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The tardiness implies a situation where an individual is coming, occurring or

remaining after correct, usual or expected time. Thus, the term “class tardiness” has

been defined as students not attending lecture on time, missing out initial time from the

first period and primarily not being present in the time set. One of the major causes of

lateness is going to bed late because it could result in waking up late and insufficient

rest for the lesson on the next day. (Nakpodia&Daflaghor, 2011; Paren, 2012).Besides,

lateness is caused by innate anxiety level of an individual, There are no positive

incentives to be on time as students assume that there will be no constructive activities

happen for the first five minutes of the class. The lack of functional and effective

punctuality policy too causes tardiness. As there are no immediate consequences for

being tardy and nothing will happen .(Sprick& Daniels).Many researchers have

indicated that class tardiness is a serious issue. The amount of time actually spent in

the classroom is crucial element of students academic success . Students who possess

regular attendances to school tend to achieve higher grades compared to those

students who are frequently absent (as cited in Jones, 2006). Students are forced to

abstain from the chances to learn. When they are absent from school, arrive late, or cut

class. student will find it arduous to pick up what is being taught in the school in his

absence unless he engages in off campus productively (Wheat 1998). The learning
of students who go to class on time is also regularly interrupted by tardy or frequently

absent students who cause class disruptions and intervene with other students chances

to learn (Dinkes;; Marzano; Shupe; U.S. Department of Education,

National Center for Educational Statistics). Studies have shown that one of the greatest

concern among stakeholders in educationist tardiness issue.

II. Review of Related Literature

Literally, the term “tardiness” implies a situation where an individual is late in happening or

arriving “(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary ,2010)”. The term tardiness is synonymous with

“lateness” which implies arriving after the expected, arranged or usual time “(Oxford Advanced

Learners Dictionary, 2010)”. Besides, Tardiness as coming, occurring or remaining after correct,

usual or expected time. Therefore, the term “class tardiness” has been viewed as students

coming late, not attending lecture on time, missing out initial time from the first period and

primarily not being present on time.”( Malik et al., n.d.)”. Many researchers have developed

checklists of “deviant” school behaviors which are associated with poor school performance.

Tardiness and excessive absences as part of criteria which predict the like dropping out of

school “(Mizell1987)”.excessive absences and tardiness constituted the 3rd most common

reason for student failure in school. “(Ligon and Jackson 1988)”. Low attendance and habitual

tardiness were among the common characteristics of low-achieving high school

students.”(Cuellar, 1992)”.Low achievement correlated with chronic absenteeism in high school

students. “(Estcourt1986)”. Many school interventions to improve student performance use

tardiness and absences as indicators of success or failure of the intervention. However, the

relationships among tardiness, absences, and grades and dropping-out or 11 school failure are

complex.The phenomenon of class tardiness in the literature has been viewed as students

coming late, not reaching school on time, missing out initial time from the first period and
primarily not being present in the time set by the school. Educational psychologists took a great

interest to find the causes of and solutions to, tardiness and subsequently worked a lot to get

the most accurate findings. They were more focused about discovering the root causes behind

tardiness so that this problem is addressed appropriately. There are many reasons for the

students to show tardiness in the school, few reasons are directly related to the student that is

students are not taking their breakfast on time, students are de-motivated to come to the school

and the young ones who find it extremely difficult to get up early in the morning. Whereas a few

are not related to the students, but fall on others like family members, van drivers and others

who do not support students to be on time. Researchers view tardiness as a form of absence

because this is how students miss a part of their class. Tardiness is defined as “coming,

occurring or remaining after the correct, usual or expected time; delayed “(Free Dictionary)”.

