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Đề Chính Thức: (Đề thi gồm có 09 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

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Ngày thi: 18-19/03/2023

(Đề thi gồm có 09 trang)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Part 1: Reading (28 pts)

Passage 1
Read the text and fill the gaps with the correct sentence (A-G). Write the letter of the missing sentence in the
corresponding numbered box provided in your answer sheet. There are two extra sentences you will not need.
In the midst of the worst drought in more than 1,200 years, the Western United States is still parched.
Despite the recent heavy downpours that California – one of the western states – has experienced this year, it
is not enough to reverse decades of hot and dry weather. (1) ______ Experts, though, suggest that more water
can be stored for future use.
California can store water in four primary areas: soil and vegetation, mountain snow, surface reservoirs,
and groundwater basins. Unfortunately, the ongoing megadrought and recent atmospheric rivers have taken a
toll on all of these sources, leading to stress on the state's water supply, according to Thomas Harter, a professor
of land, air, and water resources at the University of California Davis.
Because of prolonged drought, the soil deposits have become parched and compact, paradoxically
making it difficult for them to retain moisture. During heavy rain, the dry streambeds and creeks transform
into channels that accelerate the water flow downstream, resulting in floods. Furthermore, the vegetation that
once helped to secure the soil has diminished in many parts of the state, and wildfires have left scars across
the forests and chaparrals as well. (2) ______
Snowpack, on the other hand, stores large quantities of water throughout the winter season and slowly
releases it during the warmer months as it melts. Nevertheless, due to warmer temperatures in recent winters,
a larger portion of precipitation has fallen as rain instead of snow in the Sierra Nevada snowpack. This
snowpack typically fulfills around 30 percent of California's water demands. (3) ______
The Sierra Nevada mountains are experiencing higher than usual snow levels, reaching up to 260 percent
of average levels for this time of year. This provides hope for the water supply situation in the Western United
States. It should be noted, however, that snow isn't an immediately usable source of water. (4) ______ Keith
Musselman, a scientist at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado Boulder,
warns that even though there are currently record snow levels for mid-January, unpredictable weather patterns
could still significantly alter the situation.
(5) ______ Currently, Shasta, Trinity, and New Melones, some of California's major reservoirs, have
water levels below their historical average and half of their total capacity. That’s because reservoirs have two
conflicting missions. One is to prevent floods, and the other is to hold and provide water for drinking and
agriculture. To hold onto runoff from potential storms later in the season, water managers intentionally leave
some headroom in reservoirs, sometimes up to half their capacity.
A. The rain has filled in the snowpack that was only at a fraction of its capacity last year.
B. Instead, most of the recent precipitation is being washed away, offering little relief to the stunning dry spell
in the region.
C. As a consequence, the combination of heavy rainfall and barren, hard soil can easily trigger mudslides.
D. Sadly, it was only at 38 percent of its capacity last year, marking the lowest level in seven years.
E. Reservoirs basically help dispatch water throughout the year.
F. Lower water levels in reservoirs are also caused by drought and hot weather.
G. Factors such as an early-season heat wave could melt the snowpack before it can be effectively utilized.

