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1009111284187371methodology Selected Questions and Answers

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1. One can be a good teacher, if he a) has genuine interest in teaching b) knows how to enforce discipline c) knows his subject d) has good expression e) has good academic qualifications A new teacher, to start with will have to a) enforce discipline in the class. b) establish rapport with the students. c) cut jokes with the students. d) tell the students about his qualifications. e) make good relation with the management. The essential role of the teacher in a class room is to i) give information ii) motivate students to learn. iii) develop learning competencies iv) prepare them for writing examinations. v) enforce discipline a) i, ii and iii b) ii, iii & iv c) iii, iv and v d) i, iv and v e) i, iii and v When a disciplinary action is necessary with a preschool child, the least acceptable technique would generally be a) to scold him b) to send him out c) to take away some of his privileges d) to rebuke e) to make him feel sorry for having hurt your feelings. Which of the following would constitute the most proper action to take, if a child continues to talk after the class has been asked to be quiet? a) Send the student out of the class so that he will not continue to disturb the class. b) Punish the whole class by making them stay after the class. c) Punish them so that they will understand the need of discipline. d) Make arrangements to speak to that student privately. e) Speak loudly enough to be heard by the student who is talking. 6. The modern consensus regarding the sending of disciplinary cases to the principals office is that a) it should be used only when other means have failed. b) it is generally best if offence is repeated for the third time. c) it shows poor discipline of the class. d) it is advisable as the principal is ultimately responsible for the discipline in his school. e) it is advisable only when the principal will support the teacher. After subsiding a disturbance in the class room, the teachers main concern should be a) to punish all offenders and so stopping recurrence of misbehaviour. b) to know the cause of the misbehaviour. c) to prevent the recurrence of the incident by keeping a careful eye on those students. d) to enlist group censure as a means of curbing future misbehaviour. e) None of the above The key to effective class-room discipline lies in a) trying to understand the cause of misbehaviour and taking appropriate action. b) punishing the student who misbehaved. c) developing close personal friendship with the leaders of class room mischief. d) providing a programme with inbuilt means for the satisfaction of student needs. e) being indifferent to students. A serious minded teacher as rule, a) allows mistakes to be committed and explains how to minimise those mistakes. b) never allows any mistakes to be committed by students. c) takes all precautions that students do not commit any mistakes. d) mildly punishes students who make mistakes. e) None of the above








10. Which of the following should a lecturer adopt in his class? a) Precise and low tone b) Elongated tone c) Precise and high tone d) Moderate tone e) Reduced tone 11. Which of the following is the best statement of the relationship of intelligence to delinquency ? a) Delinquency is most prevalent at both extremes of the intellectual scale, the gifted and the idiot and the imbeciles. b) Dull students appear more frequently delinquent because they tend to come from slum areas where strict law enforcement prevails. c) Empirical studies show a relative independence between intelligence and the frequency and kind of delinquency. d) Delinquency is not a product of intelligence as much as of other factors. e) Dull students are most likely to be apprehended and appear to be more often delinquent. 12. Which of the following best explains the pattern of mental growth? a) A steady growth should be seen from birth to early adulthood. b) An uneven growth till adolescence and then steady growth towards adulthood. c) A uniform rise to the middle teens and a gradual levelling off to the midtwenties. d) A growth pattern paralleling the physical growth curve. e) A growth pattern roughly inverse to the growth of physical height. 13. Which of the following best explains the existence of organized gangs of delinquent teenagers with which students often affiliate themselves? a) Lack of strict law enforcement. b) Lack of recreational means. c) Lack of constructive activities from which students can derive wholesome satisfaction. d) Lack of influence on the part of the teachers. e) Students desire for adventure.

14. The most effective approach for social workers to following dealing with groups of delinquent boys is probably a) influence them by introducing senior students as heroes. b) to concentrate on winning them as friends before attempting to reform them. c) to compliment them on their good behaviour . d) to show them what proper behaviour is e) to keep them engaged. 15. Language is best thought of as a) a means for conversation. b) a biological development. c) a nomenclature for cataloguing experience. d) a medium to express ourself. e) a method for co-operation. 16. Underlying the construction of intelligence tests is the assumption that the people to be tested a) should have same knowledge. b) are of upper class society. c) should be of same economic status. d) can be measured as to intelligence without undue interference from the factor of differences in experience. e) are of normal intelligence. 17. The most basic cause of teachers failure in maintaining discipline is the teachers lack of a) subject knowledge. b) ability in teaching methods. c) a constructive programme of meaningful things to be learn and done. d) knowledge of disciplinary methods. e) knowledge of psychology. 18. The greatest weakness of current IQ test is that a) they give importance to performance rather than ability. b) they are not equally fair to persons of different back-grounds. c) they do not provide any kind of motivation to different tests. d) they are unreliable. e) they discourage the average students.

19. Trial-Error Learning in men and animals differ chiefly in that man places greater dependence upon a) response to stimulation b) adequate readiness c) symbolic manipulation d) relationship e) None of these 20. Which of the following would least qualify as an essential aspect of the process of learning? a) Speed of reaction b) Gaining knowledge c) Insight into means and relationship d) Increased sensitivity to appropriate stimuli e) An obstacle in achieving the goal. 21. A series of progressive approximations to a successful performance best defines a) learning b) power of comprehension c) both physical and mental growth d) mental growth e) the Scientific Method 22. Which of the following is least acceptable ? Learning may a) be gained without intent. b) occur only when there is proper motives. c) take place either consciously or unconsciously. d) differ from individual to individual. e) take place without operation of motives and goals. 23. Psychologists would consider the real criterion of whether or not learning has taken place to be a) the development of skills. b) the power of comprehension. c) improved behaviour. d) capacity to face challenge. e) None of these. 24. Learning implies something in the individual a) acquired by. b) gained unconsciously. c) occurring within. d) related to physical change. e) developing within.

25. Which of the following statements appears most accurate in the light of our present knowledge of the neurophysiology underlying learning ? a) Learning capacity and number of developed neuron have no relation at all. b) Learning involves the sensitization of nerve fibres. c) Learning capacity has no relation with the mass of the brain. d) Learning has no basis on neurophysiology. e) To date, Psychologists have not been able to discover the neurophysiological changes occurring as a person learns. 26. Which of the following statements concerning learning is the least acceptable ? a) Learning helps one meet the challenges of life successfully. b) Learning involves new ways of solving problems and attaining goals. c) Learning involves the acquisition and organization of knowledge, proper attitude and habit. d) Learning helps increase precision and certainty of the response. e) Learning represents progressive changes in behaviour. 27. Which of the following is not an aspect of learning ? a) Development of skills b) The gain of knowledge c) Development within d) Modification of behaviour e) The sensitization of nerve fibres 28. Which of the following is the most adequate definition of learning? a) The development of their talents. b) Gaining knowledge. c) The ability to solve problems. d) The modification of behaviour. e) Mental growth. 29. Secondary school teaching in the past held more prestige than elementary education because a) they imparted higher level of subject matter. b) they had good academic qualification and high training. c) they had high salary d) both (a) and (c) e) all of the above.

