Some Remarks On Local Newforms For GL
Some Remarks On Local Newforms For GL
Some Remarks On Local Newforms For GL
Ralf Schmidt
1 Preliminaries 2
1.1 ε–factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Representations of GL(2, F ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Representations of PGL(2, F ) 23
3.1 Atkin–Lehner eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Equality of the signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
References 28
Let F be a non-archimedean local field and (π, V ) an irreducible, infinite-dimensional representation of
GL(2, F ). By a well-known theorem of Casselman ([Cas], see also [De]) there exists a distinguished
vector v ∈ V , unique up to multiples, of “best possible level”. This level is an ideal pc(π) in o, the ring
of integers of F , and is called the conductor of π. The number c(π) appears also in the exponent of
the ε–factor ε(s, π, ψ) attached to π (and an additive character ψ of F ).
In this note we shall collect several formulas for the local newform for different types of representations
π and various models. We shall compute the action of intertwining operators and of Whittaker
functionals on local newforms. Along the way we shall obtain a list of conductors for supercuspidal,
special and principal series representations π.
If the representation π has trivial central character, there is the so-called Atkin–Lehner involution
acting on the one-dimensional space of newvectors. This defines a sign ±1 which is canonically attached
to π. We shall give a proof that this sign coincides with the sign defined by the ε–factor. For example, if
π is a local component of a global automorphic representation that corresponds to a classical newform
f ∈ Sk (Γ0 (N )), these signs enter in the functional equation of the L–functions L(s, f ). We remark that
Atkin–Lehner involutions are really a symplectic phenomenon. They can be defined for representations
of PGSp(2n), but for n > 1 the relation to ε–factors is unclear.
The first two sections of this paper are preliminary, recalling properties of representations of GL(2, F )
and their ε–factors. In sections 2.1 and 2.2 we shall treat principal series and special representations.
We shall compute conductors and the local newform in various models and compute the action of the
intertwining operator in the standard induced model. Section 2.3 deals with conductors and newforms
for dihedral supercuspidal representations. More on supercuspidal representations and their ε–factors
can be found in [GK]. In section 2.4 we shall compute the newform in the Kirillov model. Finally,
sections 3.1 and 3.2 are concerned with the case of representations of PGL(2, F ) that was mentioned
Very little in this note is really new, with most of the results being well-known to experts. But since the
results are scattered throughout the literature and sometimes hard to locate, it seemed useful to have
them written down coherently in one place. I would like to thank the referee for various suggestions
to improve the exposition.
Throughout F denotes a non-archimedean local field. The ring of integers of F will be denoted by
o, and p is its maximal ideal. Let q = #o/p be the cardinality of the residue field. We let $ denote
a fixed generator of p. The normalized valuation v on F has the property that v($) = 1. For the
normalized absolute value we have |$| = q −1 .
Let G be the algebraic group GL(2). As subgroups we have B, the standard Borel subgroup consisting
of upper triangular matrices, and N , the unipotent upper triangular matrices. We shall also use N̄ ,
the subgroup of lower triangular unipotent matrices.
The group Kr = GL(r, o) is a maximal compact-open subgroup of GL(r, F ). For n ≥ 1, let Kr (n) be
the subgroup of GL(r, o) consisting of matrices of the form
, A ∈ GL(r − 1, o), c ≡ 0 mod pn , d ∈ 1 + pn . (1)
c d
1 Preliminaries
1.1 ε–factors
A factor ε(s, π, ψ) is attached to every irreducible, admissible representation π of GL(r, F ) and choice
of additive character ψ of F . We shall summarize a few properties of ε–factors, beginning with the
abelian case.
1.1 ε–factors 3
where the Haar measure is normalized such that Φ̂(x) = Φ(−x). Under this normalization the volume
of o is q , where c(ψ) is the smallest integer such that ψ is trivial on pc(ψ) . By [Ta1], there exists,
for any character χ of F ∗ , an entire function ε(s, χ, ψ) with the property that
(to obtain this from [Ta2] (3.2.3), note that in our definition of ε(s, χ, ψ) we always use the
self-dual measure giving o volume q c(ψ)/2 ).
ii) If χ is unramified, then
Here dx is the self-dual Haar measure giving o volume q c(ψ)/2 . Since the function under the
integral is invariant under multiplication with elements of 1 + pm for large enough m, the integral
reduces to a local Gaussian sum.
iv) If ν is unramified, then
In the following lemma a certain p–adic integral is evaluated that typically shows up in computations
involving Whittaker functionals. We will use the result in the proof of Lemma 2.2.1 below.
1.1.1 Lemma. Let ψ be a character of F and χ a character of F ∗ . Let c(ψ) be the smallest integer
such that ψ is trivial on pc(ψ) , and let c(χ) be the smallest non-negative integer such that χ is trivial
on (1 + pc(χ) ) ∩ o∗ . For m ∈ Z consider the integral
I(m) = χ−1 (x)ψ(x) dx, where l = c(ψ) − c(χ) + m,
$ l o∗
and where dx is the self-dual Haar measure with respect to ψ. If χ is unramified (i.e., c(χ) = 0), then
0, if m ≤ −2,
−c(ψ)+1 −c(ψ)/2
I(m) = −χ $ q , if m = −1,
−c(ψ)−m −c(ψ)/2−m −1
(1 − q if m ≥ 0,
χ $ q ),
while if χ is ramified, then
ε(0, χ, ψ), if m = 0,
I(m) =
0, if m 6= 0.