Trang 1 / 9
Passage 2
Read the following article carefully and answer the questions below. Write the letter A, B, C, or D in the
corresponding numbered box provided in your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.
Teenagers joining TikTok will be limited to an hour of use each day, the social media company has
announced – but only for as long as it takes them to realise they can change the settings manually.
New default screen time restrictions will be enabled for every account known to belong to someone
under 18, the company says. After the first hour’s use each day, the app will warn them their time is up, “so
it’s easier to log off”.
But parents praying for an intervention – or young people struggling with their own addiction – might
find the relief is short-lived, since the restriction can be altered or removed altogether in the app’s settings. If
the user removes the limit and then goes on to use the app for more than 100 minutes a day, it will prompt
them to set a new restriction, which TikTok says will at least require them to make an active decision on their
continued usage.
Parents wanting restrictions that cannot be overridden can make use of the app’s “family pairing”
features, allowing them to link their own TikTok account to their child’s. These have been updated to allow a
more rigorous restriction to be set. With a family pairing account, parents can set a custom screen-time limit
for their children that cannot be overridden. They can also set a custom schedule to mute notifications, ensuring
their children are not disturbed late at night.
“While there’s no collectively endorsed position on how much screen time is ‘too much’, or even the
impact of screen time more broadly, we recognise that teens typically require extra support as they start to
explore the online world independently,” said Cormac Keenan, the company’s head of trust and safety.
“Research also shows that being more aware of how we spend our time can help us be more intentional about
the decisions we make, and this is especially important but typically more difficult for younger audiences.”
Social networks have a strong motivation to offer their own screen-time controls, in case people decide
to activate the stricter controls built into both the iOS and Android smartphone platforms.
New requirements introduced in 2021 require technology companies to be more aware of how their
services are used by children. On Wednesday, the first formal complaint against a major tech company was
levied under these rules, with a father-of-three alleging that YouTube was improperly harvesting data from
1. Which of the following best describes the main topic of the article?
A. The legal requirements for TikTok to protect children's data privacy online
B. The benefits of using TikTok for teenagers and ways to maximize their experience
C. The challenges of enforcing screen time limits for teenagers on social media apps
D. The implementation of screen time restrictions and the need for parental controls
2. Which of the following could be a potential drawback with the new screen time restrictions on TikTok?
A. They may cause tension between parents and their children who want more screen time.
B. Only parents, not their children themselves, can set these restrictions.
C. They may be easily bypassed by users, negating their effectiveness.
D. Users can never exceed the allotted time set beforehand.
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “endorsed” in the fifth paragraph?
A. disapproved B. given C. sanctioned D. opposed
4. The TikTok's "family pairing" features do NOT support which of the following?
A. To limit the use of social media apps by a teenager.
B. To prevent the disturbance to its users during late-night hours.
C. To allow parents to connect their TikTok account to their child's.
D. To enable parents to establish a personalized screen-time limitation for their child’s account.

Trang 2 / 9
5. According to Cormac Keenan, why do teenagers need extra guidance as they begin to navigate the Internet
on their own?
A. Because there is no universal agreement on what constitutes an excessive amount of screen time.
B. Because they are less aware of how they spend their time online.
C. Because they are more prone to addiction to social media than adults.
D. Because social networks have a strong motivation to offer their own screen-time controls.
6. It can be inferred from the passage that according to the new requirements introduced in 2021, technology
companies are supposed to:
A. Obtain explicit consent from parents before collecting data from their children.
B. Monitor all data collected from children and report them to their parents.
C. Protect children from the misuse of their personal data by other companies.
D. Restrict teenagers' access to the services as requested by their parents.
7. What seems to be implied in the following sentence?
“Social networks have a strong motivation to offer their own screen-time controls, in case people decide
to activate the stricter controls built into both the iOS and Android smartphone platforms”
A. Social network developers do show considerable concern for the health and well-being of users.
B. Users only want to activate their own stricter controls to prevent addiction to social networks.
C. Many controls built into users’ smartphones cannot effectively reduce the impact of screen time.
D. Social networks offer their own screen-time controls to keep users on their platforms longer.
8. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “levied” in the last paragraph?
A. demanded B. filed C. validated D. abolished

