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1st MOCK for PS / AD II/ AD II

Compiled & Written By:

Gerhadt Seddoh
Statistics Officer – WMMED

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Please Choose the correct answer from the Options A – D for the Questions given
1. Dr Martin, a clinical neuropsychologist, works diligently to be accurate, honest,
and truthful as he provides services to his patients. Which ethical principle is
Dr. Martin upholding?
a) Beneficence and nonmaleficence
b) Integrity
c) Respect for People's Rights and Dignity
d) Fair billing and reporting
2. What is one of the main principles included in the Individuals with Disabilities
Education ACT (IDEA)?

a) mandated individualized education programs

b) mandated additional recess time
c) mandated separate library times
d) mandated 2 to 1 teacher / student ratio

3. What is an example of a procedural safeguard?

a) a document detailing what procedures are considered acceptable

when interacting with a disabled student
b) parents determining the best way to proceed in educating their
disabled student through the public school system
c) parents being informed of any change in the school situation for their
disabled student
d) a document created in collaboration with the principal, teacher, and
parents of a disabled student
4. What is a tenant of the least restrictive environment?

a) allowing students with a disability to do whatever they are interested

in during classroom time
b) meeting one on one with students with a disability to allow them free
c) allowing students with a disability to continue learning in a normal
classroom setting where possible
d) pairing students with a disability with other disabled students of the
same social level

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5. What is one part of appropriate evaluation?

a) assessments should conform to current best practices for assessment writing

b) students should be tested at the average level for their age group
c) assessments must be non-biased and non-discriminatory
d) students should be able to retake assessments if they are unhappy with their

6. Which action exemplifies social cognitive perspective?

a) allowing students to assist in creating classroom rules and expectations

b) setting students up in social groups according to their cognitive abilities
c) observing student behaviour during recess time
d) determining where student social behaviour can be improved through

7. The final goal, or motivation, at the height of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is _____

a) security.
b) altruism.
c) productivity.
d) self-actualization.

8. A theory in practice that helps students align with personal goals, foster positive
relationships with others, and aim to achieve their best would be considered which
type of psychological approach?

a) Behaviourist
b) Functional
c) Cognitive
d) Humanistic

9. Behaviourist learning theory aims to change a student's behavior by using positive

reinforcement, such as stickers and praise, implying that a student is motivated
externally. Which theory proposes nearly the opposite?

a) The cognitive perspective

b) The humanistic perspective
c) The hierarchy of needs perspective

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d) The trait perspective

10. An instructional perspective that suggests adult students' motivation is internal

and personal, and dismisses the notion of providing external rewards from the
instructor, is:

a) the trait perspective.

b) the psychoanalytic perspective.
c) the behaviourist perspective.
d) the social cognitive perspective.

11. Who posited the Expectancy-Value theory in order to explain and predict an
individual's attitude toward objects and actions?

a) Bernard Weiner
b) Maria Montessori
c) Martin Fishbein
d) Abraham Maslow

12. Someone experiencing functional fixedness will do which of the following?

a) Find an original and unique solution to a problem

b) Use pre-conceived knowledge for a set of specific problems
c) Look for practical solutions based on experience
d) Use objects or tools in only a certain, specific way

13. Which type of problem requires more complicated, or more creative, problem
solving strategies?

a) Experienced-based problem
b) Non-routine problem
c) Well defined problem
d) Everyday problem

14. The cognitive theoretical perspective of educational psychology focuses on

learning based on how people _____, remember, _____, speak, and problem solve?

a) participate; move
b) perceive; think

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c) conceive; repeat
d) sleep; document

15.If a person only thinks of an object in a certain way, that person will not be able to
come up with creative ways to use that object. This barrier to creative thinking is
called _____.

a) a mnemonic device
b) a heuristic
c) functional fixedness
d) Gestalt thinking

16. Retrieval of state-dependent memory is improved when:

a) The environment for encoding is the same as the environment for retrieval
b) The environment for storage is different from the environment for encoding
c) The environment for retrieval is the same as the environment for storage
d) The environment for retrieval is different from the environment for storage

