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Thank you for choosing this product. WEEE contains both polluting substances (which
We are proud to offer the ideal product for can cause negative consequences for the
you and the best complete range of home environment) and basic components (which can
appliances for your daily routine. be re-used). It is important to have WEEE
subjected to specific treatments, in order to
remove and dispose properly all pollutants, and
recover and recycle all materials. Individuals can
Please read and follow these play an important role in ensuring that WEEE
instructions carefully and operate the does not become an environmental issue; it is
machine accordingly. This booklet provides essential to follow some basic rules:
important guidelines for safe use,
installation, maintenance and some useful l WEEE should not be treated as household
advice for best results when using your waste;
machine. Keep all documentation in a safe l WEEE should be handed over to the relevant
place for future reference or for any future collection points managed by the municipality or
owners. by registered companies. In many countries, for
large WEEE, home collection could be present.
Please check that the following items are
delivered with the appliance: In many countries, when you buy a new
appliance, the old one may be returned to the
• Instruction manual retailer who has to collect it free of charge on a
one-to-one basis, as long as the equipment is of
• Guarantee card equivalent type and has the same functions as
the supplied equipment.
• Energy label
Check that no damage has occurred to the
machine during transit. If it as, call for 1. GENERAL SAFETY RULES
service by Customer Service Centre. 2. DRAIN HOSE KIT
Failure to comply with the above can
compromise the safety of the appliance. 3. WATER CONTAINERS
You may be charged for a service call if a
problem with your machine is caused by
misuse or by incorrect installation.
To contact the Service, ensure that you 5. PRACTICAL HINTS
have the unique 16-character code
available, also called the "serial number". 6. REMOTE CONTROL (WI-FI)
This code is a unique code for your 7. QUICK USER GUIDE
product, printed on the sticker that can be
found inside the door opening. 8. CONTROLS AND PROGRAMMES

Environmental conditions
This appliance is marked according to
the European directive 2012/19/EU
on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE).

1. GENERAL SAFETY in a safe way and understand the
RULES hazards involved.
Children shall not play with the

l This appliance is intended to appliance. Cleaning and user
be used in household and maintenance shall not be made
similar applications such as: by children without supervision.
- Staff kitchen areas in shops, offices
and other working environments; l Childrenshould be supervised
- Farm houses; to ensure that they do not play
- By clients in hotels, motels and with the appliance.
other residential type environments;
- Bed and breakfast type environments. l Children
of less than 3 years
A different use of this appliance should be kept away unless
from household environment continuously supervised.
or from typical housekeeping
functions, as commercial use by
expert or trained users, is excluded WARNING
even in the above applications. If Misuse of a tumble dryer may
the appliance is used in a manner create a fire hazard.
inconsistent with this it may reduce
the life of the appliance and may
l This
machine is solely for
void the manufacturer’s warranty. domestic use, i.e. to dry
Any damage to the appliance or
household textiles and garments.
other damage or loss arising
through use that is not consistent l Ensure that the instructions for
with domestic or household use installation and use are fully
(even if located in a domestic or understood before operating
household environment) shall not the appliance.
be accepted by the manufacturer to
the fullest extent permitted by law. l Donot touch the appliance
when hands or feet are damp
l This appliance can be used by or wet.
children aged from 8 years and
above and persons with reduced l Do not lean on the door when
physical, sensory or mental loading the machine or use the
capabilities or lack of experience door to lift or move the machine.
and knowledge if they have been
given supervision or instruction l Do not continue to use this
concerning use of the appliance machine if it appears to be faulty.

l The tumble dryer is not to be items are left at a temperature
used if industrial chemicals that ensures that the items will
have been used for cleaning. not be damaged.

Do not use the product if the WARNING
fluff filter is not in position or Never stop a tumble dryer
is damaged; fluff could be before the end of the drying
ignited. cycle unless all items are
quickly removed and spread
out so that the heat is
l Lint and fluff must not be allowed dissipated.
to collect on the floor around the
outside of the machine.