The easy computation in the unramified case is left to the reader. Assuming that χ is ramified, our
assertion holds for m = 0 by (5). If m 6= 0 we write the integral as
−1 −1 l
χ (x) χ (y) ψ(xy$ ) dy dx, r ≥ 0. (8)
o∗ /(1+pr ) (1+pr )∩o∗
1+pc(χ) pc(χ)
Since x is a unit and m < 0, the latter integral is zero. If m > 0, we put r = c(χ) − 1 in (8). Then
xy$l ∈ x$l + pc(ψ)+m−1 ,
and therefore the inner integral in (8) equals
χ−1 (y) ψ(x$l ) dy = ψ(x$l ) χ−1 (y) dy.
(1+pr )∩o∗ (1+pr )∩o∗
r ∗
Since χ is not trivial on (1 + p ) ∩ o , this integral is 0.
1.2 Representations of GL(2, F ) 5
We now turn to ε–factors for representations of GL(r, F ). In (1) we have defined the compact subgroup
Kr (n) of GL(r, F ). For the following theorem see [JPSS].
The ideal pc(π) with c(π) as in this theorem is called the conductor of π.
Generalizing the abelian factors ε(s, χ, ψ), a factor ε(s, π, ψ) is attached to every irreducible, admissible
representation π of GL(r, F ) (for the precise definition, see [Ja]). It incorporates a number c(π) which
for generic representations coincides with the constant defined in Theorem 1.1.2, see [JPSS]. We now
summarize some properties of ε–factors for representations π of GL(r, F ). Let ψ be a non-trivial
additive character of F with conductor pc(ψ) .
Induced representations
Let χ1 and χ2 be characters of F ∗ . Let V (χ1 , χ2 ) be the space of the standard induced represen-
tation π = π(χ1 , χ2 ) of G(F ). It consists of all locally constant functions f : G(F ) → C with the
transformation property
f g = χ1 (a)χ2 (d)|ad−1 |1/2 f (g) for all g ∈ G(F ), a, d ∈ F ∗ , b ∈ F.
The action of G(F ) on V (χ1 , χ2 ) is by right translation. In view of the Iwasawa decomposition
G(F ) = B(F )K, another model for π(χ1 , χ2 ) is obtained by restricting functions in V (χ1 , χ2 ) to K.
Let us denote this space of functions on K by V (χ1 , χ2 )K . A third model is obtained by restricting
functions in V (χ1 , χ2 ) to N− (F ). Since B(F )N− (F ) is dense in G(F ), this is an injective operation.
We denote the resulting space of functions on F ' N− (F ) by V (χ1 , χ2 )− .
The induced representation π(| |1/2 , | |−1/2 ) is not irreducible and has two constituents. The unique
irreducible quotient is the trivial representation. The unique irreducible subrepresentation is the
Steinberg representation which we denote by St. More generally, if χ is a character of F ∗ , then
π(χ| |1/2 , χ| |−1/2 ) contains a unique irreducible subrepresentation which is just the twist χSt of the
Steinberg representation. The resulting quotient is the one-dimensional representation χ ◦ det. The
representations χSt are also called special representations.
for principal series representations. Every irreducible representation that is not a subquotient of some
π(χ1 , χ2 ) is called supercuspidal.
Supercuspidal representations
We recall the definition of the so-called dihedral supercuspidal representations ωξ that are associated
with a quadratic field extension E/F and a character ξ of E ∗ that is not trivial on the kernel of the
norm map NE/F from E ∗ to F ∗ . If the residue characteristic of F is not 2, then every supercuspidal
representation of GL(2, F ) is isomorphic to some ωξ . As a reference for the construction, see [JL],
section 1.1 or [Bu], section 4.8.
The Weil representation of SL(2, F ) associated to E/F , call it ωE , depends on the choice of an additive
character ψF of F . It acts on the space Cc∞ (E) of locally constant, compactly supported functions on
E by the following well-known formulas.
ωE f (v) = ψF xNE/F (v) f (v), (13)
ωE f (v) = |a|F χE/F (a) f (av), (14)
1.2 Representations of GL(2, F ) 7
ωE (w1 )f (v) = γ f (u)ψE (uv̄) du, w1 = . (15)
Here ψE = ψF ◦ trE/F , and χE/F is the quadratic character of F ∗ that is trivial on NE/F E ∗ . The
Haar measure on E is normalized such that
Here O/P is the residue class field of E and q = #o/p is the cardinality of the residue class field of
F . The number d(E/F ) denotes the valuation of the discriminant of the extension E/F . The second
equality in (16) follows from Lemma 2.3.1 which we shall prove later.