Therefore tardiness can broadly be defined as missing time over a course of a school day. For

that reason researchers reckon it as a chronic problem as two of the classes which the

researchers have taken into consideration, have around six students who turn up late every

other day and show signs of lethargy and disengagement from school. The familiar faces are

lined up every morning outside the attendance office with no concern or emotion on their faces

whenever the researchers pass by. This attitude can even become more adverse when the

students re-promoted from their middle school to high school. Unpunctuality in the middle

school can develop into high school lateness where the early slow disentanglement evolves into

later truant attitude. Educational psychologists, stated that school tardiness and absenteeism

accelerate if the students are not committed to their school. In an earlier study, reached at the

same conclusion, vigorously stating that if students do not at home in their school environments,

they prefer to be absent or tardy at school. “(Kirkpatrick, Cronsone and Elder 2001)”.
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial

determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be

managing his/her own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study aims

to explore and find out the factors that affect the punctuality of UP students. In this chapter, we

will be discussing about the background of our study. It includes facts about tardiness, the

different factors that causes it and its effect to the students as students and as bearer of their

own lives in the future. From reliable research materials like online journals and research

papers, we will provide some facts and theories from authors, teachers and notable people in

order to have a concrete justification of our study.

First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and facts about it.

Next, we will discuss he various factors that causes the students to come to school late, the

psychological theories, the observation of the teachers and the personal reasons of the

students. Lastly, the effects of tardiness to students, not just to himself/herself but also to his/her

future and to other people, will be discussed.


As UP students, we are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that we

do, most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that dictates the quality of performance

of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on time or being tardy. As cited by

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the “situation where an individual
arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 5 th ed.,

1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people not showing up on time” and

Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which

implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing.

Lastly, Weade (2004) defined tardiness as “being late for any measurable length of time past

the stated or scheduled start time for work or school.” In most schools, a student is considered

tardy when he/she is not present when the school bell rings or when the first teacher starts to

give instructional materials for the first subject in the morning class.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools are having

with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It creates problems, not

just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community,

2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School Publication of CAESC, also states that while

having “occasional tardy” isn’t a big deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems

including being ill-prepared for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S.

Department of Education on “truancy”, which is related to tardiness, being present and on time

in going to school are big factors on the “success and behavior” of the students (Zeiger, 2010,

para 1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time while being a student.

According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning time of the

day for the students lies in the morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the

students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. It is also the reason why the

most important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time. So when students

are late or are not present during this time of the day, they, in effect, miss out most of the

important lessons to be noted and learned.

Factors affecting Punctuality

Reasons for being late in class and other factors affecting the punctuality if a student

vary. There had been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the personality

of a person. Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered some “personality

traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety” as triggering factors of tardiness (para 2). She also

mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as an “inborn quality” since our being

early or late is “partially biologically determined”, which she also agreed, other experts also

believed that some people are “chronically tardy” for the reason that they consciously and

unconsciously get good things from it (para 3).

In the book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually

challenged”, the author Diana DeLonzor suggested that some personality traits could most likely

lead to a person being often late. Some of the traits included were “struggling with self control”,

“feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations” and “getting distracted easily” (para 4).

Santillano also discussed about the study conducted by DeLonzor at San Francisco State

University in 1997 in which she surveyed 225 respondents about their habits that makes them

late from their appointments. It was also a test on the personalities of the respondents that

affect their habits. According to the results of DeLonzor’s study, those respondents that were

often tardy apt to be anxious and gets distracted easily.

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes.

Going late to bed and waking up late next morning are the most common. The authors added

film-watching late at night as a cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to

be in school the next day. The distance between the student’s home and school or solely the

school’s location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a possible cause for

tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school, but according to the authors, the
student is susceptible to more distractions and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely

tasks and commands are also reasons that students come late to school. Habitual tardiness can

also be learned from other members of the family, especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm

and consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to come late at school since

there are no consequences attached to lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness will

lead to serious effects.

Another study was the one conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The objective

of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness among the

secondary students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the growing problem. According to

Oghuvbu (2008), female students are more likely to be late than male students because of “their

involvement in domestic activities by their parents” (para 7). Also, as cited by Oghuvbu,

“distance to school, school discipline, family background and school location” (Emore, 2005) are

some of the common causes for the tardiness of the secondary students.

