Vojta 1996
Vojta 1996
Vojta 1996
c Springer-Verlag 1996
Let X be a closed subvariety of an abelian variety A, and assume that both are
defined over some number field k . Then a conjecture of Lang [L 1] states that
the set of rational points is as small as one might reasonably expect:
Theorem 0.1. The set X (k ) is contained in a finite union Bi (k ), where each Bi
is a translated abelian subvariety of A contained in X .
In [F 1], Faltings proved this in the special case where X ×k k̄ contains no
nontrivial translated abelian subvarieties of A ×k k̄ ; the conclusion in that case
simplifies to the assertion that X (k ) is finite. He proved this in general in [F 2].
This proof is also described in detail in [V 4]; we will follow the latter exposition
closely here.
In this paper we generalize Theorem 0.1 to cover the corresponding statement
for integral points on closed subvarieties of semiabelian varieties:
Theorem 0.2. Let k be a number field, with ring of integers R. Let S be a finite
set of places of k , containing the set of archimedean places, and let RS be the
localization of R away from (non-archimedean) places in S . Let X be a closed
subvariety of a semiabelian variety A; assume both are defined over k . Let X
be a model for X overSSpec RS . Then the set X (RS ) of RS -valued points in X
equals a finite union Bi (RS ), where each Bi is a subscheme of X whose
generic fiber Bi is a translated semiabelian subvariety of A.
A future paper will address similar questions for certain open subvarieties of
Theorem 0.2 partially proves a conjecture of Lang ([L 2], p. 221): Let A
be a semiabelian variety, and let Γ be a finitely generated subgroup of A. Let
Corollary 0.3. Let X be a projective variety defined over a number field k , and
let ρ denote its Picard number. Let D be an effective divisor on X , also defined
over k , which has at least dim X − h 1 (X , OX ) + ρ + 1 geometrically irreducible
components. Then any set of D-integral points on X is not dense in the Zariski
Acknowledgements. I thank S. Lang, M. Nakamaye, G. Faltings, and D. Bertrand for fruitful dis-
cussions concerning this paper. I especially thank the referee for many helpful comments on the
1. Notation
We use the notational conventions of ([V 4], Sect. 5), which for convenience are
summarized here.
For places v and absolute values k · k on a number field k , we use the
conventions of ([V 1], 1.1); in particular, for a place v corresponding to a real or
complex embedding σ : k ,→ C, the absolute value kx kv equals |σ(x )| or |σ(x )|2 ,
respectively, and the product formula reads
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 135
kx kv = 1
for all nonzero x ∈ k . Let Cv denote the completion of the algebraic closure of
the completion kv of k at v; this field is algebraically closed. If v is archimedean
then it is isomorphic to C. The absolute values k · k extend from kv to Cv .
For ρ ≥ 0 and for a given v let
Dρ = {z ∈ Cv | kz k < ρ} and ∂ Dρ = {z ∈ Cv | kz k = ρ} .
Note that these differ from the usual notation if v is a complex place, and that
∂ Dρ is not the topological boundary if v is non-archimedean. Let D = D1 .
We will also use the notations and conventions of arithmetic schemes, as in
for example [V 2] or [V 3], except that complex conjugate pairs of fibers at an
archimedean place will be identified, to conform with the above convention on
absolute values. This is possible because in the Gillet-Soulé theory, all objects at
complex conjugate places are assumed to be taken into each other by conjugating.
In particular, we assume X is an integral arithmetic scheme which is quasi-
projective and flat over Spec R with generic fiber X . This assumption on X
differs from that used in the statement of Theorem 0.2, but the change does not
affect the set X (RS ). The exact choice of X is made in the beginning of Sect.
Throughout this paper we will refer to Q-divisors (divisors with rational coef-
ficients) and Q-divisor classes. The latter are taken to be elements of Div(X ) ⊗ Q
modulo principal (Z-)divisors, as opposed to Pic(X ) ⊗ Q. If D is a Q-divisor,
then writing O (dD) shall implicitly assume that d is sufficiently divisible to
cancel all of the denominators in D.
If g is a Green function or Weil function with respect to a divisor D, then
we say D = div(g) and Supp g = Supp div(g).
In this paper, a variety is an integral scheme of finite type over a field. All
schemes in this paper are assumed to be separated. As in [V 4], we use the
notation line sheaf and vector sheaf to mean invertible sheaf and locally free
sheaf, respectively.
We use N = {0, 1, . . .}.
And finally, on any product (such as An or X n ), let pri denote the projection
onto the i th factor.
A semiabelian variety is a group variety A for which there exists an exact se-
0 → Gµm → A−→A0 → 0 ,
where A0 is an abelian variety. By ([I 2], Lemma 4), A is commutative. In general
the kernel of ρ need not be a split torus, but we may assume this to be the case
by enlarging the number field k ; this will not weaken Theorem 0.2.
136 P. Vojta
Lemma 2.2. For fixed µ and A0 , the set of semiabelian varieties (2.1), modulo
isomorphisms fixing the factors Gµm and A0 , is in 1–1 correspondence with the set
Pic0 (A0 )µ , via the function taking a tuple (M1 , . . . , Mµ ) to the product
(2.2.1) P0 (OA0
⊕ M1 ) ×A0 . . . ×A0 P0 (OA
⊕ Mµ ) ,
where P0 denotes the open subset of P(OA0 ⊕ Mm ) obtained by removing the sec-
tions corresponding to the projections onto each factor of OA0 ⊕ Mm . Moreover,
Pic(A) ∼= Pic(A0 ).
Proof . When µ = 1 the first assertion follows by ([L 2], Ch. 11, Sect. 6); the
general case then follows by ([S 1], Ch. VII, Sect. 1, (10)). The second assertion
is then a consequence of ([H 2], II, Ex. 7.9a). See also ([S 1], Ch. VII) for a
treatment of this topic in full generality.
The group law on A can be described in terms of this construction; see the
proof of Proposition 2.6.
The fact that the Mm lie in Pic0 is vital here: it implies that, although A
may not equal a product of A0 and Gµm , it is close enough to a product that some
of the properties of the product still apply.
We will also frequently use a completion of A to a proper variety Ā, which
will be chosen as the completion
where Zµ = Pic((P1 )µ ). Also let [∞]m and [0]m denote the divisors corresponding
(respectively) to the projections
[0]m ≡ [∞]m , m = 1, . . . , µ .
Note also that by ([I 1], Theorem 2), any morphism of semiabelian varieties
is the composition of a group homomorphism and a translation. Thus, in the
wording “translated semiabelian subvariety,” it is not necessary to specifically
state that the group law on the subvariety is obtained from the group law on A.
The above completed semiabelian varieties have a natural choice of Green
function for the divisors [0]m and [∞]m .
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 137
(2.6.1) λm (P + Q) = λm (P ) + λm (Q)
For divisors D Lon A0 , let λD denote a Néron function as in ([L 2], Ch. 11, 1.1
and 1.5). Let Γ = v R denote the group of Mk -constants; then Néron functions
have the properties:
1. λD+D 0 = λD + λ0D mod Γ ;
2. λ(f ),v = − log kf kv mod Γ ; and
3. λφ∗ D = λD ◦ φ mod Γ for all morphisms φ between abelian varieties for
which φ∗ D is defined.
Moreover, these functions are unique modulo Γ . Then we may define
τ1∗ τ2∗ M ∼
= τ1∗ M ⊗ τ2∗ M ⊗ M −1
which varies algebraically in P1 and P2 and which is the obvious isomorphism
if P1 = 0 or P2 = 0. Therefore there is a rational function u defined by
138 P. Vojta
s ⊗ τ1∗ τ2∗ s
u= .
τ1∗ s ⊗ τ2∗ s
We claim that P1 + P2 corresponds to ρ(P1 ) + ρ(P2 ) and the surjection
λ(s) (ρ(P1 ) + ρ(P2 )) = λ(s) (ρ(P1 )) + λ(s) (ρ(P2 )) − λ(s) (0) − log ku(0)kv .
But the proof of the theorem of the square, viewed in the context of Néron
functions, gives exactly this identity.
At times it will be convenient to use a multiplicative version of λm : the
function αm := e −λm satisfies
(2.9) αm dd c αm = d αm ∧ d c αm ,
and the curvatures of the above Green functions are both equal to
(1 + αm )dd c αm − d αm ∧ d c αm
dd c log(1 + αm ) =
(1 + αm )2
dd αm
= .
