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Alpha Sexual Power Vol 3

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Volume 3

Sexual Psychology - Part 4

Sexual Roadmap - Part 1-3

2011 Morpheus Productions, LLC. - All Rights Reserved

Sexual Psychology - 4

Gratification rules, we are talking about sexual psychology, what are

gratification rules? Well, these are the rules that we work by that
allow us to feel like weve accomplished something or that we are
gratified that weve satiated ourselves. There is pain and pleasure.
They are primary gratification rules that we all work on.

Pain, I consider pain to be a 100% more motivating than pleasure,

and for the simple reason that, well, first of all, its a moving away in
most people. If I understand this correctly, I believe that most people
are moving away in terms of their filter, their perceptional filter that
we talked about earlier. We move away towards pain much more
readily and much more actively than we do moving towards pleasure.
When we are in pain, all of our other motivations just shut down
because we are in pain. Your body and your mind, they are totally
constructed to be a pain avoidance mechanism. So we seek to avoid
and move away from pain at all costs, even if it hasnt been
experienced yet. If we think its coming, we are going to try to avoid

We become blind to any kind of rational thinking when we are in

pain, and the big thing we are thinking of, of course, is the pain of not

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having any sex. That is a real, legitimate pain, because sex is a
primary drive, a primary motivation for human beings.

You maybe familiar with Maslows hierarchy of needs where they talk
about you have this base need for food, water, shelter, and on top of
that with all these other needs are layered on top, and having sex and
procreation is right there after the whole needing food, shelter and
water. But at the top of that pyramid, after youve got all those other
things done, thats where actualization with self-growth comes in.
Now, the unfortunate things is for a lot of guys right now, in order to
get that sex they desire so much, they have to jump to the top of the

This is a big revelation if you think about it. Maslows hierarchy of

needs says that you cant get to those higher levels on the pyramid
until you get those other levels taken cared of because like if Im
starving right now, I really could give a shit about what kind of self-
growth class Im going to be going into next week. Ive got to feed
myself. Ive got to survive. Survival comes first.

Then considering that sexuality and the ability to have sex and sexual
connection and then emotional connection that we have with people
is also a very basic need. It comes right after that. How do I get to
the point where I get that stuff when I need to go right to the top of
the pyramid and start figuring these things out and learning them as

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skills? Its a difficult jump to make, to jump to the top to get to the
lower layers, and this is why you have to find ways to kind of satiate
those needs to get yourself gratified before you can get to the levels of

Okay, this is a really important distinction here for you guys to

understand this. Its going to be a big aha for you. If you are in a
constant state of pain, you are not going to be able to see. Because
you are blind to rational thinking, you are not going to be able to see
the things you need to see.

Okay, pleasure, how is the pleasure principle works? Well, it

motivates, but its not as strong as pain is, of course. Pleasure
motivates us as we are moving towards value, but it does not motivate
as nearly as much as pain does. The result is this, if you give a woman
a result she wants, shes going to feel value from you. Im turning this
pain-pleasure principle and gratification rule around in a way that
you can leverage for more connection with women.

If you can give a woman a result that shes looking for, whatever it
may be, whether its a realization, whether its a fun interaction with
her, whatever it may be, shes going to feel there is value in that
interaction. This is how you communicate value to a woman by not
being focused on being higher value. Okay, a lot of gurus, a lot of
seduction experts are constantly telling you to be a higher value guy.

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There is some validity to that, but unfortunately, it becomes way too
big a focus for most guys.

You want to communicate value to a woman by giving her results

shes looking for, where she can feel the value. If she just sees a guy
that is higher value, yeah, there is some attraction there, some
desire, but its not real for her. In other words, the second you are out
of her sight, she can forget about you and there is no value anymore.
The value she feels she now can move towards and understand. Not
getting that value becomes pain that she will experience, the pain of
withdrawal, the pain of you not being there. I hope you understand
that difference. Thats really distinct too. Oh, and all other value that
fake will not work nearly as well as giving her that value.

Lets go to the example, a gas station. The normal price for one gallon
of gas, lets say its $3.50. God knows when you are watching this it
could be $10, who knows? But the normal price for a gallon of gas is
$3.50. Now, I give somebody an offer #1 as Im trying to market my
gas station and I want to give somebody a special offer so they come
and get my gas, and I say, You know what? Come on to my gas
station and I will give you ten gallons of gas for $31.50. Okay, well,
they work out the math and they can figure out that, Okay, ten
gallons times 3.50, thats $35. Subtract 31.50, and thats 3.50 Im
saving. They have no real obligation to take you up on that. There is
nothing that really makes it urgent. It doesnt make it very

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interesting for them. Its like, Im getting a little discount and 3.50,
big deal.

Let me give you special offer #2 in contrast. My gas station, Im going

to market it this way, One gallon free, no strings attached. Come on
in to gas station and you can get one gallon of gas for absolutely
nothing. Who wouldnt take me on that? Who wouldnt come in and
say, Wow, a free gallon of gas. No problem. I mean, yes, I want it if
its a free gallon of gas. Im going in and doing that.

How many of the people would take you up on that fill up? Ask
yourself, how many people do you think will take you up on that? I
think quite a few because once you drive into a gas station and you
put that hose in your gas tank, you are not stopping at one gallon.
You are going to keep going. Do you see where Im going with this?

Based on the reciprocity alone, you are going to get a much higher
take rate, many more people are going to come in to your gas station
and want your gas, because, I mean, the free gallon is a lure in itself,
which is great, but they are not going to stop at one gallon. They are
going to fill up their tank. Forget about the fact that your hose is in
their tank, but you know what I mean. You are already in there. You
already got them taking your gas. Which one of those offers makes
the most sense to you? Okay, I think it should be very clear that the
one gallon free is the much better offer.

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This is how value works in a persons mind. What they get with the
initial investment, the upfront thing they get and take away from you
is going to be the thing that feels most valuable and will want them to
come back for more. This is just a declaration of higher value, but it
doesnt have any real bite to it. Yeah, sure, its ten gallon for 31.50.
There is a discount there. Its a better value. But so what? Even if I
said ten gallons for $28, you would be like, Okay, so its like $5 or 6,
I dont know, or something like that or $6 off or whatever. Its still
not very enticing. Yeah, there is a discount there. But when I say one
gallon free with no strings, its a totally different offer, isnt it? You
need to be the person out there giving one gallon free to everyone. Do
you think she would turn you down for a fill up?

Im going to leave this sexual analogy right where that one ended.
Okay, so you get the idea here with pain versus pleasure principle and
how to truly motivate women with sexual attraction. I hope that the
gas station example made it clear for you.

Sexual keystones, the sexual keystones are chemistry and safety.

These are the lynchpins. These are the anchor points, if you will, on
how to create sexual attraction with women, chemistry and safety.

Chemistry is attraction and rapport. Its attraction and rapport.

Attraction is that feeling of, Oh, I like that. I want that. Rapport is

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a sense of, I can connect with them. It does not normally follow
attraction, but think about this, being able to connect with someone
creates a bridge between safety and chemistry. Thats what rapport is
about in a lot of ways. Rapport is a way of creating a sense of
connection between the safety factor and the chemistry factor in
women, in their minds, when you are trying to connect with them,
and its important for that reason. Of course, you want chemistry
with a woman, but you also have to have the safety, and if you can
connect the two using rapport and connection, dude, you are gold.

Safety, being protective, in other words, its being protective without

being controlling. You could provide a safe situation for a woman, a
feeling of safety around a woman, a safe bubble, a safe zone, if you
will, but doing it without being controlling or dominating. We are
talking about, in this course, about being the dominant man, but you
dont need to be dominating to be dominant.

Now, when a woman resists your protection, I want to caution you

here because a lot of guys run into this. When it comes to chemistry
and safety, when a woman resists your protection or literally refuses
that feeling of safety that you are trying to give her, there is a problem
there. Thats a red flag.

Ill give you an example of this. One of the ways that men do that
safety thing is through chivalrous behavior, opening doors for

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women. Now, whether you realize or not, opening a door for a
woman is kind of a safety thing. Its got elements of safety in it and
protection. Thats really what its about in a lot of ways. Its not only
courtesy, but its also safety and protection.

Some women get a little bit not happy about that. They like to run up
to the door and open it themselves. Ive seen this. Ive seen it quite a
bit. These are women that have issues with their sexuality, and I want
to caution you to watch out for that. So youve got to be protective.
Youve got to go to that safe zone as well as give her the chemistry, the
feeling of, Oh, there is something there. The two are not in conflict.
The two are complementary.

Those are keystones of all sexual communication and sexual

attraction. Again, we are going down the road here, so this is going to
be a little bit further down the road to get there. To get action out of a
person, pain. Typically, pain is the way to get it, and I hate to say this
in this kind of term, but pain plus urgency plus the possibility of
pleasurable result. This is how you get somebody to do something is
you give them pain plus urgency plus the possibility of a pleasurable

Its kind of the universal equation that helps somebody take action.
Thats how we take action. If I perceive there is pain coming up the
road, and guess what, I can no longer avoid it. Ive got to do

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something about it and then I add in, Hey, you know what? Its
possible that if I take care of this business, Im going to feel a whole
lot better and there is going to be pleasure at the end of this situation.
Im going to have a complete picture for getting myself motivated to
do something.

Pain is sometimes the potential loss of pleasure once theyve gained it.
So for that woman who came into your gas station to fill up with a
free gallon of gas, the potential loss of not filling up the rest of the
tank or like if you come out and you offer to clean her windshield or
you offer to check the air in her tires, the old school method of gas
stations. Pain is sometimes the potential loss of pleasure once theyve
gained it.

Now, I want to caution you here because this is bordering on

manipulative behavior. If I come up to a woman and I give her a fun
time and then I take away that fun, thats a way to motivate a person,
but its also possibly manipulative like, Im going to take away your
toy and Im going to ground you. Im going to take away this fun
thing that you are having and the fun time that you are having and
you are grounded. That becomes punishment. Be careful about that.
Because the pain then becomes associated with the person that we
feel is responsible for it.

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Ive seen guys do this in relationships where they have fun with
women, but at the first sign that shes doing something he doesnt
like, what does he do? He takes away her toys. He takes away the
fun. He basically controls through manipulation this way. Its kind of
tyrannical behavior, and then what happens is she builds up
resentment in her. The pain is now associated that she feels its
associated with that person that she thinks is taking her toys away
from her.

Just make it simply implied with your attitude. You dont actually
take away their toy. You make it implied that, You know what? If we
are not hanging out with each other, you are not getting this, and you
might not be able to hang out with me. So what do you think? You
are not really doing it as a carrot or stick, but its always a potential.
You want to hang out with a woman because of the good feeling shes
going to give to you and the good situation you are going to be in and
the possible sexual situation, and all these things drawing into that.
The possibility of not having that is painful, and it draws you into
different behaviors because of it.

All right, enough said on those motivational stuff. I want to talk

about really quickly after sex. I want to tell you that the focus after
sex with a woman changes things. After you have sex with a woman,
because we are getting to this point now where we are talking about
how to close the deal with women, I want to remind you that in

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psychology, after you get to sex with a woman, the focus is going to
change. Things are going to change at this point.

If she is a resister, remember we talked about resisters and non-

resisters. If shes a resister and she has strong resistance, shes going
to assume that there is a relationship there. If shes the type of
woman that typically resists sex and tries to hold back from it because
she sees it as her power tool, her power over you and her power in the
relationship, well, if she gives that up, shes going to assume that
there is a relationship here now. Shes going to have some sort of
established connection.

If shes not a resister, she may, and the keyword is may, assume
nothing. She might assume there is nothing there, and you might
have to work to actually get a relationship if you would like to sleep
with her again. There is a very distinct difference on how those two
types of women behave.

No matter what, you are obligated as a man to reassure her after sex.
Call her the next day. This is simple stuff. Okay, this is by the
numbers. You call her the next day no matter what your intentions
are, whether they are to sleep with her again or not, you call her the
next day just to connect with her to give her a sense of reassurance.
Its a clich, but its actually completely true, Ill call you tomorrow.
Ill call you later. Do it. Actually, do it, even if you dont want to

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sleep with her again, just do it. Its not going to obligate you to more
sex. Its pretty easy to get out of that. Dont worry. You do need to do
this though because you dont want to burn your bridges too many

A good friend I know have three rules that he went through his life
with, and Ill give you these three rules because I think they are pretty

1. Dont burn your bridges.

2. Dont bite the hand the feeds you.

3. Dont mistake my kindness for weakness.

They are pretty good rules. Because the reason you are doing this,
this reconnection is because she fears that the disconnect and the
thought of being used, and you dont need to do that to a woman. Its
simply not necessary. So that connection with just that call is a good
way to reconnect.

Plus she might have buyers remorse. Thats an awkward emotional

place for a woman. After she has slept with you, shes just lowered
her defenses. She has let you into her body, possibly into her house,
in her world, in her life, and there are so much risk and so many
things that go on with this. You have to understand, this is why
women make it sometimes arduous for guys to get where they want to
go. She may have buyers remorse. Youve got to understand, this is

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an awkward emotional place for a woman. She has just let you into
possibly her apartment, her bed, her body, her mind, her feelings.
There is so much vulnerability at this point. She might have buyers
remorse, so you have to understand there is an awkward emotional
place here. She might be thinking, What did I do? Where is this

There is a broad instinctual anxiety thats going to be raised up when

she first has sex with you, whether she wants to admit it or not. She
will disconnect first to make a preemptive strike. A lot of women do
this, they will disconnect from you or they will try and push you away,
mentally and emotionally, just to kind of make it what it was, Okay,
so we had sex whatever, and then later on she can totally redefine the
rules to not make that sex.

If you persist, you can usually keep her, even if she does this on you.
Its not a big deal. If a woman tries to disconnect and push you away,
its not because shes just trying to get rid of you, although sometimes
it is, the reality is that most women would like to keep the connection

Whatever you do, please dont proclaim love at this point. You are
not in love. This is really important for guys to understand. Love
does not equal sex. Sex does not equal love, although they can later
on and they can actually augment and add to each other, dont

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proclaim love just for lack of anything better to say, Oh, I think, you
know what, I just knew I was in love with you from the first time.
No, cut that shit right out there. Dont do that, but wait. If its still
early on, you need to wait. Again, one of my ground rules is Im not
going to be in love with any woman until at least three months, and
that would be the earliest. So even if I feel it, Im still going to wait.

