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PE 507 Final Examination 1st Semester 2022 2023

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New Washington Campus’


1st Semester 2022-2023


1. Training means engaging in activity to improve performance and/or fitness; this is best
accomplished by understanding general sports training principles: overload, reversibility,
progression, individualization, periodization, and specificity. Having said this, discuss each
training principles briefly and provide examples of each of the principles as your analysis.

Answer here:

 Principle of Overload -is for training adaptations to occur, the muscle or physiological
component being trained must be exercised at a level that is not normally accustomed to.
So in order to see an increase in strength and endurance, you need to add new resistance
or time/intensity to your efforts.
Example: A jogger runs faster than her normal pace with hopes of improving
 Principle of Reversibility - This one is simple, USE IT OR LOSE IT. The principle of
reversibility suggests that any improvement in physical fitness due to physical activity is
entirely reversible When the training stimulus is removed or reduced.
Example: A body builder laments his loss of muscular gains after taking a 2-wk
 Principle of Progression- The gradual and systematic increases in training stress to
maintain tissue overload and, thus, provoke continued training adaptation.
Example: A simple and clear example to understand the progression principle is the
story of the Greek myth about Milo of Croton. To become the world’s strongest man, Milo
lifted and carried a calf every day, beginning in his teenage years. As the calf grew heavier,
Milo grew stronger. By the time the calf was a full-grown bull, Milo was the world’s strongest
man, thanks to long-term progression. This process of applying progressive overload should
also occur continually throughout the resistance training program.
 Principle of Individualization - Individualization states that we are all physiologically,
neurologically, and emotionally different, and therefore, each athlete must be treated
according to his or her ability, potential, training age, Sex-based differences, and athlete’s
rate of recovery.
Example: The workout program for a freshman quarterback differs necessarily from
that of a senior lineman on his football team, based on individual differences.
 Principle of Periodization - The planned systematic and structural variation of a training
program over time.
Example: A lacrosse team’s training program is altered across macrocycles to keep
adaptations aligned with the varying goals of the preseason, in-season, and off-season.
 Principle of Specificity - The first principle is specificity, often referred to as the SAID
(specific adaptation to imposed demands) principle, which states that the body will
specifically adapt to the type of demand placed on it. The SAID principle says every sport
poses its own unique demands and that in order to improve skills unique to a particular
sport, it’s best to practice the moves used in that sport.
Example: If you want to be a great basketball player, running laps on the track will help
your general conditioning but won’t improve your skills at throwing or the power and muscular
endurance required to throw a ball in a game.

Submit your answers on or before January 3, 2022 through Google Drive Link
New Washington Campus’


1st Semester 2022-2023


2. Sports for Life identified several shortcomings in sports such as, the most knowledgeable
coaches work at the elite level, while inexperienced volunteers coach at the developmental
level where quality coaching is essential. With this pressing issue(s), consequences were
form like, Bad habits developed from over-competition focused on winning, Undeveloped
and unrefined skills due to under-training, and Female athletes don’t reach their potential
due to inappropriate programs. As a coach/PE teacher, how will you manage such issues?
Minimize if not totally eliminate the consequences?

Answer here:
Whatever characteristics a coach possesses, success is not guaranteed if the coach does
not feel a need to improve. Successful coaches continually look for ways to improve. Inexperienced
coaches can and should improve their characteristics through education; the resources are
plentiful. Both inexperienced and experienced coaches who lack certification or licensure of some
sort should have to obtain it before being allowed to coach. Even if many coaching positions are
vacant, as at the Little League level, athletes’ safety must not be overlooked. Not only should
instruction in first aid and CPR be a required qualification for all coaches, in this day and age, a
background check of each candidate may also need to be considered.

3. Ohio University published Ethical Issues in Sports and How Athletic Leaders Can Address
Them las July 2020. Read, reflect and react on the article published giving consideration on
the principles discussed online and onsite by the reporters. Answers with no correlation
means to no value.

“Working toward excellence in sports can produce incredible gratification. But what happens
when the drive to win overtakes respect for the rules of the game? In January 2020, a Major
League Baseball (MLB) investigation found the Houston Astros guilty of an egregious
cheating scheme suggesting that the team’s desire to win at all costs had surpassed its
commitment to fair play.
Astros players along with the bench coach and several other baseball operations staff
participated in a scheme to illegally steal signs from opposing teams. Sign stealing
(observing the catcher’s signals to the pitcher, then relaying that information to the batter so

Submit your answers on or before January 3, 2022 through Google Drive Link
New Washington Campus’


1st Semester 2022-2023


he knows what pitch to expect) is permitted by MLB rules, but not when it involves

In the Astros case, conspirators set up a camera that captured the signals and sent them to
a live feed in the team’s dugout. This clearly defied MLB regulations. The scandal that
followed added fodder to an ongoing conversation about ethical issues in sports both on and
off the playing field.
Allegations of racism and bullying by National Hockey League coaches, the New England
Patriots’ illegal videotaping of opponents, and a host of other incidents highlight the ethical
challenges the sports world must address. These scandals can teach important lessons
about respecting others, acting with integrity, and behaving fairly.

Sports ignite people’s deeply rooted instincts to compete and succeed. Regardless of this
drive for accomplishment, a love of sports must include respect for fairness. Athletic leaders
in professional, college, and interscholastic sports play a key role in promoting best
practices that not only support fair play, but also create environments that inspire
camaraderie, encourage respect, and unite people.

Those interested in building sports programs that cultivate these core values in student-
athletes must develop the right skills. Many universities offer advanced degree programs in
athletic administration that prepare graduates to lead successful athletic departments.”

Answer here:

Sports are supposed to be fun games that challenge players to show off their skills
and bring communities of fans together. Violating sportsmanship, especially at the
organizational level, shifts the focus from an enjoyable event to power struggles and greed.

We have a responsibility as coaches, parents, and players to understand the rules of

the game and to play the game within the rules to assure everyone involved an opportunity
to participate with one of the most important pillars of youth sports – sportsmanship! While
sometimes it may be hard for athletes to see at the time, playing by the rules does matter.
Their reputations are then tarnished, skills are questioned and accomplishments are tainted.
Athletes can see just how cheating does eventually reflect badly on the cheaters

Rules are something that we all must get use to as they are found in every aspect of
life and every game that we may participate in. Playing by the rules ensures fair outcomes,
helps keep players safe, creates consistency and helps players learn respect. Winning “fair
and square” means something – and helping our athletes understand this is an important life
lesson that sports can uniquely teach.

After all, we are all human and humans do make mistakes on occasion. Teach your
players and coaches to show respect.

Submit your answers on or before January 3, 2022 through Google Drive Link
New Washington Campus’


1st Semester 2022-2023


Submit your answers on or before January 3, 2022 through Google Drive Link

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