30. In present times the prestige level of teachers is recognized by the general public as a) equal to the professional class of workers. b) high as that of a doctor. c) low as a labourer. d) somewhere between wage earner and professional worker. e) that of a glorified nurse. 31. Probably the most important of the following determinants of the effectiveness of learning is a) the ability to concentrate. b) the need of meaningfulness and understanding. c) presentation method. d) the proper atmosphere. e) the degree of over-learning. 32. The mental changes involved as the learner acquires new ways of perceiving or apprehending the things are referred to as a) cognitive b) conative c) tautological d) teleological e) affective 33. The best evidence of the professional status of teaching is the a) fixing of salary schedules. b) ability to conduct State Conventions. c) enforcement of high standards. d) membership of a teaching organisation. e) None of these. 34. If a learner is ready when he begins a new task and the first teaching is good, his learning curve will probably rise a) at uniform speed. b) rapidly with slight fluctuations. c) irregularly. d) slowly but uniformly. e) regularly. 35. With which of the following aspects of learning are the teachers and psychologists most directly concerned? a) The acquisition of knowledge b) The process of learning c) The development of skills d) Elimination of errors e) Ability to solve problems

36. Which of the following is not a product of learning? a) Knowledge b) Skills c) Attitudes d) Maturation e) Concepts 37. The most valid criterion, on the basis of which to judge whether teaching is a profession, is the teachersa) love towards the profession. b) in-depth knowledge of subject. c) thorough knowledge of theory and practice of the methods of teaching. d) observance of professional ethics. e) ability to impart cultural values. 38. The most critical factor needed to make teaching a true profession is a) unity among teachers b) improved teaching aids c) improved school-buildings d) a high salary e) discipline of its own members 39. It is generally agreed that a) both administration and teachers should have same union. b) teachers should be members of recognized unions. c) any professional organization should include several levels of leadership. d) all of the above are correct e) None of the above is correct. 40. In the following list of the aspects of the guidance of learning activities, which is the most fundamental and should occur first from the stand point of time? a) Determination of methods of evaluation. b) Determination of methods of presentation. c) Determination of objectives. d) Selection of the learning activities. e) Selection of the materials of instruction. 41. In order to give effective guidance to the learning of a skill, the instructor must necessarily be able a) to execute the skill with a high degree of perfection b) to execute the skill with a higher degree of perfection than the person he is trying to instruct






c) to develop in the students insight into the nature of the skill to be learned. d) to foresee and forestall the development of bad habits, the occurrence of plateaus, etc. e) to give slow motion demonstrations of the skill without distortion. The best way to establish rapport with your class is to a) demand the respect due to your age and status. b) remain aloof, be a figure of authority. c) impress your students with your knowledge and skill. d) be a pal to the students in your class. e) play the role of a guide who desires to help them. What will you do, as a teacher, if the majority of students are not attending your class? a) Criticise the students for their attitude. b) Advice the students to be more attentive. c) Think of some interesting methods of teaching. d) Know the reasons and try to remove them. e) None of the above. The first professional responsibility you must meet as a new teacher is to a) change the curriculum in the light of your training. b) seek to enrich the educational philosophy of other teachers. c) co-operate with your fellow teachers inspite of differences. d) change your mind as the conditions permit. e) ascertain and follow the procedures of your predecessor. The initials PTA refer to what organization a) Principal Teacher Administration b) Parent Teacher Association c) Private Teachers Association d) Principal Teacher Association e) Private Teaching Association According to State and National Codes, it would not be unethical for teachers to a) promulgate religious views in the classroom b) go on strike for better pay scale.






c) leave job without prior notice. d) refuse to sign a contract which displeases them. e) to take private tuitions. The main argument against teachers strikes has been that a) the teachers strikes are unsuccessful. b) the pay scale has been increased compared to the cost of living. c) teacher's contract should not be violated. d) the public supports the teacher. e) they cannot be justified. The extent of community restriction placed on the personal life of the teacher is. a) not related to the type of communities. b) greater in urban areas. c) different with each generation of teachers. d) greater in rural communities. e) None of these. Political responsibilities make demands upon many people. Teachers should a) keep their political stand a secret. b) refuse to take a political stand. c) accept civic responsibilities, but refuse to be drawn into fractional disputes. d) should not discuss politics in class. e) have firm political ideas. As teachers, we should think of our work in terms ofa) imparting knowledge. b) physical growth only. c) mental growth without good habits. d) Child growth and development. e) strict Discipline. Which of the following best reflects democracy in the classroom? a) Allowing some students to violate rules as they are intelligent. b) Allow all students to participate in field trips. c) Allowing the class to decide the curricular experience of the classroom. d) Allowing students to behave as they wish. e) None of these.

52. In teaching, if nothing has been learned, nothing has been a) taught b) recited c) observed d) learned e) tested 53. The best statement of the position of the teacher in the classroom is that he is a) the umpire of the group. b) the director of the group. c) the chairman of the group. d) one among the students e) None of these 54. The function of a teacher primarily is that of a a) director, who organises creative activity. b) guardian, who imparts cultural values. c) guide, helping the students progress towards maximum growth. d) filling students with knowledge. e) clergy who attends to spiritual needs of the students. 55. In the final analysis, teaching must be thought of mainly as a process of a) developing physical strength. b) asking questions and appraising answers. c) hearing lessons recited. d) indoctrinating moral values to the students. e) None of the above. 56. The ground rules for the classroom should be established by the a) principal b) students c) pupils and teachers d) teachers e) PTA 57. The most important function of the teacher is a) maintain strict discipline among students b) impart subject-matter c) teach problem-solving techniques d) guide pupils growth e) teach how to achieve goals 58. Which of the following duties is least likely to be required of all teachers ? a) Conducting exams b) Keeping a record of text-books. c) Visiting the homes of the students. d) Preparing lesson plan. e) Maintaining strict discipline.

