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Golden Triumphant Review Center: Professional Education

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c.We want parents to understand us, as we

GOLDEN TRIUMPHANT understand ourselves
REVIEW CENTER d.Living forward; understanding backward
Libertad, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
9.What role does the teacher assume as
Contact No.09096583228 “ a sage on the stage?”
a.Dispenser of Knowledge
b.Facilitator of learning
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION c.Authority to impose rules
d.Mentor to students
1.Under the Field and Gestalt principles of learning,
these are given stress by the teacher 10.How does Voucher System ( assistance for
EXCEPT_______. public school students to enter private school )serve
a.observational learning c. modelling students from the disadvantaged sector?
b.imitation d. behavioural conditioning a.Increase academic achievement
b.Remove gap between private and public schools
2. What culture can be introduced so that a school c.Remove social stigma
can advance competencies through knowledge- d.Eliminate bureaucracy in school admission
based teaching?
a.Culture of collaboration 11.As teachers are responsible for millennial
b.Culture of constructive learning learners, high technical competency will
c.Culture of ethnicity require__________.
d.Culture of research media skills c.internet surfing skills skills sourcing skills
3. .In Kohlberg’s post-conventional moral
reasoning, which is NOT the source of motivation 12.These characteristics can be found in Montessori
to perform good actions? schools’ scientific pedagogy EXCEPT________.
a.Universal principles c.Social contract a.rigid focus on the trained Montessori teacher
b.Punishment/ obedience d. Law and order b.development of innate human tendencies
c.self construction by interaction with environment
4.What is meant by the acronym NCBTS? d.spontaneous operational development
a.National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
b.National Competency Basic Teacher Standards 13.Before teaching his subject, Mr. Roxas gave
c. National Competency Basic Teaching Standards students a _____________to determine what
d. National Competency –Based Teacher Standards students already know before he still deliver the
5.What kind of questioning technique is used when test c. pre-test
the teacher asks a series of questions that serves to b.summative test
explore, look into, and inquire?
a.Rephrase c.Repeat 14.What is the reasonable objective of measurement
b.Redirect d.Probe of the True Value of the quality of knowledge of
subject matter?
6.What assessment is judgement of students skills a.Accurate measurement
e.g.measurement of pants? b.Exact measurement
a.Self c. Summative c.Perfect measurement
b.Peer d.Performance d.Approximate measurement

7.What is proven by many ways to define the

a.It depends on experts
b.It has various perspectives 15.What is the moral influence over those who
c.It is fragmented regard freedom, justice and equality as of
d.It is confusing and vague paramount value for a nation, e.g. national heroes?
8.What is the outstanding and desirable attitude a.Universal principles c.Social contract
among those who are in their late adulthood ( 60 b.Mutual benefit d.Social approval
years and above)?
a.More years are before us: time to stay put 16.How can the school conform to the standard of
b.Time for work, time for love the Total Quality School Model?
a.Continuous improvement
b.Empowerment b.Hands-on training with younger peers
c.Involvement of the community c.Teacher digital club
d.Clientele focus d.Teachers ban to buy personal computers

17.The first smile of the child usually from six to 26. Among illustrative verbs for stating learning
ten months is known as________________. objectives, which does NOT apply to cluster of the
a. sunny child c. social smile following cognitive objectives?
b.smiley face d.bright baby a. To explain c. To realize
b. To define d. To cite
18.Teachers should be firm but not rough and so
students who lose control and threaten others must 27.How can education ease Cyber abuse and
be restrained, one appropriate way is________. crimes? emotional burst of anger a. Use media
b.get help from colleagues/ superior b.Integrate module on the issue in Social Studies
c.ignore as if nothing happened c.Use poster advocacies
d..use corporal punishment d.No entry in Cyber cafes during school hours