(1 + αm )2
Also let αm,i = pr∗i αm on Ān .
3. The divisor
Once and for all, fix an ample symmetric divisor class L0 on A0 , let
L1 = [0]m + [∞]m ,
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 139
and let
L = ρ∗ L0 + L1 .
The following lemma implies that L is ample on Ā.
Lemma 3.1. Let ρ: Ā → A0 be a morphism of complete schemes, all of whose
closed fibers are isomorphic. Let L1 be a nef divisor class on Ā whose restrictions
to closed fibers of ρ are the same under the above isomorphisms, and which is
ample on those fibers. Let L0 be an ample divisor class on A0 . Then L := ρ∗ L0 + L1
is ample.
− log 2 − log 2 + log 2
1 + αm,i
1 + αm,j
1 + αm,i
+ αm,j
= − log 2 2 .
1 + αm,i
1 + αm,j
The result then follows immediately from the fact that this function is bounded
from below and is smooth except near the sets
These sets have codimension two, so they must come from the exceptional set
of πs .
Thus we have
µ X
(3.6) Lδ,s = πs∗ Mδ,s − ij
Qs,m ,
m=1 i <j
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 141
where the last term is effective. For the bulk of the proof it will be convenient
to regard Lδ,s as a subsheaf of πs∗ Mδ,s and replace the notion of section of Lδ,s
with the notion of section of Mδ,s satisfying certain vanishing conditions.
4. Reductions
{a ∈ A | X + a = X }
Theorem 4.2 ([N 1], Sect. 4). If X has trivial Ueno fibration then it is of loga-
rithmic general type.
Theorem 4.3 ([N 1], Lemma 4.1). The union Z (X ) of all nontrivial translated
semiabelian varieties of A contained in X is a finite union of irreducible subvari-
eties of X , each of which has nontrivial Ueno fibration.
By a simple Galois theoretic argument, if X and A are defined over k , then
so are B (X ) and Z (X ).
The general plan, then, is the same as in ([V 4], Sect. 10): we may assume
/ X . It then suffices to show that
that B (X ) is trivial; this implies that Z (X ) =
X (RS ) \ Z (X ) is finite. To do so, let
n = dim X + 1
4.5.1. Each Xi contains Pi (and hence has trivial Ueno fibration since Xi *
Z (X )).
4.5.2. Each Xi is geometrically irreducible and defined over k .
4.5.3. The degrees deg Xi satisfy deg Xi ≤ c3 .
4.5.4. The heights h(Xi ) will be bounded by the formula
h(Xi ) X
≤ c4 .
hL (Pi ) hL (Pi )
i =1 i =1
5. Self-intersections of Lδ,s
Lemma 5.1. If n ≥ dim X + 1, then the rational map f : Xi 99K Ān(n−1)/2
given by (x1 , . . . , xn ) 7→ (xi − xj )i <j is generically finite.
pr∗i E 1,0 (A0 ) ⊗ pr∗j E 0,1 (A0 ) + pr∗i E 0,1 (A0 ) ⊗ pr∗j E 1,0 (A0 ) ⊆ E 1,1 (An0 ) .
Consequently, since
(5.4.1) (si · pri −sj · prj )∗ L0 = si2 pr∗i L0 + sj2 pr∗j L0 − si sj Pij ,
Proof . First note that this self-intersection number is independent of the scheme
on which Lδ,s is taken to be defined. Indeed, given any birational morphism,
Chow’s moving lemma allows us to move the corresponding 0-cycle away from
the exceptional set.
144 P. Vojta
dim Xi
As before, we begin by writing the self-intersection number (Lδ,s ) as a
sum of terms, each of which is a product of either Pij , pr∗i L0 , pr∗i ([0]m + [∞]m ),
or (si2 ·pri −sj2 ·prj )∗ ([0]m +[∞]m ). SuchQproducts can be evaluated by integrating
suitably chosen Chern-like forms over Xi . For Pij and pr∗i L0 we use the same
forms as in the proof of Lemma 5.3; i.e., obtained from a translation-invariant
metric on O (L0 ). For the terms pr∗i ([0]m + [∞]m ) we use (2.10). Finally, for the
terms (si2 · pri −sj2 · prj )∗ ([0]m + [∞]m ) we use
2 s 2 /e
si /e
dd c αm,i αm,j
(5.5.1) 2e · 2
si2 /e sj /e 2
1 + αm,i αm,j
for e ∈ Z, e > 0.
Fixing e for the moment, each of these terms now has a (1, 1)-form attached
to it; this defines a (1, 1)-form Ξ corresponding
Q to Lδ,s . Now Ξ is not necessarily
smooth over any scheme birational to X i , so in general it is not a Chern form
for Lδ,s . However, it is sufficiently close to a Chern form in the sense that the
integral of its top exterior power still equals the highest self-intersection number
Q. This is proved
of Lδ,s as follows. Let a = n(n − 1)/2 and recall the rational map
ψs : X i 99K Āa used in defining Ws . Let f : Āa → Āa be the morphism given
on each factor by multiplication by e. Let V be a desingularization of Ws ×Āa Āa ,
and let g : V → Ws be the projection.
V Āa
g f
y y
Ws −→ Āa
Then g is generically finite. Moreover the forms (5.5.1) come from forms on Āa
which pull back via f to smooth forms which are indeed Chern forms associated
to Green functions as in (2.10). Thus g ∗ Ξ is a Chern form representing g ∗ Lδ,s
and therefore the equality between the integral and the intersection number holds
after pulling back to V . By formal properties of intersection theory (see ([Kl], Ch.
1, Sect. 2, Proposition 6)) and integration, the desired property therefore holds
on Ws . Note in particular that the integral in question is independent of e; the
proof proceeds by breaking the integral into parts and for each part taking the
limit as e → ∞.
However, if one breaks this integral further into subterms in the naı̈ve way,
one obtains divergent integrals. Therefore some care is needed.
Replacing each X i with a desingularization such that L1 pulls back to a normal
crossings divisor does not affect the integral. Therefore it suffices to work on a
bounded open set Ω ⊆ CN such that each αm,i is of the form
ρm,i |zj |2fmij ,
j =1
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 145
For all such i let ρi be a positive smooth function, bounded away from zero on
the closure of Ω, and let βi = ρi γi . We will consider integrals
Z 1/e 1/e
e∂ ∂β
¯ e∂ ∂β
¯ p
Ψ∧ 1
∧ ... ∧ 1/e
Ω (1 + β1 )2 (1 + βp )2
where βi are of the form αja,m /αkb ,m (cf. (5.5.1)). Thus, as in (2.9),
e∂ ∂β
¯ 1/e 1 β 1/e ∂β ∂β
= · · ∧ ,
(1 + β 1/e )2 e (1 + β 1/e )2 β β
and therefore the integral can be rewritten as
Z 1/e 1/e
β1 βp ∂β1 ∂β¯ 1 ∂βp ∂β
¯ p
(5.5.2) e −p ... Ψ∧ ∧ ∧...∧ ∧ .
Ω (1 +
β 1 )2 (1 +
β p )2 β1 β1 βp βp
Lemma 5.5.3. For each positive e ∈ Z, let φe : Ω → C be a function which is
measurable and bounded uniformly in e and z ∈ Ω. Let p, F , γi , ρi , and βi be
as above, and let
κi = |zj |2fij .
j =1
( Z
(−1)N (N −1)/2 (2π)N 0 dd c |zp+1 |2 dd c |zN |2
√ (det F ) φ ∧ . . . ∧
( −1)N Ω∩{z1 =...=zp =0} |zp+1 | |zN |
κ1 κp dd |z1 |
c 2
dd |zp |
c 2
· ... ∧ ... ∧ .
D p (1 + κ 1 ) 2 (1 + κ p )2 |z |2
1 |zp |2
Proof . Since
∂γi X dzj
= fij ,
γi zj
j =1
j = 2 ti fij for j = 1, . . . , N ,
i =1
we have j > 0 for j = 1, . . . , p. But now note that for x > 0 and t ∈ [−1, 1],
≤ xt .
