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Business Plan Rubric

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Business Plan Rubric

Business Name: ________________________________________

Team Members: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Organization Information is very Information is Information is The information is
organized with well- organized with well- organized, but disorganized.
constructed constructed paragraphs are not
paragraphs and paragraphs. well constructed.

Paragraph All paragraphs include Most paragraphs Paragraphs included Paragraphing structure
Construction introductory sentence, include introductory related information but was not clear and
explanations or details, sentence, explanations were typically not sentences were not
and concluding or details, and constructed well. typically related within
sentence. concluding sentence. the paragraphs.

Quality of Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly Information has little or
Information relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main nothing to do with the
topic. It includes topic. It provides 1-2 topic. No details and/or main topic.
several supporting supporting details examples are given.
details and/or and/or examples.

Internet Use Successfully uses Usually able to use Occasionally able to Needs assistance or
suggested internet suggested internet use suggested internet supervision to use
links to find information links to find information links to find information suggested internet
and navigates within and navigates within and navigates within links and/or to navigate
these sites easily these sites easily these sites easily within these sites.
without assistance. without assistance. without assistance.

Mechanics No grammatical, 1-3 grammatical, 4-6 grammatical 7 or more grammatical,

spelling or punctuation spelling or punctuation spelling, or punctuation spelling, or punctuation
errors. errors errors. errors.

Product Idea Idea is realistic, well Idea is realistic, mostly Idea is somewhat Idea is not realistic, is
planned, and each part well planned, and 1-2 realistic, partially well not well planned, and
of the business plan sections of the planned, and 3-4 each part of the
fully developed. business plan are NOT sections of the business plan is NOT
fully developed. business plan are NOT developed.
fully developed.

Sources All sources All sources All sources One or more sources
(information and (information and (information and are not accurately
graphics) are graphics) are graphics) are documented.
accurately documented, but has a documented.
documented. 1-2 errors.
What is Globalization? Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________
Group Members: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Focus on Topic Definition of Definition of Definition of Definition of
(Content) globalization is globalization is globalization is globalization is NOT
clearly stated. missing 1 key missing 2 key clearly stated.
element and elements and
therefore is not therefore is not
clearly stated. clearly stated.

Support for Relevant, telling, Supporting details Supporting details Supporting details
Topic (Content) quality details give and information are and information are and information are
the reader important relevant, but one key relevant, but several typically unclear or
information that goes issue or portion of the key issues or not related to the
beyond the obvious storyline is portions of the topic.
or predictable. unsupported. storyline are

Support for Gives two relevant Gives one relevant Attempts to give Examples given do
Topic (Content) examples that are example that is NOT examples but not relate to topic in
NOT examples used used in the article. examples are not anyway or did not
Using Examples in the article. relevant. attempt to give
Not in the Article outside examples.
Accuracy of All supportive facts Almost all supportive Most supportive facts NO facts are reported
Facts (Content) are reported facts are reported are reported OR most are
accurately. accurately. accurately. inaccurately reported.

Grammar & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
Spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar or errors in grammar or than 4 errors in
spelling that distract spelling that distract spelling that distract grammar or spelling
(Conventions) the reader from the the reader from the the reader from the that distract the
content. content. content. reader from the

Capitalization & Writer makes no Writer makes 1 or 2 Writer makes a few Writer makes several
Punctuation errors in errors in errors in errors in
capitalization or capitalization or capitalization and/or capitalization and/or
(Conventions) punctuation, so the punctuation, but the punctuation that punctuation that
paper is exceptionally paper is still easy to catch the reader's catch the reader's
easy to read. read. attention and attention and greatly
interrupt the flow. interrupt the flow.
Globalization Research Paper Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________
Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Introduction The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear
(Organization) inviting, states the main states the main topic the main topic, but does introduction of the main
topic and previews the and previews the not adequately preview topic or structure of the
structure of the paper. structure of the paper, the structure of the paper.
but is not particularly paper nor is it
inviting to the reader. particularly inviting to
the reader.

Focus on Topic There is one clear, well- Main idea is clear but Main idea is somewhat The main idea is not
focused topic. Main idea the supporting clear but there is a need clear. There is a
stands out and is information is general. for more supporting seemingly random
supported by detailed information. collection of information.

Use of Vocabulary Six or more words from Five words from the Four words from the Three or less words
the vocabulary list were vocabulary list were vocabulary list were from the vocabulary list
used accurately. used accurately. used accurately. were used accurately.

Transitions A variety of thoughtful Transitions clearly show Some transitions work The transitions between
(Organization) transitions are used. how ideas are well; but connections ideas are unclear or
They clearly show how connected, but there is between other ideas are nonexistent.
ideas are connected. little variety. fuzzy.

Flow & Rhythm All sentences sound Almost all sentences Most sentences sound The sentences are
natural and are easy- sound natural and are natural and are easy- difficult to read aloud
on-the-ear when read easy-on-the-ear when on-the-ear when read because they sound
Fluency) aloud. Each sentence is read aloud, but 1 or 2 aloud, but several are awkward, are
clear and has an are stiff and awkward or stiff and awkward or are distractingly repetitive,
obvious emphasis. difficult to understand. difficult to understand. or difficult to

Capitalization & Writer makes no errors Writer makes 1 or 2 Writer makes a few Writer makes several
Punctuation in capitalization or errors in capitalization errors in capitalization errors in capitalization
punctuation, so the or punctuation, but the and/or punctuation that and/or punctuation that
(Conventions) paper is exceptionally paper is still easy to catch the reader's catch the reader's
easy to read. read. attention and interrupt attention and greatly
the flow. interrupt the flow.

