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BA-42-96 - Design of Integral Bridges

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Amendment No. 1




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The Design of Integral


Summary: This Advice Note provides guidance on the design of continuous bridges with
integral abutments.
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This Advice Note provides guidance on the design of

continuous bridges with integral abutments.


This is an amendment to be incorporated in the Manual.

1. Remove existing contents sheet for Volume 1 and

insert new contents sheet for Volume 1 dated
May 2003.

2. Insert BA 42/96 Amendment No. 1 in Volume 1,

Section 3, Part 12.

3. Please archive this sheet as appropriate.

Note: A quarterly index with a full set of Volume

Contents Pages is available separately from The
Stationery Office Ltd.

May 2003

VOLUME 1 (with Continuation Binder la)


Section 0 Publication Procedure

Part 1 Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)
Part 2 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges: Volume Contents Pages and Alpha-Numeric Index
[Supersedes the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges: Volume Contents Pages and
Alpha-Numeric Index dated February 20031
Section 1 Approval Procedures
BD 2/02 Technical Approval of Highway Structures
Section 2 Other Procedural Documents
Part 1 BD 36/92 Evaluation of Maintenance Costs in Comparing Alternative Designs for Highway
BA 28/92 Evaluation of Maintenance Costs in Comparing Alternative Designs for Highway
Section 3 General Design
Part 1 BD 24/92 The Design of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures. Use of BS 5400: Part 4: 1990
Part 2 BD 15/92 General Principles for the Design and Construction of Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 1:
Part 3 BD 49/01 Design Rules for Aerodynamic Effects on Bridges
Part 4 BA 40/93 Tack Welding of Reinforcing Bars
Part 5 BD 60/94 Design of Highway Bridges for Vehicle Collision Loads
Part 6 BA 59/94 Design of Highway Bridges for Hydraulic Action
Part 7 BD 57/01 Design for Durability
Part 8 BA 57/01 Design for Durability
Part 9 BD 58/94 Design of Bridges and Concrete Structures with External and Unbonded Prestressing

.Part l0
Part 11
BA 58/94
Design of Bridges and Concrete Structures with External and Unbonded Prestressing
The Design and Appearance of Bridges
Part 12 BA 42/96 The Design of Integral Bridges [Incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated May 20031
Part 13 BA 53/94 Bracing Systems and the Use of U-Frames in Steel Highway Bridges
Part 14 BD 10/97 Design of Highway Structures in Areas of Mining Subsidence
BD 9/81 Implementation of BS 5400: Part 10: 1980 - Code of Practice for Fatigue
BD 13/90 Design of Steel Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 3: 1982
BD 16/82 Design of Composite Bridges. Use of BS 5400: Part 5: 1979
[Incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated December 19871
BD28/87 Early Thermal Cracking of Concrete
[Incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated August 19891
BD 37/0 1 Loads for Highway Bridges
BA 918 1 The Use of BS 5400 Part 10: 1980 - Code of Practice for Fatigue
[Incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated November 19831
0 BA 19/85 The Use of BS 5400: Part 3: 1982

May 2003

(VOLUME 1 continued)

BA 24/87 Early Thermal Cracking of Concrete

[Incorporating Amendment No. 1 dated August 19891
Part 15 BA 84/02 Use of Stainless Steel Reinforcement in Highway Structures
Part 16 BD 84/02 Strengthening of Concrete Bridge Supports for Vehicle Impact Using Fibre Reinforced

Note. The application of the following Technical Memoranda (Bridges) to particular structures should be
agreed with the TAA (see BD 2/02):
BE 23 Shear Key Decks
[Incorporating Amendment No. 1 to Annex dated June 19711
BE 5/75 Rules for the Design and Use of Freyssinet Concrete Hinges in Highway Structures
Scottish Addendum applicablefor use in Scotland

May 2003
Volume 1 Section 3
Part 12 BA 42/96 Registration of Amendments


Amend Page No Signature & Date of Amend Page No Signature & Date of
No incorporation of No incorporation of
amendments amendments