(1 + x )2
In particular, we apply the facts that
βi t /e
1/e 2
≤ βi i , i = 1, . . . , p
(1 + βi )
The second assertion follows from the fact that for a region Ω 0 ⊆ Cp , for
positive smooth ρi : Ω 0 → R, for smooth φ : Ω 0 → C, and for κi as above,
1 (ρ1 κ1 )1/e (ρp κp )1/e dd c |z1 |2 dd c |zp |2
lim p φ(z ) ... ∧ ... ∧
e→∞ e Ω0 (1 + (ρ1 κ1 ) )
1/e 2 (1 + (ρp κp ) ) |z1 |
1/e 2 2 |zp |2
κ1 κp dd c |z1 |2 dd c |zp |2
= φ(0) . . . ∧ . . . ∧ .
Dp (1 + κ1 )2 (1 + κp )2 |z1 |2 |zp |2
This is proved by replacing zi with zie and applying straightforward arguments.
By (, we may then use Fubini’s theorem to reduce the second assertion
of the lemma to the above limit.
Corollary 5.5.4. The same conclusions hold with ( replaced by
Z 1/e 1/e
−p β1 βp
e φe · 1/e
. . . 1/e
( Ω (1 + β1 )2 (1 + βp )2
∂β1 ∂βp d z̄1 d z̄N
· ∧ ... ∧ ∧ dzp+1 ∧ . . . ∧ dzN ∧ ∧ ... ∧ .
β1 βp z̄1 z̄N
Now consider how this expression changes as the matrix F varies. Suppose
fij = sj2 gij . Then det F 0 is quadratic in each of s1 , . . . , sp . Also, letting
ωi = |zj |2gij ,
j =1
1/s 2
by replacing each zj with zj j . Thus the expression (5.5.5) is quadratic in each
of s1 , . . . , sp . As in (5.4.1), however, the form Ψ is also quadratic in each of
sp+1 , . . . , sN . Therefore, keeping track of which Xi each zj comes from gives the
6. A lower bound on h 0
The goal of this section is to prove a lower bound on h 0 (Ws , O (dL−,s )) for some
fixed > 0 and sufficiently large (and divisible) d > 0.
Lemma 6.1. For all (rational) δ > 0, the Q-divisor class Lδ,s is ample.
dim Ws −1
(Hi . Lδ,s )
h 0 (Hi , O (dLδ,s )H ) = d dim Ws −1 (1 + o(1))
i (dim Ws − 1)!
dim Ws −1
(pr∗i L . Lδ,s )
= `d dim Ws −1 (1 + o(1)) .
(dim Ws − 1)!
These two estimates replace the first two estimates in the proof of ([V 4], Propo-
sition 11.5); the proof then continues as in that case, with a little extra care
because of the variable `.
This section gives some preliminary results on Weil functions in preparation for
Sect. 9.
For a general reference on Weil functions, see [L 2] or [L 4]. Instead of
` X × Mk (for a scheme X of finite type over k ), however, we will
working over
work over v X (Cv ). This will be denoted by X (Mk ). Also, Weil functions will
be normalized so that − log kf k is a Weil function for the principal divisor (f ).
The results of [L 2] carry over into this situation.
Definition 7.1. A generalized Weil function on a scheme X of finite type over
k is an equivalence class of pairs (U , g). Here U is a dense Zariski-open subset
of X and g : U (Mk ) → R is a function such that there exists a scheme X e and a
proper birational morphism Φ: X → X such that g ◦ Φ extends to a Weil function
for some divisor De on X e . Pairs (U , g) and (U 0 , g 0 ) are equivalent if g = g 0 on
0 e is an effective divisor. The support
(U ∩ U )(Mk ). We say that g is effective if D
of g, written Supp g, is defined as the set Φ(Supp D).e
Proof . Obvious.
Proposition 7.3. Let g1 and g2 be generalized Weil functions on a proper scheme
X /k . Then g3 := min(g1 , g2 ) is also a generalized Weil function on X . If g1 and
g2 are effective, then so is g3 , and Supp g3 ⊆ Supp g1 ∩ Supp g2 .
X with the graph of the rational map X 99K (P1 )n given by (f1 , . . . , fn ). The first
assertion then follows by standard properties of Weil functions.
To prove the other assertion, assume g1 and g2 are effective. Let Φ : X e →X
∗ ∗
be a proper birational morphism P such that Φ g1 and Φ g2 are Weil functions.
Moreover, writing div(Φ∗ gi ) = niD · D for i = 1, 2 we may assume that prime
divisors D for which n1D > n2D do not meet prime divisors P with n1D < n2D .
Then Φ∗ g3 is also a Weil function, associated to the divisor min(n1D , n2D ) · D.
This easily gives Supp Φ∗ g3 = Supp Φ∗ g1 ∩ Supp Φ∗ g2 . Pushing it down to X
gives the desired inclusion (which may become strict).
Proposition 7.4. Let f : X → Y be a morphism of proper schemes over k and let
g be a generalized Weil function on X whose restriction to a generic closed fiber
of f is effective. Then there exists a generalized Weil function g 0 on Y such that
Supp g 0 does not contain f (X ) and such that f ∗ g 0 ≤ g. If f is surjective then we
may choose g 0 such that Supp g 0 = f (Supp g).
holds for generalized Weil functions nicely defined at some fixed finite subset
F ⊆ X.
Proof . Additivity of min-min generalized Weil functions follows from the identity
Proof . Obvious.
Proposition 7.9. If g1 and g2 are min-min generalized Weil functions on a given
variety, then so are min(g1 , g2 ) and max(g1 , g2 ). If g1 and g2 are nicely defined at
some finite subset F ⊆ X , then so are min(g1 , g2 ) and max(g1 , g2 ).
Definition 8.1. Let K be a local field with valuation ring R, let X be a proper
scheme over Spec R, let L be a line sheaf on X , let U be a Zariski-open subset
of X ×R K , and let γ ∈ Γ (U , L ). For closed points P ∈ U we define kγ(P )k as
follows. Let K1 = K (P ) and let R1 be its valuation ring. The valuative criterion
of properness implies that P extends to a section σ : Spec R1 → X over Spec R.
Then σ ∗ γ is a rational section of σ ∗ L ; letting g be a generator of σ ∗ L we have
σ ∗ γ = ag for some a ∈ K1 . We then define kγ(P )k = kak; this is independent of
the choice of g.
This defines a metric on L , in the sense that if f is a function that is regular
at P then k(f γ)(P )k = kf (P )k · kγ(P )k.
Proposition 8.2. With notation as above, the function P 7→ kγ(P )k is continuous
on U (K ) (in the topology induced by the valuation).
Lemma 8.4.
(a) The above definition is functorial: if, in addition to the above notation,
f : X2 → X is a morphism of proper schemes over Spec R and P2 ∈
b , then kf ∗ γ(P )k = kγ(f (P ))k.
f −1 (U ) K 2 2
b .
(b) If γ ∈ Γ (X , L ) then kγ(P )k ≤ 1 for all P ∈ X K
(c) If a ∈ K then kaγ(P )k = kak · kγ(P )k.
(d) If L2 is another line sheaf on X and γ2 ∈ Γ (U , L2 ) then
Proof . Obvious.
We also note that the converse of (b) holds if X is normal.
Definition 8.5. If X is a proper scheme over a localization of the ring of integers
of a number field, then we define kγ(P )kv for non-archimedean places v by base
change to the completed local ring at v.
Lemma 8.4 holds also in the context of number fields.
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 153
Proof . If L = OX then this is trivial. If L and γ are trivial on the generic fiber
then this follows from parts (b) and (d) of Lemma 8.4. By combining these two
facts with Chow’s lemma and functoriality, we may reduce the problem to the
case where X = PnR , L = O (1), and γ = x0 . In that case it can be checked by
direct computation.
9. An analytic result
This section proves an analytic result which will be needed in Sects. 10 and 11.
For the latter section, it will be important to establish bounds having a uni-
formity as v varies over all places of a number field. This uniformity is provided
by the formalism of Weil functions.
We start with some lemmas.