Where the hot surface During transport ensure that
the dryer is in an upright
symbol is located the
position, if it's necessary
temperature rise during
you can only flip in the side
operation of the tumble
dryer may be in excess of 60
degrees C.

l Always remove the plug before

cleaning the appliance.

l The drum inside may be very If the product is in different

hot. Always allow the dryer to side, wait at least 4 hours
complete the cool down period before switching on so that
before removing the laundry. the oil can flow back into the
compressor. Failure to do
l The final part of a tumble dryer this could result in damage
cycle occurs without heat (cool to the compressor.
down cycle) to ensure that the

Installation The stacking kit shall be
obtainable from service. The
l Do not install the product in a instructions for installation and

low temperature room or in a any fixing attachments, are
room where there is a risk of provided with the stacking kit.
frost occurring. At temperature l NEVER install the dryer up
around freezing point the near curtains.
product may not be able to
operate properly: there is a risk l The appliance must not be
of damage if the water is installed behind a lockable door,
allowed to freeze in the a sliding door or a door with a
hydraulic circuit (valves, hoses, hinge on the opposite side to
pumps). For a better product that of the tumble dryer, in
performance the ambient room such way that a full opening of
temperature must be between the tumble dryer door is restricted.
5-35°C. Please note that l For your safety, the appliance
operating in cold condition must be correctly installed. If
(between +2 and +5°C) might there is any doubt about installation,
simply some water condensation call Service for advice.
and water drops on floor. l Once the machine is in place
the feet should be adjusted to
l In cases where the dryer is ensure that the machine is
installed on top of a washing level.
machine, a suitable stacking kit
must be used according to the
configuration of your appliance:
- Stacking kit "standard size": for
washing machine with
minimum depth of 44 cm;

- Stacking kit "slim size": for

washing machine with Electrical connections and
minimum depth of 40 cm. safety instructions
- Universal stacking kit with l The technical details (supply
sliding: for washing machine voltage and power input) are
with minimum depth of indicated on the product rating
47 cm. plate.

l Make sure that the electrical Ventilation
system is earthed, complies
with all applicable law and that l Adequate ventilation must be
the (electricity) socket is provided in the room where the
compatible with the plug of the tumble dryer is located to
appliance. Otherwise, seek prevent gases from appliances
qualified professional assistance. burning other fuels, including
open fires, being drawn into
the room during operation of
the tumble dryer.
WARNING l Install
the rear of the appliance
The appliance must not be close to a wall or vertical surface.
supplied through an external
switching device, such as a l There should be a gap of at
timer, or connected to a circuit least 12 mm between the
that is regularly switched on machine and any obstrubtions.
and off by a utility. The inlet and outlet air should
be kept clear of obstruction.

l Do not use adapters, multiple l Make sure carpets or rugs

connectors and/or extensions. do not obstruct the base or any
of the ventilation openings.

l The plug should be accessible l Prevent items from falling or

for disconnection after the collecting behind the dryer as
appliance has been installed. these may obstruct the air inlet
and outlet.

l Do not plug the machine in and l Exhaust air must not be

switch it on at the mains until discharged into a flue which is
the installation is completed. used for exhausting fumes
from appliances burning gas or
other fuels.
l If the supply cord is damaged,
it must be replaced by the l Check regularly that the air
manufacturer, its service agent flowing around the dryer is not
or similarly qualified persons in restricted, avoiding accumulation
order to avoid a hazard. of dust and lint.

l Check frequently the fluff filter
after use, and clean, if necessary. WARNING
Do not tumble dry fabrics

The Laundry treated with dry cleaning
l Always refer to the laundry
care labels for directions on
suitability for drying. l Glass fibre curtains should
NEVER be put in this machine.
l Fabric softeners, or similar Skin irritation may occur if other
products, should be used as garments are contaminated with
specified by the fabric softener the glass fibres.
l Items that have been soiled
l Do not dry unwashed items in with substances such as cooking
the tumble dryer. oil, acetone, alcohol, petrol,
kerosene, spot removers,
l Clothes should be spin dried or turpentine, waxes and wax
thoroughly wrung before they removers should be washed in
are put into the tumble dryer. hot water with an extra amount
of detergent before being dried
l Clothes that are dripping wet in the tumble dryer.
should not be put into the dryer.
l Remove all objects from pockets
such as lighters and matches.
Foam rubber materials can,
l Lightersand matches must not
under certain circumstances,
when heated become ignited be left in pockets and NEVER
by spontaneous combustion. use flammable liquids near the
Items such as foam rubber machine.
(latex foam), shower caps,
waterproof textiles, rubber l Maximum load drying weight:
backed articles and clothes see energy label.
or pillows fitted with foam
rubber pads MUST NOT be l To
consult the product technical
dried in the tumble dryer. specification please refer to the
manufacturer website.