May 2003
Volume 1 Section 3
Registration of Amendments Part 12 BA 42/96


Amend Page No Signature & Date of Signature & Date of

No incorporation of incorporation of
amendments amendments

May 2003








1. Introduction

2. General

3. Earth Pressure

4. References

5. Enquiries

May 2003
Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 1
Part 12 BA 42/96 Introduction


1.1 Expansion joints in bridge decks are prone to ii) Abutment

leak and allow the ingress of de-icing salts into the
bridge deck and substructure, thereby resulting in The part of a bridge structure that abuts the
severe durability problems. To overcome these roadway pavement and formation at the end of a
problems, bridge decks up to 60 metres in length and bridge.
with skews not exceeding 30" are generally required to
be continuous over intermediate supports and integral iii) Bank Pad Abutment
with their abutments. (See BD 57, DMRB 1.3.7). This
Advice Note covers the design of integral highway Bank seat end support for bridge constructed
bridges without expansion joints. integrally with deck, acting as a shallow
foundation for end span and as a shallow
1.2 Integral bridges are designed without any retaining wall for adjoining pavements and
expansion joints between spans or between spans and embankment.
.abutments. Resistance to longitudinal thermal
movements and braking loads is provided by the iv) Embedded Abutment
stiffness of the soil abutting the end supports and, in
some cases by the stiffness of the intermediate supports. End support for bridge comprising a diaphragm
wall (including contiguous, or secant or sheet
pile walls) with toe embedded in ground below
Scope lower ground surface.

1.3 This Advice Note is applicable to bridges of v) End Screen Abutment

steel, concrete and composite construction, including
precast and prestressed concrete, with thermally Wall structure cast monolithic with and
induced cyclic movements of each abutment not supported off the end of bridge deck providing
exceeding h20mm and skews not exceeding 30'. retaining wall for adjoining ground, but not
acting as a support for vertical loads.
1.4 The Advice Note describes the movements and
loads which may be used in the design of integral vi) Frame Abutment
bridges, and provides requirements for some design
details. It supplements the requirements of BD 30 End support for bridge constructed integrally
@(DMRB 2. l), in respect of integral bridges. with the deck and acting as a retaining wall for
adjoining pavement and ground below.
1.5 For bridges with full height frame abutments of
overall length up to 15m and cover greater than 200mm, vii) Granular Backfill
designers may use BD 3 1 (DMRB 2.2.12).
Selected granular material placed adjacent to the
abutment wall and forming the subgrade for the
adjoining pavement construction.
1.6 The following are definitions of terms used in the viii) Integral Abutment
Advice Note.
Bridge abutment which is connected to the bridge
i) Asphaltic Plug Joint deck without any movement joint for expansion
or contraction of the deck.
An in situ joint in the pavement, complying with
BD 33 (DMRB 2.3.6), comprising a band of ix) Integral Bridge
specially formulated flexible material which may
also form the surfacing. A bridge with integral abutments.

May 2003 111

Chapter 1 Volume 1 Section 3
Introduction Part 12 BA 42/96

x) Pavement/Abutment interface

The interface between the pavement construction

and the back face of the abutment.

xi) Range

Change (of temperature, strain) between extreme

minimum and extreme maximum.

xii) Stationary Point

The point on a bridge in plan which does not

move when the bridge experiences expansion or
contraction during changes in bridge temperature.

xiii) Sub-surface Drainage

A system for draining water from within the


xiv) Surface

The carriageway or footway surface.

xv) Surfacing

Carriageway or footway wearing course and base

course materials.


