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GrenadaPolicyfor NaturalPark+ProtectedAreas

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Table of Contents

Plan and Policy for a System of National

Parks and Protected Areas

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


Executive summary

Chapter I - Introduction
Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Goals of tourism policy

Goals of forest, soil and water conservation policy
Purpose of national park and protected areas system policy
General policy and principal goals
Specific national park and protected areas system objectives
Categories of protected areas

National parks (1 of 3) [4/14/2000 11:09:29 AM]

Table of Contents

Natural landmarks
Cultural landmarks
Protected seascapes
Multiple use management area
Forest reserves

Additional categories
Non-state ownership

Managing the national parks and protected areas system

Protection of natural resources

Outdoor recreation
Information, interpretation and education
Facilities and services
Interagency co-ordination and collaboration
Land ownership
State ownership
Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base

Geologic history
Natural vegetation*
Brief history of Grenada

Carriacou and the Grenadines

Geologic history
Land-use history
Natural vegetation
Brief history of Carriacou*

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system

Geologic representation in the protected areas
Vegetation representation (2 of 3) [4/14/2000 11:09:29 AM]

Table of Contents

Wildlife representation
Cultural representation

Chapter V - The units of the national park system


National parks
Natural landmarks
Protected seascapes
Cultural landmarks
Multiple use areas

National parks
Protected seascapes
Natural landmarks
Cultural landmarks
Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Institutional analysis
Procedure for targeting a development strategy
Procedure for creating units of the system
Administrative body
Management plans
Operational plans
Specialized plans
Establishment of regulations and penalties
Training recommendations
Appendix I - Existing legislation relevant to natural and cultural areas protection
Appendix II - Specific policies for management categories. the national parks and protected
areas system of Grenada

The Organization of American States (3 of 3) [4/14/2000 11:09:29 AM]


Grenada is in the process of better defining its land use policy. The national parks and protected areas
program is an important step towards viewing the finite resource of land in a multiple use context.
Grenada's actions in the protection of the upper watersheds and important ecosystems, promotion of
cultural and natural attractions, and the development of educational and tourism programs are noteworthy
in this respect.
The methodology for the establishment and management of a system of national parks and protected
areas was developed by a team of national and international specialists working together under the
direction of the Ministry of Agriculture. The inventory of the natural and cultural resource base relied on
an interdisciplinary team made up of fisheries, forestry, land use, extension, and physical planning
personnel as well as first-hand information of local hikers, naturalists and historians.
In conjunction with this report, and as part of the Government of Grenada/OAS Integrated Development
Project, land policy and infrastructure development guidelines have also been defined. A zoning map has
been generated to identify productive agricultural and grazing lands, especially in the southeast section of
the island of Grenada where development pressures are most intense. The goal of these efforts is to
protect and develop the natural resources of Grenada and Carriacou.
The studies in land policy and zoning, national parks, resource conservation, and tourism development
are part of the ongoing assistance of the Department of Regional Development to integrated development
planning and implementation in Grenada. The experience has provided valuable guidance for the
formulation of a methodological approach for the establishment of national parks programs which
hopefully can be utilized by other island states in the English-speaking Caribbean.
Kirk P. Rodgers
Department of Regional Development [4/14/2000 11:09:31 AM]


This is a DRAFT Plan and Policy for a System of National Parks and Protected Areas. National input has
been sought from the following agencies and individuals in the preparation of this document:
Ministry of Agriculture, Tourism and External Affairs
Minister - Hon. Ben Jones
Permanent Secretary - Mr. Osbert Benjamin
Planning Unit - Mr. Peter Antoine
- Mr. James Finlay
Department of Forestry - Dr. Michael Adams
- Mr. Augustus Thomas
Manager of National Parks and Wildlife - Mr. George Vincent
Department of Tourism - Ms. Pauline Andrew
- Ms. Diana Taylor
- Ms. Jane Belfon
- Ms. A. M. Marryshow
- Ms. Sonia Fletcher
Division of Extension - Mr. Orgias Campbell
- Mr. Samuel Joseph
- Mr. Gregory Hagley
- Mr. Roy St. Bernard
Division of Horticulture - Mr. Keith St. Bernard
Division of Information - Ms. Denise Peters
Division of Land Use and Water Resources - Mr. Charles Francis
- Mr. Michael Mason
- Mr. Trevor Thompson
Division of Lands and Surveys - Mr. Sylvester Sandy
Fisheries Management Unit - Mr. Raymond Steele



Curriculum Development Unit - Ms. Miona Charles

- Ms. Jean Brizan
Institute for Further Education - Mr. Sammy Brathwaite
- Ms. Jacinta D'Arbeau
Central Water Commission - Mr. Denis Campbell
National Science and Technology Council
Chairman - Dr. Kenneth Buckmire
Secretariat - Dr. James Pitt
- Mr. Percival Craig
Private Agencies and Individuals
The Historical Society and National Trust - Grenada
- Mr. John Watts
- Mr. & Mrs. Alister Hughes
- Mr. William Redhead
The Historical Society - Carriacou - Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kent
- Ms. Frances Kay Brinkley
The Grenada Hotel Association
President - Mr. Andre Cherman
Executive - Ms. Gillian Thompson
- Ms. Elizabeth Gormon
National Landmarks Steering Committee - Mr. Edward Frederick
Naturalist Guide - Mr. Telford Bedeau
Wildlife Conservationist - Mr. Beresford Wilcox
United States Peace Corps - Mr. Bruce Johnson
- Mr. Jim West
- Mr. Matthew Lavington
- Mr. Craig Payne

Mr. Kirk P. Rodgers - Director,
Department of Regional Development (DRD)
Mr. Todd Payne - Acting Director,
Office of the General Secretariat of the O.A.S. in Grenada.
Mr. Patricio Chellew - Chief, Division III,
O.A.S./DRD (2 of 3) [4/14/2000 11:09:32 AM]


Dr. Richard Saunier - Senior Environmental

Management Advisor,
Dr. Richard Meganck - Senior Natural Resources Specialist, O.A.S./DRD
Mr. Richard Huber - Natural Resource Specialist/
Project Chief, O.A.S./DRD,
Mr. Craig MacFarland - O.A.S. Consultant
Protected Areas Planner.
Ms. Brenda Gibbs - O.A.S. Project Secretaries
Ms. Gail Joseph
Mr. Michael Steele - O.A.S. Consultant
Graphic Artist
Cover Designs, Maps and Blackline Drawings

Written by:
Mr. Richard Huber
Mr. George Vincent
Mr. Craig MacFarland
Dr. Richard Meganck
We wish to thank the National Computer Centre for the use of their computer and laser printer in the
production of this report. (3 of 3) [4/14/2000 11:09:32 AM]

Executive summary

Executive summary
Grenada is an island famed for its natural beauty and cultural resources. Elfin woodland dwarfed forests
descend to montane rain forests, to lowland dry forests to mangrove and exquisite coral reefs. Lagoons,
beaches, bays and rugged cliffs cover the coasts. Grenada has over 450 species of flowering plants and
150 species of birds, indicating great ecological diversity in a relatively small area. Likewise, the island
is dotted with a diversity of cultural resources: Carib (Amerindian) archeological sites; historical sites
covering over 400 years of history including forts, sugar mills, rum distilleries and estate houses; and
living cultures representing unique ways of social, economic and cultural life such as nutmeg, mace, and
all-spice estates, artisanal fishing and boat building facilities.
Over the past several decades ever-increasing pressures have been placed on the country's natural
resource base resulting in notable increases in soil erosion; sedimentation of river systems and water
supplies; hydrological regime imbalances reflected in flooding and drought periods; decreases in
agricultural and fisheries productivity; and loss of habitat. Likewise, historic and archeological sites have
suffered continued deterioration due to lack of clear responsibility for their management or neglect.
At the same time there is an increasing demand for recreational opportunities and education programs for
Grenada's population. Likewise, there is a major need for a much greater variety of developed natural and
cultural areas for both nationals and tourists.
In response, the Government of Grenada placed the establishment of a national park and protected areas
program as a priority in the development plan for 1986 and requested technical assistance from the
Organization of American States, Department of Regional Development. Protected areas form an integral
part of the wise management of natural resources. While protecting a nation's natural and cultural
heritage, protected areas play a major role in sustained production and development through their critical
support of water quality and supply, forest and agricultural production, erosion and sedimentation
control, watershed regime balance, recreation, tourism, fisheries production and environmental
A total of 27 areas for Grenada and sixteen for Carriacou are recommended for inclusion within the
National Park System. Of the total, three units are recommended as National Parks, eleven as Protected
Seascapes, eleven as Natural Landmarks, twelve as Cultural Landmarks, and four as Multiple-use areas.
This represents approximately 11,008 acres of terrestrial area or about 13% of the total land surface of
the country. In addition, several marine areas are proposed for inclusion within the System.
Of the total land area within the System (excluding Cultural landmarks) 8,505 or 77% of the land is
classified as Class VI land which is unsuitable for agriculture due to slope and/or water limitations. Much
of the remaining is seasonally flooded or biologically fragile habitat such as mangroves.
Full implementation of the Protected Areas Program will require significant human and financial
resources. Initially a position of Manager of National Parks and Wildlife will be created, supported by (1 of 2) [4/14/2000 11:09:32 AM]

Executive summary

two forest rangers, but as national education and tourism programs are realized, increased staff will be
This document is flexible and is intended to adapt to changing governmental plans and policies. As
national development strategies and priorities evolve, so too will the National Parks and Protected Areas
Policy. Changes in land tenure and land-use, public environmental awareness, and recreational habits are
all factors which will help form an effective conservation program for Grenada. (2 of 2) [4/14/2000 11:09:32 AM]

Chapter I - Introduction

Chapter I - Introduction
The Ministry of Agriculture and Tourism/Organization of American States Project "Integrated
Development in Grenada", was directed to prepare a policy and plan for national parks and protected
areas for the Country. The policy provides the basis for the establishment and management of a national
parks and protected areas program.
Various documents dating to the original explorers and colonizers of the Islands of Grenada and
Carriacou note the majestic beauty, lush tropical forests, and varied topography. Now fondly referred to
as "the Spice Island", Grenada has been coined the prettiest island in the Caribbean.
Grenada has numerous areas of outstanding natural and cultural value. Proposals for individual parks
have been made by international organizations including The Caribbean Conservation Association,
Eastern Caribbean Natural Areas Management Program, International Union for the Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources and the World Wildlife Fund; and the National Trust, Ministry of
Agriculture and Tourism and the Grenada Hotel Association on a national level. This document attempts
to present a realistic national protected areas program for Cabinet approval.
The purpose of the system plan is to identify and provide a course of action for the protection and use of
the Country's outstanding natural and cultural heritage and to encourage public understanding,
appreciation and use of that heritage in ways which leave it unimpaired for future generations. Of equal
importance, the National Parks Programme is to promote and guarantee a continual flow of social and
economic benefits to the Grenadian people.
Five management categories have been defined within the system: National Parks, Natural Landmarks,
Protected Seascapes, Multiple use Management areas and Cultural Landmarks. The National Parks and
Protected Areas System Plan is based on specific criteria such as ecological or geological importance,
cultural significance, tourism potential, or recreational value. Units within this system are recommended
for establishment by Cabinet. In the case of forest reserves, a sound policy and legislation exists and will
remain in effect for the Grand Etang Forest Reserve, and Forest Reserves in Carriacou.
Marine areas are the property of the State. Some of the proposed National Park area is presently managed
as a Forest Reserve or is unsurveyed State Land. Most other units within the proposed system are
privately owned, therefore necessitating the development of individual management strategies in
cooperation with the private owners. The policy allows for private land owners to retain limited
management and development rights on parcels of their land, as approved and monitored by the
responsible government agency.
Management of the Parks and Protected Areas System will be concerned with the principal function of
protection of natural and cultural resources; provision of outdoor recreation, tourism and education
programmes; facilities and services; provision of opportunities for research; conservation of watersheds
and water production, control of sedimentation and erosion and protection of downstream investments; (1 of 2) [4/14/2000 11:09:33 AM]

Chapter I - Introduction

production of marine products, timber, forage and wildlife on a sustained yield basis; provision of sport
fishing and hunting opportunities; and in stimulating use of marginal rural areas.
Management and development plans will eventually be prepared for each unit within the system. As
appropriate, specialized plans for interpretive and environmental education or research and
environmental monitoring will be prepared for those units where the circumstances or objectives warrant
such. Plans will be evaluated on a regular basis in order to improve both planning and execution.
The responsible management agency will develop a short and long-term funding strategy to finance the
system and its activities. Components of the strategy will include funds allocated by Government; an
effort to obtain financial and technical assistance from various international and bilateral sources and
financial support from the national private sector; and, the establishment of special protected areas
development and management funds based upon a set of fees charged to users and beneficiaries of the
national system of parks and protected areas. Initially a fairly heavy reliance will be placed on
international and bilateral support.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Tourism will be delegated the responsibility for the planning,
management and protection of areas within the parks and protected areas system. Extensive collaboration
and coordination with a number of other public and private agencies will be developed to support those
efforts. (2 of 2) [4/14/2000 11:09:33 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Chapter II - Government policy relevant

to natural and cultural areas protection
Goals of tourism policy
Goals of forest, soil and water conservation policy
Purpose of national park and protected areas system policy
General policy and principal goals
Specific national park and protected areas system objectives
Categories of protected areas
Forest reserves
Managing the national parks and protected areas system

No formal Government policy exists on the establishment and management of a system of protected
areas. Various policies are, however, directed towards the objectives and goals of Government in the area
of conservation and protection of natural and cultural resources.
The following national policies provided the basis for the draft policy for National Parks and Protected

Goals of tourism policy

The policy statement on the tourism sector (May, 1985) includes the following key goals:
1. To further integrate tourism with agriculture, handicrafts and fisheries.
2. To create and promote Island-wide historical and environmental attractions.
3. To diversify the industry to cater for international, regional and local clientele, as well as
high, medium and low income persons.
4. To strive for an appreciation by visitors of the authentic Grenadian culture.
5. Improvement in the Quality of Life. Standards of physical and mental health require
adequate recreational opportunities be created for the positive use of leisure time.
6. The Generation of Employment. Employment generation is critical and policies must (1 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

emphasize growth in activities such as tourism with employment multiplier effects. The
capability for foreign exchange earnings is an added bonus.
7. Reduction of Geographic Inequity. The development of tourism attractions through the
establishment of a system of parks and protected areas can assist in integrating peripheral
areas into the urban centered national growth process, and improving regional/rural
economic conditions.

Goals of forest, soil and water conservation policy

The state Forest Policy of Grenada (Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Ordinance/Amendment 1984)
includes the following key elements:
1. To protect tree cover on such land as required for the prevention of erosion and flooding
and the protection of water supplies.
2. To effect the permanent reservation as forest reserves such areas of land as may be
required to ensure the continuous supply of forest products.
3. To maintain the level of forest growing stock, to ensure sound silvicultural practices are
employed and to direct harvesting such that this growing stock is not reduced.
4. To protect such areas as may be required to provide a natural and undisturbed habitat for
flora and fauna of Grenada.
5. To encourage and assist owners and managers of forest, woodlands and plantations
whether they be on private or Crown Lands.
6. To create areas within the forest to satisfy needs for recreation within a peaceful natural
7. To encourage the fullest development of the productive forests.
8. To encourage the establishment of appropriate forest industries.
9. To protect the consumer by ensuring well manufactured forest products are supplied in
conformity with market demand.
10. To extend educational and training opportunities at the professional, technical and
vocational level to forestry personnel.
11. To initiate and conduct forest research necessary to ensure fulfillment of this Forest

Purpose of national park and protected areas

system policy
The purpose of the park policy statement is to provide a definite course of action for programmes (2 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

concerned with the protection and use of the country's natural and cultural heritage. It integrates the
intent of Government policy in conservation, forestry. land-use, tourism and recreation as it relates to
natural and cultural area management.
This policy provides the basis for the enactment of the legislation necessary for the Government of
Grenada to manage units of the system.

General policy and principal goals

The policy of the Government of Grenada will be to protect in perpetuity those areas which represent
significant examples of the country's natural and cultural heritage, to encourage public understanding,
appreciation and enjoyment of that heritage in ways which leave it unimpaired for future generations, and
to guarantee a continual flow of social and economic benefits for the country and its people.
Management and development of the protected areas system and the consequent production of goods and
services will be conducted in an appropriate manner within the cultural context of Grenada. In the
context of national development policy, the goals of the national park policy are:
1. Development of a high quality living environment in a context of effective resource
development which whenever possible retains the aesthetic value of the landscape.
2. Contribution to economic welfare and development through the establishment of
productive sector links with protected areas, in order to maximize the availability of natural
goods and services to the nation.
3. Allocation of lands to optimum use - and in particular to preserve those areas with fragile
ecosystems in which fewer development alternatives exist.
4. Development of environmental awareness and appreciation in the general population.

Specific national park and protected areas system

Areas will be established within the National Park and Protected Areas System to meet one or more of
the following objectives:
1. Maintain in a natural or near natural state areas that constitute examples of the country's
terrestrial and marine ecosystems, landscapes and geological formations, in order to
guarantee the continuity of evolutionary processes and their existence for future generations.
2. Provide and protect natural resources for outdoor recreation needed by the citizens of
3. Protect, manage and improve the natural and cultural landscape of the country in order to
maintain the visual quality of the environment.
4. Stimulate national and international tourism potential and revenue for the country.
5. Preserve genetic materials as elements of natural communities, minimize the loss of any (3 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

plant or animal species and maintain biological diversity.

6. Protect and manage fish and wildlife resources in view of their important role in
environmental regulation, sport and recreational activities and as producers of protein and
other products.
7. Provide area for research, formal and informal education and the monitoring of
environmental processes.
8. Protect and improve watersheds and water courses to maintain high standards of quality
and quantity; control of erosion, sedimentation and flooding; protect downstream
investments that depend on water supply, such as reservoirs and irrigation projects.
9. Produce timber, other forest products, forage and/or marine products for the benefit of the
population and to decrease dependency on foreign imports.
10. Protect sites and objects of cultural, historical and archeological heritage as a basis for
educational tourism.
11. Stimulate rational use of marginal areas and environmentally sound rural development.
Deforestation on steep slopes adjacent to inland bays can cause sedimentation of the marine waters
which can have detrimental effects on the coral reefs.

Categories of protected areas

National parks
Natural landmarks
Cultural landmarks
Protected seascapes
Multiple use management area

The Government will protect and manage natural and cultural resources in five managements categories:

National parks
The protection of outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international importance. The
national park should provide recreational, scientific and educational activities.
Criteria for Selection
National parks are relatively large land or water areas containing a complex of ecosystems. They should
include the most outstanding natural areas of the country, be under strict Government control and
conform to international standards. (4 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Management Objectives
To protect natural resources through a zoning system which will ensure the provision of strict protection
in some areas and intensive recreational and educational uses in other areas without disrupting the long
range objective of ensuring the area is available to future generations.
Grand Etang, Levera Pond and Archipelago, and High North National Park.

Natural landmarks
To protect natural features of a unique character such as outstanding waterfalls, cave systems, geological
features and distinctive landmarks and to ensure that these features do not lose their unique
Criteria for Selection
Size is determined by the specific feature and the surrounding area necessary to ensure its protection. The
features should be distinctive, and in a near natural state. Generally, these would be small areas rather
than complete ecosystems and provide opportunities for recreational activities.
Management Objectives
To provide public access for recreational users but respecting the characteristics of the feature. These
uses may be intense provided they do not destroy the basic feature protected.
Lake Antoine, Marquis Island, and Fossil Beds at Grand Bay.

Cultural landmarks
To protect cultural features of a unique character such as old sugar and rum mills, military forts, great
estate houses and their surrounding grounds, churches and Amerindian sites.
Criteria for Selection
Size will often be determined by the ownership status and by the specific features. The features should
have potential for helping Grenadians and visitors understand the cultural and historical heritage of the
Management Objectives
To provide public access for educational and recreational uses related to the characteristics of the feature.
These sites will be developed with the collaboration of the National Trust, the Historical Society and
other agencies, and if the areas are privately owned, in conjunction with the owners. (5 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Fort Frederick, Carib's Leap, and Thiboud-Limlair Estate

Protected seascapes
To protect outstanding littoral mangrove and island habitats, beaches and coral reefs which possess
special aesthetic and ecological qualities. Life styles which have traditionally utilized marine and
terrestrial resources can continue to co-exist. The boundaries of these areas will be set to include land
adjacent to the shorelines and coral reef systems.
Criteria for Selection
The size of the area will depend upon special arrangements with owners, since State land only extends to
the high water mark.
Management Objectives
To ensure the ecological integrity and scenic quality of seascapes is maintained for demonstrating the
harmonious interactions of man with the sea, while providing opportunities for recreation, tourism,
education and research.
Calivigny Harbour, the North Eastern coastline, and White/Saline Islands.

Multiple use management area

To manage natural resources and ecological processes to contribute significantly to the economic needs
of the nation. The multiple function of these lands and waters can provide sustained yields of natural
products and conserve genetic diversity. Private lands needed for inclusion within the National Park
System will be acquired under the provision of Land Acquisition Ordinance which allows for the
acquisition of lands for public purposes.
Criteria for Selection
These will be large areas suitable for sustained production of water, wood products, wildlife, forage
and/or marine products and for outdoor recreation and education. Ownership of all or most of the land
should be by the Government.
Management Objectives Sustained production of water, fibre, other wood products, wildlife, forage
and/or marine products and outdoor recreation and education should all be ensured. Conservation of
nature will be primarily oriented to the support of economic activities but zones also may be established
for nature protection.
Examples Annandale Watershed and Concord Watershed (6 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

The isolated St. Margaret or Seven Sister Falls within the Forest Reserve is an invigorating hike
through banana and nutmeg plantations.

Forest reserves

Additional categories
Non-state ownership

One Forest Reserve, the Grand Etang, exists in Grenada and two areas in Carriacou. These areas will be
utilized as is indicated in the Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Act.
The view from the Forest Centre of the Grand Etang is considered one of the most interesting and
beautiful in the Caribbean.

It is conceived that certain key watersheds such as the Les Avocats will be managed with input from both
forestry and national parks.
As other watersheds become important in the future, the Forestry and National Parks staff in conjunction
with Land and Water Resources and The Central Water Commission will manage the areas to avoid
erosion or water pollution within these watersheds. As the overall forestry and protected areas program
evolves, new areas may be recommended for Cabinet approval. In the event that private ownership
threatens the integrity of a critical watershed area, the Cabinet may opt to purchase the property, as has
occurred in the Annandale Watershed. Recreational hunting will be permitted in the forest reserves and
multiple-use management areas. The Hunter's Association understands the need for areas where hunting
is prohibited to ensure the continuance of biological diversity.

Additional categories
Government may also consider the possibility of including areas in two categories which form part of
international conservation programmes: Biosphere Reserves which are part of the Man and the Biosphere
Program (MAB) and World Heritage Sites which are part of the World Heritage Program. UNESCO is
the secretariat of both programmes and the latter would require that Grenada become a signatory to the
International Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The
former would require establishment of a National MAB Committee. In both cases the Country would
have to nominate areas it considers appropriate for inclusion in either international program. Figure I
describes those categories in more detail.

Non-state ownership
Regulation of land uses on private lands adjacent to protected areas may be necessary to ensure that
actions on these lands are not detrimental to fulfilling the objectives for the units of the system.
With the development of Levera as a National Park, handicraft shops, restaurants, and taxi drivers (7 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

will receive increased business thereby contributing to their economic well-being.

Although areas of outstanding national significance, in general, should be the property of the State, areas
which are important but do not warrant acquisition for inclusion within the system may be managed by
individuals or by private non-profit organizations. In such instances Government may provide financial
and technical assistance and share certain costs of development of the area once the manager is willing to
undertake the operation and protection of the area and when the planned uses of the area are deemed
appropriate. The Hotel Association is an excellent example of a qualified private group with whom
relationships of this nature could be shared.

Managing the national parks and protected areas


Protection of natural resources

Outdoor recreation
Information, interpretation and education
Facilities and services
Interagency co-ordination and collaboration
Land ownership
State ownership

The National Park System will be managed to carry out a variety of functions as indicated below.
Specific policies for each management category are detailed in Appendix II.

Protection of natural resources

The protection of those natural resources which have led to the establishment of each unit within the
system will be a primary consideration of management. Factors which could threaten the resource will be
analyzed and appropriate protection methods implemented and, when appropriate, measures will be taken
to enhance degraded resources.

Outdoor recreation
The System will be managed to provide opportunities for a wide range of recreational activities. The
system is not intended to provide for all of the recreational needs of the Country but primarily those that
cannot be met in areas not containing outstanding natural or cultural resources. (8 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Information, interpretation and education

The Areas within the System will be managed to provide visitors with an understanding of the natural
and cultural resources in such a way that it enhances their enjoyment and appreciation of the area.
Information relative to the programmes, activities, plans and recreational opportunities of the various
areas will be given the widest distribution to ensure that the public, and in particular schools are properly
informed of the opportunities available.

Facilities and services

Areas within the System will provide facilities and services necessary for public access, recreation and
understanding of the area. The type and location of the facilities will reflect the resource, management
category and expected use and will be undertaken in accordance with the site plan.
Certain facilities and services may be provided by the Government or by private concessionaires. The
type and quality of service and maintenance standards will be set by the responsible management agency.

Research concerned with understanding the natural and cultural phenomena and processes, and the
protection and use of the areas within the system will be encouraged. Emphasis will be given to
undertaking research essential for management purpose but basic research which will expand man's
knowledge of the natural environment and cultural resources will be permitted. The nature of the
research will vary with the type of area and its objectives and be regulated to ensure the protection of the
resources, and safety and enjoyment of the visitors.

Interagency co-ordination and collaboration

The National Park Unit will ensure that there is proper co-ordination between the various agencies of
Government and others whose activities could affect the resources, or aid in the management of the
The National Park unit will be responsible for providing technical information and assessing areas
proposed for inclusion within the System. Once included, areas may be excluded from the system only
by special law or transferred from one management category to another by direction of Cabinet.

Land ownership
State ownership
Areas established and managed as part of the National Parks and Protected Areas System shall be the
property of the State or managed in coordination with the Government. When lands are formally
included within the System all powers of ownership should be transferred to the National Park Unit of
the Forestry Department. (9 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

A provision should be made to encourage private land owners to deed a portion of their land or the
management thereof to the State for protection in perpetuity while receiving special rights to continue
living on adjacent parcels, but under strictly established management regimes.
These provisions for strict State ownership or control should apply to all units classified as National
Parks and Natural Landmarks and the majority of Cultural Landmarks. In Protected Seascapes and
Multiple Use Management Areas most of the land and water should be under Government ownership or
strict control in perpetuity. In certain specific cases Cultural Landmarks may remain under private
ownership but only if specific covenants with the state establish clear management guidelines.
The National Parks Program hopes to increase environmental awareness and give students a better
understanding of natural processes.

The National Parks Program hopes to increase environmental awareness and give students a better
understanding of natural processes.

The National Parks System Plan includes areas of national, natural, cultural and historical value. Areas
which are critical to water quality and supply are also included for protection. Areas which provide
important economic and natural services such as beach erosion control, protection of fishing nursery
grounds, or productive ecosystems were also selected for inclusion within the system.