59. The most important task in teaching is a) giving assignments and hearing recitations. b) directing students in development of experiences. c) conducting test papers and giving grades. d) making monthly reports, on study progress. e) teaching the importance of extra curricular activities. 60. The teachers primary responsibility lies in a) planning educational experiences. b) improving the school building. c) improving relations with parents. d) experimenting new teaching methods. e) None of these. 61. Effective teaching is depending largely upon a) teacher's knowledge of the subject matter b) teacher's communication skills c) students level of intelligence d) teacher's planning and preparation e) None of the above 62. In a democracy individual differences are encouraged because a) it is not good to force conformity on others. b) they have a right to act as they wish. c) individual differences make for diverse beneficial contributions to the common cause. d) they have a tendency to think alike which is bad for the nation. e) None of these. 63. Verbal guidance is least effective in the learning of a) proper attitude b) subject matter c) facts d) skills e) None of the above 64. For maximum efficiency in learning a given passage for one single production (for example a school play) it is best to have a) many relatively short practice periods distributed over a long period of time. b) a few relatively long practice periods distributed over a long period of time. c) many short practice periods concentrated just before the performance is required. d) relatively long practice periods concentrated just before performance is required. e) a mixture of long and short practice periods as the opportunity and demand arise.

65. Students learn more from a teacher who is a) affectionate b) communicating his ideas precisely and clearly. c) gentle d) hard working e) None of the above 66. The development of desirable personal characteristics is largely a matter of a) skill b) surroundings and habits c) motivation d) learning ability e) hereditary characters 67. If the school is to be effective in promoting proper attitudes in children a wide variety of situations, it needs to place a major emphasis upon a) proper training b) punishing students who show negative attitude c) rewarding the display of positive attitudes d) situation in which proper attitudes will develop naturally. e) None of these 68. Attitude once established a) generally continues to exist even if they do not provide satisfaction for ones motives. b) can be changed relatively easily by introducing logical proof of contrary view points. c) can be changed more effectively by intellectual appeal than by emotional appeal. d) are often maintained through selective perception. e) None of the above 69. Which of the following is the least important aspect of the teachers role in the guidance of learning? a) The development of insight into what constitutes an adequate performance. b) The development of insight into what constitute the pitfalls and dangers to be avoided. c) The provision of continuous diagnostic and remedial help. d) The fore-stalling of habits. e) The provision of encouragement and moral support.

70. Probably the most effective way of learning a complex and complicated skill is a) repeated practice b) to practice on the parts c) to practice the whole skill with separate attention to parts where indicated. d) practice as a whole e) None of these 71. Research has shown that the percentage of the total study time which could profitably be devoted to recitation as opposed to re-reading could be as high as a) 15 percent b) 30 percent c) 50 percent d) 80 percent e) 90 percent 72. Recitation in learning appears most profitable when introduced a) in the beginning. b) throughout the learning period. c) towards the end of the learning period. d) to check the learners ability. e) None of these. 73. Purposeful group-learning in the classroom generally begins with a) encouragement from the teacher. b) motives and a clarification of objectives. c) competitive spirit. d) an aim to clarify doubts. e) None of these 74. A teacher is introducing a new subject when meeting the class for the first time it would be best to a) begin with group discussions. b) give the class a broad out line of the subject. c) ask about previous lessons. d) begin the lesson without any introduction. e) None of these 75. Which of the following procedures would be best from the stand point of efficiency of acquisition for a given degree of long-term retention? a) Drilling b) Reviews spaced progressively further apart c) Recitation







d) Learning by parts e) None of these When a student can no longer recall material he had learned sometime back one can assume that a) it was difficult for the student to study b) he never learned it. c) it was lost as a result of the interference of subsequent learning. d) he is below average. e) None of these It has been seen that students lose much by their learning during summer vacation, which one of the following shows the least depreciation over the summer months? a) Spelling b) Arithmetic reasoning c) Dates in history d) Grammar e) None of these Forgetting can be considered to be a) the result of incorrect learning b) phenomenon of reminiscence c) passage of time d) repression e) a case of negative transfer Teaching would come in which of the following classification of work? a) Clerical b) Administration c) Professional d) Service e) None of these Which of the following would you consider in planning for a lecture ? a) Identify the methods for transacting the curriculum . b) Planning to evaluate the outcomes. c) Setting objectives for the lesson. d) Suggesting adequate reference materials. e) None of these The term intra-individual differences refers to a) differences among the various traits in a given individual. b) differences in a given trait of the individual





associated with the passage of time maturation and learning. c) differences in a given trait in a given individual associated with errors of measurement. d) differences in a given trait between two or more individuals. e) None of these Rama, a bright pupil, is openly impatient of the errors and slowness of other students in the class and wishes to answer much more than his share of questions. His teacher should a) ask him to keep quiet when not asked. b) insult him infront of the whole class. c) ask him to behave properly. d) punish him when his behaviour becomes intolerable . e) make him realize that he is not so smart by asking him difficult questions that he can not answer. In which of the following areas do deaf children tend to show the greatest relative inferiority to normal children? a) Relationship with society b) Emotional development. c) Acquisition of knowledge d) Language development e) Mental development Provisions for the special education of retarded and handicapped children is usually financed bya) local funds b) charitable organizations c) local funds with special state aid d) state fund and special fund from PTA e) None of these Which of the following is not characteristic of the mentally retarded child ? a) He is generally above average in sensory motor and artistic aptitude. b) He will be outstanding in atleast one trait. c) Lack of ability to abstract and generalize. d) His physical activities are restricted. e) He tends to display socially undesirable traits frequently.

1. 6. (a) (a) 2. 7. (b) (b) 3. 8. (a) (d) 4. 9. (e) (a) 5. (d) 10. (c) 15. (c) 20. (c) 25. (e) 30. (a) 35. (b) 40. (c) 45. (b) 50. (d) 55. (e) 60. (a) 65. (b) 70. (c) 75. (b) 80. (a) 85. (a)


11. (b) 16. (d) 21. (a) 26. (e) 31. (b) 36. (d) 41. (c) 46. (d) 51. (c) 56. (c) 61. (b) 66. (c) 71. (d) 76. (c) 81. (a)

12. (c) 17. (c) 22. (e) 27. (e) 32. (a) 37. (d) 42. (e) 47. (c) 52. (a) 57. (d) 62. (c) 67. (c) 72. (c) 77. (b) 82. (e)

13. (c) 18. (b) 23. (c) 28. (d) 33. (c) 38. (e) 43. (d) 48. (d) 53. (b) 58. (c) 63. (d) 68. (d) 73. (b) 78. (e) 83. (d)

14. (b) 19. (c) 24. (e) 29. (e) 34. (b) 39. (c) 44. (c) 49. (c) 54. (c) 59. (b) 64. (d) 69. (b) 74. (b) 79. (c) 84. (c)



Unit - II
1. The primary function of the school as an agent of society is a) to help students understand nature b) to prepare the students for life c) to develop a vocational competence in all children. d) to maintain mental discipline. e) to provide youth with an effective communication language. The primary goal towards which the modern school is oriented is that of the development, on the part of its students, of a) adequate behaviour b) a sound system of ethical values c) mental courage d) originality, creativity, and individuality e) inquisition of knowledge




