcia 2014) in promoting sustainability (e.g., Frandsen
and Johansen 2011) at the institutional level. At this level, our attention is directed
to information crossing organizational boundaries and to formal communication or
the medium of written codes (e.g., laws, law-like policies, professional codes,
certifications). Industry- and profession-wide norms and regulations provide important clues for understanding actions within organizations. Institutional forces such
as guidance from trade associations, peer expectations, and models of success are
increasingly talking about sustainability. Many commonalities are likely to occur
among organizations within sectors (e.g., the education sector). As sustainability
initiatives become the norm, companies will lose external legitimacy if they dont
develop and publicize their own sustainability initiatives.


Communication and the Strategic Approach

to Legitimacy

In this section, I focus specifically on proactive and strategic communication as

enacted by individual organizations (i.e., the strategic approach to legitimacy).
Message credibility and greenwashing are discussed. Then, rather than discuss
public relations, marketing, public affairs, and crisis management strategies in
any depth, the focus is on communication directed simultaneously toward multiple
internal and external stakeholders which reflects standardization efforts involving
the use of signs and symbols in annual meetings, on websites, through certifications,
and in the design of physical spaces.
Individual organizations communicate strategically with their stakeholders to
gain environmental legitimacy (Allen and Caillouet 1994; Hunter and Bansal
2007). They might invite stakeholders into the decision-making process or respond
to stakeholder concerns over organizational processes. Or they may use various
tools, including symbols and texts, to communicate about their sustainability
although stakeholders increasingly are more interested in tangible indicators (e.g.,
reduced CO2 emitted, reduced employee health claims, reduced energy or water
use) (Suchman 1995):


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

The process of managing an organizations relationship with its external environment of
other organizations, regulators, competitors, customers, and diffuse media may be thought
of as institutional positioning via the use of institutional rhetoric, or messages that offer
specific interpretations of social issues of importance to the organizations survival and
success. Examples of institutional rhetoric include corporate statements of social responsibility and policies on the environment. (Lammers 2009, p. 523)

Today, individual organizations engage in public disclosure practices, provide

corporate donations and sponsorships, sign on to principled ideals from institutions
of moral authority (e.g., sign onto the UNs Kyoto Protocol), and participate in
conferences, public discussions, and open panels.
Their communication may be proactive or reactive. This chapter focuses primarily on proactive communication:
Proactivity has come to refer to a more or less unspecified set of nondefensive or
nonreactive practices through which organizations handle their relations with the external
world. Instead of waiting for threats and opportunities to become manifest imperatives, the
proactive organization attempts to influence and shape external developments in ways
considered favorable in terms of its own aspirations. (Cheney and Christensen 2001, p. 253)

Some organizations position themselves as proactive when they are actually

engaging in a discursive fiction (i.e., saying they are taking positive actions when
they are not) (Zoller and Tener 2010). True proactivity involves working with
multiple and varied stakeholders to anticipate potential harms and to adopt environmentally sustainable practices (Bullis and Ie 2007). True environmental leaders
make sustainability initiatives and communication an integral part of their core
business strategy; create alliances to foster progress on targeted sustainability
issues; implement Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting and fully and transparently meet the standards; integrate sustainability into the brand and client value
propositions; integrate sustainability into corporate stories, mission, vision, and
values; and direct varied, yet complementary, communication toward key stakeholder groups (Peloza et al. 2012).


Credible Communication and Greenwashing

An organizations environmental legitimacy is based on perceptions of its environmental performance, not necessarily its actual performance. Therefore, the credibility of an organizations environmental communication is an important
determinant of its environmental legitimacy (Hunter and Bansal 2007). Credible
communication provides detailed information on topics that stakeholders would
expect to be discussed, supplemented with illustrative examples. Non-credible
communication is more opaque and general; omits important facts, topics, and
discussions; or presents more favorable information than would be expected.
Credible communication is transparent and comprehensive. Transparent communication involves letting external (and internal) stakeholders know what the organization is really doing. For example, a transparent environmental report presents

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


specific information about activities and goals, such as reduce CO2 emissions by
20 % by the year 2006. Opaque communication uses less specific terms such as
reduce emissions. Comprehensiveness is whether the full story is presented or
if enough detail is provided to meet reasonable expectations. A comprehensive
environmental report provides information about a range of practices such as the
amount spent on an environmental initiative, the number of people executing it, and
the type and amount of pollution to be reduced. Less comprehensive reports provide
little if any information about activities or policies. Best Practice: Craft transparent
and comprehensive messages.
Credible Communication at Tyson Foods and the Arbor Day Foundation Two
of my interviewees shared their thoughts about credibility. In deciding what to
include in Tyson Foods sustainability reports, Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President
and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., said:
As you begin to examine and write a report about your organization, you have to create a
fact book. We go through a process that is similar to a massive financial audit. Any time we
write one of these reports we have a room full of lawyers and others. We fact check
everything we say. I mean we lock it down and button it up. You have to. And for us the
result has been the challenges we have seen to our sustainability reports is that there have
really not been challenges.

I asked Woodrow Nelson, Vice President of Marketing Communication, how the

Arbor Day Foundation managed their reputation so that other organizations feel
comfortable partnering with them. His comment pointed to a Best Practice: Be
accurate and do what you promise:
Number one, we are going to do what we say we are going to do, and we are not going to
promise something that we are not going to be able to deliver. We have corporations who
come and want to do the right thingthey want to give back, they want to plant trees. . .
There are others who want to count carbon offset credits, and we are not going to do that
because we are not able. We cant [we dont have the staff] verify that carbon still stands in
a particular forest. If we cant verify it, we are not going to tell people we can.

Information not seen as credible may be labeled as greenwashing. Greenwashing

is a strategy that companies adopt when they engage in symbolic communication
about environmental issues without substantially addressing them through action
(Walker and Wan 2012). It involves disseminating misleading information so as to
present an environmentally responsible public image (Cox 2013). For example,
some companies highlight a sideline of the business which is seen as more legitimate (e.g., British Petroleums claim to be a world leader in solar energy while they
derive 90 % of their income from hydrocarbons) or stress their operational efficiencies although it is their products that come into question (Emtairah and Mont
In one of the first studies to link greenwashing with the financial performance of
a firm, Walker and Wan (2012) examined over 100 top performing Canadian firms
in visibly polluting industries. They differentiated between greenwashing and green
highlighting. Green highlighting is when an organization provides both symbolic
and substantive action talking about what they are currently doing or have done


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

(substantive action) or their green walk and what they plan to do in the future
(symbolic action). They measured financial performance using return on assets
(ROA) and found a negative relationship between financial performance and
greenwashing and between financial performance and only communicating symbolic actions (e.g., goals and future actions). They did not find a relationship
between financial performance and communicating about substantive actions or
green highlighting. The strength of their article was in their distinction between
greenwashing and green highlighting rather than their conclusions about the financial implications of the messaging. Obviously, an organizations ROA is a function
of much more than the messaging strategy appearing on the corporate website.


Annual Meetings, Sustainability Reporting, Websites,

and Architecture

In this section, I discuss five forms of communication about an organizations

sustainability initiatives which are simultaneously directed toward a broad range
of stakeholders: annual meetings, sustainability reports, websites, certifications,
and architecture. All are the product of multiple communicators working together
to shape sustainability-related messages. Similar to the work of Gatti (2011) and
Zhang and OHalloran (2013), semiotics and visual rhetoric play an important role
in four of the five. Semiotic theories are based on the assumption that almost
anything can be a sign or a symbol, standing in for and eliciting in the viewers
mind a concept separate from the sign itself. Signs can have a complex array of
direct and indirect meanings. Images carry with them denotative and connotative
messages. The connotative message includes all the values and emotions the image
calls forth in the viewer (Hill 2009). Of the four, the least communication research
has focused on architecture although it is an important tool for communicating
about sustainability.

Annual Meetings

Top management uses various forums to communicate stewardship information to

stakeholders including their annual report, Internet-based stakeholder forums, and
investor meetings. But the annual general meeting is an often underutilized forum
(Carrington and Johed 2007). It is a real-time event where stakeholders can ask and
pursue questions, thereby presenting them with an opportunity to challenge what
are often rehearsed and edited corporate messages. Annual general meetings are a
time when a CEO can position him or herself as a good steward of both company
resources and the environment.
Sams Club, the Neil Kelly Company, and Annual Meetings Brian Sheehan,
former Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, thinks the annual meetings big stage

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


is a very important forum for discussing an organizations sustainability initiatives.

Since 2007, Walmart has held sustainability summits which are televised into all
Walmart and Sams Club locations. These summits serve as a platform for announcing aspirational goals and reporting on progress made in relationship to sustainability initiatives. Brian said:
Where we get the most impact is with the biggest scale. And for us the biggest scale
happens at the big meetings on the big stage in front of a room of five thousand people.
Hearing from our leadership, hearing from keynotes who are experts in sustainability and
have a great personal passion for it and are good story tellers. . .. Getting a celebrity that can
help make sustainability desirable, and communicate in a way that is easy to understand and

Annual meetings are not only important for large organizations. Julia Spence,
Vice President of Human Resources at Neil Kelly Company, Portland, OR, talked
about the annual meeting of that family-owned business. Before the annual meeting, everyone helps develop the strategic plan for the next year. Employees are
invited to participate in open meetings to brainstorm options, opportunities, goals,
changes, improvements, etc., and/or to submit ideas in writing. All are invited to
think and contribute strategically. Then, the management team reviews the suggestions along with statistics, achievements, and client feedback. Plans for the coming
year and beyond are drafted. At the annual meeting, the management team provides
results and analysis of the previous year, recognizes employees, and presents the
plan for the next year, a plan which makes strong use of employee planning
contributions. Julia explained:
[The annual meeting] is a time once a year where the management team gets up in front of
everybody [employees] and says here is what we accomplished as a group and here is where
we are headed. And it has come out of what everyone has contributed both to production for
the past year and [for setting] the goals for the coming year. We do talk about our
environmental goals and where we are headed. It is a time when we are accountable as a
management team.

Coming from a financial accounting perspective, Carrington and Johed (2007)

attended 36 annual general meetings of Swedish companies. Only a third of the
questions the CEO answered dealt with financial accounting, and the other questions dealt with nonfinancial aspects of stewardship (i.e., company efforts regarding
environmental, equality, and ethical issues). They based their study on actor
network theory, a theory initially developed by science and technology scholars
interested in a performative view of the production of science that acknowledged
both humans and nonhumans (e.g., machines, texts) accomplish things (Cooren
2009). Cooren and colleagues (e.g., Caster and Cooren 2006; Cooren et al. 2006)
urge researchers to investigate forms of nonhuman agency (e.g., textual, technological). What distinguishes an actor is whether or not it influences other actors.
Therefore, a written report can be an actor effecting an organization directly as well
as creating the organization and making it visible. Actornetwork theory is increasingly appearing in the communication scholarship. For example, Allen, Walker,
and Brady (2012) discussed how organizations are partly discursive constructions
created through the agency of both nonhuman (e.g., sustainability-related training


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

materials) and human actors. Two key concepts of the theory are actornetwork and
translation. An actor (human or not) can act or speak on behalf of something or
someone else which becomes part of a network being spoken for and therefore
capable of influence. Translation involves the process by which actors make present
the interests of the network they represent. The annual general meeting is a central
and indispensable actor because reports are provided describing the state of the
organization, shareholders can ask questions to hold management legally accountable, and management is elected or reelected. Unlike other forms of corporate
communication (e.g., annual report, Internet forums), top management must answer
face-to-face questions. Top management seeks to be identified as good stewards of
the company by going through a translation process which involves four steps:
problematization, interessement, designated enrolment, and mobilization
(Carrington and Johed 2007). Problematization involves imposing ones own definition of a situation on others and convincing them that their interests are being
served by what is being proposed. Interessement is when the actor locks others into
assigned roles. Designated enrolment is when the locked actors are manipulated to
act in a way benefiting the management. Finally, using mobilization methods,
spokespeople represent and control their collectives. The general meeting results
in a highly scripted and controlled event.
Sometimes organizational spokespeople encounter hostile questions when publically discussing their organizations environmental performance or sustainability
initiatives. This is less likely during an annual meeting and more likely in an
environmental public meeting. A hostile question is one that contains a proposition
that is both undesirable and erroneous. Campbell et al. (1998) suggest speech act
theory can provide communicators with guidance on how to respond. Carrington
and Johed (2007) also discuss speech act theory. This theory has had a major impact
on communication research. Usually associated with the work of John Searle
(Littlejohn 2009), it focuses on how people use a set of language games, complete
with rules, to achieve goals. The listener understands the rules of the game, both
constitutive and regulative, and can interpret the message accordingly (e.g., this is a
promise, a question, or a command). A speech act is not completed until the listener
responds. Every speech act does something in addition to saying something. If the
goal of a public meeting is continued interaction between the audience and the
speaker, then speech acts allow the spokesperson to accomplish two apparently
contradictory goals: (a) satisfy the questioner by providing an answer and (b) satisfy
the organization by providing an indirect answer. In response to hostile questions, at
least three speech act strategies apply (i.e., desirability, agency, and timing).
Although based on a small sample size, Campbell et al. recommend using either
the timing or the desirability strategy. Timing strategies include claiming the
questioners request had already been addressed. The desirability strategy involves
providing reasons why the questioner might not really want that particular request

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


Reporting About Sustainability

In an effort to gain legitimacy and to signal their organizations commitment to the

triple bottom line, many organizations publish sustainability reports (Ferns
et al. 2008; GRI 2013). These reports present a companys values and governance
model and show how company strategy reflects its commitment to sustainability.
The process of writing these reports can help companies set and measure goals,
understand some of their social and environmental impacts, and communicate
about their economic, environmental, social, and governance performance. Senior
decision makers can use a reports information to shape their organizations strategy
and policies and improve its performance. From a critical theory perspective, the
argument is these reports seek to produce statements of facts, tell a more or less
passive audience that everything is fine, and discourage further questioning of the
organization rather than functioning as part of a dialogic, problem-solving, educative process (Stiller and Daub 2007). Bowers (2010) argues they represent a genre
organizations use to define the exigence (i.e., situation requiring urgent action) by
making the business case for sustainability. But sustainability reports only approximate reality. Even the best only show how that organization would like to understand sustainability and have others see their sustainability efforts. To be of benefit,
these reports must be fully auditable and address inherent conflicts and trade-offs
between an organizations profit focus and its social and environmental responsibilities (Mitchell et al. 2012). Ideally, after reading a sustainability report,
employees will engage in dialogue around triple-bottom-line issues, experience
double-loop learning, and enact behavioral changes (see Sect. 7.1.2).

A Change over Time

Scholars have traced the evolution of sustainability reports (e.g., Bowers 2010;
Livesey 2002; Maharaj and Herremans 2008). Some of the earliest corporate
environmental reports were in response to public pressure following an environmental disaster. Increasingly, companies operating in sectors likely to experience
environmental disasters (e.g., extraction-based companies, chemical manufacturers) began to report their environmental data. These early reports were technical
accounts of environmental impacts and remedial efforts which included metrics
collected for other business purposes, were required by regulatory agencies, or met
voluntary guidelines created by industry associations and international bodies.
Early reports stressed compliance. They often lacked significant quantitative data,
explanations for trends, negative news, or proposed future actions to improve
negative results. In 1991, Royal Dutch Shell Canada published one of the first
reports labeled as sustainable development. That subsidiarys commitment to more
transparent and broad sustainability reporting and communication influenced the
parent companys reporting a few years later when its reputation was at its lowest
level (Livesey 2002). Under pressure, Royal Dutch Shell published their first ethics


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

report in 1998. By 1999, their reputation had improved, partly because of their
stakeholder engagement efforts, especially their social and environmental
reporting. The reports increased in sophistication and included more rigorous
reporting of how environmental policies were being implemented and about the
companys triple-bottom-line impact. Later reports included feedback mechanisms
for their stakeholders, identified measurable annual targets and objectives, and
incorporated the employee perspective on pro-environmental efforts.
Over time, the message frames appearing in the reports shifted. Exxon, Chevron,
and BP changed the way they framed climate change in their annual letters to
stockholders and stakeholders between 2003 and 2009 (Domenec 2012). Environmental values went from being portrayed as a potential threat to something that
yields value, and oil spills were acknowledged. The emphasis was on how the
companies behaved responsibly and proactively regarding environmental issues.
Bowers (2010) found something similar in his rhetorical study of the sustainability
reports of ten global companies at two points in time. The issues which led to the
creation of the first sustainability reports remain unchanged (e.g., greenhouse gases,
human rights, toxic emissions). What changed was why corporations responded and
the way they defined the rhetorical situation from compliance to value generation.
Bowers found a growing emphasis on economic value in the opening sections of the
report and the CEO letters emerged over time. Increasingly reports provided
information about measurable economic outcomes associated with various sustainability activities.

Developing a Reporting Framework

Due to the lack of standardization between reports, in 1997, the GRI was developed
to provide a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework for measuring and
reporting sustainability-related impacts and performance. The GRIs mission is to
make sustainability reporting standard practice for all organizations. Their services
include coaching and training, software certification, and reporting guidance for
small- and medium-sized enterprises. The first framework was available in 2000,
and in 2002, GRI was formally inaugurated as a United Nations Environmental
Programme collaborating organization. Their framework is used worldwide. In
their 2011/2012 annual report, GRI summarized a study showing that 95 % of the
worlds 250 biggest companies disclosed sustainability performance information in
2011, and 80 % of those used the GRI guidelines. In 2009, 1,000 organizations had
used the framework, a 47 % increase from 2007, and the frameworks use has
grown steadily since. Most sustainability reports are prepared by business organizations (Dart and Hill 2010; Guthrie and Farneti 2008). That is slowly starting to
change. The GRI has a sector supplement for public agencies. In 20122013, Fall
River, MA, was the first US city to produce a GRI report; the Washington State
Department of Ecology was the first state environmental agency to release a GRI
report; and the San Diego International Airport was the first US airport to release a
GRI report.

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


Tyson Foods and the GRI Tyson Foods turned to the GRI when planning their
first sustainability report. Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., explained:
We wanted to make sure that we were holding ourselves accountable to some type of a
standard with respect to reporting. . .. We decided that if we are going to compare ourselves,
we need to compare ourselves to the gold standard. The reason is if you dont do that then
someday you may decide to and then you have to completely switch formats. . . I think they
do a great job. . .. We use a lot of ISOs work around 1401 environmental issues to help
guide the way we build programs. They have done wonderful work and I am not taking
anything away from them. . .. GRI is so far out in front of everybody that they are the way to
go. GRI is global and they do bring very broad perspectives. Most large, multinational
companies that use sustainability reporting engage with GRI, and it just made sense for us.

Tyson Foods used the GRI reporting framework as a model for preparing their
first two sustainability reports:
We were fortunate that the very first outing [of preparing a report], while there were a lot of
categories where we did not meet their expectation, there were so many where we did. . ..
The title of our first report was Living Our Core Values. We chose that because we have
core values as a corporation. So we decided that the best way to tell our story is to see do we
walk our talk. If we lay out our core values against the principles of sustainability, how are
we doing? So that was what our first report actually discovered and discussed. It discovered
how we were doing. It was very interesting.

The company decided to have their third GRI report graded and they received a
B. Kevin said, We are a very competitive company, so the B resonated okay with
senior management. It said, you are better than average. But what does it take to get
an A [management asked]? They earned an A for their fourth report in 2013. To
get an A plus you have to bring in an independent third party and it gets a lot more
complicated. We have not decided if we will go after that. But if we could get
another A, we would be happy.
Multiple entities besides the GRI exist to guide organizations interested in
reporting on their sustainability efforts. Some are sector or industry specific. Action
Plan: Identify which guidelines are most relevant to the organization and sector you
are interested in. However, as long as sustainability reports lack standardization
(Ferns et al. 2008), this makes it hard to benchmark performance or achieve a best
practices status and it creates a vacuum filled by the report readers personal
expectations and interpretations. Many sustainability metrics are reported on a
voluntary basis and measures are not standardized unlike financial reports generally accepted accounting practices. Best Practice: Use the GRI to compare across
organizations and sectors.

Deciding on Report Content

The GRI sustainability reporting framework has influenced report content. For
example, a focus on materiality, a major consideration when writing a GRI report,
gives business leaders and managers an opportunity to articulate how sustainable


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

development issues can be integrated into specific business practices. Economic

issues are one of the ways businesses decide if something is material. Some reports
include statements describing how lessening environmental impacts and attending
to social problems can reduce operating costs, generate revenue, open new markets,
and provide a competitive advantage (Bowers 2010). Other report content seeks to
identify and report on an organizations triple-bottom-line goals, targets, and
initiatives, provide specific and measurable context and reference points (e.g.,
comparable data from previous years or cross-industry comparisons), show performance against benchmarks, share an organizations values, identify the processes
organizations use to minimize any harm its activities produce, set specific goals for
the future, and address the needs of various stakeholder groups (Maharaj and
Herremans 2008). Others provide emission data, mechanisms used to measure the
success of environmental practice implementation, internal communications systems, environmental policies and practices outside the USA, and environmental
sustainability-related requirements for suppliers (Axelrod 2000). Realizing sustainability reports can influence corporate reputation, many include statements from a
chief executive officer, chief financial officer, and/or chief sustainability officer.
Ferns et al. (2008) concluded that a CEOs status and credibility is critical to
building public trust. Some reports include information on regulatory problems,
remediation liabilities, environmental challenges, and failures encountered when
enacting sustainability-related initiatives (Axelrod 2000; Maharaj and Herremans
2008). Ihlen (2009) notes that most do not address the fundamental issuehow
their industry and the lifestyles they support produce more environmental harms
than benefits. Numerous scholars have researched the content of the corporate
sustainability reports and websites of companies across the globe (e.g., Biloslavo
and Trnavcevic 2009; Chaudhri and Wang 2007; Gill et al. 2008; Herzig and
Godemann 2010; Stiller and Daub 2007), employing content analysis or rhetorical
analysis (e.g., Bowers 2010; Ihlen 2009; Livesey 2002). Chapter 7 discusses how
supply chain relationships are discussed within sustainability reports. Action Plan:
Identify the issues covered in the sustainability report of an organization you admire
or which is an industry leader.
Tyson Foods and Sustainability Report Content Deciding what to include in a
report can be challenging. Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., told me:
Sustainability reports are tricky. There is a balance you have to find about transparency,
confidentiality, and what you are really comfortable sharing about your company in a very
open forum. As companies go through this process it takes an army of people to have a team
to draw together all the different resources and pieces. We call them wheel owners. We
draw a big pie chart and divide it up around the company in terms of the different aspects
that go into our sustainability reports. One of the things that is unique to Tysons sustainability approach, is that it is not a green report. We do talk about the planet. We do talk
about environmental stewardship. We talk about a lot of other things. Sustainability at
Tyson is very broad. We touch on animal welfare, we touch on human nutrition, we touch
on hiring practices, and we touch on our team members Bill of Rights. So we take
sustainability as a very broad topic. We dont just look at it as greening the planet or
being good environmental stewards. That is a very important thing, but that is only one part

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


of what we view sustainability to be. We are pretty clear on that. When you go through our
report we talk about the broad approach and why we do that.

Benefits of Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reports provide organizations with an outlet for telling their story and
give corporate leaders a public forum for stating their commitment to good corporate citizenship (Ferns et al. 2008). The organization has complete control over the
content. While paid advertisements and press releases can be rebutted in the same
medium (e.g., editorials, news stories, op-eds), sustainability reports are relatively
protected from critical analysis. Voluntary social reporting also creates precedents
and thresholds that push other firms to adopt more systematic practices and to share
more information (Livesey 2002). Report similarity in the same industry and in a
similar value chain (due to mimetic isomorphism) challenges the idea that the
reports can provide a competitive advantage due to differentiation (Ferns
et al. 2008), an idea which often emerges as a business case for sustainability
argument. However, similar reports do reduce the likelihood an organization will be
uniquely targeted by activists. Sustainability reports that match stakeholder needs,
if read, can result in positive consumer opinions, enhanced stakeholder trust, higher
employee satisfaction, increased community support, access to markets in new
countries, and improved corporate brand management.
Sustainability reports which discuss climate change potentially can influence
public attention to and understanding of the issue. Looking at how 30 of the worlds
largest corporations addressed climate change in their nonfinancial reports, Ihlen
(2009) identified the rhetorical strategies used to persuade a range of stakeholders
(e.g., competitors, suppliers, investors, governments) that the corporation was
dealing with the issue appropriately. Four topics appeared central to the reports:
(1) acknowledgment that the environmental situation is grave, (2) statements indicating that the corporation is in line with the scientific consensus and the international political process on curbing emissions, (3) assurances that the corporation
plans to take measures to reduce company emissions, and (4) contentions that the
climate challenge poses an opportunity for business. However, nothing in the
reports suggested that these corporations were engaged in the radical rethinking
of systemic problems we need if humanity is to seriously address climate change.

Moving to Online Sustainability Reports

We frequently learn about an organizations commitment to sustainability through
electronic sources such as Internet search engines and websites (Herzig and
Godemann 2010). In 2012, 80 % of the US population had access to the Internet.
Given the plethora of electronic sources, the number of watchdog organizations
(e.g., SourceWatch), and the speed with which a stakeholder can investigate a firm,
comprehensive and truthful online reporting is vital if an organization is to


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

successfully manage its corporate reputation (Ferns et al. 2008). Walker and Wan
(2012) evaluated the sustainability statements appearing on the websites of
103 chemical, energy, mining, and forestry companies listed on the Financial
Posts top 500 Canadian companies for 2008. They selected Canadian companies
because Canada, unlike the USA, signed the Kyoto Protocol and has publically
committed to emission reductions. The topics discussed on these websites included
energy conservation, management of greenhouse gases, stakeholder engagement,
environmental audits, recycling, technology development, environmental management systems, waste management, employee training, environmentally friendly
products, innovation, carbon capture and recovery, and life-cycle analysis. As
you would expect, industry sector influenced the topics appearing on the websites.
Tyson Foods Printed and Online Reports Many organizations are augmenting
their written reports with electronic website-based versions or moving their
reporting completely online. Tyson Foods, Inc., published its first sustainability
report in 2005. Their first two reports were high-gloss printed documents. They
switched the next two reports to the Internet. All four reports are archived on their
public website and are available in English and Spanish. Kevin Igli, Senior Vice
President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc.,
described the evolution of sustainability reporting at Tyson Foods, Inc., saying:
Our most recent report is online and is a completely different format. It is tabbed and
searchable so you can go in and pick and choose what you want to read, when you want to
read it. That has made a difference in terms of people going and looking at what they want
to look at. Because not everyone wants to read everything that is in there. So what will
happen is they will go in and say, well I want to read about animal welfare and they will
start reading it and say, did you see this stuff on products? All of a sudden they get
interested and they are reading and reading. So it is a lot better format because you can
come and go as you need. You can download a copy onto your IPad or whatever device you
use, onto your phone. So electronic media and electronic format, we have learned a lot
about what that means and how you make it easier for people to learn. . .. It is all part of
learning how to communicate. Tyson has a Facebook, we have Twitter, so we are engaging
in all kinds of different directions and it has really been helpful. . .. We want people to
engage more and learn more.

Electronic reporting reduces information dissemination costs, potentially

increases the reach of the message, and allows for more versatility in changing
content. The ability to provide ongoing, additional, or updated information allows
companies to respond to greater demands for information and convey a more
complete vision of their sustainability performance. Audio, video, and interactive
tools are available to both raise awareness and help convey complex ideas. Specific
information can be directed toward targeted stakeholders (e.g., investors, donors,
suppliers) (Herzig and Godemann 2010). Internet communication also can be
structured to increase comprehension. The Internets hypertextuality allows for
the use of search functions, sitemaps and navigation alternatives (e.g., linked
indexes), and glossaries, which can increase access to and the comprehensibility
of the information. Customized reporting approaches allow for user-specific creation and interactive choice. A dialogue-based online relationship can include a

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


range of mutual, asynchronous ways to solicit feedback (e.g., mail-to-functions,

guest books, and online surveys) and influence long-term and continuous dialogue
(e.g., discussion forums and bulletin boards). A mutual, synchronous dialogue, with
a high degree of spontaneity, is also possible (e.g., chats, audio- and videoconferencing). Online discussions can help organizations understand their stakeholders
attitudes and information requirements. Although, the Internet provides tools organizations can use to increase stakeholder dialogue, few appear to be using these
I have always admired Ray Anderson for the actions he took to put his carpet
company, Interface, on the path toward sustainability and for his willingness to
speak very publically about his decision and subsequent actions. Interfaces Mission Zero goal is to eliminate all of its negative environmental impacts by 2020
through the redesign of processes and products, the pioneering of new technologies,
and the reduction or elimination of waste and harmful emissions while increasing
the use of renewable materials and energy sources. Sustainability is a main category
appearing on their homepage. In 2013, clicking the Sustainability tab allowed
viewers to read the Interface story, learn about their progress and challenges, and
provide questions, suggestions, and advice. Several things about this website appeal
to me. The use of the framing metaphor of a journey and the graphic of the
mountain communicate effectively about the ongoing and difficult nature of the
process. Understandable metrics are provided which show what they have accomplished in several important areas (i.e., energy, climate, waste, facilities, and
transportation). Finally, their public outreach in the form of their speakers bureau
shows their continuing willingness to help other businesses become more
Not all websites are created equal. Poor websites reduce an organizations ability
to successfully communicate with interested stakeholders. Practitioners might find
this an interesting checklist to use when planning their organizations website.
Action Plan: Use the following questions to evaluate the website of your organization or an industry leader.
How easy is it to access sustainability-related information on the main webpage?
How many clicks does it take to get to the sustainability page?
What are the main topics on the sustainability page? Within each topic, how
much information is provided?
Is there a clearly stated sustainability vision? Is it attributed to the CEO? Are
clear ways for achieving this vision listed?
Are any statements provided by key stakeholders in addition to the CEO? Which
ones? What are they saying?
Are clear goals provided? Is a timeline for achieving the sustainability-related
goals provided? Does the company indicate if and how they are meeting each
goal? Do they provide evidence to support their claim the goals are being met?
Is the information clearly targeted to specific stakeholders (e.g., investors,
employees, customers, etc.)? Which stakeholders are being specifically


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

Are issues related to the triple bottom line (people, planet, profits) addressed?
What are they reporting in each area?
Do they have a sustainability report linked to the website? If so, for which years?
In which language(s)?
What other links exist on the sustainability page?
Is the website visually appealing, easy to navigate, and easy to read? Are there
clearly defined or labeled areas. Are downloadable pdfs provided?
Is the writing clear and succinct? Are quotes provided and from whom? Are
stories provided on the webpage?
What is being highlighted in the pictures? Are there graphs and/or charts? What
are the main points being conveyed by these pictures/graphs/charts?
Can you provide feedback to the company? Are there questionnaires, forums,
chat rooms, or any other forms of interactivity? Can visitors sign in or get on a
mailing list for updated information?
If you want to contact the company, is a general email address provided? A
specific email address provided? Are any specific people identified as
sustainability-related contacts?


Many organizations mention certifications in their sustainability reports, on their

websites, and in other materials they publish for internal and external stakeholders.
My interviewees representing cities (e.g., Portland, Fayetteville), state governments
(e.g., South Dakota), college campuses (e.g., University of Colorado, Boulder;
University of Arkansas), and nonprofits (e.g., Ecotrust, Heifer International)
talked with me about their LEED-certified buildings. The Arbor Day Foundation
certifies cities and towns. The certification or endorsement an organization seeks
depends on its sector (e.g., government, industry) and its output (e.g., services,
consumer products). For example, quickly skimming the Tyson Foods 2012 Sustainability Report, I saw they had Global Food Safety Initiative certification and
73 of their US facilities had British Retail Consortium Global Standard for Food
Safety certification. In this section, I identify some sustainability standards and
certifications and talk about factors influencing the decision whether or not to

What Are Sustainability Standards and Certifications?

Sustainability standards are voluntary, usually third party-assessed, norms
and standards relating to environmental, social, ethical, and food safety issues
associated with an organizations performance or specific products. The range of
new sustainability-related standards significantly increased over the last decade.

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


The trend started in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the introduction of
ecolabels and standards for organic food and other products. Some of the common
ones involving consumable products are the Fairtrade label, the Rainforest Alliance, and Organic. Builders would be most familiar with the USGBCs LEED
standards and FSC certification. Previously, I talked about FSC certification, and
identified how AASHE awards universities with STARS.
Other organizations award important certifications. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides requirements, specifications, guidelines, or
characteristics that can be used to ensure that materials, products, processes, and
services are safe, reliable, and of good quality. The ISO publishes and sells over
19,500 international standards but does not certify companies. Management system
standards include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 31000. The ISO 14000 family of
standards (14001:2004, ISO 14004:2004) focus on environmental management and
provide tools for organizations seeking to identify and control their environmental
impact, as well as improve their environmental performance. In terms of the social
dimension of sustainability, the ISO 26000 standards provide guidance for how
businesses and organizations can operate in a socially responsible way. Standards
for operating in a socially responsible way are also offered by Social Accountability
International (SIA). SIA publishes the SA8000 standard, an auditable social certification standard for judging decent workplaces. Structures and procedures that
companies must adopt are described and continually monitored. The group
AccountAbility publishes their A1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard
(AA1000SES), an open-source framework which supports the groups
AA1000APS Principle of Inclusivity. Blackburn (2007) describes a wide range of
other certifying organizations.
Numerous groups stand ready at the international level to certify that organizations are operating in environmentally and socially sustainable ways. Communitylevel sustainability initiatives also exist. I found local certification programs occurring in two communities I traveled through, Missoula, MT, and Lincoln, NE. These
programs epitomize sustainability-related communication challenges and opportunities at the local level. Missoula, MT, is in a state characterized by small businesses. The community started investigating the idea of sustainability in 2000 and
by 2002 a group had formed which was interested in promoting sustainable
business. Today their Sustainable Business Council (SBC) has about 180 paying
business members. The SBC works to advance sustainable commerce by supporting
and connecting businesses that strive to become more sustainable and educating
consumers about sustainable business options.
Susan Anderson, who was their administrative coordinator when I was in
Missoula and a founding board member, told me:
We have tried really hard, coming from a community that had some polarization with the
environmental movement, to make certain they [business owners] understand that we are
not out to put them out of business. We want to help them do business better. We want to
help them prepare for the future that is coming. I think the key behind that is when you look
at markets right now the messages are not correct. There are signals that are not in the
market that really need to be in terms of the impact of environmental damage or the impact


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

of social damage on the long term viability of the business. . .. A friend of mine, who wrote
the book, Green Business Practices for Dummies, often says to people to get their attention:
Is your business ready for a carbon-constrained environment? Right now were actually
seeing a drop in our fuel prices. . .. But they are not going to stay that way. So people who
use the savings they get right now to get ready for the future are the ones that I think are
going to survive better, healthier in the long term.

Susan described their Strive Toward Sustainability program which includes an

education, self-certification and a graduated recognition program, a membership
appreciation event, and annual sustainability awards. The Strive Toward Sustainability program begins with a half-day workshop. Then companies complete a selfassessment, select areas for improvement, and receive information on how to
improve. The program has a set of seals that can be put in the windows of local
businesses and appear on the SBCs website. Their program was replicated in
several other communities, including Lincoln, NE. Carrie Hakenkamp, Executive
Director of WasteCap Nebraska, described how the self-assessment covered nine
areas: management, energy, facilities, transportation, waste, community, customers, employees, and purchasing. There are standards and questions addressing
each standard. If companies meet the minimum standard in an area, they receive a
badge in recognition. If they meet the standards in enough badge areas, then they
earn a gold seal. Carrie explained:
When you read those questions you learn about things, the gaps that you have, and get some
ideas on other projects you could do. . .. What we have found is that so many companies
have already done something. They have a recycling program. They have switched out their
lights. But most people in the company dont even realize it. So now you have an internal
marketing program. You have something that demonstrates your values as a company to
your employees, your customers and people on the outside. It is just a really great first big
step. The first step is the hardest, but once you start down that path then [they think] here is
something else we can do, and here is something else. And it gets easier to implement
projects because more people understand what your values are.

WasteCap Nebraska ultimately discontinued using the Strive for Sustainability

program and began working with B Lab, a nonprofit organization that created the B
Impact Assessment and the B Corp Certification. Certified B Corps are companies
that use the power of business as a force for good. B Corps are different from
ordinary businesses because they meet a higher standard of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. There are more than 1100
Certified B Corps in 120 industries in 40 countries, including Patagonia, Ben and
Jerrys, Method, Dansko, and Etsy. More than 20,000 companies have taken the
free, online, and confidential B Impact Assessment. Companies can compare
themselves to other companies that have taken it. To be certified, a company
must score at least 80 out of 200 points and be audited. WasteCap Nebraska
combines the B Impact Assessment with their Good Company green team
training, which helps green teams organize and learn a system for selecting,
implementing, and managing projects and measuring and reporting achievements.
It includes training and information about writing a sustainability plan and report
and about audience analysis and communication.

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


The Decision to Certify or Not?

Organizations have various reasons why they seek certification including in
response to industry isomorphism, to symbolically communicate their legitimacy,
to utilize a framework to guide internal processes, to reap reputation and efficiency
related benefits, in response to a contractual or regulatory requirement, to meet
customer preferences, to aid in risk management, and to help motivate staff by
setting clear goals. Cities use frameworks to guide decisions which will hopefully
enhance the livable of their communities. In this section, I pay particular attention
to financial reasons, employee productivity, and stakeholder perceptions.
Businesses often adopt ISO1400 and similar international management certifications when they are dependent on international trade or need bank financing since
financial institutions are concerned with long-term financial and environmental
risks which might threaten their investments. Others seek certification believing
employee productivity may increase. Surveying 5,220 French firms, Delmas and
Pekovic (2013) investigated the relationship between ISO 14001 certification and
labor productivity. Firms that adopted environmental standards enjoyed one standard deviation higher labor productivity than firms that did not adopt such standards. The authors concluded the adoption of an environmental standard signals
that an organization is committed to improved environmental performance which is
likely to lead to a more positive reputation. If employees feel proud of their
organization, they often perform better at work, engage in more cooperative and
citizenship-type behaviors, and become ambassadors for their employer. Also,
environmental standards require the adoption of management practices such as
new environmental policies, internal assessment (e.g., benchmarking, accounting
procedures), environmental performance goals, internal and external environmental
audits, and even employee incentive programs based on an organizations environmental performance. Companies are required to identify, minimize, and/or seek to
manage environmental risks, liabilities, and impacts. Efficiency may improve as
new systems gather additional information used to monitor environmental performance. Communication, cross-functional teams, and employee training are essential elements of ISO 14001 implementation. This can result in more effective and
knowledgeable employees, increase human capital, facilitate knowledge transfer
and innovation, and thus increase productivity.
Certifications are symbols meant to denote an organizations legitimacy. If
message receivers are aware of the meaning of the symbol, they will quickly
process it and assume the organization is trustworthy in multiple areas. Parguel
et al. (2011) used attribution theory (see McDermott 2009) as the basis of their
study of the role of independent sustainability ratings on 177 French consumers
responses to companies CSR communication. Attribution theory explains that
when people communicate, their decisions are based on the attributions they
make for their own and others behaviors. The authors distinguished two types of
causal attributions for CSR communication: attributions to the dispositions of the
actor (intrinsic motives) and attributions to environmental factors (extrinsic
motives). When faced with CSR communication, consumers must decide whether


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

it conveys a genuine environmental consciousness (intrinsic motive) or is an

attempt to take advantage of sustainable development trends (extrinsic motive). If
an organization makes claims about its CSR engagement but provides no other
information, consumers assume extrinsic motives. They may believe the organization is greenwashing if they dont green highlight. Sustainability ratings from
independent agencies provide information which suggests intrinsic motivation.
In building their argument, Parguel et al. (2011) refer to the three elements of
Kelleys covariation model: consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency. Do others
in similar circumstances adopt the same behavior (consensus), does this behavior
occur only within a particular situation (distinctness), and is this behavior repeated
across time (consistency)? Consumers are more likely to attribute extrinsic motives
if most of an organizations competitors engage in the same behavior at the same
time (social consensus), if the company only engages in one CSR activity (distinctiveness), or when CSR engagements are infrequent company practices
(no consistency). A positive global sustainability rating, provided by an independent and credible third party, suggests the company enacts sustainability in various
ways (i.e., its engagements are nondistinctive) and on a frequent basis (i.e., its
engagements are consistent). Consumers are more likely to attribute the CSR
message to the organizations intrinsic motives resulting in an increase in positive
brand evaluation. However, poor sustainability ratings should drive CSR engagement attributions to more extrinsic motives. The researchers conclude that sustainability ratings can deter greenwashing and encourage virtuous firms to continue
their CSR practices. Attribution theory also has implications for how employees
and supply chain members respond to CSR-related messages.
For some organizations, the decision to seek external certification is not easy.
The management team of a plastics recycling organization I consulted with
disagreed as to whether or not to certify an innovative new product they had
developed. Opponents expressed concerns about recouping the costs associated
with the certification process, whether or not most clients would even care and
whether clients who did care would commit to doing enough future business to
make the certification process financially worthwhile. Given the confusing array of
certifications available, others were unsure which certification was appropriate and
would be most persuasive to potential customers. As part of the decision-making
process, we identified the most common certifications appearing on the websites of
their competitors and potential customers. Some organizations developed their own
certifications, a clear case of greenwashing since they lacked the legitimation
associated with external evaluation. Action Plan: Investigate which certifications
appear most useful in your particular industry. Consider talking with your management about seeking certification.

Architecture and Visual Rhetoric

The last type of public communication I discuss involves architecture. Spaces can
function as a nonhuman agent that speaks on behalf of organizational actors

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


(Fairhurst and Putnam 2014) to a large number of people. With architecture, the
message is transmitted over a long time period. In this section, I discuss architecture
as a form of visual rhetoric used to influence perceptions of legitimacy. Visual
rhetoric involves the study of visual imagery and is a newer, but flourishing, area
within the discipline of rhetoric (Foss 2005; Hill 2009). Rhetorical theorist Kenneth
Burke encouraged the analysis of symbols in all their forms, including architectural
styles. Human experiences that are spatially oriented can only be communicated
through visual imagery. Visual rhetoric is defined as a product individuals create
as they use visual symbols for the purpose of communicating (Foss 2005, p. 143),
although it also applies to an analytic perspective. Three elements must be present
for a visual image to qualify as visual rhetoric: (a) it must be symbolic and use
arbitrary symbols to communicate, (b) it must involve human interaction either in
the process of creation or interpretation, and (c) it must be presented for the purpose
of communicating with an audience. Audience members, as lay readers of the visual
message, bring their own experiences and knowledge to the interpretation process.
Meaning is attributed to an image. The function of a visual image is on the action it
Noting that public buildings exist as visual rhetoric, Berman (1999) introduced
the idea of strategic architectural communication as a form of public relations.
Architecture involves structural and symbolic elements. Buildings are often
designed in light of their potential for communicating values. Their structure and
aesthetics are designed to persuade (e.g., the building is sound, the organization is
credible, the organization cares about sustainability). Business strategy often
employs constructing buildings which function as visual persuasion (Parker and
Hildebrandt 1996). Architects link top managements desire for a building that
represents their companys mission, goal, and even its power and strength to the
structure they design. There is a conscious rhetorical strategy behind the design, the
situation or audience to which it responds, and the ways it seeks to realize its

LEED-Certified Corporate Offices

Three of my interviews took place in LEED-certified buildings. In each case, my
interviewee made sure I realized the building was certified and externally directed
company messages (e.g., websites, corporate publications) identified the building as
LEED certified. In addition, I visited two communities (i.e., Boardman, WA;
Greensburg, KS) which used buildings as a form of strategic communication
about sustainable communities to deliver a standardized message to a wide group
of stakeholders.
My interview with Steve Denne, the COO of Heifer International, occurred in
Little Rock in their LEED Platinum-certified office overlooking the Arkansas River
and the adjacent Clinton Presidential Library. The first LEED Platinum building in
the South Central USA was built on one of the largest brownfield locations in
Arkansas, a 20-acre site which had been a railroad switching yard polluted with


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

creosote and diesel fuel. Before construction, 75,000 tons of contaminated soil were
removed. The 94,000-square-foot narrow, curving, four-story building was completed for $19 million or $189 per square footimportant for an organization
supported by individual donors. Since Heifer teaches sustainability-related values
around the world, they wanted to demonstrate their values through the building
design. Delving into the organization and its history, the building design team found
a guiding metaphor in a statement attributed to Heifer founder Dan West: In all my
travels around the world, the important decisions were made where people sat in a
circle, facing each other as equals (Bond 2007). That sentiment was reflected
through a set of concentric circles that create a sense of unity among the sites
elements. Rippling outward from their center at a public entrance commons, the
circles also illustrate the cycle of giving that Heifer calls passing on the gift.
In Lincoln, NE, Assurity Life Insurance began recycling in the early 1990s, has a
very active Green Team, and recently constructed a LEED Gold-certified home
office in an urban renewal area. Assurity Life
employs approximately
420 employees and provides group and individual life insurance, disability income
protection, critical-illness policies, and annuity products with approximately
420,000 customer accounts nationwide. Their home office is 175,000 square foot.
Like the Heifer International building, sustainability was stressed during design
and construction. It utilizes energy- and water-efficient technologies and employs
external landscaping to manage storm water runoff and minimize watering. Internally, the buildings open office design facilitates communication and innovation.
More than 80 % of the workspaces have daylight sufficient for working; 93 % have
a view of the landscape. Employee health was considered during the design phase to
ensure good indoor air quality and by locating the building near public transport and
the city trail system.
When the building opened in 2012, Tom Henning, Assurity Life Insurance
Chairman, President, and CEO, was quoted as saying, The Assurity Center
represents our companys commitment to being a leader in corporate sustainability.
Creating a high-performance, environmentally friendly facility supports our corporate goal of ethical behavior. I interviewed Bill Schmeeckle, their Vice President/
Chief Investment Officer, and asked him what prompted the company to build a
LEED-certified office building. He replied:
We were blessed by having a president and CEO who took sustainability very seriously.
And we wanted to. When you go through the process of designing and constructing a
building, it is quite a process. At the end of the day we wanted the facility to represent [the
company] as forward thinking, forward looking sustainable thinkers. How do we want to
look at the end of the day when we move into the building? That drove a lot of the
conversation and a lot of the sustainable features that we put in the facility. There are
things that you do from a sustainable point not because they are cost efficient but because
you feel like they are the right things to do. There are some things that are frankly just too
cost-inefficient that you cant do them. Its a little bit of a balancing act whenever you are
trying to implement sustainability features in a building.

3.3 Communication and the Strategic Approach to Legitimacy


Later in the interview I asked Bill, How does your organization define sustainability and has that definition changed over time? Do you have an official definition
of sustainability that all employees might be aware of? He responded:
I dont know that we have an official sustainability mission statement. What I would say is
the fact that we achieved that LEED Gold Certification was our presidents way of defining
sustainability for the company. That is a nationally recognized system and you could look at
it and say those people are sustainability conscious. So I think that seeking out that Gold
LEED certification was probably the best way we went about defining sustainability.

Foss (2005) writes that three elements must be present for something to qualify
as visual rhetoric. In Bills description, we learn the home office was designed to
communicate to external and internal stakeholders. The Heifer International and
Assurity Life Insurance examples reflect the link between values, architecture, and
communication. LEED certification is simply an arbitrary set of letters which
communicate a quality, as do a buildings design elements. The planning and design
processes associated with both buildings involved intentional human interaction
aimed at shaping interpretations. While both buildings include eco-efficiencies, sit
lightly on reclaimed land, and have health benefits, both also act as media for
persuasion. The legitimacy of both organizations is increased if their key stakeholders (e.g., employees, donors, clients, collaborating institutions, communities)
see them as forward-looking, forward-thinking sustainable organizations.

Architecture and Community Rhetoric

Visual rhetoric in the form of public buildings can be used intentionally to create a
sense of community (Freschi 2007). During my trip, I observed three interesting
examples of this form of sustainability communication. Two involved single
buildings (the SAGE Center and Ecotrust) and the other involved the town of
Greenburg, KS. For many, sustainability is about empowering communities to
adapt and innovate in the face of environmental pressures. Oakley Brooks, Senior
Media Manager of Ecotrust, explained:
There is a fair amount of work going on in both the private sector and in environmental
organizations to put place back in the discussion of how people live their lives and how they
do business. There are some digital apps coming out [e.g., NextDoor, Placely]. . .. So you
are talking about every day minutia but you are pinning it to the map to bring out the local
stories. . .. Its like creating a relationship so that people on the ground tell the story in this
ongoing way, in this self-organized way. . ., Its about trying to bring things back to a very
specific geography to understand how the social and economic and ecological systems
interact at one place.

That was what I witnessed at the three places I describe next.

The SAGE Center, Broadman, OR Boardman is a small town of about 3,400
located along the Columbia River. It is home to the largest inland river barge
terminal in the USA. The Port of Morrow, covering more than 7,000 acres, is the
regions economic development leader and promotes:


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

economic expansion and creation of family wage jobs through maintaining a positive
business environment; developing water sources; providing and expanding utility services;
expanding regional transportation hub roles and capabilities; and fully developing industrial, commercial, and community development potential while supporting the regions
quality of life. (

The port opened the SAGE (Sustainable Agriculture and Energy) Center in June
2013 to provide visitors a glimpse into the regions history, agriculture, industries,
energy production, sustainability practices, and transportation infrastructure. It was
designed to be a channel for communicating informative and persuasive messages.
Area farms and dairies, food-processing facilities, advanced energy projects, and
various operations coming through the port are promoted. Inside, a large sign
proclaims Green Is Good for Business. Writer Terry Richard (2013) described
the centers exhibits as feeling like being in an infomercial. Inside the center, a
world map lights up to show where the regions products go. A simulated balloon
ride allows visitors to float above the region. Visitors take turns driving a tractor
simulator and learn about water-saving irrigation practices. One powerful exhibit
shows local youth interviewing employees working at the various plants and farms
about their jobs. Wandering through the interactive displays, you learn that the
region grows of Oregons apples and 10 % of the peas grown in the USA,
wastewater from the food-processing plants irrigates local farms, and low-carbon
and cellulosic ethanol is produced nearby. The SAGE Center is a powerful example
of visual rhetoric. It is clearly designed to be persuasive. It communicates to
businesses that the port is a legitimate partner for sustainability-related enterprise.
Ecotrust, Portland, OR Ecotrusts office is in the heart of Portland, OR, in the
Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center, a warehouse built in 1895. In 2001, it became
the nations first LEED Gold Historic Renovation. Visitors can pick up a field guide
that encourages them to Hike the Building! to learn of its history and about issues
related to transportation, bioswales, green building, community, energy, materials,
eco-roofs, neighborhood, and FSC wood. In the field guides community section,
you read:
The process of identifying a community of tenants to inhabit the restored building was
critical to the seeding of this human ecosystem. The result is that today youll find within
these brick walls a roster of non-profit, for-profit, and public institutions that embody a
powerful new vision for a sustainable society.

Oakley Brooks, Senior Media Manager, explained:

Ecotrust thinks of itself, not just as an environmental organization but as a social enterprise
or economic development organization/conservation organization. So whenever we do
things we think of the social and economic impacts in addition to the environmental
impacts. This building was designed to be a hub for local enterprise for environmentally
responsible enterprises. We had that economic and social element in mind when it was
renovated. We wanted to bring like-minded businesses and organizations here and cross
pollinate with ideas and provide a place for those kinds of folks and groups to gather. . .. It is
a show piece of how we weave the different social, economic, and environmental bottom
lines into what we do.

3.4 Stakeholders


In the buildings lobby, there is a coffee shop for building residents and the
public to gather. The interior space of the building is designed to promote community and facilitate communication. Reaching outward, the space around the building
was promoted as a gathering spot drawing in people who lived in its proximity as
well as those who shared the organizations values. Behind the building, a patio and
urban garden provide a space which is periodically opened to the general public as
part of Ecotrusts summer concert series. A concert was scheduled for the evening I
met Oakley. Best Practice: Provide signage in LEED buildings telling your story;
make sure to educate employees regarding its features; train them to be tour guides.
This way your buildings story can be an inspiration to others.
Greensburg, KS At 9:50 p.m. on May 4, 2007, the Greensburg community of
1,400 people experienced an EF5 tornado which destroyed the towns infrastructure
and over 90 % of its homes and buildings. The twister was 1.7 miles wide as it
swept through town with 205-mph winds. Having 20-minute warning from the
National Weather Service, only 11 people died. Within days of the storm, area
residents Daniel Wallach and Catherine Hart, along with Kansas Governor
Kathleen Sebelius, began discussing how Greensburg might be rebuilt in a sustainable manner. At a gathering attended by about 500 displaced residents, Major
Lonnie McCollum announced that the town would be rebuilt in an environmentally
friendly manner. Sustainability was woven through the fabric of a community
rebuilt as a living laboratory. Greensburg is a model green community and a
town for the future. Visitors can visit 30-government, for-profit, and nonprofit
organizations on the GreenTour, and numerous existing and new homes have
been built to more sustainable standards. Since the vision was to power Greensburg
with 100 % renewable energy, 100 % of the time, the Greensburg Wind Farm was
built about three miles out of town. GreenTown was designed as an independent
nonprofit business to provide education and support to residents, business owners,
and municipal leaders as they sought to build back sustainably. This nonprofit
reaches out to other destroyed communities (e.g., Joplin, MO). Greensburg is a
symbol of how an entire town can rebuild in an environmentally sustainable way to
withstand future tornados which will most certainly tear across the Kansas plains.
Such a public statement conveys legitimacy to large-scale projects conceived in
other towns seeking to adapt to climate change due to global warming. All who
drive through Greenburg are exposed to sustainability-focused messages.



For nearly two decades, the management literature has discussed the stakeholder
concept to help managers think about how to manage relationships with those
groups or individuals which can effect or be effected by the achievement of an
organizations objectives. Organizations must strategically communicate with their


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

stakeholders if they are to establish social legitimacy, as well as operate effectively.

Since the 1990s, stakeholder theory has been applied to sustainability-related
studies investigating CSR, natural resource management, public health, and sustainable development. It has been applied in traditional business settings, policy
making, NGOs, and community-based or activist organizations (Dempsey 2009).
Most research discussing stakeholders refers to R. Edward Freemans (1984)
book Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Freeman, a professor of
business administration, proposed a model of stakeholder management that focused
on identifying and responding to multiple stakeholders. Subsequent researchers
identified key stakeholder groups including, but not limited to, stockholders,
employees, government officials, supply chain members, investors, and communities. Other important stakeholders when communicating about the environment
may include citizens and community groups, environmental groups, scientists,
corporations and lobbyists, anti-environmental and climate change critics, news
media and environmental journalists, and public officials (Cox 2013).
Climate disruptions are expected to force organizations to expand their definitions of stakeholders to include emission trading groups and scientific expert
groups, among others (Brown and Flynn 2006). Two significant environmental
meta-trends (i.e., decreased freshwater access and global climate change) are
threatening to disrupt organizational operations due to reduced resource supply
(e.g., less clean water to manufacture Coke, inadequate water for citizens living in
Denver, CO) and the potential for a displaced workforce (e.g., migration due to
rising waters along the coasts). Climate change is expected to result in increased
healthcare costs, increased insurance costs (both business and property), disrupted
access to and higher costs for supply chain materials, and changed tax structures as
the public sector strives to manage intensified weather and climate conditions while
providing infrastructure and social-service support.
Is the natural environmental a stakeholder? In order for an entity to be a
stakeholder, the following attributes must be present: power to influence the
organization, a relationship perceived to be legitimate, and/or the urgency of the
claim. The salience of a particular stakeholder to the firms management is low if
only one of these attributes is present, moderate if two attributes are present, and
high if all three attributes are present (Driscoll and Starik 2004, p. 879). Definitive
stakeholders possess all three which makes them a management priority. Driskoll
and Starik make a compelling argument that we need to give stakeholder status to
the natural environment since it is the source of resources. Manufacturing organizations exchange more with the natural environment than with any other stakeholder group. However, traditionally, the environment is not included in theoretical
discussions as stakeholders because we tend to privilege the concept of human
agency. Although the natural environments claims are often seen as legitimate and
urgent, the natural environment is dependent upon the actions of other stakeholders
for protection. Many people only act to protect the environment after dominant
stakeholders support it or if managerial values are pro-environmental.
Friedman and Miles (2002) stakeholder analysis framework offers us another
way to classify power and dependence within stakeholder relationships. They

3.4 Stakeholders


propose four types: opportunistic, unacknowledged, mutually beneficial, or concessionary. No clear contractual obligation exists between parties in an implicit
relationship (i.e., it is opportunistic and unacknowledged). Most organizations exist
in an opportunistic or unacknowledged relationship with their natural environment.
Mutually beneficial relationships can exist when both parties share compatible
objectives and parties call on and work in terms of each other. In such relationships,
each party has something to lose if the relationship deteriorates although some have
more to lose than others. This is closer to the mindset of the green organizations
identified by Biloslavo and Trnavcevic (2009) or as promoted by the radical and
imaginative Discourses identified by Dryzek (2005). Like mutually beneficial
relationships, concessionary relationships are considered necessary by both parties.
However, the goals among parties are incompatible; these relations occur when
material interests. . . are necessarily related to each other, but their operations will
lead to the relationship itself being threatened (Friedman and Miles 2002, p. 6).
Compromise is a key component of concessionary relationships. In terms of the
Discourse of practicality, compromise rarely benefits the natural environment (see
Sect. occurring between human stakeholders seeking to protect
their own interests. In terms of our understanding of the natural environment
stakeholder power relationship, managers might consider pervasiveness (the degree
the stakeholder impact is spread over distance and time) and dependence (Driscoll
and Starik 2004). Viewed with those lenses, nature holds the balance of power. In
terms of urgency, management needs to consider consequential, if not catastrophic,
ecological problems and the likelihood of issues occurring like shortages of fuel,
fish, and forest stocks. Cognizant organizations will already factor likelyoccurring environmental phenomena into their respective plans before such shortages occur (p. 63). Both Coca-Cola and Tyson Foods are aware of their need to
protect water purity and plan for water scarcity. Driscoll and Starik suggest
including an additional criteria for stakeholder status into the equation: proximity.
Action Plan: Work with your executive team to identify key stakeholders, including
the natural environment, important to your organizations operations in light of the
environmental challenges most likely to impact your institutional field and geographic location.


Adapting Messages to Stakeholders

The power relationships between stakeholders influence how messages are formed.
I asked NRDC Senior Scientist Allen Hershkowitz to discuss the challenges he
faces in sharing his messages regarding sustainability with outside groups like the
sports industry. I would classify these relationships are opportunistic or perhaps
mutually beneficial. Allen said:
When you deal with the private sector. . . one of the initial challenges is to get their attention
based on the factual integrity of the issue. Then you have to acknowledge their agenda and
their agenda is basically increasing the revenue of their operation. So we have to be very


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

sensitive to cost configurations and other business aspects (e.g., supply chain reliability,
product quality). There are many criteria that go into encouraging a business to shift to
environmentally preferable products. Vending issues, existing sponsor and vendor relationships, a lot of complicated issues that effect the viability of any proposal to move an
organization toward sustainability. We have to do that in the context of competitive
business and what the generation needs and existing vendor relationships and try to
encourage engagement and visibility and branding protections. There are a lot of challenges
in advancing our issue. . .. So getting each organization to understand the risks that exist, to
their public health, to their image, and doing it in a way that is not threatening and that is
collegial. All of these things present challenges to communicating about environmental

Prior to Cheneys (1991) seminal book on organizational rhetoric, most research

into external corporate discourse failed to account for the complexity of communication whereby multiple official and unofficial speakers send multiple orchestrated and unorchestrated persuasive messages to multiple audiences, nor did it
account for how institutional norms operating within an organizational field constrain a corporate actors voice. Building on Cheneys work and on institutional
theory, Allen and Caillouet (1994) investigated how one embattled reuserecycle
organization utilized different impression management strategies when speaking
with different stakeholders. Today researchers investigating image building, corporate issue management, corporate advocacy, public relations, and crisis communication acknowledge the need to strategically adapt messages to various
stakeholders. For example, Peloza et al. (2012, p. 86) reviewed research suggesting
employees are more likely than customers to require justification of sustainability
initiatives, and be more positively influenced by a higher degree of fit between the
initiative and the core business of the firm.
One theory provides a useful framework for thinking about how to tailor
messages which allow for coordinated action. Von Kutzschenbach and Bronn
(2006) utilized the co-orientation model of communication in order to provide
guidance for improving forest owners communication with their end consumers.
They write, Sustainability communications require a systematic approach in which
all the communication activities are directed toward achieving increased understanding between the organization and its relevant stakeholders (p. 304). The
co-orientation model began as an attempt to explain dyadic communication investigating an individuals perception on an issue and his or her perceptions of what
significant others thought about the issue. It expanded into the organizational arena
in the form of organizational co-orientation theory (see Taylor 2009). Three basic
levels of communication can occur between parties: congruency, agreement, and
accuracy. Communicators can be in true consensus (i.e., both agree and know how
each other feels), dissensus (i.e., both disagree but know how each other feels), false
conflict (i.e., they think they disagree but they do not), or false consensus (i.e., they
think they agree but they do not). Effective communication with stakeholders
requires developing internal and external strategies to improve short-term accuracy
and to increase long-term levels of agreement. Transparency, information
exchange, and credibility are important. Creating shared definitions and increased
accuracy improves the relationship and can influence party willingness to engage in

3.4 Stakeholders


dialogue. Feedback can be used to integrate additional relevant stakeholders into

the discussion. Communicating, negotiating and contracting, relationship management, and motivating stakeholders are all important strategies. This theory is useful
in suggesting the need to be systematic in how organizations think about their
stakeholder-directed communication.
Lessons from the Field: South Dakota and Colorado Those seeking to communicate about sustainability must tailor their messages to address different understandings and should be prepared to explain the various dimensions of the concept
so that those with different understandings can relate to it (Linnenluecke
et al. 2009). Although he generally stresses efficiencies and economics when
talking with stakeholders, Mike Mueller, Sustainability Coordinator for the South
Dakota Bureau of Administration, is aware of the need to adapt his message based
on the audience. He told me:
Our current administration is very focused on efficiencies, so whenever we can make
strides, it is always warmly received when we can say we are saving energy, we are saving
money. . .. It is, of course, important to understand the audience you are trying to communicate with. I think that the effort of sustainability is broad enough that you can tailor a
message no matter how resistant the person may be to certain parts of sustainability. If you
know that they are interested in a certain result, then thats the way to message. I have also
found that data specific always reaches a broader audience. It is easy to look at someone and
say, The reason that we dont have irrigation of that grass anymore, this is prairie grass, is
because we are using six hundred thousand gallons less water on that lawn. It looks just as
green, although it is green for a more compressed time period. When you start talking
numbers to people, they get it, tell them how much we spent on irrigation on this campus to
keep it green, it is an attention grabber.