The number one thing to do after sex, do you know what it is? No, its
not throwing away the condom, but its eat or drink. Its a kind of
lock everything up, seal up the loose ends. Eat and drink, its great.
Go and get some food. Share some food together. Its a great way to
reconnect and kind of take away that awkwardness that happens.
Dont fall asleep right away. Men have this need to sleep. Its a
biological thing. Youve got to fight that. After sex, grab something
out of the fridge, have a little food, snack, something thats sexy.
Women often feel energized after sex. Youve got to recognized that
you falling asleep seems like a disconnect to them. Its the number
thing. Its a little clue, a little side thing there, eat or drink after sex.
Its a great thing to do to seal it up.

So the after sex might seem like its like, Oh-oh, out of place. I
thought we are talking about psychology. Its a psychological factor
to consider because of the way women are made up about this.
Sexual psychology and sexual desire in women, we are going to finish
up here. Sexual desire in women and how women are turned on and

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how they feel, being physically turned on is to disconnect her from
her being turned on psychologically.

Im saying this over and over again because its a really important
point for guys to understand. They can get way far in and turn off the
lights on you, and totally shut everything down. It means you can
stop it anytime, even when you cant. So you are going to find points
of frustration in there. Youve got to recognize it. Youve got to stay
in control of your emotions, even when you are heightened in your
sexual excitement and its going to lead you to possibly some
emotional reactions, dont go there.

A womans brain circuits are literally not connected the same way that
yours are. She literally does not have a connection between, Oh my
God, Im so hot and physically hot right now, and the rest of her
brain, its not connected there and theyve done tests on this and its
important thing to understand.

Here is another part of the womans sexual psychology that you need
to realize, and this is very basic and very important to know. Men
want a womans desire. We want a woman to want us. We want her
wanting us and needing us almost. Women desire only to feel the
desire of men. Think about this for a second. Yes, she wants to have
the same things you do, but women are more attached to, and more
connected to, and they see much more vividly another mans desire.

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This is why women tend to flirt quite a bit more. This is a primary
reason that you have to broadcast sexuality in your conversation. She
doesnt want to feel intellectual interest. She wants to feel actual
desire from men.

This is what women are actually including on. If you read their
romance books, if you read things that women are drawn to in terms
of erotica, they want to feel the desire of men, in general, not a
specific man, but the desire of men. Thats how they validate their
existence and sometimes their feelings of self-worth. By
demonstrating desire to a woman, because I just said the primary
reason that you have broadcast sexuality, is to give her that feeling of

By demonstrating desire, you are going to immediately spark a primal

interest from her. Its something she cant control. So when you
demonstrate desire for her in the right ways, you are going to be fast
forwarding to attraction. Okay, dont do this play it nice guy thing.
There is a reason why some of the bad boy stuff really works with
going in with the harder edge and a much more grrr.

The reason for the dark secret that if you just pursue a woman
valiantly, that she will almost always give in eventually, and there is a
dark secret and Im revealing this here now, and that is that if you do
persist and just chase after a woman enough, and I know you can

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totally play the nice guy thing in this too, you can still have that
woman after a time. You will probably get a shot at her eventually,
and I know this goes in the face of everything that all the seduction
guys are trying to teach you, but think about this for a second because
it is important.

She will probably almost always give in eventually, but will you have
the kind of relationship that shes going to stick with? You better be
able to go into the switch tracks into the right kind of behavior once
youve gone there. Its a dark secret, but again, most guys will tell
you, No, you mean, you can be the nice guy forever and shes still
going to keep you around as an orbiter and a friend. The truth is
that eventually shell probably give in. She will probably just by virtue
of wanting to feel that desire, she will give it a shot, but youve got to
be able to really change gears when that time comes.

So, think persistence of desire, how resilient is your interest in her?

Is it passing or is it fleeting? Because if its strong and its resilient
and its persistent, shes going to feel it and shes going to know it
from the fake stuff. Thats really important. A woman knows when
your attraction for her is the I just happen to see you and I think you
are attractive versus Whoa, dude, Im like totally digging you. You
are just like, oh, man. Thats a different kind of desire, and when you
can communicate it to her, thats when you trigger this instinctual
need, the need to feel that desire, that flow of desire from you to her.
Its really, really big.

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All right, we covered a lot of deep stuff in this particular class. Weve
gone through every element of psychology that you really need in
terms of women as well as how to understand them. Wow, take a
deep breath. Take some time. Maybe review this section again
because there is a lot of stuff in here, and then I want you to move on
to the sexual roadmap. From there we are going to go into much
detail about the process of going from this attraction to the bedroom
with a woman.

We are going to cover how to have your social status and how
important that is, handling stepping stones, all the good stuff around
what is the actual roadmap, the stepping stones from A to Z and going
to basically sleeping with women. We will cover that in the next
section. Take a little breather though. That was a pretty deep and
intense section, and come back for the sexual roadmap.

Sexual Roadmap 1

We are now on the sexual roadmap. This part of the program is

specifically geared towards laying out the significant milestones that
lie between when you first meet a woman, when you make that first
eye contact and the eventual whoopee in the bedroom. We want to
know all the little stepping stones that are in between because there is

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a few landmarks you really need to know about and some landmines,
unfortunately, to be able to navigate that territory well.

So lets start with the process of learning and what the sexual
roadmap is all about, and the process of learning goes back to a
concept thats in every area of self-growth and self-learning really,
and its also independent of you. In other words, whether you like or
not, these are going on behind the scenes.

The first stage in the process of learning is that you are unconsciously
incompetent, meaning that you dont know that you dont know. You
dont know what it is you are doing wrong. You dont know how to do
it. This is nowhere more apparent than when youve taken on a new
hobby or you are trying a new sport. Lets say you start karate for the
first time in the first class you go to. Well, then you become
consciously incompetent, which means you know or you are aware
that you are not competent at this particular thing and you need to
develop that.

The first stage is probably the easiest to get past because you dont
realize that you are even there until its pointed out, until you actually
choose something that you want to do, that you dont know how to do
and then you immediately go into the consciously incompetent mode.
Thats if you have a healthy ego and a healthy self-perception because
a lot of guys can still sit in a case of denial or they wouldnt even let

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themselves admit to themselves that they are incompetent at this new

The next stage is you become consciously competent. Okay, so you

work hard after youve realized, Oh, you know what? I really dont
know what Im doing. Ive got to work hard at this. Ive got to get
better. After practicing, practicing, practicing, you become
consciously competent, and then the ultimate, if you will, in the
acquisition of a skill is to become unconsciously competent. In other
words, you know what you are doing so well that you are not even
aware that you know what you are doing. Its just happening, and
thats a state of flow that is often talked about in modern literature
and a lot of stuff that you hear about these days.

State of flow, being that state that you get into where time seems to
pass, like unbelievably fast, you lose yourself in whatever it is you are
doing. You are not even aware that you exist. You and the activity
almost become one. Its a very spiritual, almost Zen-like state that
you get into and its really awesome. I get there all the time when Im
playing guitar. You have to be, first of all, because you cant make the
music do what you do, you have to a part of the music and go along
with the music. And it goes with anything else, with the martial arts, I
have to go quickly from consciously incompetent if I dont know a
new technique to consciously competent, Okay, I can do this thing,
to then being able to do it without thinking about it, and thats what
the most repetitions usually involved. Its going between steps 3 and

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4. So be aware of the four steps and the process of learning because
they will give you a clue as to where you are at and how you need to
work at it.

If you are unconsciously incompetent, you dont know. You just need
to seek out the information. When you are consciously incompetent,
you need to seek out the training and the guidance to be able to get
that skill correctly, which is where you maybe coming into this
program. You may be consciously competent in many of the areas
that we are talking about with sexual power. Thats fine too. That, in
that stage, you want to practice and repeat. You dont want to add
new material. You want to just keep practicing and repeating until it
becomes unconsciously competent.

All right, so elevating your social status, what is this about? There is a
really important thing you have to understand when it comes to
sexual power, and especially in the roadmap of going from just
meeting a woman to getting her into the bedroom and getting the sex
or whatever your goal maybe in terms of intimacy. So the truth is that
could be any number of goals, even short of having sex with a woman.

One of the things you want to do is to be able to AMOG guys out

nicely. Now, Im going to close that for a second while I talk about
this. If you are not familiar with what AMOG means, it means Alpha
Male Other Guy, or it means the other dude that maybe horning on

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your space is competing with you for this particular woman or
whoever it may be.

Now, youve got to be able to learn how to AMOG guys out nicely, not
aggressively because the Alpha man does not do that. He just simply
doesnt. Not because hes some goody choochoos, but because he
understands that physical confrontation or physical violence should
be avoided in all situations. Thats what I do in all situations. Even
though I know I could handle myself in a physical altercation, Im not
going to try and create that just to satisfy my sense of tough guy.

So Ill give you an example of a story, and Ive just talked about this
one before. Its very important to be able to pull up a good example.
There was a time a few years back when I was seeing this one girl and
she was, lets just say, hot. She was hot, and she and I had known
each other for years and this was our first opportunity to get together
because she finally was between boyfriends, and circumstances come
around. So we know whats going to happen, but we are dating

We are meeting at this bar in a local area here in the Peninsula near
San Francisco, and I meet her there. I get there late at night, well, its
not late, but its somewhere close to elevenish or something like that.
I had just gone to some mixed martial arts thing and I met her there,
and sure enough, I come in and I had been texting her the whole way

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letting her know where I am and all that. I get there, and there was a
guy talking to her.

Now, how could have I handled that situation? I could have

immediately gone, Oh man, some other dude is trying to get my I
could have gone in that route. I could have gone, Dude, what are you
doing, man? Get the fuck away from my girl. I get that aggro thing
going on, but I didnt. What I did is I walked up and I introduced
myself politely, Im like, Hey man, how are you doing? Hey, how are
you doing? Im Carlos. Yeah, yeah, cool. How are you doing, Jeff?
Yeah, yeah, okay, cool, man. I just totally, totally played the
friendship thing, and Im like, How do you guys know each other?
And hes like, Oh. And you can tell the guy was a sloppy drunk and
she didnt even want him around, but I had to play this along.

The second I get jealous and aggro and weird, shes going to be
weirded out and not sexually attracted to me. So yeah, sure enough,
withing two or three minutes, hes kind of like, Oh man, you know, I
didnt mean to interrupt you and your girl and everything, man. Im
leaving. Thats cool. And hes a sloppy drunk, hes stumbling, but
hes perfectly fine, and she really, really liked the way I handled that
because I didnt have to go in all aggro. I knew that I have my value
going into the situation. Thats how you AMOG a guy out nicely is
you are really cool about it.

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If you have to do it mean, then that shows that you really are
insecure, and thats going to immediately lower your value. Again,
social status, how would the top dog act? He would not act like hes a
jealous, total insecure freak, so use that. Use humor to lower the
status of others. This is a very effective tactic as well, and I cant go
into all these details. I would like to in the roadmap about this
because this is actually kind of a tangent topic in itself, but using
humor lower the status of other people. Its a very effective way of
amogging other guys out, or kind of nudging them out of the picture.

The reason why is because with humor itself, you can always blame it
on, Dude, I was just messing with you, man. Dude, I was so totally
fucking with you. As a matter of fact, thats one of the tactics that I
use on a regular basis. If you can do this, there are guys Ive known
who do it all the time where they mess with the guy really, really hard.
I mean, to the point where you are thinking they are trying to be a
dick to him, and the other guy, if he starts to pick on that, he will be
like, Hey man, that isnt funny. He gets all indignant, and the other
guy is like, Oh dude, come on. We were totally messing with you,
totally messing around.

Of course, they werent. They were trying to push his hot buttons and
try to get him to that point where he gets all, Aah. And once a guy
has gone to that zone, he looks like the dick. It doesnt matter who
else pushed them there, if he let himself get into that emotional state,
his social status becomes lowered immediately so you have to be able

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to watch out for that from other guys, with other guys trying to turn
you into the dick and your ability to be able to push others to the
point of making themselves look like dicks because thats really where
it lies. Thats power right there where you can be like, Oh, it wasnt
me, man. I was just messing around with you. You are the one who is
getting all freaky and weird. And of course, the woman will see this
and immediately lose her attraction for him.

So you do this until there is selection signal from her that says you are
in. In other words, you have to maintain high social status and social
status presence. I dont mean this to infer that you need to be what
we push off a lot as the high status male thing where, actually its not
so much as high status male as it is the man who is the prize; hes the
one with all the value, superior value, displaying higher value, and
that sort of thing. Guys get really hung up on that, and if you push
that as a point, it wont be believed. It wont be trusted. It wont be
truthful. So keep in mind though that you do need to elevate your
social status relative to other people as much as possible through
legitimate means, and you keep doing it until there is a signal from
the woman that says, Oh wow, cool.

You walk like you own the world. Social power is an internal and
external signal to your brain that you are important. In other words,
having social power tells other people that you are important, but it
also reinforces to you that you are important. I have to admit. I have
some friends that Ive made in the last years that are very powerful,

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wealthy, influential and successful men, and I feel myself privileged to
be their friends, of course, but its also a real signal to my brain, You
know what, if I can hang with these dudes, Im worthy, man. I am in
that class. Im in that league. I can totally hang with those dudes.
Thats an incredible message to your subconscious mind, and its one
that you need to leverage.

Its also a foundation of social power really. Walking like you own the
world, like you do and its a certain amount of self-delusion, but its a
healthy self-delusion. Its not that you really think you are the hottest
shit anywhere or anything like that, but you do have to carry a bit of
that fake until you make it or show it before youve made it, because
really in all reality any person thats gotten into any place in his life
has felt himself worthy before he got there. Nobody got there not
feeling like they are worthy or not believing that they have the ability
to get where they wanted to go.

I guarantee you, every single one of those people that competes in the
Olympics for any year believed at some level that they could do it.
Their coaches got them in the mindset through training, through
practice, through hard repetition, but theyve believed it. They believe
they could do it, and that belief, like you own the world or you own
whatever it is you are going after, will be your foundation.

