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Ge8291 Evs Notes

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Ecosystem–A group of organisms interacting among themselves and with environment is known as ecosystem.

Types of Ecosystem

Natural Artificial/Man-made
(Ex) croplands, dams etc

Terrestrial Aquatic (Related to water, based on salt content classified into 2 types)
Related to land & types
Of vegetation
(Ex) grassland ecosystem Marine Fresh water
Forest, desert ecosystem (Seas & sea shores)

Lotic(running water) – Lentic (standing water) –

river, stream or lake, pond or swamp.

Ecology - Study of interactions among organisms, with their environment. the flows of energy and materials
between abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems.
Structure/ Components of an Ecosystem:
Eco System

Abiotic components
(non-living) biotic component Autotrophic components
(living) Members are producers, get energy
from sullight
Ex. All green plants,
Physical components trees Photosynthesis:
Chemical components CO2 + 2H2O hν, chlorophyll CH2O + O2
Include energy, climate, raw
materials etc. which are useful Sources of essential nutrients +H2O
for the growth & maintenance
of its member Heterotrophic Components:
Ex. Air, water, soil, InOrganic substances
Organic substances Members are consumers, can’t prepare their own
sunlight All micro & macro
Proteins, lipids, food & depend on producers
carbohydrates etc elements Types:
Ex. C, H, O, P, N, Al, Primary consumers
Co, Zn Called herbivores/plant eaters- depend on plants
Decomposers: for food.
Organisms which feed on dead organisms, Ex. Insects, rat, goat, deer, cow, horse etc
plants & animals & decompose into simpler Secondary consumers:
compounds Called primary carnivores/meat
Ex. Microorganism like bacteria & fungi eaters Depend on herbivores for food
Ex. Frog, cat, snakes, foxes etc.
Tertiary Consumers:
Classes of Consumers Called Secondary carnivores, feed on secondary
Herbivore – primary consumer – eats plants consumers. Ex. Tigers, lions etc.
Carnivores – secondary – meat eaters; eat herbivores
Tertiary – feed on carnivores
Omnivores – eat plants/animals.

Energy flow through atmosphere to an ecosystem:

Sun the ultimate source of energy is absorbed by producers (plants) to produce organic matter through
photosynthesis. The conversion of solar energy is governed by law of thermodynamics.
Ist Law of Thermodynamics:
Energy can neither be created, nor be destroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another
(Ex) photosynthesis- solar energy converted to chemical energy.
Photosynthesis Equation: CO2 + 2H2O hν, sunlight CH2O + O2 + H2O
Plants are used by herbivores, herbivores are used by carnivores as their food.
Thus energy is transferred & conversion of solar energy is governed by law of thermodynamics

IInd law of thermodynamics:

Whenever energy is transformed, there is a loss of energy through the release of energy in the form of heat.
(Ex). Respiration process: CH2O + O2 CO2 + 2H2O
Relationship between structure & function:
Hence biotic components and abiotic components are linked through energy flow and nutrient cycle.

Sun Plants Animals Bacteria

Introduction: A forest ecosystem is the one in which a tall & dense trees grow which support many animals &
birds. In India 19% occupies forest of total land area.
Types of Forest ecosystem:
Tropical rain forests → found near the equator, high temperature, have broad leaf trees like sandal, lion, tiger
Tropical deciduous forest → Found away from equator, warm climate, deciduous trees like maple, oak, deer, fox, rabbit etc.
Temperate rain forests → adequate rainfall areas, coniferous trees like pines, firs, squirrels, fox, cats, bear etc.
Temperate deciduous forest → found in moderate temp., trees like oak, hickory, animals – deer, fox, bear etc.
Tropical scrub forests → dry climate for longer time, small deciduous trees & shrubs, animals – deer, forx etc.

Characteristics of forest ecosystem:

 Characterized by warm temperature, adequate rainfall

 Maintain climate & rainfall
 Support many wild animals & protect biodiversity
 Soil is rich in minerals, so support growth of trees
 Penetration of light is poor so conversion of organic matter is very fast
Structure and Function of Forest Ecosystem

I. Abiotic Components → abiotic components are physical components present in soil & atmosphere
(Ex) tempereature, light, rainfall, minerals
II. Biotic Components
1. Producers → plants absorbs sunlight & produce food by photosynthesis. Ex-trees, shrubs, plants
2. Consumers
Primary consumers → Called herbivores/plant eaters- depend on plants for food. Ex. Insects, rat, goat, deer, cow, horse etc
Secondary consumers → Called primary carnivores/meat eaters. Depend on herbivores for food Ex. Frog, birds, cat, snakes, foxes etc.
Tertiary consumers → Called Secondary carnivores, feed on secondary consumers. Ex. Tigers, lions etc.
3. Decomposers → Organisms which feed on dead organisms, plants & animals & decompose into
simpler compounds Ex.bacteria & fungi

Introduction: Occupies 20% of earth’s surface. Grass species, shrubs, trees are present.
Types: Tropical grassland → High temperature, moderate rainfall, known as Savanna-type, zebra, giraffe
Temperate grassland → found in centers of continents, very cold winters, hot summers, summer fires, no trees or shrubs
Polar grassland → severe cold, strong wind with ice & snow. Animals -Arctic wolf, fox , small plants grow.
Structure and functions of Grassland Ecosystems
Same as forest ecosystem
Introduction: Aquatic ecosystem deals with water bodies.
Types: 1. Fresh water life zones → (ex) Ponds, streams, lakes, rivers
2. Salt water life zones → (ex) oceans, estuaries

Definition : The sequence of eating & being eaten in an ecosystem is food chain (or)

Transfer of food energy from the plants through a series of organisms is food chain.

1. Food Chain in a Grass land:

Rat Snakes Eagles
Plants → → → (Tertiary
(Producers) (Primary (Secondary
consumer / consumer/ primary consumer/
Herbivores) carnivores) secondary

2. Food Chain in a Pond: Phytoplankton → Zooplankton → Small fist → large fish → Man

3. Food Chain in a forest: Plants →Deer→ Tigers/Lions

Types of Food Chain: Grazing Food Chain → starts with green plants & goes to decomposer food chain/
Detritus food chain → starts with dead organic matter & goes to decomposer food chain.
Tropic Levels:
The various steps through which food energy passes in an ecosystem is called as tropic level.
T1 → T2 → T3 → T4 →T5
T1= Producers, T2= Primary consumers, T3= Secondary consumers, T4= Tertiary consumers, T5= decomposers
Definition: The interlocking pattern of various food chains in an ecosystem is food web. Many food chains are
Energy Flow in Food web:
 Grass → insects → fishes → birds → tigers
 Grass → insects → birds → tigers
 Grass → deer → tigers
 Grass → insects → birds → tigers
 Grass → cattles → tigers
 Grass → rats→ snakes → eagles → tigers
 Grass → rats → eagles → tigers
Difference between food chain & food web: In food chain, if one species gets affected, then species in all
tropic levels are also affected. But in food web if one species gets affected, it does not affect other tropic levels.
Graphical representation of structure and function of tropic levels of an ecosystem is ecological pyramid.
Pyramid of Numbers → Represents the number of Pyramid of Energy: Represents the amount of
energy individual organisms present in each tropic levels. Present in each tropic level.

Producer – occypy Ist tropic level * At each tropic level there is a heavy loss of energy
Primary consumer occupy IInt tropic level * Hence there is a sharp decrease in energy at all level
Bcoz no of rats are lower than no of grasses.
Secondary consumer occupy IIIrd tropic level
Bcoz no of snakes are lower than no of rats
Tertiary consumer occupy IVth tropic level
No & size is very low.
2.10.2 Pyramid of Biomass → The amount of living or organic matter present in a particular environment is
called biomass. – There is a decrease in the biomass from the lower tropic level to the higher tropic level.

The progressive replacement of one community by another till the development of stable community in a
particular area is ecological succession.
Process of Ecological Succession
Stages of ecological succession: Nudation
Pioneer community → first group of organism in an area Invasion → Migration,
Establishment Competition
Seral stage → various developmental stages of community Reaction
Types of ecological succession: Stabilizatio
Primary succession → involves gradual establishment of biotic communities on a lifeless ground
Hudrarch / Hydrosere → establishment starts in watery area like pond and lake
Xerarch / Xerosere → establishment starts in a dry area like desert and rock
Secondary succession → Involves establishment of biotic communities in an area, where biotic community
already present there.
Definition: The variety and variability among all groups of living organisms and the ecosystem in which they occur.
Levels/Classification of Biodiversity:
1) Genetic diversity → Diversity within the species is genetic diversity.(ex) teak wood varieties, Indian, Burma, malasian
2) Species diversity→ diversity between different species. (ex) plant species = apple, mango, grapes, animal
species = lion, tiger, elephant etc.
3) Community/Ecosystem diversity → Diversity at the ecological or habitat level is ecosystem diversity. Ex.
River ecosystem.
1. Consumptive use: *It refers to the manner in which the bio-
Drugs: Many plants are used in primary health care. resources are used in the society.
70% of modern medicines are derived from plant and plant extracts.
(Ex)Penicillin – fungus is the source – Antibiotic *These are associated with the social life,
Quinine – Chincona bark - Malaria treatment religion and spiritual aspects of the
Morphine – Poppy bark – Analgesic people.
Fuels: Fire woods are directly consumed by villagers.
Food: A large number of wild plants and wild animals e.g., Holy plants: Tulsi, Lotus, Neem
are consumed by human beings as food. trees
Holy animals: Cow, snake, bull, peacock
2. Productive use:
Biodiversity products have commercial value.
These products are marketed and sold. These are derived from animals and plants.
Animal products: Silk from silk worm
Wool from sheep 4.Ethical value:
Musk from musk deer It means that a species may or may not be used but
Leather from animals its existence in nature gives us pleasure.
Plant Products: Wood for paper and Plywood e.g., Holy river: River
Cotton for textile industry Ganga Holy tree: Tulsi,
Pearl for pearl industry Vengai

5. Aesthetic value:
The beautiful nature of plants and animals insists us to protect the biodiversity. Ex) eco-tourism, colour
of butterfly, flowers etc.

6. Optional value:
The optional value of biodiversity suggests that any species may be proved to be a valuable species after
The hot spots are the geographic areas which posses high endemic species.
An area is designated as a hot spot when it contains at least 0.5% of plant species as endemic.
Area of hot spot: There are 25 Hotspots of biodiversity on worldwide. Out of which 2 are present in India.

