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Role of Losses in Design of DC Cable For Solar PV Applications

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Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2014, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 28 September – 1 October 2014 1

Role of Losses in Design of DC Cable for Solar PV

Chin Kim Gan, Yi Ming Lee Danny Pudjianto, Goran Strbac
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) Imperial College London
Melaka, Malaysia London, SW7 2AZ, UK

Abstract— This paper discusses the effect of losses in determining I. INTRODUCTION

the optimal capacity of DC cable for a Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
system application. The optimization problem is formulated to
The depletion of fossil fuel and the dire need to tackle
trade-off between the costs of losses against the cable investment climate change challenge have gathered the worldwide effort to
cost over the operational lifetime of the cable. This is to minimize develop sustainable energy systems. In light of this,
the total cost. The optimization problem is solved in closed form, Photovoltaic (PV) has been identified as one of the promising
clearly pointing out the key parameters that affect the optimal renewable energy resources, given the abundant of solar energy
selection of DC cable. The main output of the model is the received by the mother earth [1], [2]. In this regard, there have
optimal cable capacity for a given PV system, as well as the been an increasing number of grid-connected PV system
relevant optimal utilization. The results are validated against the installations worldwide, from kW scale residential PV systems
‘heuristic’ approach of which the parametric analyses were
to MW scale utility solar PV farms. This is mainly driven by
carried out to determine the optimal cable rating. The findings
suggest that the optimal utilization is likely to be very low driven
the strong regulatory support in the respective countries. In
by the paramount role of losses and the energy prices. Hence, the Malaysia, the government is committed to reduce the carbon
proposed model enables the PV system designer and the policy footprints by 40% by 2020 from the emission level seen in
maker to gain meaningful insights on the parameters that affect 2005 [3]. In order to achieve this objective, under the Tenth
the design of DC cable in solar PV system application. Malaysia Plan (2011-2015), Malaysia is targeting to have 985
MW of generation from renewable energy by 2015 which
Index Terms— Losses, Solar PV System, Life-Cycle Cost contribute to 5.5% of Malaysia’s total electricity generation
List of Symbols mix [4]. Subsequently, Renewable Energy Act 2011 has been
enacted [5] and Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme introduced in 2011
A effective cross-sectional area of the conductor, mm² [6]. Since then, Malaysia has experienced strong growth in the
CC annuitized capital cost, RM/year solar PV installation for both residential and commercial
D annuitized constant investment cost, RM/year sectors [7]. However, the current PV system design practice,
CL total annual cost of losses, RM/year particularly on the DC cable selection, is mainly based on the
I cap current-carrying capacity, A technical consideration, i.e., satisfying the voltage drop
opt constraint [8] and meeting the thermal requirement. This design
I cap optimal current-carrying capacity, A procedure complies with the relevant PV design standard and is
I (t ) circuit current at time t, A able to guarantee the safe operation of the PV plant. However,
K annuitized incremental investment cost, such design procedure may not be optimal since it does not
RM/ take into account the effect of Joule losses over the technical
L length of the circuit, km lifespan of the cable. Past researches have been mainly
focusing on the techniques and methodology on improving the
R resistance, Ω
efficiency of the solar cells [9], maximizing the PV output
ep (t ) energy price, RM/kWh through Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) [10] and
U opt optimal utilization of circuit, % inverter topologies [11]. The PV system level analysis,
α coefficient for current-carrying capacity/cross- particularly on the optimal DC cable selection for solar PV
A application is scarcely highlighted nor reported in the literature
sectional area correlation, [12]. Neglecting the role of cable losses in the PV system
mm 2⋅ β
design may lead to the installation of an inefficient plant for the
β exponent for current-carrying capacity/cross-
next decades.
sectional area correlation, p.u. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the optimal solar
ρ resistivity of the conductor, Ω . mm2 /km DC cable capacity by trading off the investment cost against
the cost of cable losses over the operational life-span of the
asset. In fact, one can expect that selection of larger conductor
Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2014, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 28 September – 1 October 2014 2

size will reduce the energy losses due to lower resistance, and
vice versa. However, this will only occur at the expense of 8760
higher investment cost. Therefore, an optimal trade-off
between the cost of losses and the investment cost can be opt ⎛ β +1 ⎞
ρ ∑ I (t )
t =1
ep(t )
I cap = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
sought within a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) framework [13]. ⎝ β ⎠ 1
The following sections of this paper present the methodology ⎛ 1 ⎞β
K ⋅ β ⋅⎜ ⎟
and the relevant case study applications that illustrate the ⎝α ⎠
prominent role of losses in determining the optimal cable rating (7)
for Solar PV application. This is followed by analysis of the
results and finally the conclusions. The optimal utilization of the cable, Uopt can be described
by Equation (8) which defined as the ratio of the peak current
II. METHODOLOGY circulating in the circuit to the optimal capacity determined
The methodology used in formulating the optimization from (7). The utilization value can be used as a useful indicator
problem is based on the life-cycle methodology as described in to compare between the available capacity headroom of
[13]-[15]. The optimal capacity of the cable (Icap) is determined different cable design strategies.
by minimizing the sum of the annual cost of losses and the
annuitized capital cost as shown in (1): I max
U opt = opt
× 100%
I cap
I cap
[∑ (CC + CL )] (8)
In case the costs of maintenance and the cost of cable
From the equipment datasheet, a correlation analysis has
installation are available, a more holistic system level study can
been carried out in order to establish the relationship between
be carried out to evaluate the cost breakdown of the respective
the cross sectional area of circuit (A) and its current-carrying
components. Thus, giving a better insight into the proportion of
capacity. In particular, power-type correlations have been
various costs involved.
found to fit very well with the given data. It can be expressed