The seven types of social power, Im going to go through these really

briefly. I cover this on much more detail on other programs. We are

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going to talk about it really briefly here because you do need to
understand power, the essence of power, not just sexual power, but
power, period. There are seven types of social power overall.

Theres reward power. This is the ability to give rewards for anything.
If I have the ability to pay you your paycheck every week, I have a
reward power over you. You are going to keep coming to work, so you
can keep getting a paycheck. Its kind of a sad, but thats the only
motivation for a lot of people.

There is coercive. Thats where I can do the other side of that. I can
inflict pain if you dont do what Im say you are going to do. If Im a
slave master or if Im some evil dude thats got you as my captive and
I am making you build my pyramids or whatever it is, Im the coercive
influence there.

Having both of those is also its a double whammy, its a double-

decker right there, being able to reward and give pain gives you a lot
of power over people. Its not the kind of power you want to use and
exercise owing to todays modern society. You cant own slaves. You
might not necessarily be able to pay the person, but you have to
understand how those two work. These are very powerful.

Mix them with others and you can be more powerful. Referent power
is respect or the esteem of others, in other words, they respect to you
or they hold you in high esteem. People of high social caliber could
qualify for this with somebody that you heard of. Ill give you an
example of Mother Theresa who has since passed away. She had an
incredible amount of respect and esteem built around her and she
would have power by virtue of that.

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Theres legitimate social power. This is authority and position. This

means, I am an authority and I can tell you what to do. I can be a
cop. Lets say, Im in an armed force like the Army, the Navy and
Marines, whatever, I can be one of the commanding officers at the
chain of command there. Thats legitimate authority and position.
Most guys rely way too heavily on this one. And I am going to warn
you about that. This is one that a lot of guys abuse. When you abuse
authority and positions given to you, you look like a dick. You
immediately look insecure. You do not have the kind of social
impression and influence you think you have, and the first thing that
people will do is to present you for it and they will do anything can to
undermine you.

Expert power, expert social power, expert is recognized expertise.

Another one that guys will rely way too heavily on. In other words, if
Im an expert at something, maybe an expert at computers, you see all
the time in the tech department of any firm where these guys are the
ones that fix the PCs and they feel like they got a little bit of power. If
you talk to any help desk of any company, you know what Im talking
about here. These guys feel like they can lord it over you, Yeah, but
you know what? You were probably just running too many
applications. You know, you need to They get all this haughty tone
with you like they know better than you on how to use this
technology. Thats expert.

Informational is also another kind of social power. Informational is

the control of information. Do you control information? Its another
one that guys rely too heavily on. Its very closely related to expert. If
you have the information, you can use that as power, Ill tell you
something. Women use this quite a bit, dont they? Yes, they do in

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the form of rumors. With their little clicky social things that they do,
they use informational power left and right.

Connection, connection power is who you know. Its the influence of

leaders on people. If you are a friend of the president, youve got a
little power there just by virtue of your association.

So there you go with seven types of social power. The ones you want
to know and understand. Now, all of them are important. All of them
you need to know how they work.

Connection power is good and important because it will force
you to expand your social circle.

Informational can be good if you dont rely on it too heavily.

The same with expert, knowing information is good.

With legitimate authority, its difficult. I mean, guys work to get
this and then they kind of lay back and take it easy because now
theyve got their position. Thats why its one of the easiest ones
to lose, so be careful with legitimate power and the lures that it

Referent power is very important. This one is one of the ones I
recommend you work on the most. Getting peoples respect and
esteem by virtue of not using the other ones is probably one of
the most powerful forms of power due to the nature of it
because it undermines all the other ones.

Coercive and reward, in its own place can be helpful and can be

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Network with powerful people, you want to raise your social status.
Again, all these things create sexual attraction in a woman, and this
might have been a topic that would have been better to cover in
psychology, but I felt it was necessary to cover here because these are
ones of the preliminary social steps. One of the sexual power steps
you need to take is to build your social status.

Network with powerful. Get connected. Start a mastermind or get

into a mastermind. If you dont know what a mastermind is, you
need to read the book by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. It will
tell you exactly what that is. Its basically a group of people that get
together and share ideas, concepts and knowledge to solve each
others problems. Its a very powerful tool, and most people will
never understand this one. If you know how to use this, you will go
further than 90-95% of the people out there, and Im not exaggerating
one bit. Im in several masterminds and I treasure the ability to be in

You can posture your way into almost any circle. Trust me on this
one. Ive done that. You can fake your way into almost any social
circle that you want to get networked with these powerful people. All
you have to do is pretend.

One of the simplest ways is simply to become your own publication or

your own press. Start a web page or a blog thats maybe based around

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the topic or some special area, then you become a reporter essentially,
Im from and Im here to ask about You can do
interviews based on that. Trust me. Ive used this left and right. I
couldnt believe it when I was like, Man, Im interviewing people like
this. What the heck? All you have to do is assume that you are of
that level and caliber, and they will pay attention to you as if you are.

Know as many people as you possibly can. It goes without saying.

Wherever you go, you should be trying to know more people. Just as
simple as that, just know more people. At restaurants, get to know
the wait staff or get to know the owners, and every so often, you can
actually ask and say, Hey, can you send the owner out? Id love to
talk to him for a second. Its nothing to complain about. I would just
love to tell him what great service I got here and tell him what I
thought of the place. He will be out there and he will be talking to
you that it almost never happens. They almost never get asked that.
And you, by virtue of doing that, you are going to impress the woman
that you are with. You are going to impress the wait staff, especially if
you commend them to the owner of the establishment. Oh dude, you
are setting yourself up for such great networking kind of activity
there. Its a simple trick and nobody does it.

At bars, bars and clubs, you should be able to know the people that
work there. Know those people, and frequent people too, get to know
who know those people. Thats another way to get in. They will
introduce you.

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At the bookstores you go to, Im just pulling stuff out of my butt here,
but you get the point, anywhere you go, you can start to develop more
reach in your social network. At the bookstores, youve got to know
the cashiers. Youve got to know the managers. Youve got to know
the people who work the different sections. The more people that you
know, the better you will look because when you start going to these
places, and you happen to have a woman with you, and there is
somebody there that knows you and says hey or says hi, thats
impressive. That is incredibly impressive because most people walk
around through life with a veil of anonymity all over themselves
where they are not known by anybody and dont care to be known
quite honestly. Thats a sign of power. When people know you and
want to reconnect with you, its power.

Never skip the opportunity to learn a persons name. Knowing

peoples names give you a lot of power as well, a lot of sexual power.
One of the things that is a great big turn-on for women is when you
use their name when you are talking dirty to them. Dont tell them I
told you that one. That one is a good one. This is all covered in
Power Social Skills, by the way, which you can get at I just want to cover some of the topics
from there that could benefit you here in this program. All right, so
elevating your social status, its incredibly powerful as a tool for
sexual attraction as well as social attraction.

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Handling the stepping stones, how do we handle them? Every new
thing will be a chance to move forward and escalate. In other words,
every new interaction you have with this woman will be a chance for
you to move forward and push the interaction towards more
attraction and sexual attraction. Its absolutely essential that you own
the process and know what to do when the time comes. Thats why
Im going to lay this as a roadmap, so that when you see the signs,
when you recognize where you are, you can manage it.

Its like a sailor being on a boat in the middle of the ocean. When
they recognize they stars have changed to a certain point or
recognized where they are in terms of latitude and longitude and they
can affect their course. Its the same thing for you. You will know
how far you are. You will know how much faster you can go or how
much slower you will need to go to make it happen. So its very
essential that you own this process. You own the process.

Now, when I say about owning the process, it means that you have to
take ownership of it. Its like you literally bought this whole process
of getting a woman sexually attracted to you. You own it and now you
have to make it happen. Or its like an engine that youve got to tear
apart and put back together, or an engine that youve got to pull the
cord on and get it started up. You own it. Nobody else is going to do
this for you. Its not going to just happen. Its not going to fall onto
your lap.

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Recognize you may not handle it correctly the first few times,
definitely not perfectly. It wont be a perfect seduction every single
time. If it is, count your blessings, but its going to be a rarity. You
might not handle it perfectly and thats okay the first couple of times.
You are trying to develop experience. As soon as you get a few layers
of experience, you are going to experience the fact that you have more
options because you will know where you are much better. You will
have a feel for it. It wont be as unfamiliar, and when things become
unfamiliar, they tend to be more intimidating. Thats why we are
looking to get this processed as familiar as possible.

If you cant lead her through these steps, shes going to lose sexual
attraction for you. Thats the bottom line when it comes to these
stepping stones in the roadmap that Im about to talk about. Okay,
this is all about escalation. Its all about getting things more and
more sexually charged with a woman, and if you cant lead her
through those steps, you will lose sexual attraction. Its like tug of
war. I think Ive talked about this. If you are playing a game of tug of
war, if you are not pulling on the rope or you are just trying to hold
position, you are going to lose because the other team is just going to
let either interest or will just pull you right over. But if you struggled
to maintain position or you just stand there and not trying to make
any advancement, its actually the same thing as falling behind.

Remember that sex has rhythm. Sex has rhythm. From the very first
moment you meet her to the time that you finally bump uglies, there

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is a rhythm of energy going back and forth. Its a build up, a slight
drop, a build up, a slight drop, a big build up, a slight drop. You are
going to feel these little rhythms and patterns in the process of
interaction. Respect that rhythm. I talk about it as a saw tooth
rhythm. It goes up and there is a slight release of pressure, and then
it goes up again and then a slight release. But what a lot of guys do is
they build up a little bit of sexual attraction and tension and they drop
it all down to zero by supplicating, by turning into a wimp. Dont do

Remember the saw tooth pattern equals push-pull. I push her away.
I pull her back in. I push her away. I pull her back in. That back and
forth motion lets her know that shes free to go if she wants to, but
why would she want to? Shes getting so much more out of the
interaction and the change in dynamics of the energy.

Sex has rhythm, but also sex has tension to it. Recognize that tension.
Tension is good. There is a positive tension. Just like there is a
positive stress on your nervous system. There are two kinds of stress.
There is distress and there is eustress. You may have heard this
before, but there are. Distress is the stress that most people go
through at work and through their lives. Its the stress that causes
sickness, hypertension, heart attacks and depression and all that.
Thats the bad kind of stress.

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There is eustress, which is the positive form of stress. This is the
stress that makes us grow, and that tension that we feel within
attraction situations, I guess, you call it with women, that tension is
good and positive and you have to recognize it and nurture it. All
right, so thats something about how to handle these stepping stones.

Lets talk about the model here, the roadmap, and then we will go into
some details. There are ten steps in the escalation roadmap.

1. The first step is the meeting or introduction. This is for first

moment you meet a woman. This is the first important
milestone. By the way, you should be taking notes on this
because these are the key landmarks you should be looking out
for. But the meeting or introduction is the first one of those. It
even really technically begins at the first eye contact because
thats kind of where everything starts. If it doesnt go from eye
contact to an actual meeting or introduction, it didnt count in
the first place. Theres nothing happened there. But theres
always something that happens to begin this interaction with a
woman in the start of the friendship chain.

2. Number 2 is you have some kind of electronic communication

or conversation with a woman. Not just the verbal talking when
you are in person and in present, but the electronic, and in the
case of online dating, the electronic conversation actually
precedes the meeting or introduction in a weird sort of way.
But electronic conversation is there much more than ever.
Especially in this modern world where we are texting or we are

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emailing or we are trading information on Facebook and
Twitter and all those things, electronic communication comes in
all the time.

3. Phone conversation is another one of those roadmap points that

you have to look out for. A phone conversation is, of course, its
a conversation with a woman, but it allows you to get a little bit
more verbal. Phone conversations of women are very, very
important. I dont want you to overlook them because they are
powerful with women. Women love that because they are very
sexually tuned into audible cues, things that are said to them,
things that are spoken. Words that are spoken have much more
impact than almost anything else.

4. Number 4 is the first date. The first date is that first time you
spend some concentrated time along with her and she agreed to
it, so there must be some level of attraction there. So these kind
of wind themselves up quickly into that first date. Thats the
first chance you get to show who you are to develop the
attraction through constructive push-pull.

5. Number 5 is the first kiss. What else it can be, but that first
moment where you finally kiss her and you know absolutely
that there is sexual attraction there. Thats really what the first
kiss is for guys. Its proof positive that she really is actually
interested in him or you or whoever. I mean its the moment
where you are like, Oh okay, everything I was doing was on the
mark. I didnt just ask out some chick who is taking me for a
ride here. She actually does dig me. Its a proof. Its the

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probably the most significant one for a guy next to sex because
of what it signifies. This means shes into you. She does dig

6. Continuing, now continuing is a little bit more vague. Its

almost like a little cloudy step on the process. By continuing,
what I mean is its another step in getting her interested. Its
the repeat performance. Its important because its a big
milestone to get repeated interest from a woman. Why would
go through all these first steps here? You go through one
through five. You meet her. You get introduced. There is an
electronic conversation maybe or you talk on the phone and you
set up and meet on the first date. You get a first kiss. The most
significant thing that can happen after that is that happens
again. Sex doesnt have to happen, but just getting back to
another day, another interaction in person is really important.
Its a significant one as many guys know. Its also a difficult
one. Getting a repeat interest means you have done everything
right on that first date.

7. More sexual contact, meaning you taking it to the next level in

terms of your physical touch. Its no longer just kissing. Its
caressing. Its touching. It could be erotic touching. It could be
sexual touching. It doesnt involve penetration or sex. As a
matter of fact, thats really where it falls short of. So any
additional sexual contact is more escalation and development
towards sex.

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8. Sex, guy, congratulations. Kaboom, you got there. You got to
the bedroom. You got some nooky. You got the big
whamalama. You are in. Well, yeah, okay, but there is more
after that. A lot of guys think this is the last step, but its not.
There is also love and intimacy. Think about that for a second.
Sex does not mean love. Anybody can have sex. You dont even
have to like a person to have sex. Trust me. Ive worked that
one. Ive had hate sex too. Sex is a significant step in terms of
intimacy and it can come after Number 9, which is love and
intimacy, but its a separate and distinct step. Sex is not true

9. Real intimacy involves emotional connection to a woman.

Because to be very honest, whatever you can consider intimacy
is not true intimacy unless the other person agrees and also
feels that intimacy. And I can tell you right now the women do
not consider sex that particular form of an intimacy. Real
intimacy to a woman is being able to share things and talk and
yada, yada, yada, and being able to listen. Do you like my yada,
yada, yada? I saw it to my girlfriends, Oh, yeah, yada, yada,
yada. Sex is not true intimacy though. Its that ability to
communicate and connect on a much more open level because
really sex usually, I mean, these days it has pretty quickly. Real
intimacy is developed over time.