This follows by applying id = ωE (w1 )ωE (w1 )ωE (−1) to the characteristic function of O. Now let ξ
be a regular character of E ∗ , meaning that ξ 6= ξ σ , where σ is the non-trivial Galois automorphism of
E/F (equivalently, ξ is non-trivial on the kernel of the norm map NE/F : E ∗ → F ∗ ). Let Uξ be the
subspace of Cc∞ (E) consisting of functions f that satisfy
We let ωξ be the representation of GL(2, F ) that is obtained by induction from the representation
ωξ,ψ of GL(2, F )+ . Then ωξ is an irreducible admissible supercuspidal representation of GL(2, F ). It
is easy to see that the representations ωξ have the following properties.
Every irreducible admissible representation of GL(2, F ), if not one-dimensional, is generic. Theorem
1.1.2 and formula (9) therefore imply the first part of the following result. For the second part see
[Cas], Theorem 1, or [De], Théorème 2.2.6.
i) There exists an m ≥ 0 such that V (m) 6= 0. Let c(π) denote the least non-negative integer with
this property. Then the ε–factor of π has the form
representation π c(π)
π(χ1 , χ2 ), χ1 χ−1
2 6= | |
c(χ1 ) + c(χ2 )
χSt, χ unramified 1
χSt, χ ramified 2c(χ)
ωξ , ξ regular character of E ∗ f (E/F )c(ξ) + d(E/F )
In the last row, f (E/F ) is the degree of the residue class field extension of the quadratic extension
E/F . These statements about the conductors will be proved in the following. In Proposition 2.1.2
we determine the local newform in induced representations. In Theorem 2.3.2 we shall compute the
conductor of the dihedral supercuspidal representations.
a (d − 1)$−i
∈ B(o) ∩ γi K2 (n)γi−1 .
where γn2 = . In the model V (χ1 , χ2 )− , this function becomes a function on F of the
$ n2 1
following shape:
Remark: The factor χ1 ($−n2 ) in (20) makes the function f independent of the choice of $.
Special representations
If π(χ1 , χ2 ) is irreducible, Lemma 2.1.2 tells us the shape of a local newform in the model V (χ1 , χ2 ).
We now consider the case that π(χ1 , χ2 ) is reducible, which, as is well known, happens if and only if
χ1 χ−1 −1
2 = | | or χ1 χ2 = | |
. Let us therefore assume that
χ1 = χ| |1/2 , χ2 = χ| |−1/2
for some character χ. In this case the unique invariant subspace V0 (χ1 , χ2 ) of V (χ1 , χ2 ) is infinite-
dimensional, the quotient is one-dimensional. The representation of G(F ) on V0 (χ1 , χ2 ) is the special
representation χSt, a twist of the Steinberg representation. V0 (χ1 , χ2 ) can be characterized as the
kernel of the intertwining operator M : V (χ1 , χ2 ) → V (χ2 , χ1 ), given by
−1 1x
(M f )(g) = f g dx.
1 1
Here we are normalizing the measure such that o dx = 1. By [Bu], Proposition 4.5.6, the integral is
absolutely convergent in the case under consideration.
First we consider the case where the character χ is ramified. We shall prove that the function f in
(20) is an element of V0 (χ1 , χ2 ). Indeed, for all y ∈ F we have
Z Z −1
1 −y −1 x −1 1
(M f ) = f dx = f dx
y1 1 + xy x x x−1 + y 1
F F∗
2.2 Local newforms and Whittaker models 11
1 dx 1 dx
= |x|−1 f = |x| f
x−1 + y 1 |x| x + y 1 |x|
F∗ F∗
1 1
= f dx = f dx.
x+y 1 x1
In view of (21) and the fact that χ is ramified, the latter integral is zero. Thus M f = 0, proving that
f ∈ V0 (χ1 , χ2 ).
If χ is unramified, the function (20) is just the spherical vector in V (χ1 , χ2 ), and the above computation
shows that it is not an element of V0 (χ1 , χ2 ). Indeed, the conductor of χSt is known to be p if χ is
unramified. To prove this, we note that in the unramified case a function f ∈ V (χ1 , χ2) is K 2 (1)–
invariant if and only if it is I–invariant. Here I is the Iwahori subgroup consisting of all ∈K
with c ∈ p. Thus, considering the model V (χ1 , χ2 )K , we are looking for functions on
and these values can be chosen arbitrarily. Consequently, the space of such functions is two-dimensio-
nal. Let us apply the intertwining operator
R M to the K2 (1)–invariant function f as in (25). With the
measure being normalized such that o dx = 1 we compute
Z Z −1
x 1 −x 1
(M f )(1) = f (w) dx + f dx
x 1 x−1 1
o F \o
Z ∞ Z
−1 dx X dx
=β+ |x| f (1) =β+α |x|−1
|x| n=0
F \o $ −n−1 o∗
=β+α q −n−1 dx = β + αq −1 .
n=0 o∗
A similar computation shows (M f )(w) = β + αq −1 . Thus we see that the space of K2 (1)–invariant
vectors of V0 (χ1 , χ2 ) is one-dimensional, a non-zero element f being determined by the values
while if α = β, then
(1 − q −1 )(1 − c(ψ)) if c(ψ) ≤ 0
Λψ f = (32)
0, if c(ψ) > 0.