The process utilized in recommending areas for inclusion into the National Park and Protected Areas
System involved a systematic identification and analysis of those areas which best represent the natural
and cultural heritage of the country. The inventory phase of the planning process included field trips,
overflights, literature review and extensive interviews with knowledgeable individuals. A matrix was
designed analyzing the full range of marine and terrestrial ecological zones, vegetative communities,
wildlife, geology and geomorphology, and cultural and historical data. In addition consideration was also
given to the education, tourism and scientific potential of proposed areas. Based on this analysis, a series
of overlay maps were prepared to help ensure that all areas judged to be important were included within
the system. Subsequently this information was correlated with national land-use priorities to minimize
conflicts between critical agriculture or forestry areas and activities proposed for the park system. For
example, the national land-use capability map identifies lands in classes I - IV as having potential for
agriculture or agro-forestry. Combining this information with soils data, Grenada's most productive lands
can be isolated. The national parks inventory was done in a similar fashion using the above mentioned
criteria in order to determine those areas offering the most important examples of a particular natural or
cultural phenomenon. Another area may have been selected due to its outstanding recreation or education
potential. A series of these exercises leads to a completed system of national parks and protected areas
providing a range of benefits to the country.
Most of the terrestrial areas proposed are in capability classes V - Vie, on poor soils and on slopes of
greater than 30 percent. All mangrove areas are recommended for protection. (10 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection


* From Soil and Land-Use Surveys No. 9 Grenada.
I. Level land with deep soil and no factors limiting the use for agriculture.
II. Land suitable for cultivation with moderate limitations. The risk of erosion is the primary factor
limiting development.
III. Land suitable for cultivation with strong limitations must be cultivated carefully to prevent erosion of
the soil.
IV. Land marginal for cultivation due to extreme danger of erosion. Improved grassland, or tree crops
should be established on this land.
V. Land not suitable for cultivation. Tree crops, food or forest trees should be established on this land.
VI. Land not suitable for cultivation. Very steeply sloping land that should never be cleared of its natural
VII. Land not suitable for cultivation due to a combination of adverse factors.
Primary National Natural Cultural Protected Multiple Forest Biosphere World
Conservation Park Landmark Landmark Landscape Use Reserve Reserve Heritage
Objectives Area Site
Maintain 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
ecosystem in
natural state
Maintain 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
diversity and
Conserve 1 1 2 3 3 1 1
Provide 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
research, and
Conserve 3 3 3 2 3 3
condition (11 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:35 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Control 3 3 3 2 3 3
Produce 2 3 1 1 2
protein and
products from
permit sport
hunting and
Provide 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1
recreation and
Produce 2 1 1 1
timber, forage,
or marine
products on
yield basis
Protect sites 1 2 2 1 3 2 1
and objects of
historical, and
Protect scenic 1 2 2 1 3 2 1
beauty and
open space
Maintain open 3 3 2 1 1
multiple use (12 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:36 AM]

Chapter II - Government policy relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

Stimulate 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
use of
marginal areas
and rural
1 = Primary objective for management of area and resources.
2 = Not necessarily primary, but always included as an important objective.
3 = Included as an objective where applicable and whenever resources and other
management objectives permit.
Participants of the first Environment Education Workshop held in the Grand Etang Forest Centre
drew up an interpretive plan.

Participants of the first Environment Education Workshop held in the Grand Etang Forest Centre
drew up an interpretive plan. (13 of 13) [4/14/2000 11:09:36 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural

resource base
Carriacou and the Grenadines


Geologic history
Natural vegetation*
Brief history of Grenada

* Researched by Bruce Johnson, United States Peace Corps Volunteer, Land Use and Water Resources Division.
Geomorphology is the study of the characteristics and evolution of landforms. The study may involve whole physiographic regions, or be confined to individual
structures within a small area, In essence, the geomorphologist attempts to answer the question, "How did the land come to be this way?"
In Grenada the answer to that question involves analysis of several variables: parent material (geology), climate, relief, and time, among others. Grenada has
basically two physiographic regions: the rugged, high-relief interior, and the relatively low-relief coastal periphery.
The interior of Grenada is dominated by mountain peaks, steep ridges, and deep narrow valleys. Fast flowing streams with high gradients occur in the valley
bottoms. Relief tends to be very high, with a 2000 foot drop over 1 mile horizontal distance in some areas. The volcanic geology of the interior is the dominant
factor that produced this landscape. Shifting volcanic vents created a somewhat jumbled topography with several major peaks, each having numerous ridges
radiating from them. The Mt. St. Catherine area is an excellent example of this phenomenon. The ridgetops, composed mostly of andesite and basalt lavas, have
surprisingly retained their narrow tops and steep sides. This is possibly due to the low permeability of the clay soils to water, the principal erosive agent of the rock.
The coastal periphery of Grenada presents a landscape which is much more subdued than the interior. Again, the major factor appears to be the character of the
volcanic center deposits in the area. In contrast to the volcanic centers of the interior, the coastal deposits are dominated by "reworked" volcanic rocks, including
fluviatile (stream) and mudslide deposits. (1 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:41 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
Originally, the topography of the coast may have been quite rugged. But fluviatile and mass-movement processes tend to reduce relief by removing material from
elevated areas and depositing that material in the lowlands. Southern Grenada's surface geology is almost entirely comprised of (lahar) mudslide deposits and
fluvially-deposited (reworked) volcanics. The rocks exposed in the Southern Seascape Protected Seashore area are of this type. The entire eastern coast of Grenada
is composed of reworked volcanic deposits, which accounts for the gently-rolling topography. The western coast displays a more rugged landscape, owing to the
asymmetric eruption to the west, which is a pattern throughout the Windward Islands.
Climate is an important factor in the formation of topography. In Grenada, the small variation in temperature between sea level and the higher elevations is not of
great geomorphological importance, but the great difference in rainfall is very significant. An analysis of rainfall indicates that annual rainfall varies directly with
elevation. Since water is the principle erosive agent on the Island, the high elevations are eroding at a greater rate than the lowlands. Over time, this disparity in
erosion will serve to reduce the relief between the interior and the coastal periphery.
An important manifestation of the weathering process is the formation of soils. Soils form from the same interplay of factors which influence topography, with
vegetation becoming a significant variable. As indicated by Vernon (1959), climate is the single most important factor in the distribution of Grenadian soils.
Therefore, in the Island's interior the soils are indicative of a high degree of chemical weathering, consistent with the high rainfall. The soils are generally kaolinitic
latosols, meaning a highly leached soil with kaolinite as its principal clay component. The predominance of iron and aluminum oxides in the soil give it a
distinctive bright red to orange-yellow color. The latosols have a poor nutrient-storage capacity, are fragile, easily disrupted and must be carefully managed.
Schematic Elevation - THE ISLAND OF GRENADA
WILDLIFE - 150 Species of House Garman's - Manicou or large - Tilapia and other - Rich in - Turtle nesting - Conch
Birds (Groom, 1970) Gecko Woodland Frog opposum freshwater fish Aquatic 4 species - Lobster
Spinous Highland Piping - Mouse opposum - Morocoy or red-legged Waterfowl Nesting - Real Fish
Gecko frog - Forest Crab tortoise migratory seabirds
Wall Alien's Ground - Nine banded armadillo - 11 species of bats warblers,
Lizard Lizard - Talon - Agouti's extinct herons.
Tree African mona - Giant Toad - Burmese Mongoose Iguana,
Lizard monkey. - Piping Frog ground
Zaggada (Introduced) - 6 species of snakes lizards,
or Ghost crab,
Ground mole crab.
PROTECTED Molinere Reef Canoe Bay Annandale Falls Grand Etang Mt. St. Mt. Hope Lake Levera Saline-White
AREA Protected Protected Natural Landmark National Park Catherine Clabony Antoine National Island
Seascape Seascape Annandale Forest National Multiple Natural Park Protected
Quarantine Multiple-Use Reserve Park Use Landmark Seascape
Pt, Watershed
Landmark (2 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:41 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
UNIQUE Finest Reefs Scoria and Oldest known rocks Andesite Mudflows Important - Andesite Rocky cliffs
AMENITIES in Grenada Ash in Grenada - Folded Dome Hot water Explosion Dome. and
deposits and faulted Basalt flows Springs Quality & Crater Beautiful Sandy beaches
sedimentary Crater Lake Highest supply - beaches
formation Endemic peak in region for HerbaciousMangrove
vegetation Grenada Grenville Swamp ecosystem
Salt pond
MANAGEMENT - Research - - - Recreation - Watershed - -
OBJECTIVES - Protection of Recreation Recreation-Tourism - management Recreation Recreation
over-exploited - Tourism - Watershed Interpretation - Cocoa, - - Tourism
fish, lobster, - Maintain protection. - - Coffee, Education - Education
and coral aesthetic - Reaforestation. Environmental - Nutmeg, - Tourism - Protect
- Recreation quality Education. - Timber - Reef,
- Watershed - Production littoral
Protection. habitats &
- Forestry island
Exploitation ecosystems,
- - Maintain
Reaforestation scenic
Joint Government of Grenada/OAS Project on the Establishment and Management of a System of National Parks and Protected Areas.

Geologic history
Reconstructing Grenada's geologic history poses a formidable task for the geologist. Most of the Island is covered by soil and dense vegetation, and rock exposures
are often severely weathered. Topographic relief is great, which makes the stratigraphic correlation of rock units even more difficult. Most significantly, the
geology of Grenada is complex and presents many rock types of different ages.
Several geologic studies have been conducted in Grenada, dealing with the chemical composition of particular rock types. The precise relationships between
various rock units are not well understood, due to vegetative cover and the fact that volcanic centers shifted many times over millions of years. This shifting often
resulted in the juxtaposition of rock units of different age, type, and volcanic source, making geologic interpretation difficult. Erosion which occurred during and
between periods of active vulcanism further obscures the geologic record.
To date, the most probable chronology of events is presented in a paper by R.J. Arculus (1976), although even the author admits to gaps in the data. The following
description of Grenada's geologic history is drawn primarily from the 1976 Arculus study. Table I summarizes the sequence of events, and Table II lists some
geologic features by period and where they are represented within Grenada's National Parks System.
The geologic history of Grenada began approximately 38 million years ago in the upper Eocene Period. At that time, there was only a shallow sea where Grenada
now exists. The sediments deposited were composed of sand, silt, mud, and calcareous mud; the rock formed from this process is now known as the Tufton Hall
Formation. In between the sediments of the Tufton Hall, geologists found layers containing volcanic minerals and other deposits of volcanic origin. Volcanic
activity became more frequent in the Oligocene period (37-26 million years ago). The volcanic activity during and following the deposition of the Tufton Hall
formation deformed and uplifted the rock, resulting in the folding and faulting which can be seen just north of Levera Beach.
The oldest of the volcanic rock series are the andesite domes of northern Grenada, which formed in the Miocene Period (26-5 million years ago). These andesite (3 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:41 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
domes (Mt. Alexander, Mt. Rodney, Mt. William) have been estimated by radiometric dating to be 21 million years old. The middle Miocene Period is not well
represented in Grenada, but the andesite domes of Levera Hill and Levera (Sugar Loaf) Island represent volcanic activity near the end of Miocene time. Thought to
be concurrent with the Levera events were the eruption of the southeast mountain and Mt. Lebanon centers, which recorded the first major shift of eruptive centers
to the south.
The Pliocene Period (5-2 million years ago) witnessed the advent of Grenada's most intense volcanism. In the southwest of the island, basaltic lava flows estimated
at 3.5 million years old are interlayered with reworked volcanic sediments. The source of the basaltic lava was probably the Mt. Sinai Centre, but the conclusive
evidence is buried beneath younger volcanics. Most of the "reworked" deposits in southern Grenada are theorized to be lahar deposits of various ages. A lahar is a
massive mudslide of unconsolidated volcanic products from the sides of volcanoes. The massive, in-filling character of lahar deposits is thought to be responsible
for the relatively subdued topography of southern Grenada.
In the north of central parts of the Island, major eruptions re-occurred in the Pliocene and continued into the Pleistocene Period. The Island's interior was the scene
of intense activity as a series of eruptive centers shifted southward from Mt. Granby towards Mt. Qua Qua, emitting a variety of volcanic products. A source near
Mt. Granby emitted pyroclastic products (many of which were later reworked) and a series of basaltic and andesitic lavas. The eruption of basaltic and andesitic
lavas continued as the vents shifted southward. The chemical composition of these lavas is geologically important because it displays the cyclical nature of magma
composition as eruptions occur over time; there is a repeated transition from basalt to andesite compositions. Some basaltic ash layers near Fedon's Camp indicate
that a degree of explosivity characterized the eruptions. The final stages of this activity formed the andesitic dome summits of Fedon's Camp and Mt. Qua Qua, and
probably ended with the extrusion of basaltic lava on the western ridges of Mt. Qua Qua.
The Mt. St. Catherine massif represents the youngest major volcanic structure on the Island. Activity at this centre likely began in the Pliocene and continued
throughout the Pleistocene. Initially, a vent near the Plaisance/Malagon area extruded basaltic lavas, which were overlain by a series of andesitic and dacitic lava
flows. As the vent migrated southward, andesitic and dacitic lavas were deposited to the northwest of the present summit. The Pyroclastic flows to the west of the
present summit are the most voluminous deposits of their type on Grenada. The large (1 Km diameter) crater to the South-east of Mt. St. Catherine was partially
filled-in by an andesitic dome which probably concluded the eruptions in the area.
The final stage of volcanic activity involved the formation of explosion craters throughout the Island, most notably at the Lake Antoine, St. George's, and Grand
Etang locations. Lake Antoine is a well-preserved crater, and has been described as the best example of a true "tufaceous ring" on the Island. The carenage of St.
George's and the Queen's Park are both believed to be explosion craters, giving the Island its best harbour and best source of scoria gravel. The three closely-spaced
explosion craters at Grand Etang are generally thought to be the youngest volcanic structures on the Island, having formed approximately 12,000 years ago.
In recent times, volcanic activity on the Island of Grenada has been virtually non-existent, with the minor exception of some hot springs. Most of these hot springs
occur in the Mt. St. Catherine area and emit sulphurous water and vapor. Other springs such as the River Sallee and Peggy's Whim Springs are not sulphurous to
any extent.
Just 8 kilometers to the north of Grenada, however, is one of the most active volcanoes in the Lesser Antilles. It is a submarine volcano, 160 meters below sea level,
known as "Kick 'em Jenny" for the nearby Island of the same name. It has erupted at least half a dozen times this century, with the last eruption occurring in 1978.
It is possible that the volcano may emerge during its next eruption. Scientists in Trinidad are currently monitoring this area for seismic disturbances, which might
indicate renewed activity.

Natural vegetation*
*As adapted from (Beard, 1949)
According to Beard (1949), the existing vegetation in Grenada is a result of land-use history and differences in soil types and rainfall regimes. Grenada is
intermediate in age between young St. Vincent and old St. Lucia. The principal peak. Mount St. Catherine (2,757 feet), rises in the northern half of the Island as the
centre of a massif surrounded by lesser peaks and ridges. South of this massif is a low col where the Clozier road crosses the Island, and beyond it the land rises
again into a long, curving ridge, or system of curving ridges, running first towards the south and then bending to (4 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:41 AM]
Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base


Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base

(After Arculus, 1976)

Except in the higher parts of the mountains, slopes are not excessively steep. As a result, with the small size of the Island's land mass, large areas have been cleared
for agriculture including fruit, cocoa and nutmeg.
In the interior, practically all the land was originally sold out to estates, and cultivation was pushed to the highest practicable limit in most cases, though some
owners reserved belts of forest on ridges for protective purposes. The Government began the consolidation of a forest reserve in 1897 and today the Grand Etang
Reserve now contains over 3,800 acres. Most of this area has been protected from cutting for over eighty-five years, although Hurricane Janet of September 22,
1955 caused extensive blow-down damage. These areas were subsequently planted to Blue Mahoe, a tree noted for its value in watershed protection.
Slopes on Mount St. Catherine are extremely steep and the central massif is clad only with palm brake. Elfin woodland caps the summit and there is secondary,
cut-over rain forest on the lower supporting ridges. A similar condition prevails on the steep mountains of Fedon's Camp and Qua Qua. Owing to the steep slopes
and young shallow soil, landslides are very frequent. South of Qua Qua the forest growth is more diverse and includes the last remnant lower montane forests in
Grenada. In the sheltered lower elevations, the forest is mature, and comparable to the type of rain forest exemplified in the other Islands. Ascending towards the
main ridge forest, stature is progressively reduced, and along the crest, montane thicket predominates.
Overall, Grenada has less vegetative diversity than other Islands in the Lesser Antilles.
The main reason for this is not geographical isolation but rather that the flora was profoundly modified by felling of the valuable timber species during the
nineteenth century. Most of the original species are now extinct and have been replaced by second-growth forests which grew into a mature structure by the
protection afforded since the establishment of the forest reserve. Physiognomically, the forest can now be said to belong to the rain forest formation, lower montane
rain forest, and montane thicket, since structure has reached climax. Floristically the communities are associes and not associations, since they are still below
climax rank.
1. Rain Forest and Lower Montane Rain Forest
Beard considers these two formations together since there is very little difference in floristic composition between very tall forest with the structure of rain forest
proper, and less tall forest approximating lower montane rain forest in Grenada. There is a very gradual reduction of stature and stratification with increasing
exposure, and elevation and only on the ridge tops with growth reduced montane thicket is there any radical change in composition. We have therefore a
Dacryodes-Licania associes belonging to the montane thicket. The latter is evidently sub-climax to the general Micropholis-Richeria-Podocarpus Association of
the Islands, and the former, presumably, to both the Dacryodes-Sloanea and Licania-Oxythece Associations.
Beard illustrated a profile in the Grand Etang Reserve, at the 1400 feet level across the slope at a point where the line ran practically level. The strip is roughly at
right angles to the prevailing wind. Dominant trees reach 100-110 feet in height and form a closed canopy. All of them on the strip were Dacryodes excelsa except
for one individual Maytenus grenadenses. Most of the smaller trees, which fell roughly into two stories, between 40-80 and 15-30 ft, were Licania ternatensis. The
structure agrees very well with that shown by measured profiles in rain forest of Dominica and St. Kitts. The Grenada sample is somewhat denser and shows no
sign of wind damage.
The Dominants are (Beard, 1949):
Dacryodes excelsa (Gommier) (6 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:41 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
Slonea caribaea (Chataignier grandes feuilles)
Micropholis chrysophylloides (Bois)
Simarouba amara (Marouba)
Oxythece pallida (Balata laite)
Ficus spp. (Figuier)
Slonea truncara (Chataignier petites feuilles)

Species almost never attaining the canopy and ranking as sub-dominants were:
Licania ternatensis (Bois gris)
Euterpe sp. (Mountain Cabbage Palm)
Guatteria caribaea (Mahot)
Maytenus grenadensis (Bois agouti)
Richeria grandis (Bois bande)
Byrsonima martinicensis (Mauricif)
Hex sideroxyloides (Caca rat)

Species confined to the lowest story were:

Cassipourea elliptica (Bois d'ail)
Myrtaceae spp. (Goyavier)
Meliosma herbertii (Grosse gram)
Guarea macrophylla (Bois rouge)
Ocotea floribunda (Laurier petites feuilles)
Euterpe globosa (Mountain Palm)
Sapotaceae sp. (Sapotere)
Pithecellobium jupunba

Beard indicates that the forests of Grenada differ from those of the other Islands in two main respects - paucity of species and altered relative numbers of the
species present. Grenada is at an extremity of the arc of the windwards and is 70 miles from St. Vincent; the Grenadines in between may never have stood high
enough to harbour a rain forest flora and so are not associated with assisting the migration of these species.
From the point of view of relative numbers of species in composition, the most surprising thing is the complete absence of stocking resembling the
Licania-Oxythece Association, although the forest is on Red Earth Lateritic oxisols and in its 'low phase' agrees structurally with lower montane rain forest. Both
Licania and Oxythece are present in Grenada, but are never the principal dominants. Beard suggests the probability that we must blame man's exploitation of timber
in the past for such floristic differences that exist. Manilkara bidentata, which is one of the most valuable of all the timbers, is not found in the reserve at all.
Hicronyma caribaea and Ormosia monosperma are found only in secondary growth. Meliosma herbertii, Simarouba amara, Ocotea floribunda, Oxythece pallida,
Pouteria multiflora, and Phoebe clongata are rare to very rare and are present usually as young specimens only. All these are the valuable timber species which
were presumably cut out during the nineteenth century. Local information indicates that this was the case. (7 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
2. Montane Thicket
Montane thicket in Grenada covers the summit of the main watershed from Mount Qua Qua south towards Mount Sinai and lesser ridge tops in the area.
Micropholis chrysophylloides is dominant and forms 40 percent of the crop. Nearly all the big trees are of this species, some of them up to 6 feet in girth.
Associated species are principally 'goyavier' (group of Myrtaceae sp.,) 19 per cent., Licania ternatensis 11 per cent., Euterpe globosa 9 per cent., Dacryodes
excelsa 5 per cent., and Richeria grandis 4 per cent. Less commonly Euterpe, sp., Rapanea guianensis, Oxythece pallida, and Ilex sideroxyloides are found.
Composition has probably been affected by fellings in the past as is the case of the rain forest. There is virtually no shrub layer at all. Epiphytes seem to be confined
to small orchids and ferns and while there are few climbers, the forest is extremely mossy. Ground vegetation is knee-high and thick beneath typical montane
thicket, consisting of seedlings, ferns, and razor grass Scleria. In the profile lee of the ridge, the ground vegetation increases to waist high and is a tangled mass of
razor grass, ferns, Ischnosiphon arouma, seedlings and young palms.
3. Elfin Woodland and Palm Brake
Beard (1949) considered Elfin Woodland and Palm Brake together. They exist for the most part in rather intimate relationship. The steep slopes of St. Catherine and
the windward sides of Qua Qua and Fedon's Camp are covered with a patchy growth seamed with the traces of landslides, running up and down the slope. One may
see the bare earth of fresh slides, or recent ones covered with moss which appears to stabilize the soil, the next stage being a thicket of small tree ferns Cyathea or
balisier Heliconia bihai. Other landslides may be colonized by Euterpe globosa, forming a patch of palm brake. All these successional stages are set in a matrix of
Elfin Woodland, a repressed growth 10 feet in height, gnarled, mossy, and containing the typical elfin species: Charianthus purpureus var., Weigeltia antillana,
Didymopanax attenuatum, Ilex sideroxyloides, Rondeletia stereocarpa, Rapanca ferruginea and R. guianensis, Myrcia berberis, Byrsonima martinicensis,
Stylogyne lateriflora, Besleria lutea, and a few Euterpe globosa. The palms are stunted and the tips of the leaves appear scorched.
Most vegetation is covered with moss, epiphytes and climbers. At the summits' of the mountains pure stands of Elfin Woodland are found. On the very top of St.
Catherine and Fedon's Camp growth is reduced to waist height.
On many of the leeward slopes of the southern mountains Fedon's camp, Qua Qua, South-east Mountain, Montane Thicket is replaced by clumps or groves of
Euterpe, sometimes 60-70 feet high and far overtopping the stunted forest. This is evidently a sub-climax type, due to storm damage.
4. Secondary Tropical Rain Forest
There is a good deal of secondary growth on land formerly cut over by shifting cultivators along the Mount Sinai ridge and in the Mount Sinai water catchment.
Such growth varies from a dense crop of herbaceous Heliconia bihai to young forest, according to the stage of succession. The subsequent tree pioneers are, most
conspicuously, Nectandra antillana and Guarea macrophylla, the latter here appearing in an unusual role. Other species include Sapium caribaeum, Hicronyma
caribaea, Euterpe globosa, Cecropia peltata, Cordia sulcata, Ocotea martinicensis, Ochroma pyramidale, Inga edulis, and Miconia guianensis. In the lower part of
the Mount Sinai catchment conspicuous pioneer species include Byrsonima spicata and Manilkara bidentata.
5. Dry scrub Woodlands
Beard (1949) states that the only example of fairly intact woodland of the Tropical moist forest belt seems to be that crowning Morne Delice, an isolated, high and
conical hill 900 feet in height, 2 miles inland from the south coast. Tree growth has evidently been allowed to remain due to unsuitability of the terrain for
cultivation, but has been subject to frequent fellings. At the bottom of the hill there are young secondary thickets of mahogany Swietenia mahagoni, white cedar
Tabebuia pallida, Guettarda scabra, and other pioneers.
Most other examples of tropical moist forest consist principally of young Swietenia mahagoni, an invasive species, or of low bush with Acrocomis palms. Nearer to
the coast in the dry belt only very impoverished growth remains. At best there are woodlands 30-40 feet high on rocky hill-tops, containing mostly the naked indian
Bursera simaruba, with a few individuals of Lonchocarpus latifolius, L. benthamianus, Albizzia caribaea, Citharexylum spinosum, Pisonia fragrans, Tabebuia
pallida, Chlorophora tinctonia, Genipa americana, and Cordia collococca. Undershrubs include Bauhinia ungula, Pithecellobium unguis-cati, Tecoma stans,
Amyris elemifera, Randis mitis, Jacquinia barbasco, and Annona squamosa. When severly degraded by cutting on eroded slopes, the tropical moist forest may be
replaced by thorn bush of Haematoxylum campechianum. Poor grazing land is also colonized by open thorn bush with Acacia nilotica, A. farnesiana, (8 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]
Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
Haematoxylum, and various native shrubs including prickly pears Opuntia dillenii and columnar cacti Cephalocereus. Most of the Point Saline peninsula is covered
by alternations and mixtures of these same types (Beard 1949).
6. Littoral Woodland
Very little remains of this formation in Grenada. At Levera in the north-east the littoral hedge is formed of Conocarpus erectus, Jacquinia barbasco, and white
cedar Tabebuia pallida (in its monophyllous form). The woodland behind contains also sea grape Coccolobis uvifera, mapou Pisonia fragrans, manchineel
Hippomane mancinella, Erithalis fruticosa, Bourreria succulenta, Pithecelloboi unguis-cati, and Rheedia lateriflora. On the Point Saline peninsula some sandy
raised beaches carry pure groves of Hippomane mancinella up to 50 feet in height.
7. Swamp
There are some small mangrove swamps, chiefly at Levera Pond in the north-east and at the head of the various deep inlets of the south coast. These contain the
usual red mangrove Rhizophora, black mangrove Avicennia, white mangrove Laguncularia, and button mangrove Conocarpus. In all cases they are recommended
for protection.