10. Then comes what I consider the last step in terms of escalation.
Thats commitment, true commitment. That means you are
committed to each other. You are staying with each other and

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its monogamous in some form or another. Commitment can be
marriage, but it can also be just a long term relationship. Thats
a significant development. A marriage is more like a legal
definition of a formal long term relationship. You are really
saying, Okay, Im going to stick with this one, or else.

Those are the ten steps.

From meeting and introduction.

The electronic conversation.

The phone conversation.

Then youve got a first date interaction.

The first kiss, which will close off hopefully your first date.

Continuance, meaning that you are able to get a repeat from the
same woman, thats a significant step and its relative to her as

More sexual contact, meaning you can go further. You dont
just kiss. Now, you are getting touching and you are getting the
hints of, You know what, eventually we are going to sleep

Sex, the actual act.

Nine is love and intimacy. This is where you are getting much
more deeper emotional connection with a woman.

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And then finally, commitment, where its becomes a formal and
pretty much solid relationship. This is a relationship.

All right, Im going to lead those open because I may reflect back on
them. Keep in mind though, some can be clumped. In other words,
electronic conversation and phone conversation can be clumped
together. They are just conversation that happens between meeting
and finally getting together again, and we will repeat later on, by the

Meeting and introduction, that might get clumped with electronic and
conversation because you might meet her one night and then a few
hours later after you go your separate ways or you split, you text her.
It happens pretty much the same night close together.

The first date and first kiss can be clumped together. Sometimes we
separate the first date from the first kiss, but there is no need to.

Continuing really is its own step because its more of a cloudy middle
interim step.

More sexual context, who knows? Maybe this girl moves quick,
maybe shes one of those low-resistance girls and shes really into it

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and she wants to go forward. More sexual contact can lead directly to
sex, although with women, its much more likely.

Love and intimacy and commitment, those two can be clumped. So

again, some will be repeated. Most of these will overlap. You will
overlap on some of these steps, with the ten.

So what are the markers? What are you actually looking for that tells
you that you got to a certain point? You got where you wanted to go
and now you know where you are in the map, because again you can
look in a map, it tells you how to go from Point A to Point B to Point C
to Point D or whatever. But if you dont know where you are once you
leave Point A, you are going to be lost. You are not going to know
where to go if things dont go the way you expect them to or you get a
little bit lost. You get a little bit off track. So again, physical
escalation markers are like those little marks they put on trees to let
you know where you are on the trail.

Milestone markers, lets talk about these. These are the major
milestone markers when it comes to what you should look for in
terms of tangible results with women. The first one is eye contact. It
goes without saying that making eye contact is probably one of the
first steps in just meeting a woman. It can also be an incredible
attraction builder if you know how to use it within conversations and
in those little open spots within conversations.

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Physical contact, thats a significant milestone. Your first physical

contact, whatever physical contact you have, that means pretty much
touch initiated by you, of course, but very temporary touch. Its very
quick. Its fleeting, touch in the arm, touch in the back or touch in the
shoulder. Its a very, very short periods of touch.

Hugs and extended touch, again, there is a little escalation there.

Thats an important step to getting to. You should be able to get at
least to the hug and extended touch within a good time period. You
know what, honestly, I would make sure that happens usually as soon
as I meet her. Now, if you feel that youve got a lot of resistance in
your life towards physical intimacy, Its going to be tougher for you to
get that right off the bat. Its going to feel a little clumsy and awkward
and you shouldnt even try quite honestly.

But on the first date, if you dont come away with a hug, something
seriously has happened. Either something is really wrong with her or
you didnt do your job in moving things forward, but the very least on
a first date, you need to be able to get hugs or extended touch. Maybe
even a little bit of hand holding or a little bit of physical touch and

Another milestone marker is the kiss. This is a romantic kiss. This is

not a casual greeting kiss. I remember when I was in Montreal, the

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women there have no problem with if a guy comes up and just give
her a kiss on each cheek, and its funny because the guy I was with at
that time when I was hanging out with him, this is way back when I
did close list. Several years back, I did a seminar with him, and the
women there are just so open to that because thats a cultural thing.
Getting a kiss in each cheek, its the French thing, and you can make
that natural, but the real kiss that you are looking for is the romantic
kind. Its the one that says, Hey, this is cool. This is the kind of
connection I want to move forward with. The significant milestone
marker there is that kiss.

Sexually suggestive contact, you will notice that some of these parallel
the ten steps that I gave you up here. Its very close in some ways.
Sexually suggestive contact, meaning that you are going beyond
kissing, and this might actually happen before kissing, by the way, if
you do it as dance or dancing on the dance floor, but it also leads
eventually to an extended make-out session of some kind. Its a more
sexualized contact. Kissing is sexual, but sometimes it can be taken to
a whole new level by the use of much more sexually suggestive

Heavy petting, this sound like its something out of a high school sex
ed book. Its touching basically under the clothes. You are going for a
little boob, going for the little butt or whatever it is you are going for
touch. Its physical touch, usually hands to other areas of the body.
Be careful and dont be in a hurry to get to those spots. We use heavy

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petting if you want to call it that or touching in erogenous zones as a
matter of turning a woman on, but not to overdo it.

Mutual masturbation is another marker or another step. It doesnt

necessarily have to happen, but usually its just physically fondling
those, again, more erotic zones, the direct sexual zones, typically,
guys dick or girls vagina. It really doesnt get much more simple
than that. Its usually also stimulating to orgasm, so whether its a
hand job from her or you, rubbing one out for her, thats a step in
between and just prior to actual sex or actual penetration with you
being inside her. You get the picture, bumping uglies.

Then there is a step or another milestone marker that you have

beyond sex in terms of the physical part, its mutually climactic sex.
Thats why I call it MCS, mutually climactic sex. What is that? It
simply means that you come at the same time. This is a very powerful
step that a lot of guys dont always pay attention to, or they may place
too much emphasis on it too. Mutually climactic sex is very powerful,
very, very powerful, because its the unison. Its like bringing things
in sync that were previously not quite at the same time. Its a totally
different level for you to put a rubber on and bang away and come,
and then shes still left wanting. So you take care of her, you may go
down on her. You may help rub one out for her. She reaches down
and uses her hands in some way.

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But being able to make those coincide at the exact same time where
you both reach it, it totally takes things to another level, especially in
a womans mind because shes so turned on psychologically. Its a
very important step that a lot of guys miss.

Okay, those are the milestone markers, more physical milestone

markers in terms of sexual progression. We are going from:

Eye contact

To physical contact

To hug and extended touch where we are a little bit more

A kiss, a romantic kiss, not the casual greeting kind.

Sexually suggestive contact, meaning dancing or extended
make out or rubbing each other up a little bit.

Heavy petting, this is where you physically touching under the
clothes, the intent. The hand goes where it needs to go.

Mutual masturbation, touching sexual organs. God, I hate that

Sex, the actual act of sex

Then going beyond sex into mutually climactic sex.

Even beyond that into much more highly developed sexual
encounters with women, which Im going to talk about later too
when we get into a little bit of the old tantra thing and all that,

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and we will talk about that, but your garden variety sex and
then there is the oo la la wow sex that comes after that and
thats the stuff that you are shooting for.

Those are the milestone markers. Now, Im going to give you one
thats really good. I know that for a long time with others, there has
been this kiss test there in the internet. Im going to give you mine
thats very, very effective and its very, very powerful and its also very,
very easy to learn. The purpose here is you want to build response
potential. Response potential is building in enough energy and drive
for a woman to want to get to the next thing.

So what you do is for this little test to see if she wants to kiss you
because this is a big step for guys. No question about it, its the one
we look to, to see if this chick is really into or shes just kind of
stringing me along. Its the first really indicators of sexual
progression. So what you do is you start by moving towards her as if
you are going to kiss her, and at some point, what you are going to do
is you are going to change your mind about the kiss and back off. So
you are going to look at her and you are going to lean in a little bit,
and you are kind of like catch yourself and you are going to smile and
you are going to lean back, because you caught yourself. You didnt
quite go through with it.

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Now, if as you move towards her, she backs away, she probably isnt
ready to kiss yet. It goes without saying. So if you move in and there
is not going to be a time where you are moving in and shes just
pulling away and you keep moving in towards her. Your moving in is
actually a very short gesture. Its just a quick moving in towards her
and getting yourself in closer proximity to her. Maybe if shes sitting
beside you or you are just leaning in towards her a little bit and
turning your head towards her, see how she behaves with that one.
Thats actually a really good one if you are sitting side by side.

Now, if you move towards her and she backs away, shes probably not
ready. That just means, hey, slow down, back up and get back to
working on the attraction and try again. You havent been written off
yet unless shes asking you, Oh, can you take me home? Im really
uncomfortable about this whole thing. Its not going to happen.
Shes just waiting to build up more of the attraction.

Now, if she stays in place or moves slightly forward, shes probably

interested, meaning as you move forward and you look like you are
about ready to say something or move in and she kind of moves in a
little bit, thats a big indicator. The attempt and the back off will
actually lock her in for a kiss later on. So when you do this where you
move in and then you decide, No, Im going to wait for a little bit,
and you know that she was accepting and was open to that and
receptive, it guarantees thats going to happen right after. Its a
guarantee, and thats whats cool about it. You dont even have to

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actually kiss her. It totally takes all the pressure out of the situation
and the anticipation. Not all of it, but you know what I mean.

Because if she didnt move away, then you both acknowledge that a
kiss is inevitable. Its going to happen. If it was about to happen
there, its definitely going to happen in a little bit. Now, dont focus
on the other person too much. Its like a sign on the road when you
are driving along on a highway. If you watch the signs, you are not
really spending the time that you need to steer the car, so as you are
chugging away and then you look at the sign and then you are
suddenly off the road and you are hitting a little turtle spot on the side
of the road, you lost your attention, and in the case of trying to seduce
her or attract a woman, you will lose control of that vehicle really
quick. So youve got to stay and keep your eyes on the road.

Dont focus on the steps. When I say them, what Im saying is dont
focus on the steps themselves too much. Dont be sitting here after
youve kissed her thinking, Okay. That was cool. I got the kiss, but
now, Carlos was talking about how we need to get into a sexually
suggestive contact. How do I get there next? You see, if you are
trying to orchestrate that or build that in consciously, it wont happen
naturally and it wont happen at all probably, so back off, relax and let
it happen. The next opportunity will present itself. Being patient is a
big step.

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Dont rush. As a matter of fact, Im going to bold that right now
because I think its that important. You want to want to make sure
that you dont rush the progression of getting a woman interested in
you. You dont want to go moving too quickly, because impatience is
your enemy. You get her to want the next step just before you get

Okay, let me explain that. Thats a very powerful dynamic principle.

What that means is I raise the anticipation and the excitement and
the attraction with her so much, so much so that she will want the
next step before I am actually going there. I will get her so hot with
that kiss that she will not be able to wait for more sexually suggestive
contact, for a little bit of touching and stroking and caressing and all
that, but Im going to hold off on it, and thats going to make her want
it all the more. Its really important because impatience will kill every
seduction and every bit of your sexual power with women.

Every step that you complete, every escalation that you complete
without awkwardness makes the next one seemed more inevitable.
Im going to repeat that. Every single step that you complete without
awkwardness makes the next one seemed all that much more
inevitable because youve pulled it off and you were cool as a
cucumber and you made it happen.

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Now, even if it happens awkwardly, its better than nothing and you
can still find ways to normalize it. Its not hard at all. Usually, humor
is the best way to do it, but its just as easy to do. So dont worry that
there is nothing in here that if you fail on this step of going from kiss,
sexually suggestive contact like you kissed her but you get her on the
dance floor and she doesnt want to dance that way that you somehow
lost the game. No, no, no. Your particular rules have changes just
slightly and you may have to reassess your battlefield. Thats all there
is to it.

All right, those are the physical escalation markers. They are very
simple. Im keeping this very straightforward. This is all you need.
Dont get too complicated with this. If somebody breaks down or
picks nits with it, the whole nitpicking thing is not going to help you
at all. The key is to just recognize the significant ones and where they
lie for you.

So by the way, going back here, some guys can get from eye contact to
physical touch to a hug to a kiss with no problem, but when it
requires them to go past the kiss and into a more sexually, intimate
contact to get things moving forward, thats where they fail and they
flunk and they slow down and they end up screwing it up.

All right, physical escalation markers, thats done. We close up the

roadmap while we are at it. The next section I want to talk with you

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about is emotional escalation, emotional escalation, what that is and
what is entailed on that, because this is an important part. This is
another escalation that occurs in parallel with the physical escalation
and the overall roadmap of moving from every point along the
continuum. Recognize that emotions play a significant part of this.
Weve talked about the physical part, the touching the outside. Now,
we are going to get inside, indoors and talk about the emotional

Sexual Roadmap - 2
All right, so to finish off this section, we will be covering emotional
escalation, where to go and when, endgame strategies, meaning when
you are right at the doorway of the bedroom and you are ready to
close the deal, and first date sex and what it takes to get there if you
would like to be able to go quicker to the bedroom and get those one
night stands. There is nothing wrong with that. I dont obviously
condone any kind of manipulation to force it to happen, but if you can
make it happen comfortably, why not? There are women who dont
have any problem with this, and you should be aware of that, and of
course, what to do after the sex.

So lets go to emotional escalation really quick because this is very

important. A lot of guys dont understand that there is an emotional
component that kind of goes right along with the physical aspect that
you have to know about to effectively seduce women and to get them

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to have sex with you. This is the progression that we go through to
have a girl turn into a girlfriend and turn to more than that.

The first step is stranger. The first step is she doesnt really know you
at all and you are a stranger. You are a threat in a lot of ways. There
is a lot more negatives than positives to you, which is why there is a
lot of work required from men at the front part of this. So the blocker
there is distrust. Shes just going through distrust and she needs to
overcome her distrust, and your job is to give her more trust.

