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Techno-Economic Feasibility of Grid-Independent Residential Roof-Top Solar PV Systems

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Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

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Techno-economic feasibility of grid-independent residential roof-top solar T

PV systems in Muscat, Oman
Juman Al-Saqlawia,b, Kaveh Madania, Niall Mac Dowella,b,

Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom


Keywords: Oman is a country characterised by high solar availability, yet very little electricity is produced using solar
Solar energy. As the residential sector is the largest consumer of electricity in Oman, we develop a novel approach,
Photovoltaics using houses in Muscat as a case study, to assess the potential of implementing roof-top solar PV/battery
Battery technologies, that operate without recourse to the electricity grid. Such systems target the complete dec-
arbonisation of electricity demand per household and are defined in this study as grid-independent systems. The
approach adopted starts with a technical assessment of grid-independent systems that evaluates the character-
istics of the solar panel and the battery facility required to provide grid-independence. This is then compared to a
similar grid-connected system and any techno-economic targets necessary to enhance the feasibility of re-
sidential roof-top PV systems in Muscat are identified. Such an analysis was achieved through developing a
detailed techno-economic mathematical model describing four sub-systems; the solar panel DC source, the grid-
independent sub-system, the grid-connected sub-system and the economic sub-system. The model was im-
plemented in gPROMS and uses real hourly weather and climate conditions matched with real demand data,
over a simulated period of 20 years. The results indicate that, in the context of the system studied, grid-in-
dependent PV systems are not feasible. However, combined with a sufficiently high electricity price, grid-in-
dependent systems can become economically feasible only with significant reductions in battery costs (> 90%

1. Introduction no discussion on the physical size of such systems and no analysis on

their practicality.
The residential sector in Oman is the largest consumer of electricity, Since extending the national grid to rural areas with existing off-grid
where approximately half of the electricity produced in the country systems is a plausible scenario, Bastholm and Fiedler [8] assess the
goes to the residential sector [1]. Given that the level of solar energy economic viability, but not the practical viability, of maintaining ex-
density in Oman is among the highest in the world [2], roof-top PV isting off-grid systems. Their results highlight the importance of taking
panels could serve as a solution to reduce reliability on the grid thereby both system loads as well as grid blackouts into consideration. For re-
reducing the consumption of natural gas and therefore CO2 emissions. sidential buildings that are already connected to the grid network, and
However, one of the major issues with PV systems is that times of peak using a similar power and energy rating sizing approach as discussed
supply do not necessarily match with times of peak demand. Therefore, above, Khoury et al. [9] attempts to optimally size a PV/battery system
energy storage is essential to balance supply and demand [3]. Most with the battery as a back-up to the grid instead of diesel generators
studies on PV systems with battery storage, commonly known as off- during power outages. Their key conclusion is that such systems are
grid systems, such as those presented by Dufo-Lopez et al. [4], Shezan well-suited to, as well as affordable for, their specific case study of
et al. [5], Yilmaz et al. [6] and Ghafoor and Munir [7], focus on the Lebanon. However, since large integration of grid-connected PVs in the
optimal sizing of these systems in remote areas that are isolated from network introduces a few technical challenges including the degrada-
grid connection and rely on diesel generators for their power supply. tion of the voltage profile from the feeder, Ratnam et al. [10] assessed
Sizing in these studies was based on determining the power and energy the potential of using battery technologies in residential PV systems to
rating of the PV and battery facility respectively. Therefore there was maintain grid voltages within acceptable levels while simultaneously

Corresponding author at: Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.
E-mail address: (N. Mac Dowell).
Received 20 August 2018; Received in revised form 7 October 2018; Accepted 8 October 2018
0196-8904/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

maximising the daily operational savings that accrue to customers. This 23.45° and the rotation of the earth around the sun. Therefore, is
was explored for a range of financial incentives offered for PV uptake determined by the day of the year (d) and can be described by Eq. (1)
where it was concluded that the use of battery technologies is ad- below [13]:
vantageous in terms of maintaining grid voltages. However, the feasi- 360
bility of the proposed PV/battery system was not discussed. = sin 1 (sin(23.45°)sin( (d 81)))
365 (1)
Given that the cost of electrical energy storage systems plays a pi-
votal role in future low-carbon energy systems, Schmidt et al. [11] The at solar noon is the maximum and can be determined by Eq. (2).
constructed experience curves to project future prices for eleven elec- This maximum is used in simple PV system design and is used for this
trical energy storage technologies, including batteries. They found that model [13].
regardless of technology, although capital costs currently range from 90 ( ), for locations in the Northern hemisphere
150 to 2000 USD/kWh, they are on a trajectory towards 175 ± 25 USD/ =
90 + ( ), for locations in the Southern hemisphere (2)
kWh for battery packs once 1 TWh of capacity is installed for each
technology. Although this price range was confirmed to be feasible by Therefore, given GSI, GSIT can be calculated [13].
performing a bottom-up assessment of material and production costs,
GSIsin( + )
there was no discussion on how these projected costs would impact the GSIT =
feasibility of roof-top PV/systems.
sin( ) (3)
Since complete independence from the grid using roof-top PV/bat- Although Eq. (3) is underestimating GSIT in terms of not accounting for
tery systems represents a case whereby the electricity demand per the increase from the diffuse and reflected irradiance, this is assumed to
household is completely decarbonised while any excess power pro- be acceptable given that this model uses at its maximum at solar
duced is stored by a battery instead of being exported to the grid noon, as described by Eq. (2), and therefore is already overestimating
thereby eliminating issues emerging from connecting to the grid such as GSIT.
reverse power flows, this study develops a novel step by step approach Once GSIT is calculated, the power output of a PV module (Pm) can
on grid-independent systems. This is achieved by developing a model in be calculated using:
gPROMS [12] and using Muscat, Oman as a case study, to explore the
following gaps that exist in assessing residential roof-top PV systems,
Pm = m GSIT Ar [1 n (PVD)] (4)
mainly PV/battery systems: where Ar is the roof area, is the proportion of the roof area covered
with PV modules and m is the efficiency of the module usually ap-
• Including physical sizing to the overall sizing analysis of PV/battery proximated as [15]:
systems thereby allowing for the assessment of the practicality of
such systems. m = ref [1 ref (Tc Tref )] (5)