Ensure that the openings on
the appliance and the openings
of the compartment the appliance
WARNING is fitted in (for built-in models)
Fire hazard / Flammable are clear of obstructions.
l The appliance contains R290, Do not damage the refrigerating
an eco-sustainable refrigerating circuit.
gas that is flammable. Keep
open flames and sources of l Any repairs or interventions on
ignition away from the appliance. the appliance must be carried
out only by an authorised
l Check there is no visible
assistance service.
damage on the appliance. Do l Disposing of the device
not use the appliance if it is
incorrectly could cause fires or
damaged. poisoning.

l Should there be any kind of l Dispose of the device correctly

problem, please contact your and do not damage the pipes
specialised retailer or one of used for the circulation of the
our customer support centres. refrigerating fluid.

In order to avoid to empty the water

container after each drying cycle, the water
can be discharged directly to a waste water
drain pipe. Water Bye-Laws prohibit 1
connection to a surface water drain. The
waste water drain pipe should be located
adjacent to the tumble dryer.

The kit consists of: 1 hose and 1 bung.

Switch off and remove the tumble
dryer plug from the electricity supply
before carrying out any work.

The hose must be connected to a

drain system with a maximum height
of 85 cm compared to the base of the
dryer (figure 1). 3 A B

Fitting the drain hose

1. The water drainage system is located at

the back of the machine on the lower 4 C
right side (figure 2).

2. Disconnect the hose (A) from the fitting

(B) by pulling it upwards (figure 3).

3. Close the extracted tube with the cap

(C) supplied with the kit (figure 4).
4. Connect the hose into the fitting (B)
making sure it is inserted securely
(figures 5-6).

Once the machine is in place, check to

ensure that the new hose does not
kink when pushing the tumble dryer
into position. 6

The water removed from the laundry during HOSE KIT
the drying cycle is collected in a container. If you have the option of drainage
When the container is full, an indicator light, near to the dryer you can use the
or on some models a message on the discharge kit to provide a permanent
display, will advise you that it MUST be drainage for the water collected in the
emptied (however, we recommend to empty container of the dryer. This means
it after each drying cycle). that you don't have to empty the water
Very little water will collect during the
first few cycles of a new machine as an
internal reservoir is filled first. To remove the container bottom
water drawer *
1. Gently pull the bottom of the kickplate so
To remove the container tank in that it unclips from the dryer. The top
section can then be unhinged allowing
door drawer * the kickplate to be completely removed (A).
1. Gently pull out the water container 2. Pull firmly on the handgrip and slide the
holding the handle (A). water container out of the dryer (B).
When it is full the water container will Support the container with both hands
weigh about 6 kg. (C). When full, the water container will
weigh about 4 kg.
2. Tilt the water container to empty the
water out through the spout (B). 3. Open the lid located on the top of the
When empty, replace the water container container and empty the water (D).
back as shown; (C) first insert the base of 4. Refit the lid and slide the water container
the container into position as shown (1) back into position (D). PUSH FIRMLY
then gentle push the top into position (2). INTO PLACE.
3. Press the programme start button to 5. Refit the kickplate by engaging the
restart the cycle. hinges at the top and 'snapping' the lower
clips into place.


1 C C D

*Depending on model *Depending on model

4. DOOR, FILTERS AND Lint filters and heat exchanger cleaning
indicator light
The indicator light illuminates in fixed mode to

Door signal the need of cleaning the lint filters and in
blinking mode to signal the need of cleaning
the heat exchanger.
l Pull on handle to open the door.
If the laundry is not drying check that the
l To restart the appliance, close the door
filters are not clogged.
and press the programme start button.

If you clean filters under water, remember

WARNING to dry them.
When the tumble dryer is in use the
drum and door may be VERY HOT.

