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Chapter I Meab Research

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Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

In partial fulfilment of

the subject Practical Research I

Jeraldine T. Dulay

Francis Oliver N. Flaris

Jurn Iver T. Patajo

Bianca C. Rabanal

Crisca A. Sacular

Jerry F. Tabelin jr.

December 2019



Late coming to school is one of the major problems faced by the students of

today; there is hardly any school that is spared from this problem. The impact of this

great menace cannot be over emphasized, as it has contributed immensely in a

negative way to the academic achievement of learners and the functioning of the school

(Okpupara and Chuwuone, 2007).

A school is primarily an established institution that aims to educate learners

(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 2010). It is designed with the purpose of

bringing children from different families together under one roof (the classroom) for

the purpose of teaching and learning under the direction of teachers. One of the

important traits entering into a successful person’s character is the habit of punctuality

(Phurutse, 2005). Effective teaching and learning cannot take place without the coming

together of the teacher and the learners (Oghuvbu, 2012). A learner that is not regular

in school, faces learning problems resulting from late – coming to school such as,

truancy, and inability to read and not consulting with the teacher (Onouwodeke, 1995).

Lateness can be viewed as an outcome of laxity or system breakdown

(Peretemode, 1991). Lateness is a function of time and as such time is usually used as
the criteria for determining lateness. Late coming violates the principle of punctuality

and if not checked at the onset, may become a habit with the individual involved and

may have negative consequences (Breeze et al., 2010).

The importance of education is increasing and is regarded highly. The societies

of the past are on the front rank of the world civilization on account of education, this

educational system may be seriously hampered as a result of late-coming especially in

high schools. In most developing countries, Lateness is a major and a continuous

administrative problem among high school learners (Egbule, 2004; Dafiaghor, 2011).

The society suffers a lot as the children of school going age hang around the

street corners, intimidating other people and stealing properties of those who are in

school and other places of work. Lateness could result into poor academic

achievement, disruption in class, difficulty in keeping accurate records, reduced ability

to meet instructional target and damage of school reputation (ETC, 2009).

The present curriculum offers continuity and progression in pupil learning and

any absence from school will adversely affect the pupils’ ability to participate and

benefit from the learning programme. The new National Curriculum Statement

(Curriculum Assessment Statement CAPS) prescribes tight learning schedules and

prescribed assessment targets- which requires efficient use of time by learners and

teachers. Late coming has become antithetical to the achievement of the goals of CAPS.

Reports have shown that schools that have kept children in school, separated

from their peers have been able to maintain their continuity of learning. In South
Africa, the resumption time for all students is 07: 30 am, but in most cases, pupils are

seen or observed roaming the streets up until 9:00 am. Recently in Western Cape, the

Department of Education sought the assistance of uniformed police men to patrol and

possibly arrest students who were late and seen roaming about the streets (E-news,

2012). Also, a report by one of the students from Kwa – Zulu Natal province in South

Africa, suggested that students should be allowed to start school very late in the

morning. The students argued that if school kids are allowed to start at least an hour

later, the attendance would improve, as well as grades and attitudes. The student’s

perception and experience of school is important in any approach for promoting good

attendance. However, for a positive relationship to prevail within the school system

which will ultimately lead to good output, there is a need to identify causes of lateness

in high schools.

Literally, the term “late coming” implies a situation where an individual arrives

after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary,

2010). It could also be seen as a term used to describe people who failed to show up on

the agreed time (Lauby, 2009). In some instances, lateness may seem synonymous with

“tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up

with proper or usual timing (Breeze et al., 2010). Lateness can be seen as a “less

severe” form of withdrawal that eventually escalates into the “more severe” forms of

absenteeism and turnover (Koslowsky et al., 1997). Late coming is therefore viewed as
a violation of the principle of punctuality. In most cases, when condoned, it breeds a

bad habit and an attitude detrimental to success in numerous enterprises in life.