Passage 3
Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C, or D in the corresponding numbered box provided
in your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1
to 10.
The complex situation in Syria and Turkey is hampering humanitarian aid and recovery efforts despite
the presence of over 100,000 rescue (1) ______. Severe weather conditions, road (2) ______, and social (3)
______ are major obstacles to delivering aid to affected areas. An earthquake damaged the only official aid
route in northern Syria, causing a delay in aid delivery. Furthermore, a (4) ______ port in southern Turkey was
forced to suspend operations due to a quake-related fire. These obstructions lead to a (5) ______ effect,
preventing aid from reaching the people who need it most.
According to Margaret Traub, head of global initiatives for International Medical Corps, which is
currently assisting disaster response efforts in Syria and Turkey, the situation is dire. The lack of construction
(6) ______ combined with a high (7) ______ of old, inflexible concrete buildings leaves the region vulnerable
(8) ______ devastation, especially during the ongoing cholera outbreak and the Syrian civil war. Traub added
that people in the region were already displaced and are living in temporary (9) ______ without their support
(10) ______.
1. A. personnel B. clients C. operations D. supplies
2. A. hindrances B. bridges C. blockages D. vehicles
3. A. disagreements B. unrest C. pressure D. prosperity
4. A. prevalent B. scarce C. coastline D. primary
5. A. gradual B. bottleneck C. progressive D. glimpse
6. A. funding B. engagement C. oversight D. negligence
7. A. concentration B. complication C. diversion D. depletion
8. A. for B. with C. by D. to
9. A. refugees B. sanctuaries C. asylums D. shelters
10. A. machinery B. anomalies C. mechanisms D. institutions

Trang 3 / 9
Passage 4
You are going to read an article about home cooking. Five parts have been removed from the extract. Choose
from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra paragraph which you do not
need. Write the letter of the missing paragraph in the corresponding numbered box in your answer sheet.
With grocery prices skyrocketing due to inflation, what compromises should a home cook consider?

Autumn is the season of abundant produce, making it afford these options. Prasertong highlights that
the perfect time for cooking enthusiasts. The fall individuals with low income or multiple jobs simply
harvest brings a plethora of ingredients that are ideal don’t have the time or means to visit farmers markets,
for creating warm and comforting dishes, such as which could be far away and might not accept
pumpkin bread, butternut squash soup, and apple pie. assistance like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Furthermore, Thanksgiving adds to the excitement of Program (SNAP) benefits. Moreover, such markets
cooking with its elaborate menus, numerous side may not carry familiar food items that certain
dishes, and a large turkey to roast, akin to the communities may prefer.
Olympics of home cooking.
Prasertong argues that the messages about the ‘best’
On top of that, home cooks are usually bombarded way to shop for and consume food can be exclusive.
with messages about how they should approach their “I believe there is a certain assumption of
diet and cooking habits. Food media often promotes universality, where people assume that everyone
the use of fresh, in-season produce, and encourages shares their values, which are typically associated
the purchase of humanely-raised meats and seafood, with affluent white people found in farmers markets
cage-free eggs, and wild-caught fish. To support local and similar environments,” Prasertong explains.
farmers and small businesses, farmers markets are “However, not everyone shares those values, and
often touted as a better option than supermarkets. that’s perfectly acceptable. If your reality is that
Additionally, reducing meat consumption, you’re trying to provide healthy meals for your family
particularly red meat, and opting for more plant-based on a limited budget, you don’t have to feel obligated
options can help lower carbon emissions. to value expensive organic tomatoes from the farmers
market. You can simply say, ‘That’s not worth it to
2. me.’”
A mix of competing demands is faced by home cooks. 5.
Messages to consume locally, support farmers, and
purchase the best-quality in-season produce are Misleading labeling on animal products, commonly
constantly conveyed to them by food media, chefs, known as ‘humane-washing,’ is widespread,
and activists. According to Anjali Prasertong, a public confusing shoppers. According to Freund, terms like
health dietitian who writes the newsletter Antiracist ‘natural’ or ‘family farmed’ lack regulated standards,
Dietitian, messages sent by chefs and food experts leading to deceptive marketing. She gives another
encouraging people to eat local are often excluding example of chicken labeled ‘all-natural, antibiotic-
certain groups. free, and hand-raised on a family farm’. “It’s a trap
where many people waste money, and the industry
3. gets away with a lot,” she adds. Meat producers profit
By promoting the consumption of only the finest from clever marketing that appeals to consumers'
organic and locally sourced foods at farmers markets, good intentions, without actually improving animal
chefs and food media, like Waters, are disregarding a welfare condition
significant portion of the population that cannot