Much of the disciplinary and motivational difficulties experienced by teachers stem from:a) lack of concentration on the part of students. b) the failure of the curriculum to meet students needs. c) lack of progressive education. d) lack of ability to encourage his students. e) None of these The primary purpose of the inclusion of out of class activities as part of the overall school programme is a) to utilise this facilities arranged by the school. b) to provide students with a means of acceleration through earning extra-credits. c) to provide of the avenues for students self realization. d) to keep children under supervision after school. e) None of these Which of the following is the most correct statement about the relation between marital status and the personal social adjustment of teachers? a) Empirical evidence favours the married teachers. b) Marital status has no relation to social adjustment. c) Marital status favours married male teachers but single female teachers. d) It favours unmarried teachers. e) Empirical evidence favours the single teacher. Which of the following is not a positive factor in the teachers mental health? a) Professional Ability. b) Knowledge of subject matter. c) Academic merits. d) Devoting himself to social life. e) A strong need to love and to be loved by children. Research has shown that the most frequent symptom of nervous instability among teacher isa) health problem b) absent mindedness c) short temper d) physical weakness e) worry

Research has shown that mal-adjustment among teachers is a) seen only among women teachers. b) relatively rare among modern teachers. c) not great in modern days. d) of average incidence in all teachers. e) of greater incidence than in comparable professional groups. 9. Primary responsibility for the teachers adjustment lies with a) the principal b) the students c) the teacher himself d) the management e) the society 10. Modern Indian education at the elementary school level can best be described as being a) project-centred b) curriculum-centred c) pupil-centred d) teacher-centred e) subject-centred 11. Which of the following is not a major modern trend in teacher education? a) A change in emphasis from academic growth to the allround development of child. b) A change in emphasis from the teaching of subject-matter to the directing of pupil growth. c) A change in emphasis from scholarship to personality development. d) A change from rigorous training to academic preparation. e) A change from autocratic discipline to greater pupil self-discipline. 12. The major responsibility with which school personnel have been entrusted is that of a) adjusting the child to meet the challenges of society. b) changing human nature to socially acceptable behaviour. c) help the child meet the demands of future life. d) revise the curriculum to conform to the nature and needs of the child. e) harmonizing the needs of the child and the demands of society for the benefit of both.


13. Educational Psychology should provide prospective teachers with a) knowledge of students social back- ground. b) principles insights and attitudes as points of departure for effective teaching. c) proper knowledge of modern teaching aids. d) mental strength to deal with everyday classroom situation. e) None of these 14. Which of the following is most likely to be characterized in the effective teacher? a) Emphasis upon group discussion. b) Refusal to help children in their personal problems. c) Emphasis upon the control of the immediate situation. d) Showing partiality e) None of these 15. Probably the best reminder a beginning teacher might take with him, into his class room is a) knowledge of modern teaching aids b) his fondness for children c) imparting proper knowledge d) disciplinary measures e) learning is effective to the extent that it involves the goals and purposes of individual children. 16. The greatest single cause of failure in beginning teachers lies in the area of a) subject-matter back ground. b) organisational ability. c) communication. d) inter-personal relations e) stimulating students 17. Which of the following is the most important single factor underlying the success of beginning teacher ? a) His personality and ability to relate to the class. b) His subject knowledge. c) His ability to maintain strict discipline. d) His ability to influence students. e) His intellectual ability.

18. The primary task of the teacher is a) to cover the entire syllabus. b) to stimulate and guide students learning. c) to know whether the students have good family background. d) to help them meet the challenges. e) to teach students how to solve a problem. 19. In helping students to make educational plans, it is unwise for them to a) choose a subject which is not interesting. b) select all their subjects from one field. c) learn typing with college preparatory subjects. d) plan their programmes a year ahead. e) None of these 20. In making occupational field-trips, the students should a) discuss their visits after returning to school. b) be prepared to ask questions from their guide. c) be always accompanied by the teacher. d) both (b) and (c) e) All the above 21. Experience has shown that the most feasible plan for utilizing occupational orientation programme broadcast by radio is a) the recording of the programme frontier communication playback. b) students should be asked to listen to it. c) parents should, make their wards listen to it. d) the bringing of pupils to listen to a direct lookup in assembly. e) None of the above 22. In making use of employment information it is well to remember that. a) student himself should select it according to his wish. b) descriptions in term of absolute adjectives are best. c) general information Should be given. d) recent primary sources are better than secondary ones. e) students should be given a class on it.

23. The teachers major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the student is best affected through. a) strict reinforcement of academic standards. b) strict control over his class. c) sensitivity to pupil, needs goals and purposes. d) imparting subject matter. e) meeting the challenges of life. 24. The field of education is permeated by conflicts and misconceptions largely because a) the syllabus is insufficient. b) scientific attitude is not implemented. c) the problem encountered in teaching are not amenable to rigorous scientific investigation. d) teachers fail to encourage students to think scientifically. e) improper teaching aids. 25. Which of the following has no potential for occupational information? a) An art class taught in the tenth grade. b) Biology class in secondary level. c) General class in High school. d) History class in secondary level. e) None of the above 26. A Career course should be aimed at a) encouraging scientific attitude b) motivating all students to think of a career c) developing the ability to make intelligent choice of jobs d) Both (a) and (c) e) Both (b) and (c) 27. The study of occupational information should be a) given after consulting their parents. b) introduced in connection with a programme of self-appraisal. c) postponed until the pupil is mature enough to choose a vocation. d) made a regular subject in Higher Secondary level. e) None of the above

28. Which of the following is least acceptable in the light of the modern concept of education? a) The entire responsibility of the mental and physical development of the student should be taken care in the school. b) Despite the importance of its other responsibilities, the school exists primarily for the purpose of developing the intellectual and the academic atmosphere. c) Importance should be given to the development of moral values. d) Theory and application of theory can not be separated, one can not exist without the other. e) None of these 29. Concerning educational films, it can be truthfully said that a) they are useful for students. b) motion picture production by school children has proved to be a failure. c) war developments advanced the educational use of films by decades. d) demand for educational films was there from the start. e) None of these 30. Which of the following is not a reason for the small scale use of radio for educational purpose? a) All subject matter does not lend itself equally to its use. b) Many teachers and administrators are not alert to its possibilities. c) We have been slow to give up our preconceptions of education. d) Teachers training Institutions have not been sufficiently energetic in the field. e) The evidence relative to its effectiveness is too inconclusive. 31. In education the term `Gang represents adolescentsa) anti - social elements b) female group c) male group only d) social phenomena e) people of low status