1.7 This Advice Note should be used forthwith for all

schemes currently being prepared provided that, in the
opinion of the Overseeing Organisation, this would not
result in significant additional expense or delay
progress. Design Organisations should confirm its
application to particular Schemes with the Overseeing

112 May 2003

Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 2
Part 12 BA 42/96 General


2.1 Integral bridges should support all the relevant end screen, or they may be connected to the deck,
dead loading and live loading including all longitudinal, in which case they must be able to resist, or
and in the case of structures which are curved in plan, avoid, the earth pressures arising from their
centrifugal loading, in accordance with BD 37 (DMRB movement relative to the embankment.
1.3.14). They should also accommodate the effects of
thermal expansion or contraction without excessive Longitudinal Movement
deformation of the approach pavements.
2.3 Bridges should be designed to accommodate the
Types of Integral Construction effects of thermal expansion and other longitudinal
forces, with thrusts from structural restraints, earth
2.2 This Advice Note has been drafted for the types pressures and friction. They should also be designed for
of integral abutment illustrated in Figure 2.1 and the effects of thermal contraction, with axial tension
described below: from structural constraint and sliding.

i) The Frame Abutment which supports the vertical 2.4 Multispan integral bridges should not have any
loads from the bridge and acts as a retaining wall expansion joints between spans. Wherever possible,
for embankment earth pressures. It is connected bridge decks should be designed to accommodate the
structurally to the deck for the transfer of effects of continuity and axial thrust or tension. Various
bending moments, shear forces and axial loads methods for achieving continuity between spans are
and supported on foundations. It may be assumed outlined in BA 57 (DMRB 1.3.8).
that the abutment will rock bodily on its
foundation for the purposes of calculating 2.5 The longitudinal movement of integral abutments
thermal movements and earth pressure. If the should be limited to h 20mm (nominal, 120-year return
back edge at the top of the abutment is behind the period) from the position at time of restraint during
back of the foundation, the design of the construction.
pavement/abutment interface should provide for
vertical movement of the abutment edge during 2.6 The effects of temperature difference, shrinkage,
contraction of the deck. and creep should be considered in accordance with
BS 5400: Part 4 (3), as implemented by BD 24
The Embedded Abutment, such as a diaphragm (DMRB 1.3.1), and BD 37, (DMRB 1.3.14).

0 ii) wall, which extends to a depth below the retained

fill and is restrained against rocking by the length Load and Material Factors
of embedment.
2.7 Integral bridges should be designed with the load
iii) The Bank Pad Abutment, which acts as an end
factors specified in BD 37 (DMRB 1.3.14).
support for the bridge, moves horizontally during
thermal expansion and contraction of the deck. 2.8 Passive earth pressure forces on abutments
The bank pad must have adequate weight, and the should be calculated in accordance with Section 3 and
end span have adequate flexibility, to avoid uplift treated as a permanent load effect (Combination 1) with
from live loads or from differential settlement. load factors yk of
iv) The End Screen Abutment acts only as a 1.5 @ ULS 1.0 @ SLS
retaining wall for embankment earth pressures
and transfer of longitudinal loads. The vertical 2.9 Earth pressure coefficients on abutments should
loads on the deck are supported by separate be multiplied by a material partial safety factor, ,y, as
supports. These supports are located within 2m follows:
of the end screen in order to limit the vertical
movement of the end screen when the end span i) disadvantageous forces from backfill y, = 1.O
deflects. The end supports may be isolated
0 structurally from horizontal movements of the ii) advantageous forces from backfill when resisting
secondary load effects (e.g. braking), y, = 0.5.

