Pfaffian Equations and The Cartier Operator
Pfaffian Equations and The Cartier Operator
Pfaffian Equations and The Cartier Operator
c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY, 10027
Current address: Dept. of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ85750.
1. Notation
k = algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0
X = smooth, irreducible, projective variety over k
K = function field of X
L 1 or, by choosing an isomorphism L 1 ' OX (E ) K , as a meromorphic
differential form ! on X . We say that the Pfaffian equation has a first integral if
there is a non-empty open subset U X and a smooth map f : U !P1 such that
LU ' f
1P1 as subsheaves of
1X ; that is, if L ‘comes from’ a rational map to a
curve. In this case, f , viewed as a rational function, is called a first integral. Note
that as rational differential forms, df ^ ! = 0.
A (reduced and irreducible) subvariety of codimension one i: D ,! X is said
to be a hypersurface solution for ! , if i ! = 0, as a section of
L 1 . This is
the same as requiring the composed map
1X !i
1D ;
to be zero. Note that if ! has a first integral f , then the closure of the irreducible
components of f = hp are solutions, for any rational function h. The reader is
referred to [4] for a discussion of relations to classical differential equations.
If D is represented as a Cartier divisor by a collection (fi ; Ui ), then D is a
solution for ! if and only if (dfi =fi ) ^ ! 2 (Ui ;
L 1 ) for each i.
The paper [4] studies Pfaffian equations on compact complex manifolds sat-
isfying certain conditions on its Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence. The main
result there is that for Pfaffian equations on such manifolds, there are infinitely
many irreducible hypersurface solutions only in the trivial case when ! admits a
first integral. We wish to generalize this to include the case of varieties in posi-
tive characteristic. For compact smooth varieties in characteristic zero, Jouanolou’s
condition is automatically satisfied. However, an hypothesis is necessary over fields
of positive characteristic:
THEOREM 1. Suppose all global one-forms on X are closed and ! does not have
a first integral. Then there are only finitely many irreducible hypersurface solutions
for ! .
The proof of this theorem is largely modeled on the complex case studied
by Jouanolou. However the existence of non-constant d-closed functions, namely
p-powers, keeps the translation from being entirely straightforward. It was thus
quite surprising to the author that a pleasant resolution arises from the systematic
use of the Cartier operator. That is, this endows the eventual proof with a nature
particular to characteristic p. The relation between the solution varieties of a closed
differential form and of its Cartier descendants seems to deserve careful study.
This theorem has been used by Vojta (in characteristic zero) [6] to obtain
bounds for heights on algebraic points for curves over function fields. It also
can be used to bound families of curves on surfaces satisfying certain numerical
conditions, as a consequence of Bogomolov’s inequality [1]. Although the class
of surfaces satisfying Bogomolov’s inequality in positive characteristic is still
unknown, this paper illustrates that intimately related results can be obtained,
provided certain ‘ordinarity hypotheses’ are made. One can conjecture, then, that
the counterexamples to Bogomolov’s inequality in positive characteristic arise from
a failure of ordinarity.
2. Preliminaries
We will need a few facts about the de Rham cohomology HDRi
(X ) := Hi (X;
X )
of X (the boldface denotes hypercohomology) as well as the crystalline cohomo-
logy Hcri
(X=W ) of X with coefficients in the Witt vectors W of k. The latter
can be realized as the hypercohomology of the de Rham–Witt complex W
X [3].
There is a map of complexes
X !
X ;
which induces a map from the slope spectral sequence
H q (W
pX ) ) Hcrp+q (X );
H q (
pX ) ) HDR
(X ):
Recall the following facts about the slope spectral sequence ([3] Corollary II.3.3
and Proposition II.3.11)
E1p;0 = E1p;0 = H 0 (W
pX );
E10;1 = E10;1 = H 1(W OX ):
Given an invertible sheaf L on X , we can associate to it a first Chern class c1 (L)
in the crystalline cohomology of X by using the map of complexes
OX [ 1]!W
X ;
given by the logarithmic derivative f 7! df=
~ f~ (f~ = (f; 0; 0; : : :) 2 W OX ). That
is, this map of complexes induces the Chern class map
OX [ 1]!F 1 W
X ;
and () implies, in fact, that
H2 (F 1 W
X ) Hcr
(X );
so that the Chern class can be seen as lying in the first group.