19.What philosophy is being applied by the DepEd 28.How does the teacher cushion the impact of not-
in allowing the use of local dialect in early learners so-good points that students need to know and
in regional settings? improve on?
a.Essentialist philosophy a.Don’t mention negative points
b.Linguistic philosophy b.Start with positive points
c.Existentialist philosophy c.Report negative by the way of a note or notice
d.Behaviorist philosophy d. Give positive points after the negative

20.Of the processes of human development, which 29.In Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning, at
is NOT purely biological in nature? what level do children view morality by which of
a.Language development c.Hormonal change individualized principles of conscience?
b.Growth in height d. Brain development a.Conventional level
b.Post-conventional level
21.To what cause is generally blamed for the failure c.Mezzo-conventional level
of independent study among students? d. Pre-conventional level
a.Late schooling c. High dependence
b.Lack of reading materials 30. What kind of question should Teacher Fe ask
d.Hyper-active children after presenting a lesson on animal protection and
situations that endanger species?
22.What philosophy of education is behind the now a. Complex interrelated questions
prohibited practice of teachers who used physical b.Specific to situations
punishment to instill discipline among students? c.Students feedback on the presentation
a. Essentialism c. Existentialism d. General queries on animal protection
b.Behaviorism d.Progressivism

23.What kind of help can most likely be effective

for the shy and timid students? 31.What form of feedback is providing information
a. Disciplined guidance on each other’s learning?
b.Persistent counselling a. Formative c. Self
c.Tolerance b. Summative d. Peer
32.In teaching the units of the course, teacher Ellen
24.Why is education not equitable as evidenced by uses varied________like drills, demonstrations to
lower achievement scores in remote regions? keep the lessons on track.
a.Highly centralized bureaucracy a.supplemental materials c. methods
b. Mismanagement and corruption b. digital tools d. visual aids
c. Lack of schools and teachers in far-flung regions
d.Poor infrastructure in the regions 33.Which of the following information about
student is least confidential?
25.What is the best initiative to remain senior a. family background
teachers for the use of technology? b.personal problem
a.Require use of power-point for lectures c. periodical test results
d. intelligence test results d. care for community of life species

34.What competencies are expected of BEED and 42.What class activity can Teacher Lenie apply so
BSED graduates? that the class can be made familiar pros or cons
I. Higher level literacy and critical thinking arguments that agree or disagree on the legalization
II.Principled understanding of the learning process of divorce in the Philippines?
III.Assuming responsibility to sustain professional a. Film viewing c.Photo language
growth b.Debate d. Role playing
IV.Achievement as agent of change in education
a.I, III and IV c.II and III only 43.What factors are important for effective
b. I, II and III d. II, III and IV instruction following Outcome-based education.
I.Unique nature of the learner
35.The skill of ____________ to break down II. Competencies demonstrated
information into component parts is a skill that III. Appropriate methodologies
should understand and help students acquire. IV.Exclusive use of indigenous materials
a. tolerance c. analysis a.I, III and IV c.II,III and IV
b. sharpening d. focusing b.I, II and III d.I, II and IV

36.If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then 44.Child development occur in human beings
the proof of learning from_______. following a__________course for every child.
a.testing c. assessing a. diversified c. unique
b. grading d. examining b. common d. complex