May 2003 211

Chapter 2 Volume 1 Section 3
General Part 12 BA 42/96

Thermal Effects Piers

2.10 The characteristic thermal strain (expansion or 2.15 Intermediate supports of integral bridges can be
contraction) throughout the UK can be taken as designed to move horizontally with the superstructure
or with a bearing which allows lateral movement
steel (Groups 1 & 2) f 0.0006 beneath the deck. In the former case the pier has to be
steel with concrete deck (Group 3) f 0.0005 sufficiently flexible to accommodate the thermal
concrete (Group 4) h 0.0004 movement to which it would be subjected. Designers
should be aware of the inherent maintenance problems
For the definition of the above-mentioned groups, see associated with the use of bridge bearings and make
Figure 9 of BD 37 (DMRB 1.3.14). However, the 1.3 provision for their maintenance and future replacement.
factor on the design range of movement at the ultimate For further information see Design for Durability,
limit state given in Clause of BD 37, should not BA 57 (DMRB 1.3.8).
be applied to the characteristic thermal strains given
above. Pre-tensioned Concrete Decks
2.11 The above characteristic strains are based on the
following assumptions: 2.16 In precast pre-tensioned concrete construction, it
is often not possible to comply with Class 1
i) The bridge spans and abutments are joined serviceability requirements of BD 24 (DMRB 1.3.1) in
during construction at a temperature within hogging regions. At integral abutments and over
f 10C of the mean between extreme minimum continuous supports, it is acceptable to design
and extreme maximum shade air temperatures as prestressed pre-tensioned beams as reinforced concrete
specified in BD 37 (DMRB 1.3.14). providing due allowance is made for compressive
stresses due to prestess.
ii) For concrete and composite decks, concrete
with a coefficient of thermal expansion of Bearings
0.0000 12/"C has been assumed.
2.17 Where integral bridges are adopted, which
More detailed estimates of thermal strain may be
include bearings in their design, proper provision
appropriate, based on data in BD 37 (DMRB 1.3.14), if
should be made in the design for inspection, any
the design specification does not limit the temperature
necessary testing or monitoring and future replacement.
at the time of joining as above, if other materials are
These provisions should be included in technical
used, or if special circumstances apply.
approval submissions for the initial design of the
2.12 Lightweight aggregate concrete, and other structure. Replacement of bearings should be safely
materials, can have coefficients of thermal expansion accomplished without the need to resort to any traffic
markedly lower than 0.000012/"C and will therefore restrictions on the road carried by the bridge, or the
expand and contract proportionately less than the need for structural modifications. Details of the
strains in paragraph 2.10. Where justified, a lower bearings should be such as to only require minimal
coefficient of thermal expansion may be used in such jacking to remove the load from the bearings, to allow
instances. safe replacement. They should also include provision
for 'jacking points' and sufficient access space around
2.13 Special attention should be given to prevent early the bearings to permit inspection, and replacement.
thermal and shrinkage cracking resulting from restraint Detailed method statements for bearing replacement
to the longitudinal movement of deck slabs, by integral must be included in the Maintenance Manual for the
abutments. structure, forming part of the as-built records.

2.14 Bridges which are curved, or not symmetric,

experience thermal movements relative to a stationary
point. The position of the stationary point can be
determined from a stiffness analysis employing
horizontal stiffnesses at supports and abutments. (See
Reference 6).

212 May 2003

Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 2
Part 12 BA 42/96 General

Figure 2.1 Types of Integral Abutments

(a) & (b) Frame abutments
(c) Embedded abutment
(d) Bank pad abutment
(e) & (0 End screen abutments

May 2003 213

Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 3
Part 12 BA 42/96 Earth Pressure


General Earth Pressure Distribution for Different Structural

3.1 Based on experimental and analytical data the
following design recommendations are made for the 3.4 During displacement towards the backfill,
magnitude of lateral earth pressures to be adopted in the integral abutments with back faces inclined forwards, as
design of integral bridge abutments in the U.K. in Figure 2.1 (b), mobilise much lower passive earth
pressures than vertical walls during displacements;
Soil Strength and Wall Friction whereas abutments inclined backwards mobilise higher
pressures (). KPalso increases very rapidly at higher
angles of fi-iction @.
3.2 An increase of stiffness of granular soil occurs