Message modification also emerged in another of my interviews. Founded in

1876, the University of Colorado, Boulder, was the first US university to rank gold
through the AASHE STARS program, the first to establish a recycling program, and
the home of a student-powered Environmental Center since 1970. It has been rated
as the greenest campus in the USA. Moe Tabrizi, former Assistant Director of
Engineering and Campus Sustainability Director at the University of Colorado,
Boulder, generally sought to send out a broad but consistent message when he
spoke. He told me:
We create a messaging that appeals to the broad range of students, staff and faculty. Part of
the message has to do with the impact on the environment and global warming, part has to
do with the financial impact (i.e., energy, resource and paper waste), [part involves meeting
campus-wide goals], and part has to do with operational efficiency. When you throw a big
net, it is easy to bring a lot of people under the tent. So I think that has been our messaging
strategy. And its fairly effective. It has appeal to the staff, appeal to the students, and
appeal to the faculty.

Moe talked about messaging when preparing to design a LEED-certified building saying:
The argument is the cost of ownership over time is less. It is a better, healthier building to be
in. It is a more productive place to work in terms of lighting and views, having a cleaner
environment in terms of indoor air quality. Also, it is in support of campus carbon neutrality


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

and our long term goal of energy conservation. So when you put that kind of discussion in
front of people, generally people are very supportive. But if you just present that from a
narrow perspective you may not have as much support in the broad audience.

When talking to design and construction folks, Moe said his usual example
involves the 500,000-square-feet campus Engineering Center built in the
mid-1960s for about $15 million:
So I ask the folks, What if we had spent one percent or two percent of the construction
costs at that time and improved the buildings efficiencyenergy, water, insulation? What
do you think that positive impact would be? People cant answer that question. Then I tell
them that we have owned that building for 50 years and it is going to continue to be a part of
the campus for 10, 15, 20 years, and the cost of utilities for that building is roughly $2
million a year. That gets peoples attention. . .. You have to have a meaningful example, a
meaningful conversation based on your audience, based on who is who in the zoo.


Communication and Stakeholder Engagement

In light of global warmings threat to humanity (Frandsen and Johansen 2011) and
their desire to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities, businesses, policy
makers, and the public will need to engage in increased collaboration (see Sect.
7.2). Stakeholder engagement refers to those practices that an organization takes to
involve stakeholders in a positive manner in organizational activities (Greenwood
2007). Stakeholder engagement practices may involve public relations, customer
service, supplier relations, management accounting, and human resource management. Public forums, NGO partnerships, community newsletters, and media relationships are important communication avenues. Communication can be used to
gain consent, achieve control, enlist cooperation, enact accountability, increase
participation, enhance trust, or serve as a mechanism of corporate governance.
Although communication is a morally neutral practice, moral dimensions may
emerge depending on power dynamics within the stakeholderorganization relationship and a situations urgency.
Who communicates about sustainability when seeking to engage stakeholders?
Although top management establishes the sustainability-related vision for their
organization, an organizations sustainability personnel are tasked with disseminating the message. Ultimately, multiple employees will discuss sustainability
initiatives with those stakeholders they interact with. But that chorus comes later
after sustainability permeates its way into an organizations culture, processes, and
tasks. Often, few staff are completely devoted to communicating about sustainability initiatives and their background in strategic communication is limited.
Communication Assistance in Portland, OR, and Boulder, CO Increasingly,
city sustainability communicators are members of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network or the International Society of Sustainability Professionals. When it
comes to messaging, they may need the assistance of skilled communicators. Susan
Anderson, Director of Portlands Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, described

3.5 Concluding Thoughts


how she hired someone from a marketing firm and this is not something big cities
usually do. The focus on understanding messaging, understanding communication
is huge in this group. So we have spent a good bit of time finding out what works
and what does not work in terms of changing behavior. David Driskell, Boulders
Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability, works with marketing firms when communicating with citizens about sustainability:
Its totally ramped up our game as a local government. Obviously the private sector is doing
much more sophisticated things than we do. But I think its really changed our expectations
on what we do to communicate with our public. We are using a lot more online tools and
social media. It has been pretty exciting. I have just come to appreciate our communications
team. We would not be here without them.

Public relations and communication professionals can make good corporate

sustainability communicators skilled at facilitating stakeholder engagement
(Signitzer and Prexl 2008), once they understand about sustainability. They know
about differentiated target group analysis and segmentation, have experience building relationships and engaging in boundary spanning, have education and experience which allows them to better communicate complex issues in a differentiated
way to various stakeholders, have expertise communicating with internal stakeholders, have a consensus-orientation reaction to conflicts, and have experience in
making a public case. But before communication personnel can effectively discuss
sustainability-related issues, they need to understand them (Bortree 2011). This will
influence their attitude toward environmental issues and may improve their motivation to develop campaigns and other communication around environmental
issues. Bortree gathered data from 320 members of the Public Relations Society
of America. The public relations practitioners rated their own knowledge of environmental issues as above the midpoint. They said they knew the most about
recycling, waste reduction, and energy efficiency and the least about offsetting
energy usage and green packaging. They learned about environmental issues
through reading and watching the news, visiting websites, and talking with colleagues. In response to an open-ended question, they identified turning to other
information sources including blogs, social media sites, local nonprofit alliances,
meetings, magazines, newsletters, and other sources of employee communication.
Organizations hoping to engage stakeholders around sustainability initiatives
should use the team approach and pair up sustainability and communication professionals. Or they could seek someone who is trained in both areas as universities
increasingly develop courses in sustainability communication.


Concluding Thoughts

Narrative theory provides us with insight into how communication channels such as
architecture, sustainability reports, websites, and public meetings can be persuasive
by means other than rational, scientific appeals (Browning 2009). Rhetorical


3 Legitimacy, Stakeholders, and Strategic Communication Efforts

scholar Walter Fisher (1987) discussed the homo narrans metaphor arguing that
people are essentially storytellers. Corporate communicators find storytelling to be
a useful way to think about the messages they create for external and internal
stakeholders as they seek legitimacy (Norlyk et al. 2013). We use stories to provide
good reasons to guide our decision making. What counts as a good story is
influenced by factors such as history and culture. Listeners judge whether or not
stories are coherent (narrative probability) and ring true (narrative fidelity).
Authors have sought to identify basic archetypal themes appearing in stories. For
example, Booker (2006) identified seven themesthree of which are especially
useful when thinking about organizational actions related to sustainability and/or in
the face of climate change: overcoming the monster, rebirth, and quest. The first is
the classic underdog story; the second is a story of renewal; and the third tells of a
mission from point A to point B. Sustainability stories can fit into all three themes.
Oakley Brooks, Senior Media Manager of Ecotrust, said:
A lot of organizations are putting more and more effort into story-telling. . .. There is an
opportunity to connect stories . . . to the work that makes change. You know, the change
work organizations typically do and by doing that . . . connecting to the public in new ways.
The public is searching for big, hopeful, narratives now and that is what we are trying to
provide . . .. Once you are done with the story, what happens next? How do you connect all
the people that really got into that story to do the work?

Organizational stories are powerful and memorable. They stimulate our senses
and arouse our emotions, and because they tap into well-established story types,
they activate schemas in our brains (Browning 2009). Action Plan: Look at some
sustainability-related organizational documents and identify the stories they are
telling. Listen to the sustainability-related stories circulating in your workplace.
How do you judge their coherence and truthfulness? Are they inspiring you to think/
act in a more sustainable way? How might you use stories differently as a form of
strategic communication?

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Chapter 4

Understanding Pro-Environmental
Behavior: Models and Messages

Abstract Certainly societal Discourses shape our individual worldviews, and our
behaviors are influenced by our organizations quest for legitimacy during stakeholder interactions. However, when individuals communicate about sustainabilityrelated initiatives, part of that exchange is influenced by each persons environmental values, attitudes, and beliefs. What influences an individuals
pro-environmental values and behaviors? How can communication facilitate
individual-level behavioral change? This chapter identifies factors influencing an
individuals pro-environmental values and behaviors; discusses the tentative link
between values, attitudes, and behaviors; and identifies how communication can be
used to influence individual-level behavioral change. Literature is reviewed which
identifies and discusses pro-environmental values and beliefs and defines
pro-environmental behaviors. Various persuasion and social influence theories are
reviewed to help practitioners better understand how to stimulate
pro-environmental behaviors. Key models of pro-environmental behavior are identified. Information is drawn from social marketing, health-related models, stages of
change models, energy use reduction models, and communication campaign literatures. At the end of each block of theories, ways these theories can guide practice
are highlighted. The chapter ends by focusing on concrete message strategies and
the importance of interpersonal communication. Interview data is drawn from
Sams Club; Bayern Brewing; the South Dakota Bureau of Administration; the
State Farm Insurance processing facility in Lincoln, NE; the Neil Kelly Company;
the City of Fayetteville; the University of Colorado, Boulder; and the University of
Colorado, Denver.

Lewis and Clark as Individuals Meriwether Lewis was a boyhood neighbor of

Thomas Jefferson. When Jefferson was elected president, he offered Lewis a
position as his secretary aide. He wrote, Your knolege of the Western country,
of the army, and of its interests and relations has rendered it desireable for public as
well as private purposes that you should be engaged in that office. Although Lewis
was introverted and moody, he was also philosophical, had a speculative mind, and
dealt well with abstract ideas. Lewis offered the role of co-commander to his friend
and former commanding officer on the Northwest Campaign, William Clark. Clark
was an excellent cartographer and a practical man of action. He was extroverted,
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_4



4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

even-tempered, and gregarious, qualities which helped him manage the other
Expedition members. Both men were relatively young, experienced woodsmen,
seasoned army officers, cool in a crisis, and quick to make decisions. What
motivated these two individuals to take on this uncertain journey? Perhaps it was
because each was asked, desired adventure, or sought the promised rewards. After
the Expedition returned, Lewis became Governor of the Louisiana Territory until he
died 3 years later at 35. Clark was promoted to brigadier general and appointed to
the Superintendency of Indian Affairs. After over 210 years, we still talk about
these two individuals who embarked on their perilous journey West.


Individual Values Regarding Sustainability

Sustainable development can be represented as a statement of values or moral

principles unique to each individual which influence how that individual views
the world. Byrch et al. (2007) explored the meaning of sustainable development
held by 21 New Zealand thought leaders who were promoting either sustainability,
business, or sustainable business. Those who promoted sustainable development
emphasized limits to the Earths resources, humanitys dependency on the environment, providing now for future generations, and the environmental domain. These
ideas are similar to the NEP (see Sect. 2.2.1). Individuals who promoted business
generally emphasized the economic domain, focused on how things should be,
stressed that a healthy growing economy precedes environmental and social
improvement, and expressed faith that economic growth could achieve sustainable
development. Those who promoted sustainable business showed a combined
emphasis on the environmental domain and the achievement of sustainable development, a focus on problems and solutions, and a mix of less radical solutions to
achieve sustainable development. Common across the groups was the belief that
humanity should benefit from sustainable development and the lack of an expressed
concern for social equity and the worlds poor.
Byrch et al. (2007) based their work on the cognitive framework or theory of
knowledge described by Kenneth Boulding who argues that a persons behavior is
largely governed by his or her subjective knowledge structure or image. An image
is similar to schema, a more common term in the communication, psychology, and
cognitive science literatures. The schema concept first appeared in Frederic
Bartletts learning theory and was later popularized by Jean Piaget in his theory
of the intellectual development stages children go through. Schemata are mental
structures we use to organize categories of information, create relationships among
the categories, and process incoming information. Messages are received as information and filtered through a persons schemata. What an individual knows about
sustainable development and what he or she says about it is the product of his or her
culture and personal experiences filtered through a personal worldview which
includes values, attitudes, and beliefs and is held in his or her schemata. So lets
look more closely into values, attitudes, and beliefs.

4.1 Individual Values Regarding Sustainability



Differentiating Values, Attitudes, and Beliefs

Multiple definitions of values exist in the broader literature. Dietz et al. (2005)
provide a definition of values which involves our sense of what something is worth,
our opinions about that worth, and the moral principles and standards relevant to
our social group. Values are concepts or beliefs about desirable end states or
behaviors that go beyond specific situations to influence how we behave and
evaluate behavior. Values are different from attitudes and beliefs. Attitudes are
positive or negative evaluations of something very specific. The most commonly
used measure of pro-environmental attitudes has been the NEP scale (BissingOlson et al. 2013). Beliefs are our understandings about the state of the world or
the facts as we see them. For example, I may think that it is very important to
protect forests (value), but strongly oppose purchasing forest credits as a way to
offset my own organizations CO2 emissions (attitude), due to my skepticism
regarding whether or not climate change is really occurring (belief).
A range of environmental values exist. A central topic in environmental ethics is
whether the environment has intrinsic value or simply has value because it serves as
a means to human ends (e.g., financial benefits, resource availability, or instrumental utility). Is the environment a stakeholder (see Sect. 3.4)? In economics, market
prices and contingent valuation are ways to place value on the environment (i.e.,
ask people what they would pay to leave a forest ecosystem intact). Researchers
have suggested at least three value bases for environmental concern: self-interest
(i.e., it influences me and those I care about), humanistic or social altruism (i.e., it
influences my community; it influences humanity), and biospheric altruism or
biocentrism (i.e., it influences other species or ecosystems). Only biospheric altruism acknowledges the intrinsic value of the environment and has been shown to
contribute significantly to the formation of environmental beliefs (Stern
et al. 1995). Situational cues and the context can influence the relative importance
of each form of altruism at any given time, although basically an individuals value
set is relatively stable across time barring a significant change in circumstances
(Dietz et al. 2005).


Research into Environmental Values

For almost 50 years, researchers representing a range of disciplines including

ethics, social psychology, economics, political science, and sociology have
discussed factors they believe influence environmental values (e.g., religious
values, altruistic values, traditionalism, or openness to change) (Dietz
et al. 2005). Gender (women generally are more pro-environmental), education
and/or income (more resources allow individuals to express their
pro-environmental values), and religious orientation have been linked with
pro-environmental values. Other research links environmental values to early


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

childhood experiences. For example, Chawla (1999) investigated how early experiences influence an individuals predisposition to learn about the environment, feel
concern for it, and act to conserve it. She found the most frequently mentioned
influences were childhood experiences in nature, experiences of pro-environmental
destruction, pro-environmental values held by close family members, membership
in pro-environmental organizations, role models (friends or teachers), and education. Allen et al.s (2013) research reinforced the role of family on young peoples
pro-environmental attitudes. They found a parents environmental self-efficacy was
a strong predictor of the childs environmental self-efficacy as measured by the
statement My actions can influence the quality of the environment. A parents
environmental prioritization also significantly predicted the childs environmental
prioritization. Prioritization was measured by the statement, Global warming
should be a high priority for our next president. A strong relationship emerged
between self-efficacy and prioritization for both the parents and the children. Selfefficacy refers to beliefs in ones capabilities to mobilize the motivation, cognitive
resources, and courses of action needed to meet given situational demands (Wood
and Bandura 1989, p. 408).
Unfortunately research investigating environmental values is generally either
based on self-reported behaviors (e.g., do you commonly recycle?), behavioral
intentions (e.g., would you recycle if bins were provided?), or attitudinal measures
(e.g., I believe climate change is a major threat). Dietz et al. (2005) provide a nice
review of past research and emerging trends when investigating environmental
values. Until recently, few studies investigated the relationship between values and
actual behavior. Behavioral intentions (verbal commitment and environmental
behavioral intention) are the most studied proximal antecedents of
pro-environmental behavior. When you read studies testing various models and
theories, notice that often researchers only measure the process through behavioral
intention. It can be extremely difficult to gather actual behavioral data.


Stimulating Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Persuasion

and Social Influence Theories

More current research explores the link between values and pro-environmental
behaviors than seeks to identify the antecedents of environmental values.
Pro-environmental behavior is behavior that consciously seeks to minimize the
negative impact of ones actions on the natural and built world (e.g., minimize
resource and energy consumption, reduce waste production) (Kollmuss and
Agyeman 2010). Citizens engage in four distinct types of environmentally significant behavior (Stern 2000): environmental activism, nonactivist behaviors,
private-sphere environmentalism, and other environmentally significant behaviors.
Environmental activism often involves participation in social movements.
Nonactivist behaviors in the public sphere can include active environmental

4.2 Stimulating Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Persuasion and Social Influence. . .


citizenship (e.g., contributing to environmental organizations) as well as support for

or acceptance of public policies (e.g., approval of environmental regulations). The
outcome of public policy change can be significant since policies change the
behaviors of many people and organizations simultaneously. Private-sphere environmentalism includes the purchase, use, and disposal of personal and household
products having an environmental impact. The environmental impact of such
behaviors is significant only in the aggregate. In terms of other environmentally
significant behaviors, individuals can influence the actions of the organizations to
which they belong. Such behaviors can have great environmental impact because
organizational actions are the largest direct source of many environmental problems (p. 410).
Although Sterns typology was focused on citizens, some organizations seek to
mobilize their customers (e.g., Aspen Ski Company), others in their business
community (e.g., Kelly Company), and members of their industry (e.g., Portland
Trail Blazers) to become active. In terms of public policy, we read about how more
than 500 businesses signed a Climate Declaration in 2013 urging US policy makers
to capture economic opportunities associated with addressing climate change.
Finally, the company that cleans Assurity Lifes LEED-certified company headquarters can only use green organic, cleaning solutions, and all paper products (e.g.,
paper towels, tissue) are Green Seal certified, meaning that they are 100 % recycled
and have no chlorine, bleach, harmful chemicals, or pigment dye. So the literature
focusing on citizens behavior has implications for our discussion of sustainability
initiatives within and between organizations.


Persuasion Theories and Research

Although many people in the USA report they hold pro-environmental values,
many others do not. As a result, researchers have focused on identifying how to
stimulate pro-environmental behaviors. Persuasion plays a role in creating,
reinforcing, or modifying beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. It is the underlying
motivation for much of our communication. We develop our identity and what
we perceive to be important values through our communication with others whose
views we respect. Also, communities develop shared values. In this section, I
review several of the major persuasion and social influence theories used to explain
a range of behaviors (e.g., purchasing decisions, pro-environmental behaviors).
Later, models specific to influencing pro-environmental behaviors in the general
public are provided.
Early persuasion research included a model called the message-learning
approach which investigated four sets of factors likely to influence persuasion:
the source, the message content, the channel, and the receiver (Seiter 2009). A
CEOs credibility influences how stakeholders perceive his or her companys
sustainability efforts. Researchers have found speaker credibility, likeability,
attractiveness, and similarity to the audience influence persuasion. In terms of the


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

message content, more persuasive messages present all sides of the argument while
refuting opposing sides, present stronger arguments either first or last, and use only
moderate fear appeals. Inoculation theory identified how to use messages to block
behavioral change and/or refute opposing arguments. The message-learning model
proposed persuasion occurred in a series of steps, with each step being less likely to
occur. First, messages must gain attention, be understood, be accepted, be retained,
and then be acted on. Incentives at each stage enhance an appeals persuasiveness.
Soon after developing the message-learning model, Hovland worked with Sherif to
develop social judgment theory. You read about social judgment theory in the
earlier discussion of how sustainability is a contested term.
Another set of persuasion theories focused on consistency (e.g., cognitive
dissonance theory, attribution theory, the self-perception theory of attitude change,
balance theory, congruity theory) (Seiter 2009). People want to be consistent. When
our attitudes and behaviors are not aligned, we experience psychological stress. We
seek to reduce the stress using a variety of techniques including changing our
attitude, changing our behavior, or engaging in rationalization. Cognitive dissonance theory, developed by Leon Festinger, predominated persuasion research
through the 1970s. It was the theoretical base for research investigating water
conservation (e.g., Dickerson et al. 2006) and environmentally responsible behavior
(e.g., Thogersen 2004). Earlier you read about attribution theory in relationship to
Parguel et al.s (2011) study of the influence of independent sustainability ratings
on French consumers responses to companies CSR communication. Like
Festinger, Daryl Bem challenged the assumption that attitudes cause behavior in
his self-perception theory of attitude change. He investigated how people attribute
internal causes to their own behavior in the absence of external causes. This theory
helps us understand the effectiveness of the foot-in-the-door tactic where a persuader makes a small request which, if agreed to, often leads to compliance with a
larger request. Compliance with the small request allows people to see themselves
as helpful, agreeable, or altruistic. Often in campaigns designed to influence
pro-environmental behavior, someone will be asked to sign a pledge in hopes that
small action will open the person up to making a larger behavioral change when
asked. Research suggests that if a person engages in a new behavior, he or she will
come to believe that the new behavior is consistent with his or her attitudes and
Dual-process theories of persuasion (e.g., the elaboration likelihood model, the
heuristic-systematic model) were developed to better understand how people process persuasive messages. You read about the elaboration likelihood model in
Peloza et al.s (2012) investigation into how stakeholders decode and interpret
sustainability messages. Chaikens heuristic-systematic model is similar but talks
about how we simultaneously process messages both systematically and using
heuristics until we gather sufficient information on which to base our decision.
Her heuristics involve communicator cues (e.g., trust in experts; listen to people I
like), contextual cues (e.g., if other people think its true, so do I), and message cues
(e.g., more arguments are better arguments; arguments based on statistical support
are better). Peloza et al. (2012) identified four heuristics they felt explained how

4.2 Stimulating Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Persuasion and Social Influence. . .


stakeholders decode and interpret an organizations sustainability-related messages: sustainability initiative form, category biases, brand biases, and senior
management image. These theories suggest we need to construct sustainabilityrelated messages that provide sufficient information for people with an existing
knowledge base who are able and motivated to process more complex messages.
However, for people who are just learning about sustainability or who are not
motivated to learn more, message heuristics are important.
Compliance-gaining research investigates persuasion in interpersonal contexts
which is important to anyone seeking to intentionally promote sustainability initiatives within or between organizations. The focus of the compliance-gaining
research is on behavioral conformity vs. attitude change (Gass 2009). Early
researchers generated a confusing list of the strategies people said they would use
to ensure compliance rather than investigating actual behavioral change. Cialdini
integrated various studies and identified six basic principles: reciprocity (i.e., we
often comply with those who have done us a favor), commitment and consistency
(i.e., we want our behaviors to be consistent with our beliefs, attitudes, and values),
scarcity (i.e., we value things we perceive to be in short supply), social proof (i.e.,
we compare ourselves to others and model others behaviors), authority (i.e., we
rely on source characteristics such as credibility), and liking (i.e., we respond to
warm, ingratiatory behaviors and attractiveness). Other researchers investigated the
verbal and nonverbal strategies used to gain compliance. In addition to the foot-inthe-door strategy (i.e., small initial request followed by a larger request), there is the
door-in-the-face technique where the communicator makes a large initial request
knowing it will be rejected but follows up with a second, more reasonable approach.
People are more likely to comply with the second request for a number of reasons
including our social tendency to make reciprocal concessions, our feeling of social
responsibility to our friends, our assessment that the second request is more
reasonable, and/or our feelings of guilt if we must say no a second time. Another
verbal strategy is the disrupt-then-reframe strategy. Nonverbal strategies including
a light touch, eye contact, smiling, mirroring, and mimicry are immediacy behaviors used to evoke compliance.
Compliance Gaining and the City of Fayetteville Many of my interviewees
mentioned using one or more of the compliance-gaining strategies. I discussed
compliance gaining with Peter Nierengarten, Director of Sustainability and Resilience for Fayetteville, AR, who told me:
I am always a big fan of the carrot approach over the stick approach. It is usually better to
try and work collaboratively, to find a benefit I can offer to whatever department head I am
trying to convince. On occasion we can get the Mayor to say this is what we are going to
do, this is how it is going to be but we try not to regularly use that approach. In my
experience with the city government, the triple-bottom-line approach tends to sell well. For
example, when dealing with energy and retrofits on city buildings we show the improvement cost versus the total life cycle savings as a way of gaining buy-in for a project. We do
not advocate for implementation of projects unless they meet a minimum return on


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

Several of the compliance-gaining models focus on the face-related needs of the

participants (e.g., politeness theory, goals-plan-action model). Face is the public
performance of our identity; it is how we want others to see us. Important in our
everyday life, it is especially important within an organizational context given
individuals goals for respect and/or power (Shimanoff 2009). Because
sustainability-related initiatives may involve some conflicts depending on the
worldview of the participants, awareness of Brown and Levinsons politeness
theory is important. These two sociolinguists developed their theory after observing
three different cultures. Positive face involves our desire to have others approve of
and validate our identity, while negative face involves our wish not to be imposed
on by others in ways that appear to disrespect our identity. We often engage in facethreatening acts (FTA) such as disagreeing with someone (threatens positive face)
or enforcing obligations (threatens negative face). Other FTA involve
contradicting, criticizing, interrupting, imposing, asking a favor, borrowing, giving
advice, requesting information, and embarrassing someone. These are common
behaviors. But depending on our relationship with the other person and the context,
they can become problematic behaviors. Politeness theory focuses us on the
communication strategies we can use to conduct our business in the least facethreatening way possible. We can use various politeness strategies with the most
polite being not to do the FTA, followed by off-record strategies (e.g., hinting),
negative redress strategies (e.g., apologizing, hedging, honorifics, use of past tense),
and positive redress strategies (e.g., complements, slang, familiarity, giving reasons, reciprocal exchange, use of inclusion forms like the word we), with the least
polite being bald-on-record strategies (e.g., making no effort to save face).
Face concerns also appear in the goals-plans-action model of interpersonal
influence Dillard developed to explain how communicators develop and select
their strategies (Gass 2009). People have primary goals (e.g., to increase
pro-environmental behaviors within a work team) which are the catalysts for
compliance-gaining efforts. But they also have secondary goals (e.g., saving face
if their request is rejected). Dillard identified seven types of primary goals including
to gain assistance, to give advice, to share an activity, to alter anothers perspective,
to change the relationship, to obtain permission, and to enforce rights and obligations. Our secondary goals include identity goals, conversation management goals,
relational-resource goals, personal-resource goals, and affect management goals.
Based on the primary and secondary goals important to the communicator, he or she
will develop plans, strategies, and tactics for achieving the goals.

Best Practices Provided by the Persuasion Theories

The persuasion theories provide those interested in communicating about sustainability initiatives with a number of important insights. Because individuals want to
appear consistent, it is important to frame messages so the requested behavior
appears to match their values. The credibility and likeability of the speaker is
important, as is the message content and sequencing. Be thoughtful about your

4.3 Pro-Environmental Behavior


message sequencing utilizing the goals-plans-action model. Think about your goals
for the message sequence and whether or not a foot-in-the-door or similar technique
might be useful. Messages should be crafted differently for those who are interested
in learning more about sustainability and those who are unlikely to process complex
messages. For the latter, attention to message heuristics is critical. In your interpersonal communication with others, recognize their face-related concerns and the
utility of compliance-gaining strategies. Remember sometimes our behavior drives
our attitude and value formation rather than the reverse, especially when we face
novel situations.


Pro-Environmental Behavior
The Tentative Link Between Values, Attitudes,
and Behavior

We commonly assume that values and attitudes influence behaviors and if we can
change someones values and attitudes, then we can expect their related behaviors
to change. That certainly isnt the case. Persuasion theories have evolved over time
to account for the weak link between values, attitudes, and behaviors. Decisions are
influenced by much more than values, and many behaviors are not the result of
thoughtful decisions but rather emotion, habit, and modeling. A large amount of
persuasion research in the 1960s and 1970s focused on specifying the conditions
under which the attitudebehavior link existed (Seiter 2009). The theory of reasoned action (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen
1991) were among the theories developed to identify the myriad of factors influencing behavior. These theories and even more complex models of pro-environmental
behavior follow.
The attitudesbehaviorsconstraints theory of pro-environmental behavior
(Guagnano et al. 1995) discusses how the link between attitudes and behaviors is
often weakened due to constraints which often are not investigated. Most
pro-environmental behavior models fail to account for individual, social, and
institutional constraints and assume that people are rational and systematically
use the information they receive (Blake 1999). It is not that people are irrational
but rather we may feel that we lack the power needed to significantly address global
or even local environmental issues.
Blakes (1999) description of three barriers to actionindividuality, responsibility, and practicalityoverlaps with barriers described by others (e.g., Kollmuss
and Agyeman 2010; Stern 2000). Attitudinal barriers consist of attitudes, values,
norms, beliefs, lack of motivation, and temperament. Kollmuss and Agyeman
(2010) do an excellent job identifying some other individual-level barriers such
as lack of internal incentives and negative or insufficient feedback about behavior.
For those who do not have a strong environmental concern, environmental issues


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

may be outweighed by other attitudes (e.g., political identification, desire for the
good life). External or contextual forces may include nonsupportive interpersonal
influences (e.g., persuasion), nonsupportive community or institutional expectations, government regulations and other legal factors, limited financial incentives
and high costs, the actions difficulty, capabilities and constraints provided by
technology and the built environment, and the lack of policies supporting the
behavior. Personal capabilities are the third type of causal variable and include
lack of knowledge, skills, ability, and resources. A feeling of limited responsibility,
which is similar to an external locus of control, applies when people feel they
cannot or should not have to engage in a pro-environmental behavior. Barriers
related to practicality includes social and institutional constraints like lack of time,
lack of money, and lack of information. A final type of causal variable involves
habit or routine.
Habits, the City of Fayetteville, and the City and County of Denver Peter
Nierengarten, Director of Sustainability and Resilience for Fayetteville, AR, illustrated the challenge habits can present to those seeking to promote sustainability
within an organization. I asked him about the increase in energy usage appearing on
the city website even after the citys energy efficiency efforts. He explained, You
implement some efficiency improvement and track it closely but sometimes an
efficiency is undone by users. They flip back into old habits and waste [energy].
The challenge is to get city employees to develop new habits. Jerry Tinianow, Chief
Sustainability Officer for the City and County of Denver, described how that is his
focus saying:
This approach that we are taking is so new and different. The idea of driving [sustainability]
so deep in every city department that it becomes their habit, and then it becomes their
instinct. I dont know if anyone has attempted to do that yet. So I dont really have
anywhere else I can look to write out this script. I just have to believe in myself and my
own approach and the backing that I have from the Mayor. . .. The Mayor really wants to
leave a legacy of sustainability and does not want this to disappear when the next mayor
comes in. And I think his philosophy of trying to make it a habit and then an instinct is
going to ensure that sustainability continues as a basic operating mode in Denver regardless
of who is sitting in the mayors office.

Practitioners concerned with promoting sustainability-related initiatives within

and between organizations need to identify potential barriers which may prevent
people from engaging in the actions being promoted. Best Practice: When possible,
craft messages that show how something really isnt a barrier or which provide
message recipients with a way to overcome a potential barrier.


Models of Pro-Environmental Behavior

Behavioral Change at Sams Club Brian Sheehan, former Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, shared his views on how to promote behavioral change among
employees saying:

4.3 Pro-Environmental Behavior


Its got to do those five thingsits got to be easy to understand and execute, its got to be
understood so that people can execute it. Its got to be desirable. Its got to be rewarding,
and not necessarily financially but that does not hurt. And you have to be reminded about it,
constantly or regularly. So unless it does all five of those things, we know that we dont get
behavior change. So we are designing programs that hopefully achieve all five of those

Brians ideas dovetail nicely with some of the elements appearing in the theoretical models we cover in this chapter.
Researchers have investigated a myriad of potential psychological, sociological,
and communication antecedents to pro-environmental behavior. A number of
excellent reviews of the various theories exist (e.g., Kollmuss and Agyeman
2010; Stern 2000). Some of the major theories and concepts are summarized here
to help researchers and sustainability professionals better understand antecedents to
pro-environmental behavior outside the workplace. For example, Kollmuss and
Agyeman (2010) review theories for explaining the gap between environmental
knowledge and awareness and the display of pro-environmental behavior: early
linear progression models; altruism, empathy, and prosocial behavior models; and
sociological models. In addition, several models commonly associated with health
and energy efficiency campaigns are included along with information on social
marketing. All of the models show validity in certain circumstances, but the
question of what shapes pro-environmental behavior is such a complex one that it
has yet to be visualized on one framework or diagram.

Linear Progression Models

The linear progression models suggest that if you provide individuals with information that changes their attitudes, this will change their behaviors. In order to act,
we must be aware of environmental problems and the consequences of individual
behaviors (Deci and Ryan 2000). Awareness is a precondition for
pro-environmental action. The information we need in order to act must be specific.
People must have the declarative and procedural knowledge necessary to act. In
other words, they must know what to do and how to do it. Direct experiences have a
stronger influence on peoples behavior than indirect experiences (e.g., seminars,
reading materials, classes).
Experiential Learning at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Aspen/
Snowmass The importance of direct experiences, indirect learning, and rewards
was illustrated by Moe Tabrizi, former Assistant Director of Engineering and
Campus Sustainability Director for the University of Colorado, Boulder, who
described his organizations Peak to Peak (P2P) program. His campus is one of
the most sustainable in the USA, and P2P was designed to integrate sustainability
into the larger campus learning environment. The P2P program began in 2011
2012 as a 2-day summer sustainability seminar for 4050 faculty drawn from every
academic program. It was so successful in the first year that the program was


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

continued. Attendees are exposed to an in-depth discussion of the science of

sustainability and to the best practices of sustainability on the campus. They tour
some of the campus facilities and receive $500 in compensation from their provost
for their time and their effort. Moe indicated the tours were an eye-opener for him:
I assumed if you are a faculty on this campus, you knew every corner of the campus. That is
absolutely a wrong assumption, because most of our faculty members are so focused on
their students and their research, they just think of one path to [and from campus]. Just
because we build the latest, greatest, greenest residence hall on one corner of campus, or we
have a solar farm in another corner of the campus, there is no guarantee that they have seen
it or that they have heard about it. So [the tour] is an opportunity [for them] to get out of the
classroom and just see the campus.

Sustainability communicators need to provide direct experiential learning

opportunities for their audience members and not just assume. Auden Schendler
at Aspen/Snowmass reinforced the importance of both points. For 10 years Auden
sent articles and did presentations internally but one of the classic epiphanies for
our CEO was going to a Fortune conference in California and meeting all these
other CEOs who are worried about this issue and working on sustainability. They
were not freaks and weirdoes. They were at Walmart and other big companies.
However, the impact of knowledge alone on behavioral change has not been
supported by the research. In order for a message to be effective, people must not
only attend to it but also cognitively process it in such a way as to lead to behavioral
change. Over time, the linear models became more sophisticated. The theory of
reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Fishbein and
Ajzen 1975; Ajzen and Fishbein 1980) are influential socialpsychological theories
utilized by scholars in numerous disciplines. Indeed, TRA is considered by some to
be the most influential attitudebehavior model in social psychology (Kollmuss and
Agyeman 2010). It predicts behavior based on seven causal variablesbehavioral
intention, attitudes, subjective norms, belief strength, evaluation, normative belief,
and motivation to comply (Greene 2009). TPB extends the TRA by adding an
additional component, perceived behavioral control. Behavior is driven by intention which is influenced by a combination of attitudes (is this a good thing to do?),
subjective norms (do others think I should do this?), and perceived behavioral
control (can I do it?). Both models maintain that people are essentially rational,
systematically using the information available to them so as to avoid punishments
and seek rewards. These theories are of greater utility when behaviors have higher
costs and individuals face strong constraints because that is when people devote
attention and energy to processing messages.
Building on the TPB, Hines et al. (1986) published their model of responsible
environmental behavior. Important antecedents to behavior include the message
receivers knowledge of issues, knowledge of action strategies, locus of control,
pro-environmental attitudes, verbal commitment, and sense of responsibility. However, the relationships proposed in the model were only weakly supported, and
additional situational factors influenced pro-environmental behaviors (Kollmuss
and Agyeman 2010). These situational factors include economic constraints, social
pressures and opportunities to choose different actions.

4.3 Pro-Environmental Behavior


In order to replicate and extend the Hines et al. (1986) model, Bamberg and
Moser (2007) published a meta-analysis drawing on 46 studies. Their key determinants of pro-environmental behavior were problem awareness, internal attributions,
social norms, feelings of guilt, attitudes, moral norms, perceived behavioral control,
and intention. Guilt was an interesting addition to their model. Guilt is an important
prosocial emotion because it results in a felt obligation (moral norm) to act. It
occurs when individuals recognize a perceived mismatch between their own behavior and social norms. Social norms directly influence moral norm development by
indicating which behaviors respected others view as appropriate in a given context.
The authors found that perceived behavioral control, attitudes, and moral norms
explained 52 % of the variance in intention to act. In turn, intention directly
explained 27 % of the variance in pro-environmental behavior. Feelings of guilt,
social norms, internal attribution, and problem awareness predicted the moral norm
construct (explaining 58 % of the variance). Social norms were directly associated
with perceived behavioral control and attitude, and a direct association existed
between guilt and attitude. Internal attribution was a significant predictor of social
norms, moral norms, feelings of guilt, and attitude. This model is an important one
because it largely validated the earlier model and summarized the last 20 years of
this research stream.
Bamberg and Moser (2007) concluded that an individuals pro-environmental
behavior is a mixture of self-interest (as illustrated by the TRA) and concern for
other groups beyond the family including other species or whole ecosystems
(as illustrated by Schwartz norm-activation model which appears next). They
write (p. 21):
The intention to perform a pro-environmental behavioral option can be described as a
weighted balance of information concerning the three questions How many positive/
negative personal consequences would result from choosing this pro-environmental option
compared to other options?, How difficult would the performance of the
pro-environmental option be compared to other options?, and Are there reasons indicating
a moral obligation for performing the pro-environmental option?

Altruism, Empathy, and Prosocial Behavior Models

A number of early theories and models focused specifically on altruism, empathy,

and prosocial behaviors (Kollmuss and Agyeman 2010). Stern et al.s (1995) early
model was developed from the norm-activation model of Schwartz (1977).
Schwartz argued that moral norms, or feelings of strong moral obligations that
people experience, are direct determinants of prosocial behavior. Altruistic behavior should increase when a person becomes aware of other peoples suffering and
feels a responsibility to alleviate this suffering. Stern et al. expanded the altruistic
orientation to include a social orientation, an egoistic orientation, and a biospheric
orientation. Every person has all three orientations, but in different strengths. The
early model was expanded into the valuebeliefnorm (VBN) model (Stern 2000)
which essentially proposes that values relate to an individuals beliefs which then


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

form intentions to act through norms. This theory combined three existing theories
into a causal chain of five variables leading to behavior. Our values (i.e., selfinterest, humanistic altruism, biospheric altruism) influence our worldview about
the environment (general beliefs such as the NEP) which, in turn, influences our
beliefs about the adverse consequences of environmental change on things we
value. These beliefs then influence our perceived ability to reduce threats to the
things we value, which influence our norms about taking action. These norms
reflect our sense of personal obligation to take pro-environmental actions. The
actions we can take may be activism, nonactivist public-sphere activities (e.g.,
voting), private-sphere behaviors (e.g., consumer choices), or behaviors in organizations. The intended pro-environmental behavior scale measures peoples intention to sign a petition, to participate in an environmental protest, to disseminate
information, and to write a public official (Cordano et al. 2003). Researchers find it
to be a useful measure.

Several Sociological Models

Fietkau and Kessel combined sociological and psychological factors in their model
of pro-environmental behavior (Kollmuss and Agyeman 2010). Their model
includes five variables: attitudes and values, the possibility to act ecologically,
behavioral incentives (e.g., social desirability, quality of life, monetary savings),
perceived feedback about engaging in ecological behavior which can be intrinsic
(e.g., the satisfaction of doing the right thing) or extrinsic (e.g., social, recycling is a
socially desirable action; or economic, receiving money for collected bottles), and
knowledge. Building on the inclusion of sociological factors, Kollmuss and
Agyeman (2010) identify influences on pro-environmental behavior including
demographic factors, internal factors, and external factors. Their model of
pro-environmental behavior includes internal factors (e.g., personality traits,
value system, and environmental consciousness), external factors (e.g., infrastructure), and old behavioral patterns. Some of the barriers influencing environmental
consciousness include the emotional blocking of new knowledge, existing values
that prevent learning, existing knowledge that contradicts environmental values,
emotional blocking of environmental values/attitudes, and existing values that
prevent environmental involvement. Additional challenges include lack of environmental consciousness, lack of internal incentives, negative or insufficient feedback about behavior, and lack of external possibilities and incentives. One of the
primary strengths of this model is the attention to barriers appearing throughout the
process. Best Practice: Identify and mitigate barriers to behavioral change.
Lubell et al. (2007) developed a model for explaining how people decide to act
when they face a collective dilemma like global warming which involves massive
populations, huge uncertainties, and relatively weak institutions. This is a severe
collective-action problem since our individual actions have almost no influence on
the problem, individuals cannot be certain others will engage in pro-environmental
actions, and many of the recommended behaviors carry relatively high costs for the

4.3 Pro-Environmental Behavior


individuals who adopt them. Although rational citizens would probably choose to
free ride on the efforts of others, many people support global warming policies and
engage in sustainable behaviors. In seeking to explain why, the authors adapted the
collective interest model of collective-action behavior. This model argues that
people will engage in collective action when they assess the expected value of
participation as being greater than the expected value of nonparticipation. Participation is shaped by peoples belief in the value of the public good, their belief their
participation will effect collective outcomes, and their assessment of the benefits
and costs of participation. Key elements of the model include the perceived risk of
global warming, personal efficacy in making a difference, group efficacy, engagement in discussion networks, environmental values, and demographic factors which
can influence a citizens ability to pay any costs associated with activism (i.e.,
education, income, age, gender, or ethnicity). Citizens who believe that global
warming poses a very high risk to human welfare and the environment and who
perceive their actions can make a difference will be more likely to support policies
or take actions designed to reduce those risks. In deciding whether or not to act,
citizens assess their communitys level of social capital, the likelihood others in
their community will reciprocate if they act, and the competence of policy elites.
Political discussion networks provide citizens with resources such as positive
reinforcement and access to information about preferred actions. Lubell
et al. empirically tested the model in relation to three behaviors: policy support,
environmental political participation, and environmental behavior related to global
warming. They found different factors explained a significant percentage in the
variance of the three behaviors. In general, those who believe the risk from global
warming is high, believe their actions can make a difference, and hold
pro-environmental values are more likely to support global warming policy and
to take action. Higher education and income levels provide citizens with the civic
skills and resources necessary to manage selective costs and recognize participation
opportunities. Those interested in organizations in relation to community organizing, social movements, and collective actions should read Ganesh and Stohls
(2014) review.

The Importance of Motivation

Motivation is an important influence on behavior mentioned in numerous theories.

Pelletier et al. (1998) operationalized three aspects of motivation in their development of the motivation toward the environment scale: intrinsic, extrinsic, and
amotivation. Intrinsically motivated individuals participate because they find the
activity pleasant or satisfying. Extrinsically motivated people do so hoping to
experience positive consequences or avoid negative ones. Amotivated individuals
do not see the behaviors consequences or fail to identify with reasons to continue
the behavior. Their actions are mechanical and personally meaningless. Motivation
ranges on a continuum depending on whether it is externally determined or selfdetermined (i.e., intrinsic). Self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan 2000) points


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

out how self-determined motivation is better than externally determined motivation

in terms of behavior maintenance, enhanced well-being, greater achievement, and
deep information processing. People are motivated to internalize activities that will
help them function successfully in their social world, even if the activities are not
inherently interesting. Externally determined controlling events (e.g., rewards,
punishments, imposed rules) increase temporary compliance but are less likely to
lead to long-lasting commitment and investments in behaviors beyond those
targeted by the controlling strategy. Although people might recycle for rewards
(e.g., money), the behavior is more likely to persist if they have internalized the
reason (e.g., they believe in the importance of a healthy world). Deci and Ryan
propose that, in addition to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, people have three
main intrinsic needs: competence, autonomy, and psychological relatedness. Selfdetermined motivation is greater in social contexts which support our innate need
for competence and autonomy and which provide us with sufficient information.
Self-determination theory has been supported by research showing increased persistence over time in a new behavior, willingness to engage in more difficult
behaviors, and the potential to engage in behavioral patterns that reflect a range
of pro-environmental behaviors. The theory suggests that pro-environmental
behaviors are facilitated when a good rationale for the activities is provided, the
context points the way to more effectively meeting any challenges, and people can
freely choose among different options.
This approach seems to guide the activities undertaken by the green team at the
State Farm Insurance operating facility in Lincoln, NE. Mike Malone, team leader,
described how one of the green teams earliest projects involved replacing Styrofoam cups in the break areas with individual coffee mugs and insulated water
glasses. Mike said, The cost of that was a [very small] fraction of what was
being spent yearly on Styrofoam. The green team educated employees about the
harms of Styrofoam, offered them a reasonable alternative, explained why they
were making the change, explained the benefits of the change, and made it easy to
use. Then you get total buy-in, Mike explained.

Lessons Learned from Energy Reduction Studies

In a meta-analysis of 61 research studies and 57 feedback initiatives investigating

advanced electricity metering initiatives and feedback programs on reduced residential energy consumption, Ehrhardt-Martinez et al. (2010) identified various
motivational techniques which had shown some success. These include descriptive
and normative feedback (Cialdini 2003; Schultz et al. 2007), goal setting, public
commitments, and rewards (Ehrhardt-Martinez et al. 2010; Tiedemann 2010). A
few years earlier, in order to identify how to design better interventions directed
toward reducing residential energy use, Wilson and Dowlatabad (2007) reviewed
models and theories coming from four diverse perspectives: conventional and
behavioral economics, technology adoption theory and attitude-based decision
making, social and environmental psychology, and sociology. They reviewed

4.3 Pro-Environmental Behavior


some of the models and theories we have already discussed (e.g., cognitive consistency, TPB, self-efficacy, stages of change, VBN theory) as well as one you will
read about later (i.e., diffusion of innovation) (see Sect. 5.2). Their article provides
a nice resource for students and scholars interested in learning more about these
models and theories. They also provide their own model of the process.

A Workplace Model Focusing on Goals

Unsworth et al. (2013) developed a model building on the TPB and VBN theories
which identified the psychological conditions under which an organizations
sustainability-related interventions are most likely to succeed. They drew on theories of goal hierarchy, goal systems, multiple goals, self-concordance, and values.
They argue that organizations promoting employee green behaviors face distinctive
challenges because green behaviors and green goals are among many behaviors and
goals employees continually manage and are often of low priority and inconsistently activated in a workplace. Employees may be deciding between working on a
report and walking to the recycling bin; while at work, they may be juggling their
efficiency goals, their service and relationship goals, their family goals, their career
ambition goals, and so forth (p. 212). It is important to remember that people are
more likely to engage in behaviors they see as self-concordant with their values.
Leaders can increase employees perceptions of the self-concordance of the
pro-environmental behavior. Employees do not necessarily have to have altruistic
or biospheric values. What is important is that the employee sees the proposed
behavior as expressing as many personally relevant values or long-term goals as
possible, even if they are egoistic values. If an intervention is to succeed, its goals
should be efficacious and attractive, self-concordant, in limited conflict with other
goals, able to spill over into related behaviors, and seen as achievable. Interventions
can address the issue of goal conflict by using location-based cues to refocus people
back on the pro-environmental goal. For example, on the Portland Trail Blazer
Moda Center campus, trash cans have been replaced with landfill-bound and
recycling receptacles.

Best Practices Provided by Pro-Environmental Behavior


These theories suggest individuals charged with promoting sustainability-related

initiatives within and between organizations need to help people understand a
problem exists and then consider arguments addressing how the proposed action
is a good thing to do, how it will significantly address the problem, and how others
think it is a good thing to do. Individuals need a strong rationale to act and they are
concerned with the positive and negative consequence of an action for their own
self-interest as well as for others they care about. People need to feel they have the
responsibility and ability to take the proposed action. Emotions such as guilt and


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

fear, within limits, may be stimulated by messages, if really necessary, and daily
affect can stimulate pro-environmental behaviors. Recognize that message recipients make assessments: How many positive/negative personal consequences
would result from choosing this pro-environmental option compared to other
options?; How difficult is performing the pro-environmental option compared
to other options? Behavioral incentives reappear but now we are also focused on
the importance of feedback. Once again, we are directed to an individuals need for
autonomy (an important face-related concern). Motivation is increased if people are
emotionally involved, see the activity as pleasant or satisfying, or think it will help
them function successfully in their social world. Old behavioral patterns are among
the barriers that hamper individual change, and new behavioral patterns need to be
formed and reformed. The collective-action model is useful for those who are
interested in mobilizing action such as the ski industry efforts with POW or the
Natural Resources Defense Councils work with groups such as the Green Sports
Alliance. Action Plan: Building on the various theories and models reviewed in this
section, create your own working model for what influences individuals
pro-environmental behaviors in your organization.


Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication

In this section, several additional models or theories are provided which deal with
social marketing or have guided health and energy use communication campaigns.
That is followed by information on message design and content. The section
concludes with a discussion of the role of interpersonal communication.


Social Marketing

Kotler and Zaltman (1971, p. 5) coined the term social marketing and defined it as
the design, implementation, and control of programs calculated to influence the
acceptability of social ideas and involving considerations of product planning,
pricing, communication, distribution, and marketing research. Marketing concepts
are integrated with other approaches to influence behaviors that benefit individuals
and communities for the greater social good. This approach is rooted in social
science and social policy as well as commercial and public sector marketing.
Initially, the focus is on learning what a specific target audience thinks, wants,
needs, and/or desires rather than moving directly to persuasive efforts. This focus is
akin to the audience analysis public speakers conduct before constructing their
messages. Data are gathered using focus groups and surveys. Then, communication
materials (both informative and persuasive) are created which build upon what is
known about the audience.

4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication


Since the 1980s, social marketing has been used to promote disaster preparedness and response, ecosystem and species conservation, environmental issues,
global threats associated with antibiotic resistance, marine conservation and
ocean sustainability, sustainable consumption, and other sustainability-related
social needs (Lefebvre 2013). One branch of social marketing, community-based
social marketing (CBSM), emerged to systematically foster more sustainable
behavior. Developed by Canadian environmental psychologist Doug McKenzieMohr, CBSM focuses on helping communities reduce their impact on the environment. After focus groups and surveys uncover barriers, behavioral change is
stimulated through the use of commitments, prompts, social norms, social diffusion, feedback, and incentives. This approach has been used to promote energy
conservation (e.g., Schultz et al. 2007), enhance environmental regulation (e.g.,
Kennedy 2010), and stimulate recycling (e.g., Haldeman and Turner 2009). Individuals charged with communicating about sustainability initiatives to their internal
and external stakeholders should consider this approach because it provides a way
to systematically identify what each stakeholder group believes, knows, and desires
in order to more effectively target messages aimed at changing their sustainabilityrelated behaviors.


Health-Related Models

An early model designed to help researchers and practitioners understand and

promote healthy behaviors provides several concepts potentially useful in promoting sustainability-related initiatives. The health belief model was developed in the
1950s by social psychologists at the US Public Health Service and updated in 1988.
It remains one of the most widely used theories in health behavior research. The
model identifies perceived seriousness, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits,
perceived barriers, perceived threat, self-efficacy, and cues to action as influences
on an individuals likelihood of engaging in a particular health-promoting behavior.
We may intend to engage in a new behavior but simply forget because it is not
habitual. Therefore, behavioral cues are especially important. Cues can be internal
(e.g., pain, emotional distress) or external (e.g., information from important others,
signage). Self-efficacy was added to the model in 1988. Although this model was
designed to influence a different set of individual-level behaviors, it reminds us to
work to increase an individuals self-efficacy and to provide behavioral cues.
Behavioral Cues at the University of Colorado, Boulder Campus On-location
cues are used extensively on the University of Colorado, Boulder, according to Moe
Tabrizi, former Assistant Director of Engineering and Campus Sustainability
Director. He told me:
You cant walk around our campus without seeing a poster or sticker on the light switch.
Whether they are intended for laboratories or the data center or just turning the lights off,


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

reporting water leaks and so forth, those are our attempts to impact or influence the
behavior of our students, staff and faculty.

I asked him to comment on the success of such signage, and he provided some
anecdotal evidence saying:
For example, in large classrooms where we did not have any posters or stickers or
messaging to prompt people to turn off the lights or turn off the computers, a certain
percentage of the lights were left on. In contrast, when you have those messaging, posters
and stickers, 6070 % of the lights were turned off after the class. So that is a good
indication that message is being heard. When you place a poster in a laboratory research
building and you let the researcher know that the fume hood is using three times as much
energy as an average home you get a lot of feedback from the faculty member, who says, I
have been teaching chemistry or researching in biochemistry and I never knew that. Thanks
for telling me and I will make sure my students are closing the sash going forward. So
thats pretty good reinforcement [that the messaging campaign is working].

As I prepared to leave his office, Moe gave me copies of stickers they had placed
across campus and a pledge card they had used. I describe this communication
material in detail in hopes sustainability coordinators will find the information
useful. Light switch stickers were blue with yellow letters, measured 2.500 by 100 ,
and included a graphic of the globe and the words Please turn off the lights when
you leave, Turn off climate change, or Report energy and water waste (phone
number) (hotline reporting website address). A similar sticker read See a water
leak or energy waste? Report it! and You can turn off climate change and
provided the phone number and hotline website information. These messages
capture attention through their use of color the first time someone sees them and
function as an unconscious heuristic thereafter. The use of the word please is a
politeness strategy designed to minimize the negative face threat of the command.
People were told their initial action could make a difference and their assistance
was solicited as monitors of potential waste providing them with a secondary action
they could take. Signage for the bathrooms announced the new water-saving toilets
and provided a graphic showing people how to use them. How-to information
influences self-efficacy. The prefolded yellow 8.500 by 5.500 pledge card was part
of a 2003 campaign. The top half of the detachable card asked people to make a
pledge to reduce energy use, provided them with four sample actions and told what
impact each made in terms of conservation percent (e.g., Screen savers do not save
energy. Enable the sleep mode in your PC monitor and two others (saves 2 %)),
and directed them to a website for more suggestions. A Ghandi quote told the
reader, You must be the change you wish to see in the world. The bottom half told
them their signature would result in the Vice Chancellor of Administration committing $5 to energy conservation/renewable energy projects on campus. Under the
message I commit to reducing my CU-Boulder campus energy usage by 10 % by
taking actions such as those listed above, there was a place for people to sign and
indicate if they were students, faculty, or staff. The bottom half of the card was
preaddressed on one side and could be dropped in campus mail. Looking at the
pledge card as a message, people were asked to pledge, told how to participate,
provided with actions they might take, given information regarding the actions

4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication


significance, and asked to take an initial commitment-related action by signing the

card. The top half of the card could be kept as a reminder for alternative actions they
might take.
The transtheoretical model of behavior change was developed by Prochaska and
colleagues beginning in 1977 and is another dominant model for those interested in
health-related behavioral change. Individuals are at different stages in their readiness to engage in a recommended behavior. The model assesses an individuals
readiness to act and provides information on how to guide the individual through
ten stages of change. The stages of change include precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. At each stage, the theory
includes strategies communicators can use with the target audience. For example,
during the precontemplation stage, people should be encouraged to become more
mindful about their decision making and reminded of the multiple benefits of
changing their behaviors. Activities designed to help people move through the
stages include consciousness raising, self- and environmental reevaluation, selfand environmental liberation, contingency management, and helping relationships
(Silk 2009). Within the context of pro-environmental behaviors, this stage model
reminds us to assess where our target individuals are in the process of adopting new
behaviors and to think strategically about the pro-environmental messages they are
receiving. Interventions are more effective if they match an individuals stage of
change. As people move toward action, they rely more on commitments, conditioning, environmental controls, and support. So practitioners interested in changing individual behaviors need to secure commitments and create opportunities for
people who are adopting new behaviors to receive social support from peers. Staats
et al. (2004) use that approach in their design of an intervention package which
combined information, feedback, and social support to improve pro-environmental
household behavior. Their intervention included group discussions, block captains,
information received from friends, and commitments such as pledges. In Sect. you will read about how Walmart makes social support available to associates who are interested in creating their own personal sustainability projects.


Communication Campaign Interventions

Communication campaign interventions fit into a number of categories. Some

appeal to values and attempt to change broad worldviews and beliefs; others
provide education to change attitudes and provide information; some utilize an
incentive structure by providing rewards or penalties; and finally some rely on
community management including the establishment of shared rules and expectations. Intervention studies have investigated a range of antecedents and consequences of pro-environmental behavior including commitment, goal setting
combined with feedback, information, modeling, rewards, and tailored messages
(see Unsworth et al., 2013, for relevant sample studies). For example, Stern (2000)


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

provides a set of principles for interventions seeking to change environmentally

destructive behavior:

Identify target behaviors that are environmentally significant in terms of impact.

Identify the responsible actions and actors.
Set realistic expectations about outcomes.
Attempt to understand the situation from the actors perspective. Gather feedback from the targets about causal variables.
Identify perceived and actual barriers to change and try to remove them.
Use multiple intervention types to address factors limiting behavioral change.
For example, provide information, incentives, and/or reminders.
When limiting factors are psychological, get the individuals attention and make
limited cognitive demands (e.g., use simple messages, provide heuristics).
Stay within the bounds of an individuals tolerance for intervention.
Apply principles of community management (credibility, commitment, face-toface communication).
Use participatory decision making if possible.
Continually monitor responses and adjust accordingly.

Best Practices from Health and Communication Campaign


In addition to Sterns (2000) recommendations, sustainability communicators are

reminded to conduct research using focus groups and/or surveys and then design
messages for specific audiences. The health belief model reminds us to include
information about an issues seriousness and the susceptibility of the individual and
what he or she cares about, as appropriate, in our messages. It also posits that a cue,
or trigger, is necessary to prompt engagement in new behaviors. The stages of
change model describes how people vary in terms of their readiness to engage in a
recommended behavior. Different strategies need to be utilized at each stage. Goal
setting, social support from peers, and soliciting commitments can be powerful
tools for reinforcing behavioral change.


Message Design and Content

Discussing how we currently lack frames designed to tackle climate change-related

challenges, Lakoff (2010) suggests that in the short term, while frames hopefully
are being built to reframe challenges on a deeper level (something akin to the Space
Race or citizen mobilization during World War II), it is important to talk about
values, not just facts and figures, use simple nontechnical language, and appeal to
emotions. Other things that might be stressed are empathy (which has a physical
basis in the human mirror neuron system). Empathy links us to other beings and the

4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication


natural world. The argument could be to take personal responsibility for taking care
of yourself (e.g., maintaining your health) and taking care of others (e.g., protecting
their health). Lakoff also suggests arguing for the ethic of excellence which calls on
us to improve the environment or at least preserve it, starting with our actions (e.g.,
conserve energy). He provides his readers with some additional short-term suggestions while noting that it is really building up effective long-term messaging that
1. Talk at the level of values and frame issues in moral terms. Distinguish values
from policies. Several of my interviewees mentioned the need to balance the
head and the heart when communicating about sustainability. For example,
Steve Denne, the COO of Heifer International, talked about how Heifer
International thinks about the connection between head and heart in all
people. We realize that connecting at the emotional level is important, but it is
not sufficient. Communicating with stakeholders about both the head and the
heart is challenging. He described a partnership they had with a for-profit
organization where both organizations were able to measure progress to their
key goals. Heifer International could measure changes in farmer income levels,
farmer nutrition, and farmer environmental practices. Their partner could measure product quality and quantity. The first three tied to Heifer values; the last
two were especially relevant to their partner.
2. Go on the offense. Dont accept the other sides frames. Dont negate them or
repeat them. That just activates their frames in the listeners brain.
3. Provide a structure for what you are saying. Find general themes or narratives
that incorporate the points you want to make. Tell stories that exemplify your
values and arouse emotions. If you give numbers and facts, reframe them so their
overall significance can be understood.
4. Context matters. Be a credible messenger, have good visual aids, and be aware
of your body language.
5. Address everyday concerns. Use nontechnical words people understand. Susan
Anderson, Director of Portlands Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, told me,
Even in Portland not everybody cares about the environment. But people care
about kids, and grandkids and the future. That is what we talk about. It is the
future, prosperity, health, and familythose words. Things that people actually
care about.
Balancing Passion with Facts and/or Process at the City of Boulder David
Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability,
described how city planners are trained to be objective and process oriented. They
design a process, facilitate input, conduct analysis, and make recommendations.
However, the people in the Boulder Office of Environmental Affairs are visionaries.
They feel their job is to go out and convince everybody in the community that this
is the way to go. And that approach does not work too well in a community like
Boulder. We have done a lot of teaming subject matter experts with folks who are
process-oriented. He explained how Boulders disposable bag fee came into
existence. A staff member from the Office of Environmental Affairs identified a


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

problem and proposed a ban on plastic bags and a 25 cent fee on paper bags. As
evidence, the staff member provided information on what another community had
done. The staff member had been trained to be a scientist, to understand the
environmental impact of a decision but not necessarily the policy perspective and
the economic and social aspects of the issue. David said he told her, before we get to
the solution, lets define the problem. What is the problem we are trying to solve? Is
it plastics in the environment? Is it the environmental impact of disposable bags? Is
it a reuse culture that we are trying to create? What are the metrics for success?
Where is the analysis of this? What is going to be the cost impact on consumers?
What is going to be the impact on grocery stores? How is this going to be
implemented? Have we done outreach with the stores that are going to be impacted?
He explained:
It was not in that persons skillset to think about the process for developing that, so we
teamed her with a person in comprehensive planning who had a lot of experience doing
policy projects in the city. . .and that staff person who was doing the project just blossomed,
she is actually now seen as an expert in the state of Colorado. Denver is looking at modeling
an ordinance on what she did.