Proof . By a minor adaption of the proof of Bertini’s theorem, one can show
that the generic hyperplane passing through P0 crosses X transversally except at
finitely many points. This holds even if X has finitely many singular points. Thus,
by induction, the generic linear subspace L0 of codimension n − s containing
P0 meets X transversally except at finitely many points. If L ⊆ L0 is any linear
subspace with P0 ∈ / L and dim L = dim L0 − 1, then the corresponding projection
satisfies the first assertion of the lemma, by ([H 2], III 10.4(iii)). The second
assertion is satisfied for a generic choice of L within L0 , by Bertini’s theorem.
To prove the last assertion, we first assume that X is a curve (possibly re-
ducible) and P0 ∈ X , and show that the generic hyperplane H through P0 crosses
X transversally. Indeed, it is sufficient that H is not tangent to X at P0 and that
it avoid the (finitely many) singular points and the points Q ∈ X \ {P0 } such that
the line P0 Q is tangent to X at Q. Any irreducible component of X containing
infinitely many such Q must be a line through P0 , which the generic hyperplane
avoids. For such generic projections, p is étale at all of p −1 (p(P0 )). This proves
the last assertion.
154 P. Vojta
Lemma 9.2. Let Y ⊆ X be affine schemes of finite type over k and let F be
a finite subset of Y such that X and Y are regular at all P ∈ F and such that
dim OP ,X − dim OP ,Y is independent of P for P ∈ F . Let r equal this constant.
Then there exist f1 , . . . , fr ∈ O (X ) which generate the sheaf of ideals I of Y in
X in a neighborhood of F .
Proof . If r = 0 then this is immediate. If r > 0 then for each P ∈ F there exists
gP ∈ I which lies in the maximal ideal P mP ,X ⊆ OP ,X , but not in m2P ,X . There
exists a suitable linear combination f1 := φP gP for φP ∈ O (X ) which lies in
mP ,X \ m2P ,X for all P . Let X 0 = Spec O (X )/(f1 ); by induction on r there exist
f¯2 , . . . , f¯r ∈ O (X 0 ) generating the sheaf of ideals of Y in X 0 . Lifting the f¯i to
fi ∈ OX for i = 2, . . . , r then gives the required factors.
For vectors z = (z1 , . . . , zr ) ∈ Crv , we define kzkv = max kzi kv if v is
non-archimedean; otherwise we use the standard definition kzk = (|z1 |2 + . . . +
|zr |2 )[kv :R]/2 .
Definition 9.3. Let Y be a projective scheme over k and let g be an effective
generalized Weil function on Y . For each place v let
Υv (g) = {(P , z) ∈ Y (Cv ) × Crv | kzi k < e −g(P ) , i = 1, . . . , r} .
Here, if P ∈ Supp g then we take g(P ) = ∞ so that e −g(P ) = 0.
Note that these two definitions coincide if v is non-archimedean. Strictly
speaking, the value of r should be specified in the notation, but its value will
always be clear from the context. Often these sets will be identified with subsets
of PrY (Cv ).
The goal of the rest of this section is to construct certain rigid analytic maps
with domain Λv (g) or Υv (g). For our purposes, though, it suffices to regard them
as maps such that, for all P ∈ Y (Cv ) with P ∈ / Supp g, the restriction to the disc
or polydisc Λv (g) ∩ {P } × Crv or Υv (g) ∩ {P } × Crv is given by a power series.
The following lemma does most of the work that will be needed.
Lemma 9.4. Let p : Γ → Y be a morphism of equidimensional projective k -
schemes with a regular section σ : Y → Γ , let q : Γ → PrY be a generically
finite morphism such that q ◦ σ equals the canonical section of the natural map
π : PrY → Y with image Y × {[1 : 0 : . . . : 0]}, and let z = (z1 , . . . , zr ) denote
the coordinate functions on Ar = Pr \ {x0 = 0}. Let F be a finite subset of the
image of σ such that Γ is regular at all P ∈ F and such that q is étale in a
neighborhood of F . Then:
(a) There is an effective generalized Weil function g1 on Y with support disjoint
from p(F ) such that, for each v, the map Γ (Cv ) → PrY (Cv ) has a rigid analytic
partial section θv : Λv (g1 ) → Γ whose image contains σ(Y \ Supp g1 ).
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 155
cover Y (Cv ) as V varies over the chosen cover. For each such V fix an open
affine U ⊆ q −1 (V ) containing F and let x1 , . . . , xM be a generating set for O (U )
over k . We may assume that xi = yi ◦ p for i = 1, . . . , `. By Lemma 9.2, there
exist polynomials f`+1 (X ) = f`+1 (X1 , . . . , Xn ), . . . , fM −r (X ) which generate the
sheaf of ideals of Γ in AM near all P ∈ F . We may assume that the coefficients
of f`+1 , . . . , fM −r all lie in R (the ring of integers of k ). Let fM −r+1 , . . . , fM be
polynomials in R[X1 , . . . , XM ] which equal ai · zi ◦ q on U for some ai ∈ k ∗ and
all i = 1, . . . , r.
Fix a non-archimedean place v and Q ∈ V (Cv ) with kxi (Q)k ≤ 1 for all i . For
i = 1, . . . , ` let fi (X ) = Xi − xi (Q); then all of f1 , . . . , fM lie in Rv [X1 , . . . , XM ],
where Rv is the valuation ring of Cv . Let J denote the matrix (∂fi /∂Xj )1≤i ,j ≤M .
All entries in this matrix lie in R[X1 , . . . , XM ] and are independent of v and Q.
The assumption that q is étale near F implies that det J = / 0 at all P ∈ F .
For an M × M matrix A with entries in Cv we let kAk = infkbk=1 kAbk. It
follows that if A is nonsingular then kAk−1 equals the largest absolute value of
an entry of A−1 . If all entries of A lie in Rv , then kAk ≥ k det Ak.
By ([V 4], Corollary 15.13a), there is a rigid analytic lifting of q over the
subset kzk < kJ (σ(Q))k2 / max kai k of π −1 (Q) which maps 0 to σ(Q). (More-
over, as Q varies, the lifting varies rigid analytically since the convergents vary
algebraically in Q.)
Let gV = max 0, − log k det J ◦ σk2 / max kai k . This is an effective gen-
eralized Weil function on Y . Its support is disjoint from F since det J (P ) = / 0
for all P ∈ F . By construction, for all non-archimedean v there exists a unique
lifting of q over
Let g1 be the maximum of all gV . Then g1 satisfies part (a) for all non-
archimedean v.
The proof for archimedean places v is essentially the same, except that it
requires a little more care due to the archimedean property of v. We will work
156 P. Vojta
We will use ([V 4], Lemma 15.8 and Corollary 15.13b), with c = 1/3. We
will use the same open subsets U and V as before; for each such V let C be a
compact subset of V (Cv ) such that the union of all these C cover Y (Cv ). Let
à M M !
X X ∂ 2 f(α) c0
B = max sup vi wj , sup J (α0 ) ;
∂Xi ∂Xj 3 α0 ∈σ(C )
i =1 j =1
here the first supremum is taken over the set of all points α ∈ U (Cv ) of distance
≤ 1 from σ(C ) and the set of all unit vectors u and v in CM . In the second term
in the above maximum,
∞ i 2 −1
0 4 3
(9.4.2) c = .
3 8
i =0
(This second term ensures that ρ < 1 in the statement of ([V 4], Lemma 15.8).)
This variant of Hensel’s lemma then gives a unique complex analytic map θv
over the set ( )
|J (σ(Q))|2
(Q, z) ∈ C × C |z| <
with the desired properties. Letting
D = sup max (α0 ) ,
α0 ∈σ(C ) 1≤i ,j ≤M ∂X j
we have
| det σ(Q)|
|J (σ(Q))| ≥
M ! · D M −1
and therefore g1 will also satisfy part (a) for the archimedean places after adding
the constants [kv : R] log 3B (M ! · D M −1 )2 to g1,v for v | ∞.
To prove (b), we may assume that φ1 , . . . , φs were included among the gen-
erators x1 , . . . , xM of O (U ) in the proof of part (a). Then the application of
Hensel’s lemma bounds the variation in φi . Indeed, if v is non-archimedean,
then ([V 4], (15.5)) implies that
kφi (θv (P , z)) − φi (θv (P , 0))k ≤ ,
kJ (P )k
and in the archimedean case the same inequality holds up to multiplication by
c 0 or c 02 by ([V 4], (15.11)) and (9.4.2). So we may take gi∗ = − log k det J (P )k,
with [kv : R] log c 0 added at archimedean places.