Clean the filters before every cycle.
(For models with water collection tray)
If you open the door mid cycle, before
the cool-down cycle has completed,
the handle may be hot. Please use
extreme caution when attempting to
empty the water reservoir during the

Filters and heat exchanger

Clogged filters and heat exchanger

could increase the drying time and
cause damages and expensive
cleaning operation.

In order to have the maximum

effectiveness of the machine,
checking the cleanliness of all filters
before each drying cycle is essential.

Do not use the tumble dryer without
the filters.
To clean the lint filters 4. Close both filters by repositioning them
inside the door, making sure they are
1. Extract the two filters A and B in positioned correctly in place.
sequence pulling them upwards, as
shown in the figure.



2. Open the filters.


Before reinserting the filters, make
A B sure there is no lint residue inside the
compartment; if not, remove it with a
vacuum cleaner.

3. Gently remove lints from both filters using

your fingertips or a soft brush, a cloth or
under water running.





To clean the heat exchanger 4. Refit the front cover ensuring it is in the
right position. Turn the handle clockwise
to lock the front cover.

Clean the exchanger every six months
or when the filters cleaning indicator
light blinks.

1. Remove the kickplate.

5. Refit the kickplate.

2. Turn the handle anti-clockwise and pull

out the front cover.

Do not touch the fins with hands in
order to avoid injury.
Be careful when cleaning in order not
to damage the heat exchanger.

3. Gently clean the heat exchanger using a

soft brush or a vacuum cleaner, to
remove any dust or fluff, paying attention
to not damage the fins.

l Check that the filters are clean before
Before using the tumble dryer for the first
every drying cycle.
l Please read this instruction book NEVER
l Put dripping wet items into the tumble
dryer, this may damage the appliance.
l Remove all items packed inside drum.

l Wipe the inside of the drum and door with

a damp cloth to remove any dust which Sort the load as follows
may have settled in transit.
l By care symbols
These can be found on the collar or inside
Clothes preparation seam:
Make sure that the laundry you are going to Suitable for tumble drying.
dry is suitable for drying in a tumble dryer,
as shown by the care symbols on each Tumble drying at high temperature.
item. Check that all fastenings are closed
and that pockets are empty. Turn the Tumble drying at low temperature
articles inside out. Place clothes loosely in only.
the drum to make sure that they don't get
tangled. Do not tumble dry.

If the item does not have a care label it

Do not tumble dry must be assumed that it is not suitable for
tumble drying.
Silk, nylon stockings, delicate embroidery,
fabrics with metallic decorations, garments l By amount and thickness
with PVC or leather trimmings.
Whenever the load is bigger than the dryer
capacity, separate clothes according to
thickness (e.g. towels from thin underwear).
Do not dry articles which have been
l By type of fabric
treated with a dry cleaning fluid or
rubber clothes (danger of fire or Cottons/linen: Towels, cotton jersey, bed
explosion). and table linen.

Synthetics: Blouses, shirts, overalls, etc.

During the last 15 minutes the load is made of polyester or polyamid, as well as
always tumbled in cool air. for cotton/synthetic mixes.

Energy saving WARNING

Do not overload the drum, large items
Only put into the tumble dryer laundry which when wet exceed the maximum
has been thoroughly wrung or spin-dried. admissible clothes load (for example:
The drier the laundry the shorter the drying sleeping bags, duvets).
time thus saving electricity.

Cleaning the dryer
l Clean the filters after every drying cycle. The drum, door and load may be very

l In models equipped with a water
collection tray, the tray should be emptied
after every drying cycle.
Always switch off and remove the plug
l Wipe the outside of the machine and the from the electricity supply before
door with a soft cloth. cleaning this appliance.

l DO NOT use abrasive pads or cleaning

l To prevent the door sticking or the For electrical data refer to the rating
buildup of fluff clean the inner door and label on the front of the dryer cabinet
gasket with a damp cloth after every drying (with the door open).

