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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Malilipot, Albay


The “Education Act of 1982” otherwise known as “Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, Chapter
3, Sec. 15 states that every student shall:
1. Exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service, particularly by undergoing an
education suited to his abilities, in order that he may become an asset to his family and to
2. Uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve academic excellence
abide by the rules and regulations governing his academic responsibilities and moral
3. Promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing the rules and
discipline, and by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow students,
the teaching and academic staff and other school personnel.
4. Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare, particularly
the social, economic and cultural development of his community and in the attainment of a
just, compassionate and orderly society.
5. Exercise his rights responsibly in the knowledge that he is answerable for any
or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of others.


1. Students enrolled in San Jose National High school should act in accordance with the
rules on student conduct and discipline.
2. Disciplinary action may be imposed upon a student for violation of the rules and
of the school.
3. Maintain the cleanliness of the school and help build a healthy environment conducive to
4. Avoid acts that will bring disrepute to the good name of the school.
5. Maintain good rapport with fellow students and regard school personnel with respect and

Students are required to be in prescribed school uniform.
1. The prescribe uniform for for boys of the Junior High School Department shall be: white
continental polo with dark gray collar and piping (1/4 inches) along the seam of the sleeve
and has one pocket (front) with school seal, three small pleats (left side bodice) and a pair
of black pleats: dark gray pants with front pleats and dart at the back and close shoes
preferably black and socks.
2. The prescribed uniform for girls of the Junior High School Department shall be: white
with dark gray sailor’s collar and piping (1/8 inches) along the seam of the sleeve; dark
skirt which is two inches below the knee with one center pleat and four sides pleats (front
and back); dark gray necktie with three dart pleats and with embroidered name of the
school- SJNHS: closed shoes preferably black and socks.
3. The prescribed uniform for senior high school (boys): white collared polo with a small
patch on the left side indicating the school name and track; navy blue slack pants; black
leather or rubber shoes and white pair of socks.
4. The prescribed uniform for senior high school (girls): white collared blouse with blue
piping along the seams of the sleeves; a small patch on the left side of the blouse
indicating the school name and track; navy blue neck tie; navy blue slack pants and black
5. PE uniform can be worn any day of the week as required
6. The school may adopt changes in the school attire provided there is a prior consultation
with the parents


The school issues Identification card to student which should be worn properly at all
times within the school premises. It can be used in any transaction in or out of school. In case of
loss, the concerned student shall report it immediately to the adviser for replacement upon
payment of a required fee.


Students are expected to comply with the grooming policy of the school.
1. Male students should be in barber’s cut which is two (2) inches above the ear and three
inches above the collar line. Haircut line design is prohibited.
2. Girls are expected to keep their hair neat at all times.
3. The following are inappropriate to the grooming code of the school and therefore not
for the students to do or practice;
a. Wearing of earring for the boys and more than a pair of earrings for the girls
b. Outlandish hairstyles, unkempt and unusual or distracting color of hair
c. Painting of tattoo in different body parts and body piercing
d. Wearing of hats, caps, hoods and sunglasses inside the room or building
e. Over accessories

The following are student offenses that warrant disciplinary actions:

Minor Offenses

1. Absenteeism, cutting classes and tardiness

2. Failing to wear the proper school attire
3. Wearing of cap and the like inside the school building especially inside the classroom
4. Wearing of earrings for the boys and more than a pair of earrings for the girls, outlandish
hairstyles unkempt and distracting color of hair, improper haircut, painting of tattoo in
different body parts, body piercing and over accessories
5. Littering (plastic cups, bottles, candy wrappers or any waste inside the school campus
especially inside the classrooms and corridors)
6. Loitering and staying inside or outside the school during class hour.
7. Use of electronic communication devices like mobile phones, i-pad or any similar gadgets
during class hour except when allowed by the teacher for learning purposes. Charging the
same in school is prohibited.
8. Unruly behavior during assemblies, religious services, etc.
9. Refusal to wear the school ID promptly and placing stickers and other objects on it.
10. Sitting on tables, standing on benches, sitting with feet up or legs wide apart
11. Writing or drawing on a fellow student’s books and notebooks and other personal
12. Borrowing without returning
13. Refusing to obey a student leader when the latter is discharging duty or representing an
14. Spitting elsewhere
15. Not giving letters to parents
16. Teasing fellow students
17. Simple act of disobedience