32. Research in the field of juvenile delinquency would lead the teachers and parents to believe that a) it affects students above. b) it is even worse in rural five areas than in urban society. c) it is because of the insecurity in society. d) it is seen in students who have only one parent. e) it is a problem having many roots. 33. According to school authorities a) children should be allowed to see all the programmes. b) community leaders have a responsibility for influencing television standards. c) parents should control their children. d) children should be permitted to choose the TV programmes they view. e) children should not be allowed to watch TV at all. 34. Rousseaus major contribution to modern education was a) Montessori Training b) Kindergarten c) Educational Psychology d) Use of teaching aids e) Philanthrophy 35. The first Kindergarten was started by a) Friedrich Froebel b) De Witt Clinton c) Benjamin Franklin d) William James e) Johann Pestalozzi 36. The effects of World War-II upon education are noticeable in the form of strong tendency to a) make the schools stronger supports for national policy. b) improve the articulation between high school and college. c) make people hate technological training. d) Only (a) and (b) e) All the above 37. The phrase Equal Educational Opportunity meansa) equal opportunity to have access to professional courses.






b) equal opportunity to choose the type of education one wants. c) equality of educational opportunity for each child. d) opportunity to go to secondary schools. e) equal opportunity to have the type of education which one is suited. UNESCO has as one of its many promising activities, a campaign to provide a) free education to people of high birth. b) universal, free, compulsory primary education. c) education for all adults of its member nations. d) awareness against the dangers of communism. e) compulsory education to students who areabove 15 years. A fundamental difference between the radio and the motion pictures is that of a) radio is more responsive to public opinion. b) radio programme is heard by a small group. c) movies have a bad influence on children. d) movies have no censorship. e) None of these When Locke spokes of Tabula rasa he referred to his belief that a) the doctrine of innate ideas is essentially correct. b) the organism reacts as a whole to stimulus. c) the mind starts from scratch in gathering sense data. d) the mind is composed of faculties to be exercised. e) the mind itself is a result of the process of evolution. In early Athenian education the Pedagogues was a a) Nobleman b) Slave c) Teacher d) Artisan e) Worker Which one of the following can truthfully be said of non-school, active agencies of social interaction? a) The less education people have, the more they use established recreational agencies. b) The largest items of the expenditure for leisure time activities are for those of a passive nature.






c) Adult sponsorship of youth serving organizations has proved undesirable. d) The community council should conduct activities, not just co-ordinate them. e) The organization of a community agency should follow a fixed pattern. . A basic ideal of a democratic society is a) the elected leader b) their strong belief in their leader c) respect for the enlightened individual d) others follow the leader unquestioningly e) None of these The education of primitive man included the elements which today would be termed as a) vocational and moral b) vocational c) religious d) moral e) All the above The major contribution of the ancient Greeks to modern education was their a) emphasis upon the development of individual personality. b) religious standards. c) emphasis on morality. d) emphasis on the welfare of the state. e) stress upon physical fitness. Which of the following is not one of the aims and purposes of UNESCO? a) Equal Education Opportunity. b) Help to formulate a lasting peace. c) It promoted unity among people of the world. d) Promote pride in nationalistic groups. e) Promote intellectual inter dependence. To educate according to nature means a) to learn human development in view with the law of nature. b) to return to the nature as opposed to artificial life. c) to learn the laws of nature and apply them in their study. d) None of the above e) (a), (b) and (c)

48. Dewey liked best, the following definition of education is that a) education cultivates individuality. b) education was life itself. c) way to gain knowledge. d) reconstruction of experiences. e) preparation for life. 49. Emotional maturity means a a) retardation in the development of the emotions as compared with bodily growth. b) low degree of sensitivity coupled with a high level of intellectual growth. c) extreme patience or sympathy towards problems involving other people. d) lack of control or inhibition of the emotions appropriate to ones age-group. e) lack of patience or sympathy towards problems involving other people 50. Teachers need to study educational philosophy mainly, because a) teachers are incapable of formulating their own philosophy. b) most teachers were ignorant of philosophy. c) most of them do not have a philosophy at all. d) they followed a wrong educational Philosophy. e) teachers may improve their work by clarifying their philosophy. 51. The problem child is generally one who has a) an unsolved problem b) a poor family background c) a poor heredity d) a handicapped brother or sister e) over protective parents 52. A pupil should definitely be encouraged to go to college ifa) he has an earnest desire b) he can afford it c) he has good marks d) All the above are true and if he wishes to go e) None of these

53. Platos theory called for an educational programme in which a) the unfit were to be eliminated and the fit located. b) his science was for workers, his dialectic for rulers. c) the validity of mental discipline was most favoured. d) life was education and experience to teacher. e) Teaching aids played no part. 54. To Plato, the main role of education was toa) strengthen the mental power. b) develop the power of contemplation . c) cultivate individuality. d) train each for a special vocation. e) Aid the learner to revise the lessons. 55. The best way to prepare students for the transition to the next step in the educational ladder is toa) take them to the school building. b) allow them to mix with students from the new school. c) prepare an attractive booklet about the new school. d) show colourful pictures. e) there is no best way for such orientation.

1. 6. (b) (e) 2. 7. (a) (e) 3. 8. (b) (e) 4. 9. (c) (c) 5. (a)

10. (c) 15. (e) 20. (e) 25. (e) 30. (e) 35. (a) 40. (e) 45. (a) 50. (e) 55. (e)

11. (c) 16. (d) 21. (a) 26. (c) 31. (d) 36. (d) 41. (b) 46. (d) 51. (a)

12. (e) 17. (a) 22. (d) 27. (b) 32. (e) 37. (e) 42. (b) 47. (e) 52. (d)

13. (b) 18. (b) 23. (c) 28. (b) 33. (b) 38. (b) 43. (c) 48. (e) 53. (a)

14. (c) 19. (b) 24. (c) 29. (c) 34. (c) 39. (a) 44. (e) 49. (b) 54. (b)

Unit - III
1. Which of the following is most important for a teacher? a) Classroom discipline. b) Subject he is teaching. c) Students of the class. d) Time available for teaching. The teacher should a) keep distance with his students. b) help the students to get good marks. c) do whatever needed to promote the welfare of his students. d) teach well and think that his job is over. A good teacher is one who a) is highly intelligent . b) lives simple life. c) has mastery over his teaching subject. d) has genuine interest in his students. One will have more chances of being successful as a teacher. If a) he belongs to the family of teachers. b) he is trained in teaching. c) he has ethical values and good character. d) he can organize his teaching materials systematically and convey the same effectively. A certain student wants to share his problems with his teacher. For this he visits his teacher at home. In such a condition the teacher should a) extend reasonable help and boost his morale. b) talk with students parents and solve his problem. c) ask him, never visit his home. d) suggest him to leave his family completely. Joining on the very first day of opening the session you take introduction of the students the primary objective of this introduction (for you) will be a) to develop friendly relations, with the students for smooth administration. b) to know about potential students who can serve you throughout the session. c) to know who can do the school job for you. d) to know about students potentialities along with their family status.