There is also a quotient map F 1 W
X [1]!W
1X , sending c1 (L) to the Chern–
Hodge class ch(L) 2 E1 1;1 H 1 (W
1 ). Its image ch0 (L) inside H 1 (
1 ) is the
usual Chern–Hodge class, which may be interpreted as the class of the
1X -torsor
given by the connections on L. In particular, L admits a connection iff ch0 (L) = 0.
Recall that if L is associated to the Cartier divisor (fi ; Ui ) with transition functions
gij , then a connection is equivalent to the data of regular 1-forms Ai on Ui satisfying
Ai Aj = (dfi=fi ) (dfj =fj ) = dgij =gij . We shall refer to such a collection
also as connection forms for the Cartier divisor, as well as for the invertible sheaf
it defines. The relation between ch0 (L) and connections on L follows from a
straightforward computation using Cech cocyles for the de Rham complex, and the
same computation for W
X yields the fact that if ch(L) = 0, then we can find
local sections A~i of W
1X , which satisfy A~i A~j = dg~ij =g~ij ; and which therefore
reduce to connection forms for L. Since W
X forms a differential graded algebra,
we get d(dg~ij =g~ij ) = 0, so we see that dA~i = dA~j . Therefore, the collection (dA~i )
~ of W
2X , which reduces to the usual curvature form R
defines a global section R
of the connection (Ai ). As a special case of ()
E12;0 = E12;0 = H 0 (W
2X ) Hcr2 (X );
and in the situation just described when ch(L) = 0, another Cech computation
show us that c1 (L) = R ~ with respect to this inclusion. In particular, if c1 (L) =
0() ch(L) = 0), then we can find a collection A~i so that R ~ = 0. This implies the
Our preceding remarks amount to the fact that it admits something stronger, namely,
an ‘integrable de Rham–Witt connection.’
This lemma applies, for example, in the case where L is algebraically equivalent
to zero. Note that the de Rham–Witt complex is used to circumvent the possible
non-degeneration of the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence.
Since any two connections differ by a global one-form we see that under the
hypothesis that all global one-forms are closed, any connection for a line bundle
with vanishing first Chern class will have zero curvature.
Recall that the Cartier operator C ([5], 7.2) fits into an exact sequence
iX 1 !
iX !
iX !0;
where Z
iX refers to the sheaf of closed differential i-forms. Together with this
exact sequence (which includes a theorem of Cartier), it is characterized by
C (f p 1
df ) = df; C (f p) = fC (); C (1) = 1;
C ( ^ ) = C () ^ C ( );
for any function f and closed forms and .
Taking the stalk at the generic point gives an exact sequence of rational differ-
ential forms
iK 1 !
iK !
K !0:
Now when all global forms on X are closed, if (Ai ) defines a connection form
for a Cartier divisor D = (fi ) with vanishing first Chern class, then as noted above,
the Ai are closed so we may apply C to them. The fact that C (dfi =fi ) = dfi =fi
implies that C (Ai ) also defines a connection form for D , and hence, is again closed.
Thus all iterations C k (Ai ) are defined, and are all closed.
0 - O X
- K - K =O X
? ? ?
0 -
1 X
1 =
where the vertical arrows are induced by the logarithmic derivatives.
K ,!
K1 :
(K )(p) O X
Proof. Let f be a rational function such that df=f is regular. We will show that
f is locally a unit times a p-power.
It suffices to show this in the local ring R of a point. But since R is a unique
factorization domain, we may write f = u1n knk where u is a unit and the
i ’s are distinct primes. So df=f = du=u + i ni (di =i ). Since df=f and du=u
are regular, we see by localizing at each prime in turn that all the ni ’s must be
multiples of p. 2
Thus, we get an injection
K ,!