• Assessing the impact of varying technical parameters specific to the where the values of the reference efficiency ( ref ), reference tempera-
individual PV and battery technologies on PV/battery system fea- ture (Tref) and the temperature coefficient ( ref ) are normally given by
sibility. the PV manufacturer. Given that cell temperature (Tc) is one of the most
• Setting economic targets necessary to make residential roof-top PV important parameters used in assessing the performance of PV systems
systems economically feasible. and their power output, several cell temperature prediction models
• Evaluating the impact of demand size and demand profile on PV/ have been developed. After a review of several models [14,16–22], the
battery system size. nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) model was chosen for this
• Assessing the impact of varying the installation date on PV/battery study owing to its simplicity, adequacy of its predicted temperatures for
system size and start-up conditions. PV applications and wider availability of input data. In the NOCT
• Understanding how PV/battery system size evolves over time due to model, the cell temperature is calculated as [14,16–18]:
factors such as degradation and variations in demand.
Tc = TA + GSIT
800 (6)
This step by step approach starts with a technical analysis of grid-
independent systems and ends with an economic analysis where the Additionally, since a study by Jordan and Kurtz [23] of approximately
economic feasibility of a grid-independent system is compared to a si- 2000 PV panels has shown that PV panels degrade by an annual rate,
milar grid-connected system. The model developed for this study could PVD (%), the power output of the PV module is dependent on the age of
be divided into four sub-models presented in Section 2 below. These the system (n). Given that a linear degradation model provides a more
sub-models are applicable to any location and various PV and battery conservative estimate than an exponential model [24–26], assessing PV
technologies. Section 3 describes the input data used for this specific panels that degrades linearly was considered more suitable for this
case study of Muscat. The results obtained are presented in Sections 4 study since a conservative estimate of degradation incorporates the
and 5. Finally, these results are analysed in Section 6 where conclusions worst case scenario.
are drawn. Finally, the total energy output of the PV module (Em) in kWh is
simply the integral of Pm between two periods of time, t. This could
2. Model design and construction then be compared to the total energy demand in kWh (ED), calculated as
the integral of PD between two periods of time.
2.1. DC source
2.2. Grid-independent PV system
The core element of a roof-top PV system is the direct current (DC)
power output from the PV module (Pm), also known as the DC source. Fig. 1(a) shows the schematic of the grid-independent PV system
Solar radiation is primarily measured as global solar irradiance on a model developed for this study [7,27–29]. In this system, the energy
horizontal plane (GSI). However, Pm is directly dependent on the solar produced by the DC source is consumed directly by converting it into
radiation incident on it (GSIT) [13,14]. GSIT is determined by geometric AC electricity using an inverter with an efficiency inv and an absolute
parameters such as the tilt angle of the PV from the horizontal surface lifetime Ninv. Any excess energy is stored in the battery as DC power and
( ) and the orientation towards the sun, the latter comprising the de- any shortfall in energy is provided for by the battery. The battery is
clination angle ( ), the elevation angle ( ) and the latitude ( ) [13]. protected from overcharge and deep discharge using a charge controller
varies seasonally due to the tilt of the earth on its axis of rotation by with an efficiency cc [30]. Therefore, within the PV system depicted in

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

Fig. 1. Schematic of residential roof-top PV systems.

Fig. 1(a), two situations could exist; a surplus in which the PV system given by:
produces more energy than household demand (PD) and a shortfall in
which the PV system produces less energy than household demand. ID0 =
inv VB (14)
Whether the system is in surplus or shortfall is determined by the fol- cc

lowing equation: The actual discharge current, ID, accounting for the state of the battery,
is limited by ID IDmax and SOC > SOCmin. Therefore, if the battery is
P+ =( cc inv ) Pm PD (7)
empty (SOC = SOCmin), the shortfall is met by the grid. Otherwise, if
+ +
where P > 0 during a surplus and P < 0 during a shortfall [31]. If SOC > SOCmin, it is prioritised over the grid to meet the shortfall by
P+ = 0, the battery does not charge or discharge and all power pro- discharging. In such cases, if ID0 < IDmax, then ID = ID0. On the other
duced is consumed immediately. hand, if ID0 IDmax, then ID = IDmax. Given VB, the battery discharge
power, PBD, is given by:
2.2.1. Surplus (P+ > 0)
PBD = ID VB (15)
Initially, during a surplus, the power generated is used to satisfy
demand (Psat). This can be expressed by: The amount of charge discharged by the battery during a time period t
or the battery discharge capacity, CD, is given by:
Psat = PD (8)
The remaining power is then used to charge the battery within its
CD = (ID t ) batt (16)
limits. If the battery is not already fully charged, the battery will receive where D
is the battery discharge efficiency. Since the grid is pre-
a charge current limited by the maximum charge current, ICmax. The sumed available to ensure that the demand is always met when either
value of the available charge current, IC0, at any time (i.e. ignoring the SOC = SOCmin or ID0 > IDmax, the power being met by the grid, Pgrid, is
state of the battery) is given by: given by:
P+ Pgrid = ( P +) (17)
IC0 = inv PBD
cc inv VB (9)
The actual charge current, IC, that accounts for the state of the battery is 2.2.3. Battery state of charge (SOC)
limited by IC ICmax as well as SOC < SOCmax. Therefore, if the battery Tracking the battery’s state of charge at any given time, SOC(t), can
is full (SOC = SOCmax) the battery cannot be charged (IC = 0). be calculated through tracking the change in battery capacity, C,
Otherwise, if SOC < SOCmax and IC0 ICmax, then IC = IC0. If, on the where:
other hand, SOC < SOCmax and I C0 > ICmax, then IC = ICmax. Given the
C = CC CD (18)
battery voltage, VB, the battery charge power, PBC, is given by:
PBC = IC VB (10) Negative values of C result during discharge and positive values
during charge. The battery charge, C(t), at any time t, is therefore:
The amount of charge gained by the battery during a time period t or
the battery charge capacity, CC, is given by: C (t ) = [C (t 1) + C ][1 BSD h] (19)
C where C(t − 1) is the charge of the battery during the previous time
CC = (IC t ) batt (11)
period and BSDh is the battery’s hourly self-discharge rate. Therefore,
where batt
is the battery charge efficiency. During a surplus, it is pos- the battery’s state of charge at any given time, SOC(t), can be calculated
sible to export power to the grid if either; SOC = SOCmax or using:
IC0 > ICmax. The power exported as a result of these conditions, Pexp is
C (t )
given by: SOC (t ) =
C (20)
Pexp = P + PBC (12)
This will be limited by the expression SOCmin SOC(t) SOCmax.