Oghuvbu collected the data from a sample size of 17, 417 Nigerian respondents from

2005-2006. The sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a set of teachers,

parents and students. The means of collecting data was through a thirty-item questionnaire

answerable by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree (D), and strongly disagreed

(SD). The questionnaire had four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness

among the secondary students of Nigeria.

The study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria

were “going late to bed because of watching films and home movies, resulting into wake up late

in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students” (Oghuvbu, 2008).

These results went consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s reference studies which proves that
tardiness among students have been a growing problem and that it is caused, not just because

of the students but also because of the lack of imposing discipline from the parents.

Another research partly studied about tardiness but tackled a specific reason or factor. A

study by Pimentel and Quijada (2011) focused on the frequency of use by the UP Cebu

freshmen students of Facebook and a part of the study tackled about the effect of the famous

social networking site to UP Cebu students’ punctuality and academic performance.

For their study, Pimentel and Quijada collected 60 respondents and provided them with

questionnaires. The questionnaires contained questions that ask the respondents about their

use of Facebook and its effects. A certain question asked the respondents if late-night use of

Facebook has an effect on their punctuality. According to the results of the study, three out of 60

respondents are always late, eight said they are sometimes late, 12 said they are seldom late

and 37 said that they never get late due to late-night use of Facebook. Generally, the results

showed that the respondents are seldom late in class because of late-night use of the social

networking site. Ledoux, as cited by Pimentel and Quijada, said that lack of sleep causes neural

malfunctions and further affects a person’s behavior. In the study’s case, it is a student’s

punctuality that is affected.

Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault why they keep on being late in coming to

class. Another factor that could affect the punctuality of a student is the response of the

teachers to tardy students. Sprick and Daniels (2007) stated that the range of the teachers’

response was “from ignoring them to sending them to office” (p. 21). This variation could lead

the students to confusion as to how important it is to be on time in going to class. Another

reason is the lack of motivation. Students who come to school on time are not given incentives

or rewards. Also, responses to tardiness are lenient, that is nothing is done until the tenth strike

or more. Another reason is “giving the student the impression that they won’t be missing
anything if they are late” since in some classes, no important activities or instructions and no

lessons are being done for first few minutes. Lastly, crowded hallways could create traffic, thus

blocking the way of other students and making it hard for them to pass through.

Effects of Tardiness

Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor

(2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the problem of the late student but it

affects the surrounding people. A student coming late in class distracts the rest of the students

and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s discussion. It is even a burden to the student/s whom the

late students ask for what to catch up with. The rest of the effects given by Nakpodia and

Dafiaghor are about the welfare of the whole school, its productivity and revenue. Knowing the

possible effects of lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for solutions to be executed.

Studies have revealed that those students with “perfect or near-perfect attendance” have

good grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers (Cowan

Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 3). Moreover, as mentioned by Zeiger

(2010), the results from the survey report conducted by teachers show that students with high

tardiness rates have “higher rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures” (National

Center for Education Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety [NCESISCS] (2007)). It

also causes the students to have behavioral problems and to drop out. Lastly, Zeiger (2010)

stated that “Students who are frequently tardy to school are also more apt to be fired from a job

for showing up late” (para 5).

A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to "determine if school

tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness" (Weade, 2004). It provided a lot of literature that
observes correlations and factors affecting a student's tardiness. As cited by Weade, the 3rd

most common cause for the failure of a student is "excessive tardiness and unexcused

absences" (Ligon and Jackson, 1988). "Inconsistency of school rules" (Britt, 1988) and

situations such as “crowded halls, limited opportunities for social interaction, irrelevant course

content, and teacher indifference” (Damico et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a student's

attendance and punctuality. As mentioned by Weade, personal values, financial security and

lack of parental guidance (Payne, 2001) as well as family background (Featherstone et al.,

1992) influence tardiness and absences of students.