This appliance is equipped with Wi-Fi l Start the cycle using the app. When the
technology that allows you to control it cycle has been completed, turn off the
remotely via App. machine by turning the programme
selector to the OFF position.
l Download the hOn App on your device by TO DISABLE REMOTE CONTROL
framing the following QR code:
l To exit REMOTE CONTROL mode while
a cycle is underway, turn the programme
selector to any position other than
REMOTE CONTROL (Wi-Fi), without
going through the OFF. The control
panel on the appliance will be operative
or by the link: once again.
l With the door closed, turn the programme
The App is available for devices selector to the REMOTE CONTROL (Wi-
running both Android and iOS, both Fi) position to control the appliance using
for tablets and for smartphones. the app once again. If there is a cycle
underway, it will continue.

Get all the details of the Wi-Fi

With the door opened, the REMOTE
functions by browsing the App in
CONTROL will be disabled. To enable
DEMO mode.
it again, close the door, turn the
programme selector to any position
The frequency of the home Wi-Fi other than REMOTE CONTROL and
network has to be set on the 2.4 GHz then select it again.
band. You can not configure the
machine if your home network is set
to the 5 GHz band.

l Open the App, create the user profile

(or log-in if it is already created previously)
and pairing the appliance following the
instructions on the device display.


l Check that the router is switched on and
connected to the Internet.

l Load the laundry and close the door.

l Turn the programme selector to the
REMOTE CONTROL (Wi-Fi) position :
the controls on the control panel will be

1. Open the door and load the drum with PROGRAMMES

laundry. Ensure that garments do not
hinder closure of the door.

2. Gently close the door pushing it slowly

until you hear the door 'click' shut. A

3. Select the desired drying programme by

turning the programme knob or, in some
models, by pressing the specific button
(check the programme table for specific

4. Press the programme start button. The H

dryer will start automatically.

5. If the door is opened during the E G F D C B

programme to check the laundry, it is
necessary to press programme start
to recommence drying after the door
has been closed. A PROGRAMME SELECTOR with
OFF position
6. When the cycle is nearing completion
the machine will enter the cool down B START/PAUSE button
phase, the clothes will be tumbled in
cool air allowing the load to cool down.
7. Following the completion of the cycle button
the drum will rotate intermittently to
minimize creasing. This will continue E MEMO button
until the machine is switched OFF or the F DRYING SELECTION button
door is opened.
Do not open the door during the H DISPLAY
automatic programmes in order to
obtain a proper drying. C+D CHILD LOCK

Technical data
Power input / Power current fuse amp/
Supply voltage: see rating plate.
Maximum load: see energy label.
Energy class: see energy label.

l To start the selected cycle with the preset
WARNING parameters, press START/PAUSE. When
Don’t touch the buttons while inserting the programme is running, the display will
the plug because the machines show the time to elapse.
calibrates the systems during the first
seconds: touching the buttons, the l Moreover, if you want to modify the
machine couldn’t work property. In chosen programme, press the desired
this case, remove the plug and repeat options buttons, modify the default
the operation. parameters and then press START/
PAUSE button to start the cycle.

Only the options compatible with the

PROGRAMME SELECTOR with set programme can be selected.
OFF position
l Rotating the programme selector in both l After switching on the appliance, wait a few
seconds for the programme to start running.
directions it's possible to select the
desired drying programme.
l To cancel the selections or switch off the l When a programme is selected the
appliance rotate the programme selector display automatically shows the cycle
on OFF (remember to unplug the appliance). duration, which can vary, depending on
the options selected.
First starting l Once the programme has started you will
be kept informed constantly of the time
- Language setting remaining to the end of the drying cycle.
l After connecting the machine to the
network and turning it on, press the l The appliance calculates the time to the
button "F" or "G" to see on the display end of the selected programme based
the available languages. ENGLISH is upon a standard loading, during the cycle,
always the first language shown. the appliance corrects the time to the
humidity level of the load.
l Select the desired language pressing the

- Change the language

l "END" ("End" on some models) will
appear in the display at the end of the
If you want to change the setting language programme, it is now possible to open the
you will have to press simultaneously "F" door.
and "G" buttons for about 5 seconds.
ENGLISH will appear on the display, and l At the end of the cycle, turn off the
you will be able to choose a new language. appliance by turning the programme
selector to the OFF position.

START/PAUSE button The programme selector must

ALWAYS be put in the OFF position at
Close the porthole BEFORE pressing the end of the drying cycle before a
the START/PAUSE button. new one can be selected.