Eastern Himalayas → Nepal , Bhutan, Indo-Burma region,30% of endemic species

Western Ghats → Srilanka region, ex – Maharastra, Karnataka, tamilandu, kerela. 1500 endemic species .
Plants → Ternstroemia japonics, hypericum
Animals → Blue bird, lizard, hawk
THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY Killing / Hunting of animals is poaching.
Any disturbance in a natural ecosystem tends to
reduce its biodiversity. Various threats to biodiversity are : Types:
Subsistence Poaching- killing animals for surviving.
Commercial Poaching- hunting animals for selling
1. HABITAT LOSS: Loss of population of interbreeding
Factors influencing Poaching:
Factors influencing Habitat Loss:
Human Population: increase in population increases
 Forest & grasslands are cleared for agricultural
pressure on forest resources.
lands or developmental projects.
 Many species disintegrate due to loss of natural Commercial activities: Smuggling of wild life
habitat. products for high profit.
Destruction of wetlands:
 Wetlands are destroyed due to pollution, draining Wildlife products=Furs, horns, tusk, live specimen,
etc. herbal products.
Developmental activities:
 Construction of dams in forest, industrial effluents Importers of wild life = Europe, North America,
kill birds & aquatic organisms. Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong
Habitat fragmentation:
 Habitat is divided into small & scattered Examples:
 So, many animal & birds are vanishing.  Male gorilla for its body parts
Raw materials:  Blue morpho butterfly – making attractive
 For the production of hybrid seeds, wild plants are trays
used as raw materials.  Snowy large egret – used for white feather in
Production of Drugs: ladies hat.US
 Pharmaceutical companies collect wild plants for  Elephant feet – for making Ash trays
drugs production.  Elephant – for ivory
 So, no of medicinal plants are on the verge of  Bengal tiger – soled for $1,00,000 in foreign
extinction. market
Illegal Trade:  Dynamite fishing – high tech fishing, exhaust
 Trade on wild life reduces bio-diversity marine life. Sea horses, Sea turtles
2. MAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS: Factors Influencing man-animal conflicts:

Examples: 1. Shrinking of forest compels wildlife to move

Sambalpur – orissa: outside the forest
195 humans were killed by elephants, 2. Electric wiring around crops
In retaliation- 98 elephants were killed,
30 injured by villagers. 3. Animals suffer pain and attack humans
Kote – Chamrajanagar –Mysore: 4. Female wildlife attack human more to safe its cubs.
Sugarcane & cotton crop, explosives 5. Forest dept. don’t cultivate foods for wild
Royal Chitwan National Park – Kathmandu 6. Cash compenstn by Govt – 400/- per quintal
Man-eating tiger killed 16 nepalese, 4 yrs chil d But market price 2400/-
Sanjay Gandhi National Park – Mumbai 7. Garbage near human settlement attract wild
Leopards killed– 14 persons

Remedial Measures for conservation of biodiversity:

Make Available of Adequate food & water for wildlife
Construction works in forest must be stopped.
Solar powered fencing must be used to prevent animals
Species are classified into various types:
Extinct species → No longer found in the world
Endangered species → A species is said to be endangered when its no has been reduced to a critical level.
Unless it is protected it is in danger of extinction.
Vulnerable species → when its population is facing continuous decline due to habitat loss.
Rare species → when it is localized within restricted area.
A species is said to be endangered when its no has been reduced to a critical level. Unless it is protected it is in
danger of extinction
No of threatened species of India:
Important Endangered Species:
Plants 250
Birds 70 Reptiles → Tortoise, green sea turtle, gharial, python
Mammals 86 Birds → Peacock, Siberian white crane, pelican, Indian Bustard
Reptiles 25 Mammals → Indian wolf, red fox, tiger, Indian lion, golden cat, desert cat.
Amphibians 3
Primates → lion tailed monkey, capped monkey, golden monkey
Fishes 3
Molluscs 2, Insects -50 Plants → medicinal plants, sandal wood tree

RED-data Book = Data book which contains the list of endangered

species of plants and animals.

Factors affecting Endangered Species:

 Pollution: Human disposal in nature. Travel through food chain and leads to death
 Over-exploitation: over usage of natural resources & poaching leads to extinct of wild life
 Climate change: ozone depletion, flood etc, threatens organisms and ecosystem
Remedial Measures:
 CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is signed
 2900 and other 900 endangered species are restricted for trade.

 The species, which are found only in a particular region are known as endemic species.
 62% of endemic species are found in Himalayas and Western Ghats
 Animals present in a particular region or period is Fauna.
 62% amphibians & 50% lizards are endemic to Western Ghats.
 (ex) Monitor lizards, reticulated python, Indian salamander, viviparous toad.
 Plants present in a particular region or period is Flora
 (ex) Sapria himalayana, ovaria lurida, pteridophyta, angiosperms etc.
Factors affecting endemic species:
Habitat loss, fragmentation, pollution
Definition : The management of biosphere for the sustainable benefit to meet the needs of future generation.
Factors affecting biodiversity:
 Human activities like construction of dams in forest, industrial wastes, using pesticides etc
 Poaching of wild animals, over exploitation of natural resources.
 Discharge of effluents disturbs the marine ecosystem
 The climatic factors-global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain affect the biodiversity
Advantages or Need of Biodiversity:
 Recreation, tourism, Drugs, herbs, food, important raw materials, preserves plants & animals, hence
leads to life supporting systems.
Types of Biodiversity: Methods of In-Situ
conservation: Biosphere
 In-situ conservation (within habitat) reserves – 7 National
 Ex-situ conservation (outside habitat) Parks 80
Willife sanctuaries 420
Gene sanctuaries 120
Involves protection of fauna & flora within its natural habitat.
1. Biosphere Reserves:
2. National Park:
 Covers area of more than 5000 sq. km.
 Protect species for long time  Covers area of about 100 to 500 sq.kms
 Conserves wildlife & environment
(ex) Nanda devi U.P
Nokrek Meghalaya (ex) Gir National Park Gujarat
Nilgiri Kerala, TN, Karnataka Periyar Kerala
Manas Assam Dudwa UP
Sunderbans West Bengal Sariska Rajasthan
Gulf of Mannar TN Ranthambore Rajasthan
Role of Bioshpere reserves: Kaziranga Assam

 Protects endangered species Role of National Park:

 Site of recreation & tourism  For tourism without affecting environment
 Useful for education & research purpose  Protect, propagate & develop wild life
 Gives long term survival Restrictions:
 Gene
4. Grazing of domestic animals is prohibited
 All private Conserve
 Plants acitivities are
rights & forestry
No tourism & explosives are permitted. Examples:
3.Wildlife Sanctuaries: Citrus sanctuary – North India
Pitcher plant -North India
 Conserve animals & Birds only
(examples) 5.Other Projects for conservation of animals:
Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary –TN Examples:
Vedanthangal Bird sanctuary - TN Gir Lion Project, Crocodile Breeding Project,
Sultanpur Bird sanctuary - Haryana Project Elephant, Project Tiger etc.
Ghana Bird sanctuary - Rajasthan
Wild Ass sanctuary -Gurajat Merits of In-situ conservation:
Very cheap & convenient method
Role of wildlife Sanctuaries: Species adjust to floods, drought, forest fires
Protects animals only etc.
Harvesting of timber, Demerits
Collection of forest products Large area is needed, Maintenance is not proper due to
pollution and lack of staff.
Killing, hunting, shooting of wildlife is
Involves protection of fauna & flora outside the natural habitats.
Role of Ex-situ conservation:
Maintenance of endangered plant & animal species under controlled conditions
Preserves more important species
Methods of Ex-situ conservation:
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources → uses cryo technique
Cryo Technique: Preservation of seeds, vegetables, fruits, crops, etc by using liquid nitrogen at -196º C
National Burea of Animal Genetic Resources → preserves semen of bovine animals
National Facility for Plants Tissue Culture Respository → preserves crops or trees by tissue culture

Merits Demerits:
Expensive method Freedom of wildlife is lost
Survival / life span of species increase by special care Animal cant survive in natural environment
Species are assured for food, water, shelter etc
Endangered species are preserved
Two Marks Questions:
1. What is environment? Ans: Sum of total of all the living & non-living things around us is environment.
2. Define environmental studies?
Study of the environment its biotic and abiotic components and their interrelationship is env. Studies.
3. Explain Bioshpere?
Ans: The part of lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere in which living organisms live & interact with
one another is called biosphere.
4. Define Producers? Ans: Producers synthesize their food themselves through photosynthesis .ex all
green plants.
5. What is ecological succession? Mention their types
6. What are food chain? Mention theiy types
7. What is food web?
8. Name Four ecosystem? Ans: Forest, Grassland, Desert, Pond ecosystem
9. Explain the concept of an ecosystem?
10. Define producers and consumers?
11. How does a biome differs from an ecosystem?
Ans: An ecosystem which are exposed to same climatic conditions, life cycle, and physical structure is
called biome. I,e the biome is a small ecosystem within an ecosystem.
12. What is meant by keystone species?
Ans: Species which contribute to habitat functioning and without the work of these key species or when
they disappears, the habitat change dramatically. Such species are called keystone species.
13. What are autotrophic and heterotrophic components? Give examples.
14. Define Biodiversity?
15. Define genetic and species diversity?
16. What do you understand by flora and fauna?
17. India is a mega diversity nation? Account.
Ans: India is one among the 12 mega diversity countries in the world.
It has 7.31% of world faunal species & 10.8% of the world floral species.
The loss of biodiversity is about 33%.
18. What are the two important biodiversity hot spots in India?
19. Give few examples for endangered and endemic species of India?

The presence of one or more contaminants like dust, smoke, mist and odour in the atmosphere which are injurious to human beings, plants and animals.

Common air pollutants sources & their effects:

Substance Nature Sources Health effects Environmental effects
Carbon Colourless, odourless, poisonous gas. Cigarette smoking, incomplete Causes headaches, anemia, coma, Increases the globe temperature
monoxide Formed during incomplete combustion of burning of fuels, motor vehicle irreversible brain cell damage &
(CO) fuels 2C + O2 → 2CO exhaust death
Nitrogen Reddish-brown irritating gas & gives Fuels burning in vehicles, Lung irritation & damage HNO3 acid deposition damage
dioxide photochemical smog, industrial plants trees, soils, & aquatic life. It
(NO2) Can be converted to nitric acid corrode metals, stones on
NO2 + Moisture → HNO3 buildings, statues, monuments
Sulphur Colourless, irritating gas. Formed by Burning of coal, industrial Breathing problems Reduce visibility, acid deposition
dioxide combustion of coal & oil. Can be process on trees, soils & aquatic life
(SO2) converted to sulphuric acid in atmosphere
Suspended Includes variety of particles & droplets Burning coal in industries, diesel Nose & throat irritation, lung Reduce visibility, acid deposition,
particulate (aerosols). in vehicles, agriculture, unpaved damage, bronchitis, asthma, cancer H2SO4 droplets damage trees,
matter roads, etc soils & aquatic life
Ozone (O3) Highly reactive irritating, unpleasant Nitrogen oxides, chemical - Moderates the climate
odour gas. A major component of reaction with volatile organic
photochemical smog. compounds
Photochemic Brownish smoke formed during Formed due to chemical reaction Breathing problems, cough, eye, Damage plants & trees. Smog
al smog automobile traffic among nitrogen oxides nose & throat irritation, heart reduce visibility
& hydrocarbon diseases,
Lead (Pb) Solid toxic metal Paint, smelters, lead manufacture, Brain & nervous system damage, Can harm wild life
storage batteries, leaded petrol mental retardation in children,
digestive & other health problems,
cause cancer
Chromium Solid toxic metal , Paint, smelters, chromium Perforation of nasal septum, chrome
manufacture, chromium plating holes, ulcer, central nervous system
disease, cancer.
Sources of air pollution

 Natural pollution - volcanic eruptions, forest fires, biological decay.

 Man – made activities – Thermal power plants, agricultural activities.

Primary pollutant – these are those emitted directly in the atmosphere in harmful form like CO, NO.
Secondary pollutant – these may react with one another or with the basic components of air to form
new pollutants.
Control Measures

1. Source control
 Use only unleaded petrol
 Use fuels that have low sulphur and ash content
 Plant trees along busy streets because they remove particulates and carbon monoxide and absorb noise.
 Industries and waste disposal sites should be situated outside the city centre.
 Use catalytic converters to help control the emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons.
 Houses, schools, restaurants & park should not be located on busy street

2. Control measures in Industrial centers

 Emission rates should be restricted to permissible levels
 Air pollution control equipments must be made mandatory
 Continous monitoring of the atmosphere to know the emission level

Equipments used to control air pollution:

Mechanical devices such as scrubbers, cyclone separator, bag houses & electro-static precipitators, reducing
particulate pollutants.

 Plant more trees

 Help more in pollution prevention than pollution control
 Use water, energy and other resources efficiently
 Purchase recyclable, recycled and environmentally safe products
 Reduce deforestation
 Remove NO from motor vehicular exhaust
 Use of eco friendly products.
 Use CFC free refrigirators
 Use natural gas than coal
 Use machines in well ventilated areas
 Use less polluting substances for cleaning agents, paints & other products
 Increase use of renewable resources
 Don’t use polystyrene cups that have chloro fluoro carbon (CFC) which destroy ozone
 Use rechargeable batteries which will reduce metal pollution
 Use organic manure instead of inorganic fertilizers
 Reduce garbage by recycling & reuse, Slow population growth


It may be defined as “the alteration in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water which may
cause harmful effects on human and aquatic life.
Types, effects and sources of water pollution
1. Infectious agents:
Example: Bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms.
Sources: Human and animal wastes.
Effects: Variety of diseases.

2. Oxygen demanding wastes:

Example:Animal manure and plant debris that can be decomposed by aerobic bacteria.
Sources: Sewage, paper mills, and food processing facilities.
Effects: Wastes can degrade quality by depleting water of dissolved oxygen, make aquatic life to die

3 .In organic Chemicals:

Example: Water soluble inorganic chemicals. Compounds of toxic metals such as lead, arsenic and
selenium. Salts such as Nacl in water.