This example illustrates how individuals proposing sustainability-related initiatives need passion, but they also must possess sufficient data to support their claims
and to back their warrants as discussed in Steven Toulmins model of argument
(1958). Toulmin said good, realistic arguments typically consist of six parts: data
(the facts or evidence used to prove the argument), claim (the statement being
argued), warrants (the logical statements bridging the claim and the data), qualifiers
(statements limiting the conditions under which the argument is true), rebuttals
(counterarguments), and backing (statements that support the warrants).
Message design and content issues also appear in several theoretical models. For
example, Silk (2009) discusses how Banduras social cognitive theory and Wittes
extended parallel process model can inform message content. Social cognitive
theory contends that people learn from observation; reinforcement or punishment
impacts behavior; and learning is more likely if we identify with a role model and
possess self-efficacy. The theory supports message design strategies that include
message sources with whom the audience can identify, demonstrations of
recommended actions, and the use of reinforcement or punishment as motivators.
Wittes model discusses the use of fear appeals. Threats can influence perceived
severity, perceived susceptibility, response efficacy, and self-efficacy. If threat is
high and self-efficacy is low, people will avoid the recommended behavior or reject
the message. Messages which convey threats must also include recommended
actions that people can realistically take to address the threat. For example, following the airing of Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth, the Climate Reality Project Gore
started continued to recommend specific actions citizens can take on their website.

4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication


Messages Emphasizing Normative Beliefs, Altruism, Gain

vs. Loss, and Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Appeals

Normative Beliefs
Normative beliefs appear in most of the models and theories previously identified.
When you invoke norms, you indicate which behaviors are commonly approved or
disapproved of by a specific group or culture. People use their perceptions of peer
norms as a standard to which they compare their own behaviors. Social-norms
marketing campaigns have emerged as an alternative to more traditional
approaches (e.g., information campaigns, moral exhortation, fear-inducing messages) (Schultz et al. 2007). Coming from a background in psychology and marketing, Cialdini (2003) discussed how persuasive messages need to invoke two
kinds of norms shown to motivate human action: injunctive norms and descriptive
norms. Injunctive norms help the message receiver identify which behaviors people
typically approve or disapprove of. Descriptive norms influence perceptions of
which behaviors are typically performed. People tend to do what is popular and
socially approved. For example, descriptive norms are evoked by the seals
appearing on the windows of organizations participating in the Strive toward
Sustainability programs in Missoula, MT, and Lincoln, NE (see Sect.
The more businesses showing these seals, the more sustainable operations become
seen as the norm within that community. However, in situations where many people
are engaging in socially censured conduct (i.e., littering), Cialdini recommends that
audiences be reminded of the injunctive norm (i.e., littering is bad) and not the
descriptive norms. When the prevalent behavior is environmentally beneficial,
messages should include descriptive norms along with injunctive norms (assuming
most people approve of the proposed action). Although providing descriptive
normative information may decrease an undesirable behavior among individuals
who perform that behavior at a rate above the norm, the same message may actually
increase the undesirable behavior among individuals who perform that behavior at a
rate below the norm. People who do better than average may regress down to the
mean (Schultz et al. 2007). People who are doing better than average should receive
injunctive normative messages conveying social approval while those who are
doing worse than average should receive messages of disapproval.

Altruism and Gain vs. Loss

A number of the theories and models we reviewed earlier focused on altruism,
empathy, and prosocial behaviors. Some messages focus on the benefits or consequences experienced by the person performing the behavior; others include the
effect of the behavior on significant others (e.g., friends, family, or the community
at large). Loroz (2007) investigated the role reference point (self or self and other)
and message frame (positive or negative) had on resulting attitudes and behavioral


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

intentions. Framing research also investigates whether or not messages which

discuss benefits gained (positive frame: Think about what we will gain) or
consequences suffered from failure to act (negative frame: Think about what we
will lose) might influence the persuasiveness of a message in a particular decision
context. People more actively cognitively process messages that talk about the
negative consequences they will face if action isnt taken unless the negative
consequences exceed the individuals fear threshold as discussed in Wittes
extended parallel process model. On the other hand, it is likely that people will
respond more to messages which stress benefits experienced by both self and others
(e.g., future generations, neighbors). In two small studies focusing on messages
seeking to change health and recycling behaviors, the researcher found behavioral
intentions were higher after reading the negative-self and positive-self and other
messages than when reading negative-self and other or positive-self messages.
Loroz suggested that if a communicator wants to design a message that centers
on how pro-environmental behaviors can influence future generations, then he or
she should stress the benefits experienced rather than the dire consequences of
failing to act.

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Appeals

Some message strategies used to motivate people can lead to pro-environmental
behavior, but long-term maintenance of these behaviors is problematic. Often
peoples behaviors return to baseline once the external motivation is removed.
Pelletier and Sharp (2008) argue that self-determined motivation can be increased
by framing messages as a function of the intrinsic (i.e., health, personal growth)
vs. extrinsic (i.e., financial incentives, fame) gains or losses as well as by accounting for the underlying processes of behavioral change. They provide an example of
how using a car or using public transportation can be framed in four different ways:
(a) intrinsic gains (e.g., public transportation reduces carbon gas emissions (CGE)
and improves your health), (b) extrinsic gains (e.g., public transportation reduces
CGE and saves you money), (c) intrinsic risks (e.g., using your car increases CGE
and worsens your health), and (d) extrinsic loss (e.g., using your car increases CGE
and costs you money). Framing a goal as a function of extrinsic motivations should
result in lower levels of self-determined motivation, less engagement in the activity,
and less persistence in the new behavior. A focus on intrinsic motives should
facilitate the development of autonomous motivation and behavioral maintenance.
Psychologists have identified three stages to the process: a detection phase, a
decision phase, and an implementation phase. How a message is framed (intrinsic
vs. extrinsic) during the detection phase will influence subsequent decisions made
during the decision and implementation stage. For example, an emphasis on
financial costs during the detection phase will lead to goals and solutions with
financial implications in the decision phase and then the maintenance of financial
incentives to initiate behavior during the implementation phase. During the detection phase people are more sensitive to messages that help them gather information

4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication


to determine whether or not there is a problem. The messages should frame the
problem as important and provide people with a rationale to act. People should be
more open to messages which emphasize the costswhat is to be lost by failure to
adopt the proposed behavior. But once someone is aware of the risk, additional risk
information will have limited influence on their behavior. Indeed, people develop a
defensive avoidance response to similar risk-focused messages. Once they are
aware of a risk, people are more open to information about specific behavioral
options and how they can effectively address the problem. If people see a problem
as important, they are more sensitive to messages that help them decide if they
should take action and, if so, what action to take. Messages need to provide
information that helps people make decisions about the feasibility, desirability,
and effectiveness of a behavior. At this point, gain-framed messages should resonate because they stress the benefits of adopting a specific behavior. The health
literature suggests gain-framed messages influence the development of personal
goals that are reflected in an individuals intentions to act. Finally, in the implementation phase, people are more open to messages that provide them with information about how to implement, maintain, and integrate the behavior into their
lifestyle. This should include information about where, when, and how a behavior
might be implemented. People also need to set personal goals and commit to
specific ways to achieve these goals. Doing so helps create a bridge between
intention and action. If people find the new behavior pleasant, their commitment
strengthens, assuming they remember to engage in it as the correct timehence the
utility of behavioral cues until a habit is formed.

Abstract vs. Concrete Action

In three studies, White et al. (2011) investigated when loss- versus gain-framed
messages were most effective in influencing consumer recycling by examining the
moderating role of whether a more concrete or abstract mind-set was activated by
the message. They proposed the effect of message framing on conservation intentions, and behaviors will be moderated by whether a person considers recycling in
terms of concrete actions (e.g., How will I go about recycling?) or more abstract
purposes (e.g., Why will I recycle?). The researchers argued a loss-framed message
would be most effective when paired with a mind-set that engages lower-level
concrete thinking because when facing potential loss people seek immediate and
concrete action strategies. On the other hand, a gain-framed message would be most
effective when matched with a mind-set that engages high-level, abstract thinking.
Gain frames activate more abstract, distal, and higher-level thinking. They found
evidence for their matching hypothesis where a pairing of loss- and gain-framed
messages that activates more concrete (abstract) mind-sets leads to enhanced
processing fluency, increased efficacy, and more positive recycling intentions.


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

Additional Persuasive Arguments

Clark (1984) provided a set of persuasive message strategies for public speakers to
use when seeking to move people toward action. They include arguments that there
is a problem growing in magnitude, the time to act is limited, and failure to act now
harms the people and things we love. All of these arguments and more apply to the
current situation facing humanity. As I sat in the auditorium at the Walmart home
office in Bentonville, AR, listening to speakers at the 2013 Sustainability Summit, I
heard Leslie Dach, Walmarts Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and
Government Relations, utilize many of Clarks persuasive strategies as he discussed
Walmarts aspirational goal to utilize 100 % renewable energy. He said renewable
energys time is now, we refuse to wait, we can utilize our size and scale,
future generations depend on us, we are doing what is right, using cutting edge
technology, we can drive down costs, we have the opportunity and the responsibility, and every kilowatt we dont have to use we dont have to pay for. Dach,
who oversaw the companys sustainability efforts between 2006 and 2013, identified three reasons why Walmart should move toward the renewable energy aspirational goal: (1) renewable energy and energy efficiency increases productivity,
decreases costs, and is a way the company can control rising energy costs;
(2) renewable energy and energy efficiency addresses climate change (80 % of
Walmarts operational greenhouse gases come from its stores); and (3) renewable
energy and energy efficiency is good for communities reducing air and water
pollution and allows community members to feel better, influences the health of
future children, and helps people feel better about Walmart. Dachs arguments
support the business case for sustainability. Blackburn (2007) provides support for
seven business case arguments involving increased reputation and brand strength;
more competitive, effective, and desirable products and services; access to new
markets; increased employee productivity; lessened operational burden and interference; lower supply chain costs; lower cost of capital; and less legal liability.
Over the years I have developed a list of arguments my students might consider
using when they seek to persuade others to be pro-environmental. You might find
them helpful as well:
Argue preservation is important.
Argue that our international or business competitors or neighbors or most people
or cool people are doing it.
Argue for the sublime (feelings of awe and exultation some people experience
when in God-created nature).
Argue that it is the right thing to do.
Use visual rhetoric picking a good condensation symbol or drop a mind bomb
(i.e., simple images that change how viewers see a situation).
Argue that it is in the public health interest; use risk-based messages.
Argue the proposed action is just common sense or that it just makes good
business sense.

4.4 Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Communication


Argue that the problem is large, the situation is deteriorating rapidly, actions are
doable (and easy or fun), and the actions will make a difference.
Utilize messages which induce shock, shame, or guilt.
Argue the target action makes life more beautiful and abundant.
Argue that the proposed action is the result of collaborative action.
Indicate the action is based on community advisory committee decisions.
Share a story promoting altruistic tendencies or showing how a solution was
Become a voice for vulnerable populations being effected by environmental
challenges (e.g., drought, limited water, polluted community).
Argue the action is consistent with their own values.
Appeal to the irreparable (i.e., we must act now or this will be forever lost).
Use terms including fair balance, wise, and effective action.
Focus on how the action will have multiple benefits far into the future.
Talk about the real-world day-to-day effects of either the problem or the
Assure your audience of your shared values and good intentions.


The Role of Interpersonal Communication

Although many of these theories of pro-environmental behavior look at social

norms, few really delve into interpersonal communication with the exception of
the health-related models which discuss the utility of social support. Environmental
risk is a social construction influenced by how people talk about perceived threats
as much as by what they personally experience in their daily interaction with the
physical world (Cantrill 2010). People are generally unaware of potential actions
they can take. This lack of awareness limits what most people can do when
confronting environmental change.
We turn to others whom we trust for advice (e.g., families, friends, and
coworkers). Within these social interactions, our perceptions of risk can be amplified or diminished by our perceived trust in what the others are saying, by our belief
that we or those we care about may be harmed, or by our lack of proximity to the
threat. For example, I have given tours of our eco-efficient home to showcase
environmental sustainability to community members and students (my own and
local architecture students). I describe efforts we took to reduce our water consumption and how we considered utilizing rainwater recovery technology. When I
provide the tour, I hope people perceive me to be a trusted and credible source, but
few see water scarcity as a real threat to them, unlike it is to people living in other
parts of the USA and across the globe. In any social network, the arguments that get
talked about the most are the ones that people turn to when making up their minds,
regardless of the soundness of the argument (see Sect. So, despite periodic
media coverage during times of drought, few homeowners actively talk about or


4 Understanding Pro-Environmental Behavior: Models and Messages

conserve water in my part of Arkansas because that is not part of the normal
community Discourse.
However, a change in awareness and action is possible because even environmentally apathetic publics interact with others in their social and professional
circles who are knowledgeable and concerned about a particular environmental
subject (e.g., water conservation given the scarcity of clean water globally) or an
issue relevant to local people (e.g., a local drought). This is a powerful force
amplifying environmental risks and opportunitiessimply get people talking.
Gatekeepers are members of a persons primary group who influence others
beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. We need research to see how much people actually
are talking about the environment. Kassing et al. (2010) developed the environmental communication scale. This 20-item measure assesses environmental communication along three dimensions: practicing, dismissing, and confirming. The
practicing and dismissing dimensions assess the extent to which people engage in or
avoid conversations and media reports about environmental issues. Practicing
sample questions are I enjoy listening to discussions about the environment and
Listening to discussions about environmental issues energizes me. Dismissing
sample questions include I ignore people who talk about the environment and I
skip over news stories about the environment. The confirming dimension taps
peoples attitudes regarding the importance and necessity of engaging in environmental communication. Sample questions include Discussing the environment is
important and It is necessary to discuss environmental issues. Their scale can be
modified to assess intraorganizational or interorganizational communication prior
to and then immediately after an intervention designed to promote an organizations
sustainability-related initiative. Best Practice: It is important to get people in your
organization or community talking about the environment. Seek to create a positive
pro-environmental buzz.


Concluding Thoughts

This chapter focused on factors influencing pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, primarily among citizens rather than employees. Such background knowledge
is useful for sustainability communicators, as is information on how to use communication to promote pro-environmental behaviors. Although some people come
into their organizational roles self-identifying as environmentalists, many others
do not.
In 2014, researchers gathered online survey data from more than 48,000 consumers in 20 countries. They found 64 % of their respondents in China selfidentified as environmentalists, more than twice as many as in Europe and the
USA (Nicolaou 2014). That same year, the Pew Research Center surveyed 1,821
US adults finding that 32 % of the Millennials (ages 1833), 42 % of Gen X (ages
3449) and Boomers (ages 5068), and 44 % of the Silent Generation (6986) selfidentified as environmentalists. Organizational leaders seeking to promote



sustainability initiatives cannot assume that their younger employees will automatically embrace pro-environmental initiatives just because the broader societal
Discourses are increasingly addressing sustainability. Knowledge about sustainability must be integrated into existing organizational processes and organizational
cultures and climates must be designed to support sustainability initiatives.
Employees must be empowered and a sustainability-focused buzz created.

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Wood, R., & Bandura, A. (1989). Impact of conceptions of ability on self-regulatory mechanisms
and complex decision making. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 56(3), 407415.

Chapter 5

Transformational Organizational Change,

Reinforcing Structures, and Formal

Abstract Given the changes forecast to result from global warming, scholars and
practitioners interest in sustainability and organizational change is increasing.
Although sustainability-related changes can be piecemeal and incremental, my
interest is on transformational change. Transformational organizational changes
begin when key individuals become aware of new processes, technologies, opportunities, constraints, and expectations. Once awareness occurs, the challenge
becomes transforming information into useable knowledge and diffusing it
throughout the system. Factors influencing the adoption of an innovation are
reviewed. The characteristics of change adopters and stages of change are identified. Important communication roles during times of change (e.g., board members,
top executives, change agents, sustainability champions), the process of communicating about change, guidance for change communicators, and formal structural and
communication efforts to facilitate change efforts are discussed. Formal ways to
embed a focus on sustainability within an organization include changing an organizations structure (e.g., creating new roles, creating new inter- and intraorganizational coordinating structures) and designing pathways (e.g., mission and vision
statements, goals and plans, formal communication channels). In addition to transformation change, theories or theoretical concepts highlighted include diffusion of
innovation theory, the absorptive capacity concept, sensemaking theory, structuration theory, systems theory, transformational leadership, the communication
approach to leadership, models of communication and change, and ethos. Interview
data spotlights the City of Boulder, the City of Portland, the City and County of
Denver, Sams Club, Assurity Life Insurance, the HEAL project, the University of
Colorado, Portland, the Neal Kelly Company, Tyson Foods, the Portland Trail
Blazers, and Aspen Skiing Company.

Lewis and Clark, Information and Change Lewis and Clark began their 1804
expedition during a time of great change in the USA. The Library of Congress had
just been established (1800), West Point Military Academy opened (1802), Ohio
became our 17th state (1803), and New Jersey abolished slavery (1804). With the
purchase of the 530,000,000 acre Louisiana Territory, the USA doubled in size. A
major goal of the Expedition was to bring back information on the inhabitants,
plants, animals, minerals, geography, and weather of the West. Between 1804 and
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_5



5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

1806, Lewis gathered specimens including boxes of seeds, dried plants, soils, and
minerals; live animals and birds; Native vocabularies, pots, bows and arrows,
baskets, quilled and beaded clothing, and painted buffalo robes. Some of these
artifacts were the first and last evidence of cultures that would soon perish due to
disease and cultural devastation (Hunter 2009). Over time, physical specimens and
artifacts were lost because of the lack of awareness of their historical importance
and an infrastructure to keep them safe. This example illustrate how systems (e.g.,
the USA) change, and how information gathered to meet goals can be lost if it is not
integrated into a system when it can be changed into knowledge.


Transformational Change

Transformational change is corporation-wide and is characterized by radical shifts

in business strategy, reorganization of systems and structures, and changes in the
distribution of power across the whole organization (Robinson and Griffiths 2005,
p. 205). If an organization makes a serious commitment to address climate change,
this will mean changing their organizational capabilities, culture, structure, and
processes (Okereke et al. 2012)in other words they must engage in transformational change. They must develop new capabilities to assess climate change-related
opportunities and risks and to evaluate response options. The capabilities challenge of climate change is particularly formidable because in addition to the high
level of uncertainty, the phenomenon embodies complex technical and multifaceted
dimensions ranging from physical science through management to ethics and
philosophy (p. 13). Effective strategy must be formed from often competing
voices as internal tensions result from differences in levels of knowledge, risk
exposure, and training.
Transformational change can occur in response to specific as well as holistic
sustainability initiatives. For example, Delmas and Pekovic (2013) found organizations that sought ISO 14001 certification often also developed new environmental
policies, engaged in internal assessment (e.g., benchmarking, accounting procedures), set environmental performance goals, conducted internal and external
environmental audits, created cross-functional teams, engaged in more formal
and informal communication, and developed employee incentive and training programs. Organizations develop a process of proactive holistic organizational management actions. Blackburn (2007) and Strandberg Consulting (n.d.) provide
resources for organizations interested in creating a holistic system.
Transformational Change and the Portland Trail Blazers Justin Zeulner, former Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs, shared a glimpse into how
the Trail Blazers began their transformational change process. Initially, their focus
was on recycling, but early on Justins executive management wanted to find out
what the Trail Blazers carbon footprint was and how they compared to other
corporations in Portland, as well as nationally. We had an executive team, and a

5.1 Transformational Change


president saying, This is important to us, we would like to understand how we can
minimize our environmental impacts and how to have a positive relationship to our
community and environment at the same time. The Trail Blazers hired consultants who led a retreat and helped them measure their carbon footprint and assess
their existing policies and procedures. Early on at the 2-day retreat, the consultants
asked everyone to close their eyes, imagine a sustainable future, and then describe
what that [sustainable future] looked like. Everyone had their own version. But
everyone was involved from the very beginning, Justin explained. Management
commissioned a LEED assessment of the Moda Center campus. A consulting
organization conducted a Scope 3 analysis. Looking at the analysis of the Trail
Blazers carbon footprint showed they generated 20,000 metric tons of carbon. The
Scope 3 analysis also showed 70 % of their transportation-related carbon footprint
was generated by people traveling to and from the Trail Blazers campus. Their
consultants assessed existing procedures, processes, and policies. Justin explained,
It was very important to see what kind of policies we had in place. Are we a
sustainable organization? Are we environmentally friendly? And if we werent,
then what would that look like? New policies, programs, and procedures were
created and quickly implemented. An internal sustainability team of 35 individuals
representing every department and all organizational levels worked together to
develop a set of sustainability goals, known as a sustainability charter. Their
Sustainability Charter established a vision of the Trail Blazers being the leader of
sustainability in the sports and entertainment community. Actions were designed to
minimize all of our impacts [energy, water, waste, transportation, purchasing] and
to try to benefit our community so that we are a climate-positive organization. That
was the driving vision, Justin explained.
As of 2013 the Trail Blazers were communicating their measurable successes on
their website. For example, in terms of the transportation portion of their carbon
footprint, the Trail Blazers action strategies included subsidizing transit passes for
staff, utilizing bikes and electric vehicles for on-site operations, improving the bike
infrastructure for employees and fans, installing electric vehicle charging stations,
providing reserved VIP parking for electric and hybrid vehicles, participating in the
local Bicycle Transportation Alliances Bike Commute Challenge, working with
local transportation officials to encourage the use of public transit, providing funds
to support fareless travel within the surrounding Lloyd District Business Improvement District, and supporting the development of the Eastside Portland Streetcar
extension. Reflecting back on their progress toward sustainability, Justin said:
To me its a tremendous example of how to succeed with this. It was not perfect by any
means. I would say there were some ways to navigate this a little bit differently that would
have been more optimal. . . But I dont know if it is possible. Every organization, whether
you are nonprofit, for profit or public sector, everybody has this sort of struggle

However, to Justin, having the support and encouragement of the teams owner
and from top management coupled with the sustainability teams participation in
goal and strategy development made for a winning combination.



5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Diffusion of Innovations

Transformational change begins when organizations become aware of new processes, technologies, opportunities, constraints, and expectations. Institutional theory helps us understand how new ideas and practices spread throughout a social
system. You read about how Walmart supported the development of The Sustainability Consortium to drive change on a global scale (see Sect. 3.2.3).
Diffusion of innovation theory is a key theory which sheds additional insight into
the process. Sociologists beginning with the French sociologist and legal scholar
Gabriel Tarde originated the concepts basic to this theory (Singhal 2009). Anthropologists, rural sociologists, and agricultural officials expanded the theory focusing
on things like the diffusion of the horse among the Plain Indians and farming and
family planning practices in Third World countries. Everett Rogers, a professor of
communication studies, popularized and expanded the theory into the social sciences with his book Diffusion of Innovation. Published initially in 1962, the book is
now in its fifth edition (Rogers 2003). To date, the theory has appeared in over
4,000 articles published by scholars representing a wide range of disciplines.
Researchers have applied it to the diffusion of sustainability-related initiatives,
the spread of organic farming, sustainable prevention innovations, and renewable
energy technologies (e.g., Craig and Allen 2013; Smerecnik and Andersen 2011).
Some individuals and organizations adopt innovations earlier than others. Innovativeness is the degree to which an individual or other unit of adoption is
relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than the other members of a system
(Rogers 2003, p. 22). Change agents from outside a social system bring awareness
of the innovation to the social systemfirst through gatekeepers and then through
opinion leaders. Rogers proposed an S curve of adoption whereby within any social
system there are innovators (2.5 %), early adopters (13.5 %), early majority (34 %),
late majority (34 %), and laggards (16 %). Innovators take risks, are younger, have
more resources, and interact frequently with other innovators. Early adopters also
are opinion leaders who are often younger, have more resources, and are integrated
into communication networks. But they are more judicious in their choice of which
innovations to adopt. Peter Nierengarten, Director of Sustainability and Resilience
for the City of Fayetteville, AR, discussed the S curve. He said:
The challenge is reaching beyond the 50 % [the innovators through the early majority] to
the more conservative demographic. Those are the ones that you have to be particularly
interested in when designing your communication messages. That is why we went with this
livable community messaging idea. Regardless of what you define livable as, who could be
against friendly, livable, hospitable communities?

Awareness of the S curve made its way into how Peter thinks about communicating with stakeholder groups in Fayetteville.
Organizations which adopt sustainability initiatives differ from those which do
not. Looking at how for-profit organizations embrace sustainability, Hannaes
et al. (2011) also appear to be influenced by the diffusion of innovation theory.
They identified two distinct types of organizations: embracers and cautious

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


adopters (laggards). They concluded that the practices of the embracers may
provide a snapshot of the future of management. Companies which embrace
sustainability see the payoff in terms of intangible advantages, process improvements, the ability to innovate, and the opportunity to grow. Cautious adopters see it
in terms of risk management and efficiency gains. Embracers tend to recognize that
sustainability strategies have the potential to deliver new customers and markets,
innovate existing business models, increase market share and profit margins, and
provide a competitive edge. Realizing it is difficult to quantify the outcome of
sustainability activities, embracers remain enthusiastic and take a leap of faith.
They show six characteristics: they move early, even if information is incomplete;
they balance broad long-term visions with projects offering concrete, near-term
wins; they drive sustainability top-down and bottom-up; they aggressively de silo
sustainability integrating it throughout company operations; they measure everything and, if necessary, create measures; and they value intangible benefits. Initially, embracers focus on waste reduction and efficiencies (e.g., water, energy,
materials). These low-hanging fruits are used to make the initial business case for
implementing sustainability strategies. For example, Clorox began by measuring its
carbon footprint and laying the groundwork on projects so that executives would
later adopt greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction, solid waste reduction, and water
reduction goals.
The diffusion of an innovation is a five-step process beginning with knowledge
followed by persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation (Rogers 2003).
During the knowledge stage, people become aware of the innovation but know little
about it. Many people rarely seek more information. During the persuasion stage,
some people become interested and actively seek out additional information. In the
decision stage, people weigh the advantages and disadvantages (personal and for
the system) of adoption and decide to either adopt or reject the innovation. During
the implementation stage, people judge the innovations usefulness and may continue to seek additional information. Finally, during the confirmation stage, people
decide whether or not to continue using the innovation. An innovation can be
rejected at any stage.
In the next section, I incorporate diffusion of innovation theory with additional
research discussing awareness and knowledge. Then, the focus shifts to how
elements of the innovation and the social system can influence an innovations


Information and Useable Knowledge

Ultimately, if it is to be adopted within a larger social system, people must be aware

that the innovation exists. Awareness is part of the knowledge stage of innovation
dissemination (Rogers 2003). People become aware through mediated and interpersonal communication channels. Justin Zeulner, former Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs, became aware of what sustainability entailed after


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

coworkers started asking why the Trail Blazers were not more actively recycling,
his senior management asked him to learn more about sustainability, and he began
attending sustainability summits. Knowledge, interest in learning more, and the
perceived importance of adopting the innovation become important during the
persuasion and decision stages of the process. Justin explained that as Trail Blazers
staff started getting more energized about recycling they began coming to him and
Hey, what are we doing with that? Ive got to throw that away but I dont want to throw it
away. What do I do with that? So I said, I dont know, why dont I find somebody that takes
used blinds and builds something else out of them and it slowly evolved into why are we
using these cleaning chemicals? Why dont we use greener? Why dont we think about the
lighting? It was so exciting to keep doing all of that and pretty soon I started realizing it
was connecting personally to the values that I was raised with. And I started just loving the
connection and I started educating myself more and more, going to summits and conferences, meeting great people like Allen Hershkowitz at the Natural Resources Defense
Council, and getting a chance to hear about what is really going on globally.

Where Employees Learn About Sustainability-Related Issues

In their study of how environmental champions convince and enable organizational

members to turn environmental issues into successful programs and innovations,
Andersson and Bateman (2000) found champions frequently scan multiple information sources and this active scanning increases the likelihood of a successful
championing episode. Attending industry and environmental conferences, reading
periodicals, and working with consultants were particularly important information
sources. Others gathered resources from national and state environmental groups
and from competitors. In one Fortune 100 organization, Craig and Allen (2013)
asked those employees who rated themselves as more knowledgeable about sustainability and who perceived their company to be more involved in sustainability
initiatives where they became aware of information about sustainability. Professional/industry associations, faith-based institutions, and customers were three
important information sources.
I asked my interviewees to identify information sources they turned to when
seeking to learn more about sustainability. The Urban Sustainability Directors
Network was mentioned by my interviewees from the cities of Fayetteville, AR,
and Portland, OR. Small businesses receive information from groups such as
WasteCap Nebraska and the Missoula Sustainability Council (see Sect.
Paul Hawkens The Ecology of Commerce (1994) set Ray Anderson, the CEO of
Interface, on a new course. Action Plan: Identify the information sources you use to
learn more about sustainability; seek to expand these sources.
An organizations external environment is brimming with sustainability-related
information, ambiguity, and uncertainty. Many of our information seeking actions
occur to help us create orderliness from a chaotic information environment. As
individuals we construct, rearrange, single out, and ignore features of our external
environment. Through talk we then modify and transmit this order as we work

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


together to formulate goals, plans, and strategies. The same process occurs when we
attempt to manage our intraorganizational information environment. In his
sensemaking theory, Karl Weick (1969) identified how organizational members
construct meaning, search for patterns, deal with surprises, and interact as they seek
a common understanding which allows them to take action, especially in the face of
high risk and complex situations (Dervin and Naumer 2009). Three important
concepts in sensemaking theory are enactment (we focus on parts of our environment), selection (we decide how to act in the face of ambiguity), and retention (if an
action works we retain it). Sensemaking theory provides the theoretical basis for
several studies mentioned in this chapter (e.g., Benn et al. 2013; van der Heijden
et al. 2012).

Those Who Process External Information to Create Knowledge

A key precursor to successfully absorbing knowledge involves employees existing

related knowledge. Prior related knowledge confers an ability to recognize the
value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it (Cohen and Levinthal 1990,
p. 128) and relevant knowledge and skill is what gives rise to creativity, permitting
the sorts of associations and linkages that may have never been considered before
(p. 130). It permits individuals to understand underlying assumptions and interconnections. Malcolm Gladwell makes a similar and compelling argument in his book
Blink (2007). He argues that people (e.g., physicians, musicians) can quickly gauge
what is really important and make swift decisions based on minimal data relying on
their intuitive judgment, something he calls thin-slicing. However, this intuitive
judgment is developed by experience, training, and knowledge. The broader
employees educational background and specific competencies are, the wider the
pool of knowledge available to the group/organization and the more individuals can
contribute to networks of those with similar competencies. Relational network
knowledge also is important. Critical knowledge does not simply include substantive, technical knowledge; it also includes awareness of where useful complementary expertise resides (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, p. 133).
Simply giving individual employees access to new information and interpersonal connections isnt sufficient to influence the adoption of an innovation. David
Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of Community Planning and Sustainability,
described how Susan Anderson and Michael Armstrong from Portlands Bureau of
Planning and Sustainability visited Boulder to share information about the Portland
Plan. Their presentation resonated with administrators, city staff, and others
because of its focus on equity and creating connected and socially thriving communities. Having the speakers on location, meeting with groups of people, and
sharing what each city was doing over a 2-day period created some really deep
learning. . . That was hugely beneficial, David explained. He said that when only
one person attends a learning opportunity,


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

It is hard to disseminate that learning into the organization. . . even though we try to
whenever anyone goes to any state or national training. We have them do a brown bag
lunch when they come back and share their learning. But still only a handful of people are
able to go to that and it just doesnt feel like we get the traction.

Key Point: It takes effort to ensure new ideas spread throughout an organization.

Absorptive Capacity Is Critical

Absorptive capacity refers to an organizations ability to identify and value new

information, combine it with existing knowledge, and use the combined knowledge
to drive innovation (Cohen and Levinthal 1990). An organization that is actively
seeking external information will be more capable of valuing and acquiring useful
knowledge. Absorptive capacity occurs as part of a four-step processacquisition,
assimilation, transformation, and exploitation (Zahra and George 2002). Acquisition involves an organizations capability to identify and acquire externally generated knowledge; assimilation refers to an organizations routines and processes that
allow it to analyze, interpret, and understand the new information; transformation
involves an organizations capability to develop and refine the routines for combining new knowledge with existing knowledge; and exploitation refers to the
development or existence of routines that leverage the existing knowledge and
integrate it so it can be useful to the organization. Focusing here on the acquisition
phase, the absorptive capacity literature describes how more exposure to the
external environment provides opportunities for better access to information
which may stimulate innovation. An organizations ability to monitor and scan
the external environment for potentially useful information and then to allow
organizational members to synthesize this information into concepts and/or ideas
is important. Proactive organizations create pathways for importing new information. Without such pathways, knowledge will not be absorbed. Discussing knowledge and knowing from an organizational communication perspective, Kuhn
(2014) shifts us from focusing on knowledge as the cognitive domain of an
individual to the practice by which knowledge contributes to organizational effectiveness through networks of communication relationships.


Factors Influencing Innovation Adoption

Diffusion of innovation theory (Rogers 2003) identifies four main elements which
influence the spread of an innovation: the characteristics of the innovation, the
characteristics of the social system (i.e., its norms on diffusion, the perceived
consequences of innovation), the communication channels used to disseminate
and evaluate information (e.g., opinion leaders and change agents), and the process
occurring over time (e.g., the types of innovation decisions). This next section

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


focuses on the innovation and social system characteristics before moving on to

discuss key communication channels.

Innovation Characteristics

Important characteristics of an innovation include the relative advantages it brings

to goal achievement; whether it is compatible with the existing values, past
experiences, and needs of potential adopters; whether it is simple to use; whether
users can try the innovation before adopting it; and whether others will see the
innovation. Visible innovations increase both positive and negative communication
within personal networks.
In their investigation of how the characteristics of sustainability innovations
influenced their adoption, Smerecnik and Andersen (2011) focused on seven
sustainability innovations being made by North American hotel and ski industries:
sustainability management, environmental communication, managing resort pollution, resource conservation, water recycling, energy conservation, and guestroom
sustainability. Most of these concepts are self-explanatory. However, sustainability
management refers to the creation of an environmental committee, a written
environmental policy, an environmental impact assessment report, a GHG emissions or carbon footprint assessment, a program to reduce environmental impacts,
the use of external consultants, sending officials to sustainability conferences,
and/or the adoption of a sustainability certification program. Environmental communication involved environmental training of staff, environmental education of
guests, environmental statements in public messages or resort descriptions, routine
meetings to discuss environmentally related issues, community environmental
support, involvement or advocacy, and dialogue with others in the industry about
environmental sustainability. The authors found an innovations simplicity was the
best predictor of its adoption. They suggested emphasizing simplicity and ease of
adoption whenever possible. Usually, relative advantage, which involves business
case for sustainability arguments, is the strongest predictor of adoption. However,
they found relative advantage only correlated with the sustainability management
and environmental communication initiatives. They discussed why compatibility
and trialability should influence an innovations adoption, but found neither did in
their study. Best Practice: Sustainability communicators should design messages
addressing a proposed innovations relative advantage, simplicity, compatibility,
observability, and trialability, as appropriate.
Compatibility and Observability at Sams Club Brian Sheehan, former
Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, talked about compatibility and visibility in
terms of measurement and feedback messages. As Walmart sought to ensure its
buyers seriously considered sustainability they integrated it into the tools buyers
used every day. On the operations side, when market managers tour a Sams Club,
they receive a report showing how well that Club is executing around various
sustainability initiatives. Brian explained,


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Weve taken what we think are key performance indicators for Clubs, if you are doing this
thing well you are probably executing most of your sustainability program well, and put
them right on the front page [of the report] along with how well sales and associate
engagement are going.

Employees can see how they are doing on the key sustainability performance
indicators (KPI) (i.e., observability). If they are not doing so well, that becomes an
improvement opportunity. Brian said, It is important to make it [sustainability]
clearly visible and integrated into all of the standard business practices. For
example, the front of the report provides a recycling score for super sandwich
bales (these bales capture most of the plastics coming out of a Sams Club). Clubs
receive scores that indicate the number of tons recycled and how that Club ranks
relative to its region, market, and division. Best Practice: KPIs are useful because
they are measures or mileage markers that indicate whether procedures are actually
working to help a company meet its goals.

Social System Characteristics

Organizations differ in how actively they seek external information and in their
openness to innovation. An organizations strategic posture is comprised of its
tendency toward innovation, its response orientation in comparison to peer institutions (proactiveness), and its propensity toward risk (Covin and Slevin 1989).
Proactive organizations often develop the capabilities needed to acquire and assimilate new knowledge. Increased exposure to new knowledge builds future capabilities. When risk-taking is encouraged, organizations are more apt to innovate. For
example, Google engineers spend 80 % of their time working on the core business
and 20 % working on a company-related project which they find personally
interesting (Danet et al. 2013). Promising new ideas are quickly launched and
minimal soul searching occurs if the new ideas fail. Failure is tolerated as a form
of innovation waste. Fast failures allow Google to move on to the next idea.
Sometimes Google appears not to engage in the reflection needed to learn from
mistakes and abandons the fast fail approach when it really matters. But system
characteristics at Google do support innovation.
Structural barriers and barriers to organizational learning can hamper the full
integration of sustainability within an organization. It is difficult to identify ways to
integrate sustainability into preexisting organizational systems and structures and to
implement and embed sustainability practices to the point that employees have
embraced sustainability (Benn et al. 2013). Therefore, sustainability professionals
should be aware of what influences an organizations absorptive capacity. The
absorptive capacity literature talks about various capabilities which can help organizations turn information about an innovation into useful knowledge which can
then be used to improve existing operations or develop new alternatives. Cohen and
Levinthal (1990) call these important capabilities combinative capabilities and
write an organizations absorptive capacity is not resident in any single individual
but depends on the links across a mosaic of individual capabilities (p. 133),

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


something Kuhn (2014) discusses in terms of networks. Combinative capabilities

can take three forms: coordination, socialization, and systems capabilities. The first
two will be discussed later (see Sects. 5.4.1 and Systems capabilities
involve the integration of knowledge through policies and procedures and provide
a memory for handling routine situations (Van den Bosch et al. 1999, p. 556). They
can minimize the need for further communication and coordination among subunits. However, in organizations where there is a high degree of rules, procedures,
required approvals, and red tape, employees are less motivated or free to engage in
spontaneous knowledge scanning, information absorption, and innovation. On the
other hand, goals, policies, and procedures can help promote sustainability across
an organization.

Systems Thinking

In the nineteenth century biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy developed general

systems theory. In the late twentieth century, the theory was adopted by multiple
disciplines. It has proven especially useful for natural sciences, communication
(Littlejohn 2009), and organizational researchers. Systems theory focuses us on
how a system is a set of integrated and interacting parts that together create a larger
whole. Poole (2014) provides an excellent summary of the theory and its influence
on organizational communication research and practice. All systems have four
aspectsobjects (i.e., parts or elements), attributes (i.e., characteristics of the
object and the system), internal relationships (i.e., patterns of relationships), and
an environment (i.e., influences that impact the system). Systems are distinguished
by three qualitieswholeness and interdependence, hierarchy, and self-regulation
and control.
This chapters initial focus was based on the systems theory idea that organizations import resources from their external environments which help them adapt to
conditions in their macro-environments (e.g., changing norms, new technologies,
climate changes). It is important that people within an organization engage in
systems thinking (Oncica-Sanislav and Candea 2010). Often we tend to focus on
the parts rather than the whole and fail to see an organization as a dynamic longterm process existing within a macroenvironment.
Systems Theory, the City of Portland, and the City and County
of Denver Knowledge of systems theory made an important impact of Susan
Andersons, Director of Portlands Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, thinkingespecially the ideas of wholeness and interdependence. When I asked her how
she personally defined sustainability, Susan said:
I define it as two simple things. The first is everything is connectedthe environment,
economy, jobs, our personal health, the communitys health. If you mess up one piece,
somehow down the road the other pieces will get messed up. The second idea is that
everything you do today effects tomorrowhow you got here, what clothes you have on,
the foods you eat, the car you drove, the table we are sitting at, the building we are
in. Everything. The decisions we make about our children, our families, our businesses,


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

they all have an impact on tomorrow. If we do things right, we may have a better tomorrow
and if we do things wrong, we leave a big mess for our kids to clean up. Everything is
connected and you cannot run the jobs program without having some environmental and
health impacts. You cant run a health program without job impacts. People tend to think in
silos because we are human and it is hard to think of more than one thing at a time. We have
to think about the connections. . . To me, sustainability is about those connections.

Best Practice: In his description of learning organizations, Senge (1990) recommends that decision makers construct a systems map diagram that shows the key
elements of systems and how they connect, and utilize information systems that
measure the performance of the organization as a whole and of its various
Jerry Tinianow, Chief Sustainability Officer for the City and County of Denver,
shared an example of the need for systems thinking saying, Getting people to think
systemically instead of in their own little area is another of the big challenges. But
we have seen some early progress with that. He described the Denver Energy
Challenges success [in conducting home energy retrofits] in meeting their goals
3 months ahead of schedule, operating within their budget, and receiving awards
from the federal government. He said:
But the fact of the matter is, if we were distributing necessary energy efficiency gains
proportionately, we have to go from 2,000 homes in 3 years to 90,000 homes in 7 years.
Well, that probably is not going to happen, especially since the federal grant that funded the
Challenge has run out. So that is a real shock when you run those numbers because people
are not used to thinking in those terms but what I saw [when I shared the numbers with
them] was they immediately began to think systemically. Immediately. And one of the first
things they said was maybe we should look at getting a disproportionate contribution from
some of the other energy sectors where we produce bigger numbers. Maybe we really need
to be focusing on commercial and industrial buildings. Which is exactly what they need to
be thinking. . . Suddenly they are thinking across departmental lines, across disciplinary
lines and so forth. I was very encouraged by that meeting, even though when you run the
numbers by people initially, you know a lot of them are kind of crestfallen. A lot of people
think that you are criticizing their prior work. Are you saying that there is no value in what
we did? No, I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is, what you did was very valuable
but what you were asked to do was not sufficiently ambitious. We have to think at a much
bigger level. And to their credit, they are.

Systems theory is generally oriented toward the long-term view given than
systems depend on resources in their external and internal environments so that
they can adapt, survive, and potentially thrive. Corporate sustainability requires a
broader vision and longer time horizon over which opportunities and risks are
assessed and major action programs developed, as well as attention to a wider
spectrum of stakeholders. Routinely people and organizations engage in convenient
actions that produce improvements in the short term, even though these actions may
lead to significant long-term costs. For example, making modest energy saving
retrofits provide short- and near-term cost savings whereas also supporting and
investing in wind and solar energy have the potential to result in long-term savings
and a more dependable clean energy supply. Action Plan: Think about how to shift
more of the focus of your organization onto long-term planning while simultaneously making significant short- and near-term changes.

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


Influential Communicators About Innovation

This section discusses the role of boards of directors, top executives, and other
change agents and champions.

The Board of Directors

Board of directors can provide important strategic direction for how organizations
respond to environmental issues and can provide access to external resources,
including information and relational networks (Walls and Hoffman 2013). Walls
and Hoffman indicated approximately 60 % of public companies have dedicated
board committees charged with overseeing issues related to sustainability. However, survey data gathered from 2,587 respondents from commercial enterprises in
113 countries suggests that board engagement is much lower (Kiron et al. 2015). A
report on sustainability and governance by the United Nations Environmental
Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP 2014) called this a real leadership challenge.
The reports authors analyzed 2011 Bloomberg corporate data on 60,000 businesses
and found less than 2 % of companies that report environmental, social, and
governance information had a director with responsibility for sustainability.
It is important that board members attend to sustainability issues. Board members have agency (i.e., the ability to act) and can interpret, construct, and enact their
external institutional environment by paying selective attention to some issues,
interpreting issues in nonroutine ways, and providing important strategic direction
(Walls and Hoffman 2013). Companies that include sustainability as a top management agenda item are more than twice as likely to pursue strategic or transformative sustainability-focused collaborations with a broad array of partners (i.e.,
other companies, academic institutions, governments, NGOs, multilaterals) (UNEP
It is important to understand what barriers limit greater board engagement with
sustainability. The greatest barriers seem to be that sustainability has an unclear
financial impact, the lack of sustainability expertise among board members, the
boards other priorities, a tendency to only focus on the short term, and the belief
that boards should only focus on increasing shareholder value. Kiron et al. (2015)
provide suggestions on how to address each barrier. Board members need to realize
they do not have a legal fiduciary responsibility to focus only on shareholder value
and that they can be held personally liable if they do not adhere to environmental
regulation and sued if they do not recognize the implications of an organizations
environmental actions.
Beyond simply looking at whether or not boards even consider sustainabilityrelated issues, it is important to identify factors which influence their ability to
recognize, frame, and interpret environmental issues and influence their organizations actions (Walls and Hoffman 2013). Two aspects are particularly important:
structural elements and intraorganizational factors. Structural elements involve


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

interlocking directorship or network ties which are key channels for the collection
of information and the dispersion of organizational practices. The information
dispersed through these channels is often trusted and timely. Intraorganizational
factors involve board members skills and experience at retrieving, filtering, and
interpreting information. Board members specialized and innovative knowledge
and experience allow organizations to innovate by breaking away from their
institutional fields norms. The more experience board members have involving
environmental issues, the more complex their personal knowledge structures and
the more likely they are to deviate from the dominant institutional norms. If
organizations want to innovate away from normative environmental practices,
they must appoint directors with environmental experience. This is especially
critical if an organization is centrally embedded in its institutional field, because
centrality promotes conformity to institutional norms. Another way to increase
board expertise is to create an external advisory board. For example, KimberlyClark created a seven-member external advisory board made up of experts in
different aspects of sustainability. Sustainability needs to be integrated into the
board duties and into established board committees (e.g., compensation, governance, audit, and nominating), or become the focus of a board subcommittee
charged with identifying and addressing material sustainability challenges. Action
Plan: Investigate the credentials of the people on your board of directors. Discuss
how a different set of credentials and a different board configuration might benefit
your organization.

Top Executives
Top executives increasingly recognize that environmental sustainability is important to the profitability of their companies. Many recognize that changing climate
conditions, fresh-water scarcity, and high energy prices can have a negative impact
on their companys long-term success. As the spokesperson for an organization, a
top executives conduct and level of commitment to ethical principles influences
the organizations overall image (Ferns et al. 2008). Internally their leadership
behaviors involve motivating employees, communicating ethical norms, and setting
future direction.
Early on in the process of refocusing Interface, the worlds largest manufacturer
of commercial carpets and floor coverings, to become an innovator aspiring for
climate neutrality, CEO Ray Anderson felt he must take an ethical stand and no
longer be a plunder of the earth. He created a definition of sustainability for his
company which added product and place to the three ps of people, planet, and
profit. He worked with an advisory firm to create awareness of corporate responsibility, minimize environmental degradation, and introduce the Seven Fronts of
Sustainability to his employees. He collaborated with sustainability experts to
generate business changing ideas. For example, the science of biomimcry, which
involves using natures models, designs, and processes to solve human problems,
focused Interface on designing individual carpet tiles so they resemble nature and

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


can be replaced when worn. Interface then developed a 100 % recycled nylon carpet
made from old carpets and discarded fishing nets. To gather fishing nets they
worked with NGOs which were cleaning beaches in the Philippines, India, and
Africa. Finally, they developed a new type of nylon, 63 % of which is made from
castor oil. Castor oil comes from a growing crop which only needs water 1 day out
of 25 (Danet et al. 2013). The process Ray began has led to continual innovations at
Leading Change at Bayern Brewing Organizational leaders make decisions
which can shape the pro-environmental behaviors of others in their organization,
their community, their consumers, and, potentially, their industry. Certainly
Walmarts three aspirational goals show how this can be done on a large scale;
however, small organizations also have a significant impact. While I was in
Missoula, MT, I interviewed Thorsten Geuer, brew master, and Jared Spiker,
sales and marketing manager, at Bayern Brewing. Bayern Brewing, the only
German microbrewery in the Rockies for over 25 years, has 37 full-time and a
number of part-time employees. This small company has sought to make a regionally significant impact by changing the way they do business. Since water is critical
when making beer, they teamed up with Montana Trout Unlimited, naming Dancing Trout the official beer of Montana Trout Unlimited. A percentage of all Dancing
Trout merchandise and beer sales goes directly toward conserving and restoring
Montanas cold water fisheries, riparian areas, and watersheds. Bayern contributes
to the Bonneville Environmental Foundation water restoration program. Their
improved water efficiency methods reduced the amount of water it takes to brew
a gallon of beer down to around 5 gallons. Bayern recycles the water they use in
brewing beer so it can be used by ranchers, by wildlife, or for recreation. Their spent
grains go to a nearby family-owned ranch. But their biggest impact has to do with
packaging. Thorsten told me:
The biggest challenge that we have here in Montana is that Montana is an importing state. A
lot of the raw materials (e.g., cardboard, six pack carriers, glass) are imported. We generate
money in the state. We make 80 % of all our wholesale sales in Montana. A lot of those
dollars go out of the state . . . Thats when we started thinking about more than what you just
mentioned [i.e., feeding supply products to animals, trying to have a zero water impact,
buying water certificates]. So we started thinking, what else can we do? And the biggest
thing we implemented over the last 4 or 5 years is to find a way we can get some of our
packaging material back to the brewery and at least get one more use out of it.

For several years the company had bought back their 6-pack holders and/or gave
customers who recycled bottles and 6-pack holders trade-in value for beer or
merchandise in their tasting room. In 2010 they began recycling their own glass,
making it the first brewery in Montana, and one of a few in the nation, that recycles
(or reuses) all its packaging materials. Thorsten explained:
We said we have so much glass coming back what if we purchased a bottle washer where
the glass bottle, which is perfectly fine, will not be repurposed into road material or building
material. It will be filled again with beer. So we purchased a bottle washer. We noticed that
money is no longer going out of the community, out of the state. We keep the money in the


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Bayern Brewing produces 50,000 bottles of beer a week, with 3040 % of that
going into recycled bottles. They saw no reason they could not utilize 100 %
recycled bottles. There is so much glass out there. . . There must be a way to get
more glass back. That is what we are thinking about right now, how can we get
more glass to come back to Bayern? Considering that most beer bottles in the USA
hold beer only once, imagine the impact if other breweries followed this brewerys
lead. Their decision to purchase a bottle washer has implications for the Montana
economy, has reduced energy use associated with transportation and glass
recycling, and has stimulated recycling within their community. It also protects
them from price fluctuations in packaging materials and reduces the freight changes
they pay to import materials. This example illustrates how influential acts of
human-material organizing emerge from leadership communication and how leadership communication has the potential for reflexivity, moral accountability, and
change (Fairhurst and Connaughton 2014).
Leaders play various roles when it comes to an organizations ability to innovate
and change (e.g., designers, stewards, and teachers) (Senge 1990) as well as
promote sustainability (Egri and Herman 2000; Ones and Dilchert 2012; Robertson
and Barling 2013). As designers, leaders and their top management teams create or
endorse the purpose, vision, and core values by which their employees are to be
guided (e.g., as a sustainable organization). They craft purpose stories which are
the overarching explanation of why they do what they do, how their organization
needs to evolve, and how that evolution is part of something larger (Senge 1990,
p. 346). As stewards they manage the vision to benefit others, listening to others
visions and changing their own as necessary. As teachers, leaders influence others
views. Leaders of innovative organizations focus mainly on providing purpose,
developing systemic structures, and helping others develop systemic
Organizational communication research conceptualizes leadership as an act of
transmission and negotiated meaning. It is an individually informed yet relational
phenomenon (Fairhurst and Connaughton 2014) which enables collectives to mobilize in order to act. The management of meaning perspective of leadership
(Smircich and Morgan 1982) is an important contribution of communication
scholars (Fairhurst et al. 1997). It focuses us on how leaders frame and define
reality for others. As leaders manage meaning they highlight particular aspects of
the overall flow of experience occurring in a particular context. Those being led see
the action being promoted as a sensible and viable action. Leaders must make
actions personally meaningful to those who must implement them. Together leader
and follower discuss implementation choices, possible futures, and next steps.
Julie Diegel, Director of Sustainability Programs at WasteCap Nebraska, talked
about the leaders role with me saying,
The head of the company has to share their values with upper management and upper
management has to believe in them enough to share them with the people that they
supervise. If they dont, there are going to be some gaps. But you need the leader(s) to
take that stand and say it over and over again. [They] have to live it and say it and breathe it
and repeat it again and again. Thats how people learn and believe you are serious about

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


it. If you are the leader, you have to work harder than everyone so the people under you
believe that your quality standards are high. Thats how people understand what your
values are and your commitment is. I dont know that there is one secret formula. It takes
lots of communication and education and training. There are structural things you can do
but I think that there is that human truth or passion that has to exist or it probably wont
really fully take hold. You think about Ray Anderson. That is what he had. He was a real
person with real honest values and people responded to that.

Ray Anderson understood how to transmit his shared vision because he was a
transformational leader.

Transformational Leadership and Pro-environmental Behavior

Transformational leadership theory is important when discussing the creation and
dissemination of a shared vision. The concept was introduced by Burns (1978) and
extended by Bass (1985). Transformational leaders engage in inspirational motivation by creating an energizing vision, demonstrate confidence in themselves and
their mission, set challenging goals, and enlist others to support their vision and
mission. They stir emotions (e.g., trust, loyalty), evoke symbolic images and
expectations, create a shared sense of identity, inspire desires, develop fresh
approaches to long-standing problems, seek out risks where opportunities and
rewards appear likely (Egri and Herman 2000) and encourage followers to generate
new options.
Arguing employees pro-environmental behaviors (e.g., recycling, conservation,
waste reduction) contribute to the greening of organizations, positively effects
climate, and prevents additional environmental degradation. Robertson and Barling
(2013) developed and tested a model that linked environmentally specific transformational leadership and leaders workplace pro-environmental behaviors to
employees pro-environmental passion and behavior. They studied
139 subordinateleader dyads recruited in the USA and Canada. They defined
environmentally specific transformational leadership as leadership behaviors
focused on encouraging pro-environmental initiatives. Four behaviors are typically
discussed in the transformational leadership literature: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (Bass
1985). Idealized influence involves acting as a role model guided by a moral
commitment to an environmentally sustainable planet and selecting actions benefiting the natural environment. Leaders high in inspirational motivation display
passion and optimism which stimulate employee actions toward the collective
good. Intellectually stimulating leaders encourage employees to think for themselves, question assumptions, and innovatively approach problems. Individualized
consideration involves displaying compassion and empathy for employee wellbeing and providing help in employee development. Robertson and Barling found
that when leaders believe respected others and family members care about the
environment, this influences their transformational leadership and personal environmental behaviors. When leaders display environmentally specific transformational leadership behaviors and pro-environmental behaviors, this influences


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

employees to feel more interested in and passionate about the environment which
then leads to more pro-environmental employee behaviors. Environmentally specific transformational leaders can positively influence their employees
pro-environmental passion and behaviors when they (1) share their own environmental values, (2) convince employees they can achieve at an aspirational level,
(3) help employees think about issues in new and innovative ways, and (4) have a
relationship with employees.
Leadership at Assurity Life When traveling through Lincoln, NE, I interviewed
Bill Scmeeckle, Assurity Vice President/Chief Investment Officer. Bill said, We
are fortunate that our President and CEO (Tom Henning) is very environmentally
focused. . .[he is someone] who took sustainability very seriously and we wanted
to. Bill said they built their LEED Gold certified office building partly due to their
leaders vision. After construction, but prior to occupancy, Henning wrote a threepart blog outlining his sustainability-related philosophy and vision for the new
building. He indicated he wanted to form a sustainability task force (i.e., green
team) and asked for volunteers. That was when Tammy Rogers, Senior Information
Technology Business Analyst, joined the green team. Tammy said, He tasked us
with promoting awareness about sustainability topics and helping people learn
about things they did not know about. Hennings vision shaped the working life
and environment of Assurity employees, inspiring many to be more interested in
sustainability and providing some with an outlet where they think creatively about
new issues and aspire to influence their organizations operations.
In a study of 73 leaders of nonprofit environmental and for-profit environmental
product and service organizations, Egri and Herman (2000) investigated the
leaders personal values. The nonprofit environmentalist organizations focused on
issues such as promoting alternative transportation, protecting and/or conserving
natural resources, coordinating other environmental organizations, or education.
The for-profit organizations manufactured products such as alternative fuels,
nontoxic cleaners, and biological pesticides, or they offered services such as
waste disposal or environmental facility design. Egri and Herman found the nonprofit leaders personal values were more ecocentric (i.e., they saw intrinsic value in
all living organisms and the natural environment), open to change, and selftranscendent than those of for-profit leaders. Both nonprofit and for-profit leaders
held more ecocentric values than did the leaders of for-profit nonenvironmental
organizations, although the for-profit environmental organizations leaders values
were more moderate than the nonprofit leaders. In both types of environmental
organization, the leaders were master managers performing both transformative and
transactional leadership behaviors. Egri and Herman concluded that nonprofits are
highly receptive contexts for transformational leadership while the for-profit environmental organizations are only moderately receptive. An organizations size and
age also influenced whether or not they supported transformational leadership. Egri
and Herman developed a model of the values, personality characteristics, and
leadership skills that typify environmental leaders. They investigated the influence
of goals, production systems (e.g., low energy and resource use), and organizational

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


systems (e.g., nonhierarchical structures, participative decision making, and

decentralized authority) in the three organizational types. Environmental organizations generally had adaptation orientations; a boundary-spanning task structure; a
simple, adhocracy, or network structure; and a clan mode of governance.
Leaders are inspired to adopt sustainability innovations for a variety of reasons,
communicate their interest in a variety of ways, and have multiple lessons to share.
What advice can these leaders share? Best Practice: Quinn and Norton (2004)
gathered advice from leaders for others interested in embarking on the journey
toward sustainability including:
Make a focused commitment to long-term strategic thinking and action
Look at the basic science to see where your business fits into the larger social and
environmental context
Incorporate sustainability principles into every facet of the business (e.g., corporate strategy, decision-making processes)
Frame sustainability concepts positively (e.g., stay optimistic and hopeful)
Make sure top management is fully committed to sustainability
Communicate tirelessly to all employees
Seek input and ideas for turning principles into action
Be persistent
Learn by doing
Start with the low-hanging fruit
Track your results
Expect setbacks but celebrate successes
Keep the momentum going
Avoid the adversarial
Forget about late adopters and resisters
Have faith in the power of one person to make a difference and one company to
significantly impact its industry and the world
Remember to stress hope and sharing abundance rather than doing without
Be nonproprietary and share information internally and externally
Interface is a good example of an organization which shares information internally and externally. They promote their speaker series where they share what
theyve learned along their journey to Mission Zero on the sustainability portion of
the Interface website. Sustainability director Ramon Arratia described how Interface shows other organizations they can achieve zero impact (Danet et al. 2013).
Arratia is quoted as saying:
We work with consultants, giving our knowledge for free so they can use that to help their
clients. Every year we take some consultants to Holland for 2 days, they can bring their
clients if they want. . . Basically we are trying to give everything we have learned about
sustainability so others can profit from it.


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Sustainability Champions
Leaders cant change an organizations processes, procedures, products, and culture
singlehandedly (Blackburn 2007). Within any social system (e.g., organization,
culture), there are gatekeepers, opinion leaders, and change agents who can assist or
block leaders who seek to create change. Ideally, Gatekeepers, boundary spanners,
and change agents are key to the ability of organizations to acquire, assimilate,
transform, and exploit new knowledge (Jones 2006, p. 368). The decision whether
or not to adopt an innovation is significantly influenced by largely subjective, rather
than scientific, discussions with peers and respected others. Opinion leader recommendations are critical. When a systems norms are changing, opinion leaders can
become innovators.
A number of my interviewees referred to or were themselves opinion leaders or
sustainability champions. According to Woodrow Nelson, Vice President of Marketing Communication, when the Arbor Day Foundation began its Tree City USA
program, they partnered with the National Association of State Foresters and the
U.S. Forest Service which had a few champions who saw the programs potential
and were ready to help recruit cities. Working across organizations, these early
champions created a large and dynamic movement. In 2015, there were 50 state
coordinators employed by various governments or NGOs and the program exists in
3,400 towns, cities, and military bases which serve as home to more than 135 million Americans.
Championing the HEAL Program One of my interviewees was a sustainability
champion seeking to promote an initiative across the USA. Champions as individuals who, either through their formal roles and/or personal activism, attempt to
introduce or create change in a product or process within their organization, or
beyond (Andersson and Bateman 2000). Martha Jane Murray initiated and now
administers the Home Energy Affordability Loan (HEAL) program through the
Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI). Martha Jane, an architect, was one of five national
USGBC core committee members who organized the national USGBC Challenge
GreenBuild 2005 response during the Hurricane Katrina sustainable rebuilding
effort. Martha Jane designed and piloted the HEAL program in the shoe
manufacturing business, Neil Munroe Footwear; she and her husband co-own in
Wynne, AR. Following an energy retrofit of their factory, they placed the first
years financial savings (about $40,000) into a revolving loan fund their employees
could use to make energy retrofits in their own homes. The loans were paid back
through payroll deductions. This model is being implemented across the USA. One
of the early adopters was the LOreal manufacturing plant in North Little Rock, AR,
since the program fits the parent organizations sustainability initiatives.
Sustainability champions recognize the significance of the issues. Martha Jane
was quoted as saying (Paddack 2010),
What continues to drive me is the belief that we cant do enough fast enough to avert the
consequences of climate change for our children and future generations. My goal is to open
peoples minds to other possibilities for solving some of our most serious challenges:
energy independence and national security, economic development and, most importantly,

5.2 Diffusion of Innovations


connecting us to each other and the planet. I hope to demonstrate through the CCI that the
employer-assisted energy-benefit program is an effective, scalable financing tool for residential energy-efficiency retrofits.