2.2.2. Shortfall (P+ < 0) 2.3. Grid-connected system

In the event of a shortfall, all the power produced is used to satisfy
demand. Therefore: The grid-connected system designed is shown in Fig. 1(b) where the
PV module is connected to a DC/AC inverter. The inverter efficiency
Psat = inv ( cc Pm + PBD) (13)
( inv ) is assumed to be the same as that of the grid-independent system.
Furthermore, the battery will meet this shortfall by discharging, up to In a similar manner to the grid-independent system, two situations
the specified maximum discharge current, IDmax. The current from the could exist; a surplus in which the power output from the inverter Pinv is
battery that would be required to meet the shortfall in power, ID0, is greater than PD and a shortfall in which Pinv is less than PD. During a

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

surplus, some of the power output from the inverter is used to satisfy
the demand (Psat = PD) while the surplus power is exported to the grid
(Pexp = Pinv − PD). On the other hand, during a shortfall the power
output from the inverter is used to satisfy some of the demand
(Psat = Pinv) while additional power is imported from the grid
(Pgrid = PD − Pinv) to satisfy the shortfall. Finally, if Pinv = PD, all power
produced is consumed immediately.

2.4. Economic model

Installing a grid-independent roof-top PV system into a household

has the potential to provide a return by eliminating electricity bills. In
order to evaluate the attractiveness of this investment to a rational
actor, we include an economic analysis in our model using a net present
value (NPV) analysis as described in Eq. (21) [13,32,33].
Costtotal, n Benefittotal, n
(1 + r )n (21)
where Costtotal,n and Benefittotal,n are the total costs and benefits for year
n, r is the discount rate and N is the PV system lifetime. Fig. 2. Weather variability in Muscat.
Two parameters used to evaluate the attractiveness of an investment
are the pay-back period and the internal rate of return (IRR) where the representative hourly demand covering one year (PD) and an average
pay-back period measures the length of time required to recover the roof area (Ar = 503 m2) was developed. This was achieved by assessing
cost of an investment [13,34,35] while the IRR considers the time value the demand data collected, taking into consideration demand data
of money and determines the interest rate at which the NPV equals zero coverage and using averaging and extrapolation techniques to establish
[36]. hourly demand data for one year. In turn, the roof area (Ar) was de-
termined using a weighting method that reflects the paucity of the
2.4.1. Costs and benefits collected data, including variations in villa size and demand data cov-
The main costs associated with the grid-independent system are the erage.
costs of the individual components of the system as summarised in Furthermore, hourly temperature (TA) and GSI data for Muscat was
Table 1, in addition to installation and operation and maintenance costs collected from [40] where the latest available hourly data was for the
(O&M). For the grid-connected system, the costs are assumed to be the year 2007. Since the variation in monthly TA and GSI data for the period
same as that of the grid-independent system, excluding the cost of the covering the years 2002–2013 was found to be small [41,42], as shown
battery and charge controller. In terms of benefits, the main benefit in Fig. 2, it was established that it is acceptable to assume that the 2007
associated with a grid-independent system is an annual reduction in hourly weather data was representative of the year 2013.
electricity bills. This is calculated using the residential electricity tariff
structure. On the other hand, a grid-connected system is considered to 3.2. Input parameters
have an additional benefit to that of the grid-independent system; due
to the export of the surplus energy to the grid. The specific type of PV technology that was studied is the crystal-
line-silicon (c-Si) module as this is a mature technology which dom-
3. Case study input data inates the market with an 85–90% share [13]. The tilt angle ( ) needed
to be input into Eq. (3) was determined by assuming that is changed
The data input into the models described in Section 2 can be divided manually on a monthly basis to achieve maximum monthly power
into two parts; hourly data which is input into the DC source model and output (Pm). These tilt angles are summarised in Fig. 3. Furthermore,
parameters that are input into all the models. Both these input data sets the lead-acid battery was chosen as the energy storage technology due
are described below. to its maturity and low cost [43]. The charge/discharge efficiency,
batt / batt , of this battery were modelled according to a relationship