due to densification of the fill under the thermal cyclic
ovements induced by deck expansion. Even if the fill
is placed in loose condition, it will be densified during
the lifetime of the structure ( I 2 ) . Therefore representative
c and~@peak
~ for~ the~fill material, compacted at the
An underestimate of @ could very seriously
underestimate earth pressure loading during thermal
expansion. An overestimate of @ could very seriously
overestimate the abutments resistance to longitudinal
braking forces. With these caveats and provided that the
optimum moisture content to a dry density of 95% of detrimental effect of using a better quality fill is
the maximum dry density determined in accordance avoided by site control, there is no need for a further
with BS 1377: Part 4(5)using the vibrating hammer onerous material factor, .y, The appropriate y, to be
method, should be used throughout the design. applied to passive earth pressure coefficient is given in
2.9. Values of Kp,based on @peak and 6, should be
3.3 In a conventional retaining wall, following
selected from Eurocode 7 or similar tables based on a
BS 8002(4),design tan@would then be calculated using
curved failure surface.
a mobilization factor M = 1.2, on representative
tan@peak and applied to calculate active and at rest 3.5 A summary of the proposed design earth pressure
earth pressure coefficients. However, the passive earth distributions with depth for the different structural
pressure mobilised by a granular backfill on an forms is now given. Design of structural elements for
abutment of an integral bridge moving towards the serviceability and ultimate limit states should use the
backfill would act in an unfavourable manner. For this appropriate yL as given in Clause 2.8.
reason, the approach of Eurocode 7@)Clause 2.4.2 is
dopted in which the factor of M = U1.2, i.e. a value of
(a) Shallow height bank pad and end screen
1, is applied to representative tan@peakto determine abutments
design tan@for passive earth pressure calculations. The
factor M is applied to the representative value of 3.5.1 The typical height of a bank pad or end screen
tan@peak to allow for variation in the backfill properties abutment is up to 3 metres and, therefore, the total force
and to ensure that an upper bound value for passive generated by passive excitations is usually readily
earth pressure can be determined. Where the source of accommodated within the design. Account should be
the backfill material is known and the upper bound taken of the mode of movement, ie. translation, rotation
values of @peak have been established, the designer may or a combination of the two, Darley et a1 (9)*(13). The
justify an increase in the value of M up to unity. When shear strains in the backfill will be high. The following
this is done, site testing must be carried out on the equation to calculate the relationship between K*, the
backfill material to verify its properties remain within retained height (H) and thermal displacement of the top
the design upper bound values of @peak. of the abutment (d), should be used (I4):
Wall friction should be taken as 6 = design @/2. K* = KO+ (d / 0.025 H)0.4KP

where KOis the at rest earth pressure coefficient and

the passive earth pressure coefficient KPis based on
6 = @/2and taken from Eurocode 7(8).

May 2003 311

Chapter 3 Volume 1 Section 3
Earth Pressure Part 12 BA 42/96

(b) Full height frame abutment where KOis the at rest earth pressure coefficient and
the passive earth pressure coefficient KP is based on
3.5.2 The height of the abutment means that the 6 = $'/2 and taken from Eurocode 7(*).Monitoring of
magnitude of passive pressures acting on the back of this form of structure has been reported by Barker
the wall is likely to be significant('O).Careful design of et a1 ('9.
the abutment is therefore important to ensure the
structure is strong enough to resist lateral pressures that (c) Full height embedded wall abutment
could build up behind the wall, and yet flexible enough
to accommodate movement. 3.5.6 Embedded walls are installed in undisturbed
ground and are more likely to be used in clayey
3.5.3 For a portal frame structure the earth pressures conditions. If the clay is over consolidated, less
on the retained side can be represented by a distribution movement will be required to mobilise full passive
analogous to that employed for calculating compaction pressures: however this is compensated for by initial
stresses in backfill'"). However for integral bridges the concrete shrinkage of the deck which will help to
use of wall friction will lead to higher earth pressures at relieve the high in-situ soil stresses.
the top of the wall which will extend to a greater depth
than compaction effects. The suggested distribution 3.5.7 For an embedded wall, the earth pressure
(see Figure 3.1) comprises: distribution (I1) may be represented (see Figure 3.2) by: 0
a uniform value of K* over the top half of the a uniform value of K* over the top two-thirds of
retained height of the wall, with the retained height of the wall, with

lateral earth pressure then remaining constant lateral earth pressure then remaining constant
with depth as K* drops towards KO with depth as K* drops towards KO

if the lateral earth pressure falls to KOthen below if the lateral earth pressure falls to KOthen below
that depth pressures are according to the insitu that depth pressures are according to the insitu
value KO. value KO.