In their field study of 132 successful and unsuccessful championing episodes in

US business organizations, Andersson and Bateman (2000) developed and refined a
model of the championing process. The championing process involves (1) identifying/generating an issue or idea, (2) packaging it as attractive, and (3) selling it to
organizational decision makers. Often champions are those who place the idea of
sustainability on the business agenda and rally others to take action (Blackburn
2007). I asked Martha Jane how she promotes the HEAL program. She said:
One of the first things we do is try to get to the decision makers. So the first step is to
educate the highest person available who can put us in touch with the decision maker. Our
preference is to start with a C-level engagement (e.g., the COO, the CFO), the CEO would
be optimal. With LOreal, we took the contract all the way up to the top of their corporate
chain which was in France. Unless you get that level of buy-in it is very hard to move any
programmatic changes forward.

Allen Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist with the NRDC, who is working with the
entertainment and sports industry to drive a cultural change in how people view the
environment, agreed. He told me, At the end of the day when decisions about
direction need to be made, they are typically made by the sports commissioner or
the president of the company or the team owner. Those are the people responsible
for the role of decision making.
How do champions frame their messages? Champions often initially package
and sell sustainability-related initiatives by reflecting on idealized norms rather
than costbenefit frameworks (Bissing-Olson et al. 2012). Then, they rationalize
actions within a costbenefit framework, stress the situations urgency, and/or argue
the organization can have a significant impact on the local or global community
(Andersson and Bateman 2000; Blackburn 2007). Small projects can be used to
create learning which, if successful and resonant, can be disseminated across an
organization. Those who seek to engage others should display and act from their
own passion, share their own stories, support earlier adopters and latecomers, and
stay positive (Werbach 2009). They should avoid preaching, using scary facts
without offering good news, evoking authority, and not giving people a place to
start. Substituting complex and technical jargon with understandable business
terminology is important. Arguments need to be logical, provide factual evidence
like one would champion any other business issue, and be inspirational.
Susan Anderson, Director of Portlands Bureau of Planning and Sustainability,
talked about how within any city organization having local champions is essential
whether its council members or the major who have the power or capacity to deliver
the bureaus and departments and to give them direction. In terms of communication,
Susan recommends champions talk about things their listeners care about (e.g.,
saving money, looking good to the boss), show listeners how it helps them get
their job done, provide listeners with positive personal feedback, or help provide
publicity for their completed projects. So they [city employees and politicians] see a
benefit of making all the parking meters solar, so they see a benefit of all these


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

different things. Not because they care about climate change personally but because
their boss or politician liked it or they get some kind of personal feedback.
To be effective change agents, champions must be seen as credible by management and peers, good collaborators, excellent communicators with both internal and
external stakeholders; knowledgeable about the organization and its business and
culture; knowledgeable and passionate about sustainability issues; and able to
foresee triple-bottom-line benefits (Blackburn 2007). Being a champion takes
courage or as Rogers noted (2003) they must be risk tolerant individuals. Champions need to be cognizant that the timing of their initiative is crucial. If the
implementation of a change takes too long, interest often wanes. Also, delays in
making major announcements can result in leaks which lead to increased employee
stress and resentment.
Champions rely on other influential people in their organization to join them to
move the idea forward (Andersson and Bateman 2000), which is consistent with
Rogers (2003) discussion of the central placement of innovators and early adopters
in communication networks. Building a strong coalition and enlisting the aid or
endorsement of others helps add credibility and legitimacy when trying to convince
leadership to act or when it is time to implement a change. Martha Jane described
how after getting top management approval to enact the HEAL program in their
organization she begins working with others saying:
We engage with the human resource and accounting departments because in our case we
have to have their buy-in to get access to employees and they understand how to best
communicate with them. We dont try to tell them how to communicate with their folks, we
try to understand what is already working and then we mold our process to what fits with
their corporate culture.

Teams are needed. Team members can be drawn from a variety of units
including environmental health and safety, human resources, purchasing, supply
chain, finance, governmental or public affairs, community relations, law, and
communications (Blackburn 2007). A team leader must coordinate and facilitate
the organization wide efforts. This person does not have to be the initial champion
but must have time to commit to the endeavor and be motivated; knowledgeable
about sustainability; trusted; process- and goal-oriented; and possess good communication, problem solving, collaboration, and organizational skills. Once enough
champions come on board, the adoption of the innovation can begin. Martha Jane
described how that process works for the HEAL project saying:
[We have something] we call the water fountain approach. Once we have success, this
breeds success and people start talking to coworkers about you should get involved. It is
the real deal. This does really work. I am much more comfortable in my home. And I am
saving money. They invite other colleagues to come to the next presentation and the
innovation spreads through the workforce.

Organizational leaders, management, and change agents face internal barriers

and resistance when seeking to implement sustainability-oriented changes (Dunphy
et al. 2003). Implementing sustainability is an interesting process. . .because it
confronts people with a new reality that influences all activities and departments of
the organization. Often, people cannot rely on existing routines to make sense of

5.3 Communicating About the Changes


new ideas (van der Heijden et al. 2012, p. 536). Change can lead to feelings of
personal uncertainty, employee stress, and resistance (Yeatts et al. 2000). Employee
stress during times of change has been linked to a variety of negative reactions
including low motivation and morale, reduced job satisfaction, and lowered performance and high turnover; plus an increased reluctance to accept the organizational change (Bordia et al. 2004; Swanson and Power 2001; Vakola and Nikolaou
2005). Poorly managed change communication can result in rumors and resistance.
In a study of change messages as discursive constructions, Bisel and Barge (2011)
found the formal organizationally sponsored change messages negatively
influenced employee identities. Employees experienced feelings of violation, recitation, habituation, or reservation. Their findings have implications for the way
change agents approach issues of employee sensemaking, emotionality, resistance,
and materiality during planned change processes. Their study is based on discursive
positioning theory. This theory helps describe how everyday discourse calls identity
and subject positions into being, and how these positions are adopted or rejected.
Bisel and Barges study highlights the importance of sensemaking during change; it
allows us to look at the social sensemaking processes of articulation, resistance, and
reflection simultaneously; it leads us to consider the relationship between emotion,
positioning, and resistance; its directs us to look at the discursive and material
contexts surrounding message production; and it suggests the use of turning point
methodology when investigating how people respond to change initiatives.


Communicating About the Changes

Change Is a Process

Santiago Gowland, Unilevers Vice President of Brand and Global Corporate

Responsibility, talked about how his company arrived at their Sustainable Living
Plan. He described it as a journey with four stages: compliance, integration,
transformation, and systematic change. Compliance with environmental regulations was risk driven and focused on reputation protection and having a license to
operate (i.e., legitimacy). Integration involved considering the companys social,
economic, and environmental impact. Transformation included using the sustainability aspects of its brands (e.g., Doves social mission) to relieve pressure on other
elements of its business of potential concern to investors or activists (e.g., concern
regarding the use of palm oil). Finally, systematic change occurred when sustainability was linked to the business development agenda (e.g., developing new
sustainable sources to replace palm oil). When you realize that this is not just a
compliance agenda but is something fundamental to enhancing the equity of our
product brands, protecting our brands and leading the way forward, then it receives
much more investment, Gowland explained (Hannaes et al. 2011, p. 14).
Along the way, formal communication designed to promote transformational
change is difficult to control. van der Heijden et al. (2012) utilized Weicks


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

sensemaking theory in their case study of how change agents working in a Dutch
subsidiary addressed the sustainability initiatives of their US-based parent company, Interface, over a period of 10 years (20002010). Internal change agents
played important roles in the sensemaking processes by articulating (e.g., translating) and presenting (e.g., embedding) ideas in ways that influenced people and
implemented change. Implementing corporate sustainability is a complex process
that requires continuous internal embedding, human interactions and understanding
about the nature of sustainability (p. 538). Sustainability implementation occurs as
a process of emergent change involving communication, action, and relationship
building. In terms of communication, change agents define corporate sustainability
in their company and develop company-specific terms and language to put ideas
about sustainability into words. In terms of action, people do not simply seek to
make sense of the environment, they also enact it (i.e., they create their own
environment). In terms of relationships, the focus was primarily on the processes
and formalizing mechanisms change agents developed to involve others in the
sustainability discussion.
Initially, when Interface launched their sustainability initiatives in Europe, two
sustainability directors spread the new vision, encouraged people to take action, and
provided them with the US developed reporting and measurement instruments.
Between 2000 and 2004, the Dutch change agents used the centrally developed
instruments (action) and communicated using the companys sustainability jargon
(communication). In 2004, the Dutch change agents experienced a downward trend
in their efforts and control over sustainability-related sensemaking. They realized
they did not own the language, their actions were based on the US format and
produced intangible results, the sustainability directors had left, the communication
about sustainability was too complex and abstract, and their local efforts depended
on the external guidance and support of the US and European directors. Between
2005 and 2010, local change agents began taking control of the sensemaking
process. They adapted the existing jargon about Interface and sustainability to the
local subsidiary context; developed comprehensive and multiple applications of
their product life-cycle analyses; provided overviews, including lists of visible
results and accounts of daily practice, and communicated them widely; and
established localized and interdisciplinary training programs and management
development schemes. These initiatives stimulated connections among people
from different departments and disciplines and promoted cooperation and involvement with the companys sustainability ideas (van der Heijden et al. 2012, p. 548).

One Size Does Not Fit All

van der Heijden et al. (2012) concluded that change agents can engage others only if
they can modify the sustainability approach to suit all areas of their organization. It
helps if there is a clear, long-term goal, and a final date to reach the goal. Bottom-up
initiatives should be encouraged. To become embedded, sustainability must be
continually adjusted to the perceptions and work situations of the employees.

5.3 Communicating About the Changes


Different sustainability issues are important in various functional areas (e.g.,

manufacturing, quality control, investor relations) (Blackburn 2007). Employees
need to be allowed to translate the concepts to fit different areas. Individual
departments need to understand, have input into, and be able to articulate how
they fit within the planned change. David Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of
Community Planning and Sustainability, discussed the challenges associated with
helping city departments integrate sustainability into their planning and work
processes. Speaking of his interaction with people at the department manager
level, David said his office needs to start with where people are at, understanding
that better, have them articulate what sustainability means to them and how what
they do in their job contributes to or doesnt contribute to sustainability. . . Sort of
like a co-learning type of process.


Successful Communication of Change Initiatives

Aware of multiple challenges accompanying change efforts and the importance of

clear change communication, communication researchers and practitioners are
concerned with how to translate new knowledge into practice. Lewis and Seibold
(1993, 1996, 1998) argue communication is important to the success of change
processes, the creation and diffusion of innovations, attitudes regarding and resistance to change, behavioral coping with change, and outcomes of organizational
change. In 1993, they developed a model of innovation modification and intraorganizational adoption utilizing structuration theory. They mapped out factors leading
up to how planned change appears in actual practice. In Communication Yearbook
21 (1998), they proposed a research agenda for communication scholars interested
in studying organizational change. In 2007, Lewis proposed 18 theoretical propositions and offered a model of communication associated with planned organizational change based on stakeholder theory. Her model connected implementers
selection of communication strategies and stakeholders concerns, assessments, and
interactions with three features of the observable postimplementation system (i.e.,
fidelity, uniformity, and authenticity). Various internal stakeholders, due to their
hierarchical levels, occupational communities, or prior job socialization, have
different experiences and awareness, which impact how they respond to changerelated messages. Implementers of planned change need to recognize key stakeholders, the relative stakes of each, and then strategically adjust their communication accordingly. The negotiation of stakes among various stakeholder groups can
have a powerful influence on change outcomes. In terms of postimplementation
evaluation, fidelity refers to how far the change departs from the intended design.
Uniformity refers to modifications in change across adopting unit(s). Authenticity
addresses whether or not stakeholder support for change initiatives is genuine.
Although the model Lewis presents is linear, she acknowledges that the processes
are dynamic. Practitioners will find the model provides an overview of important


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

considerations when selecting communication strategies. It is an excellent resource

for researchers, as is Lewis (2014) book chapter.

Practical Suggestions

A number of useful suggestions appear in the literature. Frahm (2011) urges that
practitioners be clear about the purpose of their communication (i.e., to generate
understanding of the changes potential outcomes, to communicate information
during change implementation, to codify and reinforce change, or to publicize the
change to stakeholders). She discusses the need to balance messages of change and
stability. Intervention tactics used by practitioners can involve persuasion, edict,
intervention, and participation (Lewis and Seibold 1998). Persuasion involves the
use of experts with minimal management review. Edits involve sponsor control and
use of personal power, limited participation, and low expert or user power. Intervention includes a problem-solving orientation, user participation during development, and selling the change. Finally, participation involves high-level goal setting,
low-level decision making, and high user involvement. Scholars have documented
many benefits of participatory processes during change including lower resistance
and higher compliance, increased satisfaction, greater perceptions of control participation, and reduced uncertainty. However, in one study interventions influenced
final adoption more than did participation, persuasion, or edict. What do change
implementers prefer? They prefer the restricted and advisory approaches to input
solicitation and use (Lewis and Russ 2012). In the restricted model, implementers
are very selective about whose input they solicit and they tend to disregard negative
feedback. In the advisory approach, input is solicited broadly, but negative feedback is inconsistently used to make slight improvements to the change initiative.
Change communicators need to encourage honest dialogue with internal stakeholders, even if it is critical. In terms of communication strategy choices, it appears
that implementers must decide whether or not to emphasize the positive aspects of
the change or balance the positive and negative aspects of the change (Lewis 2007).
Essentially, employees dislike secrecy. Beyond that, the results are mixed, although
there is little empirical research on this topic. Should you send out targeted or
blanket message? Blanket strategies are often used when resources are tight and the
change does not require a great deal of consensus seeking. Targeted strategies are
better when consensus building is important. Should change be rule-bound involving central direction and highly programmed tasks or more autonomous in nature?
Autonomous approaches allow people to redefine change during the implementation process (Lewis and Seibold 1998). At the very least, people should believe
their requests for adjustments will be seriously considered, if not made. Rule
bounded approaches generate more resistance. Should the innovation be changed
to fit the organization (adaptive) or should the organization be changed to fit the
innovation (programmatic)? Practitioner suggestions point to an adaptive and
empowering process. Should change be implemented across all organizational

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


units simultaneously or run in a demonstration location first? Political resistance

appears to be less if change is implemented simultaneously throughout an organization. Change-related information should be disseminated through official rather
than unofficial communication channels and in a face-to-face manner. Message
designers should anticipate employee needs and seek to reduce feelings of uncertainty by sharing the reasons for and value of the change, describing what the
change process will entail, addressing concerns about the change, communicating
the status of the implementation, and describing how work will be altered by the
change (Elving 2005; Lewis and Seibold 1998). Employees need information about
new goals, priorities, and policies. They will be curious about the adequacy and
availability of existing resources and the use of reward programs. Supportive work
relationships contribute to the formation of positive attitudes toward, and ability to
cope with change, and ultimately to the success of the change intervention (Vakola
and Nikolaou 2005). People want to feel emotionally connected to their organization and its change efforts. This emotional connection is increased if employees
trust their organization and its management and identify with the organization.
Communicators should seek to create a sense of community within the organization
before, during, and after the change.


Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within

an Organization

Justin Zeulner, former Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs for the
Portland Trail Blazers, told me:
The organization says heres our mission, heres our vision, but that in itself really has a
hard time navigating all the way down to the different departments, the employees that are
actually navigating and doing the work that gets you to that vision. Inherently corporate
strategy has its flaws and it always has.

The description of the process I provided at the beginning of the chapter made it
appear as if the Trail Blazers went through a very logical systematic process. But in
actuality, for many involved in the change, it may have felt, at times, like a fly-bythe-seat of your pants experience. I mean no disrespect to the Trail Blazers. That is
simply what transformational change is like as the study of the Dutch subsidiary of
Interface illustrated. In his sensemaking theory, Weick (1995) discusses the concept
of retrospective sensemaking. Organizational members act. Afterwards they look at
their actions in light of the situation to make sense of what they did. People make
sense of things by seeing a world on which they already imposed what they believe.
In other words, people discover their own inventions (p. 15). Often times, organizational actions are guided by things which have worked in the past, either for that
organization or in the broader institutional field. In this section, some formal actions
organizations routinely take as they seek to formalize their sustainability-related


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

activities are discussed. That is followed by a discussion of several forms of formal

organizational communication (i.e., mission statements, goals and plans, measurement). Finally, additional formal channels for communicating about sustainability
are identified.


Structural Change

The adoption of any transformation change is an occasion for restructuring. Over

time, scholars recognized that organizational structures are not static, nor is the
actual (vs. the formal) structure always under the control of decision makers.
Anthony Giddens, a British social theorist, developed an important metatheory
(i.e., structuration theory). Structuration theory sought to address the relationship
between human agency and organizational structure. The question was Do individuals construct social meaning and social order through their interactions or do
existing structures determine or constrain individuals behaviors (McPhee and
Poole 2009). Structuration theory helps us understand how organizational structures
are created, reproduced, and changed through human behaviors and how existing
structures partially channel subsequent human behavior. This is called the duality of
Key to structuration theory are the ideas of system, structure, and practice. A
system is a set of normal interchange patterns connecting people, behaviors,
messages, relationships, and things, both human and nonhuman elements (McPhee
and Poole 2009, p. 936). Systems are the observable outcomes of the applications of
rule-resource structures (e.g., an organizational chart showing the status hierarchy)
and consist of concrete social practices which systematically reoccur and are
recognized as meaningful by system members. So a periodic Board of Directors
meeting to review the annual budget, and potentially discuss sustainability goals, is
an example of a system. Structure is made up of tacit and empowering rules and
resources which interact in complex ways (Rose 2006). Rules are techniques or
generalizable procedures that individuals access when they want to understand or
sanction each other within a concrete interaction situation. They act as guidelines,
whether official or learned through experience, that individuals use to construct
meaning and plan their actions. For example, an annual meetings agenda functions
to control who speaks, when, and about what (Carrington and Johed 2007). Groups
protesting an organizations environmental actions may find it difficult to address
their concerns at annual meetings. Resources involve the interaction dimension of
power which people draw on to influence others and might include expert knowledge, official policy, friendships, or a positive reputation. Supervisor resources
might include financial incentives or disincentives, legitimate power, or knowledge
of official policy. Knowledge of resources may also exist at the level of practical
consciousness. Some social practices become institutionalized or routinized.

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


But humans have agency. They can interpret and reflect upon past and current
interactions. Through meaningful practice they can participate in the reproduction
or destruction of a pattern of interaction. Rose (2006, p. 176) writes:
Social actors draw on structures of signification (language and other symbolic codes) to
producereproduce communication (meaningful and understandable interactions) via
the modality of interpretive scheme (background knowledge regarding the codes). When
persons exercise power (influence) at the level of concrete practice, they do so by
accessing intersubjective domination structureswhether allocative (control of materials like budgets) or authoritative (control of people)through the modality of facility
(capacity, capability). Finally, social agents are able to sanction each other by drawing on
legitimation structures (moral orders associated with laws, religion) via the norm
modality. Gibbens discusses positioning which involves when individuals are situated
within interaction systems. Our positioning both constrains and enables our actions.

Individuals may not always make rational decisions but we are able to rationalize our actions and reflexively monitor them. Tacit knowledge or practical consciousness help us know how to behave in social life and explain why we engage in
routine behavior. Actions promoted by tacit, taken-for-granted knowledge are not
easily explained, but when we have discursive consciousness of social structures
and behaviors we are capable of talking about our actions. Researchers seeking an
excellent overview of organizational communication scholarship drawing on structural theory are directed to McPhee et al. (2014). The theory has been applied to
various issues including organizational change (e.g., Lewis and Seibold 1993),
environmental reports (e.g., Buhr 2002), and employee socialization (e.g., Scott
and Myers 2010).
Where the responsibility for directing sustainability initiatives is ultimately
located within an organizations structure has implications for whether or not
transformational change is even possible. Change agents must have the authority
and the ability to inspire others (van der Heijden et al. 2012). Many large organizations create board committees (e.g., Johnson and Johnson has a Science, Technology and Sustainability Committee) and top-level positions (e.g., Chief
Sustainability Officer) to oversee sustainability efforts. A C-level position symbolizes the perceived importance of sustainability to an organizations operations. For
example, at the University of Colorado, Boulder, the sustainability officer was the
Assistant Director of Engineering. At the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
sustainability was the focus of two top-level positions (i.e., the Associate Vice
Chancellor for Facilities, the Executive Director of the Office for Sustainability).
Jarrett Smith, Sustainability Officer, University of Colorado DenverAnschutz
Medical Campus, said:
Somebody that is going to hire a sustainability officer needs to make sure that they are
empowered to do the things they need to do, and it should be in a position, whether it is in
the chancellors office or the provosts office, to be able to go to people to ask them for
something and not find any opposition.

Jarretts university signed the American College and University Presidents

Climate Commitment, created a climate action plan to reduce its GHG emissions
by 20 % from its 2006/2007 baseline level, and achieved a Silver STARS rating.


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

But his position was not at the level needed to give him the authority and resources
necessary to make major changes in his organization. When organizations create
top or even mid-level positions designed to facilitate the coordination of sustainability across an organization, they are creating a communication role charged with
influencing the intraorganization flow of sustainability-related information.
Restructuring at Neil Kelly Although structural changes involve individual positions, more extensive restructuring may be necessary in green organizations or in
organizations on their way to becoming green (Biloslavo and Trnavcevic 2009).
Julia Spence, Vice President of Human Resources, at the Neil Kelly Company in
Portland, OR, described how she sat down with the company president, Tom Kelly,
to seriously look at the family-owned companys hierarchical structure saying:
Construction companies are not noted for being progressive and we were probably more
progressive than most but the information was not shared very well. We brought everybody
in and really talked about what we all wanted and how do we want to communicate? How
do we want people to be involved in decision making, what kind of information do we need
to share, and how are we going to share it? We ended up with a team structure that we still
have 30 years later that really depends on everybody in the company, whether they are a
new carpenters apprentice or a manager who has been here for 40 years, providing input
into what we think will help us grow. We do an annual planning process that has helped us
with our environmental sustainability. I think that team structure presents both a challenge
and a terrific advantage. Because we are flat and everybody is making decisions people can
suggest things. That means that everybody has to know what is going on so they are making
decisions that are in alignment with our goals. Because we are all putting them together. At
the same time it means that everybody has to be educated in order to do that and sometimes
thats a real challenge to get information out to everybody. But, that team structure helped
us to sink sustainability deeply and broadly into the company.

This flat structure is consistent with the organizational structure most reflective
of a learning organization (Senge 1990). Best Practice: Flexible, progressive
organizations capable of learning are hampered by hierarchical and bureaucratic
organizational structure (Cohen and Levinthal 1990), especially if sustainability is
not the focus of a top management position.
An organizations structure does more than provide authority and allow for
decision-making input. It is a way to formally link departments in a configuration
which allows them to more effectively enact sustainability initiatives. Systems
theory directs us to focus on how formal communication messages flow across
departments, among people of different and similar rank, and between superiors
and subordinates along structural lines which can be used to promote information
sharing and joint problem solving (Poole 2014). Susan Anderson, Director of
Portlands Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, described how her organizations
structure changed in the late 2000s. Separate departments focusing on planning and
sustainability were combined. Now, when the city engages in comprehensive
planning, sustainability is integrated throughout the plan. It [the changed structure]
has mainstreamed it [sustainability] in this organization, both in how we work with
the public but also in the organization itself. In the City of Boulder, Community
Planning and Sustainability departments merged at about the same time as in
Portland. David Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of Community Planning

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


and Sustainability, explained, We went through a process to integrate different

functions [traditional planning, climate action, zero waste, economic vitality]. He
described how the Office of Environmental Affairs had one person working on
climate action focused on reducing transportation emissions. When he was hired,
David asked, Why do we have a separate person sitting over there in a completely
different department? We should be partnering with transportation. They have a
multi-million dollar budget every year. We should be helping them think about
greenhouse gas emissions and how what they do impacts our inventory.
Structural elements can reinforce routines and processes which help convert
external information into useful knowledge (Zahra and George 2002). Coordination
capabilities (e.g., formal participation schemes, cross-functional teams, boundaryspanning mechanisms) can support cross-functional information sharing and
knowledge transfer (Eisenhardt and Martin 2000; van den Bosch et al. 1999).
Organization integration is enhanced when units are formally encouraged to coordinate their activities to achieve overall organizational objectives. Cross-functional
and lateral forms of communication and joint decision-making processes are
important for coordinated action. The more integrated the functional areas, the
larger the pool of knowledge employees can access. The more aware of other units
sustainability-related information needs, challenges, and goals employees are, the
more likely they can identify and transmit useful information on to the other units.
The 35-person sustainability team which designed the Portland Trail Blazers
Sustainability Charter was scaled back to 20 people, but Justin Zeulner, their
former Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs, said the team continues
to meet monthly to talk about what we do next, or if there are certain hiccups that
occur, or other opportunities that might exist. Issues that we need to address, we
work together.
Coordination Efforts at the City and County of Denver Based on systems
theory, for decades, organizational communication researchers have studied communication networks (Poole 2014) learning how managerial efforts at designing
structures promoting organizational integration often fail or modify significantly
over time. However, the design of structural integration schemes is useful because it
initially can help us manage uncertainty (Weick 1969). Coordination capacity
issues should be discussed when planning how organizational structures can facilitate the move toward increased sustainability.
Jerry Tinianow, the first Chief Sustainability Officer for the City and County of
Denver, told me that when the Mayor signed the order which created his office in
2012 it also included an entity called the Sustainability Implementation Committee.
This interagency committee represents 12 of the citys 21 agencies thought to be
most directly related to achieving the citys 24 different 2020 goals. They meet
monthly to coordinate sustainability issues across agency lines. The Sustainability
Implementation Committee appointed agencies tasked with coordinating
interagency efforts to achieve the 24 goals. Although it was early in the implementation process when I spoke with Jerry, ultimately one or more agencies was to
serve as the coordinating agency for each of the 24 goals. The Sustainability


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Implementation Committee decided the coordinating agencies would have a facilitative vs. a dictatorial role. Jerry said:
What the coordinating agency does and what their responsibility is involves making sure
that the agencies working on aspects of any one goal are talking to each other, avoiding
overlap, and avoiding inefficiencies. Talking to the players out in the community that need
to be involved. . . The whole idea behind the coordinating agency is there is more than one
agency that needs to be working on each goal.

The coordinating agencies had three tasks for 2013: quantify the baseline against
which progress can be measured, identify how future progress will be tracked, and
identify existing city initiatives that can contribute to achieving one or more of the
24 goals.
A Coordination Structure at Walmart Although the previous two examples
dealt with intraorganizational coordination structures, structures can be utilized
effectively to reach beyond one organization as is the case of Walmarts Sustainable
Value Networks (SVN). The SVNs work to find ways to achieve Walmarts three
aspirational goals (i.e., sourcing 100 % renewable energy, zero waste, and providing sustainable products). Each is tasked with identifying and developing projects
that meet short-, mid-, and long-term positive outcomes related to these goals.
SVNs focus on a product category or an operational function such as GHG,
agriculture and seafood, or chemicals. SVN team members include four or five
Walmart champions to provide company-related knowledge and leadership. But the
teams also include academics, Walmart suppliers, scientists, and members of
environmental groups and NGOs which bring their own interests and expertise to
the discussions. As of 2013 there were eight SVNs, although the SVN structure
undergoes continuous evaluation. Two councils oversee the SVNs progress, evaluate future direction, and align new goals. The Operations Council SVN oversees
renewable energy, sustainable buildings, sustainable transportation, and operations
waste and recycling. The Sustainable Products Council SVN oversees index,
packaging, food and agriculture, chemical intensive products, and product GHG.
Structurally, each SVN has a network captain (generally a Walmart director or vice
president) to guide network efforts toward the SVNs goals. Above that level is the
Sustainability Team which oversees network activities, aligns overall efforts, and
provides guidelines. Next is the SVN Council (Walmart vice president level or
higher). The Chief Executive Officer is over everything. The Walmart Sustainability Office participates with and provides support to the SVNs. The legacy of SVNs
is in decentralizing the process of input and expertise in order to provide useful and
actionable information to decision makers as they work toward Walmarts three
aspirational goals.

Structural Planning and Boundary Objects

Building on Weicks (1969) sensemaking theory, Benn et al. (2013) investigated

factors which influence organizational learning about sustainability. Their findings

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


illustrated how knowledge sharing and boundary objects (e.g., shared reporting
tools) can promote the integration and institutionalization of sustainability across
intraorganizational knowledge and disciplinary boundaries. In Sect. you
read about how actor-network theory (Cooren 2009) acknowledges that both
humans and nonhumans (e.g., machines, texts) can accomplish things because
they have agency (i.e., the ability to act). Boundary objects are agreed-upon
artifacts of practice shared across very different roles, professional backgrounds,
and groups. They satisfy the informational requirements of each person or group.
They allow for coordination without consensus because actors use their local
understanding and reframe the object within the context of the wider collective
activity. Boundary objects can include information repositories, ideal types, standardized forms, models, discourses (e.g., a common language), and processes. In
their study of 20 higher education institutions in Australia, Benn et al. identified a
number of boundary objects including the concepts of stakeholder engagement
and/or triple-bottom line used as a teaching tool, Education for Sustainability
discourse, role play teaching resources, interdisciplinary teaching programs
and/or research centers, a sustainability website with information archival and
sharing functions, and action learning teaching approaches. Readers working for
higher education organizations will find this article especially useful. However, the
idea of using boundary objects to create coordination and facilitate learning within
any organization is useful. Boundary objects need to be adaptable to local needs but
robust enough to have a common identity across locations. In van der Heijden
et al.s (2012) 10-year investigation of Interface, boundary objects were used (e.g.,
common language, common reporting tools) to transmit values and processes
between the US home office and the Dutch subsidiary.
A Boundary Object in Boulder Creating a successful boundary object takes
effort. David Driskell, Boulders Executive Director of Community Planning and
Sustainability, told me about his effort to create such an object. Boulder city
departments complete departmental master plans which guide capital investments
and organizational development. These plans require City Council approval. In
2011, the City Council sent one departments plan back because it did not advance
sustainability in Boulder. The city managers office asked Davids staff to write a
sustainability chapter for that master plan. He thought, How do you just write a
chapter at the end of the master plan that talks about sustainability? Such an
add-on defeats sustainabilitys holistic nature and shows it is not fully integrated
into departmental plans and goals. Instead, David offered to design a framework
through which the different aspects of the master plan could be looked at using a
sustainability lens. Working with that framework, the first department piloted using
smaller equipment, conducted a baseline GHG inventory, realized they could cut
employee commute-related GHG in half by restructuring work schedules, and
created a green team which generated relevant ideas. The City Council accepted
the new master plan. Based on the first departments success, the city managers
office wanted all departments to use the sustainability framework. A number of
departments used it (e.g., fire department, parks and recreation, transportation).


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

However, the day before I spoke with David he was at a meeting where a department head told him, I dont get it [the sustainability framework]. I dont know what
this has to do with us. It is just a check-the-box exercise and now I have new
categories I need to cram what we do into and its kind of silly. David said he told
the department head:
I appreciate the perspective but tell me why you dont think that what you do is relevant to
these areas? Seems to me that there are things there [that you are doing]. If you are not
seeing it that way, I think it is worth having a conversation about how the skill sets and
things your department does might contribute because I think it is an important part of the
community and you guys could be doing a lot in that area.

The department head agreed his department was contributing in many of the
areas on the framework (e.g., contribute to a safe and secure community, contribute
to a thriving community). David said:
My takeaway from the whole discussion was he had no idea where this thing came from. It
was plopped on to them and they were told, put this in your master plan. I had a discussion
yesterday with one of our lead planners and we decided we need to step back and rethink
how we are going to do a process in the city departments that are just starting their master
plans because people dont get it [using the sustainability framework]. Its seen as top
down, its check-the-box, its meaningless, and its a waste of time.

Key Point: Davids story illustrates how different departments respond to

boundary objects and how communication is needed to explain their importance.
We saw a similar reaction in the article describing the Dutch subsidiary of Interfaces experience.


Formal Organizational Communication

Most beginning organizational communication textbooks (e.g., Cheney 2011) talk

about how formal organizational communication follows an organizations structure. Message content, which is largely management controlled, flows in distinct
directions: downward, upward, and horizontal. Downward messages generally
involve goals, strategies, and objectives; job instructions and rationales; procedures
and practices; performance feedback; and socialization. Upward messages routinely focus on problems and exceptions; suggestions for improvement; performance reports; grievances and disputes; and financial and accounting information.
Horizontal messages focus on intradepartmental problem solving and
interdepartmental coordination. Although actual organizational communication is
far more complex than this, beginning sustainability communicators will find such
introductory-level concepts and lists useful. Best Practice: Professional associations (e.g., the International Association of Business Communicators, the Public
Relations Society of America) provide resources to help manage issues including
structuring a communication department (e.g., Nicholson and Aiello 2008), creating a communication plan, crafting, and disseminating internal and external

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


messages, designing internal communication campaigns, and managing change.

This section focuses on channels of internal formal communication, then formal
communication documents (e.g., mission and vision statements), and finally
communication-related measurement systems. Strandberg Consulting (n.d.) provides a list of questions organizations can use when focusing on designing their new
vision, strategy, goals, key performance measures, and measurement indices.

Formal Communication Channels

In Chap. 3, I discussed formal communication channels and settings including CEO

speeches, annual meetings, sustainability reports and websites, signage within
buildings, and checklists associated with certification. Authors (e.g., Bortree
2011; Craig and Allen 2013; Linnenluecke et al. 2009; Maharaj and Herremans
2008) have identified a wide range of channels used to communicate with internal
and external stakeholders about sustainability. Practitioners charged with communicating about sustainability should find information about planning internal communication (Whitworth 2011), integrating employee communication media
(Crescenzo 2011), and internal branding (Grady 2011) useful.
I asked Brian Sheehan, former Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, to
describe the channels he routinely used to communicate with employees. He said
he sent emails to employees around Earth Day as a reminder of the organizations
aspirational goals and to congratulate them on past efforts. He wrote a sustainability
feature for the monthly magazine and another for the monthly memo which went
out to the Sams Club and Walmart CEOs. He blogged. Bimonthly he brought in a
supply chain partner to speak at the Sams Club Sustainability Speaker Series. He
provided content for Walmarts major meetings.
I asked Brian to describe any challenges he faced when trying to communicate
company goals and objectives regarding sustainability throughout the company. He
I think it is a resource-based challenge for me. It is certainly not a leadership challenge,
because any time we have asked our leaders for the support and the visibility that we think
we need to get on the platform to address a large audience, or leverage a channel that we
have, we have gotten their support. It is more of a challenge in evaluating the right channels
and understanding the world of limited resources. Where are my efforts best focused? The
opportunities I have had for one-on-one communication with associates, I have found to be
valuable but have the least impact. I think where we get the most impact is with the biggest
scale. And for us the biggest scale happens at the big meetings on the big stage in front of a
room of five thousand people.

Sustainability communicators face challenges associated with selecting channels, managing relationships, and supporting networks. It is not surprising that they
also face challenges communicating about complex scientific information (Bortree


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Formal Communication Documents

Organizations create mission statements (who are we in terms of products, services,

customers, and purpose) and vision/value/policy statements (what do we want to be
long term and where do we want to go), and goals (what are the desired organizational behaviors and our triple-bottom-line status). These statements should inform
the development of an organizations strategic plan (how do we get to our desired
state) which in turn shapes the tactical or operating plan (how will we implement
our strategy) (Blackburn 2007). Blackburn provides a model organizations can use
to guide the construction of their own documents and/or policies. The issue isnt so
much which type of formal statement exists but rather that an organization has
internal documents which inspire and guide the actions of its employees. As an
organization embarks of its sustainability journey, such formal communication
statements are an important part of the strategic planning and implementation
process. Successfully designing such documents demonstrates that an organizations leadership can think reflectively, plan carefully, work collaboratively, and
create a process whereby informed and guided decisions can be made. The concept
of auto-communication, or self-communication, applies to how companies seek to
project their identities into the future using such formal documents (Cheney
et al. 2014).
Visions, Goals, and Plans in Madison Madison, WI, appeared to utilize the
structure Blackburn (2007) recommended where a vision leads to goals which
lead to plans. Madison is a city of over 240,000 people with 800 miles of streets,
6,000 acres of parks, and 3.7 million square feet of office space. It utilizes 54 million
kWh of electricity and 2.3 million gallons of fuel and generates 60,000 tons of
garbage and recycling (Hoffman 2013). City government began focusing on sustainability in 2003 when their mayor formed a committee to develop a plan to make
Madison a leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy. They used the Natural
Step process to develop their first plan in 2005. Work on their second sustainability
plan began in 2009 and the plan was adopted in 2012. The mayor budgeted $1
million per year for implementing the plan from 2014 to 2019. When developing
the plan the City gathered public input using public meetings, surveys, and evaluations from stakeholders including representatives from schools and healthcare
facilities, faith-based groups, architects and engineers, and other citizens. University students conducted a study on national and international best practices related
to issues like sustainable neighborhoods, transportation, and food systems. The final
plan includes ten sustainability priority categories based on the ICELI and STAR
index categories: natural systems; carbon and energy; planning and design; transportation; economic development; employment and workforce training; education;
affordable housing; health; and arts, design, and culture. Each of the ten category
subsections included a vision statement, goals and action plans, links to City
Agency work plans, and short, medium, and long-range recommendations. For
example, the Carbon and Energy category vision statement is, Madison embraces
sustainable approaches to fuel our economy and community, achieving an 80 %

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


carbon reduction by 2050. Our City government and staff set examples of reduced
energy use and emissions for businesses and individuals to emulate. Goals for this
category include influencing reduction in transportation-related carbon impacts;
systematically upgrading existing buildings, equipment, and infrastructure; and
engaging the public in energy efficiency and climate change programs. Actions
related to this category include purchasing hybrid buses, passing an energybenchmarking ordinance, and utilizing the Mpower program for schools and
The focus of mission, goal, and planning documents should spring from an
organizations history and capture its unique future aspirations. Several of my
interviewees highlighted this point. Others talked about how any sustainability
initiatives must be directly tied to an organizations mission. Justin Zeulner, former
Senior Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs, for the Portland Trail Blazers
told me that although his organization is a leader in sustainability in the sports
entertainment industry their focus is not on sustainability:
I am trying to win a championship. I am trying to make a better brand. I am trying to
enhance the entertainment value to our fans and guests that come here. By the way, I am
going to do it in a way that creates this leadership opportunity [in sustainability]. We are
trying to inspire a nation through the Green Sports Alliance and we are going to be a
member of BICEP. But at the end of the day I am still trying to win a championship.
Everybody has got to remember that is the focus. Its not about the sustainability criterion
as much as it is about how the sustainability criteria help the organization meet its goals.

Mission Statements and Guiding Principles

Many organizations find it useful to develop a mission statement or set of guiding

principles involving sustainability. A mission statement is a formal, short, written
statement articulating an organizations purpose and goals. Its direction setting role
can be enhanced if it includes an explicit statement of a future vision for the
organization. It appears on corporate websites, employee orientation materials,
brochures, posters, annual reports, business cards, and is mentioned during
speeches. Ideally, this statement will guide subsequent strategic and everyday
decision making and action as well as clarify the organizations philosophy and
intent for employees. It may outline where an organization is headed; how it plans
to get there; what its priorities, values, and beliefs are; and what makes it distinctive. Mission statements represent formal communication designed to articulate an
organizations identity to internal and external stakeholders; persuade multiple
stakeholders; and promote distinctiveness. On the We are Different portion of
the Aspen/Snowmass website it reads:
We have a collective responsibility to ensure that our company is a rewarding place to work
and our community a desirable place to live. We respect and nurture the delicate balance
between resort and community that makes Aspen/Snowmass unique. The combination
of our values-based company with unparalleled mountain sports, community, history,
culture and environment gives us a unique market niche. We are successful because we
live the values and principles expressed here.


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Results are mixed as to whether or not mission statements actually influence an

organizations performance (Sattari et al. 2011; Williams 2008). Some mission
statements are too vague, irrelevant, unrealistically inspirational, not truthful or
representative, or unreadable. An organizations mission statement needs to excite
and engage employees and help them see the next steps which should occur
(Werbach 2009). Many are not effectively implemented (Fairhurst et al. 1997).
Part of the problem is that they are under-communicated. To be effective, the
mission statement content needs to be integrated into the everyday activities of an
organization (e.g., performance appraisals, problem-solving discussions). Undercommunication suggests that the mission statement isnt really relevant and leaves
organizational participants unclear about its applicability and relevance to emerging conditions in the organization.
According to Auden Schendler, Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing
Company, his organization has had guiding principles for almost 20 years. On their
website it says:
We renew the spirit by sustaining the Aspen Idea, a complete life nurturing mind, body
and spirit. We value humanity (we treat people the way theyd like to be treated, modeling
authenticity, transparency, courtesy, respect and humility), excellence (in business, quality,
craftsmanship, guest services and athletic achievement), sustainability (of people, profits,
the environment and the community so that we are in business forever), and passion
(we live our core values and embrace life-long learning and meaningful work). As
employees we are committed to the following Principles: be fair and understanding; treat
everyone with courtesy and respect; communicate honestly, openly, and often; share a
passion for excellence; engage as responsible citizens of our community; and ensure our
financial success.

Auden said, So we talk about this [our guiding principles] a lot and managers
and the CEO talk about it a lot, and then we play it out. On their website, their CEO
Mike Kaplan writes:
Our Guiding Principles have been stripped down to their core. But they provide more
direction and transparency than ever. They encompass what we do, why we come to work
every day, why we choose to live here and how well be successful. I ask you to own these
values; to take responsibility for bringing them to life. Our dedication to the Aspen Idea of
the complete life, and these core principles of humanity, excellence, sustainability and
passion, is what makes us unique. Its what gives employees power and autonomy in their
work, and what makes Aspen/Snowmass such a rewarding place to be.

Management often unveils and communicates new mission and vision statements without considering how to implement the ideas through their organization.
How people react to a mission statement is influenced by a variety of things
including an organizations information environment, work unit commitment,
employee trust in management, and employee role in the organization. Many who
communicate mission statements (e.g., human resource personnel, mid-level managers, corporate communicators) discuss them in banal or factual ways and therefore are not communicating an inspirational vision. Fairhurst et al. (1997) propose
and test a model of the processes which influence how often employees talk about
their organizations mission statement with coworkers, in relationship to their job,

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


in comparison to past mission statements; use the formal mission statement wording; explain the advantages of working to achieve the mission; identify parts of the
mission not being accomplished by their department; and encourage others to try to
accomplish the mission. They called this the management of meaning of the
mission statement. They found the more information employees receive about
critical issues of the work environment (e.g., information about safety, job duties,
and their future with the company), the more they talk about the mission statement.
The higher their commitment to their work group, the more they discuss the mission
statement. Trust in their supervisor was unrelated and trust in upper management
was negatively related to their discussion of the mission statement. Fairhurst
et al. recommend that employees be able to engage with these statements and, to
some extent, modify them to fit the context of their own working environments.
What content goes into a mission statement? Williams (2008) compared the
mission statements of 14 higher performing and 13 lower performing Fortune 1000
firms. She analyzed their content using a typology which identified nine components to mission statements. I provide her typology here to help guide sustainability
communicators seeking to craft a mission statement:

Who are the enterprises customers?

What are the firms major products or services?
Where does the firm compete?
What is the firms basic technology?
What is the firms commitment to economic objectives?
What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and philosophical priorities of the
What are the firms major strengths and competitive advantages?
What are the firms public responsibilities, and what image is desired?
What is the firms attitude toward its employees?
The mission statements of higher performing firms mentioned company philosophy, targeted markets, strategies for survival, concern for public image, and
concern for employees more often than did lower performing firms (Williams
2008). Williams drew on rhetorical theory, specifically the concept of corporate
ethos referring to Aristotle who identified three components of ethos: intelligence,
character, and good will. Aristotle stressed the importance of intelligence (i.e.,
knowledge, good sense, and expertise) because of its impact on credibility. The
content, writing style, organization, and visual rhetoric of a mission statement
influences perceptions of knowledge. Perceptions of character can be influenced
by the values mentioned in the mission statement, especially those illustrated
through an organizations operations. Although a mission statements authors
may strategically craft the statement, ethos relies on the audiences cooperation.
It is important to carefully and honestly shape the message in keeping with the
audiences values in order to appeal to similarities between the organization and the
audience. Using the word we (or other first-person-plural pronouns) in a mission
statement joins a communicator and the audience and thereby encourages stakeholders to identify with the organization. Individuals who identify with an


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

organization are more open to persuasive efforts. Higher performing firms used
many more first-person-plural pronouns in their mission statements so as to build
identification. Organizations in both groups mentioned excellence, integrity, and
innovation, but higher performing firms mentioned respect, leadership, diversity,
citizenship, and responsibility more often.

Goals and Plans

Organizations engage in annual planning and/or reevaluation processes, formulate

strategies, write procedures and protocols, and develop plans. Many of my interviewees mentioned their organizations goals and/or plans. For example, Denver
has a 2020 plan, Portland has The Portland Plan, Fayetteville has a 2030 plan, and
the University of Arkansas has a 2040 plan. Ray Anderson, former Interface CEO,
worked with consultants to create Seven Fonts which set goals for 2020 to reduce
the company impacts and reliance on natural resources in seven areas: eliminate
waste, benign emissions, renewable energy, close-loop recycling, resource-efficient
transportation, sensitize stakeholders, and redesign sustainable commerce (van der
Heijden et al. 2012).
Although communication is critical to the planning and implementation process
surrounding goals, most communication theories focus on intrapersonal and interpersonal communication goals (see Samp 2009). Therefore, this section draws
primarily on the management literature and existing processes. Practitioners will
find Blackburns (2007) discussion of strategic planning and the creation of goals
(both aspirational and tactical) and clear indicators related to sustainability to be
systematic, clear, and detailed. The Harvard Business School offers an interesting
case study describing Governance and Sustainability at Nike (Paine et al. 2013)
which describes Nikes evolution toward sustainability in terms of leadership (e.g.,
Board of Directors) and the strategic planning, mission, goals, and measurement
process over time. The case also illustrates how structural change can enhance
movement toward sustainability.
Goals at Sams Club and Tyson Foods Goals may begin at the inspirational level
but ultimately they must become operationalized. When Walmart first established
its inspirational goals related to sustainability, this was new territory for them. Brian
Sheehan, former Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, explained:
Walmart did not have that level of knowledge or depth of understanding of the complexities
behind all these different supply chains and different questions that go into making products
more sustainable. We announced that we want to make more sustainable products then
along the way we figured out that in order to do that you need to create a tool like the
sustainability index, so that buyers and suppliers can have a conversation around the areas
that have the best improvement opportunities in those product categories. I think its
[Walmarts] understanding just evolved because of a dedication and focus on wanting to
achieve these broad aspirational sustainability goals. And then also it has become more
strategic in developing those tools that might help it set better, more achievable, more
actionable goals in the future.

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


On the day I spoke with Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., hed just talked with his
CEO about how Tyson Foods needed new sustainability-related goals aligned with
the companys revised long-term strategy. The existing 4-year-old goals were no
longer a big focus for the company. Kevin told me:
We want to set new goals that are people, planet, profit, product-related. But we want to be
very careful and we want to keep these goals really tight so that we can actually do
something meaningful. We dont want to have five goals under each pillar. We want to
have one and to have it mean something. We want it to be tied into our strategic plan as a
company and we also want it to be aligned with management commitment. Because if you
dont have that, you are wasting your time.

Kevin strongly opposes setting arbitrary goals. He shared an example he had

previously shared with the McDonald Corporation:
In 2008, we [Tyson Foods] set a goal and we said ok in the next two years by the end of
2010 we want to reduce our water usage by 10 percent. So two years went by and we did
not meet our goal, we got 7.88 percent. So somebody said to me in a public meeting you
did not meet your goal. And I said do you think that a 7.8 percent reduction in water is a
good thing? And the person said, well that is fantastic. I said that is right. We set an
arbitrary goal but we did achieve an outcome and we missed our goal. Is that a failure? I
said no that is not a failure that is an achievement.

Between 2004 and 2013, Tyson reduced its water consumption by 11 % and in
2012 Kevin created a water conservation council within the company to help
identify additional ways to conserve. Kevin said people often ask him about his
organizations goal for GHG reduction.
We have not set any arbitrary goal like we will reduce by 10 percent this year. The reason
we did not do that is because it is arbitrary. We can throw a number on a piece of paper and
say we are going to reduce greenhouse gases by 20 percent by 2020. Well, what does that
really mean? If you dont engineer a way of getting there, all you are doing is satisfying a
public appetite that says we want you to have a goal. It is hard to have a goal if you dont
engineer a way to get to the end point. We are working with a couple of different entities on
new ways to measure our energy consumption usage in an automated way. Because the
better we get at that, the more we can begin to ratchet that down.

Tools exist for helping management create a vision, set goals, and establish
procedures for achieving goals. In terms of creating a vision, the Delphi technique
and appreciative inquiry (see Sect. are helpful techniques for identifying
new directions and goals. During strategic planning, the balanced scorecard
approach and a SWOT analysis are useful in comparing what is currently being
done with potential opportunities. In terms of evaluating existing procedures, cause
and effect diagrams and SIPOC diagrams are useful. Cause and effect diagrams
help identify failures in meeting objectives or goals. SIPOC diagrams focus on
identifying where problems occur or improvements are possible in existing


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

Measurement and Communication

In order to form a connected whole, organizations engage in strategic planning, set

goals, plan ways to meet these goals, establish relevant KPIs, compare measures
based on their KPIs to their goals, and then report their findings. Jerry Tinianow, the
first Chief Sustainability Officer for the City and County of Denver, explained the
process saying:
I think that one of the functions that we want to do in this office is to have the city speak
with one voice on sustainability. But first we have to create the substance behind the talking
points. So that is where we are now. Weve created the goals. And we are creating the
measurements and evaluating our current initiatives. At the end of the year, when the
measurement has been done, we will rework all projections [based only on current projects]. I am confident that we will see big gaps between those projections and the 2020
goals. Next year we will develop additional strategies for meeting our goals to fill those
gaps. Next year is where we really unleash the creativity of the agencies to come up with the
new approaches that will close those gaps.

Reliance on the information function provided by measurement results is at the

heart of the certification and standardization processes discussed earlier. When
organizations have clear KPI then what to measure becomes clearer. Multiple
tools exist to help managers assess the outcomes of the strategic plans and the
processes put in place to enact the plans. Blackburn (2007) lists a number of big
picture tools.
Organizations that embrace sustainability also spend more time and effort than
cautious adopters measuring how sustainability influences brand reputation,
employee productivity, the ability to attract and retain talent, and improved innovation capabilities (Hannaes et al. 2011). Duke Energys Roberta Bowman
discussed the value of resources such as water or a culture of innovation as well
as the costs associated with management time engaging with concerned stakeholders. Its hard to put a tangible number around those intangibles. . .. What
gives me encouragement and what I feel is a sign of progress is that were having
those conversations today, whereas a few years ago we may not have (p. 16).
Increasingly organizations are seeking ways to measure tangibles and intangibles
related to sustainability (Meng and Berger 2012). Key Point: Its important to
measure the tangibles and the intangibles.
But measuring the tangibles and intangibles can be challenging on multiple
levels. For example, organizations invest in energy-efficient equipment and materials to save energy, but their savings may be limited by employee behaviors (e.g.,
increased consumption, wasteful behaviors) (Bolderdijk et al. 2013). The concept
of motivated cognition indicates employees motivation influences how they select,
process, and interpret sustainability initiative-related messages. As organizations
seek to motivate employees to adopt and maintain new behaviors, they may monitor
individual behaviors. Electronic monitoring technology (e.g., smart meters and
in-car GPS devices) can promote employee energy conservation behaviors by
providing them with individualized feedback. However, electronic monitoring
may raise privacy concerns. Bolderdijk et al. conducted three studies and found

5.4 Formal Efforts to Embed Sustainability Within an Organization


employees were generally unconcerned if their employers used technology to

measure individuals conservation behaviors, especially when the benefits of the
measurement program were discussed. They recommended that organizations
develop policies where they only use technology to monitor individual conservation
behaviors and not worker performance. Their findings are consistent with those of
Allen et al. (2007) who studied employee responses to being monitored via technology. Allen et al. based their study on communication privacy management
theory. This theory explores how people seek to maintain and coordinate privacy
boundaries with various communication partners depending on the perceived
benefits and costs of information disclosure (Petronio 2009). Distinctions are
drawn between private information and public information. When people disclose
private information, they rely on a rule-based management system to control the
level of accessibility. An individuals privacy boundary governs his or her selfdisclosures. Once a disclosure is made, the negotiation of privacy rules between the
parties is required. The theory has five core principles: (1) People believe they own
and have a right to control their private information. (2) They seek to control their
private information through the use of personal privacy rules. (3) When others gain
access to a persons private information they become co-owners of that information. (4) Co-owners need to negotiate mutually agreeable privacy rules about telling
others. (5) When co-owners dont effectively negotiate and follow mutually held
privacy rules, boundary turbulence often results. Although designed to focus on two
individuals, the theory has been applied to an employees relationship with his/her
organization or one of its agents. Organizations and researchers interested in
electronically monitoring employees conservation behaviors will find this theory
thought provoking.
Electronic monitoring of employee compliance with sustainability initiatives is
fairly uncommon. The North American Task Force of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (2010) study participants reported measuring
the success of their sustainability initiatives using number of website hits, employee
feedback including surveys, and employee participation in training, events, and
contests. Best Practice: Metrics of individual employee green behaviors need to be
incorporated into regular employee surveys to inform future human resource policy.
For example, Procter and Gamble regularly uses their employee survey to gauge the
success of their sponsored sustainability initiatives (Ones and Dilchert 2012).
But what about measurement related to the success of communication efforts? I
asked my interviewees how they measured the success of their communication
efforts surrounding sustainability. Most respondents made comments about looking
at the number of hits to their website, shared feedback that individuals had given
them, or provided their observations (e.g., reported seeing better recycling practices). Few noted using any actual measurement efforts. There is room for improvement in measuring the success of how organizations communicate about
sustainability with their internal stakeholders. Meng and Berger (2012) surveyed
264 senior communication executives located on three continents and interviewed
13 extensively seeking to identify the metrics and measurement approaches being
used to assess the effectiveness of an organizations internal communication


5 Transformational Organizational Change, Reinforcing Structures, and Formal. . .

initiatives on business performance and social influence. Their focus on communications ROI showed almost 47 % had no formal measurement, and of those which
did only 17 % said more than 50 % of their internal communication initiatives were
measured using business outcome metrics. Most frequently, measured initiatives
focused on employee awareness and understanding, employee engagement, job
performance, changed employee behaviors, and increased business performance at
the organizational level. Practitioners and scholars will find this article interesting
in either simulating practice or influencing future research questions.
In a practitioner-focused article, Elliott and Coley-Smith (2005) report on a
systematic effort the communication staff working in British Petroleums
(BP) Lubricants business took to assess communications impact on business
performance following a major change in business strategy. The BP Lubricants
communication team gathered survey data to help develop insights into employee
knowledge of and engagement in the new initiatives. They measured the contribution and value communication and engagement brought to the business. They
wanted to ensure employees had the right information, at the right time, to make
the right decisions to support strategy and had a measurement mindset focused on
improved performance. They recommended the following principles:
Identify the relationship between communication and engagement activities
(inputs) and what employees know, think, and feel (outputs); what employee
do (behavior and actions); and on business performance and value creation
(bottom line).
Develop a communication value tree which links communication activities to
the relevant aspects and drivers of the organizations gross margin.
Develop measures of communication and engagement KPIs. For them, two input
KPIs involved communication and engagement activities. Four output KPIs
involved awareness and understanding, commitment to making the strategy a
success, confidence in leadership and the future of the business, and trust in
leadership and the strategy.
Develop a survey where each question measures one of the KPIs.
Convey the survey results in an easily understood format (e.g., a dashboard).
Other authors provide suggestions for how to measure the effectiveness
of internal communication (e.g., Williams 2011), public relations programs
(e.g., Weiner 2011), and marketing communication (e.g., Grensing-Pophal 2011).
Key Point: It is important that sustainability communicators measure how they are
contributing to the broader organizational efforts toward sustainability.


Concluding Thoughts

This chapter has been about transformational change, the diffusion of innovations,
changing information into useable knowledge, and communicating new ways of
thinking. As I think of the challenges humanity faces in light of accelerating global

5.5 Concluding Thoughts


warming, I find the Journey of Mankind website, presented by the Bradshaw

Foundation, meaningful and comforting. That website depicts the global journey
of modern humans over the past 160,000 years. Archeologists and geneticists
describe how our ancestors migrated from Africa in response to climate change,
branches of our human family tree were wiped out by environmental forces, other
groups pressed on through inhospitable terrains, and our bodies modified to adapt to
our surroundings. Our skin colors and our physical shape changed. Near the tropics
we became darker as more melanin acted as a protective biological shield against
ultraviolet radiation. Our bodies elongated to dissipate heat. In far northern latitudes, because of the lower ultraviolet radiation, our skin color lightened so we
could produce vitamin D and our bodies compacted to retain heat. Our ability to
solve problem jumped into overdrive and our simple click language expanded into
the myriad of languages being spoken across our globe today. For 160,000 years we
have survived through adaptation. We are a species which moves and adapts, that
works cooperatively and forms organizations, and that uses language, memory,
reason, and empathy to solve challenges and create opportunities. And we need to
do so now. We are living in post-normal times characterized by uncertainty,
contested (scientific) knowledge, and high levels of complexity (Wals and
Schwarzin 2012). Conventional routines and systems will no longer work in our
organizations, our resources management, and how we approach communication,
education, and science. We must rethink our routines and creatively cocreate
alternative ones if we are to become a more sustainable world. Rather than
incremental changes in existing processes, we need fundamental changes in how
we live and work and the values we pursue.
In 2014 the Center for Naval Analysis 16-member advisory board of retired
military leaders released a report reexamining the impact of climate change on
U.S. national security (CNA Military Advisory Board 2014). They write that
although the potential security ramifications of global climate change should be
catalysts for cooperation and change, instead we see climate change is acting as a
catalyst for accelerating conflicts. The reports opening statement signed by the
board members says:
We are dismayed that discussions of climate change have become so polarizing and have
receded from the arena of informed public discourse and debate. Political posturing and
budgetary woes cannot be allowed to inhibit discussion and debate over what so many
believe to be a salient national security concern for our nation. Each citizen must ask what
he or she can do individually to mitigate climate change, and collectively what his or her
local, state, and national leaders are doing to ensure that the world is sustained for future
generations. Are your communities, businesses, and governments investing in the necessary
resilience measures to lower the risks associated with climate change? In a world of high
complex interdependence, how will climate change in the far corners of the world affect
your life and those of your children and grandchildren? If the answers to any of these
questions make you worried or uncomfortable, we urge you to become involved. Time and
tide wait for no one.


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Chapter 6

Using Communication to Create

Environments That Empower Employees

Abstract This chapter focuses on factors that can influence employees

pro-environmental behaviors. Sustainable organizational cultures, learning organizations, and an informed and supportive managerial subculture are discussed in this
chapter. Employee hiring, socialization, and training can influence employees
pro-environmental actions. Reward systems need to link sustainability goals and
measures to corporate training. If employees do not see that their organization
rewards people for displaying pro-environmental behaviors, training can have less
of an impact (Cantor et al., Journal of Supply Chain Management, 48, 3351,
2012). Although managers may encourage employees to meet work-related
pro-environmental goals, employees balance multiple goals and react emotionally
to their working environment assessing issues related to perceived organizational
support and justice. Informal communication helps create, reinforce, stabilize, and
challenge sustainable values and goals within an organization. Additional theories
or theoretical concepts discussed in this chapter include the 4I model of organizational learning, organizational climate, affective organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, employee trust, the broaden-and-build theory of
positive emotions, goal congruence, path-goal theory, socialization and assimilation, uncertainty reduction theory, social exchange theory, social identity theory,
person-organization fit, organizational citizenship behaviors, green teams, personal
sustainability plans, social learning theory, cognitive maps, and self-efficacy.
Interview data spotlights WasteCap Nebraska, Ecotrust, the HEAL program, the
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Aspen Skiing Company, Neal Kelly Company, the City of Portland, the City and County of Denver, the Arbor Day Foundation, the South Dakota Bureau of Administration, the State Farm processing plant
in Lincoln, NE, Assurity Life Insurance, and Sams Club.