Suppose an intelligent boy of your class requests for a particular book from you. What decision will you take in this case? a) Try to discourage him. b) Tell the boy that it is not proper to help just one student. c) Give the book without any hitch for certain duration. d) Ask him to go to a library. 8. It is popularly said that any two students are not alike. The meaning of this phrase is a) the students differ. it) their familial and social status. b) the students differ in their physical make-up. c) the students differ in their mental make-up. d) All the above statements are correct. 9. Suppose you are an ambitious teacher. You have high ideals for class-room teaching but your hardlabour goes in vain. The reason is that the students result is not satisfactory. The reason, of this problem is a) the students have poor ,comprehension ability. b) the lack of right teaching method. c) individual differences among the students. d) your egoistic teaching behaviour beyond students own level. 10. Suppose a teacher has short height. Its creates an obstacle in utilizing the blackboard in a justifiable manner. Therefore: the students can not follow the lessons Inspite of utmost care taken by the teacher. In such a condition what would you like to suggest him? a) You complain to the Principal. b) You suggest him to make a temporary platform of bricks with the help of students. c) Good Atleast you can save your labour and clothes from dust particles. d) Collect donation from his students to reconstruct the black-board. 11. The teacher is called the leader of the class. The justification of this nickname is a) because he also has art of oratory. b) because he is the autocratic emperor of his class. c) because he is a member of a recognised teachers union. d) because he is making the future of the country in the class.


12. If a poor student is unable to deposit his monthly fees in time, what will you do in this condition? a) Strike off his name and ask him to get out of the class. b) You deposit his fees and give him opportunity to join the classes. c) Laugh at the student. d) Show no sympathy to the students on financial matters. 13. If a teachers personality is weak it is possible that his students may inherit this trait. The reason of this saying is a) students are encouraged to imitate their teachers. b) students imitate his teachers behavior. c) students always imitate the habits of their teachers d) students pass through developmental stages. 14. Spare the rod and spoil the child. It is a famous saying. Its contribution in modern class-room serves our purpose in a a) good manner. b) worst way. c) way to suit the modern world. d) manner to reform our society. 15. If you get an opportunity to teach a blind student along with normal students, what type of treatment would you like to give him in the class? a) You think that blindness .is the result of his sins, so let him suffer. b) Arranging a seat in the front row and try to keep teaching pace according to him. c) Not giving extra attention because majority suffers otherwise. d) Ask him to go to school for blinds. 16. If you would be a teacher, how would you like to behave with your students.? a) Cruely. b) Democratic. c) In an indifferent manner. d) As the conditions permit. 17. Friend Philosopher and Guide. The teacher has been glorified by this phrase because a) he is forced to enact all these roles. b) he transfuses the high values of the humanity into young ones sitting in the class-room. c) he is the great reformer and patriotic saviour of a nation. d) he guides all the students as a philosopher.

18. If students alleged you for making favouritism in evaluation, how can you deal with this problem? a) By threatening them. b) Making efforts to reveal the position fairly. c) By punishing them. d) Showing the students answer. books in order to satisfy them. 19. If a student becomes unconscious during the class, what will you like to do ? a) Go to the principals office and ask for help. b) Give first aid to the student and try to contact the school doctor. c) Sending message to students home and awaiting his parents. d) Call for the doctor and wait for his arrival. 20. While checking students answer books, all of a sudden you have finished red refill. You call a student, order him to bring a refill. What would you like to do in such a situation? a) You will give him required money for the purpose b) You will feel ashamed to pay such a small amount. c) You make the student buy one with his money. d) Will not think about the money. 21. A scheduled caste student is admitted in your class. The other class-mates treat him as untouchable and leave him in isolation. How would you give him better adjustment in the class? a) By putting examples by your own deeds. b) By advising. c) By punishing them. d) By justifying the plight of the down- troddens. 22. Suppose an intelligent student became maladjusted due to some family problems. As he has deep faith in you, he comes to you in this condition what will you do? a) You will not interfere in others family matter. b) You think patiently and suggest some favourable remedy. c) You gain satisfaction by knowing his familys weakness. d) You leave the child without solving his problem.

23. When you are ill treated in your class as a new comer then how will you deal with the students? a) Punish severely. b) Through warning of expulsion. c) Through improving your qualities. d) Quit the job. 24. You are in a hurry to reach school in the morning. Mean while your eyes go across the road, where your student met with an accident. What decision will you take under this critical condition of the student? a) You will leave the place in a hurry. b) You reach the site, look after the student after giving him first-aid report to the police station and rush towards hospital. c) You leave the place as you are already late. d) You become nervous when you see blood so you leave the place. 25. Suppose a student is a chain soaker and generally leaves the period or comes late due to smoking. How would you like to compromise with such a student in the class? a) Applying suggestive measures in isolatory conditions. b) Make him buy cigarettes for you also. c) Send him away from the school. d) Become his friend and share the habit. 26. If you give the student physical punishment up to his nervous break down, what will you do? a) Pray for forgiveness by. b) Repent over your foolishness. c) Never repeat such behaviour. d) Accept the fault and try to control him. 27. A student cannot see the black board clearly, therefore he stands, sees and sits repeatedly. It disturbs the nearby class-mates, what inference will you draw with reference to the students difficulty? a) Poor eye-sight of the student. b) The student may have defective eyes. c) The black-board may have shining effect of light. d) The student is creating mischief. 28. Suppose a child has hearing impairment but you have no idea about him. What will be your duty towards that child? a) Recognise the child and manage accordingly. b) Do nothing as this does not concern you. c) You send him to a specialist for treatment. d) Send him to a school for such students.

29. If there is a great problem of discipline in your school which disrupts the routine of the school what would you like to do to deal with such utter chaos? a) You will ignore it as it does not affect you. b) You will organise the discipline committee with the permission of the principal and implement its rules strictly. c) You indulge in one group of gangsters and try to control another trouble making group with its support. d) You think you are only a teacher and not a disciplinarian. 30. When you make a mistake while teaching in the class and your students point it out sharply then what will you do ? a) You will insult the child. b) You feel sorry for committing a blunder. c) You scold the child. d) You leave the class asking the student to teach. 31 . When students are deliberately attempting to disturb the discipline of the class by making numerous mischieve like throwing of chalks, whistling upon you, calling foul and obscene words, then what will be your role in that class? a) By giving severe punishments. b) Ignore those students who make trouble. c) Dismiss a few children as an indirect threat. d) Doing favourable efforts to judge himself and improve the mutual relations. 32. Suppose a child is devoid of social efficiency then what measures will you adopt to overcome this difficulty? a) Imparting him training to overcome the difficulty. b) Making him aware of the positive aspects of it. c) Laugh at the students. d) Admitting the student in a clinic. 33. If some students parent make a complaint that the child has developed the excessive habit of telling lies and never gives due importance to home work, what will you do? a) After due confirmation, be vigilant towards the child in future. b) Forget about the childs problem as parent has become vigilant. c) Insult both the student and the parent. d) Speaking high about your skills to deal with the child.