If we interpret the quotient in (31) as 1 + αβ −1 + . . . + (αβ −1 )−c(ψ) , then (32) becomes a special
case of (31).
Proof: Let us first assume that χ1 and χ2 are ramified, i.e., n1 > 0 and n2 > 0. We compute
Λψ f = lim f ψ −1 (x) dx
N →∞ 1 x
x−1 −1
= lim f ψ −1 (x) dx
N →∞ x x−1 1
p−N \o
2.2 Local newforms and Whittaker models 13
= lim χ1 (x)−1 χ2 (x)|x|−1 f ψ −1 (x) dx
N →∞ x−1 1
p−N \o
= χ2 (x)|x|−1 ψ −1 (x) dx. (33)
$ −n2 o∗
hence (28). Next assume that n1 = 0 and n2 > 0. Then, using (22), we arrive similarly at
Λψ f = χ1 (x)−1 χ2 (x)|x|−1 χ1 ($)−n2 ψ −1 (x) dx
= χ1 ($)−n2 (χ−1
1 χ2 )(x)|x|
−1 −1
ψ (x) dx.
$ −l o∗
By Lemma 1.1.1, the last integral is non-zero if and only if −l = c(ψ) − n2 , in which case it takes the
value q −c(ψ)/2 ε(0, | |χ1 χ−1
2 , ψ
) (the factor q −c(ψ)/2 comes from the different normalizations of Haar
measures). Using (6), we get (29).
Now assume that n1 > 0 and n2 = 0. In this case we have f = 0 unless x ∈ o, so that
1 x
Λψ f = f ψ −1 (x) dx
1 x
1 −(1 + $n ) 1 + $n (1 + $n )x − 1
= f ψ −1 (x) dx
1 11 −$n 1 − $n x
= f ψ −1 (x) dx = ψ −1 (x) dx. (35)
o o
From this we obtain (30). If χ1 and χ2 are both unramified, then the computation of Λψ f is a standard
computation of p–adic integrals which is left to the reader.
Remark: The lemma shows that if c(ψ) = 0, then the newform f is a test vector for the functional
Λψ in the sense that Λψ f 6= 0.
Special representations
Consider a special representation χSt, realized as a subspace of V (χ| |1/2 , χ| |−1/2 ). A Whittaker
functional on this space is still given by formula (27). Assuming that χ is ramified, we proved in the
previous section that the function f given by (20) lies in this subspace. The computation of Λψ f is
therefore the same as for (28), and we get
ε(0, χ−1
2 | |, ψ) = ε(0, χ
−1 3/2
| | , ψ), if c(ψ) = 0,
Λψ f = (36)
0, if c(ψ) 6= 0.
Now assume that χ is unramified. In this case the newform in the subspace of V (χ| |1/2 , χ| |−1/2 )
realizing χSt is the unique Iwahori–invariant function f taking the values f (1) = q and f (w) = −1,
see (26). Let us decompose Λψ f = A + B with
1x 1x
A= f w ψ −1 (x) dx, B = lim f w ψ −1 (x) dx.
1 N →∞ 1
o pN \o
Since f is right invariant under matrices with x ∈ o, we get
−1, if c(ψ) ≤ 0,
A=− ψ −1 (x) dx =
0, if c(ψ) > 0.
As for B, we have
x−1 −1
B = lim f ψ −1 (x) dx
N →∞ x x−1 1
pN \o
= |x−2 | f (1) ψ −1 (x) dx
$ −l o∗
= q 1−2l
ψ −1 (x) dx.
$ −l o∗
(one can also apply Lemma 1.1.1). From this it is straightforward to compute that
1 − q c(ψ) (1 + q −1 ), if c(ψ) ≤ 0,
0, if c(ψ) > 0.
Intertwining operators
Consider the standard intertwining operator M : V (χ1 , χ2 ) → V (χ2 , χ1 ), given in its region of con-
vergence by
1x −1
(M f )(g) = f w g dx, w= . (38)
1 1
This operator maps newform to newform, therefore, if f denotes the element (20) of V (χ1 , χ2 ), and f˜
denotes the analogously defined element of V (χ2 , χ1 ), then
M f = c1 f˜ for some c1 ∈ C∗ .
We are trying to determine this constant c1 . Apparently it is important to fix the measure in (38),
and we shall do so by requiring that vol(o) = 1.
• If χ1 or χ2 is ramified, then
1 − αβ −1 q −1
c1 = , (40)
1 − αβ −1
Proof: First assume that χ1 or χ2 is ramified. It follows from (3) that the value of the right side of
(39) does not change if we replace ψ by ψ a , a ∈ F ∗ (note c(ψ a ) = c(ψ) − v(a)). We may therefore
assume that c(ψ) = 0. Then it follows from Lemma 2.2.1 and (4) that
V (χ1 , χ2 )
M / V (χ2 , χ1 ) (42)
HH v
HH vv
HH vv
HH v
HH vv Λ̃ψ
$ v
Here Λ̃ψ is the ψ–Whittaker functional defined on V (χ2 , χ1 ) by the same formula as in (27). The
diagram (42) is not commutative, but since Whittaker models are unique, there exists a constant c2
such that Λ̃ψ ◦ M = c2 Λψ . This constant is computed in [Bu], Proposition 4.5.9. It is given by
Our assertion now follows from (41), the analogous formula Λ̃ψ f = ε(1−s1 , ξ1−1 , ψ −1 ), and Λ̃ψ (M f ) =
c2 Λψ f . Note that by (3) we can replace ψ −1 by ψ in the final formula.