Lauby (2009) defined late coming as inability of an individual or group of

people to arrive at an agreed venue at the agreed time. Late-coming to school is an act

of arriving at school after the official hour of commencement of the days learning

activities. According to the official time table for schools, lessons commences by

7:45am, however, there are other activities that take place before the commencement

of lessons, which learners are expected to participate (assembly and registration). This

therefore means that all students are expected to be in school before 7:45am, in order

to participate in these important activities. A situation where students do not attend

these pre-lesson activities and are not present at the commencement of the first period

is considered as late-coming to school.

From literature, much emphasis was placed on school absenteeism with little

attention on lateness in schools. With absenteeism, it could either be in the form of

authorised and unauthorised absenteeism (Thambirajah et al., 2008; Reid, 2005).

Authorised absenteeism refers to the situation where a prior approval has been sought

from the school principal with consultation from the parents while unauthorised

absenteeism on the other hand refers to a situation where permission to be absent or

late for the class was never granted (Whitney, 1998). From the foregoing, the

authorised absenteeism involves the cooperation or good working relationship

between the learner’s family and the school authority. However, lateness may connote
partial absence for some minutes for a particular lesson or non – arrival on time for


Lateness has been recognized as having motivational antecedents.

Theoretically, it is classified into three dimensions: chronic, unavoidable and avoidable.

Chronic lateness is a response to a bad environment and with students dislike by

mates. Relevant antecedents to chronic lateness among students in high school could

be level of commitment to school and lack of satisfaction. Avoidable lateness (stable

periodic lateness) occurs when student’s thinks they have better or more important

activities to do than arrive on time for a particular lesson or class and in most cases

this happens with mathematics classes (Sims, 2002). Finally, unavoidable lateness is

due to factors beyond the students’ control, such as transport problems, bad weather,

illness and accident (Shapira-Lishchinsky, 2007).

Another thing is, lateness in most instances is usually triggered by underlying

factors such as laziness, tardiness and laxity (Peretomode, 1991). Late-coming can be

classified into three dimensions: chronic, unavoidable and avoidable. Chronic lateness

is a response to a bad environment and in the case of students, this may be as a result

of lack of interest in the school, the first subject of the day or dislike by mates. Relevant

antecedents to chronic lateness among students in high school could be commitment to

school and satisfaction (Sims, 2002). Avoidable lateness (stable periodic lateness)

occurs when student’s thinks they have better or more important activities to do than

arrive on time for a particular lesson or class and in most cases this happens with
mathematics classes. Finally, unavoidable lateness is due to factors beyond the

student’s control, such as transport problems, bad weather, illness and accident

(Shapira-Lishchinsky, 2007).

Late coming poses the most problem to school administrators anywhere in the

world (Lauby, 2009). It is probably the most annoying breach of rules of attendance

which the school officials will have to deal with on a daily basis (Robinson and Bennett,

1995; Lauby, 2009). One of the major impacts of late coming to school is the

disturbance in the flow of lecture or discussion and distraction on other students

(Nakpodia and Dafiaghor, 2011).

The study by Nakopodia and Dafiaghor (2011) further reported that late coming

to school may also impede learning and generally erode class morale especially if left

unchecked. The habit can become chronic and spread throughout the class, this is why

the school places a high emphasis on punctuality. In most cases, a teacher who teaches

the first period is forced to teach only a percentage of learners, while those who are

absent will not be able to understand the work that they have missed (Holbert and

Stark, 2002).

However, it is probably not correct to say that late coming is never justifiable,

there are few school officials who will deny that late coming is generally un-justifiable

and that it could be eliminated by pupil if he wished and if the right attitude prevailed

in the home. In some instances, parents may consciously and willingly permit their

children to arrive late to school many times. From the foregoing, it is obvious therefore
that late coming could be seen as a system of network breakdown (Peretomode, 1991)

a situation of not meeting up with the established systems.