Trang 4 / 9
A. Indeed, food media and chefs have been urging people to buy the freshest, high-quality and in-season
produce, shop at farmers markets, and opt for humanely raised meat and wild-caught fish. However, for
low-income households, who spend more than a quarter of their income on food, these messages can be
jarring. With rising food prices, it is becoming increasingly challenging for them to access quality food.
Food media often caters to those who can afford to buy from farmers markets, while rarely addressing the
challenges faced by low-income families trying to feed their families healthy meals using SNAP benefits.
B. Home cooks must eventually determine which trade-offs to prioritize based on their personal values. As
stated by Prasertong, not everyone has the same shared values. Choosing what matters most to them is the
first step in deciding what trade-offs they want to make. While it may be difficult for many to maintain a
healthy diet and shop at high-quality markets while food prices are increasing, it's important not to feel
guilty about their choices. Ultimately, each person has the autonomy to make the decision that works best
for them.
C. Cooking in the fall of 2022 is challenging due to inflation and rising food prices. Thanksgiving looks set to
be the most expensive yet due to Covid-related supply chain issues, a turkey shortage from an avian flu
outbreak, and a rise in poultry and egg prices. Furthermore, the war in Ukraine has caused a shortage of
wheat and grain products. “When you consider the cost of items such as turkeys, eggs, flour, butter, fruit,
and vegetables, the holiday season is going to be an expensive time for putting food on the table,” says
David Ortega, a food economist at Michigan State University.
D. Prasertong also points out that the messaging from chefs and food media often fails to account for the
everyday challenges many Americans face. She notes in a recent newsletter that farmers markets and other
local food marketplaces can create barriers for people of color. Prasertong cites a quote from Alice Waters,
a renowned chef, in a Vogue interview last year, where Waters says: “It’s crucial to reduce our consumption
of animal products and be aware of their origin. I currently have lovely eggs of various colors in my fridge,
and I feel content knowing that the hens that laid them were raised in a proper manner.”
E. Consumers face a growing challenge of making choices in the kitchen. Should they prioritize their budgets,
the planet and animals, meal quality, or small businesses? Balancing personal values, budgets, and tastebuds
can be tricky. Multiple food experts were consulted to gain insight into how home cooks can handle these
F. Daisy Freund, vice president of farm animal welfare at The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals, warns that claims on animal products can be misleading and confusing, tricking well-meaning
consumers into paying more for products they think are more humane but actually aren’t. “Cage-free on
egg cartons is meaningful, but on chicken or turkey packaging, it’s meaningless,” explains Freund, “those
birds are raised in giant crowded warehouses, not in cages.” She then gives an example of chicken thighs
labeled as cage-free, which cost more but have the same living conditions as the lowest-cost brand.

Part 2: Grammar and Vocabulary (17 pts)

Write the letter A, B, C, or D in the corresponding numbered box provided in your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. ______ is a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century.
A. Diamond, which B. As diamond C. That diamond D. Being diamond
2. ______ the examples of children who hate reading as they believe that it is pointless, but they are not able
to judge from a young age.
A. Much of B. Many are C. There are many D. Many
3. ______ precise orders from the top, as usual he decided to work on his own initiative.
A. Not having been given B. Having not been given C. Not given that D. Not having
4. You’ve been warned about this so many times, John. This is ______ chance we're going to give you.
A. the somewhat last B. the last enough C. the very last D. by far the last
5. I play tennis ______. That makes around twenty-five times each year, so it's not excessive at all.
A. every other Saturday B. each other Sunday C. every two Saturdays D. each two Sundays