PAUSING THE MACHINE l The progressive pressure increases the
time in 10 minute intervals. After this
l Keep the START/PAUSE button pressed selection to reset the automatic drying
for about 2 seconds (the name of the

functioning is necessary to switch off the
programme and the residual time display
will flash, showing that the machine is
paused). l In case of incompatibility, all indicator
lights flash quickly for 3 times.
l Press the START/PAUSE button again to
re-start the programme from the point it l If the programme selector is positioned on
had been paused at. the rapid programmes, the progressive
pressure of the key allows you to choose
the cycle time between: 30-45-59 minutes.
l To cancel the programme, turn the
programme selector to the OFF position.
MEMO button
This button allows you to store the options
If there is a break in the power supply set on a cycle.
whilst the machine is operating, when
the power is restored, by pressing the MEMORY:
START/PAUSE button, the machine will when the cycle is running push the button
restart from the beginning of the phase it MEMO for 3 seconds. The writing MEMO
was in when the power was lost. (all the digit on some models) will blink for 2
seconds and the options connected to the
cycle selected will be set.
after the selection of the cycle push the
l This button allows to delay the start of the button MEMO for recall the stored options
programme from 30 minutes (1 hour on (not the cycle).
some models) to 24 hours in 30 minutes
intervals (1 hour on some models).The The delay start function can't be
delay selected is shown on the display. memorized.

l After pressing the START/PAUSE button

the time showed decrease minute after
minute. DRYING SELECTION button
l This button allows to set the desired
Opening of the porthole with delayed dryness level editable option up to 3
start set, after re-closing the porthole, minutes after the starting of the cycle:
press start again to resume the counting. Ready to Iron: it leaves the garments
slightly wet to facilitate ironing.

Dry Hanger: to get garment ready to

button Dry wardrobe: for laundry that can be
directly stored.
l It's possible transform a cycle from
automatic to programmed, up to 3 Extra-dry: to get completely dry
minutes after the start of the cycle. garments, ideal for full load.

l This appliances is equipped with Drying Display
Manager function. On automatic cycles,
each level of intermediate drying, prior to
The display shows the remaining time for
the reaching the selected one, is
drying, the postponed time in case of
indicated by flashing the light indicator
delayed start selection and other
corresponding to the degree of drying
notifications setting.

In case of incompatibility, all indicator

432 1
lights flash quickly for 3 times.


l During the cycle the option sets alternate
movements of the drum to reduce the
folds and automatically sets the drying
level to "Ready to Iron" (the drying level
can be changed after selecting the
options). Moreover this option activate an
anti-creases movement of the drum pre
cycle in case of activation of the delay The indicator lights display the degrees
and at the end of drying cycle. It is of dryness that can be selected by the
activated every 10 minutes, up to 6 hours relevant button.
after the end of the drying cycle.
l To stop the movements set the 2) WATER CONTAINER INDICATOR LIGHT
programme selector to OFF. Useful It lights up when it’s necessary to empty the
when it's not possible to remove condensate water tank.
immediately the laundry.
The indicator light illuminates in fixed mode
l Pressing simultaneously the buttons "C" to signal the need of cleaning the lint filters
and "D" for about 2 seconds, the and in blinking mode to signal the need of
machine allows you to lock the keys. In cleaning the heat exchanger.
this way, you can avoid making accidental or
unwanted changes if a button on the
display is pressed accidently during a cycle. 4) Wi-Fi INDICATOR LIGHT
l On models equipped with Wi-Fi, it
l The key lock can be simply cancelled by indicates the status of the connection. It
pressing the two buttons simultaneously could be:
- FIXED ON: remote control enabled.
l In case of opening of porthole with
activated CHILD LOCK, the cycle stops - SLOW FLASHING: remote control
but the lock is kept: to restart the cycle, disabled.
you must remove the lock and press
THEN OFF: the machine cannot connect
l CHILD LOCK can be modified at any to the home Wi-Fi network or has not yet
time of the cycle. been associated with the App.