The argument in the unramified case is the same, but instead of (41) one uses Λψ f = 1 − αβ −1 q −1 ,
see (31) and (32).
Remarks: a) For unramified χ1 and χ2 , formula (39) does not reduce to (40).
b) Had we not used the measure with vol(o) = 1 but the self-dual measure with respect to ψ in the
definition (38) of the intertwining operator, then the factor q −c(ψ)/2 in (39) would not appear.
c) Formula (40) is given in various places, e.g. in [Bu], Proposition 4.6.7.
Notations. We shall be dealing with quadratic extensions E/F of p–adic fields, for which we employ
the following notations.
ring of integers O o
maximal ideal P p
uniformizer Ω $
normalized valuation vE vF
cardinality of residue field qf q
Here f = f (E/F ) is the degree of the residue field extension. We further let e = e(E/F ) be the
ramification index, so that ef = 2.
Let ψ be a non-trivial character of the non-archimedean local field F . As before, we let c(ψ) be the
exponent of the conductor of ψ. This means that ψ is trivial on pc(ψ) but not on pc(ψ)−1 . We define a
character ψE on the quadratic extension E by
ψE := ψ ◦ trE/F .
2.3 Dihedral supercuspidal representations 17
Let d(E/F ) be the valuation of the discriminant of the field extension E/F . We have d(E/F ) = 0 if
E/F is unramified, and d(E/F ) = 1 if E/F is ramified and q is odd. The following lemma gives the
conductor of ψE in terms of the conductor of ψ. It holds more generally for any extension of local
Proof: Let D be the different of E/F . This is an integral ideal of O, its inverse being defined by
D−1 = {x ∈ E : tr(xO) ⊂ o}.
Let m ≥ 0 such that D = Ωm O. We have
ψE (Ωl O) = 1 ⇐⇒ ψ(tr(Ωl O)) = 1
⇐⇒ tr(Ωl O) ⊂ $c(ψ) o
⇐⇒ tr(Ωl−ec(ψ) O) ⊂ o
⇐⇒ Ωl−ec(ψ) O ⊂ D−1
⇐⇒ m ≥ e c(ψ) − l.
The norm of the different is the discriminant, i.e., d(E/F ) = mf (E/F ). The assertion follows.
2.3.2 Theorem. Let E/F be a quadratic extension of p–adic fields and ξ a character of E ∗ that does
not factor through NE/F . The conductor of the supercuspidal representation ωξ is
c(ωξ ) = f (E/F )c(ξ) + d(E/F ), (45)
where f (E/F ) is the degree of the residue field extension. In particular:
i) If E/F is unramified, then c(ωξ ) = 2c(ξ).
ii) If the residue characteristic of F is odd and E/F is ramified, then c(ωξ ) = c(ξ) + 1.
Proof: By [JL], Theorem 4.7, there exists a constant γ, independent of s, such that
ε(s, ωξ , ψF ) = γ · ε(s, ξ, ψE ), ψE = ψF ◦ trE/F .
By (9) we find
q (2c(ψF )−c(ωξ ))s = q f (c(ψE )−c(ξ))s ,
thus 2c(ψF ) − c(ωξ ) = f (c(ψE ) − c(ξ)). Therefore the assertion follows by Lemma 2.3.1.
We note that formula (45) coincides with the formula for the Artin conductor of a two-dimensional
induced representation of a local Galois group, see [Se], §4.3, Proposition 4 b). Knowing the conductor,
we would now like to compute the local newform in the standard model of ωξ . First we compute a
newvector in ωξ,ψ .
2.3.3 Lemma. Let ωE be the Weil representation of GL(2, F )+ on the Schwartz space Cc∞ (E), de-
fined using a character ψ of F with conductor o. Then the characteristic function f =
1v0+Pm ∈
1 0
Cc∞ (E), where v0 ∈ E and m ≥ 0 are arbitrary, is invariant under all operators ωE with
c ∈ pf (E/F )m+d(E/F ) .
10 1 −c
Proof: Since = −w1 w1 , we compute
c1 0 1
10 1 −c
ωE f (v) = χ(−1) ωE (w1 )ωE ωE (w1 )f (−v)
c1 0 1
1 −c
= χ(−1)γ ωE ωE (w1 )f (u) ψE (−uv̄) du
0 1
= χ(−1)γ ψE (−uv̄) ψF (−cN (u)) ωE (w1 )f (u) du
= χ(−1)γ 2 ψE (u0 ū) ψE (−uv̄) ψF (−cN (u))f (u0 ) du0 du
= ψE ((u0 + v0 )ū) ψE (−uv̄) ψF (−cN (u)) du0 du.