Trang 5/9
6. The victims, ______ were adults, are being identified by the US authorities.
A. most of who B. most of them C. most of those D. most of whom
7. If she hadn’t missed that flight, she ______ at the event now.
A. will be speaking C. would be speaking
B. would have spoken D. would have been speaking
8. She had ______ hateful friends that she never thought she would ever talk to again.
A. few B. quite a few C. so few D. such few
9. He ______ reservations before! How on earth can we even see the movie now?
A. should make B. wouldn’t make C. should have made D. would have made
10. It’s time you found some ______.
A. friends of your own C. your own friends
B. own friends of yours D. of your owned friends
11. My friend ______ at Samsung Electronics for more than 12 years by this December.
A. will be programing C. is going to be programming
B. is programming D. will have been programming
12. It was only 3.15 in the morning. I was still in bed, and my plane _____ in about 40 minutes!
A. was about to leave B. had been leaving C. was due to leave D. had left
13. The woman was rumored ______ with her husband in Germany years ago.
A. to have settled down C. to settle down
B. to be settling down D. to have been settled down
14. ______, the actress often felt insecure about her appearance.
A. However beautiful B. Though beautiful C. Whereas beautiful D. Despite beauty
15. I would rather you _____ all the money on that glamorous dress. It feels like such a waste now!
A. didn’t spend B. shouldn’t spend C. hadn’t spent D. not spend
16. I will ______ shortly to pick up my prescription from yesterday.
A. call for B. call in C. call to D. call round
17. I'm worried that we might be ______ watering down the quality of the data.
A. defiantly B. inadvertently C. calculatedly D. invariably
18. If the City Council does not like the impact on borrowing costs, it can hardly object ______ the tax
A. to B. with C. of D. against
19. After more tax increases were announced, violence ______ across several cities.
A. inflated B. erupted C. swelled D. exploded
20. Despite my opponent's personal attacks against me, I refuse to ______.
A. pick up my ears B. hit the books C. stoop to his level D. speak of the devil
21. There have been several attempts by politicians and lawmakers to ______ the current president on grounds
of corruption.
A. oust B. out C. ostracize D. evict
22. In a seminar or tutorial, everyone should take part rather than allow one person to ______ the discussion.
A. oppress B. dominate C. overwhelm D. intimidate
23. On the basis of the latest survey, we know that most people have a very ______ view of politicians and
their parties.
A. negative B. bleak C. unlikely D. impossible
24. ______ money is concerned, our project will be completely funded by private donations.
A. Insofar as B. In that C. As a whole D. Almost as
25. This is an ______ device to open bottles. Hail to whoever invented this.
A. incongruous B. incredulous C. ingenuous D. ingenious
26. The note signed by her father does ______ her claim that she was absent from class that day.
A. renounce B. ramify C. foment D. corroborate

Trang 6/9
27. Finally we managed to ______ our way through the crowd and reach the exit.
A. force B. move C. create D. go
28. I always want to ascertain the fact that not one single ______ of dust can be found in my home.
A. scrap B. speck C. gust D. blade
29. The city was ______ darkness by the power blackout.
A. plunged into B. dipped into C. delved into D. launched into
30. Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is ______; if it is destroyed, no amount of money can ever compensate
for that loss.
A. invaluable B. valueless C. priceless D. valuable
31. ______ the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict.
A. Notwithstanding B. On grounds of C. No matter how D. Be that as it may
32. At 20, Maria already has several outstanding achievements ______. Her family must take great pride in
such a daughter.
A. under her crown B. under her belt C. under her time D. under her trophy
33. Due to the ______ of new housing in the area, demand far exceeds supply, highlighting the need for
corrective measures.
A. plethora B. miniscule C. dearth D. vestige
34. My cousin was so brave to ______ bullies in his school environment, which made me respect him even
A. stand in for B. stand up for C. stand up to D. stand in to

Part 3: Word formation (10 pts)

Use the words on the right of the text, listed 1-10, to form ONE word that fits in the same numbered blank in
the text. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided in your answer sheet. Spelling
mistakes will be penalised.