* As adopted from "A Natural History of Grenada," J.R. Groom 1968.
Grenada is the last remaining portion of the Grenada Bank - a volcanic entity, with sheer submarine cliffs stretching from the Island of Bequia in the North to
Reindeer Shoal in the south. Deep water separates Grenada from all other major Islands (St. Vincent, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago), which gives added evidence
that Grenada is a purely volcanic Island which rose from the sea never having had a land bridge between any other land mass other than the Grenadines. Grenada
and the Grenadine Islands may have been an "Oceanic Island" since during the Pleistocene period (Glacial Epoch of one million years ago) when the sea level is
estimated to have been between 50 and 150 fathoms lower, plants and animals may have been able to spread throughout the Grenada Bank.
The Oceanic Islands such as Grenada (Volcanic) or Barbados (uplifted coral) will present a relatively poor biological diversity compared to Trinidad and Tobago,
which were at one time connected to the biologically rich South American Continent. In Grenada, animal and plant migration would have only occurred by flight,
winds, or as part of a large vegetative mat which would form in the Orinoco River, and float haphazardly to Grenada. Interestingly, the majority of winged insects
and birds are of North American origin indicating the Island is on the Northern Antillean migratory route.
INVERTEBRATES: Groom, 1970, indicates that no endemic invertebrates have been described in Grenada with the possible exception of the weevil Diaprepes.
The centipede whose bite causes a swelling, is the only dangerous animal per se in Grenada. Neither the parasol ant Acromyrmex octospinosus, or the water snail
Australorbsis glabatrus, the secondary host of S. mansoni which causes Shistosomiasis and which is prevalent in the freshwater streams and ponds of St. Lucia,
occur in Grenada.
VERTEBRATES: Island isolation has given Grenada a much less spectacular flora and fauna than Trinidad and Tobago, for example, because of the difficulty the
animals have in arriving to Grenada. Furthermore, almost all of the forests of Grenada below 2,000 feet have been altered for cocoa, nutmeg, or banana production.
Some examples of South American fauna such as ground lizards Ameiva and skinks Mabuya are found in Grenada. Groom, indicates that Grenada appears to have
no Greater Antillean types of indigenous amphibians or reptiles, but only South American stocks which arrive here on floating mats of vegetation. Myers, 1937
again supported the Oceanic Island theory by stating, "The most striking feature of the fresh water fish fauna of the West Indies is the complete absence of
members of the primary division of fresh water fishes, in particular the Ostariophysi, which swarm in all the waters of North, Central and South America".
AMPHIBIANS: In general. Groom, 1964 states "Amphibians are absent on Oceanic Islands, for their eggs and tadpoles require fresh water and their skins are
totally allergic to salt."
Present are: The giant toad Bufo marinus, the piping frog Eleutherodactylus and the highland piping frog E. johnstonei which is confined to the remnant forests of
the Grand Etang. (9 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]
Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base

Garman's woodland frog Leptodactylus wagneri is found which is also characteristic of the primeval forest of the Grand Etang Forests.
The giant woodland frog Leptodactylus fallax an edible frog, was introduced but apparently did not survive.
REPTILES: There is one island endemic, Typhlops tasymicris, which is known only from St. David Parish, Grenada (Schwartz and Thomas 1975); no information
is available on its ecology or status.
The house gecko - Thecadactylus rapicauda is an object of superstition.
The spinous gecko Hemidactylus mabouya was introduced from Africa.
The common anole or wall lizard Anolis aeneus, is found from Trinidad to St. Vincent. The crested or tree lizard (Anolis richardi) is found only from Tobago to
Grenada and some Grenadines.
Iguana iguana is becoming increasingly more rare due to hunting and its reputation as a culinary delicacy.
Garman's ground lizard - Ameiva ameiva or zaggada, a handsome blue colored lizard, (male) is now found only in Grenada and the Grenadines. It is a sun loving
lizard and was almost brought to extinction by the mongoose.
Alien's Ground Lizard - Bachia heteropus alleni, is found throughout the Grenadines. The South Antillean slippery back lizard -Mabuya mabouya was thought to
have been extinct, but it appears that its numbers are increasing.
The following snakes, none of which are venomous, are found in Grenada.
The white headed worm snake Leptotyphlops margaritae.
The tree boa Corallus enydris cookii.
Boddaerts's tree snake Mastigodryas bruesi Cribo Clelia clelia a powerful constrictor, feared locally for it's strength, is also an excellent rodent exterminator.
Moon Snake Pseudoboa neuwidii.
Sea turtles nest on the beaches on the Windward side of Grenada and Carriacou. The females crawl up the beaches and lay their eggs in the dry sand of the spray
Green turtle -Chelonia mydas - are heavily chopped as they come to the beaches to lay up to 600 eggs in a season.
Hawksbill turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata is carnivorous, and like the loggerhead feeds on shellfish and rock encrusting marine animals.
Loggerhead turtle - Caretta caretta.
Ridley turtle - Lepidochelys olivacea.
Leatherback turtle - Dermochelys coriacea is the largest of the sea turtles, weighing up to 500 kilograms.
Testudinidae Tortoise - The morocoy or red legged tortoise - Geochelone carbonaria is thought to have been indigenous to Grenada and the Grenadines but was (10 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
hunted to extinction. It has since been re-introduced.
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 40 (r) of the Grenada Fisheries Act No. 15 of 1986, the Minister declared on the 6th May, 1987 the following closed
seasons for the harvesting of Turtles, Lobsters and Oysters.
Turtles: 1st May to 30th September
Lobsters: 1st May to 30th September
Oysters: 1st May to 30th September
Birds - 150 species of birds have been identified in Grenada and the Grenadines. (See Groom, 1970).
The avifauna is primarily tropical North American. The avifauna, as compared to Trinidad, is remarkably different considering the islands are only 100 miles apart.
The absence of a parrot (amazonas) in Grenada is interesting, considering Islands to the north such as St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Dominica all have their own
endemic parrot.
Parrots were recorded in the 1600's by Dr. Tertre (1667-1671) and Labat (1693-1705) in FR. Devas book "The History". Groom, postulates that these may have
been driven to extinction by the aggressive introduced African mona monkey. These monkeys would be largely responsible for predation of the eggs in the parrots
Ornithologists attribute the peculiar distribution of birds to the hurricane frequency. Since some species are noted for the first time after a hurricane and others may
never be seen again.
In the "Protection of Birds and the other Wild Life Ordinance, 1956" Chapter 56 of the revised laws of Grenada, p.347, all wild birds and their eggs are given
absolute protection throughout the year, with the exception of 19 species for which there is an open season from September to February. Ducks, waders,
waterfowls, pigeon and doves may be hunted, and Buteo and Falco peregrinus may be legally shot in defence if they attack chickens.
Three species of birds are listed as endangered species by the IUCN Red Data Book. These are:- Chondrohierax uncinatus murus, Grenada hookbilled kite;
Leptitilia wellsi, Grenada Dove; and Empidonax euleri johnstone, Euler's fly catcher.
There is one endemic species, the Grenada dove Leptotila wellsi, which is currently treated by ICBP (1987) as conspecific with the grey-fronted dove L. rufaxilla.
There is an account of the species in King (1978-1979), who classes it as indeterminate. The Grenada dove is thought to be very rare and its range is limited to
xerophytic scrublands in the southwestern coast of Grenada.
There are no estimates available of population size. The reasons for the rarity of this species are unclear: it is possible that the population has been low throughout
this century, or that it has been reduced by competition with one or more of the other species of dove that occur in the same habitat (King 1978-1979).
The following species are endemic to the Lesser Antilles (distributions from ICBP (1987): Grenada flycatcher Myiarchus nugator (Grenada, Grenadines and St.
Vincent); scaly-breasted thrasher Margarops fuscus (Saba, St. Eustatius and Barbuda south to Grenada and Barbados; possibly extinct on Grenada and Barbuda);
Lesser Antillean bullfinch Loxigilla noctis (Virgin Islands, and Lesser Antilles from Anguilla and Saba south to Grenada and Barbados); Lesser Antillean tanager
Tangara cucullata (St. Vincent and Grenada).
Information on seabirds is poor. Halewyn and Norton (1974) list the following three species as possible breeders: Audubon's shearwater Puffinus 1. lherminieri,
laughing gull Lams atricilla, and roseate tern Sterna dougallii.
- Chelonia mydas, green turtle (1,2)
- Eretmochelys imbricata, hawksbill turtle (1,2) (11 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
- Dennochelys coriacea, leatherback turtle (1,2)
- Falco peregrinus tundrius, tundra peregrine falcon (2)
- Pallinueus sp, spiney lobster.
- Strombus gigas, queen conch.
1. Lazell, 1980
2. IUCN Red Book
Marmosa robinsoni - Chapman's murine opossum, mouse opossum or manicou is strictly a nocturnal animal which uses its prehensile tail for climbing and
transporting bedding material.
Didelphis marsupialis insularis - large opossum or manicou is a common omnivorous animal which may prey upon poultry and is hunted for its meat. This species
may have been introduced by Amerindians while making journeys in their perogues (Groom, 1970).
Dasypus novemcinctus hoplites. Nine banded armadillo or tatou. This species is confined to forested areas, and is under heavy pressure from hunting.
There are eleven different species of bats, with feeding habits ranging from insects and fish to nectar and fruits. The vampire bat is absent.
Dasyprocta liporina - agouti - This agouti is extinct on the Island due to overhunting and the aggressive mongoose. Hurricane "Janet" in 1955 may have given the
final push to extinction. Naturalists of Grenada would like to see the agouti reintroduced (Beresford Wilcox, Pers. Comm.)
Herpestes auropunctatus - The burmese mongoose was introduced from Jamaica about 1870 to control rats in the cane belt. Now it is primarily destructive to
poultry, wild ground nesting birds, and lizards. The mongoose is the only proven vector of paralytic rabies in Grenada. (Groom, 1970)
Cercopithecus mona - The African mona monkey was introduced from West Africa during the slave trade period. It may be seen quite readily in Grand Etang and
St. Catherine Upper Montane Forests.
They are very dangerous and destructive to the local fauna. The hurricane of 1955 reduced their numbers, but their populations have reached new proportions with
the limited use of firearms for hunting during recent years.
"Grenada is such a geologically recent volcanic Island, that it is remarkable it should have some five biological items peculiar to itself: A Dove Leptotilla wellsi
regularly recorded, but rare, a sub species of snake, a weevil, the mountain cabbage palm Oreodoxa oleracea and perhaps one of the Grand Etang Ferns Danaea
spp." (Groom 1970)
On March 26, 1928 Ordinance Cap: 245 -1934 Revision No. 29 of 1956 stated, "This Ordinance establishes the Grand Etang Forest Reserve as a Sanctuary for the (12 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
Wild Animals and Birds of the Colony, and to make special temporary provision for the protection of the agouti, armadillo, and certain snakes." The short title of
the Ordinance may be cited as the "Wild Animals and Birds (Sanctuary) Ordinance." It essentially establishes the Grand Etang Forest Reserve as a sanctuary for
wild animals and birds.
The Schedule (section 5 (2)) protects the following snakes:
Leptotyphlops margaritae - white headed worm snake
Corallus enydris - serpent - brown tree boa.
Mastigodryas bruesi - Booddaert's tree snake
Liophis melanotus - Shaw's racer
Clelia clelia - black cribo
Pseudoboa neuwiedi - Neuweid's moon snake
This act seems to have expired at the end of 1962, as a result, no protection will exist for wildlife until Cabinet approves the National Parks and Protected Areas

Brief history of Grenada

The protected areas program includes cultural landmarks, entities which are sometimes managed by the Tourist Board, National Trust or Historical Society in other
countries. Significant input will be received from these groups, but it was recommended that the National Parks Division manage these resources. The following
brief history mentions how the artifacts and other cultural features portray the fascinating history of Grenada.
The migration of South American Indians from their homeland brought the first inhabitants to the Islands. There were two sets of Amerindians who reached the
Island - the Arawaks and Caribs. The Caribs are believed to be fierce and warlike, while the Arawaks were peaceful and loving and highly artistic. It has been
written that the Arawaks were harassed by the Caribs which hastened their disappearance. It is also believed that the Caribs made concubines of the Arawak women
and killed the men. These people were primarily hunters and gatherers and therefore did not affect the natural vegetation. For over 100 years after the sighting of
the Island by Christopher Columbus on his third voyage, the Carib Indians were left undisturbed. In 1609 a company of London merchants attempted to establish a
settlement but were compelled to withdraw as a result of the hostility of the native Indians.
Interest in the Island developed by both the English and French in the early 17th century. However, it was not until 1638, that a frenchman named Du Poincy
attempted to land. This again was unsuccessful and the natives managed to secure the island from further attempts at settlement for twelve years.
The French successfully settled the Island in 1650 despite the usual native hostility. While it was discovered that the Indians called the Island Camahogne, the
English named it Conception.
One year later, the Caribs realized the danger they had exposed themselves to and revolted. By then the French had already established their settlement and called
for reinforcement from the French Colony of Martinique. The Caribs retreated to a precipitous hill in the north of the Island where they sought refuge. After a great
search, the French discovered their refuge and took them by surprise. Most of the Carib Indians leaped into the sea below committing suicide.
Few elements of Amerindian culture survive today. These include words of Amerindian origin, some pottery and other remains found at the museum and
petroglyphs in the Mt. Rich area. The Leapers Hill and town of Sauteurs got its name from the tragic event that brought the Indian occupation to an end.
The early French settlers established plantations of indigo, cotton and tobacco. At the beginning of the eighteenth Century, indigo seems to have been the main
crop. It is recorded that in 1700 there were fifty-two indigo plantations on the Island. In 1702 sugar cane was introduced from South America and cane cultivation
gradually took over from indigo in the early 18th century. Sugar cane cultivation necessitated the introduction of cheap labour into the country and therefore, the
slave trade was developed. Africans, East Indian indentures, Portuguese, Chinese and other European bondsmen were introduced to work the plantations for the
French. Until the abolition of slavery in 1834, sugar cane was by far the most important crop cultivated on almost all low lying land in the country. Cocoa was
introduced to the island in 1714. (13 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]
Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base

In 1763 the British secured the Island by the Treaty of Versailles of Paris. Grenada was surrendered to the British at Fort Royal (Fort George). It is important to
note that every military handover in Grenada's history was done at this Fort, and every time the island changed hands, its name was changed also. Even the March
13th, 1979 Revolution saw a change of name from Fort George to Fort Rupert. This was subsequently changed back to Fort George after the intervention of
American forces in October 1983.
The French temporarily regained Grenada in 1779 during the American war of independence. Four years later, the Island was handed back to the British by the
eighth Article of the Treaty of Versailles.
There was always discord among the British and French Colonists on the Island. This caused a major uprising by the French planters against the British Colonist in
1795. In 1789, the French Revolution broke out under the watchwords of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Victor Hughes was the agent of the Revolution in the
Caribbean with Headquarters in Guadaloupe.
Julien Fedon, a mulatto of French origin who owned the Belvedere estate, which was then the largest estate in Grenada, was in total support of Victor Hughes. In
1795 confusion broke out between the French planters and British colonist. On the night of March 2nd the French took to "looting, fighting and even seizing British
citizens". Fedon joined by slaves and "Free Coloured" took possession of all the Island except St. George's. The rebels killed forty eight (48) of the fifty two (52)
British citizens on the Island. In 1796 the British managed to reinforce their contingents with officers from Trinidad. They eventually captured the final strong hold
of the French, which was the Fedon's Camp located at one of the flat topped peaks in the central mountain range.
Fedon on way to camp

After emancipation the labourers were no longer willing to work as regularly on the estates and a severe economic depression followed. The planters also had to
compete on the European market with the sugar still produced in the Spanish colonies by slave labour. An attempt was made to introduce indentured labour but that
also was unsuccessful. Much of Grenada was deforested for conversion to sugar, and thereafter extensive deforestation continued in order to fuel the rum
distilleries. Gradually, sugar production was replaced by cocoa which demanded less labour per acre than sugar. Cocoa at that time drew a good price on the
European market. The emancipated slaves and indentured labourers took readily to these crops; a quantity of land could be easily had in the interior and the
cultivation of cocoa offered an independent existence and reasonable profits for a minimum of labour. This lead to the clearing of a large part of the remaining
upland natural rainforest. (14 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
Nutmeg was first introduced into Grenada in 1843, however, it took considerable time for the crop to become a significant export.
After many years of trial the crop became well established.
From the beginning of this Century, tree crops have been the predominant form of agriculture and are of considerable importance to the Island's economy. It was
only after the 1955 hurricane that banana became an important crop.
Fort George built in 1706 by the French.

Fort George was built in 1706 by the French. More recently the Fort again became important in the history of Grenada when Maurice Bishop and part of
his cabinet were assassinated by a split faction in the People's Revolutionary Government. (15 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base

Carriacou and the Grenadines

Geologic history
Climate (16 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
Land-use history
Natural vegetation
Brief history of Carriacou*

Geologic history
The Grenadine Islands and Carriacou represent the exposed summits of peaks on a single narrow bank of submerged volcanic mountains. The Island of Grenada is
separated from Carriacou by a channel 600 feet deep.
The Grenadine Islands came into existence in the late Oligocene period, sank or eroded away during the Pliocene and were completely submerged during the
Pleistocene period. Since that time, a regional uplifting of the sea floor has raised the Islands above sea level (Howard, 1950).
The diversity of the geological formation of the Grenadines is fascinating. Bequia is characterized by pyroclastic rocks preponderant over massive. Some islands
have red and white clays due to laterization and kaolinization of the volcanic andesites in situ. Other islands are weathered rugged volcanic rocks and agglomerates.
Carriacou, an Island of 34 square kilometers has been studied by geologists since the 19th century. The most recent studies have indicated fossiliferous limestone
formation ranging in age from upper Eocene to Pleistocene.
The Island can be divided into two zones:
(i) The Fossiliferous limestone area which is mainly of the miocene age with outcroppings in the eastern part. This non-volcanic formation is
characterized by continuous stratifications of calcareous, clastic and volcanic lithofacies; and
(ii) The volcanic area which covers about two thirds of the Island. This section consists of lava flows, lava domes and volcanoclastic products ranging
in age from Miocene to the Pliocene (Briden et al., 1979).

The climate of the Grenadines is a relatively uniform one characterized by a northeast breeze which prevails most of the year. The temperature averages about 80
degrees F. in the dry season and 74 degrees F. in the rainy season. Significantly less rain falls on the smaller Islands; from 50 - 70 inches per year. These drier
conditions predominate because of their inability to cause condensation due to a lack of a high cordilliera. On Union Island for example, a high rainfall count of
62.24 inches was tabulated, and a low of 25.7 inches with a 13 year average of 37.67 inches.

Land-use history
The Islands had a deep fertile soil at the time they were settled, which was utilized first primarily for cotton, a short time for sugar cane and thereafter for cotton.
Sugar cane was phased out with the abolition of slavery and with the decline of the world price of sugar.
Old windmills such as this one found near the Belair Cultural Landmark serve as monuments to the agricultural productivity of Carriacou in the 1800's
and early 1900's.

Cotton is no longer an agricultural product, production having tapered over the last 40 years. As with any monoculture agriculture, insect infestation developed. The
necessity of controlling the insect pests without insecticides led the farmers to rip out the annual crop and burn it thereby killing the insects and eliminating their
food source. Even wild cotton was removed. The result was devastating as further soil erosion occurred at an accelerated rate.
Limes were also grown on Carriacou up until the turn of the century, but production per acre was less than the yields realized in Grenada. Lime production was (17 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
profitable until 1920 when many of the groves were abandoned.
This well, built to provide a constant source of water for livestock, can be seen in the Limlair-Thibaud Protected Seascape.
Coconuts were planted in the 1870's but were depleted in the late 1870's. Livestock were subsequently introduced on the smaller islands once soil fertility was
depleted. Finally goats and black-bellied sheep were introduced and still provide improved breeding stock for Grenada. Sheep, cattle and goats are causing
significant soil erosion resulting in decertification on the island. Compounding this problem is the "Let go season" where the animals are released to fend for
themselves during the dry season. They promote rill and gully erosion which down cuts the subsoil and as a result water storage capability is reduced. Animals also
reduce reforestation efforts and potential crop production. Although animals are very important to the economy, fencing and pasture establishment is needed. Some
coconut plantations still exist which are in need of management and protection.

Natural vegetation
Beard's 1949 work, The Natural Vegetation of the Windward and Leeward Islands discusses "seasonal formations". When the evaporation from freshwater ponds
and streams and the transpiration from plants exceeds the rainfall, a drought begins to occur. This is estimated to be at around 4 inches of rainfall per month
(Charter, 1941). If the period of drought is short, the vegetation will be little affected, but longer droughts, as are characteristic during the dry season December
through June, will adversely affect the diversity of flora. As a result, the smaller Islands are represented by a Dry Thorn Scrub - Cactus - Legume Association at its
best developed stage. The plants have leaves during the rainy season, and with the exception of a few species, are leafless during the dry season, hence the plant
association Dry Deciduous Seasonal Forest.
Areas deforested and left to "old field succession" generally come back in pure stands depending on adjacent seed source, relief, and soils. Vegetative tufts of
Croton, Cordia, or Leucaena can be found, as can Bauhinia ungula and Cuidosolus ureus (Howard, 1950) (Beard, 1949). These forest type sub-climaxes are found
primarily on the leeward side of the Islands.
On the windward side of the Islands, Coccoloba uvifera, Hippomane manchinella and Cocos nucifera are found on the beaches on the moist lowlands which
descend to sea level. On the slopes which begin from the wave cut cliffs, the contorted, wind sheared and salt sprayed growth of Randia aculeata, Tabebuia pallida,
Coccoloba caribaea, and various species of Capparis predominate. Opuntia dilleiri and Agave caribaeicola are found on the most extreme rocky steep cliffs. More
inland the typical spiny Acacia - Albizzia - Pithecellobium Association may be identified.
Dominants in the open woodland are Bursera simaruba, Brosimum alicastrum, Pisonia fragrans, Ficus lentiginosa, in order of frequency.
Three epiphytic air plants are noted. These are Aechmea lingulata, Tillandsia utriculata and Tillandsia flexuosa. The latter two are in the pineapple family.
Two rare and unusual plants found on Carriacou are Morisonia americana or jumbie sapodilla and Lemna perpusilla which has been found growing on the surface
of ponds.

Brief history of Carriacou*

* The following section is adapted from Howard, (1950)
Carriacou is the largest of the Grenadines in Grenada territory. It is seven miles long and three miles wide at the broadest point. The island is irregular in shape with
a ridge running the length of it averaging 750 feet in height with the highest point, a hill at the northern end called High North, reaching 850 feet above sea level.
Carriacou with a population of 5,000 or more is the seat of Government for the Grenada Grenadines. The largest town on the island is Hillsborough.
Carriacou is composed mainly of subsistence agriculturalists who cultivate vegetables including sweet potatoes, pigeon peas, and corn. Tomatoes and lettuce are
grown in very small quantities. Small amounts of peanuts are grown for export. (18 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM]

Chapter III - Inventory and status of the natural and cultural resource base
In the past century Carriacou produced limes as the principal crop. Today, sugar is no longer grown and the lime industry is intermittent. Throughout the island one
finds ruins of old houses and windmill towers which were used in grinding cane. Some of these features will be protected as cultural landmarks.
Water is a chronic problem on Carriacou. According to the historic documents the land was once forested and sugar was grown at the lower levels. Irrigation
channels were established in the late 1700's and used to direct rainwater from the hills for agriculture. In 1891, according to Dr. Nichols' diary, water was in such
short supply that it was necessary to import water for human consumption from Grenada. In 1891 a few wells were sunk to obtain ground water. One on the
grounds of the old Limlair Estate is a recommended cultural landmark. Today, most houses have their own water collection and storage system. Lack of water
remains one of the chief problems limiting development on the island.
The middle of the island is a designated forest reserve under the supervision of the Forestry Department. A representative of the Forestry Department patrols the
area to prevent the inhabitants of Carriacou from cutting wood and quarrying in the area.
The volcanic Mabouya Island off Carriacou has a dry thorn scrub vegetation with cactus and fragipani. It is part of a Protected Seascape.

The agriculture of a century ago covered practically all of the lands on Carriacou. Nichols reports cotton fields extending from the town of Hillsborough to the top
of the ridge and continuous to the eastern coast and extending from one end of the island to the other. As a result, the intensive agricultural practices of over 200
years have left the island mostly deforested with eroded and infertile soils. Nevertheless, there are some commercial operations on Carriacou both in vegetables and
fruits. The Forestry Department has initiated a Watershed Management Program.
The coast of Carriacou is largely coral or shoal formations and is wave-cut in the majority of places. Manchineel Bay and Carenage Bay near Harvey Vale have
limited areas of beach, spectacular because they are of black sand formed from volcanic rock.
By contrast the beaches at Grand Anse on Hillsborough Bay are of white coral sands. While the limited black sand beaches support an Avicennia plant growth,
those white beaches on the western side of the island are dominated by Hippomane, Coccoloba uvifera and Erithallis fruticosa. Some specimens of Caesalpinia
bonduc scramble over the shrubs. Crotalaria verrucosa is a conspicuous blue-flowered herb in this beach association. (19 of 19) [4/14/2000 11:09:42 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:43 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:43 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:44 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:44 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:45 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:46 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:46 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:47 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system

Geologic representation in the protected areas
Vegetation representation
Wildlife representation
Cultural representation

In order to determine the degree of representation of the Country's natural features, potential areas were identified and analyzed in the following ways:
- Representation of the geological formation composition and history and their significance to geomorphic and physiographic features in the area.
- Protection of native species of flora and fauna particularly those threatened with extinction.
- Representation and protection of ecosystems, through protection of watersheds and water courses. Maintain high standards of water quality and quantity,/protection of sites and objects of cultural, historical and archeological heritage.

Geologic representation in the protected areas

The antilles volcanic arc dates back to the Eocene (50M. years ago). The products of the earliest phase are mainly underwater and are technically deformed. The phase of deformation ends with the Miocene (25 M. years ago).
The vulcanism of the recent and active arc occurs after the new structural rearrangement of the area in the post Miocene times.
Grenada consists mainly of volcanic products and to a lesser degree, of sedimentary rocks. From the Miocene to Quaternary, volcanic activity has emitted a large quantity of products which vary both in chemical composition and in the way they were
emitted. These result in domes, flows and a wide variety of pyroclastics related to eruptions with varying degrees of explosivity.
The Volcanic series visible on the island are underlain by a sedimentary formation, where that sedimentary "Basement" outcrops on the island is known as the Tufton Hall Formation. This is made up of sandstones, siltstones and calcareous shale in
alteration. The Tufton Hall formation outcrop are mainly situated in the northwest part of the island. The only other area that is clearly visible is at the Annandale Falls, which is included within a Natural Landmark.
The Central Southern Part of the Island (Grand Etang Forest-Reserve, and National Park, South of the highway)
The main area within this zone is the Mount Sinai, Mount Lebanon axis. It has been found that volcanic activity was most intense during these periods.
(1) Middle Miocene (25M years ago) -characterized by Basic Magmas, Alkali Basalts and basic andesites. Few outcrops remain.
(2) Pliocene age - Characterized by lava flows, prismatic factoring and altered pyroclastic deposits (Morne Rouge Bay)
(3) Pleistocene age (1.7-1.4M years ago) -Activities of this period concerned the areas affected during the Middle Miocene period discussed above. This period's volcanic activity was characterized by mainly basic lava activity interspersed
with major explosive activity shown by important pyroclastic deposits which are reworked.
The Volcanic Area of Mt. Granby - Grand Etang (Grand Etang National Park and northern part of Grand Etang highway) This area was affected by volcanic activity in the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. This well preserved morphology suggests that
volcanic activity continued until the very recent Holocene period in the Grand Etang area. In this area is the eroded remains of Miocene vulcanite outcrops below Plio - Pleistocene products.
It is believed that Mount Granby, Mount Qua Qua and other intermediate peaks were separate centers of eruption which emitted lava at different times (Arcules 1973) and that volcanic activity began in the northern part near Mount Granby with the
emission of basaltic lava which thereafter moved southward. Southward displacement would have brought the active centers close to Mount Qua Qua where both basaltic and andesite lavas are found.
The final element in this north - south migration of volcanic activity seems to be the craters located in the Grand Etang area. These are three craters one of them partially eroded all close together and a fourth at St. Margaret.
The Volcanic area of Mount St. Catherine (Mount St. Catherine National Park).
This volcanic edifice has a Pleistocene age and is characterized by a large crater, open on the southside with a diameter of about 1.2 KMS. Various domes have grown in the summit area there composition ranges from acid andesites to dacite and they
constitute the main outcrops in the area.
According to Arculus (1973) the earliest activity was associated with the region in the vicinity of Plaisance and Malagon. Acidic lava flows ranging from andesite to dacites in composition were deposited on top of these early flows. Subsequently the center
of activity moved southward probably near to the present crater of Mt. St. Catherine. The area to the northwest of this center is dominated by a thick sequence of andesitic and dacite lavas and pyroclastic flows forming St. Mark's mountain.
The climax of activity was probably the partial unfilling of the crater by the dome andesite.
Coastal Pleistocene Volcanic Cones (Levera and Archipelago, National Park, Lake Antoine, & Quarantine Point National Landmarks)
These recent emissions occur primarily in the Southwest and Northeast of the island and include the St. George's Harbour, Queens Park, the crater at Woodford estate and at Quarantine Point.
Lake Antoine has morphological characteristics very similar to the typical tuff-rings produced by hydromagmatic eruptions. The lava block from Lake Antoine gave an age of approximately 1.5 M years.
The two craters near the Levera Hill seem to have had very minor interaction between the magma and the sea.
This volcanic area is characterized by a large andesitic dome, which is Levera Hill 848 ft. above sea level and other smaller domes to the north west of the area. This is thought to have been formed about 7.1 M years ago during the upper Miocene period.
The volcanic rocks of the Levera Hill area lie directly on the deformed Tufton Hall formation which outcrops at various points on the nearby coast. (1 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
Vegetation representation
One of the primordial concerns of a National Parks and Protected Areas program is the protection of species and assemblages of species referred to as ecosystems. Plant species have contributed significantly to medicines and remedies and it is important to
protect representative areas of the different ecosystems in Grenada as they may harbour valuable economic species. Vegetative types can be analyzed with reference to both climate and edaphic (soils) conditions. Rainfall, altitude above sea level, and the
actual height of mountain peaks will generally define vegetative associations. Soils will also cause differences in vegetative associations as will human influences relevant to past and present land-use.
As noted, most of the forests of Grenada and Carriacou were converted into agriculture over the last two centuries. The best representative examples of forest ecosystems which remain in an unaltered state or in a good state of recovery have been
recommended for inclusion within the system. The groups, series, formations, and associations based on (Beard, 1949) are presented in Table III. Table IV indicates which areas harbour the best ecosystem of its type in the country. The High North, Grand
Etang, and Levera National Parks favour positively and as a result are the first priorities for development.
Three ecological associations are poorly represented.
(1) The Rain Forest and Lower Montane Rainforest which are referred to as the Dacryodes Licania association. The first example of this is in the Grand Etang Forest Reserve in the vicinity of the 7 Sister falls. The inaccessibility of this area
made it uneconomical to harvest the timber or convert to agriculture.
(2) The Deciduous Seasonal Formation was also largely converted to agricultural production over time. Today only small remnant forests remain, but some areas show signs of recurrence on abandoned agricultural estates.
(3) The Dry Coastal Belt is only fairly represented but is also recuperating on some of the peninsulas on the southern coast and on Levera Hill where the forests have been staging a comeback due to abandoned agricultural practices. As these
forests become more mature approaching a climax state they should be revived for inclusion within the system.
The swamps, namely the mangrove and freshwater herbaceous ecosystems, are in a healthy state. Mangrove cutting for charcoal has caused a deterioration of the resource in Levera and North East Seascape but management actions to prohibit this activity
have been initiated.