Sources: Surface runoff, industrial effluents, household cleansers

Effects: skin cancers & neck damage

Damage nervous system, liver & kidneys
Lower crop yields, Harm fish & other aquatic life
Accelerate corrosion of metals

4. Organic Chemicals:
Examples: Oil, gasoline, plastics, pesticides, cleaning solvents, detergents
Sources: Industrial effluents, household cleansers, runoff from farms
Effects: Causes nervous system damage, cancer, harm fish & wild life.

5. Radio active materials:

Example: radioactive isotopes of iodine, radon, uranium,cesium,and thorium

Sources: Nuclear power plants, mining, nuclear weapons production.
Effects; genetic mutation, birth defects, and certain cancers.

6. Point and non-point sources of water pollution

Point sources: These are discharged pollutants at specific locations through pipes, ditches or sewers
eg: factories, sewage treatment plants

Non-point sources: They are usually large areas or air shed that pollute water by runoff
Eg: runoff of chemical from cropland to surface water.

Testing of river water:

Dissolved oxygen (DO) = It is the amount of oxygen dissolved in a givn quantity of water at a particular
pressure & temperature.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) = It is the amount of oxygen required for the biological decomposition
of organic matter present in the water

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) = It is the amount of oxygen required for chemical oxidation of organic
matter using oxidizing agent like K2Cr2O7 & KMnO4

Control measures of water pollution

 The administration of water pollution should be in the hand of state or central government.
 Scientific techniques are needed to control pollution in river, ponds or streams.
 Industrial plants should be based on recycling operations.
 The national goal should be “conservation of forests” and campaign should be “plant more trees”.
 Highly qualified and effective persons should be consulted for effective control or water pollution.
 Awareness to public through radio, tv etc>
 Suitable laws, standards and practices should be framed to regulate pollution.
 Basic and applied research in public health engineering be encouraged.
 The possible of reuse or recycling of waste material should be encouraged.
 Companies should not discharge any type of waste either treated or untreated into rivers, lakes, ponds etc.



On night of 3rd December 1984 in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh

At Union carbide India Ltd, which manufacture carbonate pesticides using methyl isocyanate (MIC)

Due to failure of coolant, the reactor got exploded & 40 tons of MIC leaked over 40 area.

Nature of MIC: It is a toxic gas, affects lungs, eyes & causes irritation in skin. Remove oxygen from lungs
& cause death.

Effects in Bhopal: About 5000 persons died, 1000 became blind, 65,000 people
suffered from eye,
respiratory, neuromuscular problems.


In April 26 1986, melt down of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Russia, has leaked out the radioactive rays &
radioactive materials.

Effects: about 2000 persons died, more suffered due to degeneration of cells, severe bleeding, anaemia, skin
cancer, animals plants was also affected more.


It may be defined as “the contamination of soil by human and natural activities which may cause harmful
effects on living beings”.

1. Industrial wastes

Sources: Pulp and paper mills, chemical industries, oil refineries, sugar factories,tanneries, textile, steel, fertilizers etc.

Effects: Affect and alter the chemical and biological properties of soil.
Hazardous chemicals enter into human food chain from the soil and finally lead to serious effects.

2. Urban wastes
Sources and effects: Plastics, Glasses, metallic cans, fibers, papers, rubbers, street sweepings, and other discarded
manufactured products. These are also dangerous.

3. Agricultural practices
Sources and effects: Huge quantities of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and weedicides are added to increase the
crop yield. Apart from these farm wastes, manure, slurry, are reported to cause soil pollution.

4. Radioactive pollutants

Sources and effects: These are resulting from explosions of nuclear dust and radio active wastes penetrate the soil and
accumulate there by creating land pollution.

5. Biological agents

Sources and effects: Soil gets large quantities of human, animal and birds excreta which constitute the major source
of land pollution by biological agents.

Control measures of soil pollution (give explaination for each topic on your own)
 Population growth
 Decrease of the available farm land due to urbanization
 Forestry and farm practices
 Proper dumping of unwanted materials
 Production of natural fertilizers
 Proper Hygienic condition
 Public awareness
 Recycling and Reuse of wastes
 Ban on Toxic chemicals.

It may be defined as “the discharge of waste substances into the sea resulting in harm to living resources
hazards to human health, hindrance to fishery and impairment of quality for use of sea water”.

Source of marine pollution

Dumping the wastes:

Huge amounts of sewage, garbage, agricultural discharge, pesticides, heavy metals, plastics are dumped
in sea. Effects: So many marine birds are affected by gastro-intestinal disorders.
Oil pollution of Marine water:

Caused by petroleum and its products.

Effects: Oil films inhibit photosynthesis & formation of oxygen.

This inhibit the growth of marine plants

Effects of marine pollutants

 Cause more damage in birds as thinning of eggshell and tissue damage of egg.
 Oil spilling causes low body temperature in birds resulting in hypothermia.
 Oil films decreases the rate of oxygen uptake by water.
 Cause damage to marine fauna & flora including algae, fish, birds, invertebrates
 Oil films inhibit photosynthesis & inhibit the growth of the plants
 Hydrocarbon & benzpyrene accumulate in fish & consumption of fish by man cause cancer.
Control measures of marine pollution

 Plants for conserving marine biodiversity must be taken into account of human needs.
 People should be educated about marine ecosystems and the benefits offered by them.
 Local communities must be involved in protecting and managing their coastal resources.
 Social and economic incentives must be offered for conserving and sustainable use of marine resources.
 Governments must manage their own water while extending cooperation to the neighboring states.

It may be defined as “the unwanted, unpleasant or disagreeable sound that causes discomfort for all living
beings”. Sound intensity is measured in decibel (dB).

Types of noise

 Industrial noise (drilling sound, mechanical saws)

 Transport noise (bus, trucks, motors, scooters, rail traffic noise)
 Neighborhood noise (Musical instruments, TV, VCR, Radios, telephones, loudspeakers ets)

Effects of Noise pollution

 This affects human health, comfort and efficiency.

 It causes muscles to contract leading to nervous breakdown, tension.
 It affects health efficiency and behavior.
 loss of hearing due to excessive noise,
 impulsive noise also causes psychological and pathological disorders.
 Brain is also adversely affected by loud and sudden noise as that of jet and aero plane noise.
 Ultrosonic sound can affect the digestive, respiratory, cardio vascular system.
 Rate of heart beat decrease or increase depending on the type of noise
 Blood is also thickened by excessive noises
 Optical system is also affected by noise pollution & lead to colour perception & loss of night vision
Control and preventing measures

 Source control – acoustic treatment to machine surface, design changes, limiting the operational
 Transmission path intervention- the source inside a sound insulating enclosure, construction of a noise
barrier or provision of sound absorbing materials.
 Oiling – Proper oiling will reduce the noise from the machines.
 Receptor control: Protection of the receiver by altering the work schedule, by using ear plugs etc
 Planting trees also act as effective noise barriers
 Different absorptive materials can be used to control interior noise.

It may be defined as the “addition of excess of undesirable heat to water that makes it harmful to man, animal
or aquatic life or otherwise causes significant departures from the normal activities of aquatic communities in water”

Sources of thermal pollution

1. Nuclear power plants (drainage from hospitals, research institutes, nuclear experiments & explosions,
emission from nuclear reactors)

2. Coal fired power plants (some thermal power plants use coal as fuel, condenser coil are cooled & discharge
the hot water back to the nearby lake, & kills the fish & marine organisms)

3. Industrial effluents (Textile, paper, pulp, sugar industries discharge wastes)

4. Domestic sewage (Municipal sewage has higher temperature which decrease the dissolved oxygen content &
result in foul & offensive smell in water)

5. Hydro – electric power.

Effects of thermal pollution Control measures of thermal pollution

 Reduction in dissolved oxygen  Cooling towers - This is used as a coolant wet

 Increase in Toxicity cooling tower, dry cooling tower.
 Interference with biological activities  Cooling ponds and spray ponds.
 Interference with reproduction  Artificial lakes – The heated effluents can be
 Direct mortality discharged into the lake at one end and the
 Food storage for fish. water for cooling purposes from the other end.

The radiation hazard in the environment comes from ultraviolet, visible, cosmic rays & microwave radiation
which produce genetic mutations in man

Sources of Nuclear Hazards:

Natural sources: Space which emits cosmic rays, soil, rocks, air, water, food, radioactive radon-222 etc.
Man-made sources: Nuclear power plants, X-rays, nuclear accidents, nuclear bombs, diagnostic kits etc.

Effects of Nuclear Hazards:

 Causes delirium, convulsions & death within hours or days with brain exposure
 Eye cell die, forming cataracts with eye exposure
 Vomiting, bleeding of the gums, mouth ulcers etc.
 Blood vessel damage is indicated by red spots on the skin
 Nausea, vomiting & Infection of the intestinal wall can kill weeks afterwards
 Unborn children are affected by mental retardation or brain damage.

Control measures from Nuclear Hazards:

 Nuclear devices should never be exploded in air.
 In nuclear reactor coolants may be used to prevent extraneous activation products
 Tightly sealed boxes & closed cycle system can be used to decrease the radioactive emissions
 Production of radioisotopes should be minimized
 Minimum no of nuclear installations should be commissioned
 Fission reactions should be minimized
 The use of radio isotopes may be carried under jet of soil or water instead of gaseous forms
 Wet drilling may be employed along with underground drainage
 Extreme care should be exercised in disposal of industrial wastes
 Use of high chimneys & ventilations at the working place for dispersing radio-pollutants
 Disposal methods are the possible ways to distribute the radio-pollutants

Disposal of Radioactive wastes:

High level wastes(HLW) = They are dangerous & so converted them into inert solids & then buried deep into earth or
stored in deep salt mines. Ex. Spent nuclear fuel

Medium level wastes (MLW) = MLW are solidified & are mixed with concrete in steel drums before buried in deep

Low level wastes (LLW)= LLW are disposed off in steel drums in concrete lined trenches

Solid waste generation

Collection of wastes


Segregation of waste

Disposal methods

Steps Involved Composti
I Reduce, Reuse, Recycling (3R)

a) Reduce the usage of raw materials: Usage of raw materials

is reduced.

b) Reuse: refillable container which is discarded after using can be reused.

Throwing rubber ring from cycle tubes can be used again in the manufacture of rubber bands.

c) Recycling: recycling of discarded materials into new products.

i) Preparation of new cans and bottles from old aluminum cans and glass bottles.
ii) Preparation of fuel pellets from kitchen waste.

II Discarding wastes:

Methods: a) Land fill b) Incineration c) Composting

a) Land fill:

 Solid wastes are placed in sanitary landfill system in alternate layers of 80 cm thickness of refuse
 Covered with selected earth fill of 20 cm thickness
 After 2 or 3 days solid wastes volume shrinks by 25-30%
 Then the land is used for parks, roads, small buildings etc.

Simple and economical
Segregation is not required Large area is required
Landfill areas can be used for other purposes Transportations cost is heavy.
Natural resources are retained to the soil. Bad odors, if landfill is not properly managed
Insecticides, pesticides should be applied at regular
Causes of fire hazards due to formation of methane

b) Incineration (or) Thermal process

 In this method combustible substances (rubbish, garbage, dead organisms) & non-combustable
substances (glass, porcelain, metals) are separated first.
 The combustible waste substances are first dried in a preheater
 Then it is taken in a large incinerating furnace which incinerate about 100 to 150 tonnes per hour
 The temperature is maintained between 700ºC to 1000ºC
 The left out ashes & clinkers from the furnace is further disposed byDisadvantages:
landfill method
 The heat produced in the incinerator is used for generating electricity though turbines
 The non combustible substances are left out for recycling& reuse. Capital and operating cost is high
Advantages: Need skilled persons
Formation of smokes, dusts, and
Require little space
Cost of transportation is not high
Safest and hygienic
Capacity 300 tonnes per day and can generate 3MV of power.

c) Composting:

 In this method the bulk organic waste is converted into fertilizer by biological action
 The separated compostable waste is dumped in underground trenches(1.5m)
 Covered with earth of 20 cm and left over for decomposition
 Micro organism (actinomycetes) is introduced to start decomposition.
 After 2 or 3 days the organic waste are destroyed bt micro organism and produce heat
 Composting will happen at 75ºC
 Finally the refuse can converted to powdery brown colored odorless mass called Humus(fertilizer).
 It contains lots of nitrogen, plants growth phosphates and other minerals.

