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Science 9 - WK 5

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GRADE 1 to 12 School Salpad Integrated School Grade Level Grade 9

DAILY LESSON Teacher LIWLIWA B. SUGUITAN Learning Area Science

LOG Second
Teaching Dates and Week # 5 Quarter
1 3
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary
procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for
developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing
objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in
learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
 Write the Lewis symbol  Illustrate how an ionic  Explain how covalent  Make a model of
of the common metals bond is formed. bonding takes place. metallic bond.
and non- metals.  Show how ions are  Illustrate the  Relate the properties
 Show the relationship formed. sharing of of metals to the kind
among the number of electrons. of bond they are made
valence electrons, of.
electronegativity and
ionization energy.
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how atoms combine with other atoms by The learners demonstrate
transferring or by sharing electrons. understanding of forces
that hold metals together.

B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to explain the formation of ionic and covalent bonds. The learners should be
able to explain properties
of metals in terms of
their structure.
C. Learning Competency / S9MT-IIc-15 S9MT-IIc- S9MT-IIc-15 S9MT-IIc-
Objectives 15 17
Write the LC code for each.
II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the
content can be tackled in a week or two.
Lewis Symbol
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 92 p. 93 p. 93 pp. 96-97
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 115-117 pp. 118 - pp. 120 - 121 pp. 121 -
pages 119 122
3. Textbook pages Chemistry III Textbook. Chemistry III Textbook.
Mapa, Amelia P., Ph.D., Mapa, Amelia P., Ph.D., et
et al. 2001. pp. 107-109 al. 2001. pp. 110 - 111
4. Additional Materials EASE II. Chemistry Module
from Learning 14. Lesson 1. 2.
Resource (LR) portal BEAM III. Unit 7. 18
Understanding of the
Processes. Bonding.
1. March 2009. 3. EASE
1. Module 6. Lesson 1.
B. Other Learning Resource
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well.
Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment
activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life
and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Ask students to give the number Review the following: Review the following: Review the following:
or presenting the new lesson of valence electrons of some 1. Electronic 1. Electronic 1. Metals in the
elements. configuration configuration periodic table
2. Valence electrons 2. Valence electrons 2. Valence electrons
3. Ions 3. Octet Rule 3. Ionization energy

B. Establishing a purpose for Reiterate to the students that Relate the properties of Reiterate to the students Metals have low ionization
the lesson the valence electrons are the atoms before and after that there are compounds energy so they easily lose
outermost electrons directly combination with that of where the combining atoms their outermost electrons.
involved in chemical bonding. humans before and after do not transfer electrons or A large number of metal
Thus, they need to know how to marriage. accept electrons. atoms can share their
represent the valence electrons Instead, the combining valence electrons through
through the Lewis symbol. atoms are held together a special type of bond
by shared electrons. called metallic bonding.
Introduce the concept of
bonding by sharing
electrons which is called
covalent bond.

C. Presenting Discuss Octet Rule and its Sodium chloride composed Ask to recall Activity 2. Identify common metals in
examples/Instances of the relation to Lewis Dot of sodium and chlorine, is The Lewis symbols or the surrounding.
new lesson Structure. the ordinary table salt electron dot formulas do
used in the kitchen. not include the inner
However, before the electrons of the atom. It
combination, sodium only shows the valence
ignites easily when it electrons as dots. For
reacts with water while example, fluorine has
chlorine in large quantities seven valence electrons.
is hazardous to health. Thus to form the fluorine
Both substances are highly molecule, the two fluorine
reactive, but together the atoms will share
compound formed electrons. Each fluorine
becomes useful to people. atom has eight electrons
(an octet) in its valence
shell, just like the
electronic configuration of
the nearest noble gas
element neon.

D. Discussing new concepts Perform Activity 2. 1. Show how the Perform Activity 4. Discuss why a metallic
and practicing new skills # 1 Discuss how to write Lewis electron Answer the Guide bond is described as one
Dot Structures. configuration of an Questions with “sea of electrons”.
Answer the guide atom is related to its
questions tendency to give up Perform Activity 5.
or gain electrons Answer the guide
during a chemical questions.
2. Give at least two
examples of each
element which give
up or gain electrons.
Emphasize to the learners
that ionic bond only exists
between metals and non-
E. Discussing new concepts Show the relationship Perform Activity 3. Identify the type of bond Ask the students to draw
and practicing new skills # 2 among the number of Using the electronegativity formed according to how a metallic bond looks
valence electrons, values in your periodic electronegativity difference like. This is in order for you
electronegativity and table, identify compounds of bonded atoms. to find out their mental
ionization energy. formed due to ionic models about metallic
Discuss the electrostatic bonding. bonding after explaining
force of attraction existing what takes place in metallic
between and among atoms. bonding.
F. Developing mastery Draw the Lewis Structure Answering of the guide Differentiate polar covalent Complete the table 5 on p.
(leads to Formative f Na and Mg. questions. bond from nonpolar 122.
Assessment 3) covalent bond.
G. Finding practical Recognizing the need of How common are covalent Give the uses of the
application of concepts and others to belong in a compounds in our daily following metals:
skills in daily living group and make friends, life anyway? Examples: 1. Silver
strengthening friendship HCl, H2O, H2O2, CH4 2. Uranium
and family bonds. 3. Lead
Recognizing the importance 4. Gold
of sharing one’s blessing. 5. aluminum

H. Making generalizations How do you write Lewis Dot Why and how do atoms How do covalent bonds What do you think will
and abstractions about the Structures? combine? form between atoms? make bonding among
lesson metals possible?
Why do ions form after Differentiate polar covalent
ionic bond from nonpolar Give some properties of
bonding? covalent bond. metals and explain why
metals possess those
Using the electronegativity properties.
values of elements, how
can you tell that ionic
bonding take place
between metals and non-
I. Evaluating learning Draw the Lewis Structures  Given the following  Show how the sharing Write the names of the
of the following: electronic configuration: of electrons form correct metals in the spaces
1. Potassium a. 1s2 2s1 covalent bond in PCl5. provided.
2. Phosphorus b. 1s2 2s2 2p4  Calculate the 1. I am the metal that is
3. Strontium c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 electronegativity a major component of
4. Chlorine d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 difference between the steel.
5. oxygen 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p5 bonding atoms and 2. I am a metal used in
1. Which one has classify the bond formed. electrical wiring. (copper)
the greatest If covalent, specify if 3. I am an alloy of copper
tendency to gain polar or nonpolar. and tin. (bronze)
electrons? 1. C-S 4. I am a metal used as
2. Which has the 2. H – Cl roofing, foil and cans.
tendency to give 3. C=O (tin)
away electrons? 4. S-O 5. I am a metal used in soft
5. S-H drink cans. (aluminum)
6. I am a metal used in
lamp filaments.
7. I am a metal used in
nuclear reactions.
8. I am a metal used for
Olympic winners. (gold)
9. I am a metal used in
many coins. (silver)
10.I am a metal used in fine
jewelry. (platinum)

J. Additional activities for  Will all combinations of Show how the sharing of Give some uses of the
application or remediation metals and non-metals electrons form covalent following metals:
form ionic bond? bond in BeF2 and SF6. 1. Mercury
2. Radium
3. Brass


VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can
provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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Teacher I Head Teacher I School Principal I

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