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 157
Proof . The first assertion follows from the proof of ([H 2], II 7.17). It is stated
there only for quasi-projective varieties over k , but the proof can be adapted
to the present situation as follows. First replace ([H 2], II 5.20) with ([H 2],
III Remark 8.8.1). Next, when proving that S and T agree in all large enough
degrees in Step 2, replace the use of finiteness of the integral closure with an
adaptation of the proof of ([H 2], III 5.2).
To prove the second assertion, it suffices to show that given any point P ∈ X
such that f is an isomorphism over a neighborhood of P , one can choose I such
that its corresponding subscheme of X does not contain P . This can be done by
choosing the map OX → J ⊗ M n to be an isomorphism at P .
Proposition 9.8. Let A be a nonsingular projective variety over k , let A and A0
be two projective models for A over R, and let dv and dv0 be the corresponding
distance functions on A(Cv ) for non-archimedean v. Then there exists an Mk -
constant (cv ) such that
dv (P , Q) ≤ e cv dv0 (P , Q)
for all non-archimedean v and all P , Q ∈ A(Cv ).
dv0 (P , Q) ≤ dv (P , Q) ≤ e cv dv0 (P , Q)
158 P. Vojta
dv0 (P , Q)
(9.8.1) dv (P , Q) ≤ .
Proof . We may assume that A is embedded into PN in such a way that ψ(F )
is disjoint from the hyperplane at infinity. Let x1 , . . . , xN denote the coordinates
on AN ⊆ PN . We may assume that x1 , . . . , xN were included among the φi of
part (b) of Lemma 9.4; let g1∗ , . . . , gN∗ be the corresponding generalized Weil
First consider archimedean v; fix such a v. There exists a constant cv0 such
dv (P , Q) ≤ e cv max kxi (P ) − xi (Q)k
for all P , Q ∈ (A ∩ AN )(Cv ) such that the right-hand side is strictly less than
one. If kxi (P )k ≤ 1 for all i then this holds because the sections on PNRv
corresponding to P and Q do not meet the hyperplane at infinity, so the in-
equality follows by Remark 9.6. Otherwise we may assume kx1 (P )k ≥ kxi (P )k
for all i ; preceding assumptions then imply that kx1 (P )k = kx1 (Q)k > 1 and
kx1 (Q)k ≥ kxi (Q)k for all i . Then the sections are contained in the open affine
Spec Rv [1/x1 , x2 /x1 , . . . , xN /x1 ], and (9.9.2) follows from the inequality
xi (P ) xi (Q)
max(kxi (P )kkx1 (P ) − x1 (Q)k, kx1 (Q)kkxi (P ) − xi (Q)k)
x1 (P ) − x1 (Q)
≤ kx1 (P )k2
and from a similar inequality for 1/x1 . Then (9.9.1) follows from (9.9.2) if
ii. if Q ∈ Γ satisfies Q ∈ / Supp g3,i and gD,i (Q) > g3,i (Q) for all i then Q =
θ(P , z) for some (P , z) ∈ Σ and P ∈ / Supp g2,i for any i .
iii. Supp g3,i ⊇ Supp g1 ∪ Supp g2,i .
(a) For any prescribed P0 ∈ D1 ∩ . . . ∩ Dr with π(P0 ) suitably generic, the above
choices can be made such that P0 is not in the support of any of the above
generalized Weil functions.
(b) For any prescribed generalized Weil functions g10 , . . . , gm0 on Γ with P0 ∈/
Supp gj0 for any j , g1 may be chosen sufficiently large such that there exists
an Mk -constant (cv ) with
(9.10.2) gj (θ(P , z)) − gj0 (P ) ≤ cv
At non-archimedean places, (9.4.1) and the fact that kz k < e −g4 imply that
the right-hand side of (9.4.1) is strictly less than kφ1 (P )k. If kφi (P )k ≥
kφ1 (P )k then this implies that kφi (θv (P , z))k = kφi (P )k; otherwise it implies
that kφi (θv (P , z))k ≤ kφ1 (P )k. Thus g10 (θv (P , z)) = g10 (P ). At archimedean
places, a similar argument shows that the right-hand side of (9.4.1) is less than
kφ1 (P )k/2Nv , which in turn gives
Thus if g10 is nicely defined at F then (9.10.2) holds with cv = Nv log 2. (For
arbitrary g10 , (cv ) will be different.)
Now let g1 = g4 + (Nv /2) log r; this implies that Υv (g1 ) ⊆ Λv (g4 ) for all v.
Note that Supp g1 is still disjoint from F .
The above also implies (9.10.1), since gD,i + log kzi k is a generalized Weil
function on Γ for each i .
Next consider condition (ii). Let U be an open affine subset of Γ such that
q U is étale, such that U contains q −1 (q(P0 )), such that p(U ) is contained in an
open affine V ⊆ Y , and such that Di = (fi ) on U , for some f1 , . . . , fr ∈ O (U ).
Let Y 0 = q −1 (Y × [1 : 0 : . . . : 0]). Another application of Lemma 9.4 gives
an effective generalized Weil function g5 on Y 0 such that the injection Y 0 ⊆
Γ extends for each v to a rigid analytic partial section θv0 : Λv (g5 ) → Γ (Cv ).
Moreover, there exists a generalized Weil function g6 on Y 0 such that
g3,1 := max(gD,1 +log kf1 k+p ∗ g9 +Nv log 2, gD,1 +log kz1 k+p ∗ g10 +(Nv /2) log r, 0)
satisfy the requirement of part (ii). To see this, first note that neither Di nor
Supp(− log kzi k) contain any fiber of p, so Supp g3,i ⊇ p −1 (Supp g10 ) for all i .
Now suppose Q ∈ Γ (Cv ) for some v, and Q ∈ / Supp g3,i for any i . If q(Q) ∈
Λv (g10 ) then q(Q) ∈
/ Υv (g10 + (Nv /2) log r) and therefore, trivially,
for some i ; thus g3,i (Q) ≥ gD,i (Q). Otherwise Q = θv0 (P , z) for some P ∈ Y 0
and, by (9.10.3),
kf1 (θv0 (P , z)) − f1 (θv0 (P , 0))k ≤ e g8 (q(P ))−g10 (q(P )) ≤ e −g9 (q(P ))−Nv log 2
and therefore
kf1 (Q)k < e −g9 (p(P )) 2Nv
if and only if Q lies in the image of the θv constructed earlier. In particular, if
Q is outside the image of θv then − log kf1 (Q)k ≤ g9 (p(Q)) + Nv log 2, which
again implies g3,i (Q) ≥ gD,i (Q). Thus (ii) holds.
Finally, we may increase g3,i such that Supp g3,i ⊇ Supp g1 ∪ Supp g2,i for
all i . This gives (iii).
A divisor with simple normal crossings is a divisor whose components are
smooth, meeting transversally. Here we allow the components to be multiple.
Proposition 9.11. Let π : Γ → C be a projective morphism to a projective variety
over k , let D be a Cartier divisor on Γ which is effective on the generic fiber,
and let gD be a Weil function for D. Let L1 , . . . , LL be line sheaves on Γ and let
0 0
c1,v , . . . , cL,v and c1,v , . . . , cL,v be constants such that for all i : 0 < ci ,v ≤ ci0,v
for all v, ci ,v = ci ,v for almost all v, and ci ,v < ci0,v if v is archimedean. Then
iv. for all i and all v there exist sections γi ∈ Γ (Dr , φ∗ Li ) whose norms satisfy
ci ,v ≤ kγi k ≤ ci0,v
on all of Dr .
Moreover, as φ varies, the tuple (f1 , . . . , fr ) takes on only finitely many values.
If in addition the generic fiber of π is smooth, if the restriction of D to that generic
fiber has simple normal crossings, and if ξ is suitably generic, then the image of
φ crosses D transversally.
Proof . First, we immediately reduce to the case where the generic fiber of π
is smooth, and the restriction of D to this fiber is a divisor with simple normal
Let D1 , . . . , Dr be the components of D. Applying the lemma to D1 ∩. . .∩Dr
with various P0 gives various g1,j , g2,i ,j , and g3,i ,j such that ∩j ∪i Supp g3,i ,j does
not meet D1 ∩. . .∩Dr on the generic fiber of π. Then the generalized Weil function
for all z ∈ Dr .