3.1. Hourly input data described by Jenkins et al. [31] for lead-acid batteries as shown in Eq.
(22) below.
Half-hourly demand data for 14 different villas ranging in floor
areas between 218 m2 and 858.3 m2, for the year 2013 was collected
batt = CVB
13.3ln I + 59.8 (22)
from [39] for Muscat, Oman. Given the relative paucity of villa data C,D

available, a method was devised whereby a model villa with a

The profits from the export of electricity to the grid was calculated
using Oman’s residential electricity tariff structure [44]. Tables B.2–B.4
Table 1
summarise the list of key parameters input into the DC source model,
Summary of equations used to calculate the costs and benefits of installing grid-
the grid-independent and grid-connected models and the economic
independent and grid-connected systems.
model respectively.
Cost Equation References

Cost of PV CostPV = UCPV × MAX (Pm) [7,37,38] 4. Results

Cost of Battery CostBattery = UCBatt × C × VB [3,7]
Cost of Inverter CostInverter = UCinv × MAX (PD) [7,28] 4.1. Technical results
Cost of Charge Controller Costcc =
MAX (Pm)
× SF × UCcc [7,28]
4.1.1. Supply vs demand
Installation Cost 10%×CostPV [7,13]
O&M Cost 2%×CostPV [7,13] Before determining whether an individual dwelling in Muscat can
become grid-independent, it is necessary to understand whether power

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

defined as the point at which no power is imported from or exported to

the grid (Pgrid = Pexp = 0). This was initially achieved by determining
the characteristics needed for a system; which starts running with an
empty battery on the 1st of January mid-day and runs for one year, to
become grid-independent. The specific year chosen in this assessment
was the final year of the project (i.e., at n = N − 1) since the system is
at its most degraded state in the final year. This choice is necessary
since the roof area coverage needed to become grid-independent in the
final year is the minimum needed by the system to cover demand
throughout its lifetime. Therefore the characteristics determined in this
assessment include the roof area coverage ( GI ) and the battery size
(CGI) needed to be grid-independent for one year. The impact of
changing the PVD and BSD on GI and CGI is shown in Fig. 5.
From Fig. 5(a), it can be seen that the minimum needed to achieve
grid-independent status is larger than the 33% determined in Section
4.1.1. This is mainly due to the fact that Section 4.1.1 does not take into
consideration losses due to the inverter, charge controller and battery.
Therefore, at the current PVD of 0.7% and BSD of 5%, grid-independent
status at year n = N − 1 can be achieved with GI = 40% and
CGI = 165 kAh. It can further be observed that while both PVD and BSD
Fig. 3. Optimum tilt angle ( ) per month in Muscat. have an impact on minimising GI , reducing BSD results in a bigger CGI
requirement. The impact of PVD and BSD on GI is due to the fact that
supply from roof-top PV panels can ever exceed the current demand. these variables impact the amount of power available for use. Thus, the
Fig. 4(a) shows how the annual Em/m2 from roof-top PV increases as the higher PVD and/or BSD, the larger the power losses which means ad-
roof area coverage, , increases. The error bars show how Em/m2 would ditional power is needed to be produced, therefore GI is higher. On the
vary as PVD changes between 0% and 2.5% [23]. This chart clearly other hand, reducing BSD increases the amount of charge the battery
shows that at the median PVD of 0.7%, supply can exceed demand needs to store resulting in a greater battery size requirement. Since a
when 33% of the roof is covered. However, this value can go as high as reduction of PVD results in a reduction in GI but maintains the amount
55% when PVD = 2.5%. Once the needed for supply to exceed de- of energy produced, its impact on CGI is minimal. These results indicate
mand was determined, the monthly variations of Em/m2 and ED/m2 at that in order to reduce the grid-independent system size in Muscat, PVD
= 33% and PVD = 0.7% were determined and are presented in needs to be reduced but a balance in BSD needs to be found whereby
Fig. 4(b). Additionally, the error bars show how the value of Em/m2 at both GI and CGI are minimised.
= 33% would vary as PVD changes between 0% and 2.5%. This chart
shows that for seven months of the year, supply exceeds demand.
However, in the summer months, particularly July and August, the 4.1.3. One year of grid independence: changing solar PV efficiency ( ref )
demand increases by a factor of six since both humidity and tempera- The analysis of the previous section assessed the impact of changing
ture are high during these months, as shown in Fig. 2, leading to in- PVD and BSD on GI and CGI. This section assesses the impact of
creased demand for cooling [45]. changing the solar PV efficiency ( ref ) with results illustrated in Fig. 6
where increasing ref from its current 12% to the Shockley-Queisser
limit of 33% [46] reduces the roof area coverage by about 60%. Al-
4.1.2. One year of grid independence: changing PVD and BSD though more efficient solar panels tend to be more expensive [47], PV
Following the assessment of Em/m2 versus ED/m2, the potential of prices are impacted by various other factors such as economies of scale
an individual dwelling in Muscat to become grid-independent was ex- and automation. Therefore, if the prices are assumed to remain the
amined. It must be noted that in this study, grid-independent status was same, this in turn would mean a 60% reduction in PV capital costs.

Fig. 4. Graphs showing if solar PV supply in Muscat can exceed demand at the median PVD of 0.7% where (a) shows the change in annual Em/m2 and ED/m2 with
while (b) shows the monthly Em/m2 and ED/m2 at = 33%. The error bars show how Em/m2 would vary as PVD changes between 0% and 2.5% [23].

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

Fig. 5. Graphs showing the impact of changing PVD and BSD on the grid-independent system characteristics in Muscat for year n = N − 1 where (a) shows how GI is
impacted and (b) shows how CGI is impacted.

different points of year n = N − 1 (March, July and September) were

chosen. As can be seen from Fig. 7, the time you install and start run-
ning the grid-independent system in Muscat matters. Installing the
system in January requires an empty battery of size CGI = 165 kAh
while installing the system in July requires a larger battery (CGI = 191
kAh) that is pre-charged (SOCinitial = 98%). This is due to the fact that
in January supply exceeds demand and therefore the battery is in
‘charging’ mode whereas in July demand exceeds supply and therefore
the battery is in ‘discharging’ mode. Therefore the system installation
characteristics is largely driven by the demand profile and thus the less
varied the demand is throughout the year, the less varied will be the
system characteristics needed to achieve grid-independent status.

