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Being late to school started long ago, everywhere in a way that cannot be controlled

in recent time. Being late means arriving after expected time. Many senior high school

students come late to school and as a result academic subject will be affected as well as

the grades, they will be able to miss their classes as it affects their class performances

that is why every Senior High school students should the cause of regarding tardiness.


Nowadays being late is the main problem of all specially the school teachers.

That experiences a hard time to teach because some of the students are keep on coming late

and interrupting the discussions so that some of the students will be distracted and out of focus

to the teacher. So because of that, the teacher will reteach or repeat the topic that they’ve

tackled. A researcher said that There is no difference between being late and tardy both of this

defined not being on time and did not reached the given due date (Breezes et al.,2010)
Students need a big briefing not just to know what is studying all about but to know how to give

themselves a respect and be a responsible student. They must learn on how they will apply the

rules as a student particularly the lateness and tardiness and how will they avoid it. Also some

of the students has their different dilemma in coming to school that must also understand and

planned by the school management.

Being at school is important to every students were they all want to pursue their dreams and

future. But not all of them are lucky some of them grow in a luxury life no debt , has their own

service and a full support of the family but most of them facing a problems specially in financial,

poverty, transportation and a lack of support. Students need a big attention specially to those

who haven’t experienced a life that they were thirst of..

One of the most important aspects of school is that it is organized, scheduled and

predictable. Students depend on the structure of the day. They know where they have to be

and when. They know the main purpose for being in school is to learn and that routines are in

place precisely to help them focus on that learning. When students are repeatedly tardy, these

routines are disrupted. Students who are often late have trouble settling in and mastering
routines. Tardiness can throw off their whole morning or even their day, especially if the late

commute to school was stressful.

Being late isn’t a new dilemma anymore it is a common problem that is facing in local or either

international. Were everyone seeks on how will they avoid or even decrease the number of

late. Lot of students experiences being late were it can cause huge effect to their studies,

because of the missed discussions and academic performances of those tardy students and the

focused audience which is the senior high school students. Tardiness become usual and

common now a days specially to the students, even if there house is close or near to the their

school and it was announced that tardiness is one of the minor infractions. It can cause a huge

effect in not just a school but in our society. If being late and being tardy will be a habit

especially to those who is still studying, our economy will be low because it can interferes

student productivity ,that might can help to our society . This study helps to identify and solved

every problems of lateness and tardiness showing the pros and cons produced based on our



Lateness among students is increasing and spreading. Everywhere is a way that

cannot be controlled in our societies. A close look at the factors that are responsible for it, it is

the purpose of the study.

The importance of this can never be over liked in the process of learning had shown that

children who are habitual late comer never do well in their academics, this is true because

before their arrival it is very likely for them missing some steps in the teaching/learning process.

This will affect their learning adversely.

1. Does the distance between student's home and the school contribute to lateness to school?

2. Does lateness to school by teachers influence student lateness to school?

3. Does lack of performing well in school lead to lateness to school?


According to some theorist, the behavior of being tardy could be a possible cause of lack of

sleep, anxiety, low self-steem or even depression. A psychological theorist, considered some

``personality traits, including low self-steem and anxiety’’ as factors of tardiness. She also said
that some theorist considered tardiness as an ``inborn quality ‘’, which she also said yes that




It consist a lot of reasons and causes based on the students of Colegio De San Pedro. The

coverage of this study is about 15 Grade 12 Home Economics students that we ask about the

most common effects of being late in academic performances, it covers what the students

doing why tardiness or being late is affecting their performances. We conducted this study at

Colegio De San Pedro and we conducted a limited data and research, we ask 15 students

combination of girls and boys. We limited the time of this research because we believe that the

Grade 12 Home Economics students are dedicated to learn and to study


The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following.

STUDENTS. The result will provide the students with some knowledge on the effects of being

late and how can it be avoided. It will give the student's a realization that being late in class is

not useful to both student and the people around him

TEACHERS. The given data would guide the teachers on what to do with the students who's

always late in class. The teachers would be able to understand on why students skip classes and

later on, help them.

PARENTS. Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children are always late

on their classes through the given data. It would help them to formulate some preventive

measure to help their children come in their class on time. The findings would also help them

learn the actions of their children.

TARDY- delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.

LATENESS- the fact or quality of happening or arriving after the expected or usual time;


CHRONICALLY- (in relation to illness) in a persistent and recurring way.

PUNCTUALITY- the fact or quality of being on time.

CITED- past tense: cited; past participle: cited- quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence

for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.




Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial

determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be

managing his/her own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study

aims to explore and find out the factors that affect the punctuality of UP students. In this

chapter, we will be discussing about the background of our study. It includes facts about

tardiness, the different factors that causes it and its effect to the students as students and as

bearer of their own lives in the future. From reliable research materials like online journals and

research papers, we will provide some facts and theories from authors, teachers and notable

people in order to have a concrete justification of our study.

First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and facts about it.

Next, we will discuss he various factors that causes the students to come to school late, the

psychological theories, the observation of the teachers and the personal reasons of the

students. Lastly, the effects of tardiness to students, not just to himself/herself but also to

his/her future and to other people, will be discussed.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools are having with

their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It creates problems, not

just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School

Community, 2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School Publication of CAESC, also

states that while having “occasional tardy” isn’t a big deal, unfailing tardiness is and it

gives students problems including being ill-prepared for the job market. According to

the results of the study of the U.S. Department of Education on “truancy”, which is

related to tardiness, being present and on time in going to school are big factors on the

“success and behavior” of the students (Zeiger, 2010, para 1). Thus, it is a lot important

to value time and practice being on time while being a student.

According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning time of the day

for the students lies in the morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the

students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. It is also the reason why the

most important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time. So when students

are late or are not present during this time of the day, they, in effect, miss out most of the

important lessons to be noted and learned.