- SLOW BLINKING FOR 3 TIMES, THEN Information for Test Laboratory
OFF FOR 2 SECONDS: reset of the Wi-Fi
network (during the association with the App). EN 61121 - Programme To Use

SECONDS: the door is open. Remote (WHITES - Ready to Iron)
control cannot be activated. - EASY-CARE TEXTILE
(SYNTHETICS - Dry Hanger)
l For all the information about the
functionality and the instructions for an
easy configuration of the Wi-Fi, please
refer to:
WARNING Clean the filters before every cycle.

Drying Guide
The standard cycle COTTON DRY ( ) The real duration of drying cycle
is the most energy efficient and best suited depends by the starting humidity level
for drying normal wet cotton laundry. of the laundry due to spin speed, type
The table in last page shows the and amount of load, cleanliness of
approximate time and energy consumption filters and ambient temperature.
of the main drying programmes.

Maximum Drying Weight

Max. capacity WARNING
declared Only for 10/11 kg capacity Tumble
Synthetics or
Max. 4 kg
Dryer supplied with drain hose kit:
Delicates connect the drain hose for recovering
the condenser water (according to
Power consumption of off-mode: 0,40 W instruction in the dedicated chapter).
Power consumption of left-on mode: 0,75 W

Table of programmes

TIME (min)
Selectable Options


ECO COTTON -   -   -   Full *


JEANS -   -   -   4 *



SHIRTS -   2,5 *

RAPID 30'/45'/59' - - 2,5 *

ALL IN ONE -   -   -   6 *


ANTI ODOURS -   -   -   2,5 20'

WOOLMARK -   -   -   1 70’


ANTIALLERGY - - 4 Max 220’

XXL 6 Max 220’


Position that you have to select when you want to enable remote control through the
App (via Wi-Fi).

* The real duration of drying cycle depends by the starting humidity level of the laundry due to spin
speed, type and amount of load, cleanliness of filters and ambient temperature.

Description of programmes 3 minutes and an acoustic sound is
emitted). After this step it’s necessary to
To dry different types of fabrics and colors, the press start again to complete the drying for

tumble dryer has specific programs to meet the leftovers heavier linens.
every need of drying (see table of programmes).
REMOTE CONTROL (WI-FI) Special program for extra hygiene needs
Position that you have to select when you that assure low levels of bacteria.
want to enable/disable remote control
through the App, via Wi-Fi. In this case, the ANTI ODOURS
start of cycle will take place through the App The perfect cycle to remove the smells from
commands. More details in the REMOTE the linens smoothing creases.
CONTROL (Wi-Fi) section.
ECO COTTON Woolen clothes: the program can be used
The cotton program (hang dry) is the most to dry up to 1 kg of laundry (around 3
efficient program in energy consumption. jumpers). It is recommended to reverse all
Suitable for cottons and linens. clothes before drying. Timing can change
due to dimensions and thickness of load
WHITES and to spinning chosen during washing. At
The right cycle to dry cottons, sponges and the end of the cycle, clothes are ready to be
towels. worn, but if they are heavier, edges can be
a big wet: it is suggested to dry them
JEANS naturally. It is recommended to unload
Dedicated to dry uniformly fabrics like jeans clothes at the very end of the cycle.
or denim. It’s recommended flip over the Attention: felting process of wool is
garments before drying. irreversible; please dry exclusively with
symbol "ok tumble" on the garment
label. This programme is not indicated
A delicate and specific cycle to dry dark and
for acrylic clothes.
coloured cotton or synthetics garments.
To dry synthetic fabrics that need an
accurate and specific treatment.
The wool drying cycle of this
This specifics cycle has been conceived to
machine has been approved by the
dry shirts minimizing tangles and folds
Woolmark Company for the drying of
thanks specific movements of the drum. It’s
machine washable wool products
recommended to take out the linens
provided that the products are
immediately after drying cycle.
washed and dried according to the
RAPID 30'/45'/59' instructions on the garment label and
Quick Cycles allow you to have items ready those issues by the manufacturer of
in a short time, you can choose to dry them this machine M1530.
in 30,45,59 minutes. In UK, Eire, Hong Kong and India the
Woolmark trade mark is a
ALL IN ONE Certification trade mark.
A new innovative cycle to dry different kinds
of fabrics in the same time. The dryer
provides an alert when the lightweight DELICATES
fabrics are dry and ready to are taking out To dry delicate fabrics that need an accurate
(on the display the text AIO blinks for and specific treatment.