4.1.5. Five years of grid independence

All previous analyses considered how to achieve grid-independent
status by running the system for one year. However, given that the
battery is assumed to have a lifetime of five years (Table C.5), it is
important to determine the point at which the system achieves grid-
Fig. 6. Graph showing the impact of changing the solar PV efficiency ( ref ) of a independent status whilst running continuously for five years. Since the
grid-independent system in Muscat from its current 12% to the Shockley- previous assessment considered the final year of the project, the five
Queisser limit of 33% on GI [46]. years chosen in this assessment are the final five years of the project
(i.e., from n = N − 5 to n = N − 1). By simulating a system that starts
4.1.4. One year of grid independence: differing installation dates running on the first day of January, mid-day for five years, it is clear
PV/battery systems are expected to be installed anytime therefore in that there is an annual variation in SOCinitial as shown in Fig. 8, where
order to assess the impact of battery installation dates on grid-in- in the first year SOCinitial builds up reducing the available storage space
dependent system characteristics as compared to January, three and in the consecutive years, SOCinitial reduces due to an increased
annual discharge range. This reduction in SOCinitial is due to PVD, since

Fig. 7. Image depicting the battery specifications needed to achieve grid-independent status in Muscat at four different installation dates of year n = N − 1; January,
March, July and September.

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

Fig. 8. Graph showing the minimum CGI needed for the system in Muscat to be grid-independent at four different points within its 20 year lifetime (i.e., at n = 0,
n = 5, n = 10 and n = 15). The change in SOC of the batteries throughout the 20 years is also shown by the blue line.

every year, the PV panel produces less power causing the battery to cost of batteries is expected to decrease exponentially over the years at
discharge slightly more power in order to satisfy the demand. When an annual rate ranging between 8 and 14% [48,49], the cost of the
PVD = 0%, this decline in SOCinitial does not exist. Since increased batteries was assumed to reduce annually by 11%.
charge/discharge ranges put a strain on battery lifetime [29], it can be As can be seen from Fig. 9, it is clear that both grid-connected and
concluded that increased PVD impacts the lifetime of the battery. Ad- grid-independent systems in Muscat are not feasible since the NPV re-
ditionally, given the fact that the PV panels are less degraded in the mains negative throughout the system lifetime. This can be explained
previous years implies that for GI = 40%, excess energy is produced. by comparing Oman’s residential electricity price with the rest of the
This combination of factors indicate that a 165 kAh battery is not big world. Owing primarily to extensive government subsidy [50], at 2.5
enough to achieve grid-independent status and therefore a bigger bat- U.S. cents per kWh, the electricity price in Oman is very low, where it is
tery is needed (CGI = 202 kAh) in order to be as independent from the 15 times lower than that of Germany and 5 times lower than the United
grid as possible. States [51]. This low electricity price indicates that the benefits that
come from PV investments are insufficient to out-weigh the costs
4.1.6. Twenty years of grid independence therefore making the investment infeasible. Secondly, grid-independent
The analysis in Section 4.1.5 looked at sizing the grid-independent systems are approximately 40 times less feasible than grid-connected
system for the final five years of the system lifetime. Given that the grid- systems. This is largely driven by the high battery costs, which form
independent system is assumed to have a lifetime, N, of 20 years (Table over 97% of the total system cost. Therefore, increasing the price of
C.5), the batteries should be expected to be replaced four times (i.e., at electricity to 5.94 times the current tariff, at an average price similar to
n = 0, n = 5, n = 10 and n = 15). Assuming GI remains at 40% that of United States [51] and Oman’s cost-reflective tariff [1], makes
throughout the system lifetime, Pm will reduce annually due to PVD. grid-connected systems feasible with a pay-back period of ten years. On
Therefore the battery size, CGI, for the first five years will be higher than the other hand, given that grid-independent systems have significantly
that for the final five years due to the excess power produced. This is larger up-front costs, the increase in electricity price needed to break-
shown in Fig. 8 which shows the minimum battery sizes needed for the even is much higher than that for grid-connected systems, with a re-
system to be grid-independent at four different points within its life- quired increase of 338.70 times the current tariff in order to achieve a
time. This chart also shows how the state of charge (SOC) of the bat- pay-back period of ten years. This tariff is over 21 times higher than
teries changes in 20 years depicting clearly how the battery discharge most countries in the world indicating that an increase in electricity
range increases annually due to PVD. price alone is not enough to make grid-independent systems feasible in
Muscat [50].
5. Economic results
5.2. Grid-connected system vs grid-independent system-technology cost
5.1. Grid-connected system vs grid-independent system-increasing electricity reduction
Fig. 10 shows the combined impact of increasing electricity prices
Fig. 9 compares the NPV of a grid-connected system in Muscat with and reducing the unit cost of the PV panel (UCPV) on the internal rate of
that of a grid-independent system and shows the impact of increasing return (IRR) of grid-connected systems (Fig. 10(a)) and grid-in-
the price of electricity on the economic feasibility of both grid-con- dependent system (Fig. 10(b)) in Muscat. The international electricity
nected and grid-independent systems. It must be noted that these results prices corresponding to the price increase factors are marked [50].
are for a system which is assumed to start running in January, mid-day. Additionally, the IRR needed for these investments to become feasible
The battery sizes for the grid-independent system at PVD = 0.7% and for a private investor at IRR = 13% (red-line), a pension fund at
BSD = 5% are those summarised in Fig. 8. Furthermore, given that the IRR = 8% (black-line) and the government at IRR = 4% (blue-line) are

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

Fig. 9. Graphs showing the impact of increasing electricity prices in Muscat on the NPV where the dashed lines show the price increases needed to achieve a pay-back
period of ten years for (a) grid-connected systems and (b) grid-independent systems.

