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The Reason of Tirediness of Grade 12 Student On Their 1st Subject

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

One of the most frustrating problems in today’s classroom is tardiness.

Some teachers report that the first four to eight minutes of class almost a

waste of time are students struggle in deporting instruction. Tardiness has a

lot of impact especially to the students and to the teachers, because once of

the teacher begun teach his/her lesson a late student can interrupt the whole

class. According to and okpukpara chukkwuone (2007) they stated that late

coming to school is one of the major problems that have flanged many

schools. They also added that there is a big impact of this great penance of

learners and the functioning of the school.

In Baybay City Senior High school, many students were usually come

late to their classes because of tardiness. Many students were not serious

about attending class on time and they usually not see the importance of time

to each of us. Students here in Baybay City Senior High School, give a lot of

reasons on why they are late in coming to school. In Baybay City Senior High

School must of the students were located in mountainous area of the city,

they have to travel just to go to school and some of them are working

students. Their time was divided from their personal doings and from school.

From the study of Onyango on 2012, he stated that transport is one of

the major problem facing by the students to attend their classes at specific
time due to distance where the schools allocated. He also added that it is

difficult for students to get to school in the morning by using public

transportation. Poor transport may accelerate lowly student attendance and

truancy which are the first signs of deterioration of school and quality


From the study of Dekalb in1999 in where he stated that students are

absent from school for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, peer

pressure, poor relationship with teachers and administrators a disconnect

from their schools, lack of interest in the curriculum, bullying low self-esteem,

lack of appropriate social skills. Unfortunately truant consequences often lead

to increased costs to school and community.

According to the study of Varghese on 2014 in where he stated that the

environment inside the school also a cause for tardiness and absenteeism.

The behavior of the teacher, the place where the student sit, the peer group

and their social maturity levels. He also added that the location of the class

and first period especially the subject or the particular teacher in the class has

a great level of impact on the learning process as well as school tardiness.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to find the reason of tardiness in grade 12 students on

their daily attendance in 1st subject of Baybay City Senior High School.

Specially this research seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of grade 12 TVL students in relation to gender?

2. What Specialization of TVL has the most frequent attendance in first

subject every Monday?

3. What are the reasons of the students of being late in their first subject?

Significant of the study

There are beneficiaries that can get benefits from this conducted study.

The first beneficiary is the student, the student can gain benefits from the

conducted study, because they will be the subject of this study and they can

get knowledge, idea, awareness and it can also give them inspiration and

motivation for them to be a student with good records in school.

The second beneficiary from the study is the teacher, because this

study will help them get an insight from the students who were late. From the

reasons that the students give to them, teachers will also become more

motivated, especially when they know the situation of their students. It will

also help them to have a class attendance record and it will help them to

concentrate to his/her classes without any distractions.

The third beneficiary from the study is the parents. This study can help

them understand the situation of their children and this study also helps and

give them a knowledge about the performance of their children. This study will

also give them happiness and this study will help them not to think that all

their sacrifice will not be wasted and all of their effects for their child’s will be

worth it.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted at Baybay City Senior High School during

the first semester school year 2019-2020. The students of TVL Grade 12 by

their strands, will be respondents of these study selected randomly.

This study will be limited only to descriptive type of research, where the

respondents will be given a survey questioner. The result of the study will be

limited on how the selected respondents understand the questions from the

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Literature

In our living where our culture not frown or displeasure at o willing say

anything about being early in school likewise for a work environment,

therefore in every at most individual, being early is not an actually a solemn

matter, compared with how being punctuality is being aware in western

culture and developed countries. (Breeze & Maikey C. and Woll, V. 2010).

According to the study of Varghese on 2014. He stated that will show in the

class after the first three months after the vocation. On the following months

problem of late comers were gradually decreasing but when the last two

months of the class every year, students will go for an early vacation and

students don’t come to school anymore.

From the study of Hughes (2014), he stated that this study will give the

profession an alternative solution about the problem of late coming of the

students. Its very alarming that 5-10% who were enrolled in the class were

come to school after their teacher starts his/her lessons. Arriving late to the

class may considered as irresponsible, because late students feel entitled

because of this study will help them to describe a technique used to reduce

students tardiness and can improved their class performances. Parent were

revealed some factors on why their children come to school late and it’s

because of something they do before they go to sleep at night, a live every

day, on how they look at their school. Is one of the major factors of being late

and as well as being today tardiness (Simeon, M. Olowoyo, M.M. 2017).

From the past studies several factors were revealed from the study it

includes parental factors from the study of Oghuvwu in 2008, he stated that

being late of a student is because their parents will ask them to do somehow

chores, such as felling them to being something to the market even if it is

voluntarily or involuntary, it can be result of being late to school. The habit of

lateness is being copied from family members. The child that sees the father

always going late to work could also either voluntary or involuntary learn the

habit, thus go to school late also (Petemodes, 2001). According to Russel

(1990), he stated that the factors affecting chronically tardy students are both

in home and schools. More than half of the students personality begun in the

persons attitude at their home and school parents are the first teacher of a

students and teachers is the one where going to educate them to see what

would be the influence of each other.