Lewis and Clark, Teamwork and Culture In December 1803, Clark established
Camp River Dubois at the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, north
of St. Louis, MO. He trained the Corps of Discovery volunteers seeking to turn
them into a team. He had them build log structures, learn to march in formation, and
shoot more accurately. Most of all, he tried to get the men to respect military
authority and learn how to follow orders (National Park Service n.d.). Along their
journey, the Corps encountered native people whose understandings of power and
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_6



6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

authority differed from their own. This made communication difficult, open to
confusion and misunderstanding. For example, the Corps hierarchy was important
and rank defined who gave orders and who obeyed. In tribal societies, kinship was
important and power depended upon a network of real and symbolic relationships.
When the two cultures met, Lewis and Clark attempted to impose their idea of
hierarchy on native peoples by giving some men they designated as chiefs medals,
printed certificates, and/or gifts. In turn, native peoples tried to impose kinship
obligations on the visitors through adoption ceremonies, shared names, and ritual
gifts (Library of Congress n.d.). This example illustrates how organizations have
cultural expectations and seek to influence others to behave in ways matching these


Pro-environmental Employee Behaviors

Employees display task-related pro-environmental behavior when they complete

their required tasks in environmentally friendly ways (Bissing-Olson et al. 2012).
Employee pro-environmental behaviors may include displaying personal initiative
when they suggest or make environmentally friendly changes in their workplace
tasks, policies, and procedures; offering constructive suggestions; identifying problems and engaging in creative problem solving; and overcoming barriers to improve
existing processes. These behaviors may involve working sustainably (e.g., creating
sustainable processes), avoiding harm (e.g., preventing pollution), conserving
resources (e.g., recycling), and influencing others (e.g., training others regarding
sustainability, lobbying). Such behaviors are more likely if employees are committed to and identify with their organization. Employees are motivated by personal
engagement rather than by job descriptions or managements requirements. Those
who engage in pro-environmental behaviors often are engaging in organizational
citizenship behaviors (OCB). OCB have been researched since the 1970s and
involve individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective
functioning of the organization (Organ 1988, p. 4). Such actions and behaviors are
measurable (Ones and Dilchert 2012).
But not all pro-environmental behaviors make a significant impact. An environmentally significant behavior is defined by its direct or proximal impact: does it
change the availability of materials or energy from the environment (direct); does it
alter ecosystem structure and dynamics or even the biosphere itself (indirect) (Stern
2000). For example, one purchasing agents decision to buy environmentally
preferable products can have a small direct impact. Other environmentally significant behaviors shape the context within which choices are made that, in turn,
directly cause environmental change. For example, South Dakotas law requiring
all state agencies to purchase environmentally preferable products constrains the
decisions of the individual purchasing agent while having a moderately large
impact due to state-level purchasing power. Focusing on impact-oriented

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training


definitions of environmentally significant behavior allows us to identify and target

sustainability-initiative-related behaviors that can have a large impact. Organizations can change their cultures to stimulate employee pro-environmental OCBs
and thereby significantly impact their organizations environmental and social


Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization,

and Training

In 2011, the Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) (2011) surveyed

U.S. human resource professionals about how their companies balanced financial
performance, their employees quality of life, the welfare of society, and the
environment. A sample of 5,000 professionals was randomly selected from
SHRMs membership database of 250,000. Approximately 16 % (n 728)
responded. Of those, over half had formal sustainability-related policies that
included sustainable workplace goals and policies directly tied to their organizations strategic planning process. An additional 40 % reported having informal
policies (not tied to the strategic planning process). Nearly four out of 10 organizations calculated a return on investment (ROI) for their sustainability efforts. Of
those, 47 % calculated a positive ROI, 46 % reported it was still too early to
determine their ROI, and 6 % calculated a break-even point. Having goals and
policies does not automatically result in a positive ROI. Employees must become
engaged, knowledgeable, empowered, and supported by their organization. In this
section, I discuss organizational cultures, especially that of learning organizations,
and organizational subcultures, specifically the managerial subculture.


Organizational Cultures

If organizations are going to respond to environmental challenges and/or become

more sustainable, new or modified values, beliefs, and processes will need to be
woven into their cultural fabric and implemented through operational and strategy
changes. Therefore, it is important to discuss the concept of organizational culture.
A myriad of definitions and approaches to organizational cultures exist (see
Keyton 2014; McAleese and Hargie 2004; Tracy 2009). One definition is that an
organizations culture is manifested through employees shared assumptions,
values, beliefs, languages, symbols, and meaning systems (Tracy 2009). Organizations have observable cultures which include structures, processes, behaviors, and
artifacts as well as espoused values and philosophies displayed through their
strategies and goals (Schein 2004). At the deeper level, cultures have underlying
assumptions (unconscious beliefs and perceptions from which values and actions


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

stem). It is important to remember an organizations culture is a human creation as

employees build and negotiate meaning through interaction, but it goes beyond a
few individuals to become something that is often intangible and pervasive.
Organizational leaders should reflect on where sustainability fits within their
existing culture and then discuss changes they might make. Strandburg Consulting
(n.d.) provides a series of questions leaders can use to help reflect upon their
existing culture. Questions address if and how company goods, services, or processes overlap with the interests of society; if the company sees itself clearly; and if
strong leadership for sustainability is articulated in a clear and simple message,
disseminated throughout the organization, and repeatedly reinforced. Snowden,
who writes in the field of knowledge management, emphasizes storytelling and
communication interventions to help organizational participants gain insights into
their organizations assumptions and practices, as well as to generate new alternatives. He introduced Cynefin, a Welsh word meaning our place of belonging, a
place of great meaningfulness for a people. For Snowden, Cynefin is a sensemaking
methodology. It sets up an environment where people can come together to jointly
make sense of their situation utilizing information such as organizational stories,
anecdotes, legends, alternative histories, and accounts of phases and events since
their organizations birth. Teams go through a well-defined group process to create
plans, prescriptions, and shared memories and experiences. Snowden sought to use
this approach to improve organizational capacities when situations force people to
address intractable problems and complex, uncertain situations (Dervin and
Naumer 2009). Intractable problems and complex, uncertain situations face organizations seeking to adapt to impending climate change-related challenges.
A focus on organizational cultures emerged in the early 1980s as scholars sought
to explain how organizational meanings and behaviors are constituted through
communication. Keyton (2014) summarizes the conceptual and methodological
approaches communication scholars used to study organizational culture. Two
distinct approaches guided their investigations: the interpretative approach and
the managerial approach. The interpretative approach focuses us on how communication (e.g., metaphors, stories, myths, rites, ceremonies, jargon, physical artifacts) shapes what the organization is and what shared values its employees hold.
This approach recognizes that management-directed cultural change is challenging,
if not uncontrollable. Individuals and groups throughout an organization create,
interpret, challenge, and reinterpret elements which may or may not become part of
an organizations culture. van der Heijden et al.s (2012) 10-year investigation of
the Dutch subsidiary of Interface provides an example of the nonlinear nature of the
organizational culture change process. The managerial approach focuses us on how
organizations can design, control, and improve their corporate culture. Much of the
research currently focusing on sustainability and culture appears to illustrate this
approach (e.g., Linnenluecke and Griffiths 2010; Russell et al. 2007), as does work
on culture management (e.g., McAleese and Hargie 2004). As management
attempts to change an organizations focus toward more environmental sustainability or more socially responsible internal and/or community relations, the

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training


assumption is that they can create a single unified corporate culture (Linnenluecke
et al. 2009).
Models regarding what a sustainable culture would look like and how to create
one are generally lacking. Several authors have attempted to fill this gap (e.g.,
Harris and Crane 2002; Linnenluecke and Griffiths 2010; Russell et al. 2007).
McAleese and Hargie (2004) identified five guiding principles of culture management including formulate a guiding strategy, develop culture leaders, share the
culture by communicating effectively with staff, measure performance, and communicate your culture with external groups. Linnenluecke and Griffiths (2010)
sought to identify what makes up a sustainability-oriented organizational culture,
whether organizations can display a unified sustainability-oriented organizational
culture and whether organizations can even become more sustainable through
culture change. They used the competing values framework (CVF) (Quinn 1988)
to discuss the relationship between corporate sustainability and organizational
culture and to identify four cultural types: the human relations model, the open
systems model, the internal process model, and the rational goal model. They
describe how cultural control occurs within each type. In the human relations
culture, training, employee development, open communication, and participative
and decentralized decision making are used. Environmental health and safety,
human well-being, and employee skills, satisfaction, commitment, and productivity
are emphasized. Social entrepreneurs are likely to emerge who advocate sustainability principles within the organization. Open systems cultures emphasize innovation for achieving ecological and social sustainability. They seek to operate
within the carrying capacity of the natural environment by minimizing their
resource use and ecological footprint. An internal process culture emphasizes
economic performance, growth, and long-term profitability. These organizations
focus mainly on economic sustainability and may miss opportunities to develop
innovative products, services, and business models because they give their
employees limited room for flexibility, learning, and change. In rational goal
cultures, the emphasis is on increasing resource efficiencies. Some organizations
reinvest saved costs due to efficiencies in employees so as to create human systems
that support value-adding and innovation. Russell et al. (2007) developed a similar
typology focusing on the extent to which an organization is working toward longterm economic performance by seeking increased profits and growth, is working
toward positive ecological outcomes for the natural environment, supports people
and social outcomes, or takes a holistic approach. Although useful, these models do
not focus on communication as an interactive meaning-making process.
Proponents of the managerial approach to organizational cultures argue that an
organizations ability to import and use information about innovations (i.e., its
absorptive capacity) is influenced by its culture. Those organizations with strong
functional cultures employ a cohesive workforce which can work together to
implement organizational goals. In contrast, firms with disjointed cultures often
face difficulties integrating change into their work practices. If employees in
functional organizations share their organizations goals and values, they will be
more likely to seek out opportunities to contribute to its success. This increases the


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

likelihood that employees will be proactive in absorbing information into the

organization and successfully turn information into useable knowledge.
However, it is difficult to transform for-profit organizational cultures into
sustainability-focused cultures. Any change will need to convince organizational
members at all levels to moderate their driving quest to meet economic goals,
embrace a longer time frame (e.g., intergenerational), and value the environment
as more than a resource supplier or waste repository. In the 1990s, even in the most
progressive firms, true cultural transformation was rare and pro-environmental
sensibilities were generally absorbed into existing cultural assumptions and beliefs.
Based on interviews with 44 executives and managers representing separate organizations, Harris and Crane (2002) developed a model of the barriers and drivers
influencing how managers viewed the depth, degree, and diffusion of cultural
greening within organizations. Depth involves how deeply greening is being valued
by different organizational members and groups. Degree involves the extent to which
green values and sensibilities are included in organizational creations and artifacts.
Diffusion refers to how widely green feelings and behaviors appear throughout an
organization. Diffusion is hampered by organizational barriers (e.g., behaviors,
systems, and structures) and cultural fragmentation (i.e., multiple subcultures).
Over 10 years after Harris and Cranes research cultural transformation within an
organization seems more feasible as societal Discourses have shifted to account for
changing environmental conditions, the business case for sustainability has grown,
and isomorphism pressures are occurring within many organizational fields.

Learning Organizations

Organizations which want to fully commit to pursuing sustainability will need to

change their corporate cultures to evolve from reacting (adaptive learning) to
innovating (generative learning). In discussing how such a transformation can
occur, Oncica-Sanislav and Candea (2010) refer to Peter Senges concept of the
learning organization as an ideal type. This concept focuses us on the systems
thinking and group problem-solving abilities organizations need if they are
to respond more competitively in rapidly changing environments. Learning organizations are organizations where people continually expand their capacity to
create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking
are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together (Senge 1990, p. 3). Proposed benefits
associated with a learning organization include innovation, competitiveness,
responsiveness, knowledge of customer needs, quality outputs, and an improved
corporate image.
Oncica-Sanislav and Candea (2010) developed a conceptual framework useful
for understanding how the learning organization paragon can influence the design
of organizations concerned with long-term triple-bottom-line success. A learning
organization has five main features: systems thinking, personal mastery, mental
models, shared vision, and team learning. In terms of systems thinking, individuals

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training


tend to focus on the parts rather than seeing the whole, and fail to see the
organization as a dynamic process. Personal mastery refers to an individuals
commitment to the process of continual learning. Those with a high level of
personal mastery live in a continual learning mode, realize they have more to
learn and need to grow, and are deeply self-confident. Mental models are the
assumptions, theories, and theories-in-use held by individuals which guide their
behaviors. Organizations also operate on assumptions and memories that preserve
certain behaviors, norms, and values. Entrenched mental models. . .thwart changes
that could come from systems thinking (Senge 1990, p. 203). In learning organizations, any unwanted values or mental models supporting confrontational attitudes
are replaced by an open culture promoting inquiry and trust. Development of a
vision is focused on creating shared pictures of the future that foster genuine
commitment and engagement, rather than compliance, which motivate employees
to continually learn. Visions spread because of a reinforcing process, As people
talk, the vision grows clearer. As it gets clearer, enthusiasm for its benefits grow
(p. 227). When there is a genuine vision that their organization is a learning
organization, people want to excel and learn. The accumulation of individual
learning results in team learning which increases an organizations problem-solving
capacity through better access to knowledge and expertise. Team learning is the
process of aligning and developing the capacities of a team to create the results its
members truly desire (p. 236). Coordination mechanisms such as knowledge
management systems, boundary crossing, and openness promote team learning.
Dialogue and discussion further increase and utilize team learning (Barker and
Camarata 1998). Through dialogue ideally team members will suspend their
assumptions and begin thinking together. Dialogue plus systems thinking facilitates
dealing with complexity and focuses communicators on important opportunities
and challenges rather than on personalities and leadership styles.
Ecotrust and the Learning Organization Oakley Brooks, Senior Media Manager
at Ecotrust, discussed how his organization approaches things through a resilience
lens. Staff are trying to help transform economic, social, and ecological systems
based on the resilience approach. They work on specialized projects as part of
marine, forest, and food teams which rely on specialized and expert knowledge.
Sharing only their focus on resilience, Ecotrust does not have a tightly defined
brand. In order to create an opportunity for broader team learning and to create
shared understandings, they hold monthly staff meetings where they do exercises to
transcend their expertise silos and learn how to talk about what the other project
teams are doing. Oakley explained:
There has been an effort to have people think about problems and solutions outside of their
silos and how their approaches, say forestry, could translate to other groups in the
organization. So it has been a process of how you can communicate Ecotrusts mission
and its work when you are out in the world and also how can you talk more openly and work
more collaboratively with people within the organization. . .. One of the ways of bringing
resilience back into the organization and thinking about how we work along those lines is
really being open and connected to the person right next to you and thinking about


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

strengthening relationships between people in the organization to create a more robust work

Ecotrust is using communication to create team learnings which, in turn, can

influence employee communication with internal and external stakeholders.
But organizational learning about sustainability is a complex and nonlinear
process. Benn et al. (2013) investigated how to embed ideas emerging at the
individual and group levels into organization-wide sustainability-related initiatives.
They utilized a multilevel 4I model of organizational learning partly based on
Weicks (1995) sensemaking theory to look at the role of language, context, and
group interpretation during organizational change, especially as individuals attempt
to interpret what is meant by and how to enact sustainability initiatives. The 4I
framework begins with what has already been learnt (i.e., exploitation of previous
learning and old certainties) when attempting to strategically renew an organization
to explore new possibilities. The 4I framework describes four interconnected
processes: intuition, interpretation, integration, and institutionalization. Intuition
and interpretation occur at the individual level, integration at the group level, and
institutionalization at the organizational level. Their findings illustrated how knowledge sharing and boundary objects can promote the development of communities of
practice which lead to the integration and institutionalization of sustainability
across intraorganizational knowledge and disciplinary boundaries. However,
boundaries do exist. This leads us to a discussion of subcultures.

The Managerial Subculture

Organizations may consist of multiple subcultures which can influence how

employees respond to a topdown view of sustainability. For example, in a large
Australian transportation-focused organization, employees who worked in a subculture with a strong emphasis on hierarchical values and who possessed little
awareness of the corporate sustainability practices only emphasized an economic
understanding of corporate sustainability in comparison to their coworkers in other
areas of the organization (Linnenluecke et al. 2009). Often subcultures develop
around professional background, departmental membership, social group membership, demographic characteristics (e.g., gender, ethnicity), and hierarchical levels.
In this section, I focus specifically on the managerial subculture.
Managers can influence how their subordinates respond to sustainability initiatives. The superior-subordinate relationship is constituted through communication
and is an important location for information exchange, feedback and appraisal, and
mentoring (Sias 2014). Initially, you might think managers will reflect top managements vision for an organizational culture promoting sustainability. Top management expects managers to communicate change initiatives to their subordinates,
to create working environments consistent with any newly mandated changes, and
then to reinforce, enforce, and potentially reward employee efforts toward new
organizational goals and/or directions. Organizations often assign managers to

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training


dedicated roles focused on sustainability (e.g., chief sustainability officer) and rely
on line leaders and non-leadership employees to make sustainability-related
changes (Hannaes et al. 2011). Managers can create a sense among employees
that their organization cares about environmental initiatives (Cantor et al. 2012)
which in turn can influence employee commitment to environmental initiatives and,
ultimately, influence their environmental behaviors. Those managers who perceive
their organization to be an opinion leader in sustainability appear more open to
adopting sustainability innovations (Smerecnik and Andersen 2011) and may
engage in more eco-friendly behaviors than nonmanagers (Ones and Dilchert
2012). But sometimes managers lack sufficient information about the
sustainability-related changes or are unsupportive of them. There are multiple
reasons why they might be unsupportive. For example, they may fear what the
change will mean to their workload or power. Perhaps they feel the change
initiative is a temporary fad unworthy of more than minimal effort. In the past
they may have been rewarded for managing in ways that promote their organizations bottom line or primary mission and feel a shift toward sustainability will
achieve neither. The managers own personal value set may be anthropogenic
business vs. sustainable business oriented (Byrch et al. 2007) (see Sect. 4.1).
Several researchers provide glimpses into the managerial subculture as it relates
to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) (e.g., Bissing-Olson
et al. 2012; Cordano and Frieze 2000). For example, Hine and Preuss (2009)
investigated how different managerial groups perceive and respond to their organizations CSR initiatives, looking at what impact these programs had on managerial agency. They interviewed 27 mid- to upper-level managers in England and
found that often managers felt the CSR activities were undertaken to create an
attractive corporate reputation and to comply with governmental preferences. Many
managers agreed that good things might result from the adoption of CSR policies
and procedures but felt morally mute. They felt required to comply with the
overriding corporate imperatives of profitability, shareholder value, and capital
market responses. Managers can only make significant contributions toward sustainability initiatives if their organizational culture supports and rewards such
actions. Otherwise, managers work within tightly controlled expectations, leading
some to focus primarily on their personal success within highly competitive internal
corporate environments.
Depending on their organizational level, even managers charged with enacting
sustainability-related initiatives face challenges. Traditionally, many managers
viewed waste prevention as excessively expensive and limited their environmental
performance goals to achieving regulatory compliance. Cordano and Frieze (2000)
investigated the source reduction preferences of 295 environmental managers.
Environmental managers typically hold staff positions with limited power over
resource allocations, may lack top management support, may face the belief that
preventing pollution is a nonessential expense, and have limited authority to
implement unilateral changes. Despite this, they potentially can influence the
adoption of pollution prevention activities. Basing their research on Ajzens theory
of planned behavior (TPB), Cordano and Frieze investigated the environmental


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

managers pollution prevention attitudes, perceptions of their organizations subjective norms for environmental regulation, perceived behavioral control, and their
facilities past source reduction activities. As expected, environmental managers
attitudes about pollution prevention and their assessment of subjective norms about
environmental regulation were both positively related to their preference to implement source reduction activities. What an organization previously did is a powerful
predictor of future behaviors and an indicator of the resistance an environmental
manager may or may not experience when attempting to initiate source reduction
activities. Few environmental managers felt supported to improve environmental
performance beyond regulatory requirements. Such managers are unlikely to voluntarily communicate the business benefits of additional environmental initiatives
to their peers. Without such efforts at information exchange, it is likely that
business managers will continue to only seek regulatory compliance and liability
containment. The authors recommend environmental managers select easy-toimplement short-term wins, display project benefits, counter critics, reward change,
engage supervisors, and build momentum.
It is important to build commitment for sustainability among managers. Sharma
(2000) developed and tested a model which investigated the relationship between
managerial interpretations of environmental issues and corporate choice of environmental strategy among 99 firms in the Canadian oil and gas industry. The study
focused on the relationship between whether environmental issues were framed as
opportunities or threats and the influence that framing had on managers choice of
proactive or reactive environmental strategies. Findings included that if a
companys managers interpreted environmental issues as opportunities, the company was more likely to voluntarily engage in pro-environmental strategies (e.g.,
engage in creative problem solving, search for and adopt innovative technologies,
form collaborative relationships with stakeholders). If managers interpreted environmental issues as threats, the company was more likely to exhibit a conformance
environmental strategy (i.e., comply with regulations, adopt industry standard
practices). The more managers saw environmental concern as central to their
companys identity, the more likely they were to see environmental issues as
opportunities. The more they had discretionary slack when managing the
business-natural environment interface, the more likely they were to interpret
environmental issues as opportunities. However, the hypothesis that the greater a
company integrates environmental performance criteria into its control systems, the
more likely managers are to see environmental issues as opportunities was
unsupported. This study suggests messages that frame environmental issues as
opportunities central to an organizations success influence managers behaviors,
as does having discretionary slack when making decisions. Best Practice: Intentionally bring managers on board early in the process when seeking to create an
organizational culture that supports pro-environmental employee behaviors.

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training



Hiring, Socializing, and Training Employees

The greening of the economy (e.g., renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency)
correspondingly shapes the work of existing employees and generates unique work
and worker requirements. New jobs are appearing in research, design, consulting,
manufacturing, renewable energy generation, and green construction (Ones and
Dilchert 2012). For some jobs, the tasks, knowledge, skills, and other characteristics are changing. Companies are adding green responsibilities to existing jobs and
creating new positions. In organizations seeking to create an organizational culture
focused on innovation around sustainability, employee hiring and socialization is
especially important. Organizations with a reputation for sustainability find
attracting like-minded employees relatively easy. However, for those seeking to
create a new culture emphasizing sustainability, incoming and existing employees
may all need to be socialized into the evolving cultural norms. Often this involves
training, especially if the changes are occurring as part of a certification program
which mandates that training occurs.


One theory (social identity theory) and one concept (person-organization fit) which
help us better understand hiring issues are discussed next. Social identity theory
(Reid 2009) explains how individuals are motivated to achieve and maintain a
positive social identity. Employees desire to be affiliated with organizations they
feel are connected to their desired personal identity. Organizational communication
and management scholars have been influenced by this theory (Cheney et al. 2014).
Having a public image as an organization which is a leader in sustainability can be a
powerful recruiting tool when seeking qualified people interested in developing
innovative ideas for dealing with issues related to climate change challenges. The
person-organization fit concept appearing in the management literature refers to the
degree of congruence between the attributes (e.g., attitudes, values, interests) of an
individual and his/her organization. OReilly et al. (1991) designed an organizational culture profile instrument which uses 54 value statements to describe individual and/or organizational values (see Fields 2002). This instrument, or a
modification thereof, is useful when measuring person-organization fit. Aspects
of both the individual and the job situation combine to influence an employees
work performance. Value congruence is important since organizational values are
components of an organizations culture. The fit between employee expectations
(e.g., need for personal recognition) and an organizations climate (e.g., support for
individual vs. team accomplishments) is also important. Employee stress is lower
and OCBs are higher when the employee-organization fit is stronger.
Hiring at Neil Kelly and the Arbor Day Foundation Julia Spence, Vice President of Human Resources at the Neil Kelly Company, said:


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

Over time, because we are known as a green company. . .. We have attracted people who
come to us with shared values. So that tends to feed on itself. We have people who are really
dedicated. . .. One of the things I think that helped us is that we have a relationship with
Oregon State University. We have had summer interns from their housing and interiors
programs for almost 30 years. Their focus on environmental sustainability has grown over
the years. I have been on their advisory board. So we have built that capacity over all these
years. . .and thats really good for us.

I provide this example because it illustrates how this organization strategically

builds human capital. Woodrow Nelson, Vice President of Marketing Communication, of the Arbor Day Foundation, also discussed hiring with me saying:
It is an important part of our hiring process. If this person has an affinity for environmental
soundness, great. If the person seems to have the potential or an open mind, someone who
wants to embrace diversity, then that is a great thing and someone we can coach and
mentor. Then there are going to be others that just dont get it. Those people have got to be
really talented in a whole lot of other ways in order for them to even make it to become part
of the Foundation.

When organizations decide to make a turn toward sustainability, they often hire
people with different skill and value sets. These individuals may help transform
their organizational culture or simply adapt to the existing culture. To counteract a
tendency to adapt to the existing culture, newly hired employees need reinforcement in the direction of the desired change. Companies like Aveda Corporation
have aligned their human resources chain (from recruitment to selection to performance appraisal) with their environmental mission (Ones and Dilchert 2012). Scott
and Myers (2010) offer an integrative theoretical perspective based on structuration
theory which focuses on how employees can potentially negotiate their own roles
and change organizational processes and norms. Organizational practitioners
concerned with managing the hiring and socialization practices and processes in
such a way as to create an organizational culture promoting sustainability will find
their article interesting.


The absorptive capacity literature discussed earlier in the book reminds us that
combination capacities help create social communities rooted in action. Socialization capacities are one type of combination capacity that can facilitate the ability
of the firm to produce a shared ideology that offers members an attractive identity
as well as collective interpretations of reality (van den Bosch et al. 1999, p. 557).
Organizational socialization is the process by which newcomers learn how to
fulfill their roles, are introduced to others, and become familiar with the policies
and norms of the organization (Myers 2009, p. 722). Socialization helps
employees become familiar with how things are done around here and facilitates
coordination of activities between new and existing employees. Julia Spence, Vice
President of Human Resources at the Neil Kelly Company, discussed her organizations efforts to socialize new hires saying:

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training


There is an orientation when people first start and we still are following the pattern of the
Natural Step, in great part because it is not prescriptive, it really is [a process] about how
you think something through. So it can apply to anything. So we do it with an orientation
and [reinforce it] soon after hiring with a little more in-depth training.

Researchers have focused on socialization tactics, information seeking, social

support, peer relationship development, and how new hires learn their organizations culture (Kramer and Miller 2014). Early research investigated stages of
socialization (e.g., anticipatory socialization, encounter, metamorphosis, and
exit). Others identified the tactics organizations use to socialize newcomers finding
that institutional socialization characterized by collective, formal, fixed, serial, and
investiture tactics encourage employees to adapt to their organization and are linked
to higher job satisfaction and organizational identification. However, individualized
socialization tactics, which are more informal, disjunctive, random, and variable,
are associated with more role innovation, role ambiguity, and increased stress
(Myers 2009). At least seven processes are important during the assimilation
process: creating familiarity with coworkers and supervisors, enhancing acculturation, providing recognition, reinforcing involvement, increasing job competency,
and allowing for role negotiation (Gailliard et al. 2010). Individuals interested in
creating an organizational culture might strategize how to embed a focus on
sustainability in each of these seven processes. When organizations engage in
major changes, employees may need to be resocialized if they are to assimilate.
Establishing and maintaining meaningful membership in organizations involves
multiple, interrelated, dynamic processes rather than the singular, linear trajectory
assumed in many assimilation studies (p. 554). Additional research is needed
investigating communication linkages associated with unmet expectations, the
role negotiation process, and the communication content of socialization tactics
(Kramer and Miller 2014).
Communication scholars frequently use four theories to explain socialization
and assimilation: uncertainty reduction, social exchange, social identity, and
sensemaking. Several of these theories have been reviewed elsewhere (i.e., social
identity, sensemaking). Uncertainty reduction theory was developed by Charles
Berger and his colleagues to explain how people use communication when they are
unsure of their own beliefs or the beliefs of others (cognitive uncertainty), or their
own actions and the actions of others (behavioral uncertainty) (Knobloch 2009).
People engage in passive (e.g., observation), active (e.g., asking questions of third
parties), and interactive (e.g., asking questions of the target individual) communication strategies as they seek to gather information to reduce their uncertainty.
Woodrow Nelsons, Vice President of Marketing Communication, of the Arbor
Day Foundation, comment illustrated the passive communication strategy:
In our employee engagement process we focus more on the culture of human interaction
than we do on sustainability. And I think that is not necessarily by design but by default.
Because our people, they are on board. We practice recycling at home. We bike to work.
We embrace public transportation. We embrace healthy food, local food. It is just part of
who we are. When you are among peers and friends that you work with, its natural to pick
up from each other what we are all doing. It is remarkably effortless.


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

The uncertainty organizational newcomers experience can be reduced through

institutional socialization, training and mentoring, conversations with supervisors
and coworkers, and observation. Newcomers weigh the social costs they face if they
admit their lack of knowledge as they decide whether or not to seek information
overtly or covertly.
Organizations interested in creating pro-environmental organizational climates
will find four concepts especially important (e.g., affective organizational commitment (AOC), compliance, identification, and internalization). AOC refers to the
employees emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the
organization (Meyer and Allen 1991, p. 67). AOC is rooted in social exchange
theory, a theory based on ideas derived from theories across multiple disciplines
(Roloff 2009). Its central assumptions are that humans exchange resources to
survive, social systems develop norms and rules guiding resource exchange, and
norms of reciprocity dictate that the receiver of a resource is obligated to be
respectful and supportive of the giverif not return a resource. When these
norms are violated, individuals feel unfairly treated. When the exchanges are
successful, stable exchange relationships and social networks are more likely to
form. AOC can be influenced by employees socialization experiences and, ultimately, be linked to employee pro-social behaviors such as increased job performance and decreased withdrawal behaviors. Compliance occurs when employees
adopt attitudes and behaviors to gain rewards whereas identification occurs when an
employee perceives his or her values and beliefs are congruent with those espoused
and/or enacted by the organization. Identification involves a cognitive connection
with an organization. Internalization occurs when employees adopt their organizations mission as their own (Caldwell et al. 1990). This is the focus of many
socialization efforts. A great deal of communication research has focused on issues
related to commitment, identification, and internalization seeing each as part of a
connected process. See Cheney et al. (2014) for a discussion of communicating
identity and identification within and among organizations.


The many small actions and decisions that all members of an organization make in
their everyday work can accumulate in large improvements in the environmental
impacts of the organization (Perron et al. 2006, p. 553). But this may require
employees with limited scientific training and/or interest in environmental issues to
expand their knowledge bases into new areas and to change their behaviors.
Otherwise, employees may be unable or unwilling to support the initiatives
(Govindarajulu and Daily 2004). Through training employees become aware of
relevant issues, recognize sustainability as a key part of their organizations mission
connected to its triple-bottom-line, and have the knowledge and skills necessary to
engage in the new actions (Ones and Dilchert 2012). It is especially critical to the
effective enactment of often highly technical environmentally focused procedures
and practices. Sarkis et al. (2010) investigated the implementation of

6.2 Organizational Cultures, Employee Socialization, and Training


environmentally oriented reverse logistics practices in 157 firms in Spains automotive industry sector. The success of the implementation of green practices was
completely dependent on employee training in the methodologies and techniques of
eco-design, life-cycle assessment, recycling/reuse material use, and the disposal of
production waste. Without adequate employee training, the green practices would
probably not have been implemented.
Training prepares employees to act by building human capital and tactical
capability. Julia Spence, Vice President of Human Resources at the Neil Kelly
Company, said her organizations flat structure means that everyone participates in
decision making. That means that everybody has to know what is going on so they
are making decisions that are in alignment with our goals. . .. Everybody has to be
educated in order to do that. Sometimes its a real challenge to get information out
to everybody. One of the greatest environmental impacts of the Portland Trail
Blazers involved arena operations. They trained their employees and suppliers so
everyone was on the same page. This included contractors, suppliers, contractedservices, cleaning staff, and security staff. Justin Zeulner, former Senior Director of
Sustainability and Public Affairs, said everybody was trained so they could
What we were doing and why we were doing it and what their role would be in this. So
whether it was reporting, or its purchasing. . .. Guest services staff being able to train and
educate fans about what we are up to. Why do I have a compostable cup? Why is this
food perhaps more expensive? Because it is local and organic. To be able to have that
storytelling ability and those talking points ready was really critical. And we did a
phenomenal job at that.

In order to participate effectively on teams implementing sustainability-related

initiatives both within and between organizations, employees need communication
and interpersonal skills training (Linnenluecke and Griffiths 2010). The empowerment of all employees through training and more inclusive communication is a goal
of the ISO 14000 programs. Training and higher levels of interpersonal interactions
(e.g., cross-functional teams) can result in more information exchange relationships, political capital, and knowledge transfer and innovation which can increase
employee productivity (Delmas and Pekovic 2013). As The Sustainability Center
(TSC) works to generate an index of key performance indicators (KPIs) for
different consumer brands, Sams Club buyers must be trained in technical knowledge and improved communication skills. Brian Sheehan, former Sustainability
Manager at Sams Club, explained how he took:
The milk or the dairy team through training around the [sustainability] index. It introduces
them to TSC in relationship to Walmart, [helps them] understand what the KPIs are and the
category [milk] sustainability profile is, gives them an overview of how the tool looks and
functions, and then walks them through its actual use. So they can select among the
suppliers, look at their scores, look at the product category score, and compare it with
other product category scores. . .. And then start to talk with them [suppliers] about their
results. . .. [Ultimately the buyer will] work with suppliers to improve their individual
scores so that the entire product category is coming up.


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

Trained employees can help their organizations make ongoing adjustments and
build new organizational thought. Jerry Tinianow, Chief Sustainability Officer for
the City and County of Denver, talked about the approach his office is taking in
terms of training:
Our major function is to train the other agencies in sustainability theory and practice, help
them to design, implement, fund and evaluate their projects. And then eventually get out of
the way. The mayor would like sustainability to become so engrained in all the city
agencies that first it becomes a habit for them. And then it becomes an instinct.

Several recent, interesting studies have investigated how training creates new
cognitive maps within the brain. For example, Lourdel et al. (2007) investigated the
cognitive maps of engineering students before and after they completed a course in
sustainable development (SD). Cognitive maps have been used in environmental
education to identify students knowledge, and how it is interconnected in longterm memory. Before the training the engineering students perceptions of SD
focused primarily on its environmental and economic aspects. After the course
their understanding was richer and wider including words involving social and
cultural aspects, stakeholders, principles of SD, and allusions to the concepts
complexity. The authors recommend this method for anyone who wants to evaluate
the impact of training. I mention it here because it illustrates how training can shape
worldviews as well as convey knowledge, skills, and abilities related to
Observational and experiential learning is important. Social learning theory
(Bandura 1977) helps us understand how people learn by observing their peers.
But these observations relate more to judging which actions would be beneficial to
engage in rather than as a way to gain knowledge, skills, and ability. Carrie
Hakenkamp, Executive Director of WasteCap Nebraska, talked about how she
feels peer learning is important saying:
I have found that the best way for businesses to learn is to go out and see what other
businesses are doing. . .. So we try to use that peer-learning model, that networking model.
We have a lot of businesses who offer tours of their facilities to show what they have done
or they do presentations about how their green team has been successful with starting
sustainability initiatives in their company.

WasteCap also sponsors the Green Team Roundtable for their member organizations. In this lunch hour meeting, they discuss community topics like the solid
waste management plan or, as a group, tour the landfill. Experiential learning is an
important part of what Moe Tabrizi, former Assistant Director of Engineering and
Campus Sustainability Director, for the University of Colorado, Boulder, promoted.
He described how each summer in their Peak-to-Peak program faculty groups tour
the campus and are trained in what has and is being done in terms of campus
Although investment in sustainability-related training involves expenses, training can add value through higher quality products and services, subsequent development of efficiencies, and savings from punitive costs associated with
noncompliance (Linnenluecke and Griffiths 2010). It can also influence employee

6.3 Goal Clarity and Goal Congruence


productivity and effectiveness. Multiple venues exist which provide training materials related to sustainability. For organizations that want to design and conduct
their own trainings, the Association for Talent Development (ATD) provides
materials on how to design trainings, conduct a training needs assessment, and
discuss sustainability. The ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and
Development, is the worlds largest association dedicated to those who develop
employee talent in organizations. Present in more than 120 countries, ATDs
members work in public and private organizations.


Goal Clarity and Goal Congruence

Organizations need inspirational, meaningful, and measurable goals to guide their

sustainability-related efforts. Then the goals must be communicated to employees
in such a way as to shape their work-related behaviors. Sometimes this occurs
formally (e.g., through formal socialization and training), but employee assessment
of formal goals also can be transmitted using informal communication. In this
section, I focus primarily on how employees respond to the formal communication
of goals. If employees are unaware of or do not support their organizations
sustainability-related goals, little will be accomplished and employees may experience emotional stress. In addition to helping to create a clearly understood and
shared organization culture, the cohesive execution of an organizations goals is
one component of its socialization capabilities.
Organizational goals regarding sustainability ultimately are enacted by individual employees. In order to act, employees must see how their behaviors can further
the organizations goals. Therefore, individual-level goals become important. Goal
clarity involves the degree to which the organization creates clear objectives and
performance expectations for individual employees (van der Post et al. 1997) and
whether or not employees understand their associated role. It includes employee
awareness of how to work together to achieve the mission and values of the
organization. A great deal of organizational research has focused on measuring
issues such as goal and process clarity and role ambiguity, especially during times
of organizational change. Individuals seeking to promote sustainability-related
initiatives at the organizational level must design, communicate, clarify, and reward
individual-level goals.


Goal Congruence

Building on the TPB and the value-belief-norm models, Unsworth et al. (2013)
proposed a model describing the psychological conditions under which organizational interventions designed to promote pro-environmental employee behaviors
are likely to succeed. Their model draws on theories of values, self-concordance,


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

goal hierarchies, goal systems, and multiple goals. Within an organization

pro-environmental behaviors are only one of many behaviors or tasks that
employees may choose to engage in. Pro-environmental goals are only one of
many goals (e.g., efficiency goals, service and relationship goals, family goals,
career goals) toward which employees are working.
Goal Conflict at Aspen Skiing Company Auden Schendler, Vice President of
Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company, wrote about this inherent goal conflict in
his book, Getting Green Done (2009). When we spoke he said:
This is the same problem that every corporation faces and the problem is that organizations
have a mission of doing something other than sustainability. And people in the company
understand that is their focus, so they are only willing to do so much on something that they
see is ancillary. So, for years, I fought many, many battles trying to do some very simple
basic high return on our investment sustainability projects. And lost many of them. If you
google Little Green Lies in Business Week, that article is a very good summary of some of
the challenges we faced. But Ill give you an example. My classic example is trying to get a
hotel to retrofit light bulbs. And having the hotel manager refuse for half a dozen really
good reasons ranging from the quality of light, to a concern about AAA ratings going down
due to fluorescent lighting, to the opportunity costs of capital.

Within an organization, new pro-environmental goals communicated as part of

an intervention designed to change employee behaviors are more likely to be
activated if an individual sees the proposed environmental goal as addressing the
problem and as attractive (Unsworth et al. 2013). Attractiveness depends on the
interventions characteristics and the individuals initial self-concordance. Selfconcordance involves the degree to which the pro-environmental behavior
expresses any of an employees stable interests and values. Julia Spence, Vice
President of Human Resources at the Neil Kelly Company, talked about selfconcordance saying:
I think a part of it is that they [employees] really like being able to come to work and do
something that makes them feel good about the value of the work that they are putting
in. That its not just, lets sell this cabinet, but lets do something that really moves things
forward and matches what they would like to accomplish.

Employees do not necessarily have to have humanistic, social, or biospheric

values. What is important is that the employee sees (1) the proposed behavior as
expressing as many of his or her values or long-term goals as possible, even if they
are egoistic values, and (2) the link between his or her own behaviors and the
organizations values. I asked Susan Anderson, Director of Portlands Bureau of
Planning and Sustainability, to discuss any challenges her office faced when
discussing sustainability with city staff. She said:
There is still a contingent thats likeIve got work to do. Go away. . .. [How to respond?]
Talk about stuff they care about. Show them how it helps them get their job done, saves
money, looks good to the boss. [Say] we will help you tell your story, or [when] they finish
the project, we write it up, submit it, and get a reporter to write about them and put their
picture in the paper. That kind of stuff really goes far. They see a benefit. They see a benefit
to making all the parking meters solar. . .. Not because they care about climate change. But
because their boss or politician liked it or they got some kind of personal feedback.

6.3 Goal Clarity and Goal Congruence


Self-concordant goals activate related higher order goals (more abstract and long
term such as self-esteem or self-actualization) (Unsworth et al. 2013). When a
pro-environmental self-concordant goal is activated, a spillover effect is likely to
occur so that other behaviors connected to the higher order goal also are activated.
Employees ultimately abandon behavioral goals that are not self-concordant. However, even when self-concordant, when goal conflicts occur as employees attempt to
balance their competing goals, they prioritize performance or work relationship
goals because green goals are generally background goals. Intervention-related
pro-environmental goals are more likely to be pursued when other important
goals (e.g., performance goals) are either very close or very far away from being
achieved. When the intervention-related goal is focal, there are no conflicting cues,
and if the behavior is perceived as self-concordant, pro-environmental activity is
more likely to occur. If an intervention is to succeed, goals should be efficacious
and attractive, self-concordant, in limited conflict with other goals, able to spillover
into related behaviors, and achievable. Organizational messages directed toward
employees as part of an intervention should stress that the proposed action is
consistent with something they value and will solve the problem, that employees
are capable of engaging in the proposed behavior, and that the behavior will have
the desirable outcome (Unsworth et al. 2013). Leaders can increase employees
perceptions of the self-concordance of the pro-environmental behavior. Interventions can address goal conflict by providing cues to remind and refocus employees
back on the pro-environmental goal. Earlier you read about how the University of
Colorado, Boulder, and the State of South Dakota utilize on-location cues to
reinforce behavioral change (e.g., signs over light switches). Multiple concepts
appear in Unsworth et al.s (2013) psychologically based model addressing conditions underlying pro-environmental behavior change: intervention characteristics,
an individuals initial and ongoing perceived self-concordance, goal attractiveness,
goal efficacy, behavioral and higher order goal activation, short-term effects, goal
conflict, equifinality, the proximity of non-green and green goal attainment, longterm spillover, rebound effects, and green fads. I encourage you to look at and think
through their model.


Goal Activation

For over a half of a century, scholars have sought to identify factors that motivate
employees to engage in behaviors which will further their organizations broader
goals. In this section I mention four concepts (i.e., expectancy theory, equity,
justice, and rewards) to consider as management asks employees to engage in
new pro-environmental behaviors.


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

Expectancy Theory

This is a foundational theory of individual motivation. Vroom (1964) investigated

the process that helped motivate individuals to engage in a particular voluntary
activity. He reasoned that an individual will select the behavior which he or she
feels is most likely to lead to the results the individual desires (e.g., raise, recognition, feeling of pride). Expectancy theory is about the mental processes involved
in choosing which voluntary behaviors to perform. The theory involves three
components: valence, expectancy, and instrumentality. According to the theory
motivational force expectancy  instrumentality  valence. Motivation is
influenced by an individuals expectancy that engaging in a certain amount of
effort will allow them to do a behavior, this behavior will achieve a certain result,
and the individual finds the result desirable. Expectancy is influenced by selfefficacy, goal difficulty, and perceived control. Instrumentality is influenced by
trust (of supervisors, of the organization), perceived control over reward distribution, and formalized policies which associate rewards with performance. Vroom
explained how valence is influenced by needs, values, goals, and preferences. For
example, if I am a buyer for a large retail chain, and I believe that if I find and select
more sustainable products this will help my organization meet its sustainability
goals, and that I will personally be recognized by management for doing so (which
is something I desire), I am more likely to purchase the sustainable products.
Although the theory has been criticized as being too simplistic it does direct us to
thinking about how employees might go about selecting voluntary
pro-environmental behaviors.

Equity, Justice, and Rewards

Perceived fair treatment motivates people. Equity theory (Adams 1963) helps
explain how employees seek to maintain the equity between their job-related inputs
and the outcomes that they receive compared to their coworkers contributions and
outcomes. If people feel under-rewarded or over-rewarded for their inputs, they
experience distress. Inputs include time, effort, loyalty, commitment, and skills and
ability. Outcomes include job security, salary, benefits, recognition, and a sense of
achievement. The theory is made up of four propositions. Individuals seek to
maximize their outcomes (i.e., rewards minus costs). Systems of equity evolve,
change, and are maintained within groups. When they find themselves participating
in inequitable relationships, individuals feel distress. They will attempt to eliminate
their distress by restoring equity (e.g., work less). This theory is useful in helping us
understand why employees might expect to receive rewards if they engage in extrarole pro-environmental behaviors when their coworkers do not. The idea of organizational justice stems from equity theory. It is a multidimensional construct with
distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational components. All four
components are important but here I discuss just one. Distributive justice is a

6.4 Organizational Climate, Perceived Support and Trust, Emotional State, and. . .


concept which focuses us on employees perceptions of the fairness of how rewards

and costs are shared. Perceived fairness has been associated with positive psychological and behavioral outcomes such as trust, job satisfaction, and OCBs. Negative
outcomes include withdrawal behaviors (e.g., absenteeism) and counterproductive
work behaviors (e.g., resistance).
Employees monitor equity and justice. Sones et al. (2009) interviewed 12 and
surveyed 1,386 employees who worked for a global elevator company located in
Finland. Their respondents said organizations should allocate resources, time, and
money to translate their visions for pro-environmental cultures into practice. Feedback indicated that simply expecting employees to volunteer without providing
them with extra time, resources, or rewards led to reduced enthusiasm and effort.
Expectancy theory suggests that valued outcomes might include pay increases and
bonuses, promotions, time off, recognition, new and interesting assignments, or the
intrinsic satisfaction of helping others or the biosphere as well as validating ones
skills and abilities. Blackburn (2007) discussed valued outcomes organizations can
use as reinforcement after assigning employees new responsibilities tied to their
sustainability initiatives. He mentioned promoting performance-based objectives
using adjustments to pay, bonuses, opportunities for advancement, special awards,
recognition luncheons, and articles in company publications. More subtle rewards
include allowing top performers to showcase their efforts in key forums attended by
top management. Eisenberger et al. (1990) developed a measure useful to measuring the extent to which employees believe higher levels of job performance will be
rewarded. Best Practice: Organizations seeking to stimulate employees to enact
new pro-environmental behaviors should be aware of the importance of rewards,
perceived equity, and issues related to justice.


Organizational Climate, Perceived Support and Trust,

Emotional State, and Informal Communication

Concern for people is a key part of sustainability. Earlier you read that Social
Accountability International (SAI) provides standards for operating in a socially
responsible way. SAIs mission is to advance the human rights of workers globally.
Their SA8000 standard for decent work is used in over 3,000 factories, across
66 countries and 65 industrial sectors. Hewlett Packard is among the organizations
having that certification. Many more workplaces use SA8000 and SAI programs as
guides for improvement. SAI has trained over 30,000 people including employees,
managers, brand compliance officers, auditors, labor inspectors, trade union representatives, and worker rights advocates. They focus on issues related to child labor,
forced and compulsory labor, health and safety, freedom of association and right to
collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, and
remuneration. These are all critically important issues in terms of social sustainability. In this section, I identify several academic communication-related concepts


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

related to how employees respond to their working environments. Specifically, I

discuss organizational climate, employee perceptions that their organization cares
about them as individuals, employee trust in their organization, the influence of
employee daily emotional state on their pro-environmental behaviors, and the
power of informal communication.


Organizational Climate

An organizations climate is defined as the shared psychological environment in

which organizational behavior occurs. It is built upon recurring patterns of behavior
which influence our attitudes and feelings, and, in turn, shape how we characterize
our organizational life. You can think about it as the environment (or climate)
within which we work. Some employees may feel they work in a harsh environment
characterized by stress, isolation, and fear. Others may feel their working environment is pleasant and characterized by respect, openness, and opportunity. How
employees feel about their climate is influenced by formal and informal communication, relationships and interactions. W. Charles Redding developed a prescriptive
model for managers known as the ideal managerial climate. It has five components:
perceived supportiveness of employees, ability to inspire trust, openness to
employee communication, emphasis on high performing goals, and participatory
decision making. It also can be used to assess perceptions of an entire organization
(Cheney 2011). Employee responses are aggregated to identify the average
employees perception of an organizations openness or supportiveness. The climate concept focuses us on how employees evaluate their organization similarly
and how this evaluation can impact employees emotional health and behaviors
(e.g., absenteeism, commitment, stress). Climate conditions effect how employees
respond to new sustainability initiatives. For example, if employees do not trust
their organization or feel their input is not desired, they will be less likely to
voluntarily engage in pro-environmental behaviors. Although not commonly identified as an organizational climate issue, employee perceptions of organizational
support, trust, and justice do influence employees assessments of and response to
their organization. These concepts are discussed next.


Perceived Organizational Support and Trust

How can organizations influence employee engagement in environmental behaviors such as participating in environmental management activities, promoting
environmental initiatives, and proposing innovative environmental practices? Cantor et al. (2012) offer an explanatory model based on perceived organizational
support (POS), a concept developed by Eisenberger et al. (1986). POS is based on
social exchange theory and the reciprocity concept. The social exchange and

6.4 Organizational Climate, Perceived Support and Trust, Emotional State, and. . .


reciprocity foundations involve employee beliefs about their organizations commitment to them. POS asserts that employees perceptions regarding the extent their
organization values and cares about their contributions have a strong influence on
how they behave and on their levels of affective organizational commitment and
organizational trust (Rhodes and Eisenberger 2002). POS is associated with trust
that the organization will fulfill its exchange obligations (Settoon et al. 1996,
p. 220), recognize and reward desired employee attitudes and behaviors, be fair, and
reward extra role performance.
Trust is a psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerabilities
based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of others (Rousseau
et al. 1998, p. 394). It is created over time as employees experience repeated
favorable treatment which communicates their organizations general benevolence,
and by employees perceptions of issues related to procedural (i.e., fairness in the
processes used to manage conflicts and allocate rewards) and distributive justice.
Employee perceptions of justice influence their commitment, satisfaction, and
intent to voluntarily leave their employer. See Fields (2002) for some justice
measures. A climate of trust is an essential factor to the change management
process. If employees trust that new sustainability initiatives are not simply fads,
and that they will be recognized and rewarded for engaging in pro-environmental
behaviors, their adoption and display of such behaviors are much more likely.
HEAL and POS According to the U.S. Department of Energy, buildings consume
39 % of the energy used in the USA. Although homes are twice as efficient as they
were 35 years ago, residential buildings still account for about 20 % of US energy
use. Earlier I mentioned the HEAL program being operated by the Clinton Climate
Initiative (see Sect. This program helps create sustainable, local jobs and,
in the long term, reduces CO2 emissions by improving energy performance in
commercial and residential buildings. In 2013, the programs website says, By
enlisting employers to offer the HEAL program to qualifying employees and to
community members, the program is able to make a large-scale and rapid impact in
energy usage, GHG emissions and employment opportunities. Organizations place
funds, often saved from energy retrofits of company facilities, into a revolving loan
fund employees can use to make energy retrofits in their own homes. Loans are paid
back through payroll deductions on a pay as you save amortization schedule that
ties payments to savings realized through lower utility bills. By 2015, building
retrofits and the HEAL program reduced GHG emissions by 33,500 tons annually
across the USA, a number with the potential to explode as more organizations adopt
the program (Energy Efficiency Program 2015).
Martha Jane Murray, the HEAL program administrator, developed and tested the
program in her own factory. The next pilot test was at LOreal USAs manufacturing plant in North Little Rock, AR. LOreal has a very strong sustainability
initiative, a sustainability director, and targeted goals corporate wide to reduce
waste and energy and get to a net zero. Martha Jane said HEAL was:
A way for LOreal to do two things: create awareness among employees about helping them
achieve those goals corporate wide but also to help them personally in their own home.


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

They found that providing the [HEAL] benefit gave employees a personal insight into the
benefits of sustainability which was reflected back at the corporate level.

Formal organizational communication can set the stage for POS to occur (Allen
1992, 1995; Allen and Brady 1997) when organizations engage in voluntary actions
like HEAL. Martha Jane described how that process works for the HEAL project.
When presenting the program to employees:
We always promote the company. We let the employees know that this is a benefit that
[your organization] has brought to you and it is unique in this market. That they care about
you beyond the 401(K) or healthcare or whatever. It is very much about helping you find
sustainability in your personal life.

To date, many HEAL program participants are hourly wage employees. The
program saves them money on their energy bills which increases their disposable
income. As participants learn about the HEAL program, they also learn about other
opportunities. Martha Jane said:
We always ask when we are giving a presentation, how many of you are aware that there is
a rebate through your utilities? We usually get less than one percent of our audience that is
aware of those opportunities. So I think there is a constant opportunity for us to make it
[sustainability] real. To make it authentic for people and not just something that looks like
[company] green-washing. I think the more authentic sustainability initiatives are, the more
personal it becomes and it certainly will engage people in other sustainable initiatives.

Given the concept of reciprocity, one would expect HEAL participants to repay
their loans, remain with their employer, and engage in more OCB, including
pro-environmental behaviors if cued to do so by their organization. It would be a
natural extension for organizations seeking to engage in eco-efficiencies (e.g.,
energy efficiencies) to create conditions whereby employees could do the same in
their homes. It is likely the employees who do so will discuss such actions within
their communities thus opening more citizens up to considering energy efficiencyrelated behaviors.
Although POS originally was developed to assess how much employees feel
their organization values their contributions, Cantor et al. (2012) modified the focus
to assess employee perceptions of how much their organization cares about environmental issues. They surveyed 317 logistics and operations management
mid-level distribution center employees working for one of Fortune magazines
2010 most admired companies. Supervisory support for employee engagement in
environmental initiatives and company provided training regarding environmental
issues influenced employees perceptions regarding how much their organization
cared about environmental issues. Information received from supervisors, at formal
organizational meetings, and appearing in their organizations sustainability report
also shape employee perceptions of their organizations interest in sustainability
(Craig and Allen 2013). Knowledge of their organizations involvement with
sustainability influenced employee perceptions that sustainability is important to
their organizations future. This perception influenced employee commitment to
environmental behaviors which, in turn, should result in more innovative and
frequent pro-environmental behaviors.

6.4 Organizational Climate, Perceived Support and Trust, Emotional State, and. . .



Emotional State

Although pro-environmental behaviors often are motivated by stable individual

differences (e.g., attitudes, personality characteristics, personal norms, intrinsic
motivation), employee behaviors may change depending on the emotions they are
experiencing. Concepts such as POS and trust indicate that researchers acknowledge that employees bring their emotions to work, and that emotional reactions can
influence work-related behaviors. Emotions commonly investigated include pride
and more fleeting daily emotions. For example, surveying 5,220 French firms,
Delmas and Pekovic (2013) explored the relationship between ISO 14001 certification and labor productivity. They argued that if employees feel proud of their
organization because it has been certified then they are more likely to perform better
at work, engage in more cooperative and citizenship-type behaviors, and become
ambassadors for their employer. Smerecnik and Andersen (2011) argue that if an
organization is externally recognized as a sustainability leader, employees are more
likely to experience pride and adopt sustainability innovations as well as engage in
more sustainability-related communication with key stakeholders.
Emotions were key to Bissing-Olson et al.s (2012) investigation. They were
interested in predicting two types of pro-environmental behaviors: task-related and
proactive. Task-related pro-environmental behavior involves doing required tasks
in environmentally friendly ways. Proactive behaviors are broader and involve
displaying personal initiative. In their study, they referred to the TPB and the link
between pro-environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior discussed in
the Bamberg and Mosers (2007) meta-analysis (see Sect., but they base
their study on the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions (Fredrickson
2001). This theory suggests that those who experience positive affect are more
likely to behave in pro-environmental ways because they have more emotional
energy available which allows them to consider alternative ways of thinking and
acting. They looked at two types of affect: daily unactivated positive affect (i.e.,
feeling contented, rested, and relaxed) and activated positive affect (e.g., feeling
excited and enthusiastic).
As would be expected, those who held more pro-environmental attitudes
engaged in more task-related and proactive pro-environmental behaviors
(Bissing-Olson et al. 2012). But emotional state mattered. When employees were
feeling content, rested, and relaxed, they were more likely to engage in daily taskrelated pro-environmental behaviors. Daily activated positive affect increased the
daily proactive (but not task-related) pro-environmental behavior of employees
with less positive pro-environmental attitudes but not of those who held more
positive pro-environmental attitudes. The authors recommend creating positive
(i.e., calm) workplace climates supportive of pro-environmental behaviors. Such
climates reinforce employees pro-environmental attitudes. They also suggest promoting positive affect by creating messages and events that stimulate positive
emotional responses, making pro-environmental attitudes salient, paying attention
to job design, and facilitating positive work events. Organizations can make task-


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

related pro-environmental behaviors more salient by presenting pro-environmental

messages. But for those with limited pro-environmental attitudes, stimulating daily
positive affect can be useful. Mike Johnson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, recognized the role of excitement
saying, Part of what we are doing is the communication necessary to let people
know what is going on in order to keep them excited and engaged in campus
sustainability initiatives.
Emotional contagion theory also can provide insights into how employee emotional responses influence their pro-environmental behaviors. The theory helps us
understand how something as subtle as nonverbal communication can lead two
individuals to emotionally converge. Mirror neurons in our brains cause us to attune
emotionally (Hatfield et al. 1993). The emotional state of people within workgroups
can influence cohesiveness and morale. However, if employees share feelings of
alienation, uncertainty, or fear, negative results can also occur. Years ago I read a
study on voluntary turnover clusters. When one employee voluntarily left an
organization due to a negative emotional response, others in his or her social
network were likely to follow. Research opportunities exist for scholars interested
in investigating how emotions, as well as informal communication, can influence
employee responses to the initiation of new sustainability initiatives within an


Informal Communication

Chapter 5 focused on formal written communication (e.g., mission statements,

sustainability reports), planned communication disseminated by change agents or
champions, and communication sent from leaders or managers. However, within
any organization, informal communication can be a powerful force. Informal
communication is communication which is not under management control. Informal communication is important to employees because it allows for meaningful
organizational relationships to be created and employees social and support needs
to be met. Through informal communication, concertive control can be exerted
which reinforces formal and informal social norms. Informal communication plays
an especially important role during times of organizational change when uncertainty and ambiguity are high. Sometimes, it includes workplace gossip and rumors.
Through informal communication, sustainability initiatives can be discounted,
distorted, challenged, supported, or modified.
In addition to structural theory, sensemaking theory, and social learning theory,
another theory helpful when thinking about informal communication is social
information processing theory. Social information processing theory was developed
by two management theorists (i.e., Salancik and Pfeffer 1978) to explain how
people respond to job design issues. Our individual needs and perceptions of our
jobs are influenced by people with whom we have work-related social and informational relationships. Salancik and Pfeffer write that the social context and our

6.5 Engaging and Empowering Employees


own previous actions and experiences provide guides for socially acceptable
reasons for action and focus an individuals attention on certain information,
making that information more salient, and provides expectations concerning individual behavior and the logical consequences of such behavior (p. 227). The
theory has been used to explain a variety of behaviors including how employees
respond to media and media use in organizations, a topic with implications for how
they will respond to sustainability reports and website pages discussing sustainability. Social information processing theory proposes that if individuals are
exposed to more positive, informal social cues, they will express more positive
Recently, Lee and Lee (2015) investigated how multiplexity in intraorganizational networks can stimulate creativity. Previous research looked at individual
cognition or investigated how an employees position within his or her organizational network influenced his or her creativity. But Lee and Lee were interested in
the multiplexity which occurs when more than one type of relationship (e.g.,
friendship, information exchange, advice) exists between two or three people.
Idea generation occurs within relational contexts characterized by trust, positive
affect, and information sharing. Creativity is a process influenced by interaction as
ideas are diffused, searched for, and adopted. They found that when significant
multiplexity exists, advice ties followed by knowledge and friendship ties are
strongly associated with creative interaction. Although their focus was not on
enlisting employees in generating creative sustainability-focused initiatives, their
study suggests that efforts that allow employees to develop and use multiplex ties
might be an excellent way to empower them to create creative solutions.


Engaging and Empowering Employees

In 2007, the senior management of Deutsche Post DHL Group (DPDHL), the
worlds largest logistics company, committed to using environmentally sound
business practices everywhere they operate (Gupta 2011). The companys 2020
goal is to improve carbon efficiency by 30 %. They developed their GoGreen
initiative to raise employee awareness of the importance of the CO2 issue. They
communicated this program aggressively in their internal communication. DPDHL
employees took ownership of the carbon efficiency goal seeing it as a way they
could help make their communities and the planet safer and healthier. They became
engaged around sustainability.
In this section, employee engagement, mechanisms for promoting employee
engagement, and the circular relationship between pro-environmental home and
office behaviors are discussed. Engaged employees are absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and routinely act in support of their organizations reputation
and interests (Werbach 2009). They go beyond their minimal job requirements to
give both their job and their organization extra attention, thought, and energy. Their
productivity is higher and they are less likely to voluntarily leave their employer. In


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

order to become engaged, employees must feel empowered. Empowerment is the

intrinsic motivation employees experience because they believe their work role has
meaning, feel competent, can engage in self-determination, and perceive they can
have an impact (Spreitzer 1995). Meaning is influenced by the perceived fit
between the work role and an individuals beliefs, values, and behaviors. Competence refers to work-related self-efficacy. Self-determination involves autonomy
over work processes and work-related decisions. Impact refers to perceived influence over strategic, administrative, or operating outcomes at work. Organizations
seeking to enlist employee support and stimulate employee innovation around
sustainability initiatives should design a supportive organizational climate, provide
needed training, and strategically redesign and enlarge employee roles in order to
empower them.
Once our basic needs are met, our happiness increases if we can be of service to
something larger than ourselves, experience full engagement (flow) in what we are
doing on a regular basis, show gratitude to others, and share our life with others.
You might want to complete the satisfaction with life survey (see Werbach 2009).
A sample question is If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.
Giving employees a greater purpose at work beyond generating company profits
can be motivational. This is more likely when self-concordance exists. Selfconcordance occurs when pro-environmental behavior expresses any of the
employees stable interests and values (Unsworth et al. 2013, p. 214). If organizations can tap into this self-concordance and engage their employees in planning
and implementing sustainability initiatives, this may unleash employee creativity,
promote leadership talent, and drive innovations (Werbach 2009). Based on their
knowledge, skills, and abilities, they may become the champions of change.