17. Which of the following is characteristic of a positive correlation?

a) amount of food consumed and your weight
b) amount of partying you do and your GPA
c) amount of clothes worn and the temperature of the air
d) amount of exercise you do and the size of your clothes
18. Expert teachers are very concerned about
a) being reflective problem solvers
b) the specific techniques teachers apply
c) maintaining classroom discipline
d) adhering to lesson plans
19. The Carnegie Foundation (1987) reported that teachers felt most
involved in making decisions about
a) choosing textbooks
b) shaping the curriculum
c) setting standards for student behavior
d) designing staff development programs
20. Research suggests that reasons for lack of teacher participation in
school wide decisions stem from
A. teachers have little time or energy for these kinds of activities outside of
the classroom
B. teachers not wanting to step on administrator's toes

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C. the fact that restructuring adds responsibilities to teachers for which they
are not compensated
D. all of the above
21. Educational Psychology is distinct from other branches of psychology
a) its findings are based upon research
b) expert teachers are the researchers versus psychologists
c) understanding and improving education is its primary goal
d) most educational principles have their foundation in common sense
notions regarding teaching
22. …………….is the transfer of a loan of an employee to another related
organization for a specific time period to perform a specific important

a) Re-activation
b) Replacement
c) Secondment
d) Re-engagement

23. Which of the following is FALSE regarding a general principle of

a) Development occurs at different rates.
b) Development is rapid and dramatic.
c) Development takes place in an orderly sequence.
d) Development takes place gradually.

24. According to Piaget's view, the child's ______________ influences his

or her cognitive development as the child tests, explores and observes the

a) maturation.
b) activity and social transmission
c) equilibration
d) all of the above

25. As a biologist, Piaget looked for patterns in the human species, and
concluded that humans inherit the invariant functions of:
A. lateralization and plasticity
B. maturation and activity
C. organization and adaptation
D. equilibrium and disequilibrium

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26. If you are puzzled about a situation and don't understand why present
attempts to solve the problem aren't working, Piaget would say you are in
a state of:
A. adaptation
B. accommodation
C. equilibration
D. disequilibrium

27. The ability to use language and think symbolically, is a characteristic

of _________and is referred to as _______________.
A. sensorimotor development; goal directed action
B. preoperational development; the semiotic function
C. preoperational development; collective monologue
D. concrete operational development; classification

28. The approach called cognitive self-instruction is consistent with

Vygotsky's view of:
A. sociocultural theory
B. scaffolding
C. the Zone of Proximal Development
D. private speech

29. You have taught a new math skill to your class, and find that some
students have caught on quickly, while others are still having difficulty
applying the skill. Based on Vygotsky's principles of assisted learning /
zone of proximal development, you should
a) give all students more practice problems
b) pair students for more practice, pairing students who have mastered the
skill with those who have not.
c) give all students for more instruction in the performance of math skill.
d) go on to the next skill and put students in cooperative learning groups.

30. Normal language development patterns would anticipate that most

children have mastered the basics of pronunciation, grammar and
vocabulary in their native language by ages ______.
a) 3-4
b) 4-5
c) 5-6
d) 6-7

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31. ……………………compares students of similar ages and levels to
hypothetical average student.
a) Formative Assessment
b) Diagnostic Assessment
c) Norm-Referenced Assessment
d) Summative Assessment

32. In this type of Assessment, students are given questions at the

beginning of the lesson or academic year to test the learners’ level of
knowledge to be able to know what the student needs to be taught
a) Formative Assessment
b) Diagnostic Assessment
c) Norm-Referenced Assessment
d) Summative Assessment

33. An environmental factor that is crucial to proper brain development is

a) a diet rich in calcium
b) the introduction of music to the fetus in utero.
c) an adequate amount of stimulation
d) the mother's limited intake of drugs including alcohol and caffeine

34. ………………assesses pupils systematically or continuously over a

period of time. It is not just one stop assessment.
a) Formative Assessment
b) Diagnostic Assessment
c) Norm-Referenced Assessment
d) Summative Assessment

34. Upon graduating from Senior High School Alhassan plans to

backpack across Kumasi. He wants to take some time to decide whether to
go onto University or to work in the family farm with his father.
According to Education Psychology this is called
a) identity foreclosure
b) identity achievement
c) identity diffusion
d) moratorium

35. Which form of Assessment assesses a learner at the end of a period of

study, End of lesson, mid-term or end of term, end of year, etc.?

a) Formative Assessment
b) Diagnostic Assessment

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c) Norm-Referenced Assessment
d) Summative Assessment