Wildlife representation
Wildlife is noted to play an increasing role in the economic and social development of the country. Two hunters groups consider hunting an important recreational activity as well as source of protein. Some local Creole dishes utilize wild meats which
appeal to tourists and local people alike. The agouti Dasyprocta liporina is to be introduced into the wild. Liaison is occurring between Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago to provide a zoo and attempts will also be made to provide stock for the restoration
of populations which have been depleted because of overhunting or habitat loss. An analysis has been made of the threatened and unique animal species (amphibian, reptile, bird, mammals, and fishes). The following Tables V through VIII indicate the
species, status, habitat and principal units of the system where these species may be found.
Within this plan the following definition will apply to threatened species in Grenada and Carriacou:-
Endangered: taxa in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the casual factors continue operating.
Vulnerable: taxa believed likely to move into the endangered category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating.
Rare: taxa with small country populations that are not at present endangered or vulnerable, but are at risk.
Status uncertain: taxa that are suspected of belonging to one of the first three categories but for which insufficient information is currently available.
It should be noted in this section that although there has not been sufficient scientific study to determine exact ecological inter-dependencies and habitat requirements, an attempt has been made to assess habitat quality and animal species requirements.
Having done this we can discern if specified wildlife species are able to find adequate habitat.
The protected areas program attempts to maintain examples of the representative habitats in a healthy state. This provides the aspiration that species can continue evolving in their environment and have a good chance of survival.

Cultural representation
The National Parks and Protected Areas system in relation to cultural landmarks should be concerned primarily with in situ conservation and interpretation of monuments, sites, and structures which are representative of the various aspects of human life
during the course of country's history. Expressions of Grenada's culture including artifacts, arts, traditions and preservation of historic buildings will not be the object of systematic attention, but will naturally be introduced in relation to the specific sites
and resources incorporated within the system as recommended by the Grenada National Trust.
It is also understood that, for practical reasons, the urban environments should not be included within the framework at this stage. The links between urban heritage preservation and the establishment of a national park system however are significant and
should be strengthened whenever feasible.
Two broad themes will guide the definition of the framework:
"Time": The evolution of the country and the history of its people.
"Space": The relationship between people and their environment. This relates to the use and transformation of the environment to satisfy human needs and to support economic activities.
The first theme can be divided into four main periods, namely:
- The pre-colombian era.
- The pre-emancipation era (plantation system, sugar cane, slavery).
- The first emancipation era (diversification of pre-cultural production, establishment of peasantry, emancipation.)
- The contemporary period.
The second theme introduces:
- Human settlements (including architecture)
- Production systems (including land use, agricultural production, and processing techniques.) These include:
* cane and sugar (2 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
* other export crops (coffee, nutmeg, cocoa, etc.) and
* fishing, boat building, and handicraft.
Period Culture Landmark Date Reason for Protection Other Factors
Pre-Columbian Arawaks Caribs Mt. Rich Amerindian Ruins* Pre-1498 Unique Petroglyps Beautiful River Setting
Carib's Leap* 1651
Colonial Period French-British Military wars Fort George* 1706 Outstanding Engineering accomplishment 1983
Fort Frederick* 1779 Treaty of Paris (1763) PRG
Fort Matthew Versailles (1783) Disturbance
Fort Adolphus
Old Fort (Fort William Henry)
Introduction of coffee, cocoa Estates in general 1714
Rum Distillery and French sugar manufacturing British African River Antoine 1785 Oldest intact Fabulous setting
Rum Distillery* Rum Distillery and cane processing system in the Caribbean.
East Indian Rum Distillery* 1800's
Belair (Carriacou)*
Slavery African East Indian Hermitage Early 1800's
Slave Pen
Emancipation African Fedon's Camp* 1795 Civil & Political rights for Free coloureds
East Indian 1832
1877 Slaves freed
Grenada becomes a Crown Colony
Post Sugar cane British Plantation System French (spices, coffee, African East Indian Montreuil Estate 1857 Productive Estate Beautiful setting
nutmeg, cocoa, banana) Cocoa replaces sugar as main crop
Estates - Sugar cane, cocoa, nutmeg, production & Caribbean Style Architecture British The Tower* 1916
French Samaritan Estate House
African Morne Fendue House
East Indian Woodford Estate House
Beausejour Estate House
Douglaston Estate
Mount Rich Estate
Hermitage Estate House
Bocage Estate House
Grand Bacolet Estate House
Mt. Home (Paraclette) Estate House
Contemporary Grenadian Marquis Village* 19th century Handicraft from wild pine
Indigenous + 20th century
Technology representing historical methods
Grenadian Soubise* 19th century Hand fashioned boats
+ 20th century
Grenadian Grenada Handicraft 19th & 20th century Pottery
Center - Tanteen
Grencraft - St. George's Basket weaving Handicraft furniture
* Recommended for protection within this plan.
Eocene to Lower Miocene folded and faulted sedimentary formation with Oldest known rocks in Grenada. Deposited before vulcanism and then Levera Bay, just north of beach. Also, southern Levera and Archipelago
some volcanic minerals and tufaceous horizons later deformed Annandale Fall N.P.
(Tufton Hall Formation) Annandale Falls
Andesite domes Mt. Rodney, & Mt. Alexander Oldest known Volcanic deposits in Grenada Grenada, West of Sauteurs
Upper Miocene Andesite domes of Levera Hill and Levera Good example of dome features, also shows intrusion through Tufton Levera Bay Levera and Archipelago
(Sugar Loaf) Island Hall Formation N.P. (3 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
Basalt flows of Southeast Mountain Eruptive center for much of SE Grenada; also displays intense Northern and Northeastern ridges of Southeast Grand Etang
weathering of volcanic products Mountain F.R.
Andesite dome of Mt. Lebanon Eruptive center; displays a contrast in rock composition from nearby Mt. Lebanon Grand Etang
Southeast Mountain F.R.
Andesite dome of Fedon's Camp Locus of several eruptive centers which display variable rock Fedon's Camp Grand Etang
compositions N.P.
Pliocene Scoria and ash deposits Example of Pyroclastic fall rock type Quarantine Point Quarantine Point
Mt. St. Catherine andesite lavas, mudflows, Youngest major eruptive center and highest point on Island. Displays a Mt. St. Catherine Mt. St. Catherine
pyroclastic flows and hot springs. Also, crater variety of rock types and geological processes N.P.
morphology and crater infilling by dome
Pleistocene Mt. Alexander Limestones exposed 100 m One of only a few limestone formations in Grenada; also evidence for Mt. Alexander
above sea level geological uplift since pleistocene
Scoria and ash deposits, with some volcanic Excellent example of ash and scoria deposition. Also, volcanic bombs High Cliff Point Northern Seascape
bombs, High Cliff Point are present P.S
Lake Antoine explosion craters (tuff ring) Well-preserved example of an explosion crater and associated deposits Lake Antoine Lake Antoine
Pleistocene Grand Etang explosion crater Well-preserved examples of explosion Craters in the Island's interior Grand Etang Grand Etang
Hot Springs and Boiling Springs Indicates heat flow from depth River Salle and Mt. St. Catherine area River Salle
Mt. St. Catherine
Holocene (Recent) Rea Coastline and associated wetlands Indicates subsidence of the Southeast coastline Southeast coastline Southern Seascape
P.S. La Sagesse
Various ages Reworked (fluvially deposited) volcanic rocks Evidence of ancient erosion and deposition of volcanic products Marquis Island and mainland shore Marquis Island
Note: The number of features presented for each geological period is not any indication of the amount of volcanic activity for that period. Features were chosen on the basis of significance, state of preservation, and their occurrence within the
National Parks System.
A. GRENADA (Beard, 1949)
1. Rain Forest and Lower Montane Rain Forest Most of this faciation has been exploited, only small sectors Grand Etang Not Adequate Fair
Dacryodes-Licania association remain in a Virgin state and are presently in the Grand Etang
Forest Reserve & between Mt. Qua Qua & Fedon's Camp
2. Montane Thicket Well represented around all peaks over 2000 feet. Grand Etang Adequate Excellent
Micropholis chrysophylloides Mt. St. Catherine
Licania ternatensis
Euterpe globosa
Dacrydes excelsa
Richeria grandis
3. Elfin woodland Confined to summits of peaks of Grand Etang and Mt. St. Grand Etang Adequate Excellent
Cyathea, Catherine Mt. St. Catherine
Heliconia bihai,
Euterpe globosa
Charianthus purpureus
Weigeltia antillana
4. Deciduous Seasonal Formation (Middle Belt). Minute areas still remain, this area is poorly represented Marquis River Not Adequate Fair
White Cedar N.L.
Swietenia mahogoni
Tabebuia pallida
Guettarda scabra (4 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
Dry Coastal Belt. Very small areas remain, representation of this faciation is fair Canoe Bay Not Adequate Good
Naked Indian - Hog Plum. La Sagesse
Faciation Lake Antoine
Bursera simaruba
Albizzia caribaea
Spondias mombin
5. Dry Evergreen Formation Littoral Woodland Seaside grape Machineel Relatively well represented, but most coastal areas are being Northern Seascape Adequate Excellent
association exploited for charcoal or decimated by goat grazing La Sagesse
Conocarpus erectus Canoe Bay
Tabebuia pallida Levera
Coccolobia uvifera Hog Island
Hippomane mancinella Calivigny
Southern Seascape
6. Herbaceous Swamp Two small Caldera Lakes Lake Antoine Adequate Good
Papyrus Bog Association Grand Etang Lake
Mangrove Woodland Exploited all over for charcoal Levera Adequate Good
Rhizophora Northern Seascape
Avicennia Southern Seascape
Laguncularia Hog Island

B. CARRIACOU (Howard, 1950)

1. Deciduous Seasonal Formation (Dry Woodland) Found only in the North and the Forest Reserves. This association badly affected by High North Forest Reserve Adequate Good
Bursera simaruba overgrazing
Brosium alicastrum
Pisonia fragrans
Ficus lentiginosa
Lonchocarpus sp.
Swietenia mohogani
Dry Thorn-Cactus Scrub Badly over exploited by goat grazing High North Limlair-Thiboud Adequate Good
Opuntia dillenii Saline/White Islands
Randia sp. Sabazan
Piscidia sp.
2. Mangrove Woodland Well represented primarily because the mangroves are not cropped for charcoal High North Lauriston-Mabouya Tyrrel Bay Adequate Excellent


* Large Area
o Medium to small area
x Best in Country

Cultural Landmarks &
Multiple Use)
HIGH NORTH * * x o x o * * * Highest Peak in
GRAND ETANG x x x x x * High
LEVERA * x * * * * * * * * x High
SALINE ISLAND/WHITE * * * * x * x * Excellent nesting
ISLAND habitat-birds and
Iguanas (5 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
MT. ST. CATHERINE * * * Highest peak in
NORTHERN SEASCAPE x * * * * * * * * Finfish Production
LAURISTON-MABOUYA * * o * o * * High
SANDY ISLE Tourism/Scenic
TYRREL BAY o o o * * o o o Breeding & nesting
habitat. Finfish
HOG ISLAND * * * o o * * * High
LA SAGESSE * * * * * * * x * Best Salt Pond in
SOUTHERN SEASCAPE * * * * * * Important for
finfish production
Product Estuary
MOLINERE REEF * * o * Finest Reefs in
LA BAYE ROCK o * * * Breeding &
Nesting habitat
LIMLAIR-THIBOUD * * o o * * High Cultural value
CALIVIGNY ISLAND * o o * * * High
LAKE ANTOINE * x Unique Ecosystem
SABAZAN o o o o High Cultural value
MARQUIS ISLAND o * * * * Area of Geologic
ANNANDALE FALLS o * High Recreation
MARQUIS RIVER o * High Recreation
CONCORD FALLS o * High Recreation
QUARANTINE POINT o o High Recreation
RIVER SALLEE * Area of Geologic

Giant toad Rare Somewhat common in forest areas Grand Etang N.P.
(Bufo marinus) Mt. St. Catherine N.P.
Forest Reserves
Multiple use areas
Piping frog Status Uncertain Forested areas Grand Etang N.P.
(Eleutherodactylus johnstonei) Mt. St. Catherine N.P.
Forest Reserves
Multiple use areas
Highland piping frog Status Uncertain Confined to virgin forests of the Grand Etang area Grand Etang N.P.
(Eleutherodactylus urichi)
Giant woodland frog Status Uncertain Forested Areas Grand Etang N.P.
(Leptodactylus fallax)

(Grenada has no venomous snakes) (6 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
White headed worm snake (Leptotypholops margaritae) Status Uncertain Forested Areas Levera N.P.
High North N.P
The Tree boa or (Corallus (enydris cookii) Status Uncertain Forested, normally dry areas Levera N.P.
High North N.P.
Boddaert's Tree Snake (Mastigodryas bruesi) Rare Forested, normally dry areas grassland and open forest Hog Island N.L.
Levera N.P.
High North N.P.
(Clelia clelia) Status Uncertain Wet forested areas Grand Etang N.P.
Mt. St. Catherine
Neuweid's moon snake (Pseudoboa neuwiedi) Endangered Possibly Extinct Forested areas Grand Etang N.P.
Mt. St. Catherine
Shaw's Racer (Liophis melanotus) Endangered Possibly Extinct Wet forested areas Grand Etang N.P.
Mt. St. Catherine
(Typhlops tasymicris) Rare, Known only from the St. David's Parish Moist Forested area Levera N.P.
Crested anole or tree lizard (Anolis richardi) Status Uncertain Forested areas High North N.P.
Levera N.P.
(Iguana iguana) Threatened Possible sub-species Dry thorn scrub Hog Island N.L.
Levera N.P.
Southern Seascape P.S
White Island/Saline Island P.S.
Garman ground lizard (Ameiva tobagana) Status Uncertain Forested areas Northern Seascape
Limlair - Thiboud
Levera N.P.
Alien's Ground lizard (Bachia heteropus alleni) Status Uncertain Lowland dry scrub forest Northern Seascape P.S
Levera N.P.
High North N.P.
South Antillean Slippery back lizard (Mabuya mabouya) Status Uncertain Lowland dry scrub forest Northern Seascape P.S
Levera N.P.
High North N.P.
* Some lizards are in danger of extinction from the devastation of the mongoose. (Groom 1970)
Green turtle Endangered Nesting in small sheltered bays, feeds near eel grass beds Northern Seascape P.S.
(Chelonia mydas) Levera N.P.
La Sagesse P.S
High North N.P.
White/Saline Islands P.S.
Hawksbill turtle Endangered Nesting in small sheltered bays Northern Seascape P.S.
(Eretmochelys imbricata) Levera N.P.
La Sagesse P.S
High North N.P.
White/Saline Islands P.S.
Leatherback Endangered Nesting on open beaches with strong surf Northern Seascape P.S.
(Dermochelys coriacea) Levera N.P.
La Sagesse P.S
High North N.P.
White/Saline Islands P.S.
Loggerhead turtle Endangered Nesting in small sheltered bays Northern Seascape P.S.
(Caretta caretta) Levera N.P.
La Sagesse P.S
High North N.P.
White/Saline Islands P.S.
Ridley or Kemp's Endangered Nesting in small sheltered bays Northern Seascape P.S.
(Lepidochelys olivacea) Levera N.P.
La Sagesse P.S
High North N.P.
White/Saline Islands P.S. (7 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
Morocoy tortoise Threatened possibly extinct in the wild in Grenada (Groom, 1970) Forested Area Small Islands Grand Etang N.P.
(Geochelone carbonaria) High North N.P.
Saline/White Islands P.S.
* Most Sea Turtles are endangered because they are hunted for their meat and shells, and because their habitat for nesting, the beaches, are becoming developed. The five potential beach sites which provide suitable habitat for the sea turtles are
mentioned but there is need for added research.
Audubon's shearwater (Puffinus iherminieri) Vulnerable Remote area; with coastal cliffs Saline Island/White Island
Northern Seascape
High North
Bat falcon (Falco rufigularis) Vulnerable Montane rain forest Grand Etang
Black skimmer (Rynchops nigra) Vulnerable Sea Coast Saline Island/White Island
Northern Seascape
Black-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Vulnerable Mangrove swamp High North
Isle Levera
Black tern (Childonias niger) Vulnerable Sea Coast Northern Seascape
Blue-ground dove (Claravis pretiosa) Vulnerable Montane rain forest and tropical deciduous forest Grand Etang
Blue-hooded euphonia (Euphonia musica) Endangered Montane rain forest Grand Etang
Blue tailed emerald humming bird (Chlorostilbon mellisugus) Endangered Tropical forest Levera
Bridled-tern (Sterna anaethetus) Vulnerable Remote areas with coastal cliffs High North
Marquis Island
Broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus) Endangered Tropical rain and lower montane forest Mt. St. Catherine
Brown booby (Sula leucogaster) Vulnerable Remote areas with cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation La Baye Rock
Saline Island/White Island
Brown-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus) Vulnerable Semi-deciduous secondary forest La Sagesse
High North
Brown noddy (Anous stolidus) Vulnerable Remote areas with steep cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation La Baye Rock
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) Vulnerable Isolated areas with steep cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation Saline Island/White Island
Caribbean martin (Progne dominicensis) Vulnerable Remote areas with steep coastal cliffs Northern Seascape
Common stilt (Himantopus himantopus) Vulnerable Mangrove swamp Levera
Common snipe (Breeding) (Gallinago gallinago) Endangered Marsh and forest Levera
Everglade kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) Endangered Herbaceous swamp Levera
Lake Antoine
Fulvous tree-duck (Dendrocygna bicolor) Endangered Mangrove and herbaceous swamp Levera
Lake Antoine
Grenada flycatcher (Myiarchus nugator) Endemic Vulnerable Dry Thorn scrub White/Saline Levera
Grenada dove (Leptotilia wellsi) Endemic Endangered Xerophytic scrublands Canoe bay
Garnet throated hummingbird (Evlampis jugularis) Vulnerable Forest Grand Etang
Gray kingbird (Tyrannus dominicensis) Vulnerable Herbaceous swamp Grand Etang
Lake Antoine
Great egret (Breeding) (Casmerodius albus) Endangered Mangrove swamp Tyrrel Bay
Green heron (Butorides virescens) Vulnerable Sea-coast and mangrove swamp High North
Large-billed seed-finch (Dryzoborus crassirostris) Endangered Herbaceous swamp Lake Antoine
Laughing gull (Larus atricilla) Vulnerable Remote island with steep coastal areas and cliffs La Baye Rock
Saline Is./White Island
Least tern (Sterna albifrons) Vulnerable Sea coast Northern Seascape
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (Loxigilla noctis) Vulnerable Sea Coast High North
Lesser antillean tanager (Tangara cucullata) Vulnerable Sea Coastal Mangrove swamp White/Saline
High North
Lesser elaenia (Elaenia chiriguensis) Endangered Marsh and forest Southern Seascape
Lesser seed-finch (Oryzoborus angolensis) Endangered Herbaceous swamp and marsh forest palm marsh and deciduous forest High North
Lesser swallow-tailed swift (Panyptila cayennensis) Vulnerable Montane rain forest Grand Etang (8 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM]

Chapter IV - Analysis of the national park system
Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) Endangered Herbaceous swamp Lake Antoine
Little blue heron (Florida caerulea) Vulnerable Sea coast and mangrove swamp Southern Seascape
Magnificent frigate-bird (Fregata magnificens) Vulnerable Isolated areas with steep cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation La Baye Rock
Marquis Island
Mangrove cuckoo (Coccyzus minor) Vulnerable Mangrove swamp Levera
High North
Masked duck (Oxyura dominical) Endangered Mangrove swamp Levera
La Sagesse
Plain-breasted ground-dove (Columbina minuta) Vulnerable Marsh and forest Northern Seascape
Red-billed tropic bird (Phaethon aethereus) Vulnerable Isolated areas with coastal cliffs La Baye Rock
Roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) Vulnerable Remote island with coastal cliffs Saline/White Island
Royal tern (Sterna maxima) Vulnerable Isolated area with steep cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation Hog Island
Calivigny Island
Ruddy quail-dove (Geotrygon montana) Vulnerable Montaine rain forest Mt. St. Catherine
Sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) Vulnerable Remote areas with steep cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation Southern Seascape
Scaley breasted thrasher (Margarops fuscas) Endangered Possibly Extinct Dry thorn scrub White/Saline
High North
Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) Endangered Possibly Extinct Mangrove swamp Levera
Snowy egret (Egretta thula) Vulnerable Sea coast and mangrove swamp Southern Seascape
Sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) Vulnerable Remote areas with steep cliffs, crevices and sparse vegetation Northern Seascape
Spotted rail (Rallus maculatus) Vulnerable Mangrove swamp Tyrrel Bay
High North
Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus) Endangered Montane rain forest Mt. St. Catherine
White-cheeked pintail (Anas bahamensis) Vulnerable Mangrove forest and sea-coast High North
White-necked thrush (Turdus albicollis) Vulnerable Tropical forest High North
Yellow-billed tern (Sterna superciliaris) Vulnerable Sea coast Northern Seascape

Nine-banded armadillo (tatou) (Dasypus novemcinctus novemcinctus) Rare Forested as well as areas of mixed vegetation Grand Etang N.P.
Mt. St. Catherine N.P.
Multiple use areas
Lesser Chapman's murine opposum (Marmosa fuscata cam) Vulnerable Forested, normally dry areas Levera N.P.
Greater Chapman's murine opposum (Marmosa robinsoni chapmani) Rare Forested areas Grand Etang N.P.
Mt. St. Catherine N.P.
Multiple use areas
Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) Endangered Possibly Extinct Forested areas Grand Etang N.P.
Mt. St. Catherine N.P.


Freshwater Fish
Antillean fish fauna dominated by gobies, mountain mullets, cling fish and Endangered due to sedimentation and pollution in the river systems from inappropriate land-use practices Grand Etang N.P.
several sea run species on steep slopes Estuaries of Northern P.S.
Southern P.S.
Tete-chien (Syn bronchus marmoratus) Rare Northern P.S.
Southern P.S.
Go bird fish (Cicydium phimieri) Rare Northern P.S.
Southern P.S. (9 of 9) [4/14/2000 11:09:50 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:53 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:54 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:55 AM] [4/14/2000 11:09:56 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Chapter V - The units of the national park


The National Park System's Plan envisages the creation of units in both Grenada and Carriacou. A
National Parks program is necessary to carry out the Government of Grenada policy and objectives for
the protection and use of the outstanding natural heritage resources of the Country.
The following section provides a summary of each area within the system, gives its significance, the
principal management objectives and a synopsis of the initial management activities that will be required
for the area.


National parks
Natural landmarks
Protected seascapes
Cultural landmarks
Multiple use areas



National parks
Location: In the South-centre of Grenada North-east of the town of St. George's.
Summary Description: Located within the Central Mountain Range in the Southern half of the Island.
The unit extends from the North-west to the South-east, encompassing the several mountain peaks which
rise to over 2000 feet. Included are the peaks of Mount Grandby, Fedon's Camp and Mount Qua Qua. (1 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:14 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Several of these contain old crater basins one of which is occupied by a large crater lake - Grand Etang,
1740 feet above sea level. The craters represent different centers of volcanic activities between the
Miocene and Pleistocene geological periods.
The vegetation cover is characterized by Montane and Elfin forest on the steeper slopes throughout the
higher region. There the trees are smaller at lower altitudes and are more thickly covered with epiphytes
such as ferns and mosses. On exposed ridges and high peaks amidst the drifting clouds the densely
growing trees are stunted and twisted into strange shapes, hence the name "Elfin Woodland".
This rugged isolated area provides habitat for many species of birds, mammals and reptiles that are
endangered through excessive hunting, trapping, or habitat loss.
The land capability survey indicates that most of that area has greater than the 30 percent slope or falls
into the "E" slope category and is therefore unsuitable for agricultural use.
The area is also of historic importance because the summit, referred to as Fedon's Camp, was the center
of the Fedon's rebellion against the British after the Island was restored to Great Britain by the Treaty of
Versailles in 1783.
Visitors to the Grand Etang Lake follow the self-guiding environmental education trail which
indicates points of interest.
Significance of Area: The south central mountains represent one of the most outstanding natural forest
areas on the Island. It provides excellent habitat for the endangered species on the Island including the
nine banded armadillo, and wholly opossum. The agouti, thought to be extinct is to be re-introduced into
the area in 1987. The Grand Etang mountain area is important because it is the major catchment area for
the domestic water supply of the Southern part of the Island including St. George's. It is also an
important scientific, educational and recreational area in close proximity to the capital and major tourist
Participants of the first Environment Education Workshop held in the Grand Etang Forest Centre
drew up an interpretive plan for the area.
Management Objectives: To protect the natural forest ecosystem in an undisturbed condition and provide
habitat for fauna particularly those threatened with extinction. Also to provide opportunities for
environmental education, research and low density recreation.
Activities: Demarcation of Park's boundaries, continuation of the upgrading of Grand Etang's
Interpretation Center and nature trails. Develop a management programme for the national park.
Location: The North-eastern end of the Island including the Levera pond and three Islands to the
Summary Description: Included within the Levera Archipelago National Park are two conical shaped
hills, one on the mainland known as Levera Hill, and the other forming an Island called "Sugar Loaf" or
Levera Island. Between these two peaks is a depression occupied by twenty three (23) acres of water
known as the Levera Pond. This is surrounded by red and white mangroves and has an outlet to the sea. (2 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:14 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Also included within this unit are Green and Sandy Islands and the marine area between these and the
The flora includes one of the largest areas of mangrove swamp in the Country. This mangrove ecosystem
is highly productive and probably the most important habitat for many important aquatic species as well
as other species of birds including the scarlet ibis. This mangrove swamp is the northern most extension
of the scarlet ibis.
Hundreds of visitors travel to Levera National Park every weekend for swimming and hiking.