34. It appears that modern student are adopting innovative methods of flattery and short-cuts in their studies. What do you point it out remedial measures? a) You make them do your house. b) Try to protect ourselves a blunder. c) Favourable remedial may be implemented to make them strong and upright citizens, by the teachers. d) Will encourage as it is the trend of the society. 35. Generally an adolescent is full of anxiety, anger and tension. How would obscene his stress and strain? a) Through friendly relation private life and giving due emotional comforts In indirect. b) Suppress his anxiety. c) Laugh at him. d) Through rejection and leave him in isolation. 36. Some teachers, enjoy inflicting remarks on girl students in the staff-room. Being a junior subordinate you do not feel any pleasure in it but are unable to keep them quiet. What will you do in such a situation? a) Criticize them severely in their absence. b) Taping of the talks and report the matter to the principa. c) You dont participate in it. d) Insult them in front of the students. 37. If you will be the senior member of poor students committee, what will be your criteria to disburse the financial aid to the students ? a) Try to help your favourable students. b) Financial support must go to the desirable students. c) Financial support must be given to the students who help the teacher. d) You will be indifferent as it is an additional burden. 38. A student who is mentally retarded, can not follow your lecture and sit in a deaf and dumb manner. When you recognise him, what will you do? a) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him. b) you hate to sacrifice the majority for the individual. c) You behave in such a manner that leaves your class d) You do not support him at all.

39. How would you change the behaviour of a tobacco addict student in the class? a) You will counsel him for few weeks and provide the literature having harmful impacts of it on ones health. b) You inform his parents. c) You share it with the student. d) You do not take any action as you yourself are a smoker. 40. Suppose luckily you get an opportunity to serve in a minority institution. The casteism and narrow views are the rules of the place. As you have a little bit scientific out- look and you become prey of victimisation. How would you find your self in an equilibrium in such an institution? a) You will uplift the humanistic values beyond these narrow walls and develop them in your students. b) You will severely criticise them. c) You will revolt against them. d) You will pass out your life in a submissive manner. .41. Suppose you are a fresh appointee in a school, a girl student stays in school hostel through out summer-break and preparing for the competitive examination. Because she does not rely on officials she requests to collect her post at your postal address. What would like to do in that case? a) You refuse to give your address. b) You permit her on genuine humanitarian ground. c) You do not give permission as the request is not proper. d) You have some emotional attachment towards her, So you allow it. 42. Our students are having exact mirror-image of the modern societys corruption and indulge in antisocial acts. What will you do to cope with it in these circumstances? a) You will try to become a big political reformer. b) You will try to keep them away from such social evils. c) Control them through disciplinary rules. d) Before giving them lessons, make your personal life to emerge as an ideal teacher.

43. If you have been given the additional responsibility of the school library, you think that a) you are the exclusive reader as you are the exclusive worker there. b) it is the right of every student and you compel all students to read books. c) it is the right of all the teachers to make appropriate use of library. d) it is the exclusive right of Principal to make use of the library. 44. A high-caste teacher is biased with the scheduled castes students. What advise would you like to give to that teacher? a) Encourage his attitude. b) He should not behave against the national spirit and need of the hour. c) Advice him to shed his narrow thinking. d) Threaten him as it is against the constitutional provisions. 45. If your school is located near a slum area, in turn it affects your schools environment. What steps will you take to keep away your students? a) You will do service in the slum area. b) Ask the students not to visit the area. c) You will develop action-oriented plan for environmental education for children. d) Ask the students to serve the people in the slums. 46. If your principal indulges in corruption and forces you to co-operate how would you make compromise with such a superior fellow? a) You will not surrender to his wishes and gain support in your favour. b) Join him -unwillingly. c) Expose him to the students. d) You will be neutral as you cannot change the world. 47. Your school building is just adjacent to a Cinema Hall. It generates delinquency and spoil the young mind badly. Therefore, there is utter chaos in the school in the name of discipline. What alternative will you have in your mind to fight with this menace? a) Send those students out of the class. b) Make a discipline committee to watch out such students and give them rigorous punishment. c) Shift the school building. d) Make efforts to close the cinema Hall.

48. Suppose your student gets appointment in your school. Your behaviour towards him will be a) encouraging and friendly. b) critise him in every step. c) treat like an old young student. d) discourage and insult him. 49. Generally the teachers do not take pains on students postures in the class-room. What will you do for their improvement. a) You will enforce proper posture training in the class-room. b) You will inform the physical instructor severely. c) You will punish those students severely. d) You will just close your eye to the problem. 50. It is the daily routine that some students bring undesirable food items from the school-gate, You are full of sorrow to see this condition of your students, What is its remedy? a) Take legal steps to ban the peddlers. b) You will punish students who buy them. c) Inform the principal and leave the matter. d) Announcing on the prayer ground in the morning about the bad effects and ask them to avoid such practices. 51. Suppose some students indulge in pornographic painting in the schools toilets and other places on, walls and you nab a student busy with the work, What option will you prefer with the student? a) You will leave it as it is the common problem of adolescents age. b) You will reasonably punish him and ask him not do it again. c) You will punish the whole class. d) Sent those students out of the school. 52. A scheduled caste student is visiting the class only to get his scholarship. What provisions will you make to attract his attention towards education. a) Make insulting remarks on the caste and the parents of the child. b) Tell him about the importance of education in ones life. c) Rebuking the child in front of other students. d) Feel that the scheme itself is a national waste.

53. In selecting a monitor in your class which criteria will you follow? a) On the basis of democratic ideals (Through election). b) On the basis of their social status. c) On the basis of their academic qualification. d) On the basis of their potentialities. 54. Now a days students have throat-cut competition to sit on front benches in the class. To overcome this problem you will be making, seating arrangements. What will be the rationale of seat allocation to the students? a) The age and height of the students. b) The economic and social status of the student. c) Their capacity to learn. d) Your personal relationship with the child. 55. While travelling in a train, all of a sudden you, recognise your old student who is passing without any salutary mark. What will you think in such condition ? a) You will be cursing the attitude of modern students. b) You will feel frustrated. c) You will think that the student cannot recognise you. d) You will introspect in relation to your students for further improvement. 56. Which duties would you like to be carried out by the monitor ? a) Strictly follow your order, and work as a slave. b) Control your class in your absence. c) Enquire into the problems of the students d) Help in your house-hold jobs 57. What I like about teaching is that it is the a) most peaceful job. b) resort of even the least competent persons. c) most challenging job. d) most lucrative job because of the scope for private tuition.