From there we go from stranger through distrust to acquaintance.

She becomes an acquaintance of yours. This is like a friend, but only
just not a friend yet. Shes not quite there. She knows you. She may
like you, and thats the connector emotion here. Like has been
established, but little else. Shes a little bit more open now and you
can have conversation with her, and she will talk to you. At least, the
opening ceremony have been completed.

Then comes friendship, after a significant amount of like is built up

enough, so that she can feel good with you, then friendship enters
into the equation. Now, I know a lot of guys are going to be like,
Dude, you are not supposed to go for friends first. No, you dont,
but there has to be a stage there where she would, at least, consider
you a possible friend. If you can get to that point, thats one of those
levels of progression emotionally that you have to get to, but you are
going to go blow through that as fast as possible because if we stay
here too long, you will end up her friend. You are going to end up

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being that little cry-on-the-shoulder dude that she just loves so much,
but wont ever have sex with, so friendship is there.

The next step is trust. After you built up some more trust, then there
can be some attraction built into the equation. Now, it doesnt have
to necessarily in this order, but these are the things that come in.
Actually, I take that back, these do need to happen in this order, but
the attraction element is the one that we start working on in the zone.
It doesnt mean that she wont feel like she cant be your friend or that
she cant feel attracted to you before she has that. It should be in
there, but it has to be in the right progression of feeling. So after
friendship come trust through to attraction because she feels like she
can open up and start to feel sexual attraction with you.

Now, trust does not mean that you have to prove yourself necessarily.
It does not mean that she will supplicate or beg, borrow or steal to get
her trust. Its not required. In fact, a lot of guys blow past trust right
away to get attraction through the use of a lot of some of the more
manipulative techniques that are out there, and I dont condone using

Desire and want comes next because we want to get her. For
attraction to occur there has to be desire and want from her. Want is
different than need because thats what comes next. After love, youve
established need. Attraction establishes desire and wanting the
person. Love, a long term connection with a woman establishes need

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because when the love is taken away, its unlike any withdrawal
symptom with anything else.

But if you go out and you meet a woman and you get all hot and
bothered and into her and that, and for some reason, it doesnt work
out or she never calls you again, yeah, its a pisser, but quite honestly,
do you go through any kind of emotional withdrawal from it? No, you
dont. You just move on with your life, at least most guys do, and you
should too. It wont impact you more than a day or two at the most,
but a love connection has need attached to it and it becomes more

Then come devotion and commitment to make that love turn to

something that feels stable. We know nobody wants to need
somebody else, so what we do to avoid that need? Well, we have to
find something that gives us security and knowing that that need
wont be used against us. They wont be manipulated. They wont be
taken away or pushed around or played with, and that is the devotion
and commitment, the final stage.

So the progression for emotions for pretty much anybody, as a

microcosm of this for most of our friends, is you turn from a stranger
to an acquaintance to someone who will be considered a friend or
possible friend to attraction, if you want to go to the next level, and
eventually, love and then devotion and commitment.

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Now, of course, there will be guys who will take issue with the
attraction and friendship and what order they come in. When you are
working on a woman that you are attracted to, attraction is always in
all of this, but it only rears its ugly head every so often. Its really part
of the bigger process. So there is the emotional progression or the
emotional escalation.

Where to go and when? The frequency means different things to

different women. The frequency of how things happen or how fast
things happen will have different significance to different women, but
with this in mind that each day is sequential, and this thing or this
equation Im about to give you is the time line for how things happen
and what to do with women and what order. Each day is sequential.
There are variable times in between. Its very variable and keeping it
variable, by the way, between each one of these steps, and you are
going to see why, is better because its unpredictable that way.

If you try too hard to make things at a certain regular every day like
you text her everyday or you text her every week, anything thats
regular becomes boring because its predictable. Predictable equals
boring, especially in attraction. So youve let go of the predictability
element and open yourself to a little bit of unpredictability. Make it
variable. When its unpredictable, its more interesting.

Always remember, strike while the iron is hot. Whenever you have an
opportunity, you take and seize that opportunity. You dont wait and
hold it off because, Oh, its too soon. No, no, you move forward as

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fast as you need to move forward. If things move quickly just because
they are moving quickly, dont go putting the brakes on. Ive actually
seen that totally backfire on people like guys get all weirded out
because a woman suddenly does want to have sex in the first date and
they are kind of like, Oh, well, maybe we should wait. Its because
they are all freaked out about the fact that it would happen so quickly.
No, dude, you go with it. Thats just your personal blockade to past.
Your little mental obstacle is tripping you up.

Here is the timeline. Day 1 is the connection. Now, when I talk about
days, day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 and day 5, those are not sequential
days. Thats not day 1 of the week is Monday, day 2 of the week is
Tuesday, day 3 of the week is Wednesday, and so on. This is just a
unit called Day #1, and that #1, and this is the significant event that
happens there.

Connection, contact information and some chemistry is established at

this point. Thats what you are looking to do on the connection.
There has to be contact information that you get and some chemistry
attraction thrown into the equation somehow. The goal for you is to
get her attracted and to get her somewhat invested and get her
contact information. Let me say that again, to get a little bit of
attraction started, thats the chemistry part, a little bit of push-pull or
whatever it is, a little bit of energy, we are trying to start the sexual
tension, not big, but at least a little bit though.

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You want to get her somewhat invested in you because if she isnt
invested and she doesnt put out any kind of energy into this or put
something on the line, its like having poker chips and putting them
on the table, if she isnt investing somewhat in your interaction, she
will have no problem flaking out on you. Exactly what happens to
most guys is they let it be a very, very light, superficial interaction
where there is no investment from her and the guy is investing all of
his hope and dreams that this hot chick would actually answer the
phone when he calls. And when nothing happens, guess who gets
trashed? Yeah, he does, not her, because shes getting every guy left
and right approaching her.

For him to balance the equation, hes got to get her invested in him.
Its very important and we will talk more about that. And then he gets
her contact information. Thats what happens on Day 1. Your goal is
to get her attracted, get her somewhat invested and get her contact

In between Day 1 and Day 2, things can happen. You can have text
and emails. Those are typically the things that happen between that
when you actually finally do talk to her, but the time limit here is
anything from minutes to hours after the first call or the first time you
actually meet this chick. All right, thats it. Minutes to hours after the
first call is fine. To get her a text or an email is cool, but again, you
know when things seem a little needy. If you feel needy, then what
you are doing is probably needy, so you just need to hold off a little

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bit. Thats all there is to it. Develop a little self-discipline over it, so
thats the timing of it.

I want to close up this, so that we can keep the interim open so you
can understand the time between these two. Now, Day 2 can happen
several days later, whatever it may be, but its to reestablish attraction
and trust, and this can be a phone call. So this is a much more
involved interaction. It can be a phone call or it can be an email, and
the time limit here is one to two days after youve connected with that

Okay, so lets say you skip this one. You didnt necessarily need to
text or email right off the bat, but youve got her phone number,
youve got her email, youve got her Facebook, or whatever, the
interim question is when do you call her back, when do you
reconnect? One to two days is all it should take. Thats the limit. If
you go beyond that, you are starting to disrespect. It just doesnt feel
good to most women, they weird out on it. Unless you got her so hot
and bothered for you that shes dying for you to call, in which case,
then it doesnt hurt to call her sooner than later, does it? Dont push
the envelope on that. One to two days is all you need.

The goals here on this one on Day 2 are just to get hold of her and talk
to her again. Thats it really. Revive her interest with fun. Remind
her of what a cool dude you are. Remind her why she gave you her
phone number anyways, and plant the seed for the date. The seed for
the date is the reason why you two should get together again, and it

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could be anything. It could be something you talked about or do talk
about on the phone. There needs to be a reason why. The date
doesnt have to be set on this particular interaction, by the way. On
this Day 2 interaction, the date doesnt have to be set right at this
moment, but you must get her to the point of wanting that date. Even
if you dont offer it, it should be desired by her and you will know this.
You will know when she wants it by the way she talks. You will know
it undeniably.

Go ahead, get the date if you can and it makes sense wherever you
happen to be in the interaction. Sometimes what Ill do is Ill call a
woman, talk to her a little bit, get her laughing again, get her all
excited, and you can just tell shes dying. Ill be like, Oh, I hate to do
this to you, but I got to go. I was about to get on the bus. Ill call you
in a little bit, okay? All right, bye. And just cut it off right there, and
she is going to be like, Oh. I know I left her a little bit deflated. I
know I dropped her a little hard, but then I can just call her back like
20 minutes later and say, Oh man, Im glad you are there. I was just
like gotten off the bus and figured, oh wait, Ill give you a call. You
can reconnect it again, and she will be excited to hear from you again.

But at the same time, just remember that this goal that you are trying
to shoot for is simply to get that reconnection going to remind her
and to exercise that muscle to get her interested again. Thats Day 2,
establishing attraction and trust.

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On Day 3, you want to meet again in person. There can be also
another interim action, you can send another text or an email, but
then again, dont be needy. You dont want to push the envelope too
hard here, but know that it is possible. Day 3s goal is simply you
want to meet again in person, so weve connected, the first time
introduction, we approach or whatever, and then there is a
reconnection on electronically via phone, via email, or whatever
joking around.

The next is the actual date, the meeting again. Its a short date. It can
be a low investment risk for both of you. Meet over tea, meet for a
drink or a beer, whatever it is, but link it to something that you talked
about previously. This is seeding. This is where if you talked on the
first time you guys got together, when you approached her, you
happened to meet her in oh God, Im trying to think of something
that makes sense, you met her at a magazine store for whatever
reason. You met her in a magazine store and your approach was
whatever she was reading at that time from a magazine. Well, maybe
you came over some sort of comment in that conversation about that
magazine. Maybe shes into windsurfing or surfing, and you can tell
her at this point where you are going back again on Day 3, you are
trying to get that meeting again in person, now youve got a reason
why. The reason why is what I said before here. There reason is why
is you are planting that seed for the date. When you talk to her on the
phone, you can get these things. You find the reason why you two
need to get together again. Now, you can bring that up again to get

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that date when you are actually do meet again. I hope that makes

We are trying to establish totally logical and rational it just falls into
place because You are not happening to force anything here. You
are happening to struggle to come up with a reason why you two
should get together. Its just seems like its should happen, and thats
the way you want it. Just like dominoes, it should fall over.

The time limit here is no more than a week without a genuine reason.
Again, you dont want to wait longer than a week from when you first
met her to when you first get back together with her for more than a
week. You dont want more than week between there without a really
good reason, like one of you is traveling or circumstances just really
sucked. The duration of this time, there is a new time limit here, the
limit between, but there is also a time limit of the event.

When you meet her again in person, keep it short. Keep the duration
commitment down to one to one and a half hours. Its better to keep
it shorter and leave her wanting more than too long and boring and
then losing the attraction. Again, a big mistake that guys make is
committing themselves to seven hours with a woman and not really
being sure they want to hang out with the person or her even wanting
to hang out with you.

Whats the goal on Day 3? The goal is to build the attraction further.
Continue that build up. Its like an arms race. You are continuing to

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build up of attraction arms. Deepen the rapport. You are also
working on getting connection underneath that attraction. So while
you are teasing her and having fun with her and getting that push-
pull, you should also be seeking to get much more established rapport
and connection.

Get physical touch started with her. Get comfortable opening up the
dates that you have with women. When you get together with them
again with a peck on the cheek. Walk up and just say, Oh great, its
so good to see you. And give her a kiss on the side of the cheek, but
thats it, a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. It should seem natural
and should feel natural. If it doesnt, get it there, because if you are
natural and congruent with it, she will be too. Its a simple state of
fact. If you are manipulative and greedy with it, she will also sense it.
Some guys go in and try and get that little kiss on the cheek just to try
and desperately figure out if the woman is still digging then or trying
to get some security out of the situation, and that becomes
manipulative and greedy. Hang off on it. So get that physical touch
started with her as quickly as possible on this interaction. Dont go
waiting around. We are trying for sexual power here. We are not
trying to water things down.

The kiss at the end of the date, if there is one, and more often than
not, it should happen for you. If you get the attraction going, it will
happen. Leave her wanting more. It should be a very short and
abbreviated kiss, and again, leaving her excited for the next date, the
next possible time you two can get together. Its really, really

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important. Okay, leave her wanting more and then leave her excited
for the next date.

Okay, now, after that first mini-date or short, brief date that you got
together with her, what happens in between? Well, again, text, phone
call, some kind of little fun thing, play with her. Use some of the
teasing texts that I gave you in some other programs. Use those to
keep the spark going with callback humor and things like that. The
time limit here is I would wait two days after that first date to build
some anticipation without being manipulative. If you do something
right after that first date, its a little too soon. It can come across as a
little needy. Let her do it. If she does it, great, but you dont be the
one to do it.

Set that next date quickly. Set it as quickly as you possibly can. So
two days after, you might text her and say, I had a great time. Its a
blast hanging out with you. And you wait, if she text something back
and it makes it obvious that shes still interested and shes still up for
it, youve got some continuity, then you text her back and saying, You
know what, Ill fire a day, so we will try and get together again real
soon, all right? And that gives you an opportunity again to call her
back later and set that second date quick.

Shes going to want to not seem desperate, so beware of that. Shes

going to not want to seem desperate, so she may put you off at first,
but be persistent. Okay, so thats the interim. Thats between this
one and now the extended date. The first date was kind of like a

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warm up date. Its a warm up for the real event. The real event is the
extended follow-on date. Now, this is the first real romantic date, and
I tell guys that, You know what, dinner is fine, but something that
you can do as an activity is much better. Again, you want to be
interactive with women.

Im not going to go onto the details here. I actually have my program,

Killer First Dates, that you can get from me for free. Ill give you a lot
more information on what to do on these dates, but really the dinner
is just providing the meals sort of thing, doing that provider role. It
can work in, so dont worry too much about that. I think a lot of guys
worry too much now about whether or not they take a woman to
dinner. It should just come up naturally.