36. This is the re-introduction of the salary of an officer whose name went
of the GES payroll mistakenly

a) Re-activation
b) Replacement
c) Secondment
d) Re-engagement

37. With respect to perceptions of their own abilities

A. junior high school boys see themselves as more capable than girls
B. junior high school boys and girls have comparable perceptions
C. Ghanaian males are more confident than Ghanaian females
D. continuing through junior high school, girls gradually increase their
perceptions of their abilities relative to boys

38. ………………is the recruitment of a new staff in the place of an officer

who has left the service but has been budgeted for in the current financial
or fiscal year.
a) Re-activation
b) Replacement
c) Secondment
d) Re-engagement

39. According to Piaget, moral realism is the

a) realistic perspective and understanding that others have different feelings
and experiences
b) stage of development wherein children see rules as absolute
c) stage of development wherein children realize that people make rules and
people can change them
d) thinking process involved in judgments about questions of right and
40. With respect to cheating, research supports the notion that
A. students will cheat if parental pressure for grades is high
B. students who cheat are more likely to lie and steal
C. college-age females are more likely to lie and steal
D. students in the arts and humanities are more likely to cheat than science
and engineering students

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True or False

41. Sexual Harassment, Rape and Defilement have the same mode of
punishment if committed

a) True b) False

42. Criterion-Referenced Assessment measures students against pre-

established standard or goal.

a) True b) False

43. Curricular activities, Co-curricular activities form part of Educational

outcomes except personality development.

a) True b) False

44. Preparation Report Cards is an indirect responsibility of a Headteacher

in a Basic School.

a) True b) False

45. Input description of the school performance improvement plan outlines

the items needed to be purchased for a basic School’s Administration.

a) True b) False

46. In the course of the C.S.S.P.S model, students who desire to go the
Polytechnic right from JHS without passing through SHS or TVET are
catered for.

a) True b) False

47. Upon the letter of appointment, the Basic School Headteacher has the
legitimate power to operate the school on behalf of the District Director.

a) True b) False

48. The only Power that is given to a Headteacher of a Basic School is

Coercive Power.

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a) True b) False

49. Ghana Education Service formulates National Educational Policies at all

levels as director by the Director General through the Regional Director.

a) True b) False

50. The GES Council as a governing body of GES was established by GES
Act 506 of 1995.

a) True b) False

51. When the salary of a GES Staff goes off mistakenly or inadvertently on or
before six months, Reactivation is done.

a) True b) False

52. Evidence of a positive school ethos includes consistent shared values and standards.
(a) True (b) False
53. It is important that Circuit Supervisors keep their teachers’ lesson plan notebooks.
(a) True (b) False
54. Students learn best in a multitude of ways rather than one dominant means.
(a) True (b) False
55. The competency-based training curriculum delivery methodology is suitable for
TVET training at the Second Cycle Level of education.
(a) True (b) False
56. The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies
and programmes on education in Ghana.
A. True
B. False

57. Teacher Education Division (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education
Service Headquarters.

A. True
B. False
58. In any school situation, performance tasks are handed-on activities that require
students to demonstrate their ability to perform certain actions.
A. True
B. False

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59. Teachers who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction
and higher achievement.
A. True
B. False
60. A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students a
sense of belonging and acceptance.
A. True
B. False
61. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is
and/ or what is not socially acceptable classroom behaviour.
A. True
B. False
62. Social psychologists believe that the process of group formation begins when its
members agree to go against the norms of the group.
A. True
B. False
63. Licensure and exit tests are the best predictors of classroom performance of teachers.
A. True
B. False
64. If a teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going
over material.
A. True
B. False
65. Student performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amounts of
time to the process and materials needed rather than teaching content.
A. True
B. False
66. What a teacher does not say every bit as important as what a teacher does say.
A. True
B. False
67. Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintain an effective
classroom climate and should thus be avoided.
A. True
B. False
68. Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses
their ideas in moving a class lesson or activity forward.
A. True
B. False
69. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies.
A. True

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B. False
70. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before
selecting an assessment approach.
A. True
B. False
71. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating
to bribery and nepotism is teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of
textbooks and suppliers.
A. True
B. False
72. When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a
disadvantage and thus reduces equal access to education.
A. True
B. False
73. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional
knowledge to making decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect of
A. True
B. False
74. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management
A. True
B. False
75. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things
independently of the teacher.
A. True
B. False

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