The following equation which is based on wall friction K* should be determined from the equation in 3.5.3.
6 of $'/2 has been used to calculate the relationship
between K*, the retained height (H) and thermal 3.6 Live load surcharge on backfill should be
displacement of the top of the abutment, (d): ignored when calculating the passive earth pressure
mobilised by thermal expansion of the deck. Earth
K* = (d0.05H)0.4KP pressures under live load surcharge in the short term
should be checked at 'at rest' earth pressure conditions
3.5.4 Although it is recognised that this formula is with KO= (1- sin$'), where $' is the effective angle of
shearing resistance from 3.2.
derived from static tests and on its own will lead to an
underestimate of stresses in a cyclic situation,
allowance for this has been made by adopting suitable 3.7 Active earth pressures on abutments during
soil strength parameters as given in 3.2. However, K* thermal contraction of the deck are very small as
should not be taken as less than the 'at rest' earth compared to passive pressures and may be ignored.
pressure, KO= 0.6.
3.5.5 For a portal framed structure hinged at the base
of its legs, the earth pressure distribution given in 3.5.3
3.8 Backfill material to integral abutments should be
should be applied with the following equation ( I 2 ) to
free draining selected granular fill with properties and
calculate the relationship between K*, the retained grading complying with Classes 6N or 6P of Table 6/1
height (H) and thermal displacement of the top of the
of Specification for Highway Works. Backfill material
abutment (d): shall be compacted in accordance with Clause 612 of
the Specification for Highway Works (2) to limit the
K* = KO+ (d / 0.03 H)o.6Kp
settlement of backfill due to the effects of thermal
movements of the structure.

May 2003
Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 3
Part 12 BA 42/96 Earth Pressure

3.9 The backfill to integral abutments should be a suitable permeable backing behind integral bridge
designed material with specified properties validated abutments and should be properly compacted. However,
during construction. The specification involves a the strength of porous no fines concrete cast insitu and
compromise between stiffness and flexibility. In general precast concrete hollow blocks should be checked to
granular materials comprising compacted rounded ensure they will provide adequate resistance to the
particles of uniform grading can have a peak angle of design passive pressures before being used behind
internal friction, @', as low as 35", and may integral bridge abutments. The permeable backing
accommodate thermal expansion without high earth should be drained with a pipe of at least 150mm
pressures. However, they are somewhat vulnerable to diameter which has a fall exceeding 2% and can be
settlement. Fill of compacted well graded hard angular cleaned readily.
particles can have a peak angle of internal friction as
high as 55" with very high resistance to thermal Foundations
expansion and are less vulnerable to settlement.
Granular backfill to integral bridges exceeding 40m
3.16 Integral abutments can be founded on spread
length should have a peak angle of internal friction j '
footings or on piles.
not greater than 45", when tested in accordance with the
Specification for Highway Works.
0 3.10 The zone of granular backfill should extend up
3.17 Piles should be designed to accommodate lateral
movement andor rocking of the abutment while
supporting axial loads, and to support forces from
from the bottom of the abutment wall to at least a plane
movements of the piles andor movements of the
inclined at an angle of 45" to the wall.
ground. Raking piles should not be used for foundations
that move horizontally.
3.18 Bearing pressures under foundations which slide
3.11 Road pavements should be constructed in while supporting vertical loads, such as bank pads,
accordance with the Specification for Highway Works should be not greater than 50% of the presumed bearing
right up to the back faces of integral abutments. The capacity of the ground for a non-sliding foundation
surfacing can be laid as a continuous layer over the subject to the same loading, in order to avoid settlement
approach roads and over the deck waterproofing. during sliding.

3.12 Asphaltic plug joints complying with BD 33 Wing walls

(DMRB 2.3.6) may be used in the surfacing at the
interface between the back edges of integral abutments
3.19 Wing walls attached to abutments should be kept
and adjoining flexible pavements.
as small as possible to minimise the amount of structure
and earth that have to move with the abutment during
Drainage thermal expansion of the deck. Where large wing walls
are used in conjunction with long integral bridges,
3.13 Gullies should be located in roadside channels on abutments should be allowed to rock or slide
the uphill side at integral abutments to catch surface independently from the wing walls.
water that might flow across the pavemendabutment

3.14 Flexible pavements should have a sub-surface

drain below the surfacing along the pavemendabutment
interface. The sub-surface drainage system should have
a fall of at least 2% and shall be easily cleaned.