Less Grave Offenses

1. Cheating and stealing

2. Possession or consumption of tobacco products or e-cigarettes
3. Gambling, betting or possessing gambling paraphernalia within the school premises
4. Unauthorized solicitation of contribution/donation using the name of the school
5. Involvement in fistfight
6. Preventing or threatening students or faculty members or other school authorities from
discharging their duties or from attending classes or entering school premises
7. Unauthorized entry in the campus and/or unauthorized use of school facilities, equipment or
8. Use of profane or foul language and gestures to insult or embarrass another
9. Bringing and drinking intoxicants or liquor or manifesting drunken behavior inside the
10. Spending entrusted funds for personal use
11. Irresponsibly playful like pulling of chair away when one is about to sit; hiding another’s
property; blocking another’s path etc…
12. Unbecoming conduct that brings disrepute to the good name of the school
13. Jumping over the fence
14. Urinating elsewhere or in inappropriate places
Grave Offenses:
1. Assault or infliction of physical or verbal injury on another person including persons in
2. Carrying and concealing deadly weapons
3. Vandalism, writing, defacing, and tearing or destroying school properties like chairs, tables,
windows, books, laboratory equipment and others
4. Possessing, selling, pushing and using of prohibited drugs, chemicals or substances that
hazardous to health
5. Membership or affiliation in fraternity and sorority or organization whose objectives are
contrary to laws, morals and standards of good society
6. Practice of immorality, sexual assault and harassment.
7. Instigating or participating in concerted activities leading to and/or tending to create
unnecessary noise, disturbance, disruption or stoppage of classes
8. Forging, tampering, altering or misusing school records, documents or credentials
9. Hazing in any form or manner whether inside or outside the campus
10. Possession, distribution or publication of pornographic materials or subversive documents
11. Circulating false, malicious or scandalous statement against a school official, teacher,
employee or even a fellow student
12. Gross acts of disrespect in words or in deeds which tend to ridicule a teacher, school
or school personnel
13. Use of social media in the proliferation of crimes such as cyberbullying, identity theft,
stalking, defamation, harassment and other related crimes
14. Disgraceful and immoral conduct
15. Selling stolen goods in school
16. Disrespectful to national flag and national anthem
17. Extortion or asking money or any article of value from others
18. Misuse or loss of organizational funds or loss/destruction of financial records
19. Bullying in any form such as: cyber bullying, physical bullying, social bullying and gender
based bullying
20. Voyeurism and exhibitionism
21. Disobedience to lawful orders of school authorities

All other offenses not herein enumerated but can be considered as punishable offense
shall be subjected to disciplinary action.


The following sanctions shall be imposed upon erring student commensurate with the
nature and gravity of the offense.

Category First Offense Second Offense Third Offense

Minor Offense Class Grade Level School Discipline
Adviser/Subject Disciplinary Officer Committee
Teacher Year level chairman
Oral reprimand and Written Reprimand Probationary
counseling and Warning Conference with the
Conference with the parent and counseling
parent and counseling Subsequent offenses
maybe a ground for
suspension or transfer
Less Grave Grade Level School Discipline School Discipline
Offense Disciplinary Officer Committee Committee
Year level chairman
Written Reprimand Probationary Suspension
and Warning , Conference with the Conference with the
Conference with the parent and counseling parent and counseling
parent and Subsequent offenses
counseling maybe a ground for
transfer or dismissal
Grave Offense School Discipline School Discipline School Discipline
committee committee committee
Probationary Suspension
Conference with the Conference with the Transfer/Dismissal
parent and parent and counseling


There shall be a committee which will handle grave or major offenses which shall be
composed of a chairman, vice chairman and members from both JHS and SHS faculty to be
designated by the school principal. There should also be designated disciplinary officer per
curriculum level and two faculty as determined by the disciplinary officer in the grade level
where they are assigned.


1. Minor offense shall be handled by the subject teacher or class adviser. If the same offense
is committed by the concerned student the case shall be referred by the class adviser to
grade level disciplinary officer. For subsequent offenses the case shall be referred to the
school discipline committee. The discipline officer shall inform the respective parents of the
parties involved. When students of different grade levels are involved, the jurisdiction of
disciplinary officer shall be based on the grade level of the primary offender.
2. A teacher or any school authority who witness a student committing any of the acts
categorized as less grave offenses shall refer the same to the grade level disciplinary
3. A student victim of wrongdoings by another student shall report the incident to his/her
who shall determine whether it is a minor, less grave or grave offense.
4. For grave offense, the committee shall convene not later than three days after the receipt
the incident report and referral slip from the referring authority.
5. The School Discipline Committee shall inform in writing (duplicate) through the advisers
parents/guardians of the students apparently involved in the case.
6. The decision of the School Discipline Committee shall be final and executory unless the
aggrieved party not satisfied with the decision of the committee files a written appeal with
the principal within two days after the decision has been rendered.
7. Disciplinary action imposed upon the student shall be reported in writing (duplicate) to the
parents/guardian immediately after the decision has been promulgated.
8. A student offender who is put under probation is expected to demonstrate good behavior.
Failure to do so can be a ground for suspension.


All decisions made by the School Discipline Committee shall be referred to the office of
the principal with anecdotal report and other supporting documents.

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