Make it a day date. Something that happens in the afternoon is kind

of cool too, like on a Saturday, like it just works out that way. You can
just say, You know what, unfortunately, Im supposed to be going out
with a friend of mine on Saturday night. He and I, we had this thing
going on for months now, but I thought it would be pretty cool since
Im going to be around your area anyways, we just get together and
hang out during the afternoon. What do you think? She will go for
it. It gives you a little more time in there. You can still have some
daytime time, and then again, use it effectively. Its a day date.

The time limit here is that it should happen within the couple of days
of your original short date. Remember back here where you finally
first met the first time in person. You want to happen again within a

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few days of the short date that you just had. The duration of this date
is two hours to three hours. I would say two to three, but with a
possibility of more, but not an obligation to more. Its a key and
critical difference there. A lot of guys miss that one too.

Its two hours with a possibility of more, but not necessarily an

obligation for more. So keep the downside low for her. You want to
keep the downside, or what I call the downside risk, as low as possible
for her. She should not feel like, Oh my God, Im going to be
spending eight hours with this guy. What in the world did I do?
Okay, Ill do it. But you know what will happen with the first
opportunity she gets, she will back out or flake out because its just
too much of a freaky obligation.

Make it inevitable. Make it easy for her to push the dominoes over. It
should be so totally low obligation and low key, and then once you are
in the date and having fun, extending it becomes natural and it will
just happen on its own, and that will seem more like destiny to her.
That destiny thing is big with women, by the way.

What are the goals on this date, this extended rather? Its more
attraction, more rapport. You are establishing the maybe in her
mind. This is the possibility that you could be the one, because every
woman wants to entertain that notion, This guy could be the one.
Hes pretty cool. Hes pretty funny. Hes got this trait. Hes got that
trait. Hes really pretty interesting.

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Remember at this point it doesnt matter if you are or even if you
want to be, but she should be entertaining the notion that you could
be because if shes chosen anything else, you are out of the game, so
whats the point. You want her to be entertaining that possibility, not
like you are trying to romance her right off her feet and then to a
bridal gown. You are just trying to make it clear that you are a

More physical contact is definitely the goal for this particular date.
Its a longer date, so you definitely want to have a longer kissing, and
what I call presexual touch, which means maybe your hands strays a
little bit closer to her butt. Maybe you grab her arms a little bit and
pull her in tight when you kiss her. These things give it much more
sexual innuendo and passion, so I would say probably if you want to
associate a word in there, passion would be a good one. Those are
your goals for the extended date.

Okay, interim between this one, again text or phone call after this
date, the big date, and the time limit is again two days to build
anticipation without seeming manipulative. If you didnt have sex on
that date, there is no reason why you have to contact her the next day.
In fact, not contacting her day is much better. That builds a lot more
response potential. But waiting until the second day is a good idea. I
wouldnt go too much farther than again because then it seems like
you are just not caring, being disrespectful again.

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Now, we are back to Day 5. This is the fifth in the escalation path,
and this one is the experiential date. This is the third date. Its the
big date they talk about, but a lot of guys expect it to be the big day of
sex. Dont expect it to be the payday for you. Dont expect because
its the third date, and nobody talks about it being the one that you
have sex on, that you are going to get it. In fact, I often make a joke
about that saying, You know what, this is our third date, and I dont
want to set it up right now. I dont know if you are going to be getting
any on this one, okay? So lets not get all that weirdness in there.
Lets just have fun. It works great.

Make it more clever and more thought out. Put some mental effort
into this one because you want to impress her that you are really
thinking about her, thinking for her, trying to give her a good
experience. She wants to feel that. Here, a dinner or a meal will be
excellent. It would be really good to have at this point. By this time,
the fifth date, you are getting pretty connected with this chick. Cook
for her at her place. This is going to lead naturally into it being a
payday for you if you really want to know the truth, but thats an
awesome way to handle Day 5, which is the experiential date, and
then make sure the time is open-ended.

Make sure there is no time limit. There is nothing after that you have
to worry about. Salesmen have a great ways of doing this, but you just
have to be clear that, You know what, hey, do you want to go out on
Saturday? Cool, cool. You dont have anything else going on that day

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or night, do you? Okay. Thats all you need to do. You want to make
sure there is nothing else going on thats going to create a situation.

From time to time she may throw one in, just to test the waters, and
to kind of establish limits and establish boundaries, she will say
something like, You know what, I am supposed to meet a friend of
mine a little bit later on. I hope you dont mind. You know what I
mean. We are going to have a few hours and everything, but I might
have to meet with her. Thats her way of saying she wants to put that
out there and see how you react to it and see if you are going to get all,
Damn it, Im not going to get any sex tonight. This is the third date.
Thats really what its about. It gives her an out, just in case.

And then there is the sex date. Whatever date it winds up being, you
have to start to move it forward, but every date moves it forward a
little bit, every single one. No matter what happens, its got to move
forward. You will sense it. Everything will start to move forward and
if there is no other factors, you or her, you want to move things
forward assertively by the fourth date. When I say move it forward, I
mean get it into the bedroom. Get it going towards sex because there
should be a steady, but gradually increasing slope of sexual energy
every one of these days that weve gone here. Day 1 from the
connection, there was an initial attraction established. On Day 2,
reestablishing that and then meeting again in person, having the
extended date, the experiential date, and then eventually, whatever
date it happens on, whether its the first, second, third, or whatever
date that is, you have to be the one constantly moving it forward.

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That push is what really makes it happen. You are willingness to go
out and go out on a limb to make it happen.

Now, how do you make that? Well, thats what we are going to be
talking about more in the rest of the strategies in the section from the
endgame strategies. The first date sex where Ill show you how to
make that move forward as fast as possible and kind of complete the
loop on the actual sexual roadmap.

Sexual Roadmap - 3

A word on endgame strategies as we finish up the topic of sexual

roadmap and the overall big picture of you of how to go from A to Z,
endgame strategies is about what happens right when you are at that
zone before the bedroom. Endgame is the zone when you are within
just a few minutes of penetration or sexual contact and sexual
intimacy. Its just a few minutes. This means like you are right there
at the door. You know its imminent. You know its about to happen.

Now, the big factor here is how you are going to handle things if you
are denied. Thats really what the endgame is all about because if it
just goes on its own from here, you are going to get laid. Its not
terribly difficult for you to make it through this portion. You dont
need strategies. You just need to keep going. You just need to keep
moving forward, and you will, and if you keep doing that, you are
going to get to success.

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The key and critical component to understanding endgame, which is
the last ten yards, if you want to think about it that way. If you think
about it in football terms, the last ten yards on a field is right before
the goal. The red zone is that zone where things could go wrong and
thats where you have to prepare the most. The question, the big
factor for this area is simply being prepared for what happens if you
are shut down. What happens if you are denied? What, if she wont
let you into the end zone, and for whatever reason she puts up a front
or a defense and decides she wants to resist you?

When I say resist, I dont mean that you are physically forcing her and
I dont mean that shes physically resisting you. I mean that shes
actually going to sort things out and put on the brakes to having sex.
Well, think about this way, first of all, shes only going to deny you if
only just to establish who is in control. This is typically why women
deny guys if they are in the red zone at the end zone area. Its the last
ten yards, you are about to have sex, why would she stop you here?

Well, number one, shes having a thought in her mind of, Oh my

God, we are about to do something really, really important and really,
really big. And of course, depending on whether shes a resistor or
non-resistor, you know what that means to her intellectually. For
some women, it doesnt mean quite as much. For some women, it
means quite a lot.

Shes going you to deny just to establish control to show that shes the
one in control. So even a low resistor woman, a low resistance type

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woman, is still going to resist you or stop you here because she wants
you to know, Hey buddy, before you get this, you know Im in
control, right? Thats what she wants to do, but she doesnt want to
do it confrontationally like that, so how does she do it? She does it
with, Oh, oh, stop, stop, we shouldnt. We shouldnt.

A lot of guys misunderstand her for being that and they call it the slut
complex where shes afraid to be the slut. Shes afraid of being
perceived as being a slut, and yes, that is a big part of it. But what
they are failing to see is this one reason below it, and that reason
below it is that as long as she knows that she still has control, as long
as she knows that she still is the one saying yes or no and that she
gave the veto and/or the approval vote, thats all she needs. So there
is an underlying reason beneath the whole slut complex thing that
most of this pickup artist guys and a lot of the other gurus out there

Its not necessarily about that because that slut complex that she has
is not as important to her with a man. Her perception is as long as
youve done the right work up front, she will not necessarily have that
view and she wont be worried about whether or not you think of her
as a slut. Its going to be on how you handle it up to that point if you
communicated her uniqueness. If you communicated some genuine
like overwhelming empowering attraction for her and you
communicated that desire effectively, shes going to be okay and fine
with that.

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But if she senses that you are only in it for the sex or that you are only
in it because you think you can get the sex, women, by all means, she
s going to stop you because of her slut complex. She doesnt want to
be a slut, but the reason that most guys actually run into it tends to be
this one. Shes going to deny you just to establish who is in control
and then to find out what your character is by how you respond to
her. How do you respond to being shut down? Are you going to do
the stomp-your-feet-on-the-ground thing? Are you going to do the
oh, come on, lets have sex, you cant stop now.

Remember, this goes back to the old women are disconnected from
their state of physical arousal. They can be totally intellectually
separated from everything thats going on below. So she could be this
close to orgasm and still be able to go, Oh no, stop, stop right there.
We need to stop. Okay, it can totally shut down on her, whereas with
a guy, hes going to finish no matter what.

Im telling youve been warned because this is a really important thing

to remember. These two reasons here, if you address them correctly,
you will get in. You will get to touchdown and she will be happy for
you. She will be one of the cheerleaders on the sideline going, Oh,
oh, oh. Its going to be that easy for you, but youve got to remember,
youve got to let her think and believe and let it be real, of course, that
she is the one who is in control when it comes to the sex. You cant
deny her that if youve been effective up to this point.

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Some guys can get to orgasm really, really quick and totally blow
themselves out because of the speed in which they did it. The woman
has no way to believe that she had any control over this. Shes going
to be like, Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Ive been taken on a ride
here. And those girls are going to shut you down hard and fast, and
you are going to have a really hard time recovering. So when you get
good at some of the pickup artists skills, they can really hold you back
in the real world of attracting women that you may you want to date
more than once, but who knows? Maybe you dont have a girlfriend.

And the character, the character response is really, really important.

She will just pull on the brakes just to sit there and go, Lets see what
he does with this. That tells her more about you than she needs to
know. Anything else she needs to do is to see how well you deal with
sexual rejection. Dealing with sexual rejection is a primary character
differentiator in guys. It tells her whether or not you are getting any.
It tells her whether or not youve got a sense of inner security and
calm about you. Its also telling her how you think about her.

Because if she shuts you down and you get really, really pissy and
bitchy about it, its as if you are treating her as if like there is only one
shot at doing this. What does that tell her? One shot, shes just one
shot. That means you are not really in this for the long haul. Are you
just going to, what, dispose of her? This is a one night stand to you?
Do see where that logic goes? The problem with logic is its usually

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Okay, so Im going to leave that open because thats really critical, and
we may come to that. The big factor is how you handle things. Now,
when she delays you near the goal, you simply happily agree. Why?
Why would you just agree and go along with it? Okay, because, first
of all, shes about to let you in. You have to keep in the back of your
mind that she is within this close of letting you in and you are getting
the sex. Keep that in mind.

Its like one of those things that you just store away and you are like,
Huh, okay, cool. Sure, Im almost there. You can be totally laid
back and relaxed if you know that in the back of your head, and you
have no problem saying, Oh sure, yeah, lets slow down. No
problem. Do you want something to drink? Im going to get
something from the kitchen. You can disconnect so easily because
you know you are almost there, dude.

Its like the bouncer at the door of a nightclub. He says, Dude, hold
on. And hes looking inside the door, checking the club out to see if
he can let more people in, and then he decides, Oh, okay, go. Thats
what that moment really is. There is a bouncer there and hes saying,
Whoa, whoa, hang on a second. Okay, come in. Thats all shes
trying to do. Shes trying to be the bouncer at the door to control who
goes in and who goes out, to put it in crude terms.

Bouncers have to do that final verification on you before they let you
in. Its kind of like a check to see if you are cool or not. Thats what
she is doing. Shes using her little internal bouncer to check and see if

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you are cool. Dont get greedy or impatient. You are this close to the
goal, dude. Relax and keep yourself cool, calm, and collected. The
last ten yards is so easy for guys and yet this is where most guys screw
it up by losing control there, being pissy and petulant and being a
little bitch about it, and they wonder why they dont get any. Well,
this is why.

Now, what? What do you do? Well, first remember where this
happened. This is the strategy I want you follow. This is what you are
going to do if you run into this situation. Remember where she shuts
you down. When I say where, its where in the whole sexual roadmap
did she shut you down at. Where did she put the brakes on? Does
she put it on when your hand was in her pants, or did she put it on
when maybe she was going to touch you, or did she put the brakes on
when you are actually in bed together almost naked? Youve got to
know where this is happening because it gives you a sense of where
shes starting to pick up the vibe that some things have changed here
and some things are going to go sexual because she wont do this. She
wont put the brakes on unless she knows that sex is imminent.

Think about that for a second. Why would she do this? She does it
because she knows that sex right around the corner. Wait for a few
minutes. Just kind of back off a little bit and be nice and kind of
sexually cool and playful and fun. First of all, you are going to pick up
where we left off in a minute, but let me tell you about what you do
before that. You simply just stop, lean back a little bit, and appreciate
her. Let her know shes desirable. Just kind of lay back with her,

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kind of run your hands around her arms, the non-sexual parts of her
body and say, Whoo, Im glad you put the brakes on there because
you are just like too much, girl. Damn. You are giving her
appreciation, and you are communicating that sexual desire.
Remember, thats what women want to feel. They want to feel your
desire more than anything else.

Slow sensual touch, its a slow touch where you are just like running
your hand along her body. You are keeping the stimulation going.
You dont want to break off necessarily. You dont want to necessarily
jump up and go to the kitchen and get something to drink, but you
want to just keep the sexual contact or the physical contact going at a
much reduced level. Keep kissing her without going in aggressively
and trying to get back to that sexual and physical space you are in.
Again, dont try to race back to where you left off too quickly. If you
just let it build up again slowly, she will let you get there and probably
further most of the time, nine times out of ten.