Fig. 10. Charts showing the combined impact of increasing electricity prices, reducing the unit cost of the PV panel (UCPV) and reducing the unit cost of the battery
(UCBatt) on the internal rate of return (IRR) of (a) grid-connected systems and (b) grid-independent systems in Muscat. The IRR needed for these investments to
become feasible for a private investor at IRR = 13% (red-line), a pension fund at IRR = 8% (black-line) and the government at IRR = 4% (blue-line) are marked.

marked. These IRR values were based on previous work [36]. explored by Schmidt et al. [11], where battery packs are forecast to
From Fig. 10(a), it is clear that in addition to the phasing out of drop to 175 ± 25 USD/kWh once 1 TWh of capacity is installed, it is
subsidies and therefore increasing electricity prices, reducing the cost of clear that increased production and economies of scale are not enough
the PV plays a significant role in increasing the feasibility of grid-con- to achieve such price reductions and that further research in technology
nected systems in Muscat. Although at the current tariff large reduc- innovation is necessary.
tions in UCPV are needed to make grid-connected systems feasible,
combined with increasing electricity prices, the reduction in UCPV
doesn’t necessarily need to be large; where a 20% reduction makes grid- 6. Discussion and conclusions
connected systems attractive to private investors when the electricity
price in Muscat is lower than the USA average. Given that PV costs are When compared to other countries in the world, such as the USA at
forecast to drop by 10–23% per year within the next fifteen years due to 12 MWh/hh.yr, Australia at 7 MWh/hh.yr and the UK, Germany and
factors such as the reduction in the price of poly-silicon, improvements Spain all at approximately 4 MWh/hh.yr [54], it is evident that Oman’s
in technology and increases in industry investment [52,53], these re- annual electricity consumption per household at 44 MWh/hh.yr is
sults indicate that these factors should be sufficient to drive PV costs to amongst the highest in the world. In turn, this study has shown that
levels that enhance the feasibility of grid-connected systems in Muscat. household demand in Oman is mainly driven by cooling demand, where
On the other hand, Fig. 10(b) shows that although a reduction in PV the demand profile follows a similar trend to the temperature and hu-
cost increases the feasibility of grid-independent systems, it is the re- midity profiles. This similarity in profiles indicates that there is a be-
duction in battery cost that has a more significant impact on the fea- havioural aspect to the high household demand in Oman, which in turn
sibility of grid-independent systems since battery cost constitutes 97% could be driven by the country’s low electricity prices. Therefore, in
of the total cost of grid-independent systems in Muscat. Additionally, it addition to focusing on the architecture of households, insulation and
is clear from this chart that at the current electricity price, grid-in- efficiency measures as well as cooling technologies used, further
dependent systems are infeasible in Muscat at any UCBatt and UCPV thought needs to be put into the phasing out of electricity subsidies in
where the IRRs are always negative. However, combined with an in- Oman as well as altering the electricity tariff structure in order to in-
crease in electricity price, grid-independent systems can become eco- fluence behaviour and reduce demand [55].
nomically feasible with significant reductions in UCBatt; where in- Secondly, the combination of high household demand, low elec-
creasing prices to Germany’s average requires the battery price to drop tricity prices and high battery cost renders grid-independent systems
by 93–94% (i.e. 6–7% of UCBatt) which is equivalent to 10–11 USD/ infeasible in Muscat. The high demand results in a larger overall system
kWh. When compared to the forecast in battery price reductions as size and therefore larger upfront costs, 97% of which is the cost of the
battery. Even increasing the PV panel efficiency to its maximum

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

theoretical efficiency does little to bring down this capital cost. In turn, large increase in electricity prices is needed to make grid-independent
reducing the unit cost of the battery can make grid-independent sys- PV systems economically feasible implies that in order to make such
tems feasible in Muscat provided electricity tariffs are increased to that investments feasible, in addition to an increase in electricity tariffs,
of Germany’s average. However, this reduction needs to be significant other PV support policies such as grants and loans are needed [61–63].
(93–94%) indicating that an increased installation capacity alone is not Finally, the fact that an increase in electricity price to an average
sufficient to achieve such price reductions and that further research in price lower than other PV successful countries such as Germany and
technology innovation is necessary. Spain makes grid-connected PV systems economically feasible with a
Furthermore, a larger system size not only makes grid-independent pay-back period of less than ten years despite there being no PV support
systems economically infeasible, but also makes them practically in- policies such as feed-in-tariffs (FITs) and the household demand in
feasible. It was found that in order to have a 302 kAh system for five Oman being very high demonstrates the potential of residential grid-
years, assuming that each battery has a capacity of 2.4 kWh and weight connected systems in Oman [61–63]. Furthermore, small reductions in
of 75 kg/kWh [56], 6040 batteries are needed that have a total weight PV cost as a result of increased installation capacity and industry im-
of 1087 tonnes occupying about 13% of the house [57–60]. Not only provements would only make grid-connected systems more feasible in
would storing such a large and heavy amount of batteries prove difficult Oman. However, the successful implementation of such systems re-
but the need to maintain them at ambient temperature could result in quires well thought out policies as part of a national energy and re-
further increasing the electricity demand. Similarly, changing the bat- newable energy strategy, with well thought out action plans and de-
tery type to one with a higher energy capacity such as a lithium-ion signated institutions which assist in permit attainment, finance,
battery (8–10 kWh) implies that although a reduced amount of batteries behavioural awareness, and research. To date, such policies still do not
are needed, i.e. approximately 1610 batteries weighing about 181 exist in Oman [61–64].
tonnes (12.5 kg/kWh), these numbers are still quite high. Additionally,
lithium-ion batteries tend to be 2.5–3 times more expensive than lead-
acid batteries [56]. Furthermore, lithium itself is a non-renewable, fi- Acknowledgments
nite product which makes this option less attractive in the long term.
On the other hand, low electricity prices imply that the benefits from We thank the Ministry of Higher Education-Oman (MOHE) for the
grid-independent systems cannot outweigh the costs. The fact that a funding of this project.