Weade gathered data from the schools of participating students. First and

foremost, she asked consent from the students and their parents in order to gain permission to

collect their school records. She collected and studied the attendance and punctuality records of

these students based on the number of unexcused absences and minutes of tardiness. Her

study showed that among high school students, the grade point average is correlated with

absences and tardiness. This means that students with better attendance and punctuality have

higher grade point averages and vis-à-vis. Her study was also able to show that attendance and

punctuality of students are not consistent throughout the year. There were more absences and

tardiness at the latter part of the year. Gender has also shown

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial
determining factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be
managing his/her own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study
aims to explore and find out the factors that affect the punctuality of UP students. In this
chapter, we will be discussing about the background of our study. It includes facts about
tardiness, the different factors that causes it and its effect to the students as students and
as bearer of their own lives in the future. From reliable research materials like online
journals and research papers, we will provide some facts and theories from authors,
teachers and notable people in order to have a concrete justification of our study.

First, we will give a definition of tardiness and present some theories and facts about
it. Next, we will discuss he various factors that causes the students to come to school late,
the psychological theories, the observation of the teachers and the personal reasons of the
students. Lastly, the effects of tardiness to students, not just to himself/herself but also to
his/her future and to other people, will be discussed.


As UP students, we are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that

we do, most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that dictates the quality of
performance of a student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on time or being
tardy. As cited by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), “lateness” can be defined as the
“situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford
Advance Learners’ Dictionary, 5th ed., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to
describe “people not showing up on time” and Breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying
that, lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to
respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Lastly, Weade (2004) defined
tardiness as “being late for any measurable length of time past the stated or scheduled start
time for work or school.” In most schools, a student is considered tardy when he/she is not
present when the school bell rings or when the first teacher starts to give instructional
materials for the first subject in the morning class.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools are
having with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It creates
problems, not just to the students but also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue Elementary
School Community, 2007, para 1). Cowan Crier, the official School Publication of CAESC,
also states that while having “occasional tardy” isn’t a big deal, unfailing tardiness is and it
gives students problems including being ill-prepared for the job market. According to the
results of the study of the U.S. Department of Education on “truancy”, which is related to
tardiness, being present and on time in going to school are big factors on the “success and
behavior” of the students (Zeiger, 2010, para 1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and
practice being on time while being a student.

According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning time of
the day for the students lies in the morning, specifically between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is
because the students are most mindful and observant at this time of the day. It is also the
reason why the most important lessons and subject matters are discussed during this time.
So when students are late or are not present during this time of the day, they, in effect, miss
out most of the important lessons to be noted and learned.

Factors affecting Punctuality

Reasons for being late in class and other factors affecting the punctuality if a student
vary. There had been some theories that pointed out that tardiness is caused by the
personality of a person. Santillano (2010) stated that psychological theorists considered
some “personality traits, including low self-esteem and anxiety” as triggering factors of
tardiness (para 2). She also mentioned that while some theorists considered tardiness as
an “inborn quality” since our being early or late is “partially biologically determined”, which
she also agreed, other experts also believed that some people are “chronically tardy” for the
reason that they consciously and unconsciously get good things from it (para 3).

In the book cited by Santillano, “Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually
challenged”, the author Diana DeLonzor suggested that some personality traits could most
likely lead to a person being often late. Some of the traits included were “struggling with self
control”, “feeling nervous or uncomfortable with social situations” and “getting distracted
easily” (para 4). Santillano also discussed about the study conducted by DeLonzor at San
Francisco State University in 1997 in which she surveyed 225 respondents about their
habits that makes them late from their appointments. It was also a test on the personalities
of the respondents that affect their habits. According to the results of DeLonzor’s study,
those respondents that were often tardy apt to be anxious and gets distracted easily.

Nakpodia and Dafiaghor attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes.

Going late to bed and waking up late next morning are the most common. The authors
added film-watching late at night as a cause for tardiness. The student may forget that
he/she needs to be in school the next day. The distance between the student’s home and
school or solely the school’s location is also considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a
possible cause for tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school, but
according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more distractions and hindrances
along the way. Parent’s untimely tasks and commands are also reasons that students come
late to school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the family,
especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm and consistent policy on punctuality also
encourages students to come late at school since there are no consequences attached to
lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness will lead to serious effects.