I cap = α ⋅ A β A. Solar Cable Correlation Analysis

The type of solar cable used in the analysis is multicore DC
In addition, the annuitized capital cost for the cable can be copper cables designed for solar PV system installation. The
expressed as the product of the annuitized incremental cable relevant electrical data is retrieved from manufacturer datasheet
investment cost (K), cable current-carrying capacity and circuit and the associated solar cable price is obtained from solar cable
length (L) as in (3): vendor in Malaysia. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the correlation
CC = K ⋅ I cap ⋅ L + D results with reference to relation (2) and (3) using the data as
The α, β and K in (2) and (3) are the correlation shown in Table I. The values of the coefficient α, β and K are
coefficients found through a standard least-square estimation 18.882, 0.7327 and 12.399, respectively. It is important to note
technique. Subsequently, the annual cost of losses is that the value of K may change accordingly when the solar
represented by the product of annual cable power losses and price cable changes.
the electricity prices (or FiT rate where applicable) and can be
expressed as in (4). Equation (5) shows that the resistance of a
cable is a function of the cable cross sectional area and the
length as well as the resistivity of the conductor.

CL = R ⋅ ∑ I (t ) 2
⋅ ep(t )
t =1 (4)
A (5)
Substituting (5) into (4) and solving the optimal cable
current-carrying capacity as expressed in (6), gives the closed
form solution of the optimization problem as shown in (7). Figure 1. Correlation of cable ampacity versus cable cross-sectional area.

∂ (CC + CL)
∂I cap (6)
Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2014, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 28 September – 1 October 2014 3

4,500 2000

Solar PV Generation Output Power, W

Annuitized Capital Cost, RM/km.year

4,000 1800
3,500 Sunny Day
3,000 Cloudy Day
2,500 1000 Normal Day
2,000 800
y = 12.399x - 356.43 600
1,500 R² = 0.997

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Ampacity, A Time, hour

Figure 2. Correlation of annuitized capital cost versus cable ampacity. Figure 3. Solar PV power generation profiles on March 23, 26 and 29,
Cable Size, Ampacity, Cost, Resistance, C. Heuristic versus Analytical Model
mm² A RM/km Ω/km
Under the Malaysia FiT scheme, the 2014 FiT rates varies
2.5 41 2,200 7.400 from RM 1.0411/kWh for PV installation up to and including 4
4.0 55 4,400 4.610 kW to RM 0.5440/kWh for 10 MW-30 MW solar farm. For the
6.0 70 5,500 3.080 sake of simplicity, highest FiT rate of RM 1.0411/kWh has
been considered [16]. In addition, the average electricity price
10.0 98 9,200 1.830 of RM 0.3583/kWh (end consumer electricity bill rate) [17] is
16.0 132 14,000 1.150 also considered in the study to illustrate the sensitivity of
2x10 176.4 18,400 0.915 electricity prices to the design of optimal solar cable. The
analysis is carried out assuming solar cable lifespan of 21
2x16 237.6 28,000 0.575 years, consistent with the 21 years FiT period in Malaysia. A
3x16 336.6 42,000 0.383 7% discount rate is also assumed to calculate the annuitized
solar cable capital cost. This study further assumes a safety
factor of 25% for peak-driven cable selection approach.
B. Solar PV Generation Data Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the parametric analyses by
The weather condition in Malaysia is non-seasonal and utilizing heuristic approach to determine the optimal solar
relatively ‘stable’ throughout the year as compared to the cable size for a 3x8 array configuration with 250W module for
countries with four seasonal changes. As a result, a month of the considered FiT rate and electricity price, respectively.
PV generation data may consider as sufficient to provide some Despite the minimum design requirement of 2.5 mm2 for a
strategic insight into as how the losses may affect the optimal 6kW (3x8x250W) PV array solar cable (assume satisfies
design of cable. As a result, 31 days (March 2014) of 5-minutes voltage drop limits), it is interesting to observe that the optimal
resolution PV generation data is collected from a 2 kW grid- solar cable sizes are much larger, i.e. 6 mm2 for the assumed
connected PV system installed at UTeM. These data are used average electricity price and 10 mm2 for the FiT rate. It is also
in the analysis considering the annual PV generation data is not important to highlight the very high proportion of losses
yet available from the current installed system. However, it is incurred (and the associated cost) for smaller, i.e., 2.5 mm2 and
important to highlight the need to use the annual PV generation 4 mm2 cable sizes. Given the higher role of losses for the
data (when it becomes available) to provide more accurate considered FiT rate (RM 1.0411/kWh) as compared to the
results. Figure 3 below shows three different day types’ average electricity price of RM 0.3583/kWh, the larger
samples of daily PV generation profiles, namely sunny day, conductor size of 10 mm2 instead of 6 mm2 is selected as the
normal day and cloudy day in March 2014. optimal ones.
Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2014, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 28 September – 1 October 2014 4