E Pm
By Lemma 2.3.1 and our hypothesis on ψF , the conductor of ψE is P−d(E/F )/f (E/F ) . Therefore
Z (16)
0 0
ψE (u ū) du = vol(Pm ) = q −f (E/F )m−d(E/F )/2 if u ∈ P−m−d(E/F )/f (E/F ) ,
0 / P−m−d(E/F )/f (E/F )
if u ∈
(see (16); note that #O/P = q f (E/F ) ). Hence our integral equals
10 −f (E/F )m−d(E/F )/2
ωE f (v) = q ψE (u(v̄0 − v̄)) ψF (−cN (u)) du.
P−m−d(E/F )/f (E/F )
2.3.4 Proposition. Let (ωE , Uξ ) be the representation of GL(2, F )+ constructed as above from a
character ψ of F with conductor o and a character ξ of E ∗ . Then the element
ξ (v) if v ∈ O∗ ,
ϕ0 (v) =
0 / O∗ ,
if v ∈
of Uξ is invariant under K2 f (E/F )c(ξ) + d(E/F ) ∩ GL(2, F )+ .
Proof: Let H = K2 f c(ξ) + d(E/F ) ∩ GL(2, F )+ . By the Iwahori decomposition,
H = (H ∩ N− (F ))(H ∩ T (F ))(H ∩ N (F )),
where N (resp. N− , resp. T ) denotes unipotent upper triangular (resp. unipotent lower triangular,
resp. diagonal) matrices.
The function ϕ0 is obviously an element of Uξ . It has the property that
ϕ0 (v + x$c(ξ) ) = ϕ0 (v(1 + v −1 x$c(ξ) )) = ξ(1 + v −1 x$c(ξ) )ϕ0 (v) = ϕ0 (v) for all x ∈ O.
It follows that ϕ0 is a linear combination of functions of the form 1v0 +Pc(ξ) . By Lemma 2.3.3, ϕ0 is
fixed by all elements ωE with vF (c) ≥ f (E/F )c(ξ)+d(E/F ), i.e., by all elements of H ∩N− (F ).
Since ϕ0 is supported in O, it is further invariant under all ωE with b ∈ o. Since
The standard model Vξ of the representation ωξ consists of functions f : GL(2, F ) → Uξ with the
f (hg) = ωξ,ψ (h)f (g) for all h ∈ GL(2, F )+ . (46)
Let us fix an element x ∈ F ∗ that is not a norm from E. If E/F is ramified, we choose x to be a unit.
The matrix
t= ∈ GL(2, F )
is not an element of GL(2, F )+ . Every element f ∈ Vξ is determined by its values f (1) and f (t).
Conversely, given arbitrary vectors ϕ1 , ϕ2 ∈ Uξ , there exists a unique f ∈ Vξ such that f (1) = ϕ1 and
f (t) = ϕ2 . Explicitly, it is given by
ω (g)ϕ ,
ξ,ψ 1 if g ∈ GL(2, F )+ ,
f (g) = (47)
ωξ,ψ (gt−1 )ϕ2 , / GL(2, F )+ .
if g ∈
2.3.5 Theorem. With the above notations, we define a function f ∈ Vξ as follows. Let ϕ0 ∈ Uξ be
the function defined in Proposition 2.3.4 (the character ψ is assumed to have conductor o).
• If E/F is unramified, then let
ϕ1 = ϕ0 , ϕ2 = 0.
ϕ1 = ϕ2 = ϕ0 .
Proof: We have to check that f is invariant under H = K2 (f (E/F )c(ξ) + d(E/F )), see Theorem
2.3.2. It is easy to see that f is invariant under H + = H ∩ GL(2, F )+ . In the unramified case we have
H = H + since every unit is a norm, so we are done. In the ramified case we have to check in addition
that f is invariant under ωξ (t). This is a very easy computation.
and the resulting representation of GL(2, F ) is equivalent to π (here ωπ is the central character of π).
This is the Kirillov model of π (with respect to ψ). If V is the space of π, and if Λψ is a ψ–Whittaker
functional on V , then K(π, ψ) consists of all functions φv , v ∈ V , where
φv (a) = Λψ π v , a ∈ F ∗.
It is known that K(π, ψ) contains the space S(F ∗ ) of locally constant, compactly supported functions
in F ∗ , and that there is equality if and only if π is supercuspidal. We shall now determine the local
newform in the Kirillov model.
Induced representations
Assume that χ1 χ−1
2 6= | |
, so that π = π(χ1 , χ2 ) is irreducible. For every f ∈ V (χ1 , χ2 ) consider the
function φf on F given by
φf (a) = Λψ π f ,
where Λψ is as in (27). The space of all such φf is the Kirillov model K(π, ψ) of π with respect to ψ.
A straightforward computation shows that
Since c(ψ a ) = c(ψ) − v(a), Lemma 2.2.1 is equivalent to the computation of the local newform in the
Kirillov model. For simplicity, choose ψ to have conductor o. Let f be the newform given by (20).
while if α = β, then
(1 − q −1 )|a|1/2 αv(a) (1 + v(a)) if v(a) ≥ 0
φf (a) = (53)
0, if v(a) < 0.
If we interpret the quotient in (52) as αv(a) + αv(a)−1 β + . . . + β v(a) , then (53) is actually a special
case of (52).