Another study was the one conducted by Enamiroro Oghuvbu in Nigeria. The
objective of the study was to determine the causes of the absenteeism and lateness among
the secondary students in Nigeria and to seek for solutions to the growing problem.
According to Oghuvbu (2008), female students are more likely to be late than male students
because of “their involvement in domestic activities by their parents” (para 7). Also, as cited
by Oghuvbu, “distance to school, school discipline, family background and school location”
(Emore, 2005) are some of the common causes for the tardiness of the secondary students.

Oghuvbu collected the data from a sample size of 17, 417 Nigerian respondents from
2005-2006. The sample was made up of 20 principals and 50 each from a set of teachers,
parents and students. The means of collecting data was through a thirty-item questionnaire
answerable by either strongly agree (SA), agreed (A), disagree (D), and strongly disagreed
(SD). The questionnaire had four questions, one of which was about the causes of lateness
among the secondary students of Nigeria.

The study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary students in
Nigeria were “going late to bed because of watching films and home movies, resulting into
wake up late in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students”
(Oghuvbu, 2008). These results went consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s reference
studies which proves that tardiness among students have been a growing problem and that
it is caused, not just because of the students but also because of the lack of imposing
discipline from the parents.

Another research partly studied about tardiness but tackled a specific reason or
factor. A study by Pimentel and Quijada (2011) focused on the frequency of use by the UP
Cebu freshmen students of Facebook and a part of the study tackled about the effect of the
famous social networking site to UP Cebu students’ punctuality and academic performance.

For their study, Pimentel and Quijada collected 60 respondents and provided them
with questionnaires. The questionnaires contained questions that ask the respondents
about their use of Facebook and its effects. A certain question asked the respondents if
late-night use of Facebook has an effect on their punctuality. According to the results of the
study, three out of 60 respondents are always late, eight said they are sometimes late, 12
said they are seldom late and 37 said that they never get late due to late-night use of
Facebook. Generally, the results showed that the respondents are seldom late in class
because of late-night use of the social networking site. Ledoux, as cited by Pimentel and
Quijada, said that lack of sleep causes neural malfunctions and further affects a person’s
behavior. In the study’s case, it is a student’s punctuality that is affected.

Sometimes, it is not solely the students’ fault why they keep on being late in coming
to class. Another factor that could affect the punctuality of a student is the response of the
teachers to tardy students. Sprick and Daniels (2007) stated that the range of the teachers’
response was “from ignoring them to sending them to office” (p. 21). This variation could
lead the students to confusion as to how important it is to be on time in going to class.
Another reason is the lack of motivation. Students who come to school on time are not
given incentives or rewards. Also, responses to tardiness are lenient, that is nothing is done
until the tenth strike or more. Another reason is “giving the student the impression that they
won’t be missing anything if they are late” since in some classes, no important activities or
instructions and no lessons are being done for first few minutes. Lastly, crowded hallways
could create traffic, thus blocking the way of other students and making it hard for them to
pass through.

Effects of Tardiness

Tardiness among students has its own negative repercussions. Nakpodia and
Dafiaghor (2011) emphasized that lateness or tardiness is not just the problem of the late
student but it affects the surrounding people. A student coming late in class distracts the
rest of the students and disrupts the flow of the teacher’s discussion. It is even a burden to
the student/s whom the late students ask for what to catch up with. The rest of the effects
given by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor are about the welfare of the whole school, its productivity
and revenue. Knowing the possible effects of lateness or tardiness, it is necessary for
solutions to be executed.