This section defines models over R for A, Ā, X , Xi , and the line sheaves M−,s to
models over Spec R. Extending L−,s would lead to technical difficulties, how-
ever, so instead of doing that we spend the bulk of this section working around
that difficulty.
To begin, we choose a model A¯ for Ā, as follows. Fix a model A0 for A0
such that the line sheaf O (L0 ) and the line sheaves Mm of Sect. 2 extend as
line sheaves to A0 . Then the construction (2.3) gives a model A¯ for Ā. Again
let [∞]m and [0]m correspond to the projections (2.5); they are the closures in
A¯ of the corresponding divisors in Ā. Let A denote the complement of their
union; it is therefore a model for A.
Let X be the closure of X in A; it is a model for X . Of course, this
model is not necessarily the same as the model X chosen in Theorem 0.2. To
fix this discrepancy, the extended line sheaves Mm can be tensored with some
fractional ideal in R; then finitely many modified models obtained from these
modified Mm will have the property that the union of their sets of integral points
will contain the set of integral points X (RS ) from Theorem 0.2. Or, one can
also fix this discrepancy by enlarging the set S of exceptional primes. In either
case, we assume from now on that X is the closure of X in the model A
constructed above, and that X is the closure of X in A. ¯
Now let V0 be the model for A0 constructed as in ([V 4], Sect. 13); we may
Such a section will be constructed in Sect. 12, for sufficiently large d . This
will be done by applying geometry of numbers arguments to various terms in
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 165
a modified Faltings complex. This section and the next develop the machinery
necessary for dealing with the vanishing conditions in that complex.
Let ` be an integer such that O (`L) and O (`L0 ) are generated by their global
sections over Ā and A0 , respectively. Then the sheaves
n ∗ ∗ 2 ∗
(10.2) O ` (ρ ) (si · pri +sj · prj ) L0 + `(n − 1) si pri L
i <j
(10.3) X
n ∗ ∗ n ∗ ∗
O ` (ρ ) (si · pri −sj · prj ) L0 ⊗O ` (ρ ) (si · pri +sj · prj ) L0
i <j i <j
=O 2`(n − 1) si2 pr∗i ρ∗ L0
are generated by their global sections over Ān , and remain so when pulled back
to Ws . Letting
L00 = 4(n − 1)ρ∗ L0 + (n − 1)L1 + (n − 1 − )L ,
we can create a Faltings complex as in ([V 4], Sect. 9):
X a β X b
0 → Γ (V , dM−,s )−→Γ V , d si2 pr∗i L0 −→Γ V , d si2 pr∗i L00 .
Here the maps α and β are defined by tensoring with sections of the sheaves in
(10.2) and (10.3), respectively. Also a and b are independent of d and s.
To construct the desired section, then, we use the Faltings complex to con-
struct a suitable set of sections of Γ (V , dM−,s ), and then show that one can
obtain a section of O (dL−,s ) by imposing certain vanishing conditions on the
sections of O (dM−,s ). These vanishing conditions will be treated in the next
section; the remainder of this section compares the modules Γ (V , dM−,s ) and
Γ (Ws , dL−,s ). First of all, the difference between the two divisor classes in ques-
tion is an effective divisor, so the module Γ (Ws , dL−,s ) can be regarded as a
submodule of Γ (Ws , dM−,s ).
We now compare their metrics. This will be done in the slightly more general
context of singular metrics on O (dM−,s ). These will be metrics of the form
(10.5) k · k0 = Q P
exp(−eij pr∗i gij )
j =1 i ∈Ij
Here each Ij is a nonempty subset of {1, . . . , n}, each gij is some effective Green
function on Ā, and each eij is a positive integer. Moreover, Ij , gij , and eij /dsi2
166 P. Vojta
are independent of d and s. In the case at hand, we use the Green functions (2.8)
and the inequality
2 2
(α + β)2 1 1 α β
(10.6) + +
(1 + α)2 (1 + β)2 1+α 1+β 1+α 1+β
(10.8.1) Ψ= kzk k`ijk .
j =1 i ∈Ij k =1
Then every power series f : Dr → Cv such that kf (z1 , . . . , zr )k Ψ is bounded
kf k
sup ≤ c ` sup kf k
Dr Ψ Dr
for some constant c depending only on r and I1 , . . . , IJ .
Proof . Let Q ∈ Dr and fix ρ ∈ (1/2, 1) with ρ ≥ max kzk (Q)k. It will suffice to
show that
kf (Q)k kf k
(10.8.2) ≤ c ` sup .
Ψ (Q) (∂ Dρ )r Ψ
After rearranging coordinates, we may assume that kzk (Q)k < ρ for k =
1, . . . , s and kzk (Q)k = ρ for k = s + 1, . . . , r. We prove (10.8.2) by induction on
s. If s = 0 then we are done. Otherwise, find integers mk ≥ 0, numbers ωk ∈ Cv
with ρ ≤ kωk k ≤ 2, and ξ ∈ D such that
zk (Q) = ωk ξ mk
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 167
for k = 1, . . . , r. Note that the restrictions on kωk k imply that mk > 0 if and
only if k ≤ s. Letting ξ vary defines a curve in Dρ on which
Ψ #Ij · kξkm
j =1
for some integer m ≥ 0; moreover the constants are of the form c ` (even if
m m
` = 0). By the maximum principle applied to f (ω1 ξ1 1 , . . . , ωk ξk k )/ξ m , we may
move Q to a point with one more of its coordinates lying on ∂ D, but affecting
kf k Ψ by at most a factor of c ` . This then gives (10.8.2) by induction.
Lemma 10.9. Let I1 , . . . , Ij and gij (j ∈ Ii ) be as above. For i = 1, . . . , n let
πi : Γi → Ci be morphisms of projective varieties, and let ψi : Γi → Ā be mor-
phisms. Then there exist generalized Green functions g1 , . . . , gn on C1 , . . . , Cn ,
respectively, and an Mk -constant (cv ) with the following properties. For each
v, forQeach ξ1 , . . . , ξn in C1 , . . . , Cn with ξi ∈ / Supp gi for all i , and for each
P ∈ X i (Cv ) (where Q X i := π −1
(ξ i )) there exists an integer r ≥ 0 and a power
series map φ: Dr → X i (Cv ) such that:
on Dri ; and
(c) for all i the sheaves φ∗i ρ∗ O (L0 ) and φ∗i O (L1 ) have sections on Dri whose
metric lies in the interval (1/2, 1) if v is archimedean or is identically equal
to 1 if v is non-archimedean.
Indeed, (a) follows from condition (i) of Proposition 9.11, (b) follows from
(iii), and (c) follows from (iv). Moreover, for any prescribed extended model of
A0 and for any prescribed c > 0, ri and φi can be chosen such that
168 P. Vojta
ri ). This map automatically satisfies (i) and (ii) above. To show (iii), it suffices
to show that for all i and j with 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, the Poincaré sheaf φ∗ Pij has a
section on Dr whose metric lies in the interval (1/2, 1) if v is archimedean or is
identically 1 if v is non-archimedean. To see this, fix any extended model for A0
and let dvn denote the corresponding distance on A0 (Cv )n . If v is archimedean,
then a compactness argument shows that there exists c > 0 such that for all
P ∈ A0 (Cv )n there exists a rational section of Pij whose metric on the set
This section describes how to use derivative conditions to define the set
Γ 0 (V , dM−,s ) of sections γ ∈ Γ (V , dM−,s ) whose metric (10.5) is bounded.
For this section let L2 be the union of the supports of the Green functions
pr∗i gij in (10.5). By an embedded resolution of singularities we may replace each
X i with a smooth proper X ei such that the support of L2 on X ei is a divisor with
simple normal crossings; i.e., components of the support are smooth and cross
Definition 11.1. Let R≥0 denote the set of nonnegative real numbers. If e, f ∈
RN≥0 , then we say e ≤ f if the inequality holds for all components. Then:
(a) A leading set in RN≥0 is a subset σ such that e ∈ σ and f ≤ e implies f ∈ σ.