How Organizations Engage Employees

Generally US employees are not engaged or empowered. The Gallup (2013) report
entitled The State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for
U.S. Business Leaders discussed their findings from 2010 through 2012. Of the
approximately 100 million full-time American workers only 30 % are engaged and
inspired at work; 20 % are actively disengaged; and the remaining 50 % are just not
engaged. Active disengagement is costing the annual U.S. economy an estimated
$450 to $550 billion. Gallup recommends that employee engagement can increase
if organizations select the right people, develop employees strengths, and enhance
employees well-beingall topics discussed in this chapter. So organizations
seeking to engage employees around sustainability initiatives cant just assume
engagement happens automatically.
Organizations increasingly are seeking to engage employee support for their
sustainability-related initiatives. See Exter (2014) for a comprehensive discussion
of increasing employee engagement within sustainable businesses. In 2010 The
North American Task Force of the United Nations Environment Programme

6.5 Engaging and Empowering Employees


Finance Initiative (UNEP 2011) surveyed 20 of their members and interviewed six
senior environmental managers. Participating institutions included Citigroup, Bank
of America, Merrill Lynch, TD Bank Financial Group, and UBS. Active environmental employee engagement is a relatively recent phenomenon in financial institutions and efforts primarily focus on internal environmental management (e.g.,
resource conservation). Respondents reported using various employee engagement
approaches which I include here for other organizations to consider. Their
approaches included presentations to raise awareness of relevant environmental
issues and how their organization was addressing them; surveys to identify
employees environmental concerns; the creation of various groups (e.g., a dedicated team or task force responsible for environmental issues, informal grassroots
teams, sustainability steering committees); the use of contests, challenges, and
recognition programs to incentivize employees to take pro-environmental actions
(e.g., reduce resource consumption); the provision of mailboxes where employees
could direct their questions and suggestions regarding sustainability issues; the
dissemination of newsletters and intranet communication to keep employees
informed about initiatives; and training on the implications of sustainability to
employees business roles. For example, the TD Bank Financial Group set up two
programs. At the branch level, green coordinators raised employee awareness about
branch-relevant environmental issues, provided information about the banks environmental initiatives, and informed customers about the banks environmental
credentials. Within the business units and subunits, green ambassadors championed
environmental programs, involved employees in enacting the environmental strategy, convened green working committees, and created and pursued their own ideas.
The Gallup organizations Q12 survey is used by organizations to measure
factors influencing employee engagement (DAprix 2011). Gallups (2013) findings
from 2010 to 2012 are available along with the 12 questions. Other drivers of
employee engagement involve employee perceptions that senior management cares
about employee well-being; employees have opportunities to improve their skills,
to provide input into departmental decision making, to set high personal standards,
for excellent career advancement, and to engage in challenging work assignments
that broaden employee skills; employees believe their organization has a reputation
for social responsibility and responds quickly to customer concerns; the existence
of a positive relationship with their supervisor; and employee perceptions that their
organization encourages innovative thinking (DAprix 2011). Prior to seeking to
engage employees, Werbach (2009) suggests surveying employees about their
knowledge of supervisor and peer expectations, perceived opportunity to do what
they do best each day, belief that their supervisors and others in their organization
care about them as a person (POS), belief that their job is important to the mission
or purpose of their organization, existence of a best friend at work, and perceived
opportunity to work and grow at work. Such baseline knowledge helps change
agents better understand employee perspectives. In terms of superior-subordinate
communication, DAprix suggests line managers need to proactively answer six
common questions employees have: What is my job? How am I doing? Does
anyone care? How are WE doing? Whats our vision, mission, and values? How


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

can I help? The North American Task Force of the United Nations Environment
Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP 2011) report listed some additional potential
actions associated with engagement that include: 1) solicit employee input in the
development of environmental engagement strategies to create a sense of ownership and enhance employee participation, 2) encourage top management to influence those employees who are not already concerned about environmental issues,
3) incentivize employee participation through contests and challenges, 4) provide
educational presentations about the organizations environmental strategies, 4)
provide role-specific training to employees on how they can help improve environmental performance, and 6) develop effective communication channels employees
can use to channel their concerns about environmental issues and to offer


Challenges Mobilizing Employees Around


Employee engagement programs face multiple challenges. DAprix (2011) likens it

to throwing rocks at the corporate rhinoceros. The North American Task Force of
the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP 2011) study
participants identified challenges due to inadequate resources, inconsistent top
management support, employees uninterested in environmental issues, problems
reaching the entire employee base, and difficulty maintaining the employee engagement programs momentum. At work, motivational forces are often lacking since
employees rarely see the consequences of their behaviors in terms of their organizations overall goals (e.g., energy conservation). This makes it difficult to influence feelings of personal responsibility and to incentivize an individuals behavior
(Bolderdijk et al. 2013).
Often organizations simply overlook the opportunity to change individual
behaviors. Mike Mueller, Sustainability Coordinator for the South Dakota Bureau
of Administration, explained why he focuses his efforts on infrastructure rather than
using communication to stimulate employees pro-environmental behaviors:
Getting people to change behaviors is extraordinarily difficult. Swapping out a light system
or boiler, while expensive, is really easy to do and considerably cuts your consumption of
the resource. We have really tried to make it easy for the employees [so that] rather than
telling them, Please turn off the light in the room, we installed motion-sensitive lighting
controls. . .. It is our job to pay attention to the buildings. But the employees that are in our
buildings are really there to accomplish a whole different mission. They are trying to serve
the poor and the disabled, protecting us in our prisons, trying to encourage job growth and
economic development, trying to help schools with curriculum, and so their focus is not
Should I throw this away? Should I recycle? What should I put in the gas tank? The
approach has really been that if we can make the decisions for them, in a way that doesnt
make them uncomfortable or disrupt their other workflow, [we do] because their mission is
something entirely different than ours. While we can prompt them to make good decisions

6.5 Engaging and Empowering Employees


to help us save money, really our efforts are to do as much of it as possible without them
having to make a conscious effort.

In 2011, the South Dakota state government employed 12,594 full-time

employees and 6,237 part-time employees.
Various interviewees talked to me about picking the low hanging fruit by
reducing packaging or increasing recycling and efficiencies. Many were at a loss
as to where to go next in their sustainability efforts. Quite a few were aware of the
need to change proactively in the face of impending climate change challenges. But
few had enlisted their employees to innovate toward sustainability within their
organizations and to magnify their organizations commitment toward sustainability throughout their communities.
But increasingly organizations are involving their employees. My university, the
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, signed the College and University Presidents
Climate Commitment in 2007, pledging a long-term goal to become carbon neutral
by mid-century. Its mid-term (2021) goal is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions
by 50 % from 2010 levels. In the fall of 2014, I worked with a team to conduct a
12-week energy conservation pilot program. Building on theory and research, we
designed a field experiment where people working in four campus buildings
received a different combination of (1) weekly building specific energy feedback
delivered in an email energy report and appearing on energy charts located in
strategic locations in office and classroom buildings, (2) energy pledge cards, and
(3) energy champions who provided one-on-one education and reinforcement
messages. The energy feedback allowed occupants to see their buildings total
energy consumption for the first time and how their choices could save energy.
The feedback chart displayed 2013 weekly kilowatt usage for the 12-week period.
A dashed red line indicated what a 15 % energy reduction goal each week would
look like. When I exited the elevator in my building, an updated chart allowed me to
compare our 2014 energy consumption for the previous week with that week in
2013 and to our 15 % energy reduction goal. At the end of the period, our 12-week
pattern was clear. Energy conservation efforts per building ranged from 7,600 to
65,000 kilowatt-hours. Combined, these four buildings reduced their carbon emissions by 89.75 metric tons. Through communication employee efforts were mobilized in this short-term campaign. However, long-term engagement is key.


Employee Engagement Outlets at Work, at Home,

and in the Community

The influence of an individuals personal background and pro-environmental interests can be greatly magnified if their employer creates an environment where these
interests are valued and their suggestions are solicited. Many organizations have
green teams. These are generally self-organized cross-functional groups that voluntarily come together to educate, inspire, and empower their coworkers around


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

sustainability. Such teams identify and implement specific solutions to help their
organization operate in a more environmentally sustainable manner. Actions that
green teams promote at work can spillover into employees personal lives.

Green Teams

Fleischer (2009) shared some best practices and lessons learned on employee
engagement at Deloitte, eBay, Genentech, Intel, Stonyfield, Walmart, and Yahoo!
She provides her readers with business case arguments for forming green teams,
describes how to start a green team, offers some potential green team projects, and
provides resources for those interested in starting a green team. Practitioners will
find her report informative. Best Practices: Hire a consultant or create a staff
position to oversee the team, embed sustainability metrics into employees performance goals, link bonuses/compensation to sustainability goals, connect green
team initiatives to the sustainability initiatives of a senior-level cross-functional
team of leaders from key departments, train employees on the importance of
sustainability to the business, and help employees understand the importance of
their individual actions. Many of these recommendations have appeared elsewhere
in this book.
My interviewees representing small businesses (e.g., WasteCap Nebraska),
mid-sized businesses (e.g., Assurity Life Insurance, Neil Kelly Company), larger
organizations (e.g., the Lincoln, NE, State Farm processing facility), and cities
(e.g., Boulder, CO; Portland, OR) talked with me about their green teams. Their
advice included make sure the team doesnt get too large, create a forum within the
team where no topics are off limits, give employees nameplates that say Green
Team so others can identify them, utilize Sharepoint for idea exchange, draw team
members with different skill sets from across the organization, work within
employee time constraints during lunch-and-learns, become a part of a larger
network of green teams which meets to share ideas, tour other organizations to
see what their green teams have done (peer-learning and networking), and be
prepared to do a cost-benefit analysis of potential new ideas. They mentioned that
their green teams communicate with other employees (and sometimes other stakeholders) using websites, bulletin boards, display cases, lunch-and-learns, educational events, action events (e.g., electronic recycling day), table tents, eco-fairs,
and their companys daily newswire or intranet.
Green Teams at Assurity Life and State Farm Tammy Rogers, Senior Information Technology Business Analyst and green team leader at Assurity Life Insurance, discussed varying informational content provided at green team-sponsored
forums, and being realistic. She said:
It really is about raising awareness and presenting on a lot of different topics because the
variety of topics is what draws in different people. Not everybody is into recycling but
somebody might be into biking. Or they might not be into biking but they are into
gardening. It has been a learning process for us because none of us had ever done this

6.5 Engaging and Empowering Employees


before. So understanding and gaining experience about how to communicate the message
and how to not be political about it, how not to be in your face about it so you dont turn
people off. Coming up with good topics and engaging ways to present that information, is
really what our goal is. . .. The apolitical part of it was something we were all adamant about
in our first organizational meetings. This cannot even have a hint of political or forcing
opinions on people because that is a huge turn off. We are pretty low key in how we deliver
our message. We have found that to be effective. You start winning people over that you did
not think would ever start recycling. . .. There are always challenges when you want
change. There will always be people that look at everything from a political standpoint
so no matter how you present it, they go on the defensive. There are just people like that so
its a cultural change. I think the reality is not everyone wants to change. Not everyone is
going to change. You just keep putting the message out there and it does have an impact.
But you have to be realistic about people and what their backgrounds are, how they grew
up, how that influences the choices that they make.

Sometimes an organizations sustainability initiatives occur because individuals

bring something from their private life to their organizational role that motivates
and empowers them to help bring about organizational change. When I was in
Lincoln, NE, I spoke with Mike Malone, the green team leader at the State Farm
Insurance operating facility in Lincoln. The Lincoln facility has won multiple
awards for its sustainability efforts. For example, in 2011 that facility won the
Keep Nebraska Beautiful Environmental Award, and the City of Lincoln and
Lancaster County Environmental Leadership Award for Business and Industry.
There are 1,400 employees in the two-building operating facility who do a variety
of tasks involving underwriting and processing insurance claims for six states
located in the Heartland zone of the company (i.e., Minnesota, Wisconsin, the
Dakotas, Nebraska, and Iowa). The State Farm Heartland Green Team has 11 members: seven in Lincoln, two in Minnesota, one in Omaha, and one in Des Moines.
Mike spoke with me about his experience with the green team saying,
I own a cabin on the lake in Wisconsin. So I have always been concerned about keeping
water clean, and keeping the lake alive and thriving. Once I got involved with sustainability
and the committee, my efforts ramped up and my views changed on not only recycling, but
reusing and reducing as well.

Apparently, his organization encourages employees to engage in volunteer

activities. He explained:
It looks good to be on a committee here and have something on your employee shield. . .. I
did not want people [on the green team] that were going to do it because it looked good on
their resume. I did ask for people who were living the green life, were engaged in
environmental efforts, or were really excited about the committee and its potential and
what could be done. And that is really what we got. There have been a couple of people here
that were not that engaged. And you know, that is going to happen and those people
basically did not ask to re-up. . .. We want people who are enthusiastic, people who want to
be involved.

Julie Diegel, Director of Sustainability Programs at WasteCap Nebraska, talked

about some of the things she discusses with the green team representatives of the
WasteCap member organizations. I provide her comments here in hopes they will
be useful to other green teams. She said:


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

We go through the process of determining what your companys biggest impacts are.
Where does this green team even begin? How do you determine what is next? We go
through the whole process of discovery. . .. What are you doing right now? How do you
decide which [project] you should focus your energy on first? When you decide on a
project, how do you rank that project against other possible projects? Based on what your
current needs aredo you need a big win? Do you need something publically visible? You
rank those projects and focus on one thing. Figuring out a process is half the battle. How do
we figure out what to do and how to do it? How to measure it and how to record what we are
doing so that we have a record of that so we know where we started and where we ended up.

Increasingly, green teams are focusing on helping coworkers integrate sustainability into their personal lives. Individual employees take what they learn at work
back into their nonwork lives. Julia Spence, Vice President of Human Resources at
the Neal Kelly Company, talked about how her definition of sustainability changed
The more I learned formally through work, the more I have gone home and looked at what I
do. I have changed the way I garden. I garden organically now. I buy locally. I buy
organically, which I did not do before. Just the way I think about packaging [has changed].
I am a lot more conscious all the time. And that has really come out of what we have done at
work. [I ask myself] do I really need this?

Julias story was not unique. Tammy Rogers, Senior Information Technology
Business Analyst and green team leader, at Assurity Life Insurance, talked about
how working in a LEED-certified building influenced her and her colleagues habits
at work and at home. Like Julia, Tammy said her own definition of sustainability
Insights gained at work that translate into employees personal lives can result in
large-scale pro-environmental outcomes for their surrounding communities, if their
employer supports such actions. Brian Sheehans, former Sustainability Manager at
Sams Club, previous background working in sustainability for a city influenced his
vision for what an organization Walmarts size could do in the communities where
stores are located. Local Sams Clubs could be a hub of sustainability expertise.
Brian envisioned multiple Sams associates throughout a Club as becoming aware
of the sustainable products they sell and capable of helping people understand how
they could operate their own organizations in a more sustainable fashion. So in a
remote part of this country. . .. Sams Club, to a certain extent, could serve that
need. We have business members [in our communities] who are wanting to operate
more sustainably. There would be someone in the local Sams Club they can talk to
who could help them achieve their goals. Such an idea could have a major impact.

Personal Sustainability Plans

In 2007, I was present in the Walmart corporate auditorium at their annual sustainability summit when the rollout of the voluntary personal sustainability projects
(PSP) was announced. Walmart associates globally were presented with a program
designed to help them integrate sustainability into their personal lives. The idea was

6.5 Engaging and Empowering Employees


to promote small actions that could be taken anytime and anywhere that were good
for the employees, their organization, and the planet. Desired actions should be
repeatable, inspirational, sustainable, and enjoyable (RISE) (Werbach 2009). These
PSPs have the potential to go viral as best practices spread through employee social
networks via interpersonal communication. Linda Dillman, Walmart Executive
Vice President of Risk Management, Benefits and Sustainability, was quoted as
Sustainability has become part of the Wal-Mart culture, and PSPs are one way for
associates to become involvedin their stores, their communities and their daily lives.
PSPs are being created by and for associates to help them make choices that can have a real
impact on their personal health and happiness and on their families, neighbors, communities and the environment. Were excited about what weve seen and learned so far and about
what can happen as this project grows (Walmart Announces 2007).

Walmart developed a website where associates could get ideas for what to
change, how to set goals, and how to make the change happen. For those employees
who wanted to feel connected, they could make a public commitment on the
website as well as provide and solicit social support. The Walmart 2009 annual
sustainability report said that more than 500,000 US associates adopted a PSP with
nearly 20,000 quitting smoking. Employees had recycled three million pounds of
plastic, collectively lost more than 184,000 pounds, and walked, biked, or swam
more than 1.1 million miles. With 1.4 million US employees and 2.2 million
globally, Walmart associates collective action has the potential to promote positive
behavioral change for themselves, their families, their 200 million weekly customers, and their communities (Weinreb 2013). Over time the program transformed
into My Sustainability Plan. Partnering with the Clinton Global Initiative, Walmart
now provides a royalty-free license of the My Sustainability Plan branding, program framework, curriculum, and other resources to interested organizations
(My Sustainability Plan n.d.). Action Plan: Go to Werbach (2009) to learn more
about how to develop your own personal sustainability plan.

Preparing Employees to Communicate the Sustainability


Employees can become change agents spreading their organizations sustainability

message in their community. For example, the Austrian Federal Forest Corporation
trained 180 members of its forestry staff on how to communicate about corporate
sustainability to certain publics (Signitzer and Prexl 2008). The forestry staff made
about 520,000 direct contacts with members of the general public annually.
Because employees are the producers and users of environmental knowledge within
their organizations, other stakeholders often see them as credible information
sources about an organizations true activities.
If employees are to speak on behalf of their organization, there is work to be
done. Although research on how employees respond to their organizations
CSR-related communication is rare, Sones et al. (2009) found employees desire


6 Using Communication to Create Environments That Empower Employees

more concrete messages about what they personally can do for the environment.
Many prefer clear, short, practical messages. They recommended sending messages
stressing the benefits of optimization (e.g., eco-efficiencies) for the company and
assigning an environmental contact person in each department. Others said they
were too busy to attend informal meetings or indicated they were only willing to do
things that did not require too much effort. People found it hard to censor coworkers
for doing things that arent pro-environmental. Some were not willing to make
suggestions for fear of being seen as green. Organizations can use at least three
different CSR communication strategies in messages directed toward stakeholders
(e.g., employees): information, response, and/or involvement (Sones et al. 2009).
The information model relies on one-way communication. Although the two-way
response strategy does gather information from stakeholders, its main purpose is to
influence stakeholder attitudes and it does not adapt in response to stakeholder
feedback. In contrast, stakeholder involvement strategies seek to create and maintain iterative and progressive two-way symmetric communication (i.e., dialogue).
Sones et al. (2009) study makes it clear that employees need to be part of the
dialogue (i.e., informed, engaged, and empowered) if they are to communicate their
organizations sustainability message. Employee understanding of their organizations view of sustainability increases if they see sustainability as part of their
organizations identity and are aware of the corporate sustainability policy, mission,
vision, and goals (Allen et al. 2012; Craig and Allen 2013; Linnenluecke
et al. 2009). Increased awareness of their organizations sustainability practices
provides employees with the holistic understanding of corporate sustainability (i.e.,
more concern for planet, people, and profits) they need if they are to communicate
with external stakeholders.
Communication plans developed around preparing employees to discuss sustainability with external publics (e.g., community, supply chain members) are
important. For people unfamiliar with constructing communication plans, templates
are available online from Information to share with employees
includes relevant facts, key talking points, and memorable stories they can share.
Interface, the worlds largest manufacturer of commercial carpets and floor coverings, developed a speakers bureau where knowledgeable employees share their
organizations best practices with interested organizations. Employees are more
credible speakers when they can talk about their own direct experiences. They are
more likely to particulate when they are recognized and praised for doing so.


Concluding Thoughts

As of 2013 there were 45,508 companies listed in stock exchanges around the
world. The number of formal unlisted companies is unknown because thats
impossible to track. Then, there are other types of organizations (e.g., NGOs,
small businesses, nonprofits, governmental entities). In 2012, 26 % of the worlds
adult population worked full time for an employer. Although organizations



contribute significantly to resource degradation, global warming, and worker

exploitation, they also create the contexts within which we individuals can be
part of something larger than ourselves. It is through our organizations that we
can most effectively manage climate change challenges. Some organizational
cultures have already changed to promote pro-environmental planning and behaviors. Yet many others must change in order for meaningful proactive action to occur
on the societal and global levels. How can you be one of the visionaries leading
your organization to empower its employees to either seek a different path or tread
more firmly along your present path to creating a more sustainable future for all

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Chapter 7

Facilitating Group Collaboration

and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

Abstract This chapter is about groups and group communication at the organizational and interorganizational levels. The enactment of sustainability initiatives
often requires group collaboration. Characteristics of strong teams are identified.
Theory and research related to small group decision-making and problem-solving
processes are reviewed. Group-level techniques for frame breaking and building so
as to identify creative alternatives are identified. Then, the focus shifts to interorganizational collaboration (IOC) efforts. Complex environmental issues accompanying global climate change require large collaborative efforts. Theory related to the
role of communication in the creation of emergent collaborative structures is
identified. Theories and research related to learning in IOCs are reviewed. Techniques used to build communities of practice and enhance group learning are
discussed. The ways language and texts can contribute to IOC effectiveness are
reviewed. A specific case of IOC interaction, the nongovernmental organization
(NGO)corporate alliance, is discussed in terms of their joint external communication efforts. Finally, the focus is on sustainable supply chains. Why do organizations form them, how are they governed, and what challenges exist? Internal and
external communication issues are identified and best practices are offered. Interview data spotlights the City of Denver, Aspen Skiing Company, Tyson Foods,
Sams Club, and Bayern Brewing.

Lewis and Clark and the Role of Groups Large journeys often require the talents
of multiple people working toward the same goal. William Clark recruited 44 men
of diverse backgrounds. They were good hunters, healthy, unmarried, accustomed
to the woods, and strong. Two had blacksmithing experience, one knew carpentry,
and a few knew Indian languages. Thirty intended to make the entire journey. Six
returned at the midpoint taking maps, notes, and specimens of plants, animals, and
minerals back to President Jefferson. During their 2-year journey, the Corps of
Discovery split into smaller groups to accomplish parts of their overall mission. For
example, on their way home, they broke into two groups. Clark and his group
traveled down the Yellowstone River, while Lewis and his group headed toward the
Great Falls of the Missouri River in Montana and then north along the Marias River.
Both groups faced challenges to the achievement of their goals before they reunited
near Sanish, ND. This example illustrates how people working together bring
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_7



7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

multiple resources into play when facing insurmountable tasks for individuals to
accomplish and how group structures shift over time.


Intraorganizational Groups

Organizations which embrace sustainability are moving from relying on experts to

having internal group members plan and implement sustainability initiatives within
and between organizations (Hannaes et al. 2011). In Chap. 5, you read how the
Portland Trail Blazers created an internal sustainability team of 35 individuals
representing every department and all organizational levels. That group established
the vision, developed a set of sustainability goals, and designed actions to minimize
the Trail Blazers triple-bottom-line (TBL) impacts and to benefit the community.
You also read how the City and County of Denver created an interagency committee representing 12 of the citys 21 agencies charged with coordinating efforts to
achieve the citys 24 different 2020 goals. Blackburn (2007) describes the role of a
core team in strategic planning; the usefulness of teams in government, small
businesses, and colleges and universities interested in addressing sustainability;
and teams as a way to engage employees. At this moment, across our world, groups
are working toward sustainability within and between organizations of various
types (e.g., NGOs, governmental entities, for-profit organizations). In this section,
I identify some key group-related theories, review relevant research involving
groups seeking to promote sustainability initiatives, and offer suggestions for
effective group functioning.


Small Group Decision-Making and Problem-Solving


For decades, scholars and practitioners have sought to identify the characteristics of
highly functioning teams. For example, Larson and LaFasto (1989) conducted a
3-year study of teams and team achievement. They interviewed multiple and varied
teams and found eight common characteristics of effective teams: a clear, elevating
goal; a results-driven structure; competent team members; unified commitment; a
collaborative climate; standards of excellence; external support and recognition;
and principled leadership. These same characteristics appear in the literature
discussing effective organizational and interorganizational groups.
Effective small groups begin by focusing on four questions: (1) Does the
situation require some kind of choice? (2) What do we want to achieve in our
decision? (3) What choices do we have? (4) What are the positive and negative
aspects of each choice? (Hirokawa and Salazar 1999). How groups answer these
four questions shape the social context within which their final decisions are made.

7.1 Intraorganizational Groups


High-quality decisions are more likely if group members publically commit to

seeking the best possible decision, are willing to expend the needed effort, can
identify potential obstacles and needed resources, possess needed knowledge and
skills, utilize strategies appropriate to the work and the setting, develop interventions to overcome any constraints which limit their decision-making effectiveness,
review their process, and reevaluate their judgments and decisions. Finally, a
decision-making groups effectiveness is influenced by conditions within the
group (e.g., leadership) as well as by the larger organizational context (e.g., external
support for the groups success).

Functional Group Decision-Making Theory

Group communication scholars began developing theory in the 1970s (Poole 1999).
In the 1980s, Gouran and Hirokawa developed one of the most influential group
communication theories, the functional theory of group decision making (Salazar
2009). This theory promotes rational decision making and critical, reflective discussion. Its rational systematic approach is based on the work of philosopher John
Dewey (Schultz 1999). Functional decision making involves understanding the
problem, identifying criteria for judging solutions, generating a relevant set of
alternatives, examining the alternatives in light of the criterion, and selecting the
alternative that best meets the desired characteristics. Initially, group members
must correctly understand the issue or problem to be resolved. Problems may be
made up of questions of fact (e.g., How much CO2 are we omitting?), questions of
conjecture (e.g., Is it cost-effective to change our processes so as to reduce our CO2
emissions?), and questions of value (e.g., Do we have a responsibility to reduce our
CO2 emissions?). Which types of questions are your group, or the groups you are
researching, focusing on? Do group members share a common understanding of the
questions they need to address? After a group has identified the problem, members
should identify the minimal characteristics any acceptable alternative must have
(i.e., criterion) (e.g., be technologically and financially feasible, have a demonstrated record of success). How well groups discuss and evaluate their alternative
choices in light of the criteria influences group decision-making performance.
While groups attempt to generate solutions and make decisions, they are simultaneously undergoing internal orientation processes. In the 1970s, Fisher developed
a theory of decision emergence (Littlejohn and Foss 2005) which discussed how
new groups go through four phases: orientation, conflict, emergence, and reinforcement. During orientation, group members become acquainted, begin to focus on the
task, and start sharing their insights. During the conflict phase, debate occurs as
people solidify their attitudes. Debate involves breaking issues/problems into parts;
distinguishing between the parts; justifying/defending assumptions; persuading,
selling, and telling; and finally gaining agreement. Polarization is likely. Conflict
is a normal part of the process when groups create collaborative decisions around
sustainability-related challenges (Livesey et al. 2009). The emergence phase is
characterized by the beginning of cooperation, more ambiguous comments, and


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

the emergence of a possible decision. During reinforcement, the decision solidifies

and group comments reinforce the decision.
The functional model of decision making and the phase model are only generalizations. There is no single blueprint for how a group should work through a
problem or arrive at a decision. Many groups do not follow a rational approach in
their decision making (Schultz 1999). Groups move back and forth between issues
and possible solutions amid shifting group dynamics. Some groups discuss, argue,
and reconsider the same issues multiple times before reaching a decision. However,
the functional model of decision making can help groups learn to make more highquality decisions. Best Practice: Vigilance to rational decision making is especially
important when groups face unfamiliar, ambiguous, or difficult decisions and/or the
group is heterogeneous (i.e., members represent different cultures, interests, value
sets, or organizations). Unfamiliarity, ambiguity, difficulty, and heterogeneous
participants are likely to characterize large groups facing complex sustainabilityrelated challenges.

Resources for Improving Decision Making

Groups need a structure that promotes competent work, an environmental context

that supports and reinforces excellence in decision making, and effective coaching
in and assistance during the decision-making process (Hirokawa and Salazar 1999).
Diagnosis and intervention techniques (e.g., training) can improve group communication performance (Schultz 1999). Facilitators can observe what is occurring
during group discussion, provide feedback as to the groups strengths and weaknesses, suggest changes to help the group become more effective, and help group
members practice new behaviors. The coding system developed by Bales, the
interaction process analysis (see Bonito 2009), is useful when evaluating task and
socioemotional group dynamics. Coders identify the occurrence of various communication behaviors (e.g., shows solidarity, gives suggestions, asks for suggestions, or displays antagonism). If group members learn to recognize problems and
change their processes, this can result in better decisions.
Various tools exist to help groups structure their discussions (e.g., create an
agenda), analyze the problems faced (e.g., reflective thinking), create new alternatives (e.g., consensus mapping), and agree on a decision (e.g., straw poll) (see
SunWolf and Seibold 1999). During the problem analysis phase, useful procedures
are reflective thinking, devils advocacy, the Delphi method, dialectical inquiry,
nominal group technique, flowchart, multiattribute decision analysis, problem
census, single-question format, fishbone diagram, 6M analysis, cognitive map,
journalists six questions, Pareto analysis, ideal-solution format, is/is not analysis,
force-field analysis, stepladder technique, risk procedure, program evaluation and
review technique, multidimensional scaling, focus groups, interpretive structure
modeling, and expert approach. Ways to create options include brainstorming,
reverse brainstorming, idea writing, consensus mapping, lateral thinking, buzz
groups, morphological analysis, role storming, ideals method, synectics, brain

7.1 Intraorganizational Groups


writing, object stimulation, excursion, visioning, collective notebook, lotus blossom, semantic intuition, and creative problem solving. Best Practice: I provide this
list here to remind readers of the tools they can use to improve their decisionmaking processes.


Dialogue and Learning

The nature of sustainability challenges seems to be such that a routine problem-solving

approach falls short, as transitions towards a more sustainable world require more than
attempts to reduce the world around us into manageable and solvable problems. Instead,
such transitions require a more systemic and reflexive way of thinking and acting, bearing
in mind that our world is one of continuous change and ever-present uncertainty (Wals and
Schwarzin 2012, p. 13).

Functional group decision-making theory cant generate the kind of transformational changes we need in the face of global climate change, especially when the
problem solvers represent multiple organizations and interest groups. In a world
where people strongly disagree along cultural and ideological lines, debate-based
decision-making techniques may only increase polarization. Dialogue offers us
another alternative. Dialogue is an interactive effort to co-create novel ideas and
understandings which rests on using inquiry, advocacy, and reflection. It can be a
catalyst for generating new understanding, insight, and action, for bringing about
individual and collective shifts in mindsets and behaviors, and for encouraging
collaboration and collective action. Wals and Schwarzin (2012, p. 15) explore the:
practice of dialogic interaction, which is defined as reflexive conversation and engagement among a heterogeneous group of people, who attempt to explore a diversity of
potentially incompatible perspectives in a mutually respectful, trusting and collaborative
way, and which can be considered as a type of interaction that carries considerable potential
in community and organizational learning towards sustainability.

Dialogue is key to many of the decision-making models and studies discussed

later in this chapter (e.g., Brulle 2010; Livesey et al. 2009; Manring 2007; Mitchell
et al. 2012; Reed et al. 2014; Wals and Schwarzin 2012).
Dialogue requires we abandon the culturally entrenched directive and/or adversarial decision-making patterns which often characterize decisions about resource
allocation and the natural environment. Its success is influenced by the personal
characteristics of participants, interaction dynamics within a group, and contextual
factors in a groups interaction environment. Supportive individual-level attitudes
include a commitment to adhere to dialogic interaction principles and a willingness
to reduce competitive and egotistic drives. Supportive group dynamics include an
inspirational joint vision or goal and the practice of symmetric conversation. Group
dynamics that inhibit dialogic interaction include conflict avoidance tendencies and
hidden power aspirations and hierarchies. Groups overcome tendencies destructive
to dialogue as they move from either/or comparisons to yes/and thinking, develop
group cohesiveness, and form a joint vision. A facilitator can assist participants in


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

the use of dialogic interaction principles using various communication tools (e.g.,
talking sticks, visualization aids, and improvisation games). A facilitator might
suggest group members read Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving
In (Fisher et al. 2011) in preparation for working past initial conflicts. Facilitators
and mediators bring important skill sets which can enhance the design and implementation of any collaborative process. But, ultimately, groups must learn to
interact dialogically without a facilitators assistance.
Dialogic interaction is a key mechanism for supporting group learning processes
(Wals and Schwarzin 2012). Since the early 1990s, researchers have discussed how
organizations can improve their sustainability by learning cooperatively with their
various stakeholders. Learning theories and heuristics undergird much actionoriented sustainability research. Dialogue opens up a space for learning where
issues can be seen holistically as people move from single-loop to double-loop
learning. Several of the articles mentioned in this chapter discuss single-, double-,
and even triple-loop learning (e.g., Manring 2007; Mitchell et al. 2012; Wals and
Schwarzin 2012). All reference Argyris and Schon (1978). Single-loop learning
occurs as groups attempt to correct their behavior so as to not deviate from system
norms. It involves comparing current conditions to existing theories-in-usethe
assumptions, values, rules, and norms guiding routine behaviors. It often results in
incremental operational solutions. When organizations face a rapidly changing
environment and critical situations or want to follow a new vision, a different
type of learning is needed. Double-loop learning involves questioning the underlying assumptions and utility of existing theories-in-use. Problems are solved in such
a way as to modify underlying norms, policies, and objectives. For example, the
TBL concept may stimulate double-loop learning as companies which previously
only focused on financial performance begin to include social and environmental
performance indicators in their decision making (Mitchell et al. 2012). Double-loop
learning provides an opportunity for dialogue and reflection which can restructure
thought processes and result in the potential for radical and/or strategic change.
Triple-loop learning involves learning how to learn by reflecting on how we think
about the rules, not only about whether a rule should be changed. Learning how to
learn involves uncovering tacit knowledge and processes and making organizational processes open and participatory. Best Practice: In Sect., you read
about how to create organizational cultures focused on learning. Those same ideas
apply here.
Several studies (i.e., Mitchell et al. 2012; Wals and Schwarzin 2012) drawing on
the concepts of dialogue and double-loop learning will be discussed next. Building
on two case studies of sustainable community development, a Dutch case study of a
sustainable neighborhood and an Indian case study of an international sustainable
city, Wals and Schwarzin (2012) identify sustainability competences necessary to
dialogic interactions. Sustainability competences refer to the capacities and qualities needed if we, and the organizations and communities we represent, are to
adequately deal with the five features which characterize sustainability-related
problems (i.e., their indeterminacy, value-ladenness, controversy, uncertainty, and
complexity) identified in Sect. 1.1. The competences include empathetic listening,

7.1 Intraorganizational Groups


suspension, slowing down, and assertiveness. Empathetic listening includes perception checking, active listening, feedback aimed at clarifying the action effects,
and nonaggressive and nonevaluative assertions. Suspension involves participants
learning how to put their judgments and emotional responses on hold and only
make helpful and relevant comments. Participants need to slow their conversations
down, interact calmly, allow others time to reflect, avoid interrupting, and pause
before speaking. Group members voice their opinions and perspectives and critically reflect on their own and others contributions. They learn to use advocacy to
share their perspectives to enhance group learning rather than to simply support
their entrenched positions. Best Practice: Consider providing internal teams with
training in effective group communication skills.
In a second study, Mitchell et al. (2012) drew on work discussing learning cycles
and organizational learning theory to investigate whether or not double-loop learning, change agency, and radical change could occur based on collaboration generated around the process of TBL reporting over two consecutive reporting cycles.
Their research questions were as follows: Can the TBL reporting process help
organizations learn about sustainability and how can they enhance it? Can the TBL
reporting process help organizations engage and build their capacity and those of
their stakeholders to respond to the sustainability challenges being faced? If
learning and capacity building evolves, does the organization implement changes
that respond to their sustainability challenges? If not, why? If yes, will those
changes enhance sustainability? Over a 2-year period, Mitchell et al. worked with
Murrumbidgee Irrigation (MI), a private company with around 200 employees,
which manages the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) in central New South
Wales, Australia. MIA faces a critical sustainability issue: severe water shortages,
partly due to the over-allocation of irrigation water. The water management crisis
led to calls for radical reform in how water use is viewed and in the structures and
governance of irrigation water allocation. Social attitudes are shifting as more
Australians believe irrigation policies and practices are too focused on production
outcomes at the expense of environmental resources. Organizations such as MI face
challenges to their social license to operate and are adopting TBL reporting partly
as a defensive strategy.
At the end of the 2 years, Mitchell et al. (2012) found that organizational
participants were beginning to learn how to learn. But they were not seriously
questioning the organizations assumptions about the sustainability of MIs core
activities. The researchers saw few examples of double-loop learning and few
practical changes. Any changes were small, isolated, and ineffectual in the face
of severe and enduring drought. The authors offer insights regarding how TBL
reporting processes might be improved so as to promote more radical agendas for
change. They argue that small changes in the aggregate moving in a similar
direction can result in radical transformation. However, the transformational
change research discussed in Sect. 5.1 suggests this is unlikely. Second, learning,
commitment, and change are more likely if workplace proponents, rather than
external change agents, initiate changes. Third, if done correctly and communicated
widely within an organization, the reflection which occurs as part of a TBL


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

reporting process can develop into an iterative cycle of experientially based and
action-oriented learning. However, my own research suggests organizations do not
devote enough attention to ensuring this occurs. Report content will be overlooked
unless it is systematically and repeatedly communicated and linked to changed task
and reward structures. Finally, multistakeholder interactions inspired by TBL
reporting activities have the potential to result in greater collaborative activity. In
the MIA, for example, regional collaboration on how to improve TBL outcomes
would provide organizations with an opportunity to investigate their own theoriesin-use and begin questioning societal-level governance values and arrangements.


Group-Level Techniques for Frame Breaking

and Building

We cannot think about sustainability in terms of problems that are out there to be solved or
in terms of inconvenient truths that need to be addressed. Instead, we need to think in
terms of challenges to be taken on in the full realization that, as soon as we appear to have
met the challenge, things will have changed and the horizon will have shifted once again
(Wals and Schwarzin 2012, p. 13).

As our climate shifts forcing our communities and organizations to adapt, more
creative ideas will be needed ever more quickly. Creativity involves the generation, application, combination, and extension of ideas (SunWolf 2002, p. 205).
Communication scholars are uniquely able to assess communications role in
facilitating creative group interactions (Jarboe 1999). In this section, I discuss
creativity and chaos, techniques including appreciative inquiry and symbolic convergence, skill-building strategies, and organizational conditions that hamper

Creating Chaos to Allow for Creativity

Salazar developed an untested theory relating communication to group creativity

(Salazar 2009). A groups ability to be creative is unlikely if the group continues to
function as it always has. Too much imposed order (through overt action or due to
existing norms) and too much chaos both hamper creativity. Creative groups
function somewhere between order and chaos. Salazar writes:
Whenever we see group members changing their interaction patterns, whether by changing
the frequency and directional flow of communication, using new procedures to solve
problems or make decisions, displaying little or no discussion typical of group member
roles, or questioning or supplanting existing assumptions about what counts as good or bad
information, the group is showing evidence of operating in a complex state (p. 212).

Complex states allow creativity to emerge. Researchers built on Salazars ideas

to describe a three-step process groups might use to become more creative. First,

7.1 Intraorganizational Groups


take inventory of the groups structural (i.e., who talks to whom), technical (i.e., the
procedures used to accomplish tasks), relational (i.e., group member roles), and
information (i.e., assumptions regarding what is right/wrong or good/bad in how
members communicate about information) systems. Second, introduce changes to
disturb one or more of the four systems. Finally, use these changed features in the
groups everyday functioning, and recognize how that change can influence other
aspects of group work such as changed roles and power differences. Best Practice:
Pattern breaking creates space where creativity can emerge.

Stimulating Appreciative Inquiry Around Sustainability

Appreciative inquiry (AI) focuses a groups discussion on what works well within a
particular society, organization, or group. The hope is that this focus on what is
working well can help create a blueprint for future action. The process of AI begins
during interviews as multiple people in an organization (or other social system)
identify what they believe to be moments of excellence, high points, core values,
proud moments, and life-giving forces. Then, the process shifts to envisioning what
might be. Provocative proposals that remind members of what is best about their
organization (e.g., Our citizens volunteer to build a healthy community, Our
organization seeks innovative ways to address challenging problems) emerge from
the stories elicited during the interviews. These provocative propositions are
discussed in a series of small or large open group meetings. Next, people dialogue
over what should be in light of the interview information and the provocative
propositions. The final step concerns what will be as members decide on the next
steps needed to create the kind of desired future captured by the provocative
propositions. Best Practice: This seems like a useful process as organizations create
new visions, set new goals, and plan sustainability initiatives.
Several recent studies reported on the use of AI to promote a shared focus on
enhanced sustainability. For example, in 2009, the City of Cleveland, OH, held an
AI summit to envision a new sustainability-focused local economy (MeyerEmerick 2012). The AI process helped the community create a preferred future.
The resulting plan, Sustainable Cleveland 2019, developed from the shared vision
of Cleveland becoming a Green City on a Blue Lake by 2019, the 50th anniversary
of the Cuyahoga River fire. In 1969, the Cuyahoga was one of the most polluted
rivers in the USA. Publicity surrounding the fire raised public interest in the US
environmental movement. In another study, Hinrichs (2010) described the success
of combining AI with social constructionism in the SOAR (strengths, opportunities,
aspirations, and results) program utilized by a global equipment manufacturer with
60,000 employees. The SOAR program sought to increase employee collaboration,
shared understanding, and commitment to action. SOAR conversations resulted in
initiatives and projects which were translated into individual performance goals.
Best Practice: Practitioners will find the SOAR questions useful in guiding similar
discussions. Sample questions include the following:


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

Strengths: How do our strengths fit with the realities of current environmental
demands or align with our enterprise strategy?
Opportunities: How can we learn to reframe challenges to be seen as
Aspirations: Reflecting on our strengths and opportunities, who are we, who
should we become, and where should we go?
Results: What would a dashboard look like that could provide useful and
continuous feedback to stakeholders?

Symbolic Convergence Theory and Shared Interpretations

Bormann developed symbolic convergence theory to explain how groups create a

common consciousness (i.e., shared emotions, motives, and meanings) that can help
them form into a coherent unit (Poole 1999). This theory explains one way
communicators might create a vision of and motivation around sustainability
initiatives that involve issues related to ethics or an ideal future. Symbolic convergence begins with the creation and sharing of group fantasies. A fantasy is any
message that does not involve a groups present condition (e.g., an imagined
future). These fantasies refer to characters and events in another time and place.
If group members talk about and build on these dramatizations, they may come to
share similar interpretations, emotions, and common experiences. This is called
fantasy chaining. Fantasy chaining may include identifying positive or negative
actions, heroes and villains, a common plot, and/or a reinterpretation of the groups
past. Ultimately, fantasy themes are repeated enough to become a fantasy type (e.g.,
battle against good and evil) or create a rhetorical vision describing a groups place
in the world and its vision for the future. For example, Interface, the worlds largest
carpet manufacturer, developed its Mission Zero goal at the small group level. This
idea came to symbolize change and ultimately help motivate and guide the decision
making of multiple Interface groups as they sought to create a more ideal future.
Best Practice: Group creativity may be stimulated by fantasy chains.

Limiting or Unleashing Creativity

Organizational factors that can limit group creativity include time pressures, riskaversive organizational cultures, production blocking norms, a hierarchical network
structure, and a collective information sampling bias. Time constraints limit group
members from adequately expressing their ideas or searching for new alternatives.
Production blocking occurs when idea generation is limited by the sequential flow
of communication messages (i.e., when one person speaks, others are silenced).
Network structure can be a problem if group members direct most, if not all,
messages to their group leader. A collective information sampling bias occurs
because decision-making groups prefer to talk about information everyone in the
group already knows rather than information individual members uniquely know

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


(Bowman 2009). People enter groups with an already formed preference for a
particular decision. This becomes a problem if group members do not reveal
enough new or uniquely known information to counteract preexisting biases. This
theory has implications for groups seeking to creatively address topics related to
sustainability. It points to the need to use discussion mechanisms to solicit and share
uniquely known information.
The communication process is essential to group creativity. Group members
may find a new set of nonlinear communication and decision-making skills useful.
SunWolf (2002) identified and defined 36 techniques for enhancing group creativity. Half of them overlap the techniques previously identified for generating alternatives (SunWolf and Seibold 1999). Those which do not include analogy storm,
bug lists, crystal ball, ideal needles, ideals method, imaginary world, leftright
brain alternation, lions den, manipulative verbs, mess finding, mind mapping,
object stimulation, organized random search, picture tour, problem reversal, progressive abstraction, wildest idea, and wishful thinking. Best Practice: I provide
this list here to illustrate how groups have techniques at their disposal which may be
useful in stimulating creativity. Unleashed creativity can spark profound changes
(see Senge 2005). Researchers should investigate how groups seeking to deal with
large environmental challenges stimulate creative decision making.


Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts

The global scientific community has made it clear that human activity is already changing
the worlds climate system. Accelerating climate change has caused serious impacts.
Higher temperatures and extreme weather events are damaging food production, rising
sea levels and more damaging storms are putting our coastal cities increasingly at risk and
the impacts of climate change are already harming economies around the world, including
those of the United States and China. These developments urgently require enhanced
actions to tackle the challenge (The White House 2014).

Climate change presents the largest challenge our species has ever attempted to
understand, influence, and/or adapt to. We are facing some wicked problems (Rittel
1973) which are hard to articulate, made up of unique but interlinked problems, and
open to multiple causal explanations. Minimal opportunities exist for us to engage
in trial and error. In terms of solutions, it is difficult to claim success (e.g.,
mitigation strategies lack a definitive scientific test). It is almost impossible for us
to foresee the best course of action, predict the effectiveness of our chosen strategies or actions, or even understand the complexity of the problems as elements in
our natural environment interact to create chaotic cycles. But act we must.
Determining the meaning of sustainability is a process involving all kinds of stakeholders in
many contexts, i.e. people who may not agree with one another. In dealing with conflicts
about how to organize, consume and produce in responsible ways, learning does not take
place in a vacuum but rather in rich social contexts with innumerable vantage points,
interests, values, power positions, beliefs, existential needs, and inequities (Wals and
Schwarzin 2012, p. 13).


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

The most powerful tool we have is our ability to collaborate as we attempt to

problem solve, plan, implement, assess, and redesign in an ongoing process.
Collaborative efforts have grown along with our knowledge of the challenges we
face. IOC efforts cross governments, scientific disciplines, geographic boundaries,
and communities and seek to build on the strengths of various stakeholders working
together (i.e., businesses, governments, NGOs, communities) to plan and implement interventions and responses. For example, in 2014, the USA and the Peoples
Republic of China jointly announced their commitment to strengthen bilateral
cooperation on climate change and to work with other countries to adopt a document with legal force at the 2015 UN Climate Conference in Paris (The White
House 2014). Both presidents announced post-2020 goals in order to limit the
global temperature rise to 2  C. The USA said it will reduce emissions by 26
28 % by 2025. China said it will increase the use of non-fossil fuels in primary
energy consumption to around 20 % by 2030. Dare we hope our leaders actually
enact these goals and these goals are sufficient?
In order to accomplish complex goals and in situations characterized by tight
time constraints and/or cost concerns, organizations come together temporarily to
find solutions (Stohl and Walker 2002). The hope is that through collaboration they
can complete difficult, complex projects relatively quickly, pool and leverage their
financial and material resources, and increase innovation due to the increased
available strength, knowledge, and skills contributed by each partner. Several
recent reports have focused on collaboration. The Network for Business Sustainability published a review of more than 275 relevant articles appearing in management and public policy academic journals between 2000 and 2012, plus materials
drawn from books and recent practitioner-oriented reports (Gray and Stites 2013).
Their report synthesized some of the growing literature addressing partnerships for
sustainability. They provide links to their article summaries and descriptions of
almost 150 past and current partnerships from across the globe. Each description
identifies the issues addressed and some key outcomes or learning. Several years
later, the MIT Sloan Management Review, The Boston Consulting Group, and the
United Nations Global Compact surveyed nearly 3,800 managers and interviewed
sustainability leaders from around the world to investigate the growing importance
of corporate collaboration and boards of directors to sustainable business (Kiron
et al. 2015). Practitioners and scholars will find both reports enlightening. Neither
focus specifically on communication, although Gray and Stites do mention communication briefly as one of the important process-related factors they identify.
This section explores communication-related characteristics of IOCs. IOCs are
distinct organizational forms made up of members representing multiple organizations concerned with addressing a focal problem none can solve alone (Koschmann
2012). I identify their key characteristics and relevant theories. Several interesting
studies are summarized. Suggestions for how to improve IOC effectiveness are

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts



Common Characteristics of and Theories

Explaining IOCs

IOCs share common characteristics. They have permeable boundaries, are

interdependent with their environment, and are designed to be temporary. Membership fluctuates as different organizations or their representatives join or leave the
IOC over time. Structures emerge but are fluid and temporary. Often, the hope is
that the IOC can help change conditions within the broader institutional fields of
which the organizational-level members are a part. But IOCs lack institutional
power, many of the material artifacts (e.g., physical resources), structural constraints (e.g., chains of command), and legal formalities (e.g., employment contracts) that characterize other organizations and enable their taken-for-granted
existence. IOCs depend on their members willingness to work together voluntarily,
share resources, and take action in the absence of formal authority or market
incentives. Within an IOC, conflict is common due to value and goal differences.
Individual members must resolve differences between what two groups (i.e., the
IOC and their home organization) expect of them. Outside interests influence what
IOC members say and do. Agreements emerge from advocacy and persuasion and
rely on the fragile social infrastructure of interpersonal relationships, as well as the
power and resources IOC members import from their home organizations.
In order to proceed, shared understanding must occur. Munshi and Kurian (2015)
offer a framework of sustainable citizenship that looks at the deliberative processes
stakeholders use to identity and buy into shared values when power inequities exist.
They argue that our traditional ideas of dialogue privilege the powerful. Sustainable
citizenship is about working with the dialectical nature of complex issues. It
involves efforts through deliberative democracy to create inclusive processes that
highlight marginalized voices as central to decision making. Their study focused on
a project to publically engage various New Zealand stakeholders around a discussion of controversial technologies (e.g., nanotechnology, synthetic biology, gene
mapping, and assisted reproductive technologies). Stakeholders included technoscientists, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, environmental and social activists,
young adults, Maori groups, artists, trade unionists, journalists, science communicators, policy practitioners, and people representing nonprofit organizations. What
resulted was a clash of ideas that resulted in the creation of shared values diverse
publics could connect to. The process they used to identify and share differing
values relied on Q-sort surveys. Participants ranked two sets of 41 statements
involving their sustainability-related beliefs and values and their perspectives on
new and emerging technologies. They sorted the statements, placing four statements each in the columns of extreme agreement and disagreement. The rest were
spread across the columns for minor agreements and disagreements and a neutral
column. The diverse perspectives of the various groups emerged and were shared.
Originally, groups were uncomfortable with the positions of other groups. But the
process enabled them to identify what each group could be comfortable with.


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

Theories Applied to IOC

There is no grand theory of IOC. It has been investigated from many theoretical
perspectives including resource dependency theory, corporate social performance
theory, institutional economics theory, strategic management theory, social ecology
theory, microeconomics theory, institutional theory, negotiated order theory, and
political theory (Walker and Stohl 2012). Gray and Stites (2013) identified and
briefly described six additional theories: environmental justice, network theory,
critical theory, actornetwork theory, deliberative democracy, and dialogue. Other
theories you will see mentioned in this section are sensemaking theory, organizational learning theory, and the communication model of organizational communication. Typically, collaboration is viewed as a nonemergent structure, and
communication is seen as one of the many variables or simply a vehicle for
information transfer. That is not the perspective of the theories and articles
reviewed here. Communication constitutes IOCs and is necessary to their effective
functioning. The bona fide group collaboration model (BFGCM) is one of the
communication theories best suited to understanding the emergent structure of
IOCs. It will be discussed next. Then, the focus shifts to the role of learning and
language in IOCs.


Communication and Emergent Structure

Bona fide group theory was developed by Putnam and Stohl to explain naturally
occurring temporary groups (Littlejohn and Foss 2005; Stohl 2009). Bona fide
groups share three characteristics: permeable boundaries, interdependence among
the individual group members, and links between boundaries and context. Permeable boundaries define individuals as being part of the group while also allowing
them to move in and out of the group. Groups are interdependent with the physical
and social environments within which they are embedded. A groups borders are
unstable and ambiguous as groups change, redefine, and renegotiate boundaries to
alter their identities and the context within which they are embedded. Differences
exist between regular groups and a bona fide collaborating group in terms of What
is relevant? Where do loyalties reside? When does trust develop? Why do group
members do what they do? How do collaborative groups acquire the resources
needed to accomplish their goals? (Stohl and Walker 2002, p. 244).
A natural extension of the bona fide group theory was to focus on communication within IOCs. Walker, Craig, and Stohl expanded the theory to create the bona
fide group collaboration model (BFGCM) (Stohl and Walker 2002). An IOC is
influenced by environmental exigencies, collaborative partners, relational boundaries, negotiated temporary systems (NTS), innovation outcomes, mutually
accountable ends, and individual goals. An environmental exigency results in the
formation of the IOC, influences its structure and processes, and directly shapes the

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


results of the collaboration. At the models heart is the NTS that is quickly
negotiated both formally and informally by group members and is the collaborating
group. The NTS is organized around a reciprocal interdependency with minimal
initial structure or hierarchy. Within the NTS decision-making process, commitment, trust, power, and knowledge management are important to group success.
Collaboration partners may vary in project involvement and commitment, but
ultimately, mutually accountable ends are required of any outcome. Best Practice:
BFGCM is a useful model for researchers when investigating collaboration among
members of a supply chain, among multiple organizations within or across industry
sectors, and among organizations of varying types. It is also useful in understanding
IOCs focusing on eco-collaborations and sustainable ecosystem management.
Parts of the BFGCM were tested in two engineering IOCs utilizing a longitudinal
approach to network analysis (i.e., SIENA). Walker and Stohl (2012) found the IOC
to be volatile and nonhierarchical. Participants changed task and resource linkages
frequently and quickly, resulting in continuous network restructuring. They communicated with whoever they needed to do their jobs. They were more concerned
with tasks and less concerned with developing relationships. Who knew what was
more important than who knew whom or who did what for whom. Unexpectedly,
based on the theory, the researchers found that the actual number of communication
links utilized remained fairly stable at a moderate level of density. They concluded
that there may be an upper limit to the number of communication links individuals
and groups can effectively manage. Moderate density levels allow participants to
take advantage of the information richness of weak ties while protecting them from
receiving too much information from too many people. The authors note that
flexibility and the lack of procedural routines are important if IOCs are to work


Learning Within an IOC

Communities of practice can be designed to enhance learning among partners

within a collaborating group. But power dynamics can hamper results. Best practices for facilitating learning in IOCs are offered.

Communities of Practice and Sustainability

Organizations interested in advancing sustainability must engage in deliberation,

dialogue, and systemic learning (Reed et al. 2014). The communities of practice
concept (Wenger 1999) emphasizes how shared learning, knowledge, and identity
creation occur through social interaction. The authors (e.g., Attwater and Derry
2005; Benn et al. 2013; Reed et al. 2014) have discussed the utility of communities
of practice as organizations work together to respond to complex issues involving
sustainability-initiative creation and implementation. The theory rests on four


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

premises: humans are social creatures, knowledge involves situated competence,

knowledge requires active engagement, and learning produces meaning (Swieringa
Communities of practice create domain-based knowledge among groups of
professionalsinside and across organizations. It is within communities of practice
that group-level learnings about sustainability can occur. People build relationships
where they help one another learn how to do something and clarify what is
meaningful. Participating together over time, people develop a shared repertoire
of resources (e.g., practices, tools). What they develop may appear stable but must
be capable of modification as new concerns emerge. Most research looking at
communities of practice has focused on small-scale case studies rather than network partnerships among organizations that span spatial scales, governance
responsibility, and scales of influence (Reed et al. 2014, p. 230). For example,
communities of practice helped promote more efficient urban water management
practices through the Hawkesbury Water Recycling Scheme near Sydney, Australia
(Attwater and Derry 2005). Coupled with the use of action research strategies, that
community of practice developed a pragmatic approach for co-constructing and
communicating more effective risk management strategies. Also, in their study of
20 Australian higher education institutions, Benn et al. (2013) explored how
communities of practice influenced organizational learning around sustainability.
But can communities of practice help larger groups create alternatives to deal
with systemically based environmental challenges? Reed et al. (2014) investigated
if communities of practice created among organizations of different types at
different locations were capable of facilitating learning and action. They designed
a framework for instilling collective learning and action strategies across a 3-year
multilevel, multi-partner network made up of 70 individuals representing community residentpractitioners from Canadas 16 UNESCO biosphere reserves, government scientists and policy practitioners, and academics located across five
Canadian time zones. Biosphere reserves are geographic areas which function as
living laboratories and sites of excellence to conserve biological and cultural
diversity, advance sustainability, and support scientific research, learning, and
public education. Reed et al.s framework focused on helping IOC members use
dialogue to learn through deliberation, networking, and experimentation. It consists
of seven action steps beginning and ending with reflection and evaluation. Other
steps include defining the project, participating in an action, sharing and communication, integrating and co-creating, and negotiating and deciding. These actions
are supported by seven characteristics of collaborative environmental management:
trust building, common interests and a shared vision, incentives, perceived value in
sharing information, willingness to engage in collaborative learning and decision
making, effective information flow, and effective leadership. They judged the
projects success by asking participants to evaluate the IOC on these seven characteristics. Their study does an excellent job describing a participatory action
research process which included an initial meeting where a visioning exercise
was used, working groups formed to focus on one of the three agreed-upon themes
(i.e., management and governance of sustainable tourism, land management and

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


ecological goods and services, and education for sustainable development), and a
bilingual facilitator. Working groups met for a year to complete their projects. The
bilingual facilitator maintained contact with each working group to ensure their
information/organizational needs and targets were met, facilitate their meetings,
and help them plan activities and projects. Best Practice: If you are involved in
creating a large community of practice, read this article.
How can members in an ecosystem management network learn to co-create a
shared conceptual infrastructure for generative learning, consensus building, and
collaborative decision making? An ecosystem management network is a strategic
partnership or alliance among stakeholders who work together to improve sustainable resource management in a complex ecosystem. The stakeholders may include
local private and institutional interests; local governments, planning commissions,
or boards; school districts; county governments, planning boards, and quasigovernmental authorities; environmental nonprofit agencies; and NGOs and government entities at the state, interstate, and federal levels. Like many other collaborative groups, they are a loosely coupled, permeable, dynamic political system
where communication, influence, and negotiation skills are important. Manring
(2007) modeled ecosystem management networks as emerging learning organizations using two case studies as evidence: county land-use planning in Monroe, PA,
and the management of the lower Roanoke River in North Carolina. She discussed
the role of net brokers, multiple leaders, and web cultures. Net brokers manage the
network and play a variety of roles including facilitator, coordinator, environmental
scanner, and policy entrepreneur. They identify and connect all stakeholders with
vested interests and complementary resources and help stakeholders create a
common bond that promotes mutual trust. Each person or group has something
unique to contribute making such networks leaderful rather than leaderless. Having
more than one leader creates resilience in the network. Web cultures form among
stakeholder organizations which allow for generative or double-loop learning to
emerge. Stakeholders create new ways of looking at ecosystem resource issues and
identifying solutions that transcend individual stakeholder boundaries and views.
Best Practice: Generative learning and consensus building are critical to the success
of any IOC.

Power Dynamics Within IOCs

Communication scholars have a long history of studying influence processes within

groups (Meyers and Brashers 1999). It would be nave not to note that power
dynamics play important roles in IOCs. Those with greater formal authority (e.g.,
government agencies), who control scarce or critical resources (e.g., capital, expertise), and who have discursive legitimacy (i.e., the perceived right to speak legitimately for issues or other organizations) are more likely to assume initial
leadership roles (Manring 2007). Having more power, their rules and resources
often influence the early IOC structure, goals, and processes. For example, government agencies regulating water quality initially influenced the Roanoke IOC to


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

incorporate their existing water quality rules, practices, and resources into the
IOCs decision making. The power dimension influences, but does not determine,
decisions surrounding problem definition, membership, and collaborative practices.
Persuasion and coalition formation also effect problem definition and solution
generation especially when the problem being faced has not been addressed in
the institutional fields of a collaborations dominant members.
Changes recommended by an IOC may require that members influence their own
organization and their institutional field. An IOC member organizations ability to
do so depends on their motivation, capability, and strategic position in their
institutional field. Organizations in low-status positions are more likely to want to
change the rules of the field. But through collaboration, high-status organizations
may be influenced by low-status collaborators. For example, an environmental
activist group might influence the development of national environmental policy
through its collaborative efforts with major corporations and key government
agencies. Also, coercive isomorphism may force members in an institutional field
facing similar environmental circumstances to adopt shared structures and processes regardless of the recommendation of an IOC.