Studies have revealed that those students with “perfect or near-perfect attendance”
have good grades compared to those students who misses classes often and late-comers
(Cowan Avenue Elementary School Community, 2007, para 3). Moreover, as mentioned by
Zeiger (2010), the results from the survey report conducted by teachers show that students
with high tardiness rates have “higher rates of suspension and other disciplinary measures”
(National Center for Education Statistics Indicators of School Crime and Safety
[NCESISCS] (2007)). It also causes the students to have behavioral problems and to drop
out. Lastly, Zeiger (2010) stated that “Students who are frequently tardy to school are also
more apt to be fired from a job for showing up late” (para 5).

A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to "determine if school

tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness" (Weade, 2004). It provided a lot of literature that
observes correlations and factors affecting a student's tardiness. As cited by Weade, the
3rd most common cause for the failure of a student is "excessive tardiness and unexcused
absences" (Ligon and Jackson, 1988). "Inconsistency of school rules" (Britt, 1988) and
situations such as “crowded halls, limited opportunities for social interaction, irrelevant
course content, and teacher indifference” (Damico et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a
student's attendance and punctuality. As mentioned by Weade, personal values, financial
security and lack of parental guidance (Payne, 2001) as well as family background
(Featherstone et al., 1992) influence tardiness and absences of students.

Weade gathered data from the schools of participating students. First and foremost,
she asked consent from the students and their parents in order to gain permission to collect
their school records. She collected and studied the attendance and punctuality records of
these students based on the number of unexcused absences and minutes of tardiness. Her
study showed that among high school students, the grade point average is correlated with
absences and tardiness. This means that students with better attendance and punctuality
have higher grade point averages and vis-à-vis. Her study was also able to show that
attendance and punctuality of students are not consistent throughout the year. There were
more absences and tardiness at the latter part of the year. Gender has also shown to be a
non-factor in the attendance and punctuality of high school students.

The study was very comprehensive in its subject matter. It tackles not just school
tardiness but its implications on work tardiness. It shows that "students who are on-time for
school classes are also likely to be on-time at work while students who are tardy frequently
at school will probably also be tardy at work" (Weade, 2004). The study requires a lot of
data but Weade was able to gather a sufficient amount. Though some possible correlations
were not established, it is outside the scope of this research.

Due to the fact that tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students
nowadays, the most important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and functional
policy that addresses late students. There must be defined sanctions and penalties for late
students. Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) stated that school administrators must lead by
example. They should be punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to
think that being late is just alright since even the authoritative persons are doing it. They
should as well teach it and integrate it in every lesson. The effort on the remedy on lateness
or tardiness does not start and end with the school. It must begin with the parents of the
students and the government must take part as well. Transportation must be improved in
order to avoid students getting stuck in traffic or encountering other obstacles down
the streets.

Some schools have already started finding solutions that would effectively minimize
and/or eliminate tardiness among students. One of the solutions made by some schools is
implementing tardiness policies, wherein they take steps in approaching the students and
parents for them to solve the problem. CAESC has their policy worked this way. Other
schools initiated interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates discipline and conduct in
academics. Cordogan (as cited by Weade, 2004), said that a school in Chicago, Illinois
adapted a similar curriculum and yielded positive results. Students under the
interdisciplinary program exhibited more positive behaviors from students not from the
curriculum. Interdisciplinary students showed less absences and tardiness, as well as
higher grades. Other schools made smaller academic changes such as developing
personality works and cooperative learning activities, such as creation of portfolios and
tutorial to younger students. These taught the students better goal-setting, decision making
skills and time management. In return, students under these behavior modification
programs yielded less tardiness and higher grades.

To summarize, many studies have shown the reasons and factors that may
contribute to the tardiness of a student. One of the mentioned reasons of tardy students
was waking up late in the morning, which can also be attributed to late-night activities, such
as social networking, watching movies and television shows, as well as untimely academic
and domestic errands. As proven by several studies, sometimes, it’s not also the act of the
student that leads to his/her tardiness. The heavy traffic, the teachers, the school
surroundings and policies may also serve as influences to the tardiness of students.

Many studies have also shown the effects of tardiness on the students, the
teachers, the school and the society. According to these studies, the tardiness of a student
consumes his/her learning time as well as disturbs other students and teachers. The tardy
student also poses as a threat to the school as an educational and professional institution
and the student may be one of the less productive members of the society.