Simply build it back up slowly. Build the sexual energy back up

slowly, and most times, she just needs to know that you wont run her
over. Thats really what she needs to know. That with your sexual
energy being so strong, and of course, powerful, the masculine energy
can be very intimidating to a woman, she needs to know that you are
not going to run her over with it, that you are going to totally try, and
like, again, force sex on her, to be a sexual predator or a sexual threat
to her.

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Now, what if she does it again? But wait a minute Ill step back here.
When we talked about that she knows shes not going to run him over,
you also have to communicate that you are going to respect that
boundary that she set. Respect that she set a boundary and show that
respect. Nine times out ten, its what she needs to see. Thats it, and
then things go straight from there to where they need to go.

So what if she does it again? What if she does put the brakes on it
once more? Okay, figure out if you got further this time. Did you run
up against the exact same barrier, at the exact same point in the
game? If its at the exact same place, chances are there is a pattern
there thats going along and that shes trying to stop it, and she
probably hard coated physical barriers that she doesnt want to go
past. Maybe she made an agreement with herself.

I remember talking to girls about this all the time. After I would sleep
with them, I would always do a little bit of postmortem where I would
ask them about, Okay, so when did you know we were going to have
sex? And then I would say, So what were your thoughts coming
here tonight? Or whatever, I just want to find out what was going on
behind the scenes that led up to this moment because it gave me so
much insight into women and their thinking.

This one girl said, I remember she had volunteered it, and that shes
like shes laying there after we had finished and shes like, Oh God, I
promised we werent going to do it tonight. I was thinking to myself,
What? Are you kidding me? You promised I was thinking this in

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my head, What in the world has that have to do with anything? It
just blew my mind that this chick was actually making promises that
had nothing to do really with her and me. But with her girlfriend, she
just did it on a whim, and I dont know what the hell the conversation
was about. Who knows what her girlfriend was trying to do. This is
when I was a lot younger.

But you can see what happens, women will make some really wild,
little leaps of logic and faith and decision making. If she does it again,
figure out if you got further. If you did not get further, chances are
there is a hard core limit there and you probably need to root out
more whats going on there, and you might want to respect that that
maybe its just not going to happen tonight. No big deal.

If yes, if you did get further than you did last time, then again, just
stop, back off, start appreciating her and go back to sensual touch,
kissing, dont race back, build to back up slowly and do it again and
again, and you will keep getting further and further and further. This
is a woman who probably needs to see a lot of persistence from you.
Which type of woman is this? Do you remember your typology? Its
the high resister girl. Shes going to put up a lot of resistance, but
again, its part of her feeling of being in sexual control.

Again, if you keep running up against the same barrier at the same
point, if you didnt get any further, then it probably means shes just
not ready. You can try again, but you have to be careful. If you keep
running to the same barrier, its going to look like dumb persistence

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and its going to look like I need to get sex and thats going to turn
her off.

Also take not of how you got shut down. How did she do it? Did she
do it very nicely, but very firmly and almost like she was pushing back
into your corner, or is she just kind of put her hand on yours to slow
you down a little bit. There are different ways a woman approach it
depending on what their motivation is, so watch that. How she shuts
you down is just as important.

All right, so we just covered the endgame. The most important part
for a lot of guys is those endgame strategies. Now, there is something
called the freeze out. You may have heard this. Its a manipulative
tactic. It plays on insecurities. What happens is, let me close this for
a second, this where a guy will run up against a woman saying no to
sex right when they are getting really close, and what does he do? He
just totally shuts her out and shuts down. He disconnects. He
practically gets up and goes and gets the remote or whatever and
turns on the TV and starts watching TV or he goes into something
else. Its like he basically abandons the woman. This is a bad idea.
This is almost always a bad idea, and the guys that use this. I find it
very manipulative and very false, and its actually going to turn off a
lot of women this way.

The only women that this typically works on are the more insecure
ones. Its a manipulative tactic. It plays on the insecurities of the
woman thinking that shes rejected. You are trying to make her feel

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rejected, so that you can get what you want to get, and its very

But you can do something like this with kind of a self-confident calm
as long as its genuine. Let me explain how this works. This is kind of
like a moderate version of the freeze out. Its the only one that I
actually condone using. This is where you say something like, Oh,
you know what, you are right. We should probably cool it off a little
bit, right? We are not in any rush. Turn on the TV and then turn on
some comedy. Turn on some comedy. Dont immediately get up
from the couch and run off to another room or do something else.
Stay close to her and just kind of shift position and say, Hey, lets
watch some on TV. I think there is some really cool stuff on Comedy
Central right now. And you turn on the TV and you go there.

Or you say, You know what, you are right. This is getting a little bit
hot and heavy. Do you want to go for a little bit of a walk? And you
take her out on a walk, maybe its around your neighborhood or
something like that, and you come back and you can try again.

The key here is that you can only use this tactic of disconnection,
strategic disconnection or what we call a freeze out but only much
more moderate. You can only do this if you can happily let her go.
Could you happily let this woman go? Can you disconnect and not
feel like, You know what, I feel like I just lost her. I totally screwed
up. Or can you be like, Cool, no biggie. We can come back and do
this again sometime.

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If you can do that, you can do this tactic effectively, but you dont do it
cold. You dont break off verbal contact. You dont shut down. You
dont play the real true freeze out game where you try and literally
freeze her. Its just not effective. Its manipulative, and again, its
playing on insecurities rather than playing on your own strengths. So
its really important in that freeze out tactic can be used in a way that
is respectful to her, respectful to yourself and it does not rely on
manipulation. Its another way of handling that endgame dilemma of
being blocked, and its important. All right, there are your endgame

To serve and protect, what am I talking about here? Well, there are
risks. We always have the risk in sex of pregnancy. We have the risk
of STDs. Those are two biggest risks the guy has to watch out for, and
he may not concern himself so much with pregnancy, but you will if
you are hit with a paternity suit or some kind, or you are being forced
to pay child support.

I recently related the horror story of a guy who was in New York and
had a one night stand. He thought he was going to create a girlfriend
out of this, but what he ended up creating was a monster because she
got pregnant, and what did she do? She actually is denying him
access to his kid and is suing for child support, and all those other
stuff. You can just tell this woman is incredibly evil. I mean, its just
an incredibly evil story.

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Even if I was misinterpreting it, shes still evil. Its one of those
stories where you just cannot deny the other person is such a wicked
person. I felt bad for this guy, because basically he had been had by a
reverse sexual predator. Its really it, and I really feel sorry for these
guys that get into this situation. With this kind of situation, the whole
protecting yourself against any kind of pregnancy or disease is
essential. Its just absolutely essential.

Just always have condoms. Even if shes on the pill, you just got to
protect yourself. Youve got to. Yes, and with anal and especially with
anal, youve just got to, there is never anything. Even when she says,
Hey, its okay. You can go with it, blah, blah, blah. No, you cant.
There is no such thing as unprotected sex for you until you get to a
certain point in the relationship. So again, dont trust the woman on
this one. Im not saying you cant trust women in general because
most of the time they are looking out to protect themselves as well.
They are going to actually be much more wired to ensure that youve
got some kind of protection for STDs or for pregnancy, but again,
thats not always a guarantee, so protect yourself.

You cannot protect against STDs with a pill, so you dont know if she
might have herpes or she might have something shes not telling you
about. To be fair, most women are very upfront and very honest
about these things. Im fairly sure and certain that statistics have
shown that more men tend to lie about these things than women, but
it does happen on both sides of the fence, so recognize it. Recognize

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also that even with anal, especially with anal intercourse, you need to
have protection. You need to have protection.

Never trust a woman when she says, Oh, its okay. You can come
inside me or whatever. No unprotected sex. These are the rules for
it as far as I am concerned with unprotected sex, and its cool as I
know it feels to go bareback, youve got to respect these rules.

No unprotected sex until you can establish monogamy. That means

you are only dating each other and seeing each other and having sex
with each other because you dont know what other people are doing.
You both have been tested for STDs. Go to a Planned Parenthood
Center and get yourselves tested for AIDS, HIV and any other sexual
diseases you want. Thats the best thing to do. Thats the best path.

Once youve crossed that border, you are both going to feel totally safe
and secure with each other. Its going to be a big trust thing for her
more than anything, and you are going to have much more fun. Lets
just face it. Its much more cooler to be able to do it without all that
extra stuff involved that again protects you, but at the same time you
want to make sure you can get to a nice connection with a woman.

All right, now, we are at a very big point in the program. This is the
first date sex section. This is a specific strategy for having one night
stands. Now, some guys have said, Dude, you, Carlos Xuma, is
teaching this? Is this going against what you teach with Alpha
Lifestyle and blah, blah, blah? No, it does not. Because the reality of

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women out there who want this just as much as men, and there are so
many women that didnt do have first date sex.

Its also very, very popular with internet dating. Thats why I was
doing it for a long time because I knew that I can get a much higher
success and close ratio with women that I was meeting online, and
there were some really hot women I was meeting there, so please
dont think that this is some sort of skunk territory.

But this is not an ethics issue when it comes down to it. If you are
okay with this sort of thing in your own life, you dont have any
religious or moral barriers to it, of course, always identify that first.
This goes back to your presuppositions, your premise. If you have a
belief that contradicts what it is you are trying to do, you are going to
be in a state of turmoil and its going to sabotage any success that you

First date sex for me and for most guys is not that big of an issue. In
fact, we try and get there. I want to point something out before we go
into this section now, and that is recognize that when you do have sex
on the first night with a woman, you remove a lot of the challenge that
allows you to want to connect with her in longer term.

Men have this built-in mechanism. I know I did, and I recognized it

in an early age. We have this mechanism that basically if you get too
far too fast with a woman, if she lets you, you dont feel a sense of
challenge, and when you lose that sense of challenge you lose the will

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to chase. Its like the antelope on the plains that just didnt run. A
lion might bash it around. It might even eventually kill it, but it will
be like, This is really boring. Anyway, you guys eat this one. Im
going to go chase the one over there. Thats the one he savors.
Thats the one he desires.

This chasing mechanism or the need to chase is built in to guys. We

need it. Just as much as women have that need to be chased and to
put up a little bit of a fight, the no, no, no, no. So first date sex, what
its really about is if you are on a path where, okay, maybe this person
where you both realize, You know what, this is about all we got right
now. Its this chemistry thing. Long term, there is nothing else here
thats going to work with this, but this might work tonight. Thats
one of the legitimate reasons you might want to pursue this.

There is a ton more, but first of all, lets deal in reality when it comes
to one night stands. If you think you can just hypnotize a woman into
bed, it isnt going to happen. Ive mentioned this already. Or that Im
going to show you a back door trick thats going to sneak in behind
their defense mechanisms, but thats not going to happen. Thats not
what we are talking about here.

This process that we are talking about is simply a highly amped up

and very compressed multiple night seduction that you put in one
very quick frame. Its a lot like basically just keeping your foot on the
gas. Its like pressing down on the gas and not letting up on it. If you
are familiar with the story of Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

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where he talks about basically Scrooge was told by Marleys ghost
that, over the next three nights, you would be visited by three
different ghosts. What we are doing is what exactly happened in that
story, which is you squeeze all of those events into one night and you
get it done once.

So here are some of the myths to think about when it comes to first
date sex.
Having sex on the first date will ruin it later. It doesnt
necessarily. Even contrary to why just a minute ago about losing
interest and the whole chase thing with guys, thats real, but at the
same time, some guys wont feel bad. They will feel even more
interested in a chick after they slept with her because it was actually
pretty good and pretty cool and she seems like a cool chick and you
want to reconnect. Having sex on the first date will not necessarily
ruin it for later. You can go back and create a relationship out of it. It
does happen all the time.
Girls dont want a guy to move fast on the first date. Thats
another myth. What they really want, what girls really want on that
first date is somebody who is bold, fearless, masculine and takes
leadership over this situation. It does not exclude sex on the first
Another myth that guys fall into or fall back into is that shes not
as into having sex as men. With this one, its another one of those
things I think that was invented by men to explain why they were
screwing up with women all the time, Oh, its not me. Its not my
bad skills with women. Its her. Shes a cold, frigid lisbo.

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Okay, put that stuff aside. These myths will only get in the way and
make it harder for you to get to where you want to go. They are not
true. Having sex on the first date will not necessarily ruin it. Girls do
want guys to move along, at least, at some pace. They would have
different rates though and different paces, so you have to watch out
for that, and she is into having sex, but youve got to really amp up
that energy on this first night meeting.

Two factors to the SNL or the same night lay.

1. Her self-esteem. First, her self-esteem has to come into play.
2. Your cocky bad boy attitude. You see if you are a nice guy, you
are going to have a real struggle with this. Its going to be very
difficult for you to push forward with a kind of aggressive intent that
you need to have to get a woman into bed. Trust me. Ive been there.
I have played the bad boy role pretty extensively, and I know just how
far ahead to push the envelope. Its really far sometimes to do this
and to pull it off. Not always, but very frequently.

You have to be really willing to go forward aggressively. You have to

be more forward and dynamic with women. Youve got to be really
willing to ride some pretty wicked tides, as they call them, and be
aggressive about moving forward.

There has to be more sexual energy. There has to be more laughter

and goofiness. There has to be more teasing and banter, the back and
forth interaction thats very sexually charged. Simply it comes down

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to this, you cant bore a woman into going to bed with you. Let me
say that again, you cannot bore a woman into going to bed with you.
In other words, you cant get her into bed by boring the shit out of
her. You get her there by being interesting, vibrant and dynamic,
taking the lead, taking the sexual leadership role. So be more forward
and dynamic. You have to really realize that whatever you may be
doing now, you are going to have dial that bad boy up to a level to get
some of the one night stands that you are looking for.

Can you break a few eggs to make omelet? This is a very important
question. Can you break a few eggs in order to make an omelet? In
other words, there will be points in the interaction with this woman,
whoever it is that you are targeting her for being the woman you want
to sleep with tonight, there will be points where you need to make or
break her as a prospect, meaning that shes not going to wind up as
your friend. Youve got to be willing to accept that that she may not
be your friend, or anything for that matter. You may never see her
again, depending on how this goes, and are you okay with that?