One specifics cycle that dry and in the Specific cycle dedicated to dry large linens
same time helps to reduce the main e.g. curtains sheets and tableclothes. Thanks
allergens as dust mites, pet hair, pollens to a specifics movement of the drum the linens
and residual of powder detergents. will be dry minimizing tangles and folds.

9. TROUBLESHOOTING l Has the drying time or the programme
been selected?
l Has the machine been switched on again

What might be the cause of... after opening the door?

Defects you can remedy yourself The dryer is noisy…

Before calling Service for technical advice
l Switch off the dryer and contact Service
please run through the following checklist. A
for advice.
charge will be made if the machine is found
to be working or has been installed
The filters cleaning indicator light is on…
incorrectly or used incorrectly. If the
problem persists after completing the l Do the filters or the heat exchanger need
recommended checks, please call Service, cleaning?
they may be able to assist you over the
telephone. The water container indicator light is
Time display to end could change during on…
drying cycle. The time to end is
continuously checked during the drying
l Does the water container need emptying?
cycle and the time is adjusted to give the
best estimation time. The displayed time
may increase or decrease during the Customer Service
cycle and this is normal.
Should there still be a problem with your
Drying time is too long/clothes are not dryer after completing all the recommended
dry enough… checks, please call Service for advice. They
may be able to assist you over the
l Have you selected the correct drying telephone or arrange for a suitable
time/programme? appointment for an engineer to call under
l Were the clothes too wet? Were the the terms of your guarantee. However, a
charge may be made if any of the following
clothes thoroughly wrung or spindried?
applies to your machine:
l Do the filters need cleaning?
l Is found to be in working order.
l Does the heat exchanger need cleaning?
l Has not been installed in accordance with
l Is the dryer overloaded? the installation instructions.
The dryer does not operate… l Has been used incorrectly.
l Is there a working electricity supply to the
dryer? Check using another appliance
such as a table lamp. Spares
l Is the plug properly connected to the Always use genuine spares, available direct
mains supply? from Service.

l Is there a power failure?

l Has the fuse blown?

l Is the door fully closed? To ensure the continued safe and efficient
operation of this appliance we recommend
l Is the dryer switched on, both at the that any servicing or repairs are only carried
mains supply and at the machine? out by an Authorised Service engineer.

The product is guaranteed under the INFORMATION
terms and conditions stated on the
certificate included with the product. The Technology Wi-Fi BLE
certificate has to be stored so as to be Bluetooth
shown to the Authorized Customer IEEE v4.2,
Service Centre in case of need. You can 802.11b/g/n BR/EDR,
also check the warranty conditions on BLE
our web site. To obtain assistance, Frequency
2401÷2483 2402÷2480
please fill in the form on-line or contact Band(s) [MHz]
us at the number indicated on the Maximum
support page of our web site. 100 10
Power [mW]

By placing the mark on this Hereby, Candy Hoover Group Srl

product, we are confirming compliance declares that the radio equipment is in
to all relevant European safety, health compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
and environmental requirements which The full text of the EU declaration of
are applicable in legislation for this conformity is available at the following
product. internet address:

To ensure safety when disposing of an old

tumble dryer disconnect the mains plug
from the socket, cut the mains power cable
and destroy this together with the plug. To
prevent children shutting themselves in the
machine break the door hinges or the door

The manufacturer declines all

responsibility for any printing errors in
the booklet included with this product.
Moreover, it also reserves the right to
make any changes deemed useful to its
products without changing their
essential characteristics.

Energy Capacity Time

Capacity (kg) 7 8 9 10
Class A++ A++ A++ A++
Energy kWh 2,15 2,41 2,70 3,04
Time Min. 253 281 325 350
Energy kWh 1,89 2,12 2,38 2,67
Time Min. 222 248 286 308
Energy kWh 1,72 1,93 2,16 2,43
Time Min. 202 225 260 280
Energy kWh 0,97 1,08 1,16 1,21
Cotton ½
Time Min. 118 135 149 153
Energy kWh 1,38 1,54 1,73 1,94
Time Min. 162 180 208 224

21.01 - 40016728 - IDM s.r.l.

- HLE H T -

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