Sand mining on unauthorized beaches causes accelerated erosion of the coastline and threatens the
long term appropriate use of these resources.

This unit is the only representative area of the coastal type vegetation developed in areas of a marked dry
season and constant saline air. Coconut palm, cactus, and woody scrub growth occupy the drier upland
areas adjacent to the mangrove swamp. The area provides habitat for many species of indigenous wild
life including the iguana and land crabs.
The coastal area is reputed to be the most scenic and spectacular in the Country. The many white sand
beaches are important hatching ground for turtles while the marine areas are famous for their coral reefs
and sea grass beds that provide food and shelter for lobsters and many beautiful reef fishes.
The land capability study indicates that the area is marginal for agricultural purposes since it has very
shallow saline soil and is very dry for almost nine months of the year.
Significance of Area: The Levera pond and extensive mangrove swamp represents the most outstanding
example of the mangrove swamp ecosystem on the Island of Grenada. It provides the only habitat where
a large variety of birds and aquatic life can be observed. It is the only roosting area in Grenada for the
scarlet ibis.
The area forms an interesting example of the land/water interface. It provides nutrients for finfish and
shellfish important to the fishing industry and provides an area of floodwaters storage.
It is a relatively isolated area that will be in great demand for the development of tourism
accommodations. Levera is therefore an important recreation and education area that is of aesthetic and
scientific value.
Management Objectives: To protect the mangrove ecosystem and to provide opportunities for
environmental education and interpretation. To protect this unique natural environment, off-shore islands
and marine resources while allowing the development of appropriate recreational activities.
Activities: Acquisition of land and islands by the State for the benefit of the present and future
generations. Preparation of management and development plan in conjunction with the villagers who
presently use the area.
Location: Northern center of the Island, east of the towns of Gouyave and Victoria and west of the old
Pearls airstrip. (3 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:14 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Summary Description: Mount Saint Catherine at 2,756 feet above sea level is the highest mountain peak
in the Country. It is a large volcanic mountain formed during the pleistocene glacial epoch and has a
large open crater on the south side. Many peaks and ridges surround it forming the north central
mountain range, which are out cropped by acid andesites and dacites.
The vegetation within this area is virtually undisturbed by hurricanes. Elfin and Montane forest are
dominated by Micropholis chrysophylloides, Licania ternatensis, Euterpe globosa and Dacryodes
The area provides habitat for many species of indigenous wildlife. This is the only area within the
country that is not dissected by roads.
Above the 1600 feet contour line which demarcates the park boundary, the land is mostly covered by
natural or partially disturbed forest. The area is steep, rugged and very difficult to access for agricultural
purposes although the area is used for hunting and recreation. Land capability studies recommend that
with the exception of a few small patches of gentle slopes the area should remain under indigenous forest
cover. Over 90% of the National Park falls into Land use category Vie, and is therefore unsuitable for
Significance of Area: The Mount St. Catherine range represents the least disturbed ecosystem in the
north of Grenada.
It is also the major water catchment area or source of domestic water for the towns and villages of the
northern half of Grenada.
Management Objectives: To protect in an undisturbed condition the important natural associations and
landforms within the area and to provide adventurous recreational pursuits.
Activities: Establishment of boundaries and the development of a Management Programme emphasizing
enforcement of regulations geared towards the protection of the area.

Natural landmarks
Location: Eastern side of Grenada approximately six miles north of the town Grenville.
Summary Description: Lake Antoine occupies about 16 acres within a perfect crater in the north east of
the Island. It represents an excellent example of a crater lake formed by volcanic eruptions. The crater
was once a volcano which collapsed into its present crater like form. The water level of the crater lake is
normally not more than twenty feet above sea level. The feature is both geomorphologically and
aesthetical interesting. While the lower slopes have been used for agricultural purposes, the crest is still
covered with forest.
The area recommended for protection is privately owned and forms part of the River Antoine that is of
historic importance for its functional sugar mill and rum refinery.
The lake is also an important nesting ground for many species of birds and other wildlife. Although
remotely located, the feature is well visited by tourist and locals. (4 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:14 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Significance of Area: The Lake Antoine crater is a geologically unique phenomenon and is reported to be
one of the most scenic features throughout the Island.
Management Objectives: To maintain the crater lake as an aesthetically attractive environment and
provide for interpretation of the geological, historical and natural features of the landmark.
Activities: Develop a land use and interpretation plan together with the owners emphasizing the
provision of visitor facilities, maintenance of roads and infrastructure to the crater lake. An
environmental education trail will be designed to indicate points of interest.
Location: Within the Concord Valley, along the Concord River between Mount Qua Qua and the West
Coast. (5 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:14 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Summary Description: Along the Concord River two very picturesque natural waterfalls exist apparently
formed by the erosion of a band of soft rock. Located downstream, a band of hard rock was formed by
the extension of lava from the eruptions. This is part of the lava flow that created the south central
mountain system. The Concord (or first falls) utilized by dozens of recreationalists on a given weekend is
located at the eastern end of a properly surfaced access way. The waterfall plunges approximately thirty
five feet creating a pool of fresh water ideally suited for swimming.
The adjacent lands are privately owned and the owner is in the process of establishing a snack and
rest-house facility. About 10 minutes hike upstream along a well constructed trail is the Fountainbleau
Falls. Here the water gushes down the cliff face for about 65 feet accumulating in a very clear fresh water
pool. The area has plantations of banana, nutmeg and cocoa, Grenada's main export crops.
Significance of Area: The falls are notable geographic features which need to be maintained and
enhanced. The high scenic and bathing qualities of the falls and their basins have contributed to the area
being a traditionally popular recreation and picnic site. Additionally they are of great educational value
for students with a keen interest in the natural processes of erosion and weathering.
Management Objectives: The area will be managed to protect the aesthetic and water quality of the
waterfalls and pools. Planning and Management are also very critical in providing additional facilities
and maintaining the level of satisfaction achieved by the visitor. The plantations of export crops should
be maintained and tied into the tourist experience.
Activities: Enhancement of scenic quality through maintenance of pool side and trails. Negotiate right of
way through private property and work together with land owner on preparation of a management and
development plan. Continue trail development and beautification. Develop environmental education
programs which discuss geology, watershed management, multiple use and the agricultural export
oriented drive of Grenada.
Location: Within the Beausejour River Valley west of Grand Etang lake. (6 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:14 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Summary Description: Annandale waterfall was formed by the same process as explained in the case of
the Concord Falls. This natural landmark however is already established as a major recreation area and is
one of the most accessible in the country. Two separate waterfalls are present where the water plunges
approximately 30 feet into a fresh water pool where visitors picnic and swim. The adjacent lands are
State owned and are recommended in this report as a multiple use area.
Significance of Area: The area is an important geographic feature which is a classic representation of a
geological out crop of the Tufton Hall Formation. This feature is to be protected and enhanced for public
use both as an interpretation center and for recreational endeavours.
Activities: Once the renovation of buildings is completed, it will increase the quality of recreation
attained at this landmark. It is also necessary to implement a management programme that would
improve the aesthetics and provide interpretation activities to visitors. Environmental education programs
should be developed to illustrate the importance of the multiple use areas surrounding the falls for
agriculture, forestry, water quality, and recreation.
(iv) MARQUIS ISLAND (7 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Location: Marquis Island is a small land mass located east of the Soubise point on the east coast of
Summary Description: The Marquis Island and surrounding coral reef and eel grass marine ecosystems
provide outstanding opportunities for recreation in a scenic environment. This area of geological interest
was at one time part of the mainland. Ash layers formed by the volcanic eruptions as far away as the
Grand Etang and Mount St. Catherine are visible.
Vegetation consists of the dry thorn scrub cactus environment referred to as the Deciduous Seasonal
Formation. As farming once sporadically occurred on the island, there are remnants of an old foundation.
In the drier, eastern section of the island (Sesuvium sp.) and other ground succulents can be identified.
Significance of the Area: This area represents an excellent example of volcanic ash stratification as well
as a place of interest for an afternoon tourism experience. Boats could be rented at Soubise and utilized
to visit both Marquis Island and La Baye Rock.
Management Objectives: To provide protection to the natural features in order to encourage breeding and
nesting of sea birds while providing opportunities for recreation and tourism.
Activities: Development of a landing dock and trail system to encourage tourism; implementation of a
zoning plan in order to protect habitat for iguana and shore birds.
Location: The boiling springs are located in the northeast of the Island approximately 1 and 1/2 miles
north of Lake Antoine and south of Levera Pond.
Summary Description: The springs are located in the River Sallee area and occupy some 594 square
meters of land with a surface made of soft porous volcanic sediments. There are approximately six (6)
holes scattered within the area. The largest hole is approximately two (2) meters deep and five (5) meters
in circumference filled with muddy brown water. The other holes are much smaller filled with very clean
highly saline water, however orange yellow sulphur deposits are present in run off channels. The water
temperature reaches approximately 35C.
Significance of Area: The boiling springs are significant not only for their unique geology but also
because it is an area of spiritual importance for the local residents. Members of the Baptist faith visit the
area frequently to perform spiritual rituals and baptism. Visitors also throw coins into the fountain while
they make a wish. The feature is also significant because of its exceptional characteristic of highly saline
acidic water more than one mile from the sea. It is possible that there is an association between the active
kick-em-jenny marine volcano and the boiling spring.
Management Objectives: To protect the boiling springs of the area and provide opportunities for
interpretation and further research. To provide easy access through trails and to clean up the area to
improve the areas attractiveness.
Activities: Prepare a management and interpretation plan in association with the land owner. Clean up
site and improve access.
(vi) HOG ISLAND (8 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Location: Along the southern coast of the Island within the Woburn Bay.
Summary Description: Hog Island and surrounding coral reef and eel grass marine ecosystems provide
outstanding representation of an island for the most part undisturbed by man. The island is thickly
covered with Acacia, manchineel and Leucaena of the Deciduous Seasonal Formation. The Western
coastline is covered with undisturbed mangrove forest while the eastern coastline is famous for the many
shallow reefs and submerged platforms. The geology of the Island shows that it is primarily of
sedimentary formation. A main fault lying in a north-west/south-east direction dissects the Island.
Significance of the Area: Hog Island is a volcanic representation of an undisturbed island ecosystem.
With the exception of approximately fifteen (15) head of cattle introduced about two years ago, there is
little evidence of man's activity. The Island is privately owned and trespassing strictly controlled.
The island is also significant for its aesthetic and recreational quality. A number of white sand sheltered
beaches exist along the coast. Many of these are protected by shallow reefs or occur interspersed within
the mangrove.
Management Objectives: To protect the natural marine and terrestrial ecosystems in their undisturbed
condition and to maintain the areas high quality recreational opportunities. Actions will be initiated to
remove the introduced species from the Island in order to encourage nesting birds such as the brown
booby and reptiles such as the iguana.
Activities: Preparation of a management and development plan in conjunction with the owner and other
interested parties. Development of an environmental education program which discusses the vulcanism,
the function of a caldera, and the evolution of a marsh ecosystem.
Location: Between the Grand Anse and Morne Rouge Bay. A peninsula with an apparent east/west
Summary Description: Quarantine Point is an outstanding landmark in the south of Grenada between the
Grand Anse and Morne Rouge bays. The area is of geological significance since it forms the rim of the
most southerly crater lake on the Island. This crater, formed in geologically recent times, is associated
with the many craters on the Island's north east. The peninsula shows very interesting rock stratification
and is of outstanding beauty.
The vegetation on the peninsula consists of dry thorn scrub and cactus. The rocks are important nesting
grounds for the many birds common to the south coast. The area was named during the late 19th century
when leprosy was a major disease and the peninsula was used as a quarantine station to ensure that
carriers of the disease did not enter the mainland.
Significance of the Area: The peninsula is of prime significance for its aesthetic and recreational quality.
Quarantine Point is located within the fast developing Grand Anse/Morne Rouge belt and requires urgent
protection. Inappropriate development activity can lead to the loss of this scenic natural heritage
resource. The point is easily accessible to the majority of the Grenadian population and would provide
open space for recreation facilities as the pressures for use of the neigbouring beaches intensify. Since
the point is visible from almost any point in St. George's it is critical that it is managed carefully so as not
to destroy the interesting landscape. (9 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Management Objectives: To maintain the interesting scenic and recreational qualities of the peninsula.
Activities: Designation of the peninsula as a natural landmark. Preparation of development plan outlining
proposed uses. Develop facilities that would enhance scenic features and allow for increased recreational
(viii) LA BAYE ROCK - (Telescope Rock) Location: Off Telescope point.
Summary Description: This small Island represents one of the few totally natural environments in
Grenada. As a result, large iguanas and nesting brown bobbies may be seen, as well as pristine dry thorn
scrub forest. Coral reefs surround the Island.
Significance of the Area: The Island is an excellent example of animals interacting with an environment
without the impacts of man. The island was formed in the Pleistocene geologic epoch.
Management Objectives: To protect the natural setting and initiate research into the fauna present on the
Island and their status (nesting, breeding, roosting). To organize a boat tour which departs from Soubise
and visits Marquis Island for a hike and La Baye Rock to view wildlife in an untouched state.
Activities: Development of environmental research programmes and tour visits which tie into the
islandwide environmental education program to be initiated in the school systems.
Location: A 1/2 hour hike up the Marquis River from the southern main road, just south of the town of
Marquis in the parish of St. David's.
Summary Description: The Marquis area is rich in cultural heritage sites such as the French church and
weaving from wild pine in the town of Marquis, and the ruins of the Post Royal Military Fort. The
Marquis River waterfall can be tied into an eventful outing with these other attractions such as the La
Sagesse Protected Seascape.
The 1/2 hour hike to the waterfall following the Marquis River is highly scenic and presents several
pools and interesting geologic formations. Agricultural crops are planted along the way and a wide
diversity of wild fruit trees will seasonally provide the hiker with a refreshing snack.
Very little of the original dry forest type remains as much of the area has been converted to agriculture.
The vegetation surrounding the falls is quite mature because of the constant humidity generated by the
Significance of the Area: The area is highly scenic and provides a recreational opportunity for the town
of Grenville, and a valuable tourist resource for the Country.
Management Objectives: To maintain or encourage a natural belt of vegetation -along the river, to
develop a walking trail, and provide outdoor recreational opportunities.
Activities: Determination of boundaries along the river, preparation of a management and development
plan, initiation of management activities. Design and implementation of a Eastern Main Road tour which
leaves daily from hotels and tours the Southern zone of the Island. Points of interest would include; The
Tower C.L., the Bay Gardens, Westerhall Sugar Mill, La Sagesse Protected Seascape, Marquis Village,
Marquis Island and La Baye Rock, and the Grand Etang Nature Centre. (10 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Protected seascapes
Location: The North East Seascape protected area extends from the Telescope Rock to the south to the
Bathway Beach to the north.
Summary Description: The North East Seascape extends for approximately six miles and is composed of
magnificent cliffs, excellent wide sandy beaches, and patches of mangrove swamps.
From Telescope point northwards approximately two miles there is an excellent beach. Behind the high
water mark is well developed windswept vegetation composed of coconut palms, almonds, and
manchineel. Behind the Conference Bay there is approximately six acres of black and white mangroves
however the outer fringe of this system has been severely damaged as a result of cropping for charcoal
production. Cattle rearing has also caused a change in the vegetative association.
Between Conference Point and High Cliff point to the north is the Antoine Bay. The southern half of the
coastline is occupied by a sandy beach while the northern half is strewned with rocks and boulders.
Within the seascape one finds very outstanding cliff formations particularly the Bathway and High Cliffs.
The coastline is different to the others identified within this system plan since it is an open coastline
exposed to the constant prevailing trade winds. As a consequence the surf is amplified resulting in heavy
breakers and wide variation in water levels. Beach processes can easily be identified within the area. The
magnificent beaches are also important turtle nesting sites that are being increasingly mined for
construction purposes.
Significant of the area: The area represents the most natural stretch of open beach and undisturbed
picturesque cliffs in the country. Within it is a critical mangrove ecosystem that is slowly being degraded
through exploitation for charcoal. The area is not only important for the nesting and feeding of birds,
turtles and iguanas but also for research and environmental education and interpretation.
Activities: Co-operation with the few large landowners in the area. Preparation of a management and
development plan, monitor and regulate critical activities including sand mining, turtle cropping, egg
collection and charcoal production.
Location: The protected seascape on the south coast is comprised of a number of units made of up of
different points, inlets and bays. These include from east to west the lands immediately surrounding the
Westerhall Bay, Chemin Bay, Egmont Harbour, west coast of Hog Island, eastern coastline of Mount
Hartman Point, Canoe and Devil's Bay. The protected seascape also includes the southern most points
and associated reefs of Point Egmont (including Adam Island), Fort Jeudy Point and Mount Hartman
Summary Description: The area is well known for its scenic value and outstanding fisheries and
recreational resources. The areas chosen as protected seascape includes mainly well developed highly
productive mangrove coastlines. These are located in well sheltered inlets that are not easily accessible
by roadway. The main species is the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle which provides habitat for many (11 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

commercially important species such as lobster, queen conch and oysters. These also form nesting
ground for many important bird species within the area are increasingly becoming scarce. Fishermen
claim that the distance from shoreline to where the finfish, conch, and lobsters are harvested is
Boatbuilders of Soubise on the Windward side of Grenada stand proudly by their hand-fashioned
The southern most points of the Islands and Egmont Point have very interesting reefs and eel-grass beds
that form important breakwaters and fish feeding areas. These are of both geological and scenic interest.
Canoe and Devil's bays are also interesting seascapes since they form beautiful beaches and are also two
of the very few areas on the south coast where iguanas are still readily seen.
Significance of Areas: The southern coast seascape represents the indented truncated coastline common
to the Island of Grenada. Within the inlets are outstanding examples of mangrove ecosystems. The
southern coastal waters are the most productive commercial aquatic species such as lobster and conch.
The mangroves ecosystems support this marine life by producing organic matter and habitat for aquatic
micro-organisms. It is therefore critical that remaining mangrove species be protected to support
commercial fisheries operations.
There is an abundance of oysters within the mangrove system, which have not been exploited since it is
not one of the traditional species collected by the people in the area. This gives the area increased
significance since it allows the opportunity for managed harvesting and production.
The reefs to the south of peninsula are also significant as they are the habitat for many other commercial
species. Presently there is extensive use of pots and traps on those reefs.
The landscapes are also important because they demonstrate geological and geomorphological processes
such as volcanic activity, subsidence, uplift and wave and wind action.
It is an important recreational and educational resource that is within easy reach of 40% of the country's
Management Objectives: to protect the mangrove ecosystem and the important reefs within the area. To
provide opportunities for environmental education, research and recreation and to manage and regulate
exploitation of the traditional fishing grounds.
Activities: Development of a management plan; initiate a programme of environment education and
institutionalize a monitoring system which prohibits the use of traps which are not biodegradable.
Location: At the Estuary of the La Sagesse River within the La Sagesse Bay.
Summary Description: La Sagesse comprises a mangrove estuary, a salt pond, 3 beautiful beaches,
interesting geological formations, coral reefs, and excellent examples of littoral woodland and thorn
scrub cactus woodland.
Significance of the Area: The area has a diverse assemblage of ecosystems in a small area providing
outstanding wildlife habitat for migratory birds and waterfowl. It is a favorite spot for weekend outings (12 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

for the local population.

Management Objectives: To protect the ecosystems in a natural state and promote programs of education
and recreation.
Activities: Develop an environmental education program for the local population and tourists. Ensure
protection of the salt pond, mangrove estuary, and freshwater marsh. Prohibit sandmining and any
inappropriate development.
Location: The Molinere Reef Protected Seascape is 5 kilometers north of St. George's on the Leeward on
Western side of the island.
Summary Description: The area consists of a series of coral reefs and sea fans beds. The terrestrial part is
represented by seasonal deciduous forest which provides a natural backdrop to the marine ecosystem.
The Molinere Reefs forms part of an extensive recreational tourist complex on the island. There is a wide
diversity of life forms on this outstanding reef, considered to be the best reef off the island of Grenada.
Panoramic views can be had of the mainland from moving boats, and small private beach provides an
outstanding area for nature enjoyment, relaxation, and snorkeling. The area has excellent qualities for the
development of a variety of educational and recreational opportunities.
Significance of the area: The Molinere Reef represents the finest coral reefs off the mainland of Grenada.
Only 20 minutes by boat from St. George's Harbour, the area is frequented by scuba and skin diving
enterprises which bring visitors to the area. The area has been protected from exploitation by man by the
local divers. As a result, lobsters are prevalent as are both soft and hard corals. A wreck with a steel hull
is seen at 80 feet below sea level which harbours beautiful reef fishes and is beginning to be colonized by
various species of coral.
Management Objectives: To protect and maintain the Molinere Bay ecosystem and its outstanding
natural features and to provide opportunities for recreation interpretation research and environmental
Activities: Formation of a management committee with the local divers, fishermen, and Fisheries
officers, protection of the marine areas by controlling visitors and enforcement of regulations.

Cultural landmarks
Location: One (1) mile to the south east of the Lake Antoine crater in the north east of the island.
Summary Description: The River Antoine Rum Distillery is located on the River Antoine estate which is
owned and operated by the DeGale family. The Distillery is a working factory whose processes have
changed little since the 18th Century. The cane used is produced primarily on the flat land in the
immediate vicinity of the sugar factory and processed by the only operational water wheel in the country.
The juice is boiled in a system of "coppers" using the bagasse produced as fuel and is transferred through
the containers using a system of wooden guttering. The only modern electrical appliance is a pump that is
used for transferring the juice to the fermentation tanks. The boiler is fueled by wood and, the juice is (13 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

passed through "stills" and then cooled by passing through water tanks before being transferred to the
setting tanks. The fermentation process is not hastened using any chemicals or additives and the product
is sold in large containers and not bottled. The physical infrastructure was established in the late 18th
century and has been maintained in a fair state throughout the years. The labour force at the distillery is
very skilled in their traditional method for they have been operating the factory for over twenty-five
The River Antoine Rum Distillery Cultural Landmark is the oldest functioning distillery in the

Significance of Area: River Antoine Rum Distillery is a unique historic and cultural feature not only in
Grenada but throughout the English speaking Caribbean. The process is identical to that used in the late
18th century when sugar cane was the chief crop produced on the Island. The buildings and equipment
are also of great significance since, they clearly represent a particular period in the history of the Island.
Management Objectives: To protect this cultural feature particularly the buildings, equipment and
processes for education and interpretation. A Development and Management Plan is urgently needed and
should be developed in cooperation with the owners so as to ensure a common understanding of the goals
and objectives of the area.
Activities: Priority should be given to the preparation of a development plan, organization of a guided
tour of the factory and the preparation of an information or interpretation leaflet.
Location: Along the Southern Main Road north of the Westerhall Bay on the Westerhall Estate.
Summary Description: The Westerhall Distillery has been updated, however, there are still vestiges of
the old processes similar to those used at River Antoine. The water wheel used in the late 19th and early
20th century is still present and could be put back into operation. The enterprise is no longer grinding its
own cane but is purchasing the molasses used in the rum distillery process. Unlike River Antoine the
distillery uses chemicals and additives to hasten the process of fermentation and therefore has a higher
production capacity. The produce is bottled and aggressively marketed. This represents a 20th century
operation that is constantly adapting new methods and technology. This obviously changes the quality of
the final product which demands aggressive marketing to increase sales volume.
Significance of Area: The process is now modernized, however the artifacts and equipment that were
used in the traditional method still exist. The Westerhall Distillery represents a transformation of the
process which is indicative of the changing economic and social factors that have been of significant
Since this feature is only twenty minutes away from St. George's, the port of call for cruise ships, and
Grand Anse, the Westerhall Distillery presents an outstanding opportunity for tourism and environmental
education of the local population. This would be assisted by the many artifacts that are so well
Management Objectives: To protect the historical and cultural artifacts and equipment that exists for
educational and interpretation purposes. To develop an interpretation plan so as to offer the visitor the
history and evolution of the rum industry and its economic importance to Grenada and the region. (14 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Activities: Development of an interpretation plan in cooperation with the owners and operators of the
Location: At the hill top and cliff-face directly north of the town of Sauteurs at the most northerly spot on
the Island.
Summary Description: Leapers Hill is the promontory where St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church,
School and Cemetery are located. To the northern part of the promontory is a steep cliff face that
descends vertically into the sea for more than 100 ft. This feature is recorded as the point of
extermination of the original inhabitants of the Island, the Carib Indians.
It is reported that for more than 100 years after the discovery of the Island by Columbus in 1492, the
Caribs were undisturbed. They settled in great numbers on Grenada because of its superior hunting and
fishing grounds as compared to the other Islands. Although discovered by the Spaniards, it was not until
1626 that both the English and French became interested in this unappropriated Island. In 1609 the
English landed but were forced to leave because of the Carib harassment. In 1638 a Frenchman
attempted to effect a landing but was driven off by the Caribs, who thus secured further immunity from
attack for twelve (12) years. A successful colony was established in 1650 by the French who apparently
purchased the Island for "some knives and hatchets and a large quantity of glass beads, besides two
bottles of brandy for the Chief himself".
The first colony was established in the south of the Island. Not more than one year later the Caribs
reinitiated their hostility. The French reinforced their colony and were given strict orders to eliminate the
After much struggle the Caribs were driven to the north of the Island. The last stand was at a precipice on
the extreme north of the Island named by the French, "le morne de Sauteurs" or leapers hill in memory of
the leap of the Caribs. The town is today called Sauteurs. It is reported "that they fought vigorously but
the savages were completely defeated and those who remained, about forty (40) in number, precipitated
themselves from the top of the rock rather than surrender".
Significance of Area: The feature is significant for it marks the last point of resistance of the aboriginal
Indians who first occupied the Island.
Management Objectives: The area should be preserved since it is an important historic and cultural
landmark where the original inhabitants chose to exterminate their race instead of surrender to the French
The landmark should be developed and maintained and a monument should be erected to mark the end of
the first chapter of the Island's history.
Activities: A community group should be encouraged to undertake the clean up of the area. A
programme for the development and maintenance of the features should be developed in association with
the Catholic Church and the residents in the immediate vicinity.
Location: Along the St. Patrick's river valley in the village of Mount Rich in the parish of St. Patrick's. (15 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Summary Description: The Amerindian remains are primarily stone carvings on rocks in the river valley.
It has been established that these carvings were done by the Caribs for the work depicts their typical
features and lifestyle. This is the only place on the Island where such impressive work exists. They can
be most easily seen on the top and sides of a very large stone on the river bank where six carvings,
headpieces, pottery, implements and tools (spears, bows and axes) used in their hunting and fishing are
found. Several small stones in the vicinity have different carved features but they are not clearly
discernible since they are covered by weeds and mosses.
The remains are easily accessible since they are located alongside the main road from Sauteurs close to
the Mount Rich village. A community group has planted flowers along the access footpath and installed a
lettered "Carib Remains-Enter".
Significance of area: The remains are significant as the only extensive area of carvings left on the Island
that depicts the features and way of life of the Amerindians. It is possible that their work of art could
have been done over 300 years ago since it has been established that Caribs were defeated about that
time. The remains are significant for their educational value and the river valley offers recreational
Management Objectives: To protect the Amerindian remains. Manage and improve them for the benefit
of the present and future generations.
Activities: Permission should be gained from the private landowner for a public footpath through his
property. A brochure should be produced, the trail improved so as to make the remains easily accessible
and the surroundings maintained
Location: Approximately three (3) miles south of the town of Grenville along the Eastern Main Road.
Summary Description: Marquis village is an interesting place since it is the only village dependent in
large part on the handicraft industry. Most of the handicrafts produced and sold in Grenada are made by
villagers. The emphasis is on the production of straw work, these including table mats, bags, baskets,
hats, bedroom slippers, etc. The village is located along the coastline and is cultivated with wild pine
which is the main material used in the work produced. It exemplifies the life style of a typical villager on
the Island. The men and children are primarily involved in the fishing and farming while the women are
involved in the handicrafts, however, it is the man's task to cut and collect the wild pine from the field
while the women and children take on the job of its preparation.
In close proximity to the village are two interesting cultural landmarks. Battle Hill to the north is a
famous religious center where the Roman Catholics and Anglicans gather on special occasions for
processions and worship. There is also the Royal Fort located to the immediate east of the village. This
was built by the French in the late 17th century, and used as a famous outpost by the rebels during
Fedon's rebellion in 1796.
Significance of Area: Marquis village is significant because of its unique culture, history and way of life.
It is the only village where the straw handicraft has been continued throughout many generations. It is an
interesting tourist destination since visitors can examine the handicraft process from raw materials to the
finished product. The other two important historic features can be nicely tied into a day's visit. (16 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Management Objectives: To encourage continuance of the village life style and culture while improving
marketing of handicraft products and stimulating visitors to the area. To encourage the production of
higher quality products. Develop a management plan for the village and surrounding landmarks.
Activities: Co-operate with the handicraft organization and the community to improve the appearance of
the village. Upgrade and improve the Port Royal Fort and prepare an interpretation plan.
Location: North of the entrance of the St. George harbour on a promontory overlooking the town of St.
George's and the Grand Anse beach.
St. George's, famed to be the most scenic capital city in the Caribbean, as seen from Fort George.