Increase of water retention and ion exchange character of soil
Number of industrial waste can also be treated by this method Non combustible have to disposed separately
Manure can be produced No assured market
Recycling occurs.



It is a perceived natural event which threatens both life and property.


 A disaster is the realization of this hazard

 It is defined as the geological process and it is an event concentrated in time and space in which a
society or subdivision of a society undergoes severe danger and causes loss of its members and physical

Natural disasters – refers to those disasters that are generated by natural phenomena.

Man made disasters – refers to the disasters resulting from man made hazards.


Whenever the magnitude of water flow exceeds the carrying capacity of the channel within its banks the excess
of water overflows on the surroundings causes floods.

Causes of floods

 Heavy rain, rainfall during cyclone causes floods

 Sudden snow melt also raises the quantity of water in streams and causes flood
 Sudden and excess release of impounded water behind dams
 Clearing of forests for agriculture has also increased severity of floods.
Flood Management
 Encroachment of flood ways should be banned.
 Building walls prevent spilling out the flood water over flood plains.
 Diverting excess water through channels or canals to areas like lake, rivers
where water is not sufficient.
 Optical and microwave data from IRS is also used for flood management.
 Flood forecasts and flood warning are also given by the central water commission.


It is a meteorological process, intense depressions forming over the open oceans and moving towards the land.
Cyclone is measured by Saffir-Simpson scale.


 The damage depends on the intensity of cyclone the damage to human life, crops, roads, transport,
could be heavy.
 Cyclone occurrence slows down the developmental activities of the area.

Cyclone management

 Satellite images are used by meteorological departments for forecasting the weather conditions which
reveal the strength and intensity of the storm.
 Radar system is used to detect the cyclone and is being used for cyclone warning.


The movement of earthy materials like coherent rock, mud, soil and debris from higher to lower region to
gravitational pull is called land slides.


 Movement of heavy vehicles on the unstable sloppy regions.

 Earthquake, shocks, vibrations and cyclone.
Effects of landslides

1. Block roads and diverts the passage.

2. Soil erosion increases.
3. Causes damages to houses, crops and live stock.


An earthquake is a sudden vibration caused on earth surface with the sudden release of tremendous energy
stored in rocks under the earth’s crust.


1. Disequilibrium in any part of the earth crust

2. Underground nuclear testing
3. Decrease of underground water level.
Severity of an earthquake: Generally it is measured by its magnitude on Richter scale.
Richter Scale Severity of earthquake
Less than 4 Insignificant
4- 4.9 Minor
5- 5.9 Damaging
6- 6.9 Destructive
7- 7.9 Major
More than 8 Great

 Damage the settlements and transport systems

 Collapses houses and their structures
 Deformation of ground surface
 Tsunami
Earthquake Management

 Constructing earthquake resistant building

 Wooden houses are preferred
 Seismic hazard map should give the information about the magnitude of intensity of anticipated

A tsunami is a large wave that is generated in a water body when the seafloor is deformed by seismic activity.
This activity displaces the overlying water in the ocean.

Causes of tsunami

 Seismic activities like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, explosions, can generate tsunami.
 Deformation of the sea floor due to the movement of plates.
Concept of Tsunami

A tsunami is not a single wave but a series of waves like the ordinary waves which we see on seas.

Effects on Tsunami

 Tsunami attacks mostly the coastlines, causing devastating property, damage and loss of life.
 Tsunami can kill lot of human beings, livestock’s.
 Tsunami may also spread lot of water borne diseases.
Tsunami Management

 Earthquakes under the water are monitored by sensors on the floor of the sea.
 The sensors send the information of floating buoys on the surface, whenever they detect any changes in
pressure of the sea.
 The information is then relayed to satellites, which passes it on to the earth stations.
 Finally the country make the people alert through the media to take all necessary precautions.
1. Name any four air pollutants & their sources & effects?
2. What are point & non-point sources of water pollution?
3. Name the sources & effects of marine pollution?
4. Give examples for primary & secondary air pollutants?
5. Define thermal pollution?
6. Define soil pollution?
7. Write four major water pollutants?
8. Define the term Tsunami?
9. Define landslides?
10. Write any two causes of soil pollution?
11. Define BOD & COD?
12. Give any four methods to control noise pollution?

13. What are the types of solid wastes?

Municipal Wastes, Industrial Wastes, Hazardous Wastes.

14. Define Hazardous Wastes?

Wastes like toxic chemicals, radioactive or biological substances which increase in mortality or serious illness
to human health & environment are called hazardous wastes.

15. When s sound causes noise pollution?

The sound intensity is measured in decibel. Noise beyond 120 dB causes noise pollution

16. Define photochemical smog?

The brownish smoke like appearance that forms on sunny days in large cities during automobile traffic.
It is mainly due to chemical reactions among nitrogen oxides & hydrocarbon by sunlight.

17. How nuclear hazards can be disposed safely?

Nuclear hazards are disposed safely by dumping them in a big concrete tank & throwing it in a deep sea.

18. Define solid waste?

Any garbage, refuse, sludge from waste treatment plants, & other discarded material including solid, liquid,
from mining, agriculture, commercial are called solid wastes.

19. Differentiate recycling & reuse?

Reuse: Refillable containers, which are discarded after use can be reused.
Recycle: It is the reprocessing of the discarded materials into new useful products

20. Differentiate pollution prevention & pollution control?

Pollution prevention Pollution control
Eliminates the creation of pollution Removal of pollutants from the polluted part
Environment degradation is avoided Environment degradation is minimized
Efficiency of Energy, water, raw materials is increased Wastage of energy, water & raw materials is more
Cost needed is low Cost needed is high


Due to overpopulation, the forest materials like food, medicine, shelter, wood & fuel are not sufficient to meet the
people’s demand. Hence exploitation of forest increases day by day

Reason for over exploitation in India:

In India forest area required to maintain good ecological balance is 33% but at present is only 22% there. Hence
over exploitation of forest occur.

Causes of over exploitation:

 Increasing agricultural production

 Increasing industrial activities

 Increase in demand of wood resources

Effects of Over exploitation:

 Led to migration of the farmers

 Environment damage is heavy

 Tropical forests are destroyed very fastly

 Countless plants and animal species are endangered

 Marine population will go into extinction

 Dumping of wastes into land, water, & air is a severe problem

Heat energy from the sun evaporates water from oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds etc.
Condensation & Precipitation:
Precipitation (rainfall) occurs due to the condensation of water & falls to earth.
Once water condenses, it is pulled into the ground by gravity.
Transpiration & respiration:
Plants absorb water through their roots & loose water through their leaves to the atmosphere & this process is transpiration.
Animals & plants break down sugars and produce energy with liberation of CO2 & H2O is respiration.

Thus the process of evaporation, condensation & transpiration is called hydrological cycle.
Deforestation means destruction or removal of forests due to natural or man-made activities.

Deforestation in India: Deforestation is a continuous process in India.

About 1.3 hectares of forest land has been lost.
The presence of waste land is a sign of deforestation in India.
Causes of Deforestation

1. Developmental projects (Ex) Bigdams, hydroelectric projects, road construction etc

2. Mining operations (ex) Mica, coal, manganese, limestone etc.
3. Raw materials for industries (ex) for making boxes, furnitures, plywood, match boxes, pulp etc.
4. Fuel requirements (ex) Both rural & tribal population depend on forests for fuel
5. Shifting cultivation - Replacement of natural forest ecosystem lead to loss of plants & animal species
6. Forest Fires - Due to human interruption & increase in temperature forest fire happens

Effects or Consequences of deforestation:

1. Global Warming► Cutting & burning of forest trees increase CO2 content in
atmosphere This causes global warming and depletion of ozone

2. Soil erosion► Forest trees act as natural barrier to reduce the wind velocity & reduce soil
erosion. Deforestation causes soil erosion, floods, landslides, and drought.

3. Loss of genetic diversity► Destroy the genetic diversity on earth which provides food & medicines for entire world.

4. Loss of Biodiversity► When plants does not exist, animals that depend on them for food & habitat become extinct.

5. Loss of Food grains► Due to soil erosion, the countries loose the food grains.

6. Flood & land slides► frequent floods, landslides in hilly areas and wind speed are heavy.

7. Unemployment Problems ► people living around forest areas losses their livelihood.

Preventive measures of conservation of forests

 Planting trees to replace the cut down trees

 Use of wood for fuel should be discouraged
 Controlling forest pest by spraying pesticides using aeroplanes
 Controlling forest fire by modern techniques
 Controlling over grazing by cattle
 Discouraging migration of tribal people by the government.
 Conducting education & awareness programmes
 Strict implementation of law of forest conservation act.
Definition: Dams are artificial structures built across the river to create reservoir to store water.

Indian Scenario: Maharashtra = more than 600 dams, Gujarat = more than 250 dams
Madhya Pradesh = more than 130 dams

Effects of dam on forest: Effects of dam on tribal people:

● Thousands of hectares of forest are cleared for river valley projects
 Displacement of tribal people
● Forest is also cleared for residential, office, buildings,
storing materials, laying roads etc  Cultural change affects the tribal people
mentally & physically
● Hydro electric projects have led to loss of forest.
 They do not accommodate the modern
● Dam construction kills wild animals & aquatic life
food habits & life styles.
● Hydro electric projects spread water borne diseases.
● Water logging leads to salinity & reduces the fertility of land.  Tribal’s are ill treated by modern
( Examples)
Narmada Sagar Project = submerged 3.5 lakhs hectares of forest  They are recognized and compensated
Tehri dam = submerged 1000 hectares of forest
 Their body condition will not suit the
new area & are affected by many
Benefits of Constructing Dams: diseases.
 Control flood & store water
 Divert water from river into a channel
 Used for drinking & agricultural purposes
 Built for generating electricity
 Used for recreational purposes
 Navigation & fishery can be developed in dam areas
 Help for the socio economic development of the society
 Used for irrigation during dry seasons
 Prevent drought

Problems of Constructing Dams:

Upstream Problem: Down stream problems:
 Displacement of tribal people  Water logging causes salinity
 Loss of forests, flora & fauna  Silt deposition in rivers
 Soil erosion, sedimentation, siltation occurs  Salt water intrusion in river
 Water logging retards plant growth  As nutrients deposits in reservoir, land
losses its fertility
 Spread of vector-borne & water borne diseases
 Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) causes  Structural defects of dam destroy many
earthquake living organisms

Definition: Mining is the process of extracting of metals from the mineral deposit.

Types: 1. Surface mining: It is process of extraction of raw materials form surface.

2. Underground mining: It is the process of extraction of raw materials below the earth’s surface
Open-Pit mining: machines dig holes & remove the ores. (ex) Iron, copper, limestone, marble etc
Dredging: Scraping the minerals from under-water mineral deposit by chained buckets & draglines.
Strip mining: The ore is stipped off by using bulldozers, stripping wheels.

Effects of over exploitation of mineral resources

 Rapid depletion of mineral deposits
 Wastage & dissemination of mineral deposits
 Causes environmental pollution
 Needs heavy energy requirements.
 Vibration developed during mining causes earthquake
 Causes Noise pollution
 Reduces size & shape of forest areas
 Continuous mining causes landslides, Causes migration of tribal people.

Environmental Damage caused by mining activities:

1. De-vegetation &  Topsoil & vegetation are removed from mining areas.
defacing of landscape  De-vegetation leads to severe ecological losses.

2. Groundwater  Mining pollutes the ground water.

contamination  Sulphur present in many ores, is converted into sulphuric acid by microbial action.
 Hence water becomes acidic.
 Some heavy metals also leach into ground water.

3. Surface water  The drainage of acid mine contaminates streams & lakes.
pollution  Radioactive substances like Uranium contaminate the surface water &
 Kill the aquatic animals.

4. Air pollution * Smelting & roasting done to purify the metal causes air pollution & affects
the nearby vegetation.
*The SPM (suspended particulate matter) like Arsenic, cadmium, lead etc.
contaminate the atmosphere & affects public health.