The Smiths made the difficult (0) decision to leave their home country and 0. DECIDE
embarked on a fresh start overseas as a result of (1) __________ rumors spread about 1. FAME
their family. After much deliberation, they decided to pursue the possibility of moving
to a new country where they could begin a new life, free from those (2) __________ 2. IMPEDE
of their past.
Their hometown had been plagued by a spate of robberies in recent months, and
the family had been targeted multiple times by the criminals. The (3) __________ of 3. BARBARIC
the thieves and the lack of police intervention had left them feeling vulnerable and
unsafe in their own community. The situation had become (4) __________, and they 4. BEAR
knew they had to take action to protect their family.
With (5) __________ determination, the Smiths began the process of obtaining 5. PARALLEL
the required documents and visas for their move. The complexity of their family's
extraction and citizenship status (6) __________ a great deal of effort and attention to 6. NECESSARY
detail, but they were determined to see it through.
As they prepared for their (7) __________, the Smiths spent countless hours 7. PART
researching all the different (8) __________ of their new country's social and political 8. FIGURE
systems. They wanted to be sure they could adapt and thrive in their new home, and
they knew that understanding the culture and expectations of their new community
would be essential.
Despite the challenges they faced, the Smiths remained hopeful about their
future. They knew that the decision to emigrate was not an easy one, but they were
committed to creating a better life for themselves and their children. They were ready
to leave behind the (9) __________ past that had plagued them for so long and start 9. REPUTE
(10) __________ in a place where they could live without fear and limitations. 10. NEW

Trang 7/9
Part 4: Open cloze (20 pts)
Complete the texts. Use only ONE word for each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
boxes provided in your answer sheet.
Passage 1
A recent case of a rare and often fatal "brain-eating infection" caused by Naegleria fowleri has been
reported in Charlotte County, Florida. The amoeba, (1) _____ typically lives in soil and warm fresh water, can
enter the human body and cause a disease called primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). This living
organism enters the brain through the nasal nerve that relays information (2) _____ smells. Symptoms of the
infection emerge between one and 12 days after N. fowleri enters the nose, and the infection is (3) _____
always fatal.
The Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County (DOH-Charlotte) has confirmed the local case
of N. fowleri infection, "possibly as a (4) _____ of sinus rinse practices utilizing tap water." The Food and
Drug Administration warns that "Tap water isn't safe for (5) _____ as a nasal rinse because it's not adequately
filtered or treated." People should (6) _____ and cool tap water before using, or (7) _____ pass it through a
filter designed to trap infectious organisms; alternatively, distilled or sterile water is (8) _____ safe choice.
The department is investigating (9) _____ this infection occurred and working with the local public
utilities to make any necessary corrective actions. DOH-Charlotte has issued instructions for Charlotte County
residents to avoid water entering (10) _____ nose when bathing, showering, or swimming, and to keep their
swimming pool adequately disinfected.
Passage 2
Strokes occur due to interruptions in the brain's blood supply, (11) _____ to cell death and potentially
fatal consequences. Lifestyle risks, such as smoking, and underlying serious health (12) _____, such as
diabetes, high blood pressure, and irregular heart rhythms, are mainly (13) _____ for causing strokes.
Ischemic and hemorrhagic are the two main types of strokes caused by a blood (14) _____ or bleeding
in the brain, respectively. Strokes can cause chemical changes in the brain that damage cells, resulting (15)
_____ speech difficulties, paralysis, and mental confusion.
(16) _____ the impacts of a stroke are visible, the small chemical and cellular changes that lead to
damage are often hard to detect. Brain cells that don't receive (17) _____ blood can leak enzymes, causing
irreversible damage, and inflammation and other chemical processes in the brain are detrimental as (18)
It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention in (19) _____ of a stroke. Prevention measures such as
a healthy lifestyle, monitoring underlying health conditions, and prompt medical attention can reduce the risk
of stroke and minimize (20) _____ impact on quality of life.