Grammar & Writer makes no errors Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes 3-4 errors Writer makes more than
in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling in grammar or spelling 4 errors in grammar or
that distract the reader that distract the reader that distract the reader spelling that distract the
(Conventions) from the content. from the content. from the content. reader from the content.

Conclusion The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear
and leaves the reader recognizable and ties up recognizable, but does conclusion, the paper
with a feeling that they almost all the loose not tie up several loose just ends.
understand what the ends. ends.
writer is "getting at."

Sources (Content) All sources used for All sources used for Most sources used for Many sources used for
quotes and facts are quotes and facts are quotes and facts are quotes and facts are
credible and correctly credible and most are credible and correctly less than credible
cited in MLA format. correctly cited in MLA cited in MLA format. (suspect) and/or are not
format. cited correctly.
Resources Chart Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________Name of Country 1 _______________________
Group Members: ________________________________________ Name of Country 2 _______________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Natural Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
Resources given for both given for both given for both given for both
countries and are countries and are countries and are countries and are
accurate examples accurate examples accurate examples accurate examples
for both countries. for both countries. for both countries. for both countries.

Human Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
Resources given for both given for both given for both given for both
countries and are countries and are countries and are countries and are
accurate examples accurate examples accurate examples accurate examples
for both countries. for both countries. for both countries. for both countries.

Capital Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
Resources given for both given for both given for both given for both
countries and are countries and are countries and are countries and are
accurate examples accurate examples accurate examples accurate examples
for both countries. for both countries. for both countries. for both countries.
Market Opportunities Chart Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________Name of Country 1 _______________________
Group Members: ________________________________________ Name of Country 2 _______________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Natural Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
Resources given for both given for both given for both given for both
countries and are countries and are countries and are countries and are
accurate examples of accurate examples of accurate examples of accurate examples of
what each country what each country what each country what each country
needs and the United needs and the United needs and the United needs and the United
States could supply. States could supply. States could supply. States could supply.

Human Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
Resources given for both given for both given for both given for both
countries and are countries and are countries and are countries and are
accurate examples of accurate examples of accurate examples of accurate examples of
what each country what each country what each country what each country
needs and the United needs and the United needs and the United needs and the United
States could supply. States could supply. States could supply. States could supply.

Capital Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
Resources given for both given for both given for both given for both
countries and are countries and are countries and are countries and are
accurate examples of accurate examples of accurate examples of accurate examples of
what each country what each country what each country what each country
needs and the United needs and the United needs and the United needs and the United
States could supply. States could supply. States could supply. States could supply.
Resource Endowment Chart Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________Name of Country 1 _______________________
Group Members: ________________________________________ Name of Country 2 _______________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Natural Resources Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
given for both countries given for both countries given for both countries given for both countries
and are accurate and are accurate and are accurate and are accurate
examples of what each examples of what each examples of what each examples of what each
country could provide to country could provide to country could provide to country could provide to
the United States. the United States. the United States. the United States.

Human Resources Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
given for both countries given for both countries given for both countries given for both countries
and are accurate and are accurate and are accurate and are accurate
examples of what each examples of what each examples of what each examples of what each
country could provide to country could provide to country could provide to country could provide to
the United States. the United States. the United States. the United States.

Capital Resources Five examples were Four examples were Three examples were Two examples were
given for both countries given for both countries given for both countries given for both countries
and are accurate and are accurate and are accurate and are accurate
examples of what each examples of what each examples of what each examples of what each
country could provide to country could provide to country could provide to country could provide to
the United States. the United States. the United States. the United States.
Export Decision-Making Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________Name of Country _______________________
Group Members: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Alternative Column
Five alternatives are Four alternatives are Three alternatives are Two alternatives are
listed. listed. listed. listed.

Criteria Column
Three to four of the One to two of the
All five criteria are None of the criteria are
criteria are realistically criteria are realistically
realistically ranked. realistically ranked.
ranked. ranked.

Total Column
All five alternatives are Four alternatives are Three alternatives are Two alternatives are
added correctly. added correctly. added correctly. added correctly.

Decision Box Alternative listed has Alternative listed is not

the highest total in the the highest total in the
Total Column or team Total Column or the
has communicated No Score No Score team did not
logical reason for communicate a logical
choosing a different reason for choosing a
alternative. different alternative.
Opportunity Cost Opportunity Cost is
Opportunity Cost listed
listed and is the
is not the alternative
alternative with the
with the second highest
second highest total or
total or the team did not
the team has No Score No Score
communicate a logical
communicated a logical
reason for the product
reason for the product
being the second
being the second
Import Decision-Making Rubric
Company Name: ________________________________________Name of Country _______________________
Group Members: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Alternative Column
Five alternatives are Four alternatives are Three alternatives are Two alternatives are
listed. listed. listed. listed.

Criteria Column
Three to four of the One to two of the
All five criteria are None of the criteria are
criteria are realistically criteria are realistically
realistically ranked. realistically ranked.
ranked. ranked.

Total Column
All five alternatives are Four alternatives are Three alternatives are Two alternatives are
added correctly. added correctly. added correctly. added correctly.

Decision Box Alternative listed has Alternative listed is not

the highest total in the the highest total in the
Total Column or team Total Column or the
has communicated No Score No Score team did not
logical reason for communicate a logical
choosing a different reason for choosing a
alternative. different alternative.
Opportunity Cost Opportunity Cost is
Opportunity Cost listed
listed and is the
is not the alternative
alternative with the
with the second highest
second highest total or
total or the team did not
the team has No Score No Score
communicate a logical
communicated a logical
reason for the product
reason for the product
being the second
being the second
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