Appendix A. Nomenclature


AC Alternating current
c Si Crystalline-silicon
DC Direct current
FIT Feed-in-Tariff
OMR Omani rial
PV Photovoltaic

Greek symbols

Elevation angle (°)

Tilt angle of the PV from the horizontal surface (°)
ref Temperature coefficient (K−1)
Proportion of roof area covered by PV modules (%)
Declination angle (°)
C Change in battery capacity (kAh)
t Time period (hours)
coulomb Battery coulombic efficiency (%)
voltage Battery voltage efficiency (%)
batt Battery charge efficiency (%)
batt Battery discharge efficiency (%)
batt Battery energy efficiency (%)
cc Efficiency of charge controller (%)
inv Efficiency of inverter (%)
m Efficiency of PV module (%)
ref PV module’s electrical efficiency at Tref and solar radiation of 1000 W/m2 (%)
Latitude (°)

Roman symbols

GSIT Global solar irradiance on a tilted surface (kW/m2)

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

GSI Global solar irradiance on a horizontal plane (kW/m2)

Pm Power output of PV module (kW)
Am Area of PV module (m2)
Ar Roof area (m2)
Benefittotal, n Sum of all benefits for year n (OMR)
C Maximum capacity of battery or battery size (kAh)
C (t ) Battery charge at time t (kAh)
C (t 1) Battery charge at time t − 1 (kAh)
CC Charge input into battery during charge (kAh)
CD Charge removed from battery during discharge (kAh)
CostBattery Cost of battery (OMR)
Costcc Cost of charge controller (OMR)
CostInverter Cost of inverter (OMR)
CostPV Cost of PV module (OMR)
Costtotal, n Sum of all costs for year n (OMR)
d Day of year
ED Energy demand (kWh)
Em Energy output of PV module (kWh)
IC0 Available charge current (kA)
ICmax Maximum allowed charge current (kA)
IC Actual charge current (kA)
ID0 Available discharge current (kA)
IDmax Maximum allowed discharge current (kA)
IDT Diffuse irradiance on a tilted surface (kW/m2)
ID Actual discharge current (kA)
IRT Reflected irradiance on a tilted surface (kW/m2)
MAX Maximum
N PV system lifetime (years)
n Age of PV system (years)
NBatt Battery absolute lifetime (years)
Ninv Inverter absolute lifetime (years)
NOCT Nominal operating cell temperature (°C)
NPV Net present value (OMR)

PBC Battery charge power (kW)

PBD Battery discharge power (kW)
PD Power demand of residential building (kW)
Pexp Power exported to the grid (kW)
Pgrid Power imported from the grid (kW)
Pinv Power output from the inverter (kW)
Psat PV generated power and battery power used to satisfy demand (kW)
P+ Surplus power in grid-independent system (kW)
PVD PV annual degradation rate (%)
r Discount rate (%)
SF Charge controller safety factor
SOC Battery’s state of charge (%)
SOC (t ) Battery state of charge at time t (%)
SOCinitial Battery’s initial state of charge (%)
SOCmax Battery’s maximum allowed state of charge (%)
SOCmin Battery’s minimum allowed state of charge (%)
t Time (hours)
TA Ambient temperature (°C)
Tc Temperature of PV cell (°C)
Tref Reference temperature (°C)
UCBatt Unit cost of battery (OMR/kWh)
UCcc Unit cost of charge controller (OMR/kA)
UCinv Unit cost of inverter (OMR/kW)
UCPV Unit cost of PV module (OMR/kW)
BSD Battery self-discharge rate per month (%)
BSDh Battery self-discharge rate per hour (%)
VB Battery voltage (V)

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

Appendix B. List of key input parameters

See Tables B.2–B.4.

Table B.2
List of key inputs required for DC source model.
Key Model Inputs Value Unit Nomenclature References

Global Solar Irradiance – kW/m per GSI [40]
Ambient Temperature – °C per hour TA [40]
Day of Year – per hour d [40]
Latitude 23.6 Degrees (°) [40]
Tilt Angle – Degrees (°) [40]
Electrical Efficiency of PV 12 % ref [15]
Temperature Coefficient 0.004 K ref [15]
Reference Temperature 25 °C Tref [15]
Nominal Operating Cell 48 Degrees (°) NOCT [18]
Power Demand of – kW per hour PD [1,39,58]
Residential Building
PV Degradation Rate 0.7 % per year PVD [31]
Roof Area 503 m2 Ar [57,58,65]
Proportion of Roof Area – % [13]
Covered with PV Module

Table B.3
List of key inputs required for grid-independent and grid-connected PV system models.
Key model inputs Value Unit Nomenclature References

Charge Controller Efficiency 98 % cc [28,30,31]