58. Which of the following provides more freedom to the learner to interact? a) Small group discussion. b) Use of film projector. c) Viewing the countrywide classroom programme on TV. d) Lecture by experts. 59. Which of the following is most desirable for a teacher? a) To be punctual in the class. b) Clear, precise and systematic presentation of the subject matter. c) To be strict disciplinarian. d) To be permissive in the class. 60. What will you do as a teacher if the students do not attend your class? a) Blame the students for their disobedience. b) Keep quiet considering the present attitude of students. c) Think of using some interesting methods of teaching . d) Know the reasons and try to remove them. 61. If you take your mid-day meal to school, what will be your mode of taking meal during recess hour? a) You share your meal with one or two of your close colleagues. b) You will go to the canteen and have your food in seclusion. c) You take food in isolation due to family customs and personal inhibitions. d) You share your food with all the staff- members and enjoy-it in your group. 62. Whenever you give an order for tea in staff-room, then you remember a) the total number of people. b) of expenses. c) health of the colleagues. d) about yourself. 63. Suppose a few teachers are busy in cracking filthy jokes during their leisure time in school, you are also member of that group but unable to stop them. What would you like to do to . a) You persuade them not to waste their leisure time in filthy jokes. b) You will leave the place at once. c) You criticise and remind them of their noble profession. d) You instruct them to mind their language while cracking jokes in school.

64. When your boss exercises his powers with an attitude of malice how would you avoid confrontation under this condition? a) You tolerate because he is your superior. b) You wish to take revenge. c) You imagine that god must give him punishment for his untrue act. d) You keep promise not be surrender against the wickedness. 65. How would you behave with student's parents on the eve of parent-teacher association being observed in the school? a) You will keep quiet as they are strangers. b) Nicely, so the parents can feel satisfied that the teacher has given due care. c) In an indifferent manner as you are not interested to know the parents. d) Uninterestingly, devoid of emotions. 66. When a co-worker gives you a mental shock, then what will you do? a) You will hate him. b) You will pay him back in the same coin. c) You will pardon him. d) You will think do good and forget it. 67. Suppose your colleague either commits theft or has torn out your postage from school due to jealousy. How would you overcome this problem? a) You abuse him and hand him over to police. b) you will also do the same to him. c) Once you catch him and warn him severely. d) You reveal him to the students. 68. Suppose a colleague is living in your colony but you have no affinity with him, the reason of it may be, a) his rude behaviour. b) he belongs to a different sect. c) your inferiority complex. d) his selfishness. 69. If your colleague deliberately neglects you inspite of your courteous invitation, the reasonable cause of it may be, a) inferiority complex. b) he feels superior. c) he considers you his enemy. d) personal conflicts in family.

70. If your colleague entangles you in the act of negligence of duties with the help of the principal how would you behave with him? a) You will abuse him in front of the colleagues and students. b) You will take revenge on him. c) You will neglect him. d) You will keep yourself alert and make his efforts unfruitful. 71. You become rash when some inadequate behaviour is shown by others. When you show such behaviour in relation to others, what do you think? a) You justify yourself saying you are senior staff. b) Behave as you expect from others. c) You dont bother about others feelings. d) You always become rash in case of maltreatment given by others, so try to control yourself. 72. In general, it seems that the schools have become the place of politics instead of teaching in modern age. Suppose you get appointment in such a school, what would you join this situation a) You will try to suppress teachers participation in active politics. b) You will work hard to free the school from certain political leaders. c) you will free yourself from political activities and pressures. d) You will accept the membership of the ruling political party. 73. suppose your principal is penalizing you deliberately. You do your best efforts to make him happy. But he deals with you as his enemy. What would you do under this situation? a) You will always abuse him. b) You will keep quiet as you have elderly honour for him. c) You will insult him in front of the students. d) You will never bow to his wrong will.

74. If you have all the potentialities to become an efficient teacher but the schools adverse conditions do not help you. How could you adjust with this reality? a) You will continue your excellent efforts inspite of the unfavourable conditions. b) You will try to force the administrative machinery to control the conditions. c) You will work unwillingly as you cannot change the situation. d) You will be indifferent to the issue. 75. It is said that political power defeated the administrative power. You are also an eyewitness of it. How could you accommodate yourself under these pressure? a) With your moral courage you will defeat politics. b) You will try your best to remain confirm to your duties. c) You too will follow the trend. d) You will work against your conscience. 76. When your friend invites you on feast then what do you do in these conditions? a) You go only when he is very close. b) You will go because one should give due honour to invitation. c) Tell him about prior engagements d) Try to avoid him for a few days. 77. Suppose your friend has just left the home on scooter along with his son, immediately you hear the news that they met with an accident. What will you do in this case? a) You wont go there as you have poor relations with him. b) You will rush immediately and extend all possible help keeping in mind that this is not the time for personal enmity. c) You will visit him the next day saying you only came to know it just now. d) None of the above. 78. You will demonstrate your impartial behaviour through a) criticizing all other teachers. b) maintaining your own high self-esteem and egoistic behaviour. c) making your own behaviour, more balanced and fair. d) assaulting the teachers infront of the students.

79. If a teacher requests you to do a favour in a girl students evaluation, what would you like to do in this situation? a) You will advice him. b) You will scold him for his loose morality. c) You will remind him the grace and morality of being a teacher. d) You will evaluate the answer-book honestly and give marks accordingly. 80. What will you do in case of a sudden death at the place of your friend? a) You wont go even after getting intimation. b) The next day you go with your wife. c) You rush immediately at such occasions. d) You usually dont keep such social norms. 81. When a co-worker is blessed with a son and he desires some financial assistance from you, then how would you extend your co- operation to him? a) You try to neglect him. b) You extend all types of support as you have intimate relationship. c) You just formally ask for any sort of assistance desired by him. d) You put forward some lame excuses.

1. 6. 11. 16. 21. 26. 31. 36. 41. 46. 51. 56. 61. 66. 71. 76. 81. (c) (d) (d) (b) (a) (d) (d) (b) (c) (a) (b) (b) (d) (d) (d) (b) (b) 2. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27. 32. 37. 42. 47. 52. 57. 62. 67. 72. 77. (c) (c) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (d) (b) (b) (c) (c) (c) (c) (b) 3. 8. 13. 18. 23 28. 33. 38. 43. 48. 53. 58. 63. 68. 73. 78. (d) (d) (b) (d) (c) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (d) (c) 4. (c) 9. (c) 14. (b) 19. (b) 24. (b) 29. (b) 34. (c) 39. (a) 44. (b) 49. (a) 54. (a) 59. (b) 64. (d) 69. (d) 74. (b) 79. (d) 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80. (a) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (c) (d) (d) (d) (b) (d) (b) (c)

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