In this study not just the family can affect student lateness and

tardiness but as well as transportation. From the study of Kgosi (2015). These

are several factors affecting students problems in terms of going to school

early. Transportation challenges is one of the major factor involve students

disregard or going to school easily, transportation are not reliable to access by

the students, especially students who are far away from school. Students felt

they could not easily priorities their responsibilities and duties of their studies

because of these factors. Transportation was identified as one of the major

factors that can come lateness and tardiness in school. It was influenced by

the late transportation, take parents and colleagues whose going to ride with

them and students prefer to choose the late one and by that factors students

may face theme selves to walk from the house to their schools involve it can
be the cause of late coming (Bataineh, 2014). Factors of being late is waking

up in the morning. some of the reasons are, because of the heavy traffic.

Household chores, vehicle breakdown and tack of responsibility why students

come late to school. Students forget that they need to go to school and

watching movies, that’s why students sleep late at night some of parents have

lots of commands and the distance between home from school are also

reasons that the student come late to school (Miguel, 2011). Geographical

location of school, students attitude towards the first subject of the day and

inadequate supervision

Of students activities by teacher and poor teaching methods among others

may also affect lateness on the part of students (Ailio, 2003). Transportation

and geographical locations of school can be the cause of being tardy and late

coming to school.

Many programs are producing positive result, but the evidence still

show disturbing sign of continuing up surge in late coming to school. Kids

nowadays has its own televise set on their own rooms, in where they still

watch will end and by that, late watching of movies can be result to tardiness

and late coming to school (Savage,2006). Students may involve in watching

to shows, movies or watching films at home involve they’re going to ignore the

time and become interested of the film and they forget that they should go to

school and ended up hurrying that can be resulted of being late to class

(Ukushi, 2004). According to Dafiaghor (2011). One of the factors will be

going to bed late at night in where it can be result of waking late and it is the

reciprocal of the term going to bed early, will wake up early as well. From that
watching televisions can cause of tardiness in school but several factors still

revealed from the study.

There are some factors that is involved in generating tardiness time of

that are the personality traits, self-esteem and anxiety. Some theorists

measured the tardiness as the “inbora quality” that they intentionally of

unintentionally get good things from it (Santillano, 2010). Some students

make interactions with some of their schoolmates or friends in where

socializing cab be the cause of tardiness. Hallways will be populated by those

students who socializing with some students. Where in it can be the result of

difficulties of passing through the hallways of the school. Lack of

administration and tardy lectures were also a factor that causes some

students to be late. When lecturers themselves come to his/her classes late,

teachers and administrators cant implement the tardy policy (Moore,2010).

From the study of Perveen and Kazmi (2013), they sated that there is a

factors that can cause students to come late to class. Especially when they

notice that their teacher is always tardy, they themselves can be also tardy

because of the no life or boring lectures of the teachers. By this, it can result

to tardiness.

Tardiness gives a very strong impact on the academic achievements of

students. Campus administrators can amend that can help improved the

punctuality of the students. Tardiness should be given a great consideration

as a factor impacting both cognitive and non- cognitive development and

educate students that every minutes do matter each one of us ( Taylor,2013.

Conceptual Framework

Grade 12

 Cookery/food and
Beverage/Bread and pastry
 Argri crop
 Tourism
 Hairdressing

Reasons of Tardiness or Lateness

Parental Factors
Lack of -Doing house to other
transportation chores students
availability outside the
-Domestic doing school

TV shows and Sleeping late

late movies at night

Figure. 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Definition of Terms

 Tardiness: tardiness is the quality of being late. When people don’t

show up on time they’re quality of tardiness truancy is defined as an

absences for an entire school day, major portion of the school da, or

the major portion of any class, study hall or activity during the school

day for which the student is schedule.

 Cognitive development: is the construction of thought processes.

including remembering, problem solving, and decision making, from

childhood through adolescence to adulthood.

 Non-cognitive development: are any skills that are not cognitive, such

as memory attention, planning, language and thinking skills. Non-

cognitive skills include emotional maturity, empathy, and interpersonal

skills, verbal and non-verbal communication.

 Chronically tardy: (the act of repetitive late arrival) can have a lasting

impact on students.
Chapter III


Research Design

This study will be using descriptive design to determine the

profile of Grade 12 TVL students in relation to their gender and the

reasons of the students of being late in their 1 st subject every Monday.

The Sample

The study will be utilizing non-probability sampling specifically

purposive method to determine the number of the respondents.

The Instrument

This study will be using survey questionnaire which contains the

profile of grade 12 TVL students in relation to their gender, what

specialization of TVL has the most frequent late attendance in 1 st

subject and it also contains the reasons of the students on why they

are late during their 1st subject in their 1st day per week.

Data Collection Procedures

This study will be using approved permit signed by the office of

the principle. The data will be collected during the vacant time of the

selected students, survey questionnaires will be retrieved, after the

respondents give their responses on the given questions. The collected

data will be organized based on the collected data and will be analyze.
Data Analysis

The data gathered on the profile of grade 12 TVL Students in

relation to gender, the specialization of TVL which is the most frequent

attendance in first subject every Monday and the reasons of the

students of being late in their first subject will be an

Ethical Consideration

The study will consider some of the nights of the respondents

which are researchers will tell them that identify is confidential and will

allow them to use pseudo name for their own good. The students were

briefed of the purpose of the research in able for them to give and

interact their full identity to the researchers and for them to get an

insights of what is the purpose of he conducted study. All the gathered

data and information is considered as confidential.


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