Inverter Efficiency 94 % inv [14]
Inverter Absolute Lifetime 10 years Ninv [7,28]
Battery Voltage 48 V VB [28–30,43]
Maximum Allowed Charge C/10 kA ICmax [29]
Maximum Allowed Discharge C/10 kA IDmax [29]
Maximum Allowed State of 100 % SOCmax [29,31]
Minimum Allowed State of 30 % SOCmin [29–31]
Initial State of Charge – % SOCinitial [23]
Battery Self-Discharge Rate 5 % per BSD [66]
Battery Hourly Self-Discharge – % per hour BSDh [66]
Battery Charge/Discharge – % [59,60]
batt / batt
Battery Absolute Lifetime 5 years NBatt [31,67]

Table B.4
List of key inputs required for economic model.
Key model inputs Value Unit Nomenclature References

PV System Lifetime 20 Years N [7,13,31]

Discount Rate 7.55 % r [2]
Maximum PV Power Output – kW MAX(Pm) –
Maximum Demand – kW MAX(PD) [39,58]
Unit Cost of PV 400 OMR/kW UCPV [68–73]
Unit Cost of Battery 57 OMR/kWh UCBatt [68–73]
Unit Cost of Charge Controller 1350 OMR/kA UCcc [68–73]
Unit Cost of Inverter 260 OMR/kW UCinv [68–73]
Safety Factor 1.25 – SF [7,28]

J. Al-Saqlawi et al. Energy Conversion and Management 178 (2018) 322–334

Appendix C. List of model/input data assumptions and reasoning

See Table C.5.

Table C.5
List of model/input data assumptions and reasoning.
Assumptions Reasoning

IDT and IRT are negligible Most monitors do not measure IDT and IRT as these are difficult and expensive to obtain [13,40]
is represented by the maximum at solar noon This maximum is used in simple PV system design and is considered acceptable since GSIT is
underestimated [13]
The sun’s orbit is a perfect circle Allows for the factor of 360/365 to convert the day number (d) to a position in the orbit [13]
PV system can be fitted on the roof-top Roof-top PV systems are widely available [13]
PV module area (Am) is a function of roof area (Ar) PV modules are to be installed on the roof [13]
Humidity, air velocity, dust, shading, ohmic losses of conductors and Many of these variables are difficult to obtain without experimentation [13,14]
mismatch losses have no effect on PV performance
Tc is modelled at steady state This approach was considered more suitable for this study due to lack of data availability
NOCT model is suitable to determine cell temperature Gives adequate predicted temperatures for PV applications [17]
Grid connection is easily accessible Grid-connected systems are assessed in this study
The extent to which batteries can be charged and discharged is limited by Depending on the battery technology, full charge or discharge could permanently destroy the
SOCmin and SOCmax battery [29]
Battery charge/discharge rates are limited to ICmax/IDmax Battery capacity is affected by the rate at which the battery is charged/discharged [29,31]
Monthly BSD could be evenly converted to an hourly rate (BSDh) This is typical practice and allows for hourly assessment [66]
‘Cycle life’ impact on battery capacity is negligible therefore battery has an Initial assessments of the grid-independent system model for Oman have shown that batteries only
absolute lifetime, Nbatt [29] go through one complete charge and discharge cycle in a year
Charge controller is a standard switched controller These are the most common controllers used [28]
Inverter has an absolute lifetime, Ninv Several studies have assessed inverters as having an absolute lifetime [7,28]
inv of grid-connected system is the same as that for grid-independent To make both systems comparative to one another
can be changed manually on a monthly basis This is not too time consuming and allows for maximum monthly Pm generation
The PV technology is crystalline-silicon This is a mature technology which dominates the market [13]
NOCT is set at 48 °C NOCT ranges between 33 °C and 58 °C For a typical module, NOCT is 48 °C [18]
Battery used is a lead-acid battery Due to its maturity, familiarity and low cost [43]
Battery internal resistance is assumed to be zero and therefore VB is Lead-acid batteries have a very low internal resistance (< 100 milli ohms) [30] For systems greater
assumed to remain constant at 48 V than 3–4 kWh, it is recommended to set VB at 48 V [28]
Temperature effects on battery voltage and capacity are ignored Battery is assumed to be stored in-doors at constant temperature
voltage is set at 100% therefore Batt is equivalent to coulomb VB is constant [29]
SOCmax is set at 100% and SOCmin is set at 30% Lead-acid batteries can be fully charged while full discharge will permanently destroy the battery
NBatt is set at 5 years and Ninv is set at 10 years Typical lifetime of lead-acid batteries and inverters [7,31,74,75]
ICmax and IDmax are set at C/10 Charge is added and removed more efficiently at lower currents [29,31]
cc is set at 98% Typical efficiency of charge controller [31]
inv is set at 94% Inverter typically have efficiencies ranging between 92% and 98% [14]
N is set at 20 years Most PV systems have lifetimes ranging between 20 and 25 years [7,13,31,67]
Financial exchange rates do not change throughout the system lifetime Change in exchange rates in the future is difficult to predict
Grid power export tariff is the same as the current residential electricity To date, Oman has no renewable energy policy
Behavioural changes in electricity demand as a result of increase in Data on behavioural changes in residential electricity demand in Oman are minimal and require
electricity tariff are negligible extensive data collection and surveys which is beyond the scope of this study
Last available data for GSI and TA for the year 2007 are representative of The variation of GSI and TA between 2002 and 2013 is small [41,42]
PD for January, February, March and December could be extrapolated Method devised due to lack of data availability
Model villa in Muscat is rectangular A large portion of the villa archetype in Oman is rectangular [58]
Model home wall thickness is 20 cm This is a standard thickness set by the buildings regulations for Muscat [57]
Hourly annual weather and demand data could be repeated annually for Due to the lack of hourly data availability, this allows for the modelling of PV systems which
20 years typically have a lifetime of 20 years
All simulations start on the first day of the month, mid-day In order to ensure consistency in the results

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