(K )(p) O
Denote by Div the group of Weil divisors on X . It is a free abelian group
generated by the irreducible Weil divisors and we have Div/p Div ' Div
Fp =
the Fp vector space generated by the irreducible Weil divisors.
the overlaps, so is fi=fj . Thus, (fi ; Ui) defines a Cartier divisor D0 such that
pD0 = D. 2
Composing the two lemmas above, we get an injection
p Div ,!
where none of the (Di ) are zero. (Otherwise, we are done, by induction.) Since
(D1 ) 6= 0, D1 has an irreducible component E with multiplicity prime to p. Let
U be an affine open set which intersects E and on which each Di has a defining
equation fi . Our assumption implies that ri=1 ai (dfi =fi ) is regular on U . Now,
choose a curve C in U which intersects E tranversally at a simple point x0 2 E –
(other components of D1 ) and is not contained in the support of any Di . Such a
C exists by Bertini’s Theorem. So each fi restricts to a rational function fi0 on C
and if we put mi = Resx0 (dfi0 =fi0 ), then r1 ai mi = 0. Also, m1 6= 0 in Fp , by our
choice of C , E , and x0 . Thus, we get
r X
ai (m1 Di mi D1) = m1 ai (Di ) = 0:
i=2 1
Hence, by the induction hypothesis there exist ni 2 Fp not all zero, such that
ni (m1Di miD1) = 0: (mod p):
But then, since some ni m1 6= 0, this gives a non-trivial Fp-linear relation among
the Di . 2
Assume, henceforward, that all global one-forms on X are closed.
Now denote by Div0 the subgroup of Div whose associated invertible sheaves
have vanishing Chern classes in crystalline cohomology and let D 0 := Im(Div0
k): The inclusion constructed above
k ,! ;
,! (
1 )
: D0 K
1X )
Ai Aj = dffi dfj
fj ) Ai
fi = Aj
fj ;
on the overlaps of the Ui ’s. Thus, these local forms glue to give a rational one form,
. In this case, since c1 (D) = 0, is closed, as discussed above, so we may apply
the Cartier operator to it. But locally, C () is just dfi =fi C (Ai ) which is again
closed, since the C (Ai ) define a connection for the same divisor.
This lemma follows from the preceding discussion and the fact that any two
representatives in (
K ) for (D ) will differ by a global one-form.
If and are rational 1-forms and a; b 2 k , then C (a + b ) = a1=p C () +
b C ( ), so the property mentioned in the lemma is closed under k-linear combi-
COROLLARY 1. For any x 2 D0, and any representative for (x), all the
C k () are defined and closed.
3. Proof of theorem
Denote by N the group of divisors generated by the irreducible solutions of ! . Thus,
N is a free abelian subgroup of Div and the number of irreducible solutions is equal
to the rank of N or, equivalently, the dimension of N
F. Let N0 N \ Div0 be
the subgroup of N consisting of divisors algebraically equivalent to zero.
Note now that N being generated by irreducible divisors, is a saturated subgroup
of Div, allowing
Fp Div
Fp :
Also, the exact sequence
Fp !N
Fp ! NN
M := [Im(N0
Fp !Div
Fp )]
k D0;
is finite-dimensional. We constructed above an injection, still denoted by the same
,! (
1 )
:M K
1 ) X
h : M ! !(
L1 ) ) :
2 1
The image lies in the given subspace because elements of M are linear combinations
of solutions for ! .
Let x be in the kernel of h and let be a rational form representing (x). Then
there exists a global 1-form
such that ^ ! =
^ ! , or (
) ^ ! = 0. That
is, x 2 Ker h iff (x) has a representative which is proportional to ! as a rational
We now distinguish two distinct cases:
(1) There exists an x 2 M and a representative for (x) such that ^ ! = 0
and some iteration C k () has a first integral.
In this case, note that itself does not have a first integral by assumption, since
it is proportional to ! . Write C k () = f dg for rational functions f; g . Then
C k 1() = f pgp 1
dg + dxk 1 ;
C k 2() = f p gp(p 1)gp
2 2 1
dg + xpk 1
1d k 1 + dxk 2;
and, continuing down the powers
= f pk gpk dg + xpk dxk + + xp1 1 dx1 + dx0 :
1 1
1 1
L 1 )
! ^ (
1) ;
is finite-dimensional. 2
This paper is dedicated to my New York friends, especially Bonjung Goo, Sungjin
Suh, Gweeyup Son, Hyeonjoo Lee, Dosang Joe, and Jaehak Hahm, in gratitude for
their continuing inspiration.
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