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Portfolio Assessment Rubric

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Research Report: Color Theory on Artists Narrative

4 3 2 1
Organization Information is Information is Information is
very organized organized with organized, but The information
with well- well-constructed paragraphs are appears to be
constructed paragraphs. not well- disorganized
paragraphs and constructed.
Sources All sources All sources
All sources (information and (information and Some sources
(information and quotes) are quotes) are are not
quotes) are accurately accurately accurately
accurately documented, but documented, but documented.
documented in a few are not in many are not in
the desired the desired the desired
format. format format.

Quality of Information Information Information Information has

Information clearly relates to clearly relates to clearly relates to little or nothing
the main topic. It the main topic. It the main topic. to do with the
includes several provides 1-2 No details and/or main topic.
supporting supporting examples are
details and/or details and/or given.
examples. examples.
Mechanics No grammatical, Almost no A few Many
spelling or grammatical, grammatical grammatical,
punctuation spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
errors punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors errors. errors.
First Draft Detailed draft is Draft includes Draft includes Draft is missing
neatly presented all required most required required
and includes all information and information and information and
required is legible. is legible. is difficult to
information. read.

Introduction The introduction The introduction The introduction There is no cleat

is inviting, states clearly states the states the main introduction of
the main topic main topic and topic but does the main topic or
and previews the previews the not preview the structure to the
structure of the structure of the structure of the paper and no
paper with a paper, but the paper nor is the grabber.
creative grabber. grabber not grabber inviting
inviting. to the reader.
Paragraph All paragraphs Most paragraphs Paragraphs Paragraphing
construction include include included related structure was not
introductory introductory information but clear, and
sentence, sentence, were typically sentences were
explanations, or explanations, or not constructed not typically
details, and details, and well. related within
concluding concluding the paragraphs
sentence. sentence.
Conclusion The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion There is no clear
is strong and is recognizable is recognizable conclusion, the
leaves the reader and ties up but does not tie paper just ends.
with a feeling of almost all the up to the paper
further questions loose ends with no proper

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