3.15 Integral abutments should have a permeable

backing as specified for earth retaining structures in
Clause 5 13 of the Specification for Highway Works (2).
Clause 5 13 is a general specification for permeable
backing and permits the use of three materials. Granular

e material complying with the requirements of Clause

505 for Type A and Type C material will always be

May 2003 313

Chapter 3 Volume 1 Section 3
Earth Pressure Part 12 BA 42/96


CO on KO

Earth Pressure Coefficient Earth Pressure Distribution

(without surcharge)

Figure 3.1 Earth Pressure Distribution for Frame Abutment

Earth Pressure Cpefficient Earth Pressure' Distribution
(withbut surcharge j

Figure 3.2 Earth Pressure Distribution for Full height Embedded Wall Abutments

314 May 2003

Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 4
Part 12 BA 42/96 References


1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges 9. Darley P, D R Carder and G H Alderman (1996).
(DMRB): TSO Seasonal thermal effects on the shallow abutment of an
integral bridge in Glasgow. TRL Project Report 178.
BD 24 Use of BS 5400: Part 4: 1990. (DMRB 1.3.1) Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.

BD 28 Early Thermal Cracking of Concrete. 10. Darley P and G H Alderman (1995).

(DMRB 1.3) Measurement of thermal cycle movements on two
portal frame bridges on the M 1. TRL Project Report
BD 30 Backfilled Retaining Walls and Bridge 165. Crowthorne: Transport Research Laboratory.
Abutments. (DMRB 2.1)
11. Springman S M, A R M Norrish and C W W Ng
BD 3 1 Buried Concrete Box Type Structures. (1996). Cyclic loading of sand behind integral bridge
abutments. TRL Project Report 146. Crowthorne:
Transport Research Laboratory.
BD 33 Expansion Joints for Use in Highway Bridge
Decks. (DMRB 2.3.6) 12. England G L, Tsang N C M and Bush D I.
Integral Bridges - A fundamental approach to the time-
BD 37 Loads for Highway Bridges. (DMRB 1.3.14) temperature loading problem. Thomas Telford, 2000.
BD 57 Design for Durability. (DMRB 1.3.7) 13. Darley P, Carder D R and Barker K J. Seasonal
thermal effects over three years on the shallow
BA 26 Expansion joints for use in highway bridge abutment of an integral bridge in Glasgow. Transport
decks. (DMRB 2.3.7) Research Laboratory Report 344, 1998.
BA 57 Design for Durability. (DMBR 1.3.8) 14. Goh C T. The behaviour of backfill to shallow
abutments of integral bridges. PhD Thesis University of
2. Manual of Contract Documents for Highway
Birmingham, 2001.
Works (MCHW): TSO
15. Barker K J and Carder D R. Performance of an
Specification for Highway Works. (MCHW)
integral bridge over M1-A1 Link Road at Bramham

o3 . British Standard BS 5400: Part 4: 1990. Code of

Practice for the Design of Bridges. BSI
Crossroads. Transport Research Laboratory Report 52 1,
200 1.

4. British Standard BS 8002: 1994. Code of Practice

for Earth Retaining Structures. BSI

5. British Standard BS 1377: Part 4: 1990. British

Standard Methods of Test for Soils for Civil
Engineering Purposes; Compaction related tests. BSI

6. Hambly E C (1991). Bridge Deck Behavior;

2nd ed., E&FN Spon.

7. Kerisel J and Absi E (1990). Active and Passive

Earth Pressure Tables, Balkema, Rotterdam.

8. Draft for development DD ENV 1997-1 : 1995.

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design, Part 1 .General rules
(together with United Kingdom National Application

May 2003 411

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Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
Volume 1 Highway Structures: Approval Procedures and General Design
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