(b) A leading set is boundedly generated if it can be written as a union of sets
pr∗I σI , as I varies over subsets of {1, . . . , N }, where each σI is a bounded
subset of R#I ≥0 . (Here prI denotes the projection to R≥0 obtained by throwing
This is a big generalization of the notion of the index. The situation here
is complicated by the fact that the sheaf defined by k · k0 is a tensor product
of sheaves defined by the index, but with varying sets of multiplicities and
involving different subsets of the variables. This happens because the restrictions
ei can involve several components of L2 with different
of pr∗i [0]m and pr∗i [∞]m to X
In this section and the next, such leading sets will be used to indicate the
required vanishing of the corresponding power series coefficients. The reason
for the σI is that one can ensure the vanishing of T all coefficients in pr∗I σI by
considering finitely many partial derivatives along i ∈I {zi = 0}. The orders of
these derivatives also need to be bounded; hence the notion of multiweight.
Lemma 11.2. Fix an embedding ofQk into C. Then there exists a constant c
with the following property. Let U ⊆ X ei (C) be a coordinated open subset such
that the support of L2 is contained in the union of the coordinate hyperplanes,
and such that all coordinates zk are pull-backs of local coordinates from X ei (k ) .
Let γ0 be a local generator of O (dM−,s ) U . Then there exists a leading subset
σ ⊆ RN≥0 , boundedly generated of multiweight ≤ (cdsi2(1) , . . . , cdsi2(N ) ), such that
a local section γ ∈ Γ (U , dM−,s ) lies in Γ 0 (U , dM−,s ) if and only if
170 P. Vojta
r1 rN
∂ ∂ γ
(11.2.1) ... (0, . . . , 0) = 0
∂z1 ∂zN γ0
gij = −fijk log kzk k
k =1
for some integers fijk . Let σ be the complement of the set of all (r1 , . . . , rN ) ∈ RN≥0
such that
ÃN !
Y Y eij fijk
(11.2.2) tk max tk
i ∈Ij
k =1 j k =1
holds for all tuples s, all `1 , . . . , `J ∈ N, all sufficiently divisible d , and all places
v of k . Moreover, if each Dj is the pull-back of a metrized divisor on Γi (j ) , then
each gj can be taken as the pull-back of a generalized Weil function on Ci (j ) .
Proof . Let v be a place and let P ∈ X ei (Cv ) be a point where the supremum
on the left is attained. Applying Lemma 10.9 with the gij ’s corresponding to
gD,1 , . . . , gD,J (appropriately collated) gives an integer r ≥ 0 and a power series
map φ : Dr → Xei (Cv ) satisfying the conditions of the lemma. In particular,
divide γ by the section in condition (iii). This gives a power series f on Dr
which satisfies
(11.3.1) − log kf ksup ≥ − log kγksup,v − cv d si2 .
ka` k ≤ sup kf k .
This inequality holds by Cauchy’s inequalities ([V 4], Lemma 15.1).
Summing this inequality over all places v of k and applying Lemma 8.4 (f)
then gives the following bound of heights.
Theorem 11.4. There exist height functions h1 , . . . , hJ on Ci and a constant
c such that, for any tuple `, we may clear denominators in the map γ 7→ D` γ to
Q f
obtain an R-module map D`0 from the appropriate subset of Γ Xi , O (dM−,s )
to the R-module
n Y \
γ∈Γ X fi ∩ Dj , O (dM−,s − `1 D1 − . . . − `J DJ )T D
kγksup,v ≤ 1 for all v ∈/ S∞ .
(11.4.1) kD`0 γkv ≤ kγkv · exp `1 h1 (ξ) + . . . + `J hJ (ξ) + cd si2 .
v|∞ v|∞
(11.5.1) Ã !
n Xp X
0 00
kγksup,v ≥ exp −c di h(ξi ) − c di dj h(ξi )h(ξj ) − c di .
v i =1 i <j i =1
0 00
Here the constants c, c , and c depend only on π1 , . . . , πn , r, and the metrized
divisor classes.
Proof . For all i let mi = dim Γi − dim Ci and let ψi : Γi → PCii be a generically
finite rational map which is finite over the generic point of Ci . After expanding
Γi , we may assume that ψi is a morphism. The proof of ([V 4], Corollary 18.3)
shows that there exist generically finite surjective morphisms φi : Γi] → Γi such
that the metrized divisor classes Li and L0i define norms L]i and (L0i )] on Γi] which
agree with suitable multiples of φ∗ ψ ∗ O (1) up to divisors supported on fiber
components over Spec R and, correspondingly, changes of metrics at archimedean
places. This proof also constructs norms Mij] associated to Mij on Γi] ×R Γj] ; the
following lemma characterizes these norms.
Lemma 11.5.2. For i = 1, 2 let πi] : Γi] → Ci be a surjective morphism of
complex projective varieties, let Ai be abelian varieties, and let ρ]i : Γi] → Ai be
morphisms. Let P be a divisor class on A1 ×A2 whose restrictions to {0}×A2 and
A1 × {0} are algebraically equivalent to zero, and let M = (ρ]1 × ρ]2 )∗ P . Assume
that C1 and C2 are normal, and that the restriction of M to the generic fiber of
π1] × π2] is trivial. Then some positive integral multiple of M equals (π1] × π2] )∗ M 0
for some divisor class M 0 on C1 ×C2 . Moreover, the restrictions of M 0 to {ξ1 }×C2
and C1 × {ξ2 } are trivial for ξ1 ∈ C1 and ξ2 ∈ C2 .
generic (ξ1 , ξ2 ), ρ]1 ((π1] )−1 (ξ1 )) × ρ]2 ((π2] )−1 (ξ2 )) spans the corresponding translate
of D1 × D2 as an abelian variety (for any choice of origin); hence some positive
multiple mP is trivial on this translate. Moreover, there exists one m which works
for all (ξ1 , ξ2 ). For i = 1, 2 let αi : Bi → Ei be the quotient under the action of Di ;
then by ([H 2], III Ex. 12.4) there exists a divisor class Q on E1 × E2 such that
mP = (α1 × α2 )∗ Q. Since fibers of πi] are collapsed by αi , there exist morphisms
βi : Ci → Ei making the following diagram commute:
Γi] −→i
Bi ⊆ Ai
] α
yπi y i
Ci −→ Ei
Let M 0 = (β1 × β2 )∗ Q. It then follows that mM = (π1 × π2 )∗ M 0 .
Finally, the restrictions of M to {η1 } × Γ2] and Γ1] × {η2 } (for η1 ∈ Γ1] and
η2 ∈ Γ2] ) are numerically equivalent to zero; hence a similar statement is true
for M 0 . The last assertion of the lemma then follows from [Ma].
The statement of the proposition is unchanged if we multiply all divisor
classes by a positive integer and raise γ to that same power. Therefore we may
assume that Mij] is a pull-back of a metrized divisor class on Ci × Cj , as in the
lemma, up to changes at fiber components over Spec R and changes in metrics.
deg ψ
When applying the lemma, note that Ai = A0 i .
Corresponding to the section γ there is a nonzero global section
à !
Y ] X X Xp
] ∗ ] ∗ 0] ∗ ]
γ ∈Γ Γi , di pri Li + `i pri Li + di dj (pri × prj ) Mij .
i <j
The above divisor class coincides with a product of multiples of pr∗i φ∗i ψi∗ O (1)
up to fiber components over Spec R, changes of metrics, and a divisor class
di dj (pri × prj )∗ (πi] × πj] )∗ Mij0 ,
i <j
where Mij0 is as in the lemma. However, we note that Poincaré-like divisors Mij0
(11.5.3) hM 0 (ξi , ξj ) ≤ c 0 h(ξi )h(ξj ) .
Let Γ be a metrized, torsion free finitely generated module of rank δ over the
ring of integers R of k . For all archimedean places v of k , let the completion
Γv := Γ ⊗R kv of Γ at v be given a Haar measure such that the unit ball has
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 175
measure 1, and let covol(Γ Q ) denote the covolume of Γ in v|∞ Γv . Define a
length function `(γ) = v kγkv , and for i = 1, . . . , δ define successive minima
λi to be the minimum λ such that there exist R-linearly independent elements
γ1 , . . . , γi ∈ Γ such that `(γj ) ≤ λ for all j = 1, . . . , i .
Lemma 12.1. In this situation, there exist constants c5 and c6 depending only on
k such that
λ1 . . . λ δ
≤ c6δ δ [k :Q]δ/2 .