37.Which is the most limited in scope among 45.What is important in initiating differentiated
definitions of the curriculum? instructional process such as in a multi-cultural
a.planned learning experiences classroom?
b.set of courses a. Record documentation
c.plan of action b.Error analysis
d. system to deliver c.Entry level indications
d. Performance assessment
38.Teacher Cruz asked his students to imitate and
play –act the Romeo and Juliet scene.What learning 46.How is positive reinforcement best employed so
technique is he employing? that class work can be both motivating and
a.Tasking c. Simulation rewarding to students?
b.Panel discussion d. Tutoring a.Monitor performance
b.Record grades of tests
39.In assessment of learning, which is the easiest to c.Acknowledge good work
assess in the sense that visibly demonstrated? d.Isolate slow learners
a.Knowledge achievement
b.Emotional maturation 47.Teacher Elli proceeds with learning activities
c.Literacy appreciation without letting his students know intended learning
d. Skills acquisition outcomes from lessons.What has she neglected
along principles for learning
40.How does a teacher explain the norm-reference a.Learning is a collaborative process
grading to parents? b.Learning begins by setting clear expectations
I.Describe the standard of mastery c. Learning is an active process
II. Explain what each grade means in terms of the d.Learning is discovery of meaning
standards of mastery
III. Shows each student grade in comparison with 48.Tecaher Mimie gave focus to clusters in her
the other students class whose behaviour can have a ripple effect on
a.III c. II discipline and work tasks. She
b.I d. I and II uses________approach in classroom management
a.behavioral modification c. acceptance
41. Which of the following is NOT considered as b.assertive d. group management
one of the principles that contribute to “ sustainable
development” 49.Teacher Ina’s willingness to share her time and
a. improve quality of life on the planet talent with fellow teachers especially performance
b.conserve the earth’s diversity of extra-curricular tasks is a demonstration of her according to one’s lifestyle professional________.
a. reliability c. buoyancy a.Interdisciplinary c. Child-centered approach
b. cooperativeness d. friendliness b.Subject matter-centered approach
d. Multi-disciplinary
50.What malignancy affects the young who feels
himself/herself a failure, such as to be that “ if at 59.From the cluster of meaningful learning
first you don’t succeed, don’t ever try again? activities, to what does environmental study
a. Sociopathy c. Antipathy belong?
b. Ruthlessness d. Inertia a.Kinesthetic c. Naturalistic
b.Existentialism d. Behaviorism
51.What is the quality of lesson content that gets the
active attention of learners? 60. What philosophy of education is taught by Satre
a.Interest c.Feasibility when he said, “ Man is nothing else but what he
b. Balance d.Self-sufficiency makes of himself”?
a.Perennialism c.Essentialism
52.Which program directly embodies both the pre- b.Existentialism d. Behaviorism
service and in-service program for Teachers?
a.Teacher Education Development Program (TEDP) 71.A supervisor observed a teacher and noted that
b.Basic Education Curriculum(BEC) the teacher was the only one taking during class.
c. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda(BESRA) What was the supervisor looking for the in the
d.K-12 Program class?
a.Shortening talk and more activity
53.What kind of learning is involved when the b.Teacher drawing out student response
teacher requires students to bring into use, employ, c.Students allowed to talk during lecture
exercise, implement, practices and use some d.Voice projection and loudness
principles, concept or items?
a. Evaluation c. Application 72.What practice advances the integration of special
b.Synthesis d.Analysis children in the regular classroom?
a.Grade acceleration
54.In which stage of learning does a child manifest b.Use of audio-visuals
that a skill is learned? c.Special education classrooms
a. acquisition c. maintenance d.Mainstreaming
b. proficiency d. correlation 73.For teachers, what is the most laudable motive