We can make similar computations for the special representations, using (36) and (37). The result is
as follows.
Supercuspidal representations
Let E/F be a quadratic extension and ξ a character of E ∗ that is not trivial on the kernel of NE/F .
As in the previous section, let Vξ be standard model of the supercuspidal representation ωξ . It consists
of functions f : GL(2, F ) → Uξ with the transformation property (46). From the definition of ωξ and
ωξ,ψ , in particular from (13), it is immediate that
Λψ f = f (1) (1E ), f ∈ Vξ ,
is a ψ–Whittaker functional on Vξ . Here ψ is the character of F that was used to define the Weil
Let f be the newform in Vξ as given by Theorem 2.3.5. Then it is an easy computation that
a 1, if v(a) = 0,
Λψ ωξ f = (a ∈ F ∗ ).
1 0, if v(a) 6= 0
Therefore the newform in the Kirillov model is given as the characteristic function of o∗ .
This result was also obtained in [Sh]. It is in fact true for every supercuspidal representation that
o∗ is the newform in the Kirillov model. This was proved in [GP], section 4, but we shall sketch an
elementary proof that is taken from [Bo]. Thus let π be a supercuspidal representation of GL(2, F )
and K its Kirillov model with respect to a character ψ of F with conductor o. Since π is supercuspidal,
we have K = S(F ∗ ). Denote by K(m) the subspace of vectors fixed under K2 (m) (see (1)). Let n be
the level of π and f a generator for K(n) , i.e., f is the local newform that we are trying to determine.
It follows from (48) that f is supported on o and that f (x) depends only on the valuation of x. It
follows that we can write
m r −j
X X $
f= d j 1$ j o∗ = dj π 1 ∗, m ≥ 0, dj = f ($j ) ∈ C. (55)
1 o
j=0 j=0
o∗ o
Now 1o∗ , being a smooth vector and being fixed by B(o) = , lies in K(n+m) for some m ≥ 0.
A basis of this space is easily seen to be
−1 −m
$ $
f, π f, . . . , π f,
1 1
see Theorem 1.2.1 ii). Accordingly we can write
m −j
X $
1o∗ = cj π f, m ≥ 0, cj ∈ C. (56)
We may assume that the m’s in (55) and (56) are the same. We normalize f such that f (1) = c0 = 1.
Then also d0 = 1. Subtracting 1o∗ from (55) and f from (56) and adding the two resulting equations,
we get
cj f ($−j x) + dj 1o∗ ($−j x) = 0 for all x ∈ F ∗ .
Substituting $i for x for i ∈ {1, . . . , m} yields di + j=1 cj di−j = 0, or
cj di−j = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , m. (57)
One can now prove by induction on m that if complex numbers cj , dj fulfill the equations (57) and
(58), and if c0 = d0 = 1, then cj = dj = 0 for j ≥ 1. This shows that f = 1o∗ .
The following table summarizes the shape of the newform in the Kirillov model (we have made conve-
nient normalizations). The character ψ used in the construction of K(π, ψ) is always assumed to have
conductor o. See also section 3 of [Ro], where a very similar table is given.
π(χ1 , χ2 ), χ1 χ−1
6= | | , χ1 ram., χ2 unram. |x| 1/2
χ2 (x)1o (x)
π(χ1 , χ2 ), χ1 χ−1
2 6= | |±1 , χ1 unram., χ2 ram. |x|1/2 χ1 (x)1o (x)
π(χ1 , χ2 ), χ1 χ−1
2 6= | |
, χi ramified 1o∗ (x)
χSt, χ unramified |x|χ(x)1o (x)
χSt, χ ramified 1o∗ (x)
supercuspidal 1o∗ (x)
We note that in any case, if f is the newform in the Kirillov model, then f (x) depends only on the
valuation v(x) of x ∈ F ∗ .
3 Representations of PGL(2, F )
Since representations π of PGL(2, F ) are self-dual, the value of the ε–factor at 1/2 is just a sign ±1.
This sign ε(1/2, π, ψ) is independent of ψ and therefore canonically attached to π. On the other hand,
there is the so-called Atkin–Lehner involution acting on the one-dimensional space spanned by the
newform. This also defines a sign, and we shall show that these two signs attached to π coincide. This
was proved in a more classical context in [Fl], but we shall give a completely local proof.
Atkin–Lehner involutions
We recall the definition of the local Atkin–Lehner involutions. Let (π, V ) be an irreducible, admissible
representation of PGL(2, F ), considered as a representation of GL(2, F ) with trivial central character.
Consider the congruence subgroup
n ab n
K0 (p ) = ∈ GL(2, o) : c ∈ p .
This group is bigger than the group K2 (n) defined in (1), but since the center acts trivially, a vector
in V is K0 (pn )–invariant if and only if it is K2 (n)–invariant.
Let An = , where $ is a prime element. Then we have:
i) K0 (pn ) is normalized by An .
We see from i) that π(An ) induces an endomorphism Bn of V (n) , the space of K0 (pn )–invariant vectors
in V . It follows from ii) that Bn2 is the identity on V (n) . We call Bn the local Atkin-Lehner involution
of level n on π.