5. Subsidence of Lands Mining results in cracks in houses, tilting of buildings, bending of rail tracks etc.
1. Problems in using Fertilizers:
 Micronutrient imbalance:
a. Chemical fertilizers used in fields contain nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium (NPK)
b. Excess of fertilizers used in fields causes micronutrient imbalance.

 Blue Baby syndrome:

a. Nitrogenous fertilizers used in fields, contaminate the ground water.
b. When the nitrate concentration exceeds 25 mg/lit, they cause serious health problem called “Blue Baby syndrome”
c. This disease affects infants & leads to death.

 Eutrophication:
a. A large proportion of N & P fertilizers used in fields is washed off & causes over nourishment of
the lakes. This process is known as Eutrophication.
b. Eutrophication leads lakes to get attacked by algal blooms.
c. Life time of algal blooms are less & thy die quickly & pollute water & affect the aquatic life.

2. Problems in using pesticides:

 Ist generation Pesticides: Sulphur, arsenic, lead or mercury are used to kill the pests.
 IInd generation pesticides: DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethane is used to kill the pests.
These chemicals produce number of side effects. They are as follows
Death of non-target organisms = Insecticides not only kill the target species, they also kill the non-target species.
Producing new pests: Some pest species survive even after the pesticide spray; they are immune & are called super pests.
Bio-magnification: Many pesticides are non-biodegradable & keep on concentrating in food chain.
The process is called bio-magnification & is harmful to the human beings.
Risk of cancer: It directly acts as carcinogens, It indirectly suppress the immune system.

Quality of an ideal pest:

Must kill only the target species
Must by biodegradable
Should not produce new pests
Should not produce any toxic pesticide vapour
Excessive pesticides should not be used
Chlorinated & organophosphate pesticides are hazardous & they should not be used.

3. Water logging:
Water logging is the land where water stand for most of the year
Problems in water logging:
Pore-voids in the soil get filled with water & the soil-air gets depleted.
So, the roots of the plants don’t get adequate air for respiration.
So, mechanical strength of the soil & crop yield decreases.
Preventing excessive irrigation preventing water-logging by
Causes of Water logging:
Excessive water supply to the croplands. Sub-surface drainage technology
Heavy rain, Poor drainage.

4. Salinity:
Definition: * Water evaporation leaves behind a thin layer of salts in the topsoil.
& this process of accumulation of salts is called salinity of soil.
*Saline soils are due to Sodium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium sulphate,
sodium bicarbonates & sodium carbonates.
*The pH of the water exceeds 8.0

Problems in salinity
Due to salinity the soil becomes alkaline & crop yield decreases

The salt deposit is removed by flushing them by good quality water
Salt water is flushed out by using sub-surface drainage system.


1. Decrease of Reason: Increased usage of ground water

Ground water: Inadequate rainfall
Construction activities reduces the area for percolation of rainwater

2. Ground When the groundwater withdrawal is more than recharge rate ground subsidence occur.
subsidence: Problems: Structural damage in buildings
 Fracture in pipes
 Reversing flow of canals & tidal flooding

3.Lowering of Water Water pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure, hence disturb the hydrological cycle.
table: Problems: Lowering of water table
Decreased pressure of water changes the speed & direction of water flow.

4. Intrusion of salt  Over-exploitation of ground water lead to rapid intrusion of salt water from the sea
water:  Water cannot be used for drinking & agricultures.

5. Earthquake & Over utilization of ground water leads to earthquake, landslides & famine.

6. Drying up of  the groundwater withdrawal is more than recharge rate

wells:  this leads to drying up of dug wells & bore wells

7. Pollution of Water containing nitrogen as nitrate fertilizer, percolates rapidly into ground & get
water: polluted.
 Water becomes unsuitable for potable when nitrate concentration exceeds 45 mgs/lit.
1. Conservation of energy

 Turn off lights, fans and other appliances when not in use.
 Dry the clothes in sun instead of drier
 Use solar cooker for cooking food on sunny days and will cut down LPG expenses.
 Grow trees and climbers near the houses and get a cool breeze and shade. This will cut off electricity
charges on coolers and A/C
 Ride bicycle or just walk instead of using your car or scooter.
 Always use pressure cooker.

2. Conservation of water:
 Use minimum water for all domestic purpose
 Check for water leaks in pipes & toilets & repair them properly
 Reuse the soapy water after washing clothes for washing courtyards, drive ways etc.
 Use drip irrigation to improve irrigation efficiency & reduce evaporation
 The waste water from kitchen, bath tub can be used for watering the plants
 Build rainwater harvesting system in your home

3. Conservation of soil:
 Grow plants, trees & grass which bind the soil & prevent its erosion
 Don’t irrigate the plants using strong flow of water, as it will wash off the top soil
 Soil erosion can be prevented by the use of sprinkling irrigation
 Use green manure in the garden, which will protect the soil
 Use mixed cropping, so that specific soil nutrients will not get depleted
 While constructing the house don’t uproot the trees

4. Conservation of food resources:

 Eat minimum amount of food, avoid over eating.
 Don’t waste the food, instead give it to someone before getting spoiled.
 Cook only required amount of food
 Don’t cook food unnecessarily
 Don’t store large amounts of food grains & protect them from insects.

5. Conservation of forest:
 Use non-timber products
 Plant more trees & protect them
 Grassing, fishing must be controlled
 Minimize the use of papers & fuel wood
 Avoid developmental work like dam, road, construction in forest areas.

1. Conflicts through use:

Unequal distribution of water led to inter-state or international disputes.

a. Internation conflicts:
b. National Conflicts:
 India & Pakistan fight to water from the Indus
 Iran & Iraq fight for water from Shatt-al-Arab water Cavery problem between Karnataka & Tamilnadu
 India & Bangladesh fight for Bhramaputra river Krishna problem between Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh
Siruveni water problem between Tamilnadu & kerala
 Mixico & USA fight over Colorado river

2. Construction of Dams/Power stations:

For hydroelectric power generation, dams built across the rivers, initiates conflict between the states.

3. Conflict through pollution:

Rivers & Lakes are used for electricity, shipping & for industrial purpose.
Disposal of waste water & industrial waste decrease the quality of water & causes pollution.


Conflicts on Indian river:

Damodar river → It is the most polluted river, carrying 43 industries discharges/
Yamuna river → 19,000 cubic meters of Water containing DDT derivatives are dumped in the river.
Ganga river → 1000 cubic meters of polluted water from 68 industries are discharged in the river.
Periyar river → The River is dying due to mining of 4,37,000 tonnes of sand everyday & become salty due to intrusion of sea water
Suriyapalayam river → 34 tanneries located around this river contaminate drinking water, & make soil unfit for agriculture.
Thamraparani river → Continous brick making on its bank has converted the river into mud pools.

Cavery water dispute:

The Cauvery water dispute Tribunal set up on 2nd June 1990, directed Karnataka to ensure 205 TMCF of
water to Mettur dam every Year

Water conflicts in the middle east:

In Ethipia, Sudan & Egypt:

Problems in sharing Jordan, Tigris-Euphrates & Nile river water resources by middle east countries
In Jordan, Syria & Israel:
Problems in sharing of Jordan river water between Jordan, Syria & Israel.
RESOURCES: Renewable Energy Resources:
Definition: They are natural resources which can be regenerated continuously
Examples: Solar energy = Solar cells, Solar heat collectors, Solar water heater
Wind energy = Wind mills, Wind farms
Ocean energy = Tidal energy, Ocean Thermal energy, Geothermal energy
Biomass energy = Biogas, Bio fuel, Hydrogen fuel

The Energy that we get directly from the sun is called solar energy
Methods of Harvesting Solar Energy

1. Solar cells (or) photovoltaic cells (or) PV cells

 Solar cells consist of a p-type semiconductor and n-type semi-conductor

 They are in close contact with each other.
 When the solar rays fall on the top layer of p-type semi-conductor, the electrons from the valence
band get promoted to the conduction band and cross the p-n junction into n-type semi-conductor.
 Thus potential difference produced between two layers causes flow of electrons (ie.,an electric
Used in calculators, electronic watches. Street lights, water pumps to run radios and TVs.

Solar Battery
 Large number of solar cells is connected in series to form a solar battery.
 Solar battery produce more electricity which is enough to run water pump, to run street-light,

2. Solar heat collectors

 Solar heat collectors consist of natural materials like stones, bricks, (or) materials like glass.
 They can absorb heat during the day time and release it slowly at night.
Used in cold places, where houses are kept in hot condition using solar heat collectors.

3. Solar water heater

It consists of
 An insulated box inside of which is painted with black paint.
 Provided with a glass lid to receive and store solar heat.
 Inside the box it has black painted copper coil, which heats the cold water.
 Then flows out into a storage tank.
 From the storage tank water is then supplied through pipes.

Significance of Solar energy:

They are noise & pollution free
Solar water heaters, cookers require no fuels
Solar cells can be used in remote & isolated forest & hilly regions.
Moving air is called wind.
 Energy recovered from the force of the wind is called wind energy.
 The energy possessed by wind is because of its high speed.
 The wind energy is harnessed by making use of wind mills.
Methods of Harvesting wind energy

1. Wind Mills

 The strike of wind on the blades of the wind mill rotates it continuously.
 The rotational motion of the blade drives machines like water pump, flour mills, electric generators etc.

2. Wind farms

Wind farm consists of large number of wind mills .

 The wind farms produce a large amount of electricity.
The minimum speed required for satisfactory working of a wind generator is 15 km/hr.

It does not cause any air pollution
It is very cheap.
It can be generated by following ways.
1. Tidal energy (or) Tidal power

Ocean tides, produced by gravitational forces of sun and moon, contain enormous amount of energy.

 The “high tide” and “low tide” refer to the rise and fall of water in the oceans.
 The tidal energy can be harnessed by constructing a tidal barrage.
 During high tide, the sea-water which flow into the reservoir of the barrage, rotates the turbine,
which inturn produces electricity by rotating the generators

Significance of tidal energy:

Do not require large areas
Pollution free energy source
No fuel is used & does not produce any wastes.

2. Ocean thermal energy (OTE)

 The temperature difference between the surface level & deeper level of the oceans are used to
generate electricity.
 The energy available due to the difference in temperature of water is called ocean thermal
The temperature difference should be of 200C or more between surface water and deeper water.

 The warm surface water of ocean is used to boil a low boiling liquid like ammonia.
 The high vapour pressure thus produced turns the turbine of the generator and generates electricity.

Significance: OTE is Continuous, renewable, pollution free, used to produce H2,

3. Geo-thermal Energy

The energy harnessed from high temperature & pressure present inside the earth is called geothermal energy.
1. Natural geysers
In some places, the hot water (or) steam comes from the ground through cracks naturally

2. Artificial geysers

In some places, we can drill a hole up to the hot region & make the hot water to rush out through the
pipe with very high pressure.

Thus, the hot water (or) steam coming out from the natural (or) artificial geysers is allowed to rotate the
turbine of a generator to produce electricity.

Power generation is higher than solar & wind energies,
Can be brought online quickly,
Used for direct uses such as hot water bath, resorts, aquaculture, greenhouses.


Biomass is the organic matter, produced by plants or animals,

Eg: Wood, crop residues, seeds, cattle dung, sewage, agricultural wastes.
1. Biogas
 Mixture of methane, carbondioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ete.
 It contains about 65% of methane gas as a major constituent
 Biogas is obtained by the anaerobic fermentation of animal dung or plant wastes in the
presence of water.
2. Bio fuels

Biofuels are the fuels, obtained by the fermentation of biomass.

(a)Ethanol = Easily produced from the sugarcane. Its calorific value is less than petrol,
(b)Methanol = obtained from ethanol or sugar-containing plants. calorific value is also too low than gasoline and diesel.
(c)Gasohol = Gasohol is a mixture of ethanol+gasoline.

3. Hydrogen Fuel
Hydrogen can be produced by thermal dissociation or photolysis or electrolysis of water.
It possesses high calorific value.
Disadvantages of hydrogen fuel
It is non polluting, because the combustion product is water.
2H2+O2---->2H2O+150KJ 1. Hydrogen is highly inflammable
and explosive in nature
NON-RENEABLE ENERGY SOURCESSafe handling is required
3. It is difficult to store and transport.
1. Coal

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed in several stages & were subjected to intense heat and pressure over
millions of years.