Levera National Park presents fascinating geology, has productive mangrove ecosystems, and
offers outstanding opportunities for recreation and nature appreciation.
The petroglyphs seen at Mt. Rich Amerindian Remains Cultural Landmark are one of the few
remainders of the indigenous people's, the Caribs and the Arawaks, that inhabited the Island up
until the French colonized the Island in the 1650's.

The courtyard in Fort George where Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and his Cabinet were
assassinated on October 19th, 1983.

British built cannons at Fort George set just as they were during the 1700 and 1800's when the
British and French fought for the Island on numerous occasions.
Summary Description: Fort George was built in 1706 by the French after the old town known as Port
Louis was relocated from the Lagoon area. The fort and capital was originally known as Fort Royal by
the French. In 1756 war was declared between Great Britain and France and in 1762 a British fleet
attacked Grenada, causing the French to eventually surrender. The Island was handed over to the British
and the Fort and Town were then renamed after King George III.
Shipbuilding in Soubise next to the handicraft center of Marquis Village presents fascinating vistas
into Grenadian country life. (17 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

The structure has not been severely altered since then, for it was built on the upper half of the
promontory of walls more than four feet thick all around. It was built with two levels with all amenities
including barracks, ammunition houses, and under ground tunnels. It is considered a classical structure
and was undoubtedly a tremendous engineering accomplishment in its day. Fort George was the main
defence post during the 18th century. When Great Britain was again at war with France in the West
Indies, the Fort was a key bastion by the British when the French forces landed at Molinere Bay, north of
St. George's and marched to the town. At daybreak next morning, firing was directed against Fort
George, which caused the British to surrender. However, in 1783, under the 8th Article of the Treaty of
Versailles, signed on September 3rd, Grenada was restored once more to the British.
The Fort is also of very recent historical importance for it is where the fall of the Peoples Revolutionary
Government (1983) began with the apparent execution of the Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, leader of
the New Jewel Movement, and many of his cabinet colleagues and supporters. During the reign of the
PRG, the fort was renamed Fort Rupert in honour of the death of the then Prime Minister's father. The
name of Fort George was restored in 1983 after the intervention of the Island by United States and
Caribbean troops.
Significance of Area: The area is of historic architectural and recreational significance to the country. It
has been the center of military and defence activities for the past two hundred and fifty years. It is an
architecturally sound structure and provides a feature whereby the Islands history could be relived. It
provides unique opportunities for educational and recreational programs.
Management Objectives: To protect this historic monument so as to preserve the nations history and
architecture. To maintain and upgrade its educational and recreational potential.
Activities: Establish a visitor and interpretation center and maintain the Fort. Infrastructural development (18 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

should be closely planned and authorized. U.S AID and OAS have prepared site designs for both this fort
and Fort Frederick which includes restoration and program development.
Location: Located at the top of the Richmond Hill east of the St. George's Harbour.
Summary Description: Fort Frederick was built in 1779 soon after the French recaptured the Island. The
French realized how seriously their advance upon St. George and their occupation of the fortifications on
Hospital Hill would have been encumbered if forts had been in existence on Richmond Hill. As a result,
they hurried and built Fort Frederick. Fort Frederick lies between Fort Matthew to the north and Fort
Adolphus to the south.
View from the Fort Frederick cultural landmark gives panorama of St. George's and the harbor.
The French realised the importance of this site in defending the Island and began construction in

National Parks and Multiple-use Management Areas protect the water quality and supply in the
upper watersheds thereby providing potable and irrigation water to the populated areas.
Like Fort George it is built of very thick stone walls, with amenities such as barracks, watch towers and
underground tunnels. From Fort Frederick a panoramic view of the Island is afforded. This 360 view
made the Fort critical to the towns defence during the 18th and 19th century.
Significance of Area: Fort Frederick is the best located fortress in the country and has been used
extensively during the past three centuries to defend the city from attacks. It is also of great architectural
and recreational significance. It is also significant in the recent history of the Island as it is alleged to
have been used as headquarters for one of the factions during the October 19th, 1983 disturbance.
Management Objective: To protect this important historic monument in order to preserve the Nations
history and architecture. To develop a management plan in co-operation with the Nations military forces
who presently occupy this area.
Activities: Upgrade the facility to provide visitor interpretation and education facilities.
(viii) THE TOWER. St. Paul.
Location: Beyond the St. Paul Police Station - the Parish of St. George's.
Summary Description: The Tower represents one of the few old stone houses built of volcanic rock in a
Caribbean Colonial Style of Architecture. It was built in 1917 by a prominent Grenadian Lawyer, C.F.P.
Renwick. Mr. Renwick constructed the house to persuade his English wife to remain on the Island.
Today the House functions as a family home and is available for tours on an appointment basis.
Significance of Area: Sitting on an scenic eleven acre property of spice and fruit trees, the Tower
presents outstanding opportunities for Tourism. Within 15 minutes of St. George's, the Tower will be tied
with other attractions such as the Bay Gardens and the Westerhall Rum Distillery.
Management Objective: To preserve the integrity of the Tower structure, and develop tours. (19 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Activities: Development of a brochure and historical documentation of the house and its furnishings.

Multiple use areas

Location: Along the headwaters of the Beausejour River West of the Grand Etang Lake.
Summary Description: The upper watershed of the Beausejour River is occupied by the Annandale estate
which was privately owned until 1984. The estate emphasized the production of the traditional crops
banana, cocoa and nutmeg. This necessitated the felling of most of the natural forest so as to allow
adequate sunlight for the growth of these crops. Being the water catchment area for the domestic water
supply of St. George's, these activities affected the run-off, water quality, and reliability of supply.
Approximately two years ago an attempt was made to guarantee the supply of quality water by instituting
a management/Development programme for the watershed. This necessitated the acquisition of the
Annandale estate and the development of the Forestry Development Programme. The area is presently
being extensively studied particularly by hydrologists who are examining percolation, run-off and
sedimentation levels.
Significance of Area: The area is significant since it is the catchment for the domestic water supply for
St. George's and has recreational and educational significance.
Management Objectives: To improve the ground cover so as to guarantee reliable and adequate water
supply and at the same time make the lands in the area economically productive.
Activities: Continue the reafforestation programme and collection of valuable data on stream flow,
percolation and sedimentation.
Location: East of the Concord Falls including the upper watershed area of the Concord Valley.
Summary Description: The headwaters of the Black Bay (Concord) River is presently being tapped to
supply domestic pipe borne water to the villages of Concord, Marigot and Cotton Bailey in the Parish of
St. John's serving approximately 3000 people. The storage tank reservoir is located near the Concord
Falls. The intake is two hundred (200) yards upstream from the falls.
The lands above the Fontainbleu Falls are inaccessible and devoted to forest. However the valley area in
between the two falls is privately owned and cultivated in traditional crops. The Central Water
Commission states that this source is one of the only reliable water sources that remains for the parish of
St. George. It is therefore critical that steps be taken early to prevent the further destruction of the
vegetation above the intended source or intake.
Significance of Area: This area is significant since it is the only reliable source of domestic water
remaining that can be technically and economically exploited to supply the densely populated St.
George's area. It is also important as a recreation and research area since two of the nations Natural
Landmarks are within the watershed.
Management Objectives: To protect the forest resources in the area for water quality and supply. (20 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Activities: The acquisition of the upland area; the development of a forestry management plan so as to
maintain an adequate water supply throughout the drier months. To develop the area as a recreation
Location: Located in the parish of St. Andrews in the uplands west of the abandoned Pearls airstrip.
Summary Description: The multiple use area around the Mount Hope, Clabony and Blaize is mostly
under forest cover with some traditional crops planted on the lower slopes. It forms the headwaters of the
two major rivers on the east coast of Grenada. The Simon River flows out to sea on the lower Pearls area
and the Grand Bras River is a main tributary of the Great River. The upper watershed of these rivers is
the source of domestic water supply for Grenville, the second largest town on the Island.
Significance of Area: Major water catchment area for the domestic water supply of Grenville and St.
Andrews area.
Management Objectives: Develop a Management programme for the protection of the upper watershed


National parks
Protected seascapes
Natural landmarks
Cultural landmarks

National parks
Location: Northern section of Carriacou.
Red mangrove proproots protect the shoreline, provide habitat for shellfish, and other wildlife.

Summary Description: High North Peak with 955 feet is the highest in Carriacou. Containing important
watersheds for the northern part of the Island, this park encompasses the complete spectrum of ecological
systems in Carriacou. The finest dry thorn scrub deciduous forests are found on the north west slope
descending to seasonal evergreen forests on the alluvial flats leading to L'Ance La Rouche, the most
scenic and private beach in Carriacou. Coral reefs and outstanding volcanic and uplifted sedimentary
formations are clearly visible. The littoral vegetation of manchineel and coconut is well developed. The (21 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

entire Park is the most undisturbed area in Carriacou.

The Estate Ruins found overlooking L'Ance La Roche Bay are of significant historical importance. The
estate, once comprising about 266 acres of forest and grazing lands, was advertised for sale in the St.
George's Chronicle and Grenada Gazette, dated June 7, 1826. (Brinkley, F.K. 1986, Pers. Comm.) At the
time it was described as a dwelling house in substantial order. A kitchen, corn house, hospital, cattle
pens, and pigeon house were built of mason work. Accompanying the sale were numerous implements
necessary for the cultivation of corn and cotton.
Some of the foundations are worthy of restoration and the area provides outstanding opportunities for
tourism and environmental education.
The mangrove ecosystems at Petit Carenage Bay are among the most developed in the Country. Both the
mangrove swamp formation and the littoral sand beach vegetation are found. Few signs of cropping for
charcoal are visible, and as a result, this may be the finest mangrove and mud flat ecosystem found in the
country of Grenada.
Significance of the Area: The High North National Park contains some of the most outstanding terrestrial
ecosystems in the Country, and due to its importance in the Grenadines, should be recommended as a
Biosphere Reserve with UNESCO. The area offers tourist and recreational resources in Carriacou and
merits immediate attention. Shipbuilding in Windward presents traditional skills presented in a scenic
setting. A bird sanctuary should be established at Petit Carenage where there are many rare migrants as
well as resident water birds.
A tour of Carriacou should begin at the Hospital scenic overlook, where the capital Hillsborough
and adjacent lands can be seen from a bird's eye view.
Now overgrown with vegetation, the cannon and foundations of the L'Ance la Rouche ruins
present fascinating vistas into the past agricultural and military history of Carriacou.
Management Objectives: To provide protection for and maintain in a natural state the ecosystem and
habitats of the area, to provide for recreational and educational activities in the forest area, while
providing for recreational activities along the coastal areas.
Activities: Formation of a Nature Conservacy as part of the Historical Society of Carriacou to promote
tours, birdwatching trips, and oversee the restoration of the area utilizing public and private sector funds.

Protected seascapes
Location: South of Point Saint Hilaire in Central eastern Carriacou. Summary Description: This region is
fascinating from primarily a cultural and historical vantage point. The long history of livestock
development is represented by a hand dug well which is 30 by 20 by 20 feet deep and lined by a rock
wall of high quality indicating the intentions of the estate owners were of permanence. The coast is lined
with 3 or 4 separate cemeteries dating back to the 1700's, with a tomb and mausoleum of Hugh Monro,
Esq., owner of the Limlair Estate dated 1778. On Tarltons Point a cannon can be found resting on the
cliff, having been pushed out of place. (22 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Significance of the Area: Presenting fascinating vistas into the military and agricultural history of
Carriacou, the area has value for tourism, anthropological research, and education of the local population.
Management Objectives: To protect and restore these valuable cultural features and initiate programs of
research, education and tourism.
Activities: Demarcation of boundaries, land tenure investigation, design of tourism and education
Windmills used to dot the landscape all over Grenada and Carriacou which were previously used
for investigation. Now the adventure can find foundations of these and other stone works all over
the island.

(ii) TYRREL BAY Protected Seascape:

Location: South-west central area of Carriacou.
Summary Description: Carriacou has world renowned fame for the mangrove oyster which comes from
the mangrove ecosystem of Tyrrel Bay. The mangrove ecosystem and adjacent salt mud flats show signs
of human disturbance, and are recommended for protection because of the foreign exchange generated
and employment opportunities presented.
Significance of the Areas: It is an important economic fishing area as well as nursery ground for fish and
aquatic life. It has been a traditional yacht anchorage and hurricane hole.
Management Objectives: To protect the mangrove ecosystem while developing the resource for oyster (23 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

production and to accommodate regulated traditional fishing.

Activities: Demarcation of boundaries, initiation of development, protection and management
programme, environmental research programme as is on going with Artisanal Fisheries Project.
(iii) LAURISTON POINT: - Sandy Island -Mabouya Island Protected Seascape.
Location: Central Western section of Carriacou.
Summary Description: Containing an excellent mangrove ecosystem, coral reefs, and island vegetation,
this area is highly suitable for tourism. Close to Hillsborough, and the airport, the area provides excellent
opportunities for field trips for the schools and community groups. Turtle nesting areas are found on the
islands. The mangroves are untouched and are better developed than any noted in Grenada. The area is
excellent for birdwatching.
Sandy Island is a favorite mooring spot for yachts.
Significance of the Area: Proximity to the capital of Carriacou and quality ecosystems.
Management Objectives: The area presents opportunities for the area to be developed for recreation,
education and tourism, while protecting the valuable natural habitats, especially Sandy Island, where the
reefs are reported to show stress due to spear fishing and the reported use of dynamite.
Activities: Demarcation of boundaries, preparation of management and development plan.
Location: Fifteen miles north - north east of Grenada and one mile south of Carriacou.
Summary Description: Saline Island and White Island present fascinating geology. Saline has a brackish
lagoon salt pond surrounded by a mangrove ecosystem. Pyroclastic deposits indicate major volcanic
activity and two volcanic plugs are present. Shorebirds can be seen searching for crustaceans in the mud
flats of the brackish lagoon and the adjacent coral reefs are unquestionably Grenada's most outstanding.
Panoramic views of the reefs may be had from various look out points from both Saline and White
Island. White Island is surrounded on three sides by sandy white beaches with diverse untouched littoral
Significance of the Area: This area presents one of the most outstanding scenic and tourism resources in
the country. Pristine white sandy beaches, unique geology, insights into the anthropological development
of the islands, and productive mangroves and salt ponds blend together to present Grenada's finest natural
setting. Both White and Saline are some of the most unusual Islands seen in the Grenadines. Both have
pyroclastic volcanic plugs which rise 200 feet in height being undercut by wave action. The rock domes
are fractured into tall columns. Iguanas were common until the 1960's, but now are much rarer. These
Islands would be excellent areas to re-introduce the iguana and provide for their protection.
Howard, 1950 notes that the vegetation on White Island is decidedly unusual in the Lesser Antilles, and
more characteristic of the Greater Antilles and Bahamas. Notably, Tournefortia gnaphalodes,
Heliotropium indicum, Heliotropium curassavicum, and Euphorbia buxifolia are common.
The adjacent waters present the largest and most diverse coral reefs in Grenada as well as outstanding
opportunities for recreation and tourism from Carriacou. The natural features have the potential to be (24 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

developed for day trips of diving, nature study and scenic appreciation.
Activities: Formation of White Island/Saline Island management committee of interested Carriacou
residents, to design protection measures by controlling visitors, yachts, and cruise ships. Monitor the
area, enforce, and design visitor tours and facilities.
Location: South Eastern Area of Carriacou near Dumfries.
Summary Description: Sabazan was probably the most elaborate of the large estate houses on Carriacou.
Constructed in the late 1700's or early 1800's the ruins contain an old well, six foundations, a tower
looking towards the sea and an elaborate cistern system. (Frances Kay Brinkley, Pers. Comm.)
Significance of the Area: The ruins reflect the history of agricultural development and the importance of
water in Carriacou. It is a site of an important Amerindian settlement. Nearby, at Dumfries is an old
Cotton gin, lime factory and French foundation. It is the home of some rare birds, e.g. the mangrove
Management Objectives: To protect the ruins, artifacts, birds; to design programs of educational research
to further understand the historical development of Carriacou. To tie in Sabazan, Dumfries, and other
protected areas into an around the Island tour for visitors and school groups.
Activities: New area study, protection of the ruins, artifacts, and birds, visitation by school groups.

Natural landmarks
Location: 1/2 mile south and 1/2 mile north of Grand Bay Village on the Windward Coast of Carriacou.
Summary Description: Both sites contain about 30 feet of well bedded fine grained ashy shales which are
exposed along the shore. Fossils of Gastenopoda, Pleurotoma, Alvitra, Phos, Pyrala and Conus are
present. When wet with seawater, the fossils look very well preserved. In some cases, the sharp edged
angite crystals have imprints. Trocolyathus and Flabellum can also be seen. The Globorotalia Fobsifobsi
(Grand Bay Beds) have been correlated with the Lower Miocene Baitoa formation of the Dominican
Significance of the Area: The fossil beds are the only known beds in Grenada which are plainly visible.
The beds provide excellent opportunities for education, illustrating prehistoric shellfish, some of which
are long since extinct.
Management Objectives: To design environmental education programs and protect the fossil beds from
further deterioration. To initiate geological research into the importance of the area.
Activities: Review land ownership; design of environmental education program for school system. (25 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Cultural landmarks
Location: North Central Carriacou at 719 feet above sea level.
The Belair Cultural Landscape once served as a headquarters for the People's Revolutionary
Army. Historically the property was cultivated in sugar cane and thereafter cotton.
Summary Description: In 1784, John Reid, Esq. owned Belair Estate. An old English great house was
completed in 1809. Next to the great house, foundations of an older French house exist, indicative of the
amount of times the island of Carriacou changed hands.
The house looks upon the old windmill tower still in excellent condition. At one time the entire area was
cultivated in sugar cane to support the mill. Thereafter, at the turn of the century, cotton became the
predominate crop. Just down the road is an old windmill foundation which is so intact it could be
During the People's Revolutionary Government, the area was utilized as an Army Camp. At the time of
the U.S. and Caribbean Forces intervention of Grenada, a large explosion occurred at the house which
remains a mystery. (Frances Kay Brinkley, Pers. Comm.)
Significance of the Area: Belair has both French and English ruins, and the finest sugar mill and
windmill foundations on the Island. A large cistern is also in place. The Belair Estate affords one of the
most spectacular views on the island.
Management Objectives: To protect the ruins and initiate programs of education and research. Frances
Kay Brinkley of the Historical Society has recommended that the Belair house be restored to a cultural
and conference center. Funding agencies and private sector initiatives should be sought out to restore the
Activities: To promote educational programs, to protect the area with patrols. Construction of visitor
facilities and design of a self-guiding cultural trail through the estate and management of the site.
Location: South Western tip of Carriacou.
The Fossils Beds Natural Landmark in Carriacou expose millions of years of archeology in the
sedimentary and igneous layers.
Portable cannons of this nature could be moved about freely thereby surprising the enemy during
the tumultuous times when the British and French were continually fighting for dominion over the

Summary Description: La Pointe Cultural Landmark is situated in a scenic peninsular and contains the
ruins of an old French estate house (Frances Kay Brinkley, Pers. Comm.)
Significance of the Area: As is true of all the old estates. La Pointe gives vistas into the history of
Carriacou. Iguanas are found here. (26 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Management Objectives: To protect and continue research into the importance and value of the ruins.
Activities: The declaration of this and all cultural landmarks as areas to be inventoried and studied in
more depth.
Location: 1/4 mile inland North East Carriacou.
Summary Description: The Dover ruins are the site of the first church in Carriacou, and is where Priest
Maissoneuve resided. The square cut rocks of the foundation, still in place indicate the importance of
northern Carriacou to the first French settlements.

Significance of the Area: The quality of the stone foundation present fascinating opportunities for
archeology. The grounds once comprised 16 acres which at one time was Catholic property in Carriacou.
Next to it in 1793 was Dover Cottage, a small estate owned by the Anglican Minister, Rev. W. Nash.
Management Objectives: To protect the ruins from any further theft, to tie the area in with an around the
Island Tour, and to design programs of cultural education for the local schools.
Activities: Protection of the ruins, visitation by school groups.


Area by Size Existing Present Admin. and Ownership
Land Cap Land Use
Management of Land Use
Class Proposal Admin. Status State Priv.
Category Area (Acreage)
PARKS (27 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system


1. Grand Etang Natural 100% National Pk. Nature Reserve 1816 554
(including Mt. Wind (2370) Critical Managed by
Qua Qua, Mt. Swept Forest VIe Conservation Forestry Div.
Granby) Natural Area Min. of Agric.
GRAND ETANG 2000 Lower 100% Forest2000 Acres 2000
FOREST Montane (2000) Harvesting
managed as
RESERVE Rainforest VIe Forest Reserve
by Forestry
2. Levera 548 23 Acres 30% National 120 Acres - 120 428 Kent's
Mangrove (164) Critical Farms Agency
Swamp IIIc Conservation Corporation Canadian
Agriculture Climate Area 428 - Priv. Dev. Ltd.
Charcoal Low Admin. which
production rainfall includes
Fishing 70% (384) Sugarloaf,
Hunting IIw Sandy and
Cattle (Wet Green Island
rearing Land)
3. Mt. St. 1432 Hunting 100% National Pk. Crown Land 1432 -
Catherine Hiking (1432) Critical Not managed
Forest Vie Conservation
(Erosion) Area
1. Lake Antoine 85 60% Agric. - Area of Privately - 85 DeGale
40% Forest Natural Administered families
2. Concord Falls 2 Agriculture 65% (1.2) Natural Privately - 2 acres
Acres Forest VIe Landscape To Administered F-Hamilton
Recreation 30% (.8) be Preserved
3. Annandale 3 Agriculture 70% (2) Natural Administered 3 -
Falls Acres Recreation VIe Landscape To by Min. of
30% (1) be Preserved Tourism and
IVe Forestry
(erosion) Department (28 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:15 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

4. Marquis River 2 Agriculture N/A Natural Privately - 2

Falls Acres Recreation Landscape To Administered
be Preserved
5. River Sallee 1/4 Agriculture N/A Natural Not - 1/4
Boiling Springs Acre Recreation Feature to be Administered
6. Marquis Island 8 Hunting 50% (4) Area of Privately - 8
Acres Natural VIe Natural and Administered
Cover 50%(4) Scientific
IVe Interest
7. Hog Island 70 Grazing 60% (42) Natural Privately - 70
Acres Recreation VIe Features To Administered Theodore
40% (28) be Preserved family
8. Quarantine 8 Low Scrub VIe (8) Critical Crown Lands 8 -
Point Acres Recreation Landmark To Administered
Radio be preserved by Min. of
Transmission for its Agriculture
Towers Recreational
and Aesthetic
9. La Baye Rock 5 Dry thorn 100% Vie Natural Privately - 5
Acres scrub Landscape to Administered
Cactus be preserved
1. Northeast 365 Mangrove 50% (183) Critical Many Private - 365
Seascape Swamps IIw Conservation Owners
High Cliffs 30% (109) Area
Xerophytic Vs Soil
Vegetation factor
Littoral 20% (74)
Vegetation IIIc
2. Southern
a. Westerhall 36 Mangroves 100% IIw IIw Classified Not Owned 4 Residents
b. Chemin Bay 23 Mangroves IIw Classified Not Owned 12 11 Fort
c. Egmont Bay 25 Mangroves IIw Classified Not Owned - 25 (29 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:16 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

3. Calivigny 12 Grazing 60% (7.2) Not Privately - 12 Ken

Island Littoral IVe Classified Owned Milne
Vegetation 40% (4.8)
4. Molinere Reef 655 Scuba Open Not Publicly Owned 655
Diving Water Classified
5. La Sagesse 19 Littoral 20% Area of Administered 8 11
Salt Pond Vegetation IIw Cultural and by Min. of
Natural Mangrove 80% Historical Agriculture
Landmark Cocoa IVs Interest
1. River Antoine 4 Sugar Cane N/A Area of Privately - 4 DeGale
Pasture Cultural Administered family
Rum Historical and
Production Social
Mangrove Interest
2. Westerhall 1 Rum N/A Area of Privately 1 acre
Distillery Production Cultural and Administered
3. Carib's Leap 2 Recreation N/A Area of - - 2 Roman
Historic Catholic
Importance Church
4. "The Tower" 11 Residential 100% Historical Privately - 11 Slinger
St. Paul Recreational IIIe Monument Administered family
5. Fort George 5 National N/A Area of Publicly 5 -
Security Cultural and Administered
6. Fort Frederick 4 National N/A Area of Publicly 4 -
Security Cultural and Administered
7. Marquis N/A Residential N/A Concentration Privately N/A -
Village Development of Handicraft
Agriculture Development (30 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:16 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

8. Mt. Rich 3 Agriculture N/A Area of Privately - 3 Morain

Cultural Historic & Owned family
Landmark Cultural
1. Annandale 506 Forest 100% Multi-use Forestry 506 -
Water Agriculture Vs Area Division
Water supply Administered
2. Concord Water 240 Forest 100% Multi-use Publicly - 240 F.
Agriculture Vs Area for Administered Hamilton
Water Water & Others
Supply Production
3. Mt. 655 Forest 32% (209) Multi-use Privately " 655
Hope/Calabony Agriculture Vie Area for Owned
Watershed Water 68% (446) Water
Supply IVc Production
Present Admin. and Ownership
Area by Size Existing Land Cap Land Use Admin. States State Priv.
Management of Land Use Class Proposal
Category Area
1. High North 606 Forest 30% Vs National Pk. Nature Reserve 300 306 128
National Pk Grazing 70% VIe Critical State Lands acres
Trapping Forest Packard
Conservation 100 acre
Area Jones,
78 acres
1. Fossil Beds at 4 cliff Windswept N/A Geologic Area of Land Crown 4-
Grand Bay Interest
SEASCAPES (31 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:16 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

1. Lauriston Pt. 584 Tourism 100% of Natural Islands are 584

Sandy Island Yachting land Landscape Government
Mabouya Island Mangrove surface and coral owned. Coral
VIe reefs to be reef & Point are
preserved public
2. Tyrrel Bay 280 Oyster N/A Area of Crown land not 280 -
Mangrove Harvesting Natural & managed
Mangrove Scenic
Ecosystem Interest
Harvesting is
3. White Island 564 Grazing on 100% of Area of Coral reefs are 74 490
Saline Island Islands land Scenic Public/Privately
Coral Reefs Fishing surface Vie Interest Coral Administered
Tourism reefs are Islands
among the
best in
4. Sabazan 6 Grazing 100% of Area of Public/Private 3 1
Land scenic &
Surface historic
Vie interest
5. THIBAUD 15 Cemetery 100% Area of 15
Limlair Estate IVs Scenic
Cemetary, Tomb Cultural &
& Well Educational
Belair Estate (and 6 Agriculture N/A Area of Crown lands 6 -
Hospital View) Hospital Cultural Administered
Historical & by Gov't
Dover Ruins 4 Grazing N/A Area of Private 2
Ruins Historic & Ownership
La Pointe 11 Grazing N/A Area of 1
Historic &
Value (32 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:16 AM]

Chapter V - The units of the national park system

Forest Reserve 36 Quarrying 100% Vie Watershed Crown lands 36
Grazing Protection
Chapeau Carre 12 Forest 100% Vie Watershed Crown lands 12
Reserve Protection

The view from the Estate Ruins of L'Ance la Rouche looks upon one of Carriacou's most scenic
and natural beaches. The area provides outstanding opportunities for tourist and education. (33 of 33) [4/14/2000 11:10:16 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.