Now, if pn0 is the conductor of π, then Bn0 has eigenvalue 1 or −1 on the one-dimensional space V (n0 ) .
This sign is canonically attached to π. We call it the Atkin-Lehner eigenvalue of π.
3.1.1 Proposition. Let χ be a character of F ∗ with χ2 6= | |±1 . For the infinite-dimensional principal
series representation π = π(χ, χ−1 ) of PGL(2, F ) the Atkin–Lehner eigenvalue is given by χ(−1).
Proof: Since this is certainly true for unramified representations we may assume that the conductor
of χ is pn with n ≥ 1. Let f be the local newform in the standard model V (χ, χ−1 ) of π. We compute
1 1 1
(π(A2n )f ) =f
$n 1 $n 1 $2n
−$n 1 −$−n
$n 1 $n 1
= χ(−1)f .
$n 1
By Proposition 2.1.2, f is nonzero on the element . We can therefore conclude that the
$n 1
Atkin–Lehner eigenvalue is χ(−1).
3.2 Equality of the signs 25
Special representations
The Steinberg representation St of GL(2, F ) is the unique non-trivial irreducible subrepresentation of
the standard induced representation V (| |1/2 , | |−1/2 ) (the quotient is the trivial representation). We
shall now determine the Atkin–Lehner eigenvalue of St and its quadratic twists χSt. Note that χSt
appears as the unique non-trivial subrepresentation of V (χ| |1/2 , χ| |−1/2 ).
Proof: i) In section 2.1 we have already computed the local newform in the model of χSt that is
given as a subspace of V (χ| |1/2 , χ| |−1/2 ). It is the unique function f ∈ V (χ| |1/2 , χ| |−1/2 ) that is right
K0 (p)–invariant f (1) = q, f (w) = −1. If ρ denotes right translation, it is now very easily
and has
computed that ρ f = −χ($)f .
ii) We have proved in section 2.1 that the function exhibited in (20) lies in the subspace that defines
χSt. The calculation is therefore the same as in the case of the principal series representations.
ε(s, π, ψ) = εq (2c(ψ)−n)(s−1/2) .
It is further known that this sign is independent of ψ (follows from (10), see also [Ta2] (3.4.4)). Putting
s = 21 in (59), it follows that
c = εq n/2−c(ψ) .
Proof: The assertion is true if π is unramified (spherical), since then ε(s, π, ψ) = 1 for ψ with
conductor o and the Atkin-Lehner involution is trivial. Let us therefore assume that n ≥ 1, where
pn is the conductor of π. We shall compute the action of the Atkin-Lehner involution in the Kirillov
model. According to the definition we have to compute the action of
1 1
An = aw, where a= , w= .
−$n −1
We shall use the following description of the action of w, to be found in [JL], Proposition 2.10. For a
function f ∈ K(π, ψ) and a character ν of o∗ define
fˆm (ν) = f (u$m )ν(u) du, m ∈ Z,
fˆ(ν, t) = fˆm (ν)tm .
The function f is determined by the power series fˆ(ν, t) for all ν. The action of w is characterized by
L(1 − s, π)ε(s, π, ψ)
C(1, q s−1/2 ) = , 1 the trivial character of o∗
L(s, π)
Consequently C(1, t) = ε(1/2, π)t−n . By the table in section 2.4 the local newform is under our
assumption n ≥ 2 given as the characteristic function of o∗ ,
f = 1o∗ .
It is immediate that
1 if m = 0 and ν = 1,
fˆm (ν) =
0 otherwise.
Now a function g such that ĝ(ν, t) = 0 for ν 6= 1 and ĝ(1, t) = t−n is easily seen to be given by
g(x) = 1o∗ ($n x). It follows that
This is the local newform again, up to the factor ε(1/2, π), completing the proof in the case n ≥ 2.
Case n = 1.
This is the case when π = χSt is a special representation with an unramified quadratic character χ.
According to the table in section 2.4 the newform is given by
Since χ is unramified it is clear that fˆm (ν) = 0 if ν is non-trivial. It is also immediate that fˆm (1) =
χ($)m q −m for m ≥ 0, and zero for m < 0. Thus
X 1
fˆ(1, t) = χ($)m q −m tm = .
1 − χ($)q −1 t
The Euler factor is L(s, π) = (1 − χ($)q −s−1/2 )−1 (see [JL] Proposition 3.6), so
1 − χ($)q −(s−1/2)−1
C(1, q s−1/2 ) = ε(1/2, π)q −(s−1/2) .
1 − χ($)q s−1/2−1
−1 −1
It follows that C(1, t) = ε(1/2, π)t−1 1−χ($)q t
1−χ($)q −1 t . By (61),
1 1
[)(1, t) = C(1, t)
(wf −1 −1
= ε(1/2, π)t−1
1 − χ($)q t 1 − χ($)q −1 t
= ε(1/2, π) χ($)m q −m t(m−1) .
From (48) we then get (awf )(x) = ε(1/2, π)f (x). This concludes the proof.
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Ralf Schmidt
Fachrichtung 6.1 Mathematik
Universität des Saarlandes
Postfach 15 11 50
66041 Saarbrücken