for participation in professional development
55.How is “assessment for learning” different from a. Promotion and higher merit pay
“ assessment of learning”? b.Support for training programs
a.It is for determining student c.Optimal use of time and resources
b.It is for enhancing learning d.Continuing professional growth
c.It is for rating class performance
d.It is for determining class standing 74.What kind of humor is inappropriate for defusing
tension in the classroom?
56.Of the following which exemplifies collaborative a.Funny bloopers c. Comic humor
learning? b.Folk humor d.Sex Jokes
a. Internet surfing c. Team project making
b.Self-directed learning d.Journal writing 75.According to researches, what is the likely effect
of excessive TV viewing and video games playing
57.In 2010, only 15% of BEED and 25% of BSED among children?
graduates passed the LET.What should be done to a.Shorter attention span
prevent the low performance of graduates taking the b.Decreased communication skills
LET? c.Increased violence among the young
a.Revive objective setting instead of TOS d.Curtailed creativity
competencies outcomes
b.Lower tuition fees in TEI’s 76.To what cluster do models, replicas, charts,
c.Implement selective admission in TEI’s graphs and specimen belong?
d.Review existing teacher education curriculum a.Lesson objectives c. Learning activities
b.Resources and materials d. Evaluation
58.I use my lesson in biology to teach universal procedures
values like perseverance in my Values Education
subject. Which characterizes my approach?
77. For bodily-kinesthetic learners, which activities d.Passing of LET
will appeal and be appreciated when assigned to
them? 86.Who is the overall intended participant in Parent
a. Lecture on body movements Teacher Community Association( PTCA)?
b.Illustration of body parts and functions a.Students c.Community
c. Displays of sports equipment b.School officials d.Non-teaching personnel
87.Which kind of education best equips the global
78.What cognitive ability is stressed by the teacher in a borderless world?
question: “ Describe realities during the Hispanic a.Formal education c. Multi-cultural Educ.
and American times in the Philippines”? b.Inclusive education d.Alternative education
a.Generalization c.Application
b.Summation d.Comparison 88.What gives the physically disadvantaged Filipino
children the right to education?
79.What can Teacher Ed assign in order to assess a. Home Study Program
the students individual learning experiences and b.Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
performance using innovative documentation, such c.Magna Carta for Teachers
as text, photos, and other items and documents? d. Distance Education
a. Journal c. Portfolio
b.Field research d.Audio-visual project 89.What is the focus of the K-12 Senior High
School Program?
80.What is a useful tool for constructivist learning a. Social Communications
in presenting the characteristics features of b.Humanities
object/subject in a lesson, e.g. in Biology c. General Education
a.Narrative frame c.Fishbone diagram d.Technical-vocational training
b.Attribute wheel d.Venn diagram
90.What was stressed by the education curriculum
of Spartan education?
81.What course program needs to be developed in a.Moral and wisdom c. Crafts and vocations
order to teach sustainable development to counter b.Science and virtue d.Training soldier-citizens
the abuse of Mother Earth that is happening in
many parts of the world today? 91.What program aims to reduce the gap between
a.Technology in Education low social status and educational opportunities for
b.Planned Parenthood deserving students?
c.Environmental education a.National Achievement Test
d.Social Change b.Education Service Contracting Scheme
c.Annual Fiscal Allocation
82.What type of school classroom builds the “ d.National College Admission Examination
learning to live together” climate of teaching-and
learning in school? 92.What is a form of emotional bullying which
a. Cooperative c.Autocratic should be prevented?
b.Individualistic d.Competitive a.ridiculing c.spanking
b.punching d.pinching
83.What is the first step in Goddel’s reading skills