Various stages of coal

Wood → Peat (60% carbon)→ Lignite(70% carbon) → Bituminous coal (80% Carbon) →
Anthracite (90% carbon)


1. When coal is burnt it produces CO2 causes global warming

2. coal contains impurities like S and N, it produces toxic gases during burning.
2. Petroleum

Petroleum or crude oil = hydrocarbons +small amount S, O, N.

Petroleum was formed by the decomposition of dead animals and plants,
buried under high temperature and pressure for million years

Fractional distillation
Hydrocarbons are separated by fractioning the crude oil.

3. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

1. The petroleum gas, converted into liquid under high pressure is LPG
2. LPG is colorless and odorless gas.
3. During bottling some mercaptans is added, to detect leakage of LPG from the cylinder.

4. Natural Gas

1. Mixture of 50-90% methane and small amount of other hydrocarbons.

2. Its calorific value ranges from 12,000-14,000 k-cal/m3.
(i) Dry gas = the natural gas + lower hydrocarbons like methane and ethane, is called dry gas.
(ii) Wet gas = natural gas + higher hydrocarbons like propane, butane along with methane is called wet gas.

5. Nuclear Energy

Dr. H. Bhabha –father. India has 10 nuclear reactors, which produce 2% of India’s electricity.

a) Nuclear Fission
Heavier nucleus is split into lighter nuclei, on bombardment by fast moving neutrons, and a large
amount of energy is released.

Fission of U235

When U235 nucleus is hit by a thermal neutron, it undergoes the following reaction with the release of 3

U92235 + n10Ba13956 + Kr 9436 + 3n10 + Energy

 Each of the above 3 neutrons strikes another U235 nucleus causing (3x3) 9 subsequent reactions.
 These 9 reactions further give rise to (3x9) 27 reactions.
 This process of propagation of the reaction by multiplication in threes at each fission is called chain reaction.

Fission reaction of U235 is given below.

92U235 +0n1 → 36Kr92 + 56Ba141 + 3 0n1 + energy

Nuclear fission-chain reaction

b) Nuclear fusion:

Lighter nucleuses are combined together at extremely high temperatures to form heavier nucleus and a
large amount of energy is released.


Fusion of H21 .Two hydrogen-2 (Deuterium) atoms may fuse to form helium at 1 billion0C with the
release of large amount of energy

1H2+1H2 → 3He2+0n1+energy

Nuclear power of India

 Tarapur(Maharashtra),
 Ranapratap Sagar (Rajasthan)
 Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu)
 Narora (U.P).
Two Marks:
1. State the environmental effects of extracting & using mineral resources?
2. What are renewable & non-renewable energy resources? Give examples?
3. State the problems caused by the construction of Dams?
4. Write any two functions of forests?
5. What are the causes of deforestation?
6. Compare the merits & problems of dams?
7. Define the term deforestation?
8. What is eutrophication?
9. What is geothermal energy?
10. List the adverse effects of mining?
11. Enumerate the desired qualities of an ideal pesticide?

12. Define sustainable forestry?

It is the optimum use of forest resources, which meet the needs of the present & future

13. What is desertification? Give Two reasons for it?

It is a progressive destruction / degradation of arid or semi arid lands to desert.
Reasons: Deforestation, overgrazing, mining & quarrying, climate change, pollution.

14. Define overgrazing?

It is a process of “eating away the forest vegetation without giving it a chance to regenerate”.

15. What are the conventional sources of energy for the mankind?
Non-renewable energy resources are natural resources which cannot be regenerated once they are
exhausted. They cannot be used again.

16. Explain Soil leaching?

The process in which materials in or on the soil gradually dissolve and are carried by water
seeping through the soil.
Effects: Removes valuable nutrients from the soil, may carry buried wastes into ground water &
contaminates it.

17. Define Environmental impact statement?

It is the effect on the natural environment caused by various human actions. It includes 2 types
Indirect effects = (ex) Pollution
Direct effects = (ex) Cutting down trees

18. What is meant by soil erosion? & mention the factors causing soil erosion?
It is the process of removal of superficial layer of the soil from one place to another. It also
removes the soil components & surface liter.
Factors: Water, Wind, Biotic agents, Landslides, Construction

19. Differentiate between deforestation & forest degradation?

Forest degradation Deforestation
Process of deterioration of forest materials Process of destruction of forest materials
Slow process Rapid process
Can be recovered. Cannot be recovered

20. Differentiate renewable & nonrenewable energy?

Renewable Energy Non-renewable energy
Regenerated continuously Cannot be regenerated
In exhaustible Exhausted
Can be used again & again Cannot be used again
It is pollution free It pollutes the atmosphere
Available in limited amount in nature Available in unlimited amount in nature
It is developed in a long period It is developed in a short period
Ex. Wood, Solar energy, Wind energy Ex. Coal, Petroleum, Nuclear fuel

Meeting the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations, to meet their own needs.

Dimensions of sustainable development

Derived from interactions between society, economy and environment.

Aspects of sustainable development

 Inter-generational equity = states to hand over safe, healthy & resourceful environment to future

 Intra-generational equity = Technological development of rich countries should support the economic
growth of poor countries.

Approaches for sustainable development

 Developing appropriate technology - locally adaptable, eco-friendly, resource efficient and culturally
 Reduce, reuse, recycle [3R] approach – reduces waste generation and pollution
 Providing environmental education and awareness – changing attitude of the people
 Consumption of renewable resources – attain sustainability
 Conservation of non renewable resources – conserved by recycling and reusing
 Population control.


The process of saving water for future utilization is known as water conservation.

Need for water conservation

 Changes in environmental factors

 Better lifestyles need more water
 Increase in population
 Deforestation decreases annual rainfal
 Over exploitation of ground water leads to drought
 Agricultural and industrial activities require more water.

Strategies of water conservation

Reducing evaporation losses → can place asphalt below the soil surface
Reducing irrigation losses → sprinkling, drip irrigation, irrigation in early Morning / later evening reduces evaporation
Re use of water → treated waste water from washings, bathrooms can be used for gardening
Preventing of wastage of water → closing taps when not is use, repairing leakage, using small capacity taps etc
Decreasing run-off losses → Can be done by using contour cultivation or terrace farming
Avoid discharge of sewage. → discharge of sewage into water resources should be prevented

Methods of water conservation = 1. Rain water harvesting 2. Watershed management

It is technique of capturing & storing of rainwater for further utilization
Roof top Rainwater Harvesting Method:(2)
Objectives of rain water harvesting (1)
 To meet the increasing demands Method of collecting rainwater from roof of the building
 Raise the water table by recharging the ground water & storing it in the ground for future use.
 Reduce ground water contamination Rain water is collected by PVC / aluminium pipe to the pit
 Reduce the surface run off loss & soil erosion
 Increase in hydro static pressure. The pit base is filled with stones & sand, which serve as
 Minimise water crisis & water conflicts sand filters

Advantages of Rain water Harvesting (3):

 Reduces the use of current
 Prevent drought
 Increase the water level in well
 Rise in ground water level
 Minimise soil erosion & flood hazards
 Upgrading the social & environmental status
 Future generation is assured of water.


Watershed is defined as the land area from which water drains due to gravity into stream, lake etc.

The management of rainfall and resultant run-off is called watershed management.

Objectives (1) Factors affecting watershed (2)

 To minimize of risk of floods Unplanned, uncontrolled, unscientific land use activities
 For improving the economy Deforestation, overgrazing, mining, construction activities
 For developmental activities Droughty climates affect the watershed.
 To generate huge employment opportunities
 To promote forestry
 To protect soil from erosion.

Watershed management Techniques (3): Causes

 Trenches (Pits)
 Earthern dam
 Farm pond
 Underground barriers (Dykes)

Maintenance of Watershed (4):
 Water harvesting
 Afforestation
 Reducing soil erosion
 Scientific mining & Quarrying
 Public participation ATION OF
 Minimizing livestock population
Due to Developmental activities = dams, mining, roads, airports, etc
Due to Disaster (Natural disaster = earthquake, floods, droughts, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions etc.)
(Manmade disasters = Industrial accidents, nuclear accidents, dam bursts etc)

Due to conservation initiatives = national park, sanctuary, forest reserves, biosphere reserve etc.

It is simple relocation / displacement of human population.
Involves making the system to work again by replacing the lost economic assets, employment, land for building,
repair damaged building etc.

Rehabilitation issues
 Displacement of tribal’s increases poverty by losing home, land, jobs, food security etc
 Breakup of families
 Communal ownership of property
 Vanishing social and cultural activities like folk songs & dances
 Loss of identity between the people.

Examples: Sardar Sarovar Dam, the Theri dam Project, Pong Dam.


Environmental ethics refers to the issues, principles and guidelines relating to human interactions with their

Function of Environment (1):

Environmental problems (2)
 A life supporting medium for all organisms  Deforestation
 It provides food, air, water, & other natural resources  Population growth & urbanisation
 Pollution due to effluent and smoke
 Moderates the climatic conditions  Water scarcity
 Disintegrates the waste discharged by the society  Land degradation.
 Healthy economy depends on healthy environment.

Solutions to environmental problems (3) Ethical Guidelines (4)

 Reducing the energy sources & waste  Love & honour the earth
production  Should be grateful to plants & animals
 Recycle and reuse of waste products  Should not waste your resources
 Soil degradation must be minimized
 Sustainable development by conservation on resources 7. GREEN HOUSE EFFECT
 Over-exploitation of natural resources must be reduced
 Protection of Bio – diversity
 Reducing the population & increase the economic
 Should not steal from future generation
 Should not pollute & hold other living things
 Should not consume more materials
 Should share the precious earth resources
The progressive warming of earth surface due to blanketing effect of man made CO2 in the atmosphere is
green house effect.
Green house gases- causing global warming are CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs.
CO2 is the most important green house gas.
Human activities increase the green house effect & raise the atmospheric temperature & this is called global warming.

Effect on global warming

1. Sea level → glacial melting & thermal expansion of ocean raise the sea level

2. Agriculture and forestry → Climatic pattern shifts,

rainfall is reduced,
soils are dried, result in drought,
less crop production

3. Water resources → Rainfall pattern change,

Drought & Floods will become common,
Rise in temperature will increases water demand

4. Terrestrial ecosystems → Animals & plants will have problems in adapting,

They will be in Risk of extinction

5. Human health → As earth become warmer, floods & droughts become frequent,
This increase waterborne diseases, infectious diseases caused by mosquitoes.

Preventive Measures of Global Warming:

 Reducing CO2 emission by reducing use of fossil fuels

 Utilizing renewable resources like wind, solar, hydro power etc.
 Plant more trees
 Adopt sustainable agriculture.
 Use natural gas instead of coal
 Stabilize population growth
 Remove CO2 by photosynthetic algae.


 Normal rain is slightly acidic due to CO2 gas.

 The pH of the rain water is further acidic due to SO2 & NO2 gases.
 This type of precipitation of water is called acid rain.

Formation of Acid rain:

Thermal power plants, industries,& vehicles release nitrous oxide & sulphur dioxide into atmosphere
When these gases react with water vapour they form acids
SOx + H2O → H2SO4
NOx + H2O → HNO3
Effects of acid rain

1. On Human beings
 Destroy life – nervous, respiratory and digestive system
 Causes premature death from heart and lung disorders like asthma & bronchitis.

2. On Buildings
 Taj Mahal in Agra suffer due to H2SO4 acid fumes released from Mathura refinery.
 British Parliament building suffered due to H2SO4 rain
 Acid rain reduce the value of building, bridges, cultural objects etc.
 This increases the maintenance cost.

3. On terrestrial and Lake Ecosystem

 Reduces rate of photosynthesis, growth of crops, Fish population.
 Flies, mosquitoes & worm occur on the dead fishes
 Nitrogen, & phosphorous stay up in dead wastages.
 Biomass production is reduced & fish population decreases.