Institutional analysis
Procedure for targeting a development strategy
Procedure for creating units of the system
Establishment of regulations and penalties
Training recommendations
Appendix I - Existing legislation relevant to natural and cultural areas protection
Appendix II - Specific policies for management categories. the national parks and protected areas system of Grenada

The National Parks and Protected Areas Program fits in directly with the economic development of Grenada. With Agriculture, Fisheries, and Tourism making up the vast majority of Grenada's GDP and foreign exchange earnings, a protected areas program can
provide a broad variety of benefits to the country because of it's vital support for and linkages to these three sectors.

Institutional analysis
Given the tight fiscal constraints and that the Government is streamlining the Civil Service, the creation of a new management agency is not feasible. Establishment and management of a protected areas system must be based on existing institutions and
personnel. All relevant institutions were examined in terms of their policy and objectives, legislation, programs, projects and principal activities, staffing, training, inter-agency collaboration and coordination, control and regulation of state lands or waters, and
technical, financial, and administrative constraints.
The Forestry Department was chosen as the most appropriate institution to manage the National Parks and Protected Areas System. This decision was made by a committee made up of representatives from the Forestry Department, Fisheries Division, Land-use
and Water Resources, The National Trust, The Historical Society, The Ministry of Education and Culture, and The Organization of American States.
Forestry was chosen because it has the following:
(a) legislation and formal policy which charge it with protecting the nation's fauna, flora, habitats, forests, watersheds and soil and water resources in order to fulfill a series of sustained production, recreation and conservation objectives and the
establishment of terrestrial reserves to accomplish those ends;
(b) a notable series of well-designed projects being executed with success, several of which deal with management of an existing forest reserve (proposed Grand Etang National Park) and a multiple use area (Annandale Watershed);
(c) a motivated, active staff with very basic training in forestry, and which is dedicated to the concept of a protected areas program and system;
(d) demonstrated ability to obtain international and national funding and technical assistance and use it effectively and efficiently;
(e) excellent collaborative relationships with many other national agencies;
(f) a basic physical plant and equipment including recently renovated offices, a visitors interpretation center in the proposed Grand Etang National Park, vehicles, field gear etc; and
(g) effective control of several areas given it by Government.
With the gradual addition of certain personnel and a well-designed and executed training program, Forestry could manage most of the system: national parks, natural landmarks, cultural landmarks and multiple use management areas.
The Fisheries Division will assist Forestry in the management of Protected Seascapes and multiple use marine areas. As they have offices in each of the Parishes and in Carriacou, Fisheries has agreed to work closely with Forestry to facilitate in every way the
establishment and management of the program.
To advise the Forestry Department on the restoration and management of Cultural Landmarks, the formation of a Cultural Landmarks Steering Committee has been proposed. The Ministry of Education and Culture are to provide technical and logistical support
through the UNESCO office. In conjunction, the Historical Society and National Trust will nominate a Chairman of the Cultural Landmarks Steering Committee. Utilizing the National Trust Act of 1967, this team will attract outside funding, oversee the
restoration of the cultural landmarks, and design educational programs.
The Agricultural Extension Division has the responsibility to patrol the protected areas on a regular basis to ensure squatting, cropping of wood products or wildlife, hunting, sandmining or any other activity which adversely affects the resource is prohibited or
regulated as indicated in the management category. The Extension Officers will report any infraction to the appropriate authorities in the Forestry and/or Fisheries Division. It is recommended that in order to give the Extension Officers the necessary power to
carry out this function that they be named Auxiliary Wardens.
The Extension Officers will be trained in their new duties by annual workshops which will be held to inform them of boundaries, regulations, goals and objectives of the Protected Areas Program.
The Horticulture Division with planning and supervision from the Forestry Department, Fisheries Division, and Cultural Landmarks Steering Committee will help to maintain the grounds around the visitor centers and cultural landmarks and to maintain where
needed the trail systems. It is recommended that twenty (20) full time labourers from the Ministry of Works begin work on the restoration of Fort George, Fort Frederick, Carib's Leap and other public sites.
The Land-Use and Water Resources Division will contribute to the effective analysis of the protected areas by incorporating them into the land-use capability and integrated watershed management studies presently being conducted. The Protected Areas Policy
strengthens the mandate of the Division specifically in the promotion of suitable land-use practices in the multiple use areas.
The Land Division should work closely with Forestry Department to resolve issues of land tenure. People who own land within Protected Areas will be contacted and alternatives will be researched to encourage that the areas remain in a natural state.
The Tourism Department will develop promotional materials and campaigns to attract visitors and citizens to use the Protected Areas for recreation and education. They will help to train tour guides concerning the importance, objectives, resources, facilities, and (1 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:34 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
regulations of the Protected Areas.
The Education Department and Curriculum Development Unit will assist in the development of environmental and cultural resources and education curricula as integral parts of the social studies and science curricula and will promote training of teachers to
utilize the curricula.
The Science and Technology Council will promote, coordinate and carry out key research needed for the planning and management of Protected Areas and promote public awareness and environmental education.
The Mirabeau Farm School is encouraged to add a course in integrated watershed planning and management which would include a solid emphasis on Protected Areas.
The Historical Society/National Trust/Cultural Landmarks Steering Committee - will be important to advise the Forestry Division on the development, management, and maintenance of Cultural Landmarks.

Primary Forestry Fisheries Education and Tourism Horticulture Land-use Lands and Agricultural Farm Historical National Cultural Min. of Coast Grenada Science & Council
Responsibilities* Curric. Dev. Surveys Extension School Society Trust Landmarks Works Guard Hotel Assoc. Technology
Promote, coordinate and * * * *
conduct research on
protected areas
Promote and monitor * * * *
education, research and
environmental study
Conserve biological * *
Monitor and control land * *
use practices that can
adversely affect protected
Provide recreation, * * * *
interpretation and tourism
Protect cultural sites and * * *
areas of historical and
archaeologic significance
Protect and conserve * *
scenic beauty and open
Produce timber, forage or * * *
marine products on
sustained yield basis
Maintain open options, * * *
management flexibility;
permit multiple use
Stimulate rational, * * *
sustainable use of
marginal areas and rural
Provide a cadre of trained * * * * * *
educators to interpret the
cultural and natural
heritage of Grenada
Provide a cadre of trained * * * *
rangers to patrol and
protect cultural and
protected areas
Identify critical areas to * * * * * *
incorporate into a System
of National Parks and
Protected Areas (2 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:34 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Research land tenure and * * *
approach land owners to
donate or sell critical
conservation areas
Advise Forestry and * * * * *
Fisheries on cultural
landmark development,
protection and
Maintain protected areas * * * *
infrastructure; maintain
protected areas ground
and trails
Identify critical areas to * * * * * *
incorporate into a System
of National Parks and
Protected Areas
Research land tenure and * * *
approach land owners to
donate or sell critical
conservation areas
Advise Forestry and * * * * * *
Fisheries on cultural
landmark development,
protection and
Maintain protected areas * * * *
infrastructure; maintain
protected areas grounds
and trails


PROTECTED AREA Protection of Unique Resources Endangered Species Habitat Conservation of Ecosystems Recreation Tourism Education Research Wood Forage Fauna Water
HIGH NORTH 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 3 36
GRAND ETANG 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 3 4 33
LEVERA 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 3 3 33
MT. ST. CATHERINE 3 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 3 4 18
MARQUIS ISLAND 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 2 3 0 21
ANNANDALE FALLS 2 2 4 4 3 2 0 0 2 3 22
LA BAYE ROCK 3 3 3 3 2 3 0 0 4 0 21
MARQUIS FALLS 2 2 3 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 20
LAKE ANTOINE 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 NATURAL LANDMARK 29

CONCORD FALLS 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 26
RIVER SALLEE 3 0 2 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 16
HOG ISLAND 4 4 2 2 3 3 0 3 4 0 25
QUARANTINE POINT 2 2 3 3 3 2 0 0 2 0 17
NORTHERN SEASCAPE 3 3 4 4 3 3 0 2 3 3 28
SOUTHERN SEASCAPE 3 3 2 2 3 3 0 2 3 3 24
CALIVIGNY ISLAND 2 3 3 3 2 2 0 3 3 0 21
CANOE BAY 3 2 3 3 2 2 0 2 3 0 20
LA SAGESSE 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 33
TYRREL BAY 3 4 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 PROTECTED SEASCAPE 28
SALINE/WHITE ISLANDS 4 4 3 3 3 3 0 2 3 0 25
LAURISTON MABOUYA (3 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:35 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
SANDY ISLAND 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 29
LIMLAIR-THIBAUD 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 24
SABAZAN 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 0 21
MOLINERE REEF 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 4 0 28
ANNANDALE 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 26
CONCORD 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 26
CHEMIN RIVER 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 23
MT. HOPE/CLABONY 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 23
GRAND ETANG 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 0 3 4 24
CENTRAL RANGE & BELLE VUE SOUTH 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 0 3 3 21


4-Very Good
Caribbean Littoral Cordillera Atlantic Tropical Tropical Tropical Lower Montane Elfin Lakes Marshes Mangroves Estuary River Volcanic Scenic Flora/Fauna Uniqueness Historical/Cultural TOTAL
Sea - Beach Ocean Dry Dry Moist Montane Woodland - Bogs - Mudflats systems Unique Site Beauty Value
(Leeward) Thorn Forest
High North 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 67
Grand Etang 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 58
Levera 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 3 2 4 5 5 5 2 56
Saline/White 5 5 5 2 5 3 5 2 5 5 5 5 2 54
Mt. St. Catherine 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 38
Northern Seascape 5 5 5 3 3 4 5 4 1 5 4 2 41
Lauriston-Mabouya 5 4 5 5 3 1 2 5 3 2 35
Tyrrel Bay 3 4 5 2 3 4 4 25
Hog Island 5 5 2 4 3 3 5 4 2 1 34
La Sagesse 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 3 5 4 4 48
Southern 5 2 3 3 5 3 3 4 3 30
Southern 5 2 3 3 5 3 3 4 3 30
Molinere Reef 5 4 5 4 5 23
La Baye Rock 5 5 3 4 3 3 23
Limlair/ 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 25
Calivigny 5 5 2 4 3 3 5 4 2 2 35
Lake Antoine 2 3 5 4 5 4 2 5 3 33
Sabazan 3 2 3 3 4 15
Marquis Island 4 3 4 5 5 4 5 2 32
Annandale Falls 4 2 5 5 4 2 3 2 27
Marquis River 3 5 1 3 2 3 2 19
Concord Falls 3 5 2 4 3 4 2 23
Quarantine 4 3 5 4 2 3 2 23
River Sallee 3 2 5 5 15
Canoe Bay 4 3 3 2 5 4 4 3 28 (4 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:36 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Fort George 3 5 3 5 5 21
Fort Frederick 3 4 5 5 17
The Tower 4 5 4 13
Carib's Leap 3 5 5 13
Petroglyphs 2 5 5 12
La Pointe 2 3 4 9
Belair 3 3 4 10
Fossil Beds 3 3 5 4 15
Dover Ruins 3 3 4 10
Marquis Village 4 5 4 13
River Antoine 4 5 4 13

FORT GEORGE 4 4 21 29 1
FORT FREDERICK 4 4 17 25 2
FOSSIL BEDS 1 1 15 17 7
CARIB'S LEAP 3 3 13 19 4
THE TOWER 3 4 13 20 3
RIVER ANTOINE 3 2 13 18 6
PETROGLYPHS 2 1 12 15 8
BELAIR 3 2 10 15 9
DOVER RUINS 2 1 10 13 10
LA POINTE 2 1 9 12 11
3-Very Good
NATIONAL PARK High North 36 67 103 1
NATIONAL PARK Grand Etang 33 58 91 2
NATIONAL PARK Levera 33 56 89 3
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Saline/White Isl. 25 54 79 5
PROTECTED SEASCAPE La Sagesse 33 48 81 4
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Northern Seascape 28 41 69 6
NATIONAL PARK Mt. St. Catherine 18 38 56 11
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Lauriston-Mabouya 29 35 64 7
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Calivigny Island 21 35 56 10
NATURAL LANDMARK Hog Island 25 34 59 9
NATURAL LANDMARK Lake Antoine 29 33 62 8
NATURAL LANDMARK Marquis Island 21 32 53 13
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Southern Seascape 24 30 54 12
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Canoe Bay 20 28 48 18
NATURAL LANDMARK Annandale Falls 22 27 49 16
NATURAL LANDMARK Annandale Falls 22 27 49 16
NATURAL LANDMARK La Baye Rock 21 27 48 19
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Tyrrel Bay 28 25 53 14
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Molinere Reef 28 23 51 15 (5 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:36 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
NATURAL LANDMARK Concord Falls 26 23 49 17
NATURAL LANDMARK Quarantine Point 17 23 40 21
PROTECTED SEASCAPE Limlair-Thiboud 24 23 47 20
NATURAL LANDMARK Marquis River Falls 20 19 39 22
NATURAL LANDMARK River Sallee 16 15 31 23

Procedure for targeting a development strategy

Administrative body
Management plans
Operational plans
Specialized plans

As mentioned in the Methodology section, a series of overlay maps were prepared based on unique features such as geology, vegetation, wildlife, endangered species habitat, etc. Once analyzed, these maps indicated in a general sense the most important
ecosystems in the country. Thereafter, and as is indicated in the "Ecosystem Analysis of Protected Areas", the quality and size of the ecosystems were analyzed. The previous Table IV, "Priority Areas for Protection of Representative samples of Grenada
Ecosystems" helped the planning team in the ecosystem analysis.
Once the team was confident that Grenada's most important resources were targeted, the team looked into the "Potential use of the Protected Areas" which is displayed in Table XII. Taking into consideration that conflicts can occur in attempting to protect the
areas, such as the site may be suitable for other land-uses such as charcoal in the case of mangrove swamps, forestry in the case of slopes between 30 and 60 percent, or grazing in the case of flatter, dryer habitats, Table XII also helped the planning team decide
on the appropriate management category. Potential for recreation, education, and tourism was also analyzed to assist the manager in assessing which areas should be developed first and for what purposes.
Next, the Synthesis Table, Table XIV "Value of the Resource for Protection, and Development Priorities for Establishment" pulls Tables XII and XIII together and gives the decision makers a numeric value for each protected area, and recommends the urgency
for development due to potential for human services, and importance of the ecosystem. As can be noted, High North National Park, Grand Etang, and Levera present the top three areas for development, and as a result, will receive the bulk of the immediate
attention for development. Nevertheless, the other areas should not be construed as low priorities and every effort must be made to protect their integrity until proper funding is allocated. Thereafter, the development of the resource into a protected area which
offers the natural, social, and economic benefits to the community will occur.
In the Cultural Landmarks Category, Fort George and Fort Frederick were the top priorities for development. The National Parks Director should liaise with the Chairman of the Cultural Landmarks Steering Committee to formulate funding strategies to develop
these areas for education and tourism. Tourism potential was rated based on the quality of the resource, while proximity to an urban center was an important criterion, because limited funds should be utilized to develop cultural sites which will serve the greatest
amount of people.
Finally, based on all the existing tables and information, management priorities are established. In areas where private ownership occurs, the land owners will be requested to state their intentions with the land. If the deemed land-use is inappropriate with the
objectives of the National Parks Program, Government purchase will be recommended, or the area will be removed from the Protected Areas list.
Important is the integration of the Extension Division into the Management of the Program by ensuring that all areas are patrolled on a regular basis. Any infractions should be reported to the Forestry and/or Fisheries Division.
Implementation requires that minimally a two year operations plan be written for the area. Construction of appropriate visitor services such as trails, brochures, and scenic overlooks can thereafter be constructed.
Administration requires the liaison with various other agencies as indicated in the responsibility matrix to assure that coordinated effort occurs. Research and environmental education programs will at this time be introduced.

Legislation specifically relating to the protection of natural resources is analyzed in Appendix I. Legislation specifically addressing the issue of National Parks, Protected Areas, and Wildlife has not been enacted. In the interim it is recommended to rely on the
National Trust Act of 1967, the Forest, Soil, and Water Conservation Act of 1984 and the Grenada Fisheries Act of 1986. The Director of National Parks and Wildlife should review the needs for additional legislation and act appropriately.

Procedure for creating units of the system

Cabinet may by proclamation declare any terrestrial or marine area to be part of the protected areas system. Subsequently the Attorney General drafts requisite legislation for approval by Parliament. The respective Ministry then assumes management of the area.
The proclamation should state the management category for the area.
Of particular importance are those agencies concerned with forestry, fisheries, water resources, national physical planning, tourism, cultural resources, agriculture, reclamation, quarrying, sports and recreation, marine affairs and scientific research. When
necessary, the agency responsible for the management of the System should seek expertise available in the agencies and organizations to assist in implementation of its programmes.

Administrative body
A Division of National Parks and Wildlife within the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture will be delegated the responsibility for the planning, management maintenance, and development of National Parks, National Landmarks, and Cultural
Landmarks. This would be done in collaboration with Department of Tourism, Historical Society, National Trust and Grenada Hotel Association. The Terrestrial Multiple Use Management Areas will be managed by the Forestry Department. The Fisheries
Division within the same Ministry will have the same responsibility for Protected Seascapes and Marine Multiple Use Management Areas.
Those divisions will be authorized to prepare, for approval by the Minister, specific regulations, policies, plans, prohibition standards and procedural rules governing the administration of the various areas designated as units of the System.
Those divisions will be provided with the personnel required to accomplish the various functions necessary to operate the areas within the System.

Management plans
A long term management and development plan will be prepared for each area within the System to establish guidelines for protection, use, management and development of areas within the System. Such a plan will detail the purpose of the area, its values as
regards to resources, objectives of management and human needs that should be met. It will present a zoning scheme which will classify land and water according to their need for protection and capability to accommodate visitors and other uses. The plan will
provide a framework within which subsequent management, implementation and detailed planning will take place. (6 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:36 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
The management plan should be prepared by an interdisciplinary team and opportunities will be provided for participation in the preparation of the plan by other interested Government agencies and representatives from the private sector who may be affected by
the management of the area. The involvement of the public in plan development will also be encouraged. The management plan and changes thereto must be approved by the Minister responsible.

Operational plans
Operational plans for all units in the System, will be prepared each year. Those plans will give details on all management activities to be conducted, including objectives, description, requisites (equipment, materials, etc.) personnel responsible, chronology and
cost for each activity, over a fixed period of 1-2 years. The result is a detailed guide to what will be done, how, who and when it will be carried out and its cost.

Specialized plans
Long-term specialized plans for specific management programs or subprograms will be prepared for those units of the System which require such. Examples of those plans are: Interpretive and environmental education plans for national parks, natural landmarks
and cultural landmarks; fisheries management plans for protected seascapes; forestry management plans for multiple use management areas.

The agencies in charge of managing the System will develop and utilize specific methods in order to periodically evaluate the implementation of the various plans and thus determine bottle-necks to efficient and effective execution, be they administrative,
technical or planning ones as well as to take into account new information or changing circumstances. This will provide feedback necessary to improve the plans in the next round of planning.

Establishment of regulations and penalties

Regulations governing the management of areas within the System and penalties for infractions will be established by the Ministry and park wardens and other government officers empowered to enforce the regulations.

The agency responsible for the management of the National Park System will develop both short and long-term funding strategies to finance the System and its activities. Those will include various components such as Government allocations, vigorous efforts
to obtain funds from international and bilateral financial and technical assistance agencies and the national private sector, and the establishment of special development and management funds based on a system of special fees on the users and beneficiaries of the
System's resources.
Fees may be charged for special services such as camping or brochures to reflect the need to recover a certain portion of operation and maintenance costs but will not be so high as to discourage use by any sector of the public. Government will also consider
implementation of various other fees to support the system, such as small percentages of the fees (bills) collected for tourism, water services, wood production, marine products and any other resources which will flow in large part from the System.
In the initial phases the system's costs will have to be borne principally by Government allocations and funding obtained from international and bilateral agencies but Government will place strong emphasis on the gradual internalization of costs via the use of
such fees and minor taxes as the System grows and continually increases to provide benefits to the users of the resources, both national and visitors.
The agency may accept gifts or donations when their use will further the work of the programme for the benefit of the people of the country.

Personnel requirements for the effective management of the National Parks and Protected Areas Program are analyzed in this report. As the different phases of the System's plan begin to be implemented, the Director of National Parks and Wildlife can seek out
increased public sector positions and request assistance for long term and short term international and bilateral organizations such as BDD, the Commonwealth Fund, OAS, World Wildlife Fund, the United States Peace Corps, and International Voluntary
The Directorship of the Protected Areas Program will be housed at the Grand Etang Forest Center, and administrative support will come from Forestry. Minimally it is conceived that the program can be implemented with only the creation of this one position,
but as tourism and education programs increase, two interpreters and park managers for Levera and High North Will be essential. Presently in Carriacou, there will be the need for a Parks representative.
The following Table XVI gives guidelines as to the recommended staffing levels that should be considered.