ladder? 93.What can Teacher Danny do in order to generate
a.Basic sight words c.Vocabulary reading ideas in planning a sports competition activity?
b.Phonetic analysis d.Use of dictionary a. Demonstration c. Brainstorming
b.Conference d.Simulation
84.What is the essential characteristics of the new
Performance Appraisal System for 94.How can students best learn the democratic
Teachers(PAST) process in election applicable to selection of class
a. Practice-based c. Knowledge-based officers?
b.Competency-based d.Values-based a.role playing c. discussion
b.simulation d. lecture
85.What is the primary legal prerequisite for
employment of teachers in basic education schools? 95.Presently what has become the home library of
a.Attendance in the Teacher Induction students for vast and updated information?
b.Conduct of a Teaching demo a. Internet c.Fan magazine
c.Passing of the Interview Program b.Newspaper d.Facebook
DAY 1 skills
96.How is behaviour of children classified when sourcing skills
they are shy and withdrawn from classmates?
a.Moral c.Psychological 104. Under RA 10912 or the Continuing
b.Intellectual d.Physical Professional Development Act of 2016, how many
CPD units are required for the renewal of the
97.Why do we need collaborative learning in the teacher’s professional ID card(PIC) every three
teaching of Social Sciences? years?
I.To discourage destructive competition among a. 36 c. 45
learners b.30 d. 40
II. To give opportunity for learning to live together
III. To give opportunity for synergy among learners 105. A supervisor observed a teacher and noted that
a.I only c. II only the teacher was the only one talking during class.
b.I and II d. I, II and III What was the supervisor looking for the in the
98.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic a.Shortening talk and more activity
of constructivist teaching? b.Teacher drawing out student response
a. The teacher-facilitators processes learning where c.Students allowed to talk during lecture
students are encouraged to be responsible and d.Voice projection and loudness
b.The activities are interactive and student-centered
c.The environment is democratic. 106. PE teacher John wants students to learn the
d.The learners are passive rules in basketball in a practical way. What kind of
simple, inexpensive method can he use to achieve
99.In an inductive approach to teaching Araling the outcome of student knowing and applying rules
Panlipunan, with which does teacher begin her in the game?
lesson? a.Lecture-demonstrate-simulate
a. Conclusion c. Details b.Use successful athletes as resource persons
b.Generalization d. Abstraction c.Lecture using video
d.Play and be skilful in the game
100. You want student to pair provinces with
capitals. Which written test will be most 107. What technology integration is achieved by
appropriate? teacher Nero who creates a rich learning
a. True or False c. Monitoring type environment in which students regularly engage in
b. Completion d. Essay activities that would have been impossible to
achieve without technology, e.g. their own
101.What program aims to reduce the gap between powerpoint presentation of lessons?
low social status and educational opportunities for a.Infusion
deserving students? c. Adoption
a.National Achievement Test b.Transformation
b.Education Service Contracting Scheme d.Adaptation
c.Annual Fiscal Allocation
d.National College Admission Examination 108. Teacher Ivy avoids drills out of context. She
gives real-world Math problems for students to drill
102. In 2010, only 15% of BEED and 25% of on. Teacher Ivy is very much convinced of which
BSED graduates passed the LET.What should be principle of learning?
done to prevent the low performance of graduates a.Learning is a cooperative and collaborative
taking the LET? process.
a.Revive objective setting instead of TOS b.Learning is the discovery of personal meaning of
competencies outcomes ideas
b.Lower tuition fees in TEI’s c.Learning is an active process.
c.Implement selective admission in TEI’s d.Effective learning begins with setting of clear
d.Review existing teacher education curriculum expectations and learning outcomes.