This should be your interaction going in with any woman, not just a
woman you are trying to sleep with on the first night. Because let me
say it one more time, this is not something where we are trying to
manipulate women. We are not trying to brainwash them. We are
not trying to trick them. We are not trying to seduce in a way thats
deceitful or dishonest. We are simply moving things forward more
aggressively and with a much more focused purpose, and she will

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want to go along with that if its right for her. And if it isnt, well, then
you dont, and we will talk about that situation too.

But remember that youve got to be willing to break a few eggs if you
are going to make an omelet, meaning that youve got to be willing to
accept that there is going to be some occasional damage for what you
are doing. I dont mean damage to her, but I mean damage to the
possibility of keeping this girl interested in you. You may push it too
hard and shes just blown out and shes not interested anymore with
you. It happens, and if thats okay with you, then you are in a good
position mentally to do this.

If you are not, if you are going to always be worried about, Oh, I
dont want to go too far, I dont want to take that risk, if you are
going to be there, you are going to have a touch time making this
dynamic work for you because you will always be fighting yourself.

We are accelerating the timeline more aggressively. We are

increasing the sexual charge. Thats what this method is about. Its
accelerating the charge and moving quickly to the bedroom by being
more aggressive and more assertive. You will not blow her out, but
you have to be able to push the envelope rather. You are not going to
blow her out. In other words, you are not going to totally destroy any
chance of ever contacting her again. Youve got to be ready and
willing for that because you cant predict women, but on the other
hand, you wont blow her out or you wont totally destroy this person

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either. But you have to be just willing to push that envelope. How far
can you push it?

Its like having a jet fighter at your control. How far will you go when
the jet starts falling apart? Are you going to eject? Are you going to
be able to eject? Are you going to ride that thing into a fireball? Its
not necessary. And remember always, no means no. I shouldnt have
to say this by now. But unless you want to end up with some other
guy pressed against your back in a prison somewhere and you are
saying no, instead of being her, I suggest you never ever push the
physical limits with women and never, you never ever force yourself
on women sexually. You never need to go there. It never needs to be
done. Im assuming that most guys that get this program will never
need to be told that. Its just probably a simple statement of fact
there, but I need to put it out there. Remember that no means no.

Take care of the obvious logistics. Here are the obvious logistics you
must have in place before you go on this path. Personal hygiene.
Work out before you meet her. Its a good idea because what it does is
it raises your energy level and it gets the testosterone built up.
Shower before you meet her. You are going to shower because
obviously you want to be clean, but again the workout and shower
combination is really good because it gets you in a certain physical
space and mental space.

Of course, there are other stuffs that I really shouldnt have to tell you
about, but Im going to mention it anyways. Your breath, take care of

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your breath. Make sure your hair is clean and cut. Make sure you are
shaved. Make sure your nails are manicured. Your skin is taken
cared of. Youve got some lotion on it. Take care of the obvious
hygiene issues. If you dont know what these are, there are plenty of
resources for you to get to be able to do that. This is not what this
program is about, but make sure those basics are in place.

Home hygiene, your home has hygiene too. Let me tell you, if you are
going to bring this woman back and you are going to make this into
what you want it to be, have a home thats ready to go. First of all,
make sure its clean. That goes without saying. Clean the toilet.
Clean the bathroom. Its a big, big thing to do. Clean up the kitchen a
little bit. No food laying around and no critters.

Romantic atmosphere, you set this up in advance. Make sure you

have candles. Make sure you have music on demand of some kind.
Whether its from Pandora or your iPod or whatever, make sure you
have uninterrupted music, meaning music that dont rely on the
radio. Never turn on the radio, because what happens when
commercials come on? Your attention is drawn. It breaks the state,
so music only. And of course, lighting, and that goes back to candles
in a lot of ways, but its the ability to dim the lights down is really
important. Make sure things are comfortable. Make sure you have
pillows and things like that.

Make sure you have the other logistics that most guys dont think
about. Make sure you have water near your bed. Water is readily

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available because making out and doing all those nasty little sex
things use up moisture. Have condoms, and have those placed
around the house, and of course, having an extra toothbrush for this
stay over. Once you have all that prep work in place, you are going to
have logistics taken care of and your conscience can be free of the
anxiety built around that. You are going to be ready. Being prepared
is half the battle.

Now, here is the sequence. We are going to talk about the actual
sequence for the first date sex process. With date logistics, where do
you go? How far away from home you go, and where she meets you?
You need to think of these things in advance because if you screw
these up, you can make it difficult to get to the first date sex that you
are looking for. If you go to someplace thats way far away from your
home and who drove? Did she drive or did you drive? I prefer to let
the woman drive because then, of course, she has to come with me.
There are always logistical things that go into the one night stand, and
youve got to think about them.

Where she meets you? Okay, here is where she should meet you, have
her meet you at your place. If you are the one to arrange things, and
you should have, then you are going to have her meet you at your
place, and you just say simply, Hey, you know what, lets meet up here
since its closer to wherever it is planning to go. Then if you can, it
would be cool if you could walk there, or whatever, take a cab if you
are in a city, have her drive you too from your house. Thats a great

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way to do it too, because now she has to come back to your place

Dont let her come inside and poke around your house too long. You
want to build up a little bit of mystery. What I like doing is I like it
when the women finally arrives is Ill her come in for a second. Ill
say, Hang on a second. I would just go and get some coat or
whatever out of the closer, whatever. I would invent something,
Just hang on here for a second. I would be right back. And I let her
stay there for a second, so she looks around a little bit because women
are so curious this way. They will look around the house a little bit,
but she wont have an opportunity to do much after maybe 30
seconds or a minute Ill come back and Ill be like, Okay, cool. Lets
go. That builds up a little bit of anticipation. Shes wondering,
What else is in this place?

Attitude, you want to make sure that this attitude permeates your
entire evening together. That this is, number one, totally normal.
This is totally cool, and if for some reason she does shoot down the
possibility of meeting at your place its no problem. Its no problem at
all. Dont make it a big deal because some women are going to be
skittish about doing that. Its a sexual safety issue.

Remember the whole sexual threat thing thats constantly running in

her head. She may not be cool with that yet. She may not be that laid
back. She may have some issues that you need to be aware of. So if
you ask her, and you try to make it as totally cool as possible to say

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like, Hey, lets meet up at my place. Its going to be closer to the bar
when we go there anyway, and its totally cool.

So with logistics, I want you to consider where it is you are going to be

going? How far away from your home, and what does mean if she
meets you there, or if she meets you at your house, or if you meet her
at her house? Does she live with other people? What are the logistics
of the situation? You have to know those in advance to make good

So youve got to start strong and warm. Its really important to start
strong and warm with a woman when you get together with her.
Okay, this is part of the sequence, and its really important because
its setting the precedent for whats going to happen later on. Most of
the problems that you have with getting attraction started is if you are
trying to get the first date sex going on in the first night or whatever it
may be, its almost always attributable to something you did very
early on. You didnt start out on the right foot. You didnt set the
right precedent.

You have to understand this because what happens with a lot of guys,
and these are guys that I have coached over the years is that they get
themselves to a certain bad point, a bad situation. Its just like in the
martial arts when Im teaching a self-defense technique. They ask
me, Well, what would you do because I had this guy and he had me
like this? And they will show me the situation me the situation they
got into. Ill look at them and Ill just say, Seriously, dont get into

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that situation. You let a certain series of events happen that put you
in that bad situation, and now you are asking me to do damage
control, and quite frankly, thats not going to help you. You should
have done other things before that.

So lets stop focusing on the wrong problem. The real problem is, for
guys, especially with attraction is getting things started off on the
right foot. Start strong and start warm. Youve got to greet her
warmly. Start with a hug. I always do that. Its a minimum. If you
dont start there, you are going to come across as being a little bit
weak, a little bit unsure. Youve got to come in strong. Its actually
not very strong at all. Its actually very relaxed, and its also to be

If she has a problem with it, its not your fault. Its her problem. This
is a thing that guys also have to realize is that when you go in and you
go for these things that you may not be used to doing before like going
for a little hug first or even a peck on the cheek, youve got to be the
one that goes in knowing that this is perfectly fine and okay. There is
nothing wrong with it.

If you are going in with the attitude of, Geez, I hope she doesnt freak
out when I do this. Its wrong mindset, my friend. That will actually
cause more problems for you. Thats the mindset we are trying to
unplug from. So you greet her warmly with a hug or a peck on the
cheek. It would be really good if you can work up to that as well.

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Get her to come inside briefly and what I want you to do is get her to
come inside if you can. Dont do it like dangling some candy and
trying to lure her in or anything like that, but youve got to almost
seem reluctant that you are doing this. And you can say something
like, Oh, you know, the house isnt exactly as clean as Id like, but if
you need to come in and use the bathroom and you are cool with
that. And she will be like, Oh no. Im fine. You will be like, Okay,
cool. But if she says yes, you are going to be like, Okay, come on in,
but just promise me you are not going to give me a hard time about
how messy the place is. Even if its totally neat you say that, because
then shes going to be like, Wow, this guy has got it together.

Offer her a drink. If she comes in for a second, you say, Hey, you
know what, if you want a drink before we go Make it very matter
of fact, very casually, but again, dont come across with that, Oh my
God, I hope she doesnt freak out and think Im a weird rapist.
Because if youve got that floating around the back of your head, you
are going to come across with a weird vibe and shes going to pick up
on it, and yes, thats exactly what shes going to think. Remember to
make sure she feels safe. Everything is about her safety. Her level of
safety is the most important thing.

Make her feel sexy, which again will in turn lead her to feeling sexual.
Thats how this works. If you make her feel like a very sexual creature
that is attractive to men, she will want to bring that energy back to
you in the form of sexual energy, playful or otherwise. Guys will

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understand this as a prerequisite. If you dont make her feel very
sexy, shes not going to want to be sexual with you.

Again, make sure you are both relaxed. Being relaxed and cool and
calm, and really it takes out 90% of the problems that guys end up
putting into these situations, and thats the reason that most guys
cant get the first date sex going is because they are not relaxed. They
are coming across with the right vibe or the attitude that they need to,
and no wonder then when they are trying all these large artificial
things to get her to sleep with them why isnt it working. Now, you

So the start should definitely be strong and warm. The number one,
number two, and number three that Im going over with you here are
essential steps in the process. If you dont do these things, you are
going to set yourself up, like I said before, damage control. You are
going to put yourself in a bad situation. You are going to ask me how
to get out of it and Im going to look at you and say, Fuck that. You
shouldnt have gotten there in the first place.

Its the same thing. Im always amazed by how close to the martial
arts this is. Whenever somebody ask me, Hey, what will I do when I
get in this situation, I will look at him and say, Why the hell did you
get in that situation? Dont get in that situation. Do the right things
first, so you dont get there, and then we will talk about how to get out
of that situation because you dont want to get there. If I spend all
this time preparing you for the worst situations, which I still do, but if

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I spend all this time preparing you for this one really weird situation,
you are really basically saying that you are not going to do anything
good up until you get to this point, and thats not the way you treat

Youve got to treat this right from the very start. You get your hands
on guard in the correct position. You dont let them get close to you
like that. You dont let them get a grab like that, and you are going to
be in a lot better situation overall. I hope that make sense.

All right, so number three and this goes back to relaxation, you need
to be more relaxed than she is. A lot of guys will pick up the
nervousness that the woman has and they will project that back onto
themselves, that there is something wrong with him, that there is a
reason she feels this way. It has nothing to do with you.

Seriously, the more relaxed you are or more relaxed even so than her,
seriously to the point of almost seeming a little bit stoned where you
are kind of like, Yeah, cool. And I know this seems like total stoner
like, Oh dude, but really when you get to that level, people totally
see you as harmless, thats why people dont find stoners all that
intimidating is because they seem like totally harmless little love
puppies. They just wanted to sit around you and just be, Cool dude,
everybody be excellent and cool with each. Its that relaxation level.

Again, ever wonder why everybody loves a stoner, its because they
are like this. They are always so easy to get along with. They are so

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cool and chilled and you can just kind of like be relaxed around them.
So for you to be basically normal, be normal. Dont try and inject too
much architecture or structure. If you are using a lot of pickuppy
stuff, drop it because its getting in the way of you feeling natural and
relaxed. Be cool. Just be cool. Number one, if somebody would say
that to you, Dude, just be cool, and you will be like, Oh yeah. You
are just being a little bit too uptight. Be cool. By the way, Im
purposely not going to sit here and go through a litany of ways to be
cool because quite honestly you know how to be cool. You just got to

Fun and funny, fun and funny is essential. Be fun, be funny, thats
really the heart of this in a lot of ways because you cant be cool and
not be fun and funny. You cant be relaxed and not be fun and funny.
They are just incompatible. They are mutually exclusive. So be fun,
have fun and be funny.

This is also another program Im teaching on how to be a funny guy.

If you want more of that stuff, you can go onto my Alpha
Conversation and Persuasion Program where I talk about that.
There is a lot of how to talk to women. I got through a whole module
on that, but not here.

Masculine, be masculine. Be the man. So when you are being

relaxed, that doesnt mean you are being walked all over. It doesnt
mean you are being a total pushover. It means you are being very
structured in a lot of ways, but not structured even really, as much as

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you have firm boundaries, masculine boundaries. And again, this is
no different than any other date, except for the fact that you cant be
way off your stride. This is another thing I want to tell you about, and
that is there are certain nights you will go out, and you are not just
going to feel on. For whatever reason, you are not going to feel on,
and it is possible for you to recapture that on vibe, that on feeling of
being in your groove.

Ill give you an example. Today I was sparring, and I was on. I felt
like I had energy. It took me a while to get there. Im a little older so
I dont move as fast as I used to, but I was doing really good, I mean,
better than half the class. I own them. Now, its not an ego thing for
me. Im not looking to beat people, but I am looking for challenges
that are going to tell me whether or not I could survive in a street
fight situation. I need to know that, and I know when Im off my
stride. It can affect you psychologically. You cant be way off your
stride and expect to pull off a same night lay or a one night stand with
a woman. Sometimes it just doesnt happen for you, and thats okay.
Just know this is no different than any other day to accept, so you
want to really make sure that you are relaxed and cool and on.

Okay, there you go. So again, the three steps are to take care of the
date logistics, start out strong and warm and really be relaxed. Be
cool, calm and collected for the process.

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