Learning-Related Best Practices for IOCs

Knowledge sharing and generation tools in the form of selected boundary objects
(e.g., shared reporting tools) help promote the development of communities of
practice across institutions (Benn et al. 2013). These tools reinforce the integration
and institutionalization processes. Focusing specifically on designing strong communities of practice, other good suggestions exist. When developing a community
of practice, ask individuals to recommend others who should participate so as to
pull together a diverse group. Make sure the value gained by participating is
immediately apparent to each member. Clarify who is participating, what each
person brings to the table, and what roles each person plays. Design ways to allow
for various levels of contribution: from reading, to engaging, to creating content.
Allow communities to evolve by letting them define themselves and manage their
own structure and growth. Promote regular meetings but change up the format or
location (e.g., face to face, monthly webinars, speaker series). Provide new participants with onboarding experiences. Create a workable balance of new and expert
members. Make sure the group has and measures their key performance indicators
(KPI). Design the community so it doesnt need any single individual to operate
effectively. Multiple resources exist to help groups develop communities of
Participants in any IOC must be willing and able to build trust and respect;
establish common goals, shared norms, common interests, a unifying goal, and a
transcendent vision; demonstrate effective information flow; participate in collaborative decision making; generate value through information sharing; be willing to
engage; provide leadership and facilitation; and co-create knowledge. Multiple
authors discuss the role of a strong facilitator (e.g., Manring 2007; Reed

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


et al. 2014; Wals and Schwarzin 2012). In light of these suggestions, IOCs can use a
series of diagnostic questions to evaluate themselves (Manring 2007, p. 342):
Does the network have a unifying purpose based on the value and goal of consensus
building through collaboration? What is the nature of the voluntary links and relationships
between independent yet interdependent network members? Are individual members of the
network honing their own skills of clarifying and deepening their personal visions? Does
the network have in place communication pathways that facilitate shared learning? Is the
network building a shared vision for sustainable management of the ecosystem? Are
network members increasing their abilities to scrutinize their own mental models and
internal pictures, to make them open to the influence of others, and to discard old ways
of thinking and problem solving? Is the quality of stakeholders generative learning and
capacity to think together improving? Is a spiral of trust evolving within the network, as
evidenced by members acknowledging the legitimacy of each others goals and committing
to the collaborative partnership? Does the network show evidence of systems-thinking
capability to integrate multiple perspectives and fuse them into a coherent body of
knowledge that transcends stakeholders original point of view and boundaries? Are there
effective multilevel leaders and net brokers in place to manage the various leadership needs
of the network? Are members of the network aware of their webbed culture and able to
articulate the values and shared beliefs of their interorganizational learning network? Is the
network demonstrating consensus building and collaborative decision making?


The Role of Language and Texts Within IOCs

In this section, I discuss two sustainability-related studies which focus on language

and text. The first, based on a communicative model of organizational constitution,
looks at how language and texts influence the formation of an IOCs collective
identity. The second, based on performativity theory, investigates how language
and storytelling can enhance creative problem solving and create changes in how
sustainability is viewed in the broader community an IOC represents. The section
concludes with a discussion of the role strategic ambiguity can play in an IOCs
early development.

The Creation of a Collective IOC Identity

Since widely different groups often work together in an IOC, it is important that the
group develop a collective identity. This concept refers to a shared understanding of
the we-ness of a group. The collective identity of an IOC is a discursive resource
shaped and reshaped through communication and drawn on for strategic ends.
Having a collective identity can motivate and guide internal activity as well as
create external legitimacy, provide social capital, and serve as a rationale for group
action. A groups collective identity may appear stable, but it is a function of
sustained interaction patterns, not an inherent property of the IOC that exists
apart from its current membership and organizing practices.


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

An IOCs collective identity can be theorized as an authoritative text created

through the communication processes of co-orientation, abstraction, and reification
(Koschmann 2012). An authoritative text is an abstract textual representation of a
collective that portrays its structure and direction, shows how activities are to be
coordinated, and indicates authority relations. Co-orientation occurs as people use
conversations to experience, accomplish, and align their actions in relation to
common objectives. Conversations sometimes become texts (e.g., written standards, guiding metaphors). Textual representations gain power through abstraction
and reification and go on to guide the voluntary actions of diverse stakeholders. In
order for localized interactions to have an impact, they need to be extended in a
process called distanciation. One of the most developed constitutive models of
organizational communication comes from the Montreal School of James Taylor,
Francois Cooren, and colleagues at the Universite` de Montre`al (Cooren et al. 2011).
Their theorizing is particularly interested in the emergence of distinct organizational forms (e.g., IOCs) that transcend and eclipse their individual members.
Koschmann (2012) traced the emergence of a new collective identity for one
IOC. A new director took over the guidance of an IOC which was having difficulty
identifying and articulating its purpose. At one meeting, the new director described
the IOC as operating like a dashboard for the community. That simple comment
became a metaphor which extended through time and space to guide subsequent
interactions. The directors dashboard comment began to circulate in meetings and
written documents. The comment was used by IOC members to describe who we
are as a group. The dashboard metaphor became a concise way to speak about the
IOC and helped reinforce its existence. It guided the IOCs discussion of who
should win their community award. What the IOC stood for was discussed in light
of the qualities its members wanted to see displayed by their award recipients. The
dashboard-inspired requirements were written in the award nomination handout
which, in turn, shaped subsequent conversations and behaviors. Best Practice: The
article focuses researchers and practitioners on the importance of conversations
regarding who we are and what we do which then go on to become texts capable of
guiding subsequent interactions.

Using Language to Create New Possibilities

Performativity theory provides another framework for understanding the role organizational discourse plays in creating new possibilities within collaborating groups.
Butler developed the theory which has been used by researchers in economics,
economic geography, and sociology. Its value to management and communication
rests in its ability to illuminate the micro processes by which subjects (individuals
or organizations) reconstitute themselves and the way social change occurs
(Livesey et al. 2009). Performativity theory provides a framework for looking at
the link between individual- or organizational-level transformations and societallevel changes. Language and storytelling play central roles, as do repetition,
naming, and recounting as social understandings are brought into being, (re)

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


enacted, and institutionalized. Through discourse, values, beliefs, practices, policies, and laws of societies, organizations, and identities are constituted and
performed and become seen as real.
Sustainability is a contested space of political action and ethical choice. It is a
meaning always in the making, the product of social negotiation and ethnical
decision making shaped by factors tied to particular places and times. Sustainable
development (like other abstract concepts) becomes real for businesses and for
society through local enactment. Livesey et al. (2009) applied performativity theory
to the Ricelands Habitat Partnership (RHP), an eco-collaboration between the rice
industry and environmental advocates in Californias Sacramento Valley. By the
mid-1980s, duck and geese populations in North America were alarmingly low due
to habitat loss in Canada and California. The researchers used the theory to explain
the transformation of the rice farmers and their industry toward more sustainable
agriculture in the face of ambiguities and contradictions due to changing social
The RHP appeared to be an odd alliance, but actually, its members shared some
similarities. RHP members were farmers, ornithologists, nature enthusiasts,
hunters, university scientists, and government agency employees. Many members
shared conservation-based, rather than preservation-based, values. Many were duck
hunters or came from duck hunting families. Common values were reinforced by
organizational overlaps, social networks, and personal familiarity. But still joining
together in a collaborative effort was challenging due to the very different missions,
goals, ideals, and political positions of their employing organizations and by
distinct individual perspectives. Points of tension emerged around participants
core identities, their views regarding appropriate knowledge practices and decision
strategies, and the decision whether or not to communicate publically about the
collaboration. RHP interactions were characterized by conflict and cooperation,
resistance and acceptance, and debate and dialogue. Each side had to overcome
skepticism about the other and become open to finding common ground. Conflict
and difference became the ground for discovery. The RHP members reflected
critically on their own relationships with nature. Alternative visions began to
emerge. Participants formed new understandings about how to be good farmers,
how to protect the Sacramento Valley, and what an expanded sense of community
and common good might mean. They created a new vision for how the health of
business and the natural environment might coexist. They developed innovations in
beliefs and practices of farming and environmental protection. The last step of
Livesey et al.s (2009) analysis emphasized the performative effects of storying the
RHP. The stories the RHP generated helped institutionalize eco-collaboration as a
viable form of sustainable agricultural development and created new replicable
sustainability practices (i.e., winter flooding of rice fields allowing for waterfowl
habitat, dam deconstruction). By promulgating the RHP story, media, industry,
NGO, and academic accounts showed how a new era of collaborative conservation
and sustainable farming might occur. Best Practice: This article illustrates how
dialogue within an IOC and stories about what they accomplished transformed


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

stakeholder behaviors, lead them to enact more sustainable practices, and ultimately created new societal alternatives.

Strategic Ambiguity Within IOCs

The concept of strategic ambiguity is important to emerging IOC coalitions,

especially in the early stages of relationship formation (Wexler 2009). Many of
the IOCs described thus far had members representing different discourse communities. Wexler discusses three discourse communities in terms of those who focus
on profits, people, or planet. Representatives of each discourse community attempt
to influence the others during problem conceptualization and solution generation.
Best Practice: An IOC will have greater success initially when potential goaloriented actions are discussed in ways open to multiple interpretations and sufficiently malleable to facilitate dialogue. The TBLs strategic ambiguity provides
each discourse community a way to show others how and why staying in the IOC is
strategically useful. Wexler identified seven uses for such strategic ambiguity
(p. 65):
1. SA is used when disseminating texts or information that is tentative (early plans) or
require interpretation (mission statements). It enhances latitude by suggesting the issues
are open for discussion and invites dialogue.
2. SA is used to buy time when pressed for a decision or specific information. The decision
is that the best answer is not to be specific at this time.
3. SA is used when addressing issues that are controversial. It allows people to focus on
general and abstract concepts where agreement is possible, not on specific points where
disagreement often exists.
4. SA is used to foster organizational change by requiring buy-in from stakeholders. It
works well when discussing ideas about the future because it allows for multiple
meanings and remains open to revision.
5. SA is used to seal or buffer parts of an organization from closer scrutiny. It decreases a
groups need to be closely accountable for its earlier ambiguous positions.
6. SA is used by organizations seeking deniability rooted in earlier ambiguous communication. It can be used to obfuscate and protect those with privilege in the corporation
from close scrutiny.
7. SA is used in communities of practice with escalating demands for action in the midst of
organizational crises or scandal. It helps diffuse responsibility.

The External Communication of IOC Alliances

Although some members of an IOC may hesitate to speak publically about the
collaborative effort and their role in it (Livesey et al. 2009), corporations and NGOs
are forming and communicating about their strategic alliances at unprecedented
levels. Cross-sector alliances can provide a way to solve complex environmental
challenges, improve economic production, address issues disruptive to the business
environment, respond to stakeholder pressures, and address the TBL (Shumate and

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


OConnor 2010a). Corporations and NGOs differ in how much the public trusts
them about issues related to the environment, human rights, and health. NGOs have
greater public trust than do governments, the media, or corporations and are often
asked to provide a social safety net when environmental and/or social conditions
Several theories have been applied to these NGOcorporate alliances, but none
really focused on communications role in the creation, valuation, and existence of
an alliance until Shumate and OConnor (2010b) introduced their macro-level
symbiotic sustainability model (SSM). Community ecology theory suggests that
relationships between organizational populations, as in the case of NGOcorporate
alliances, are different than relationships between organizations in the same population (i.e., alliances among NGOs in an issue industry and alliances among
corporations in an economic industry). Participants in such alliances were likely
to have different performance measures, competitive dynamics, organization cultures, decision-making styles, personnel competencies, professional languages,
incentives and motivational structures, and emotional content (Austin 2000,
p. 14). At least three other management theories guided previous research on
NGOcorporate alliances: transaction cost economics, stakeholder management
theory, and collaboration theory. Shumate and OConnor (2010b) describe each
theory and review relevant research emerging from that theoretical perspective.
From the SSM perceptive, NGOcorporate alliances are an effort to use communication to influence institutional positioning, i.e., how an organizations identity is established and recognized as having a certain place in the larger social
system (Shumate and OConnor 2010b). NGOcorporate alliances are symbiotic
(i.e., characterized by mutual dependence). Generally, corporations and NGOs do
not have overlapping resource or identity niches. The communication of an alliance
with organizations in another identity niche allows both organizations to share a
desirable identity with stakeholders whom they might not reach otherwise. Through
cross-sector alliances, organizational actors use communication to co-construct a
relationship in hopes of mobilizing and/or creating economic, social, cultural, and
political capital. Both partners spend resources (e.g., money, staff time) to communicate their cross-sector alliances to stakeholders through interactive websites,
advertising, public relations, and special events. Such communication allows alliance partners to enter the public dialogue, offer legitimacy claims, and create
positive associations that can influence their institutional operating environments.
Shumate and OConnor (2010b) offer six propositions concerning the role of
communication, capital mobilization resulting from NGOcorporate alliances,
NGOs and corporations choice(s) of alliance partner(s), the number of partners
with whom organizations are likely to communicate, and potential risks and
rewards of the alliance. They illustrate their propositions by discussing the
Rainforest Alliance and Chiquita Better Banana program. The lack of existing
relationships with other organizations within that industry made both organizations
attractive alliance partners. Both organizations had sufficient capital and a limited
number of other NGOcorporate alliances. Both received criticism from their own
stakeholders. However, both reaped economic, social, political, and cultural capital


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

from stakeholders in response to the alliance. They (Shumate and OConnor 2010a)
tested several of their propositions by looking at the websites of 155 US Fortune
500 corporations representing 11 economic industries. They examined (a) the
number of NGOs with which corporations communicated alliances, (b) the patterns
of the communicated alliances between corporations in economic industries and
NGOs in social issue industries, and (c) the relationship between corporate stakeholders and the communication of alliances with NGOs surrounding particular
social issues. The SSM proposes that when corporations form enduring alliances
with a few NGOs, the communication of such alliances sends messages about the
legitimacy of the corporation and the corporations character. Alliances with many
NGOs or alliances with multiple NGOs within an issue industry diminish the
communicative value of such alliances. In order to mobilize stakeholder capital,
each NGOcorporate alliance needs a unique message to communicate to stakeholders. When corporations have multiple alliances with NGOs, communication
becomes less memorable. They found corporations limited the communication of
alliances they reported on to fewer than five NGOs. Most only communicated about
one alliance with an NGO in a single issue industry. The SSM proposes that
stakeholder expectations lead corporations in the same economic industry to engage
around similar social issues. They found corporations in the same economic
industry tended to report alliances with different NGOs in the same issue industry.
Even if multiple NGOs receive corporate support, only a few are communicatively
linked to the corporation. Only a small set of social issues are included in NGO
corporate representational communication, leaving many issues marginalized.
Some issue industries were preferred across economic industries. The most popularly cited issue industry was generalist foundations and funds (e.g., the United
Way, Cherish the Children Foundation). The number and type of NGO alliances
that corporations in various economic industries reported did not differ by industry
but were due to other differences between industries (e.g., potential for public
disapproval). This study directs us to think about the strategic reasons and implications for how cross-sector alliances and other forms of IOCs communicate their
relationships to the broader public and to other stakeholders. Best Practice: As we
seek to shift societal-level debates so as to promote wider acceptance of sustainability efforts, the public communication of joint ventures is important. As we saw
in Livesey et al.s (2009) discussion of performativity theory, websites tell stories
which can shape the perceived availability of new options as we face environmental


Additional Best Practices for IOCs

It is important to understand what the scholarly literature is saying about collaborations generally. The Gray and Stites (2013) review defines and categorizes the
various types of partnerships for sustainability and the various sectors involved
(i.e., business, NGOs, government, and community). They offer a model of four

7.2 Interorganizational Collaboration (IOC) Efforts


factors that influence partnership outcomes: external drivers, partner motivation,

partner and partnership characteristics, and process issues. The key process issues
they identified as important for achieving optimal partnership outcomes are the
willingness to explore differences, create a shared vision, agree on norms, build
trust, manage conflict, reach consensus, devise accountability criteria, share power
and ensure voice, and cultivate effective leadership. They offered recommendations
for all partners and specific recommendations for businesses, NGOs, governments,
communities, and indigenous peoples. Their general recommendations include as
follows: adopt a problem-centric model of stakeholders, frame the partnership as a
learning process, construct fair processes and manage conflicts, dont expect to
reach quick solutions, ensure voice for all participants, set evaluation criteria, allow
time for representatives constituencies to review and ratify agreements, and
develop leaders competent in partnership skills.
The more sustainability-related collaborations an organization engages in, the
more successful its collaborations are. Organizations learn how to collaborate
through collaborating. Extensive knowledge sharing, both formal and informal
(e.g., immersive learning experiences in key locales), strengthens collaborations.
Based on survey data gathered from almost 3,800 managers from around the world,
Kiron et al. (2015) offer six recommendations on how to improve collaborations:
build internal collaborations, develop a shared language among members of the
collaboration who speak different sustainability dialects (e.g., business language
vs. NGO language), engage in due diligence, plan entrance and exit strategies,
remember people matter, and develop board engagement. They quote Wood
Turner, former Vice President of Sustainability Innovation at Stonyfield, as saying,
Internal collaborations can be very successful in keeping people excited and
aligned with big picture sustainability goals. Internal collaborations also create
bridges inside the organization (p. 12). Due diligence involves beginning with a
structured discussion among partners representing different interests in terms of Is
it a good opportunity? What is the best solution from a purely business or NGO
perspective? Controversial issues such as the ability and willingness to commit to
and monitor certain standards and the potential for reputational risk need to be
discussed. As we learned from the BFGCM, collaboration partners may enter and
exit discussions throughout the process. Kiron et al. recommend letting partners
focus on the parts of the process for which they are best suited and discussing timing
issues during initial meetings. They quote Shelly Esque, Vice President of Legal
and Corporate Affairs at Intel and Chair of the Board of the Intel Foundation, as
saying, It is important to focus up front on the ending. It avoids the dilemma of
walking away feeling the job is not done, or feeling that we left too early or stayed
too long (p. 13). Collaboration is about relationships and trust. Therefore, having
the right partners, both in terms of individuals and organizational actors, is important. Board engagement around sustainability also is critical, but relatively rare (see
Sect. Understanding emergent structure, the importance of learning opportunities, the role of language and texts, and the best practices offered by Gray and
Stites (2013) and Kiron et al. (2015) can help organizations develop more successful collaborations.



7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

Supply Chains

Several years ago, Sams Club periodically hosted in-house lectures at their
Bentonville, AR, headquarters where representatives of their vendor companies
spoke about their sustainability initiatives. I attended when Michael Kobori, Vice
President of Sustainability at Levi Strauss and Company, spoke. In 1991, Levi
Strauss became the first in their industry to establish a code of conduct for their
direct contractors. Over the years, the company created sustainability initiatives
related to water quality standards, developed a restricted substance list for certain
chemicals, and made 100 % organic cotton jeans. Their 2007 environmental
product life-cycle assessment indicated most of their environmental impact
involved their raw materials (i.e., cotton), water used to make jeans, and how
consumers cared for their jeans. Cotton is the third worst chemically intensive
crop and over 30 million farmers grow it. The company partnered to start the Better
Cotton Initiative to help farmers reduce the amount of water and chemicals they
need to grow cotton. More than half of the water used associated with the
companys products stems from their supply chain. In 2011, they began using
techniques to reduce the water used in garment finishing by up to 96 %. In 2013,
they developed the first standard for water recycling and reuse in the apparel
industry. Levi Strauss is influencing its supply chain. Almost half of the climate
impact of a pair of Levis 501 jeans comes from consumers (http://www. The average US consumer throws away 68 pounds
of clothing and textiles annually. As a result, 23.8 billion pounds of clothing end up
in landfills. In 2013, the company started reaching out to consumers through
education, marketing, and labeling efforts. On their website, it says, Were committed to do our part to reduce energy and material use throughout our operations
and supply chain and to continue to engage consumers on how they can also reduce
their environmental footprint. When I heard Kobori speak, he talked about the
importance of the LeviWalmart relationship, reaching out to other brands and their
supply chain members and working with NGOs. He said, Its not just us. Were all
going to need to collaborate on these things. Increasingly, organizations (both
public and private) are working with their supply chain members to enact their
sustainability goals and initiatives. This section discusses sustainable supply chains,
their growing importance, the major theories appearing in the scholarly literature,
the challenges and barriers, and communication.


What Is a Sustainable Supply Chain?

A supply chain includes the different companies involved in producing, handling,

and/or distributing a specific product. As organizations become more sustainable,
their attention extends to the sustainability-related practices and concerns of organizations upstream (e.g., suppliers, producers) and downstream (e.g., distributors,

7.3 Supply Chains


customers) in their supply chain. Over time, sustainable supply chain management
(SSCM) evolved to be a strategic process which involves:
the management of material, information and capital flows as well as cooperation among
companies along the supply chain while taking goals from all three dimensions of sustainable development, i.e., economic, environmental and social, into account which are derived
from customer and stakeholder requirements (Seuring and Muelle 2008, p. 1670, as cited in
Gimenez and Sierra 2013).

SSCM issues influence decisions about suppliers and products, deciding how to
dispose of waste and pollutants (Cantor et al. 2012), procurement, and logistics.
SSCM initiatives can involve designing and implementing frameworks, methods,
and tools that suggest, recommend, or prescribe certain modes of action. They may
be process or product oriented, produced internally (e.g., an internal environmental
management system) or externally (e.g., a code of conduct for the supply chain).
SSCM initiatives occur at the intraorganizational level (e.g., waste reduction,
energy consumption) and the interorganizational level (e.g., green purchasing).
They may involve specific supply chain activities (e.g., green reverse logistics) or
the entire supply chain. Attempts have been made to generalize the components of
SSCM across industries, and sustainability-based policies and practices in specific
industries have been analyzed (Vurro et al. 2009).
Several organizations you read about (e.g., Levi Strauss, the Portland Trail
Blazers) have sought to holistically identify their environmental impact. Since the
2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, there have been calls globally
for wider adoption of an integrated life-cycle approach. Life-cycle management
(LCM) was developed to create partnerships and procedures to holistically minimize impacts. It is a product management system aiming to minimize environmental and socioeconomic burdens. . .during the entire life-cycle. . .[relying on]. . .
collaboration and communication with all stakeholders in the value chain (United
Nations Environment Programme 2009). LCM takes into account upstream and
downstream impacts. Upstream activities include resource extraction and product
production. Downstream activities include product distribution, use, and disposal.
Two widely known examples of LCM partnerships for sustainable resource use are
the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Marine Stewardship Council (Balkau
and Sonnemann 2009). Both bind various partners (e.g., suppliers such as timber
farms and fisher people, distributors, retailers) along the supply chain under common objectives and procedures. Procedures include audits, product specification,
and certifications. Successful LCM partnerships include a shared belief in the need
for action on sustainability issues; a neutral forum where partners can initially
gather; a formal process (e.g., contractual arrangements, membership on joint
initiatives) linking the stakeholders; a mechanism members can use to agree on
issues, priorities, and processes (e.g., a board or steering group, a code); the ability
to gather and interpret technical data and develop plans, protocols, contracts, or
regulations; an implementation, auditing, and monitoring process; and a communication system to keep stakeholders informed.


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

I asked all my interviewees to discuss their supply chain relationships. Not all
had focused on making them more sustainable. Susan Anderson, former Administrative Coordinator for the Missoula, MT, Sustainable Business Council, told me
that in their Strive Toward Sustainability certification program, they asked their
business members, Do you actually talk to your supply chain? Because we really
think one of the key ways that we can get the supply chains to change is to make
certain people know what you are looking for. Also, along my travels, I learned
that the State of South Dakota and the City of Denver have green purchasing
policies. As societies largest consumer of goods and services, governments need
to incorporate life-cycle performance criteria into their public purchasing. Doing so
shows suppliers that LCM has commercial advantages and can improve communities long-term performance in line with environmental and social public policy
priorities. Sustainable public procurement can be improved by consolidating information about which suppliers offer sustainable products and processes, improving
procurement manager training, providing guidance on how to meet both financial
and sustainability targets, and setting mandatory targets (Balkau and Sonnemann
2009; Preuss and Walker 2011). Public sector organizations need to share best
practices and collaborate, as well as incorporate sustainable procurement criteria in
outsourcing contracts.


How and Why Does the Idea of a SSC Spread?

An overall descriptive model for SSCM diffusion at the intraorganizational and

interorganizational levels is lacking. But the diffusion of innovation theory (see
Sect. 5.2) has been influential. Carbone et al. (2012) draw on theories of the
diffusion of business ideas and practices and on the SSCM literature to outline
diffusion mechanisms for SSC decisions and actions. Mechanisms supporting the
diffusion of SSC include nonmarket stakeholder pressures, the internal company
perspective, and stakeholder pressures at the interorganizational level. Nonmarket
stakeholder pressures come from regulatory bodies, NGOs, media, the civil society,
and the environment. Isomorphic pressures within an institutional environment are
important. For example, if respected organizations within an industry discuss using
SSCM, other organizations in that industry are likely to adopt such practices.
However, major differences exist among industries and countries due to varying
regulations, uncertainty in their institutional environments, and varying coercive,
normative, and mimetic pressures. Internal company influences include top managements vision, customer or consumer pressures, and the type of innovationdriven or process-driven SSCM initiatives (e.g., TQM, lean organizations). An
organizations adoption of a SSCM initiative is influenced by their position in a
supply chain, their proximity to the sustainable initiatives trigger, and their
bargaining power relative to customers and suppliers. Adoption can be reactive or
proactive (Wolf 2014). First, I will discuss reactive responses.

7.3 Supply Chains


SSCM as a Reactive Response

Researchers have pursued three main lines of inquiry (i.e., motivation driven,
performance driven, stakeholder driven) to show how each influences SSCM
diffusion (Carbone et al. 2012). SSCM adoption decisions may be motivated by
resource-, transaction cost-, or capability-related concerns (Vurro et al. 2009). The
motivation-driven approach is the oldest and provides extrinsic reasons including in
response to regulations, to preempt legal sanctions, and in anticipation of structural
changes in sourcing regulations. In terms of performance, researchers investigated
the impact of SSCM initiatives on financial and sustainability-related performance.
Wolf (2014) designed a resource dependence theory-based study utilizing a dataset
of 1,621 organizations in 32 countries. In terms of SSCM, she looked at supply
chain standards, supply chain monitoring systems, and green procurement. She
found stakeholder pressure and SSCM both contribute to an organizations sustainability performancehowever she concluded that the benefits to supply chain
managers seen from SSCM go beyond risk reduction. Organizations build a reputation as being a good citizen by promoting environmental and social sustainability
in their supply chains. This reputation improves legitimacy and access to key
resources. Finally, the stakeholder-driven research views SSCM as occurring in
response to stakeholder demands (e.g., customers, suppliers, competitors, or companies sharing the distribution network), NGOs, and regulatory agencies (Carbone
et al. 2012). Auden Schendler, Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing
Company, illustrated this when he talked about their supply chain. He mentioned a
time when his organization used its position in a supply chain to pressure for
pro-environmental change.
If we have an opportunity to pull a supply chain lever that has disproportionate impact, we
will and we have done that. One example is our work with Kimberly-Clark, we joined a
boycott of Kimberly-Clark because of their forestry practices. We stopped using
Kleenex. . .. Because Aspen is a pretty high-profile name, we got Kimberly-Clarks attention. Kimberly-Clark at the time was a $30 billion dollar company, bigger than half the
economies in the world. And the result was that we ended up in conversations with the
CEO. We were able to broker conversations with the Natural Resources and Defense
Council and we were part of this broader boycott. So we had a role, it was probably a
small role, in pushing Kimberly-Clark in a more sustainable direction. They actually moved
a little bit and then moved a lot. So the change that we wanted to be part of with that
organization was probably more high-impact than anything we have ever done.

Large for-profit organizations increasingly realize their brand competitiveness,

and legitimacy may be influenced by their suppliers environmental and worker
rights practices. With the expansion of supply chains into developing nations,
stakeholder criticisms of perceived social and environmental deficiencies occurring
upstream in an organizations supply chain have increased (Wolf 2014). Stakeholders hold organizations accountable for actions and decisions regarding product
design, sourcing, production, and distribution both in their home country and in
their global supply chain. For example, in 2009, following a 3-year investigation of
Brazils cattle industry, Greenpeace released a report alleging Adidas, Clarks, Nike,


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

Reebok, and Timberland were sourcing leather from illegally deforested areas and
that the Brazilian government was complicit (Vurro et al. 2009). The story dominated newspaper headlines worldwide. In response to public pressure, supply chain
relationships shifted toward extensive stakeholder collaboration in corporate decision making. In collaboration with Greenpeace, Timberland called for environmentally and socially responsible leather sourcing policies in the Amazon and required
its leather suppliers to not purchase cattle raised in newly deforested areas. Nike
announced it would stop using leather from the Amazon until deforestation due to
expanding cattle herds ceased. SSCM provides large organizations with a way to
reduce reputation and brand risk while managing the consistency and reliability of
materials integral to their operations.

SSCM as a Proactive Response

SSCM formation can be proactive (Wolf 2014) when organizations recognize that
promoting social welfare and environmental protection can enhance their economic
performance (e.g., serve as a catalyst of interfirm resources and competitive advantage) while ensuring suppliers are able to deliver products over the long run. For
example, Walmart decided to make its supply chain for fish products sustainable,
partly so they could stabilize their future supply. In the 1990s, Walmart faced fish
shortages and realized overfishing, degradation of oceanic wildlife, and pollution
were all increasing. Today, they only buy fish from Marine Stewardship Councilcertified suppliers. Also, SSCM is a way organizations can enact their core values
(Vurro et al. 2009), although intrinsic reasons for implementing SSCM (e.g., ethics,
philosophical motivations) rarely appear in the SSCM research (Carbone
et al. 2012). Reasons which do appear include reduced costs, increased operational
efficiencies (Morali and Searcy 2013), improved reputation, and competitive
advantage (Carbone et al. 2012). Differentiation strategy and awareness building
also are important issues. Cruz and Boehe (2008) discussed these issues in relationship to JOBEK, an organization serving approximately 80 % of the European
market for sustainable hammocks, hanging air chairs, and hammock stands.
Located in Brazil, JOBEK implemented internationally certified sustainable business practices and utilized FSC-certified wood. Differentiation strategies are an
integral part of global sustainable supply chains. Differentiation occurs as an
organization argues its products have unique characteristics. Sustainability only
works as a differentiation strategy if consumers recognize and value it as a unique
characteristic. Awareness building involves activities (e.g., training, advertising,
persuasion) that promote the creation of shared visions or standards along a SSC.
Global SSCs rely on awareness building regarding sustainability standards all along
the chain. Certification agencies can help create a more symmetric, network-type
relationship between global buyers (distributors and retailers) and producers from
developing countries. Coherence in practices along the supply chain is a prerequisite for the credibility of certification (e.g., FSCs chain-of-custody concept).
Consumers must recognize and trust the certification.

7.3 Supply Chains



Major Theories Applied to SSCM

SSCM research lacks a theoretical foundation and efforts to introduce theoretical

frameworks are just beginning (Morali and Searcy 2013). Multiple organizational
theories are referred to in the SSCM literature (Sarkis et al. 2010) including
complexity theory, ecological modernization theory, information theory, institutional theory, the resource-based view (RBV), resource dependence theory (RDT),
social network theory, stakeholder theory, and transaction cost economics (TCT).
Morali and Searcy (2013) include a brief description of contingency theory, institutional theory, the RBV, RDT, and stakeholder theory and discuss each theorys
implications for supply chain relationships. In terms of the articles reviewed in this
section, Gimenez and Sierra (2013) referred to TCT and RBV and Wolf (2014)
based her study on RDT. Readers interested in understanding how these three
theories apply to SSCs will find these two articles informative. Institutional theory,
stakeholder theory, ecological modernization theory, and the resource dependency
theory have been discussed elsewhere in this book. Morali and Searcys (2013)
summary of contingency theory, the resource-based view, and transactional cost
economics is provided next followed by a theoretical model proposed by Vurro
et al. (2009). In terms of communication, Allen et al. (2012) investigated supply
chain relationships as discursive constructions.
Contingency theory argues that the optimal design and leadership style of an
organization is influenced by internal and external constraints. An effective organization, its structures, subsystems, and strategy must fit the environment in which
it operates. An organization fits its structure to its strategy to increase its bottomline results. Size, structure, and strategy are related. For example, large corporations
are more likely to adopt and implement corporate sustainability practices, publish
sustainability reports, and utilize codes and certifications. Organizations operating
in the same environment or institutional fields (e.g., petrochemical companies) face
similar constraints which result in similar contingencies leading to similar organizational structures and processes (Morali and Searcy 2013). Different units within
an organization appear to be influenced by varying SSCM reasons (Carbone
et al. 2012). For example, production is influenced by process-driven reasons,
marketing and sales by market-driven reasons, purchasing by purchasing-driven
reasons, and research and development by innovation-driven reasons.
RBV focuses on how organizations seek valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable,
and non-substitutable (VRIN) resources in order to achieve and maintain competitive advantage. The learning that occurs between buyers and suppliers when they
work together to improve environmental performance is a VRIN (Gimenez and
Sierra 2013), as is the ability to form collaborative sustainability-focused relationships. Collaborative relationships increase trust and understanding of what the
buyer wants which contribute to improved supplier environmental and social
performance. Improved supplier environmental and social performance influences
the buyers environmental and social performance. Assessment (e.g., monitoring)
enables collaboration by identifying areas for supplier development (e.g., training).


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

With TCT, the focus is firmly on controlling the relationship. Organizations seek
to limit the transaction costs they experience with their suppliers (Gimenez and
Sierra 2013). Transaction costs include both the direct costs of managing relationships (e.g., monitoring supplier activities) and the potential opportunity costs
resulting from poor governance decisions. The assumption is that without controls,
organizational actors will engage in opportunism. Assuming some suppliers will act
unethically or illegally, monitoring is used to reduce excessive opportunism.
Companies use governance mechanisms (e.g., audits) to improve their suppliers
environmental and social performance and better manage their own reputation and
Building on stakeholder network theory, social network theory, and the network
determinants of supply chain configurations, Vurro et al. (2009) proposed a theoretical model discussing a supply chain networks density and the centrality of the
focal organization. Network density, defined as the degree or completeness of the
ties between network actors, influences corporate responsiveness because it influences the ease of communication and the efficiency of information flow among
network members. Centrality facilitates information access and allows organizations to be information gatekeepers and liaisons among network members. In their
model, they describe four governance mechanisms used in supply chains depending
on network density and network centrality. These mechanisms are discussed in the
next section.


The Governance of Supply Chain Behaviors

Governance involves the relations through which key actors create, maintain, and
potentially transform network activities (Raynolds 2004, p. 728, as cited in
Gimenez and Sierra 2013). Governance mechanisms are those practices firms use
to manage relationships with their suppliers, especially upstream members, and to
stimulate improved sustainability-related performance. Gimenez and Sierra
describe various governance mechanisms and identify related research streams
based on SC, TCT, social network theory, and global value chain analysis.
Different governance mechanisms used to increase supplier performance and
capabilities include rewards, coercion, legal instruments (Carbone et al. 2012),
supplier assessment (e.g., questionnaires, company visits), supplier incentives,
supplier competition, and collaboration (e.g., providing training and support)
(Gimenez and Sierra 2013). Assessment reduces the risk that suppliers will act
illegally and/or unethically. Training allows a buyer to increase its suppliers
environmental capabilities and influence the delivery of more environmentally
friendly products or services that can influence the buyer organizations reputation
and performance. Organizations engage in differing levels of supplier assessment
and collaboration. Both approaches can have a positive and synergistic effect on the
environmental performance of an organizations supply chain. Firms which assess
and collaborate outperform other firms. In 2008, nearly all Global 250 companies

7.3 Supply Chains


had a supply chain code of conduct to guide their suppliers ethical and socially
responsible practices. Yet, only half of the Global 250 disclosed details of the
processes and mechanisms they used to activate and monitor their codes and
standards (Vurro et al. 2009).
Many organizations may want to measure performance on sustainability initiatives within their supply chain, but lack the necessary quantitative performance
measures. Less than half of the companies Morali and Searcy (2013) contacted said
they measured the success of their supply chain sustainability initiatives. There
appears to be less emphasis on measuring supplier performance than on measuring
a companys own success. Few organizations measure the effects throughout a
products life cycle or the social dimension of sustainability. But that is not the case
many large organizations are facing. For example, Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President
and Chief Environmental Health and Safety Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., talked
about their supply chain and measurement saying:
Where and how a company sources its supplies and services says a lot about its commitment to sustainabilityyou are as good as the company you keep. As with all other aspects
of business, you should fully understand why your company engages in, and what it expects
to gain from, certain activities. Establishing the business case for evaluating the sustainable
practices of supply partners is no exception. Its important to know up front why you are
evaluating the sustainable practices of your supply partners and what you hope to achieve.
We interact with a number of significant companies in our supply chain. These include
large retailers, restaurant companies, food service providers and others. We have a lot of
engagement with them. The engagement process involves surveys, benchmarking and
discussion on how to get better together. With respect to surveys, we receive many. We
try to encourage people to take a look at the information we provide on our website. Then
we will engage in a conversation about further details. If your company is considering the
use of a survey to evaluate the sustainability performance of your supply chain, keep the
survey straight-forward, relevant and, most importantly, manageable. For example, its
both time-consuming and frustrating to respond to sustainability surveys containing 100 or
more questions that, for the most part, are not applicable. This is especially true when a
supplier makes a sustainability report available. Tailor your survey so that it asks about the
issues most important to your company and stakeholders.

Best practices now clearly indicate how the global pursuit of improved social
and environmental standards further down the often complex supply chain have
transformed cooperation from being an option into an indispensable necessity
(Vurro et al. 2009, p. 608). So there is a growing trend to form collaborative
sustainability-focused relationships that allow for joint learning. Organizations
with strong SSCs build and maintain integrated supply chain management
approaches using long-term cooperation, shared knowledge, and jointly developed
competence with upstream and downstream supply chain members. Brian Sheehan,
former Sustainability Manager at Sams Club, talked about this joint learning
We will work with those buyer and supplier groups in different communication forums like
a summit. We recently had a dairy summit and the purpose of that was to communicate
broadly to the supplier community in these product categories that our Sustainability Index
is real. It is important for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it can help improve the
sustainability-related performance of products in those categories. And that moving


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

forward there is the expectation of suppliers completing a score card, but also partnering on
initiatives that will improve the sustainability performance and address the KPIs. And then
spelling out what those KPIs are that Walmart is going to go after in milk, yogurt and

Section 3.2.3 mentioned how relevant KPIs are identified by the Sustainability
Consortium and discussed by the relevant Walmart Sustainable Value Network
(which is an IOC) before they are broadly communicated at these summits.
Collaboration opportunities differ for a variety of reasons including the
bargaining power (i.e., asymmetrical, symmetrical) supply chain members have
(Cruz and Boehe 2008), member willingness (Vurro et al. 2009), and where
organizations are located within their stakeholder networks. Increased centrality
allows organizations to influence their network and coordinate integrated
approaches along their supply chain. Central actors can gather knowledge from
across their network, gain influence and control, resist adaptation requests, shape
the interpretation of sustainability, and influence how sustainability issues are
implemented throughout the supply chain. Improved centrality attracts partners
and improves the opportunities for cooperation, knowledge sharing, and expertise.
Increased density means a focal organization is likely to receive increased attention
and pressure to comply with the expectations of both upstream and downstream
partners. Centrality and network density influence relational attitudes promoting
Mapping an industrys network structure will help identify which sustainable
supply chain governance (SSCG) model (i.e., transactional, dictatorial, acquiescent,
and participative) is most likely to be successful. Vurro et al. (2009) identify,
describe, and illustrate these four SSCG models. A transactional SSCG model
emerges in industry network conditions of low centrality and low density. The
focal organization lacks influence and the supply chain structure is dispersed.
Incentives supporting the meaningful integration of sustainability along the supply
chain are lacking, monitoring costs are high, and the sustainability-focused actions
of a supply chain member may be overlooked. Buyers select suppliers for shortterm commitments and limited information sharing. A dictatorial SSCG model
emerges where low supply chain density combines with concentrated power held
by centrally located firms. The focal organization can resist pressures to conform to
sustainability expectations and impose its own practices, norms, behaviors, and
sustainability standards both upstream and downstream. This style requires an
organization to use its power to enforce the practices it has imposed and to monitor
competitors. A competing orchestrator (e.g., an NGO, corporate social watchdog)
can mobilize opposition to overthrow the dictator. The acquiescent SSCG model
applies when an actor occupies a peripheral position in a densely connected supply
chain. Although network density facilitates the flow of information, the peripheral
organization must comply in order to remain in the network. Commitment to
sustainability is compliance based. If peripheral actors have the needed resources
and competences, they are likely to comply. If not, they may attempt to conceal
any questionable practices and/or be forced out of the network. Finally, the participative SSCG model is more likely in highly dense supply chains where

7.3 Supply Chains


sustainability-oriented organizations are centrally located. The central organization

establishes the basis for upstream and downstream sustainability initiatives but is
influenced by its partners. If it is open to the involvement of its partners, joint
activities and cooperation are likely. Those organizations often stress compromise
and seek to balance, pacify, and bargain with influential stakeholders, build
multistakeholder collaborations, and develop joint rules with their supply chain
partners (e.g., certifications, environmental management schemes). Mutual understanding and a shared culture stimulate joint innovation processes and improve
network flexibility. Vurro et al.s model raises some provocative issues worthy of
future investigation. Communication scholars, with a background in network analysis and/or bona fide group theory, could provide additional insight into message
flow and content in these four SSCG types.


Challenges/Barriers Facing Sustainable Supply Chains

Organizations seeking to establish sustainable supply chains face challenges in

integration and implementation (Morali and Searcy 2013; Vurro et al. 2009. Supply
chain members may not understand what sustainability efforts entail or be unaware
of how the three pillars of sustainability interact. Capital investment commitments
are required. Risk management, supplier monitoring programs, and measurement
processes are needed. Transparent information and knowledge sharing are important. Corporate strategies and corporate cultures need to be aligned. SSCM can be
costly, require complex and difficult-to-achieve coordination efforts, and be hampered by insufficient communication (Carbone et al. 2012). Increasingly, supply
chain researchers are focusing on how to promote employee participation in
pro-environmental behaviors (Cantor et al. 2012). Overcoming employee resistance
and promoting engagement present challenges. Individual-level challenges are
related to cognition, information processing, information dissemination, reflective
learning, motivation, perceptions, knowledge, skills, attitudes, limited control over
work tasks, and values.
Procurement officers are among those tasked with interacting with sustainable
supply chain members. In an effort to create a framework of the psychological
barriers hampering sustainable development through public procurement, Preuss
and Walker (2011) synthesized research from social, organizational, and environmental psychology, sustainable purchasing, and supply management to generate a
midrange theory. They interviewed 72 procurement managers in local government
organizations and the National Health Service in the UK to identify factors negatively influencing procurement officers decisions. They found multiple barriers at
the individual, small group, organizational, and external levels. Thorsten Geuer,
brew master, at Bayern Brewing in Missoula, MT, shared an example which
illustrates the role individual attitudes (e.g., of the sales person, of the owner) can
have on supply chain relationships. Bayern Brewing has been the only German
microbrewery in the Rockies for over 25 years (see Sect. The company


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

actively promotes recycling and utilizes recycled bottles and cardboard carriers as
part of their sustainability efforts. Thorsten said:
We have sales people come in here at least once a month, trying to sell us boxes for our
beer, because that is what is done in the usual market. If you challenge them saying I need a
box that can come back to us [i.e., is reuseable], that is refoldable and stable enough, it will
be able to hold a six pack, most of them are already checked out because there is no longer
a box like that. [They think] I am a sales personthat is not my job. Then we have other
people who will actively come in here and think how can we solve this? We are lucky
enough that we work with a packaging company that does a lot for the fishing industry in
Alaska. They fill the boxes up in Alaska and ship them to the U.S. When empty, they fold
flat and are shipped back to Alaska. The concept that we have is not new. It is just not out
there in the brewing industry. . .. Our president found an old Miller box, because they did
that same thing back in the day. It was a wax box with a foldable top which they collected
and reused. So having the technology or idea that was out there before, we transferred that
into something that will be usable for us. It was a combination of the Alaska example and
the Miller beer box. We patented the design.

The organizational-level factors Preuss and Walker (2011) identified include

issues of managerial control (e.g., policy decisions), organizational structure (e.g.,
organizational roles), and organizational norms, routines, and cultures. Role specialization, impersonal norms of behavior, and structural control devices can
present barriers. Procurement priorities emphasizing cost savings and inventory
availability can influence a procurement managers motivation to address sustainable development challenges. Senior management priorities and performance measurement criteria de-emphasizing sustainable development present barriers. Other
organizational barriers exist due to the strategic planning process, limited trust and
cooperation, resistance, the autonomy needs of functions or units, resource availability, and the degree of organizational centralization. Finally, external barriers
focus on boundary spanning, interpersonal trust, and cooperation. Readers will find
that Cantor et al.s (2012) model does a thorough job identifying barriers.


Communicating Within and About Supply Chains

Kevin Igli, Senior Vice President and Chief Environmental Health and Safety
Officer at Tyson Foods, Inc., recommends that organizations:
Take action on the information you receive from your supply partners. Ensure sustainability
is part of your regular discussions with suppliers. Actively seek out forums to share
sustainability advice, tips, ideas, and lessons learned with your suppliers. Lead by example
and work with your supply partners to seize opportunities that generate joint success.

Limited communication research has focused on supply chains. One exception

was the work by Allen et al. (2012). Consistent with recent research concerning the
nature of organizations and organizational discourse, they conceived of organizations (and supply chains) as discursive constructions. Individuals who represent
their organization in a sustainably focused supply chain relationship have an
important role to play in that relationships ongoing (re)construction. Allen

7.3 Supply Chains


et al. focused on two levels of sustainability discourseorganizational and individual. They analyzed the content of the corporate training materials used by two
multinational corporations (MNC) linked in a supply chain relationship to see if
common themes and language appeared. They also interviewed representatives of
the two organizations. Three research questions guided their study: How do two
large MNCs operating within a supply chain relationship define and/or discuss
sustainability in their training materials? To what extent does the sustainabilityrelated content appearing in corporate training materials overlap with how
employees discuss sustainability? To what extent do sustainability-related comments made by representatives of these two organizations overlap? Although
content differences emerged between the two training documents, some shared
terms appeared including corporate mission, corporate sustainability, corporate
performance, sustainable packaging, reduced waste, product price, healthy product,
and sustainable product. Both organizations used training to emphasize the importance of sustainability to their employees. Some overlaps appeared between the
training documents and the interviewee comments. Shared sustainability-related
issues and values emerged within the interview comments of respondents
representing the two organizations such as it is the right thing to do, is a good
way to do business, and has the potential for making a big impact. It is important
to study overlaps and disconnects in talk and text because expressed differences
(e.g., in goals, values, approaches) appearing in supply chain partner conversations
surrounding joint sustainability-related initiatives do not bode well for their
Allen et al. (2012) discussed the situation facing communicators within a supply
chain relationship as being similar to the four embedded narrative phases (manipulation, competence, performance, sanction) Cooren (2000) discussed. Regardless
of organization, individuals were given a having to do (manipulation: embed
sustainability into your conversation with your supply chain partner) and a being
able to do (competence: you have been trained in what to say or what to look for).
Each supply chain representative was expected to perform the having to do
(performance: embed sustainability in your buyersupplier conversations so as to
reach sustainability goals) and was told their performance would be linked to either
punishment or reward (sanction: those who successfully drive sustainability will be
rewarded and those who do not will not succeed either in the company or within the
buyersupplier relationship). The outcomes of the competenceperformance link
can influence individual employees success and the achievement of corporate
supply chain goals and ultimately reinforce any global-level shift toward sustainability we are able to achieve through supply chains. It would be interesting to see
additional research comparing how supply chain partners discuss sustainability.

Communicating About Supply Chains in Sustainability Reports

When attempting to understand how organizations are working with their supply
chains to promote their environmental and social initiatives, one easily accessible


7 Facilitating Group Collaboration and Enhancing Supply Chain Conversations

place where the topic is discussed is in corporate reports (e.g., sustainability reports,
CSR reports). In this section, I review several studies (e.g., Maharaj and Herremans
2008; Morali and Searcy 2013; Tate et al. 2010) that investigated the content of
sustainability reports in order to better understand changes in supply chain
In 2002, Shell Canada, one of the first companies to publish a sustainable
development report instead of a corporate social responsibility report, created a
booklet, Business Principles: Expectations for Shell Canada Suppliers and Contractors, that clearly communicated their business conduct expectations to their
vendors. Shell Canada sought to require their suppliers to protect the environment
and work to prevent and reduce pollution. Suppliers were asked to establish safety
and sustainable development policies, implement environmental management programs, provide training and certification, have emergency response procedures,
describe their storage and disposal capabilities, and commit to adhering to Shell
Canadas internal corporate safety and sustainable development requirements
(Maharaj and Herremans 2008).
More recently, Tate et al. (2010) investigated the CSR reports of 100 global
companies to see how they referred to their supply chain. Tate et al.s content
analysis identified ten themes including supply chain, institutional pressure, community focus, consumer orientation, external environment, risk management, measures, energy, healthcare, and green buildings. For each theme, they pointed out
how SSCM was relevant. They concluded that while institutional pressures were
the driving force behind strategy development in all the industries studied, different
companies emphasized different facets of social, environmental, and economic
responsibility upstream and downstream in their supply chain depending on their
industry, size, and geographic location.
Finally, Morali and Searcy (2013) assessed the content of the sustainability
reports of 100 Canadian firms. They found only 13 % of the reports mentioned
having a management mechanism that tied sustainability to their procurement
practices. This suggests that a governance structure for SSCM may be a marginal
practice. Seventy-two percent reported having a SSCM strategy or program. But
most only addressed environmental sustainability leaving the social and economic
aspects unaddressed. Most statements on supply chain strategy focused on local
purchasing practices. Forty-five percent of the companies reported at least one
procurement-related indicator and many listed at least one KPI. Most companies
cited policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally based suppliers as an
indicator. Fifty percent mentioned one relevant standard for supplier behavior.
Almost every corporate report mentioned a code of business conduct. Other standards involved product-/process-related certifications and management systems and
initiatives. In terms of collaboration within their supply chain, 42 % reported they
had such a partnership, mainly focusing on upstream initiatives with suppliers.
Finally, 33 % mentioned having a supplier management monitoring system. These
three studies show that supply chain issues are being addressed in some sustainability reports. But what is said, if anything, is often vague. Certainly, that does not
mean supply chain documents do not exist or discussions are not occurring, but they



are not making their way into sustainability reports. Descriptive and historical
analyses such as these are useful in providing context. However, what we need
now is a concerted effort to shape (e.g., create shared standards), enact, and discuss
(between partners and within society) supply chain relationships within and across
industries and continents.


Concluding Thoughts

Global warming results in rising seas. Globally, 60 % of cities with populations

over five million are within 60 miles of the sea. In the USA, over 123 million people
live in coastal counties. By 2100, sea-level rise could put up to 7.4 million US
coastal residents at risk and cut the countrys GDP by as much as $289 billion
(Stephens and Kille 2014). On January 30, 2015, President Obama issued an
executive order establishing a federal flood risk management standard and a process
for soliciting and considering stakeholder input (The White House 2015). Collaboration was at the heart of the executive order. The National Security Council staff
coordinated an interagency effort and solicited the views of governors, mayors, and
other stakeholders as they sought to develop a new flood risk reduction standard for
federally funded projects. Meanwhile, the Georgetown Climate Center (2015) has a
webpage listing state and local adaptation plans. Fifteen states have plans, but
implementation is limited. For example, California has 345 state-level goals of
which 48 are completed and 251 are in progress. Massachusetts has 373 state-level
goals (24 completed, 191 in progress). New York has 121 goals (17 completed,
63 in progress), while New York City has nine plans beginning in 2008. We need
large-scale urban adaptation strategies as we face the effects of long-term global
climate change. Such strategies require creative problem solving and collaboration.
They will be complex and expensive to execute as millions of people are mobilized.
Planning is essential, but communication is critical.

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Chapter 8

Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Abstract This final chapter discusses how the constitutive and pragmatic power of
communication allows employees to exert agency and organizations and interorganizational collaborations to change societal-level Discourses. SMART messaging
is discussed. Suggestions are provided to researchers and practitioners on next steps
each might take. Remaining wisdom drawn from the interview transcripts is shared.
Scholarly literature discussing wisdom and spirituality is reviewed. Both must be
encouraged within and between our organizations if we are to move forward in
creating and expanding truly meaningful sustainability initiatives.

Lewis and Clarks Story and Our Forward Momentum Although the Corps of
Discovery members were not the first white men to cross the continent and
generations of native peoples had already mapped the land, what happened to
them is a great story, brimming with energy and full of forward motion. In
extraordinary settings, a remarkable cast of characters encountered adversity of
epic proportions and struggled through one adventure after another (Ronda 2003).
One universal human story involves a journey. All people groups tell stories of their
ancestors journeys. Every individual tells stories of his or her own journey. We
are a people in motion . . .. And it was Lewis and Clark who gave us [the U.S.] our
first great national road story. Its the story of a group of people representing
various racial, ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds who met and communicated
with men and women representing multiple native cultures. Their journey provides
us with a story of undaunted courage and can serve as a guiding metaphor for our
journey in response to global climate change.


The Importance of Communication

Cox (2013) talks about how communication plays both constitutive and pragmatic
roles during discussions involving the humanenvironment interface. In terms of its
constitutive role, sensemaking theory (Weick 1995) describes how when people
face environments filled with equivocal and uncertain information they focus on
parts of their environment, engage in behaviors to reduce the uncertainty, and, if the
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2_8



8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

behaviors sufficiently address the need, they retain them. Structuration theory
(McPhee and Poole 2009) helps us realize that the rules and resources that guided
our past behaviors both constrain and enable our present actions. But people have
agency and can create new ways of behaving moving away, sometimes dramatically, from old ways of thinking and acting. Communication allows us to do this.
Through communication, social constructions (e.g., what sustainability means in an
organization) are created, maintained, and changed (Berger and Luckmann 1966).
Over time, the Discourses about the humanenvironment interface have shifted
from industrialism to include many others including sustainability. Norms within
and across institutional fields are shifting as illustrated by the Portland Trail Blazers
and the Green Sports Alliances work with the Natural Resources Defense Council
to make environmental issues a mainstream concern among US sports fans.
In terms of communications pragmatic role, for decades scholars have investigated persuasion, social influence, behavioral change, citizen mobilization, the
diffusion of innovation, and effective change-related communication. We know
the characteristics of working environments where employees can import information, create, learn, and feel empowered. Rhetorical scholars show us how communication can mobilize large groups, and risk communication scholars inform us how
to frame public messages that help citizens respond to environmental crises and
challenges. Lindenfeld et al. (2012) quote Cantrill as writing, While grave threats
may in fact exist in the environment, the perception of such danger, rather than the
reality thereof, is what moves people to action (1996, p. 76). In decision making,
what knowledge gets counted as valid is almost as important as the knowledge
itself. And change is occurring. Organizations are engaging in pro-environmental
actions (e.g., eco-efficiencies, redesigned products and processes) which influence
their institutional fields and their supply chains. Creative actions are breaking
frames and helping us to develop new alternatives (constitutive) which shape
others behaviors (pragmatic). For example, The Sustainability Consortiums
work, envisioned with the assistance of Walmart, is beginning to reverberate
throughout entire supply chains. This trend will grow exponentially as sustainability indexes are developed for more product categories.
Frame breaking organizations must communicate about what they are doing,
why they are doing it, and why others should do something similar. Communication
at all levels is key to creating organizations and interorganizational groups capable
of innovating within our communities, states, and nations. Sustainability-focused
communication is important at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, interorganizational, and macro-levels. Intrapersonal communication focuses
us on a communicators internal use of language or thought. It is most directly
influenced by his or her schemata, values and beliefs, worldview, information
acquisition, sensemaking, goal congruence, and engagement. Interpersonal communication involves messages exchanged between several people and leads us to
persuasion, social influence, framing, strategic ambiguity, information sharing,
sensemaking, influential communicators, message strategies, and learning. Group
communication at the organizational level directs us to decision making, problem
solving, informal communication, innovation and creativity, and learning.

8.1 The Importance of Communication


Organizational communication investigates communication within organizational

contexts and points us toward changed structures which channel interactions,
formal communication, diffusion of innovations, absorptive capacity, the communication of change, climate/culture, and learning. We also are directed toward
corporate sustainability communication, certifications, external messaging (e.g.,
websites), collaboration, credibility, and an organizations position in and ability
to influence its institutional fields. Interorganizational communication involves the
communication occurring within a network of organizations and directs us to look
at power, interorganizational collaboration, supply chain initiatives, certifications,
network structures, and communities of practice. At the macro-level, we investigate
communication related to social mobilization, Discourses, paradigms, legitimacy,
diffusion of innovation, the global humanenvironment interface, and social justice
debates. Every level influences every other level, especially its most proximal level.
However, the most powerful levels rest at the organizational and interorganizational levels. Figure 8.1 illustrates the traditional view where employees, organizations, and interorganizational collaborations have limited ability to influence
macro-environment discussions and actions regarding sustainability. Figure 8.2
highlights the role of empowered employees and the ability of organizational and
interorganizational communication to continually redefine the major societal Discourses regarding sustainability.


Institutional Isomorphism
Diffusion of Innovation
Frame Changing/Paradigm Shift


Diffusion of Innovation



Formal Communication/Structure
Diffusion of Innovation/Absorptive Capacity

Informal Communication
Decision Making/Problem Solving/ Negotiating

Information Sharing/Learning
Strategic Ambiguity

Information Acquisition
Goal Congruence/Engagement

Fig. 8.1 External forces shape and constrain how organizations and interorganizational collaborations enact sustainability. Employees exert limited agency



8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Institutional Isomorphism
Diffusion of Innovation
Frame Changing/Paradigm Shift



Diffusion of Innovation



Formal Communication/Structure
Diffusion of Innovation/Absorptive Capacity

Informal Communication
Decision Making/Problem Solving/ Negotiating

Information Sharing/Learning
Strategic Ambiguity

Information Acquisition
Goal Congruence/Engagement

Fig. 8.2 The constitutive and pragmatic power of communication redefines sustainability.
Employees exert agency


The Importance of Theory

In this book you have read about multiple communication, social psychology, management, sociology, and behavioral change theories. Action Plan: Look at the list of
theories in the index. Identify 10 you believe are most useful to you at this point in
your or your organizations sustainability journey. Certainly not all relevant theories
and research are included in this book. Several recent edited books are worth noting
although neither focuses us on the organizational context. Godemann and Michelsen
(2011) also integrate theory and research from various disciplines including communication, psychology, and sociology. Servaes (2013) offers an overview of sustainability and communication from a development and social change perspective to
address issues including community mobilization, mass media, and integrated communication approaches. If Ive missed a theory, write about it within the context of
sustainability and organizations. If you can develop a new one, please do so.


Messages to Researchers and Practitioners

The theories, research, and examples you have read about in this book have
prepared you to engage in SMART messaging efforts. SMART messaging involves
communication that is strategic, memorable, accurate, relevant, and trustworthy.
Thus prepared, this section blends the scholarly literature with a list of actions
researchers and practitioners may consider taking as they move forward on our joint
sustainability-related journey.

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners



Message to Researchers

Sustainability challenges are beyond the capacities of our current institutions to address and
require substantial change from systems [characterized by] crippling inertia. These problems are born of large-scale industrial economic policy, the rise of materialism, and the
supremacy of profit over sustainability. . .. These problems have their roots in human
behavior and institutional structures. We must strive to understand (as best we can) and
grapple with system drivers and constraints, in short, the outcomes and the underlying
causes. The problem constellations at hand are not the results of our systems; they are those
systems. . .. Responsibility for those systems lies with individuals and collectives who
collectively design, participate in, and accept the failures of the systems that govern our
lives (van der Leeuw et al. 2012, p. 116).

We have multiple theories at our disposal, and now, as researchers and scholars,
we need to act. Global warming presents us with an all-hands-on-deck situation
because it is something that we collectively face. We need to become actively
engaged in addressing serious problems since our:
Education and creative and intellectual capital would ideally provide transition and solution
options. . .. In global change, diagnosis is but the beginning of a long process in which
strategic interventions are necessary to beget sustainability transitions (van der Leeuw
et al. 2012, p. 116).

In the past, many researchers and scholars have not chosen to focus on higherlevel, socially relevant, life enhancing issues. . .[our research typically does not
attempt] to frame communication or language within higher order constructs such
as wisdom, enact public policy. . .or solve pragmatic communication-related malpractice (Nussbaum 2012, p. 244). Today, communication researchers and
scholars need to become:
more involved in the goal of improving life on this planet as a member of a multidisciplinary team and begin to share our unique understanding of the impact of communication
and language. . .with those noncommunication scholars who insist that communication
does matter but lack the knowledge, sophistication, or will to move beyond their specific
area of concentration (p. 244).

Already many action researchers are using their scholarship to improve the
human condition and/or facilitate our communication about the humanenvironment interface. What about you? Are the questions you are addressing socially
relevant and life enhancing? How might you contribute to addressing the issues we
see looming on our horizon, if not sitting on our doorstep?
Moving forward we need increased public participation, improved integration of
invested parties, more joint learning and knowledge sharing, and guidance focusing
on negotiation and power sharing. Lindenfeld et al. (2012) describe a 5-year NSF
funded collaboration that began in 2009. They worked with colleagues representing
over 20 disciplines through the Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI) at the
University of Maine. The team included social scientists representing environmental communication, psychology, economics, anthropology, human ecology, law,


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

and policy. They developed models, tested theories, and researched ways collaboration and other forms of engagement can help stakeholders and communities
overcome obstacles to developing a sustainable future. The SSIs goal was to
help build Maines capacity for addressing sustainability-related challenges by
helping stakeholders identify and implement meaningful solutions that aligned
with their values, needs, and desires. The researchers developed a portfolio
approach to identify and characterize the uncertainty of alternative scenarios;
help stakeholders understand the interplay among and complexity of diverse systems; and identify the limits, thresholds, and unintended consequences of various
alternatives. Lindenfeld et al. write that they were inspired by the work of scholars
who transcended their particular disciplinary framework and sought to develop
local models designed to provide local solutions.