The aim of this study is to investigate different causes and effects of late coming

among high school students’ especially to the Grade 11 GAS of MATH EXCELLENCE


Theoretical Framework

Elementary and secondary schools throughout the nation are adopting various

techniques to get children to school on time. Many of these programs are producing

positive results but the evidence still shows disturbing signs of a continuing upsurge in

late arrivals in school. The US department of education, in the latest available report,

shows that tardiness/lateness is a moderate to a serious problem, rising to 32.4

percent by the year 2000, up 7.5 percent over a six year period. The increase in

Secondary school tardiness was most disturbing with 27.1 percent of principals in

those school saying it was a significant problem. Increasing 8.6 percent over the same

period School principals have been concerned about tardiness for many years but

didn’t take serious steps to counter the problem. Its different story now because of the

no child left behind law that result in federal monitoring of school attendance and the

arrivals to school. Student who arrived late to school miss important lessons, because

high school teachers for the part begin their day with core subjects, late arrivals maybe

counted as absentees (Murray, Light 2000).

The idea mentioned above best suits this study for it provides basis for the

established connection of tardiness and academic performances of the Grade 11 GAS


Conceptual Frame Work

The paradigm of the next page describes the relationship of inputs, process and

outputs of the study. The inputs of the study include the profile of the respondents

(name, age and strand) and questionnaire. The process of the study involved survey

and collecting of gathered data. The output of the study is the effect of being late in the

beginning of class in the morning to the academic performance of GAS 11 students of


Input Process Output

The effect of being late

Profile of the  Survey in the beginning of

 Collecting class in the morning
 Name
of Gathered
 Age to the academic
 Strand data
performance of GAS

 Questionnaire 11 students of the

effect of being late in

the beginning of class

in the morning to the

Figure I. Conceptual paradigm of the study showing the input-process-output.
Statement of the Problem

The focused of the study is to know the effect of tardiness to the academic

performance of GAS 11 students of MATH EXELLENCE ACADEMY OF BINALONAN Inc.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of;

a. Age

b. Gender

2. What are the factors for student’s tardiness?

3. How can tardiness affect the students’ academic performance?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study on the effect of being late in the beginning of class in the

morning to the academic performance of GAS 11 students of MATH EXCELLENCE

ACADEMY OF BINALONAN Inc. are deemed important because it will serve a number

purpose to the following;

Math Excellence Academy of Binalonan Inc. Students - This study significant

to the students for them to be aware on what will be the effects of being late.

Future researchers - This study significant to the future researchers for them

to use as a guide.
School Administrators - This study is significant to the school administrators for

them to know or awaken what really happens on the students as today.

Scope and Limitation

The study will be conducted in Math Excellence academy of Binalonan Inc. The

respondents will be the grade 11 GAS Students from the said school. The study will aim

to determine the student’s profile that includes age, gender, and track distance of their

home from the school and how long they are travelling from their house to school.

The researchers will conduct survey used by means of answering questions; the

respondents is composed of 40 or above students that come from grade 11 GAS of

Math Excellence academy of Binalonan Inc.

Definition of terms

The following terms are defined operationally for better understanding of the


1. Tardiness- moving slowly; beyond the expected or proper time

2. Academic performance- is the extent to which a student has attained their

short or long term educational goals

3. Absenteeism- a tendency to be away from work or school without a good

reason; the practice or habit of being absent from work or school.

4. Attendance- the extent of offering or expressing a choice.

Research Methodology and

This chapter contains information on the methods used in the study which includes the

research design, population of the study, collection of data, sampling techniques, and

statistical treatment.

Research Design

The qualitative method of research will used in this study. According to

Guevarra and Lambinicio (2011) descriptive and qualitative research involves

description, recording, analysis, and interpretation of conditions that exists. It aims to

determine profiles, assess attitudes and opinions, views and contrast characteristics of

community. Hence, the method of this study is to determine the effect of being late to

the Grade 11 GAS students in Math Excellent Academy of Binalonan, Inc.

Subject/Respondents of the study

The researchers selected 40 respondents from Grade 11 GAS of Math Excellent

Academy of Binalonan,Inc. The researchers will used an interview or survey sampling

technique to determine the effect of being late to the Grade 11 GAS students in Math

Excellent Academy of Binalonan, Inc.

Data Gathering Instrument

The survey or interview will validated by the MEAB teachers

Collection of Data

The total quality level of the interview/survey will determined by requesting a

permission to be validated by the MEAB senior high school teachers, the researchers

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