A lot of studies as well gave testimonies to effective remedies on tardiness. These

studies promoted integration of personality development and interdisciplinary programs into
school curriculum to aid students enhance positive behavior and personality leading to the
decrease of tardiness.

Our study intends to find out the tardiness of UP Cebu students and the reasons
and factors that may influence this tardiness.

This study involves the population of secondary schools. Participants will be selected for
this study encompasses the students only. The students will be selected randomly from the
secondary Public schools. Five students will be selected from each school. The sampling
technique will be used in this study is a purposive sampling technique. The reason for choosing
this technique is that our study focuses on the phenomenon of class tardiness among the different
A questionnaire will be used in this research for the collection of data. Questionnaire will
help for investigating the phenomenon of class tardiness among the students. It will be distribute
to all participants. The questionnaire consists of only one open ended question (Carries 10
marks) and ten close-ended(each question carries 2 marks).Question one to three will design to
answer the first hypothesis which is to investigate whether class tardiness among what schools is
a common phenomenon or not.
A total number of 30 participants will purposively be selected from the population to
answer the questionnaire. The survey will conduct in the schools. Subsequently, after the
participants will receive the form, they will be guided with explanation to enlighten them on how
to answer the questionnaire. Participants answer the questionnaires immediately to retain its
authenticity while being observe by the research taker. Based on the results obtained, graphs
were plotted and pie charts will be drawn to better display the phenomenon of class tardiness
among the students.

The study will be conducted within the class of Fourth Year – Phoenix students. This

group of student belongs to Secondary Public School. The selected students , was

given survey questions that will be delimited to obtaining secondary reasons of

tardiness as well as assessing related factors underlying therewith.

Information acquired and provided by students will be used to confirm or negate the

feasible causes which were earlier stated. The result of the survey will then contribute

insight in planning and drafting of the solutions in addressing the said problems being

identified that needs appropriate action. An Action plan will be the final output of the

said research to be implemented upon approval of the school school principal.

The researcher will use a sampling method with inquiries which is not answerable by

yes or no. The researcher arbitrarily selects this group of students for they well

represent a typical student which his/her primary aim is to learn and excel in school.

Moreover, the problem on tardiness was very observable in this group of students while

they are supposedly being a model to other students.

VI. Cost Estimates

Activities Time Frame Nature of Total (Php)

Expense Amount Needed
Development, Bond Paper P150 x 3 reams P450
Validation, and Dec 2017 for
Reliability Test of Questionnaire
Questionnaire Reproduction
Parent’s and Jan 2018 Snacks of the P60 x 75 pax P4500
Student’s Orientation Attendees (36
about Tardiness parents + 36
students + 3
Reproduction of Jan-Mar Bondpapers P150 x 5 reams P750
Survey 2018
Whole Bondpapers, P150 x 3 reams P450
Purchase of duration of Binding of
supplies for the study copies for
finalization of paper, submission to
document the school,
reproduction, district, and
communication of division/region

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Activity Objective/s Persons Involved Time Frame Remarks

1. Present To inform Principal, PSDS, APRIL 2018

Research Result Principal, PSDS, other teachers
to Principal, and other
PSDS, and co- teachers of the
teachers research results
2. Participation in To communicate Researcher; APRIL 2018
Research results of the DepED Personnel
Congress study to other
4. Meeting with To discuss Principal, SGC APRIL 2018
the Principal and possible Members;
School Governing integration of Researcher
Council (SGC) on Edmodo in formal
possible formal class instruction;
integration of to create
Edmodo in the guidelines/policies
classroom about the school’s
adoption of
blended or online

Strategy Data to be Collected Data Analysis/Interpretation

1. 1. Multiple Intelligence Assessment in Inner strength, Percentage

June(every school year) learning difficulties
and weaknesses
2. Time Management Weekly/Daily planner Percentage
lecture/workshop with the students of every student
in June (every school year)

3. After the MI Assessment, cull the Background check Percentage

prospect students(Strong and confirmation of
Interpersonal Skills) to be peer the interpersonal
counselors and orient them in their skills
assigned task.