Training recommendations
A wealth of training institutions exist in the park planning and wildlife management fields. As the National Parks and Protected Areas program will utilize existing staff in the Forestry and Fisheries institutions, short training courses will be necessary for the
Park Rangers optimally should have secondary school diploma plus some "0" Levels. They should receive 1-2 technical courses. These courses should be an interpretation of the environment on Park management.
Guards should have at least primary school education and receive short courses, mostly in country, geared towards basic enforcement tactics, monitoring trail conditions and visitor protection.
An annual one-week in-country National Park and Protected Area training workshop should be designed. The objectives of the workshop are to give basic techniques of park planning, management, maintenance and protection. Each workshop should have 2
days of lectures and 3 days of "hands-on" projects for the participants to organize. Topics to include doing Interpretive Plans, Management and Operations Plans, Research and Ecological Analysis, and Site Design and Development Plans.
Training courses both in-country and in other countries can be custom-designed to fit specific needs of the Parks Program.
Training programs held to date have been entitled, "Park Planning and Management Techniques", "A workshop to do an Operations Plan for the Grand Etang National Parks", and "A workshop on Interpretive Techniques". As the Parks Program evolves,
training needs can be designed to fit specific objectives and goals of the program.
Phase 1 - Immediately
Phase 2 - 2 Years
Phase 3 - 3-4 Years
Phase 4 - 8 Years (7 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:36 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Establishment as Land Tenure Patrol by Extension Operations Plan Management Plan Construction of Coordination with Resource Research Education Personnel
PROTECTED AREA Priority Area State/Private Division Visitor Service Tourism Management Programs Programs
Agreement of Trails - Brochure
Management and
HIGH NORTH 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
GRAND ETANG 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
LEVERA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
SALINE/WHITE ISL. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
MT. ST. CATHERINE 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
NORTHERN SEASCAPE 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
LAURISTON/MABOUYA 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
TYRREL BAY 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2
HOG ISLAND 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
LA SAGESSE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
LA SAGESSE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
SOUTHERN SEASCAPE 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
MOLINERE REEF 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
LA BAYE ROCK 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2
LIMLAIR-THIBOUD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
CALIVIGNY ISLAND 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
LAKE ANTOINE 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
SABAZAN 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
MARQUIS ISLAND 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
ANNANDALE FALLS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
MARQUIS RIVER 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
CONCORD FALLS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
QUARANTINE POINT 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
RIVER SALLEE 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
L'ANSE LA ROUCHE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
FORT GEORGE 1 State 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
FORT FREDERICK 1 State 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
THE TOWER 1 Priv. N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 1 1 N/A N/A
CARIB'S LEAP 2 Priv. N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PETROGLYPHS 2 Priv. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
LA POINT 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
BELAIR 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
FOSSIL BEDS 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
DOVER RUINS 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
MARQUIS VILLAGE 1 3 N/A 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 N/A
RIVER ANTOINE 1 Priv. N/A 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1


1-3 Years 3-8 Years 8-15 Years TOTAL
1 2 3
Director - National Parks and Wildlife 1
Park Operations
Deputy Director - Carriacou 1
Interpreter/Environmental Educator 2 2
Park Officer (8 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:37 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
(Forester I) 2 2 2
Secretary 1 1
Sub-Total 5 5 4 14
Planning, Design, Construction
Artist 1
Park Planner 1
Engineer Surveyor* 1
Engineer Civil* 1
Draughtsman I 1
Sub-Total 5 19
* To be loaned if possible from Ministry of Works

Appendix I - Existing legislation relevant to natural and cultural areas protection

1. Ordinances for the Protection of Birds and other Wildlife:
Grenada Ordinance No. 26 of 1956
No. 26 of 1964
No. 26 of 1966
2. Protection of Forests, Soil and Water Conservation Ordinances:
Grenada Ordinance: No. 1 of 1949
No. 47 of 1954
No. 25 of 1956
No. 129 of 1958
No. 34 of 1984 (Amendment)
3. Establishment of the Grand Etang Forest Reserve:
Grenada Ordinances: Cap. 245 of 1934
No. 29 of 1956 (Revised)
Cap. 314 of 1958 (Revised)
4. Grenada Fisheries Act of 1985
5. Land Settlement Ordinance of 1933
6. The National Trust Act of 1967
None of this legislation provides adequate authority to both establish and manage national parks and protected areas. However, various of these Legislative Acts and Ordinances allow for limited protection or regulation of natural and cultural resources in such
areas. Those most directly related to that end are:
An Ordinance to Establish the Grand Etang Forest
Reserve as a sanctuary for the wild animals and birds of the Colony, and to make special temporary provision for the protection of the agouti, armadillo and certain snakes.
(Ordinance Cap: 245 - 1934 Revision No. 29 of 256).
This Ordinance prohibits hunting, trapping, and carrying firearms. The protection of agouti, nine banded armadillo and the five species of snakes was authorized from 1957-1962.
Forest, Soil and Water Conservation - (Amendment) Ordinance No. 34 of 1984
This ordinance indicates that the Public Service Commission shall appoint a suitable person to be "Chief Forestry Officer" who will protect such areas as may be required to provide natural and undisturbed habitat for the flora and fauna of Grenada. The Chief
Forestry Officer may create where necessary areas within the forest to satisfy man's need for recreation within a peaceful natural environment. According to the original Ordinance (Chapter 129 of August 1st, 1949), the Chief Forestry Officer may negotiate for
the voluntary protection of private land. The owner of any land may request that it be supervised or managed on his behalf by the Chief Forest Officer in such a manner as may be agreed upon. According to the Act, any land (crown land included) may be
declared as a "protected area" where deemed necessary for the:
(a) Protection against storms, winds, rolling stones, floods and landslides.
(b) Prevention of soil erosion and landslips, deposits of mud, stones and sand upon agricultural land.
(c) Prevention of wastage of resources of timber and for security and proper management of timber lands.
(d) Maintenance of water supplies in springs, rivers, canals, and reservoirs.
(e) Protection of roads, bridges, airstrips, and other lines of communication.
(f) Preservation of health.
It also contains provisions for controlling squatting on crown lands. Unfortunately, most existing land-use controls are not enforced due to budgetary and personnel constraints.
Grenada Fisheries Act 1986 (9 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:37 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
This ordinance provides for the promotion and management of fishing and fisheries in Grenadian Seas. Part III (Section 23) Marine Reserves and Conservation Measures, indicates that the Minister may declare any area of the "fishery water and, as appropriate,
any adjacent or surrounding land", to be a marine reserve where he considers that special measures are necessary to:
(a) Afford special protection to the flora and fauna of such area and to protect and preserve the natural breeding grounds and habitat of aquatic life, with particular regards to flora and fauna in danger of extinction;
(b) Allow for the natural regeneration of aquatic life in areas where such life has been depleted;
(c) Promote scientific study and research in respect of such areas; or
(d) Preserve and enhance the natural beauty of such areas.
Any person who, in any marine reserve, without permission
(a) Fishes or attempts to fish;
(b) Takes or destroys any flora and fauna other than fish;
(c) Dredges, extracts sand or gravel, discharges or deposits waste or any other polluting matter, or in any way disturbs, alters or destroys the natural environment; or
(d) Constructs or erects any buildings or other structures on or over any land or waters within such a reserve is guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $1000.00 dollars.
The Land Settlement Ordinance (chapter 154 page 2069 of December 30th. 1933') which authorizes the acquisition of land for public purposes on land settlement areas.
The Town and Country Planning Act 1978. Article 2. Section 1: the National Plan for physical planning should contain general objectives in respect to the use of land development (that is measured to improve the physical environment).
The National Trust Act 1967
This Ordinance established that the purposes of the National Trust, a private body, are:
(a) The listing of buildings and monuments of prehistoric, historic and architectural interest and places of natural beauty with their animal or plant life;
(b) The compilation of photographic and architectural record of the above;
(c) The preservation of chattels of prehistoric, historic or artistic interest and the establishment of museums;
(d) Making the public aware of the value and beauty of the territory's heritage as set out above;
(e) The pursuance of a policy of preservation, and acting in an advisory capacity;
(f) The acquiring of property for the benefit of the Territory;
(g) The promoting and preserving for the benefit and enjoyment of the Territory of submarine areas of beauty or natural or historic interest and for the preservation (as far as possible) of their natural aspect, features and animal, plant and marine life;
(h) The attracting of funds by means of subscriptions, donations, bequest and grants for the effective carrying out of the objects. The Ordinance also clearly establishes that the Trust may hold or own lands and aquatic areas and that such are to be
Whenever after the passing of this ordinance any funds or tenements (including buildings) or submarine areas shall become vested in the Trust, the Council may by resolution determine that such land or tenements or marine areas or submarine areas or lakes or
rivers or such portions thereof as may be specified in such resolution are proper to be held for the benefit of the Territory, and such lands or buildings or marine areas or submarine areas or lakes or rivers shall thereupon be so held by the Trust and shall be
Analysis of Present Legislation
None of the existing legislation provides adequate authority to both establish and manage a system of national parks and protected areas, in the true sense of that terminology. Although existing and proposed legislation provides for the establishment of both
forest and marine reserves, it defines the goals of such in only vague, general terms and does not specify adequately the management regimes which should be applied in them. Moreover, the central focus of that legislation is geared towards forestry and fisheries
production and the law does not adequately specify that management also should ensure the protection of natural and recreational resources required for areas within a national parks and protected areas system.
Resource protection is largely ignored in present legislation. The Town and Country Planning Act provides certain tools for planning but is not for management purposes and does not cover that aspect, nor specifically mentions national parks and protected
areas. In summary, existing and proposed legislation does not adequately define nor specify management of national parks, natural landmarks or cultural monuments, multiple use management areas and protected seascapes. The National Trust Ordinance gives a
basis for protecting areas with both natural and cultural resources.

Appendix II - Specific policies for management categories. the national parks and protected areas system of Grenada
Definitions and Regulations
The following section will eventually be separated from the formal policy document and system plan for use as a manual by field staff charged with managing units of the park system and enforcing establishment regulations. The reader will note that certain
sections of the following document are repetitive of the policy statement. This has been done intentionally since the policy document is an overall statement for use by decision makers while the manual is for field use.
The Government of Grenada has for some time recognized the desirability of setting aside outstanding natural areas representative of the diversity of the ecosystems of the country so as to guarantee their protection and use for present and future generations.
Rapid exploitation of natural resources has demonstrated that unless decisive action is taken to protect outstanding examples of the country's natural heritage, these resources may be altered beyond recuperation for park objectives. The continued trend of
urbanization, more leisure time and education has increased the need to provide opportunities for outdoor recreation and tourism in a natural setting.
Criteria for Selection:
National Parks are relatively large terrestrial or marine areas which contain representative samples of the country's major natural regions, features or scenery of national or international significance where plants and animal species, geomorphological features
and habitat are of special scientific, educational and recreational interest. They contain one or several ecosystems that are for the most part not materially altered by human exploitation and occupancy. Government will take steps to prevent or eliminate as soon (10 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:37 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
as possible exploitation or occupancy in the area and enforce existing policy.
The resources are managed and developed so as to sustain recreational and educational activities on a controlled basis. The area is managed in a natural or near natural state. Visitors enter under special conditions for inspirational, educational, cultural and
recreational purposes.
Management Objectives:
The management objectives of National Parks call for the protection of natural and scenic areas of national or international significance for scientific, educational and recreational use. The area should perpetuate in a natural state representative samples of major
ecosystems, biotic communities and genetic resources, and species in danger of extinction to provide ecosystem stability and diversity.
Management Policies:
In so far as possible the resources in national parks shall be maintained in a natural undisturbed state for their inherent educational, inspirational, scientific and recreational values and as a medium for supporting the diversity and the continuation of life
Natural Resources Management;
The use of the area for agriculture, forestry, grazing, mining, housing or any other commercial or exploitative purpose is prohibited. Fishing, hunting, and collection of flora and fauna, geological items or other natural phenomena, except for authorized scientific
purposes is prohibited. Under certain special circumstances traditional fishing may be allowed in marine or coastal areas under regulated conditions called for in the law establishing the area.
- Exotic species of plants and animals will not be introduced into the area.
- The use of pesticides or other chemical products with residual effects is prohibited. However, under extreme circumstances, for example in an effort to fight exotic species invasion, chemicals without residual effects may be authorized by the
component authorities.
- The reintroduction of species that have been scientifically proven to have existed in the area previously is permitted if it does not have negative effects on the present desired habitat of species.
- Physical developments within national parks should be limited to those that are necessary for adequate management and appropriate park use and enjoyment.
Visitor Use Policy:
- Visitor use of national parks will be controlled and regulated so as not to damage the natural features that led to the creation of the area. Since the quality of park use depends upon an understanding of the park by the visitor, an imaginative
interpretive programme is essential.
- Appropriate visitor use includes both interpretation and wholesome recreation in a natural setting. This does not mean however, that national parks should accommodate all varieties or unlimited recreational use. Outdoor recreation activities such
as picnics, hiking, nature observation, photography, swimming and other water oriented activities, bicycling, camping and similar activities can be accommodated.
- A broad programme of interpretation of the natural areas and features of the park will be offered to provide the visitor a clear understanding of the park values and objectives.
- Programmes to promote environmental education should also be encouraged in national parks. They will emphasize cooperation with schools, universities and other organizations for the purpose of communicating environmental principles for
application in their daily lives.
- The use of the park for research activities by appropriate educational and scientific organizations should be permitted. Research programmes which aid in the management programmes will be encouraged.
There are many small areas in the Country such as remnant natural forests, areas containing unique species of flora or fauna, geomorphological formations, waterfalls and caves which deserve protective management. For the most part however, these areas are
not of the size nor do they contain the diversity of features which would justify their classification and management as a national park. To manage these kinds of natural features, the natural landmark classification has been recommended.
Although a natural landmark may provide for recreation activities, they should be managed in such a way that they are relatively free of man's influences.
Criteria for Selection:
A natural landmark is a land or marine area which normally contains only one or a few natural features of outstanding national significance such as geological formations, unique natural sites, animal or plant species which either because of their uniqueness,
natural beauty or because they are threatened with extinction either as individuals or a population, should be protected. The specific feature to be protected ideally has little or no evidence of man's activities. The area may have potential for public recreation and
Although generally smaller than national parks, the size of the natural landmark is not a significant factor as the area need only be as large as necessary to achieve the management objectives. For example, the protection of a unique cave formation might require
only a few hectares.
Management Objectives:
Management objectives are to protect and preserve the natural features of interest and to the extent consistent with this, provide opportunities for recreation, environmental education and research.
Activities, which can endanger the perpetuation of species or cause damage to the natural phenomena of the landmark will not be permitted.
Natural Resources Management:
Management to perpetuate flora and fauna of natural phenomena which was a major objective for the establishment of the area is permitted. Normally, however, the natural processes will be allowed to evolve freely.
Fishing, hunting and collection of flora, fauna, geological items or other natural phenomena, except those utilized for authorized scientific purposes are prohibited. Traditional fishing may be allowed in marine or coastal areas under regulated conditions if
provided for in the law establishing the area.
The use of the areas for agricultural, forestry, grazing, mining, or other commercial or exploitative purpose will not be permitted unless provided for in specific non critical sectors by the law establishing the area.
Exotic species of plants and animals will not be introduced and, where they exist, should be removed if practical. As natural landmarks will frequently be established within agricultural areas of private ownership, these agricultural uses may be continued.
Visitor Use Policy: (11 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:37 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Visitors will be permitted in the area under the conditions established by management unless the feature or site is so fragile that visitor use endangers it's preservation.
Interpretation and environmental education programmes will be encouraged.
Provision of outdoor recreation facilities will be permitted although they should not unduly disturb the natural character of the area.
Visitor facilities in keeping with the character of the area may be provided.
Scientific research is encouraged.
There are many areas in the country containing cultural features which, because of their potential for education and tourism should be guaranteed protection and maintained.
In the case of Grenada, the protected areas program will tie in so closely with promoting education and tourism, it is appropriate to include Cultural Landmarks.
Cultural Landmarks will include old sugar mills, windmills, rum distilleries, areas of Amerindian importance, military forts, areas of marine history, and religious sites. Often, a cultural site will be developed in conjunction with picnic areas, scenic overlooks,
and educational programs. Fort Frederick is an excellent example of an area which merits this sort of attention.
The values of these areas are such that they are capable of providing outstanding opportunities for the development of educational programs with the school system and being included on Island-wide tours for international tourists.
It should be noted that the natural or cultural landmark management category should not be confused with city parks or active recreation areas such as playing fields. The latter should be developed separately in order to have a system of parks and recreation
Criteria for Selection:
A Cultural Landmark is an area of varying size which due to its importance in the historical development of Grenada is capable of supporting educational, touristic and passive recreational uses.
The area may consist of public or private lands which are run in conjunction with the responsible management entity. Private owners may utilize government or international funds to develop the resource, and pending approval of the appropriate bodies charge a
modest fee for entrance.
Management Objectives:
The management objectives are to ensure that the cultural and historic features of Grenada are protected, while providing educational, passive recreational, and touristic opportunities in an aesthetically pleasing environment.
Management Policies:
The management and manipulation of the cultural resource will be governed by the specific objectives of the area. Visitor use will be encouraged.
Natural Resources Management:
The use of the areas for agricultural, forestry, grazing, mining or other commercial exploitative purpose will not be permitted.
Fishing, hunting and the collection of flora, fauna, geological items or other natural phenomena, except those utilized for authorized management purposes are prohibited.
Management will be directed toward maintenance and enhancement of habitat for native wildlife.
Manipulation of the landscape may be carried out for the purpose of enhancing the cultural amenities, aesthetics of the area, maintaining a certain stage of plant succession, or improving interpretative or educational programmes.
Exotic species of plants and animals are permitted for landscaping purposes, but native species should be used if possible.
Reforestation will be carried out on eroded or otherwise deteriorated areas.
Visitor Use and Development:
Visitor use for recreation, interpretation and study is desirable to the extent that it is compatible with the carrying capacity of the resource.
Interpretation and environmental education programmes should be encouraged.
Outdoor recreational activities such as picnicking and passive reflection are permitted.
Anthropological, archaeological and historical studies and educational use should be encouraged.
In Grenada and the Grenadines there are numerous rocky shores, coral reefs, mangroves, cliffs and sandy beaches that offer excellent opportunities for recreation and tourism in aesthetic environments. These distinctive coastal and island patterns are created by
the integration and interaction of specific natural and cultural features that present aesthetically attractive land and water settings. These littoral, mangrove, reef, seagrass and island ecosystems are of vital importance to the nation and many local communities
because of the ecological process and many economically important species which occur in them such as lobster, conch, finfish, sea turtle, black coral and mangroves. Whole communities depend upon those processes and that sustainable production, for protein,
charcoal and many products for commerce. In addition coastal ecosystems are an integral part of the breeding and nesting processes of numerous species such as seabirds, wading birds and marine turtles. As coastal habitats are under extreme developmental
pressure throughout the Americas, and due to their importance to migratory birds and waterfowl, significant extensions of the coastal shoreline should be protected. In Grenada and the Grenadines, inappropriate uses such as sandmining, unregulated coral
gathering, over-fishing, and harvesting of marine turtles are placing pressure on the ecological and economic viability of these areas. The green turtle is recorded as nesting in only area in the Levera-Sandy Island complex area. The Scarlet Ibis has also been
recorded in the mangroves of Levera, a species whose habitat is threatened throughout its range. Grenada has an excellent opportunity to be a leader in managing important coastal and marine resources for both sustained production and conservation of
ecological processes and species.
The creation of Protected Seascapes implies a desire by the government for economic, aesthetic, cultural and scientific reasons to protect coastal and marine areas and species. As the government owns very little coastal lands, certain provisions will have to be
made to gain the cooperation of private landowners. If possible, the most diverse and scenic areas should be purchased. (12 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:38 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Social customs and traditional land practices such as fishing and mangrove cropping for charcoal will be respected provided they do not threaten the viability and regeneration of the ecological systems and processes.
Criteria for selection:
Protected Seascapes include coastal features which posses special aesthetic qualities due to the interaction of man and the edge of the sea and those that are primarily natural areas managed intensively by man for recreational and tourism uses. Special
management may be essential to the continued existence of individual species of resident or migratory fauna. The size of the area depends upon the habitat requirements of the important species, the scenic resources and land tenure.
Management Objectives:
It is important to maintain nationally significant seascapes that show the harmonious interaction of man with island, coast, and sea while providing opportunities for public enjoyment through recreation and tourism. These areas also provide for ecological
diversity and serve scientific, cultural, and educational purposes.
Management Policies:
To the maximum extent possible natural resources will be maintained in a natural or semi-natural state for their educational, inspirational, recreational, touristic and scientific values. A series of general guidelines will be followed to maximize long-term
ecological, economic and social benefits for local communities, the nation and visitors, through carefully established zoning:
- Conservation management over large areas while maximizing economic use, recreation, tourism, public education and research.
- Different degrees of protection and use in different zones within large areas.
- Continued harvesting, in some zones, of living resources at sustainable levels.
- Specification of the uses and activities that can proceed in each zone and the conditions applying to those uses.
Natural Resource Management;
- The area may consist of public land or may include private lands where land and marine water use practices are restricted or controlled.
- Traditional fishing and use of the beach for boat storage is allowed but under controlled management regimes. Use of nets and line is permitted, while use of pots should be strictly prohibited, the former being regulated by specific controls.
Specific zoning will be established for all fisheries species such that some zones will be off-limits for all or part of the year to function as nurseries. Other zones will allow fishing for part of all of the year.
- Sandmining will be prohibited.
- Harvesting of sea turtles or their eggs will be strictly prohibited.
Visitor Use Policy:
Opportunities for interpretation and recreation within the area will be provided.
Recreational facilities such as picnicking and camping areas should be offered at suitable spots.
Interpretive facilities such as scenic overlooks, roadside exhibits and nature trails will be encouraged.
Hotels, restaurants, gas stations and similar facilities should be located only in specifically zoned areas. Measures should be taken to avoid destruction of scenic or natural resources and the area should be landscaped and planted to enhance the scenic values of
the sites.
Commercial advertising is prohibited.
Road design should be such that it blends with the natural topography of the area and minimizes impacts on the natural environment.
A category of management is needed for terrestrial and marine areas that can protect natural resources and ecological systems and yet contribute significantly to economic, social, and material needs of the nation. The multiple function of these lands or water can
provide sustained yields of natural products, preserve genetic diversity, and protect natural features and systems. Watershed protection, for example, may be of particular importance in addition to the timber, forage, or wildlife aspect of the area. In marine areas,
protection of biological diversity may be important as well as sustaining the production of fish or other marine products.
Criteria for Selection:
A large area containing considerable territory suitable for production of wood products, water, pasture, wildlife, or marine products or for outdoor recreation may be settled and altered by man. The area may possess nationally unique or exceptional nature
features or may have international or national significance.
Management Objectives:
Sustained production of water, timber, wildlife, pasture, or marine products and outdoor recreation should all be ensured. The conservation of nature may be primarily oriented to the support economic activities (although zones may be also designated within
these areas to achieve specific conservation objectives). Within the overall area, zones may be established in which either the conservation of nature of sustainable development is the primary objective.
Management Policies:
Planning programmes to ensure that the area is managed on a sustainable yield basis would be prerequisite. Land ownership will be under government control to the maximum extent possible. Through proper zoning, parts of the area could range from having the
equivalent of scientific reserve status to having development consistent with the principles of environmental management. Multiple use is considered to be the management of all renewable resources, utilized in some combination to meet the needs of the
country. The major premise in the management of these areas is that they will be managed to maintain the overall productivity of the area and its resources in perpetuity.
Natural Resources Management:
The area should be principally public land. Private land may be included in certain circumstances but under management regimes established by the Government. (13 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:39 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
Forestry production, agroforestry, grazing, mining, wildlife harvesting, fishing, hunting and marine products harvesting will be permitted under specific regulations and always assuring sustainable production of the resources.
The use of inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides and other agrochemicals will be permitted under strict controls.
A specific zoning scheme will be applied to maximize benefits for all uses and to avoid conflicts amongst those uses. Likewise temporal regulations throughout the year will be established to ensure sustained production of resources and minimize conflicting
Under certain circumstances, exotic species may be introduced into the area in certain zones, under strict regulations.
If possible, wilderness or strict resource protection zones will be established where only scientific, educational and rustic recreational facilities and uses will be permitted.
Public Use Policy:
The establishment of outdoor recreational and educational facilities and activities will be encouraged.
Scientific research will be encouraged, especially that applied to management problems.
Residential sites, industrial developments and similar constructions will not be encouraged and when. necessary will be strictly regulated.
Road design will be such that it blends with the natural topography and minimizes impacts on the natural resources.
Commercial advertising is prohibited.
One focus of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme, initiated in 1970 is to conserve representative natural areas throughout the world through the establishment of a network of biosphere reserves. In order to propose that areas be declared as such a
National MAB Committee must be formed, which then sends nominations to UNESCO, for acceptance or not by the international Governing Committee of the MAB Programme.
Criteria for Selection:
Biosphere reserves should have the following characteristics:
(1) Contain representative samples of one or more ecosystems, ecological zones or biomes, which are self-sustainable to the maximum degree possible and with adequate legal and political base.
(2) Offer opportunities for basic and applied research and monitoring, particularly that directed toward and supporting management and appropriate use of resources, combining human needs and principles of ecology.
(3) Offer opportunities (and eventually facilities) for education and training, for all sectors and levels of society.
(4) Contain types of resource uses and practices, which are appropriate and which can be demonstrated, maintained, improved and promoted.
(5) Where possible allow for rehabilitative or restorative programs for environments totally or partially altered by inappropriate use of other phenomena.
(6) Should be large enough to constitute an effective conservation unit and to accommodate the different uses without conflict.
Management Objectives:
The objectives are:
(1) Conserve representative samples of ecosystems, ecological zones or biomes, which are auto-sustainable to the maximum degree possible and with adequate legal and political guarantees.
(2) Promote and facilitate basic research and monitoring in those ecosystems, their elements and processes, as well as applied research and monitoring on their appropriate use and management, via study of existing uses and experimentation.
(3) Provide opportunities and facilities for education and training of the general public (all sectors), resource managers and scientists, at all levels.
(4) Promote the use of the reserves' natural and cultural resource by appropriate practices, assuring sustained production and permanence of productivity and those practices.
(5) Promote appropriate integrated development in the biomes (ecosystem, ecological zone), via the study, conservation and promotion of resource use practices appropriate to that ecological region.
The biosphere reserve will be zoned to provide direction to management. Four zones may be delineated, the last one being optional depending upon each individual case. The first three are mandatory:
(1) Complete Protection Zone. - Baseline for the ecological region.
- Non-manipulative, baseline research and monitoring.
- Limited/controlled education and training.
(2) Multiple Function Zone (Buffer Zone)
- Basic and applied research, manipulative and non manipulative. Research and monitoring of environment, but also social, economic, cultural parameters.
- Education and training at all levels.
Appropriate uses of resources are permitted, improved, promoted, and demonstrated (fisheries, tourism, hunting, grazing, forestry production, agriculture, etc.) and may have human settlements.
(3) Stable Cultural Zone
Protection and study of ongoing culture and resource use practices which look toward minimizing the conflicts inherent in these processes.
(4) Reclamation or Restoration Zone
Managed to study restoration of damaged ' resources (human-caused or natural).
Management Policies:
Biosphere reserves will provide opportunities for ecological research, particularly baseline studies, both within natural and altered environments. These reserves have particular values as benchmarks or standards for measurement of long-term changes in the (14 of 15) [4/14/2000 11:10:40 AM]

Chapter VI - Development strategy for the national parks system.
biosphere as a whole and are consequently important sites for environmental monitoring. Biosphere reserves will provide facilities for education and training.
The International Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO, 1972) provides for the designation of areas of "outstanding universal value" as World Heritage Sites". These exceptional areas must be
recommended by the signatory nation responsible for the site for declaration by the World Heritage Committee.
Criteria for Selection:
Areas to be considered under the convention will be restricted to those of truly international significance. In most cases the sites will be previously designated protected areas of another management category at the national level.
Natural sites must represent one or more of the following:
- The major stages of the earth's evolutionary history.
- Significant ongoing geological processes, biological evolution, and man's interaction with his natural environment.
- Unique, rare, or superlative natural phenomena or formations, features, or areas of natural beauty.
- Habitats where populations of rare or endangered species still survive.
Cultural sites should represent one or more of the following:
Monuments: architectural works, monuments, sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features, which are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or
Groups of Buildings: groups of separate or connected buildings which, because of their architecture, their homogeneity of their place in the landscape, are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science;
Sites: works of man or the combined work of nature and/or man, and areas including archaeological sites which are of outstanding universal value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological points of view.
Some sites may qualify for both the natural and cultural resources they contain.
Management Objectives:
The objectives of a World Heritage site are to protect the natural and/or cultural features for which the area was considered to be the world heritage quality; to provide information for worldwide public enlightenment; and to provide for
research and environmental monitoring.
Management Policies
Natural or Cultural Heritage Sites must fulfill conditions relative to the integrity of the sites.
Management of these sites will stress the maintenance of heritage values, will ensure the continuation of legal protection, and will promote each site for its significance to each country, its people, and the world.
All such sites must have strict legal protection and will be owned by government
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The Organization of American States

The Organization of American States

The purposes of the Organization of American States (OAS) are to strengthen the peace and security of
the Hemisphere; to prevent possible causes of difficulties and to ensure the pacific settlement of disputes
that may arise among the member states; to provide for common action on the part of those states in the
event of aggression; to seek the solution of political, juridical, and economic problems that may arise
among them; and to promote, by cooperative action, their economic, social, and cultural development.
To achieve these objectives, the OAS acts through the General Assembly; the Meeting of Consultation of
Ministers of Foreign Affairs; the three Councils (the Permanent Council, the Inter-American Economic
and Social Council, and the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture); the
Inter-American Juridical Committee; the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; the General
Secretariat; the Specialized Conferences; and the Specialized Organizations.
The General Assembly holds regular sessions once a year and special sessions when circumstances
warrant. The Meeting of Consultation is convened to consider urgent matters of common interest and to
serve as Organ of Consultation in the application of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance
(known as the Rio Treaty), which is the main instrument for joint action in the event of aggression. The
Permanent Council takes cognizance of matters referred to it by the General Assembly or the Meeting of
Consultation and carries out the decisions of both when their implementation has not been assigned to
any other body; monitors the maintenance of friendly relations among the member states and the
observance of the standards governing General Secretariat operations; and, in certain instances specified
in the Charter of the Organization, acts provisionally as Organ of Consultation under the Rio Treaty. The
other two Councils, each of which has a Permanent Executive Committee, organize inter-American
action in their areas and hold regular meetings once a year. The General Secretariat is the central,
permanent organ of the OAS. The headquarters of both the Permanent Council and the General
Secretariat is in Washington, D.C.
The Organization of American States is the oldest regional society of nations in the world, dating back to
the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington, D.C., which on April 14,
1890, established the International Union of American Republics. When the United Nations was
established, the OAS joined it as a regional organization. The Charter governing the OAS was signed in
Bogota in 1948 and amended by the Protocol of Buenos Aires, which entered into force in February
1970. Today the OAS is made up of thirty-two member states.
MEMBER STATES: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, The Bahamas, (Commonwealth of),
Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, (Commonwealth of),
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela. (1 of 2) [4/14/2000 11:11:29 AM]

The Organization of American States (2 of 2) [4/14/2000 11:11:29 AM]

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