Trang 8/9
Part 5: Key Word Transformation (20 pts)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given in bold. Do
not change the given word and write FROM THREE TO EIGHT words in total. Write your answers in the
space provided in your answer sheet.
1. Rumor has it that they have got divorced, but this is not true. [CONTRARY]
Despite information _______________________________________________________ got divorced.
2. As a novice politician, she quite likes dealing with the public, though she prefers working in the back
office. [AVERSE]
As a novice politician, although she _______________________ she prefers working in the back office.
3. Tom was so disappointed with the company policies that he wanted to resign. [POINT]
Tom __________________________ notice because he was so disappointed with the company policies.
4. The likelihood is that Jane will be appointed to the committee. [STANDS]
Jane _________________________________________________________________ to the committee.
5. The chairman told the employees nothing about his plan to sell the company. [DARK]
The employees __________________________________________________ plan to sell the company.
6. Being in the right mood is so important for composing poems that some poets travel at least once a month
to excite their senses. [FRAME]
Some poets travel at least once a month to excite their senses as being __________________________
___________________________________________________________ crucial in composing poems.
7. Derek has really become more sociable and easy-going since he was offered this job. [SHELL]
It was this job offer that _______________________________________________________________
8. Thomas had just attended his first class in primary school when he got chickenpox. [CAME]
Thomas ___________________________________ just after attending his first class in primary school.
9. Sarah teaches piano much better than I do. [TEACHER]
I am not _____________________________________________________________________ Sarah is.
10. He really made me disappointed when sacking me while I was encountering financial hardships.
He fired me while I was encountering financial hardships, ____________________________________ .

Part 6: Error Identification and Correction (5 pts)

Identify the five mistakes in the following passage and correct them. Write your answers in the table provided
in your answer sheet.
1. The obsessive pursuit of flawlessness often leads to self-doubt and anxiety, as the fear of failure looms
2. over every decision and action takes. This phenomenon is especially prevalent in highly competitive
3. fields, such as academia or the arts, where a person’s success was often measured by objective metrics
4. and constant comparison to another. The pressure to constantly outperform one's peers may be
5. overwhelmed, leading to a constant sense of inadequacy and an unrelenting drive to achieve more. This
6. mentality can also lead to a lack of fulfillment and satisfaction in one's accomplishments, as even the
7. smallest imperfection can be perceived as failure. It is therefore important to recognize the dangers of a
8. compulsory need for perfection and to strive for a healthy balance of self-improvement and self-
9. acceptance.

Trang 9/9
Ngày thi: 18-19/03/2023
(Đáp án gồm có 02 trang)
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Part 1: Reading (28 pts)
Passage 1

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. G 5. F

Passage 2

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B

6. A 7. D 8. B

Passage 3

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B

6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C

Passage 4

1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. F

Part 2: Grammar and Vocabulary (17 pts)

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A

6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A

11. D 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C

16. D 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C

21. A 22. B 23. A / B 24. A 25. D

26. D 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. C

31. A 32. B 33. C 34. C

Part 3: Word formation (10 pts)

1. defamatory 2. impediments 3. barbarism

4. unbearable 5. unparalleled 6. necessitated

7. departure 8. configurations 9. disreputable

10. anew

Trang 1 / 2
Part 4: Open cloze (20 pts)
Passage 1

1. which 2. about 3. almost / nearly 4. result / 5. use


6. boil 7. else 8. another 9. how 10. their/ the

Passage 2

11. leading 12. conditions / 13. responsible 14. clot 15. in

problems / concerns /

16. Although / 17. enough / 18. well 19. case 20. its
Though / While sufficient / adequate

Part 5: Key Word Transformation (20 pts)

1. to the contrary, they + haven’t / have not

2. is not averse to dealing with the public

3. was + on / at + the point of handing in his

4. stands a (good) chance of being appointed

were (kept / left) in the dark about

got left in the dark about

6. in the right frame of mind is

has brought Derek out of his shell

has made Derek come out of his shell

8. came down with chickenpox

9. (nearly) as good (of) a piano teacher as

10. which (really) kicked me in the teeth

Part 6: Error Identification and Correction (5 pts)


2 takes taken

3 was is

4 another others

5 overwhelmed overwhelming

8 compulsory compulsive

Trang 2 / 2

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