(12.1.1) ≤
c5δ δ [k :Q]δ/2 covol(Γ )
Proof . This follows from ([V 1], Theorem 6.1.11 and Remark 6.1.12). (When
k = Q this is Minkowski’s “second theorem.”) The factors δ ±[k :Q]δ/2 come from
the factorials in loc. cit. and from the volume of the unit ball in Euclidean space.
Lemma 12.2. Let β : Γ1 → Γ2 be a homomorphism of metrized R-modules. Let
δ0 and δ2 be the ranks (over R) of the kernel and image of β, respectively. For
all v | ∞ assume that Cv is a constant such that
(12.2.1) kβ(γ)kv ≤ Cv kγkv for all γ ∈ Γ1 ,
and let C = v|∞ Cv . Then
0 −→ Γ (V , dM−,s )
P a β P b
−→ Γ V , d si2 pr∗i L0 −→ Γ V , d si2 pr∗i L00
∪ P∪ a
Γ 0 (V , dM−,s ) −→ Γ 0 V , d si2 pr∗i L0 ,
where the top row is the Faltings complex (10.4) and the symbols Γ 0 in the
bottom row denote the submodules of sections γQfor which kγk0Q is bounded.
First, note that if F is a divisor class on X i , then Γ X i , dF ) ,→
Γ (V , dF ) and the cokernel is annihilated by an integer independent of d . There-
fore we may pass between the two modules a few times without affecting the
To shorten notation, let Γ0 , Γ1 , and Γ2 denote the modules in the top row,
and Γ00 and Γ10 the modules in the bottom row. For all except Γ2 , we shall use
metrics induced by the injections into Γ1 ; on Γ1 and Γ2 the metrics shall be
those induced by the largest of the sup norms on the direct summands. Also let
δ1 = rank Γ1 .
First, by ([V 4], Lemma 13.8),
X [k :Q]δ /2
covol(Γ1 ) ≤ exp δ1 · cd si2 · δ1 1
≤ exp δ1 · cd si2 ,
where each Γ1,f is the kernel of a map βf from Γ1,f −1 to some module determined
by certain partial derivatives, as in Lemma 11.2. We will apply Lemma 12.2 to
βf . First consider (11.4.1). Since each Dj in Theorem 11.4 is the pull-back of a
metrized divisor on some X ei , the corresponding height satisfies h(ξj ) ≤ ch(Xi (j ) )+
c 0 . Moreover by Lemma 11.2 the factors `j are bounded by cdsi2 , so P by2 (4.5.4)
and the condition (12.3) on s, theP bound
(11.4.1) is at most exp cd si . Thus
(12.2.1) holds with C = exp cd si2 . Similarly, (4.5.4) and (12.3) (with Pdi =
dsi2 ) imply that the right-hand side of (11.5.1) is not smaller than exp −cd si2 .
This gives
covol(βf (Γ1,f −1 )) ≥ exp − rank βf (Γ1,f −1 ) · cd si2 .
By (12.2.2), therefore,
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 177
covol(Γ1,f ) X
≤ exp δ1 · cd si2
covol(Γ1,f −1 )
and thus, by descending induction on f ,
covol(Γ10 ) ≤ exp δ1 · cd si2 .
Here we note that some steps can be done in Pparallel: in fact, the above bounds
on the `j imply that we can take m ≤ cd si2 , so the power of 2 in (12.2.2)
does not affect the shape of this estimate.
Next, it is an easy matter to bound covol(Γ00 ); this argument is the same as
in [F 1]. Indeed, by ([V 4], Lemma 13.9),
covol(β(Γ10 )) ≥ exp − rank β(Γ10 ) · cd si2 ,
and by construction (12.2.1) holds with C ≤ exp cd si2 . Thus by (12.2.2)
(12.4.2) covol(Γ00 ) ≤ exp δ1 · cd si2 .
Now let δ00 = rank Γ00 . By Proposition 10.7, δ1 /δ00 is bounded, so (12.4.2)
holds (after adjusting c) with δ1 replaced by δ00 . Then, by the second half of
(12.1.1), there exists a nonzero section γ ∈ Γ00 with
kγkv ≤ exp cd si2 .
This formula still refers to the norm on Γ1 ; however, by ([V 4], Lemma 13.2b
and Corollary 13.7), the same bound holds using the norm on Γ (V , dM−,s ).
Applying Proposition 10.10 then gives the following result:
Proposition 12.5. Let P ∈ Xi (k ) and let γ be a global section as in Theorem
12.4. Then we have
à ! 2
ds 2 2
Y X n YY µ Y αvmii + αvmjj
kγ(P )kv ≤ exp cd si2 · ,
ds 2 2 dsj2 2
v∈S i =1 v∈S m=1 i <j 1 + α i 1 + α
vmi vmj
The next few steps of the proof of Theorem 0.2 are much the same as have
appeared previously; therefore they can be described very quickly.
To begin, for places v ∈ S let λm,v be the Weil function defined in Proposition
2.6. The set A(RS ) can be embedded into the finite dimensional vector space
V := A0 (k ) ⊗Z R ⊕ Rµ·#S
(This equality requires the fact that P ∈ A(RS ). It will be needed for (13.7).)
This argument uses the same sphere packing argument as in [V 4], except
that now it must take place simultaneously on two spheres, due to the fact that
hL0 behaves quadratically in the group law, whereas hL1 behaves linearly. But
note that both hL0 and hL1 are bounded from below, and hL = hL0 + hL1 . Then,
for points P ∈ A(RS ), the points
· ρ(P ) ∈ A0 (k ) ⊗Z R
hL (P )
∈ R#S ·µ ;
· λm,v (P )
hL (P ) v∈S , 1≤m≤µ
both lie in the unit balls relative to the length functions `0 and `1 , respectively.
Now we assume that for some predetermined 1 > 0, the points P1 , . . . , Pn
have been chosen such that
à !
1 1
(13.2) `0 √ · ρ(Pi ) − p · ρ(Pj ) ≤ 1
hL (Pi ) hL (Pj )
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, I 179
1 1
(13.3) `1 · Pi − · Pj ≤ 1
hL (Pi ) hL (Pj )
for all i < j . For such
√a tuple (P1 , . . . , Pn ) choose rational numbers s1 , . . . , sn
sufficiently close to 1 hL (Pi ), i = 1, . . . , n, such that
(13.4) `0 si · ρ(Pi ) − sj · ρ(Pj ) ≤ 1
(13.5) `1 si2 · Pi − sj2 · Pj ≤ 1
for all i < j .
Let E be the arithmetic curve on V corresponding to (P1 , . . . , Pn ). Applying
(13.4) to the definition (3.3) of M−,s gives
1 n(n − 1) X
n X
deg M−,s E ≤ 1 − n + (n − 1) si2 hL1 (Pi ) + O si2 .
[k : Q] 2
i =1
This follows as in ([V 4], 17.2). But also (13.5) implies that `1 (dsi2 ·Pi −dsj2 ·Pj ) ≤
d 1 ; combining this with the inequality
(α + β)2 1 1
min α, min β, e | log(α/β)| , α > 0, β > 0
(1 + α)2 (1 + β)2 α β
implies that
dsi2 hL1 (Pi ) + dsj2 hL1 (Pj )
ds 2 2
ds 2
1 XX
µ αvmii + αvmjj X .
≤ − log si2
[k : Q] + d 1 + O d
dsi2 2 dsj2 2
v∈S m=1 1 + αvmi 1 + αvmj
ds 2 2
ds 2
µ αvmii + αvmjj
(n − 1) dsi2 hL1 (Pi ) ≤ − log
[k : Q]
ds 2 2 ds 2 2
i =1 i <j
v∈S m=1 1 + αvmii 1 + αvmjj
n(n − 1)d X
+ 1 + O d si2 .
Combining this with (13.6) and (12.5.1) then gives
1 X
− log
γ E
v ≤ dn((n − 1)1 − ) + O d si2 .
[k : Q]
v ∈S
If 1 and 2 > 0 are chosen sufficiently small and if the heights hL (Pi ) are
sufficiently large, then this bound becomes
180 P. Vojta
1 X
− log
γ E
v ≤ −d 2 .
[k : Q]
v ∈S
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