4. Reward Psychology Early Bird Attendance Frequency


5. Student Journal and Process folio Family values and Percentage

financial capability


This study intends to run through the last of the school year.


The Activity Data and Survey Questionnaire:

Methods to Deal with Tardy Students

Ways to Stop Tardies
One of the key housekeeping and classroom management tasks that teachers face is
attendance and how to deal with tardiness. While many students will be tardy at some
point during the year, tardiness can quickly become a real problem if an effective tardy
policy is not in place. Students need to understand the importance of being on time, not
only in school but in their future life. As a teacher, it is often very helpful to have
numerous ways to deal with individual issues. Finding what works best for each
individual or group of students is part of managing a class effectively. Following is a list
of five ideas that you can use as you deal with tardy students in your class.

of 05
Make the Beginning of Class Important
Fuse/Getty Images

Students need to understand that coming into class late can have consequences on their
grade. Using items like Warm Ups and On Time Quizzes can have a huge impact. You
control when class starts and how it begins. Make sure that you are prepared to begin
class right on time. You can take care of attendance and other housekeeping tasks after
the students are busy working. Students quickly get used to a routine if you are
consistent in its use. Therefore, decide what method you wish to you use and get started
right away.

Use Consistent Consequences

Students will respect you and your rules more if you apply them consistently. If you have
created a policy that includes specific disciplinary actions for tardiness, these should be
followed at all times. In addition, if you have decided to use daily warm-ups that add up
to a test grade, make sure to have them posted every day and grade them appropriately.
If you students see you as playing favorites or making exceptions for reasons that do not
seem fair, they will be less likely to follow your rules without complaint.

Use Detentions

Detentions could be added to your classroom management plan. However, they require
commitment on your part. You have to stay in your classroom during the detention time
when you might have tasks you need to take care of at the media center or front office.
Some teachers work together and hold a joint detention to help alleviate this issue.
Student transportation can also cause headaches. Teachers who use this typically send a
letter home explaining that if students earn detention then the parents are responsible
for picking up students late. Despite these issues, detention can be effective as a
deterrent for chronic tardiness.

Use a Reward System

Provide students with rewards for not being tardy to your class. This can be as simple as
giving extra hints before exams or warnings of pop quizzes during the first few minutes
of class. However, it can also expand to more tangible rewards such as homework
passes. The benefit of this is that students who are following the rewarded, hopefully
reinforcing their positive behaviors.

Help Form and Follow School wide Policies

Many schools already have tardy policies in place, even if these are not consistently
enforced. Make sure that you have gone through the school handbook and discussed
tardy issues with mentor teachers and administrators so that you understand what the
policy is. Schoolwide policies can be extremely effective if the majority of teachers
enforce them. However, if the policy is not working, maybe you can get involved in
trying to fix it. If the issue is a lack of teacher buy-in, become an advocate for
enforcement and help come up with a plan to get more teachers involved. If the problem
is the policy itself, see if your administration is amenable to you working with teachers
and administrators to come up with something that will work.

VIII. References:

1. Ediger, M. (1987). School Dropouts, Absenteeism, and Tardiness. (CGO019750).

Counseling and Personnel Services.
2. .Hernan, J.L. (1991). Developing a procedures for accountability of student absenteeism
3. U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics. (1996).
Student absenteeism and tardiness. Indicator of the month (EA027757). District of
4. Chaker, A.M. (2005) Schools get tough on tardy students. The Wall Street
Journal .Retrieved on10 Jan. 2007, from

5. Mcewan, E.K. (2000) When Kids Say No to School. Illinois: Harold Shaw Publishers

6. Hernan, J.L. (1991). Developing a procedures for accountability of student absenteeism





Secondary School
Quary-I Integrated School Tagbina, Surigao del Sur

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