Actions for Researchers to Consider

Work on truly meaningful research projects that have the potential to help
influence our national Discourses and actions and/or prepare organizations and
communities to adapt. In preparing this book I read article after article looking
for useful clues on how we might proceed. Much of the research I reviewed,
regardless of discipline, was interesting, but did not point us on a way forward in
our journey.
Join a multidisciplinary research team to work in your state. Many of us work at
land grant schools charged with enhancing vitality within our state. Reach out to
your natural science, sustainability science, management, law, public health,
communication, and public administration peers to design joint research projects
with important practical applications. Seek federal and/or state funding.
Become an action researcher. If you analyze texts, analyze organizational texts
focusing on sustainability. Use what you learn to help organizations craft honest,
memorable, and mobilizing sustainability-related texts directed toward internal
and external stakeholders. If you conduct survey research, investigate how to
more effectively design and communicate sustainability-related change initiatives to employees or citizens. Assess their reactions.
Become a facilitator. Help community groups collaborate to create resilient
communities and ecosystems. Practitioners rely on their practical wisdom
based on personal experience, industry norms, professional norms, and/or the
predominant social Discourse. How might our theories help them solve the
practical problems they face? Publish what you learn in outlets accessible to
practitioners (e.g., trade journals and the popular press).
Link up with important groups. Work with local, state, or national LEED groups,
the Arbor Day Foundation, groups like Protect Our Winters and the Green Sports

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


Alliance. Work with NOAA to help them communicate climate-risk information

to citizens; local and state governments to communicate around energy efficiency, recycling, and disaster preparedness; or your cooperative extension
agents to help them better communicate with farmers about difficult regional
environmental and climate-related issues.
Plan cross-disciplinary mini-conferences and invite interested scholars
representing communication, management, political science, public health,
law, public policy, psychology, sociology, the natural sciences, and sustainability science. Apply for National Science Foundation funding to support such
mini-conferences. Create partnerships between the Academy of Management
(i.e., Organizations and the Natural Environment group), the International Communication Association and the National Communication Association (i.e.,
Environmental Communication and Organizational Communication groups),
and any environmental groups in public policy and/or administration (e.g., the
American Political Science Association, The American Society of Public
Administration, the Policy Studies Organization, or the Association for Public
Policy Analysis and Management).
Create more graduate classes on your campus that link the natural sciences and
communication with public policy to focus on interdisciplinary sustainability
issues. Ask the ACUPCC to sponsor and/or publicize academic research that
crosses disciplinary boundaries.
Encourage capable social science M.A. students to earn environmental or sustainability science-related Ph.D. degrees. Encourage environmental or sustainability science B.A. students to earn an M.A. in communication or public policy.
Help your students talk about sustainability-focused issues in their communities.
For example, I ask my students to read the essay about George Marshall (see
Sect. and complete the Environmental Communication Scale (see Sect.
4.4.5). I provide them with some interesting information to discuss like which
coastal states are preparing for sea level rise (see Sect. 7.4) and ask them to talk
with a friend about that or a related issue. Finally, they write an essay describing
what occurred. Their essays are interesting reading. Those conversations, even if
congenial, do not flow very well. The only thing that will end this negotiated
silence in our communities and nations is if we can learn to hold such
Extend a theory or research stream you read about in this book. Make sure to
address how whatever you learn can inform action and influence policy.



8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Message to Practitioners

Do we have all the tools that we need in the face of global climate change? Most
definitely not. But we do have many technical, scientific, policy, network, and
communication tools at our disposal. And people are continually developing more.
We must link the practical to the theoretical in order to inform practice and use the
practical to drive theory building. Partnerships are our primary model: interorganizational collaborations at the institutional field, disciplinary, industry, governmental, and transnational levels are key.

Actions for Practitioners to Consider

If you are new on your sustainability journey, read Blackburns (2007) very
practical book. It crosses organizational sectors and is filled with explanations,
practical strategies, checklists, forms, tips, and reference information. It is
designed to be a how to guide (e.g., how to craft the business case for sustainability argument, how to design and implement internal processes to facilitate
the achievement of sustainability initiatives). Wilhelm (2013) also provides a
blueprint for successful implementation filled with suggestions offered by
40 Sustainability Directors.
Partner with other organizations in your community to create a business
(or organizationally focused) group that shares best practices and certifies
sustainable organizations.
If you are seeking inspiration regarding new sustainability initiatives, Smerecnik
and Andersen (2011) offer some suggestions. Enact sustainability management
by creating an environmental committee, a written environmental policy, an
environmental impact assessment report, and a detailed program to reduce
environmental impacts; hiring external consultants to help develop environmental policies or programs; sending officials to sustainability-focused conferences;
measuring your greenhouse gas emissions or carbon footprint; and adopting
nationally or internationally recognized sustainability certification programs.
Engage in more environmental communication by providing environmental
training of staff and environmental education of clients; including environmental statements in public messages; holding routine meetings to discuss environmentally related issues; supporting community environmental efforts,
involvement, or advocacy; and talking with other organizations in your industry
about environmental sustainability. Manage pollution by identifying the environmental pollution occurring on your property, seeking to prevent it, and
work to repair or maintain local habitat and biodiversity. Conserve resources
by ensuring separate collection of any hazardous waste, recovering food waste,
compositing organic and food waste, working with local recycling firms,
purchasing recycled products [if possible] or products meant to be reusable;
encouraging recycling among clients and staff; purchasing from local firms and

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


companies; and purchasing energy-saving materials and less hazardous materials. Adopt water recycling initiatives such as providing on-site wastewater
treatment, reusing treated wastewater in the surrounding environment (e.g.,
landscaping irrigation), and adopting rainwater/snow runoff capture and reuse.
Conserve energy by producing your organizations energy through solar, wind,
or other renewable sources of energy; purchasing renewable energy from a local
utility provider and renewable energy credits/green tags; using alternative fuel or
hybrid vehicles in your transportation fleet, designing effective transportation to
reduce environmental impact (e.g., design a plan for reducing car idling times),
encouraging client and staff use of public transportation, providing employee
carpool or alternative transportation incentives, enhancing building efficiency,
utilizing sustainable materials and methods, and seeking LEED or Energy Star
certification. Improve office sustainability by using energy saver control systems
in rooms and energy-saving light bulbs and using sensor-activated lighting in
locations that only require intermittent lighting.
If you are a nonprofit, assess your own environmental performance. Nonprofits
usually focus on strategies, their role in multistakeholder environmental planning, and their leadership dynamics (Dart and Hill 2010). Yet they also create
environmental impacts.
If you are a small- or medium-sized organization recognize there are many steps
you can take. Cordano et al. (2010) found small- and medium-sized wineries
developed simple environmental management programs which included environmental goals and policies, designated environmental responsibilities, provided employee training, set aside funds to support environmental innovation,
and established environmental requirements for suppliers.
Complete a reputable certification process to improve your sustainability. Communicate your certification in internally and externally directed messages. If a
certification does not exist, work with your industry association to create one.
Make it self-managing and large scale.
Create or join local collaborative bodies made up of government, nonprofit,
business, university, and citizen groups to identify how to create more resilient
communities. Innovate and market your innovations.
Investigate places where relevant pilot test projects are being done (e.g., the
Transition Towns project). Find organizations that have a strong sustainability
program and meet with them to find out more. Share what you learn with other
Seek to change your organizations culture/climate to promote sustainability at
the same time as you engage in eco-efficiency efforts.
Help your employees become more sustainable in their own homes and personal
lives using existing programs (e.g., the Home Energy Affordability Loan program, My Sustainability Plans).
Become politically active. Create an industry association like Tom Kelly [Neal
Kelly Company, OR] did or seek to influence your existing industry association.
Form an activist arm like the Aspen Skiing Company did with Protect Our


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Winters. Sign documents like the Climate Declaration BICEP launched (see
Sect. 1.2).
Use your position within your industry field to change standard operating norms.
Work with your supply chain.
Partner with your local university to increase and communicate your sustainability; stimulate your university to develop research programs that can enhance
sustainability. Serve on university steering committees, fund Endowed Chairs,
and financially support the creation of research centers.
Reach out to natural science, communication, engineering, and public policy
faculty. They can help you solve sustainability-related problems. In turn, you
can help them identify and/or provide a setting where they can research pressing
sustainability-related issues.

Suggestions Provided By Interviewees

This section provides some additional suggestions emerging in the comments my

interviewees shared with me. I share them with you in hope that you will find some
that you can enact in your own organization.

Neal Kelly Company (Small Business)

Stay the sustainability course even during a recession or in the face of financial
Work with consultants or take advantage of training provided by outside groups
that fit your organizations goals and values (e.g., Natural Step). They can help
you critically evaluate your existing policies and procedures (Portland Trail
Blazers agrees) and identify your organizations biggest impacts on the environment. Rank order your priorities (WasteCap Nebraska and Portland Trail
Blazers agree).
Inform employees of your organizations goals and priorities so sustainabilityrelated values become core to your organization, and so that employees can
participate in decision making. Train employees on how to think through
problems, generate options, and enact sustainability initiatives. Begin this training at their initial orientation.
Enlist consensus among the managerial group to pursue the new course; then
embed it throughout the organization through training and when developing
strategic plans.
Become a member of an advisory committee at your local university and provide
input into student training and internship opportunities. They may become your
new employees.
Become an active member, leader, and/or innovator in sustainability-related
associations in your regional trade association, local community, and state.

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


Use your knowledge and expertise regarding sustainability to benefit your

Actively lobby at the state level for sustainability-related initiatives. Be politically active (Portland Trail Blazers and Aspen Skiing Company agree).
Redesign your organizational structure to be more in line with company values
and goals.
Attract skilled employees who share the same value set as your organization.
(Arbor Day Foundation and the City of Portland agree).
Involve employees in annual planning and be accountable at the annual meeting.
Create opportunities for your suppliers to meet each other at events. Make sure
your products are environmentally sustainable. Offer these products to end users
making sure the price differential is as low as realistic.

ClearSky Climate Solutions (Small Business)

Recognize that capital markets are necessary to any wise use of natural resources
and that private funds investing in the protection of natural resources are
necessary. (Ecotrust agrees).
Find a communicator who can make science understandable and relevant to the
lay public and who can lobby and convince others that change is in their best
short-term interest.
Associations need to conduct research to identify why the clients of their
members would be interested in supporting sustainability-related initiatives
and projects. Utilize their findings in your messaging to clients.
Use the language of eco-efficiencies. It makes sense to businesses.

Bayern Brewing (Small Business)

Get multiple uses out of your materials. Purchase equipment to support the
multiple use of materials. Plan for the long run so that things last and are
productive for as long as possible. Think of things others recycle as raw
materials you can use.
Promote your local and state economy by minimizing the money you send out of
state to purchase supplies.
Dont wait for government to mandate sustainable actions.
Innovative even if it means dealing with risk and uncertainty (WasteCap
Nebraska agrees). Be willing to jettison new ideas that dont work.
Join a local sustainability organization so you can see what others around you, as
well as in your own industry, are doing in terms of sustainability-related
Once your business is financially stable, fine-tune it to make it more sustainable
and efficient. (Neal Kelly Company agrees).


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Assurity Life Insurance (Mid-Sized Business)

Build on your history of sustainability to construct or retrofit to LEED specifications. (Portland Trail Blazers, University of ArkansasFayetteville, Heifer
International, Arbor Day Foundation, and Ecotrust agree).
Use one platform (e.g., a history of recycling) to build to another level (e.g.,
empower employees in their personal lives to be more sustainable).
Create and support a Green Team. Task them with promoting awareness of
sustainability among employees. Empower them.
Recognize the transition to being a more sustainable organization doesnt happen overnight.

WasteCap Nebraska (Community Organization)

Adapt and expand your focus as your business environment changes.
Create a place so that peer networking and learning around sustainability can
occur within your business community. (City of Portland agrees).
Promote experiential learning around sustainability initiatives.
Develop a catalyst to get your foot in the door so you can help people try one
thing. Once they try one thing they are more likely to want to learn more about
Provide people with ways they can implement sustainability-related programs
and see real short-term progress.
Develop or implement a certification program that is self-reporting, includes
education, and can be used to market to internal and external stakeholders.
(Missoula Sustainability Council agrees).
Maintain your reputation as a trusted resource for useful knowledge. Know other
trusted resources you can partner with to provide services to clients you cannot
perform alone.
Dont worry about developing informationgood training materials have
already been developed and are available which you can tailor to your purposes.
Realize that if you position yourself as a leader, people will follow.
Encourage your organizations leader to share his/her values around sustainability repeatedly and display passion (Assurity Life Insurance agrees).
Remember change takes a lot of communication, education, and training.

Missoula Sustainability Council (Community Organization)

Identify if there is community interest in forming a group to promote sustainable
and/or local business initiatives. (Portland Trail Blazers agrees).
Bring in excellent speakers to build interest for sustainability. (WasteCap
Nebraska and Sams Club agree). Develop forums where local people can ask
questions of the speaker.

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


Focus on the positive benefits that business can provide to sustainability and that
sustainability can provide for businessvibrant local communities can offer a
high quality of life based on environmentally friendly and socially aware
Identify resources. Ask local utilities to pay for and conduct Water Wise and
Energy Wise trainings, assessments, and certifications for local organizations.
Seek funding for small businesses to pay for upfront costs associated with
Prepare your communities for a resource constrained future. Emphasize creating
a vibrant local economy where residents buy local and sustainable products.
Provide a website where community members can learn about what your local
businesses offer.
Develop interest in your organization through your volunteers, board members,
and existing clients using relationship-based marketing.
Utilize interns from local schools and volunteers from the Senior Corps of
Retired Executives.

Portland Trail Blazers (Sports Business)

Encourage employees to attend summits and conferences related to sustainability topics.
Dont just assume you are recyclinglook around and see if you can do it better
or do other things.
Respond to top down, bottom up, and community pressures to become more
Create a sustainability charter or set of values, goals, and targets.
Measure your carbon footprint (Sams Club agrees), conduct a Scope 3 analysis.
Inspire your industry, community, state, and nation to be more sustainable.
Conduct measurements, benchmark your metric, and continue to seek continuous improvements
Investigate, instigate, and engage in district-scale systems and eco-efficiencies.
Educate people about the idea of eco-districts and eco-cities.
Co-found an industry group that promotes sustainability. Function as a role
model or industry leader for other organizations to follow.
Partner with groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Department
of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Support federal initiatives that address national energy policy and aim to reduce
climate change impacts.
Join the conversation that climate change matters. It is not a political issue but
rather a human issuesports require an environment with clean water and
clean air.
Work with your industry to create livable communities which embrace the
fundamentals of sustainability. Inspire them to do better in terms of energy
consumption, recycling, and food purchasing.


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Start with your biggest environmental impacts and make changes.

Enlist your supply chain to help. (Bayern Brewing agrees).
Ensure your employees know what your organization is doing in terms of
sustainability. Discuss this in staff meetings. Train them to understand what
you are doing, why you are doing it, what their role can be, and how to tell the
story of what your organization is doing to your clients/customers. Provide them
with talking points. (ClearSky Climate Solutions, The University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, and the University of Colorado, Boulder, agree).
Position sustainability so that it is seen as something which enhances your
organizations ability to achieve its main purpose or goals.
Seek members for your internal sustainability committees who want to
Recognize that eco-efficiencies are subject to the law of diminishing returns. The
medium and low-hanging fruit will quickly be picked.
Acknowledge that making changes toward sustainability is a learning process. It
takes time (Assurity Life agrees); there is a learning curve. It requires a large
commitment if everyone is going to understand what is going on so they can be
on the same page moving forward.
Realize you are going to have to navigate different departments with different
goals that may appear to conflict.
Make sure that sustainability doesnt become an add-on, have-to layer in your
organization (City of Boulder agrees).

Aspen Skiing Company (Sports Business)

Continually educate your top management about sustainability and what you are
trying to do in terms of how you communicate about sustainability.
Send your management to meetings where they can meet respected others who
embrace sustainability, give them reading materials, provide presentations, etc.
(Portland Trail Blazers agrees).
Be radically honest in terms of how you communicate about sustainability and
dont just do it for marketing.
Use your companys visibility to boycott larger companies to go in a more
sustainable direction.
Use multiple outlets (e.g., speeches, the popular press, journal articles, books) to
speak about sustainability (Ecotrust agrees) and to drive change.
Realize talking about catastrophe and gloom and doom isnt helpful. (City of
Boulder agrees). Speak about disaster but dont make it the key point.
People respond to stories of collaboration and bipartisanship and taking advantage of wasted resources.
Mobilize your constituency to become part of a social movement.
Talk about what your organization is doing in terms of sustainability policy
and/or practices. We are not going to solve climate change if people are quiet. Be

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


honest and say what you are working on, that you arent done yet, but you think
it is important work.
Remember employees have a mission to do something other than sustainability
and they are only willing to do so much for something they see as ancillary. They
need to see it as key to the business (Sams Club agrees).
Operational greening isnt enough. Push people and industry groups to go
beyond that.

State Farm Operations Center Green Team (Branch of Large Business)

If you expect employee pushback on an idea think about how to get employee
buy-in, educate them on the environmental problem, give them a reason for the
change, offer an attractive alternative if possible, and make it easy to change.
Be prepared to do a cost/benefit analysis when proposing new ideas.
Post information about new practices on a website and on bulletin boards
throughout your building(s).
Keep employees engaged with new ideas and start them thinking about sustainability in their personal behaviors away from work. Provide employees with lots
of information. Help them recycle things from home (e.g., old batteries).

Sams Club (Large Business)

Place stories about sustainability in all major internal publications. Ensure it is
discussed at all major meetings.
Keep your leadership teams well informed and engaged; serve as an internal
consultant to support their conversations; ensure they are connecting with key
players globally and have input into the development of key goals.
Provide buyers and suppliers with different communication forums (e.g., summits) for discussing sustainability, its importance, how it can improve business
performance, and how to integrate it into decision making.
Encourage buyer/supplier partnerships to improve sustainability performance
and to address key performance indicators.
Focus on intraorganizational eco-efficiencies but also on supply chain innovations and community involvement.
Remember in order to create behavioral change, a new behavior must be easy to
understand and execute, it must be understood, its got to be desirable, its got to
be rewarding, and people have to be reminded when to engage in it.
Integrate sustainability throughout the planning process, make it a part of routine
reporting, and ensure some of your key performance indicators revolve around
Support the development of tools like the Sustainability Consortiums sustainability indexes which can be used to systematically and factually to vet the


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

sustainability-related claims being made by other organizations. Work with

multiple stakeholders to develop sustainability indexes. (Tyson Foods agrees).
When evaluating the right channels for getting your message out recognize you
face limited resources and be strategic where you place your efforts.
Recognize you are going into uncharted territories and will make mistakes along
the way. Use mistakes to set better goals and strategies and execute better next
time. Dont be afraid to admit when you make mistakes. Correct them. Be
transparent. Correct misinformation quickly and forcefully by providing the
truth (Tyson Foods agrees).

Tyson Foods (Large Business)

Focus on what your organization does and then integrate sustainability throughout. Dont lose your focusbe deliberate about what you are seeking to achieve
with your sustainability initiatives. Compare your core values against the principles of sustainability.
Develop an honest story to share about your organizations place in global
sustainability and how a sustainability focus fits your organizations history.
Make sure the content is accurate, truthful, and honestly reflects what your
company does and values. Work with lawyers and develop a fact book when
writing your sustainability reports. Make sure your sustainability report, and
related information, is user friendly, online, downloadable, and searchable.
Measure and benchmark your activities using the Global Reporting Initiative
against industry leaders and against top performing organizations in other
Seek a seat on the sustainability councils of your industry and your supply chain
partner organizations. Serve on boards of all kinds (Ecotrust agrees).
Become engaged in helping to create the sustainability standards which will
guide your industry.
Create an executive steering committee and a working council of other executives to focus on sustainability.
Align your goals to your long-term strategic plan. Create a small number of
focused, measurable achievable sustainability-related goals. (Sams Club agrees).
Replace stale goals. Set goals that ensure something meaningful can be
achieved. Set tight plans around a few key goals. Having plans in place to
meet sustainability goals doesnt mean the plans are effective. Routinely assess
their utility and effectiveness.
Work with university teams to measure resource issues important to your
organization (e.g., water scarcity challenges). Create internal councils to address
these scarcities.
Be prepared to quickly and honestly respond to critics in the media and

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


City of Fayetteville, AR
Work with all departments to come up with well-defined metrics that meet the
citys goals which can be used to evaluate internal projects. (City and County of
Denver agrees).
Work collaboratively with department heads. Find a benefit you can offer each
which he/she values.
Talk about life-cycle costs. Discuss bottom-line issues (e.g., cost containment).
Dont use language (e.g., sustainability) that turns off people. Use language like
livable and resilient. (City of Portland and Ecotrust agree).
Create a sustainability working group that includes all the departments. This
group identifies the issues the organization should work on and can get buy-in
from the different departments. (Portland Trail Blazers and the City and County
of Denver agree).
Attend and contribute at weekly staff meetings with department heads and the
Join a group like the Urban Sustainability Directors network (City of Portland
agrees) that shares best practices and new ideas, hosts webinars and conference
calls, and provides access to other city directors.
Work to get your message across to people who are ambivalent, conservative,
not interested in listening, and/or distracted by their daily lives.

City of Boulder, CO
Move sustainability off the sideline and integrate it in larger departments like
planning and transportation. (City of Portland agrees.) Team sustainability
personnel up with planners and policy development personnel.
Research the impact of sustainability initiatives on community members, consumers, and businesses.
Be a process facilitator. Listen to your different constituencies; make sure the
process is inclusive. Use the three Isinvite, include, and inspire.
Seek to achieve sustainability in a way that sustains current or creates new
livelihoods for people.
Find an example you can use to illustrate how there is environmental quality,
economic vitality, and social equity, but the sweet spot in the middle is sustainability. Think comprehensively and strategically about how you can advance all
areas at the same time.
Create a sustainability framework all departments can use as part of their master
plans. Start with where they are at, have them articulate what sustainability
means to them, and how what they do on their job contributes to sustainability.
Ensure sustainability is routinely talked about by city decision makers.
Create a skilled team to think strategically about providing clear and motivating
communication. They can help you figure out what is important, what people


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

need to know, and how to present it in a way people will hear and act on the
Stress that your organization has the opportunity to be a leader in creating a
low-carbon economy and developing innovations to export elsewhere. (City of
Portland and Ecotrust agree).
Think critically about where your audience is in terms of understanding sustainability and how you might present information to them in an accessible way.
Think about how you can encourage them to get involved. Engage in audience
analysis (City of Portland and State of South Dakota agree).
Enter into performance systems contracts (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
agrees), prioritize projects, engage in deep retrofits, and then message around the
Recognize you may need to engage in difficult conversations with your supply
chain members.
Join zero waste and resource use initiatives being promoted by regional networks and sustainability-focused professional organizations and city networks.
(City of Portland agrees).

City and County of Denver, CO

Identify one person in each agency who is your point of contact in terms of
sustainability initiatives. Enlist each agency in supporting one or more of your
city goals. These agencies act as facilitators to keep the agencies communicating
and help them avoid overlaps and inefficiencies.
Before deciding how to address a problem, have a clearly defined problem and
clearly defined metrics for success. Have measurable goals, set baseline goals to
reach the larger goals, evaluate current initiatives, develop new strategies,
collect metric data, and share your results through an understandable dashboard.
(State of South Dakota and the City of Boulder agree)
Remember we need good practices. We may be incapable of developing best
practices. Dont let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
Research the best practices other cities are enacting so that your agencies have
some options to consider. But compare yourself to the uncertainties of the future
rather than to other cities.
Create sustainability initiatives that are large scale enough to address the real
challenges you anticipate your city is facing. (Missoula Sustainability Council

City of Portland, OR
Message that sustainability isnt about the environment. Its about the environment and its connection to jobs, social equity and justice, personal health, etc.
Message around what citizens care about. (State of South Dakota agrees)

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


Form partnerships and seek input. The City acts with the school district, the
county, all the corporations, and the universities. (Heifer International agrees
about the importance of partnerships).
Provide certifications, awards, and celebration to recognize businesses that are
seriously pursuing sustainability. (Missoula Sustainability Council and
WasteCap Nebraska agree).
Have policies requiring green procurement. (State of South Dakota and Assurity
Life Insurance agree).
Place sustainability initiatives within the individual work plans of city
employees and evaluate their performance accordingly.
Encourage the development of sustainability initiatives within your city. Serve
as a living laboratory. Export these new businesses and processes globally.
(Portland Trail Blazers and Bayern Brewing agree). Portland has the We
Build Green Cities program.

State of South Dakota

Seek operational cost savings, engage in eco-efficiencies, and retrofit buildings
to reduce energy and water use.
Use building design to bring about individual employee behavioral changes.
Use signage at the physical locations where you want employees to engage in a
pro-environmental behavior. (University of Boulder, CO, agrees).
Utilize building representatives to communicate information to and from staff
regarding things such as building comfort levels using the Center for the Built
Environment survey from the University of California, Berkley. (University of
Colorado, Boulder, agrees)
Use strong data-specific messages that show why sustainable efforts just make

Home Energy Affordability Loan Program (Nonprofit Organization)

Work closely with the departments in an organization which know how to reach
their own employees (e.g., human resources, communication). (Ecotrust agrees).
Educate and seek the support of top decision makers. (The Natural Resources
Defense Council agrees).
Collect and use video testimonials from C-level people, as well as rank-and-file
Share with your audience how they can benefit from changing their behaviors
(e.g., save money, be healthier).
Create organizations which promote large-scale sustainability efforts. (Arbor
Day Foundation agrees).
Commit your organization or yourself to helping people rebuilt when environmental disasters strike.


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

Develop innovative ways to help low income people practice sustainability

initiatives that can improve their quality of life and/or save them money. (Heifer
International agrees).
Heifer International (Nonprofit Organization)
Utilize storytelling to inspire and motivate people (Sams Club and Ecotrust
Seek to create community assets and increase community resilience.
Develop programs which require people to pass on the knowledge and resources
they have gained to others in their community.
Form partnerships in local communities to develop and enact sustainability
initiatives. (Portland Trail Blazers agrees).
Develop values-based partnerships with business partners being mindful of their
product-related needs and goals. (The Natural Resources Defense Council and
Arbor Day Foundation agree).
Work to develop large-scale interventions impacting groups of at least 1,000
Remember decentralized and small-scale agriculture can feed the world, cool the
planet, nurture the soil, and be flexible when local environmental conditions

Natural Resources Defense Council (Environmental Organization)

Use research to guide legislators and help businesses develop cost competitive
and effective ways to enact ecologically intelligent practices.
When dealing with private sector groups remember to seek agreement on the
facts, acknowledge their agenda, and address issues they are concerned about
(e.g., supply chain reliability, product quality, vendor issues, branding and
visibility issues). Work to help them identify the risks they face in a collegial
nonthreatening way. Help them address their brand liability and reduce the
environmental liabilities which threaten their brands.
Promote a cultural shift in how people think about their relationship to the
planet. Work with sports and the entertainment industries to make a different
way of thinking about the environment mainstream.

Arbor Day Foundation (Conservation Organization)

Build programs that are high impactlife changing, large scale, partner engaging, and sustainable. Build programs where a positive environmental impact
happens by itself and does not need an annual budget and can manage itself.
(Heifer International agrees).

8.3 Messages to Researchers and Practitioners


Have a weekly standup where employees share positive occurrences and accomplishments. Be positive and inspiring (Ecotrust agrees). The important thing is to
share how the problem was solved.
Engage in clear upfront communication about your sustainability initiatives
when engaging in vendor selection.
Continually innovate around your teams, responsibilities, roles, processes, and
Do what you (as an organization) say you are going to do. Dont promise
something you cant deliver. If we cant verify it, we dont promise it.
Create programs where farmers can learn to limit erosion, cities and campuses
can cool themselves and improve residents quality of life, homeowners can cool
their residences and increase their property values, utilities can manage peak
energy production needs, our national forests can be replanted, and children can
learn to appreciate their natural environment.

Ecotrust (Economic Development/ Conservation Organization)

Bring likeminded businesses and organizations together so they can crosspollinate each others ideas.
If you see a gap in the market for sustainable products, consider using a business
model to deliver that product yourself while maintaining relevant ecosystems.
Use research and partnerships to deliver services to those who need them.
(Similar to the work of Heifer International).
Manage our environmental resources (e.g., water, forests) with an eye toward
long-term viability.
Let your employees identify the best way to communication with their external
Use regular discussions within your organization to break up internal silos.
Encourage employees to think of problems/solutions outside their silos and
collaborate (City and County of Denver agrees).
Put place back into the discussion of where people live their lives and do
business. Share stories of how people are responding to the pressures in the
places where they live.

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Remember money spent on energy and resource inefficiencies influences your
organizations ability to meet its goals and deliver its products. (State of South
Dakota agrees).
Broaden from promoting building efficiencies to integrating sustainability into
other areas of your operations (e.g., curriculum, research agenda).
Identify how lack of sustainability can influence your organizations reputation.
Address social justice issues in your organization and pay people a livable wage.


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

If you learn of new sustainability-focused initiatives in your industry, check

them out. If acceptable, be one of the early adopters.
Use savings from energy saving retrofits to reinvest in your organization. (HEAL
program agrees).
Coordinate and/or discuss sustainability initiatives occurring in your University
and your City. Provide leadership, resources, and communication that support
your commitment toward sustainability.
Create a communication clearinghouse when people can see the depth and
breadth of things occurring within their organization which involve sustainability initiatives.
Stress that you are being wise stewards of state funds. (South Dakota agrees).
Have a sustainability playbook. Create and retransmit what your organization is
doing in terms of sustainability multiple times and in multiple ways.

University of Idaho Sustainability Center

Empower your employees and students to be creative and take ownership of the
design, implementation, and assessment of sustainability-related projects. (University of Colorado-Boulder agrees).
Argue that the actions you are taking are commonsense and practical.
Create highly visible demonstration projects which provide evidence that is

University of Colorado-Boulder
Set multiple year goals. (Tyson Foods agrees).
Provide cost justification and argue how the changes add value (State FarmLincoln and the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville agree).
Make it easy for building users to report energy or water waste.
Reward employees who offer suggestions that result in significant and verifiable
energy savings.
Talk about how sustainability initiatives align with your broader organizational
goals and directives.
Provide meaningful examples of the benefits of sustainability-initiatives. (South
Dakota agrees).
Provide opportunities for experiential learning when appropriate.
Identify a champion. Require that the champion be accountable.
Mention environmental, financial, social, and mission-specific benefits of sustainability in all your messages.

8.4 Wisdom and Spirituality



Wisdom and Spirituality

Information is everywhere but wisdom appears short in supply when trying to address some
of the key inter-related challenges of our time, such as runaway climate change, the loss of
biodiversity, [and] the depletion of natural resources (Wals and Schwarzin 2012, p. 12).

Ive been thinking a great deal about wisdom lately and if we have the wisdom
we need to find our path ahead and walk confidently down it. People tend to rely on
the Discourses of the past and call that wisdom. Deciding how to act was clear when
we still believed ample resources existed to support the Dominant Social Paradigm
and we were largely unaware of global climate change. But as circumstances
change dramatically the old wisdom is no longer sufficient. As we learned from
anthropology and genetics, in the past when faced with climate extremes only a few
groups survived (see Sect. 5.5). What allowed some people who left their home
territories to survive on the long journey? My guess is that it was a combination of
skill with the hunting technology of their day, intelligence, and wisdom. Therefore,
the scholarship surrounding the concept of wisdom and spirituality (as a source of
wisdom) is reviewed. Both must be encouraged within and between our organizations if we are to move forward in creating and expanding truly meaningful
sustainability initiatives.


What Is Wisdom?

Humans have been fascinated with the concept and its link to the positive side of
our behavior for more than 5,000 years. Popular real and fictitious archetypes are
abundant in contemporary culture (e.g., Gandhi and Gandalf) (Izak 2013). Plato
talked about three senses in which wisdom could be approached: as a special quality
of those who contemplate life, as the practical application of good judgment in
matters of human conduct, and as scientific knowledge concerning the nature of
things. Although a clear definition of wisdom eludes us and regular research on the
concept is relatively young, these three senses continue to appear in contemporary
definitions. According to balance theory, wisdom is the use of your intelligence and
experience mediated by your values and directed toward the achievement of a
common good. It requires a balance of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and
extrapersonal interests over both the short and long term. The goal of wisdom is
to achieve a balance among adapting to and shaping existing environments, and
selecting new environments (Sternberg 2004).
Two main research streams have evolved over time (Schmit et al. 2012). One
investigates laypeoples implicit theories and/or definitions and views wisdom as a
personality characteristic with cognitive, affective, and reflective characteristics.
Wise people are knowledgeable, mature, emphatic, intuitive, tolerant, generally
older, and possess the ability to take creative action. The second research stream
focuses on expert theorists and researchers conceptions and measures of peoples


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

degrees of wisdom or their wisdom-related performance. Of interest here is if a wise

person knows something other people do not. In the 1980s, Baltes created the Berlin
Wisdom Paradigm that defines wisdom as an expert knowledge system about the
fundamental pragmatics of life (Izak 2013). It includes qualities including factual
and procedural knowledge, value relativism, and the ability to cope with uncertainty. Scholars new to the wisdom literature will find the background reviews
mentioned here (e.g., Izak 2013; Nussbaum 2012; Schmit et al. 2012) useful.
Building on both research streams and on prior conceptualizations in psychology
and management, Schmit et al. (2012) developed and tested a multidimensional
scale. They argue that wisdom is made up of seven dimensions: practical, reflective,
openness, interactional aptitude, ethical sensibility, paradoxical tolerance, and
experience. The practical dimension refers to an individuals ability to reason
carefully, to screen incoming information, and to focus on what is most critical.
A wise person must be able to form and understand logical arguments, look at
problems from multiple perspectives, attempt to remove subjectivity from decision
making, and question others assertions or commonly accepted views. The reflective dimension of wisdom refers to a persons ability to review his/her past and
present life. This allows us to learn how to react to unpleasant circumstances and
acknowledge the reality of our present situation. The openness dimension refers to a
persons creativeness, imagination, intellectual curiosity, and openness to and
tolerance of alternative views and possible solutions. The interactional aptitude
dimension involves a persons ability to regulate his/her emotions and behaviors
and to understand others emotions and behaviors. A wise person can understand
others expressions and build on that to understand their beliefs, attitudes, values,
abilities, and inabilities. Wise people have strong interpersonal skills. The paradoxical dimension refers to a persons ability to tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity.
A wise person can picture the long-term effects of alternative courses of action. The
ethnical sensibility dimension involves ethics and virtue and the ability to make
ethical judgments. Finally, the experience dimension refers to a persons experience
with challenging life situations. The authors argue that the dimensions of experience and paradoxical tolerance are formative indicators of wisdom, while the other
four dimensions are reflective indicators. We see within this list many of the desired
characteristics of change agents (see Sect. or collaborators (see Chap. 7).
Yet, modern conceptualizations of wisdom have been too narrowly focused on a
limited number of philosophical and psychological frameworks at the individual
level to really help us understand the role of wisdom in terms of organizationallevel sustainability. Izak (2013) reviews recent organizational research into how to
operationalize and transfer wisdom beyond the individual level. Corporate wisdom
training seeks to improve organizational communication and team dynamics. The
designers of the Social Practical Wisdom model, which builds on the Aristotelian
conception of practical wisdom and the development of virtue and character, argue
that wisdom can be enacted throughout an organization. In the organizational
spirituality literature, managerial wisdom involves enabling others to act and
encouraging the heart. Izak turns to foolishness, a commonly conceptualized
antithesis of wisdom, for inspiration. He reviews Sternbergs description of the

8.4 Wisdom and Spirituality


five attributes of foolishness: (1) unrealistic optimismfools believe they are so

smart they can do what they want; (2) egocentrismfools focus on what benefits
them and ignore their responsibilities to others; (3) omnisciencefools believe
they know everything, rather than knowing what they do not know; (4) omnipotencefools believe they can do what they want because they are all powerful; and
(5) invulnerabilityfools believe they can get away with whatever they do. Read
back over the older Discourses and paradigms discussed in Chap. 2. Sounds like
how we have treated the humanenvironment interface in the past, doesnt it?
But some elements of foolishness are necessary if we are to be wise (Izak 2013).
Rationalist and objective frameworks for explaining social phenomena dont
always work when we face unpredictable circumstances. March (1976, as cited in
Izak) introduced the concept of technology of foolishness to help supplement the
rationalist model of thinking. In circumstances where it is difficult to predict and
plan for future circumstances, sometimes organizations and their managers must do
things for no good reasonthey must act before they think. The business case for
sustainability arguments provides multiple rational reasons for organizations to
modify their actions but sometimes organizations need a strategy for suspending
rational imperatives toward consistency (p. 111). March provides a set of facilitating instructions including to treat goals as mere hypotheses, trust your intuition,
see inconsistency between expressed values and behaviors as a transitory state,
dont always trust your memory, and treat experience as a theory so you can
experiment with alternative interpretations. He encourages playfulness and the
development of the skills and attitudes of inconsistency within our organizations.
Wisdom involves flexibility, improvising, and the ability to make exceptions
because no action is wise in itselfit depends on the context within which it
occurs. Izak writes,
Wisdom has to be allowed to be foolish. However, not in a paradoxical senseinstead, as
a comprehensive attempt to expand the wisdom concept to include voices which are rarely
heard. Such opening up of wisdoms framework can enable suspending the rationalistic
drive to suppress heterogeneity of organizational realities, and, once again, render wisdom
meaningful. It may, at least, provide a conceptual space in which rationalism and consistency may be challenged by creative and inclusive foolishness (p. 113). Sounds a bit like
dialogue, doesnt it?

The social dimension of wisdom has received limited scientific investigation.

For example, the John Templeton Foundation funded a 5-year initiative to better
understand the nature of wisdom, its benefits, and applications, and to advance
policies directed at cultivating wisdom (Nussbaum 2012). The multidisciplinary
project expanded our understanding of wisdom focusing on the brain, cognition,
and public policy, but failed to include any communication scholars on the team.
Nussbaum proposes communication and language should be placed at the core of
the scientific study of wisdom and urges that we investigate how wisdom is enacted
in our communication behaviors. He writes, An understanding and exploration of
the communication of wisdom can significantly advance the positive role wisdom
plays at both the individual and societal levels (p. 243). He suggests two communication theories might enhance our understanding of how communication and


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

language are used in wise ways: communication accommodation theory (CAT) and
communication privacy management theory (CPMT). CAT investigates the different ways, motivations, and consequences of how individuals adapt their communication behaviors to others. The CAT concept of communicative respect appears
appropriate when thinking about wisdom in social interactions. Those who exhibit
communicative respect use the skills of empathetic listening, seek to understand
their conversational partners point of view, and communicate in a way that is seen
as appropriate by their partner. In terms of the CPMT (see Sect. an
important social component of wisdom involves an individuals ability to appropriately share private information so as to achieve his/her interactive goals, while
simultaneously assuring his or her conversational partner that his or her needs or
societys needs are not being ignored. These theories focus on the skills and abilities
communicators use rather than on the philosophical and psychological dimensions
of wisdom. Through communication, acts emerging from joint wisdom are developed and shared.
As we proceed, certainly there will be challenges and our path will be shrouded
in fog. Youve read about challenges in terms of individual behavior change,
organizational behavior change, industry/institutional change, and national and
global change. Youve read about climate deniers, conflicting ideologies, and
systematically distorted communication. Certainly those things exist, but that
does not mean we cant or shouldnt take this journey. Wisdom requires that
more and more of our organizations act swiftly, collaboratively, and effectively.


Spirituality and the Right Thing to Do

Several years ago my graduate students interviewed 30 people who worked for one
of two multinational organizations involved in a supply chain relationship. We
asked them to define sustainability and discuss it within the context of their personal
and professional lives. Repeatedly, people said sustainability is the right thing to
do. The rational business case for sustainability didnt appear to be what
influenced this particular statement. It was something more. Was it faith, virtue,
and/or a sense of fairness?
All the worlds major religions urge their followers to care for the vulnerable
poor and to be good stewards of our shared natural environment. At the societal
level, the green politics Discourse focuses on global poverty and environmental
justice, while the green consciousness Discourse includes eco-theology (Dryzek
2005). Eco-theology investigates the interrelationships between our religious/spiritual worldviews, the environmental degradation of nature, and our ecosystem
management. Supporters of and contributors to eco-theology believe science and
education are insufficient to inspire the change necessary in our current environmental crisis. A PBS Newshour (Facing Environmental Crisis 2014) broadcast
indicated that as the Chinese government, now the worlds #1 polluter, faces
increasing environmental crises, they are beginning to encourage their citizens to

8.4 Wisdom and Spirituality


return to Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian temples in the hope of bringing back a
pro-environmental lifestyle and compassion. A Tibetan monk was quoted as saying,
No matter if you are a newborn or an 80-year-old, you are all protectors. You are
all responsible. And you have the responsibility. All life should be protected. And
a Chinese politician was quoted as saying:
Traditional Chinese culture promotes harmony between man and nature and encourages
limited consumption and a simple way of life. We support this. We dont oppose taking
from nature. We do oppose overexploitation. We want gold mountain, but we also want
clear water and green mountain.

Meanwhile, some Christians read a Green Bible, an English version of the New
Revised Standard Version Bible with a focus on environmental issues and teachings. In the USA more than 45 theological schools from the evangelical, mainline,
and Roman Catholic traditions have joined the Green Seminary Initiative and/or the
Seminary Stewardship Alliance to share best practices for teaching and practicing a
pro-environmental ethic within the seminary context. The hope is that, ultimately,
their students will nurture such values among their congregations (The Association
of Theological Schools n.d.).
In terms of scholarship, studies and essays linking business and spirituality are
widely represented in the business ethics, leadership, and management literatures.
Divisions within our professional associations exist. Emerging fields focus on
workplace spirituality, spiritual leadership, and conscious capitalism (Fry and Slocum 2008). Spirituality differs from religion because it is an individually interpreted,
private experience whereas religion is an institutionalized and public process
(Crossman 2011). Efforts to increase workplace spirituality have been relatively
free of denominational politics and appear to positively influence an organizations
triple bottom line. Zaidman and Goldstein-Gidoni (2011) suggest that scholars might
view workplace spirituality as one form of organizational wisdom, although it is a
form organizational members may reject as threatening because it clashes with
existing assumptions of social order and rationality. Communication scholars (e.g.,
Molloy and Heath 2014) have investigated the relationship between spirituality and
workplace communication, although the relationship is under-theorized.
Crossman (2011) provides her readers with ways to demonstrate and embed
spiritual and environmental leadership into their organizations. Given the amount
of time we spend at work, it is unrealistic to expect people to leave their spiritual
selves at home. She also identifies commonalities in the underpinning values and
associated discourse appearing in environmental and spiritual leadership literatures.
Shared values include notions of the common and social good, stewardship, sustainability, servanthood, meaning, and connectedness. I am not arguing that spirituality should be a dominant argument in all organizations seeking to enact
sustainability initiatives. But in organizations where the argument would resonate,
it is a way to show employees how their spiritual beliefs overlap with their
organizations goals and thereby influence goal congruence (see Sect. 6.3.1).
Certainly it will be more motivational for some employees. My own spirituality
is one reason I wrote this book. Like many of you, I believe we are responsible for


8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

helping the poor who face the worst climate-related stressors and that we are only
briefly the trustees of our beautiful and complex planet. Addressing such issues are,
for me, the right thing to do in my roles as scholar, researcher, and citizen.


Concluding Thoughts

In The Hero with a Thousand Faces Campbell (1949) argues that myths appearing
across times and cultures share similar characteristics. He identified one
reoccurring monomyth as involving a heros journey. The monomyth has 17 stages
which fit into three groupings (i.e., departure, initiation, and return). Departure: A
normal person receives the call to head off on a quest into the unknown, but initially
refuses it, possibly out of a sense of duty, fear, or inadequacy. But eventually our
hero responds and receives guidance/assistance from a supernatural mentor. Our
hero crosses over into unknown and dangerous territory where the rules and limits
are unknown and is willing to undergo a metamorphosis. Initiation: In order for this
metamorphosis to occur our hero must encounter and sometimes fail a series of tests
and ordeals. Along the journey he or she experiences an all-powerful, all
encompassing, unconditional love and faces temptations that may lead him or her
to abandon or stray from the quest. Midway on the journey our hero confronts and is
initiated by whatever or whomever holds the ultimate power in his or her life (i.e.,
meets someone of incredible power). He or she faces the difficult task of detaching
from ego itself and must learn to experience faith and rely on mercy. The hero rests
briefly in a state of knowledge, love, and compassion before achieving the goal of
the quest. Return: The hero may not want to return to the normal world but does.
During the return our hero encounters more adventures and challenges and, now
weakened, must rely on powerful guides and rescuers. Once home, the hero must
decide how to share the wisdom gained on the journey with the rest of the world. He
or she experiences a balance between the material and spiritual worlds, learns to
live in the moment, and feels free from the fear of death while experiencing the
freedom to live.
We have many everyday heroes among us seeking to promote sustainability.
You have read comments made by some of them in this book and others are very
well known (e.g., the late Ray Anderson). Indeed, Rosteck and Frentz (2009)
applied the monomyth to analyzing the film, An Inconvenient Truth. Do not be
disheartened, we are accomplishing some of our national and global sustainabilityrelated goals. However, we need even more heroes as the complexities we face
increase. As the monomyth tells us, heroes must face their fears, reach out to wise
guides, and share what they learn with those listening and hoping for solutions.
Lets be heroes together and use our organizations and our interorganizational
collaborations to protect the worlds children, create more resilient communities,
preserve and strengthen our existing plants and animals, and halt the wanton
destruction of our biosphere. We have business case arguments supporting our
actions, it is the wise course to take, and it is the morally right thing to do.



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8 Our Shared Journey Toward Sustainability

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Absorptive capacity, 146, 148, 200, 275
Abstract vs. concrete action, 131
Action plan, 13, 79, 80, 83, 88, 95, 100, 122,
144, 150, 223, 276
Additional persuasive arguments, 132133
Administrative rationalism, 31, 33
Affective organizational commitment (AOC),
202, 211
Agenda 21, 42, 53
Alliances, 252
Altruism, 107, 117118, 129
Annual meetings, 71, 7476, 166, 283
Appreciative inquiry, 179, 239240
Architecture, 8895
Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education
(AASHE), 45
Attitudebehavior link, 113
Attitudebehavior model, 116
Attitudes, 55, 56, 107, 113, 115118, 134, 165,
213, 235, 265, 296

Barriers, 113, 118, 122, 123, 126, 148, 151,
160, 190, 194, 265, 266
related to practicality, 114
to action, 113
Beliefs, 65, 107, 117, 129, 177, 191, 201,
211, 249

Best practices, 711, 29, 42, 56, 73, 79, 93,

112114, 118, 121122, 126, 134,
147, 148, 150, 157, 168, 172, 181,
198, 209, 220, 234237, 239, 241,
245, 247252, 254255, 255,
263, 290
The Board of directors, 66, 151152
Business case arguments, 220
Business case for sustainability, 41, 81, 132,
147, 220, 263, 280, 297

Campaign interventions, 110, 125126, 129
Certifications, 71, 8488, 261, 265, 268,
285, 291
Change, 4, 6568, 139, 161164
Channels, 12, 49, 99, 143146, 152, 165, 173,
218, 288
Citizenship behaviors, 15, 81, 87, 109, 190,
213, 243
Climate action plans, 6, 17, 45, 167
Climate change, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 26, 30, 38,
56, 62, 78, 81, 94, 140, 158, 160,
175, 183, 241, 285, 295
denial, 6, 26, 5354, 94
Climate declaration, 57, 22, 109, 282
Collaborations, 49, 88, 151, 160, 231269
Collective identity, 249
Collective information sampling, 240
Communication plans, 224

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

M. Allen, Strategic Communication for Sustainable Organizations, CSR,
Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18005-2


Communities of practice, 245247, 252
Community rhetoric, 9193
Compromise, 48, 95, 265
Constitutive, 1113, 250, 273, 274, 276
Content, 126133, 172, 177, 267
Contextual communication, 110, 114, 235
Coordination capacity, 169
Co-orientation model of communication, 96
Corporate ethos, 177
Corporate offices, 8991
Creativity, 4, 32, 47, 145, 215, 216, 238240
Credibility, 4, 15, 53, 7274, 80, 96, 109, 111,
112, 126, 160, 177, 223, 260

Decision making, 43, 100, 120, 125, 126, 175,
193, 210, 217, 232235, 241, 245,
249, 253, 274, 282, 287
Deliberative democracy, 243, 244
Democratic pragmatism, 31, 33
Dialogue, 82, 97, 164, 195, 224, 235239,
243246, 251253, 297
alliance, 70
closure, 2628
consciousness, 167
constructions, 49, 75, 161, 249, 261, 266
fiction, 72
legitimacy, 247
positioning theory, 161
Dominant social paradigm (DSP), 24, 25, 28,
3032, 39, 295
Double-loop learning, 77, 236, 247

Eco-efficiencies, 33, 3738, 41, 66, 281, 283,
285, 287, 291
Ecological modernization, 31, 3538, 47, 261
rationalism, 31, 3334
utilitarianism, 48
Emotional state, 50, 74, 100, 117, 121, 126,
155, 161, 165, 202, 210, 213,
240, 296
Empathy, 115, 117118, 126, 155
Empowerment, 203, 216
Energy reduction research, 120
Engagement, 215224, 265

board, 255
corporate, 63, 88
employee, 182, 190, 195, 201, 212,
stakeholder, 78, 82, 85, 98, 99, 171
supply chain, 151, 255, 263
communication scale, 134
justice, 23, 34, 244, 298
manager, 197
values, 56, 78, 107108, 118119
Equity, 208209
Experiential learning, 115, 116, 204,
284, 294

Facilitators, 234, 235, 247, 248, 278, 289, 290
False dichotomy, 2526
Formal communication, 71, 140, 161, 168,
173175, 275
Frame/framing, 15, 17, 25, 49, 50, 52, 70, 78,
83, 127, 130131, 198
Functional group decision-making theory,

Gain vs. loss messages, 129
Gallup organizations Q12 survey, 217
Global warming, 6, 9, 11, 30, 31, 33, 48, 53, 56,
97, 98, 108, 118119, 269, 277
Goals, 112, 121, 175
and action plans, 174
activation, 207209
clarity, 205209
conflict, 206
congruence, 205209
and plans, 174175, 178179
consciousness, 31, 34, 298
highlighting, 73, 88
politics, 31, 34, 298
sports alliance, 23, 51, 68, 122, 175, 274
teams, 86, 120, 156, 171, 220222, 284, 287
Greenhouse gases, 6, 7, 11, 17, 82, 280
Greenwashing, 7274, 88
Group learning, 236
Groups, 231269
Guiding principles, 7, 15, 175178, 193

Habits, 114, 123, 131, 204
Hiring, 199205

Ideal managerial climate, 210
Ideology, 47, 52, 200
Industrialism, 31, 39, 274
Informal communication, 140, 189, 214, 274
change, 50, 65
fields, 6467, 69, 95, 152, 165, 243, 248,
261, 274, 275
isomorphism, 66
positioning, 72, 253
rhetoric, 72
Intended pro-environmental behavior
scale, 118
Interaction process analysis, 234
Interface, 39, 83, 144, 152, 157, 162, 165, 171,
178, 192, 224, 240
International Council of Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI), 6, 9, 42, 53, 55
International Society of Sustainability
Professionals, 98
Interorganizational collaboration (IOC), 48,
241255, 275
Interorganizational learning network, 249
Interpersonal communication, 133134, 223
Intraorganizational groups, 223, 232
Intrinsic, 107, 118
vs. extrinsic appeals, 130
motivation, 8788, 119120

Justice, 8, 23, 30, 34, 208209, 211, 244, 298

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 69, 70,
148, 180, 182, 203, 248, 264,
268, 287

Leaders/leadership, 4, 13, 16, 37, 121,
152157, 160, 192, 217, 266, 281,
287, 299
Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED), 22, 44, 84, 8991,
93, 97, 141, 278, 281, 284

Learning, 71, 115116, 128, 144146, 196,
214, 235238, 241, 248, 263, 274,
284, 286
Learning organizations, 168, 194196, 247
Legitimacy, 6171, 87, 275
Lewis and Clark, 12, 2122, 6162, 105106,
139140, 189190, 231232, 273
Life cycle, 111, 263, 289
analysis, 82
assessments, 41, 203, 256
management (LCM), 257
performance criteria, 258

Managers, 42, 176, 180, 196198, 210, 217,
265, 266, 297
Measurement and communication, 180182
Message design, 16, 126132, 165
Mission, 200, 224
statements, 4, 36, 40, 91, 165, 174176,
202, 252
statements and guiding principles, 175178
zero, 83, 157, 240
Mobilizing employees, 218219
Model of communication, 96, 163, 276
4I Model of organizational learning, 196
Motivated cognition, 180
Motivation, 15, 18, 116, 119120, 122, 130,
155, 180, 208, 216, 218, 255, 298
Movement across universities, 4547

Natural environment, 2, 2122, 25, 47, 56, 63,
94, 95, 155, 193, 198, 241, 251,
293, 298
Natural Step, 29, 201
New ecological paradigm scale, 107
New environmental paradigm (NEP), 24, 25,
28, 30, 33, 34, 106, 107, 118
Nonprofit, 156, 281
beliefs, 116, 129
discourse, 65, 68

climates, 202, 210216
cultures, 191205, 240
learning, 148, 150, 170, 195196,
235237, 245

Organizational (cont.)
learning theory, 237
structure, 62, 166172, 218, 244, 261, 266
Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB),
190, 199, 209, 212

Paradigms, 2329
Participating Organizations
Arbor Day Foundation, 910, 7374, 84,
158, 199201, 278, 283, 292293
Aspen Skiing Company, 7, 13, 49, 176,
206, 259, 281, 283, 286
Assurity Life Insurance, 90, 156, 220, 284
Bayern Brewing, 153156, 265, 283, 291
City and County of Denver, 9, 114, 150,
169170, 180, 204, 232, 243, 289,
290, 293
City of Boulder, 1617, 26, 43, 99, 127,
163, 168, 171, 286, 289, 291
City of Fayetteville, AR, 55, 111, 114,
142, 289
City of Portland, 36, 4347, 55, 99, 127, 149,
159, 168, 206, 283, 284, 289, 290
ClearSky Climate Solutions, 10, 33, 36, 53,
283, 286
Ecotrust, 34, 54, 67, 9193, 100, 195196,
283284, 286, 288289
Heifer International, 8, 8991, 127, 284,
Home Energy Affordability Loan (HEAL)
program, 158160, 211212, 294
Missoula Sustainability Council, 85, 284,
Natural Resources Defense Council, 31,
5154, 95, 122, 159, 285, 291292
Neil Kelly Company, 29, 68, 75, 168, 199,
203, 206, 222, 281283
Portland Trail Blazers, 2223, 140, 165,
169, 175, 203, 282286, 289,
Sams Club, 35, 69, 7475, 114, 147148,
173, 178, 203, 222, 263 284285,
287288, 292
South Dakota State Government, 37, 97,
218, 290291, 293294
State Farm Insurance, 120, 220, 221,
287, 294
State Farm Insurance processing facility,
120, 221
Tyson Foods, 40, 66, 70, 73, 79, 80, 82, 84,
179, 263, 266, 288, 294

University of Arkansas, 16, 46, 214, 219,
286, 290, 293, 294
University of Colorado, Boulder, 97, 115,
129, 204, 286, 291, 294
University of Colorado, Denver, 167
University of Idaho, Moscow, 48, 294
WasteCap of Nebraska, 65, 86, 154, 204,
221, 282284, 291
Partnerships, 8, 10, 38, 54, 127, 242, 246249,
251, 254, 257, 279, 280, 287,
Perceived organizational support, 210212
Personal sustainability plans, 222223
Person-organization fit, 199
Persuasion, 6, 15, 16, 89, 108113, 132, 143,
164, 243, 248
Planning document, 175
Power dynamics, 98, 245, 247248
Pragmatic communication, 12, 13, 273, 274,
276, 277
Precautionary principle, 1718
Proactive, 41, 63, 68, 72, 78, 140, 146, 148,
198, 213, 219, 258, 260
Problem-solving processes, 194, 232235
Pro-environmental attitudes, 28, 108, 213, 214
Pro-environmental behaviors, 108122,
Pro-environmental employee behaviors,
Promethean response, 31, 32
Prosocial behavior models, 117118

Reactive, 70, 72, 98, 259
Reframe, 17, 5056, 126, 127, 171, 240
Reputation, 34, 6364, 67, 77, 80, 161, 197,
255, 259, 260, 262
Resources for improving decision making,
Return on investment (ROI), 111, 182, 191
Rewards, 208209
Risk communication, 2425, 131, 133, 274

Satisfaction with life survey, 216
Schemas/schemata/cognitive maps, 50, 52,
100, 104, 106, 112, 167, 204, 214,
234, 246, 288
Self-concordance, 121, 205, 207, 216
Self efficacy, 108, 123, 128
Self-perception theory of attitude change, 110

Semiotics, 74
Shift in cities, 4245
Small group decision-making, 232235
Social influence theories, 108113
Socialization, 149, 163, 167, 172, 191205
Social justice, 47, 290
Spirituality, 8, 298299
Stakeholders, 9399, 224, 241243, 247,
253255, 259, 261
Stories, 14, 100, 133, 192, 250, 286, 288, 292
Strategic ambiguity, 45, 252
Strategic architectural communication, 89
Survivalism, 31
champions, 144, 158, 160
discourses, 3839, 4749
goals, 9, 35, 40, 73, 85, 141, 166, 220, 255,
256, 288
reports, 7784, 267269
standards, 84, 260, 288
Sustainable city network, 43
Sustainable development (SD), 2, 6, 24, 32,
3549, 52, 77, 88, 106, 204, 247,
257, 265, 266, 268
Systematically distorted communication, 53

actor-network theory, 75, 244
boundary objects, 170172, 196, 248
agency theory/agency, 66, 75, 151, 166,
167, 197
attribution theory, 87, 110
attitudes-behaviors-constraints theory of
pro-environmental behavior, 113
balance theory, 110, 295
bona fide group collaboration model, 244
broaden-and-build theory of positive
emotions, 213
cognitive dissonance theory, 110
cognitive framework/theory of
knowledge, 106
collective interest model of collectiveaction behavior, 119
communication privacy management
theory, 181
community ecology theory, 253
competing values framework, 193
compliance gaining, 111
congruity theory, 110
constitutive models of organizational
communication, 250

contingency theory, 261
covariation model, 88
critical theory/theorists, 47, 77, 244
critical discourse analysis, 48
diffusion of innovation theory, 142,
146, 258
discursive positioning theory, 161
early linear progression models, 115
elaboration likelihood model, 15
emotion contagion theory, 214
equity theory, 208
expectancy theory, 208209
extended parallel process model, 128, 130
face theory, 112
goals-plan-action model, 112
health-related models
health belief model, 123
transtheoretical model of behavior
change, 125
stages of change, 125
heuristic-systematic model or
heuristics, 110
inoculation theory, 110
institutional theory, 71, 96, 244, 261
institutional isomorphism, 66
institutional network, 67
interorganizational collaboration (IOC)
theories, 243
legitimacy-gap theory, 63
management of meaning, 154, 177
message-learning theory, 109110
model of pro-environmental behavior, 118
model of responsible environmental
behavior, 116
models of communication and change, 163
narrative theory/storytelling/storying, 99
norm-activation model, 117
organizational co-orientation theory, 96
organizational learning theory, 237
4I model of organizational learning, 196
path-goal theory, 189
performativity theory, 250
politeness theory, 112
population ecology theory, 65
resource-based view, 261
resource dependency theory, 65, 244
self-determination theory, 119120
self-perception theory of attitude
change, 110
sensemaking theory/sensemaking, 145,
162, 165, 170, 196, 273, 287
methodology-Cynefin, 192
social cognitive theory, 128

Theory/Model(s) (cont.)
social construction of reality/social
constructionism, 12, 239
social exchange theory, 216, 220
social identity theory, 199
social information processing theory, 214
social judgment theory, 55, 110
social learning theory, 204
social network theory, 261, 262
speech act theory, 76
stakeholder analysis framework, 94
stakeholder theory, 94, 163, 261
structuration theory, 163, 166, 200, 274
supply chain network density and
centrality model, 262
sustainable citizenship framework, 243
symbiotic sustainability model, 253
symbolic convergence theory, 240
systems theory, 149, 169
theory of decision emergence, 233
theory of planned behavior, 116, 197
theory of reasoned action, 116
toulmins model of argument, 128
transaction cost economics, 253, 261
uncertainty reduction theory, 201
value-belief-norm model, 117, 205
workplace model focusing on
goals, 121

Training, 191205
change, 140141
leadership, 155156
Transparency, 7, 14, 70, 72, 80, 86, 96, 176,
265, 288
Triple bottom line (TBL), 40, 44, 47
Trope of uncertainty, 18
Trust, 182, 210212

Urban Sustainability Directors Network
(USDN), 43, 98, 144, 289
Useable knowledge, 143146, 194

Values, 106, 113
Vision statements, 174, 176
Vision/value/policy, 174, 176, 195, 209, 239,
249, 260
Visual rhetoric, 89, 91

Websites, 71, 7493, 175, 253, 287
Wisdom, 278, 295298

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