Control measures
 By Clean combustion technologies
 Using pollution control equipments
 Replacement of coal by natural gas
 Liming of lakes and soils.
 Coal with lower sulphur content can be used
 Emission of SO2 & NO2 from industries can be reduced


 Ozone gas O3 found throughout the atmosphere is formed in the stratosphere by photo - chemical reaction.
 It protects us from the Ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
 Recent evidence shown that ozone layer is becoming thinner & holes have developed.

Ozone depleting chemicals

 Chloro Fluro carbon (CFC) [Used in refrigerators, propellent, spray cans, blowing agent, foam agent],
 Hydro chloro fluoro carbon (HCFC), [Used in refrigerants, blowing agents]
 Bromo fluoroCarbon (BFC) [ Used in fire extinguisher].
Formation of Ozone:
O2 + hν → O● + O● [Ozone is formed by photochemical reaction]

O + O2 + M → O3 + M [atomic oxygen reacts with molecular oxygen to form ozone, M = third body like Nitrogen]

Mechanism of Ozone layer depletion:

CF2Cl2 + hν → Cl + CF2Cl CF2Cl + O2 → CF 1970 it was
+ ClO Cl +found
O3 →that
+ O2 layer was attacked by CFCs
ClO + O● → Cl + O2 Each Chlorine atom attack ozone molecule.
Loss in ozone increases the UV radiation reaching the earth surface.


 On human health – Skin cancer, Non melanine skin cancer, slow blindness called keratitis,cataracts,
Allergies, reduces human resistivity, infectious diseases etc.

 On aquatic systems- Affects phyto plankton which absorb more CO2, affects fish, larval crabs
 On materials- Degradation of paints, plastics, & other polymeric material result in economic loss.
 On climate – increasing the average temperature of the earth surface & cause global warming.

The amount of ozone is measured by Dobson spectrometer & expressed in Dobson units (DU).
1 DU is equivalent to a 0.01 mm thichkness of pure ozone at 1 atm pressure.

Control Measures
 Replacing CFCs by less damaging materials
 Use of methyl bromide – crop fumigant should be controlled
 Manufacturing & using of ozone depleting chemicals should be stopped.


The release of large amounts of nuclear energy and radioactive products into the atmosphere.

1. Bhopal gas tragedy:

On night of 3rd December 1984 in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh

At Union carbide India Ltd, which manufacture carbonate pesticides using methyl isocyanate (MIC)
Due to failure of coolant, the reactor got exploded & 40 tons of MIC leaked over 40 area.
Nature of MIC: It is a toxic gas, affects lungs, eyes & causes irritation in skin. Remove oxygen from
lungs & cause death.

Effects in Bhopal: About 5000 persons died, 1000 became blind, 65,000 people
suffered from eye,
respiratory, neuromuscular problems.

2. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster:(Nuclear Pollution)

In April 26 1986, melt down of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in Ukraine, Russia, has leaked out the
radioactive rays & radioactive materials. This was happened due to poor reactor design & human error.

Effects: about 2000 persons died, more suffered due to degeneration of cells, severe bleeding, anaemia,
skin cancer, animals plants was also affected more.

3. Nuclear holocaust in Japan:

* In 1945 two nuclear atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki cities in Japan.
* This explosion emitted neutrons, gamma radiations, strontium (Sr*90)
*This Sr90 has the property of replacing calcium in the bones & so many people were affected by bone deformities
*1,00,000 people were killed,

Effects of nuclear holocaust:

 Nuclear winter [Black soot formed will absorb all UV-radiations & prevent UV radiation to reach the earth.
This result in cooling effect & water evaporation will also reduce.
This process opposite to global warming is called nuclear winter.

 Ignition of all combustible material, destroy all living beings, material crushing, destruction of homes

Control Measures
 Suitable precautions to avoid accident
 Constant monitoring of the radiation level
 Checks and control measures done by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board.


Waste land: - The land which is not in use – unproductive, unfit for cultivation another economic uses.
Types of waste land
1. Uncultivable waste land – Barren rocky areas, hilly slopes, sandy deserts.
2. Cultivable waste land- degraded forest lands, gullied lands. Marsh lands, saline land etc.
Causes for waste land formation
 Soil Erosion, Deforestation, Water logging, Salinity.
 Excessive use of pesticides.
 Developmental activities, [Construction of dams, power projects, causes water logging].
 Over-exploitation of natural resources.
 Sewage and industrial wastes.
 Mining destroy forests & cultivable land.
 Growing demands for fuel, fodder, wood and food causes degradation and loss of soil productivity.

Objectives of waste land reclamation

Methods of waste land reclamation
 To improve the physical structure and quality of the soil
 To prevent soil erosion  Drainage
 To avoid over – exploitation of natural resources  Leaching
 To conserve the biological resources.  Irrigation practices
 To improve the availability of good quality of water  Green manures and bio fertilizers
 To supply fuel, fodder, timber for local use  Application of Gypsum
 To provide source of income to the rural poor  Afforestation programmes


 Consumerisation – Consumption of resources. Objectives of Consumerisation

 Traditionally favorable rights of sellers
 Improves rights and power
 Right to introduce product, price, Incentives
of the buyers
 Traditionally buyer rights  Making the manufacturer liable
 Right to buy, right to expect the product to perform as  Reuse and recycle the product
 Reclaiming useful parts
Important information to be known by buyers
 Reusable packing materials
 Health and happiness.
 About ingredients,
 Manufacturing dates,
 Expiry date, etc.
 Health and happiness.
SOURCES OF WASTES = Glass, papers, garbage’s, food waste, automobile waste, dead animals etc.

E – Waste = Computers, printers, mobile phones, Xerox machines, calculators etc.

Effects of wastes Factors affecting consumerisation and generation of wastes

Dangerous to human life  People over – Population
Degrade soil  Consumption over – Population.
Non biodegradable plastics reduce toxic gases.
Cadmium in chips, Cathode ray tube, PVC causes cancer and other respiratory problems.
This act provides for maintaining & restoring the source of water
Provides for preventing & controlling water pollution.
 To protect water from all kinds of pollution
 To preserve the quality of water
 Establishment of Central & State Boards for preventing water pollution
 Restrain any person for discharging sewage/effluent into any water body
 Any contravention of the standards leads to prison for 3 to 6 months
 Requires permission to set up an industry which discharges effluent.

State pollution Control Board:

 Take step to establish any industry, disposal system, extension/addition in industry, discharge of effluent
into river
 Use any new / altered outlet for discharge of sewage
 Begin to make any new discharge of sewage.

Punishment: Stoppage of supply of electricity, water / any other services

Imprisonment for 1½ years to 6 years & Rs. 5000/- fine.

AIR ACT 1981:

Enacted in the Conference held at Stockholm in 1972.
Deals with problems related to air pollution, quality of air etc.

Objectives of air act:

To prevent, control & abatement of air pollution
To maintain the quality of air

Important features of air pollution:

 The Central Board settle disputes between state boards, provide technical assistance & guidance to State board.
 The State Board verify the emissions of air pollutants from industrial / automobile units
 The State Board Collect information about air pollution
 SB examine the standards of manufacturing process & control equipment
 SB can advise State Government to declare the heavily polluted areas & advice to avoid burning of waste products.
 Operation of industrial unit is prohibited in a heavily polluted areas
 Violation of law is punishable with imprisonment & Fine


Provides conservation of forests & related aspects.
Arrest deforestation
To protect & conserve the forest
To ensure judicious use of forest products
Important Features of Forest Act:
Forests are not diverted without the prior permission of the Central Government
Land registered for forest may not be used for non-forest purposes
Any illegal activity in a forest area can be stopped immediately
Clearance of forest land for re-afforestation is forbidden
One who violates the forest law is punishable.

Wildlife Act 1972:

Aimed protect & preserve wildlife.
Wildlife refers to all animals & plants
It is declining due to human actions for wildlife’s skins, furs, feathers, ivory etc.

To maintain ecological process & life supporting system
To preserve biodiversity
To ensure a continuous use of species.

Important Features:
Covers the right & non-rights of forest dwellers
Provides restricted grazing in sactuaries & prohibits in national parks
Prohibits the collection of non-timber forest.

Environment Act 1986:

It is a general legislation law to rectify the gaps & laps in above acts.
This act empowers the Central Govt. to fix the standard of quality of air, water, soil & noise.

To protect & improvement of the environment
To prevent hazards to all living creatures & property
To maintain peaceful relationship between humans & their environment

Important Features of Environment Act:

Empowers safeguard measures to Prevent accidents which cause pollution.
Gives remedial measures if accident occurs.
The Govt. has authority to close or prohibit or regulate any industry & its operation
One who violates the act will be punishable with fine upto one lakh
If the violation continues, an additional fine of Rs. 5000/- per day is imposed
The act empowers the officers of Central Governtment to inspect the site / plant / machinery for preventing pollution .
Collects samples of air, water, soil or other material from any factory / its premises for testing.


Our environment is presently degrading due to many activities like pollution, deforestation, overgrazing,
rapid industrialization and urbanization.
Objectives of public awareness
 Create awareness among people of rural and city about ecological imbalances, local environment,
technological development and various development plants.
 To organize meetings, group discussion on development, tree plantation programmes exhibitions.
 To learn to live simple and eco-friendlily manner.

Methods to create environmental awareness

 In schools and colleges
 Through mass – media
 Cinema
 Newspapers
 Audio - Visual media
 Voluntary organizations
 Traditional techniques
 Arranging competitions
 Leaders appeal
 Non – government organizations.

2 Marks:
1. Define the term Sustainable development? [Q = 1, Pg.No. 1]
2. What are the causes & effects of ozone layer depletion? [Q = 9, Pg.No. 6]
3. How does ozone depletion take place? Write its consequences? [Q = 9, Pg.No. 6]
4. What is a Dobson unit? [Q = 9, Pg.No. 6]
5. What is acid rain / what is acid precipitation? [Q = 8, Pg.No. 5]
6. Mention the causes & effect of acid rain? [Q = 8, Pg.No. 5]
7. Explain the term Global warming? [Q = 7, Pg.No. 4]
8. What are the advantages of rain water harvesting? [Q = 3, Pg.No. 2]
9. List the objectives of water shed management? [Q = 4, Pg.No. 2]
10. What are the objectives of public awareness? [Q = 14, Pg.No. 11]
11. How is CFC’s are accumulated in atmosphere?
CFC’s are accumulated in atmosphere through Aerosol propellants, Cleaning agents, Refrigerants,
Foam blowing agent etc.
12. What is meant by CDM?
Clean Development Mechanism is an arrangement under Kyoto protocol allowing industrialized
countries to invest in projects that reduce emissions.
This aim to develop sustainable development in all countries by reducing CO2 & HFC emission
13. What is meant by environmental audit?
Environmental audits are to quantify environmental performance & environmental position.
It aims to improve the performance & position of the environment.
14. What is meant by ISO 14000?
ISO 14000 is the environmental management standards to help organizations to minimize their
negative effects on environment & obey with applicable law & regulation
15. What are the objectives of environmental impact assessment [EIA]?
EIA is used to identify the environmental, social & economic impacts of the prior to decision
Objectives: To identify the main issues & problem of the parties
To identify who is the party, to identify why the problem arise
16. “Ozone is a life savior, if present in stratosphere, but is a pollutant, if present in troposphere” Justify?
It stratosphere, ozone filters UV radiations & protect us from UV radiation of the Sun.
But in Troposphere, it is highly reactive irritating gas with an unpleasant odour.
It oxidizes atmospheric S,N, & C as SO2, SO3, NO, NO2, CO, CO2 & cause pollution & photochemical smog.

Population Growth
The rapid growth of the global population for the past 100 years from the difference between the rate
of birth and death.
Causes of rapid population growth

 The rapid population growth is due to decrease in death rate and increase in birth rate.
 Availability of antibiotics, immunization, increased food production, clean water and air
decreases the famine-related deaths.
 In agricultural based countries, children are required to help parents in the field that is why
population increases in the developing countries.
Characteristics of population growth

 Exponential growth
 Doubling time
 Infant mortality rate
 Total fertility rate
 Replacement level
 Male/female ratio
 Demographic transition.
Variation of population based on age structure

Pre-productive population (0-14 years)

Reproductive population (15 – 44 years)
Post reproductive population (above 45 years)

1. Pyramid shaped – India, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia. [Large no of young people enter into
reproductive age group, hence Population growth increases].