Factors affecting Punctuality

Reasons for being late in class and other factors affecting the punctuality if a student

vary. There had been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the personality

of a person. Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered some “personality

traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety” as triggering factors of tardiness (para 2). She also

mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as an “inborn quality” since our

being early or late is “partially biologically determined”, which she also agreed, other experts

also believed that some people are “chronically tardy” for the reason that they consciously and

unconsciously get good things from it (para 3).

In the book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually

challenged”, the author Diana DeLonzor suggested that some personality traits could most

likely lead to a person being often late. Some of the traits included were “struggling with self

control”, “feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations” and “getting distracted


Generally, class tardiness is defined as students not attending lecture on time and not being

present in the time set. After attending lectures for a period of time, students start getting to

know how the lectures are conducted and therefore assume that there will be no constructive

activities happen for the first few minutes of the lectures. Class tardiness influences the

students themselves as well as others. As is generally known, students who possess regular

attendances tend to achieve better results as success is related to one’s punctuality. Students

who are late to class will also cause class disruption to other students. Indeed, many previous

researchers indicated that class tardiness among the students is a common phenomenon. Some

of the researches mentioned that students who are tardy tend to achieve lower grades

compared to others and sleeping late is the main reason. Therefore, this research will further

investigate the phenomenon of class tardiness among the first year first semester Chemical

Engineering students at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). Throughout conducting this

research, quantitative method which is a set of questionnaire was used. The results hence

indicated that class tardiness among first year first semester Chemical Engineering students at

UTP is a common phenomenon. In conclusion, it can be seen that the three hypotheses made is

accepted after carrying this research.



This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology of the study. The subjects,

sampling technique, research instruments, procedure of the data gathering that will be used

for accurate data analysis and interpretation

Research Design

This section aims to dicuss the kind of research design of researchers used in this study. The

researchers used descriptive design. A descriptive design of research concerns data gathering

from a specific population which is neither manipulated nor experimented on. It was collected

by the researchers because the study comprises of a certain number of respondents and only

requires data from the respondents who can suggest interventions which can further resolve

the common issue of lateness. This method consists of using questionnaire, which had

undergone verification from our professor in research.

Research Locale
This research locale of the study comprises of the place where the study took place. The

researchers focused on the students Colegio De San Pedro which is located at Phase 1A, Pacita

Complex 1, San Pedro City of Laguna. The respondents came from 2 sections in the Senior High

School department , which are Home Economics 1-12 and Home Economics 2-12.

Respondent of the study

The researchers selected 15 respondents. The respondents from Senior High School students

Home Economics strand.

Sampling Technique

The researcher will used random sampling technique.Random sampling technique is

conveniently selecting the sample fitted to the description of the desired respondents. The

researchers selected the students from Senior high school that belong to the desired strand.

Data Gathering
The researchers provide the questionnaire to those students in Home Economics Strand in

Senior High School Department because of their involvement in the study. The handling of

questionnaire will be done by the researchers and facilitated by the retrieval of responses. The

researchers collected the questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The research used only one instrument which is questionnaire the draft of the questionnaire

was drawn out based on the researcher's readings and previous studies. In addition, the

instrument was validated by our professor before it laid on the study.


According to Arikunto (2002: 126), a questionnaire is a sum of written questions which is used

to obtain information from respondents.

The questionnaires were given to the female teenagers on September, 11th 2012, and to the

male teenagers on September, 22nd 2012 in the class during English subjects. It took about 30

minutes long for each class. The list of the questionnaire can be seen in Appendix II of this

paper.There are some advantages in using a questionnaire that is relevant to the research. First,
the questionnaire can collect the data which has many components. Second, the respondents

feel free to fill the questionnaire because there is no mental connection between the

researcher and respondents. The last, the data are easy to analyse because of similar questions

(Ali, 1993: 68)

Sample questionnaire;


Survey questionnaire
Directions: Please check the box that suits your choice of answer provided for each question. Please accomplish
honestly all of the questions and the information will be treated highly confidential.

Name: _________________________ Section: ______________

1. Are you late to class often?

🔲 Never

🔲Once or twice a month

🔲Once or twice a week


2. What is your mode of transportation?


🔲 Tricycle

🔲 Motorcycle (owned)

🔲 Sent and fetch by the familiy

🔲 If other, please specify______________

3. Do you ever find yourself locked out of class due to arriving late?

🔲 No, Im not often late

🔲 I have been locked out once or twice

🔲 Often

4. What do you do where you pass the time if you can't enter na class?

🔲 I hang around the school's library for my next lesson

🔲 Go to eat and kill time for my next lesson

🔲 I go home,

5. Do you think punctuality at school is equally important as punctuality in work place?

🔲 Yes

🔲 No

🔲 Maybe

6. How long does it takes for you to travel from home to school?

🔲 Approximately 5 minutes

🔲 Approximately 10 minutes

🔲 Approximately 20 minutes

🔲If other, please specify____________

7. Is it okay if your teacher drop you out because of your lateness?

🔲 Yes

🔲 No

8. You spend most of your time in:

🔲 hanging with your friends

🔲 doing household chores

🔲 sending/reading SMS with your friends

🔲 If other, please specify______________________________________

9. What causes your lateness?

🔲 Never been late

🔲 Bad time management

🔲 My children

🔲 If other, please specify_____________________

10. Time management for you is?

🔲 For old and matured person

🔲 Tiring and boring

🔲 Helps you to accomplish many tasks

Statistical treatment of data

Responses to the questionnaire by senior high school students were statistically analyzed with

data requirements in the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, mean, percent

and rank are considered.

The responses made by the students showing their reasons why they are late.

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