103. As teachers are responsible for millennial 109. What is a concrete proof that a teacher as a
learners, high technical competency will public servant and/ or official has violated- RA
require__________. 6713’s mandate to demonstrate “ modest lives media skills appropriate to their positions and income?”
c.internet surfing skills a. Extravagant and ostentatious wealth
b.Peddling undue patronage a.challenging b. scaffolding
c.Inefficient use of public funds c.inspiring d.motivating
d.Political party affiliation and
115.According to Tolman’s theory on purposive
110. Among schools, which best exemplify behaviourism, learning is goal-directed.What is its
academic collaboration? implication to teaching?
a.School district zones a.Evaluate lessons based on your objective/s
c.School ranking b.Set as many objectives as you can
b.Consortium c.Stick to your objectives/s no matter what happens
d.Academic competition d.Make objective/s of your lesson clear and specific

116.Two identical beakers A and B are presented to

111.Teacher Fatima tells her students: “ You must the child.Teacher Sonny pours the liquid from B to
be honest at all times not only because you are C which is taller and thinner than A and B but has
afraid of the punishment but more because you equal capacity with B. The teacher asks if the
yourselves are convinced of the value of beakers A and C have the same amount of
honesty.”Based on Kohlberg’s theory, which level liquid.The child says “ NO” and points to C as the
of moral development does the teacher want her beaker that has more liquid.In which cognitive
students to reach? development stage is the child?
a.Coventional level a.sensorimotor stage
b.Between conventional and post conventional c.Pre-operational stage
levels b.Concrete operational stage
c.Between pre-conventional and post conventional d.Formal operational stage
d.Post-conventional level 117.To determine her student’s level of moral
development,Teacher Evangeline presents to her
112.Sassi, a Grade 1 pupil is asked, “Why do you class a morally ambiguous situation and asks them
pray everyday?” Sassi answered, “ Mommy said what they would do in such a situation.On whose
so.”Based on Kohlberg’s theory, in which moral theory is Teacher Evangeline’s technique based?
development stage is Sassi? a.Bruner b.Kohlberg c.Freud
a.Pre-conventional level c.In between d.Piaget
conventional and post conventional levels
b.Conventional level d.In between 118. Which of the following which best described
pre-and post conventional levels David Ausubel’s meaningful learning?
a. When what is to be learned is a new an easy for
113.Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher the students.
provide in the formal operational stage? b.Materials presented are difficult and challenging
a.Stimulating environment with ample objects to to the students.
play with c.When the material to be learned is related to what
b.Games and other physical activities to develop students already know.
motor skills d.Students find the lesson easy and relevant to what
c.Activities for hypothesis formulation was assigned to them.
d.Learning activities that involve problems of
classification and ordering 119. In Freud’s Psychonalytic/ sexual theory, an
individual whose feelings are directed towards the
114.To help a student learn to the optimum, opposite sex is in the______________stage.
Vygotsky advises us to bridge the student’s present a. Genital
skill level and the desired skill level c.Phallic
by______________. b.Latency
apply this principle, what can teacher Nancy do
120. Erikson claims that what an individual with her Oral English communication class?
learnsduring babyhood persist throughtout life. a.Make students critique each other’s performance.
Which fact about human development does this b.Make students prepare higher order thinking
point to? speeches
a.Early foundations are critical c.Require a scoring rubric to judge performance.
b.Development is affected by culture d.Assign students in English Oral Communication
c.Allindividuala are different in a graduation program simulation where each
d.It follows a definite predictable pattern student has a speaking assignment.

121.Of the following, which is LEAST authentic 127. For bodily-kinesthetic learners, which
mode of student performance assessment? activities will appeal and be appreciated when
a.Artistic production in art assigned to them?
b.Oral performance on communication skills a. Lecture on body movements
c.Experiment as a scientific method b.Illustration of body parts and functions
d.Paper-pencil vocabulary test c. Displays of sports equipment

128. Mrs.Inton is evaluating a website for her

122. I want to be highly objective in checking Literature class. She is making sure that factual
answers to an essay test. Which can help? pieces of information found on the site are well
a. Correct all the answer of students, one after documented and pictures and diagrams are properly
another. labelled .She is also checking that there are no
b. Know whose answers you are reading misspelled words nor grammar errors. Which
c. Deduct points for grammatical errors. criterion is she focusing on?
d. Correct all student’s answer in one number first a.appropriateness
before checking the next c.motivation
b. clarity
123. Teacher Grace is done with unit 1.She wants to d. accuracy
know how well her students could demonstrate the
knowledge and skills targeted at the beginning of 129. Teacher Ann sees to it that her class sees the
the unit. Into what form of assessment is Teacher importance of the grammar lessons in English and
Grace? so gets intrinsically motivated to learn. In which
a. Assessment OF Learning level of processing is the class expected to act?
b.Assessment AS Learning a.cognitive
c.Assessment FOR Learning d. b. Metacognitive system
Assessment FOR and AS Learning c.Self-system
d.Between cognitive and Meta
124. Teacher X discovered that his students are
weak in writing skills. Which test should teacher X 130. What comprises the spiral approach in teaching
administer further determine in which other skill(s) Math in the K to 12 curriculums?
his students are weak a.Teach Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry in
a.formative Grades 7, 8 and 10 respectively
c.diagnostic b.Give autonomy to schools in choice of Math
b.placement subjects
d.summative assessment c.Teach Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry only
to higher grades
125. Teacher Dada wants to test students acquisition d.Progressively teach Math concepts from Grade 1
of declarative knowledge. Which test is and continued to Grade 10.
a.Performance test c.
Short answer test
b.Submission of a report d.

126. Assessment should be on real world

application and not on out-of-context drills. To


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