2. Bell shaped – France, USA, and UK. [ pre-productive age group population & reproductive age
group population are almost equal, hence population growth is stable].

3. Urn shaped - Germany, Italy, and Japan [ pre-productive population is less that reproductive age
group, hence population growth decreases].
Population Explosion→ The enormous increase in population due to low death rate and high birth rate

Doubling Time → The number of years needed for a population to double in size.

Causes of population explosion:

* Modern medical facilities reduces death rate & increases birth rate,
* Increase of life expectancy, * illiteracy.

Effects of population explosion [PE]:

 Poverty → infant mortality is the tragic indicator of poverty Remedy

 PE leads to Environmental degradation,
 PE causes over –exploitation of natural resources, Reducing fertility rate
 Renewable resources like forests are under threat, through birth control
 ↑ in population ↑ disease, communal war programmes.
 Over crowding leads to development of slums
 Lack of basic amenities like water, education , health etc
 Unemployment and low living standard of people

Population Stabilization Ratio:

FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAMME Developed Countries: → Stabltn ratio = 1, indicate
zero population growth
Objectives Developing countries → stabltn ratio = nearing
Slowing down the population explosion
3, expected to slow down by 2025
Reducing Over exploitation of natural resources



 Reduce infant mortality rate.

 Achieve 100% of birth, death, marriage, pregnancy registration
 Encourage late marriages, late child-bearing.
 Improve women’s health, education, employment.
 Prevent & Control of communal diseases.
 Promote small family norms
 Making free & compulsory education upto 14 yrs
 Constraint spread of AIDS
Fertility control methods:
Traditional method → taboos and folk medicine
1. Permenant method (Sterlization done by minor surgery)
a) Tubectomy = female sterilization done by tying the tubes carrying ovum to uterus.
Modern method b) Vasectomy = male sterilization, done by tying the tubes carrying the sperms.

2. Temporary method
a) Condoms = used by males to prevent sperms
b) Copper Ts = small objects placed by doctor in the uterus
c) Oral contraceptive pills, drugs

1. Physical Hazards – Radioactive and UV radiations, = affects the body cell, causes skin cancer
Global warming = cause famine & mortality, Chlorofluro carbons = damage ozone layer,
2. Chemical Hazards – Combustion of Fossil fuels = Asthma & lung diseases, industrial effluence =
cause cancer & death, pesticides = affect food chain, heavy metals = contaminate water.
3. Biological Hazards- Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites = Diarrhoea, malaria, parasitic worms, cholera\.

Human rights are the fundamental rights, which are possessed by all human beings irrespective of their
caste, nationality, sex and language.

IN 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights UNKHR was established by UN.

 Human right to freedom [express views, forming union, building houses, choose any profession]
 Human right to property [right to earn property]
 Human right to freedom of religion [freedom to choose religion to his wishes]
 Human right to culture and education [right to conserve culture, language, establishing educational institution]
 Human right to constitutional remedies [can go to court, if fundamental rights are denied]
 Human right to equality [all citizens are equal before law without discrimination of religion, sex, caste, place]
 Human right against exploitation [children should not be employed as labours]
 Human right to food and environment [right to get sufficient food, safe, water, healthy environment]
 Human right to good health [right to have very good physical and mental health].


Article 14→provides equality A25 → freedom of profession, religion & practice

A15→prohibits discrimination on caste,sex, religion A2→right to establish charitable & religious institution
A 16→equal opportunity for all citizens A 27 → prohibits paying tax for any religion
A 19→freedom of speech, expression,forming union A 28 → guarantees secular character in educational
A 20 → protection from convection institution
A 22 → rights of person in custody A29 → guarantees to conserve language of minorities
A 23 → prohibits traffic in human being A 30 → right of linguistic minority
A 24 → prohibits explosion of labour children A 32 → right to constitutional remedies

It is nothing but learning about the particular thing through knowledge. We can identify our values
and ourselves with the help of knowledge and experience.

1. Formal education-
Self related learning process, all will read, write, get jobs, tackle any problem with formal education .
2. Value education –
Analyze our behavior, provide proper direction to youth, know right & wrong.
3. Value-based environment education-
knowledge about principles of ecology, biodiversity, care for natural resources, know to safe
and clean environment.

To improve the integral growth of human begins.

To create attitudes and improvement towards sustainable lifestyle.
To increase awareness about our national history our cultural heritage, constitutional rights,
national integration, community develo9pment and environment.
 To create and develop awareness about the values and their significance and role.
 To know about various living and non- living organisms and their interaction with
Concept of value Education:
 Why & how can we use less resources & energy?
 Why do we need to keep our surrounding clean?
 Why should we use less fertilizers & pesticides?
 Why it is important to save water & keep our water sources clean?

Methods of Imparting value Education:

Modeling = presenting ideas to leaner’s as model
Role Playing = Acting the role of another person
Problem Solving = Asking the learners about their decision during dilemma
Studying biographies of great man = use of great man good deeds & worthy thoughts.
Types of values

Universal values-
[Importance of the human conditions, reflect in life, joy, love, compassion, tolerance, truth etc].
Cultural values
-[Right, wrong, good and bad, behavior of human being].
Individual values-
[Individual personality and experiences, parents & teachers are main key to shape individual values].
Global values-
[Human civilization, if harmony is disturbed anywhere there will be an ecological imbalance].
Spiritual values- [Self-restraint, discipline, reduction of wants]

AIDS is the abbreviated form for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome caused by a virus called
HIV (Human Immune deficiency Virus). nd
Scenario in India: India ranks 2 with
5.1 million HIV affected people. The
Origin of HIV/AIDS
% is lower than Thailand, Myanmar &
1. Through African Monkey or Chimpanzees to human.
South Africa
2. Through Vaccine Programme
(a) Polio, small pox vaccine prepared from monkey’s kidney-Africa.
(b) spread through Hepatitis-B viral vaccine-Los Angles and New York.
(c ) through small pox vaccine programme of Africa

Factors influencing modes of Transmission of HIV

1. Unprotected sex with infected person.

2. Using needles or syringes from HIV positive person.
3. During pregnancy, breast feeding HIV transmits from mother to infant babies.
4. Blood transfusion during accident and pregnancy.
5. Biologically the male to female transmission is 2 to 4 time more efficient than female to male transmission.
6. Women’s cervical tissue is more vulnerable to HIV than men.
7. Transmission of HIV to new born babies happen easily

Factors not influencing transmission of HIV

1. Tears, food, air, cough, handshake and normal kissing.
2. Mosquito flies and insect bites.
3. Sharing of utensils, clothes, toilets and bathroom.

Functions of HIV in human body

 White blood cells (WBC) are responsible for the formation of antibodies called T-helper cells’-
 T- helper cells are the key infection fighters in the immune system.
 Once HIV cells are enter into the boy they destroy the T-cells & cause many infection
II.Major symptoms
I. Minor symptoms  Fever for more than one month

Persistent cough for more than one month.  Diarrhea for more than one month.
Fig.5.4 MainSymptoms of HIV
General skin disease. Viral infection.  Cough & TB for more than
 Fungus infection
5.7.6 Mechanism of Infection in mouth and throat. Frequent fever,
month. and fatigue.
  Fall of hairs.
  10% of body weight loss within
 short period.
Control and Preventive measures

 Education. → [health education, avoid sharing razors, needles and syrings]

 Prevention of Blood borne HIV transmission. →
[screening of blood for HIV before transmission & following strict sterilization in hospitals]
 Primary health care → [AIDS awareness programme, participation of voluntary health agengies].
 Counseling services →[counseling through phone or through telephone].
 Drug treatment → [Early medical care, taking nutritious diet, maintaining stress free mind].
 Death
 Loss of labor & level of production decreases
 Inability to work due to lack of energy & frequent fever & sweating
 More water is needed for maintaining hygiene in AIDS affected locality.
Need of Women Welfare
Women suffer gender discrimination
Devaluation at home, matrimony, workplace, public & power
Dowry death, rape, domestic violence, mental torture to woment,
Human rights are violated , decision making are neglected
 To provide education To restore dignity, equality and respect.
 To impart vocational training To aware problems of population
 To generate awareness
 To improve employment opportunities

Objectives of A National Commission For Women

To examine constitutional & legal rights for women
To review existing legislations
To sensitize the enforcement & administrative machinery to women’s causes.

Various Organisation Towards Women Welfare:

The National Network for Women & Mining (NNWM) → fighting for gender audit of India’s mining
United Nations Decade for Women → inclusion of women welfare related issues on international agenda.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
→ Protection & Promotion of women’s upliftment
Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) → Empower, educate village women & making self-dependent
Ministry for Women and Child Development → work for upliftment of women by family planning,
health,education & awareness


Reason for child Labours:

Poverty → work in unhealthy conditions
Want of Money → parents need money for their family

Various Organisation towards Child Welfare:

1. UN Conventions on Rights of Child or International Law → promote & protect children in our
Rights of the Child:
The right to survival → emphasizes on good health, nutrition, standard of living
The right to participation → freedom of thought to the child
The right to development → ensures education, care, support, social security & recreation
The right to protection → freedom from exploitation, inhuman treatment & neglect

2.World summit on children → well being of the children is targeted

3. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) → concentrate on childs health, education,
Environmental degradation & child welfare → children are most affected due to pollution, even
in mother’s womb is affected by environmental toxins
Center for Science & Environment (CSE) → keeping environment clean for healthy life of children

Information technology means collection, processing storage & dissemination of information.


 Gathering information about an object without coming in contact with it is called remote sensing.
 Any force like acoustic, gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic etc. could be used for remote sensing.


In agriculture → RS provide information about land, water management, use of seeds, fertilizer input etc
Forestry → Information on type,density & extent of forest cover, wood volume, forest fire, pest etc.
Land cover → Gives spatial information on land, RS data is converted to map
Water resources → surface water body mapping, ground water targeting, flood monitoring, water quality
monitoring, run-off modeling, irrigation water management

2. DATA BASE- Collection of inter related data on various subjects.


*Ministry of environment and forest → compile data on biotic communites, diseases like HIV, malaria, fluorosis
*National Management Information System (NMIS) → DB on R&D projects, research scientists etc.
*Environmental Information System (ENVIS) → DB on pollution control area, clean technology,
biodiversity, remote sensing, environmental management, desertification


It is a technique of superimposing various thematic maps using digital data on a large number of
inter-related aspects.

 Thematic maps are super imposed using soft wares.
 Interpretation of polluted zones, degraded lands
 To check unplanned growth and related environmental problems.

 Helps in providing reliable information and data about forest cover

 Provide information about forecasting weather, smog, ozone depletion
 Reserves of oil, minerals can be discovered.

5. WORLD WIDE WEB → It provides Current data.

 Online learning
 Digital files or photos, animations on environmental studies.


The health service technology involves three systems

 Finance and accounting

 Pathology
 Patient Administration – clinical system.

 Data regarding birth and death rates, immunization, sanitation programme are maintained
 Helps doctor to monitor the health of the people effectively
 The information regarding the outbreak of epidemic diseases.
 Online Consultation with expert doctors for better treatment.
 Drugs and its replacement

1. NIMY syndrome?
Not In My Back Yard = Opposition of residents nearby undesirable factors, ex. Airport, Tower, prison,
nuclear power plants etc.
2. Doubling Time:
Time required for population to double in size at constant annual rate. It is calculated as follows
Td (Doubling time) = 70 / r (r = annual growth rate).

3. Population Density?
No of individuals of the population per unit area / unit volume is population density

4. Population Equation?
Pt+1 = Pt + (B-D) + (I-E)
Pt & Pt+1 = sizes of population in an area at two different points in time t and t+ 1
B = Birth rate, D = Death rate, I = Immigration, E = Emigration

5. Population Equilibrium?
Balance between birth rate and death rate in a population is population equilibrium.

6. Differentiate HIV and AIDS?

Human Immuno deficiency Virus Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
It is a Virus It is a disease

7. What are the effects of population explosion?

8. Write the importance of Value Education?
9. State the role of information technology in Environment?
10. What is population Explosion?
11. What are the objectives of family welfare programme>
12. Mention some ill effects of HIV/AIDS on the environment?

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