4,500 D. Optimal Solar Cable Design for Different PV String Power

4,000 Further analyses have been carried out to determine the
optimal solar cable sizing for various PV string power. The
Annuitized Total Cost, RM/ km.year

Cost of Losses
Capital Cost results are as shown in Table II and Table III, respectively. It is
3,000 interesting to highlight that the optimal utilization for solar
2,500 cable is quite low particularly for the case of FiT rate. For
example, the optimal utilization of a 2 kW PV array is 26% as
shown in Table II below. In addition, the optimal utilization of
1,500 solar cable increases when the PV array power increases. This
1,000 is due to the fact that the role of losses becomes less prominent
when the required cable rating increases. For example, the
optimal cable utilization of a 10 kW PV array is approximately
0 42% as compared to 17% for a 2 kW PV string as shown in
2.5 4 6 10 16 2*10 2*16 3*16 Table III. It is important to note that the peak-driven design as
Cable Size, mm²
shown in the Table II and Table III have factored in the
Figure 4. Overall cost of DC array cable for 3x8 array configuration at RM additional 25% headroom, but does not consider the other
0.3583/kWh. design requirement such as voltage drop limit. Hence, the
4,500 design may change considerably if very stringent voltage drop
limit is applied to the peak-driven design. It is expected that the
optimal solar cable design proposed in this paper is likely to
Annuitized Total Cost, RM/ km.year

Cost of Losses
Capital Cost meet both thermal and voltage drop limit criterion given its
3,000 very low cable utilization.
Array Power
Peak-Driven Optimal Optimal
1,500 for Multiple of
Design, mm² Design, mm² Utilization (%)
2kW string
2 2.5 2.5 26
4 2.5 4 39
2.5 4 6 10 16 2*10 2*16 3*16 6 2.5 4 50
Cable Size, mm² 8 2.5 6 59
Figure 5. Overall cost of DC array cable for 3x8 array configuration at RM 10 4 6 67
12 4 6 74

Subsequently, the proposed analytical model (7) is used to

design the optimal solar cable for the same PV string power. OPTIMAL CABLE DESIGN FOR DIFFERENT PV ARRAY POWER AT
The calculated value of the optimal current is 76.5 A which ELECTRICITY PRICE OF RM 1.0411 /KWH
suggest the use of 10 mm2 for the cost of losses calculated Array Power for
Peak-Driven Optimal Optimal
using the FiT rate of RM 1.0411/kWh. Similarly, for the case Multiple of 2kW
Design, mm² Design, mm² Utilization (%)
of average electricity price, the calculated optimal current is
2 2.5 4 17
48.8 A, which again suggests the use of larger cable size for
PV array with 6kW maximum power. The closed form 4 2.5 6 25
calculation results are consistent with the heuristic approach 6 2.5 10 32
result that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed
model in designing the cost-effective cable for PV applications. 8 2.5 10 37
The peak-driven design that does not consider the cost of 10 4 10 42
losses will select 2.5 mm2 cable for the abovementioned case, 12 4 16 47
even after factoring in the 25% safety headroom margin. In this
regard, the proposed optimal design can provide the annual Furthermore, the results also suggest that the model is
saving of RM 875/km and RM 101/km, respectively for the relatively robust to the changes in the electricity energy prices.
two electricity rates as discussed above. This would translate For example, for the increase of energy price from RM 0.3583/
into a total saving of RM 18,381/km and RM 2,121/km for the kWh to RM 1.0411/ kWh (tripled), the optimal utilization of
period of 21 years. cable remains relatively robust at 26% and 17% respectively
for a 2 kW PV string cable.
Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2014, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 28 September – 1 October 2014 5

E. Example of Real Case Application a result, when designing the solar cable, both losses and
An example of a 6kW real case residential rooftop PV voltage drop limit will need to be considered simultaneously.
system is considered here to exemplify the effectiveness of the
proposed model. The system consists of 20 polycrystalline
modules of 250 Wp each with Imp = 7.96 A and Vmp=31.41V. The authors would like to thank Mr. Tan Pi Hua from Sharp-
The inverter rating is 5kW with two separate MPPTs. Given Roxy Malaysia for his valuable suggestions. The funding
the number of solar modules, the inverter characteristic and the support provided by The Ministry of Malaysia under research
rooftop directions, two strings (Np = 2) with 12 modules each grant FRGS/2012/FKE/TK02/02/1/F00121 is also gratefully
(Ns=12) is considered as the optimal configuration. The acknowledged.
distance (L) from the rooftop solar module to inverter is
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